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Nuclear                              TMI-2 Departmental
                                                        ,d;inistrative Procedure manuai                        4210-xon-2610.01
*.                  Requin!ments for Certification of Candidates for NRC
(                Operator Licenses                                                                                  0
              ##'Ne 7  sIntfe'l Involved in Certifying Individuals Applying For                            "'*""**O**
NRC Operator Licenses and Renewals                                                              7141 This documentis important to safety a Yesa No                                                Effective Date List of Effective Pages Page      Revision        Page      Revision          Page        Revision        Page      Revision 1.0            0 2.0            0                                        -
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Number ENuclear                          ,,,lo,T,allPeT,R'egManual                    4210-ADM-2610.01 Revision No.
            "*    Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC
(              Operator Licenses                                                                  0
            -1.0  PURPOSE 1.1  T.he purpose of this procedure is to establish steps to be followed by managerial or supervisory personnel for certifying individuals applying for NRC Operator licenses or renewals.
2.0 APPLICABILITY / SCOPE 2.1  The procedure is appilcable to all personnel involved in certifying candidates for an Operators license.
3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1  Operator - any individual            anipulates a co            t    facility.
3.2  Senior operator - an        v          esignate            11ty licensee to
                      . direct the licensed            t      of licens            rs.
4.0 PROCEDURE                                              D 4.1    Reactor Operator      cense Ap M
(                      4.1.1    All applica fled to th        a r        ctor Ope' rector      I-2 License must be certi-ting the prerequisites for 11 m g              assuming              ies. The certification wil      Yn t 'orm of              gn      nse application, Form NRC 39              1).
4.1.2      he    llcations                a companied by the individuals training 1 and a writt;              ficationfromtheManagerPlantOpera-ons. If the ap            nt is not from the Operations Department a written certification from the appilcants line manager is also required.    '
4.1.3    License-AppIlcation  An application Form NRC 398 will be prepared by the Training Department in accordance with 10 CFR 55, Sections 55.10 for initial appilcations, and Section 55.12 for reapp11 cations.                                    The applications are sent to the THI-2 Licensing Department for 5                        review, signature by the Office of the Director THI-2, and g                        transmittal to the NRC.
9 5              4.1.4    The operator Training Manager will provide written certification
        !"                        (Exhibit 3) that the applicant has satisfactorily completed the E                        THI-2 Replacement Operator Training Program.            Specifically, this 3                        certification, unless otherwise noted, means that the license
(      ~
applicant has:
3                        a. Het prerequisites 3 and 4 of the THI-2 Replacement Operator y                              Training Program.
A000105011 82 2.0
Number Nuclear                          mI-2 oepartmentai Administrative Procedure Manual                    421Q-ADM 2610.01
            **                                                                                Revision No.
Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC
  .(            Operator Licenses                                                                        n
: b. Satisfactorily completed weekly examinations or makeups during the classroom phase with minimum grade of 70 percent for each examination.
: c. Satisfactorily completed on-the-job training (0JT) as indi-cated by completed task sheets including final sign-off by a Shift Supervisor or Shift Foreman and by passing written examinations at the end of each OJT phase with a minimum grade of 70 percent for each examination.
: d. Passed a comprehensive written examinat                        he end of the training program with a minimum                  e          percent overall and 70 percent on each syst
: e. Passed a ive oral              t      t the end of the traini    ro          ith a gr                s".
: f.      T              cation sh            e      oved by the Manager, Plant 4.1.5      The Ma      er, Plan              n    ill forw yd a completed Candidate Progress Repor      -
c    nt Opera        Training Program) to the C                            Office of t A1 ec              as part o More det        Y          , such        the  a'Eprtification    package.
examinations      or OJT sheets                ovided up                t.
4.1.6      ]                Plant 0          q          all provide written certifica-d
                                  .      xhibit 2)                    plicant has the necessary exper-en    nd is rea                  e licensed duties. Specifically, tI certificati                  ess otherwise noted, shall mean that the cense applicant.
: a.      Has met prerequisites I and 2 of Reference 7.4 in the THI-2 Replacement Op'erator Training Program.
: b.      Possesses the capability to operate the controls in the THI-2 Control Room.
: c.      Possesses the maturity, integrity, and judgement to safely perform the duties and responsibilities of a Reactor 5                              Operator.
      ;            4.1.7      The basis for certification of Items b and c Section 4.1.6 shall
      $                        be personal observation and reports from shift supervisors and other licensed operators with whom the applicant has worked on E                        shift and shall include the applicants willingness and ability
{                        to:
h                        A. Follow written procedures and directions from supervisory g                              personnel.
2 AOOO105011-82 3.0
Number MNuclear                      ,,,,o, F ,;1 Pe % % u'er Manuai                            azio-40s-2sio oi
          ** Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC
{          Operator Licenses
n B. Maintain logs, records and other administrative cocumenta-tion required of a reactor operator."
C. Make timely reports as required by specific situations and procedures.
4.1.8    The certification shall also be based on input from the train-ing department concerning the applicant's desire to learn and attitude toward meeting training requirements.
4.1.9      This certification shall be endorsed by the                                  ations Director, THI-2.    In those insta                  re the licen                          is not from the Operations D                        he appli-            's      e manager must also make out            f    -lon simil                    th    required of the Manager                  rations      4 e              .l.6. In this case the spe f      o        t certifici                          the basis on which it is made        be includec            t          ten certification. The certi-ficati      1all be                d      the Site Operations Director.
4.1.10    A doctor mus                        at the a
(                          requiremen      @
t 55 by (g n i nt meets the medical submitting the medical certif                    Form 396          <      e        aining Department.  G                lude NRC                9      h the other license certifica-al when s to the NRC.
4.1          (1    puty Direc r                  will make final certification Exhibit 1) to t                  that an applicant is ready to be licensed. This certification is made by signing the NRC Form 398 and pertinent enclosures and is based on both the written certifications described above and a personal interview with the applicant.
4.2  Senior Reactor Operator License Applicants 4.2.1      All applicants for a Senior Reactor Operator's License must be certified to the Office of the Director, THI-2, as meeting the prerequisites for licensing and assuming licensed duties. This 5                    certification is in the form of a signed license application NRC g                    Form 398 prepared by the Training Department.
n 5    The application will be accompanied by the individual's training file and a written certification required by Section 4.2.4. In r                    addition, a written certification is required in accordance with 3                    Section 4.2.7 if the applicant is not from the Operations
(    i Department. The training file consists of the summary document-ation required to support Section a through e.
A000105011 82 4.0
Number Nuclear                                  I-2 oepartmentai Administrative Procedure Manual                      4210-ADM-2610.01 Title                                                                                    Revision No.
Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC
  .(                Operator Licenses                                                                            0 4.2.2      License Appilcations    An application Form NRC 398 will be prepared by the Training Department in accordance with 10 CFR 55, Sections 55.10 for initial appilcations, and Section 55.12 for reapp11 cations.
These forms are sent to the THI-2 Licensing Department for review, signature by the Office of the Director THI-2, and transmittal to the NRC.
4.2.3      Certification    The Operator Training Manager, will                          e          n certifica-tion (Exhibit 3 that the applican                                  ctorily completed the THI-2 SeM M eactor Operato.                                rogram. Specific-        ,
ally, this (                    tion, uni    go        tTli noted, means that the; licens              c        as:
a                  torily com e                kly examinations or makeups the el        r          e of the program with a minimum de of 8              n      r each examination.
: b. Satis          o              pieted      a s indicated by completed task
(                                          sh                    ing final                of each task sheet by a e      1 isor org ons at          a f  o      n and by passing written each OJT phase with a minimum r      of 80 pe              f      h examination.
Passed a                      t e written examination at the end of the tral              r      am with a minimum grade of 80 percent overall                  percent on each section.
: d. Passed a comprehensive oral examination at the end of the training program with a grade of " Pass".
: e. This certification is to be approved by the Manager, Plant Training.
NOTE:            In instances, where the appitcant intends to use the NRC license in the performance of duties not involving those of Shift Foreman or Shift Super.-
5                                                  visor, e.g., a Shift Technical Advisor, Engineer, 5                                                  or Training Department Instructor, the training 5                                                  program may be other. than that specified by the 5                                                  Senior Operator Training Program. In these 2                                                  cases, the Operator Training Manager's, certific-E                                                  ation of program completion specifies the program l6                                                requirements and includes justification that the
(      8_
applicant's program provided adequate preparation to sit for an SRO license.
A000105011-0 5.0
Number Nuclear
        -                                                  I-2 oepartmentai Administrative Procedure Manual              4210-ADM-2610.01 Revision No.
Title Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC
(              Operator Licenses                                                                    0 4.2.4    The Manager, Plant Operations is to provide written certifica-tion (Exhibit 2) that each applicant has the necessary exper-1ence, and is ready to assume Itcensed duties. Specifically, this certification means that the license applicant:
: a.      Has met prerequisites 1, 2, and 3 of the Senior Operator Training Program.
: b.      Possesses the capability to operate the c trols in the THI-2 Control Room.
: c.      Possesses the maturity, integrity                      ent to safely perform the duties and respons b              s    a Senior Reactor Operator g  The bas                  fication          n    Section 4.2.4 shall be pers                    Ion and                m Ilcensed senior reactor whom the              has worked on shift and shall i                applic      's          ness and ability to:
A.        llow w      %            ures an  trections from supervisory perso      ;
C                              B.                      ership a      di ec Ntosubordinates; n prope          s,  e rds, and other administrative mentatio r        i      of a senior reactor operator; make ti              ris as required by specific situations, and procedur E.      act as Emergency Director.
4.2.5    The certification shall also be based on input from the Train-ing Department concerning the applicant's desire to learn and attitude toward meeting training requirements.
4.2.6    This certification must be approved by the Site Operations Director THI-2.
g              4.2.7    In those instances where the license applicant is not from the 3                        Plant Operations Department, the appIlcant's line manager must
          ;;                        also make a certification similar to that required to the s                        Manager, Plant Operations described above in Section 4.1.6.                  In
          !!!                      this case, the specifics of that certification and the basis on !
9                        which it is made are to be included in the written certifica-                    '
g                        tion. This certification shall be endorsed by the Site Opera-                    ,
(    i tions Director.                                                                  :
4.2.8    Further requirements are as stated in Sections 4.1.5, 4.1.10 andl 1
: 4. i . n .
6.0                                                  j l
Number ENuclear                        ,d,in J"tha, oepa;tme g ,,,,,,                  ,,,,_,,,_,,,, ,,
Revision No.
Title Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC
(,            Operator Licenses                                                                        0 4.3  License Renewal Applicants 4.3.1    Operator licenses must be renewed every two years. All licensed operators seeking to renew their reactor operator or senior reactor operator licenses must be certified to the Office of the Director, THI-2 as meeting the requirements for license renewal.
4.3.2      This certification will be in the form of an Individual license renewal application, signed by the applicant. The application will be accompanied by the individual's trainin                      le and a written certification required by Section 4.            -
n addition a certification is required in accordance                                4.2.7 If the applicant is not from the Operations                              .
4.3.3      License Renewal          a ts    An app 11 a    n        RC 39                    y the Training Depart-ment i          d  e with 10                  tion 55.33. These applic-atio    ;    sn to the      I          sing Department for review, signatu i. y the Offt        f        1 rector THI-2, and transmittal to the      .
(                  4.3.4      Certificati    g    The Opa        y 7ning Mana            o ye documented certification tha            f ant has        fa      fly completed the Licensed alifica                g Program during the term of the and is pa    i            atisfactorily in the on-going r      at the t              renewal application. Specifically, h s certificati          s that the license renewal applicant has:
: a. Satisfactorily completed all weekly examinations given during the requalification program with a minimum grade of 80 percent for' each examination.
: b. Satisfactorily completed the reactivity manipulations and plant evolutions as required by the Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program, Reference 6.5.
: c. Participated in plant drills on an annual basis.
: d. Satisfied all mandatory upgrading requirements during the
      ';                              last full year of the program prior to license renewal.
5 2                          e. Satisfactorily completed the last annual requalification E                              written examination with a minimum grade of 80 percent g                              overall and 70 percent on each section, or completed makeup or accelerated requalification programs as applicable in
; (  6 8                              accordance with The Licensed Operator Requalification j                                Training Program.
2                                                                                                                l AOOO10501182 7.0
r      .
  ~                                                                                                                Number Nuclear                                    *t-2 Deper1mentai Administrative Procedure Manual                            4210-ADM-2610.01 Titl*
Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC
(              operator Licenses                                                                                        o
: f.            Satisfactorily completed the last annual makeup or accel-erated requalification programs as applicable in accordance with The Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program.
: g.            For those off-shift personnel, completed requirement for participation in control room activities as defined in The Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program.
This certification must be approved by the Manager Plant Training.    The Manager, Plant Operations shall provi                                    i        rtifica-tion (Exhibit 2) th t each applicant's                                  i  n    r    onsibilities have been discha                      n a competent                    s    p ner during the current license                        .          nd that    R          ton in the operation-al review p                                  lon 4.3.              YT      Icensed Operator Requalif                    on      ning Pr                            1sfactory. The                        r his car                ica        all be personal observation and rep                  from sup                  rs    garding the applicant's per-formanc              n shift                          s of com d ed operational review material as m                    at                the Ope
(                                fication shL ment co                              pplican ased on i r s Department. The certi-the Training Depart-de ir        learn and attitude toward                            ining re .                      . T            &              cation mu -                    r ved by the Site Operations ir              , THI-2.
: 4.            n those instance                        e the appilcant for license renewal is at from the Operat ns Department, refer to Section 4.2.7.
4.3        A medical doctor must certify that the applicant meets the medical requirements as Section 4.1.10.
4.3.7      Training File    The Manager, Plant Training will forward a report containing requalification weekly and annual examination results during the period of the applicant's current license. A summary of perfor-g                          mance on a through g will be included. More detailed
:-                          reports, such as the actual examinations or reactivity manipula-g                          tion and plant evolution participation records will be provided rj                          upon request.
A00010501182 8.0
Number ENuclear 2
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Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC
(                    Operator Licenses                                                                  0 4.3.8    Ofrector's Certification  The Office of the Director, THI-2 will make final certification to the NRC that an appItcant's license should be renewed.                Thl,s certification shall be based on both the written reports described above and on personal observation, and shall be docu-mented by his signature on NRC Form 398.            Where the Deputy Director has not had the opportunity to observe the appilcant's performance, a personal interview shall be conduc d to verify the desirability of license renewal.
4.4  Record Retention 4.4.1      Upon final certi            on or reject 1      f        vidual appil-cant, the Offt                Ofrector              ha    return all reports an          1        ons mad          a ' o an application to the Tral i                ent, wh e                be retained in the Indiv                iningfoldrho              life of the plant.
4.5  Certification fo        examinatt 4.5.1      The Office of              e      . THI-      i lso responsible for certi-(                                    fication t Senior R C      all candi t r -e Reactor Operator or atton.
or Lice)                          The procedure for th                tion is im 4 p nature to the initial ce                except          th  T afning Department will document es succer,            p tion of the specific training es      shed for t eW            u 1 to prepare for the re-exam.
4.6  A            1    ho falls to          n NRC operator license examination on the pt must receive w        ten approval of the Site Operations Direc-t          before formal preparation for a re-examination begins. Follow-in    second failure, preparation for re-examination shall be approved in writing by the Office of the ' Director THI-2. Following any subsequent failures wr1tten approval of the Office of the President must be obtained before formal re-exam preparation begins.
5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1  Responsibilities are as stated in Section 4 of this procedure.
n j     
6.1  Code of Federal Regulation, 10 CFR 55.10, 55.12, 55.33.
E          6.2  Letter dated March 18, 1980 from H.R. Denton, NRC to All Power Reactor g                Appilcants and Licensees, titled " Qualification of Reactor Operators".
h          6.3  THI-2 Replacement Operator Training Program Description.
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* Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC
(              Operator Licenses                                                    0 6.4  THI-2 Senior Reactor Operator Replacement Training Program Description.
6.5  THI-2 Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program Oescription.
6.6  THI-2 Tethnical Specifications 6.10.2(m).
7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1  Exh1blt 1 - NRC Form 398                  -
7.2  Exhibit 2 - GPU Certification Letter 7.3  Exhibit 3 - NRC License Certification O
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Regirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC
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* Requirements for Certification of Candidates for.HRC
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u A00010501192 El-3
Number ENuclear                        ,,,,,,;gg,;gg;ajn,,,,,,
o 4230_,os_2sio.oi Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC
(          Operator Licenses                                                                                  O Exhibit 2
Sample letter Inter Office Memorandum
To                                      nV Location Of fice of the 0! RECTOR - TM                            T e
in accordance                                      \              210-ADM-2610.01
                                            \        is here      rti          meet the requirements (Name)      y for                          inft            al licensi Certif est n Signa    .                      .          6 Man e , P1    Lepfrations ce operations Director - IM1 Z Satisfactory I" '
                                                          ,  Of fice of the Director          TMI.Z
5 M
i A000105011 82 E2-1
r      ..
f Number ENuclear
                                                  ,,,,,,y,ai,Pe7,7,fu^reManual                        4210-ADM-2610.01 Titi*
Requirements for Certif1Catton of Candidates for NRC
(            Operator Licenses                                                                        O Exhibit 3 Sample Letter Inter Office Memorandum Date Select    NRC LICENSE CERTIFICATION Nuci (INTERIM OR FINAL)
To                                              ""*"              ~
0FFICE OF THE DIRECTOR - T Q                    T                  N In accordance wt                            A              10-ADM-2610.01 is her      arti      o meet the requirements (Name)      y for
(                                  (RO/SRO) g nl          wal licens        cle one).
n 0        r Tr    g Manager
:                    O
f( \ \ r'/
                                                          \\ )/
: 1. Certification endorsed Manager - Plant Training cc:  Training File                                                                            l l
5 o
I A00010501182 E3-1 j}}

Latest revision as of 02:07, 24 July 2020

Rev 0 to Administrative Procedure Manual 4210-ADM-2610.01, Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC Operator Licenses
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Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/10/1984
From: Perkins C
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{{#Wiki_filter:" s, .> Nuclear TMI-2 Departmental

                                                       ,d;inistrative Procedure manuai                        4210-xon-2610.01
*.                   Requin!ments for Certification of Candidates for NRC

( Operator Licenses 0

              ##'Ne 7  sIntfe'l Involved in Certifying Individuals Applying For                             "'*""**O**

NRC Operator Licenses and Renewals 7141 This documentis important to safety a Yesa No Effective Date List of Effective Pages Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision 1.0 0 2.0 0 - 3.0 0 4.0 0 5.0 0 6.0 0 7.0 0 8.0 0 O ' 9.'O O 10.0 El-1 0 0 O v El-2 0 D El-3 0 E2-1 0 _ ( E3-1 0 i. O 4 go. h

                                ,                                (              ncurring Organizational Element               Date Originator     %@hLs                                                                                     g, G.83 i V

Concurred by l

                                                                                                                                       -t Manaaer - Ooerator Trainino                       12 ,2o 63        !

4 A ,, r I M N b b ftfL N a jIt ' Manager - Quality Assurance f/ZffM i n e r k --- Licensino and Nuclear Safety /MI#h !

Il Di rect nr f nffira nf the Ofractnr TMI ? M' l l i U .' /. mb H l /

044~J '

                                                        ~             sua                                               ?b,191 Approved by                                                                                                 [    /          i-l b                               Manacer - Plant Ooerations                         2-7-A4
         !                    AM L S. 4.4                             m . nn rntinne n<r,ctnr                            2 By          I Ao       i u.a2 8506130197 850610 ADOCK 050          0                     1.0                                 Document ID: 0123b

{DR i-

Number ENuclear ,,,lo,T,allPeT,R'egManual 4210-ADM-2610.01 Revision No.

           "*     Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC

( Operator Licenses 0

           -1.0   PURPOSE 1.1   T.he purpose of this procedure is to establish steps to be followed by managerial or supervisory personnel for certifying individuals applying for NRC Operator licenses or renewals.

2.0 APPLICABILITY / SCOPE 2.1 The procedure is appilcable to all personnel involved in certifying candidates for an Operators license. 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Operator - any individual anipulates a co t facility. 3.2 Senior operator - an v esignate 11ty licensee to

                      . direct the licensed            t      of licens            rs.

4.0 PROCEDURE D 4.1 Reactor Operator cense Ap M ( 4.1.1 All applica fled to th a r ctor Ope' rector I-2 License must be certi-ting the prerequisites for 11 m g assuming ies. The certification wil Yn t 'orm of gn nse application, Form NRC 39 1). 4.1.2 he llcations a companied by the individuals training 1 and a writt; ficationfromtheManagerPlantOpera-ons. If the ap nt is not from the Operations Department a written certification from the appilcants line manager is also required. ' 4.1.3 License-AppIlcation An application Form NRC 398 will be prepared by the Training Department in accordance with 10 CFR 55, Sections 55.10 for initial appilcations, and Section 55.12 for reapp11 cations. The applications are sent to the THI-2 Licensing Department for 5 review, signature by the Office of the Director THI-2, and g transmittal to the NRC. 9 5 4.1.4 The operator Training Manager will provide written certification

        !"                        (Exhibit 3) that the applicant has satisfactorily completed the E                         THI-2 Replacement Operator Training Program.            Specifically, this 3                         certification, unless otherwise noted, means that the license

( ~ applicant has: 3 a. Het prerequisites 3 and 4 of the THI-2 Replacement Operator y Training Program. A000105011 82 2.0

Number Nuclear mI-2 oepartmentai Administrative Procedure Manual 421Q-ADM 2610.01

            **                                                                                Revision No.

Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC

 .(            Operator Licenses                                                                         n
b. Satisfactorily completed weekly examinations or makeups during the classroom phase with minimum grade of 70 percent for each examination.
c. Satisfactorily completed on-the-job training (0JT) as indi-cated by completed task sheets including final sign-off by a Shift Supervisor or Shift Foreman and by passing written examinations at the end of each OJT phase with a minimum grade of 70 percent for each examination.
d. Passed a comprehensive written examinat he end of the training program with a minimum e percent overall and 70 percent on each syst
e. Passed a ive oral t t the end of the traini ro ith a gr s".
f. T cation sh e oved by the Manager, Plant 4.1.5 The Ma er, Plan n ill forw yd a completed Candidate Progress Repor -

c nt Opera Training Program) to the C Office of t A1 ec as part o More det Y , such the a'Eprtification package. examinations or OJT sheets ovided up t. 4.1.6 ] Plant 0 q all provide written certifica-d

                                 .       xhibit 2)                    plicant has the necessary exper-en    nd is rea                  e licensed duties. Specifically, tI certificati                  ess otherwise noted, shall mean that the cense applicant.
a. Has met prerequisites I and 2 of Reference 7.4 in the THI-2 Replacement Op'erator Training Program.
b. Possesses the capability to operate the controls in the THI-2 Control Room.
c. Possesses the maturity, integrity, and judgement to safely perform the duties and responsibilities of a Reactor 5 Operator.
      ;             4.1.7      The basis for certification of Items b and c Section 4.1.6 shall
      $                        be personal observation and reports from shift supervisors and other licensed operators with whom the applicant has worked on E                        shift and shall include the applicants willingness and ability

{ to: h A. Follow written procedures and directions from supervisory g personnel. 2 AOOO105011-82 3.0

Number MNuclear ,,,,o, F ,;1 Pe % % u'er Manuai azio-40s-2sio oi

         ** Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC

{ Operator Licenses


n B. Maintain logs, records and other administrative cocumenta-tion required of a reactor operator." C. Make timely reports as required by specific situations and procedures. 4.1.8 The certification shall also be based on input from the train-ing department concerning the applicant's desire to learn and attitude toward meeting training requirements. 4.1.9 This certification shall be endorsed by the ations Director, THI-2. In those insta re the licen is not from the Operations D he appli- 's e manager must also make out f -lon simil th required of the Manager rations 4 e .l.6. In this case the spe f o t certifici the basis on which it is made be includec t ten certification. The certi-ficati 1all be d the Site Operations Director. 4.1.10 A doctor mus at the a ( requiremen @ t 55 by (g n i nt meets the medical submitting the medical certif Form 396 < e aining Department. G lude NRC 9 h the other license certifica-al when s to the NRC. 4.1 (1 puty Direc r will make final certification Exhibit 1) to t that an applicant is ready to be licensed. This certification is made by signing the NRC Form 398 and pertinent enclosures and is based on both the written certifications described above and a personal interview with the applicant. 4.2 Senior Reactor Operator License Applicants 4.2.1 All applicants for a Senior Reactor Operator's License must be certified to the Office of the Director, THI-2, as meeting the prerequisites for licensing and assuming licensed duties. This 5 certification is in the form of a signed license application NRC g Form 398 prepared by the Training Department. n 5 The application will be accompanied by the individual's training file and a written certification required by Section 4.2.4. In r addition, a written certification is required in accordance with 3 Section 4.2.7 if the applicant is not from the Operations ( i Department. The training file consists of the summary document-ation required to support Section a through e. A000105011 82 4.0

Number Nuclear I-2 oepartmentai Administrative Procedure Manual 4210-ADM-2610.01 Title Revision No. Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC

  .(                 Operator Licenses                                                                            0 4.2.2      License Appilcations    An application Form NRC 398 will be prepared by the Training Department in accordance with 10 CFR 55, Sections 55.10 for initial appilcations, and Section 55.12 for reapp11 cations.

These forms are sent to the THI-2 Licensing Department for review, signature by the Office of the Director THI-2, and transmittal to the NRC. 4.2.3 Certification The Operator Training Manager, will e n certifica-tion (Exhibit 3 that the applican ctorily completed the THI-2 SeM M eactor Operato. rogram. Specific- , ally, this ( tion, uni go tTli noted, means that the; licens c as: a torily com e kly examinations or makeups the el r e of the program with a minimum de of 8 n r each examination.

b. Satis o pieted a s indicated by completed task

( sh ing final of each task sheet by a e 1 isor org ons at a f o n and by passing written each OJT phase with a minimum r of 80 pe f h examination. Passed a t e written examination at the end of the tral r am with a minimum grade of 80 percent overall percent on each section.

d. Passed a comprehensive oral examination at the end of the training program with a grade of " Pass".
e. This certification is to be approved by the Manager, Plant Training.

NOTE: In instances, where the appitcant intends to use the NRC license in the performance of duties not involving those of Shift Foreman or Shift Super.- 5 visor, e.g., a Shift Technical Advisor, Engineer, 5 or Training Department Instructor, the training 5 program may be other. than that specified by the 5 Senior Operator Training Program. In these 2 cases, the Operator Training Manager's, certific-E ation of program completion specifies the program l6 requirements and includes justification that the ( 8_ applicant's program provided adequate preparation to sit for an SRO license. A000105011-0 5.0

Number Nuclear

       -                                                   I-2 oepartmentai Administrative Procedure Manual              4210-ADM-2610.01 Revision No.

Title Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC ( Operator Licenses 0 4.2.4 The Manager, Plant Operations is to provide written certifica-tion (Exhibit 2) that each applicant has the necessary exper-1ence, and is ready to assume Itcensed duties. Specifically, this certification means that the license applicant:

a. Has met prerequisites 1, 2, and 3 of the Senior Operator Training Program.
b. Possesses the capability to operate the c trols in the THI-2 Control Room.
c. Possesses the maturity, integrity ent to safely perform the duties and respons b s a Senior Reactor Operator g The bas fication n Section 4.2.4 shall be pers Ion and m Ilcensed senior reactor whom the has worked on shift and shall i applic 's ness and ability to: A. llow w  % ures an trections from supervisory perso  ; C B. ership a di ec Ntosubordinates; n prope s, e rds, and other administrative mentatio r i of a senior reactor operator; make ti ris as required by specific situations, and procedur E. act as Emergency Director. 4.2.5 The certification shall also be based on input from the Train-ing Department concerning the applicant's desire to learn and attitude toward meeting training requirements. 4.2.6 This certification must be approved by the Site Operations Director THI-2. g 4.2.7 In those instances where the license applicant is not from the 3 Plant Operations Department, the appIlcant's line manager must

         ;;                        also make a certification similar to that required to the s                         Manager, Plant Operations described above in Section 4.1.6.                   In
         !!!                       this case, the specifics of that certification and the basis on !

9 which it is made are to be included in the written certifica- ' g tion. This certification shall be endorsed by the Site Opera- , ( i tions Director.  : 4.2.8 Further requirements are as stated in Sections 4.1.5, 4.1.10 andl 1

4. i . n .

A000105011-{ 6.0 j l

Number ENuclear ,d,in J"tha, oepa;tme g ,,,,,, ,,,,_,,,_,,,, ,, Revision No. Title Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC (, Operator Licenses 0 4.3 License Renewal Applicants 4.3.1 Operator licenses must be renewed every two years. All licensed operators seeking to renew their reactor operator or senior reactor operator licenses must be certified to the Office of the Director, THI-2 as meeting the requirements for license renewal. 4.3.2 This certification will be in the form of an Individual license renewal application, signed by the applicant. The application will be accompanied by the individual's trainin le and a written certification required by Section 4. - n addition a certification is required in accordance 4.2.7 If the applicant is not from the Operations . 4.3.3 License Renewal a ts An app 11 a n RC 39 y the Training Depart-ment i d e with 10 tion 55.33. These applic-atio  ; sn to the I sing Department for review, signatu i. y the Offt f 1 rector THI-2, and transmittal to the . ( 4.3.4 Certificati g The Opa y 7ning Mana o ye documented certification tha f ant has fa fly completed the Licensed alifica g Program during the term of the and is pa i atisfactorily in the on-going r at the t renewal application. Specifically, h s certificati s that the license renewal applicant has:

a. Satisfactorily completed all weekly examinations given during the requalification program with a minimum grade of 80 percent for' each examination.
b. Satisfactorily completed the reactivity manipulations and plant evolutions as required by the Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program, Reference 6.5.
c. Participated in plant drills on an annual basis.
d. Satisfied all mandatory upgrading requirements during the
     ';                               last full year of the program prior to license renewal.

5 2 e. Satisfactorily completed the last annual requalification E written examination with a minimum grade of 80 percent g overall and 70 percent on each section, or completed makeup or accelerated requalification programs as applicable in

( 6 8 accordance with The Licensed Operator Requalification j Training Program.

2 l AOOO10501182 7.0

r . l

  ~                                                                                                                 Number Nuclear                                     *t-2 Deper1mentai Administrative Procedure Manual                             4210-ADM-2610.01 Titl*

Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC ( operator Licenses o

f. Satisfactorily completed the last annual makeup or accel-erated requalification programs as applicable in accordance with The Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program.
g. For those off-shift personnel, completed requirement for participation in control room activities as defined in The Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program.

This certification must be approved by the Manager Plant Training. The Manager, Plant Operations shall provi i rtifica-tion (Exhibit 2) th t each applicant's i n r onsibilities have been discha n a competent s p ner during the current license . nd that R ton in the operation-al review p lon 4.3. YT Icensed Operator Requalif on ning Pr 1sfactory. The r his car ica all be personal observation and rep from sup rs garding the applicant's per-formanc n shift s of com d ed operational review material as m at the Ope ( fication shL ment co pplican ased on i r s Department. The certi-the Training Depart-de ir learn and attitude toward ining re . . T & cation mu - r ved by the Site Operations ir , THI-2.

4. n those instance e the appilcant for license renewal is at from the Operat ns Department, refer to Section 4.2.7.

4.3 A medical doctor must certify that the applicant meets the medical requirements as Section 4.1.10. 4.3.7 Training File The Manager, Plant Training will forward a report containing requalification weekly and annual examination results during the period of the applicant's current license. A summary of perfor-g mance on a through g will be included. More detailed

- reports, such as the actual examinations or reactivity manipula-g tion and plant evolution participation records will be provided rj upon request.

h (. A00010501182 8.0

Number ENuclear 2

                                                  ,,,,,,y,,,,PeTr7efunManual                     4210-ADM-2610.01 Tiu'                                                                            Revision No.

Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC ( Operator Licenses 0 4.3.8 Ofrector's Certification The Office of the Director, THI-2 will make final certification to the NRC that an appItcant's license should be renewed. Thl,s certification shall be based on both the written reports described above and on personal observation, and shall be docu-mented by his signature on NRC Form 398. Where the Deputy Director has not had the opportunity to observe the appilcant's performance, a personal interview shall be conduc d to verify the desirability of license renewal. 4.4 Record Retention 4.4.1 Upon final certi on or reject 1 f vidual appil-cant, the Offt Ofrector ha return all reports an 1 ons mad a ' o an application to the Tral i ent, wh e be retained in the Indiv iningfoldrho life of the plant. 4.5 Certification fo examinatt 4.5.1 The Office of e . THI- i lso responsible for certi-( fication t Senior R C all candi t r -e Reactor Operator or atton. or Lice) The procedure for th tion is im 4 p nature to the initial ce except th T afning Department will document es succer, p tion of the specific training es shed for t eW u 1 to prepare for the re-exam. 4.6 A 1 ho falls to n NRC operator license examination on the pt must receive w ten approval of the Site Operations Direc-t before formal preparation for a re-examination begins. Follow-in second failure, preparation for re-examination shall be approved in writing by the Office of the ' Director THI-2. Following any subsequent failures wr1tten approval of the Office of the President must be obtained before formal re-exam preparation begins. 5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 Responsibilities are as stated in Section 4 of this procedure. n j


6.1 Code of Federal Regulation, 10 CFR 55.10, 55.12, 55.33. E 6.2 Letter dated March 18, 1980 from H.R. Denton, NRC to All Power Reactor g Appilcants and Licensees, titled " Qualification of Reactor Operators". h 6.3 THI-2 Replacement Operator Training Program Description. a e A000105011 82 9.0

r ' Number


ENuclear ,,,,,,g,,,p,7,g,gg,,,,,, 2

  • Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC

( Operator Licenses 0 6.4 THI-2 Senior Reactor Operator Replacement Training Program Description. 6.5 THI-2 Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program Oescription. 6.6 THI-2 Tethnical Specifications 6.10.2(m). 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Exh1blt 1 - NRC Form 398 - 7.2 Exhibit 2 - GPU Certification Letter 7.3 Exhibit 3 - NRC License Certification O C O 5 5 k Acootosois.s2

     . me Number
           '          . (gglggy M -2 Departmental Administrative Proc: dure Manual                                                      4210-ADM-2610.01
             **                                                                                                                                                   Revision No.

Regirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC ( Operator Licenses 0


Exhibit 1 80887RUCT108e8 POA CORIPLETIOed 0F 86RC POAM 300,PER9086AL QUALIFICATIOfes STATEMENT - LICENSEE h4W APPLICANTS: Comosete seen esmeer, of one fem aumeessery, fenseems ene inserwettene tems. AtasSWAL. UPGRA0GO, eeULT84eRT, ANO RSApptlCAfsose APPLICANTS: Comesses sie taferentes enet nas escased genee veur povious outmwses of aa feRC perm 330. la asesen, he owe se esmessee one femonsag 6mfemoveen: 1 - YOUR PULL esAnet 6.TYPt CP LICEfeSE APPLit0 POR

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A0001050t1 82 El-1 J

Number gggy TMI-2 Departmental Administrative Procedure Manual 4210-ADM-2610.01

  • Requirements for Certification of Candidates for.HRC

( Operator Licenses 0 Exhibit 1 (Cont'd)

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j l l . . . . . I I I I I I I I I f, I I i l I l A00010501182 El-2

a . Number Nuclear m -2 oepartmental Administrative Procedure Manual 4210-ADM-2610.01

           "' Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC                                                                                         '

( - Operator Licenses n Exhibit 1 (Cont'd)

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i. u A00010501192 El-3

~ Number ENuclear ,,,,,,;gg,;gg;ajn,,,,,, o 4230_,os_2sio.oi Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC ( Operator Licenses O Exhibit 2


Sample letter Inter Office Memorandum


Subject CERTIFICATION STATEENT E NucI (INTERIM OR FINAL) To nV Location Of fice of the 0! RECTOR - TM T e in accordance \ 210-ADM-2610.01

                                           \         is here      rti           meet the requirements (Name)      y for                          inft            al licensi Certif est n Signa    .                      .          6 Man e , P1     Lepfrations ce operations Director - IM1 Z Satisfactory I" '
                                                          ,   Of fice of the Director           TMI.Z

5 M i A000105011 82 E2-1

r .. f Number ENuclear

                                                 ,,,,,,y,ai,Pe7,7,fu^reManual                        4210-ADM-2610.01 Titi*

Requirements for Certif1Catton of Candidates for NRC ( Operator Licenses O Exhibit 3 Sample Letter Inter Office Memorandum Date Select NRC LICENSE CERTIFICATION Nuci (INTERIM OR FINAL) To ""*" ~ 0FFICE OF THE DIRECTOR - T Q T N In accordance wt A 10-ADM-2610.01 is her arti o meet the requirements (Name) y for ( (RO/SRO) g nl wal licens cle one). n 0 r Tr g Manager


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1. Certification endorsed Manager - Plant Training cc: Training File l l

5 o I A00010501182 E3-1 j}}