Information Notice 2005-08, Monitoring Vibration to Detect Circumferential Cracking of Reactor Coolant Pump and Reactor Recirculation Pump Shafts: Difference between revisions

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All holders

of oper ating lic enses f or nuclea r power rea

ctors , except t
All holders of operating licenses for nuclear power reactors, except those who have
hose who have
ceased operati
ons and hav
e certified that fuel
has been p
ermanently re

moved from the react
permanently ceased operations and have certified that fuel has been permanently removed

or vessel.
from the reactor vessel.

The U.S. Nucl ear Re gulato ry Co mmissi on (NR C) is issui ng this informa tion n otice (IN) to alert addressees to th
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information notice (IN) to alert
e importance o
f timely detecti
on of circumferential
cracking of reactor cool
ant pump (RCP) and
reactor recircul
ation pump (RR
P) shafts to minimi
ze the li kelihood of
consequ entia l sha ft failur es. It is expe
cted that recip
ients wi ll revi ew the i nformation for applic
ability to their facil
ities and consi der ac tions , as ap propri ate, to avoi d simi lar pr oblems.  How ever, the su ggestion s in t his IN are no t NRC require ments; t herefore , no sp ecific actio n or w ritten respo nse i s requi red. DESC RIPT ION OF CIRCUMSTANCES
===General Elec===
tric (GE) Nucle
ar Service
s Information Letter (S
IL) 459-S2, iss
ued October 21, 1991, informed GE b
oiling w ater reactor (BWR) owners of sha
ft cracking in RRPs.
The root cause was d etermi ned to be fati gue in itiat ed by therma l stre sses th at, comb ined with mechanical s
tresses, caused
cracks to propagate.  GE
recommended counte
rmeasures includin g shaft vibration
monitoring, ins
pection of shafts w
ith greater than 8
0,000 hours of
service, an
d measures to red
uce mechanica
l and thermal
At H ope Cre ek, RRP s ha d a ccu mul ate d o ve r 13 0,0 00 hou rs o f se rv ice wi tho ut p ump sha ft inspections.  The licens
ee had opera
ted the B RR

P for several
addressees to the importance of timely detection of circumferential cracking of reactor coolant

refueling cycl
pump (RCP) and reactor recirculation pump (RRP) shafts to minimize the likelihood of

es with vibration levels approaching v
consequential shaft failures.

endor limits.  During this
It is expected that recipients will review the information for applicability to their facilities and

time, the lic
consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar problems. However, the suggestions in this IN

ensee also
are not NRC requirements; therefore, no specific action or written response is required.

identified fail
General Electric (GE) Nuclear Services Information Letter (SIL) 459-S2, issued October 21,
1991, informed GE boiling water reactor (BWR) owners of shaft cracking in RRPs. The root

ed and degraded RRP seals and concluded that the mos
cause was determined to be fatigue initiated by thermal stresses that, combined with

t likely causes of the failed and degr
mechanical stresses, caused cracks to propagate. GE recommended countermeasures

aded RRP seals were a pos sibl e bow in th e pump shaft an d low reli abil ity o f the sea l purge syste m.ML050730093 IN 2005-08 Pag e 2 of 4 The licensee's decision to restart f
including shaft vibration monitoring, inspection of shafts with greater than 80,000 hours of

ollowing the fall 2004 refueling outag
service, and measures to reduce mechanical and thermal stresses.

e without correcting this
At Hope Creek, RRPs had accumulated over 130,000 hours of service without pump shaft

con di tio n l ed to h ei ght ene d p ubl ic in ter est an d p rom pte d a cl ose NR C re vi ew. Th e st aff evaluated site-specific
inspections. The licensee had operated the B RRP for several refueling cycles with vibration

technical d
levels approaching vendor limits. During this time, the licensee also identified failed and

etails, rela
degraded RRP seals and concluded that the most likely causes of the failed and degraded RRP

ted domestic an
seals were a possible bow in the pump shaft and low reliability of the seal purge system.

d internation
The licensees decision to restart following the fall 2004 refueling outage without correcting this

al operatin
condition led to heightened public interest and prompted a close NRC review. The staff

g expe rienc e, and the gen eric s afety a spects of vi bratio n-rela ted sh aft and seal failur e. Circumferential c
evaluated site-specific technical details, related domestic and international operating

racking of RCP and
experience, and the generic safety aspects of vibration-related shaft and seal failure.

RRP shafts had
Circumferential cracking of RCP and RRP shafts had previously been reported at several

previousl y been rep
facilities including Sequoyah, Palo Verde, St. Lucie, and Grand Gulf. In addition, reactor

orted at seve
coolant pump shafts at Crystal River separated completely during operation on two occasions

ral facilities i
(see IN 86-19 and IN 89-15).

ncluding Sequo
The staff evaluated the licensees determination that the Hope Creek unit could be safely

yah, Palo Verde, St. Luc
returned to power with the existing pump shaft and the interim compensatory measures

ie, and Grand
implemented to provide reasonable assurance that a shaft failure could be detected in its

===Gulf.  In additio===
incipient stage and operators would take prompt action to prevent the occurrence of a potential
n, reactor

coolant pump
shaft and seal failure. The licensee committed to (1) replace the B pump shaft at the next

shafts at Crystal
outage of sufficient duration and to (2) establish a comprehensive program of enhanced

River se parated complete
continuous vibration monitoring to ensure timely detection of circumferential crack propagation

ly durin g operation on
with proceduralized contingency actions for plant operators to act promptly at specified

two occasi
administrative vibration limits to reduce pump speed or shut the pump down completely. The

ons (see IN 86-19 and IN 89-15).The staff evaluated the licensee's determination that the Hope Creek
same monitoring regime was implemented for the A RRP.

unit could be safely
The Hope Creek licensee implemented a program to continuously monitor the synchronous

returned to pow
speed (1X) vibration amplitude, two times synchronous speed (2X) vibration amplitude, 1X

er with th
phase angle, and 2X phase angle. These parameters provide a more sensitive leading

e existi ng pump shaft and the
indicator of circumferential crack initiation and propagation giving the operators enough time to

interim compensa
respond. Alarm limits were established using the ASME OM standard, "Reactor Coolant and

tory measures
Recirculation Pump Condition Monitoring."
GE SIL 459 indicates that all Byron Jackson (now Flowserve) RRP shafts inspected have

imple mented to prov ide re asona ble a ssuran ce tha t a sha ft failur e coul d be d etecte d in i ts incipien t stage and operato
shown some degree of thermally induced cracking. The cracking occurs near the pump

rs would take prompt action to
thermal barrier where the cold seal purge system water mixes with the hot reactor coolant

prevent the
water. The cracks initiate as axial cracks in the pump shaft. Axial cracks are generally benign, grow slowly, and do not affect the operation of the pump. However, given sufficient mechanical

occurrence of a p
loads, the axial cracks can change direction and propagate circumferentially. The time it takes

otential shaft and seal f
to transition from slow-growing axial cracks to more rapidly growing circumferential cracks

ailure. The licens
depends on the magnitude of the mechanical loads on the pump shaft. It could take years. On

ee comm itted t o (1) rep lace the B p
the other hand, circumferential shaft cracking can propagate rapidly and, if not detected early, may result in complete severance of the shaft.

ump shaf t at the next outage of sufficient durati
Circumferential shaft cracking or shaft separation could result in pump damage and

on and to (2)
degradation or failure of the pump seal package resulting in leakage of reactor coolant through
establish a

clearances around the upper portion of the pump shaft. However, at Crystal River - where the

e program of enhanced
only two instances of shaft failure occurred at domestic nuclear power plants - there was no

continuous v
evidence of seal degradation. A loss-of-coolant accident can occur if leakage through the seals

ibration moni
of a RRP or RCP exceeds the capacity of the normal makeup systems. Thus circumferential

toring to ensure
shaft cracking that leads to shaft or seal failure is a safety concern. As noted above, vibration-monitoring systems are available to detect circumferential cracking of

timely dete
pump shafts. As circumferential cracks propagate, the stiffness of the pump shaft changes.

ction of circumferentia
These changes are detectable through changes in the pump vibration signature prior to shaft

l crack propagation
failure. Although overall pump vibration limits are necessary for assessing gaps and clearances

with proce
in the pump, they are not the most appropriate indicator of shaft cracking. Monitoring the 1X

duralize d contingency
and 2X steady-state vectors (1X and 2X amplitudes and phase angles) provides a better

actions for pla
indication of changes in shaft integrity resulting from circumferential crack propagation.

nt operators to a
Licensees should be alert to the possibility of circumferential RCP or RRP shaft cracking and

ct promptly a
should evaluate the information in this IN and determine what actions, if any, are prudent to

t specified
provide early detection of circumferential shaft cracking and prevent failure of RRP or RCP

shafts and shaft seals.

e vibrati on limits to
A significant number (about half) of the BWR RRP pump shafts currently in service are older

reduce pump sp
and have more hours of operation than those at Hope Creek and many have not been

eed or shut the
inspected as recommended in GE SIL 459-S2.

pump down
About a half-dozen BWR RRPs were identified as having higher vibration levels than Hope

completely. The same monitoring reg
Creek. Such issues would not necessarily be reported to the NRC. The staff contacted three

ime was implemented for the A RRP.
BWR licensees whose plants had been reported to have higher vibration levels than Hope

===The Hope Creek l===
Creek. The three plants included Susquehanna Units 1 and 2, Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3, and Browns Ferry Units 2 and 3. The staff discussed with each licensee how it monitors pump
icensee impl

emented a program to c
vibration, the vibration acceptance criteria used, and why the current vibration levels are

acceptable. These licensees indicated that they have either replaced their pump shafts (or will

monitor the sy
in the near future) or are taking steps to monitor RRP vibration and have established

nchronous speed (1X) vi
acceptance criteria to detect anomalous behavior.

bration ampli
Operating experience suggests that pressurized water reactor (PWR) RCPs are not immune to

tude, two ti
vibration-related shaft and seal failure concerns similar to BWR RRP concerns. PWR RCP seal

mes synchrono
failure can be more safety significant than BWR RRP seal failure because (1) PWR reactor

us speed (2X) v
coolant systems operate at higher pressures, increasing the differential pressure across the

ibration ampl
pump seals and (2) PWR RCPs, unlike BWR RRPs, typically can not be isolated from the

itude, 1X phase angle, a
reactor coolant system following a seal failure. In addition, while a number of BWR RRP shafts

nd 2X phase an
have cracked, several PWR RCP shafts have completely severed.
gle.  These parameters
provide a more sensiti
ve leadi ng indi cator o f circum ferenti al cra ck ini tiati on and propa gation givi ng the o perato rs eno ugh time to respond.  Al
arm limits w
ere establis
hed using the
ASME OM standard, "Reac
tor Coolant a
nd Recir culat ion P ump Co nditi on M onito ring." GE SIL 45 9 indicat es that all Byron Jac
kson (now Flowserve)
RRP shaf ts inspe cted have show n some degree of therma lly indu ced cra cking.  Th
e cracki ng occu rs nea r the p ump thermal barrier
where the
cold seal
purge system w
ater mixes w
ith the hot rea
ctor coolant
water.  The cra
cks initiate a
s axial cracks in the p
ump shaft.  Axi
al cracks are genera
lly ben ign, grow slow ly, and d o not affect the operati
on of the pump.  H
owever, given sufficient me
chanical loads, the ax
ial cracks can
change directi
on and propa
gate circumferentiall
y.  The time i
t takes to tr ansi tion from s low-grow ing a xia l cr acks to mo re ra pid ly grow ing c ircu mfere ntia l cr acks depen ds on the magn itude of the me
chani cal l oads o n the p ump sha ft.  It cou
ld take year s.  On the oth er hand, circum fere ntial sha ft cr acking can propa
gate r apidly and, if not de
tected early, may re sult i n compl ete se veran ce of the shaft.Circumferential s
haft cracking or shaft separati
on could res
ult in pump
damage and
degra dati on o r fai lure of th e pu mp se al p acka ge re sul ting in l eaka ge of r eact or co ola nt th rough clearances a
round the uppe
r portion of the p
ump shaft.  Howe
ver, at Cry
stal Riv er - where
the only tw o instances
of shaft failure occurred
at domestic nuc
lear pow er plants - the
re was no evidence of seal degradation.  A loss-of-coolant accident can occur if leak
age through the seals
of a RRP or RC
===P exceeds the capacity===
of the normal makeup
systems.  Thus ci
shaft cra cking th at lea ds to s haft or s eal fai lure i s a safe ty co ncern.
IN 2005-08
===Pag e 3 of 4 As noted abo===
ve, vib ration-monitori
ng systems are a
vailabl e to detect ci
rcumferential cracking o
f pump sh afts.  As circu mferenti al cra cks prop agate, t he sti ffness of th
e pump shaft ch anges. The se c han ges are de tec tab le thr oug h ch ang es i n th e p ump vi bra tio n si gna tur e p rio r to sha ft failure.  Altho
ugh overall
pump vibra
tion limits
are necessary
for assessing gaps an
d clearances
in the pump, th
ey are not
the most appropri
ate indicato
r of shaft cracking.  Mon
itoring the 1X
and 2X steady-state vectors (1
===X and 2X amplitu===
des and phas
e angles) prov
ides a better
indi catio n of cha nges in shaft i ntegrit y res ultin g from cir
cumferen tial crack pr opagati on. Licensees sh
ould be al
ert to the possi
bility of circumferential RC
P or RRP sh
aft cracking and
shoul d eva luate the i nformati on in this IN and determ ine w hat ac tions , if any , are p rudent to provide early detection of circumf
erential shaft crack
ing and prevent failure of RRP or RCP
shafts and shaft seal
===A significant nu===
mber (about hal
f) of the BWR RRP pump shafts currently
in servi ce are older
and have more hours of operati
on than those
at Hope Creek a
nd many hav
e not been
inspected as
recommended in
GE SIL 459-S2
.About a hal
f-dozen BWR RRPs were
identified as
having hi
gher vibratio
n level s than Hope
===Creek.  Such is===
sues woul d not necessa
rily be reported to the N
===RC.  The staff contacted th===
ree BWR licensees whos
e plants had
been reported
to have hi
gher vibratio
n level s than Hope
===Creek.  The three pl===
ants includ
ed Susquehanna
Units 1 an
d 2, Peach B
ottom Units 2 a
nd 3, and Br owns Ferry Units 2 and 3.  The staff dis
cussed wit h each lice nsee h ow i t monit ors pu mp vibr ation , the v ibrati on acc eptanc e crit eria u sed, a nd w hy th e curre nt vi bratio n lev els a re acceptable.  These licensees indicated that
they have either replaced their pump shafts (o
r will in the near
future) or are taking steps
to monitor RRP
vibratio n and hav e establish
ed accept ance c riteri a to de tect an omalou s beha vior.Operati ng exp erien ce sugge sts tha t press uriz ed w ater re actor (PWR) RCPs a
re not immune to vibration-related shaft and
seal failure
concerns simi
lar to BWR RRP concerns.
PWR RCP seal
failure can be
more safety signi
ficant than BWR RRP seal
failure because (1) PWR reactor
coolant sy
stems operate at h
igher pressures, i
ncreasing the di
fferential pressure ac
ross the pump seals an
d (2) PWR RCPs, unlike B
===WR RRPs, typically===
can not be
isolated from the
reacto r cool ant sy stem fol low ing a s eal fai lure.  In add ition , whi le a n umber o f BWR RRP sha
fts have cracked, s
everal PWR RCP shafts ha
ve complete
ly sev ered.
IN 2005-08 Pag e 4 of 4

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. Please direct any

===This information no===
questions about this matter to the technical contact(s) listed below or the appropriate Office of
tice requires no
specific acti
on or wri tten response.
Please di rect any questions about
this matter to the
technical c
ontact(s) listed
below or the appropri
ate Office of
Nucle ar Rea ctor Re gulati on (NR R) pro ject man ager./RA/Patrick L. Hil
and, Chief
===Reactor Operatio===
ns Branch Divisi on of Inspection
===Program Management===
Office of Nuclear Reacto
r Regulation
===Technical Co===
ntacts: W illiam Poertner, NRR
===Ross Telson, NRR===
(301) 415-5787
(301) 415-2256 E-mail
Note: NRC gene
ric communicati
ons may be
found on the NR
C public Web site, , under Elec
tronic Readi
ng Room/Document Co
IN 2005-08 Pag e 4 of 4
===This information no===
tice requires no
specific acti
on or wri tten response.
Please di rect any questions about
this matter to the
technical c
ontact(s) listed
below or the appropri
ate Office of
Nucle ar Rea ctor Re gulati on (NR R) pro ject man ager./RA/Patrick L. Hil
and, Chief
===Reactor Operatio===
ns Branch Divisi on of Inspection
===Program Management===
Office of Nuclear Reacto
r Regulation
===Technical Co===
ntacts: W illiam Poertner, NRR
===Ross Telson, NRR===
(301) 415-5787
(301) 415-2256 E-mail
Note: NRC gene
ric communicati

ons may be
Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

found on the NR
                                            Patrick L. Hiland, Chief

C public Web site, , under Elec
Reactor Operations Branch

tronic Readi
Division of Inspection Program Management

ng Room/Document Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical Contacts: William Poertner, NRR            Ross Telson, NRR

(301) 415-5787                (301) 415-2256 E-mail            E-mail

Note: NRC generic communications may be found on the NRC public Web site,, under Electronic Reading Room/Document Collections.

ML050730093 OFFICE OES:IROB:DIPM TECH EDITOR             EMEB:DE              SC:CI&T:EMEB  C:EMEB

NAME    RTelson        PKleene              WPoertner            DTerao        Eimbro

C:EMEB NAME RTelson PKleene WPoertner DTerao Eimbro DATE 03/17/2005
DATE   03/17/2005     03/22/2005           03/17/2005           03/18/2005     03/18/2005 OFFICE   D:DE           LPD1:DLPM           A:SC:OES:IROB:DIPM    C:IROB:DIPM

NAME    MMayfield      DSCollins (E- m ail) EJBenner              PLHiland

NAME MMay field DSCollins (E-m ail)EJBenner PLHiland DATE 03/20/2005
DATE     03/20/2005     04/05/2005           04/05/2005             04/05/2005}}

{{Information notice-Nav}}
{{Information notice-Nav}}

Latest revision as of 01:37, 24 November 2019

Monitoring Vibration to Detect Circumferential Cracking of Reactor Coolant Pump and Reactor Recirculation Pump Shafts
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 04/05/2005
From: Hiland P
Telson, R - NRR/DIPM/IROB - 415-2256
TAC MC6269 IN-05-008
Download: ML050730093 (5)









All holders of operating licenses for nuclear power reactors, except those who have

permanently ceased operations and have certified that fuel has been permanently removed

from the reactor vessel.


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information notice (IN) to alert

addressees to the importance of timely detection of circumferential cracking of reactor coolant

pump (RCP) and reactor recirculation pump (RRP) shafts to minimize the likelihood of

consequential shaft failures.

It is expected that recipients will review the information for applicability to their facilities and

consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar problems. However, the suggestions in this IN

are not NRC requirements; therefore, no specific action or written response is required.


General Electric (GE) Nuclear Services Information Letter (SIL) 459-S2, issued October 21,

1991, informed GE boiling water reactor (BWR) owners of shaft cracking in RRPs. The root

cause was determined to be fatigue initiated by thermal stresses that, combined with

mechanical stresses, caused cracks to propagate. GE recommended countermeasures

including shaft vibration monitoring, inspection of shafts with greater than 80,000 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> of

service, and measures to reduce mechanical and thermal stresses.

At Hope Creek, RRPs had accumulated over 130,000 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> of service without pump shaft

inspections. The licensee had operated the B RRP for several refueling cycles with vibration

levels approaching vendor limits. During this time, the licensee also identified failed and

degraded RRP seals and concluded that the most likely causes of the failed and degraded RRP

seals were a possible bow in the pump shaft and low reliability of the seal purge system.

The licensees decision to restart following the fall 2004 refueling outage without correcting this

condition led to heightened public interest and prompted a close NRC review. The staff

evaluated site-specific technical details, related domestic and international operating

experience, and the generic safety aspects of vibration-related shaft and seal failure.

Circumferential cracking of RCP and RRP shafts had previously been reported at several

facilities including Sequoyah, Palo Verde, St. Lucie, and Grand Gulf. In addition, reactor

coolant pump shafts at Crystal River separated completely during operation on two occasions

(see IN 86-19 and IN 89-15).

The staff evaluated the licensees determination that the Hope Creek unit could be safely

returned to power with the existing pump shaft and the interim compensatory measures

implemented to provide reasonable assurance that a shaft failure could be detected in its

incipient stage and operators would take prompt action to prevent the occurrence of a potential

shaft and seal failure. The licensee committed to (1) replace the B pump shaft at the next

outage of sufficient duration and to (2) establish a comprehensive program of enhanced

continuous vibration monitoring to ensure timely detection of circumferential crack propagation

with proceduralized contingency actions for plant operators to act promptly at specified

administrative vibration limits to reduce pump speed or shut the pump down completely. The

same monitoring regime was implemented for the A RRP.

The Hope Creek licensee implemented a program to continuously monitor the synchronous

speed (1X) vibration amplitude, two times synchronous speed (2X) vibration amplitude, 1X

phase angle, and 2X phase angle. These parameters provide a more sensitive leading

indicator of circumferential crack initiation and propagation giving the operators enough time to

respond. Alarm limits were established using the ASME OM standard, "Reactor Coolant and

Recirculation Pump Condition Monitoring."

GE SIL 459 indicates that all Byron Jackson (now Flowserve) RRP shafts inspected have

shown some degree of thermally induced cracking. The cracking occurs near the pump

thermal barrier where the cold seal purge system water mixes with the hot reactor coolant

water. The cracks initiate as axial cracks in the pump shaft. Axial cracks are generally benign, grow slowly, and do not affect the operation of the pump. However, given sufficient mechanical

loads, the axial cracks can change direction and propagate circumferentially. The time it takes

to transition from slow-growing axial cracks to more rapidly growing circumferential cracks

depends on the magnitude of the mechanical loads on the pump shaft. It could take years. On

the other hand, circumferential shaft cracking can propagate rapidly and, if not detected early, may result in complete severance of the shaft.

Circumferential shaft cracking or shaft separation could result in pump damage and

degradation or failure of the pump seal package resulting in leakage of reactor coolant through

clearances around the upper portion of the pump shaft. However, at Crystal River - where the

only two instances of shaft failure occurred at domestic nuclear power plants - there was no

evidence of seal degradation. A loss-of-coolant accident can occur if leakage through the seals

of a RRP or RCP exceeds the capacity of the normal makeup systems. Thus circumferential

shaft cracking that leads to shaft or seal failure is a safety concern. As noted above, vibration-monitoring systems are available to detect circumferential cracking of

pump shafts. As circumferential cracks propagate, the stiffness of the pump shaft changes.

These changes are detectable through changes in the pump vibration signature prior to shaft

failure. Although overall pump vibration limits are necessary for assessing gaps and clearances

in the pump, they are not the most appropriate indicator of shaft cracking. Monitoring the 1X

and 2X steady-state vectors (1X and 2X amplitudes and phase angles) provides a better

indication of changes in shaft integrity resulting from circumferential crack propagation.

Licensees should be alert to the possibility of circumferential RCP or RRP shaft cracking and

should evaluate the information in this IN and determine what actions, if any, are prudent to

provide early detection of circumferential shaft cracking and prevent failure of RRP or RCP

shafts and shaft seals.


A significant number (about half) of the BWR RRP pump shafts currently in service are older

and have more hours of operation than those at Hope Creek and many have not been

inspected as recommended in GE SIL 459-S2.

About a half-dozen BWR RRPs were identified as having higher vibration levels than Hope

Creek. Such issues would not necessarily be reported to the NRC. The staff contacted three

BWR licensees whose plants had been reported to have higher vibration levels than Hope

Creek. The three plants included Susquehanna Units 1 and 2, Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3, and Browns Ferry Units 2 and 3. The staff discussed with each licensee how it monitors pump

vibration, the vibration acceptance criteria used, and why the current vibration levels are

acceptable. These licensees indicated that they have either replaced their pump shafts (or will

in the near future) or are taking steps to monitor RRP vibration and have established

acceptance criteria to detect anomalous behavior.

Operating experience suggests that pressurized water reactor (PWR) RCPs are not immune to

vibration-related shaft and seal failure concerns similar to BWR RRP concerns. PWR RCP seal

failure can be more safety significant than BWR RRP seal failure because (1) PWR reactor

coolant systems operate at higher pressures, increasing the differential pressure across the

pump seals and (2) PWR RCPs, unlike BWR RRPs, typically can not be isolated from the

reactor coolant system following a seal failure. In addition, while a number of BWR RRP shafts

have cracked, several PWR RCP shafts have completely severed.


This information notice requires no specific action or written response. Please direct any

questions about this matter to the technical contact(s) listed below or the appropriate Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.


Patrick L. Hiland, Chief

Reactor Operations Branch

Division of Inspection Program Management

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical Contacts: William Poertner, NRR Ross Telson, NRR

(301) 415-5787 (301) 415-2256 E-mail E-mail

Note: NRC generic communications may be found on the NRC public Web site,, under Electronic Reading Room/Document Collections.


NAME RTelson PKleene WPoertner DTerao Eimbro

DATE 03/17/2005 03/22/2005 03/17/2005 03/18/2005 03/18/2005 OFFICE D:DE LPD1:DLPM A:SC:OES:IROB:DIPM C:IROB:DIPM

NAME MMayfield DSCollins (E- m ail) EJBenner PLHiland

DATE 03/20/2005 04/05/2005 04/05/2005 04/05/2005