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{{#Wiki_filter:1210512011                    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OperationsCenter Event Report                          eaze I Part 21 (PAR)                                                                                      Event#        47498 Rep Org: CURTISS WRIGHT FLOW CONTROL CO.                          Notification Date / Time: 12/05/2011 14:55      (EST)
Supplier: CURTISS WRIGHT FLOW CONTROL CO.                                Event Date / Time: 12/05/2011              (EST)
Last Modification: 12/05/2011 Region:    1                                                  Docket #:
City:  DANBURY                                  Agreement State:                  No County:                                                      License #:
State:  CT NRC Notified by:  MICHAEL WEINSTEIN                      Notifications: CHRISTOPHER CAHILL                    R1DO HQ Ops Officer:  STEVE SANDIN                                              RICHARD SKOKOWSKI                  R3DO Emergency Class:    NON EMERGENCY                                            NRR PART21 via email 10 CFR Section:
"The purpose of this letter is to notify you of a defect in spring clips that form part of the seismic restraint for Scientech CON2000-701 and RTD2100-7403 modules. Details of the defect are provided below and in the attached Technical Bulletin Volume 38, CON2000 and RTD2100 Spring Clips, dated December 2011.
"The written report shall include, but need not be limited to, the following information, to the extent known:
(i) Name and address of the individual or individuals informing the Commission.
Michael Weinstein Director of Quality Operations Scientech, a business of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corporation 44 Shelter Rock Road Danbury, CT 06810 Scott Robuck General Manager Scientech, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corporation 200 S. Woodruff Avenue Idaho Falls, ID 83401
12/05/2011                      U.S. NuclearRegulatory Commission OperationsCenter Event Report                      Pa,-e 2 Part 21 (PAR)                                                                                    Event #      47498 (ii) Identification of the basic component supplied for such facility or such activity within the United States which fails to comply or contains a defect.
PID controller, manufactured by Scientech, Model CON2000-701, Part No. NUS-AO56PA RTD converter, manufactured by Scientech, Model RTD2100-7403, Part No. NUS-A121PA (iii) Identification of the firm supplying the basic component which fails to comply or contains a defect.
Scientech, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow control Corporation 200 S. Woodruff Avenue Idaho Falls, ID 83401 (iv) Nature of the defect or failure to comply and the safety hazard which is created or could be created by such defect or failure to comply.
The CON2000-701 is replacement for the obsolete Bailey Meter Company 701 PID controller. It is a panel mounted module that is retained in the panel during seismic events by a spring clip on the top of the modules (part number NUS-PO89DB-1 3) that engages a detent in the panel. The module can be pulled out about one inch out of the rack before the spring clip prevents further movement; full removal requires pressure on the spring clip to disengage the detent.
The module was seismically tested as documented in Qualification Report NUS-A056QA Rev 2. During the CON2000 test, a minor anomaly occurred and was accepted by Scientech as not affecting the qualification results.
Recently a client questioned Scientech's acceptance of the anomaly and requested a retest. Scientech agreed to retest the module; the RRS used is attached. During the retest, the spring clip failed to adequately restrain the module.
The balance of the replacements for the Bailey 7000 series - the NUSI 2000 series - are cabinet mounted modules. When they are reconfigured for shelf or panel mounting they become part of the NUSI 2100 series, and the seismically qualified units use the same spring clip. The RTD2100-7403 is the only safety related panel mounted module sold as of December 201.1 with the deficient spring clip.
Investigation revealed that the original clip was made of 0.025" thick spring steel. After the seismic qualification test was performed, Revision 4 to NUS-F089DB-13 altered the characteristics of the retaining clip, reducing the force required to disengage the detent. The metal was changed to SS301 stainless steel and the thickness reduced to 0.015" thick. Scientech's design change process required an evaluation of the impact of the change; the evaluation was complet4ed, but did not address the impact on seismic qualification adequately.
These controllers could be mounted in the in the main control room control panels. The failure of the seismic clip could result in the controllers coming out of the panels, impacting other safety related equipment or personnel, and failing to properly control their actuated devices during a seismic event.
(v) The date on which the information of such defect or failure to comply was obtained.
Submitted for evaluation 11/30/11; evaluation completed 12/2/11.
(vi) In the case of a basic component which contains a defect or fails to comply, the number and location of these components in use at, supplied for, being supplied for, or may be supplied for, manufactured, or being manufactured for one or more facilities or activities subject to the regulations in this part.
PLANT                CON2000-701 RTD2100-7403 Clinton                      4              0
1210512011                      U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center Event Report                        Pa--e 3 Part 21 (PAR)                                                                                      Event#      47498 Davis Besse                8                0 Monticello                2              0 Perry                      4              0 Susquehanna              20              7 TOTALS                    38              7 (vii) The corrective action which has been, is being, or will be taken; the name of the individual or organization responsible for the action; and the length of time that has been or will be taken to complete the action.
: 1. All five plants were notified and provided with a technical bulletin addressing the problem and the proposed solution.
: 2. Scientech is expedition procurement of the correct spring clips and will supply them to all affected plants. They can be readily changed out on site.
: 3. Scientech had previously strengthened its design review process to specifically remind reviewers to evaluate the impact on and need for additional qualifications testing.
: 4. Scientech will review this event with all engineering staff and emphasize the need for correct reviews.
(viii) Any advice related to the defect or failure to comply about the facility, activity, or basic component that has been, is being, or will be given to purchasers or licensees.
See attached Technical Bulletin. (provided separately)
(ix) In the case of an early site permit, the entities to whom an early site permit was transferred.
Not applicable.
"Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Robert Queenan, Operations Manager, Scientech/NUS Instruments, at (208) 524-9311."
i ill : 4 Z Z U,3-4 4 0  111              Z)U I bN it Lýh                i*Q"OO r. UU+/- / UUO Il I                    I
-t        CUR I*WRIGHT  TIS
        *_ Flow ControlCompany SCIUNTECH TELECOPY COVER SHEET To:  NRC Operations Center Phone:  (301) 816-5100 Fax:  (301-)816-5151 From:  Michael Weinstein, SciCnteci Director of Quality Operations Phone:  (203)-448-3346/(860)-514-9203(cd...)
Fax:  (203-448-3311 Date:  December 5. 2011 Pages including this cover page:  6 If any problems occur during transmission, please contact Engineered Products at the number listed above or contact Suzana at 2031448-3341
ijisu.Ua.IUII iC~qt £u3-Ita-33.LI                            ý)uI NI h~ium                                    Ifu')o      r.uu      ,uU U o Sclentech 44 Shelter Rock Road
* Danbury, CT 06810          l Phone: 203.448.-3310* Fax: 203.446.3311 CURTiS$                                                                                      ht'tp://Se. ,toech.cwfc.coo, Flow ControlCompany SCIENTFJCH December 5, 20 11 Attn: Document Control r)esk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conmmission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Subj(.ct: 10 CFR Parl 21 Report Notification, CON2000 and RTD21.00 Spring Clips
==Dear Sir or Madamn:==
The purpose of this letter is to notify you of a defect in spring clips that form part of the seisirUc resrain for the Scieniech CON2000-701 and RTD2100-7403 modules. Details of the defect are provided below and in the attached Technical Bulletin Volume 38, CON2000 and RTD2100 Spring Cl ips, dated December 2011.
The written report required shall include, but need not be lirmited to, the following informiation.r, to the extent known:
(i) Name and address of the individual or individuals inforning the Commission.
Michael Weinstein Director of"Quality Operations Scientech, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corporation 44 Shelter Rock Road Danbury, CT 06810 Scott Robuck General Manager ScientCch, a. business unit of Curtiss-WrighI Flow Control Corporation 200 S Woodruff Avenue kdaho Falls, ID 83401 (ii) Identification or ihe basic component supplied for such facility or such activity within the United States which fails to comply or contains a defcct, PID controller, manufactured by Seentcech, Model CON2000-701, Part No. NUS-A056PA RTD converter, manufactured by Scientech, Model RTD2100-7403, Part No. NUS-A12 PA (iii) Identification of the firm supplying the basic component which fails to comply or contains a.
Scientech, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corporation 200 S Woodruff Avenue Idaho Falls, ID 83401
  .  .. L i**t  LI*    IU I I LIUdUI I LoIJhI UUU dilU n I      LJZIuu ýprlllg I IIDS                  Page 2 ot 3 (iv) Nature of the defe.'cl or failure to comply and the safety hazard which is created or could be created by such defect or failure to comply.
The CON2000-701 is replacement for the obsolete Bailey Meter Company 701 PID controller.
It is a panel mounted module that is retained in the panel during seismic events by a spring clip on the top of the modules (part number NUIS-F089DB-13) that engages a detent in the panel, The module can be pulled about one inch out of the rack before the spring clip prevents fuiher movement; full removal requiires pressure on the spring clip to disengage the detent.,
The module was seismnically tested as documented in Qualification Report NUS-A056QA Rev 2.
During the CON2000 test, a minotr            I    nomaly occurred and was accepted by Scitnlech as not affecting the qualification results. Recently a client questioned Scientech's acceptance of tihte anomaly and requested a retest. Scientech agreed to retest tfhe module; the RRS used is attached.
During the retest, the spring clip failed to adequately restrain the module.
The balance of theireplacements for the Bailey 7000 series - the NU'SI 2000 series ...are cabinet mounted modules. When thcy are reconfigu*rd for shelf or panel mounting ltlcy become part of the NUST 2100 series, and the seismically qualified units usc the same spring clip. The RTD)2100-7403 is the only safety related panel mounted module sold as of D.)ecember 2011 with the deficient spring clip, Investigation revealed that the original clip was made of 0.025" thick spring steel. After the seismic qualification test was performed, Revision 4 to NUS-FO89DTI-i3 altered the characteristics of the retaining clip, reducing the force required to disengage the detent. The metal was changed to SS3301 stainless steel arid t.he thickness reduced to 0.015" thick.
Scientech's design change process required an evaluation of the impact of the changc; the evaluation was completed, but did not. address the impact on seismic qualificalion adequate]y.
These controllers could be mounted in the main control room control panels. The failure, of the seismic clip could rsultl in the controllers coming out of the pan.els, impacting other safety related equipment. or personnel, and failing to properly control their actuated devices during a seismic evcent, (v) The daze on which the information of such defect or failure to comply was obtained.
Submnitted for evaluation 11/30/1 J; evaluation completed 12/2/11, (vi) In the case of a basic conmponent which contains a defect or fitils to comply, the number and location of these components in use at, supplied for, being supplied for, or may be supplied for, manufactured, or being maniifactured for one or more facilities or activities subject to the regulations in this part.
PLANT ..........~ ~~~ ,..,...,
                            ~ ~ ..          ,........:,.fl-6f      T21,
                                  ~ ~~~~~~.                      i4i:..:!i..
Clinton                                                  4                  0 Davis Bcsse                          -....              8                0 Monticello*                                              2                0 Pery                                                    4                0 Sust uCehanna                                          20                7 TALS.t 2,.vK:......3                  .TO          ,
Soientecti 44 Sh*oter Hock Hoad - Danbury, CTo06810 Phono: 203.448.3310 -Fax: 203.448.331l
liU.Un.4ullU 1'k24Z    4U3-qqDC334A.                                                                                    fU~oOn t.UU,1  /J'JO
                    ..      L  -.+/-=. I,,IV, L ,ULIUILCIu*l I.ý,.LUjluuu aria K I umt.U spring (lIPS                          Page 3 of 3 (vii) The correcti ve action which has beer, is being, or will be taken; the name of the individual or organization responsible for the action; and the length of time tha-t has been or will be taken to complete the actiorl
: 1. All five plant.s were notified and provided with. a technical bulletin addressing the problem and tie proposed solution.
: 2. Scientech is expediting procurement of (he correct spring clips and will supply thenm to all affected plants. They can be readily changed out on site.
: 3. Scientecb had previously strengthened its design review process 1.W              specifically remind reviewers to evaluate the impact on and need for additional qualification testing.
: 4. Scintech will review this event with all engineering staff and emphasi/wc the need For correct reviews, (viii) Any advice related to the defect or failure to comply about the Facility, activity, or basic component that has been, is being, or will be given to purchasers or licensees.
See attached Technical Bulletin.
(.ix) In the case of an early site permit., the entities to whom an early site permit was transferred.
Not applicable.
Should you have any questions regarding this rmatter, please contact Robert Queenan, Operations Manager, Scientech/N-US Instruments, at (208) 524-9311 Sincerely, Michael B. Weinstein D)irector of Quality Operations Scientech, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corporation (203) 448.,3346 (860) 514-9203 (celi)
Attach    i[t ents:
: 1. NUS Instruments Technical Bulleti.n Volume 38, CON2000 and RTD2100 Spring Clips, Dated December 2011.
Cc:          Scott Robuck Robert Qucefiau.
Vintce Chermak QA File Soieatech 44 Shelter Rock Road Danbury, CT 06810
* Phone: 203A48.3310  Fax; 203.448.2311
UjhUA.U3.LU+/-+/-  +/-'4A4c zuL)3-iC-3zJ                                ZDU I bN ihuh                                    wFu000 r. uu0    / eee "NUSInstruments Volume 38                                                      Page I of 2 Issue DIae:                  Dccemher 2011 From;                          Scieribech, a Curtiss Wright Flow Control company T ....                  Technical Point Of Rick Street 200 S. Woodruf' Avenue Cointact:                      Idaho Falls, ID 83401 (208) .524-9249
            ,.E,                      Sub~ject:                      CON2000 & RTD2100 Spring Clips C                      Purpose This Technical Bnulletin documeitis a DEFEC' in baisic components, Certain spring clips that form part of the seismic restraint for the Scientech CON2000-701 and RTD2000-7403 modulcs are delicient, and may not retain the modules in the control panels during a. seismic event.
Li,                                                                  C------ _._]
I[.                    Description o.Fr Defect The CON2000-70 1 is replacement for the obsolete Bailey Meter Company 701 FID controller. It C.
is a paiel mountled module that is retaijed in the panel during seismic events by a spring clip on the top of the modules (part number NLJS-F089DB.13) that engages a detent in the panel. The module can he pulled about one inch out of thi rack before the spring clip prevents further iovement; fMll removal reqluires pressure on the spring clip to disengage the detent.
A..                      [he module was seismically tested as doctm-ented in Quali~fication Report NIJS-A056QA Rev 2.
During tlhe CON2000 test, a minor anomMy occurred and was awccpted by Scientech as riot affecting the. qualification results. Recently a client questioned Scienteeb's acceptance of the anomaly and requested a retest. Scientech agreed to retest the module; the RRS used is attached.
During the retest, the spring clip failed to adequately restrain the module.
L                      The balance of the repiacemcnis for the Bailey 7000 series - the NUSI 2000 series - are cabinet mounted modules. When they are reeonfigured for shelf or panel mounting they become part of the NUST 2100 series, and the seismically qualified units use the same spring clip. The R.IL)2100-7403 is the only safety related panel mounted module sold as of December 2011 with the deficient spring clip.
Investigation revealed that tihe original clip was made of 0.025" thick spring steel. After the seismic qualification test was perlormed, Revision 4 to NI S-t:0s9DJL- 13 altered the characteristics of the relaining clip, reducing the force required to disengage the detent. The meml was changed to SS301 stainless steel and the thickness reduced to 0.015" thick. Scientech's design change process required an evaluation of the impact on qu1aification; the evaluation was either not completed or not adequate.
These controllers could be Mounted in the main control room control panels. The failure of the seismic clip could resultl in the controllers coming out of the panels, impacting other safety related equipment or personnel, and failing to properly control their actuated deviees during a seismic event.
iflL.Ufl.AU.L. JAI&A iU.51'1033.L*b                                  Li srurLNhi                                                        *uono r,.uu /Uuu i
NUSInstruments Volume 38                                                                      Page 2 of'2 Immediate Actions Scientech documented the deviation in Non-Conformance Report 1 IN-150 on November 30, 2011. The evaluation ofthe NCR revealed the need lbr a I.OCFR2] evaluation, which assigned tracking number 21-11-18. On December 2, 2011 the evaluation was completed; it showed that the deviation was a defect, reportable under 10CFR21. SCienteclh notified the NRC and all purchasers of safety related CON2000-70I and RTTD2I.00-7403 modules. Scientech ini.iated an C,                    expedited procuremenit of the original design spring clip.
Scientech will provide 0.025" spring steel clips as used inr(he original qualification test with installation instructions to all affected plants. The spring clips are easily replaced in the field.
Follow Up Actions Scientech had previously strengthened its design review process to specifically remind reviewers to evaluate the impact on and need for additional qualification testing, Scientech will review this event with all engineering staffand emphasize the need for conrect reviews.
Cqomposjte 6 Rcqullrad R,:pcnne .Spectrum 1011)I0 Vertlesl 21idHi itontal Data PoInTc Acceleration 1.0 1.4              4.D 4.0 4.0              15.0 lNO 160.0            7.v (1Il t                                                                                                7.0 C,                                                                        Domping= 6,%
ORF    c,:Ileretion , t10% 0t SSE I
Frequency (Hz)
Note: Teelmical Bulletins Lru orr informntion only and are not coutrolled under the NIST QA program.
Any ctionms io be taken by NUSI in response to ai issue .shall be tracked through implemcntation in QA-CTfrtlllld docunmntsindependently ofthe iediii                    Bicul lutin.._}}

Latest revision as of 12:07, 12 November 2019

Notification of Potential Part 21 Involving Defective Spring Clips Used as Seismic Restraints on Two Scientific Modules
Person / Time
Site: Monticello, Davis Besse, Perry, Susquehanna, Clinton  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/05/2011
From: Weinstein M
Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corp
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML11341A060 (9)


1210512011 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OperationsCenter Event Report eaze I Part 21 (PAR) Event# 47498 Rep Org: CURTISS WRIGHT FLOW CONTROL CO. Notification Date / Time: 12/05/2011 14:55 (EST)

Supplier: CURTISS WRIGHT FLOW CONTROL CO. Event Date / Time: 12/05/2011 (EST)

Last Modification: 12/05/2011 Region: 1 Docket #:

City: DANBURY Agreement State: No County: License #:



"The purpose of this letter is to notify you of a defect in spring clips that form part of the seismic restraint for Scientech CON2000-701 and RTD2100-7403 modules. Details of the defect are provided below and in the attached Technical Bulletin Volume 38, CON2000 and RTD2100 Spring Clips, dated December 2011.

"The written report shall include, but need not be limited to, the following information, to the extent known:

(i) Name and address of the individual or individuals informing the Commission.

Michael Weinstein Director of Quality Operations Scientech, a business of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corporation 44 Shelter Rock Road Danbury, CT 06810 Scott Robuck General Manager Scientech, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corporation 200 S. Woodruff Avenue Idaho Falls, ID 83401

12/05/2011 U.S. NuclearRegulatory Commission OperationsCenter Event Report Pa,-e 2 Part 21 (PAR) Event # 47498 (ii) Identification of the basic component supplied for such facility or such activity within the United States which fails to comply or contains a defect.

PID controller, manufactured by Scientech, Model CON2000-701, Part No. NUS-AO56PA RTD converter, manufactured by Scientech, Model RTD2100-7403, Part No. NUS-A121PA (iii) Identification of the firm supplying the basic component which fails to comply or contains a defect.

Scientech, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow control Corporation 200 S. Woodruff Avenue Idaho Falls, ID 83401 (iv) Nature of the defect or failure to comply and the safety hazard which is created or could be created by such defect or failure to comply.

The CON2000-701 is replacement for the obsolete Bailey Meter Company 701 PID controller. It is a panel mounted module that is retained in the panel during seismic events by a spring clip on the top of the modules (part number NUS-PO89DB-1 3) that engages a detent in the panel. The module can be pulled out about one inch out of the rack before the spring clip prevents further movement; full removal requires pressure on the spring clip to disengage the detent.

The module was seismically tested as documented in Qualification Report NUS-A056QA Rev 2. During the CON2000 test, a minor anomaly occurred and was accepted by Scientech as not affecting the qualification results.

Recently a client questioned Scientech's acceptance of the anomaly and requested a retest. Scientech agreed to retest the module; the RRS used is attached. During the retest, the spring clip failed to adequately restrain the module.

The balance of the replacements for the Bailey 7000 series - the NUSI 2000 series - are cabinet mounted modules. When they are reconfigured for shelf or panel mounting they become part of the NUSI 2100 series, and the seismically qualified units use the same spring clip. The RTD2100-7403 is the only safety related panel mounted module sold as of December 201.1 with the deficient spring clip.

Investigation revealed that the original clip was made of 0.025" thick spring steel. After the seismic qualification test was performed, Revision 4 to NUS-F089DB-13 altered the characteristics of the retaining clip, reducing the force required to disengage the detent. The metal was changed to SS301 stainless steel and the thickness reduced to 0.015" thick. Scientech's design change process required an evaluation of the impact of the change; the evaluation was complet4ed, but did not address the impact on seismic qualification adequately.

These controllers could be mounted in the in the main control room control panels. The failure of the seismic clip could result in the controllers coming out of the panels, impacting other safety related equipment or personnel, and failing to properly control their actuated devices during a seismic event.

(v) The date on which the information of such defect or failure to comply was obtained.

Submitted for evaluation 11/30/11; evaluation completed 12/2/11.

(vi) In the case of a basic component which contains a defect or fails to comply, the number and location of these components in use at, supplied for, being supplied for, or may be supplied for, manufactured, or being manufactured for one or more facilities or activities subject to the regulations in this part.

PLANT CON2000-701 RTD2100-7403 Clinton 4 0

1210512011 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center Event Report Pa--e 3 Part 21 (PAR) Event# 47498 Davis Besse 8 0 Monticello 2 0 Perry 4 0 Susquehanna 20 7 TOTALS 38 7 (vii) The corrective action which has been, is being, or will be taken; the name of the individual or organization responsible for the action; and the length of time that has been or will be taken to complete the action.

1. All five plants were notified and provided with a technical bulletin addressing the problem and the proposed solution.
2. Scientech is expedition procurement of the correct spring clips and will supply them to all affected plants. They can be readily changed out on site.
3. Scientech had previously strengthened its design review process to specifically remind reviewers to evaluate the impact on and need for additional qualifications testing.
4. Scientech will review this event with all engineering staff and emphasize the need for correct reviews.

(viii) Any advice related to the defect or failure to comply about the facility, activity, or basic component that has been, is being, or will be given to purchasers or licensees.

See attached Technical Bulletin. (provided separately)

(ix) In the case of an early site permit, the entities to whom an early site permit was transferred.

Not applicable.

"Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Robert Queenan, Operations Manager, Scientech/NUS Instruments, at (208) 524-9311."

i ill : 4 Z Z U,3-4 4 0 111 Z)U I bN it Lýh i*Q"OO r. UU+/- / UUO Il I I


  • _ Flow ControlCompany SCIUNTECH TELECOPY COVER SHEET To: NRC Operations Center Phone: (301) 816-5100 Fax: (301-)816-5151 From: Michael Weinstein, SciCnteci Director of Quality Operations Phone: (203)-448-3346/(860)-514-9203(cd...)

Fax: (203-448-3311 Date: December 5. 2011 Pages including this cover page: 6 If any problems occur during transmission, please contact Engineered Products at the number listed above or contact Suzana at 2031448-3341

ijisu.Ua.IUII iC~qt £u3-Ita-33.LI ý)uI NI h~ium Ifu')o r.uu ,uU U o Sclentech 44 Shelter Rock Road

  • Danbury, CT 06810 l Phone: 203.448.-3310* Fax: 203.446.3311 CURTiS$ ht'tp://Se. ,toech.cwfc.coo, Flow ControlCompany SCIENTFJCH December 5, 20 11 Attn: Document Control r)esk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conmmission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Subj(.ct: 10 CFR Parl 21 Report Notification, CON2000 and RTD21.00 Spring Clips

Dear Sir or Madamn:

The purpose of this letter is to notify you of a defect in spring clips that form part of the seisirUc resrain for the Scieniech CON2000-701 and RTD2100-7403 modules. Details of the defect are provided below and in the attached Technical Bulletin Volume 38, CON2000 and RTD2100 Spring Cl ips, dated December 2011.

The written report required shall include, but need not be lirmited to, the following informiation.r, to the extent known:

(i) Name and address of the individual or individuals inforning the Commission.

Michael Weinstein Director of"Quality Operations Scientech, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corporation 44 Shelter Rock Road Danbury, CT 06810 Scott Robuck General Manager ScientCch, a. business unit of Curtiss-WrighI Flow Control Corporation 200 S Woodruff Avenue kdaho Falls, ID 83401 (ii) Identification or ihe basic component supplied for such facility or such activity within the United States which fails to comply or contains a defcct, PID controller, manufactured by Seentcech, Model CON2000-701, Part No. NUS-A056PA RTD converter, manufactured by Scientech, Model RTD2100-7403, Part No. NUS-A12 PA (iii) Identification of the firm supplying the basic component which fails to comply or contains a.


Scientech, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corporation 200 S Woodruff Avenue Idaho Falls, ID 83401

. .. L i**t LI* IU I I LIUdUI I LoIJhI UUU dilU n I LJZIuu ýprlllg I IIDS Page 2 ot 3 (iv) Nature of the defe.'cl or failure to comply and the safety hazard which is created or could be created by such defect or failure to comply.

The CON2000-701 is replacement for the obsolete Bailey Meter Company 701 PID controller.

It is a panel mounted module that is retained in the panel during seismic events by a spring clip on the top of the modules (part number NUIS-F089DB-13) that engages a detent in the panel, The module can be pulled about one inch out of the rack before the spring clip prevents fuiher movement; full removal requiires pressure on the spring clip to disengage the detent.,

The module was seismnically tested as documented in Qualification Report NUS-A056QA Rev 2.

During the CON2000 test, a minotr I nomaly occurred and was accepted by Scitnlech as not affecting the qualification results. Recently a client questioned Scientech's acceptance of tihte anomaly and requested a retest. Scientech agreed to retest tfhe module; the RRS used is attached.

During the retest, the spring clip failed to adequately restrain the module.

The balance of theireplacements for the Bailey 7000 series - the NU'SI 2000 series ...are cabinet mounted modules. When thcy are reconfigu*rd for shelf or panel mounting ltlcy become part of the NUST 2100 series, and the seismically qualified units usc the same spring clip. The RTD)2100-7403 is the only safety related panel mounted module sold as of D.)ecember 2011 with the deficient spring clip, Investigation revealed that the original clip was made of 0.025" thick spring steel. After the seismic qualification test was performed, Revision 4 to NUS-FO89DTI-i3 altered the characteristics of the retaining clip, reducing the force required to disengage the detent. The metal was changed to SS3301 stainless steel arid t.he thickness reduced to 0.015" thick.

Scientech's design change process required an evaluation of the impact of the changc; the evaluation was completed, but did not. address the impact on seismic qualificalion adequate]y.

These controllers could be mounted in the main control room control panels. The failure, of the seismic clip could rsultl in the controllers coming out of the pan.els, impacting other safety related equipment. or personnel, and failing to properly control their actuated devices during a seismic evcent, (v) The daze on which the information of such defect or failure to comply was obtained.

Submnitted for evaluation 11/30/1 J; evaluation completed 12/2/11, (vi) In the case of a basic conmponent which contains a defect or fitils to comply, the number and location of these components in use at, supplied for, being supplied for, or may be supplied for, manufactured, or being maniifactured for one or more facilities or activities subject to the regulations in this part.

PLANT ..........~ ~~~ ,..,...,

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Clinton 4 0 Davis Bcsse -.... 8 0 Monticello* 2 0 Pery 4 0 Sust uCehanna 20 7 TALS.t 2,.vK:......3 .TO ,

Soientecti 44 Sh*oter Hock Hoad - Danbury, CTo06810 Phono: 203.448.3310 -Fax: 203.448.331l

liU.Un.4ullU 1'k24Z 4U3-qqDC334A. fU~oOn t.UU,1 /J'JO

.. L -.+/-=. I,,IV, L ,ULIUILCIu*l I.ý,.LUjluuu aria K I umt.U spring (lIPS Page 3 of 3 (vii) The correcti ve action which has beer, is being, or will be taken; the name of the individual or organization responsible for the action; and the length of time tha-t has been or will be taken to complete the actiorl

1. All five plant.s were notified and provided with. a technical bulletin addressing the problem and tie proposed solution.
2. Scientech is expediting procurement of (he correct spring clips and will supply thenm to all affected plants. They can be readily changed out on site.
3. Scientecb had previously strengthened its design review process 1.W specifically remind reviewers to evaluate the impact on and need for additional qualification testing.
4. Scintech will review this event with all engineering staff and emphasi/wc the need For correct reviews, (viii) Any advice related to the defect or failure to comply about the Facility, activity, or basic component that has been, is being, or will be given to purchasers or licensees.

See attached Technical Bulletin.

(.ix) In the case of an early site permit., the entities to whom an early site permit was transferred.

Not applicable.

Should you have any questions regarding this rmatter, please contact Robert Queenan, Operations Manager, Scientech/N-US Instruments, at (208) 524-9311 Sincerely, Michael B. Weinstein D)irector of Quality Operations Scientech, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corporation (203) 448.,3346 (860) 514-9203 (celi)

Attach i[t ents:

1. NUS Instruments Technical Bulleti.n Volume 38, CON2000 and RTD2100 Spring Clips, Dated December 2011.

Cc: Scott Robuck Robert Qucefiau.

Vintce Chermak QA File Soieatech 44 Shelter Rock Road Danbury, CT 06810

  • Phone: 203A48.3310 Fax; 203.448.2311

UjhUA.U3.LU+/-+/- +/-'4A4c zuL)3-iC-3zJ ZDU I bN ihuh wFu000 r. uu0 / eee "NUSInstruments Volume 38 Page I of 2 Issue DIae: Dccemher 2011 From; Scieribech, a Curtiss Wright Flow Control company T .... Technical Point Of Rick Street 200 S. Woodruf' Avenue Cointact: Idaho Falls, ID 83401 (208) .524-9249

,.E, Sub~ject: CON2000 & RTD2100 Spring Clips C Purpose This Technical Bnulletin documeitis a DEFEC' in baisic components, Certain spring clips that form part of the seismic restraint for the Scientech CON2000-701 and RTD2000-7403 modulcs are delicient, and may not retain the modules in the control panels during a. seismic event.

Li, C------ _._]

I[. Description o.Fr Defect The CON2000-70 1 is replacement for the obsolete Bailey Meter Company 701 FID controller. It C.

is a paiel mountled module that is retaijed in the panel during seismic events by a spring clip on the top of the modules (part number NLJS-F089DB.13) that engages a detent in the panel. The module can he pulled about one inch out of thi rack before the spring clip prevents further iovement; fMll removal reqluires pressure on the spring clip to disengage the detent.

A.. [he module was seismically tested as doctm-ented in Quali~fication Report NIJS-A056QA Rev 2.

During tlhe CON2000 test, a minor anomMy occurred and was awccpted by Scientech as riot affecting the. qualification results. Recently a client questioned Scienteeb's acceptance of the anomaly and requested a retest. Scientech agreed to retest the module; the RRS used is attached.

During the retest, the spring clip failed to adequately restrain the module.

L The balance of the repiacemcnis for the Bailey 7000 series - the NUSI 2000 series - are cabinet mounted modules. When they are reeonfigured for shelf or panel mounting they become part of the NUST 2100 series, and the seismically qualified units use the same spring clip. The R.IL)2100-7403 is the only safety related panel mounted module sold as of December 2011 with the deficient spring clip.

Investigation revealed that tihe original clip was made of 0.025" thick spring steel. After the seismic qualification test was perlormed, Revision 4 to NI S-t:0s9DJL- 13 altered the characteristics of the relaining clip, reducing the force required to disengage the detent. The meml was changed to SS301 stainless steel and the thickness reduced to 0.015" thick. Scientech's design change process required an evaluation of the impact on qu1aification; the evaluation was either not completed or not adequate.

These controllers could be Mounted in the main control room control panels. The failure of the seismic clip could resultl in the controllers coming out of the panels, impacting other safety related equipment or personnel, and failing to properly control their actuated deviees during a seismic event.

iflL.Ufl.AU.L. JAI&A iU.51'1033.L*b Li srurLNhi *uono r,.uu /Uuu i

NUSInstruments Volume 38 Page 2 of'2 Immediate Actions Scientech documented the deviation in Non-Conformance Report 1 IN-150 on November 30, 2011. The evaluation ofthe NCR revealed the need lbr a I.OCFR2] evaluation, which assigned tracking number 21-11-18. On December 2, 2011 the evaluation was completed; it showed that the deviation was a defect, reportable under 10CFR21. SCienteclh notified the NRC and all purchasers of safety related CON2000-70I and RTTD2I.00-7403 modules. Scientech ini.iated an C, expedited procuremenit of the original design spring clip.

Scientech will provide 0.025" spring steel clips as used inr(he original qualification test with installation instructions to all affected plants. The spring clips are easily replaced in the field.

Follow Up Actions Scientech had previously strengthened its design review process to specifically remind reviewers to evaluate the impact on and need for additional qualification testing, Scientech will review this event with all engineering staffand emphasize the need for conrect reviews.

Cqomposjte 6 Rcqullrad R,:pcnne .Spectrum 1011)I0 Vertlesl 21idHi itontal Data PoInTc Acceleration 1.0 1.4 4.D 4.0 4.0 15.0 lNO 160.0 7.v (1Il t 7.0 C, Domping= 6,%

ORF c,:Ileretion , t10% 0t SSE I

Frequency (Hz)

Note: Teelmical Bulletins Lru orr informntion only and are not coutrolled under the NIST QA program.

Any ctionms io be taken by NUSI in response to ai issue .shall be tracked through implemcntation in QA-CTfrtlllld docunmntsindependently ofthe iediii Bicul lutin.._