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                                                                        Submitted: December 22, 2011
WASHINGTON, DC 20555-0001  
                                          UNITED STATES
July 21, 2011 NRC REGULATORY  
                              NUCLEAR REGULA TORY COMMISSION
                                  WASHINGTON, DC 20555-0001
                                            July 21, 2011
                  NRC REGULATORY ISSUE SUMMARY 2011-07
All holders of and applicants  
for a pressurized  
All holders of and applicants for a pressurized water power reactor operating license or
water power reactor operating  
construction permit under Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 50,
license or construction  
"Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," except those that have
permit under Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations  
permanently ceased operations and have certified that fuel has been permanently removed
(10 CFR) Part 50, "Domestic  
from the reactor vessel.
of Production  
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this regulatory issue summary (RIS)
and Utilization  
to inform addressees of updated NRC procedures for license renewal application (LRA) reviews
Facilities," except those  
or the review of certain licensee submittals related to commitments made in the process of
that have permanently  
receiving a renewed license. LRAs for pressurized water reactor (PWR) plants have identified
ceased operations  
that an aging management program (AMP) is needed to manage the effects of aging for reactor
and have certified  
vessel internal (RVI) components that are within the scope of license renewal, in accordance
that fuel has been permanently  
with 10 CFR Part 54, "Requirements for Renewal of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Power
removed from the reactor vessel. INTENT The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory  
Plants." This RIS requires no action or written response on the part of addressees. This RIS
Commission (NRC) is issuing this  
also provides information to licensees with respect to how to meet their existing license renewal
commitments related to reactor vessel internals aging management programs, and on
issue summary (RIS) to inform addressees  
acceptable changes to existing license renewal commitments in order to account for the recent
of updated NRC procedures  
issue of the staff's final Safety Evaluation (SE) of MRP-227, Rev.O, and the forthcoming issue of
for license renewal application (LRA) reviews or the review of certain licensee submittals  
the approved version of MRP-227.
related to commitments  
The purpose of this RIS is to facilitate a predictable and consistent method for reviewing the
made in the process of receiving  
AMPs of commercial PWR LRAs and the AMPs and inspection plans for PWR plants that have
a renewed license. LRAs for pressurized  
received renewed operating licenses. This RIS does not transmit or imply any new or changed
water reactor (PWR) plants have identified  
requirements or staff positions. Although no specific action or written response is required, the
that an aging management  
information contained in this RIS will enable licensees to plan effectively for anticipated LRAs
program (AMP) is needed to manage the effects of aging for reactor vessel internal (RVI) components  
and inspection activities.
that are within the scope of license renewal, in accordance  
This RIS is part of the NRC's ongoing oversight of license renewal and is unrelated to the
with 10 CFR Part 54, "Requirements  
agency's response to the March 11, 2011, earthquake in Japan.
for Renewal of Operating  
ML 111990086
Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants." This RIS requires no action or written response on the part of addressees.  
                                                                                            OAGI0001161 00001
This RIS also provides information  
to licensees  
                                                                                      RIS 2011-07
with respect to how to meet their existing license renewal commitments  
                                                                                        Page 2 of 7
related to reactor vessel internals  
aging management  
In 10 CFR Part 54, the NRC addresses the requirements for plant LRAs. The regulation in
programs, and on acceptable  
10 CFR 54.21, "Contents of Application-Technical Information," requires that each LRA
changes to existing license renewal commitments  
contain an integrated plant assessment and an evaluation of time-limited aging analyses. The
in order to account for the recent issue of the staff's final Safety Evaluation (SE) of MRP-227, Rev.O, and the forthcoming  
integrated plant assessment must identify and list those structures and components subject to
issue of the approved version of MRP-227. The purpose of this RIS is to facilitate  
an aging management review (AMR) and must demonstrate that the effects of aging (such as
a predictable  
cracking, loss of material, loss of fracture toughness, dimensional changes, and loss of preload)
and consistent  
will be adequately managed so that the intended functions of the structures and components will
method for reviewing  
be maintained consistent with the current licensing basis for the period of extended operation as
the AMPs of commercial  
required by 10 CFR 54.29(a). Structures and components subject to an AMR shall encompass
PWR LRAs and the AMPs and inspection  
those structures and components (1) that perform an intended function, as described in
plans for PWR plants that have received renewed operating  
10 CFR 54.4, "Scope," without moving parts or without a change in configuration or properties,
and (2) that are not subject to replacement based on a qualified life or specified time period.
This RIS does not transmit or imply any new or changed requirements  
These structures and components are referred to as "passive" and "long-lived," respectively.
or staff positions.  
On April 26, 2001, the NRC issued N UREG-1801, "Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL)
Although no specific action or written response is required, the information  
Report," (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession Nos.
ML011080185 and ML011080393). On September 30, 2005, the NRC issued NUREG-1801,
in this RIS will enable licensees  
Revision 1, "Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report," (ADAMS Accession Nos.
to plan effectively  
ML052770419 and ML052780376). On December 31, 2010, the NRC issued NUREG-1801,
for anticipated  
Revision 2, "Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report," (ADAMS Accession No.
LRAs and inspection  
ML 103490041). The GALL Report provides generic AMRs of systems, structures, and
components that are within the scope of license renewal, as described in 10 CFR 54.4, and
This RIS is part of the NRC's ongoing oversight  
provides generic AMPs that the staff has found acceptable to manage the effects of aging
of license renewal and is unrelated  
identified in the AMR. As described in NUREG-1800, Revision 2, "Standard Review Plan for
to the agency's response to the March 11, 2011, earthquake  
Review of License Renewal Applications for Nuclear Power Plants" (ADAMS Accession No.
in Japan. ML 111990086  
ML 103490036) (LR-SRP), treatment of the GALL Report as an approved topical report
improves the efficiency of the license renewal process.
An applicant may reference in its LRA that its AMPs are consistent with those in the GALL
Report. If an applicant takes credit for an AMP in the GALL Report, it is incumbent on the
applicant to ensure that the conditions and operating experience at the plant are bounded by
RIS 2011-07 Page 2 of 7 In 10 CFR Part 54, the NRC addresses  
those for which the AMP in the GALL Report was evaluated and found acceptable. In such a
the requirements  
case, the NRC staff's review of the AMP is limited to verifying that the applicant's AMP is
for plant LRAs. The regulation  
consistent with that provided in the GALL Report, including the conditions and operating
in 10 CFR 54.21, "Contents  
experience provided in the GALL Report.
of Application-
If the applicant's conditions and operating experience are not bounded by those of the GALL
Report AMP, it is incumbent on the applicant to address the additional effects of aging that may
Information," requires that each LRA contain an integrated  
apply to the applicant's facility and supplement the GALL Report AMR line items and AMPs as
plant assessment  
necessary. The staff's review then addresses the acceptability of the AMR and the AMPs to be
and an evaluation  
used by the applicant.
of time-limited  
Revision 1 of the GALL Report provides AMP XI.M16, "PWR Vessel Internals," which refers to
aging analyses.  
the aging management guidance of the AMR line items for RVI components. Within the context
The integrated  
                                                                                            OAGI0001161 00002
plant assessment  
must identify and list those structures  
                                                                                      RIS 2011-07
and components  
                                                                                        Page 3 of 7
subject to an aging management  
of this RIS, NRC license renewals, theSE for MRP-227 and other NRC licensing actions, "RVI"
review (AMR) and must demonstrate  
refers to reactor vessel internals. In recognition that the industry was conducting programs to
that the effects of aging (such as cracking, loss of material, loss of fracture toughness, dimensional  
investigate aging of RVI components and to develop aging management guidelines for RVI
changes, and loss of preload) will be adequately  
components, the AMR line items for RVI components state that:
managed so that the intended functions  
        No further aging management review is necessary if the applicant provides a
of the structures  
        commitment in the FSAR [final safety analysis report] supplement to (1) participate in the
and components  
        industry programs for investigating and managing aging effects on reactor internals; (2)
will be maintained  
        evaluate and implement the results of the industry programs as applicable to the reactor
        internals; and (3) upon completion of these programs, but not less than 24 months
with the current licensing  
        before entering the period of extended operation, submit an inspection plan for reactor
basis for the period of extended operation  
        internals to the NRC for review and approval.
as required by 10 CFR 54.29(a).  
Each licensee that made a commitment to conform to GALL AMP XI.M16, or an equivalent
commitment under the 2001 GALL Report, also made a commitment in its FSAR supplement
and components  
that it will implement a plant-specific AMP for its RVI components based on the industry-
subject to an AMR shall encompass  
developed guidance.
those structures  
On January 12, 2009, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) submitted for NRC staff
and components  
review and approval the Materials Reliability Program (MRP) Report 1016596 (MRP-227),
(1) that perform an intended function, as described  
Revision 0, "Pressurized Water Reactor Internals Inspection and Evaluation Guidelines"
in 10 CFR 54.4, "Scope," without moving parts or without a change in configuration  
(ADAMS Accession No. ML090160204). MRP-227 is the industry-developed guidance that
or properties, and (2) that are not subject to replacement  
licensees will use to develop their plant-specific AMP for RVI components. MRP-227,
based on a qualified  
Revision 0 contains a discussion of the technical basis for the development of plant-specific
life or specified  
AMPs for RVI components in PWR vessels. MRP-227, Revision 0 also provides inspection and
time period. These structures  
evaluation guidelines for PWR licensees to use in their plant-specific AMPs. Once approved by
and components  
the NRC, MRP-227 will provide the basis for renewed license holders to develop plant-specific
are referred to as "passive" and "long-lived," respectively.  
inspection plans to manage aging effects on RVI components, as described by their FSAR
On April 26, 2001, the NRC issued N U REG-1801, "Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report," (Agencywide  
The scope of components considered for inspection under the guidance of MRP-227,
Access and Management  
Revision 0 includes core support structures (typically denoted as Examination Category B-N-3
System (ADAMS) Accession  
by Section XI of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Nos. ML011080185  
Code), and those RVI components that serve an intended safety function consistent with the
and ML011080393).  
criteria in 10 CFR 54.4(a)(1). The scope of the program does not include consumable items
On September  
such as fuel assemblies, reactivity control assemblies, and nuclear instrumentation because
30, 2005, the NRC issued NUREG-1801, Revision 1, "Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report," (ADAMS Accession  
these components are not subject to an AMR, as defined in 10 CFR 54.21(a)(1).
Nos. ML052770419  
On June 22, 2011, the NRC issued its final SE regarding topical report MRP-227, Revision 0
and ML052780376).  
(ADAMS Accession No. ML 111600498), which license renewal applicants and renewed license
On December 31, 2010, the NRC issued NUREG-1801, Revision 2, "Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report," (ADAMS Accession  
holders will use to develop their plant-specific AMPs for RVI components. This SE contains
No. ML 103490041).  
specific conditions on the use of the topical report and applicant/licensee action items that must
The GALL Report provides generic AMRs of systems, structures, and components  
be addressed by those utilizing the topical report as the basis for a submittal to the NRC. The
that are within the scope of license renewal, as described  
NRC approved version of the topical report is designated as MRP-227-A.
in 10 CFR 54.4, and provides generic AMPs that the staff has found acceptable  
Subsequent to the submittal of MRP-227 and prior to the issuance of theSE on MRP-227,
to manage the effects of aging identified  
GALL Report, Revision 2 was issued, providing new AMR line items and aging management
in the AMR. As described  
                                                                                            OAGI0001161 00003
in NUREG-1800, Revision 2, "Standard  
Review Plan for Review of License Renewal Applications  
                                                                                        RIS 2011-07
for Nuclear Power Plants" (ADAMS Accession  
                                                                                          Page 4 of 7
No. ML 103490036) (LR-SRP), treatment  
guidance in AMP XI.M16A, "PWR Vessel Internals." This AMP was based on staff expectations
of the GALL Report as an approved topical report improves the efficiency  
for the guidance to be provided in MRP-227-A. After December 21, 2010, any licensees
of the license renewal process. An applicant  
submitting an LRA were encouraged to reference and utilize GALL Report, Revision 2 to
may reference  
manage the effects of aging identified in the AMR. With the issuance of theSE for MRP-227,
in its LRA that its AMPs are consistent  
the NRC will issue License Renewal Interim Staff Guidance (LR-ISG) to revise the GALL Report
with those in the GALL Report. If an applicant  
AMR line items and AMP XI.M.16A for consistency with theSE and to reflect acceptability of the
takes credit for  
MRP-227-A report for use in license renewal applications.
an AMP in the GALL Report, it is incumbent  
on the applicant  
The NRC granted renewed licenses to some owners of PWR units based on a commitment in
to ensure that the conditions  
the FSAR supplement to, in part, submit an inspection plan for RVI components to the NRC for
and operating  
review and approval. This plan was to be based on aging management guidelines for RVI
components developed by the industry and approved by the NRC. This commitment in the
at the plant are bounded by those for which the AMP in the GALL Report was evaluated  
FSAR would require those licensees to review and update their aging management inspection
and found acceptable.  
plans for RVI components based on the guidance provided in MRP-227-A.
In such a case, the NRC staff's review of the AMP is limited to verifying  
With the issuance of the staff SE for MRP-227, the NRC has updated internal guidance on
that the applicant's  
implementation of this RVI component AMP guidance relative to license renewal for PWR plants
AMP is consistent  
on a plant-specific basis, as indicated in the following table for the plants in Categories "A"
with that provided in the GALL Report, including  
through "D." The different plant categories reflect the licensee's status relative to license
the conditions  
renewal approval (i.e., licensee has received a renewed license, has submitted an LRA, or has
and operating  
not), and, for those plants with renewed licenses, whether the licensee has or has not submitted
its inspection plan to the NRC for review and approval.
provided in the GALL Report. If the applicant's  
Category "A" facilities address licensees that previously submitted an RVI inspection plan based
on the draft Revision 0 of MRP-227. Licensees of Category "A" facilities, those that made a
and operating  
commitment in the FSAR supplement to comply with the industry-developed guidance and
choose to withdraw their inspection plans to conform to their commitments, must do so in writing
are not bounded by those of the GALL Report AMP, it is incumbent  
and should include a commitment to resubmit the required information based on MRP-227-A, no
on the applicant  
later than October 1, 2012. Licensees of Category "A" facilities who propose in their resubmittal
to address the additional  
to deviate from provisions of MRP-227-A based upon having completed specific inspections, will
effects of aging that may apply to the applicant's  
need to provide a justification for each deviation from the MRP-227-A guidelines. The NRC will
facility and supplement  
evaluate proposed deviations from the MRP-227-A guidelines to ensure that licensee programs
the GALL Report AMR line items and AMPs as necessary.  
will still provide an acceptable approach for managing the effects of aging in RVI components.
The staff's review then addresses  
This will ensure compliance with the commitment in the FSAR supplement.
the acceptability  
Licensees of Category "B" facilities that have committed to follow the industry-developed
of the AMR and the AMPs to be used by the applicant.  
guidance, will be expected to make the submittal of their RVI AMP based on the guidance of
Revision 1 of the GALL Report provides AMP XI.M16, "PWR Vessel Internals," which refers to the aging management  
MRP-227-A, consistent with their commitment. Licensees of Category "B" facilities who are
guidance of the AMR line items for RVI components.  
required by their commitments to submit their RVI inspection plan prior to one year after the
Within the context OAGI0001161  
issuance of this RIS may modify their commitments to submit their RVI inspection plan no later
than October 1, 2012. All other Category "B" facility licensees will be expected to make the
RIS 2011-07 Page 3 of 7 of this RIS, NRC license renewals, theSE for MRP-227 and other NRC licensing  
submittal of their RVI AMP in accordance with their existing commitments. This will ensure
actions, "RVI" refers to reactor vessel internals.  
compliance with the commitment in the FSAR supplement.
In recognition  
                                                                                              OAGI0001161 00004
that the industry was conducting  
programs to investigate  
                                                                                          RIS 2011-07
aging of RVI components  
                                                                                          Page 5 of 7
and to develop aging management  
For those PWR plants that have an LRA currently under review (as addressed in Category "C")
with a commitment to follow the industry-developed guidance, the NRC staff expects the
for RVI components, the AMR line items for RVI components  
applicant to revise the commitment for aging management of PWR vessel internals such that
state that: No further aging management  
the plant-specific action items identified in theSE for MRP-227 would be submitted to the NRC
review is necessary  
for review and approval not later than two years after issuance of the renewed license and not
if the applicant  
later than two years before the plant enters the period of extended operation, whichever comes
provides a commitment  
first. It is expected that Category C licensees will follow the guidance of MRP-227-A, consistent
in the FSAR [final safety analysis report] supplement  
with their commitment.
to (1) participate  
For those PWR plant licensees that have not submitted their LRAs (as addressed in Category
in the industry programs for investigating  
"D") but plan to submit an LRA in the future, the NRC staff encourages these future license
and managing aging effects on reactor internals;  
renewal applicants to, and anticipates that the applicant will, provide an AMP for vessel internals
(2) evaluate and implement  
in their LRA that is consistent with MRP-227-A. As described previously, the NRC will issue an
the results of the industry programs as applicable  
LR-ISG to revise the GALL Report to ensure that GALL AMP XI.M16A, "PWR Vessel Internals,"
to the reactor internals;  
and associated AMR line items are consistent with theSE on MRP-227 and reflect acceptability
and (3) upon completion  
of the MRP-227-A report for use in license renewal applications. It is expected that all
of these programs, but not less than 24 months before entering the period of extended operation, submit an inspection  
Category D LRAs will meet GALL Revision 2 as updated by the LR-ISG.
plan for reactor internals  
If a license renewal applicant confirms that it will implement an AMP consistent with
to the NRC for review and approval.  
MRP-227-A, Licensee/Applicant Action Item 8 from the NRC staff SE (Section 3.5.1) indicates
Each licensee that made a commitment  
that the LRA shall include, in part, an AMP that addresses the 10 program elements as defined
to conform to GALL AMP XI.M16, or an equivalent  
in AMP XI.M16A, and an inspection plan. The NRC review of an AMP which is consistent with
GALL AMP XI.M16A would include those items specifically identified in Section 4.0 of theSE.
under the 2001 GALL Report, also made a commitment  
Category                   Description                             NRC Expectations
in its FSAR supplement  
                                                      Licensees may withdraw their current
that it will implement  
              Plants with renewed licenses that     AMP/inspection plan submittals and provide
a plant-specific  
              have already submitted an             new/revised commitments to resubmit
AMP for its RVI components  
      A       AMP/inspection plan based on           AMPs/inspection plans in accordance with
based on the developed  
              MRP-227, Revision 0 to comply         MRP-227-A no later than October 1, 2012.
              with an existing commitment.           Future submittals should address all
On January 12, 2009, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) submitted  
                                                      information required by MRP-227-A.
for NRC staff review and approval the Materials  
                                                      Licensees will be expected to submit
                                                      AMPs/inspection plans in accordance with
Program (MRP) Report 1016596 (MRP-227), Revision 0, "Pressurized  
                                                      MRP-227-A, consistent with the timing
Water Reactor Internals  
              Plants with renewed licenses that
                                                      requirements reflected in their LR
and Evaluation  
              have a commitment to submit an
Guidelines" (ADAMS Accession  
                                                      commitments. Licensees who would be
No. ML090160204).  
              AMP/inspection plan based on
MRP-227 is the industry-developed  
      B                                               required by their commitments to make their
guidance that licensees  
              MRP-227, but that have not yet
will use to develop their plant-specific  
                                                      submittal prior to one year after the issuance
AMP for RVI components.  
              been required to do so by their
MRP-227, Revision 0 contains a discussion  
                                                      of this RIS may modify their commitments to
of the technical  
basis for the development  
                                                      reflect a requirement to submit their
of plant-specific  
                                                      AMPs/inspection plans no later than
AMPs for RVI components  
                                                      October 1, 2012.
in PWR vessels. MRP-227, Revision 0 also provides inspection  
                                                                                              OAGI0001161 00005
and evaluation  
                                                                                        RIS 2011-07
for PWR licensees  
                                                                                          Page 6 of 7
to use in their plant-specific  
                                                    Applicants will be expected to revise their
AMPs. Once approved by the NRC, MRP-227 will provide the basis for renewed license holders to develop plant-specific  
                                                    commitment for aging management of PWR
                                                    vessel internals such that the submittal
plans to manage aging effects on RVI components, as described  
                                                    information identified in the SE for MRP-227
by their FSAR commitment.  
              Plants that have an LRA currently      would be submitted to the NRC for review
The scope of components  
    c        under review.                          and approval not later than two years after
                                                    issuance of the renewed license and not later
for inspection  
                                                    than two years before the plant enters the
under the guidance of MRP-227, Revision 0 includes core support structures (typically  
                                                    period of extended operation, whichever
denoted as Examination  
                                                    comes first.
Category B-N-3 by Section XI of the American Society of Mechanical  
                                                    Applicants will be expected to submit an AMP
              Plants that will apply for an LR in
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code), and those RVI components  
                                                    for vessel internals that is consistent with
that serve an intended safety function consistent  
    D        the future based on the GALL
with the criteria in 10 CFR 54.4(a)(1).  
                                                    MRP-227-A for NRC staff review and
The scope of the program does not include consumable  
              Report, Revision 2.
items such as fuel assemblies, reactivity  
control assemblies, and nuclear instrumentation  
because these components  
This RIS is being issued to inform stakeholders of the implementation of updated internal NRC
are not subject to an AMR, as defined in 10 CFR 54.21(a)(1).  
guidance for staff in performing reviews of LRAs with AMPs. The backfit rule applies to
On June 22, 2011, the NRC issued its final SE regarding  
procedures necessary to operate a nuclear power plant. The NRC's regulatory review process
topical report MRP-227, Revision 0 (ADAMS Accession  
is not a licensee procedure required for operating the plant.
No. ML 111600498), which license renewal applicants  
This RIS requires no action or written response. The intent is to provide licensees sufficient
and renewed license holders will use to develop their plant-specific  
time to modify their AMPs to be consistent with MRP-227-A. This RIS provides information to
AMPs for RVI components.  
licensees regarding (1) updated NRC procedures for LRA reviews or the review of certain
This SE contains specific conditions  
licensee submittals related to commitments made in the process of receiving a renewed license
on the use of the topical report and applicant/licensee  
and (2) the potential for licensees to modify the original commitment date for the submittal of a
action items that must be addressed  
RVI AMP for their facilities. The technical position of GALL Rev. 2 has not changed.
by those utilizing  
Compliance with the guidelines specified in MRP-227-A would satisfy a licensee's license
the topical report as the basis for a submittal  
renewal commitment. For those applicants following GALL Rev. 1, which provided no definition
to the NRC. The NRC approved version of the topical report is designated  
on the RVI AMP, other than following the industry's future program, this RIS provides
as MRP-227-A.  
clarification as to what an acceptable RVI AMP would be in light of the issuance of the staff SE
of MRP-227. Any action on the part of addressees to submit a request for a licensing action or
to the submittal  
to adhere to the industry guidance contained in the EPRI's MRP-227-A guidance document is
of MRP-227 and prior to the issuance of theSE on MRP-227, GALL Report, Revision 2 was issued, providing  
strictly voluntary. Any changes to a licensees' AMP/inspection plan to adhere to MRP 227-A,
new AMR line items and aging management  
ensures compliance with a license commitment. Therefore, this RIS does not constitute a
backfit under 10 CFR 50.109, "Backfitting," and a backfit analysis is not required.
RIS 2011-07 Page 4 of 7 guidance in AMP XI.M16A, "PWR Vessel Internals." This AMP was based on staff expectations  
This RIS is informational and does not represent a departure from current regulatory
for the guidance to be provided in MRP-227-A.  
requirements. The NRC did not publish a notice of opportunity for public comment on this RIS
After December 21, 2010, any licensees  
in the Federal Register because the RIS pertains to an administrative aspect of the regulatory
process that involves the voluntary use of industry guidance by addressees. However, on
an LRA were encouraged  
                                                                                              OAGI0001161 00006
to reference  
and utilize GALL Report, Revision 2 to manage the effects of aging identified  
                                                                                    RIS 2011-07
in the AMR. With the issuance of theSE for MRP-227, the NRC will issue License Renewal Interim Staff Guidance (LR-ISG) to revise the GALL Report AMR line items and AMP XI.M.16A for consistency  
                                                                                      Page 7 of 7
with theSE and to reflect acceptability  
June 13, 2011, the NRC posted a draft version of this RIS on its public website for a 10-day
of the MRP-227-A  
public comment period. Comments were received from the industry's Materials Reliability
report for use in license renewal applications.  
Program (ADAMS Accession No. ML 11188A 162) and considered.
SUMMARY OF ISSUE The NRC granted renewed licenses to some owners of PWR units based on a commitment  
in the FSAR supplement  
The NRC has determined that this action is not a rule as designated by the Congressional
to, in part, submit an inspection  
Review Act (5 U.S.C. §§ 801-808) and, therefore, is not subject to the Act.
plan for RVI components  
to the NRC for review and approval.  
This RIS does not contain new or amended information collection requirements that are subject
This plan was to be based on aging management  
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing requirements were
approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), approval number 3150-0011 and
for RVI components  
                            PUBLIC PROTECTION NOTIFICATION
by the industry and approved by the NRC. This commitment  
The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a request for
in the FSAR would require those licensees  
information or an information collection requirement unless the requesting document displays a
to review and update their aging management  
currently valid OMB control number.
plans for RVI components  
Please direct any questions about this matter to the technical contact listed below.
based on the guidance provided in MRP-227-A.  
With the issuance of the staff SE for MRP-227, the NRC has updated internal guidance on implementation  
                                                Timothy J. McGinty, Director
of this RVI component  
                                                Division of Policy and Rulemaking
AMP guidance relative to license renewal for PWR plants on a plant-specific  
                                                Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
basis, as indicated  
Technical Contact: Sheldon D. Stuchell, Senior Project Manager
in the following  
table for the plants in Categories "A" through "D." The different  
                    (301) 415-1487
plant categories  
reflect the licensee's  
Note: NRC generic communications may be found on the NRC public Web site,
status relative to license renewal approval (i.e., licensee has received a renewed license, has submitted, under NRC Library/Document Collections.
an LRA, or has not), and, for those plants with renewed licenses, whether the licensee has or has not submitted  
                                                                                          OAGI0001161 00007
its inspection  
plan to the NRC for review and approval.  
Category "A" facilities  
  ML 11188A 162) and considered.
address licensees  
that previously  
    The NRC has determined that this action is not a rule as designated by the Congressional
    Review Act (5 U.S.C. §§ 801-808) and, therefore, is not subject to the Act.
an RVI inspection  
plan based on the draft Revision 0 of MRP-227. Licensees  
    This RIS does not contain new or amended information collection requirements that are subject
of Category "A" facilities, those that made a commitment  
    to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing requirements were
in the FSAR supplement  
    approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), approval number 3150-0011 and
to comply with the industry-developed  
guidance and choose to withdraw their inspection  
                                  PUBLIC PROTECTION NOTIFICATION
plans to conform to their commitments, must do so in writing and should include a commitment  
    The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a request for
to resubmit the required information  
    information or an information collection requirement unless the requesting document displays a
based on MRP-227-A, no later than October 1, 2012. Licensees  
    currently valid OMB control number.
of Category "A" facilities  
who propose in their resubmittal  
    Please direct any questions about this matter to the technical contact listed below.
to deviate from provisions  
of MRP-227-A  
                                                      Timothy J. McGinty, Director
based upon having completed  
                                                      Division of Policy and Rulemaking
specific inspections, will need to provide a justification  
                                                      Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
for each deviation  
    Technical Contact: Sheldon D. Stuchell, Senior Project Manager
from the MRP-227-A  
                          (301) 415-1487
The NRC will evaluate proposed deviations  
from the MRP-227-A  
    Note: NRC generic communications may be found on the NRC public Web site,
guidelines, under NRC Library/Document Collections.
to ensure that licensee programs will still provide an acceptable  
    DISTRIBUTION: MMitchell, NRR            MEvans, NRR          BHolian, NRR            AHiser, NRR
approach for managing the effects of aging in RVI components.  
    ADAMS Accession Number: ML 111990086                          *via e-mail            TAC ME5988
This will ensure compliance  
OFFICE          NRR/DPR/PLPB/PM      Tech Editor      NRR/DCI/CVIB/BC      NRR/DPR/PLPB/BC      NRR/PMDA
with the commitment  
NAME            SStuchell*          JDougherty*      MMitchell*          JJolicoeur          LHill*
in the FSAR supplement.  
DATE            05/18/11            04/08/11        04/22/11            04/22/11            04/25/11
OFFICE          OE                  OIS              NRR/DORL/D          NRR/DCI/D            NRR/DLR/D
of Category "B" facilities  
                                                                            MEvans (JLubinski
that have committed  
NAME            NHilton*            TDonnell*        JGiitter*                                BHolian*
to follow the industry-developed  
guidance, will be expected to make the submittal  
DATE            05/16/11            04/28/11        05/16/11            05/04/11            04/29/11
of their RVI AMP based on the guidance of MRP-227-A, consistent  
with their commitment.  
OFFICE          OGC                                  NRR/DPR/PGCB/PM      NRR/DPR/PGCB/BC      NRR/DPR/D
of Category "B" facilities  
NAME             MSmith* (NLO)       CHawes          ARussell            SRosenberg          TMcGinty
who are required by their commitments  
DATE             06/02/11             07/18/11         07/18/11             07/19/11             07/21/11
to submit their RVI inspection  
plan prior to one year after the issuance of this RIS may modify their commitments  
to submit their RVI inspection  
plan no later than October 1, 2012. All other Category "B" facility licensees  
will be expected to make the submittal  
of their RVI AMP in accordance  
with their existing commitments.  
This will ensure compliance  
with the commitment  
in the FSAR supplement.  
RIS 2011-07 Page 5 of 7 For those PWR plants that have an LRA currently  
under review (as addressed  
in Category "C") with a commitment  
to follow the industry-developed  
guidance, the NRC staff expects the applicant  
to revise the commitment  
for aging management  
of PWR vessel internals  
such that the plant-specific  
action items identified  
in theSE for MRP-227 would be submitted  
to the NRC for review and approval not later than two years after issuance of the renewed license and not later than two years before the plant enters the period of extended operation, whichever  
comes first. It is expected that Category C licensees  
will follow the guidance of MRP-227-A, consistent  
with their commitment.  
For those PWR plant licensees  
that have not submitted  
their LRAs (as addressed  
in Category "D") but plan to submit an LRA in the future, the NRC staff encourages  
these future license renewal applicants  
to, and anticipates  
that the applicant  
will, provide an AMP for vessel internals  
in their LRA that is consistent  
with MRP-227-A.  
As described  
previously, the NRC will issue an LR-ISG to revise the GALL Report to ensure that GALL AMP XI.M16A, "PWR Vessel Internals," and associated  
AMR line items are consistent  
with theSE on MRP-227 and reflect acceptability  
of the MRP-227-A  
report for use in license renewal applications.  
It is expected that all Category D LRAs will meet GALL Revision 2 as updated by the LR-ISG. If a license renewal applicant  
confirms that it will implement  
an AMP consistent  
with MRP-227-A, Licensee/Applicant  
Action Item 8 from the NRC staff SE (Section 3.5.1) indicates  
that the LRA shall include, in part, an AMP that addresses  
the 10 program elements as defined in AMP XI.M16A, and an inspection  
plan. The NRC review of an AMP which is consistent  
with GALL AMP XI.M16A would include those items specifically  
in Section 4.0 of theSE. Category Description  
NRC Expectations  
may withdraw their current Plants with renewed licenses that AMP/inspection  
plan submittals  
and provide have already submitted  
an new/revised  
to resubmit A AMP/inspection  
plan based on AMPs/inspection  
plans in accordance  
with MRP-227, Revision 0 to comply MRP-227-A  
no later than October 1, 2012. with an existing commitment.  
Future submittals  
should address all information  
required by MRP-227-A.  
will be expected to submit AMPs/inspection  
plans in accordance  
with Plants with renewed licenses that MRP-227-A, consistent  
with the timing have a commitment  
to submit an requirements
in their LR AMP/inspection  
plan based on commitments.
who would be B MRP-227, but that have not yet required by their commitments
to make their been required to do so by their submittal
prior to one year after the issuance of this RIS may modify their commitments  
to commitment.  
reflect a requirement  
to submit their AMPs/inspection  
plans no later than October 1, 2012. OAGI0001161  
c Plants that have an LRA currently
under review. Plants that will apply for an LR in D the future based on the GALL Report, Revision 2. BACKFIT DISCUSSION
RIS 2011-07 Page 6 of 7 Applicants  
will be expected to revise their commitment  
for aging management  
of PWR vessel internals  
such that the submittal  
in the SE for MRP-227 would be submitted  
to the NRC for review and approval not later than two years after issuance of the renewed license and not later than two years before the plant enters the period of extended operation, whichever  
comes first. Applicants  
will be expected to submit an AMP for vessel internals  
that is consistent  
with MRP-227-A  
for NRC staff review and approval.  
This RIS is being issued to inform stakeholders  
of the implementation  
of updated internal NRC guidance for staff in performing  
reviews of LRAs with AMPs. The backfit rule applies to procedures  
to operate a nuclear power plant. The NRC's regulatory  
review process is not a licensee procedure  
required for operating  
the plant. This RIS requires no action or written response.  
The intent is to provide licensees  
time to modify their AMPs to be consistent  
with MRP-227-A.  
This RIS provides information  
to licensees  
(1) updated NRC procedures  
for LRA reviews or the review of certain licensee submittals  
related to commitments  
made in the process of receiving  
a renewed license and (2) the potential  
for licensees  
to modify the original commitment  
date for the submittal  
of a RVI AMP for their facilities.  
The technical  
position of GALL Rev. 2 has not changed. Compliance  
with the guidelines  
in MRP-227-A  
would satisfy a licensee's  
license renewal commitment.  
For those applicants  
GALL Rev. 1, which provided no definition  
on the RVI AMP, other than following  
the industry's  
future program, this RIS provides clarification  
as to what an acceptable  
RVI AMP would be in light of the issuance of the staff SE of MRP-227. Any action on the part of addressees  
to submit a request for a licensing  
action or to adhere to the industry guidance contained  
in the EPRI's MRP-227-A  
guidance document is strictly voluntary.  
Any changes to a licensees'  
plan to adhere to MRP 227-A, ensures compliance  
with a license commitment.  
Therefore, this RIS does not constitute  
a backfit under 10 CFR 50.109, "Backfitting," and a backfit analysis is not required.  
This RIS is informational  
and does not represent  
a departure  
from current regulatory  
The NRC did not publish a notice of opportunity  
for public comment on this RIS in the Federal Register because the RIS pertains to an administrative  
aspect of the regulatory  
process that involves the voluntary  
use of industry guidance by addressees.  
However, on OAGI0001161  
RIS 2011-07 Page 7 of 7 June 13, 2011, the NRC posted a draft version of this RIS on its public website for a 1 0-day public comment period. Comments were received from the industry's  
Program (ADAMS Accession  
No. ML 11188A 162) and considered.  
REVIEW ACT The NRC has determined  
that this action is not a rule as designated  
by the Congressional  
Review Act (5 U.S.C. §§ 801-808) and, therefore, is not subject to the Act. PAPERWORK  
This RIS does not contain new or amended information  
that are subject to the Paperwork  
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing requirements  
were approved by the Office of Management  
and Budget (OMB), approval number 3150-0011  
and 3150-0155.  
The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a request for information  
or an information  
unless the requesting  
document displays a currently  
valid OMB control number. CONTACT Please direct any questions  
about this matter to the technical  
contact listed below. IRA/ Timothy J. McGinty, Director Division of Policy and Rulemaking  
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation  
Contact: Sheldon D. Stuchell, Senior Project Manager NRR/DPR/PLPB  
(301) 415-1487 E-mail:  
Note: NRC generic communications  
may be found on the NRC public Web site,, under NRC Library/Document  
RIS 2011-xx Page 7 of 7 June 13, 2011, the NRC posted a draft version of this RIS on its public website for a 1 0-day public comment period. Comments were received from the industry's
Program (ADAMS Accession
No. ML 11188A 162) and considered.  
REVIEW ACT The NRC has determined
that this action is not a rule as designated
by the Congressional
Review Act (5 U.S.C. §§ 801-808) and, therefore, is not subject to the Act. PAPERWORK
This RIS does not contain new or amended information  
that are subject to the Paperwork
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing requirements
were approved by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB), approval number 3150-0011
and 3150-0155.  
The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a request for
or an information
unless the requesting
document displays a currently
valid OMB control number. CONTACT Please direct any questions
about this matter to the technical
contact listed below. IRA/ Timothy J. McGinty, Director Division of Policy and Rulemaking
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Contact: Sheldon D. Stuchell, Senior Project Manager NRR/DPR/PLPB
(301) 415-1487 E-mail:
Note: NRC generic communications
may be found on the NRC public Web site,, under NRC Library/Document
MMitchell, NRR MEvans, NRR ADAMS Accession
Number: ML 111990086
BHolian, NRR *via e-mail AHiser, NRR TAC ME5988 OFFICE NRR/DPR/PLPB/PM
LHill* DATE 05/18/11 04/08/11 04/22/11 04/22/11 04/25/11 OFFICE OE OIS NRR/DORL/D  
NAME NHilton* TDonnell*
MEvans (JLubinski
BHolian* for) DATE 05/16/11 04/28/11 05/16/11 05/04/11 04/29/11 OFFICE OGC NRR/DPR/PGCB/ NRR/DPR/PGCB/PM NRR/DPR/PGCB/BC
LA NAME MSmith* (NLO) CHawes ARussell SRosenberg
TMcGinty DATE 06/02/11 07/18/11 07/18/11 07/19/11 07/21/11 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY OAGI0001161

Latest revision as of 11:25, 12 November 2019

New York State (NYS) Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit NYS000310, NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2011-07 License Renewal Submittal Information for Pressurized Water Reactor Internals Aging Management
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/21/2011
From: Mcginty T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML11356A300 List:
RAS 21618, 50-247-LR, 50-286-LR, ASLBP 07-858-03-LR-BD01 RIS-11-007
Download: ML11356A317 (8)

See also: RIS 2011-07



Submitted: December 22, 2011




WASHINGTON, DC 20555-0001

July 21, 2011





All holders of and applicants for a pressurized water power reactor operating license or

construction permit under Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 50,

"Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," except those that have

permanently ceased operations and have certified that fuel has been permanently removed

from the reactor vessel.


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this regulatory issue summary (RIS)

to inform addressees of updated NRC procedures for license renewal application (LRA) reviews

or the review of certain licensee submittals related to commitments made in the process of

receiving a renewed license. LRAs for pressurized water reactor (PWR) plants have identified

that an aging management program (AMP) is needed to manage the effects of aging for reactor

vessel internal (RVI) components that are within the scope of license renewal, in accordance

with 10 CFR Part 54, "Requirements for Renewal of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Power

Plants." This RIS requires no action or written response on the part of addressees. This RIS

also provides information to licensees with respect to how to meet their existing license renewal

commitments related to reactor vessel internals aging management programs, and on

acceptable changes to existing license renewal commitments in order to account for the recent

issue of the staff's final Safety Evaluation (SE) of MRP-227, Rev.O, and the forthcoming issue of

the approved version of MRP-227.

The purpose of this RIS is to facilitate a predictable and consistent method for reviewing the

AMPs of commercial PWR LRAs and the AMPs and inspection plans for PWR plants that have

received renewed operating licenses. This RIS does not transmit or imply any new or changed

requirements or staff positions. Although no specific action or written response is required, the

information contained in this RIS will enable licensees to plan effectively for anticipated LRAs

and inspection activities.

This RIS is part of the NRC's ongoing oversight of license renewal and is unrelated to the

agency's response to the March 11, 2011, earthquake in Japan.

ML 111990086

OAGI0001161 00001

RIS 2011-07

Page 2 of 7


In 10 CFR Part 54, the NRC addresses the requirements for plant LRAs. The regulation in

10 CFR 54.21, "Contents of Application-Technical Information," requires that each LRA

contain an integrated plant assessment and an evaluation of time-limited aging analyses. The

integrated plant assessment must identify and list those structures and components subject to

an aging management review (AMR) and must demonstrate that the effects of aging (such as

cracking, loss of material, loss of fracture toughness, dimensional changes, and loss of preload)

will be adequately managed so that the intended functions of the structures and components will

be maintained consistent with the current licensing basis for the period of extended operation as

required by 10 CFR 54.29(a). Structures and components subject to an AMR shall encompass

those structures and components (1) that perform an intended function, as described in

10 CFR 54.4, "Scope," without moving parts or without a change in configuration or properties,

and (2) that are not subject to replacement based on a qualified life or specified time period.

These structures and components are referred to as "passive" and "long-lived," respectively.

On April 26, 2001, the NRC issued N UREG-1801, "Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL)

Report," (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession Nos.

ML011080185 and ML011080393). On September 30, 2005, the NRC issued NUREG-1801,

Revision 1, "Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report," (ADAMS Accession Nos.

ML052770419 and ML052780376). On December 31, 2010, the NRC issued NUREG-1801,

Revision 2, "Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report," (ADAMS Accession No.

ML 103490041). The GALL Report provides generic AMRs of systems, structures, and

components that are within the scope of license renewal, as described in 10 CFR 54.4, and

provides generic AMPs that the staff has found acceptable to manage the effects of aging

identified in the AMR. As described in NUREG-1800, Revision 2, "Standard Review Plan for

Review of License Renewal Applications for Nuclear Power Plants" (ADAMS Accession No.

ML 103490036) (LR-SRP), treatment of the GALL Report as an approved topical report

improves the efficiency of the license renewal process.

An applicant may reference in its LRA that its AMPs are consistent with those in the GALL

Report. If an applicant takes credit for an AMP in the GALL Report, it is incumbent on the

applicant to ensure that the conditions and operating experience at the plant are bounded by

those for which the AMP in the GALL Report was evaluated and found acceptable. In such a

case, the NRC staff's review of the AMP is limited to verifying that the applicant's AMP is

consistent with that provided in the GALL Report, including the conditions and operating

experience provided in the GALL Report.

If the applicant's conditions and operating experience are not bounded by those of the GALL

Report AMP, it is incumbent on the applicant to address the additional effects of aging that may

apply to the applicant's facility and supplement the GALL Report AMR line items and AMPs as

necessary. The staff's review then addresses the acceptability of the AMR and the AMPs to be

used by the applicant.

Revision 1 of the GALL Report provides AMP XI.M16, "PWR Vessel Internals," which refers to

the aging management guidance of the AMR line items for RVI components. Within the context

OAGI0001161 00002

RIS 2011-07

Page 3 of 7

of this RIS, NRC license renewals, theSE for MRP-227 and other NRC licensing actions, "RVI"

refers to reactor vessel internals. In recognition that the industry was conducting programs to

investigate aging of RVI components and to develop aging management guidelines for RVI

components, the AMR line items for RVI components state that:

No further aging management review is necessary if the applicant provides a

commitment in the FSAR [final safety analysis report] supplement to (1) participate in the

industry programs for investigating and managing aging effects on reactor internals; (2)

evaluate and implement the results of the industry programs as applicable to the reactor

internals; and (3) upon completion of these programs, but not less than 24 months

before entering the period of extended operation, submit an inspection plan for reactor

internals to the NRC for review and approval.

Each licensee that made a commitment to conform to GALL AMP XI.M16, or an equivalent

commitment under the 2001 GALL Report, also made a commitment in its FSAR supplement

that it will implement a plant-specific AMP for its RVI components based on the industry-

developed guidance.

On January 12, 2009, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) submitted for NRC staff

review and approval the Materials Reliability Program (MRP) Report 1016596 (MRP-227),

Revision 0, "Pressurized Water Reactor Internals Inspection and Evaluation Guidelines"

(ADAMS Accession No. ML090160204). MRP-227 is the industry-developed guidance that

licensees will use to develop their plant-specific AMP for RVI components. MRP-227,

Revision 0 contains a discussion of the technical basis for the development of plant-specific

AMPs for RVI components in PWR vessels. MRP-227, Revision 0 also provides inspection and

evaluation guidelines for PWR licensees to use in their plant-specific AMPs. Once approved by

the NRC, MRP-227 will provide the basis for renewed license holders to develop plant-specific

inspection plans to manage aging effects on RVI components, as described by their FSAR


The scope of components considered for inspection under the guidance of MRP-227,

Revision 0 includes core support structures (typically denoted as Examination Category B-N-3

by Section XI of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel

Code), and those RVI components that serve an intended safety function consistent with the

criteria in 10 CFR 54.4(a)(1). The scope of the program does not include consumable items

such as fuel assemblies, reactivity control assemblies, and nuclear instrumentation because

these components are not subject to an AMR, as defined in 10 CFR 54.21(a)(1).

On June 22, 2011, the NRC issued its final SE regarding topical report MRP-227, Revision 0

(ADAMS Accession No. ML 111600498), which license renewal applicants and renewed license

holders will use to develop their plant-specific AMPs for RVI components. This SE contains

specific conditions on the use of the topical report and applicant/licensee action items that must

be addressed by those utilizing the topical report as the basis for a submittal to the NRC. The

NRC approved version of the topical report is designated as MRP-227-A.

Subsequent to the submittal of MRP-227 and prior to the issuance of theSE on MRP-227,

GALL Report, Revision 2 was issued, providing new AMR line items and aging management

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guidance in AMP XI.M16A, "PWR Vessel Internals." This AMP was based on staff expectations

for the guidance to be provided in MRP-227-A. After December 21, 2010, any licensees

submitting an LRA were encouraged to reference and utilize GALL Report, Revision 2 to

manage the effects of aging identified in the AMR. With the issuance of theSE for MRP-227,

the NRC will issue License Renewal Interim Staff Guidance (LR-ISG) to revise the GALL Report

AMR line items and AMP XI.M.16A for consistency with theSE and to reflect acceptability of the

MRP-227-A report for use in license renewal applications.


The NRC granted renewed licenses to some owners of PWR units based on a commitment in

the FSAR supplement to, in part, submit an inspection plan for RVI components to the NRC for

review and approval. This plan was to be based on aging management guidelines for RVI

components developed by the industry and approved by the NRC. This commitment in the

FSAR would require those licensees to review and update their aging management inspection

plans for RVI components based on the guidance provided in MRP-227-A.

With the issuance of the staff SE for MRP-227, the NRC has updated internal guidance on

implementation of this RVI component AMP guidance relative to license renewal for PWR plants

on a plant-specific basis, as indicated in the following table for the plants in Categories "A"

through "D." The different plant categories reflect the licensee's status relative to license

renewal approval (i.e., licensee has received a renewed license, has submitted an LRA, or has

not), and, for those plants with renewed licenses, whether the licensee has or has not submitted

its inspection plan to the NRC for review and approval.

Category "A" facilities address licensees that previously submitted an RVI inspection plan based

on the draft Revision 0 of MRP-227. Licensees of Category "A" facilities, those that made a

commitment in the FSAR supplement to comply with the industry-developed guidance and

choose to withdraw their inspection plans to conform to their commitments, must do so in writing

and should include a commitment to resubmit the required information based on MRP-227-A, no

later than October 1, 2012. Licensees of Category "A" facilities who propose in their resubmittal

to deviate from provisions of MRP-227-A based upon having completed specific inspections, will

need to provide a justification for each deviation from the MRP-227-A guidelines. The NRC will

evaluate proposed deviations from the MRP-227-A guidelines to ensure that licensee programs

will still provide an acceptable approach for managing the effects of aging in RVI components.

This will ensure compliance with the commitment in the FSAR supplement.

Licensees of Category "B" facilities that have committed to follow the industry-developed

guidance, will be expected to make the submittal of their RVI AMP based on the guidance of

MRP-227-A, consistent with their commitment. Licensees of Category "B" facilities who are

required by their commitments to submit their RVI inspection plan prior to one year after the

issuance of this RIS may modify their commitments to submit their RVI inspection plan no later

than October 1, 2012. All other Category "B" facility licensees will be expected to make the

submittal of their RVI AMP in accordance with their existing commitments. This will ensure

compliance with the commitment in the FSAR supplement.

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For those PWR plants that have an LRA currently under review (as addressed in Category "C")

with a commitment to follow the industry-developed guidance, the NRC staff expects the

applicant to revise the commitment for aging management of PWR vessel internals such that

the plant-specific action items identified in theSE for MRP-227 would be submitted to the NRC

for review and approval not later than two years after issuance of the renewed license and not

later than two years before the plant enters the period of extended operation, whichever comes

first. It is expected that Category C licensees will follow the guidance of MRP-227-A, consistent

with their commitment.

For those PWR plant licensees that have not submitted their LRAs (as addressed in Category

"D") but plan to submit an LRA in the future, the NRC staff encourages these future license

renewal applicants to, and anticipates that the applicant will, provide an AMP for vessel internals

in their LRA that is consistent with MRP-227-A. As described previously, the NRC will issue an

LR-ISG to revise the GALL Report to ensure that GALL AMP XI.M16A, "PWR Vessel Internals,"

and associated AMR line items are consistent with theSE on MRP-227 and reflect acceptability

of the MRP-227-A report for use in license renewal applications. It is expected that all

Category D LRAs will meet GALL Revision 2 as updated by the LR-ISG.

If a license renewal applicant confirms that it will implement an AMP consistent with

MRP-227-A, Licensee/Applicant Action Item 8 from the NRC staff SE (Section 3.5.1) indicates

that the LRA shall include, in part, an AMP that addresses the 10 program elements as defined

in AMP XI.M16A, and an inspection plan. The NRC review of an AMP which is consistent with

GALL AMP XI.M16A would include those items specifically identified in Section 4.0 of theSE.

Category Description NRC Expectations

Licensees may withdraw their current

Plants with renewed licenses that AMP/inspection plan submittals and provide

have already submitted an new/revised commitments to resubmit

A AMP/inspection plan based on AMPs/inspection plans in accordance with

MRP-227, Revision 0 to comply MRP-227-A no later than October 1, 2012.

with an existing commitment. Future submittals should address all

information required by MRP-227-A.

Licensees will be expected to submit

AMPs/inspection plans in accordance with

MRP-227-A, consistent with the timing

Plants with renewed licenses that

requirements reflected in their LR

have a commitment to submit an

commitments. Licensees who would be

AMP/inspection plan based on

B required by their commitments to make their

MRP-227, but that have not yet

submittal prior to one year after the issuance

been required to do so by their

of this RIS may modify their commitments to


reflect a requirement to submit their

AMPs/inspection plans no later than

October 1, 2012.

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Applicants will be expected to revise their

commitment for aging management of PWR

vessel internals such that the submittal

information identified in the SE for MRP-227

Plants that have an LRA currently would be submitted to the NRC for review

c under review. and approval not later than two years after

issuance of the renewed license and not later

than two years before the plant enters the

period of extended operation, whichever

comes first.

Applicants will be expected to submit an AMP

Plants that will apply for an LR in

for vessel internals that is consistent with

D the future based on the GALL

MRP-227-A for NRC staff review and

Report, Revision 2.



This RIS is being issued to inform stakeholders of the implementation of updated internal NRC

guidance for staff in performing reviews of LRAs with AMPs. The backfit rule applies to

procedures necessary to operate a nuclear power plant. The NRC's regulatory review process

is not a licensee procedure required for operating the plant.

This RIS requires no action or written response. The intent is to provide licensees sufficient

time to modify their AMPs to be consistent with MRP-227-A. This RIS provides information to

licensees regarding (1) updated NRC procedures for LRA reviews or the review of certain

licensee submittals related to commitments made in the process of receiving a renewed license

and (2) the potential for licensees to modify the original commitment date for the submittal of a

RVI AMP for their facilities. The technical position of GALL Rev. 2 has not changed.

Compliance with the guidelines specified in MRP-227-A would satisfy a licensee's license

renewal commitment. For those applicants following GALL Rev. 1, which provided no definition

on the RVI AMP, other than following the industry's future program, this RIS provides

clarification as to what an acceptable RVI AMP would be in light of the issuance of the staff SE

of MRP-227. Any action on the part of addressees to submit a request for a licensing action or

to adhere to the industry guidance contained in the EPRI's MRP-227-A guidance document is

strictly voluntary. Any changes to a licensees' AMP/inspection plan to adhere to MRP 227-A,

ensures compliance with a license commitment. Therefore, this RIS does not constitute a

backfit under 10 CFR 50.109, "Backfitting," and a backfit analysis is not required.


This RIS is informational and does not represent a departure from current regulatory

requirements. The NRC did not publish a notice of opportunity for public comment on this RIS

in the Federal Register because the RIS pertains to an administrative aspect of the regulatory

process that involves the voluntary use of industry guidance by addressees. However, on

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June 13, 2011, the NRC posted a draft version of this RIS on its public website for a 10-day

public comment period. Comments were received from the industry's Materials Reliability

Program (ADAMS Accession No. ML 11188A 162) and considered.


The NRC has determined that this action is not a rule as designated by the Congressional

Review Act (5 U.S.C. §§ 801-808) and, therefore, is not subject to the Act.


This RIS does not contain new or amended information collection requirements that are subject

to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing requirements were

approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), approval number 3150-0011 and



The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a request for

information or an information collection requirement unless the requesting document displays a

currently valid OMB control number.


Please direct any questions about this matter to the technical contact listed below.


Timothy J. McGinty, Director

Division of Policy and Rulemaking

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical Contact: Sheldon D. Stuchell, Senior Project Manager


(301) 415-1487


Note: NRC generic communications may be found on the NRC public Web site,, under NRC Library/Document Collections.

OAGI0001161 00007

ML 11188A 162) and considered.


The NRC has determined that this action is not a rule as designated by the Congressional

Review Act (5 U.S.C. §§ 801-808) and, therefore, is not subject to the Act.


This RIS does not contain new or amended information collection requirements that are subject

to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing requirements were

approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), approval number 3150-0011 and



The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a request for

information or an information collection requirement unless the requesting document displays a

currently valid OMB control number.


Please direct any questions about this matter to the technical contact listed below.


Timothy J. McGinty, Director

Division of Policy and Rulemaking

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical Contact: Sheldon D. Stuchell, Senior Project Manager


(301) 415-1487


Note: NRC generic communications may be found on the NRC public Web site,, under NRC Library/Document Collections.

DISTRIBUTION: MMitchell, NRR MEvans, NRR BHolian, NRR AHiser, NRR

ADAMS Accession Number: ML 111990086 *via e-mail TAC ME5988


NAME SStuchell* JDougherty* MMitchell* JJolicoeur LHill*

DATE 05/18/11 04/08/11 04/22/11 04/22/11 04/25/11


MEvans (JLubinski

NAME NHilton* TDonnell* JGiitter* BHolian*


DATE 05/16/11 04/28/11 05/16/11 05/04/11 04/29/11




NAME MSmith* (NLO) CHawes ARussell SRosenberg TMcGinty

DATE 06/02/11 07/18/11 07/18/11 07/19/11 07/21/11