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{{#Wiki_filter:_ _ _
          /    .  %,                            UNITED STATES
        !    ,                      NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
* WASHINGTON, D. C. 20HS October 26, 1988                                                                t Docket No. 50-601 and 50-605 ProjectNos. 669, 675, and 676 MEMORANDUM FOR:      L. Shao, Director Divir. ion of Engineering and System Technology, NRR B. Grimes, Director Division of Reactor Inspection and Safeguards, NRR F. Congel, Director Division of Radiation Protection and Emergency Preparedness, NRR J. Roe, Director Division of Licensee Performance and Quality Evaluation NRR R. W. Houston, Director Division of Safety Issue Resolution, RES B. Sheron, Director                                                                                    ,
Division of Systems Research, RES FROM:                Charles L. Miller, Director Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate                                                                          '
Division of Reactor Projects III, !Y,                                                                  '
Y and Special Projects, NRR
STATUS REPORT ON STANDARD PLANT DESIGN TECHNICAL REVIEWS                                              i Attached is the October status report con: erring the current rovirw milestones
'            for each of the standard plant projects (EPRI, ABWR, RESAft SP/90, and CE System 80+).
Note the "Due Date" column reflects dates established in the January 25, 1938 "Revised Prograin Plan for Standard Plant Reviews" or dates fer which modifica.
tion was agreed to by PDSNP and the review branch.
1            T. Kenyon, NRR/PDSNP 492-1120                                                                        [
i i ranua%1 A
e The column "Expected Input Date" reflects input from appropriate technical branch management. Category 1 items have been discussed with the appropriate Assistant Directors. I request any problems in meeting these input dates be identified to me by the appropriate Assistant Director within a week of receipt of this memo.
                                                                                                              ,..6 .s. ...{ i, [. N D.h -
Charles L. Miller, Director Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, Y and Special Projects NRR
As stated cc:    T. Murley J. Sniezek F. Miraglia l                  D. Crutchfield L. Rubenstein J. Richardson C. Y. Cheng L. B. Marsh C. McCracken A. Thadani J. Joyce J. Mauk F. Rosa J. Craig M. W. Hodges B. Grimes R. Erickson D. Matthews R. Barrett L. Cunningham J. Zwolinski S. Weiss W. Regan, Jr.
J. Murphy G. Bagchi S. Newberry
October 26, 1988
                                                                      -2 i
The colur.n "Expected Input Date" reflects input from appropriate technical l      branch managerent. Category 1 items have been discussed with the appropriate Assistant Directors. I request any problems in meeting these input dates be identified to me by the appropriate Assistant Director within a week of receipt of this meno.
Charles L. Miller, Director Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Projett Directorate Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, V and Special Projects, NRR
As stated cc:    T. Purley J. Sniezek F. Miraglia D. Crutchfield t.. Rubenstein J. Richardson C. Y. Cheng L. B. Marsh C. ftcCracken A. Thadani J. Joyce J. Itauk F. Rosa J. Craig M. W. Hedges B. Grires R. Erickson D. Matthews R. Barrett L. Cunningham J. Zowlinski S. Weiss W. Regan, Jr.
J. Murphy G. Bagchi S. Newberry DISTRIEUTION:
Docket File                      EHylton NRC PDR                          DScaletti P95hP Reading                    Trenyon CVissing                          hLeng                                        hy (/d Chiller                          LRubenstein                                                      \
FDSNP[L                          AD:PDShP EHylpon:cw                        Chiller 10/4/88                          10/ /88
                                                                                                                                      ~ ~
Date      October 26 1988 REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON                                                ~
WESTI EPOUSE RSAR SP/9_0 PDA REVIDI 1                                                                                                      Expected Division /                                                                                  Due      Input Branch          Reviewer            Mocales          Subject
* Milestone    Date    Date    Cat.**  Comments 4
DEST /EMTB      Johnson            1, 4, 5, 648, 7, Materials Engineering      Draft SER    3/31/88 4/29/88    4    Complete i                                        10                                          to P.M.              5/5/88 l    DEST /EMEB      Rajan/ Brassier ***    1, 4, 5, 7    Mechanical Engineering    Draft SER 10/31/88 10/31/88      2    DSER in typing to P.M.
DEST /ESGB ' Staley                3                Hydrology                  Draft SER 3/31/88 3/30/88        4    Complete to P.M.
i i                    Giese-Koch          3                Geology & Seismology      Draft SER 3/31/88 3/30/88        4    Complete to P.M.
4 Chan                7                Civil Engineering          Draft SER 4/29/88 4/28/88        4    Complete to P.M.
* See Septem6er 29,1987 meno for complete listing of review assignments
      **    Category definitions:
: 1. AD or above attention requested
: 2. Branch Chief attention requested
: 3. On schedule
: 4. Complete
        *** Brasener providing assistance
l                                                                                                                                                              . .
l                                                                                                          Date:        October 26,1988                          ,
l                        .                                    .
REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON                                                            .
PDA KI. VIEW (Cont.)
Expected Division /                                                                                                      Duc      Input Branch              Reviewer                Modules                Subject
* Milestone    Date      Date          Cat.** Commients l
DEST /ECEB          Wing                    1, 6&8, ID, 13        Chemical Engineering            Draft SER 3/31/88 3/17/88              4  Couplete Notley                    13                    Fire Protection                Draft SER 7/15/88 9/01/88              4  Complete to P.M.
DEST /SICB          Burrows                  9, 13, 15              Instrumentation &              Draft SER 3/31/88 4/07/88              4  Cosplete Controls                        to P.M.
DEST /SELB          Trehan                  9, 13                  Electrical Engineering          Draft SER 3/31/88 4/13/88              4  Complete to P.M.
DEST /SPLB          Shum(lead)                1, 10, 13            Containment Systems            Draft SER 6/21/88 6/21/88              4  Complete to P.M.
Shum (lead)              688, 10, 12, 13        HVAC Systems, Waste            Draft SLR 6/21/88 6/21/88              4  Complete Management, Steam &            to P.M.
Power Conversion
* See Septem6er 29,1987 meno for complete listing of review assigemaats
  **      Category definitions:
: 1. AD or above attention requested
: 2. Branch Chief attention requested
: 3. On schedule
: 4. Complete
Date:        Octooer 26,1988                  ,"
Expected Divisten/                                                                                                                            Due      Input Branch                Reviewer                          Modules                  Subject
* Milestone        Date      Date    Cat.** Comments l
DEST /SPLB            Shum(lead)                        4, 6&8, 7, 13            Plant Systems                    Draft SER 6/21/88 G/21/AR              4  Complete l
(cont.)                                                                                                                to P.M.
DEST /SPLB            Tinkler                            IE                      PRA                              Review DSER 11/14/88 11/14/88          2 re: PRA l DEST /SRXB            Liang                              1, 4, 5, 658            Reactor Systems                  Draft SER 6/28/88 6/28/88              4  Complete 9, 10, 11, 12                                                to P.M.
DEST /SRXB            Liang                              16                      PRA                              Review DSER 11/14/88 11/14/88          3  Reviewers l                                                                                                                        re: PRA                                providing l                                                                                                                                                                Assistance to SPLB DRIS/RSGB              Mendelsohn                        2                        Physical Security                Draft SER 3/31/88 3/22/88              4  Complete to P.M.
DLPQ/LQAB              Spraal                            13                      Quality Assurance                Draft SER 4/29/88 4/06/88              4  Complete l                                                                                                                        to F.M.
* See September 29, 1987 seno for complete listing of review assignments
  "*            Category definitions:
: 1. AD or above attention requested
: 2. Branch Chief attention requested
: 3. On schedule
: 4. Complete
l                                                                                                            -
t Date:      October 26, IE8                        [
l REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON l                                          ~
* l                                                                                                              WESHRGNUU5E EL5AR SP/90 PDA METIEW l                                                                                                                                  (Cont.)
Expected Input l      Division /                                                                                                                                                    Due Brcnch                                  Reviewer          Modules                                      Subject
* Milestone      Date      Date    Cat.**  Comments
!      DLPQ/LHFB                                Lapinski          15                                            Control Room / Human                    Graft SER 3/31/88 5/05/88          4    Complete
!                                                                                                                Factors Engineering                      to P.M.
DREP/PRPB                                Spickler          1, 3, 4, S.                                  Radiological Accident                    Draft SER 8/01/88 8/12/88          4    Complete 6&8, 9, 10                                    Analysis                                  to P.M.
Skopec            12                                          Process & Effluent                      Draft SER 7/15/88 7/13/88          4    Complete l
Radiological                              to P.M.
Monitoring 1 Sampling Systems t
DREP/PRAB                                Margulies          16                                          PRA                                      Review DSER 11/14/88 11/14/88      3 l                                                                                                                                                          re: PRA l      RES/PRA                                    Chelliah/BNL      16                                          Probabilistic Safety                    Draft        7/15/88 7/15/88      4    Complete l                                                                                                                Study - back end                          SER to j                                                                                                                                                          P.M.
* See Septester 29, 1987 meno for complete listf-                                                          '' review assignments
      **            Category definitions:
: 1. AD or above attention requested
: 2. Branch Chief attention requested
: 3. On schedule
: 4. Complete r
Date: October 2ti.1988 REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON GE AFWR FDA/DC Rt. VIEW Expected Division /                    SRP                                                    Due      Input Branch          Reviewer      Chapter          Subject                  Milestone    Date      Date    Ca t.*  Cosmients DEST /SPLB      Chandrasekaran 9                Plant Systems              RAIs to    9/30/85            4 P.M.
j DEST /SPLb      Chandrasekaran 11              Plant Systems              RAIs to    9/30/88            2 P.M.
, DEST /SRXB      Thomas        5, 6, 15        Reactor Systems            RAIs to 10/01/88 10/01/88      4      a revised P.M.                                schedule has been developed so as not to i                                                                                                                  slip the SER issue date J                                                                                                                  (3/30/89) DEST has agreed to the proposed schedule DEST /SELB    Lazevnick      8, 9            Power Systems              RAls to    9/30/88    ?      2 P.M.
DEST /ECEB    Witt          7,8,9,11,12,13  Chemical Engineering        RAIs To    9/30/88  8/14/88  4 14, & 17                                    P.M.
DRIS/RSGB      Mendelsohn      13              Safeguards                  RAIs to    9/30/88            4 P.M.
DLPQ;iOAB      Sprual          17              QA                          RAIs to      -        -      3 P.N.
* Category definitions:
: 1. AD or above attention requested
: 2. Branch Chief attention requested
: 3. On schedule
: 4. Complete
Date: October 26, 1988                                ,
REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON GE ABI5t                                                                    '
FDA/DC n VIEW (Cont.)
Expected Division /                                                  SRP                                                                    Due      Input Branch                              Reviewe -                Chapter                      Subject                    Milestone      Date    Date            Cat.*    Comments DREP/PRPB                          Brown                    15                            Radiation Protection          Draft      7/31/88  9/30/88        2      8/19/88 mens SER                                        committing to to 9/30/88 SER input DREP/PRP8                          Pederse.1                12                            Radiation Pr7tection          RAI to    9/30/88 10/29/83          4 P.M.
DEST /EMEB                          Rajan                    4, 5, 6, 15                  Mechanical Englneering        Draft      7/31/88  9/29/88        4 (Code Cases)                  SER DEST /EMEB                          Rajan                    1, 2, 3                      Mechanical Engineering        RAls to    6/30/88  9/13/88          :
1                                                                                                                                P.M.
* Category definitions:
: 1. AD or above sttention requested
: 2. Branch Chief attention requested
: 3. On schedule
: 4. Complete
                                                                                                                      ' ,=.
Date: October 26,1988 REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON                                                        .
CE 5Y5ILM 80+
Ct551.E-DC REVIEW                                                    ,
Expected Division /                                                                      Due      Input Branch        Reviewer        Chapter    Subject                  Milestone      Date    Date    Cat.*    Cossents      l DEST /EMTB    M. Hum            4 Rev 8  R? actor                  PAI          07/10/88 10/13/88    4 DEST /EMTB    M. Hum            5 Rev B  Reactor Coolant System      RAI        07/10/88 10/13/88    4 DEST /EMEB    J. Rajan          5 Rev C  Reactor Cooling System      RAI        09/30/68 09/30/88    No Comments DEST /SRIB    L.Kopp            5 Rev C  Reactor Cooling System      RAI        09/30/88 09/30/88    2 l
l DEST /EMTB    M. Hum            5 Rev C  Reactor Coolant System      RAI        09/30/88 10/13/88    4 DEST /SPLB    J. Raval          5 Rev C  Reactor Coolant System      RAI        09/30/88 09/30/88    4 DEST /ECEB ' F. Witt            5 Rev C  Reactor Coolant System      RAI        09/30/88 10/26/68    3 l DEST /SPLB    J. Raval          6 Rev C  Engineered Safety Features PAI          09/30/88 09/30/88    4 l
l DEST /ECEB    F. Witt          6 Rev C  Engineered Safety Features RAI          09/30/88 10/26/88    3 DEST /EMTB    M.11um            6 Rev 'J Engineered Safety Features RAI          09/30/88 10/13/88    4 DEST /SPLB    J. Raval        10 Rev C  Steam & Power Conversion    RAI        09/30/88 09/30/88    4 System DEST /ECEB  F. Witt          10 Rev C  Steam & Power Conversion    RAI        09/30/88 10/26/88    3 System
* Category definition:
: 1. AD or above attention requested
: 2. Bran ( Chief attention requested
: 3. On schedule
: 4. Complete
Date: October 26, 1988                      ,
CESSAR-DC RtWIEW                                                '
Expected Division /                                                                                              Due      Input Brrcch      Reviewer          Chapter                              Subject                  Milestone  Date    Date    Cat.*  Comments DEST /EMTB  M. Hum            10 Rev C                            Steam & Power Conversion  RAI      09/30/88 10/13/88    4 System RES/DRAA/  E. Che111ah      Base Line                            Sase Line PRA              Comments 10/30/88 10/30/88      3 PRAB                            PRA l
DEST /ESGB  N. Ror.ney        2 REY D                              Site Characteristics      RAI      12/30/88 12/30/88    3                  j DREP/PREB  R. Van Niel      2 PEV D                              Site Characteristics      RAI      12/30/88 12/30/88    3 DEST /ESGB  N. Romney        2 REV D                              Structures Components      RAI      12/30/88 12/30/08    3 DEST /EMEB  J. Rajan          3 REV D                              Structures, Components    RAI      12/30/88 12/30/88    3 DEST /EMTB  H. Hum            3 PEV D                              Structures, Components    RAI      12/30/88 10/17/88    4 DEST /SPLB  J. Raval          3 REV D                              Structures, Components    RAI      12/30/88 12/30/88    3 DEST /SRDB  L. Kopp          4 REV D                              Reactor                    RAI      12/30/88 12/30/88    3 DEST /EMTB  M. Hum            4 REV D                              Reactor                    RAI      12/30/88 10/17/88    4 DEST /EMEB  J. Rajan          5 REV D                              Reactor Coolant System    RAI      12/30/88 12/30/88    3 o Category definition:
: 1. AD or above attention requested
: 2. Branch Chief attention requested
: 3. On schedule
: 4. Complete
Date: October 26,1988 REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON CE 3Y31tn 50+
CE353NICRTfDi (cont'd)
Espected Division /                                                                                                Due      Input Branch          Reviewer          Chapter      Subject                                          Milestone  Date    Date    Cat.* Comments DEST /SRX8      L. Kopp          5 REY D      Reactor Coolant System                            RAI      12/30/88 12/30/88    3 DEST /EMT8      M. Hun            5 REV D      Reactor Coolant System                            RAI      12/30/88 12/30/88    4 DEST / SPL8    J. Raval          5 REV D      Reactor Crolant System                            RAI      12/30/88 12/30/88    3 DEST /SPL8      F. Witt          5 REY D      Reactor Coolant System                            RAI      12/30/8" J/30/88    3
: 8. Mendelsohn    5 REY D      Reactor Coolant System                            RAI      12/30/88 12/30/88    3 DREP/RGS8 J. Raval          6 REY D      Engineered Safety                                  RAI      12/30/88 12/30/88    3 DEST /SPL8  '
Features L. Kopp          6 REV D      Engineered Safety                                  RAI      12/30/88 12/30/88    3 DEST /SRIB Features DEST /ECE8      F. Witt          6 REY D      Engineered Safety                                  RAI      12/30/88 12/30/88    3 Features l
* Category definition:
: 1. AD or above attention regsested
: 2. Branch Chief attention requested
: 3. On schedule
: 4. Complete
Date: October 26,1988                                  ,
REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON                                                                      -
CEI5XIF-UC'ETTEW                                                                    *
Expected Division /                                                                                        Due              input Branch      Reviewer        Chapter                Subject                        Milestone    Date            Date    Cat.*  Comments DEST /ENTB  M. Hum          6 REY D                Engineered Safety                    RAI      12/30/88 12/30/88            4 Features DEST /SICB  J. Stewart      7 REV D                Instrumentation &                    R4I      12/30/88 12/30/88            3 Controls DLPQ/LHFB  G. Lapinski      7 REV D                Instrumentation &                    RAI      12/30/88 12/30/88            3 Controls DLPQ/LHFB  G. Lapinski      18 REV D              Human Factors Engineering RAI                12/30/88 12/30/88            3
* Category defiettion:
: 1. AD or above attention rysted
: 2. Branch Chief attention raluested
: 3. On schedule
: 4. Complete
Date: October 26, 1988                          ,
REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON                                                                                .
SYSItn 80 ct55AF-F
KtTIEW Expected Division /                                                                                                                                  Due    Input Branch              Reviewer                              Chapter            Subject                        Milestone                      Date    Date        Cat.*  Comments DEST /SRIB        C. 1.iang                            TAC 66400, ASPSS ISSUE                              Final SER                    open    open          3  Wating res-to P.M.                                        ponse from CE on RAI DEST /EMEB        J. Rajan                              TAC 66401 Steam Gen. Tube Vibration                  RAIs to                      oper. open          3  Waiting res-P.M.                                            posse frem CE on RAI DEST /EM'8        W. Wickman                            TAC 66401, Steam Gen. Tube Vibration                RAls to                      open    open          3  Waiting res-P.M.                                          ponse from CE on RAI DREP/PRPB        1. Spickler                            tan. 66400 ASPSS ISSUE (SFT Rupture)                Final SER                    open    open          3  Waiting res-to SRIB/PM                                    ponse from CE on RAI l
* Category definition:
l                    1. AD or above attention requested l                    2. Branch Chief attention requested l                    3. On schedule
: 4. Coglete
                  ** Close out issue
Date: October 26,1988                                ,
CE N AEFTUFICTAFERS Expected Division /                                                                                                                                                    Due        Input Branch              Reviewer                                                          Chapter          Subject                        Milestone              Date      Date          Ca t.*  Comments RES/SAIB            C. Ferrell                                                        Topic Paper Set 10 ARSAP Issues                  RAI                  06/15/88 09/16/88              4  Comments No. I                                                                                                  provided CE at meeting 6/21/88 RES/SAIB            C. Ferrell, et al Topic Paper Set                                                  6 ARSAP Issues                  RAI                  06/30/88 08/30/PA              1 No. 2 RES/SAIR              C. Ferrell, et al Topic Paper Set                                                3 ARSAP Issues                  RAI                  10/30/88 10/30/88              3 No. 3 RES/SAIB              C. Ferrell, et al Topic Paper Set                                                1 ARSAP !ssue                  RAI                  11/9/88    11/9/88            3 No. 4 l
* Category definition:
: 1. AD or above attention requested
: 2. Branch Chief si.*ention requested
: 3. On schedule
: 4. Complete
Date: October 26,1988 REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON EPRI'5 ALuit utguisuutun D0a91ENT                                                                                                                          ,
Ezpected Division /                                                                                                                                                  Due          Insut Branch        Revleuer              Chapter          Subject
* Milestone                      Date        Date                        Ca t.*            Comments DEST /EMER    Rajan                    5              Eng. Safety Systems                                                  DSER to                        10/28/88 "                                        2 P.M.
l l
DEST /ENTS    Tsao                      5              Eng. Safety Systems                                                  DSER to                        N/A                                              4        Reviewer will l                                                                                                                                        P.M.                                                                                    have no 1spet DEST /51CB    Stewart                  5              Eng. Safety Systems                                                  DSER to                        10/28/88**                                        2 P.M.
DEST /SELB    Lazevnick                5              Eng. Safety Systems                                                  DSER to                      10/28/98                                          3 P.M.
DEST /SPLB    Shun                      5              Eng. Safety Systems                                                  DSER to                      10/28/88**                                        2 P.M.
l        DEST /SRX8    Schwenk                  5              Eng. Safety Systems                                                  DSER to                      10/28/fl8**                                      3        7/8/88 DSER P.M.                                                                                  Input necd revision
* Category Definition:
: 1. AD or above attention requested
: 2. BC attention requested
: 3. On schedule
: 4. Complete
        **  Due date revised to reflect receipt of additional information dated 08/16/88 and ACRS schedule
t Date: October 26, 1988 r
                                          ~                                                          '
EPRI'5 ALUR RtqulNU4t.N15 DOGNOIT                                                                                                                                                        -
Expected Division /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Due            Input Branch                      Reviewer                                Chapter              Sub,)ect*                                                                                                                            Milestone                  Date          Date        Cat.* Ceauents l
l                DREP/RPB                    Martin                                    5                Eng. Safety Systems                                                                                                                  DSER to                    N/A                                  4 l                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    P.M.
DEST /ECEB                  Parczewsti                                5                Eng. Safety Sysi. ems                                                                                                                  DSER to                  10/28/88**                          4 P.M.
DREP/RAB                    Kelly                                      5                Eng. Safety Systems                                                                                                                    DSER to                  N/A                                  4 P.M.
DRIS/RSGB ' Mendelsohn                                                5                  Eng. Safety Systems                                                                                                                  DSER to                  N/A                                  4 P.M.
DEST /ESGB                  Rinaldi                                    5                  Eng. Safety Systems                                                                                                                  DSER to                  N/A                                  4 P.M.
Dt.PQ/LHF8                  Correia                                    5                  Eng. Safety Systems                                                                                                                  DSER to                  N/A                                  4 P.M.
Note:                  Aapter 6 '8vilding Arangements" review begins 11/17/88.
* Category Definition:
: 1. AD or above attention requested
: 2. BC attention requested
: 3. On schedule
: 4. Complete
                  **                Due date revised to reflect receipt of additional information dated 08/16/.*3 and ACRS schedule
_ _ _ _ - _ _ . - . _ _ . . _                                                              - _ - - - . _ . . .                                                                _ . . - - . - _ - _ - -- , _ . , - . _ _ . _ - - . - _ . - . _ _ - - --                                              _ - - _ , _ _ __ _ _ _                              _ - -}}

Latest revision as of 23:58, 16 December 2020

Forwards Status Rept on Std Plant Design Technical Reviews
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, 05000605, 05000601
Issue date: 10/26/1988
From: Chris Miller
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Congel F, Grimes B, Shao L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML20195B613 (17)


_ _ _




  • WASHINGTON, D. C. 20HS October 26, 1988 t Docket No. 50-601 and 50-605 ProjectNos. 669, 675, and 676 MEMORANDUM FOR: L. Shao, Director Divir. ion of Engineering and System Technology, NRR B. Grimes, Director Division of Reactor Inspection and Safeguards, NRR F. Congel, Director Division of Radiation Protection and Emergency Preparedness, NRR J. Roe, Director Division of Licensee Performance and Quality Evaluation NRR R. W. Houston, Director Division of Safety Issue Resolution, RES B. Sheron, Director ,

Division of Systems Research, RES FROM: Charles L. Miller, Director Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate '

Division of Reactor Projects III, !Y, '

Y and Special Projects, NRR


STATUS REPORT ON STANDARD PLANT DESIGN TECHNICAL REVIEWS i Attached is the October status report con: erring the current rovirw milestones

' for each of the standard plant projects (EPRI, ABWR, RESAft SP/90, and CE System 80+).

Note the "Due Date" column reflects dates established in the January 25, 1938 "Revised Prograin Plan for Standard Plant Reviews" or dates fer which modifica.

tion was agreed to by PDSNP and the review branch.


1 T. Kenyon, NRR/PDSNP 492-1120 [

i i ranua%1 A


e The column "Expected Input Date" reflects input from appropriate technical branch management. Category 1 items have been discussed with the appropriate Assistant Directors. I request any problems in meeting these input dates be identified to me by the appropriate Assistant Director within a week of receipt of this memo.


,..6 .s. ...{ i, [. N D.h -

Charles L. Miller, Director Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, Y and Special Projects NRR


As stated cc: T. Murley J. Sniezek F. Miraglia l D. Crutchfield L. Rubenstein J. Richardson C. Y. Cheng L. B. Marsh C. McCracken A. Thadani J. Joyce J. Mauk F. Rosa J. Craig M. W. Hodges B. Grimes R. Erickson D. Matthews R. Barrett L. Cunningham J. Zwolinski S. Weiss W. Regan, Jr.

J. Murphy G. Bagchi S. Newberry

October 26, 1988

-2 i

The colur.n "Expected Input Date" reflects input from appropriate technical l branch managerent. Category 1 items have been discussed with the appropriate Assistant Directors. I request any problems in meeting these input dates be identified to me by the appropriate Assistant Director within a week of receipt of this meno.


Charles L. Miller, Director Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Projett Directorate Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, V and Special Projects, NRR


As stated cc: T. Purley J. Sniezek F. Miraglia D. Crutchfield t.. Rubenstein J. Richardson C. Y. Cheng L. B. Marsh C. ftcCracken A. Thadani J. Joyce J. Itauk F. Rosa J. Craig M. W. Hedges B. Grires R. Erickson D. Matthews R. Barrett L. Cunningham J. Zowlinski S. Weiss W. Regan, Jr.

J. Murphy G. Bagchi S. Newberry DISTRIEUTION:

Docket File EHylton NRC PDR DScaletti P95hP Reading Trenyon CVissing hLeng hy (/d Chiller LRubenstein \

FDSNP[L AD:PDShP EHylpon:cw Chiller 10/4/88 10/ /88

~ ~

Date October 26 1988 REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON ~

WESTI EPOUSE RSAR SP/9_0 PDA REVIDI 1 Expected Division / Due Input Branch Reviewer Mocales Subject

  • Milestone Date Date Cat.** Comments 4

DEST /EMTB Johnson 1, 4, 5, 648, 7, Materials Engineering Draft SER 3/31/88 4/29/88 4 Complete i 10 to P.M. 5/5/88 l DEST /EMEB Rajan/ Brassier *** 1, 4, 5, 7 Mechanical Engineering Draft SER 10/31/88 10/31/88 2 DSER in typing to P.M.

DEST /ESGB ' Staley 3 Hydrology Draft SER 3/31/88 3/30/88 4 Complete to P.M.

i i Giese-Koch 3 Geology & Seismology Draft SER 3/31/88 3/30/88 4 Complete to P.M.

4 Chan 7 Civil Engineering Draft SER 4/29/88 4/28/88 4 Complete to P.M.

  • See Septem6er 29,1987 meno for complete listing of review assignments
    • Category definitions:
1. AD or above attention requested
2. Branch Chief attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete
      • Brasener providing assistance



l . .

l Date: October 26,1988 ,

l . .


PDA KI. VIEW (Cont.)

Expected Division / Duc Input Branch Reviewer Modules Subject

  • Milestone Date Date Cat.** Commients l

DEST /ECEB Wing 1, 6&8, ID, 13 Chemical Engineering Draft SER 3/31/88 3/17/88 4 Couplete Notley 13 Fire Protection Draft SER 7/15/88 9/01/88 4 Complete to P.M.

DEST /SICB Burrows 9, 13, 15 Instrumentation & Draft SER 3/31/88 4/07/88 4 Cosplete Controls to P.M.

DEST /SELB Trehan 9, 13 Electrical Engineering Draft SER 3/31/88 4/13/88 4 Complete to P.M.

DEST /SPLB Shum(lead) 1, 10, 13 Containment Systems Draft SER 6/21/88 6/21/88 4 Complete to P.M.

Shum (lead) 688, 10, 12, 13 HVAC Systems, Waste Draft SLR 6/21/88 6/21/88 4 Complete Management, Steam & to P.M.

Power Conversion

  • See Septem6er 29,1987 meno for complete listing of review assigemaats
    • Category definitions:
1. AD or above attention requested
2. Branch Chief attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete

Date: Octooer 26,1988 ,"


Expected Divisten/ Due Input Branch Reviewer Modules Subject

  • Milestone Date Date Cat.** Comments l

DEST /SPLB Shum(lead) 4, 6&8, 7, 13 Plant Systems Draft SER 6/21/88 G/21/AR 4 Complete l

(cont.) to P.M.

DEST /SPLB Tinkler IE PRA Review DSER 11/14/88 11/14/88 2 re: PRA l DEST /SRXB Liang 1, 4, 5, 658 Reactor Systems Draft SER 6/28/88 6/28/88 4 Complete 9, 10, 11, 12 to P.M.

DEST /SRXB Liang 16 PRA Review DSER 11/14/88 11/14/88 3 Reviewers l re: PRA providing l Assistance to SPLB DRIS/RSGB Mendelsohn 2 Physical Security Draft SER 3/31/88 3/22/88 4 Complete to P.M.

DLPQ/LQAB Spraal 13 Quality Assurance Draft SER 4/29/88 4/06/88 4 Complete l to F.M.


  • See September 29, 1987 seno for complete listing of review assignments

"* Category definitions:

1. AD or above attention requested
2. Branch Chief attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete

l -

t Date: October 26, IE8 [



Expected Input l Division / Due Brcnch Reviewer Modules Subject

  • Milestone Date Date Cat.** Comments

! DLPQ/LHFB Lapinski 15 Control Room / Human Graft SER 3/31/88 5/05/88 4 Complete

! Factors Engineering to P.M.

DREP/PRPB Spickler 1, 3, 4, S. Radiological Accident Draft SER 8/01/88 8/12/88 4 Complete 6&8, 9, 10 Analysis to P.M.

Skopec 12 Process & Effluent Draft SER 7/15/88 7/13/88 4 Complete l

Radiological to P.M.

Monitoring 1 Sampling Systems t

DREP/PRAB Margulies 16 PRA Review DSER 11/14/88 11/14/88 3 l re: PRA l RES/PRA Chelliah/BNL 16 Probabilistic Safety Draft 7/15/88 7/15/88 4 Complete l Study - back end SER to j P.M.

  • See Septester 29, 1987 meno for complete listf- review assignments
    • Category definitions:
1. AD or above attention requested
2. Branch Chief attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete r



Date: October 2ti.1988 REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON GE AFWR FDA/DC Rt. VIEW Expected Division / SRP Due Input Branch Reviewer Chapter Subject Milestone Date Date Ca t.* Cosmients DEST /SPLB Chandrasekaran 9 Plant Systems RAIs to 9/30/85 4 P.M.

j DEST /SPLb Chandrasekaran 11 Plant Systems RAIs to 9/30/88 2 P.M.

, DEST /SRXB Thomas 5, 6, 15 Reactor Systems RAIs to 10/01/88 10/01/88 4 a revised P.M. schedule has been developed so as not to i slip the SER issue date J (3/30/89) DEST has agreed to the proposed schedule DEST /SELB Lazevnick 8, 9 Power Systems RAls to 9/30/88  ? 2 P.M.

DEST /ECEB Witt 7,8,9,11,12,13 Chemical Engineering RAIs To 9/30/88 8/14/88 4 14, & 17 P.M.

DRIS/RSGB Mendelsohn 13 Safeguards RAIs to 9/30/88 4 P.M.

DLPQ;iOAB Sprual 17 QA RAIs to - - 3 P.N.

  • Category definitions:
1. AD or above attention requested
2. Branch Chief attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete

Date: October 26, 1988 ,


FDA/DC n VIEW (Cont.)

Expected Division / SRP Due Input Branch Reviewe - Chapter Subject Milestone Date Date Cat.* Comments DREP/PRPB Brown 15 Radiation Protection Draft 7/31/88 9/30/88 2 8/19/88 mens SER committing to to 9/30/88 SER input DREP/PRP8 Pederse.1 12 Radiation Pr7tection RAI to 9/30/88 10/29/83 4 P.M.

DEST /EMEB Rajan 4, 5, 6, 15 Mechanical Englneering Draft 7/31/88 9/29/88 4 (Code Cases) SER DEST /EMEB Rajan 1, 2, 3 Mechanical Engineering RAls to 6/30/88 9/13/88  :

1 P.M.

  • Category definitions:
1. AD or above sttention requested
2. Branch Chief attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete

' ,=.


Date: October 26,1988 REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON .

CE 5Y5ILM 80+


Expected Division / Due Input Branch Reviewer Chapter Subject Milestone Date Date Cat.* Cossents l DEST /EMTB M. Hum 4 Rev 8 R? actor PAI 07/10/88 10/13/88 4 DEST /EMTB M. Hum 5 Rev B Reactor Coolant System RAI 07/10/88 10/13/88 4 DEST /EMEB J. Rajan 5 Rev C Reactor Cooling System RAI 09/30/68 09/30/88 No Comments DEST /SRIB L.Kopp 5 Rev C Reactor Cooling System RAI 09/30/88 09/30/88 2 l

l DEST /EMTB M. Hum 5 Rev C Reactor Coolant System RAI 09/30/88 10/13/88 4 DEST /SPLB J. Raval 5 Rev C Reactor Coolant System RAI 09/30/88 09/30/88 4 DEST /ECEB ' F. Witt 5 Rev C Reactor Coolant System RAI 09/30/88 10/26/68 3 l DEST /SPLB J. Raval 6 Rev C Engineered Safety Features PAI 09/30/88 09/30/88 4 l

l DEST /ECEB F. Witt 6 Rev C Engineered Safety Features RAI 09/30/88 10/26/88 3 DEST /EMTB M.11um 6 Rev 'J Engineered Safety Features RAI 09/30/88 10/13/88 4 DEST /SPLB J. Raval 10 Rev C Steam & Power Conversion RAI 09/30/88 09/30/88 4 System DEST /ECEB F. Witt 10 Rev C Steam & Power Conversion RAI 09/30/88 10/26/88 3 System

  • Category definition:
1. AD or above attention requested
2. Bran ( Chief attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete

Date: October 26, 1988 ,




Expected Division / Due Input Brrcch Reviewer Chapter Subject Milestone Date Date Cat.* Comments DEST /EMTB M. Hum 10 Rev C Steam & Power Conversion RAI 09/30/88 10/13/88 4 System RES/DRAA/ E. Che111ah Base Line Sase Line PRA Comments 10/30/88 10/30/88 3 PRAB PRA l

DEST /ESGB N. Ror.ney 2 REY D Site Characteristics RAI 12/30/88 12/30/88 3 j DREP/PREB R. Van Niel 2 PEV D Site Characteristics RAI 12/30/88 12/30/88 3 DEST /ESGB N. Romney 2 REV D Structures Components RAI 12/30/88 12/30/08 3 DEST /EMEB J. Rajan 3 REV D Structures, Components RAI 12/30/88 12/30/88 3 DEST /EMTB H. Hum 3 PEV D Structures, Components RAI 12/30/88 10/17/88 4 DEST /SPLB J. Raval 3 REV D Structures, Components RAI 12/30/88 12/30/88 3 DEST /SRDB L. Kopp 4 REV D Reactor RAI 12/30/88 12/30/88 3 DEST /EMTB M. Hum 4 REV D Reactor RAI 12/30/88 10/17/88 4 DEST /EMEB J. Rajan 5 REV D Reactor Coolant System RAI 12/30/88 12/30/88 3 o Category definition:

1. AD or above attention requested
2. Branch Chief attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete


Date: October 26,1988 REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON CE 3Y31tn 50+

CE353NICRTfDi (cont'd)

Espected Division / Due Input Branch Reviewer Chapter Subject Milestone Date Date Cat.* Comments DEST /SRX8 L. Kopp 5 REY D Reactor Coolant System RAI 12/30/88 12/30/88 3 DEST /EMT8 M. Hun 5 REV D Reactor Coolant System RAI 12/30/88 12/30/88 4 DEST / SPL8 J. Raval 5 REV D Reactor Crolant System RAI 12/30/88 12/30/88 3 DEST /SPL8 F. Witt 5 REY D Reactor Coolant System RAI 12/30/8" J/30/88 3

8. Mendelsohn 5 REY D Reactor Coolant System RAI 12/30/88 12/30/88 3 DREP/RGS8 J. Raval 6 REY D Engineered Safety RAI 12/30/88 12/30/88 3 DEST /SPL8 '

Features L. Kopp 6 REV D Engineered Safety RAI 12/30/88 12/30/88 3 DEST /SRIB Features DEST /ECE8 F. Witt 6 REY D Engineered Safety RAI 12/30/88 12/30/88 3 Features l


  • Category definition:
1. AD or above attention regsested
2. Branch Chief attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete

Date: October 26,1988 ,





Expected Division / Due input Branch Reviewer Chapter Subject Milestone Date Date Cat.* Comments DEST /ENTB M. Hum 6 REY D Engineered Safety RAI 12/30/88 12/30/88 4 Features DEST /SICB J. Stewart 7 REV D Instrumentation & R4I 12/30/88 12/30/88 3 Controls DLPQ/LHFB G. Lapinski 7 REV D Instrumentation & RAI 12/30/88 12/30/88 3 Controls DLPQ/LHFB G. Lapinski 18 REV D Human Factors Engineering RAI 12/30/88 12/30/88 3

  • Category defiettion:
1. AD or above attention rysted
2. Branch Chief attention raluested
3. On schedule
4. Complete


Date: October 26, 1988 ,


SYSItn 80 ct55AF-F


KtTIEW Expected Division / Due Input Branch Reviewer Chapter Subject Milestone Date Date Cat.* Comments DEST /SRIB C. 1.iang TAC 66400, ASPSS ISSUE Final SER open open 3 Wating res-to P.M. ponse from CE on RAI DEST /EMEB J. Rajan TAC 66401 Steam Gen. Tube Vibration RAIs to oper. open 3 Waiting res-P.M. posse frem CE on RAI DEST /EM'8 W. Wickman TAC 66401, Steam Gen. Tube Vibration RAls to open open 3 Waiting res-P.M. ponse from CE on RAI DREP/PRPB 1. Spickler tan. 66400 ASPSS ISSUE (SFT Rupture) Final SER open open 3 Waiting res-to SRIB/PM ponse from CE on RAI l


  • Category definition:

l 1. AD or above attention requested l 2. Branch Chief attention requested l 3. On schedule

4. Coglete
    • Close out issue

Date: October 26,1988 ,


CE N AEFTUFICTAFERS Expected Division / Due Input Branch Reviewer Chapter Subject Milestone Date Date Ca t.* Comments RES/SAIB C. Ferrell Topic Paper Set 10 ARSAP Issues RAI 06/15/88 09/16/88 4 Comments No. I provided CE at meeting 6/21/88 RES/SAIB C. Ferrell, et al Topic Paper Set 6 ARSAP Issues RAI 06/30/88 08/30/PA 1 No. 2 RES/SAIR C. Ferrell, et al Topic Paper Set 3 ARSAP Issues RAI 10/30/88 10/30/88 3 No. 3 RES/SAIB C. Ferrell, et al Topic Paper Set 1 ARSAP !ssue RAI 11/9/88 11/9/88 3 No. 4 l


  • Category definition:
1. AD or above attention requested
2. Branch Chief si.*ention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete

Date: October 26,1988 REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON EPRI'5 ALuit utguisuutun D0a91ENT ,

Ezpected Division / Due Insut Branch Revleuer Chapter Subject

  • Milestone Date Date Ca t.* Comments DEST /EMER Rajan 5 Eng. Safety Systems DSER to 10/28/88 " 2 P.M.

l l

DEST /ENTS Tsao 5 Eng. Safety Systems DSER to N/A 4 Reviewer will l P.M. have no 1spet DEST /51CB Stewart 5 Eng. Safety Systems DSER to 10/28/88** 2 P.M.

DEST /SELB Lazevnick 5 Eng. Safety Systems DSER to 10/28/98 3 P.M.

DEST /SPLB Shun 5 Eng. Safety Systems DSER to 10/28/88** 2 P.M.

l DEST /SRX8 Schwenk 5 Eng. Safety Systems DSER to 10/28/fl8** 3 7/8/88 DSER P.M. Input necd revision

  • Category Definition:
1. AD or above attention requested
2. BC attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete
    • Due date revised to reflect receipt of additional information dated 08/16/88 and ACRS schedule


t Date: October 26, 1988 r


~ '



Expected Division / Due Input Branch Reviewer Chapter Sub,)ect* Milestone Date Date Cat.* Ceauents l

l DREP/RPB Martin 5 Eng. Safety Systems DSER to N/A 4 l P.M.

DEST /ECEB Parczewsti 5 Eng. Safety Sysi. ems DSER to 10/28/88** 4 P.M.

DREP/RAB Kelly 5 Eng. Safety Systems DSER to N/A 4 P.M.

DRIS/RSGB ' Mendelsohn 5 Eng. Safety Systems DSER to N/A 4 P.M.

DEST /ESGB Rinaldi 5 Eng. Safety Systems DSER to N/A 4 P.M.

Dt.PQ/LHF8 Correia 5 Eng. Safety Systems DSER to N/A 4 P.M.

Note: Aapter 6 '8vilding Arangements" review begins 11/17/88.

  • Category Definition:
1. AD or above attention requested
2. BC attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete
    • Due date revised to reflect receipt of additional information dated 08/16/.*3 and ACRS schedule

_ _ _ _ - _ _ . - . _ _ . . _ - _ - - - . _ . . . _ . . - - . - _ - _ - -- , _ . , - . _ _ . _ - - . - _ . - . _ _ - - -- _ - - _ , _ _ __ _ _ _ _ - -