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{{#Wiki_filter:..      _                                    _                              -_    _ _ _ _              - _ _ . _ __          __ _ _ . ._
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                                                                                                                                                                  ,Ih s r      >
W. R. Stratton, Chairman Oyster Creek Subco.mittee I      S. R. Bush, Vice Chairmar., ACRS 4                              CATEGORY R F.EPORTS = OT8'IT.R CREEK
* DEL LETTER DATED JULY 14, 1970, JERIEY l                            CENTRAL POWER & LIGET COMPANY LET!18.8 BATED JULY 30, 31 & 14,1970, AKD
                                  . DEL LETTER DATED AUGUST 6,1970 l
Attached is a tsief susseary of the information presented in the subject correspondence. No ACRS action appears warranted.
l                                  The nondestructive test report and startup test results should be in-corporated in your ret of project documents to maintain an up-to-data i                                  description of the plant, organisation, procedures, etc. The remaining
                                  ' items may be ,testroyed when you Lave completed your evaluatione i-I                                                                                            originni Signed by, l                                                                                            J. C. McKinley /
l                                                                                            J. C. Mckinley l,)                                                                                                Staff 4.asistant I
L                                  1) Summary
: 2) DEL ler dtd 7/24/70 L                                  '3)    Jarsey Central Power & Light Co
;i                                        ltra dtd 7/30, 31, & 14/70
: 4) DEL ltr dtd 8/6/70
cc:      ACES Members w/attats 1 & Jersey Central Power & Light Co ltrs dated July M & 14, 1970 om:t>            ACRS ..            . ...          .. 'l suaNaut >    , ....JCM1b jh ....  . . . . . . . . . . .                                . . . . . . . . . .
8/27/70 on r >
Form AEC-518 (Rn.9y3J AECM 0240                9 v. s_ so...wutu t enmisms orricMese o.a204cv                                      ,
g    !
        '                                                                                                                                                  f 9203250261 910807                                                                                                                    i,, ,, f, //f8 ;j  i PDR        FOIA                                                                                                                      "
_ _ -DEKOK91
                - - _ - _ _ _ _282
          .-            .      . -                                        --                    - . -        . . - - .                    - -            -. -.                .        -  ~ . . . _ .
ff8TER CREEK                                  BEL letter _ (sted July .14.1970 advises Jersey Cea W d M' the AEC considere Mr. Carroll's qualifications neog De ^:
intent of the Technical Specittentions (See Jersey 1gettd retsast summarised in supplement Es.131).                                                                  f.7 3,qb,<-
Lersey Central Pow y & Liatt Cassany latter da*=d amit 30, 19]Q?          forwards the Oyster Creek Startasy feet Reemita (GB report unt-13105) dated .hsee 1970. The report eastAlma the results of the Startup Test Program pertermed at the Oyster Creek Buclear Power Y1 ant between April 10. 1969 and December 22, 1969. Results from physics tests, thermal.
i                                                                    hydraulic performanca, sod syster, dymanic performensa are
      !                                                                    presented, h
      '                                                                    Jersey Central power & Limbt Company letter dated July 31,
                                                                    -      19]pq forverds the Mondestructive Testiv.4 14 Port for Selected Salance of Plant Systeme Outside of Primary Cecitainment dated July 1970.
* Baned as diser.ssions held with the AEC Division of Regulation darin;; the e.:nner of 1969, selected pertior.s of nine systeme outside of the primary containment have been raviewd and audited by the General Electric Campany W its esotractors l                                                                ~end vendors for NCT methods and acceptax a standards specified ard for NDT acceptance standards actually applied.
5 The systems reviewed are containment spray, core spray, control rod driva, standby liquid control (Poison system),
l- ,                                                                        shutdown cooling, reactor- clecnup, main steam, feedvetsr, l-  I                                                                      and amergency service water.
I I                                                                      Based on the review en! audit made by General Risetrie and                                                                      ,
wpon information providad by them, the licenses concladas i                                                                      that:                                                                                                                          ,
is Tbe acndestructive testing specified exceeded the mandatory requirements of the codes that were in lL                                                                                  general use for sesign and saastruction of ecelear i    i                                                                                  plants when engineering for the Oyster Creek pait
    '                                                                                  No. I was started over 6 years ago in January 196A.
l                                                                                      Radiographs were not mandatory for 100% of the welds vnder the piping Code ASA 531.1. In a few cases the EDT specified exceeds the NDT currently being spect-fled for SWR plaats.
4 omer >    . _ . . . . . . . . . . .            . . . . .
                                                                                                        -l tunme >        . . . . _ . . - . .    .... .  . . . . . . . . .                                              .... . . . . . . .        . . . . . . - . .                        .
DATE >                        _......&                      . . . . .                                                                                    _
form AEC.3)e qRev.9 53) AECM 0240
* v. s. so v =, a = , r e ,m. s o m e t t eo s o-sto-n:1
                ,                                                        (                                              '
OT&tE1 nrn                                      2.      Tbs lary vwimme of NDT records sad oth:,r Cost'S                                                that had to be assembled from field files, eestradmasj'                                    l esb-contrmetors and vendero af ter a 1spee ef es suchins                                  l i
three years from perchase of equipment or service de.$
essential evidenes of compliance with the WI inepestions                                  }
specified. N code hydro tests made ce the varians systems reviewed sted operation of these systeme over the past year with me leaks is forther evidenes the sounhwse ned geality of the pipe, fittings, valves, and peseps in these systems.
: 3. Either a weld record er a redtegraph report was feend for 99.97% of the welds specified for radiograph inapoc' tion. Of the 6 eelds for ehich a record er report could
      ,                                                                          root be found only one was in a re4ctor safessard systee.                                ,
: 4.      Dye penetrant er magnetic particle records comid mot be found for 20% of the walds specified for such inspec-f                                                                          tion. Based on present day General Electric practice for TNR plants this percentage would be reduced te                                      >
f                                                                          approximately 2.5%.
l I                                                                  5.        Records were located for all of the valves specified l                                                                                  for NDT inspections escept for 4 valves or 2.85% of l                                                                                  the valves re, quiring pud inspections. Three of these l-  y                                                                            valves are 4 inch forged body control valves in the                                    .
l                                                                                  cleanup system for which UT was specified, bet the
: l.    ,
ecceptance criteria could not be located. N etbar
(                                                                                  valve is a .2) inchaast steel valve in the main steam systes. N radiograph and NI specified for this f..l!                                                                              valve was not mandatory for all of the valves in this 1                                                                              system because of different specifications and different vendoro or sub-contractors.
    -                                                                  6.        All the records were located for the NDr inspection l                                                                                  specified for the purgs in the systems reviewed.                                      .
i f
5 1
'                                                                        The liconose recommends that:
''                                                                      1.        Bondestrwet active serve 111ance of the sue weld in the core spray system be made at the earliest amendable time to pisut operations without taking the system est of service during plant operation.                                        ,
: 2. Further review should be made of the missing dye pome-trent er magmatic particle records for the welds in the
                                -^                                                  eentrol rod drive system for the purposes of (1) som              ,
rarescu              m.,      m Paritou Fith Present pay staneares records..sech.2s..Aydro...                      ,
omer ,    ---... .. .. .... .
                                                                        .. . making-fartbar-evelsektem et field tasting, med (3) maki 3J edditional fis1d        inspec~1ons        or sumwe >      .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . .                                  _ ___    __
DM>_ . _        ---                .                                                            ~" " " ' '        " ~ " -                  -:
          . ? mr, AIC.3g8 (Rew.9 53; AECM 0240                              [. . .,,,% ..          ,
I t
                                                                                    .                t      -@y IfIttet forther tweestigatime, it to still met yeweible ofstga CsJ2K                            3.
Cart'D                                      to locate reeerda for the missing more gpray system Pf/-                                                                    .  ,
irr records, a representative sampling of these udpdpg -
welds should be given a Pfhfr inspecties as                                                                              .
Jersey Central Power 4 tirbt Cousant letter dated g E 197t                                                                                :
forwards the sami-aummat opunting report for the pusted January 1 thtwegh Jane 30, 1970.
kring this second een!.-annual report period for Syster Cesek Unit No.1, the station operated at a availability factor of 67%. Tt is reduced availability was primarily the result of two major probleme associated with plant l
equipment. The first of these two problems intelved tk I                                                          testing of all four steam isolation valves in regard to their Technical Spectitration leakage rate requirements.
This test and minor repairs were performed during the peried of January 31, 1970 to February 12, 1970. The second major
,  l                                                            shutdown occurred during the period of Ap-11 19, 1970 to May 21, 1970, and involved the remeval, inspection and re-pair, and retastallatiot> et all of the control rod drive
;                                                                sechanisms.
In addition to the abora mejor shutdowns, .nemerous shutdeen mainte.tance items mere secomplished in conjunction with the eight scrau experienet.J during this period accounting for the additional down tinne.
In soddition to the c wet, other problems encountered during this period were:
: 1.      Low vacuum due to a leaking expansion joint.
: 2.        Condenser tube lenks.
      ]                                                          3.        Unidentified water leakage in the primary containment
,                                                                          caused by excessive 1sakage through the main recirculation line valve packint leak ef fs, and on a escond occasion, s
the f ail'are of a closed cooling water coil in a primary
  -f                                                                      centsin:aent air handler.
    )                                                          4.        Erratic operation of the turbine control valves caused I                                                                      by com non-lineatity.
: 5.        Traversing 1.ucoce Probe (TIP) detector failure cmsed by moisture in the indexara and TIP tube assablies.
: 6. Initial plant operation at full power in warm weather has resulted in higher ambient plant temperatures. The moet a .ticeable - arta has been the feedwater and "== ate pump room. Portable fans have been installed se monist in this cooling while design modifications are,being developed.                                                                                                ,y
                                                                                                                                                                                    . ei ,- ..
I Omct >        . . . .                    , . . . . .                                                    . . . . . .        ..  . . . . . . . .
sua m t>        , . .. . . . . ..              . . . . . . . .          . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..                    . . . . . . . .
DATE>              .        .  ..                  ..            .                          . . '.. h. .      .. ...    . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . .
Forto AEC-S ts (Rev. 9 511 s.ICM 0;+0                      e u. a so v e .w sa t e. . t e. . o r r ec t . no.* c        25.9n
                              .            .                                            k 978752 CREEK                                        In this reporting period the Flaut Operattens Review -by 00NT'S                                        Ceemittee held a total of eighteen meetings. The Guaged office R.eview Board met a total of five tf =.                                                                      /sg.
                                                                                                                                                                                                $p 4 &
Stett etteal data associated with plant operattaa 14 presented La tabulations and figares.
DRL letter dated Aesrust 6.1970 forwards questless reisted                                                                            l to the licensee's proposed power intressa. BEL weats                                                                                  ;
edditional information regarding                                                                                                      I
: 1.        Vibrati m monitoring i                                                                      2.        Contatomant air radLation maaltoring
: 3.        Leak detection
      .                                                                    4.        Evaluation of consequences of a transient similar to the one initiated by turbine bypass walve opentag, at treaden
    -l                                                                                  Unit 2.
No ACES action req 2Leed.
l' d
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              ,_ m.m , . ..,, _ o m                                              _ . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . _ . , ,

Latest revision as of 00:12, 22 July 2020

Forwards Category B Repts Concerning Util 700714,30 & 31 Ltrs.No ACRS Action Warranted
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 08/27/1970
From: Mckinley J
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
To: Bush S, Stratton W
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Shared Package
ML20091A092 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-282 NUDOCS 9203250261
Download: ML20141K827 (5)


.. _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ - _ _ . _ __ __ _ _ . ._



/ 4



'Ygl'l-Augus: 27, 1970 N[.D-

,Ih s r >


W. R. Stratton, Chairman Oyster Creek Subco.mittee I S. R. Bush, Vice Chairmar., ACRS 4 CATEGORY R F.EPORTS = OT8'IT.R CREEK



Attached is a tsief susseary of the information presented in the subject correspondence. No ACRS action appears warranted.

l The nondestructive test report and startup test results should be in-corporated in your ret of project documents to maintain an up-to-data i description of the plant, organisation, procedures, etc. The remaining

' items may be ,testroyed when you Lave completed your evaluatione i-I originni Signed by, l J. C. McKinley /

l J. C. Mckinley l,) Staff 4.asistant I


L 1) Summary

2) DEL ler dtd 7/24/70 L '3) Jarsey Central Power & Light Co
i ltra dtd 7/30, 31, & 14/70
4) DEL ltr dtd 8/6/70


cc: ACES Members w/attats 1 & Jersey Central Power & Light Co ltrs dated July M & 14, 1970 om:t> ACRS .. . ... .. 'l suaNaut > , ....JCM1b jh .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8/27/70 on r >

Form AEC-518 (Rn.9y3J AECM 0240 9 v. s_ so...wutu t enmisms orricMese o.a204cv ,

g  !

' f 9203250261 910807 i,, ,, f, //f8 ;j i PDR FOIA "


_ _ -DEKOK91

- - _ - _ _ _ _282

.- . . - -- - . - . . - - . - - -. -. . - ~ . . . _ .

ff8TER CREEK BEL letter _ (sted July .14.1970 advises Jersey Cea W d M' the AEC considere Mr. Carroll's qualifications neog De ^:

intent of the Technical Specittentions (See Jersey 1gettd retsast summarised in supplement Es.131). f.7 3,qb,<-

Lersey Central Pow y & Liatt Cassany latter da*=d amit 30, 19]Q? forwards the Oyster Creek Startasy feet Reemita (GB report unt-13105) dated .hsee 1970. The report eastAlma the results of the Startup Test Program pertermed at the Oyster Creek Buclear Power Y1 ant between April 10. 1969 and December 22, 1969. Results from physics tests, thermal.

i hydraulic performanca, sod syster, dymanic performensa are

! presented, h

' Jersey Central power & Limbt Company letter dated July 31,

- 19]pq forverds the Mondestructive Testiv.4 14 Port for Selected Salance of Plant Systeme Outside of Primary Cecitainment dated July 1970.


  • Baned as diser.ssions held with the AEC Division of Regulation darin;; the e.:nner of 1969, selected pertior.s of nine systeme outside of the primary containment have been raviewd and audited by the General Electric Campany W its esotractors l ~end vendors for NCT methods and acceptax a standards specified ard for NDT acceptance standards actually applied.

5 The systems reviewed are containment spray, core spray, control rod driva, standby liquid control (Poison system),

l- , shutdown cooling, reactor- clecnup, main steam, feedvetsr, l- I and amergency service water.

I I Based on the review en! audit made by General Risetrie and ,

wpon information providad by them, the licenses concladas i that: ,

is Tbe acndestructive testing specified exceeded the mandatory requirements of the codes that were in lL general use for sesign and saastruction of ecelear i i plants when engineering for the Oyster Creek pait

' No. I was started over 6 years ago in January 196A.

l Radiographs were not mandatory for 100% of the welds vnder the piping Code ASA 531.1. In a few cases the EDT specified exceeds the NDT currently being spect-fled for SWR plaats.

4 omer > . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-l tunme > . . . . _ . . - . . .... . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . .

DATE > _......& . . . . . _

form AEC.3)e qRev.9 53) AECM 0240

  • v. s. so v =, a = , r e ,m. s o m e t t eo s o-sto-n:1

, ( '


OT&tE1 nrn 2. Tbs lary vwimme of NDT records sad oth:,r Cost'S that had to be assembled from field files, eestradmasj' l esb-contrmetors and vendero af ter a 1spee ef es suchins l i

three years from perchase of equipment or service de.$

essential evidenes of compliance with the WI inepestions }

specified. N code hydro tests made ce the varians systems reviewed sted operation of these systeme over the past year with me leaks is forther evidenes the sounhwse ned geality of the pipe, fittings, valves, and peseps in these systems.


3. Either a weld record er a redtegraph report was feend for 99.97% of the welds specified for radiograph inapoc' tion. Of the 6 eelds for ehich a record er report could

, root be found only one was in a re4ctor safessard systee. ,


4. Dye penetrant er magnetic particle records comid mot be found for 20% of the walds specified for such inspec-f tion. Based on present day General Electric practice for TNR plants this percentage would be reduced te >

f approximately 2.5%.

l I 5. Records were located for all of the valves specified l for NDT inspections escept for 4 valves or 2.85% of l the valves re, quiring pud inspections. Three of these l- y valves are 4 inch forged body control valves in the .

l cleanup system for which UT was specified, bet the

l. ,

ecceptance criteria could not be located. N etbar

( valve is a .2) inchaast steel valve in the main steam systes. N radiograph and NI specified for this f..l! valve was not mandatory for all of the valves in this 1 system because of different specifications and different vendoro or sub-contractors.

- 6. All the records were located for the NDr inspection l specified for the purgs in the systems reviewed. .

i f

5 1

' The liconose recommends that:


1. Bondestrwet active serve 111ance of the sue weld in the core spray system be made at the earliest amendable time to pisut operations without taking the system est of service during plant operation. ,


2. Further review should be made of the missing dye pome-trent er magmatic particle records for the welds in the

-^ eentrol rod drive system for the purposes of (1) som ,

rarescu m., m Paritou Fith Present pay staneares records..sech.2s..Aydro... ,

omer , ---... .. .. .... .

.. . making-fartbar-evelsektem et field tasting, med (3) maki 3J edditional fis1d inspec~1ons or sumwe > .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ___ __

DM>_ . _ --- . ~" " " ' ' " ~ " - -:

. ? mr, AIC.3g8 (Rew.9 53; AECM 0240 [. . .,,,% .. ,

I t

. t -@y IfIttet forther tweestigatime, it to still met yeweible ofstga CsJ2K 3.

Cart'D to locate reeerda for the missing more gpray system Pf/- . ,

irr records, a representative sampling of these udpdpg -

welds should be given a Pfhfr inspecties as .


Jersey Central Power 4 tirbt Cousant letter dated g E 197t  :

forwards the sami-aummat opunting report for the pusted January 1 thtwegh Jane 30, 1970.

kring this second een!.-annual report period for Syster Cesek Unit No.1, the station operated at a availability factor of 67%. Tt is reduced availability was primarily the result of two major probleme associated with plant l

equipment. The first of these two problems intelved tk I testing of all four steam isolation valves in regard to their Technical Spectitration leakage rate requirements.

This test and minor repairs were performed during the peried of January 31, 1970 to February 12, 1970. The second major

, l shutdown occurred during the period of Ap-11 19, 1970 to May 21, 1970, and involved the remeval, inspection and re-pair, and retastallatiot> et all of the control rod drive


In addition to the abora mejor shutdowns, .nemerous shutdeen mainte.tance items mere secomplished in conjunction with the eight scrau experienet.J during this period accounting for the additional down tinne.

In soddition to the c wet, other problems encountered during this period were:


1. Low vacuum due to a leaking expansion joint.
2. Condenser tube lenks.

] 3. Unidentified water leakage in the primary containment

, caused by excessive 1sakage through the main recirculation line valve packint leak ef fs, and on a escond occasion, s

the f ail'are of a closed cooling water coil in a primary

-f centsin:aent air handler.

) 4. Erratic operation of the turbine control valves caused I by com non-lineatity.

5. Traversing 1.ucoce Probe (TIP) detector failure cmsed by moisture in the indexara and TIP tube assablies.
6. Initial plant operation at full power in warm weather has resulted in higher ambient plant temperatures. The moet a .ticeable - arta has been the feedwater and "== ate pump room. Portable fans have been installed se monist in this cooling while design modifications are,being developed. ,y

. ei ,- ..

I Omct > . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .

sua m t> , . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .

DATE> . . .. .. . . . '.. h. . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . .

Forto AEC-S ts (Rev. 9 511 s.ICM 0;+0 e u. a so v e .w sa t e. . t e. . o r r ec t . no.* c 25.9n




. . k 978752 CREEK In this reporting period the Flaut Operattens Review -by 00NT'S Ceemittee held a total of eighteen meetings. The Guaged office R.eview Board met a total of five tf =. /sg.

$p 4 &

Stett etteal data associated with plant operattaa 14 presented La tabulations and figares.

DRL letter dated Aesrust 6.1970 forwards questless reisted l to the licensee's proposed power intressa. BEL weats  ;

edditional information regarding I

1. Vibrati m monitoring i 2. Contatomant air radLation maaltoring
3. Leak detection

. 4. Evaluation of consequences of a transient similar to the one initiated by turbine bypass walve opentag, at treaden

-l Unit 2.

No ACES action req 2Leed.

l' d

l E


  • e, . .


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DATE F . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . .


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