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{{#Wiki_filter:Rafael Flores Luminant PowerSenior Vice President P 0 Box 1002& Chief Nuclear Officer 6322 North FM Glen Rose, TX 76043Luminant TC 817 559 0403F 254 897 6652CP-201301278 Ref. # 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(ii)
TXX-13157 October 31, 2013U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control DeskWashington, DC 20555
: 1. Letter logged TXX-12118 dated August 16, 2012, from Rafael Flores to the NRCsubmitting Relief Request E-1 for Containment Electrical Penetrations (TAC Nos.ME9261 and ME 9262) (ML12240A051)
: 2. Letter logged TXX-12162 dated November 14, 2012, from Rafael Flores to the NRCsubmitting Response to Request for Additional Information for Relief Request E-1(TAC Nos. ME9261 and ME 9262) (ML12348A006)
: 3. NRC Letter dated June 26, 2013 from Michael T. Markley to Rafael Flores concerning Request for Relief No. E-1 (TAC Nos. ME9261 and ME 9262) (ML13158A093)
==Dear Sir or Madam:==
Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(ii),
Luminant Generation Company LLC (Luminant Power) issubmitting Relief Request 1/2 E3-1 for containment electrical penetrations for the third ten year IWEInspection interval for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (CPNPP) Units 1 and 2.Luminant Power has determined that compliance with certain inspection requirements of ASME Section XIwould result in an unnecessary hardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level ofquality and safety.This relief request was previously submitted to the NRC via References I and 2 and reviewed via Reference 3.Luminant Power requests approval of this relief request by March 29, 2014, to support the upcoming CPNPPUnit 2 refueling outage.This communication contains no new commitments regarding Comanche Peak Units 1 and 2.A member of the STARS AllianceCallaway-Comanche Peak
* Diablo Canyon
* Palo Verde
* South Texas Project
* Wolf Creek U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission TXX-13157 Page 2 of 210/31/2013 Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Jack Hicks at (254) 897-6725.
Sincerely, Luminant Generation Company LLCRafael FloresBy:Thomas P. McCoolVice President, Station SupportAttachments
: 1. Relief Request 1/2E3-1For Containment Electrical Penetrations (ThirdIWE Interval:
Start Date -September 10, 2012)2. Local Leak Rate (Type B) Resultsc -Marc L. Dapas, Region IVBalwant K. Singal, NRRResident Inspectors, Comanche PeakJack Ballard, ANII, Comanche PeakRobert FreeEnvironmental Monitoring
& Emergency Response ManagerTexas Department of State Health ServicesMail Code 1986P.O. Box 149347Austin, TX 78714-9347 Attachment 1 to TXX-13157 Page 1 of 3COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS UNITS 1 AND 2RELIEF REQUEST NUMBER 1/2E3-1 FOR CONTAINMENT ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS (THIRD 10 YEAR IWE INTERVAL START DATE: SEPTEMBER 10, 2012)1. ASME Code Component Affected:
CPNPP Unit 1 and Unit 2 IWE Containment Electrical Penetrations that are covered by RadiantEnergy Shielding (RES) as listed below:CPNPP Unit 1 Electrical Penetrations:
E-0006, E-0009, E-0016, E-0018, E-0029, E-0039, E-0040, E-0056, E-0060CPNPP Unit 2 Electrical Penetration:
2-E-0006, 2-E-0009, 2-E-0015, 2-E-0016, 2-E-0018, 2-E-0039, 2-E-0040, 2-E-0045, 2-E-0056, 2-E-0060, 2-E-0066, 2-E-00612. Applicable Code Edition and Addenda:The applicable ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (hereafter referred to as the "Code")edition and addenda is ASME Section XI, "Rules for Inservice of Nuclear Power PlantComponents,"
2007 Edition through 2008 Addenda.3. Applicable Code Requirement:
Table IWE-2500-1, Examination Category E-A, Item No. E1.11, of the Code requires a GeneralVisual inspection of 100% of the accessible containment surface areas including the electrical penetrations listed in Section 1 of this Relief Request.4. Impracticality of Compliance (10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(ii))
The surfaces of 20 of 21 electrical penetrations are currently covered with Radiant EnergyShielding (RES) material which precludes the General Visual examination of the surface requiredby Table IWE-2500-1, Examination Category E-A, Item No. E1.11. This RES material is designedfor post fire safe shutdown protection.
RES is made from a custom sewn ceramic fiber blanket ina fireproof fabric envelope which is banded in place and is not designed for removal andreinstallation.
The construction of the RES is such that, if damaged, the fibrous material can createexcessive waste, and will require additional attention to prevent sump clogging.
Electrical Penetration 2-E-0061 will have RES material installed during the 2RF14 refueling outage.Relief Request 1/2E3-1 pertains to the visual examination of 21 stainless steel electrical penetration assemblies covered with radiant energy shielding material that are proposed to notbe visually examined each period (3) during the third IWE interval.
The local areas of thecontainment liner around these 21 electrical penetrations will be visually examined each periodduring the third interval.
Electrical Penetration 2-E-0061 is included for future inspection periodsduring the third IWE interval.
A visual examination will be performed prior to installation of theRES material on 2-E-0061.
: 5. Burden Caused by Compliance:
A total of 1200 man-hours per Unit would be required to remove the RES, perform theexamination, repair and/or replace damaged RES, and re-install install the shielding.
The totalradiation exposure to perform these activities is estimated to exceed 3.5 man-Rem per unit overthe inspection interval.
The extensive craft and radiation protection support that would be Attachment 1 to TXX-13157 Page 2 of 3COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS UNITS 1 AND 2RELIEF REQUEST NUMBER 1/2E3-1 FOR CONTAINMENT ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS (THIRD 10 YEAR IWE INTERVAL START DATE: SEPTEMBER 10, 2012)required for scaffolding, RES material
: removal, repair or replacement of damaged RES material, and RES material re-installation on these 21 electrical penetrations would not be compensated forby an increase in the level of plant quality and safety.6. Proposed Alternative and Basis for Use:The accessible surface areas of the metal containment liner, including all mechanical penetrations and the remaining 66 Unit I and 34 Unit 2 electrical penetrations are not covered with RES andare accessible for the required examination.
An evaluation of these covered penetrations wouldbe performed and the RES would be removed if conditions exist in accessible areas that indicatedegradation could also exist or extend into the RES covered areas. This relief is being requested for 21 electrical penetrations (9 for Unit 1, 12 for Unit 2) which are all of stainless steelconstruction and represent less than I percent of the total IWE metal containment surface area.The previously examined mechanical penetration assemblies and the containment liner are ofcarbon steel construction and are more susceptible to corrosion type damage mechanisms.
Thecarbon steel containment liner and mechanical penetrations and the remaining stainless steelelectrical penetrations have all been examined each period during the second interval withoutany degradation or corrosion identified.
Also, Comanche Peak has adequate confidence that thestainless steel surfaces of the electrical penetrations are not susceptible to the damagemechanisms that may affect the carbon steel surfaces.
Therefore, there are no additional safetybenefits in examining these penetration surfaces.
Additionally, below are the results of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), Part 50,Appendix J containment integrated leak rate test (Type A) and their comparison with theallowable leakage rate specified in the plant Technical Specifications (TSs).Reference T.S. 5.5.16.c
& 5.5.16.d.1
& T.S. Bases 3.6.1:Allowable leakage rate (La) of 0.1% of containment air weight per day.The As-found Type A test surveillance acceptance criteria is leakage rate less than or equal to 1.0La. In addition the As-left Type A test surveillance acceptance criteria is leakage rate less than orequal to 0.75 La prior to entering the mode in which containment operability is required (Mode 4).Unit 1 Type A test results performed in April 2007:* The As-found leakage rate was 0.063019%
weight per day which met the As-foundsurveillance criteria of 0.1% weight per day.* The As-left leakage rate was 0.0630% weight per day which met the As-left surveillance criteria of 0.075% weight per day.Unit 2 Type A test results performed in October 2012:* The As-found leakage rate was 0.0595% weight per day which met the As-found surveillance criteria of 0.1% weight per day.* The As-left leakage rate was 0.0594% weight per day which met the As-left surveillance criteria of 0.075% weight per day.The results of Type B leakage test of those electrical penetrations included in RR 1/2E3-1 (total of21 penetrations, 9 in CPNPP, Unit 1 and 12 in CPNPP, Unit 2) are provided in Attachment
: 2.
Attachment I to TXX-13157 Page 3 of 3COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS UNITS 1 AND 2RELIEF REQUEST NUMBER 1/2E3-1 FOR CONTAINMENT ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS (THIRD 10 YEAR IWE INTERVAL START DATE: SEPTEMBER 10, 2012)The electrical penetrations are tested in groupings by elevation.
The electrical penetrations inquestion are part of the overall groupings categorized as follows:Unit 1:* 852-ELEC-PEN includes E-0006, E-0009, E-0016, & E-0018* 832-ELEC-PEN includes E-0029, E-0039, & E-0040* 810-ELEC-PEN includes E-0056 & E-0060Unit 2:* 2-852-ELEC-PEN includes 2-E-0006, 2-E-0009, 2-E-0015, 2-E-0016,
& 2-E-0018* 2-832-ELEC-PEN includes 2-E-0039, 2-E-0040,
& 2-E-0045* 2-810-ELEC-PEN includes 2-E-0056, 2-E-0060, 2-E-0061,
& 2-E-0066See Attachment 2 for the Local Leak Rate (Type B) Results for each grouping.
There have been noprevious failures for these penetrations for Unit 1 or Unit 2. The results listed in Attachment 2are in standard cubic centimeters per minute (sccm). The administrative limit for each test is 100sccm. However, the Unit I tests performed in 1991 had an administrative limit of 25 sccm. Thetwo tests that exceeded 25 sccm had a technical evaluation performed which documented theacceptability of the test results via Technical Evaluation (TE) 91-2683.The discussion above and the results of the Type A and Type B tests demonstrate that there areno additional safety benefits in examining these penetration surfaces.
: 7. Duration of Proposed Alternative:
The third ten-year IWE interval for CPNPP Unit 1 and Unit 2 began on September 10, 2012 andwill end on September 9, 2021. The third interval was shortened to nine years due to extending the second interval to eleven years.8. Precedents:
: 1) Letter logged TXX-01148 dated September 10, 2001 from C. L. Terry to the NRC submitting Relief Request E-2 for Unit 1 Electrical Penetrations (ADAMS Accession NumberML012570293)
: 2) Letter logged TXX-00151 dated August 10, 2000 from C. L. Terry to the NRC submitting Relief Requests D-1 and E-2 for Unit 2 Electrical Penetrations (ADAMS Accession NumberML003741700)
: 3) Letter logged TXX-12118 dated August 16,2012 from Rafael Flores to the NRC submitted Relief Request E-1 for Unit 1 and Unit 2 Electrical Penetrations for the Second IWE Interval(ADAMS Accession Number ML12240A051) and supplemented on November 14, 2012(ADAMS Accession Number ML12348A006)
ATTACHMENT 2 to TXX-13157 Local Leak Rate (Type B) Results NMMLR07 TU ELECTRIC Page: 1 of ICPSES IAttachment 2 to TXX-13157 LOCAL LEAK RATE TEST Date 11/0612012 2of 7 1 Past Performance History ReportTime : 13:32:19UnitlPene.No
: 852-ELEC-PEN SystemlService
: ELEC. PEN ASSYProcedure
: OPT-860A/
RT 504952 Current Interval
: 3660Minimum Path Maximum Path Test Type CAsFound (AF) : 91.30 91.30 Pene. Status .PassedAsLeft (AL) 91.30 91.30 Next Test Due : 10/29/2015 Valve/Boundary
: 852-ELEC-TC Inside IOustide
* OutsideConcurrently Tested Valve(s)/Boundary(s)
Admin. Limit : 100No Related Tag(s)Test Leak Work Order As Left TestDate Rate Number Entered?
StatusAS FOUND 10/21/2005 91.30 5-05-504952-AA PassedAS LEFT 10/21/2005 91.30 5-05-504952-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 10/01/2002 2.00 5-02-504952-AA PassedAS LEFT 10/01/2002 2.00 5-02-504952-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 03/04/1995 17.00 5-94-501651-AA PassedAS LEFT 03/04/1995 17.00 5-94-501651-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 04/14/1993 20.00 5-92-501651-AA PassedAS LEFT 04/14/1993 20.00 5-92-501651-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 09/12/1991 68.00 S-91-00008
-25 PassedAF Comments:
SEE TE 91-2683AS LEFT 09/12/1991 68.00 S-91-00008
-25 Yes Passed***END OF HISTORY REPORT FOR :852-ELEC-PEN NMMLR07 TU ELECTRIC Page: 1 ofCPSES Attachment 2 to TXX-1 3157 LOCAL LEAK RATE TESTPage 3 of 7 Past Performance History Report Date 11/06/2012 Time : 13:34:16Unit/Pene.No
: 832-ELEC-PEN System/Service
: ELEC. PENProcedure
: OPT-859A
/ RT 504951 CurrentInterval
: 3660Minimum Path Maximum Path Test TypeAsFound (AF) : 20.00 20.00 Pene. Status .PassedAsLt (AL) : 20.00 20.00 Next Test Due : 10/29/2015 Valve/Boundary
: 832-ELEC-TC Inside/Oustide
* OutsideConcurrently Tested Valve(s)/Boundary(s)
Admin. Limit 100No Related Tag(s)Test Leak Work Order As Left TestDate Rate Number Entered?
StatusAS FOUND 10/21/2005 20.00 5-05-504951-AA PassedAS LEFT 10/21/2005 20.00 5-05-504951-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 02/22/2005 58.50 5-99-504951-AA PassedAS LEFT 02/22/2005 58.50 5-99-504951-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 03/04/1995 20.00 5-94-501376-AA PassedAS LEFT 03/04/1995 20.00 5-94-501376-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 04/15/1993 20.00 5-92-501376-AA PassedAS LEFT 04/15/1993 20.00 5-92-501376-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 09/13/1991 3.50 S-91-00008
-24 PassedAS LEFT 09/13/1991 3.50 S-91-00008
-24 Yes Passed***END OF HISTORY REPORT FOR :832-ELEC-PEN NMMLR07 Attachment 2 to TXX-13 TU ELECTRIC Page: 1 of IPage LOCAL LEAK RATE TEST Date 11/0612012 1 Past Performance History Report Time: 13:35:32Unit/Pene.
No 810-ELEC-PEN System/Service:
ELEC. PENS.Procedure OPT-858A
/ RT 504950 CurrentInterval
: 3660Minimum Path Maximum Path Test Type CAsFound (A) .1.00 ..31.00 Pene. Status .PassedAsLeft (AL) : 31.00 31.00 Next Test Due 10/29/2015 Valve/Boundary
: 810-ELEC-TC Inside/Oustide OutsideConcurrently Tested Valve(s)lBoundary(s)
Admin. Limit 100No Related Tag(s)Test Leak Work Order As Left TestDate Rate Number Entered?
StatusAS FOUND 10/21/2005 31.00 5-05-504950-AA PassedAS LEFT 10/21/2005 31.00 5-05-504950-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 03/01/2005 4.00 5-99-504950-AA PassedAS LEFT 03/01/2005 4.00 5-99-504950-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 03/04/1995 20.00 5-94-500217-AA PassedAS LEFT 03/04/1995 20.00 5-94-500217-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 04/15/1993 20.00 5-92-500217-AA PassedAS LEFT 04/15/1993 20.00 5-92-500217-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 09/12/1991 49.00 S-91-000082-3 PassedAF Comments:SEE TE 91-2683AS LEFT 09/12/1991 49.00 S-91-000082-3 Yes Passed***END OF HISTORY REPORT FOR :810- ELEC- PEN NMMLR07 Attachment 2 to TXX-131571 TU ELECTRIC Page: 1 of ICPSES Page LOCAL LEAK RATE TEST Date 11/06/2012 Page 5 of 7 Past Performance History ReportTime : 13"20:53Unit/Pene.No
: 2-852-ELEC-PEN System/Service
: ELEC PENProcedure
* OPT-860B
/ RT 504708 CurrentInterval
: 1830Minimum Path Maximum Path Test Type CAs Foun (AF): 71.00 71.00 Pene. Status .PassedAsLeft (,.) : 71.00 71.00 Next Test Due : 09/25/2017 Valve/Boundary
: 2-852-ELEC-TC Inside IOustide
* OutsideConcurrently Tested Valve(s)/Boundary(s)
Admin. Limit 100No Related Tag(s)Test Leak Work Order As Left TestDate Rate Number Entered?
StatusAS FOUND 09/21/2012 71.00 --444939-1 PassedAS LEFT 09/21/2012 71.00 --444939-1 Yes PassedAS FOUND 07/30/2009 20.00 --350413-7 PassedAS LEFT 07/30/2009 20.00 --350413-7 Yes PassedAS FOUND 04/21/2005 78.00 5-05-504708-AA PassedAS LEFT 04/21/2005 78.00 5-05-504708-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 04/02/2002 20.00 5-02-504708-AA PassedAS LEFT 04/02/2002 20.00 5-02-504708-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 01/02/2001 20.30 5-99-504708-AA PassedAS LEFT 01/02/2001 20.30 5-99-504708-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 02/25/1996 11.76 5-95-501368-AA PassedAS LEFT 02/25/1996 11.76 5-95-501368-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 10/09/1994 7.80 5-94-501368-AA PassedAS LEFT 10/09/1994 7.80 5-94-501368-AA Yes Passed***END OF HISTORY REPORT FOR :2-852-ELEC-PEN NMMLR07 571 TU ELECTRIC Page: 1 ofCPSES Attachment 2 to TXX- 13157 LCLLA AETSCPI IPg 6o LOCAL LEAK RATE TEST Date : 11/06/2012 CS age 6 of 7 Past Performance History Report te 13206Time : 13-.25:06 Unit/Pene.
No : 2-832-ELEC-PEN SystemlService
: ELEC PENProcedure
: OPT-859B Current Interval
: 1830Minimum Path Maximum Path Test TypeAsF d (AF) : 53.00 53.00 Pene. Status .PassedAs Left.. (AL) : 53.00 53.00 Next Test Due : 09/25/2017 Valve/Boundary
: 2-832-ELEC-TC InsidelOustide
* OutsideConcurrently Tested Valve(s)/Boundary(s)
Admin. Limit : 100No Related Tag(s)Test Leak Work Order As Left TestDate Rate Number Entered?
StatusAS FOUND 09/21/2012 53.00 --442849-1 PassedAS LEFT 09/21/2012 53.00 --442849-1 Yes PassedAS FOUND 06/27/2009 96.00 --350324-2 PassedAS LEFT 06/27/2009 96.00 --350324-2 Yes PassedAS FOUND 04/20/2005 84.00 5-03-504698-AA PassedAS LEFT 04/20/2005 84.00 5-03-504698-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 12/01/2000 50.00 5-99-504698-AA PassedAS LEFT 12/01/2000 50.00 5-99-504698-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 02/24/1996 19.40 5-95-502014-AA PassedAS LEFT 02/24/1996 19.40 5-95-502014-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 10/08/1994 14.00 5-94-502014-AA PassedAS LEFT 10/08/1994 14.00 5-94-502014-AA Yes Passed***END OF HISTORY REPORT FOR :2-832-ELEC-PEN NMMLR07 Attachment 2 to TXX-131571 TU ELECTRIC Page: 1 ofPage 7 of 7 LOCAL LEAK RATE TEST Date 11106/2012 Past Performance History Report Time: 13:27:01Unit/Pene.No
: 2-810-ELEC-PEN System/Service:
ELEC PENProcedure
: OPT-858B/
RT 504697 CurrentInterval
: 1830Minimum Path Maximum Path Test TypeAs Fund(AF)
: 55.50 55.50 Pene. Status .PassedAsLeft (AL) : 55.50 55.50 Next Test Due : 09/30/2017 Valve/Boundary
: 2-810-ELEC-TC InsidelOustide
* OutsideConcurrently Tested Valve(s)/Boundary(s)
Admin. Limit 100No Related Tag(s)Test Leak Work Order As Left TestDate Rate Number Entered?
StatusAS FOUND 09/26/2012 55.50 --443028-4 PassedAS LEFT 09/26/2012 55.50 --443028-4 Yes PassedAS FOUND 06/30/2009 74.50 --350321-4 PassedAS LEFT 06/30/2009 74.50 --350321-4 Yes PassedAS FOUND 04/20/2005 77.40 5-03-504697-AA PassedAS LEFT 04/20/2005 77.40 5-03-504697-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 12/16/2000 85.00 5-99-504697-AA PassedAS LEFT 12/16/2000 85.00 5-99-504697-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 02/25/1996 15.62 5-95-500059-AA PassedAS LEFT 02/25/1996 15.62 5-95-500059-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 10/09/1994 23.40 5-94-500059-AA PassedAS LEFT 10/09/1994 23.40 5-94-500059-AA Yes Passed***END OF HISTORY REPORT FOR :2-810-ELEC-PEN}}

Revision as of 17:02, 3 July 2018

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant - Relief Request No. 1/2E3-1 for Containment Electrical Penetrations (Third IWE Interval: Start Date - September 10, 2012; End Date - September 9, 2021)
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/2013
From: Flores R, McCool T P
Luminant Power
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CP-201301278, TXX-13157
Download: ML13312A124 (12)


Rafael Flores Luminant PowerSenior Vice President P 0 Box 1002& Chief Nuclear Officer 6322 North FM Glen Rose, TX 76043Luminant TC 817 559 0403F 254 897 6652CP-201301278 Ref. # 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(ii)

TXX-13157 October 31, 2013U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control DeskWashington, DC 20555





1. Letter logged TXX-12118 dated August 16, 2012, from Rafael Flores to the NRCsubmitting Relief Request E-1 for Containment Electrical Penetrations (TAC Nos.ME9261 and ME 9262) (ML12240A051)
2. Letter logged TXX-12162 dated November 14, 2012, from Rafael Flores to the NRCsubmitting Response to Request for Additional Information for Relief Request E-1(TAC Nos. ME9261 and ME 9262) (ML12348A006)
3. NRC Letter dated June 26, 2013 from Michael T. Markley to Rafael Flores concerning Request for Relief No. E-1 (TAC Nos. ME9261 and ME 9262) (ML13158A093)

Dear Sir or Madam:

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(ii),

Luminant Generation Company LLC (Luminant Power) issubmitting Relief Request 1/2 E3-1 for containment electrical penetrations for the third ten year IWEInspection interval for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (CPNPP) Units 1 and 2.Luminant Power has determined that compliance with certain inspection requirements of ASME Section XIwould result in an unnecessary hardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level ofquality and safety.This relief request was previously submitted to the NRC via References I and 2 and reviewed via Reference 3.Luminant Power requests approval of this relief request by March 29, 2014, to support the upcoming CPNPPUnit 2 refueling outage.This communication contains no new commitments regarding Comanche Peak Units 1 and 2.A member of the STARS AllianceCallaway-Comanche Peak

  • Diablo Canyon
  • Palo Verde
  • Wolf Creek U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission TXX-13157 Page 2 of 210/31/2013 Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Jack Hicks at (254) 897-6725.

Sincerely, Luminant Generation Company LLCRafael FloresBy:Thomas P. McCoolVice President, Station SupportAttachments

1. Relief Request 1/2E3-1For Containment Electrical Penetrations (ThirdIWE Interval:

Start Date -September 10, 2012)2. Local Leak Rate (Type B) Resultsc -Marc L. Dapas, Region IVBalwant K. Singal, NRRResident Inspectors, Comanche PeakJack Ballard, ANII, Comanche PeakRobert FreeEnvironmental Monitoring

& Emergency Response ManagerTexas Department of State Health ServicesMail Code 1986P.O. Box 149347Austin, TX 78714-9347 Attachment 1 to TXX-13157 Page 1 of 3COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS UNITS 1 AND 2RELIEF REQUEST NUMBER 1/2E3-1 FOR CONTAINMENT ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS (THIRD 10 YEAR IWE INTERVAL START DATE: SEPTEMBER 10, 2012)1. ASME Code Component Affected:

CPNPP Unit 1 and Unit 2 IWE Containment Electrical Penetrations that are covered by RadiantEnergy Shielding (RES) as listed below:CPNPP Unit 1 Electrical Penetrations:

E-0006, E-0009, E-0016, E-0018, E-0029, E-0039, E-0040, E-0056, E-0060CPNPP Unit 2 Electrical Penetration:

2-E-0006, 2-E-0009, 2-E-0015, 2-E-0016, 2-E-0018, 2-E-0039, 2-E-0040, 2-E-0045, 2-E-0056, 2-E-0060, 2-E-0066, 2-E-00612. Applicable Code Edition and Addenda:The applicable ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (hereafter referred to as the "Code")edition and addenda is ASME Section XI, "Rules for Inservice of Nuclear Power PlantComponents,"

2007 Edition through 2008 Addenda.3. Applicable Code Requirement:

Table IWE-2500-1, Examination Category E-A, Item No. E1.11, of the Code requires a GeneralVisual inspection of 100% of the accessible containment surface areas including the electrical penetrations listed in Section 1 of this Relief Request.4. Impracticality of Compliance (10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(ii))

The surfaces of 20 of 21 electrical penetrations are currently covered with Radiant EnergyShielding (RES) material which precludes the General Visual examination of the surface requiredby Table IWE-2500-1, Examination Category E-A, Item No. E1.11. This RES material is designedfor post fire safe shutdown protection.

RES is made from a custom sewn ceramic fiber blanket ina fireproof fabric envelope which is banded in place and is not designed for removal andreinstallation.

The construction of the RES is such that, if damaged, the fibrous material can createexcessive waste, and will require additional attention to prevent sump clogging.

Electrical Penetration 2-E-0061 will have RES material installed during the 2RF14 refueling outage.Relief Request 1/2E3-1 pertains to the visual examination of 21 stainless steel electrical penetration assemblies covered with radiant energy shielding material that are proposed to notbe visually examined each period (3) during the third IWE interval.

The local areas of thecontainment liner around these 21 electrical penetrations will be visually examined each periodduring the third interval.

Electrical Penetration 2-E-0061 is included for future inspection periodsduring the third IWE interval.

A visual examination will be performed prior to installation of theRES material on 2-E-0061.

5. Burden Caused by Compliance:

A total of 1200 man-hours per Unit would be required to remove the RES, perform theexamination, repair and/or replace damaged RES, and re-install install the shielding.

The totalradiation exposure to perform these activities is estimated to exceed 3.5 man-Rem per unit overthe inspection interval.

The extensive craft and radiation protection support that would be Attachment 1 to TXX-13157 Page 2 of 3COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS UNITS 1 AND 2RELIEF REQUEST NUMBER 1/2E3-1 FOR CONTAINMENT ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS (THIRD 10 YEAR IWE INTERVAL START DATE: SEPTEMBER 10, 2012)required for scaffolding, RES material

removal, repair or replacement of damaged RES material, and RES material re-installation on these 21 electrical penetrations would not be compensated forby an increase in the level of plant quality and safety.6. Proposed Alternative and Basis for Use:The accessible surface areas of the metal containment liner, including all mechanical penetrations and the remaining 66 Unit I and 34 Unit 2 electrical penetrations are not covered with RES andare accessible for the required examination.

An evaluation of these covered penetrations wouldbe performed and the RES would be removed if conditions exist in accessible areas that indicatedegradation could also exist or extend into the RES covered areas. This relief is being requested for 21 electrical penetrations (9 for Unit 1, 12 for Unit 2) which are all of stainless steelconstruction and represent less than I percent of the total IWE metal containment surface area.The previously examined mechanical penetration assemblies and the containment liner are ofcarbon steel construction and are more susceptible to corrosion type damage mechanisms.

Thecarbon steel containment liner and mechanical penetrations and the remaining stainless steelelectrical penetrations have all been examined each period during the second interval withoutany degradation or corrosion identified.

Also, Comanche Peak has adequate confidence that thestainless steel surfaces of the electrical penetrations are not susceptible to the damagemechanisms that may affect the carbon steel surfaces.

Therefore, there are no additional safetybenefits in examining these penetration surfaces.

Additionally, below are the results of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), Part 50,Appendix J containment integrated leak rate test (Type A) and their comparison with theallowable leakage rate specified in the plant Technical Specifications (TSs).Reference T.S. 5.5.16.c

& 5.5.16.d.1

& T.S. Bases 3.6.1:Allowable leakage rate (La) of 0.1% of containment air weight per day.The As-found Type A test surveillance acceptance criteria is leakage rate less than or equal to 1.0La. In addition the As-left Type A test surveillance acceptance criteria is leakage rate less than orequal to 0.75 La prior to entering the mode in which containment operability is required (Mode 4).Unit 1 Type A test results performed in April 2007:* The As-found leakage rate was 0.063019%

weight per day which met the As-foundsurveillance criteria of 0.1% weight per day.* The As-left leakage rate was 0.0630% weight per day which met the As-left surveillance criteria of 0.075% weight per day.Unit 2 Type A test results performed in October 2012:* The As-found leakage rate was 0.0595% weight per day which met the As-found surveillance criteria of 0.1% weight per day.* The As-left leakage rate was 0.0594% weight per day which met the As-left surveillance criteria of 0.075% weight per day.The results of Type B leakage test of those electrical penetrations included in RR 1/2E3-1 (total of21 penetrations, 9 in CPNPP, Unit 1 and 12 in CPNPP, Unit 2) are provided in Attachment


Attachment I to TXX-13157 Page 3 of 3COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS UNITS 1 AND 2RELIEF REQUEST NUMBER 1/2E3-1 FOR CONTAINMENT ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS (THIRD 10 YEAR IWE INTERVAL START DATE: SEPTEMBER 10, 2012)The electrical penetrations are tested in groupings by elevation.

The electrical penetrations inquestion are part of the overall groupings categorized as follows:Unit 1:* 852-ELEC-PEN includes E-0006, E-0009, E-0016, & E-0018* 832-ELEC-PEN includes E-0029, E-0039, & E-0040* 810-ELEC-PEN includes E-0056 & E-0060Unit 2:* 2-852-ELEC-PEN includes 2-E-0006, 2-E-0009, 2-E-0015, 2-E-0016,

& 2-E-0018* 2-832-ELEC-PEN includes 2-E-0039, 2-E-0040,

& 2-E-0045* 2-810-ELEC-PEN includes 2-E-0056, 2-E-0060, 2-E-0061,

& 2-E-0066See Attachment 2 for the Local Leak Rate (Type B) Results for each grouping.

There have been noprevious failures for these penetrations for Unit 1 or Unit 2. The results listed in Attachment 2are in standard cubic centimeters per minute (sccm). The administrative limit for each test is 100sccm. However, the Unit I tests performed in 1991 had an administrative limit of 25 sccm. Thetwo tests that exceeded 25 sccm had a technical evaluation performed which documented theacceptability of the test results via Technical Evaluation (TE) 91-2683.The discussion above and the results of the Type A and Type B tests demonstrate that there areno additional safety benefits in examining these penetration surfaces.

7. Duration of Proposed Alternative:

The third ten-year IWE interval for CPNPP Unit 1 and Unit 2 began on September 10, 2012 andwill end on September 9, 2021. The third interval was shortened to nine years due to extending the second interval to eleven years.8. Precedents:

1) Letter logged TXX-01148 dated September 10, 2001 from C. L. Terry to the NRC submitting Relief Request E-2 for Unit 1 Electrical Penetrations (ADAMS Accession NumberML012570293)
2) Letter logged TXX-00151 dated August 10, 2000 from C. L. Terry to the NRC submitting Relief Requests D-1 and E-2 for Unit 2 Electrical Penetrations (ADAMS Accession NumberML003741700)
3) Letter logged TXX-12118 dated August 16,2012 from Rafael Flores to the NRC submitted Relief Request E-1 for Unit 1 and Unit 2 Electrical Penetrations for the Second IWE Interval(ADAMS Accession Number ML12240A051) and supplemented on November 14, 2012(ADAMS Accession Number ML12348A006)

ATTACHMENT 2 to TXX-13157 Local Leak Rate (Type B) Results NMMLR07 TU ELECTRIC Page: 1 of ICPSES IAttachment 2 to TXX-13157 LOCAL LEAK RATE TEST Date 11/0612012 2of 7 1 Past Performance History ReportTime : 13:32:19UnitlPene.No

852-ELEC-PEN SystemlService

RT 504952 Current Interval

3660Minimum Path Maximum Path Test Type CAsFound (AF) : 91.30 91.30 Pene. Status .PassedAsLeft (AL) 91.30 91.30 Next Test Due : 10/29/2015 Valve/Boundary
852-ELEC-TC Inside IOustide
  • OutsideConcurrently Tested Valve(s)/Boundary(s)

Admin. Limit : 100No Related Tag(s)Test Leak Work Order As Left TestDate Rate Number Entered?

StatusAS FOUND 10/21/2005 91.30 5-05-504952-AA PassedAS LEFT 10/21/2005 91.30 5-05-504952-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 10/01/2002 2.00 5-02-504952-AA PassedAS LEFT 10/01/2002 2.00 5-02-504952-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 03/04/1995 17.00 5-94-501651-AA PassedAS LEFT 03/04/1995 17.00 5-94-501651-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 04/14/1993 20.00 5-92-501651-AA PassedAS LEFT 04/14/1993 20.00 5-92-501651-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 09/12/1991 68.00 S-91-00008

-25 PassedAF Comments:

SEE TE 91-2683AS LEFT 09/12/1991 68.00 S-91-00008

-25 Yes Passed***END OF HISTORY REPORT FOR :852-ELEC-PEN NMMLR07 TU ELECTRIC Page: 1 ofCPSES Attachment 2 to TXX-1 3157 LOCAL LEAK RATE TESTPage 3 of 7 Past Performance History Report Date 11/06/2012 Time : 13:34:16Unit/Pene.No

832-ELEC-PEN System/Service
ELEC. PENProcedure

/ RT 504951 CurrentInterval

3660Minimum Path Maximum Path Test TypeAsFound (AF) : 20.00 20.00 Pene. Status .PassedAsLt (AL) : 20.00 20.00 Next Test Due : 10/29/2015 Valve/Boundary
832-ELEC-TC Inside/Oustide
  • OutsideConcurrently Tested Valve(s)/Boundary(s)

Admin. Limit 100No Related Tag(s)Test Leak Work Order As Left TestDate Rate Number Entered?

StatusAS FOUND 10/21/2005 20.00 5-05-504951-AA PassedAS LEFT 10/21/2005 20.00 5-05-504951-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 02/22/2005 58.50 5-99-504951-AA PassedAS LEFT 02/22/2005 58.50 5-99-504951-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 03/04/1995 20.00 5-94-501376-AA PassedAS LEFT 03/04/1995 20.00 5-94-501376-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 04/15/1993 20.00 5-92-501376-AA PassedAS LEFT 04/15/1993 20.00 5-92-501376-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 09/13/1991 3.50 S-91-00008

-24 PassedAS LEFT 09/13/1991 3.50 S-91-00008

-24 Yes Passed***END OF HISTORY REPORT FOR :832-ELEC-PEN NMMLR07 Attachment 2 to TXX-13 TU ELECTRIC Page: 1 of IPage LOCAL LEAK RATE TEST Date 11/0612012 1 Past Performance History Report Time: 13:35:32Unit/Pene.

No 810-ELEC-PEN System/Service:

ELEC. PENS.Procedure OPT-858A

/ RT 504950 CurrentInterval

3660Minimum Path Maximum Path Test Type CAsFound (A) .1.00 ..31.00 Pene. Status .PassedAsLeft (AL) : 31.00 31.00 Next Test Due 10/29/2015 Valve/Boundary
810-ELEC-TC Inside/Oustide OutsideConcurrently Tested Valve(s)lBoundary(s)

Admin. Limit 100No Related Tag(s)Test Leak Work Order As Left TestDate Rate Number Entered?

StatusAS FOUND 10/21/2005 31.00 5-05-504950-AA PassedAS LEFT 10/21/2005 31.00 5-05-504950-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 03/01/2005 4.00 5-99-504950-AA PassedAS LEFT 03/01/2005 4.00 5-99-504950-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 03/04/1995 20.00 5-94-500217-AA PassedAS LEFT 03/04/1995 20.00 5-94-500217-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 04/15/1993 20.00 5-92-500217-AA PassedAS LEFT 04/15/1993 20.00 5-92-500217-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 09/12/1991 49.00 S-91-000082-3 PassedAF Comments:SEE TE 91-2683AS LEFT 09/12/1991 49.00 S-91-000082-3 Yes Passed***END OF HISTORY REPORT FOR :810- ELEC- PEN NMMLR07 Attachment 2 to TXX-131571 TU ELECTRIC Page: 1 of ICPSES Page LOCAL LEAK RATE TEST Date 11/06/2012 Page 5 of 7 Past Performance History ReportTime : 13"20:53Unit/Pene.No

2-852-ELEC-PEN System/Service
ELEC PENProcedure
  • OPT-860B

/ RT 504708 CurrentInterval

1830Minimum Path Maximum Path Test Type CAs Foun (AF): 71.00 71.00 Pene. Status .PassedAsLeft (,.) : 71.00 71.00 Next Test Due : 09/25/2017 Valve/Boundary
2-852-ELEC-TC Inside IOustide
  • OutsideConcurrently Tested Valve(s)/Boundary(s)

Admin. Limit 100No Related Tag(s)Test Leak Work Order As Left TestDate Rate Number Entered?

StatusAS FOUND 09/21/2012 71.00 --444939-1 PassedAS LEFT 09/21/2012 71.00 --444939-1 Yes PassedAS FOUND 07/30/2009 20.00 --350413-7 PassedAS LEFT 07/30/2009 20.00 --350413-7 Yes PassedAS FOUND 04/21/2005 78.00 5-05-504708-AA PassedAS LEFT 04/21/2005 78.00 5-05-504708-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 04/02/2002 20.00 5-02-504708-AA PassedAS LEFT 04/02/2002 20.00 5-02-504708-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 01/02/2001 20.30 5-99-504708-AA PassedAS LEFT 01/02/2001 20.30 5-99-504708-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 02/25/1996 11.76 5-95-501368-AA PassedAS LEFT 02/25/1996 11.76 5-95-501368-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 10/09/1994 7.80 5-94-501368-AA PassedAS LEFT 10/09/1994 7.80 5-94-501368-AA Yes Passed***END OF HISTORY REPORT FOR :2-852-ELEC-PEN NMMLR07 571 TU ELECTRIC Page: 1 ofCPSES Attachment 2 to TXX- 13157 LCLLA AETSCPI IPg 6o LOCAL LEAK RATE TEST Date : 11/06/2012 CS age 6 of 7 Past Performance History Report te 13206Time : 13-.25:06 Unit/Pene.

No : 2-832-ELEC-PEN SystemlService

ELEC PENProcedure
OPT-859B Current Interval
1830Minimum Path Maximum Path Test TypeAsF d (AF) : 53.00 53.00 Pene. Status .PassedAs Left.. (AL) : 53.00 53.00 Next Test Due : 09/25/2017 Valve/Boundary
2-832-ELEC-TC InsidelOustide
  • OutsideConcurrently Tested Valve(s)/Boundary(s)

Admin. Limit : 100No Related Tag(s)Test Leak Work Order As Left TestDate Rate Number Entered?

StatusAS FOUND 09/21/2012 53.00 --442849-1 PassedAS LEFT 09/21/2012 53.00 --442849-1 Yes PassedAS FOUND 06/27/2009 96.00 --350324-2 PassedAS LEFT 06/27/2009 96.00 --350324-2 Yes PassedAS FOUND 04/20/2005 84.00 5-03-504698-AA PassedAS LEFT 04/20/2005 84.00 5-03-504698-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 12/01/2000 50.00 5-99-504698-AA PassedAS LEFT 12/01/2000 50.00 5-99-504698-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 02/24/1996 19.40 5-95-502014-AA PassedAS LEFT 02/24/1996 19.40 5-95-502014-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 10/08/1994 14.00 5-94-502014-AA PassedAS LEFT 10/08/1994 14.00 5-94-502014-AA Yes Passed***END OF HISTORY REPORT FOR :2-832-ELEC-PEN NMMLR07 Attachment 2 to TXX-131571 TU ELECTRIC Page: 1 ofPage 7 of 7 LOCAL LEAK RATE TEST Date 11106/2012 Past Performance History Report Time: 13:27:01Unit/Pene.No

2-810-ELEC-PEN System/Service:

ELEC PENProcedure


RT 504697 CurrentInterval

1830Minimum Path Maximum Path Test TypeAs Fund(AF)
55.50 55.50 Pene. Status .PassedAsLeft (AL) : 55.50 55.50 Next Test Due : 09/30/2017 Valve/Boundary
2-810-ELEC-TC InsidelOustide
  • OutsideConcurrently Tested Valve(s)/Boundary(s)

Admin. Limit 100No Related Tag(s)Test Leak Work Order As Left TestDate Rate Number Entered?

StatusAS FOUND 09/26/2012 55.50 --443028-4 PassedAS LEFT 09/26/2012 55.50 --443028-4 Yes PassedAS FOUND 06/30/2009 74.50 --350321-4 PassedAS LEFT 06/30/2009 74.50 --350321-4 Yes PassedAS FOUND 04/20/2005 77.40 5-03-504697-AA PassedAS LEFT 04/20/2005 77.40 5-03-504697-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 12/16/2000 85.00 5-99-504697-AA PassedAS LEFT 12/16/2000 85.00 5-99-504697-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 02/25/1996 15.62 5-95-500059-AA PassedAS LEFT 02/25/1996 15.62 5-95-500059-AA Yes PassedAS FOUND 10/09/1994 23.40 5-94-500059-AA PassedAS LEFT 10/09/1994 23.40 5-94-500059-AA Yes Passed***END OF HISTORY REPORT FOR :2-810-ELEC-PEN