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| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = Enercon Services, Inc
| author affiliation = Enercon Services, Inc
| addressee name = Koenick S S
| addressee name = Koenick S
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR/DORL/LPLIV-2
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR/DORL/LPLIV-2
| docket = 05000424, 05000425
| docket = 05000424, 05000425
| license number = NPF-068, NPF-081
| license number = NPF-068, NPF-081
| contact person = Koenick S S, NRR/DORL/LPLIV-2, 415-6631
| contact person = Koenick S, NRR/DORL/LPLIV-2, 415-6631
| document type = Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts, Slides and Viewgraphs
| document type = Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts, Slides and Viewgraphs
| page count = 68
| page count = 68
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{{#Wiki_filter:NRC Audit of NARWHAL SoftwareAdditional Information to Address NRC Staff Questions Raised During AuditAugust 11, 2016 Outline*Audit Summary*Additional Information on NRC Staff Technical Questions-Strainer flashing failures-Fiber quantity required to filter particulate
{{#Wiki_filter:NRC Audit of NARWHAL Software Additional Information to Address NRC Staff Questions Raised During Audit August 11, 2016
-Insulation size distribution methodology
-Break size and orientation increments
-LOCA frequency allocation methodology  
* Audit Summary
-DEGB-only vs. continuum break model
* Additional Information on NRC Staff Technical Questions
-Analysis of breaks past first isolation valve
  - Strainer flashing failures
-Random pump failure timing
  - Fiber quantity required to filter particulate
-Risk-contribution from secondary side breaks2 Audit Summary*NRC audit conducted May 17-19, 2016 at ENERCON office in Albuquerque, NM*Purpose of the audit was to review NARWHAL and BADGER software design and functionality in the context of how the software will be used-ENERCON presented industry methodology for non-pilot plants to implement a risk-informed approach -Vogtle-specific models were used as an example *NRC staff provided favorable feedback on the NARWHAL software-Transparent
  - Insulation size distribution methodology
-Good QA documentation
  - Break size and orientation increments
-Liked being able to view time-dependent results*Overall, the audit was very helpful for exchanging ideas and identifying areas of potential concern*NRC staff identified several areas where relatively minor methodology changes would make submittals easier to approve3 Audit Summary*Risk quantification using threshold break frequency -Threshold break methodology requires less work*Don't need to allocate LOCA frequencies to individual welds*Don't need to plug NARWHAL results into PRA model to calculate CDF-Threshold break methodology results in a significantly higher risk calculation*Almost all breaks at the threshold break size would not fail (very low conditional failure probability at this size)*Many of the larger breaks (including some DEGBs on primary loop pipes) would not fail*Risk quantification using GSI-191 CFPs in PRA model-NRC staff is very comfortable with the overall methodology of calculating GSI-191 CFPs and entering these values in PRA model to quantify risk4 Audit Summary*"Deterministically resolved" breaks-Idea behind RoverDmethodology is that breaks can be evaluated deterministically and the ones that do not fail are "deterministically resolved"*Appears to indicate that deterministic rules should be followed (i.e., evaluate worst single failure with bounding design basis inputs)*Once the bounding deterministic evaluation has been completed, it shouldn't be necessary to evaluate other equipment configurations-NRC's position is that the term "deterministic" simply means that a given set of inputs are used to calculate a given set of outputs *Single failure criterion isn't applicable to a risk-informed evaluation*Even if a given break passes under one equipment configuration (i.e., a single pump failure), it still needs to be evaluated under other equipment configurations *There is not a single critical break size at each weld, and the results of analyzing multiple equipment configurations must be rolled together to calculate the overall risk5 Audit Summary *Evaluation of various equipment configurations-The probability of random (non-GSI-191 related) failures should be accounted for each equipment configuration analyzed-Risk quantification can be done outside of PRA, but still requires PRA input for the equipment failure probabilities6 Audit Summary*Uncertainty quantification methodology-Statistical sampling approach*Consistent with NUREG-1855and straightforward for NRC PRA reviewers to accept*Requires development of probability distributions for GSI-191 input parameters, which could be difficult for NRC GSI-191 reviewers to accept-Sensitivity analysis approach*A less orthodox approach, but would be straightforward for both NRC PRA and GSI-191 reviewers to accept as long as the worst case scenario is not in Region 1 or close to the Region 1 boundary-Qualitative evaluation of uncertainties*May be acceptable, but approach has not been fully defined7 Audit Summary*Safety margin (SM) and defense-in-depth (DID)-SM was defined as, "How confident are we that a success is a success?"*In other words, safety margin is built in conservatisms that increase confidence that sequences that go to success remain in success (and why some that are assumed to fail might actually succeed)-DID was defined as, "What if we're wrong about a successful end state, and it turns out to actually be a failure?"*In other words, DID / mitigativestrategies are items that address protection of public from radiation due to sequences that go to failure (containment integrity, emergency plan, operator actions in EOP's not credited, use of FLEX not credited, etc.)-These definitions are important since it helps define how the content should be split between the SM and DID sections-RG 1.229 has reporting requirements related to decreases in SM and DID*Most plant modifications or operability issues would not affect DID*Very important to notlist all areas of conservatism as SM, or else every plant modification and operability issue could trigger reporting *Submittal needs to identify models that couldn't change without NRC approval8 Strainer Flashing Failures*Flashing (boiling) in strainer-When the sump temperature is at or above 212 °F and accident pressure is not credited, flashing will occur when strainer head loss exceeds strainer submergence-Most conservative approach is to use submergence at the top of the strainer-NARWHAL Version 1.0 used submergence at strainer midpoint to calculate flashing failures-NARWHAL Version 2.0 allows user to specify *Reference elevation for calculating degasification and flashing*Accident pressure credited for degasification and flashing (not used for NPSH)9 Strainer Flashing White Paper Summary*A plant-specific analysis should be performed to determine two-phase flow regime in strainer-Non-transportable: Vapor would accumulate at top of strainer and would not challenge ECCS operation *Most plants expected to fall in this regime*As vapor accumulates in strainer, pressure increases due to the downward movement of the air/water interface until flashing ceases (i.e., it is self-limiting)*Using the strainer midpoint elevation to calculate flashing failures is reasonably conservative-Bubbly flow: Steam can transport as bubbly flow in the liquid*A few plants may fall in this regime*A straightforward plant-specific analysis can be used to show that the bubbles would collapse well before reaching the ECCS pumps-Annular flow: Steam can transport through a cylindrical vapor channel with a liquid film around the surface of the pipe*Not expected that any plants will fall in this regime*Due to the complexity of the analysis, any plants that do fall in this regime should conservatively use the top of the strainer to calculate flashing failures10 Particulate Filtration*Preliminary Vogtle NARWHAL model assumed particulate would be filtered when fiber bed exceeds 1/16" fiber equivalent*Although there would be clean screen area with low head losses at this point, some particulate would be captured along with the initial fiber*Rather than justifying the fiber thickness required to filter particulate, the Vogtle head loss model will be modified to incorporate the measured head loss for a small quantity of fiber and large quantity of particulate11 Insulation Size Distribution Methodology*Insulation debris size distribution centroid methodology-Generic ENERCON calculation (GSI191-CALC-001) provides methodology for calculating debris size distribution as a function of the average distance of insulation in the ZOI from the break (i.e., the centroid distance) based on the methodology recommended in NEI 04-07 Volume 2-NRC staff questioned whether the fraction of fine debris should be higher than 20% for centroids very close to the break (i.e., within 2D)-ENERCON revised the generic calculation to provide stronger justification12 Insulation Size Distribution Methodology*By definition, if a break has a 2D centroid, the insulation inside the ZOI must be very close to the break and the quantity of debris must be relatively small (i.e., most of the ZOI generates no debris)-To theoretically maximize the quantity of debris that could be generated with a 2D centroid, all insulation would have to fall within a 2.5D sphere-A 2.5D sphere has 0.32% of the total volume of a 17D sphere (i.e., a much lower potential for generating large quantities of debris)*A typical 4 Loop Westinghouse plant with low density fiberglass insulation was used to evaluate the range of centroids for over 28,000 breaks spanning a wide range of conditions-Most breaks (approximately 18,000) had a centroid between 8D and 11D-Approximately 2,000 breaks (ranging from 1/2" to 2") had a centroid of 0D because the debris quantity was 0 ft3-Remaining 43 breaks with a centroid between 0D and 2D generated a debris quantity of less than 10 ft3 (less than the quantity typically assumed for latent fiber debris)*Changing the assumption of the fraction of fines generated by breaks with centroids between 0D and 2D would have a negligible effect on the overall risk quantification since the debris quantities generated are so small13 Range of Centroid Distances for Breaks Evaluated14 Centroid Distances for Various Break Sizes15 Debris Quantities for Breaks with Centroids from 0D to 2D16 Debris Quantity vs. Centroid Distance17 Debris Quantity vs. Centroid Distance18 Break Size and Orientation Increments*Due to the effect on CDF seen in the STP RoverDmethodology from minor variations in break size and orientation, the NRC staff questioned whether 45° orientation increments and 1/2" to 3" size increments provide sufficient resolution to find failures that have a significant impact on risk*This concern has a different impact on the non-pilot plants depending on whether risk is quantified using the PRA model with conditional failure probabilities (CFPs) or the threshold break approach*ENERCON prepared a generic white paper (using example 4 Loop plant results)to address this issue19 Typical Results of Refined BADGER Analysis20 Typical Results of Refined BADGER Analysis21 Typical Results of Refined BADGER Analysis22 Typical Results of Refined BADGER Analysis23 CFP Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments24 CFP Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments25 CFP Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments26 Smallest Failure Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments27 Smallest Failure Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments28 Smallest Failure Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments29 Conclusions of Size and Orientation Sensitivity Evaluation*CFP values do not change significantly with more resolution on break orientations and sizes*Plants using the threshold break approach have two options-Use the next smaller break size (i.e., if a 14" break is the smallest one that fails and all 12" breaks pass, set the threshold break size at 12 inches)-Run BADGER using more resolution on size and orientation for the smallest breaks that fail to justify an intermediate value for the threshold break size (e.g.,
  - LOCA frequency allocation methodology
13.6 inches)30 LOCA Frequency Allocation Methodology*NRC staff identified several relatively minor issues related to LOCA frequencies, which in general only apply to the plants using the CFP/PRA risk quantification methodology-Need to use log/linear interpolation (NARWHAL Version 1.0 had log/log and linear/linear)-Avoid extrapolation beyond 31" exceedance frequencies provided in NUREG-1829
  - DEGB-only vs. continuum break model
-Methodology to account for DEGB frequencies (2 x Dpipe) is not clear-Pure top-down LOCA frequency methodology isn't preferred, but RG 1.229 may provide a hybrid type method based on ranking of Class 1 welds as high/medium/low likelihood as a function of degradation mechanisms*NARWHAL Version 2.0 PRA package includes hybrid LOCA frequency methodology consistent with NRC-described RG 1.229 content that is under consideration*ENERCON revised generic LOCA frequency methodology (GSI191-CALC-006) to modify methodology for extrapolation of frequency for very large breaks and include additional description for treatment of DEGB frequencies31 CFP Methodology*Overall plant-wide LOCA frequencies must be allocated to individual welds and break sizes using an acceptable allocation methodology*GSI-191 failures (strainer, pump, and and/or core failures due to the effects of debris) must be evaluated for each break*PRA model categories (e.g., large breaks) could be broken up into size ranges where breaks within a given size range are assumed to have an equal probability (every size range must include breaks)*CFP for a PRA category is calculated based on the combined CFPs for each size range along with the corresponding LOCA frequency weight associated with each category*CFP values can then be used with the plant PRA model to calculate the risk associated with GSI-19132 Size Range Methodology33SmallMediumLargeLargeSize Range 1LargeSize Range 2LargeSize Range 3P(SR1) = 93.7%P(SR2) = 4.3%P(SR3) = 2.0%CFP(SR1) = 0.0%CFP(SR2) = 13.6%CFP(SR3) = 36.1%CFP(Large) = 1.3%
  - Analysis of breaks past first isolation valve
Hybrid LOCA Frequency Methodology*Simple example with 3 welds-Weld 1 (Significant degradation mechanisms) *8-inch diameter*11.3" DEGB equivalent diameter  
  - Random pump failure timing
*High failure probability (10x frequency multiplier)-Weld 2 (Some degradation mechanisms)*12-inch diameter
  - Risk-contribution from secondary side breaks 2
*17.0" DEGB equivalent diameter
*Medium failure probability (1x frequency multiplier)-Weld 3 (Only design and construction defects)*31-inch diameter
Audit Summary
*43.8" DEGB equivalent diameter
* NRC audit conducted May 17-19, 2016 at ENERCON office in Albuquerque, NM
*Low failure probability (0.1x frequency multiplier)34 Example Weld Frequencies35SmallMediumLargeLargeSize Range 1LargeSize Range 2LargeSize Range 3 Treatment of DEGB Tail*Breaks larger than pipe diameter assumed to fail as DEGB (spherical ZOI)*Equivalent break diameter for a DEGB is 2 times pipe diameter (2x flow area has2x equivalent break diameter)*Actual break size is somewhere between pipe diameter and DEGB equivalent diameter-A DEGB on a 12-inch pipe could be referred to as a 17-inch break (i.e., equivalent to a 17-inch partial break on another pipe)-Conservative option is to refer to a DEGB on a 12-inch pipe as a 12-inch break (ZOI for a 12-inch DEGB is twice the volume of a 12-inch partial break)*Since DEGBs represent a range of break sizes between the pipe diameter and the DEGB equivalent diameter, the frequency "tail" should not be neglected36 Treatment of DEGB Tails37LargeLargeSize Range 1 Weld Frequency Contribution*Breaks of any size on a given weld are assumed to have equal probability within a size range (e.g., Large Size Range 1)*Probability contribution for a given weld is the exceedance frequency at the low end of the size range minus the frequency at:-The high end of the size range if the pipe diameter is larger than the size range-The DEGB equivalent diameter frequency if the pipe diameter is within the size range38 Example Weld Contributions *Frequencies in 6"-15" size range-FWeld1= F6"-F11.3"= 3.0E-7 -4.9E-8 = 2.5E-7-FWeld2= F6"-F17.0"= 3.0E-8 -1.5E-9 = 2.9E-8-FWeld3= F6"-F15"= 3.0E-9 -2.2E-10 = 2.8E-9-FTotal= FWeld1+ FWeld2+ FWeld3= 2.8E-7*Relative probability weight for each weld in 6"-15" size range-PWeld1= 89%-PWeld2= 10%-PWeld3= 1%39 LOCA Frequency Extrapolation*NUREG-1829 only provides exceedance frequencies up to 31-inch break sizes-CE plants have 42-inch hot leg pipes-DEGB equivalent diameters for Westinghouse plant primary loop pipe breaks are larger than 31 inches*Treatment of larger breaks using size range methodology-Assuming 31-inch exceedance frequency for all larger break sizes is actually non-conservative when applying the size range methodology*FsizeRange 3= F25"-F43.8"= 5.7E-08 -2.9E-08 = 2.8E-08-Logarithmic extrapolation could be performed, but the results are questionable*FsizeRange 3= F25"-F43.8"= 5.7E-08 -1.0E-08 = 4.7E-08-Conservative option is to use zero frequency for size range endpoints larger than 31 inches*FsizeRange 3= F25"-F43.8"= 5.7E-08 -0.0 = 5.7E-0840 Primary Loop Pipe Exceedance Frequencies41 Continuum vs. DEGB-Only Model*NUREG-1829 includes a statement that a break of a given size is more likely to result from a complete rupture of a small pipe than a partial rupture of a larger pipe*Statement has been interpreted to mean that partial breaks are not possible (i.e., all partial breaks would proceed to full DEGBs)*NRC staff clarified that partial breaks are possible, but may or may not have a negligible probability*Licensees should evaluate both extremes-Continuum break model where a small break on a large pipe is assumed to have the same frequency as a complete rupture on a small pipe with an equivalent break size-DEGB only model where partial breaks are assumed to have negligible frequency and frequency is only allocated to DEGBs*DEGB-only model would result in a threshold break  continuum break model42 DEGB-Only Evaluation using CFP Approach*CFP values can be calculated for continuum break model and DEGB-only model using CFP methodology described previously-Large gap in possible DEGB sizes between 12-14" surge line and 27.5"+ primary loop piping-Must use a different set of size ranges for DEGB-only model and continuum break model*Risk quantification for DEGB-only model can be significantly skewed depending on how size ranges are defined -Specifying boundary just below primary loop piping diameter places all of the intermediate break frequency on smaller surge line welds that are less likely to fail (biases CDF low)-Specifying boundary just above surge line break diameter places all of the intermediate break frequency on larger primary loop piping welds that are more likely to fail (biases CDF high)-Using the midpoint between the DEGB sizes provides an unbiased estimate of CDF for the DEGB-only model*Vogtle analysis shows that continuum break model and DEGB-only model produce similar results43 Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of Fiber on Strainer44Continuum Break ModelDEGB-Only ModelFiber on StrainerSmallMediumLargeSR 1SR 2SR 3SmallMediumLargeSR 1SR 2SR 3Invalid Size Range (no breaks)
* Purpose of the audit was to review NARWHAL and BADGER software design and functionality in the context of how the software will be used
Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of Fiber on Strainer45Continuum Break ModelDEGB-Only ModelFiber on StrainerSmallMediumLargeSR 1SR 2SR 3SmallMediumLargeSR 1SR 2SR 3Biased size range (skewing risk low)
  - ENERCON presented industry methodology for non-pilot plants to implement a risk-informed approach
Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of Fiber on Strainer46Continuum Break ModelDEGB-Only ModelFiber on StrainerSmallMediumLargeSR 1SR 2SR 3SmallMediumLargeSR 1SR 2SR 3Biased size range (skewing risk high)
  - Vogtle-specific models were used as an example
Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of Fiber on Strainer47Continuum Break ModelDEGB-Only ModelFiber on StrainerSmallMediumLargeSR 1SR 2SR 3SmallMediumLargeSR 1SR 2SR 3Unbiased size range Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of CFP Values48Conditional Failure ProbabilitiesContinuum Break ModelDEGB-Only Model Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of CDFCasePRA CategoryContinuum CFPDEGB (Bias Max) CFPDEGB (Bias Min) CFPDEGB (Unbiased) CFPTwo ECCS/CS TrainsSmall0000Medium0000Large0.01180.07800.01010.0243Single ECCS/CS TrainSmall0000Medium0000Large0.03530.08160.01450.028649 Breaks Past First Isolation Valve*NUREG-1829 does not include isolable breaks *A break outside the first isolation valve (OFIV) could occur, but would require valve failure to result in an unisolableLOCA*Qualitative analysis should be performed to determine whether OFIV breaks would result in significantly worse debris generation and/or transport compared to similar size breaks inside first isolation valve-If not, these breaks can be concluded to have a negligible effect on risk due to the low probability of valve failure -If so, it may be necessary to evaluate these breaks quantitatively *Frequency based on similar welds inside the first isolation valve*Valve failure probability based on PRA data (~10-3or less)*GSI-191 failure probability based on NARWHAL analysis*Vogtle analysis showed no significant difference in similar size breaks inside and outside first isolation valve (and no failures for any OFIV breaks)50 OFIV Break Comparison of Fiber Accumulation on Strainer51 OFIV Break Comparison of Calcium Phosphate Accumulation on Strainer52 OFIV Break Comparison of Fiber Accumulation at Core Inlet53 Timing for Random Pump Failures*Random equipment failures unrelated to GSI-191 include pump failure to start (FTS) and failure to run (FTR)*In a PRA model, FTS and FTR are assumed to happen at the start of the event, which is how these failures have been treated for risk-informed GSI-191 evaluations*NRC staff questioned whether the FTR timing could impact the GSI-191 risk quantification*For Vogtle, failure of the CS or RHR pumps at the start of recirculation would result in higher GSI-191 CFPs compared to failure at the start of the event or failure later in the event*Each licensee will need to evaluate potential time-dependent failures (unrelated to GSI-191) and justify assumptions54 Random Equipment Failures*For Vogtle, the important combination of pump failures includes RHR and CS pumps-No pump failures-Single RHR pump failure
* NRC staff provided favorable feedback on the NARWHAL software
-Single CS pump failure  
  - Transparent
-Single RHR pump and single CS pump failures
  - Good QA documentation
-Two CS pump failures
  - Liked being able to view time-dependent results
-Single RHR and two CS pump failures*Failures of SI and charging pumps are bounded by failures of RHR pumps based on Vogtle-specific models and assumptions55 CS and RHR Train Failure ProbabilitiesFailureProbabilityPercent Contribution1 CS Train FTS -RWST Injection3.7E-365%1 CS Train FTS -Sump Recirculation1.1E-319%1 CS Train FTR -First hour1.9E-43%1 CS Train FTR -Next 23 hours6.6E-412%Total 1 CS Train 5.67E-399%2 CS Trains FTS -RWST Injection8.5E-50.2%2 CS Trains FTS -Sump Recirculation5.17E-299.6%2 CS Trains FTR -First hour1.3E-50.0%2 CS Trains FTR -Next 23 hours1.3E-40.3%Total 2 CS Train 5.19E-299.9%1 RHR Train FTS -RWST Injection4.9E-370%1 RHR Train FTS -Sump Recirculation1.1E-316%1 RHR Train FTR -First hour1.7E-42%1 RHR Train FTR -Next 23 hours7.6E-411%Total 1 RHR Train6.98E-399%56 Comparison of Failure Timing for CS Pump B57CSB Failure at Start of EventFiber on StrainerCSB Failure at Start of Recirculation Comparison of Failure Timing for CS Pump B58Conditional Failure ProbabilitiesCSB Failure at Start of EventCSB Failure at Start of Recirculation Comparison of Failure Timing for Both CS Pumps59All CS Failure at Start of EventFiber on StrainerAll CS Failure at Start of Recirculation Comparison of Failure Timing for Both CS Pumps60Conditional Failure ProbabilitiesAll CS Failure at Start of EventAll CS Failure at Start of Recirculation Comparison of Failure Timing for RHR Pump B61RHRB Failure at Start of EventFiber on StrainerRHRB Failure at Start of Recirculation Comparison of Failure Timing for RHR Pump B62Conditional Failure ProbabilitiesRHRB Failure at Start of EventRHRB Failure at Start of Recirculation Comparison of Failure Timing for CDFCasePRA CategoryFailure at Start of InjectionFailure at Start of RecirculationDifferenceSingle CS Pump FailureSmall000%Medium000%Large0.01200.01221.7%Two CS Pump FailuresSmall000%Medium000%Large0.00690.012682.6%Single RHR Pump FailureSmall000%Medium000%Large0.03300.03516.4%63 Risk Contribution from Secondary Side Breaks*Secondary side breaks may require ECCS recirculation under certain circumstances (e.g., feed and bleed)*Assuming all secondary side breaks that require ECCS recirculation will result in strainer failure increases CDF by 2.9E-7-Small value (within RG 1.174 Region III)-Large enough to significantly skew the overall GSI-191 CDF *Approximately 80% of frequency for secondary side breaks is from feedwaterlines*Lower pressure/temperature in secondary side piping results in smaller ZOIs *ECCS flow rates would be significantly lower, which would reduce debris transport and strainer head loss for any debris that does transport*Additional analysis is expected to show that no feedwaterline breaks would fail and it is possible that no mainsteamline breaks would fail64 Debris Generation Evaluation65Bounding RCS Break (29" DEGB with 17D ZOI)2,235 ft3fiber debrisBounding MSL Break (26" DEGB with 10.6D ZOI)1,156 ft3fiber debrisBounding FWL Break (16" DEGB with 11.3D ZOI)221 ft3fiber debris Summary*NRC audit was very helpful in identifying potential issues prior to submitting LARs*Resolution of generic strainer flashing issue-NARWHAL modified to provide user flexibility-Additional (relatively minor) plant-specific analysis required to justify using midpoint strainer elevation to calculate flashing failures*Resolution of Vogtle strainer particulate filtration issue-Vogtle NARWHAL model modified to use head loss test data directly for low fiber quantities*Resolution of generic insulation size distribution methodology issue-Breaks with small centroids produce a negligible quantity of debris and revising the fraction of fines for these breaks would not significant affect risk quantifications66 Summary*Resolution of generic break size and orientation increment issue-Refining size and orientation increments has very little impact on CDF calculated using CFP approach (no change necessary for these licensees)-Refining size increments can significantly change CDF calculated using threshold break approach*Largest break size that does notfail can be conservatively used as the threshold break size*To refine the threshold break size, additional size and orientation analysis can be performed for the specific break locations and sizes where the smallest failures are observed*Resolution of generic LOCA frequency allocation methodology issues-NARWHAL modified to include log/linear interpolation-Methodology revised to avoid extrapolating 31" exceedance frequencies provided in NUREG-1829-Additional explanation provided for DEGB frequencies (2 x Dpipe) -NARWHAL modified to include a hybrid type method based on ranking of Class 1 welds as high/medium/low likelihood as a function of degradation mechanisms67 Summary-Resolution of Vogtle DEGB-only vs. continuum break model issue*Risk calculated with DEGB-only model is not significantly different from continuum break model*Continuum break model will be used for base case risk quantification and DEGB-only model will be included as a sensitivity in the Vogtle LAR-Resolution of Vogtle breaks past first isolation valve issue*No need to quantitatively address breaks past first isolation valve unless there are unique debris generation/transport issues that would result in much higher GSI-191 CFPs for these breaks-Resolution of Vogtle random pump failure timing issue*Random pump failures at the start of recirculation are generally worse than random failures at the start of the event or later in the event*Risk quantification will use conservative failure time since the impact on the results is minor-Resolution of Vogtle secondary side break issue*Preliminary evaluation shows that most secondary side breaks will not result in strainer failure 68}}
* Overall, the audit was very helpful for exchanging ideas and identifying areas of potential concern
* NRC staff identified several areas where relatively minor methodology changes would make submittals easier to approve 3
Audit Summary
* Risk quantification using threshold break frequency
  - Threshold break methodology requires less work
* Dont need to allocate LOCA frequencies to individual welds
* Dont need to plug NARWHAL results into PRA model to calculate CDF
  - Threshold break methodology results in a significantly higher risk calculation
* Almost all breaks at the threshold break size would not fail (very low conditional failure probability at this size)
* Many of the larger breaks (including some DEGBs on primary loop pipes) would not fail
* Risk quantification using GSI-191 CFPs in PRA model
  - NRC staff is very comfortable with the overall methodology of calculating GSI-191 CFPs and entering these values in PRA model to quantify risk 4
Audit Summary
* Deterministically resolved breaks
  - Idea behind RoverD methodology is that breaks can be evaluated deterministically and the ones that do not fail are deterministically resolved
* Appears to indicate that deterministic rules should be followed (i.e.,
evaluate worst single failure with bounding design basis inputs)
* Once the bounding deterministic evaluation has been completed, it shouldnt be necessary to evaluate other equipment configurations
  - NRCs position is that the term deterministic simply means that a given set of inputs are used to calculate a given set of outputs
* Single failure criterion isnt applicable to a risk-informed evaluation
* Even if a given break passes under one equipment configuration (i.e., a single pump failure), it still needs to be evaluated under other equipment configurations
* There is not a single critical break size at each weld, and the results of analyzing multiple equipment configurations must be rolled together to calculate the overall risk 5
Audit Summary
* Evaluation of various equipment configurations
  - The probability of random (non-GSI-191 related) failures should be accounted for each equipment configuration analyzed
  - Risk quantification can be done outside of PRA, but still requires PRA input for the equipment failure probabilities 6
Audit Summary
* Uncertainty quantification methodology
  - Statistical sampling approach
* Consistent with NUREG-1855 and straightforward for NRC PRA reviewers to accept
* Requires development of probability distributions for GSI-191 input parameters, which could be difficult for NRC GSI-191 reviewers to accept
  - Sensitivity analysis approach
* A less orthodox approach, but would be straightforward for both NRC PRA and GSI-191 reviewers to accept as long as the worst case scenario is not in Region 1 or close to the Region 1 boundary
  - Qualitative evaluation of uncertainties
* May be acceptable, but approach has not been fully defined 7
Audit Summary
* Safety margin (SM) and defense-in-depth (DID)
  - SM was defined as, How confident are we that a success is a success?
* In other words, safety margin is built in conservatisms that increase confidence that sequences that go to success remain in success (and why some that are assumed to fail might actually succeed)
  - DID was defined as, What if were wrong about a successful end state, and it turns out to actually be a failure?
* In other words, DID / mitigative strategies are items that address protection of public from radiation due to sequences that go to failure (containment integrity, emergency plan, operator actions in EOPs not credited, use of FLEX not credited, etc.)
  - These definitions are important since it helps define how the content should be split between the SM and DID sections
  - RG 1.229 has reporting requirements related to decreases in SM and DID
* Most plant modifications or operability issues would not affect DID
* Very important to not list all areas of conservatism as SM, or else every plant modification and operability issue could trigger reporting
* Submittal needs to identify models that couldnt change without NRC approval 8
Strainer Flashing Failures
* Flashing (boiling) in strainer
  - When the sump temperature is at or above 212 °F and accident pressure is not credited, flashing will occur when strainer head loss exceeds strainer submergence
  - Most conservative approach is to use submergence at the top of the strainer
  - NARWHAL Version 1.0 used submergence at strainer midpoint to calculate flashing failures
  - NARWHAL Version 2.0 allows user to specify
* Reference elevation for calculating degasification and flashing
* Accident pressure credited for degasification and flashing (not used for NPSH) 9
Strainer Flashing White Paper Summary
* A plant-specific analysis should be performed to determine two-phase flow regime in strainer
  - Non-transportable: Vapor would accumulate at top of strainer and would not challenge ECCS operation
* Most plants expected to fall in this regime
* As vapor accumulates in strainer, pressure increases due to the downward movement of the air/water interface until flashing ceases (i.e., it is self-limiting)
* Using the strainer midpoint elevation to calculate flashing failures is reasonably conservative
  - Bubbly flow: Steam can transport as bubbly flow in the liquid
* A few plants may fall in this regime
* A straightforward plant-specific analysis can be used to show that the bubbles would collapse well before reaching the ECCS pumps
  - Annular flow: Steam can transport through a cylindrical vapor channel with a liquid film around the surface of the pipe
* Not expected that any plants will fall in this regime
* Due to the complexity of the analysis, any plants that do fall in this regime should conservatively use the top of the strainer to calculate flashing failures 10
Particulate Filtration
* Preliminary Vogtle NARWHAL model assumed particulate would be filtered when fiber bed exceeds 1/16 fiber equivalent
* Although there would be clean screen area with low head losses at this point, some particulate would be captured along with the initial fiber
* Rather than justifying the fiber thickness required to filter particulate, the Vogtle head loss model will be modified to incorporate the measured head loss for a small quantity of fiber and large quantity of particulate 11
Insulation Size Distribution Methodology
* Insulation debris size distribution centroid methodology
  - Generic ENERCON calculation (GSI191-CALC-001) provides methodology for calculating debris size distribution as a function of the average distance of insulation in the ZOI from the break (i.e., the centroid distance) based on the methodology recommended in NEI 04-07 Volume 2
  - NRC staff questioned whether the fraction of fine debris should be higher than 20% for centroids very close to the break (i.e., within 2D)
  - ENERCON revised the generic calculation to provide stronger justification 12
Insulation Size Distribution Methodology
* By definition, if a break has a 2D centroid, the insulation inside the ZOI must be very close to the break and the quantity of debris must be relatively small (i.e., most of the ZOI generates no debris)
    - To theoretically maximize the quantity of debris that could be generated with a 2D centroid, all insulation would have to fall within a 2.5D sphere
    - A 2.5D sphere has 0.32% of the total volume of a 17D sphere (i.e., a much lower potential for generating large quantities of debris)
* A typical 4 Loop Westinghouse plant with low density fiberglass insulation was used to evaluate the range of centroids for over 28,000 breaks spanning a wide range of conditions
    - Most breaks (approximately 18,000) had a centroid between 8D and 11D
    - Approximately 2,000 breaks (ranging from 1/2 to 2) had a centroid of 0D because the debris quantity was 0 ft3
    - Remaining 43 breaks with a centroid between 0D and 2D generated a debris quantity of less than 10 ft3 (less than the quantity typically assumed for latent fiber debris)
* Changing the assumption of the fraction of fines generated by breaks with centroids between 0D and 2D would have a negligible effect on the overall risk quantification since the debris quantities generated are so small 13
Range of Centroid Distances for Breaks Evaluated 14
Centroid Distances for Various Break Sizes 15
Debris Quantities for Breaks with Centroids from 0D to 2D 16
Debris Quantity vs. Centroid Distance 17
Debris Quantity vs. Centroid Distance 18
Break Size and Orientation Increments
* Due to the effect on CDF seen in the STP RoverD methodology from minor variations in break size and orientation, the NRC staff questioned whether 45° orientation increments and 1/2 to 3 size increments provide sufficient resolution to find failures that have a significant impact on risk
* This concern has a different impact on the non-pilot plants depending on whether risk is quantified using the PRA model with conditional failure probabilities (CFPs) or the threshold break approach
* ENERCON prepared a generic white paper (using example 4 Loop plant results) to address this issue 19
Typical Results of Refined BADGER Analysis 20
Typical Results of Refined BADGER Analysis 21
Typical Results of Refined BADGER Analysis 22
Typical Results of Refined BADGER Analysis 23
CFP Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments 24
CFP Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments 25
CFP Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments 26
Smallest Failure Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments 27
Smallest Failure Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments 28
Smallest Failure Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments 29
Conclusions of Size and Orientation Sensitivity Evaluation
* CFP values do not change significantly with more resolution on break orientations and sizes
* Plants using the threshold break approach have two options
  - Use the next smaller break size (i.e., if a 14 break is the smallest one that fails and all 12 breaks pass, set the threshold break size at 12 inches)
  - Run BADGER using more resolution on size and orientation for the smallest breaks that fail to justify an intermediate value for the threshold break size (e.g.,
13.6 inches) 30
LOCA Frequency Allocation Methodology
* NRC staff identified several relatively minor issues related to LOCA frequencies, which in general only apply to the plants using the CFP/PRA risk quantification methodology
    - Need to use log/linear interpolation (NARWHAL Version 1.0 had log/log and linear/linear)
    - Avoid extrapolation beyond 31 exceedance frequencies provided in NUREG-1829
    - Methodology to account for DEGB frequencies (2 x Dpipe) is not clear
    - Pure top-down LOCA frequency methodology isnt preferred, but RG 1.229 may provide a hybrid type method based on ranking of Class 1 welds as high/medium/low likelihood as a function of degradation mechanisms
* NARWHAL Version 2.0 PRA package includes hybrid LOCA frequency methodology consistent with NRC-described RG 1.229 content that is under consideration
* ENERCON revised generic LOCA frequency methodology (GSI191-CALC-006) to modify methodology for extrapolation of frequency for very large breaks and include additional description for treatment of DEGB frequencies 31
CFP Methodology
* Overall plant-wide LOCA frequencies must be allocated to individual welds and break sizes using an acceptable allocation methodology
* GSI-191 failures (strainer, pump, and and/or core failures due to the effects of debris) must be evaluated for each break
* PRA model categories (e.g., large breaks) could be broken up into size ranges where breaks within a given size range are assumed to have an equal probability (every size range must include breaks)
* CFP for a PRA category is calculated based on the combined CFPs for each size range along with the corresponding LOCA frequency weight associated with each category
* CFP values can then be used with the plant PRA model to calculate the risk associated with GSI-191 32
Size Range Methodology Large              Large              Large Size Range 1      Size Range 2        Size Range 3 P(SR1) = 93.7%       P(SR2) = 4.3%     P(SR3) = 2.0%
CFP(SR1) = 0.0%     CFP(SR2) = 13.6%   CFP(SR3) = 36.1%
CFP(Large) = 1.3%
Small  Medium  Large 33
Hybrid LOCA Frequency Methodology
* Simple example with 3 welds
  - Weld 1 (Significant degradation mechanisms)
* 8-inch diameter
* 11.3 DEGB equivalent diameter
* High failure probability (10x frequency multiplier)
  - Weld 2 (Some degradation mechanisms)
* 12-inch diameter
* 17.0 DEGB equivalent diameter
* Medium failure probability (1x frequency multiplier)
  - Weld 3 (Only design and construction defects)
* 31-inch diameter
* 43.8 DEGB equivalent diameter
* Low failure probability (0.1x frequency multiplier) 34
Example Weld Frequencies Large          Large          Large Size Range 1  Size Range 2  Size Range 3 Small  Medium  Large 35
Treatment of DEGB Tail
* Breaks larger than pipe diameter assumed to fail as DEGB (spherical ZOI)
* Equivalent break diameter for a DEGB is 2 times pipe diameter (2x flow area has2x equivalent break diameter)
* Actual break size is somewhere between pipe diameter and DEGB equivalent diameter
  - A DEGB on a 12-inch pipe could be referred to as a 17-inch break (i.e., equivalent to a 17-inch partial break on another pipe)
  - Conservative option is to refer to a DEGB on a 12-inch pipe as a 12-inch break (ZOI for a 12-inch DEGB is twice the volume of a 12-inch partial break)
* Since DEGBs represent a range of break sizes between the pipe diameter and the DEGB equivalent diameter, the frequency tail should not be neglected 36
Treatment of DEGB Tails Large Size Range 1 Large 37
Weld Frequency Contribution
* Breaks of any size on a given weld are assumed to have equal probability within a size range (e.g., Large Size Range 1)
* Probability contribution for a given weld is the exceedance frequency at the low end of the size range minus the frequency at:
  - The high end of the size range if the pipe diameter is larger than the size range
  - The DEGB equivalent diameter frequency if the pipe diameter is within the size range 38
Example Weld Contributions
* Frequencies in 6-15 size range
  - FWeld1 = F6 - F11.3 = 3.0E 4.9E-8 = 2.5E-7
  - FWeld2 = F6 - F17.0 = 3.0E 1.5E-9 = 2.9E-8
  - FWeld3 = F6 - F15 = 3.0E 2.2E-10 = 2.8E-9
  - FTotal = FWeld1 + FWeld2 + FWeld3 = 2.8E-7
* Relative probability weight for each weld in 6-15 size range
  - PWeld1 = 89%
  - PWeld2 = 10%
  - PWeld3 = 1%
LOCA Frequency Extrapolation
* NUREG-1829 only provides exceedance frequencies up to 31-inch break sizes
  - CE plants have 42-inch hot leg pipes
  - DEGB equivalent diameters for Westinghouse plant primary loop pipe breaks are larger than 31 inches
* Treatment of larger breaks using size range methodology
  - Assuming 31-inch exceedance frequency for all larger break sizes is actually non-conservative when applying the size range methodology
* Fsize Range 3 = F25 - F43.8 = 5.7E 2.9E-08 = 2.8E-08
  - Logarithmic extrapolation could be performed, but the results are questionable
* Fsize Range 3 = F25 - F43.8 = 5.7E 1.0E-08 = 4.7E-08
  - Conservative option is to use zero frequency for size range endpoints larger than 31 inches
* Fsize Range 3 = F25 - F43.8 = 5.7E 0.0 = 5.7E-08 40
Primary Loop Pipe Exceedance Frequencies 41
Continuum vs. DEGB-Only Model
* NUREG-1829 includes a statement that a break of a given size is more likely to result from a complete rupture of a small pipe than a partial rupture of a larger pipe
* Statement has been interpreted to mean that partial breaks are not possible (i.e., all partial breaks would proceed to full DEGBs)
* NRC staff clarified that partial breaks are possible, but may or may not have a negligible probability
* Licensees should evaluate both extremes
  - Continuum break model where a small break on a large pipe is assumed to have the same frequency as a complete rupture on a small pipe with an equivalent break size
  - DEGB only model where partial breaks are assumed to have negligible frequency and frequency is only allocated to DEGBs
* DEGB-only model would result in a threshold break  continuum break model 42
DEGB-Only Evaluation using CFP Approach
* CFP values can be calculated for continuum break model and DEGB-only model using CFP methodology described previously
  - Large gap in possible DEGB sizes between 12-14 surge line and 27.5+ primary loop piping
  - Must use a different set of size ranges for DEGB-only model and continuum break model
* Risk quantification for DEGB-only model can be significantly skewed depending on how size ranges are defined
  - Specifying boundary just below primary loop piping diameter places all of the intermediate break frequency on smaller surge line welds that are less likely to fail (biases CDF low)
  - Specifying boundary just above surge line break diameter places all of the intermediate break frequency on larger primary loop piping welds that are more likely to fail (biases CDF high)
  - Using the midpoint between the DEGB sizes provides an unbiased estimate of CDF for the DEGB-only model
* Vogtle analysis shows that continuum break model and DEGB-only model produce similar results 43
Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of Fiber on Strainer Continuum Break Model                                        DEGB-Only Model SR 1  SR 2    SR 3                                  SR 1      SR 2      SR 3 Invalid Size Range Medium                                              Medium (no breaks)
Small            Large                              Small            Large Fiber on Strainer 44
Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of Fiber on Strainer Continuum Break Model                                        DEGB-Only Model SR 1  SR 2    SR 3                            SR 1      SR 2      SR 3 Biased size range Medium                                              Medium (skewing Small            Large                              Small            Large    risk low)
Fiber on Strainer 45
Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of Fiber on Strainer Continuum Break Model                                        DEGB-Only Model SR 1  SR 2    SR 3                            SR 1  SR 2      SR 3 Biased size range Medium                                              Medium (skewing Small            Large                              Small            Large            risk high)
Fiber on Strainer 46
Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of Fiber on Strainer Continuum Break Model                                        DEGB-Only Model SR 1  SR 2    SR 3                            SR 1      SR 2      SR 3 Unbiased size range Small  Medium  Large                              Small  Medium    Large Fiber on Strainer 47
Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of CFP Values Continuum Break Model                      DEGB-Only Model Conditional Failure Probabilities 48
Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of CDF DEGB          DEGB          DEGB PRA        Continuum Case                                  (Bias Max)     (Bias Min)   (Unbiased)
Category          CFP CFP          CFP          CFP Two      Small            0              0              0            0 ECCS/CS   Medium            0              0              0            0 Trains    Large          0.0118        0.0780        0.0101        0.0243 Single    Small            0              0              0            0 ECCS/CS   Medium            0              0              0            0 Train    Large        0.0353          0.0816        0.0145        0.0286
            = 5.2
* 10
* 0.91
* 0.0118 + 0.09
* 0.0353 = 7.2
* 10
(       )=  5.2
* 10
* 0.91
* 0.0243 + 0.09
* 0.0286 = 1.3
* 10 49
Breaks Past First Isolation Valve
* NUREG-1829 does not include isolable breaks
* A break outside the first isolation valve (OFIV) could occur, but would require valve failure to result in an unisolable LOCA
* Qualitative analysis should be performed to determine whether OFIV breaks would result in significantly worse debris generation and/or transport compared to similar size breaks inside first isolation valve
  - If not, these breaks can be concluded to have a negligible effect on risk due to the low probability of valve failure
  - If so, it may be necessary to evaluate these breaks quantitatively
* Frequency based on similar welds inside the first isolation valve
* Valve failure probability based on PRA data (~10-3 or less)
* GSI-191 failure probability based on NARWHAL analysis
* Vogtle analysis showed no significant difference in similar size breaks inside and outside first isolation valve (and no failures for any OFIV breaks) 50
OFIV Break Comparison of Fiber Accumulation on Strainer 51
OFIV Break Comparison of Calcium Phosphate Accumulation on Strainer 52
OFIV Break Comparison of Fiber Accumulation at Core Inlet 53
Timing for Random Pump Failures
* Random equipment failures unrelated to GSI-191 include pump failure to start (FTS) and failure to run (FTR)
* In a PRA model, FTS and FTR are assumed to happen at the start of the event, which is how these failures have been treated for risk-informed GSI-191 evaluations
* NRC staff questioned whether the FTR timing could impact the GSI-191 risk quantification
* For Vogtle, failure of the CS or RHR pumps at the start of recirculation would result in higher GSI-191 CFPs compared to failure at the start of the event or failure later in the event
* Each licensee will need to evaluate potential time-dependent failures (unrelated to GSI-191) and justify assumptions 54
Random Equipment Failures
* For Vogtle, the important combination of pump failures includes RHR and CS pumps
  - No pump failures
  - Single RHR pump failure
  - Single CS pump failure
  - Single RHR pump and single CS pump failures
  - Two CS pump failures
  - Single RHR and two CS pump failures
* Failures of SI and charging pumps are bounded by failures of RHR pumps based on Vogtle-specific models and assumptions 55
CS and RHR Train Failure Probabilities Percent Failure                              Probability Contribution 1 CS Train FTS - RWST Injection          3.7E-3        65%
1 CS Train FTS - Sump Recirculation      1.1E-3        19%
1 CS Train FTR - First hour              1.9E-4          3%
1 CS Train FTR - Next 23 hours            6.6E-4        12%
Total 1 CS Train                         5.67E-3        99%
2 CS Trains FTS - RWST Injection          8.5E-5        0.2%
2 CS Trains FTS - Sump Recirculation    5.17E-2        99.6%
2 CS Trains FTR - First hour              1.3E-5        0.0%
2 CS Trains FTR - Next 23 hours          1.3E-4        0.3%
Total 2 CS Train                         5.19E-2        99.9%
1 RHR Train FTS - RWST Injection          4.9E-3        70%
1 RHR Train FTS - Sump Recirculation      1.1E-3        16%
1 RHR Train FTR - First hour              1.7E-4          2%
1 RHR Train FTR - Next 23 hours          7.6E-4          11%
Total 1 RHR Train                        6.98E-3          99%
Comparison of Failure Timing for CS Pump B CSB Failure at Start of Event        CSB Failure at Start of Recirculation Fiber on Strainer 57
Comparison of Failure Timing for CS Pump B CSB Failure at Start of Event            CSB Failure at Start of Recirculation Conditional Failure Probabilities 58
Comparison of Failure Timing for Both CS Pumps All CS Failure at Start of Event      All CS Failure at Start of Recirculation Fiber on Strainer 59
Comparison of Failure Timing for Both CS Pumps All CS Failure at Start of Event          All CS Failure at Start of Recirculation Conditional Failure Probabilities 60
Comparison of Failure Timing for RHR Pump B RHRB Failure at Start of Event        RHRB Failure at Start of Recirculation Fiber on Strainer 61
Comparison of Failure Timing for RHR Pump B RHRB Failure at Start of Event          RHRB Failure at Start of Recirculation Conditional Failure Probabilities 62
Comparison of Failure Timing for CDF Failure at       Failure at Case        PRA Category            Start of         Start of       Difference Injection      Recirculation Small                0                0              0%
Single CS Pump Medium                0                0              0%
Failure Large            0.0120            0.0122            1.7%
Small                0                0              0%
Two CS Pump Medium                0                0              0%
Failures Large            0.0069            0.0126          82.6%
Small                0                0              0%
Single RHR Medium                0                0              0%
Pump Failure Large            0.0330            0.0351            6.4%
          @ = 5.2
* 10
* 0.91
* 0.0118 + 0.01
* 0.0120 + 0.06
* 0.0069 + 0.02
* 0.0330
= 6.20
* 10
          @  = 5.2
* 10
* 0.91
* 0.0118 + 0.01
* 0.0122 + 0.06
* 0.0126 + 0.02
* 0.0351
= 6.41
* 10 63
Risk Contribution from Secondary Side Breaks
* Secondary side breaks may require ECCS recirculation under certain circumstances (e.g., feed and bleed)
* Assuming all secondary side breaks that require ECCS recirculation will result in strainer failure increases CDF by 2.9E-7
    - Small value (within RG 1.174 Region III)
    - Large enough to significantly skew the overall GSI-191 CDF
* Approximately 80% of frequency for secondary side breaks is from feedwater lines
* Lower pressure/temperature in secondary side piping results in smaller ZOIs
* ECCS flow rates would be significantly lower, which would reduce debris transport and strainer head loss for any debris that does transport
* Additional analysis is expected to show that no feedwater line breaks would fail and it is possible that no mainsteam line breaks would fail 64
Debris Generation Evaluation Bounding RCS Break        Bounding MSL Break        Bounding FWL Break (29 DEGB with 17D ZOI)  (26 DEGB with 10.6D ZOI)  (16 DEGB with 11.3D ZOI) 2,235 ft3 fiber debris    1,156 ft3 fiber debris      221 ft3 fiber debris 65
* NRC audit was very helpful in identifying potential issues prior to submitting LARs
* Resolution of generic strainer flashing issue
  - NARWHAL modified to provide user flexibility
  - Additional (relatively minor) plant-specific analysis required to justify using midpoint strainer elevation to calculate flashing failures
* Resolution of Vogtle strainer particulate filtration issue
  - Vogtle NARWHAL model modified to use head loss test data directly for low fiber quantities
* Resolution of generic insulation size distribution methodology issue
  - Breaks with small centroids produce a negligible quantity of debris and revising the fraction of fines for these breaks would not significant affect risk quantifications 66
* Resolution of generic break size and orientation increment issue
  - Refining size and orientation increments has very little impact on CDF calculated using CFP approach (no change necessary for these licensees)
  - Refining size increments can significantly change CDF calculated using threshold break approach
* Largest break size that does not fail can be conservatively used as the threshold break size
* To refine the threshold break size, additional size and orientation analysis can be performed for the specific break locations and sizes where the smallest failures are observed
* Resolution of generic LOCA frequency allocation methodology issues
  - NARWHAL modified to include log/linear interpolation
  - Methodology revised to avoid extrapolating 31 exceedance frequencies provided in NUREG-1829
  - Additional explanation provided for DEGB frequencies (2 x Dpipe)
  - NARWHAL modified to include a hybrid type method based on ranking of Class 1 welds as high/medium/low likelihood as a function of degradation mechanisms 67
- Resolution of Vogtle DEGB-only vs. continuum break model issue
* Risk calculated with DEGB-only model is not significantly different from continuum break model
* Continuum break model will be used for base case risk quantification and DEGB-only model will be included as a sensitivity in the Vogtle LAR
- Resolution of Vogtle breaks past first isolation valve issue
* No need to quantitatively address breaks past first isolation valve unless there are unique debris generation/transport issues that would result in much higher GSI-191 CFPs for these breaks
- Resolution of Vogtle random pump failure timing issue
* Random pump failures at the start of recirculation are generally worse than random failures at the start of the event or later in the event
* Risk quantification will use conservative failure time since the impact on the results is minor
- Resolution of Vogtle secondary side break issue
* Preliminary evaluation shows that most secondary side breaks will not result in strainer failure 68}}

Latest revision as of 16:34, 30 October 2019

Narwhal Audit - Follow-Up on Open Issues
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 08/11/2016
Enercon Services
To: Stephen Koenick
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Koenick S, NRR/DORL/LPLIV-2, 415-6631
Download: ML16217A085 (68)


NRC Audit of NARWHAL Software Additional Information to Address NRC Staff Questions Raised During Audit August 11, 2016


  • Audit Summary
  • Additional Information on NRC Staff Technical Questions

- Strainer flashing failures

- Fiber quantity required to filter particulate

- Insulation size distribution methodology

- Break size and orientation increments

- LOCA frequency allocation methodology

- DEGB-only vs. continuum break model

- Analysis of breaks past first isolation valve

- Random pump failure timing

- Risk-contribution from secondary side breaks 2

Audit Summary

  • NRC audit conducted May 17-19, 2016 at ENERCON office in Albuquerque, NM
  • Purpose of the audit was to review NARWHAL and BADGER software design and functionality in the context of how the software will be used

- ENERCON presented industry methodology for non-pilot plants to implement a risk-informed approach

- Vogtle-specific models were used as an example

  • NRC staff provided favorable feedback on the NARWHAL software

- Transparent

- Good QA documentation

- Liked being able to view time-dependent results

  • Overall, the audit was very helpful for exchanging ideas and identifying areas of potential concern
  • NRC staff identified several areas where relatively minor methodology changes would make submittals easier to approve 3

Audit Summary

  • Risk quantification using threshold break frequency

- Threshold break methodology requires less work

  • Dont need to allocate LOCA frequencies to individual welds
  • Dont need to plug NARWHAL results into PRA model to calculate CDF

- Threshold break methodology results in a significantly higher risk calculation

  • Almost all breaks at the threshold break size would not fail (very low conditional failure probability at this size)
  • Many of the larger breaks (including some DEGBs on primary loop pipes) would not fail
  • Risk quantification using GSI-191 CFPs in PRA model

- NRC staff is very comfortable with the overall methodology of calculating GSI-191 CFPs and entering these values in PRA model to quantify risk 4

Audit Summary

  • Deterministically resolved breaks

- Idea behind RoverD methodology is that breaks can be evaluated deterministically and the ones that do not fail are deterministically resolved

  • Appears to indicate that deterministic rules should be followed (i.e.,

evaluate worst single failure with bounding design basis inputs)

  • Once the bounding deterministic evaluation has been completed, it shouldnt be necessary to evaluate other equipment configurations

- NRCs position is that the term deterministic simply means that a given set of inputs are used to calculate a given set of outputs

  • Single failure criterion isnt applicable to a risk-informed evaluation
  • Even if a given break passes under one equipment configuration (i.e., a single pump failure), it still needs to be evaluated under other equipment configurations
  • There is not a single critical break size at each weld, and the results of analyzing multiple equipment configurations must be rolled together to calculate the overall risk 5

Audit Summary

  • Evaluation of various equipment configurations

- The probability of random (non-GSI-191 related) failures should be accounted for each equipment configuration analyzed

- Risk quantification can be done outside of PRA, but still requires PRA input for the equipment failure probabilities 6

Audit Summary

  • Uncertainty quantification methodology

- Statistical sampling approach

  • Consistent with NUREG-1855 and straightforward for NRC PRA reviewers to accept
  • Requires development of probability distributions for GSI-191 input parameters, which could be difficult for NRC GSI-191 reviewers to accept

- Sensitivity analysis approach

  • A less orthodox approach, but would be straightforward for both NRC PRA and GSI-191 reviewers to accept as long as the worst case scenario is not in Region 1 or close to the Region 1 boundary

- Qualitative evaluation of uncertainties

  • May be acceptable, but approach has not been fully defined 7

Audit Summary

  • Safety margin (SM) and defense-in-depth (DID)

- SM was defined as, How confident are we that a success is a success?

  • In other words, safety margin is built in conservatisms that increase confidence that sequences that go to success remain in success (and why some that are assumed to fail might actually succeed)

- DID was defined as, What if were wrong about a successful end state, and it turns out to actually be a failure?

  • In other words, DID / mitigative strategies are items that address protection of public from radiation due to sequences that go to failure (containment integrity, emergency plan, operator actions in EOPs not credited, use of FLEX not credited, etc.)

- These definitions are important since it helps define how the content should be split between the SM and DID sections

- RG 1.229 has reporting requirements related to decreases in SM and DID

  • Most plant modifications or operability issues would not affect DID
  • Very important to not list all areas of conservatism as SM, or else every plant modification and operability issue could trigger reporting
  • Submittal needs to identify models that couldnt change without NRC approval 8

Strainer Flashing Failures

  • Flashing (boiling) in strainer

- When the sump temperature is at or above 212 °F and accident pressure is not credited, flashing will occur when strainer head loss exceeds strainer submergence

- Most conservative approach is to use submergence at the top of the strainer

- NARWHAL Version 1.0 used submergence at strainer midpoint to calculate flashing failures

- NARWHAL Version 2.0 allows user to specify

  • Reference elevation for calculating degasification and flashing
  • Accident pressure credited for degasification and flashing (not used for NPSH) 9

Strainer Flashing White Paper Summary

  • A plant-specific analysis should be performed to determine two-phase flow regime in strainer

- Non-transportable: Vapor would accumulate at top of strainer and would not challenge ECCS operation

  • Most plants expected to fall in this regime
  • As vapor accumulates in strainer, pressure increases due to the downward movement of the air/water interface until flashing ceases (i.e., it is self-limiting)
  • Using the strainer midpoint elevation to calculate flashing failures is reasonably conservative

- Bubbly flow: Steam can transport as bubbly flow in the liquid

  • A few plants may fall in this regime
  • A straightforward plant-specific analysis can be used to show that the bubbles would collapse well before reaching the ECCS pumps

- Annular flow: Steam can transport through a cylindrical vapor channel with a liquid film around the surface of the pipe

  • Not expected that any plants will fall in this regime
  • Due to the complexity of the analysis, any plants that do fall in this regime should conservatively use the top of the strainer to calculate flashing failures 10

Particulate Filtration

  • Preliminary Vogtle NARWHAL model assumed particulate would be filtered when fiber bed exceeds 1/16 fiber equivalent
  • Although there would be clean screen area with low head losses at this point, some particulate would be captured along with the initial fiber
  • Rather than justifying the fiber thickness required to filter particulate, the Vogtle head loss model will be modified to incorporate the measured head loss for a small quantity of fiber and large quantity of particulate 11

Insulation Size Distribution Methodology

  • Insulation debris size distribution centroid methodology

- Generic ENERCON calculation (GSI191-CALC-001) provides methodology for calculating debris size distribution as a function of the average distance of insulation in the ZOI from the break (i.e., the centroid distance) based on the methodology recommended in NEI 04-07 Volume 2

- NRC staff questioned whether the fraction of fine debris should be higher than 20% for centroids very close to the break (i.e., within 2D)

- ENERCON revised the generic calculation to provide stronger justification 12

Insulation Size Distribution Methodology

  • By definition, if a break has a 2D centroid, the insulation inside the ZOI must be very close to the break and the quantity of debris must be relatively small (i.e., most of the ZOI generates no debris)

- To theoretically maximize the quantity of debris that could be generated with a 2D centroid, all insulation would have to fall within a 2.5D sphere

- A 2.5D sphere has 0.32% of the total volume of a 17D sphere (i.e., a much lower potential for generating large quantities of debris)

  • A typical 4 Loop Westinghouse plant with low density fiberglass insulation was used to evaluate the range of centroids for over 28,000 breaks spanning a wide range of conditions

- Most breaks (approximately 18,000) had a centroid between 8D and 11D

- Approximately 2,000 breaks (ranging from 1/2 to 2) had a centroid of 0D because the debris quantity was 0 ft3

- Remaining 43 breaks with a centroid between 0D and 2D generated a debris quantity of less than 10 ft3 (less than the quantity typically assumed for latent fiber debris)

  • Changing the assumption of the fraction of fines generated by breaks with centroids between 0D and 2D would have a negligible effect on the overall risk quantification since the debris quantities generated are so small 13

Range of Centroid Distances for Breaks Evaluated 14

Centroid Distances for Various Break Sizes 15

Debris Quantities for Breaks with Centroids from 0D to 2D 16

Debris Quantity vs. Centroid Distance 17

Debris Quantity vs. Centroid Distance 18

Break Size and Orientation Increments

  • Due to the effect on CDF seen in the STP RoverD methodology from minor variations in break size and orientation, the NRC staff questioned whether 45° orientation increments and 1/2 to 3 size increments provide sufficient resolution to find failures that have a significant impact on risk
  • This concern has a different impact on the non-pilot plants depending on whether risk is quantified using the PRA model with conditional failure probabilities (CFPs) or the threshold break approach
  • ENERCON prepared a generic white paper (using example 4 Loop plant results) to address this issue 19

Typical Results of Refined BADGER Analysis 20

Typical Results of Refined BADGER Analysis 21

Typical Results of Refined BADGER Analysis 22

Typical Results of Refined BADGER Analysis 23

CFP Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments 24

CFP Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments 25

CFP Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments 26

Smallest Failure Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments 27

Smallest Failure Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments 28

Smallest Failure Sensitivity to Size and Orientation Increments 29

Conclusions of Size and Orientation Sensitivity Evaluation

  • CFP values do not change significantly with more resolution on break orientations and sizes
  • Plants using the threshold break approach have two options

- Use the next smaller break size (i.e., if a 14 break is the smallest one that fails and all 12 breaks pass, set the threshold break size at 12 inches)

- Run BADGER using more resolution on size and orientation for the smallest breaks that fail to justify an intermediate value for the threshold break size (e.g.,

13.6 inches) 30

LOCA Frequency Allocation Methodology

  • NRC staff identified several relatively minor issues related to LOCA frequencies, which in general only apply to the plants using the CFP/PRA risk quantification methodology

- Need to use log/linear interpolation (NARWHAL Version 1.0 had log/log and linear/linear)

- Avoid extrapolation beyond 31 exceedance frequencies provided in NUREG-1829

- Methodology to account for DEGB frequencies (2 x Dpipe) is not clear

- Pure top-down LOCA frequency methodology isnt preferred, but RG 1.229 may provide a hybrid type method based on ranking of Class 1 welds as high/medium/low likelihood as a function of degradation mechanisms

  • NARWHAL Version 2.0 PRA package includes hybrid LOCA frequency methodology consistent with NRC-described RG 1.229 content that is under consideration
  • ENERCON revised generic LOCA frequency methodology (GSI191-CALC-006) to modify methodology for extrapolation of frequency for very large breaks and include additional description for treatment of DEGB frequencies 31

CFP Methodology

  • Overall plant-wide LOCA frequencies must be allocated to individual welds and break sizes using an acceptable allocation methodology
  • GSI-191 failures (strainer, pump, and and/or core failures due to the effects of debris) must be evaluated for each break
  • PRA model categories (e.g., large breaks) could be broken up into size ranges where breaks within a given size range are assumed to have an equal probability (every size range must include breaks)
  • CFP for a PRA category is calculated based on the combined CFPs for each size range along with the corresponding LOCA frequency weight associated with each category
  • CFP values can then be used with the plant PRA model to calculate the risk associated with GSI-191 32

Size Range Methodology Large Large Large Size Range 1 Size Range 2 Size Range 3 P(SR1) = 93.7% P(SR2) = 4.3% P(SR3) = 2.0%

CFP(SR1) = 0.0% CFP(SR2) = 13.6% CFP(SR3) = 36.1%

CFP(Large) = 1.3%

Small Medium Large 33

Hybrid LOCA Frequency Methodology

  • Simple example with 3 welds

- Weld 1 (Significant degradation mechanisms)

  • 8-inch diameter
  • 11.3 DEGB equivalent diameter
  • High failure probability (10x frequency multiplier)

- Weld 2 (Some degradation mechanisms)

  • 12-inch diameter
  • 17.0 DEGB equivalent diameter
  • Medium failure probability (1x frequency multiplier)

- Weld 3 (Only design and construction defects)

  • 31-inch diameter
  • 43.8 DEGB equivalent diameter
  • Low failure probability (0.1x frequency multiplier) 34

Example Weld Frequencies Large Large Large Size Range 1 Size Range 2 Size Range 3 Small Medium Large 35

Treatment of DEGB Tail

  • Breaks larger than pipe diameter assumed to fail as DEGB (spherical ZOI)
  • Equivalent break diameter for a DEGB is 2 times pipe diameter (2x flow area has2x equivalent break diameter)
  • Actual break size is somewhere between pipe diameter and DEGB equivalent diameter

- A DEGB on a 12-inch pipe could be referred to as a 17-inch break (i.e., equivalent to a 17-inch partial break on another pipe)

- Conservative option is to refer to a DEGB on a 12-inch pipe as a 12-inch break (ZOI for a 12-inch DEGB is twice the volume of a 12-inch partial break)

  • Since DEGBs represent a range of break sizes between the pipe diameter and the DEGB equivalent diameter, the frequency tail should not be neglected 36

Treatment of DEGB Tails Large Size Range 1 Large 37

Weld Frequency Contribution

  • Breaks of any size on a given weld are assumed to have equal probability within a size range (e.g., Large Size Range 1)
  • Probability contribution for a given weld is the exceedance frequency at the low end of the size range minus the frequency at:

- The high end of the size range if the pipe diameter is larger than the size range

- The DEGB equivalent diameter frequency if the pipe diameter is within the size range 38

Example Weld Contributions

  • Frequencies in 6-15 size range

- FWeld1 = F6 - F11.3 = 3.0E 4.9E-8 = 2.5E-7

- FWeld2 = F6 - F17.0 = 3.0E 1.5E-9 = 2.9E-8

- FWeld3 = F6 - F15 = 3.0E 2.2E-10 = 2.8E-9

- FTotal = FWeld1 + FWeld2 + FWeld3 = 2.8E-7

  • Relative probability weight for each weld in 6-15 size range

- PWeld1 = 89%

- PWeld2 = 10%

- PWeld3 = 1%


LOCA Frequency Extrapolation

  • NUREG-1829 only provides exceedance frequencies up to 31-inch break sizes

- CE plants have 42-inch hot leg pipes

- DEGB equivalent diameters for Westinghouse plant primary loop pipe breaks are larger than 31 inches

  • Treatment of larger breaks using size range methodology

- Assuming 31-inch exceedance frequency for all larger break sizes is actually non-conservative when applying the size range methodology

  • Fsize Range 3 = F25 - F43.8 = 5.7E 2.9E-08 = 2.8E-08

- Logarithmic extrapolation could be performed, but the results are questionable

  • Fsize Range 3 = F25 - F43.8 = 5.7E 1.0E-08 = 4.7E-08

- Conservative option is to use zero frequency for size range endpoints larger than 31 inches

  • Fsize Range 3 = F25 - F43.8 = 5.7E 0.0 = 5.7E-08 40

Primary Loop Pipe Exceedance Frequencies 41

Continuum vs. DEGB-Only Model

  • NUREG-1829 includes a statement that a break of a given size is more likely to result from a complete rupture of a small pipe than a partial rupture of a larger pipe
  • Statement has been interpreted to mean that partial breaks are not possible (i.e., all partial breaks would proceed to full DEGBs)
  • NRC staff clarified that partial breaks are possible, but may or may not have a negligible probability
  • Licensees should evaluate both extremes

- Continuum break model where a small break on a large pipe is assumed to have the same frequency as a complete rupture on a small pipe with an equivalent break size

- DEGB only model where partial breaks are assumed to have negligible frequency and frequency is only allocated to DEGBs

  • DEGB-only model would result in a threshold break continuum break model 42

DEGB-Only Evaluation using CFP Approach

  • CFP values can be calculated for continuum break model and DEGB-only model using CFP methodology described previously

- Large gap in possible DEGB sizes between 12-14 surge line and 27.5+ primary loop piping

- Must use a different set of size ranges for DEGB-only model and continuum break model

  • Risk quantification for DEGB-only model can be significantly skewed depending on how size ranges are defined

- Specifying boundary just below primary loop piping diameter places all of the intermediate break frequency on smaller surge line welds that are less likely to fail (biases CDF low)

- Specifying boundary just above surge line break diameter places all of the intermediate break frequency on larger primary loop piping welds that are more likely to fail (biases CDF high)

- Using the midpoint between the DEGB sizes provides an unbiased estimate of CDF for the DEGB-only model

  • Vogtle analysis shows that continuum break model and DEGB-only model produce similar results 43

Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of Fiber on Strainer Continuum Break Model DEGB-Only Model SR 1 SR 2 SR 3 SR 1 SR 2 SR 3 Invalid Size Range Medium Medium (no breaks)

Small Large Small Large Fiber on Strainer 44

Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of Fiber on Strainer Continuum Break Model DEGB-Only Model SR 1 SR 2 SR 3 SR 1 SR 2 SR 3 Biased size range Medium Medium (skewing Small Large Small Large risk low)

Fiber on Strainer 45

Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of Fiber on Strainer Continuum Break Model DEGB-Only Model SR 1 SR 2 SR 3 SR 1 SR 2 SR 3 Biased size range Medium Medium (skewing Small Large Small Large risk high)

Fiber on Strainer 46

Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of Fiber on Strainer Continuum Break Model DEGB-Only Model SR 1 SR 2 SR 3 SR 1 SR 2 SR 3 Unbiased size range Small Medium Large Small Medium Large Fiber on Strainer 47

Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of CFP Values Continuum Break Model DEGB-Only Model Conditional Failure Probabilities 48

Continuum vs. DEGB-only Comparison of CDF DEGB DEGB DEGB PRA Continuum Case (Bias Max) (Bias Min) (Unbiased)

Category CFP CFP CFP CFP Two Small 0 0 0 0 ECCS/CS Medium 0 0 0 0 Trains Large 0.0118 0.0780 0.0101 0.0243 Single Small 0 0 0 0 ECCS/CS Medium 0 0 0 0 Train Large 0.0353 0.0816 0.0145 0.0286

= 5.2

  • 10
  • 0.91
  • 0.0118 + 0.09
  • 0.0353 = 7.2
  • 10

( )= 5.2

  • 10
  • 0.91
  • 0.0243 + 0.09
  • 0.0286 = 1.3
  • 10 49

Breaks Past First Isolation Valve

  • A break outside the first isolation valve (OFIV) could occur, but would require valve failure to result in an unisolable LOCA
  • Qualitative analysis should be performed to determine whether OFIV breaks would result in significantly worse debris generation and/or transport compared to similar size breaks inside first isolation valve

- If not, these breaks can be concluded to have a negligible effect on risk due to the low probability of valve failure

- If so, it may be necessary to evaluate these breaks quantitatively

  • Frequency based on similar welds inside the first isolation valve
  • Valve failure probability based on PRA data (~10-3 or less)
  • GSI-191 failure probability based on NARWHAL analysis
  • Vogtle analysis showed no significant difference in similar size breaks inside and outside first isolation valve (and no failures for any OFIV breaks) 50

OFIV Break Comparison of Fiber Accumulation on Strainer 51

OFIV Break Comparison of Calcium Phosphate Accumulation on Strainer 52

OFIV Break Comparison of Fiber Accumulation at Core Inlet 53

Timing for Random Pump Failures

  • Random equipment failures unrelated to GSI-191 include pump failure to start (FTS) and failure to run (FTR)
  • In a PRA model, FTS and FTR are assumed to happen at the start of the event, which is how these failures have been treated for risk-informed GSI-191 evaluations
  • NRC staff questioned whether the FTR timing could impact the GSI-191 risk quantification
  • For Vogtle, failure of the CS or RHR pumps at the start of recirculation would result in higher GSI-191 CFPs compared to failure at the start of the event or failure later in the event
  • Each licensee will need to evaluate potential time-dependent failures (unrelated to GSI-191) and justify assumptions 54

Random Equipment Failures

  • For Vogtle, the important combination of pump failures includes RHR and CS pumps

- No pump failures

- Single RHR pump failure

- Single CS pump failure

- Single RHR pump and single CS pump failures

- Two CS pump failures

- Single RHR and two CS pump failures

  • Failures of SI and charging pumps are bounded by failures of RHR pumps based on Vogtle-specific models and assumptions 55

CS and RHR Train Failure Probabilities Percent Failure Probability Contribution 1 CS Train FTS - RWST Injection 3.7E-3 65%

1 CS Train FTS - Sump Recirculation 1.1E-3 19%

1 CS Train FTR - First hour 1.9E-4 3%

1 CS Train FTR - Next 23 hours2.662037e-4 days <br />0.00639 hours <br />3.80291e-5 weeks <br />8.7515e-6 months <br /> 6.6E-4 12%

Total 1 CS Train 5.67E-3 99%

2 CS Trains FTS - RWST Injection 8.5E-5 0.2%

2 CS Trains FTS - Sump Recirculation 5.17E-2 99.6%

2 CS Trains FTR - First hour 1.3E-5 0.0%

2 CS Trains FTR - Next 23 hours2.662037e-4 days <br />0.00639 hours <br />3.80291e-5 weeks <br />8.7515e-6 months <br /> 1.3E-4 0.3%

Total 2 CS Train 5.19E-2 99.9%

1 RHR Train FTS - RWST Injection 4.9E-3 70%

1 RHR Train FTS - Sump Recirculation 1.1E-3 16%

1 RHR Train FTR - First hour 1.7E-4 2%

1 RHR Train FTR - Next 23 hours2.662037e-4 days <br />0.00639 hours <br />3.80291e-5 weeks <br />8.7515e-6 months <br /> 7.6E-4 11%

Total 1 RHR Train 6.98E-3 99%


Comparison of Failure Timing for CS Pump B CSB Failure at Start of Event CSB Failure at Start of Recirculation Fiber on Strainer 57

Comparison of Failure Timing for CS Pump B CSB Failure at Start of Event CSB Failure at Start of Recirculation Conditional Failure Probabilities 58

Comparison of Failure Timing for Both CS Pumps All CS Failure at Start of Event All CS Failure at Start of Recirculation Fiber on Strainer 59

Comparison of Failure Timing for Both CS Pumps All CS Failure at Start of Event All CS Failure at Start of Recirculation Conditional Failure Probabilities 60

Comparison of Failure Timing for RHR Pump B RHRB Failure at Start of Event RHRB Failure at Start of Recirculation Fiber on Strainer 61

Comparison of Failure Timing for RHR Pump B RHRB Failure at Start of Event RHRB Failure at Start of Recirculation Conditional Failure Probabilities 62

Comparison of Failure Timing for CDF Failure at Failure at Case PRA Category Start of Start of Difference Injection Recirculation Small 0 0 0%

Single CS Pump Medium 0 0 0%

Failure Large 0.0120 0.0122 1.7%

Small 0 0 0%

Two CS Pump Medium 0 0 0%

Failures Large 0.0069 0.0126 82.6%

Small 0 0 0%

Single RHR Medium 0 0 0%

Pump Failure Large 0.0330 0.0351 6.4%

@ = 5.2

  • 10
  • 0.91
  • 0.0118 + 0.01
  • 0.0120 + 0.06
  • 0.0069 + 0.02
  • 0.0330

= 6.20

  • 10

@ = 5.2

  • 10
  • 0.91
  • 0.0118 + 0.01
  • 0.0122 + 0.06
  • 0.0126 + 0.02
  • 0.0351

= 6.41

  • 10 63

Risk Contribution from Secondary Side Breaks

  • Secondary side breaks may require ECCS recirculation under certain circumstances (e.g., feed and bleed)
  • Assuming all secondary side breaks that require ECCS recirculation will result in strainer failure increases CDF by 2.9E-7

- Small value (within RG 1.174 Region III)

- Large enough to significantly skew the overall GSI-191 CDF

  • Approximately 80% of frequency for secondary side breaks is from feedwater lines
  • Lower pressure/temperature in secondary side piping results in smaller ZOIs
  • ECCS flow rates would be significantly lower, which would reduce debris transport and strainer head loss for any debris that does transport
  • Additional analysis is expected to show that no feedwater line breaks would fail and it is possible that no mainsteam line breaks would fail 64

Debris Generation Evaluation Bounding RCS Break Bounding MSL Break Bounding FWL Break (29 DEGB with 17D ZOI) (26 DEGB with 10.6D ZOI) (16 DEGB with 11.3D ZOI) 2,235 ft3 fiber debris 1,156 ft3 fiber debris 221 ft3 fiber debris 65


  • NRC audit was very helpful in identifying potential issues prior to submitting LARs
  • Resolution of generic strainer flashing issue

- NARWHAL modified to provide user flexibility

- Additional (relatively minor) plant-specific analysis required to justify using midpoint strainer elevation to calculate flashing failures

  • Resolution of Vogtle strainer particulate filtration issue

- Vogtle NARWHAL model modified to use head loss test data directly for low fiber quantities

  • Resolution of generic insulation size distribution methodology issue

- Breaks with small centroids produce a negligible quantity of debris and revising the fraction of fines for these breaks would not significant affect risk quantifications 66


  • Resolution of generic break size and orientation increment issue

- Refining size and orientation increments has very little impact on CDF calculated using CFP approach (no change necessary for these licensees)

- Refining size increments can significantly change CDF calculated using threshold break approach

  • Largest break size that does not fail can be conservatively used as the threshold break size
  • To refine the threshold break size, additional size and orientation analysis can be performed for the specific break locations and sizes where the smallest failures are observed
  • Resolution of generic LOCA frequency allocation methodology issues

- NARWHAL modified to include log/linear interpolation

- Methodology revised to avoid extrapolating 31 exceedance frequencies provided in NUREG-1829

- Additional explanation provided for DEGB frequencies (2 x Dpipe)

- NARWHAL modified to include a hybrid type method based on ranking of Class 1 welds as high/medium/low likelihood as a function of degradation mechanisms 67


- Resolution of Vogtle DEGB-only vs. continuum break model issue

  • Risk calculated with DEGB-only model is not significantly different from continuum break model
  • Continuum break model will be used for base case risk quantification and DEGB-only model will be included as a sensitivity in the Vogtle LAR

- Resolution of Vogtle breaks past first isolation valve issue

  • No need to quantitatively address breaks past first isolation valve unless there are unique debris generation/transport issues that would result in much higher GSI-191 CFPs for these breaks

- Resolution of Vogtle random pump failure timing issue

  • Random pump failures at the start of recirculation are generally worse than random failures at the start of the event or later in the event
  • Risk quantification will use conservative failure time since the impact on the results is minor

- Resolution of Vogtle secondary side break issue

  • Preliminary evaluation shows that most secondary side breaks will not result in strainer failure 68