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p                                                                      /
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA August 10, 1984 NUCLEAR - BEGULATORY COMMISSION u?skED BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND -LICENSING BOARD Glenn O. Bright                    '84 ggg 73. A:1:56 Dr. James H. Carpenter            yn. . _
James L. Kelley, Chairman          Ecc@fJQg 7 H&Y In the Matter of
                                                        )    Docket  50- W OL CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT CO. et al.                              ~
ar    Harris Nuclear Power Plant, ASLBP No. 82-h66-01
                                                        >                a Wells Eddleman's Contentions on Harris Emergency Plan Brochure Under orders as noted in the Board's 8-03-84 Order at 25, Wells Eddleman hereby files the following contentions on the Harris plant brochure " Safety Infomation for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant" (Carolina Power and Light Company).
227-A : The brochure is deficient in discussing respiratory protection measures for sheltering and/or evacuation because it fails to explain the best such means of protection, does not tell m which means are relatively ineffective or totally ineffective, i
and does not give sufficient emphasis to respiratory protection.
NUREG/CR 2272 demonstrates substantial variability,e.g. that a higher l          quality wet towel (4 layers) protects much better than a sheet, shirt or handkerchief (against everything but CH I). Similar variations 3
are observed for dry towels. Respirators (e.g. 3M #8710) perform best, and this should be mentioned in the brochure. Otherwise sheltering may not be effective in protecting public health and safety.
227-B: The brochure's discussion of respiratory protection hN kDo      o!$$kbo Q                PDR
                                        -2 is derficient because it doesn't take sufficient account of the 1
need for, and most effective means of, sealing around the respiratory              I protection.        NUREG/CR-2958 establishes that leakage is least when panytyhouse are used to attach the protection, and much less if only the corners are taped, for example.        The need for sealing, the              :
effective means to do it, and the need to pre-stock materials (e.g. pantyhose or tape) to do it should be ===**mmad stated in the brochure. Otherwise, inappropriate responses or ineffective sheltering may take place.
227-C:      As the primary means of public education under
)      10 CPR 50 47(b)(7) the brochure must assure that persons in the i                                    nt i      EPZ, including transiekas, understand the danger of a nuclear accident as well as how to avoid it.        The brochure should be improved in clarity, particularly in labeling the pictures on page 1 (e.g.
l      hh@h                o make it clear that these are steps in a sequential process.      Also the language concerning the process should be improved, e.g.
e.g. by positive language under step 1: STAY IND00MS.            TURN YOUR RADIO OR TV to your EBS STATION; GET A BATTERY POWERED RADIO IF 4
YOU HAVE ONE.        DO NOT EVACUATE. It is vital that the informatioun concerning what to do in an emergency be as clear and easy to understand l
as possible.
227-D. The brochure needs to be clarified on page 1 to avoid 4 4 M4 inappropriate or possibly dangerous actions: In the 3d column $
                      ;  concerning school children, there should be an explicit sheltering /
reference (e.g. to; a the page re schoolpevacuations) to which anxious parents can turn for information.        If day care center children are to be sheltered / evacuated, this should be stated.        The instruction to shelter pets and livestock should be clarified -- people should not endanger themselves or use valuable time shethering animals i
when this may endanger their lives or health.          In the 4th column
_._ the necessity to sign in at the _eyacuation_ center _should _be edWOeeggdo_
227-E. The brochure (p.1) treatment of sheltsring io not clear enough about protection from airborne radioactive mEterials.
This protection is a necessary thing in an accident. 50.k7(a)(1).
It should explain that the reason you close windows and doors, 4
cut off fans, fires or -heaters, etc. is to KEEP FROM DRAWING
:                                                                                                                                                                Similarly        l RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIALS INTO THE HOUSE along with air.
it should tell people how to effectively reduce breathing risk through the use of properly sealed breathing protective devices It fails (e.g. as described in Contentions 227-A and B above).
to advise persons staying indoors to adopt breathing protect $ on.
227-F. The Brochure's treatment of sheltering is deficient i
in that it dcean't explain the necessity. to get as far from walls and windows as possible, with as much mass (walls or other objects)
Without such instructions, between you and the outside as possible.This will not be " effective" 50.47(a)(l' The people may shelter in inappropriate parts of buildings.
instruction "few or no windows" (p.1 col. 3) is misleading Instead, i
)                                      if rooms farther from the house walls are available.
the brochure should have persons identify a sheltering space in their home (and tell them how to do it), which they then write in the box on page one, probably af ter item 1: Our in-home shelter f
is ...                          .
227-0.        The informa tion "When you hear the sirens" on p.2 often -i 4
is poorly organized, wordy,jstated in passive voice, and fails to j                                  adequately j                                    /) answer important questions like "Why not evacuate just to be extra-j                                          safe?". The information daould begin with a descri$ tion of the                                                                        l i
siren signal for nuclear accidents. It should explain how it is                                                                        J different from fire, police, and ambulance sirens (a long steady tone of 3 to 5 minutes). It should explain when the system is c
tested, and why.                It should describe back-up actions later.
The answer to why-not-It should be written in shorter sentences.
evacuate should be that you may get more radiation outside than inside.
227 -H.      The EBS Stations list on page 3 should emphasize the
    .---.-..,---,-,..-,..,.,,,n,_,                          . _ ,._ ,n _      n n _ ,,,_ _ , n _        _,,,__-,,._-_____,,,,,_w__..,,,,,----.,,,,n
                                                                -4 m 24-hour radio and TV stations, so that in evacuations at night people will be able to tune in. It should emphasize the need _ to get hold of portable, or other battery powered radios whenever a real emergency occurs (in case of power failures during/ connected with the emergency). The information in the i                    long' (nearly as invisible as the warnings in cigarette ads) box t                    at the bottom of the page should be placed in a colored, prominent box higher on the page, so that people will know these MOST IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS, e.g. Do what the EBS Station says, If it's different from what's in this booklet, do what the station says.
Otherwise, inanorppriate actions, or inadequate information flow (thru not tuning in to an on-air station, or losing info when l
the power is off) could result, violating NUREG-0654 II.G and II.E.5 and 6.
227-I. The instrtictions for sheltering on page 4 do not i
adequately exclain why sheltering may be the best thing to do, l                  It should explain that people will be andrax ordered to take shelter when they will get less radiation exposure by staying inside, than they would get if they evacuated or stayed outside. It should emphasize the importance of keeping out outside air (e.g. taping leaky windows),
staying away from the outside walls and roof oft shelters, keeping as much mass between you and the outside as possible, and respiraton protection as described in contentions 227A and B. Without such instructions clearly presented, ineffective actions may result, People should be encouraged to find their violating best home 10 sheltering CPR 50.k?(a)(1)in      areas Amx advance, and be told how to do that.
1he instructions for sheltering (p.4) do not adequately exclain how long one might possibly have to stay in shelter, and how to receive information (either about changing conditions, evacuation, that the accident is over, etc) if you don't have a poetable radio to take with you to shelter. It might, e.g. suggest leaving your TV on, very loud, or taking the phone with you.
            . - . - - -            - - - - - - - - - ~ ~                        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _      _
    /                                          -5 If cuch instructieno cren't giv;n, er onoth;r way to provida information provided, NUREG-0654 II.E.6 may be violated, and inappropriate actions (e.g. automatically coming out af ter 3 or 4 hours even though a radioactive release continues) may occur, violating 10 CPR 50 47(a)(1).
227-K.      In the sheltering instructions (p.h) a risk-benefit instruction for sheltering pets or livestock is very important, but not included.          If you would have to go outside to do this, and a radioactive plume is near or present, the risk may be gbeater than the benefit.          Some notice of this risk / benefit and instructions to listen to your EBS station for information on outside radiation levels, is very imuortant for persons who make their living with (or partly with) livestock, and for those who might be tempted to go outside to nearch for a pet or nets.
While the plan cannot stop people fron inappropriate actions in such situations, it needs to warn them, or it violates 10 CPR 50.h7 (a)(1) by not reasonably assuring that appropriate protective measures can and will be taken.
always 227-L. The information on evacuation is not clearly identifiable or well presented.          Since evacuation is the most difficult of the possible emergency actions, it is most imporatant that the instructions        ,
for it be extremely straightforward and clear.          For example, it's clearly important to use the exact route in the plan, even though some such routes look circuitous or turn odd directions.          This goes unsaid.
l The need for contamination checks of vehicles during evacuation is              I not mentioned. The imoortance of not driving too fast or trying to pass up other drivers, because the opposite lanes are needed for emergency k vehicles, police, fire, wreckers etc. is not mentioned. There are no instructions for the handicapped except to fill out a card-(not much help if an accident is occurring) --
!        there should be some special instructions here for such persons.
227-M. The ' evacuation information, p.5, is deficient in not (1) explaining why doors and vents on cars should be closed and houses should be closed up (to prevent radimitomac'tive material
                - from getting in), does not explain respiratory protection well (it should be as requested in 227 A and B above), does not advocate taping over vents on cars whose vents don't seal tightly when closed; (2) emphasizing the importance of not contaminating others, especially for evacuees who do not choose to go to the evacuation center (3) emphasizing the imnortance of signing in at the evacuation
                      &% encouraging it, e.g.
center,f=====*=**y for the purpose of making later insurance claims.
Without these emphases, inappropriate action may occur.
227-N. The provisions for sheltering livestock for an evacuation, and taking pets with you, are insufficient on page 5 because they do not address the risks and benefits of taking tims to provide for livestock versus the risk or being outside to go and come from doing that, breathing hard while working, etc. As to netas, you are instructed to take them with you only if you will not stay at an evacuation center, but this ignores how many people feel about pets and may confuse people and even delay their evacuating because they are not sure they can provide for their pets if they don't have an alternate place to stay. It would be clearer to stay that after you sign in at the EC, places for peonle with pets to stay will be found.
227-0. Because the very important maps of the EPZ zones ,
evacuation routes, and the schools charts are not yet available, intervenor explicitly points out here diat their accuracy, clearness, readability and usefulness are crucial to evacuation (and to sheltering where parents may be so concerned for their children that theyrmy go to daem at school, if they are not convinced the children will be adequately taken care of).        Legibility of all this information is likewise important.
These matters cannot be adequately taken
_ . - - _ .            ._. . _ _ - _ - _        - .    = - - . . - _ - . _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ . - .
,< .                                  care cf with ut cooing that tho info on pp 6,7 cnd 9 m;ats th co standards. That cannot be done until the info anpears.
E.G. reducing the standard EPZ map to 8k x 11 inches would be illegible. Evacuation zones or routes printed in different colors (one for each zone and its routes, e.g. )                                  l l
227-P. The information for handicapped persons (p.8) is deficient because it doesn't tell you what to do if you haven't sent in the card, e.g. checking with neighbors to see if they can notify you in an accident, help you close your home if youx must shelter, etc. The information is also deficient in not advising of helpful actions to take while waiting for help, e.g. appropriate breathing protection (per 227 A and B), locating items you need to take in an evacuation, even if you can't assemble or carry then yourself, locating open windows and staying away from draf ts, etc. Without such information, handicapped persons may take inappropriate actions or not take appropriate protective actions which they can perform, violating 50.47(a)(1).
227-Q. The information on page 10 (sirens) is deficient in not referencing page 3 re EBS stations, and the box on page 1 where you are supposed to write names of EBS stations.      This could resultz in delays when a test or accident occurs, in people's tuning in to the emergency broadcast stations. This would not be timely notification, in violation of 10 CPR 50.47(b)(5) and (b)(7).
227-R. The nature of the danger, as presented on up 11-112, is understated, misleading and vague. The existence of background radiation is irrelevant in evacuations or sheltering, and the discussion seems to indicate that radiation is so common that it's almost OK. It ignores a substantial body of scientific information (e.g. work of John Gorman, Radiation and Human Health 1981, K.Z. Morgan, Cancer and Low-Level Ionizing Radiation, Bull At. Sci. 9/78)
that holds that low-level exposure is notentially harnful, by presenting the information in a self-contradictory manner --
radiation's in everything, but it could be harmful. This should be clarified and related directly to nuclear accidents, not to background. The contradiction between the initial statements about background radiation and the instruction to "go to a place        -
with no radiation" in the middle of the nage is especially confusing.
227-S. The description of radiation omits its most imoortant characteristics to the 3verage person -- it cannot be detected by any of our senses (vision, hearing, touch) and it is transmissible.
The nature of harmful health effects -- genetic damage and cancer, ya non-other diseases; is not mentioned. This information is misleading Persons who don 't know risks may underestimate them.
and could lead to inappropriate actions.4 Also radiation detectors should be discussed here -- why they are not always sensitive enouFh to tell you if you're in danger , why you should listen to the EBS.
The brochure should explain these dangers of radiation and how the emergency plan is set up to help you avoid it by sheltering or evacuation inf necessary.
227-T. The information on p.11 is confusing. and misleading in its discussion of nuclear accidents. Although a reactor cannot create a nuclear-bomb-like explosion, radioactive material can get out of reactors -- the plant can " blow up" frnm steam explosions, hydrogen ernlosions, ATVS or other breaches of containment.
The reader should be told that the plant can release radioactive material and gases; into the air during an accident, and that
! the wind could carry it to persons in the EPZ. The most imuortant fact about nuclear accidents is that they are possible.
That's why evacuation plans exist. The brochure should no t mislead or confuse people on this important point, or peonle may not take the brochure or its instructions or EBS instructions seriously, leading to inaopropriate actions violating 10 CPR 50.47(a)(1).
227-U.  'lhe brochure's a discussion of contamination on p.11 is inadequate because it (1) doesn't exulain the amount of washing necessary for best deacontamination, or that radiation detectors          a-y are needed to be sure it's off; (2) doesn't adequately explain how to reduce exposure from breathing or swallowing radioactive material (e.g. don't eat anything that's been outside, avoid eating during evacuation, take respiratory protection neasures); M (3) seems to imply evacuation is the only way to deal with " shine" and ground radiation, without exnlaining that it can be reducted through getting farther from the radiation sources or nutting shielding (mass) between you and the radiation. This all violates      A NUREG-0654                                                                      %
52x42 II.G.1(c).
227-V. Information on decontamination should be highlighted,        s and preventive measures and first-aid procedures for contamination should be at least mentioned, if not listed off and exulained in detail (the latter would be better), per 1Rx    NUREG-0654 II.G.1(c).
This is an essential part of emergency preparedness for nuclear accidents because it enables people to care for themselves, reduce        t)
N  ''
radiation exposure, and reduc 6 transmission of radioactive metevials (provided the mimportance of decontamination in evacuations is emphasized). Again, the undetectable  nature of radiation to the h
five normal senses people have, should be emphasized.
9 227-W. The infornation on page 12 is perhaps confusing and misleading in that it first emphasizes safety (touting CPS:L8s performance) and then says evacuations plans must be tested.
Assuring residents that an accident is "unlikely" is irrelevant and against the brochure's purpose, which is to tell peonle what to do in an emergency. Clains of safety and comnarisons with other energy sources are likewise irrelevant. Instead, the space would be better used clearly defining the emergency conditions          t
        " lower plant safety" and saying the plan was made because "we care .
                                                    ' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA i                                            NUCLTAR REGULATORY COMMISSION In the matter of CAROLHA POWER k LIGHT Co. Et al. }                                                                              Docket  50-400 Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant. Unit 1*                                                                                )                      0.L.
CERTIFICATEOF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies op                                                            WB Contentions                    on Harris Plant Emergency Planning Brochure, and of List / Exhibits on Eddleman 41 (addl) l HAVE been served this                                    10 day of August                                    1983, by deposit in the US Mail, first-class postage prepaid, upon all parties whose names are listed below, except those whose narws are marked with an asterisk, for whom service was accomplished by (f r"41" documents) sending a list and an offer to provide conies on request; this was approved by the Board today in a conrerence call. Doexeting and service agrees to accept 1 or 2 copies if the list is provided.
JudE es James Kelley, Glenn Bright and Janas Carpenter (1 cmy each)
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board                                                          (1 copy only of 41 docuhents) i          US Nuclear Megulatory Commission Washington DC 20555
* George F. Trowbridge (attorney for Applicants)
Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge                                                                    *N uthanne G. Miller 1600 M St. NW                                                                                        ASLB Panel Washington, DC 20036                                                                                USNRC                Washington DC 255 5 Office of the E:tecutive Legal Director                                                            C        Spence W Perry Attn Docke ts 50-400/hol 0.L.                                                                      b  FEMA                      Room 840 USNRC                                                                                          0 500 C st. SW Washington DC 20555                                                                                          Washington DC 20740
* Dan Read
          ,Docketir.g and Service Section (3x)                                                                      CEAWE/FLP Attn Dockets 50-h00/h010.L.                                            -
Maleigh,7/07 Waveross Office of the Secretary                                                                                                          NC 27606
                                                                                                        * ""* Li"d" "* Littl*
a        n$ ton DC                20555                                                      Governor's Waste Ngt. Bd.
* John Runkle                                            .
513 Albenarle B3dg l                                                                                                          325 N. salisbuer st.
I                                                                                                                Raleigh, NC 27611 Granville Rd                                                                                                                                  ,
Chapel Hill Nc 2751h                                                                            . Bradley W. Jones eRobert Gruber                                          USNRC Region II 4Travi.J Payne                                      Exec. Director                                      101 Marietta St.
Edelstein & Payne'                                Public Staff                                        Atlanta GA 30303 Blox 12601                                          gox 991 Raleigh NC 27605                                    Raleigh NC 27602
* Richard Wilson, M.D.                                                                    Certified by                                  ./(h 729 Hunter St.
Apex NC 27502
omments were also recently received from FEMA via NRC with copies
* provided to the service list.
: a. Effectiveness is measured in terms of the fraction of contamination that passes through the material.        For example, a material that has an effectiveness factor of 0.3 would allow 30% of the contamination to pass through.                                                              ,
Effectiveness of several readily available materials has been measured by D. W. Cooper and published as NUREG/CR-2272, SAND-81-7143.
According to this research, a damp cloth such as a sheet folded to 6 layers would have an effectiveness for particulates of between .91 and    .22 depending on the particle diameter.          For volatiles the effectiveness was determined to be .45.
: b. Effectiveness of other probable types of fabric are tabulated below.
This information is based on estimated penetration through expedient respiratory protection materials at 50 Pa (0.2 in H 20) pressure drop and 1.5 cm/s face velocity.
f C/1360737
                                                                                  .',' i DRY Material          No. Jayers        Aerosol particle        b          b In      CHal diameter (pm) 0.4          1    5 3M respirator
* 2        .03      .004  <.01
              # 8710 Sheet                  20        .66      .64      .020    1.0    0.6 c Shirt                  15        .54      .59      .070 Lower-quality          20        .53      .41      .015 towel Higher-quality          6        .24      .13  <.01              0.6 c towel Handkerchief            14        .61      .54      .032 WET Material          No. layers      Aerosol particle          b          b I2      CHal diameter (pm) 0.4        1      5 Sheet                    6      .91      .88      .22    .45        .8 C
                                                                    .15 d    1.0 d Shirt                    6      1.0      .51    <.02 Higher-quality            4      .20    <.01    <.01    .21      1.0 towel                                                      d
                                                                    .10 Handerchief              2      .98      .95      .37
: a. Available commercially in single-layer thickness.
: b. Taken from tests at 1.0 cm/s, assuming penetration is the product of single-layer penetrations.
: c. Not shown to be statistically different from 1.00.
: d. Wetted with 5% by weight baking soda solution.
i                              ',
6 C/1360737 l
I A  -
..  .                                            .g.
: c. Cooper has also performed research (NUREG/CR-2958, SAND                -
82-7084) to determine the effect of leakage around the seals for different materials,  using several methods of attachment.          The effectiveness factors including leakage are tabulated below.
Effectiveness Attachment            Factor Mask                        # Layers      Method      (including leakage) 3M - #8710*                    1      Pantyhose            .0058 3M - #8710                      1      Fully taped          .015 3M - #8710                      1      Strapped              .18 J&J - HRI8131**                1      Fully taped          .042 J&J - HRI8131                  1      Tied                .361 Shirt (Oxford)                  4      Fully taped          .306 Shirt (Oxford)                  4      Corners taped        .744 Handkerchief                    4      Fully taped          .236 Handkerchief                    4      Corners taped        .676 Handkerchief                    4      Pantyhose            .277 Toweling (washcloth)            1      Fully taped          .389 Toweling (washcloth)            1      Corners taped        .603 Toweling (washcloth)            2      Corners taped        .298
* Dust respirator
              ** Surgical mask
: d. The effectiveness factors would not depend on concentration.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ' (1k 7-7                          HAVE EPZ RESIDENTS BEEN CLEARLY AND IN SUFFICIENT DETAIL ADVISED AS TO WHAT CONSTITUTES INADEQUATE SHELTER? WHAT STRUCTURES ARE LESS EFFECTIVE THAN A CLOSED AUTOMOBILE?
(DPC, P. F. Carter, H. D. Brewer)
: a. See response to 7-6.
: b. For external exposure, any structure would provide better protection than a closed automobile.                                                                                                                    Dose reduction depends on two factors;
                                                                                              - distance
                                                                                              - attenuation by passage of radiation through material.
Since cars provide little distance and little attenuation, they are not as effective as larger volume houses, buildings, etc. The following reduction factors are provided by WASH-1400, Appendix VI; Wood Frame      Masonry House Cars    House (No Basement) (No Basement)
Passing Cloud                                                                                                                            1.0          0.9                0.6 Deposited Material                                                                                                                        0.5          0.4                0.2 For inhalation exposure, the dose reduction is very dependent on infiltration rates.                                                                                                                      Cars have high infiltration rates and as such s
would provide less protection than structures.
7-11                      WHAT ADVICE CAN BE GIVEN EPZ RESIDENTS IN REGARD TO CONTINUING                                                                                                              SHELTERING                                      IF THERE IS A COMMUNICATIONS BREAKDOWN.                                                                                                                      FOR EXAMPLE IF THE RESIDENT'S LINE POWERED RADIO OR TV BREAKS DOWN OR IS NOT SUPPLIED WITli POWER?
(DPC, P. F. Carter)
See Brochure, Page 8, last line, "In case of an emergency, fire, police and rescue units would patrol the affected areas and sound their sirens . " Further, use of battery powered radios and car radios would allow EPZ residents to receive information if they lost power.
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IE Report No  50-400/82-03      nd 50-401/82f?
This refers to the investigation conducted by Mr. J. Y. Vorse of this office on December 11, 1981 to February 26, 1982, of activities authori:ed by NRC Construction Permit Nos. CPPR-158 and CPPR-159 for the Shearon Harris facility.
Areas examined during the investigation and our findings are discussed in the enclosed investigation report. Within these areas, the investi-gation consisted of selective examinations of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the investigator.
During the investigation, it was found that certain activities under your license appear to violate NRC requirements. These items and references to pertinent requirements are listed in the Notice of Violation enclosed herewith as Appendix A. Elements to be included in your response are delineated in Appendix A.
In accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 2.790(a), a copy of this letter and the enclosures will be placed in the NRC's Public Document Room
* unless you notify this office, by telephone, within ten days of the date k\;          of this letter and submit written application to withhold information contained therein within thirty days of the date of this letter. Such
      %            application must be consistent with the requirements of 2.790(b)(1),
b            The responses directed by the enclosed Notice are not subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required fi            by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, PL 96-511.
Y o
                              .  .                                        *hPR 2 8 tesg Carolina Power and Light                                              -
Company                                  Should you have any questions concerning this letter, we will be glad to discuss them with you.
_      tcBJ ames P. 0"Reilly                      --
gional Administrato
                                                                                -    ~-
: 1. Appendix A. Notice of                                                  -+-
: 2.            ation Report Investi!0-400/82-03and Nos.
            ,    50-401/82-03 cc w/ enc 1:
R. Parsons, Site Manager e
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l APPENDIX A NOT!CE OF VIOLATION Carolina Power and Light Comoany                    Oocket No. 50-400 Shearon Harris                                      License No. CPPR-158 Based on the results of the NRC investigacion conducted on December 11, 1982 to February 26, 1982, and in accordance with the NRC Enforcement-Policy 47 FR 9987 (March 9, 1982), the following violations were identified.                                      ,
        \ . A      10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVIII, as implemented by section of the PSAR, require *. hat inspection records identify the individuals who performed the inspection.                      .
Contrary to the above, a welding inspector signed inspection records indicating he had inspected welds and found them acceptable when, in fact, the welds had been inspected by other individuals and he had not personally inspected the welds.
This is a Severity 1.evel IV violation (Supplement II).
B. 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, Criterion !!, as implemented by section 1.4.9 (1.58) of the PSAR requires the licensee to comply with ANSI N45.2.6-1973.                        .
                    . Contrary to the above, the licensee did not comply with section 2.2 of ANSI N45.2.6-1973 in that two individuals performed wold inspections before they were certified by the licensee as being qualified to perform the assigned work.
This is a Severity Level IV violation (Supplement !!).
          / Pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 2.201, you are hereby required to submit to this office within thirty days of the date of this Notice, a          -
written statement or explanation in reply, including: (1)admissionor denial of the alleged violations; (2) the reasons for the violations if admitted; (3) the corrective steps which have been taken and the results achieved; (4) corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further violations; and (5) the date when full compliance will be achieved.
Consideration mey be given to extending your response time for good Cause shown.
APR 2 81982 Date
  . #p. . . .., 'c UNITED STATES i E* , $. < y: ' ,I NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
  ;.-                                              REGION 11 101 MARIETTA ST., N.W., Suitt 3100 0,,            [
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                                              'APR 2 8 1982 INVESTIGATION REPORT NO. 50-400/82-03 and 50-401/82-03
Carolina Power and Light Cempany              .
Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Improper Welding Inspection Practices DATES OF INVESTIGATION:    December 11, 1981 - February 26, 1982 INVEST! GATOR:    /.  ~                                          c V /'/ r 2 yfY.'Vorse, Regional Investigator                Date Signed
                            " Enforcement and Investigations Staff I
REVIEWED BY:      k        . ( tunim                              M T4 87 Carl      Icerson, Otrector                      Date Signed Enforce ont and Investigations Staff
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I-l A.      INTRODUCTION On December 4, 1981, the NRC Resident Inspector assigned to Carolina Power and Light Company's Shearon Harris nuclear power plant, advised Region II that several personnel had complained to him that a welding inspector was not performing visual weld inspections properly.
The personnel who complained had no first hand knowledge; however, the rumor among the welders and welding inspectors was that if a hanger was located in an inaccessible area, the individual would not inspect the weld but would sign it off as acceptable. One complainant identified a specific hanger which was rumored to have not been properly inspected by the welding inspector. This hanger was inspected by the Resident Inspector and all welds appeared to be acceptable. However, the adjacent hanger had one weld which appeared to be rejectable. The Resident Inspector later learned the hanger welds had been inspected and accepted by the welding inspector in question.
Based on the number of personnel who were complaining about the welding inspector's weld inspection practices and the potential impact en the welding inspection program, an investigation was initiated by Region II on December 11, 1981, under the authority provided by Section 161.c of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.
              'B . SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION                                ,
A review of the information supplied by the Resident Inspector disclosed one allegation to be addressed during the investigation.
This was:
A welding inspector was signing off welds on hangers and pipes as acceptable when he had not visually inspected them.
During the course of the investigation, the Investigator held discussions with numerous current licensee and licensee contractor employees. Fomal interviews were conducted with 59 individuals who were considered by the Investigator to have potential knowledge of the alleged acts or practices. The investigation also included an inspection of randomly selected hangers and pipes which had been inspected by the particular welding inspector during the time frame the rumors began forming.
The investigation included a review of appropriate regulatory requirements, NRC records and licensee procedures and records including:
                        -    10 CFR 50, Appendix B
                        -    Shearon Harris Quality Assurance Program
                        -    Fersonnel Training and Qualification l                      -    Visual Examination of Welds Procedure l
E    .'                                                                                  l 0      .
l I-2                                      l This investigation was conducted by one investigator and two inspectors I requiring a total of 42 man-hours of investigative and inspection      ]
activity on-site.
C. CONCLUSIONS The allegation was substantiated in that the welding inspector had
                  ' signed off. weld inspections he had not personally performed; however, the welds had been inspected by inspector trainees who were working with the inspector. This results in two violations of NRC require-ments:                                    ,
: 1. Inspections were performed by uncertified welders; and
: 2. Inspection records do not reflect the correct identity of the individuals who performed the inspection.
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II-1 A. INDIVIDUALS CONTACTED The following individuals were contacted during the course of the investigation.
Carolina Power and Licht (CP&L)
G. A. DeBarres, QA Weld Inspector K. A. Douglas, QA Weld Monitor R. L. Faulkner, QA Weld Control and Surve,illance S. M. Freeman, QA Weld Inspector A. B. Giles, QA Technician J. C. McDonnell, QA Weld Inspector A. Lucas, Senior Resident Engineer E. W. Mercer, QA Weld Inspector S. W. Montastle, QA Weld Inspector R. M. Parsons, Site Manager W. H. Pere, QA Weld Inspector K. B. Stanley, QA Weld Inspector                      ,
R. B. Strickland, Mechanical Inspector G. G. Tingen, QA Weld Inspector T. Wait, QA Welding Supervisor-Daniels Construction comoany Crew P-21:  Reactor Auxiliary Building (RAB)
R. V. McLeod, General Foreman W. W. Burton, Pipe-Fitter Helper R. J. Carr, Welding Foreman J. F. Goodsell, Welder B. W. Nguyen, Welder K. M. Norton, Welder J. A. Owens, Welder G. S. Peck, Pipefitter R. D. Symank, Welder M. D. Warlick, Welder Crew P-35 (RAB)                                                i W. T. Bohan, Foreman D. L. Cauble, Welder                                      l R. W. George, Pipe-Fitter                                j W. J. Jenkins, Welder                                    i T. R. Merideth, Welder                                    j M. D. Tatham, Welder              -
l J. C. Woznick, Welder l
II-2 Crew P-17 (RAB)
D. E. Bradford, Pipe-Fitter C. A. Brigman, Foreman R. L. Grant, Pipe-Fitter T. M. Lazafame, Pipe-Fitter W. H. Martin, Welder J'. E. Newsome, Welder J. B. Starnes, Pipe-Fitter Helper L. L. Whitehead, Pipe-Fitter                      -
S. J. Whitlock, Fitter Crew P-14 (Waste Process)
R. A. Gardner, Foreman W. C. Lynch, Welder T. Smith, Welder W. B. Surber, Welder Crew P-20 (Waste Process)                                  ,
J. A. Brincheck, Welding Supervisor K.-T. Davis, Pipe-Fitter Helper J. D. Foster, Pipe-Fitter D. P. Freeman, Welder
                    ' C. F. Green, Jr. , Welder J. W. Kilgore, Pipe-Fitter Helper J. F. Lynch, Pipe-Fitter D. C. Martin, Welder D. M. Shargots, Welder R. R. Stone, Pipe-Fitter N. C. Sulton, Welder G. G. Wilbon, Welder Daniels Technical Services, Ltd.
D. A. Sands, QA Welding Inspector B. L. Holcombe, QA Welding Engineer Nuclear Regulatory Ccmmission (NRC)
G. F. Maxwell, Resident Inspector i
y    ,7 ..
II-3 B. ALLEGATION Occasionally, a welding inspector, Individual A, did not. visually inspect welds on seismic hangers and piping.      However, he signed documentation showing that he had.
C. BACKGROUND The Resident Inspector at Shearon Harris nuclear site expressed concerns about certain workers approaching him and complaining about a welding inspector, Individual A. Several workers stated they were hearing other workers saying that _ Individual A was not looking at some welds he was signing'off as acceptable. One individual stated to the Resident Inspector that if a weld was located in a difficult to access location, Individual A would not acquire the appropriate scaffolding to allow him to have access to the weld to be inspected. The Resident Inspector was further informed that he could find an unacceptable weld on seismic cate-gory 1 pipe hanger numbered A-3-236-1-CC-H-469.      The Resident Inspector looked at the welds on that hanger and found no rejectable welds. However, on an adjacent hanger, No. A-3-236-1-CC-H-342 the Resident Inspector found what was, in his opinion, a rejectable        '
weld. It was later determined by the resident inspector that this weld had been inspected by Individual A. Three additional hangers were looked at by the Resident Inspector and no rejectable welds were noted.                    ,
D. INTERVIEWS OF WELDING INSPECTORS Eight weld inspectors including a supervisor, as well as four other personnel involved in the QA weld inspection program were interviewed by the Investigator. One individual stated he had heard rumors that Individual A " inspected from the floor". Two individuals stated they heard rumors that Individual A sometimes shined his flashlight on hangers from the floor but did not go up and visually check the welds. Five individuals stated they were aware that Individual A had a very bad case of arthritis during the summer months of 1981 and were surprised when they saw him up on the scaffolding. Two welding. inspectors, Individuals B and C, stated they inspected welds before they (the inspectors) were certified.
Individuals B and C provided the Investigator with signed statements which contained the following information in essence:
Individual B started work as a welding inspector trainee beginning sometime in September 1980. Initially, he was under the direct supervision and received on-the-job-training frcm Individual A. Individual A showed him what to look for l-                                                                                            ,
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II-4 l
regarding acceptability and when to reject a weld. After about 2 months, Individual B began inspecting welds by himself,-
particularly in areas which were relatively inaccessible and high up. Individual A remained on the floor signing off the                        '
weld inspection documentation and provided Individual B with a-
                                . sticker showing the weld-had been inspected. Individual B placed the stickers on the hangers on which he had inspected welds. ' Individual B estimated that he had inspected welds by himself on approximately 50-75 hangers most of which were on the 90ft. and 236ft. elevations in the Reactor Auxiliary Building. Although he inspected the welds prior to being certified in January 1980, Individual B had no misgivings
about those welds he accepted. -In fact, he believes he was on 4                                    the conservative side and inspected all welds in accordance with AWS D1.1-75 Standards.
Individual C began his on-the-job-training with Individual A in October 1981 for pipe hanger welding inspection. Indivi-dual C estimates that he spent 3 weeks, 40 hours per week with Individual A and, although he could not recall how many hangers they inspected, he estimates he alone inspected about 75% of                    .
the welds. That is, those welds which were difficult to get to because of the need to climb scaffolds or physically difficult to get to. When he rejected weld's the first several times, Individual A climbed the scaffold, looked at the welds and agreed they were rejectable. Thereafter, Individual C rejected and accepted welds without Individual A looking at them. Individual A always signed the weld inspection forms (Weld Data Report (WDR QA 34 and traveler)) as well as the weld inspection sticker.              Individual C estimates that he
;                                    inspected welds on about 100 hangers by himself before he was
;                                    certified.- In all of these situations, Individual A signed the documentation. Like Individdal B, Individual C had no reservations about the welds he had accepted. He also inspected the welds according to AWS D1.1-75 standards.
E. INTERVIEWS OF CRAFT PERSONNEL Forty-two Craft personnel comprised of welding foremen, welders, pipe-fitters, and pipe-fitter helpers were interviewed by the Investigator. Twenty-seven individuals had no knowledge of Individual A and could provide no pertinent information. Three individuals stated they heard rumors that Individual A would inspect from the floor and shine his flashlight on the welds. Five individuals stated they observed Individual i. performing inspections on welds which were high up and difficult to get to. One welder,
g    .-
                  -Individual D stated that Individual A accepted welds withcut looking at them. A signed statement was provided to the Investigator by Individual D which contained the following information in essence:
Sometime in the late spring or early summer, Individual D was assigned to assist Individual A in locating and providing access for inspection of welds on piping. This transpired on a Saturday with no one else in the general area. The pipes were located in the waste process area, elevation 236.
Individual A remained on the floor and Individual D climbed the scaffolds and ladders, placing stickers on pipes signify-ing the welds had been inspected. Individual A signed off the paperwork.      Individual D estimates that this activity took place on approximately 100 welds, all non-safety Category 6-and 7. Individual D expressed concerns to co-workers and opined that this was the source of all the subsequent talk going around the plant about Individual A not inspecting the welds. Individual D thought Individuals E and F may have knowledge about similar occurrences.
Individual E was interviewed and stated he had no first hand knowledge about improper welding inspection. Individual E only acknowledged
,                  hearing rumors that Individual A had welders put stickers on pipes
                  . for him. Individual F was interviewed by the Investigator and he provided a signed statement containing the following information in essence:
Individual F, a pipefitter helper, estimates he assisted Individual A in locating welds approximately 500 times.                                  Most of the welds were easily accessible and were looked at by Individual A. On one occasion, however, in September 1981, Individual A glanced at two category'7 (non-safety related) welds which were located approximately 20 ft. above him.
These were off the "MY column" and " column 2" of the East-West Hallway.of.the waste process area. Individual A signed the inspection sheet and handed the carbon copy to Individual F for the craft records. He also gave Individual F two filled out stickers instructing him to place them by the welds.
However, Individual F did not do so because there was no scaffolding or ladder available, so he took the stickers home. Individual F.was later requested by the Resident                                        i Inspector to provide him with the stickers.        Only one was                                  '
still available and this was given to the Resident Inspector by Individual F. This.same sticker was later provided to the Investigator. The sticker bears the initials of Individual A.
                        . - _ .                          _      _ ___ _,__      _ _ . . . - _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _      __ l
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II-6 Based on the information provided by Individual D regarding Indivi-
dual A's not inspecting welds on a Saturday when no others were in the indicated area, a foreman, Individual G yas asked to. provide the names of craft personnel who assisted Individual A on Saturdays.
Individual G provided those names to the Investigator. They were:
Individuals H, I. J            K, L and M.            These personnel were interviewed.
Individuals H, I, J and M stated they observed Individual A inspect welds from scaffolds and ladders on Saturdays and he always appeared to be inspecting carefully. Individual K stated he observed Indivi-dual A inspect the welds alt.5 0ugh he seemed reluctant to go high.
Individual L stated he assisted Individual A with approximately 100 weld inspections. On one occasion, Individual A shined his flashlight from a distance and accepted one weld. This, according to Individual L, was on code 6 and 7 non-ssfety related piping, located high off the floor.
Individual A was interv,iewed at Shearon Harris on December 17, 1981 and he provided a signed st,atement containing the folicwing infor-mation in substance:
Regarding signing off welds that he did not actually look at, but which were inspected by trainees, Individual A explained that he was always within close proximity to them. When questioned by the Investigator as to whether or not he remained at floor level while the trainee inspected welds high on the scaffolds, Individual A declined to state where his exact physical location was except that he was in the "immediate vicinity".      Individual A explained that sometime around April 1981, EBASCO began sending revisions requiring reinspection of some pipe hangers. Subsequently, for about a 3 month period, Individual A went out and looked at the respective hangers. No welds had to be inspected but he did have to verify the hanger was physically present. Therefore, Individual A would often shine his flashlight on the hanger while standing on the floor to ensure the hanger was present and in its proper location.
He would then sign off the revised drawing and give to whoever was assisting him, a. sticker indicating the date the hanger was
                                " inspected" to the latest revision. The as.sistant would then place the sticker somewhere on the hanger. Individual A believes this may have been misconstrued by others in the vicinity that i                              he was signing off welds without actually looking at them. In i                              fact, none of the welds on the hanger required any inspection.
Individual A estimates that he inspected approximately 100 hangers in this manner. Individual A denied having not inspected welds on pipes or hangers, but signing them off as acceptable.
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            'G. WELD INSPECTIONS BY NRC Based on the statements, made by several individuals, that individual A        1 signed off pipe welds without inspecting them, the Region II Engineer-ing Inspection Branch was requested to conduct an inspection of randomly sampled welds on hangers and pipes. It was further requested that they draw samples from:
Areas which were relatively difficult to access; Welds which were inspected on Saturdays; and Welds which were inspected during the April-September 1981 time frame.
The results of the reinspection of welds conducted by NRC inspectors are documented in NRC Inspection Report Nos. 50-400/82-01 and 50-400/82-06. A summary of that inspection is included herewith i                    as Enclosure 1. Two violations were identified by the inspectors and they are discussed in the referenced inspection report.
H. REVIEW OF LICENSEE PROCEDURES The problem of uncertified individuals performing inspections and the inspection reports for those inspections being signed off by a certified inspector was discussed with the CP&L Site Manager and Senior Resident Engineer. They stated that such actions were permissible in accordance with licensee procedure CQA-1, " Personnel Training and Qualification".
A review of that procedure disclosed that Paragraph 7.1 contains the following:
                            " Emphasis will be on firsthand experience gained through actual performance of processes, tests examinations, and inspections.
As the inspector in training develops proficiency, he may be allowed to perform certain functions with minimal supervision; however, he will not be permitted to " sign-off"' hold points in verification of quality requirements for work activities."
In response to the Investigator's coments regarding the inspection records being signed by an inspector who had not actually inspected the weld, the licensee's site management representatives stated.that the certified inspector was accepting responsibility for the welds, therefore the inspector would only permit the trainees to accomplish the inspection when he believed they were qualified.
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a II-8 The licensee's procedure and imolementation of the procedure is inconsistent with the requirements of ANSI N45.2.6-1973 which the licensee committed to follow in that the trainees had not been certified to perform the inspections in question; that is, no
                          " certificate of qualification" meeting the requirements of Section 2.2.4 of the Standard had been ccmpleted for the individuals.
The licensee's procedure is also inconsistent with Criterion 17 of                          !
Appendix B to 10 CFR 50, which requires that inspection records identify the inspector who performed the inspection. An inspector cannot " accept responsibility" for an inspection that he did not personally perform.
I.      FINDINGS The allegation was substantiated in that the welding inspector signed inspection records indicating that he had inspected welds and found them acceptable when, in fact, he had not personally inspected the welds. This action results in two violations _of NRC re,quirements.              These are:
: 1.                The inspection records did not identify the individuals (B and C) who had actually performed the inspections as required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVII and              '
j                                            Section of the PSAR; and
:                          2.                The inspections were performed by individuals (B and C) who were not certified to perform the inspections in accord-ance with ANSI N45.2.6-1973 as required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion II and Section 1.4.9(1.58) of the PSAR.
These violations appear to be the direct result of inadequacies in
,        C                licensee procedure CQA-1 (Rev. 4), " Personnel Training and Qualifica-tion" or the licensee's interpretation of that procedure as discussed in Paragraph H above.
i                                                                .
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ENCLOSURE 1 Followuo on Recional Recuest Certain pipe welds and a random sample of difficult access welds on seismic supports inspected by a certain welding inspector during a particular time frame were reviewed by inspectors from the Materials and processes Section.
: 1.      The following seismic Category I welds were re-examined by Region II inspectors during the week of January 19-22, 1982:
COMPONENT ID/ WELD NO.                      SYSTEM                    ITEM INSPECTED CS-H-1790            Chemical and Volume Control            Seismic Hanger CX-H-1623            Chilled Water Return                    Seismic Hanger CC-H-469              Component Cooling                      Seismic Hanger BD-H-144              Blowdown                                Seismic Hanger BR-H-731              Baron Recycle                          Seismic Hanger CS-H-137              Chemical and Volume Control            Seismic Hanger RM-H-366              Reactor Make-up Water                  Seismic Hanger SI-H-1018            Safety Infection                        Seismic Hanger SF-H-704              Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup    Seismic Hanger CC-H-800              Component Cooling                      Seismic Hanger CT-H-205              Containment Spray                      Seismic Hanger SW-H-2343            Service Water                          Seismic Hanger
                *CC-H-342                Component Cooling                      Seismic Hanger
* NOTE:      This hanger was alleged to be unacceptable.
In addition to the above welds, the inspectors also inspected the follcwing welds on the laundry and hot shower tank #591-48, that were alleged to be rejectable.
ISOMETRIC                    WELD JOINT            SYSTEM 1-WL-1095                ~
FW-3708            Waste Liquid 1-WL-1092                      FW-3702            Waste Liquid 1-WL-1090                      FW-3697            Waste Liquid Discrepancies noted as a result of the NRC reinspection are as follows:
: a.      The inside of the box frame windows for hanger CC-H-469 had not been welded.
A review of.the records for this hanger revealed that the weld ins:ector had mistakenly referenced a -field change that would have deleted these welds if the hanger had been designed for a twelve inch pipe or smaller. Hanger CC-H-469, however, was designed for two 18-inch pipes.
Enclosure 1                                                                          E
: b.      Field pipe ' welds FW-3708, FW-3702, and rW-3697, located on the too of sne
  .              laundry and hot shower tank, had small arc strikes on the base metal adja-cent to the field welds. Carolina Power and Light Company (CP&L) procedure
              ;NDEP-601 for visual examination of welds, paragraph 9.11, states that " weld and adjacent base metal shall be free of visible are strikes, weld spatter and mishandling marks".                                                                                                                            -
: c.      In addition to the above pipe field welds, arc strikes and weld spatter were noted on vendor welds between the above field welds and the tank. The weld inspector had not reported this condition as required by paragraph 19.9 of CP&L's Quality Assurance Program for Radioactive Waste Management System.
The three examples noted above were reported as a violation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V and was assigned number 50-400/82-01-03, Failure to Folicw procedures / Instructions for Visual Examination of Welds and Reporting of Discrepancies,
: d.      As a result of the reinspections conducted during January, the Region II inspectors concluded that the samples taken were representative of the more difficult inspections the inspector in question had made on seismic supports. Although one item of noncompliance was found, the NRC inspectors concluded that this was an oversight by the welding inspector. When reading the instructions he apparently failed to see that the field change had size limitations. .The NRC . inspectors found inspection stickers with the individual in question's name on supports that were very high and difficult to reach.
This indicated that the weld inspector had made the inspections since all of the reinspected supports were examined during the period that the weld inspector was working alene. As for the reinspection of the three pipe welds that were examined by the inspector in question, two discrepancies were noted in this area and reported above. The Region II i nspection concluded that a larger sample of pipe welds; particularity Non-ASME welds inspected by this individual would need to be reinspected on a subsequent inspection. An inspector follow-up item 400/82-01-05, Inspection of Pipe Welds was open to track this problem.
: 2. During the week of February 23-26, 1982 the Non-ASME welds listed below were re-examined by Region II. The safety significance of this non-ASME pipe is                                                                                i established by section 1.8 of the Harris FSAR, which commits to Regulatory Guide 1.143. The Guide identified the radioactive waste management systems as an activity important to safety and requires inspection in accordance with ANSI B31.1. CP&L procedure N0EP-601, Revision 0, conforms with the requirements of ANSI B31.1 and is the procedure used by CP&L for visual inspection of the Waste Processing System.
            --    _ _ _ , , - . - - - . - - - , . --  .,.~---,__e_.--- .. --.- ,_. ....--.-.  ....--_,,,..-,---..,.,-,.---w.-.m.----*-,,..--,-,---,.---,----y
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      $*a            ,t Enclosure 1                                      3 WELD JOINT NO.                      SYSTEM                                DATED INSPECTED "1-WL-641-P4-2353                Waste Processing                                        9-09-81
                          *1-WL-642-P4-2358                Waste Processing                                        7-18-81 1-WL-364-FW-1857              Waste Processing                                        6-27-81 1-WL-324-FW-1856              Waste Processing                                        6-27-81 1-WL-365-FW-1846              Waste Processing              Date not recorded by NRC 1-WL-365-FW-1848              Waste Processing                                          6-27-81 1-WL-608-P4-2305            Waste Processing                                          8-11-81 1-WL-646-P4-2364            Waste Processing                                          7-21-81 1-WL-644-P4-2370            Waste Processing                                          8-11-81 1-2-WL-142-PW-1319          Waste Processing                                          8-18-81
* 1-2-WL-142-P4-1318          Waste Processing                Inspection Sticker had been removed 1-WL-717-FW-4016            Waste Processing                                          7-28-81 1-WL-717-P4-4017            Waste Processing                                          7-23-81 1-WL-679-P4-4051            Waste Processing                                          7-22-81 1-WL-717-P4-4015            Waste Processing                                          7-22-81 1-2-WL-143-PW-1316          Waste Processing                                          8-24-81
                    " NOTE: This joint was unacceptable Of screpancies noted as a result of NRC reinspection were as follows:
(a)  Butt weld joint #'s 1-WL-641-PW-2353 and 1-WL-642-P4-2358 had insuffi-cient weld metal deposited on the external surface of the weld prep resulting in areas of external weld concavity.
(b) Weld joint #1-2-WL-142-FW-1318.had two arc strikes. One of the are strikes resulted in a pit in the base metal which had not been ground or liquid penetrant inspected.
The discrepancies noted above were reported as violation number 50-400, 401/82-06-01, " Failure to Follow Procedure for Visual Examination of Pipe Welds."                                    --                          - -
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As a result of the above reinspections the licensee committed to reinspect all Non-ASME pipe weld joints inspected by the welding inspector in question and submit a list of their findings to NRC. This reinspection had commenced
,                    prior to this inspector leaving the site on February 26, 1982 and additional discrepancies had been identified by the licensee.
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REPORT NO . 50-400/83      ND 50-401/83-05 This refers to the routine safety inspection conducted by Mr. J. W. York of this office on February 1-4, 1983, of activities authorized by NRC Construction Permit Nos. CPPR-158 and CPPR-159 for the Shearon Harris facility and to the discussion of our findings held with Mr. R. M. Parson, Project General Manager, at the conclusion of the inspection.
Areas examined during the inspection and our findings are discussed in the enclosed inspection report. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures and representative records, inte~rviews with personnel, and observations by the inspector.
* Within the scope of this inspection, no violations or deviations were disclosed.
Two new unresolved items resulted from this inspection and are discussed in the enclosed report. These items will be examined during subsequent inspections.
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790(a), a copy of this letter and the enclosure will be placed in the NRC's Public Document Room unless you notify this office, by telephone, within ten. days of the date of this letter and submit written applica-tion to withhold information contained therein within thirty days of the date of this letter. Such application must be consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR 2.7S0(b)(1).
Should you have any questions concerning this letter, we will be glad to discuss them with you.
Sincereiy, jun -
D.. Verrelli, Chief Project Branch 1 Division of Project and Resident Programs                            ,
l Inspection Report Nos. 50-400/83-05 and 50-401/83-05 t
ec w/ encl:
R. M. Parsons, Project General Manager i
      '#pa aseg,''o,  _                      q              UNITED STATES                  e-NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISS.                  .
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411 Fayetteville Street Raleigh, NC 27602 Docket Nos:            50-400 and 50-401 License Nos:            CPPR-158 and CPPR-159                          -
Facility Name:            Harris 1 and 2 Inspection at Harris site near Raleigh, North Carolina Inspectors:
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2/;n/fs W. C. Liu                                                                  Date digneo Approved by                                                                                        87 J    J. ake, Section Chief                                        Date Signed g' eering Programs Branch i ision of Engineering and Operational Programs
Inspection on February 1-4, 1982 Areas Inspected                                                      .
This routine, unannounced inspection involved forty-six inspector-hours on site in the areas of independent inspection effort, safety-related pipe support and restraint systems, and other safety-related piping system.
Results Of the three areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.
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: 1. Persons Contacted Licensee Employees "R. Parsons, Project General Manager
              *L. Loflin; Manager-Engineering "N. Chiangi, Manager-Engineering and Construction-QA/QC
              *G. Forehand, Director-QA/QC                                                        .
              *A.' Lucas, Assist. Project Gen. Manager
              *M. Vernon Superintendent, QC "E. Willett, Resident Mechanical Engineer
              *D. Whitehead, Supervisor, Site QA/QC
              *R. Hanford, Resident Engineer, Met./ Welding
              *M. - Thompson, Sr. Resident Engineer._                        .
              "A. Fuller, Prinicpal Engineer-Mechanical
              *G. Simpson, Principal Construction Specialist "C. Osman, Principal Specialist-0A/.QC
              *J. Nevill, Principal Engineer-Engineering Other licensee employees contacted included construction inspectors, technicians, QC inspectors, and office personnel.
* Attended exit interview
: 2. Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on February 4,1983, with those persons indicated in Paragraph 1 above. The licensee was informed of the inspection finding listed below. The licensee acknowledged the inspec-tion finding with no dissenting comments.
                .a.    (0 pen) Unresolved Item, 400/83-05-01, Ground Areas on pipe support /
restraint No.1-SW-H-376, Paragraph 6.a.
: b.    (0 pen) Unresolved Item, 400/83-05-02, Administrative procedure for approval of drawings associated with Design Change Notifications, Paragraph 6a.
: 3. Licensee Action en Previous Enforcement Matters Not inspected.                                                              .
: 4. Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required to detennine whether they are acceptable or may involve violations or devia-tions. New unresolved items identified during this inspection are discussed in Paragraph 6.a.
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: 5. Independent Inspecticn Effort - Units 1 and 2 (92706)
The inspectors toured the Carolina Power and Light Research Laboratories near the Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant in order to ascertain the capabilities of these laboratories in the metallurgical and mechanical testing areas.
Since the testing for the weld procedure qualifications is performed by these laboratories, the inspectors reviewed the calibrations for the tensile and charpy impact testers.
: 6. Safety-Related Pipe Support and Restraint Systems - Unit 1 (50090)
The licensee divides the installation and inspection of pipe supports /
restraints into three phases. Phase I involves the installation of the piping and support / restraint. Phase II involves the acjustment of struts, placement of shims in box frame restraints, and the inspection of the support / restraint after it has been totally completed. Phase III involves the comparison of the stress isometric to the as-built locations of the ~
supports / restraints to insure that the analysis was performed for as-built conditions. Shearon Harris Unit I has approximately fifty supports /
restraints in the Phase II condition.
The inspectors evaluated the following parts of the support / restraint program:
(a)  Observation of work and work activities The inspectors in conjunction with licensee welding ano construction inspectors reinspected the following five supports / restraints that were in the Phase II condition:
Hanger / Restraint No.1-SU-H-376 in the Service Water System Hanger / Restraint No.1-PD-H-1590 in the Plumbing and Drainage System Hanger / Restraint No.1-4-WG-H-522 'in the Waste Processing System
                -    Hanger / Restraint No. 1-4-WG-523 in the Waste Processing System
                -      Hanger / Restraint No. 1-SW-H-4/3 in the Service Water System At the time of the inspection it appeared that all of the supports /
restraints conformed to the drawing with the exception of support /
restrairt No. 1-SW-H-376. This support / restraint had two apparent overcround areas, one on the northwest (NW) corner and one on the southwest (SW) corner. Both areas were just above a fillet weld on the same vertical tube steel member. In a telephone communication on February 7,1983, the licensee stated that measurements were made on
3-i 3                                                                                          !
tha't date using an ultrasonic thickness device that showed the wall thickness in the ground area on the NW corner to be 0.230" and:on the SW corner 0.235". The tolerances for the thicknesses en the tube steel are maximum 0.275" and minimum 0.225". Therefore, the areas met the minimum wall thickness requirement and were not reportable. Until the results of the licensee's inspection and the method used for inspecting 9round areas on other hangers can be reviewed, this will be Unresolved Item No. 400/83-05-01, Ground Areas on Pipe Support / Restraint No. 1-Sh-H-376.        During the inspection, it was noted that the piping tolerances were indicated on Drawing _No. CAR-2165, G107S02 (02 indicates sheet 2) with the approval initials in the sign off block and a Professional Engineering (PE) Seal. It appeared that the field installation tolerance for the supports / restraints inspections were being taken from sheet 1 of the drawing. The appropriate signatures and PE Seal were not affixec to this sheet. The licensee stated that sheet I was a Design Change Notification (No. 530-0769 Rev. 2). There.was insuffi-cient time during this inspection to review the licensee's procedure for handling Design Change Notifications ano drawings and_the safety significance was not of a level that would warrant an extended inspec-tion.. Until the relationship concerning approval signatures for these documents can be reviewea with the licensee, this will be Unresolved Item No. 400/83-05-02, Administrative Approval of Urawings Associated with Design Change Notifications.
(b) Review of QA Implementing Procedures The inspectors conducted a general review of QA procedures to verify that all craft, NDE, and inspection personnel associated with the                                                                    !
installation of pipe supports and restraints have been trained; that docunentation for quality requirements of materials and components are met prior to installation; and that nonconformances and defects are documented and proc 2ssed in accordance with established procedures.
The following QA procedures were partially reviewed by the inspectors:
          -    EProcedure CQA-1, " Personnel. . Training and , qualification", Rev.12
          -    Procedure QAI-1.2, "QA/QC Personnel Oualification Requirements",
Rev. 13 4          -    Procedure NDEP-10. " Training Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel", Rev. 3
          -    Procedure TP 40, " Training and Qualification of Construction Inspection Personnel", Rev. 4
          -    Procedure CQC-2, "Nonconformance Control", Rev. 4 Procedure CQC-6, " Receiving Inspection", Rev. 0 4
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(c) Review of Work Procedures The applicable code for safety-ralated pipe ' support and restraint          !
systems is the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section .III, Division 1, 1971 Edition including all addenda through Summer 1973.
Mechanical snubbers shall be to 1977 code plus addenda through Summer 1978. The inspectors observed various activities and documents associated with the installation of supports and restraints to deter-mine if code and procedure requirements were being met. The inspectors reviewed the following work procedures pertaining to safety-related pipe support and restraint systems to determine whether they were app.oved by authorized licensee personnel:                ,
Work Procedure                                      Aporoved Date MP-06, " General Welding Procecure for                    07/23/82 Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe Weldments", Rev. 14 TP-04, " Calibration of Centrolled Tools", Rev. 20        01/12/83 TP-34, " Inspection of the Installation of                09/15/82 Safety-Related Pipe Hangers", Rev. 6 TP-39, " Inspection of Drilled-In Expansion Anchors",    10/13/82 Rev. 4 WP-33, " Installation of Wedge Expansion Bolt Anchors", 09/28/82 Rev. 6 WP-110, " Installation of Seismic Pipe Hangers and        11/11/S2 Supports for Seismically Analyzed Pipe", Rev. 7 In addition, the inspectors partially reviewed those work procedures to assure that technical adequacy of activities pertaining to safety-related pipe support and restraint systems were being met. This review was also performed to ensure that provisions for required preinstalla-tion and in-process inspections are performed in a timely manner, and that bolts, nuts and washers are of the proper type and correctly installed.
Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.
: 7. Safety-Related Piping - Unit 1 The inspector examined the welding activities described below relative to safety-related piping to determine whether applicable coces and specifica-      ,
tions were being met. The applicable code for this work is the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Subsections NC and ND,1974 Edition including Addenda through Winter 1976.
c 5
: a.      Observation of Welding' Activities (55183)
The below listed welds were examined in process to determine work conducted in accordance with traveler; weloer identification and location; welding procedure; WPS assignment; welding technique and sequence; materials identity; weld geometry; fit-up; temporary attach-ments;' gas purging; preheat; electrical characteristics; shielding gas; welding equipment condition; interpass temperature; interpass cleaning; process control systems; identity of welders; qualifications of inspection personnel; and weld history records.
Weld No.                                                      System
              , tW-1977 Service Water FW-159                                                        Residual Heat Receval FW-142                                                        Safety In]ec.i.on FW-2008                                                      Service Water FW-1950              ,                                      Service Water CS-103-2-SW-1                                                Chemical and Volume Control
: b.      Welder Qualification (55187)
The following welder qualifications records were reviewed:
Welder Symbol                                    System Observed Welding E-7                                    Residual Heat Removal
                      -C-53                    -.  -
Residual Heat Removal                      -
D-76                                    Service Water The following welder performance qualification tests were observed in progress:                                                                                                '
Welder ID                                        WPS                                                  -
l                32/353                                          1A4 32/354                                          1A4 Within the areas inspected, no violations or ceviations were identi-fied.
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                                      ,s                  HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT                                                              Exhibit 1
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                  .        IBASCO ATTACHMENT TO FCR-AS-446 1
As per telecon between Chuck French of CP&L and O S Yue of Ebasco on
                          .4/15/81. Approval of welding any 3 sides of joint connection apply to hanger framings and hanger member to gusset plate joint- in which it
connects to embedded strip plates only.
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                .        'EBASCO ATTACliMENT TO FCR-AS-446 COMMENTS:
As per telecon between Chuck French of CP&L and O S Yue of Ebasco on 4/15/81. Approval of welding any 3 sides of joint connection apply to
                        ~ hanger framings and hanger member to gusset plate joint in which it embedded-strip plates only.
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                                                  - CONSTRUCTION QA SECTION PERSONNEL. TRAINING Date:        September' 12, 1980
          . Training Period:                ik hours Topic:          Hanzer insoection'A documentation (see attached outline)                                              '*
Instructor:.        V. Safarian                                                _.
The following personnel attended the above described training:
Pete Tingen Judi McDonnell Steve Mountcastle William Pere Ward Mercer
                  -nt* W ai~n' T.J. Wait
                                                                                                    -y st Inst /Gctor
              }                                                                      ,.                                                                                                                                              .
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,                                                                                                          Outline for Retraining A.                            Responsibility of Welding Inspectors
                                                                              -1.            Quality.not Quantity
: 3.                            Inspection in accordance with requirements of Hanger Package-
: 1.      Check PW, DCN, other pertinent data C.                            Inspection in accordance with the Dwg.
: 1. ' Weld sy=bol review (AWS)
: 2.      Verification of # of welds in accordance with the Dwg.
: 3.      Verification of type of welds in accordance with Dwg.
4        RCI if question occurs in Dwg.
: 5.      No sign off if hanger not in accordance with Dws. Package.
D.                            Doct=entation
: 1.      Dws. sign off
: 2.      Traveler sign off
: 3.      Seismic WDR sign off
  .          _  __._______________._______.__..___-.___.._-.____.____-._____._._____-_m.___                                _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _      __________.___._____m_                _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _    _ .__________m
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File: SH P-1/2 1
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CONSTRUCTION QA SECTION                                                                l PERSONNEL TRAINING
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r ', ; -
Training Period    2 hours Topic Post Weld Heat Treatment Instructor:    Fasih Shaikh- Welding Engineering The following personnel attended the above-described training:
Bruce Giles                        Bill Pere Ward Mercer                        Steve Mountcastle Pete Tingen                        Andy Bartrom Jim Root                            Clay Rhodes Judi McDonnell                      T.J. Wait j            Bill Russell i
Distribution:                                                ###*        '''
Personnel fil es for                                        Instructor above personnet 5
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* CORPORATE QA/QC SECTION' PERSONNEL TRAINING Date:      12-10 21 Training Per.iod:      Decenber 10, 1951 for i b n'ir Topic:      Inspection and documentation of Seismic Pipe Hancers I
i Ins truc to r-    T.J. Wait The following personnel attended the above described training:
James Root B!11 Pere Qen Stan1Q Steve nountcastle Gilbert DeBarros I
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CAPilm POER & LIGHT CDFAW g m py333gggg g,.gygg                          SECTION lli ENGIEERING AND CONSTEJCTIm 00fLITY ASSLTn#EfJ.W.ITY CONIR(1. SECTION l
                                                    /    1    /
                            .,,_...,fERSO'CIE". TRA*NII",' A!") offal 2F~ A~~ICN      -
a G
EPER:                                                                            INITIAL ISSUE IRTE:
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f ,N .1.0 March 16, 1981 RECDfEMED RR                  AL N UI 4,,[                                                                                ^:-Y p                                                                            .
n:RecTUR - SWP QMQC                                                              W        -
                                                                                                    " M/0C
        .r                                                                                                                -
4 e,  , s 9( M ''.fCIU" CARct.Ita Pad:. & .L:3E CO-PAf#
* W~ ~::9'
                                                                                                                                                    ~        RE'J'~ ~' '~M          3 CCRPORATE G1JALITY AS5JXG E:ARTIF.NT QA/QC - HARR:5 R.#6T SE: TION                                                                              CCA-1              --
l TITLE:    PERSO:i!!EL ""::~'N3 FC C P "*T    CATICN                                                                                                      ,
1.0  PURPOSI The i=:e:: cf this ;recedure is to establis require =e::s and                                                                              ;
            .                          guide'' es fc- t:-='-* r and qualificatica cf perse..nel assiped to perfor: ROC ac.ivities at a nuclear pcwer plan:.                                                                                        '
2.0 SCOPE This pro:sc=n is a;;11ca:le to the site Quality Assurance /
Quality *-
* C=1; pers:nnel whc perfem inspecticas, sur-                                                                          .:
ve111a=ces, ar=-*-=:icca or testing activities- that are intended                                                                        3, to assure :;:mality c' cons:metien or to verify ccafer=ance to                                                                            j quality n--' e=ents; and persc nel w:o review and accept or                                                                                l appmn :=z:De::ima, ar=+mtion or test docu:entatien er ot er                                                                                l quality affe:.'=g c:c.=nects (e.g. procedures, instructions and specifica-*--*). 3;::csiestructive Exa=ina*. ion (.NDE) personnel                                                                          :
* r acc! :;ua.11ricarica will be in a::orda=ce with Refenace
: 1. Fcr :::ad-p. poses cf tais procedure, refenness to inspe::1on                                                                          l activities        ' des surveillance. This is an AS:G See: ion ~'I procecure.
* i 3.0 REFE5ENCI5                                                                                                          -
: 1. Carp:rama 2A De;artment Nondestructive Exa=ination Manual (EI .tnua*.)                                                            .;                                                  4
: 2. ' I=st:;    '- QA!-1.1, Visual Aculty and Color Perception Tests                                                                      l
: 3. I=st:.u:-'- CA -1.2, QA/QC Person =e1 0- 21
* fication Requinments                                                                  l
                                                                      ,                                                                                                          t 4.0  RESPC'3'----"Is                                                                                                                          l l
4.1  *-an=r - CA/Q - Harris Plant Section                                                                                                +
2 The Mau:ager      .1/QC - Harris Flast Section shall be respon-                                                                    I sit *J fe staff 1=g the QA/QC Unit with persc==e1 meeti:g the a;:7 :;.-iata classificat1=n requireme=ts.                                                                                      l
                                                                                                                                                                            'i 1
4.2 Din e          - QA~2C
                                                                                                                                                                                $l t
The Care: tor - CA/00 shall have overall respo=sibility for implanen:atiac of tais procedun.                                                                                                    1 i  .
4.3 Su:er==te= den: - QC                                                                                                            3}
                                            "he St= peri =te:xte=t - QC is respe:sible to the Dinctor - QA/C                                                                }!
for i=uphtatico of this procedure.                                                                                                  !
r          ,,
: c. qs
                                                                                                -'        REVIS'"'N COR? CRATE CfJALITY ASSLEAtiCE MFARTIEC                    "
l          QA/QC - HARRIS PLAffT SECTION                                    00A-1          11 TITLE:  PERSON!!EL TRAINI::G A:D OUALIF    A-~.~::s 4.4  Quality Assura .ce/Cuali--- ::: :152.; it Surer risces CA/QC Subunit Super-is::rs e-*" sa:e crerall responsibility for i=plementatica cf -" = ;:-a:e=re in their assig .ed areas of responsibi'.ity.                                                I 4.5 Quality Assurance /cual:.w := =-; see:ialist:/E rineers Site CA/OC SpecialistsF--'-ae: s +-*'' be res;c= sit:le fer indoctrinatica, tra *
* i , :;-' " .:z:ic: a:d e.Cuatic: of QA/QC perscanel in their ass'-- e: a:Tas of res;caribility.
1 5.0 DUCATION AND EX?ERIENCE 5.1  Personnel perfor=1=g cu2 a __r_: ins shall =ee: the educa-tion and experience re:;u_~..:m=:.s set fcrth 1: Appendix A.
f                                5.2 Acceptable equivale=ts =          e e- ":1c: levels listed in V                                    Appendix A are as foll:ss:
: 1. In lieu of high scrcl: ''''tary (USAFI), state , county, or local school ais;: school equivale cy GD; or two (2) years experian=a 1= -=truction operation cr inspection work s'h- to at covered by the inspection activity.
: 2. In lieu of 2-year ded;:ee 1: ecgineering/tect:olog7:
Satisfactory cc=plet::.oc cf      " age credits wnich can be evaluated to be c---
g      1:le = :ta: requi.ed for a 4-year degree; or two (2) years experience as a CA/CC Inspector in a nuclear progrs=
: 3. In leiu of a 4-year : des:-se = =sn-engineering discipline:
Satisfactory :=plet.t.:: -" cal'ege crvdits whics can be evalua*.ed to be cc:;:arsale = taa: rwquired for a 4-year degree; or two (2) years experience as a CA/QC Inspector in a nuclear prog z=-
4    In lieu of a 4-year ctes:se =      -c neering:  Four (4) years experience as a :.UO: bpector in a nuclear program.
g    ,7    -
e  qr 3I?G l.'.J6I CMt1 ire PChER & LIGH C3fMN NLTGER                :ECI"ON COR.oMTE GCALIT( ASIURANCE DEPARTTEtG CA/GC - lWLRIS PLNK SECTION                                        CCA-1                      ;
e TITLE:  PE?.5:::NEL -P.AI:CG AC QUALIFICA*:3 5.3 ?e experie:ce levels lis.ed in Appe . dix A are for directly related experience 1. wer.: that is technically equivale:: ::
that .lich will be covend by the specific inspectic:/ as-*--
activity. Prior experience in construction operatic: er inspe::icn work which is only simDne to the inspec-ic:/
testi:g activity may be sutstituted for directly related exper.ence en a 2-month for 1-month basis, not to exceed                                -
two-tairds cf the total i=spection experience requirece::.
5.2 Prior experience may be applied to the experience leve*,.
requinments for more '" one inspectien/ testing activ1:7 prov ded the mquimments of 5.3 above are met.
6.0 PEYS! CAL CONDITICN 6.1 QA/QC icapection person =e1 shall meet the physical .
for the particular CP&L classification involved at initial hiring.
6.2 Coctracted personnel er. ployed to aug=ent CP&L QA/CC i=spe:-
tors shall meet the physical require =ents of their e=ploprz.
6.3 .QA/QC and augmented ins;ection personnel shall be testad to assure:                                                      -
: 1. Natural or corrected near distance acuity such as bei:g-capable of reading the J-1 letters on a stancar: .*aegr"s test-type chart or equivalent test type.
: 2. The capability for distinguishing and differentia-* !
contrast between cciors as de=c:strated by practical democatration or test performa=ce.
6.4 Pers:nnel that fail the maar distance acuity or color se:se testing may be evaluated and, through satisfactory de-cre: a-tics of capatility to perform the required inspectic..s,            f'---
acce;:able for certification for a sub-category of inspe:"                      - .
l                                  The ;ersonnel ncords a:111 reflect the evaluation ; recess                                    j used and acy inspection limitations imposed.                                                  '
:                                                                                                                                i 6.5 The test specified in 6.3 (or as allowed by 6.4) shall be I                                  conducted cm an acnual basis.                                                                1
          ,                    6.6 Prior to fuel loading a;;11 cable CA/QC inspection a:d supervisory personnel tir.cluding centract personnel) 1 v:1 rec in plant Start-Up/ Operations activities will participate i=.
the coc:pacy sponsored mzpiratory protecticn progrs= *--"=*                          -
;                                  p=ys:. cal.                            .
                            .                  _    -.  -_- - _--___. -          - -- - -        . - _ _ - ~ _ .      _
r-e  yr l
3?iR01 A FM-CAR 3.INA PC)ER & LIG ~ C~ FANY NtFEER          REY!5fCN 4*
CORPORATE CUALITY ASSlRA'G E: ANT QA/CC - HARRIS PLNC 5E.-"~Cy;                                                                c A-1            11      l TITLE: PD.SC:: lEL    ..A :tI::G AC :~.l*._. _1~!:':
7.3 INDoC7_".:A**0N C ~212.- : r 7.1 :;ewly assipe: pee s==al ::FAL and augen ed) will be                                        _-s* ed is the perf: _.z=== :f :neir intended assign =ent(s). Tr5 ' ' g s:all be =-              ''=-4 tar:as= a progra= censisting of ::de:-                                        l trination s=1 =- .:s *:2 tr*'ad g (OJT) under the cire:: super-vision of .:. alt.fia: pe:s=:el. The degree of traini:( vill depend on ==                    : =f prev- ons experie::e and tra1=ing.                                    l e- usis wi 1_e ::: fi:staa:d experien:e gained throup actual perfor=an s =f ;:-m:ssces, tests, exa=1:ations and in:pe:: :ns.
As the ins;e: :r ds :: mi
* 5 develops proficiency, he =2y :e allowed t: pe-f:r              =artai: inspection functions under .se super-                              ,
vision of ::=            alified i:s;ecter; however, the qualifiec i=spector is -1Ls.              ** hle for reinspectic: to the exte:: ne:essar/
                                    .to verify ::e *-" acy of tua trainee 's inspection. ii:M;:1 :
                                      " sign-off" z=a*.1 tie ac===;11shed by the qualified inspe:: r and certifies -
* a:=e;.a:ce f the cc=plete: Work.
v 7.2 (a) Pers:==nel ;searf:rx::g CA/QO activities shall be 1:::ctri-natet 1: :..mse proje:t i=f:r=ational areas n'ecessary for
effe::in c:ss.1=ati:n                              and acco:plishment of their assiM a: ".T:.tias and rssponsibilities.                                Indoctrina:1cn shall to 1 r-        r-ted on CA/3C Personnel Indoctri=atio=
Cheer-Qff (F :s CA .7) and consist of, but not be '4-d ted to:
                                            . 1.      C&-=** ' and Organizational Relationsai;s
  .                                          2. ::r:cuc-'~ to appropriate site personnel
: 3. 3:.ims a=: Easp=sibilities
: 4. CFE - C::.L ::::C Procedures, Instructions, repc-.s rec =n-as and fi'ing system.
: 5. W-''              :h.wetives of site CCA/CCC Procedurss.
: 6. smd Itandartia to be e= ployed.
(b) QA/Q pe.m*. :=v:17ed with plan: Start-Up/Operztiens prior : f.aal *.=a:1:4 will receive indoctricata : in:
: 1. 3a:'
* gi:11 Health & Safety Program                                                          i
: 2. Zus. ri Ac ic:
: 3. '''m:r=al Safety Program
: 4. Przw:: ice Fregram
: 5. Se== :7 .*nsrs:
l i
i f
l                                                                                                                                                  I i
1 r-  qr OT:E D001ET cARaLInA mER & L!s,T cGfAftY u11a          ps::s:Ou C M CRATE GUAU TY ASSURN CE DEPART
* M CA,i C - HARRIS PLNIT SECTION                                      -
                                                                                              ~' ~-            22 TITLE:    PE7.20:::.T TF./,::::::G At:D CUALIT:CATIO::
7.3 A;;endix A to this procedure 3;e:ifies the tra'-- ; ti=e re uire: for the 1 :1vidual inspe::ics/tes ing L:.;vities.
                                      'h.ere the inspector in training has been pmva:::31 cern-fled for the inspection /testi=g activity by as: : ar ergs:1-zation, the classrocma hcurs may te reduce: by =e-calf 2::
the OJT** hours =ay be reduced by two-thirts. -ers ===e ;
qualified for cons: rue 1on ;:ase CA/C0 act:.Jitis:s ::clu:ing those qualified througn teh O! training ;r:gra=. s e :: .11-dered qualified f:r equivale:. Start-Up a.: ;ersn: ;; CA/QC activities pr=vided in:octra:ation is rs:n vid as:
docu ented in appli:acle Stare *J;/Operatie: ;-* e ;re:s:;.res.
:lotes:      'Classrec training in:121es lect _. ez, di:: ==:.:::,
and de:cestrations of the uses of c:-"--::s      ::cl.s.
and equip:sent related te the inspec:1=, et-ing activity; and the ad=intstration Of a;:;r:;ria.a exa=instions and tests.
t V                                                'Where equally applicable to =cre :ts: ::a ins;s:-
tion / testing activity, OJT time =sy te a;;;.ied.
to each of the appropriate activ:.tes.
7.4 Formal training =4-dn4=tered by the CA/QO Spe:12.11st/
Enginners/ Subunit Supervisors to develop or cat =tain the r                                proficiency of inspection personnel, shall be ds==entet.
Those training rec =rds shall include  '
the f=110. :q infor-nation:
: 1. Name of Inspector
: 2. Subject Matter
: 3. Date 4      Time Spent        -        -
: 5. List of Atterssees                                ,
8.O  C*JA'3- OA7:C!! PRIOR TO C"iR*3*ICA"' C?
Price to assigt:nent to perform specifI.: inspectic /tes.1:g f.=:ticas, CA/^0
                                    . persoccel sna11 meet the d          require:ents f:r t e assig,-
ment as delineated in Appendix A. Classroom, self-s a:y ans pract:.:a1 demonstrations shall be perfor ned and documented in a::Ortas:e wit:
      .                        Reference 3.
m 3
            <    o. , r CIEM $'T~
cAna.:NA PO4A & Crr~ C/ *lY                                      pap ~ee:
                                                                                                                    .'s CA/GC - HARRIS ? X.7 3E-~.y;                                    CCA-1          11    l t
TI'!LE:  PERIO:!:iEL TRA!':...: 1:: C.-
                                              .                  -;.01- :!!                                          [
S.O (cont.)                                                                                        !,
Qualificat      n        : :sf c= ;any persc=e1 tran=ferred, frc=
other unit :r :s=:s= . m.1 hired frc= organizatic=s wnich provide direct serv:.:ss -.m =a 3/0C Unit, w11*. be reviewed for accep-tance agal:r. =a :re-t'wce:ta of this procedum. The hspect:r's personnel fi .e  a_~ =a ans::a ed to st:v tne results of .no review and identify a=* m--' g a:d/or testi ; required prior to certi-fication. ~a b e.7 :n: "-' tic:a1 trainis; is requ:. red, certifica-tion /recer-2.:1-- . =ay be a.ffected based on previcus quali-fications.
9.0 CERTIF'ICAT* I 91 subuni- I.=w-_: rs. :A/oc seecia*ists and Engineers l
9.1.1 * -"~. Icpervisers, QA/CC Specialist and Engineers                    a ars = - -d supervisory a.d tectnical respo.sibilities                i
:aamec y c: continatic:a of for.:41 educa:1cn,                j
                                                ;rv--"+ := alci=g, previous work experience and
                                                      *=-      cf indoctrinatica to satisfactorCy perfor :
                                                =Dec.r -T-=:ta . Such personnel are consi:ered gr****"''
* wittout examination to perfor= 'thg following
                                                .  ::c. .. =:s as appl.icable to the activities within their
                                                ..r  g - :s 1:.  ".z=,
                                                        .      :;ualify a:.d supervise CA/CC perso=e1 in 1:nz:actio::, monitoring and testing assig=ents.
: 2.    "seve*:p and =4*4 =ter oral / written qualification
: 3. E5.vtha=a capabilitias and perfor=ance of CA/Q pers=:mel.                                '
                                                =. Em as e reau.lts of exasinatioca, inspections ard mz:s.
: 5. la va*.::sp and prepare nos CA/QC procedures and 1:=r:-1.c:ticca.
: 5. Sur.wir QA/2C and Construction operations proceduns asc i=stractions fo
* a;proprista connit: ants and
:=ai- gras:ts.
O                                            "l. ".Ja-*-* -a t review of Jite generated documents vnica "a.. sm documentary evidence of the quality of                    '
                                                      -"* =ar safety related ite=s and of activities                  ,
s *!ac      ( quality.                    ,                    i
                                                                      .s.                                          '
f    .
: u.                                                                      -
                      @@1.l.3 EEE CAROL!!% POWER & LIGiT C3fMN                                  l
                                                                                '    'UGE9          "!EVISION CORPORATE Ct.:ALITY ASS'JWC DEPART!"Eiff QA/GC - HARRIS PLNIT E'" TION                                    J -i              13 T:Tt E:    Pas::::m. nn:::::o A:.. c:At.:rnn:o::
9 1.1 (cont.)
: 8. 7er.ew of procureme:: :::.=s:: fer ine'.2 at:s of CA mquireme=u.
\  .
: 9. 7er.ew of Suppliers' d::.=ns:.ats: . t: assure
                                            ;r::ured ite=s coc;17 V . *1    . of
                                            ;ro:uncent documents.
: 10. 71as, sched' ale and z=; err 2e 1:.:;e:: :ns as:
l                                          sur teillacce of cenzt .*.:.1= s= c;ersta:ns l                                      ,  a:tivities.
: 11. Identify quality prc:::le=a a=: i=itiate, rec:::s::.2 cr provide resciuticca.
9 1.2 Other activities assigned is se;erris:rs
c an as follows:
91.2.1 QA surveillar.ce
: 1. Perform CA Samil. lance cf cons:mett:n              .:
                                  ;                  installatics, azzi testing                ;
                                  ,                  activities.                                        !!
: 2. Perform CA Sumf. nan s cf selected          ,
general activ.'*. ins su; pcrting ratter than            '
directly Mlated te the installatic:.                  -
testing or ina;ection of pere 2 ent plast items or stru:::.:res.
                                            . 3. Perforin te    -=1 doc =me:t review of constructico .A Be:oren.
I civil & Str= Jet m. ;
: 1. Sampling ass :sz. :4 ef :=: rete =atar1.als (i.e. cement, aggregate, at:1xtures : .
l                                                    wa ter) .
                        .                          2. Concrete prod.: t=.
: 3. Sampling a::d taa =4 of ;1aat1: cor.:reta and grout.
: 4. Ccumpressive tasting of c:n=reta a 1 gr: rat.
9 0 2W ' T U- 5T CAR 3.*.id 83G 1 CFf C3FNN
                                                                                                                        ?.VGE:t          9"!:- t CORPORATE. CIL.7. l A1LT.FXQ 2PARTT.NT QA/Z  -deF23 PU.'tr SCTION                                                              2 -1                %
TITLE:      PEF.!::::::r. 2 :Cm 1:a : 11.                          . r::AT:en              -                                  '
e 9 1.2.2 (cont.;
: 5. Tensile test:ng of reinfore:ng sten.
bars ar.1 cadweld apec1: ens.
: 6. Installation of Moct.anical splices (cadwelds) in concrete reir. forcing cars.
: 7. Calibrat:.:n and field adjustment of measuring devices.
l                                  .                                                8. Windsor Probe testing ec:: s e strong a in place.
l                                                               Materials t *ecords
;                                                                                  1. Receipt storage and issue cf nucisse
!cm                                                                                      safety n iated plant items and con-iC I
: 2. Construction site procurement of mc* mar safety niated plant items and onr.s.=a:;.as.
: 3. Acessuulations, review, filing and c:c=rr.".
of rocceds which are required to
docume:tary evidence of the quality or nuclear safety related items and of ac.s-vities affecting quality.
l l
: 4. Contrel of construction and operatt:ca contrci documents.
: 5. Control of recons of permanent pla:t 1:muna                l transferred between unita or off-s:.:a.
3 I
: 6. Assently of Code Cata Reports ter s.aram" to the Naticnal Board.                  *
  ,                                                                      i .1.2. 4 Moctonics1 & Weldir.s I
: 1. Installation and pressure testi:4 cf - m systems, componenta and HVAC duct w:rs.
      ,                                                                            2. Field fabrication / modification cf    , .t :=g j                                                                                      subassoaslies.
      .4    e MM 1Cil'UI                                                                            .
t CT.RG.If4A POWER & L. git C3fAf#                                                                                                          l
                                                                                                                          '."15ER                RE'.'I S 1CN CCRPORATE CUALITY ASS'SA*CE E: ART lOT COA-1                        13 G/QC - HARRIS PLAffT S.:"T*0N TIT 1E: FEESONNEL TRA2!!::G l'iO C M 7 : ACON (c=t. )
: 2. Appli:a_i= =' ':i" type. sy=bol sta:p te AS:E 0xe Cass pi;ing and subasse=blies and sys.e=s.
                                                  +. Preparati= =f IS'E C de Oa.a Rep:rts.
5      Cleanli=ess "-e;ectic=s                                    f pipin-s . s te=s am ===one nts .
: 6. I:spect = c' =de v2.ns.
: 7. Cualifica ic= cf welders and welding operatcrs.                                                                                            .
I S. Field ul.i=.g :f ASIE Code Class ar.d                                                                i
                                  .                      ncn-code ' = = piping.                                                                                I
: 9. 7-atallati== veldins =f pressure toundary c==pc=ents.
: 10. I=stallati== welding of Seis=ic Category I structural s.ael me: bars, banSers and                                                          .'
: 11. Field fab-icanon welding of piping sub-assec611er, a:ks, str.:=tural steel me=bers,
: b. angers a:d s=_ ports (i=cluding studs).
: 12.      I=stal'.at' m welding of steel li:er plate.
: 13. Post-wt2d treat =sst. . Start-Uo/O e-st2.=..s
: 1. Proced: e -ernew
: 2.      Turnovers                                                                                            ,
: 3.      Docume= Be r_n
: 4.      Mainta-=m e a.zi 3:xii'i=ation Control
  -n Q                                                5.      CA Surn '' ' e-= of Start-CP/ Operations
: 6. Inspe ct' ~ =
_. _ . _ _ . _ . . _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . ~ . _ . _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ . . - . . . _
        - .* - ,                                                                                                                                                      ),
P 1
T.w <                                                                                                                                                  1 1
                                                                              -                                                                                        1 l
3= 1 ~' X'DT CC',*, PGrER & CGHT ~3fMN                                                                                                            i tr~P -~- ~              :=v' ~*r.R
                                                                                                                                          ~ ' -                  I C::F.*0:XE .A.ITf ASSJa' ICE .T.FARTPE'4T                                                                                                l i
TA'.a - :+1AR:.:5 R.NT SE TION                                                      C1-                            U              l t
TITLE:  P'-  w. Ti"NG A'O ::AL FICA- ON 1
e e, .3    .e se::el, net necessarily classi'ied as a --                                                              l Specialists /F.ngineers may be assip.ed sups.-                        := --                                  1 espc:sibili .ies within their areas of te---?
l expertise when evaluated by, the CA/QC Sub ---                                                            1 Superv- sor as being capable of perfer=ing :e                                                              I superr scry assig. ment. The evaluation s-=" ce                                                              '
d:-~-ted and shall take into account the f "-:- r                                                          i fa=:crs:                                                                                                  i s
I. Education                                              -
: 2. Experience                                                                                            l t
: 2. De=onstration of Capability                                                                            I
:.2 ' *s sonnel perfor--i g CA/QC activities will be e"--O                                                                  !
f.~. certi'ication af ter ce= plying with paragrapn: E.-                                                              i o- 0.0 as ap;11 cable.      Cert:.fication shall be do-                        --                                  -
cc ::M/Q Persennel Qualification / Certification (?::= 2                                      :                      }
asi .s h = ' cc:.ain, but not be 14-4 ted to, the fc" v::s                                                            i 1:':rrma-' ':                                                                                                        s
: 1. Z=;1 syne's Name
                                      -                N
: 2. Name cf person being certified
: 2. Activity qualified to perform 4      Data of certification and effective period
: 5. Basis fo- certification,
1 E. Sig.ature of Director or his desig=ee 3.3 Ca. ifica ic: by the Director means the inspect:- :.:                                        =~'ed
: perf::= t .e following as applicable to the 1:.rpe:--
;                                        tasting antif.ty:
: 1. Recc:-i 1:spection, examination and testing dz:.a.                                                                    !
: 2. Ic=Imment approved inspection, exa=1.ation a== ter-- r l                                                pr:cmdures.                                                                                                            l l
: 2. Plznt i=specticcs, evaluations and tests; se:- :p te:=:s.                                                              l l                                                4 '~"- preparatica and -set-up of related e-"---'                                      .
l A. Evaluate the validity and acceptability of 1:.r:e-                                    .
arx--  n ion and test results.
              .o rn-r-.
t . .-- I -'  a t_11 CAR 3.IM PCWER & LIGiT C'1 PAIN                                                    !'
N RATE ::UALITY ASS 3 ATE E". AEEIT CA/GC - HARRIS PLAT.T SECTICH                                      CCA-1      11 TI'u :..*
                            . - . -.                a 9.3 (c=t. )                                                                                      !
: 5. Rep r: *-~;ectic:, ex=-'-=:10: and tes: .m s;.:' .s.
: 6. etter i=spectir/ testing personne ..
: 7. Tr="    other p=~~~--1 S. Use calibra:ec ::cls and equi;:ent required f:r _ s inspe: tic:/ esti .g activ:.*y.
9.1    Appendix A to . sis procedure identifies t,'.e in:1:_:ua'      ' an: inspectien/ testing activites fcr .10:
CA/QC persensel =ay be assigned.
10.3 :EV II!SPECC:: Ac....n_ S In the event a new woric activity and the associated inspectics a:.ivity are c:::.:r es: se as to preclude prior        q"=-"'-=--
* of i=spectica perso==el, inspectics of the work sh.all te under supervisory c= trol of the cog '~ ant CA/QC Specialist, -- ~er              I cr Subunit Superviser. Assistance frc= the cog-4-=-: :iscif 4 e e'r'aeer and =anufacturer's representative may be re:uested .o facilitate i=itial qualificatics cf inspection / test.=g persc=:el.
i            -
he required CJT =ay be waived upon satisfactory de-=:ra+" n of ability to perform the inspection / testing functic=.
11.0 ETALUATION A.E RE E:.TIIICATION 11.1 The job perfor=ance of QA/QC persennel shall be evaluated at intervals not to exceed two (2) years. QA/CC ;ersc=e1 who have Oct perfer::ied inspectic / testing activ:. ties fc-which gaalified within a period of one year sm'' be re-evalua:ad pric- to assi ga-=''t to perform taa: ' *,e c i=
Cr test.
11.2 If the results of the perfo: ance evaluation (s) a e satis-factor 7, the 4-d'vidual's cer*.ification shall be ----d----
11.3 If, duri:5 the ab,ove evaluation or at any other t:.=se, it is deteW=d that the capabilities of an individual de =ct
                                            = leet the regaire:nents of the inspection / testing a::i-ity, that d"'''vidual s=all be removed from the activity u=:C sue ti:ne taa: the required capability has been de--*:ra e:.
O U'                                11.4 Recer:ificati = will be documented on CA-49A Fe=s.
  -  ~
e    . , ,
n Rai m r00Efi i                CAP.3_If?A POM51 & LIGHT COMPAtlY                                :                              __
                                                                                                    , L,, __.-    _
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l                    ,                                                          a      _ . - . .                      ..
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: 1. Secondary (OR Received)        12                      i'                4                          4              20
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la            20 i
: 3. NSR Categories I & II                  i                                                -
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6                          4              20 t
: 4. Stock Steel & Bolting                  I Stock Tubing, Pipe and                i Fittings (FP & Radwaste)                i                                                .
Stock Tubing, Pipe and                                                                  !
Fittings (Code Class)          24      !          'l                    7                          6              20 a
5  *deld Filler Materials        40                  2-                  16              -
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Ecgineered Items (NSR Categories I & II, Radwaste & Fire Pro-                    I tection)              ,
Primary -Engineered Items      44                  2-                  1T                            E              37 i
i Pu-chase Requisition Review
: 1. Non "Q"-List Items              8        i            J.                2              .            E              20      ,
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shall be performed by an inspector qualified in veld                                                                                                                                -
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specified surveillance                                                                                                    !
activities . In this case, the                                                                                            l qualification shall require                                                                                                ;
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K                          2 P. O. Box 101, New Hill, N. C. 2756i October 3,1983 Mr. James P. O'Reilly                                              NRC-126 ~ i United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission                                      '
Region 11 101 Marietta Street, Northwest (Suite 2900)
==Dear Mr. O'Reilly:==
Attached is our second interim repcrt on the subject items which were deemed reportable per the provisions cf 10CFR50,55(e) and 10CFR, Part 21, on August 13,1982 (Item 95) and November 5,1982 (Item 72). Carolina Power and Light Company is pursuing this matter, and it is currently projected _ that corrective action and submission of the final report will be accomplished by December 1,1984.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Yours very truly, f        W R. M. Parsons -
Project General Manager Shearon Ilarris Nuclear Power Plant RMP/sh Attachment                          '
Messrs. G. Maxwell /R. Prevatte (NRC-SHNPP)                    -
Mr. R. C. D.eYoung (NRC)
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o Mr. James P. O'Reilly                      NRC-126 bec: Mr. H. R. Banks Mr. N. J. Chiangi Mr. A. B. Cutter Dr. T. S. Elleman Mr. G. L. Forehand Mr. B. J. Furr Mr. S. Hinnant -
Mr. L. I. Loflin Mr. R. E. Lumsden Mr. M. A. McDuffie Mr. C. H. Moseley, Jr.
Mr. R. M. Parsons Mr. Sheldon D. Smith Mr. J. L. Willis Mr. S. R. Zimmerman Mr. H. W. Bowles Dr. J. D. E. Jeffries Mr. M. F. Thompson Mr. J. Nevill S
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UNDERSIZE SKEWED TEE FILLET WELDS ON SEISMIC I PIPE HANGERS 1                                                                    ITEM 72 1983 l
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Deficient shop welds on pipe hangers previously accepted by Bergen-Paterson (B-P)'and Ebhsco Welding Inspectors.
ITEM:                    Seismic Pipe Hangers SUPPLIED BY:              Bergen-Paterson Pipe Support Corporation, Laconia, New Hampshire NATURE OF DEFICIENCY:
: 1. Missing and undersized welds
: 2. Cosmetic weld defects
: 3. Undersized skewed tee welds                          .
: 4. Deficient welds accepted by B-P inspectors and Ebasco Vendor Quality Assurance (VQA) inspectors DATE PROBLEM OCCURRED:                Prior to October 1,1982 DATE PROBLEM REPORTED:                On August 13,1982 CP&L (Mr. N. J. Chiangi) notified the NRC (Mr. A. Hardin) that this item (Item 95) was reportable under 10CFR50.55(e) and 10CFR, Part 21. In our {{letter dated|date=November 5, 1982|text=November 5,1982 letter}}, CP&L (Mr. R. M. Parsons) notified the NRC (Mr. J. P.
O'Reilly) that this item (Item 72) was reportable under 10CFR50.55(e) and 10CFR, Part 21.
SCOPE OF PROBLEM:      . Seismic Category I pipe hangers which were inspected at the      -
source of fabrication prior to October 1,1982.
SAFETY IMPLICATIONS:      Deficieilt wclds could cause a safety-related pipe hanger to fail under seismic conditions. As a result, if not corrected, they could adversely affect the safe operation of this facility.
However, no hangers evaluated to date with the a'oove type deficiencies have been found to adversely affect the safe op2 ration of *.his facility.
REASON THE DEFICIENCY IS REPORTABLE:          The conditions reported in item 95 and item 72 represent breakdowns in B-P and Ebasco QA programs which allowed supports to be shipped with welds which were not in accordance with design criteria. This incident was identified as reportable under 10CFR50.55(e) and 10CFR, Part 21, due to the extensive evaluation required and the breakdown in the QA programs.
CORRECTIVE ACTIO_N_:    1.      Hangers with shop weld deficiencies were identified during the following processes:
A. Receipt Inspection.
B. Inspection in the warehouse prior to hanger inssuance to the field.
C. Inspection in the field of installed hangers which had not been previously inspected by CP&L for shop weld deficiencies (dcas not include thosc han; rcra
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CORRECTIVE ACTION (cont'd.):                                            J D.      Reinspection of pipe hangers that were installed or partially installed and inspected prior to June 26, 1982. This includes the 347 hangers which were previously reinspected as part of the Corrective Action to NRC Report 50-400/82-03. .The June 26,              .
i 1982 date was selected because the QC weld                    I inspection program was expanded to include shop welds. 346 hangers which had been installed and inspected prior to June 26,1982 were removed,
                                        '                        ' voided, or declassified to non-seismic by a subsequent drawing revision and therefore were not reinspected.                                                    .
: 2.      449 hangers with defective shop welds were identified by processes A and B (see above).
1862 hangers were reinspected by Processes C and D. 728
                                  $.                      were identified with shop weld deficiencies.                        .
Deficiencies were resolved as follows:
Welds were cut out.      ,
Design drawing revisions were issued as a result of Engineering evaluation.
Welds were reworked and upgraded to meet the
                                                              -    acceptance c.-iteria of FCR-H-373.
r .e Some hangers were on hold due to engineering problems which precluded rework at this time. .
These hangers will be dispositioned in accordance with the app opriate drawing revision when the enginecrag holds ere reraoved.
: 3.      Instruction measures have been established to control pipe hangers which have not been installed but were received prior to October 1,1982. We have taken the option to inspect shop welds prior to issue from the warehouse or to inspect shop welds at the same time field welds are inspected. Defective welds will be identified on DDR's for control and evaluation.
TAKEN TO AVOID FURTHER NONCOMPLIANCE:                  1.        Field Change Request (FCR) H-979 was developed and issued to provide weld inspection acceptance criteria for both field and shop welds based on the AWS DI.1 code and B-P design criteria.
: 2.      Ebasco VQA began performing in process inspections and 100% inspection of hanger welds en October 1,1982. This is to be performed throughout the remainder of the 6-P purchese order.
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: 3.      Ebasco VQA management regularly visits the B-P Laconia facility to confer with the Ebasco VQA representative and to witness the VQA inspector's activities.
: 4.      B-P welders and inspectors and Ebasco VQA inspectors have received additional training in weld acceptance criteria.
: 5.      100% shop weld inspection is presently being performed on site for. hangers received from B-P to ensure this problem does not reoccur.
FINAL REPORT:            Corrective action has been completed on all active hangers.
Those hangers on engineering hold will be reinspected and reworked when they become active again, or they will be cancelled if they are voided. For this reason, we cannot close this item until December 1,1984.
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O P. O. pox 101, New 11111, N. C. 2756!
              .,                                    October 3,1983 Mr. James P. O'Reilly                                                                                NRC-127 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission l            Region II l            101 Marietta Gtreet, Northwest (Suite 2900)
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
l            CAROLIN A POWER & LIGHT COMPANY                                                        -
l l
SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT                                                                                                  l 1986 900,000 KW - UNITS 1 & 2                                                                                    - - - - -
SEISMIC PIPE HANGERS PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED BY                                                                                        )
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QC WELDING INSPECTOR -ITE4196                                                                                                      I l        .
UNDERSIZE SKEWED TEE FILLET WELDS ON V SEISMIC 1 PIPE HANGERS -ITEM 72                              *                                    *
==Dear Mr. O'Reilly:==
Attached is our second interim' report on the subject items which were deemed reportable per the provisions of 10CFR50.55(e), on August 13,1962 (Item 96) and November 5,1982 (Item 72). Carolina Power and Light Company is pursuing this matter, and it is currently projected that corrective action and subniission of the final report will be accomplished by December 1,1984.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Yours very truly, l                    .                                                                                WN#
R. M. Parsons Project General Manager Shearon flarris Nuclear Power Plant RMP/sh Attachment cc:    Messrs. G. Maxwell /R Prevatte (NRC-SIINPP)
Mr. R. C. DeYoung (NRC)            ,
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        . bec: Mr. H. R. Banks Mr. N. J. Chiangi                                                                                                                        !
Mr. A. B. Cutter Dr. T. S. Elleman Mr. G. L. Forehand Mr. B. J. Furr Mr. S. Hinnant Mr. L. I. Loflin Mr. R. E. Lumsden Mr. M. A. McDuffie Mr. C. H. Moseley, Jr.
Mr. R. M. Parsons Mr. Sheldon D. Smith Mr. J. L. Willis
* Mr. S. R. Zimmerman Mr. H. W. Bowles Dr. J. D. E. Jeffries Mr. M. F. Thompson Mr. J. Nevill O
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PIPE HANGERS PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED BY QC WELDING INSPECTORS ITEM 96                                            .
1983 REPORTABLE UNDER 10CFR50.55(e) e S
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Deficient field welds on pipe hangers previously accepted by QC welding inspectors.                                                                                .
ITEMS:                                                          Seismic Pipe Hangers SUPPLIED'BY:    '
N/A - Hangers furnished by Bergen-Paterson, but problem deals                                                    i with field welds.                                                                                                !
NATURE OF DEFICIENCY:                                            1.      Missing and undersized welds
: 2.      Cosmetic weld defects
: 3.      Inaccurate and incomplete QC documentation
: 4.      QC inspections performed by personnel whose work was suspect
: 5.      Undersized skewed-tee field welds DATE PROBLEM OCCURRED:                                                  Prior to July 29,1982 DATE PROBLEM REPORTED: August 13,1982 - CP&L (N. J, Chiangi) notified the NRC (4                                                                                    l;i Hardin) that this item (Item 96) was reportable urder the provisions of 10CFR50.55(e). In our {{letter dated|date=November 5, 182|text=November 5, 182 letter}}.
      .                                                                    CP&L (R. M. Parsons) notified the NRC (J. P. O'Iteilly) that this item (Item 72) was reportable under 10CFR50.55(e).
SCOPE OF PROBLEM:                                                3749 Seismic Oategory I pipe hangers that were installed or partly installed and inspected prior to June 26,1982 were identified and reinspected. This includes the 349 hangers which were previously reinspected as part of the corrective action to                                                ,
NRC Report 50-400/82-03.
The June 26,1982 date was selected because the QC weld inspection program was expanded to include shop welds on Installed hangers (refer to item 93). Inspector training was conducted prior to June 26,1982 to ensure satisfactory inspector perfctmance.                                                                                        ,
347 hangers whicn had been instclied and inspected prior to June 26,1982 were removed, volded, or declassified to non-seismic by a subsequent drawing revis!on and therefore were not reinspected.
SAFET IMPLICATION:                                                Deficient welds could cause a safety-related pipe hanger to fall under seismic conditions. As a result, if not corrected, they could adversely affect'the safe operation of this facility.
However, no hangers evaluated to date with the above type deficiencies have been found to adversely affect the safe operation of this facility.
REASON Tile DEFICIENCY IS REPORTABLE:                                                    The conditions reported in Item 96 and Item 72 were identified as reportable under 10CFR50.55(c) due to the extensive evaluation' required and the breakdown in the QA program.
    ..      'w
  .      CORRECTIVE ACTION:      - 1329 htogers wero identified with d:;ficient field wsids as a r2sult cf th3 rainspretion offdrt. Deficienclos w; ira resolvsd as follows:
Welds were cut out.'
      .                                    Design drawing revisions were issued as a result of
                                          . Engineering evaluation.                                                    '
Welds were rewo'rked and upgraded to meet the                            l acceptance criteria of FCR-H-979.
Some hangers were on hold due to engineering problem which precluded rework at this time. These hangers will be dispositioned in accordance with the appropriate drawing revision when the holds are removed.
To ensure that hangers requiring reinspection were not overlooked, QCI 19.3 requires that during the final review process all SWDR's in ,the hanger work package will be checked to ensure that inspectibns performed prior to June 26,1982 have          .
been reinspected and accepted. Any hangers inadvertently                    -
missed during the reinspection effort will be reinspected and appropriately dispositioned.
        'TAKEN TO AVOID FURTHER NON-COMPLIANCE:              1.      A pipe hanger inspection documentation instruction (QCI) 19.3 was developed and issued.                                            ,
i                                                                                                                      :
;                                    6.      Additional training classes were held with required                      -
l                                            attendance for both craf t and QC weld inspection i                                            personr.el involved in pipe hanger inspection. Training i                                            classes covered items such as measurement of skewed-tee j                            -
welds, visual acceptance criteria, proper documentation, j                                            applicable work procedures,'etc.                                          '
: 3.      New QC weld inspector candidates are interviewed by the                  ,
i QA/QC Specialist in addition to passing a written          . ... l ' A. l examination to ensure they are aware of project            , , . 4,.    ,
requirements pertinent to their assignments,                ,, 4,,
!                                    4.      Each inspector's documentation of weld inspectiops is' 1                                            reviewed after each phase of inspection to ensure
;                                            completeness and correctness.
: 5.      Supervisory audits are routinely performed in accordance l                                            with Quality Assurance Instruction (QAl)1.3 on each QC inspector's field work to ensure his satisfactory
:                                          . performance and to ensure that the worl( complies with the design documents.
!                                    8.
* A system was developed to aid in the resolution of
!                                            technical inquiries that inspector supervision is unable to resolve. Techn! cal inquiries de stated on a~ Request for                ,
Information (RFI) form and forwarded to the QA
!                                            enginecring unit wnich was established on site to provide anninnorinn ~ nnnet rne ivn.ntinn onth,itin,.
l s.
          'REVENTIVE MEASURES                                      >
            'AKEN TO AVOID
:!URTHER NONCOMPLIANCE (cont'd.)-                                                                          1
: 7.      Field Change Request (FCR) H-979 was developed and issued to provide weld inspection acceptance criteria for both field and shop welds based on AWS Dl.1 code and Bergen-Paterson design criteria. Procedure NDEP-605 was issued to address the specific conditions governing pipe hanger weld inspections.
FIN AL REPORT:            Corrective action has been completed on all active hangers.
Those hangers on engineering hold will be reinspected and reworked w. en they become active again, or they will be cancelled if they are volded. For this reason, we cannot close this item until December 1,1984.
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1.0  SCOPE                                                              ,
The intent of this design document is to provide the CP&L QA program with acceptance criteria that satisfies the design require-ments and thereby allowing clarification from strict code inter-pretation during receipt inspection, reinspection, and field welding inspection. This criteria is applicable to both primary (first inspection, uncoated) and secondary inspections (receipt inspection included with quality release or reinspection, coated) for structural weldments designed to AWS Dl.1 requirements.
Secondary inspections may be ~ performed through coatings. Primary inspections shall cot be allowed through coatings unless allowed by the engineer. Any item not specifically covered in this criteria shall refer back to AWS D1.1.
This criteria covers joints which provide framing for components, such as cable tray, HVAC, conduit supports, instrument racks, ducting air control dampers, doors, hatch covers, pipe supports, etc. This is to include any item welded to AUS Dl.1 standards.
This criteria is applicable to any weld joint where these imper-f ections are to be visually inspected per AWS D1.1.
As per AW$ Dl.1, welds with acceptable imperfections in combination shall be acceptable.
Based on the QA programs for acceptance prior to vendor release (or acceptance of field welds), any defects not identified during primary inspection and subsequently covered by coatings are not considered significant.
Visual inspection of welds shall be in accordance with AUS Dl.1 except as modified below:
I l
[cp'. g -42.W ;qv .1 W /  j All visual inspection shall be performed at an eye-to-examination surface distance of no nore than 24 inches, the inspector position within an angular region of 30 to 90 of the examination surface by personnel possessing 20/20 visual acuity. Visual aids which do not enhance IX capability, such as mirrors, may be . us ed . Visual inspection shall le used unless otherwise noted on design documents.
2.0 ACCEPTABILITY CRITERIA 2.1 Oversize Fillet Welds Either or both fillet weld legs may exceed design size. Welds may be longer than specified. Continuous welds may be used in lieu of intermittent welds.
2.2 Undersize Fillet Welds The leg of 1/4" and larger fillet welds may be 1/16" less than the required weld size for a continuous span of 2", provided there is no less than a 6" separation between each undersize increment. For welds less than 8" long, a continuous under-size span of 25% of the total weld run length will also apply.
All 1/16" undersize increments less than 1/2" in length will be acceptable. For intermittent welds,1/16" less than that required size will be accepted provided the undersize condition                            I is no more than 40% of the weld length.
The leg of 3/16" fillet welds may be 1/32" less than the required,according to the above provisions or 1/16" less for 10% of the length.
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It is to be understood that the thickness of coatings on secondary inspections are not considered detrimental and the weld size criteria shall not be adjusted.                    Any unique application of coatings (excessive' thickness, putty) shall be brought to the attention of QA management for resolution.
2.3 Porosity                                -
Pores between 1/16" and 1/8" diameter shall be acceptable when separated by a minimum of one inch.                Isolated pores less than 1/16" diameter shall be disregarded. Clustered porosity including all sizes to 0.030" contained within up to a 3/8" diameter circle shall be acceptable. Linear, in-line pores shall be considered as clustered porosity. It is to be understood that porosity not visible through coatings on secondary inspection are not considered significant.
2.4 Weld Profile Fillet and butt veld convexity can be accepted without limit.
2.5 Craters Welds may have underfilled craters provided underfill depth does not exceed 1/16" and the crater has a smooth conteur blending gradually with the adjacent weld and base metal with no evidence of cracking.
2.6 Undercut Steels 5/16" or thicker which were produced to a maximum            ~
specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi may contain weld undercut up to 1/16" in depth for a continuous span of 2" p'rovided its surface width is less than 0.100" and there is no less than a 6" separation between each undercut increment.
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l Weld runs less than 8" long may contain a continuous undercut span of 25% of the' total weld length. All undercut less than 1/2" in length will be accepted provided the above width limit is adhered to. Undercut up to 1/32" depth is acceptable in all steels and all thicknesses.
t 2.7 cracks Cracks are unacceptable.                          It 'is to be understood that secondary inspections are intended to identify cracks that result from shipping damage or stress relief and, if relevant, would
appear through the coating.
: 2. 8 Arc Strikes                                                                                                          ,
Arc strikas in high-strength, low-alloy steels (minimum specified
(                tensile strength greater than 60,000 psi), shall be removed by grinding. The ground area shall be visually inspected to assure complete removal of the are strike.
* For other maximum specified 60,000 psi tensile, are strikes shall be visually examined and accepted if nc cracking is evident.      If cracking is evident, the repair shall conform with Section 3.10 of AWS Dl.1. Arc strike regions in these lower strength steels shall not require power brushing or                                                    -
grinding before visual examination. It is to be understood that cracks !.n are strikes not visible through coatings on secondary inspections are not considered significant.
2.9    Fusion Lack of fusion which does not exceed 1/4" in length when measured transverse or along the veld e.nd each increnent                                                      .
separated by 6" is acceptable.
For welds between 1" and 6" in length, 1/4" maximum lack of fusloo is acceptable. For velds less than 1", lack of fusion                                            is
_. l.
lclo M - 4Gi+      f t, . 9 e r 7 5-l Criteria for lack of fusian in transverse direction is applicable only in start /stop location.
Criteria for lack of fusion shall apply to overlap also. It-is to be understood that lack of fusion not visible through coatings on secondary inspections is not considered significant.
Any unique application of coatings (excessive thickness, putty) shall be brought to the attention of QA managenent for resolution.
t T*,
a P. O. Box 101, New Hill, N. C. 2756:
October 3,1983 Mr. James P. O'Reilly                                                                    NRC-126 ~ ~i United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
* Region 11 101 Marietta Street, Northwest (Suite 2900)
PIPE HANGERS, ITEM 72                              l
==Dear Mr. O'Reilly:==
Attached is our second interim report on the subject items which were deemed reportable per the provisions of 10CFR50,55(e) and 10CFR, Part 21, on August 13, 1982 (Item 95) and November 5,1982 (Item 72). Carolina Power and Light Company is pursuing this matter, and it is currently projected that corrective action and submission of the final report will be accomplished by December 1,1984.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Yours very truly, 7ff        W R. M. Parsons -
Project General Manager                                                        .
Shearon liarris Nuclear Power Plant RMP/sh i
Attachment                              '
cc:        Messrs. G. Maxwell /R. Prevatte (NRC-SHNPP)                                              -
Mr. R. C. D.eYoung (NRC)
                                            .                                                                                000822 e
                                    , , _ _ , -        -    .        . - . , . _ . . . .      . , _ - _ . , . , .  ,,  . ,,_          .,_. .w,    ,
                      .                                                                                f.~ \
Mr. James P. O'Reilly                                                                  NRC-126 bec: Mr. H. R. Banks Mr. N. J. Chiangi Mr. A. B. Cutter Dr. T. S. Elleman Mr. G. L. Forehand Mr. B. J. Furr Mr. S. Hinnant .
Mr. L. I. Loflin Mr. R. E. Lumsden Mr. M. A. McDuffie Mr. C. H. Moseley, Jr.
Mr. R. M. Parsons Mr. Sheldon D. Smith Mr. J. L. Willis Mr. S. R. Zimmerman Mr. H. W. Bowles Dr. J. D. E. Jeffries Mr. M. F. Thompson Mr. J. Nevill O
em 5
9f 1
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                              ,e,.                                      ,
.                                  SEISMIC I PIPE HANGERS ITEM 72 1983 REPORTABLE UNDER 10CFR50.55(e)
* i
        .-  ,                                                          .,                                                  l
  ,. .  ,1. -                                        ,
.              Deficient shop welds on pipe hangers previously accepted by -
Bergen-Paterson (3-P)'and Ebssco Welding Inspectors.
ITEM: -                Seismic Pipe Hangers -
SUPPLIED BY:            Bergen-Paterson Pipe Support Corporation, Laconia, New                                    l Hampshire                                                                                l NATURE OF DEFICIENCY:
i                                1.      Missing and undersized welds
: 2.      Cosmetic weld defects
: 3.      Undersized skewed tee welds                                  .
: 4.      Deficient welds accepted by B-P                                                  l inspectors and Ebasco Vendor Quality Assurance (VQA) inspectors DATE PROBLEM OCCURRED:              Prior to October 1,1982 DATE PROBLEM REPORTED:                On August 13,1982 CP&L (Mr. N. J. Chiangi) notified the NRC (Mr. A. Hardin) that this item (Item 95) was reportable under 10CFR50.55(e) and 10CFR, Part 21. In our {{letter dated|date=November 5, 1982|text=November 5,1982 letter}}, CP&L (Mr. R. M. Parsons) notified the NRC (Mr. J. P.
O'Reilly) that this item (Item 72) was reportable under 10CFR50.55(e) and 10CFR, Part 21.
1 SCOPE OF PROBLEM:    . Seismic Category I pipe hangers which were inspected at the                              -
source of fabrication prior to October 1,1982.
SAFETY IMPLICATIONS:    Deficient welds could cause a safety-related pipe hanger to fall l                                  under seismic conditions. As a result, If not corrected, they
;                                  could adversely affect the safe operation of this facility.
i                                  However, no hangers evaluated to date with the above type deficiencies have been found to adversely affect the safe operation of this facility.
.        REASON THE DEFICIENCY IS REPORTABLE:          The conditions reported in Item 95 and Item 72 represent breakdowns in B-P and Ebasco QA programs which allowed supports to be shipped with welds which were not in accordance i                                  with design criteria. This incident was identified as reportable j                                  under 10CFR50.55(e) and 10CFR, Part 21, due to the extensive evaluation required and the breakdown in the QA programs.
l CORRECTIVE ACTION:      1.      Hangers with shop weld deficiencies were identified
;                                          during the following processes:
A. Receipt Inspection.
l l                                          B. Inspection in the warehouse prior to hanger inssuance to the field.
!                                          C. Inspection in the field of installed hangers which had not been previously inspected by CP&L for shop weld deficiencies (docs'not include thosc han; tors
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J D.      Reinspection of pipe hangers that were installed or partially installed and inspected prior to June 26, 1982. This includes the 347 hangers which were previously reinspected as part of the Corrective
        .                                                Action to NRC Report 50-400/82-03. The June 26, 1982 date was selected because the QC weld -
inspection program was expanded to include shop welds. 346 hangers which had been installed and inspected prior to June 26,1982 were removed, voided, or declassified to non-seismic by a subsequent drawing revision and therefore were not reinspected.
: 2.      .449 hangers with defective shop welds were identified by-processes A and B (see above).
                      .                          1862 hangers were reinspected by Processes C and D. 728 A                          were identified with shop weld deficiencies.                    .
Deficiencies were resolved as follows:
Welds were cut out.      ,
Design drawing revisions were issued as a result of Engineering evaluation.
Welds were reworked and upgraded to meet the acceptance criteria of FCR-H-979.
. J' Some hangers were on hold due to engineering
                                                          . problems which precluded rework at this time.
These hangers will be dispositioned in accordance with the appropriate drawing revision when the          ;
engineering holds are removed.
: 3.        Instruction measures have been established to control pipe hangers which have not been installed but were received prior to October 1,1982. We have taken the option to inspect shop welds prior to issue from the warehouse or to inspect shop welds at the same time field welds are inspected. Defective welds will be identified on DDR's for control and evaluation.
        . PREVENTIVE MEASURES            .
TAKEN TO AVOID FURTilER NONCOMPLIANCE:              1.        Field Change Request (FCR)11-979 was developed and issued to provide weld inspection acceptance criteria for both field and shop welds based on the AWS DI.1 code and B-P design criteria.
                                      . 2.        Ebasco VQA began performing in process inspections and 100% inspection of hanger welds on October 1,1982. This is to be performed throughout the remainder of the 8-P purchcse order.
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        ' PREVENTIVE &lEASURES TAKEN TO AVOID FURTHER NONCOMPLIANCE (cont'd.)                            .
: 3. Ebasco VQA management regularly visits the B-P Laconia
                                                        ' facility to confer with the Ebasco VQA representative and to witness the VQA inspector's activities.
: 4. B-P welders and inspectors and Ebasco VQA inspectors have received additional training in weld acceptance criteria.
: 5. 100% shop weld inspection is presently being performed on site for. hangers received from B-P to ensure this problem does not reoccur.
FINAL REPORT:                            Corrective action has been completed on all active hangers.
Those hangers on engineering hold will be reinspected and reworked when they become active again, or they will be cancelled if they are volded. For this reason, we cannot close this item until December 1,1984.
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FoR 1 No.1779 8 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES MANUAL                            SHNPP h TPO                                As A rovad INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC PIPE HANGERS                        awe.on WORK PROCEDURE AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED                                                    10 4~            DESCRIPTION                  PIPE                                                          p*                            ''
5                                        22 1.0      SCOPE 1.1      This procedure describes the steps to be followedf ' or the installation of seismic pipe supports and spring hangers on seismically analyzed pipe.
1.2      For construction purposes, a pipe hanger can be identified to be in accordance with this procedure if it supports a Safety Class I, II, or III pipe or MS or FW pipe by means of a spring cannister except hangers east of the seismic break as defined by FCR-H-il45, o_r if the hanger sketch is stamped seismic, or if the format of the load sheet is in accordance with Exhibit 6 or if it is a Bergen-Paterson fire protection pipe hanger.
==2.0      REFERENCES==
2.1      MP-08, General Welding Procedu e for Structural Steel and Hangers 2.2      TP-34, Inspection of the Installation of Seismic I Pipe Hangers /Large
          ,                            Bergen-Paterson Frames and Supports for Seismically Analyzed Pipe 2.3      WP-112, Control of Materials and Equipment That May Be Harmful to Stainless Steel 2.4      WP-48, Temporary Construction Loads Supported From Permanent Plant Equipment                                                  .
2.5      WP-102, Installation of Piping 2.6    MP-06, General Welding Procedure for Carbon Steel Weldments 2.7    MP-07, General Welding Procedure for Stainless Steel Weldments 2.8    CAR 2165-G-801 Flow Diagram - Reactor Coolant System 2.9    TP-04 Calibration of Controlled Tools                                                                                                              .
2.10 WP-108, Protective Coatings - Service Level I Embedded Steel Plate,
                                      ' Service Level II Steel Surfaces and Balance-of-Plant Steel Surfaces 2 .11    SD/C-A-1018, Identification of Bergen-Paterson Hanger Parts 2.12 SD/C-A-1019, Neutral Axis of Odd-Shaped Structural Members 2.13 WP-25, Field Engineering 2.14 MP-05, Permanent Marking of Site Material and Components 2.15 WP-139, Pipe Hanger Work Package Preparation l
F L                                                                                                                                                                                          l l
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    . FORM NO.1779 8 D
10 WORK PROCEDURE AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED PIPE                                                Pae*      6    d  22 DESCRIPTION
2.16 WP-140, QA Records Review (Seismic Pipe Hangers and Supports for Seismically Analyzed Pipe) 2.17 CAR 2165-G-107501, Field Installation Tolerances for Pipe Hangers                        t 3.0  GENERAL                                                                                        1 3.1    Introduction Unless otherwise noted, the tolerances in the following sections may be used for construction of a pipe hanger. However, to exceed these tolerances, a Field Mod (Exhibit 1) must be obtained from the Hanger Engineer. These Mods will allow work and inspections to proceed to completion. The tolerances described herein may also be appiled to the Mod requirements.
3.2  Location Tolerances
: 1. The reference dimensions provided on the hanger drawing for elevations and column line offsets should be used for locating hangers during initial hanger fit-up but not for inspection.                R10
:(                      2. Dimensions from pipe attachments to pipe elbows or fittings shall be modded. The dimensional tolerance is 1/2".
: 3. Hangers should not be located within 15" of a pipe (butt) weld if the hanger supports Class I or 2 pipe.
: 4. Hangers shall not be installed on a pipe elbow, fitting or butt weld.                                                                      R10
: 5. Pipe clamps may be installed over Code Data Tags provided the clamp halves remain approximately parallel. Box frame hangers may not be installed over Code Data Tags without obtaining a Work Directive from the Hanger Engineer.
3.3    Geometry Tolerance
: 1. Geometry may vary 1 1/2" from the design dimension however this tolerance can not be used to reduce weld length (Example:
Structural Steel overlapping embed plates) or to reduce the l
clearance r.equirements around the pipe.
                          -. Slopes and angles may vary from design provided the location and geometry dimensions are maintained.
.      ircRM NO.1779 9 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES MANUAL                      .
SHNPP INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC PIPE HANGERS MQ"*            As Ep*'p'rovcd new .n WORK PROCEDURE AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED                              10 DESCRIPTION            PI?E                                              'Pege    I    o,    22 (3.3.)
: 3. Sway supports must be within 33
* of the design requirements.
: 4. The neutral axis of structural members shall be used as reference lines for geometric configurations (see SD/C 5-1019).                                ~
: 5. Strut lengths must be within 1/2" of design.
: 6. Plate sizes shall be + 1/2", -1/4" from the Bill of Material requirements.
3.4  Steel Attachment Tolerances
    .                    1. Hangers are to be attached within g 1/2" of the embed centerline (s).
: 2. Mangers attaching to cinch anchored base plates shall attach within the tolerance given on the anchor bolt and base plate detall sheet of the hanger sketch.
: 3. Hangers should attach to the correct embed type which is detailed on the hanger sketch. If tkembed in the field is designated as a Dubose plate, reduced tolerances will be necessary and should be
(.                      4.
provided via a Hanger Mod.
Hangers must attach within 31 /2" of the centerline of a structural
                          ,    steel member (existing steel) and may move 11 /2" along the axis of the structural steel member. In the containment building the centerline of the structural steel member shall be assumed to be on the azimuth required by design.
: 5.      Attachments to strblates__with_ threaded styds mugb_e, surrounded by acceptable studs. See Figr,es_1e    and 2. A threaded stud is not acceptable if it is disengaged by more than 1/8" or if there is a weld within 1/2" of the stud.
If otherwise obtain a Hanger Mod from the Hanger Engineer if possible.
Figure 1:              8                8 All four must .>                g,/l r
be acceptable. I    e                0 Figure 2:
All six must                                  O                    #
be acceptable.          ,                    0
  ,    FORM No.1779 8 Precedure Na                                                              Deee CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES MANUAL                        . MPP                WP_110                                                              As Appr v-d INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC PIPE BANGERS                  w                        10 WORK PROCEDURE AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED PIPE                                                                                                                d 22
(      DESCRIPTION                                                                P*o*                      8 3.5    Box Frame Hangers
: 1. Clearances 1.
Clearances around the pipe in a box frame hanger must be achieved. However, the pipe can not be cold pulled (forced out of its relaxed position)in order to do so.
: 2. If the clearance is specified as 1/16" by design, then the clearances must meet the criteria laid out in Appendix 1.
Rio 3.1f the clearance specified by design is more than 1/16" then contact the Discipline Mechanical Engineer for requirements via a Field Mod.
: 4. For one-way box restraints, the Hanger Engineer must issue a Mod to detail the clearance requirements.
: 5. The pipe and the hanger shall be visually square with respect to the other; however, clearances shall meet the skewness requirements of Appendix !.    ,
: l. Shims shall be installed in accordance with the Field Mod
{                                around the pipe if clearances are not acceptable.
: 2. Shims called for by the design sketch may be deleted by a Field Mod if the pipe clearances are acceptable.
: 3. Shim material must be A-36 or A-569 carbon steel. If otherwise, a Field Mod must be obtained from the Hanger Engineer.
: 4. Shim plates must be in contact with the hanger member at the points where the shim is welded to the hanger member and free of lubricant. Shim surfaces shall not be                                                                                                I sandblasted.
: 5. The shim shall overhang the hanger member enough to allow for the weld on both sides.                                                                                                                  R10
: 6. The center!!nes of the shim and pipe shall be aligned within
    ,                            the f,l/2" of each other.
                                            +    ,-_. w,-,--    ,m, _. __. ,-_ w    ,_---------,----i.w..                                              ,--      . , - - , .
o MMM NO.1779 8 SID''PP                            P CONSTRUCTION PRggggNUg                                                                        YIO    As AppIo%ed WORK PROCEDURE AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED                                              10 PIPE                                                            ,,                .,
g DESCRIPTION                                                                                      9 p.3.2.3
: 7. The shim and shim weld details shall be provided on a Field Mod.
: 8. Weld length s' hall be within +1/4"-0" of the length specified                        R10 on the Mod.
3.6 Catalog Parts
: 1. Combinations of WBA, sway supports and/or pipe clamps must conform with the requirements of Appendix A unless noted otherwise.
: 2. All combinations must be aligned, in order to ensure the strut does not bind with the WBA or Clamp ears. Part numbers 1000 and 1001 should be fitted to other items using the load pin as the                          RIO neutral axis.
: 3. Catalog parts may be identified by part numbers or checked
    .                      against the dimensions prohded in the Site Drawing (SD/C-A-                                  ,
                          ; 1018). Also see Appendix E.
(                    4. Care should be exercised to ensure load pins, bolts, nuts, washers, and pipe clamp halves for different hangers /or parts are not indiscriminately exchanged. An inspector shall verify material grades for load pins, bolts and nuts prior to Final Acceptance.
(See Appendix C and F).
: 5. If the load pin must be removed from the end attachment, a light lubricant and punch should be used to facilitate removal. Care must be taken to prevent the lubricant from contacting stainless steel pipe.
: 6. The holes in the ears of the WBA or pipe clamps shall not be gresund in order to reinsert the load pin. However, the ends of the load pins may be lightly filed to remove mushrooming caused by forced installation. The shank of the load pin shall not be ground for any reason. Also, light tapping may be used to remove or install the load pins. If the end attachment ears are damaged in the process, the end attachment must be replaced. Cotter pins must be spread in opposite directions to prevent the load pin from f~                        s!!pping out.
                                                                                  $*$0            As ApprSved WORK PROCEDURE                                                          %
(      DESCRIPTION AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALTZED PIPE                                                      10      g    22 P. ,.
: 7. Bearings should be tightly engaged between the ears of the WBA or pipe clamp. Any gaps should not exceed the clearances specified in Appendix B. Contact the Hanger Engineer if the clearance cannot be reduced with spacer washers per Appendix G.
: 8. When installing the struts, care must be taken to ensure that the pipe is not forced out of its relaxed position (this is called cold pull).
: 9. Tightening of bolts, studs, threaded rod, and U-bolts shall be in '
accordance with Appendix F. Nuts should be fully engaged on the threads (when the point of the threaded portion is outside the plane of the nut) and should not bear against the bolt shanks.'
: 10. Instructions for tightening bolts and nuts in applications other than pipe clamps, U-bolts, threaded rod supports, and springs should be obtained from the-Hanger Engineer.
11 . To shorten or lengthen strut assemblies (outside built in
(                          adjustment), the Hanger Engineer must provide detailed instructions to the craft via a Field Mod.
For telescoping struts, there must be 1/4" minimum engagement between the strut and the shank prior to welding. (A 1/4" hole may have to be drilled 1/4" minimum from the end of the barrel to verify shank engagement.) The shank and pipe strut must be aligned. The weld size between the shank and tubing shall be provided on a Mod even if noted otherwise on the Bergen Paterson sketch.
3.7  General Guidelines
: 1. Lift Points Installed pipe hangers shall not be used as lift points for loads other than the ones approved by WP-48. The welding of temporary attachments to hangers shall be in accordance with MP-08. All welded temporary attachments will be removed from the hanger prior to any inspections.
.                                                                                                                                l FORM NO.1779 3 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES MANUAL                  SHNPP
                                                                                      ' WTP10                    AsApp$oved INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC PIPE HANGERS                        a.ww    10 WORK PROCEDURE AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED I      DESCRIPTION        PIPE P e.                  d 11                    22
: 2. Pipe Cleanliness The external surface of all stainless steel piping shall be cleaned                                -
of all contaminants (Reference WP-112) prior to the placing of a pipe clamp around the pipe or surrounding the pipe with a window hanger. Rust on the external surface of stainless steel pipe is acceptable, as is dust which accumulates during normal construction activities. Vendor identification markings may be left on the pipe. Contact the Pipe Superintendent or his designee                                R10 if cleanliness has not been attained.
: 3. Box Frame and Anchor-Type Support Box Frame Hangers should not be welded out (tack welds should be sufficiently large to ensure safety). Anchors should not attach (including tack welded)                                R10 to the pipe until the pipe is installed hard point to hard point.
: 4. Temporary Pipe Supports i
: 1.      Temporary hangers shall be erected to support the pipe in
accordance with WP-102 Section These supports should not be removed nor should permanent supports be reworked if the work would compromise the required spacings for the pipe supports.
: 2. Temporary hangers shall also be erected in lieu of permanent hangers when necessary to support RFTs. They shall not be erected (insofar as practicable)in the same location as the permanent support. These temporary hangers will be tagged and may only be removed after the permanent supports have been installed. A Work Directive is necessary for this effort.          .
: 5. Coating Requirements Per WP.108, all steel going into the containment building shall be coated to Service Level I requirements; all stock steel shall be coated to Service Level I requirements prior to issue to the field.
Prior to coating, hangers shall be hard marked for hanger and                                          l l
l l
FOR 'l NO.1779 8 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES MANUAL                          . SHNPP                      $8 "          As AppSv d INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC PIPE HANGERS                              n i
0 WORK PROCEDURE AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED PIPE                                                              Paes          d DESCRIPTION
                                                                                                                                    .l (3.7.5. cont'd) material identifications; stock steel shall be hard marked for                                          i material identification. The installation of pipe, hangers shall not                                    jj make an area (steel or concrete) which requires protective                                              ;;
coatings inaccessible for application of coating or required                                            i inspection of coatings. If installation of an item would cause an area to be inaccessible then prior to the installation, the Pipe Hanger Superintendent or designee shall contact the Paint                                    R10 Superintendent and/or CI Coatings inspector to verify that required coatings and inspections have been performed and accepted..
: 6. Material Marking All steel for future installations shall be hard marked in accordance with MP-05 for materialidentification. This shall be witnessed by a QC Inspector, if markings will be removed or covered by a construction activity prior to a final QC signoff, the marking shall be transferred and witnessed by the QC Inspector.
There shall be no unmarked stock steel in the field surplus room.
: 7. Snubbers Since snubbers can't be installed until just prior to Hot Functional testing, " Surrogate" snubber assemblies shall be used in place of                          R10 the Pacific Scientific part of the B-P snubber assembly (part
                            #2540) load sizes .35, .65,1.5, 6 and 15. This " Surrogate" snubber assembly will permit weldout of the transition tube to the proper length. A Field Mod shall be issued detailing the transition tube weld and "1." dimension, reference SD/C-A-1018.
: 8. Access Interferences If the hanger creates an access interference in a doorway, aisle, or stairwell, etc., or if an interference prevents the hanger from performing its design function, the hanger should not be installed and the Hanger Engineer should be contacted.
                                                                      .SHNPP                                              Y31$
AsApo$oved 10 WORK PROCEDURE AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED                                                                                                              ~
DESCRIPTION            PIPE                                                                                        Pese  n                    of 22 (3.7)
: 9. Stainless Steel Straps Stainless steel straps shall not be installed with the pipe hangers even if specified by design. Mods or design revisions are necessary to delete this item from the Bill of Materials.
: 10. Stiffener Plates Stiffener plates may be coped or trimmed as necessary in order for the item to be fitted between the flanges of W-shapes.
: 11. Welded Pipe A'ttachments (WPA)
Although the installation of WPA's is in accordance with other procedures, it should be verified that all parts of the WPA are Installed as' designed. Box frame hangers that interface with the WPA should not be inssalled until the WPA is welded out.
: 12. Valve Hangers
  ,                            Valve hangers should not tie-installed until after the valve has been welded out.
(                        13. Volded Hangers A Work Directive shall be issued with volded hangers to have them removed from the field. CI and QC must verify the work was accomplished and sign the Work Directive.
: 14. Spring Hangers and Fire Protection Hangers All spring hangers and nonseismic fire protection hangers were within the scope of WP-109 (Installation of Nonseismic Hangers).
As a result, fitup gaps were not recorded, hanger geometry and locations were not checked, and structural welds were not inspected by QC. Spring hangers on seismically analyzed pipe per Revision 7 and Bergen-Paterson fire protection hangers per Revision 8 are within the scope of WP-110. Although the inspector cannot go back and check fitup gaps or other in-process inspections, the inspectors can verify geometry and location and perform a final visual inspection of the welds. For hold points which cannot be met due to installation prior to this procedure,                                                                              '
the inspector can so note on the Traveler and/or SWDR.
              ._ _ _ . .                -  . . . _ - - . _ . ___,_,r    -_ . _ , _ . . __. _ _. _ . _ , . _ _ . _ - . _ -          - _ .__._ ,__ _. .            ,,.  .-
* FORM Pto.1779 5 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES MANUAL                        SHNPP                      Ph NS                  Date INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC PIPE HANGERS                          WP-110      ,
As Approv'd WORK PROCEDURE                                                                      ""      10 AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED DESCRIPTION              PIPE                                                      P e.
* d 14                22 (3.7.)
: 15. Variable Supports
* To assure the proper installation of spring type variable supports / hangers, the following criteria shall be adhered to:                .
: 1. Name plates shall be visible and accessible.
: 2. Sufficient travel clearance shall be provided for piping movement between spring hanger parts and other structures, piping, condult, etc.
: 5. Rods are permitted freedom of swing.                                            R10
: 4. Preset pin shall be checked for installation / engagement.
: 5. Adjust rods to remove slack only, this shall be accomplished by rotating turnbuckle / coupling and then tighten locking nuts.
: 6. Where trapeze type spring design is encountered, the as-built location of the p,lpe to be supported shall adhere to design location relative to centerlines of springs within
1/4" and the trapeze shall be visually level.
: 16. Constant Supports (To be addressed later.)
                        , 17.      Materla! Requisitioning
: 1. Mangers may be requisitioned from the warehouse using the hanger numbers found on the hanger sketches. The material shall consist of all pieces received for the current drawing revision and, if necessary, those items taken from seismic surplus stock. For hangers utilizing snubbers, the warehouse will withhold the snubber and snubber extension if a separate requisition is made for specific parts needed. The parts being withheld can be requisitioned at a later date. At the time of requisitioning, the requisitioner should use the hanger sketch to inventory the materials for the hanger.
: 2. Hanger material shall be placed in a clean, dry area designated by the area superintendent and/or hanger superintendent.                                                                .
{.                                                                                .
                                  ' INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC PIPE HANGERS MD s.,,,,,,,
Asap $oved WORK PROCEDURE AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED                                      10 DESCRIPTION            PIPE                                                p e.            d 15          22 (3.7.17.)
: 3.      All material superseded by later & awing revisions shall be removed                  I from the field. Usable surplus material'should be returned to the warehouse in a timely manner. This should avoid work-area congestion and misuse of material.                                                    l
: 4.      Serap material shall be sent to the designated scrap location.
: 5.      Material (Pipe Hangers) may be sent to surplus from Controlled Storage via a CMR. The CMR wD1 state the mate'ial        r that is to be sent to surplus. Provided that is the case the welds will not be removed and only a material verification from QA is required. When material is released to the field from surplus all shopwelds wul be cut out and the material appropriately stamped for identification per section 3.7.6.
: 18. W. ding
: 1.      Welding shall be in accordance with Reference 2.1.
: 2.      The use of ' Typical" weld symbols by Bergen-Paterson does not mean that welded joints are identical in geometric configuration or made
{                                      up of parts the same size or shape. The ' Typical" weld symbol designation is used for similar joints with the same size weld.
: 3.      Welds may be oversized provided the overwalding does not have any detrimental effect on the weld, base material or overall integrity of the hanger. The extra weld is permissible without a Mod provided a                  -
weld size or length tolerance is not specified on the drawing as is the casp with flexible connections and shims.
: 4.      Bergen-Paterson supplied pipe clamps with shop welded attachments shall be considered B-P standard parts, therefore the shop welded attachments and shop welds do not require site inspection.
: 5.      Arc strike on piping is not allowed. Contact the Discipline Engineer for guidance prior to the removal of any are strike from pipe.                -
: 6. Welding to base plates that require grout should be done prior'to grouting except in cases where welding wul prohibit the grouting operation. If welding must be performed af ter r
* O l
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                                                                                        'MD AsAOrovd WORK PROCEDURE AND' SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALTZED                                  10 DESCRIPTION            PIPE                                                    Pae* 16          d    22 g
( cont'd) grouting has been completed contact the Discipline Engineer for guidance.      -
: 7.        Walding shall not proceed to a point where the inspection of previously made welds could not be performed.                        -
: 19.      Hanger Material Grade For Bergen-Paterson supplied standard structural shapes the
                                , material grade is dependent on the material type. If the material grade is not specified on the B-P hanger sketch Dill of Materials then the material is as follows:
Material Type                        Material Grade                      R10 Plate or Bar                          S A-36 Angle                                S A-36 Tube Steel                            A-500 Gr. B Pipe                  ,,
SA-106 Gr. B Channel                              S A-36 Wide Flange                          S A-36                -
{'                      20.      Nonstructural Endcaps Nonstructural end caps outside the Containment Building are not required to be welded out, they may be tack welded in place. The end caps shall be checked to ensure they cover the fu11 surface area of opening and fit-up gaps do not exceed 3/16". The end cap size or weld need not be shown on a Mod or inspected. Weld mapping of Nonstructural Endcaps is not required therefore, fit-up gaps are not required to be listed on the SWDR.
3.8    Exhibit instructions Changes to the content of Work Directives, Travelers, and Hanger Mods must be initialed and dated. Signoff blocks on a Work Directive or the Traveler for a Hanger Mod should be dated on or af ter the change date.
: 1. Field Mods (Exhibit 1)
: 1.        Field Mods shall be written and issued by the Resident llanger Engineer or his designee.
r L                                                                                              .
[    DESCRIPTION        PIPE                                              p.e.
17    et 22 (3.8.1)
: 2. Modifications to anchor-type supports or hangers on Class !
lRio lines must be limited to corrections in drafting errors, drawing clarifications, weld symbols, and geometry changes within 12".                                                                            R10
: 3. The fleid mod is comprised of two copies, one of which remains in the field for hanger installation, and the original which is routed to the work package group for assignment of FM# and routing to Document Control. (The FM# is a sequential tracking number).
: 4. If NDE requirement holdpoints or welding procedures are affected by the issuance of a Mod, the hanger package should be routed to Welding Engineering and QC Welding for the required changes to the SWDR.
: 5. 1he field copy of th5 Mod shall be considered active for ten calendar days. If a controlled (blue) copy has not been Inserted in the hanger package within ten calendar days, all
* work on the hanger shall stop until a contro!!ed copy is received.
: 6. Each Mod shall also have a unique number which shall consist of the Hanger Design revision, M for Mod, and an ascending number starting with I (Ex. 2/A M1). This numerical sequence starts over when a new design revision is received.
: 7. New design revisions shall supersede the previous design revision's and all Mods written against that revision.
: 8. Mods which conflict with an already active Mod shall not be                            Rio issued until the active Mod has been volded. Volding of Mods shall be accomplished as follows. The volded Mod shall be marked vold, initialed, and dated by the Hanger Engineer. The subsequent Mod shall specify the Mod which was volded. This shall serve as notificatl,on to Document Control that a Mod was volded.
1 l
          .FOTM NO.1779 8 pres.dwre Ne.                          DWe CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES MANUAL                    .
SHNPP                                wp-110                            As Apprcved INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC PIPE HANGERS
* 10 WORK PROCEDURE AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED g-                              PIPE                                                                                                  #
,            DESCRIPTION                                                                                '* 18                                    22 (3.8.1)
: 9. Mods which reflect a major redesign of the hanger should be 0
sent through QC wel' ding prior to weldout.                                                                                              l
: 2. HIC Sticker (Exhibit 2)                                                                                                                        1 The HIC sticker shall be located and completed by the Field Engineers.
: 3. Traveler (Exhibit 3)
: 1. The Traveler shall be initiated by the Hanger Engineer in
order to control the in-process installation and inspections of the pipe hanger.
: 2. Work Directives, DCN's, PW's, FCR's, and Hanger Mods should be referenced in the applicable blocks at the top of the Traveler. Mod numbers (i.e., 251 M1) are listed under the RCI heading. If any of these documents are voided, the
      ,                                entry should be lined through, initialed and dated by the Hanger Engineer. Sugierseded documents do not need to be crossed out.                                                                  '
C                              3. Engineered plate thickness determinations should be listed after 7/22/81 by the Hanger or Area Engineer.
: 4. The phase of construction - Preliminary or Final should be appropriately denoted. Completion of either phase shall be to the latest design revision and/or Mod (Examples 2/A M1 or 151 M4).
: 5. For the PRELIMINARY phase of construction, the FIT-UP and WELDOUT signoff blocks shall be initialed and dated by the foreman, the CI block initiated and dated by the Hanger Engineer, and the QC block initialed and dated by the Welding Engineer. The QC block may be marked N/A
                                      ' initialed and dated by the Hanger Engineer.
6.,  For the Final phase of construction and inspection, the FIT-UP AND WELDOUT blocks may be initialed and dated by the foreman. The CI and QC blocks shall be initialed and dated by CI and QC inspectors respectively. The CI and QC
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* F08tM NO.1779 B                                          '
SHNPP CONSTRUCTION PROggg.                                                              g Na WORK PROCEDURE AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED
                                                                                                    *a      10 DESCRIPTION                                                                      **"            19                  d
{                                                                                                                                          22 ( cont'd) signoffs are for final acceptance of the hanger, however the actual inspection records are on TP-34 and the SWDR respectively.
: 7. Upon receipt of a new design which does not affect the as-built configuration and location of the hanger, signoff blocks shall be N/A'd, initialed and dated and the Hanger Engineer                                                                        j shall make an entry for that revision and note "as-built" on                                                                        '
the traveler.
: 8. If the new revision does affect work, the work package is re-issued to the field for completion to that later revision.
: 4. Material Verification (Exhibit 4)
The Material Verification sheet shall be completed by the Hanger Engineer per the instructions provided in Appendix 3.
: 5. Work Directives (Exhibit 5)
: 1. Work Directives shall be issued to detail Construction activities. This includes any work which will void out a previous inspection, however, the re-listing of weld joints in accordance with WP-13fon the SWDR shall serve as sufficient notice to the Craft as well as Inspection Groups that additional work is required.
: 2. Work Directives shall be initiated, signed and dated by the Hanger Engineer.
: 3. Work Directive Numbers shall be sequential starting with                                                      [R10 one. The number shall be assigned by the Hanger Work Package Group.
: 4. Signoff blocks shall be completed by the appropriate persons                                                    lR10 unless N/A'd by the Hanger Engineer.
: 6. Procedural Deviation (Exhibit 7)
The Procedural Deviation (P.D.) form shall be considered as an                                                        ,
attachment to the Traveler (Exhibit 3) where CI shall list the                                                            R10              '
rejectable conditions on the left side, sign and date at the bottom of the form. The Hanger Engineer shall address each discrepancy l
SENPP PNY          As AppN vsd WORK PROCEDURE INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC PIPE BANGERS AND                                    10 3
DESCRIPTION                                                                  Pese      20 d            22 (3.8.6. cont'd) under the Corrective Action section on the right side, sign and date the bottom of the form. CI shall sign and date under the Hanger Engineer Rio acknowledging that discrepancy has been. addressed. When CI rejects                                {
the hanger then the P.D. form shall be referenced by CI on the Traveler. A                              l new P.D. form shall be issued for each inspection and have a unique number which shall consist of an ascending letter starting with A (Ex. PD-A) for each revision of the pipe support to which an inspection is made. Discrepancies addressed under the Corrective Action section may be resolved by the following actions:
: 1. Field rework is required.
: 2. Issuance of a Field Modification.
: 3. Stating that the condition is acceptable and has no relevant impact on design. There is no quantitative acceptance criteria for this condition and therefore it will not be reported back to the design organization.
4.0    PROCEDURE 4.1  The Field Engineers shall identify interferences and provide reference points (within i"lof design) for hanger installation as requested. The reference points are easily identified by the orange sticker (Exhibit 2). These activities are referred to as the HIC-Hanger Installation Checkout-Program in WP-139.
4.2  The Hanger Engineer should establish that the hanger is not on hold for construction, engineering or quality reasons prior to generating the work package.
The work package sh'ould consist of but not be limited to the Hanger Design drawing, SWD.R, and Traveler (Exhibit 3). Instructions outlining work activities shall be included. In addition a Work Directive (Exhibit 5) detailing work instructions to the craft and inspectors shall be included. After the work package is made up in accordance with Reference 2.15 and it has been established that the hanger is ready for construction,it is issued to the Hanger Superintendent for installation.
4.3 If the Traveler has been signed off preliminary by CI or Hanger Engineering and by QC or Welding Engineering proceed to section 4.11. If the Traveler has been signed off preliminary by CI or Hanger Engineering only, then proceed to section 4.9.
4.4  The Hanger Engineer or the Craft Superintendent or their designees shall                                        l requisition the material from the warehouse when necessary.
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,    DESCRIPTION          SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED PIPE              pe ,. 21                  of      22 4.5  The Craft Superintendent or his designee shall investigate the work arer and can the Area or Hanger Engineer for an embed thickness determinati6n if the hanger is to be attached to an engineered plate.                                                    )
4.6  The Area or Hanger Engineer, when required, shall determine the                                                          ;
engineered plate thickness and record the thickness on the Traveler.
4.7  The Craft Superintendent or his designee shalltack weld the hanger members in accordance with MP-08 and sign the Traveler. If NDE requirements are changed due to a Mod or member thickness exceeds l-1/2', Welding Engineering should be contacted. Partialinspections by Welding Engineering and/or QC may be required.
        - 4.8    The Hanger Engineer shall list the gap measurements on the SWDR (see Appendix K for criteria); examine the hanger for general geometry, location, and function per design; and signoff the Traveler for preliminary. The Resident Engineer or his designee shallissue Mods as
4.9  The Craft Superintendent or his designee shan weld the hanger members in accordance with MP-08 and sign the Traveler.'                                                              .
4.10 The Welding Engineer or his designee shan examine the welds for quality and size, as requested, and signoff the Traveler for preliminary.
4.!!  The Craft Superintendent or. his designee shall prepare the hanger to pass CI and QC Final Inspections - adjust struts, check clearances, ensure proper hardware, make remaining welds, etc.
4.12 The Welding Engineer or his designee shall examine all welds which have not already been investigated by Welding Engineering and again signoff the Traveler by noting " Ready for Final" beside the preliminary                                                  I signoff.
4.13 The Hanger Engineer or his designee shall examine the hanger for completeness and correctness, verify material, complete Exhibit 4, Mod the as-constructed dimension from the centerline of the pipe
                , attachment to the nearest pipe fitting or elbow, and again signoff the traveler by noting " Ready for Final" beside the preliminary signoff.
4.14 CI and/or QC shall inspect the hanger as required and signoff the Traveler for final when all work has been completed per the latest design.
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As Ap oved l0NSTRUCTION PROCEDURES MANUAL _ INSTALLATION'' OF22SEISMIC PIPE IIA p                                                I WORK PROCEDURE                          AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY        22              ANALYZED PIPE                                                                  ,R10 DESCR!PTION _
4.15 The Hanger Engineer shall issue a Work Directive      if rework is for ar.f revisions to    ~~
the welding, geometry, material, or location ~ the hanger licable required. Work shall then proceed in accordance with the app steps listed above.
[R10            )
The Hanger Engineer shall review the                Q-documents          per WP-140 an 4.16                                                    hanger    has been transmit them to QA Records Review Group after the                                        3l completed and inspected and an as-built of the hange- has been incorporated into the design drawing.                                      (R10 4.17 The Hanger Engineer shall put a CWRA in the work package when                      .
5.0        EXHIBITS AND APPENDICES 5.1      Exhibit 1 - Field Modification (Rev. 0-11/83) 5.2      Exhibit 2 - HIC Sticker (Rev. 0-11/83) 5.3 Exhibit 3 Seismic Hanger Installation and Inspection Traveler (Re 4/83).
5.4      Exhibit 4 - Material Verification Form ' lev. 0-11/83) 5.5      Exhibit 5 - Work Directive (Rev.1-11/82)                                  '
5.6      Exhibit 6'- Seismic Load Sheet (Rev All/82) 5.7    Exhibit 7 Procedural Deviation (Rev. 0 3/84) 5.8 Appendix A - Catalog Part Combinations (Rev. 4-3/84) 5.9 Appendix B - Gap Tolerances at Load Pins (Rev. 5-3/84) 5.10 Appendix C - Fastener Types (Rev. 4 2/84)                                    0 5 .11 Appendix D - Flow Chart (Rev.13/84) 5.12 Appendix E - Strut Identifications (Rev. 2 3/84) 3.13 Appendix F - Tightening Criteria (Rev. 2-1/84) 5.14 Appendix G - Flat and Tapered Washer Reference Table (R 5.15 Appendix H -Installation Procedure For Main Steam B Wall Suppo (Rev. 2 2/84) 5.16 Appendix I- Clearance Tolerances (Rev. 3 3/84) 5.17 Appendix 3 - Material Verification Program (Rev. 3 3/84)                  ,
5.18 Appendix K - Gap, Measurement Criteria (Rev.1-1/84) l i
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2001 -3                                                  2002 -3 2000/2010-10                      2003 -10                          2003 -10                      2001 -10                                                2002 -10 2000/2010-20                      2003 -20                          2003 -20                      2001 -20                                                2002 -20 2100 -2.5                          2003 -L5                          2003 -L5                    2101 -L5                                                2101 -L5 2100 -7                            2003 -3                          2003 -3                      2101 -3                                                2101 -3 2100 -12                          2003 -10                          2003 -10                    2101 -10                                                210I -10 2100 -28                          2003 -20                          2003 -20                    2101 -20                                                2101 -20 2100 -38                          2003 -30                          2003 -30                    2101 ' -3 0                                              2101 -30 2100 -50                          2003 -50                          2003 -50                    2101 -50                                                2101 -5 0 2100 -70                          2003 -70                          2003 -70                    2101 -70                                                2101 -70 2100 -130                          2003 -130                        2003 -130                    2101 -13 0                                              2101 -13 0 2100 -200                          2003 -200                        2003 -200                    2101 -200                                              2101 -200 2200 .65                          2003 .65                          2003 .65                    2101            .65                                  2101              .65 2200 -L5                          2003 -L5                          2003 -1.5                  .2105 -L5                                                2101 -L5 2200 -3                            2003 -3                          2003 -3                      2105 -3                                                2101 -3 2200 -10                          2003 -10                          2003 -10                    2105 -10                                              2101 -10 2200 -20                          2003 -20                          2003 -20                    2105 -20                                                2101 -20 2200 -30                          2003 -30                          2003 -30                    2105 -30                                              2101 -30 2200 -50                          2003 -50                ~        2003 -50                    2105 -50                                              2101 -50 2200 -70                          2003 -70                  -:2003 -70                          2105 -70                                              2101 -70 2540 .35                          1001    .35/.65                  2003 .65                    N/A                                                    2101              .65 2540 .65                          1001    .35/.65                  2003 .65                    N/A                                                    2101              .65 2540 -1.5                          1001 -L5                          2003 -L5                    N/A                                                    2101 -L5 2540 -6                            10 01 -6                          2003 -3                      N/A                                                    2101 -3 2540 -15                          10 01 -15                        2003 -10                    N/A                                                    2101 -10 2540 -50                          1001 -50                          2003 -50                    N/A                                                    2101 -50 2540 -120                          1001 -12 0                        2003 -130                    N/A                                                    2101 -13 0 2249        .7                    1000    .7                      2003 .65
,                        2249 -L5                          1000 -4                          2003 -L5 SEE APPENDIX "E" 2249 -25                          1000 -25                          2003 -20 2249 -35                          1000 -35                          2003 -30 72249-2.5                          1000 -4                          2003 -1.5 72249-7                          1000 -12                          2003 -3 The 2000,2010,2100, and 2200 strut assemblies may be rotated 180* so that the paddles can be at either the S. A. or P. A. end. When no stamped part number is available, the dimensions in SD/C-A-1018 should be used for id:ntification. For the 1001 and 1000 end attachment, the strut must be used on the side opposite the i rdnforced side of the end attachment as shown.
sw Part Number for 2003 is 1002.
                                                                                                                . USE STRUT IN THIS ARE A O'_L
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i    , . .
Rev. 5                                                            \.                                                                        WP-110 l                                3/84                                                                                                                              --
Appendix B Page 1 of 5 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY                                                                                                                  l SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER-PLANT                                                                                                                  '
The maximum amount of play ellowed between the end attachment and the strut is dependent on strut /end attachment combination used, see page 4 of 4. The maximum amount of play allowed between the 2600,2602,2640, and 2642 pipe clamps and the strut is dependent on the pin diameter, see page 2 of 4. Washers may have been installed by the vendor to reduce the gap. Note how the beveled edge, if applicable, of the washers is towards the paddle. See Appendix G for                                                                                                .-
washer requirements for WBA and pipe clamps.                                                                                                                              -
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['                                -
                                                                                                                                                                                      . Spherical Bearing          ,
                                                                                                    ]X              l                            6 7 78                                                        - . . . . . ..
                                                        .Strut                                    icai Pin                                          Pipe Cla=p ,oy,, kliA 4
X + Y = Gap Tolerance in Appendix B                                                                                              .
Stacked washers are allowable provided flat washers are used as spacers. The thickness of the stacked washers or the thickness of single washers does not have to be the same on both sides of the spherical bearing. When beveled washers are used the beveled washers                                                                                                                R4 shall be adjacent to the spherical bearing and correctly oriented (washer beveled toward the bearing).
              - , , . - . ~ . . , , . , , .        ~..--...---...,-.y.,.--,--r,-                            - - - - - , . - - - - , - , , . - ,                                                                --,-,.r-    -..-,-y-
R      . F                                                CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY p-    .,                                                                                                                                                                                          g,_g SHEARON BARRIS~ NUCLEAR TOWER PLANT                                                                                    Page 2, of.3
GAP TOLERANCES' AT LOAD PINS F5R TIPE CLAMPS                                                                              ,
I.          The gap tolerance at the load pins for 2600,' 2602, 2640, and 2642 pipe clamps                                                                                                                            B5 is dapendent on the pin diameter. Clamphalvesshallbeapproximatelyparallel.p
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ' '      ~~
Pin Diameter                                                                                    Gap Tolerance 3/8                                                                                  + ;r/16.' -
1/2                                                                                  + ~1/16-3/4                                                                                  + f/ii
.                                                                1                                                                                    + $8 i-1-1/2                                                                                + 1/8 1-3/4                                                                                + 7/1E..
2                                                                                    + 7/16 2-1/2                                                                                + 7/16 3-1/4                                                                                + 3/4 4                                                                                    + 3/4
                                                                                                                                                          't:J See                                                                                                                                                                              ...-
The distance between the ears of the gravity pipe clamp (Part Numbers 91,
II.                                                                                                                                                                                                    .;        - .
175, 298, 304, and 370) is dependent op the pipe' diameter. Clamp halves shall                                                                                                                              -
be approximately parallel.
Pipe Size                                        91                l  175                  298                '
304                        370 3/4                      5/8 ''                                                      3/4                                1-1/16 1                      5/8                                                          3/4                                1-1/16                      Consult 1-1/4                  5/8                                                          3/4                                1-1/16                                the 1-1/16 1-1/2                                                                                3/4 Discipline 2                                                                                  3/4                                1-1/16 2-1/2                                                                              3/4                                1-1/16                      Mechanical 3                                                                                  7/8                                1-1/16                                  ,
4                                                              3/4                    1                                  1-1/16 5                      1-1/2                                  3/4                    1                                  1-1/16 6                                                            7/8                    1-1/8                              1-7/16 8                      1-3/4                                    1                    1-1/8                              1-7/16 av -        , . , - , ,          . . - - , .                  --        ----i--*-,      -    ,sm.,_.      ,,  . . , _ - -      -..,c.y      -              .-w--    -s,w y-w.          7 --    ,-.--w---m        -
R;v. 5                                                                                                                                WP-110 3/84                                                                                                                                  Appendix B
                                                                                                \,                                            Page 3 of 5 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY \
Pipe Size                        91                    17 5                      298                  304                                              370 10                            2                      1                          1-3/8                1-7/16 12                            2                    1                          1-5/8                1-7/16                                    Consult 14                            2-1/4                1-1/8                      1-5/8                2                                                the 16                            2-1/4                  1-1/8                      1-5/8                2                                        Discipline 18                            2-1/4                1-1/4                      1-5/8              .2                                          Mechanical 20                            2-1/4                1-3/8                      1-5/8                2                                        Engineer 24                            2-1/4                1-5/8                                            2 28                            2-1/4 30                            2-1/4                2                                                2 36                            2-1/4                                                                  2 s l-The tolerance on the dimension between the ears of the above pipe clamps is also dependent on the pipe size.                                                -
Pipe Diameter                                            Maximum Total Gap at Imad Bolt (in)
Under 1-1/2 incl.                                      - 1/32, + 1/32 Over 1-1/2 - 4 incl.                                    - 5/32, + 3'/32 Over 4 - 8 incl.                                        - 5/32, + 3/16 Over 8 - 12 incl.                                      - 5/32, + 5/32 Over 12 - 18 inch                                      - 9/32, + 5/32 Over 18                                                  - 9/32, + 3/16
l                                                                                                    .
Rev.'5 WP-110 3/84                                                                    ,
Appadix B CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY                \        Pege 4 of ,5.
2000                            2540 END        2010                            2410 ATTACHMENT        2200          2100              2411      72249                2249 2003 .65                                            1/32 ^)                      1/16 A) 2003-1.5                        y/16 1/16fP                            1/16        1/8( }          1/8( }
2003-3            1/16          1/16              1/16@^)    1/8(M)          1/8(PA) 2003-10            1/16          1/16              1/16(M)      I/1d }          1/16(PA) 2003-20                                  )                            }
1/8 ((PA)
SA)      1/8 (ISA)                      1/8(            1/8( }
2003-30                                                                )
1/8 ((M)
SA)      1/8 ((M)
SA) 1/8 C            1/8(M} ,
2003-50 1/8 ((M)
SA)      1/8 ((M)
                                                      ,  1/8 I )      1/8(M) -        1/8(PA) 2003-70            1/8            1/8                                            1/89^)
2003-130          1/8    ^
1/8 I ) '
1/8                                            1/8(PA)'
2003-200          1/8          1/8                                            --
1001 .65                                          1/16(M) 1001-1.5          1/8    ^
3                          1/8 5 )
1001-6            1/8    ^
1/8 5 )
ALL                                                  --
SIZES 1000                                        -
1/8(SA)'          17g(SA)
SIZES 1001                                          1/8(SA)    -
ALL SIZES        -
980                                                1/8(SA)
Rev.5 WP-110 3/84 Appendir B PageS of5
  -                                                                                                                                                                                          \        .
2620.35                                                                              1/32        ,
2620.65                                                                              1/32 2620-L5                                                                              1/32 2620-2.5                                                                              1/32                                                            R5 2620-3                                                                                1/32 2620-6                                                                                1/32    ,
2620-7                                                                                1/32 2620-10                                                                              1/16 2620-12                                                                              1/16 2620-15 1/16 2620-20                                                                              1/16 2620-28                                                                              1/16                -
2S20-30 7/32 2620-38 7/32 2620-50                                        '
7/32 e
            --w, ... , ..- , - , . - . . . _
                                                  ,9  _ _ . _ _ ~ - - , - . _,y.. . . -        ._-.___-,._.,,...y.,%%,_,,.m,_,_                    ----      -,c.....            .._mw_,      ,,,_..,=my,-,  . ,
Y            ..
!                Rev.4                                    CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY                                          WP-Il0 2/84                                    SHEARON IIARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT                                      Appendr C          ..
!            .                                                                                                                    Sheet 1 of 3 FASTENER TYPES
* I                                                                                  Bolt Type                                    Locking (See Note Part No.      (Old No.)        Sizes          SA-36      SA-307 Gr. B          SA-193 Gr. B-7      SA-194 Gr. 2H  Methods 6 and 7)
!            17 5        (6100)          All                          Bolts                                        Nuts            Lock Nuts
'            298          (6101)          All                          Bolts                                        Nuts            Lock Nuts 304          (6150)          All                          Bolts                                        Nuts            Lock Nuts 2
370          (6300)        All                                                Bolt / Studs          Nuts            Lock Nuts 2600                      1.5 - b0                        Bolts                                        Nuts            Lock Nuts
:    .                                70 - 200                                              Bolts / Studs          Nuts          . Lock Nuts j          2602            -
1.5,3                          Bolts                                        Nuts            Lock Nuts 2.5                                                  Bolts / Studs          Nuts            Lock Nuts j!                                  -
7-50                            Bolts                                        Nuts            Lock Nuts i          2630                          All                                                Bolts                  Nuts            Lock Nuts 2632                          All                                    .          Bolts                  Nuts            Lock Nuts l          2640'        .
All                          Bolts                                        Nuts            Lock Nuts 2642                      .35 - 1.5                      Bolts                                        Nuts            Lock Nuts 1                                    6 - 50                                                Bolts / Studs Nuts            Lock Nuts
}          6202                          All                          Bolts                                        Nuts            Lock Nuts j          6252                          .35                          Bolts                Studs                  Nuts            Lock Nuts j                                      .65 - 6                        Bolts                                        Nuts      -
Lock Nuts j-                                    15 - 50                      -
Bolts / Studs          Nuts            Lock Nuts            ,
j          6300                      .61 - 1.13                      Bolts                                        Nuts            Lock Nuts
!          Note 1:    SA-307 Gr. B Bolts are marked with the Bethlehem Steel vendor markings in accordance with ASTM.
I          Note 2:    SA-193 Gr. B-7 and SA 194 Gr. 2H Bolts / Studs / Nuts are marked for material grade, i.e., B-7 and 2H
!                      respectively.                                                                    .
Note 3:    SA-193 Gr. B-7 Bolts / Studs / Nuts are acceptable alternatives to SA-307 Gr. B Bolts. However, the
:                      reverse situation does not apply.
i Note 4:
A-323 or A-490 Bolts are acceptable alternatives to SA-307 Gr. B and SA-193 Gr. B-7 Bolts / Studs, However j                      the reverse situation does not apply. Bolts for Pipe Clamps may be reused.
Note 5:    Locknuts shall be tightened in accordance with Appendix F.
                                                                                                                                              ,4 l          Note 6:    Anco or Coloc locknuts will be used in lieu of the standard nut / jam nut arrangements.
Note 7:    The locknut and lockwire must be fully engaged on the threads of the stod or bolt.
                                                                                                                                              ./p f                                                                                                                                          ,
Rev. 4                                                                                                                  WP-110 2/84                                                                                                                    Appendix C
                                                                                                                                                                            , Sheet 2 of 3 CAROLINA POWER de IJGHT COMPANY C                                                                  SHEARON WARHR NUCLEAR POWER PIANT
* LOAD PIN MATRRfATA The following chart shows the acceptable material grades for the listed catalog
parts. The and marldng'A' stands for SA 564 type 630 material,'B' stands forSA 193 grade B7 and 'C' stands for SA 36, SA 30'6 grade 60. Acceptable substitutes are as shown below.                                                  ,
CATALOG                          MINIMUM LOAD PIN                                                    ACCEPTABLE LETTERING PART NO.                        MATRRIAL GRADE REQUIRED                                  -
END afARK SUBirITIvrES S1            SA-306 Grade 60, SA 36                                                  A,B,C 11 3          SA-193 Grade B7                                                          A,3 216            SA-306 Grade 60                                                          A,B,C I                                                                276            SA-306 Grade 60, SA 36                                                  A,B,C 304            SA-306 Grade 60, SA 36                                                  A,B,C 370            SA-193 Grade B7                                                          A, B 377            SA-306 Grade 60, SA 36                                                  A,B,C 1000            SA-564 Type 630 .                                                        A 1001            SA-193 Grade B7                                                          A, B 2003            SA-193 Grade B7                                                        A, B 2600            SA-193 Grade B7                                                        A, B 2602            SA-193 Grade B7                                                        - A, B 2620            SA-193 Grade B7                                                        A, B 2630              SA-193 Grade B7                                                        A, B 2632              SA-193 Grade B7                                                        A, B 2640              SA-193 Grade'B7                                                        A, B 2642              SA-193 Grade B7                                                        A, B i
6175              SA-564 Type 630                                                        A i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .          I e
      ,,.----...-------,..--.wn--,,.---n.,-..n_..-,--,.-,..r---.                                ,---,<,,--nr,,--n.        - - . - ---. v,-,.. - - , -    --,a..--. - . -    .--a--------- - - - - - - - . - - - ~ - - - - -
Rev. 4        .
    -2/84                                                                                Appendix C Sheet.3 of 3 CAROLINA POWER"&' LIGHT COMPANY C.                  SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT
* CATALOG                  MINIMDM LOAD PIN                            ACCEPTABLE LETTERING PART NO.          MATERIAL GRADE REQUIRED                                          END MARKS 6202              SA-193 Grade B7                                    A, B 6252              SA-193 Grade B7                                    A, B 6300              SA-193 Grade B7                                    A, B 6515              SA-193 Grade B7                                    A, B 6516              SA-193 Grade B7                                    A, B 6525            SA-564 Type 630                                    A 980              SA-193 Grade B7                                    A, B e_
i 1
O Rev. I CAR 09.INA F0WFR & B.lCHT CteFANT                                                AFrendia N 3/84                                                                    SII ArtiN NAkRIS NUCLEAR F0WER Fl. ANT                                              W-I t o FIFE HA01CER,94STRtjlION_FIEC RT MAM:FR F9k:lNEER            WFLDIl0C BNG.                          QC                      HANI:ER EBR lNFFR          CRAFT              llANCFR INCINEER ISSt'E PACKAt:FS            ASSit:N WilblNC              ASSIGNS BANf4WI                  PACKACE FRE-          I  FIT-UP            FRELINikARY CONSTRUCTIVELY              FFutTDifRE                    " HOLD FulNTS"                    CONSTRt3CTION              AND                HApeCER REVIEW StlRVET              ASSICMS                      RELFASE MANr:FRS                  RFVIEW                    TACK              INSFECTloll RESailVES DRAWING            " Build FOINTS"              FOR WElblNC
?                                              FRopfTMS                                                                                                                                  resol.VRS FIELD 4
PR0pl.DtS I
ORDERS IIAEER                                                                                                                              .
MATF. RIAL IIANCFR HUDS              ,
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3 Where (2) nuts are used on
            ."i. 4..gSnus Tight"
{          ..                      )                          aither side of a base matM S ting Surface                                      4 1
(e.g., U-bolts, velded beam                  ,
attachments) .m .:;;,@fi g y y' mig                                              -
(See Detail A) , use, standard                                        i
                                                  '~;MN N                                                A-194 2H nuts (Anco or Coloc lock
                                                                                                  ..      nuts are permissible if the grip wire is clipped).
Detail A BAhir, P1 Aft.
                                    ,i                                                                                                                                              R2
(            ','
                                                                      '            J Where (2) nuts are deti..iled ~ia"'the sama side of a base material (e.g.,~U-bolts,rodsandweldedl o
                                  .!                            j      l    Coloc 1                '.._.          beam . attachments) (See . Detail 1),
8 l      3 vse one, A-194 2H Colec or. Anco lock 11ut t      ' p'      >--                    For U-bolts, tighten only to point where (0)- gap exists between pipe - .
[                            */                  and U-Bolt (when (0) gap is specified jg                  on B-P hanger design sketch) to avoid damaging pipe. All other cases, tighten to point where nut to base material contact is made.
                                        .~        Detail 3 l
                                                % .. m                  ,
Where a locking nut is m
N                                                            reWred on a. sent or Spring can                                  spring can assembly.
              " Snug Tight"                                *
* l or strut                            ,(See Detail C)
Against                                    .t ',. /                        body 5                            assembly                                  Material grade is not Nating Material important since the nut
* R2 is considered only a locking device.
Detail C
  ~    -  ---        . . . -    ..                  --
                                                                                ,.                          __-_,._,-,----_,,_--,._,-.w____                  , . , , .  ----y ,
                                                                                                                  -        ~
e Rev. 2        ~
                                                                                                                    .                                                                                    Appendix 7
                    *1784              .
                                                              '.                CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CEPANT                                                                                          WP-110          ,                        .
SHEARON RABRTC NUCLEAR POWER PIANT                                                                                        Page 2 of 2 l
Tighten nut and bolt until the clamp cannot be i                                                "'          ='
rotated using moderate hand pressure and the t                    -i                                                                                                                          .        Clamp vesis seceetable should not be          (Ref. si FCR-B-1095) deflected
ythetighteningoperafion.ficantly                                                                                                ,
k    -
                                                                    '=                      -
Where (3) bolt pipe 4          J:a.= --- -                                          1                clamp used (i.e., 3-P
(        f f'''
                                                                                        /                            -
                                                                                                                                                          ,1                Part #91, 304, 2600,
i              2602, 2640, 2642, 6202, I
6252, 6300) Tighten ll ,-                                                                            !
                                                                                                                                                      "y                    as .shown (Detail D)
                                                                          ?                              Tighten to r eove
                                              -                  -                                        slack plus 1/2 turn
                                                      .                                .                  (Approx.)
* Detail D l
                                            '9                                                            "Snus Tight" against other i
8                                aut (should use wrench on I                                                ~
                                                                  -                      .              inside nut while tightaming                                          .
r                                                                                        jam nut)
{k                  _
                                                                                                                                                '.J f ~ 's
                                                                                                                                                                        '*      Where (2) bolt pipe
                                                                                                                          ~ a MF ~~N -
                                    ="                                                                                                                                          clamp (Part No. 175, 0
e am
                                                                                                                                                ... ?/                  .
298, & 370) used with
                                                                                                                                                  ' J.
                                                                                                                                                                      . '' lugs as shown                                        -
(Detail E & F)
O                          h                                                      I (2) Lug or                                                .,                    s                                    ,.
(4) Lug Config.                                                                                                us .                                                                                                  -
i may exist                                      .                                                        ..
l Tighten to remove slack
* Detail E                                                                                                            plus approximately 1/2 (Part No. 370)                                                                                ,                            turn (typical 2 bolts) g              M                              ,        Section A-A Section A'-A'
r                                                                                                          -
(                                              yj W.
j  --
* Note: Anco or Coloc locknuts                                                    R2 Typical both [                                                                                                            '          shall be used in lieu of the nut l                                                                              @            M'                                                          & jam nut combinations.
* l sides                                              < v              *.
                                                    *Ders11 F (Part No. 175,299)                                                                                                                                                            *
: w.                                                                                                                                                                                    wtrqnu 11 / 8 3                                                                                                                                                                          Appendix G CAROLDIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY RNRannti RARBM NUCLEAR POWER PLANT PLAT AND TAPERED WASHER REFERENCE TABLE Streetwal Attachments 1000      .7  flat                                    1001                          .35                    flat                    2003        .65                nat
              -L5  Dat                                                                  .65                    flat                            -L5                    tapered                                      1
              -4    Dat                                                            -L5                          flat                            -3                    tapered
              -12  tapered                                                          -6                          flat                            -10                    tapered
              -25  tapered                                                          -15                        tapered                          -20                    tapered
              -35  tapered                                                          -50                        tapered                          -30                    tapered
              -60  tapered                                                          -120                      flat                            -50                    flat
                                                                                                                                '                                    ~
              -80  nat                                                                                                                          -70                  flat
              -130  nat                                                                                                                          -130                  Dat                      .
                                                                                                                                                ' -200                  nat Pipe Clamps i
2600 -1.5      nat                          2602 -L5                                    flat                    2640      .35        Dat                            2642              .35  flat
:              -2.5  tapered                                      -2.5                        tapered                              .65      flat - -                                        .65  Dat          .
              -3                                                                                                                                                                            -L5  ' flat tapered                                      -3                            tapered                  ,-      -L5 ' flat                                            ,
              -7    tapered                                      -7                            tapered.,                        -6          tapered                                        -6    tapered
                -10  tapered                                      -10                          tapered                          -15        tapered                                        -15    tapered
                -12  tapered                                      -12                          tapered                          -50        nat                                            -50    nat
              -20  tapered                                      -20                          tapered                          -12 0      nat
              -28  tapered                                      -28                          tapered
                -30  tapered                                    -30                            tapered
              -38  tapered                                    -38                            tapered
              -50 nat                                          -50                          flat flat
              -130  flat
              -200  nat                                                                                                                                                                                            ,
1      Netm: Tapered washers can be substituted for flat washers, but flat washers cannot be substituted for taperec washers. Hanger Mods are not required to substitute tapered for flat washers.
                      .  . . .            . . .  . . . . .                    .              .              ..- -                  - . -          . -                            -..,--=.--
                                - - _ _ , -        _ _ _ _ _ . _ , _ - - . . - - . _ , _ . . . _ _ . _ - _ , _                                      ~ ~ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - -
i      'Rev.2                          CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY                                                                  WP-H0 j
            '2/84                        SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT.                                                                  Appendix H        l l
f        . LO '~ SCOPE.
Additional instructions for the installetion of the main steam B-wall supports and                                                    R2 D-Wall Header Supports are provided in this Appendix. They shall be used in conjunction with the instructions provided elsewhere in the procedure.
The fonowing hangers are affected by this Appendix:                                                                                          1 MS-N-212 - 216                          MS-H-48                                                                                      l MS-H-219 '                              MS-H-64                                          -
12  i MS-H-234, 235                            MS-H-75 MS-N-237                                                                                                    '
MS-H-345                                                                                                      ,
==2.0    REFERENCES==
: 1. FCR-H-H86 grouting associated with B-P frames and hangers
: 2. TP-28, inspection of Equipment Installation
: 3. WP-29, Grouting
: 4. TP-04, Calibration of Controlled Tools
: 5. WP-139, Pipe Hanger Work Package Preparation 3.0    GENERAL                                                                                                                                    .
L      Mating surfaces in contact with the concrete shall be stripped of all coatings prior to fitup.
: 2.      Anchor bolts shall be clean and undamged prior to the installation of the fra$ne or hanger boot.                                      -
: 3. The dimension between the boot plate and the face of the concrete shall be maintained to within + 1/4" of design.
There should be 1/4" minimum grout cover on any shims used during erection.
This is to ensure that the shims are not exposed which might cause rust and shim deterioration.
Tighten nuts finger tight. Washers may be instanedlater after grouting is complete.
Grouting shan commence after the nuts hav9 bn turned finger tight. Type H grout shan be used in conjunction with WPw9.
: 7.      After grout is acceptable, snug the mfrs 4. L'                                            c41 effort of a man using an open end wrench.
I 8.
Tighten ~all anchor bolts to the designed pre-tension (see the hanger sketch) using a calibrated direct tension indicator.
: 9. If washers were not instaued prior to grouting, then install one washer at a time, snugging each nut respectively. Then perform the action prescribed in 3.9 above.
[                10.
                    -  Shopwelds and shopwelded members that were made inaccessible during fabrication or instanation do not require inspection since the assembly received VQA inspection.
4 R v.2.
WP-Il0 2/84                                                                                        Appendix H
      '                                                                                              Page 2 of 2 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY r                        SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT -                                    -
INSTAT.T.ATION PROCEDURE POR MAIN frFEAM SUPPORTS                                                        N l
L    The Hanger Superintendent shall:
L    Work the hanger to the design drawing, this Appendix and WP-110 where applicable.
: 2. Get the field engineers to provide benchmarks for CL
: 3. Notify Mechanleal CI to inspect for pad preparation per TP-28.
: 4. After setting the frame, notify Mechanical CI to check setting per TP-28.
: 5. Notify the Area Engineer to initiate a grout pour card.                                                      *
: 6. Reference the grout pour card number on the Traveler.                      -
: 7. Notify Hanger CI to verify each anchor bolt is properly pre-tensioned.
: 8. Notify Hanger CI to inspect as required per WP-Il0.
: 9. Notify the appropriate group for a weld inspection per WP-110,
: 2. The Work Package Engineer shall:
: 1. Prepare the package for construction in accordance with WP-139.                                  ,,
: 3. The Area Engineer'shall:
: 1. Initiate the grout pour card.        .      .
: 2. Ensure that Type III grout is used.              -
: 4. The Field Engineer shall:              +-.
2 L    Provide benchmarks.
: 5. Mechanical CI shall:
L    Inspect per the appropriate procedures for equipment setting.
: 6. Hanger CI shall:
: 1. Verify that the anchor bolts are properly pre-tensioned using a calibrated tension indicator.
: 2. Verify the hanger was installed to the design drawing, this Appendix and WP-110.
: 3. Verify the signed off copies of the grout pour card and Exhibit 1 of TP-28 are in the Work Package.
: 7. The Discipline Mechanical Engineer shall:
: 1. Perform functions referenced in the body of WP-Il0 for Pipe Hanger Installation.
: 8. The weld inspections shall be performed by the appropriate group as detailed in WP-110.
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NOTE: See page 4 of 4 for cross sectional Figure 2                                                                view detailing location with Vertical Run of Pipe                                                                respect to hanger member where minimu ,
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CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY                                                                                                                        -
          ' Clearance shall be measured at the edge of the hanger member or shimplate as                                                                                                              g3 shown below. Care shall be exercised to ensure that pipe skewness with respect to the hanger shall not exceed 1/32" if the hanger member is less than 6" wide and 1/16" if the hanger member is 6" wide or greater., Contact the Discipline
Mechanical Engineer if this cannot be achieved. If a shim is not required, pipe skewness with respect to the hanger is not a checkpoint.
Total maximum and minimum clearances are to be checked at the closest point on each side of the pipe regardless of whether or not shims ar,e instaUed.                                                                                                                  R3 Rummple                                                                              -
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                                                      $Hid                                                      ,b                                    i KnN GGR                                                                            ;
* NEMBER N                                                                  -
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9",,.,.-,,'...-..:,                          .
Clearances are to be checked at point (b) and (c). Although the clearances are acceptable (i.e., b + c = 1/32" + 1/16" = 3/32" minimum is 1/32", maximum is 1/8") the pipe is skewed more than 1/32" (i.e., a - e = 1/8" - 1/16" = 1/16"). This is                                                                                                                      i t
unacceptable.                                                                                                                                                                                    l
                                                                                                                                            's Rsv. 3                                                    -
          -                                                                                                      CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY                            Appendix 3
                    '3/84                                                                              SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT                                                                {
' ' (?                                                                                                                                                                      WP-110 l
i                                                                                                                                                                            Sheet I of 3                1 MATERIAL VERIFICATION PROGRAM t
                  - The following instructions are to be used by the Hanger Engineer to complete Parts 1-7 on Exhibit 4.                                                                                                        -
Part I f
All material which was issued prior to 9-6-83 maintained identification via material control. To ensure the controls were implemented, the Hanger Engineer shall need to know what material was received and issued for construction. The Warehouse Engineer shall provide that information in Part 1 of Exhibit 4. He shall research receipt records and list items and the drawing revision for which the material was supplied. He shall sign and date the entry.
Items                                          Rev.
j't Example:                                .l_                  2_                ,7,      3 Part 2                                                                                                                                                -
The Hanger Engineer shall verify the as-b,ullt steel is the as-received as-Issued material for the pipe hanger. He mIist perform a field check on the items listed in Part I and compare the physical parameters, except length, of the as-built steel to the Bill of Materials of the drawing revision for which the material was supplied. In addition, the hanger material must:
: 1.                  Be coated with red oxide primer (except in the Containment Building) os
: 2.                    Be coated with flat white primer (only in the Containment Building) og, 3.
Be coated with gloss white paint and stamped with the hanger number oi, 4.
Be an uncoated structural shape less than 6" long ol,
: 5.                  Be an uncoated plate which has an exposed area less than 3" from a weld
: 6.                  Not be marked with another hanger number or PO number
: 7.                  Not have documentation in the package to indicate the material
                    ,                                                  was supplied from surplus or stock.
                                                                                                                                  .____._...__..-.  . _ _ _ . _ . . _ . . . . - -        . . . . . . . . l l
t                                                                                                                                                                                l l
l Rsv.3                                      CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY                                                                          Appendix J                  l 3/84                                    SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT
(.                                                                                                                                                        WP-110 Sheet 2 of 3 MATERIAL VERIPICATION PROGRAM If the material has been determined to be the original issue, the Hanger                                                                                                !
Engineer shall list the item numbers in Part 2 of Exhibit 4.
Part 3 The Hanger Engineer shalllist those items in Part 3 of Exhibit 4 whose source of material can be determined from Work Package documentation (i.e., Speed Letter, RCI or CMR). However the source must be legitimate with a Certificate of Comformance from a qualified vendor. This is evidenced by a stamp " Source Accepted"- on the CMR, Speed Letter, or RCI.
Part 4 & 5                                                                                                                          -
All material issued after 9/6/83 will be stamped or etched for positive                                                                                    -
identification. The following will be the acceptance criteria for this                                                                                    4j material.
A-36 plate, channel, wide flange, and angle, shall be stamped with the        symbol unless it is less than 3/16" thick '
)                              .
A-500 Grade B tube steel shallbe stamped the                                                      symbol.
U bolts and threaded rod will be stamped or etched with the material grade.
1 Stock pipe tubing for struts shall be etched with the material grade.
Steel other than A-36 or A-500 Grade B stamped with the material grade. However some material was stamped with the R3 purchase order number. That P. O. shall be entered on Exhibit 4 and investigated to ensure the material grade.
If the materialis marked and is acceptable, the Hanger Engineer sha!! list the item num rs under Part 4 or 5 as appropriate.
4                                                                                                                    ,
s I.                                                                                                                              s l
l              Rev.3                                                                    CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY          Appendix 3
: i.              3/84                                                            SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT              WP-110
!                                                                                                                                Sheet 3 of 3 MATERIAL VERIFICATION PROGRAM Part 6 l
Catalog parts shall be identified by the physical characteristics of the item                                              l or by the stamped catalog part number. The catalog part identity must be in accordance with The Bill of Materials. The Hanger Engineer shalllist these item numbers in Part 6 of Exhibit 4 and ng under Parts 2,3,4,5, or 7.
Part 7 A sampling program is set up for structural shapes, plates, and shims which cannot beldentified under part 2,3,4, or 5. The Hanger Engineer shall list these items in Part 7 of Exhibit 4.
General Notes:
If more than"one of an item is to be considered, each piece shall be listed in the appropriate section. For example, if there are two piece 7's and both pieces are stamped, item 7 should be listed twice in Part 4. After the form is completed, the Hanger Engineer shall sign, date, and enter the drawing
!                              revision the items were checked against."A copy of the torm shall be removed from the Work Package and returned te the office to determine the scope of the sampling progr~am and to initiate any material testing.
Welded pipe attachments (trunnions, lugs, etc.), anchor bolts and cinch anchored plates sha!! not be listed on Exhibit 4. Nonstructural end cups and shims are considered Non-Q material, do not require verification of the                                          R3 j                            material identification markings, and do not need to be entered on Exhibit 4.
o Appendix K Rev 1 WP-110 1/84                                                                                                                                '
  -                                              SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT GAP MEASUREMENT GUIDANCE CRITERIA Since gap A is larger than gap B, the gap shall be listed as A and the weld size must be increased by A.
i L
6 Fig.1
m -.p v    .
For joints of this type, gaps should be measured at the root. If the c                                                            weld requirement is a flare bevel, the gap should not exceed 3/16".                  R1 and should bs recorded as 4.3/16".
ItQ. 2.                  _
Fitup gaps between non-structural f        end caps and tube steel should                  '
                              , , _ . , _ ,      _ _                            _              i not be measured or recorded.
F(3 3
  .                                                                      CCIE1/E DOCIEtT
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                            #                                                                                                                        ?
DIRECTOR - EfPP QA/QC                                                                                                          -
                                                                                                                                          " W OC 1
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CONTROLLO fCJEi-        .
CARaLIta POE:. & l.:M CW,t#                                                                                                                            1 u ~==a            nez~m i CCRPORATE QUALITY ASE.FxCE 2: ARTIER QA/QC - HARR:S Pt.A'iT SE_- ION                                                                              CCA-1                    .            i TITLE:            PERSO:i:IEL 5*-'~~'3 l'D C 2* '!"ATION 1.0          PURPOSE The 1 te:: cf tis ;ro:ecure is to es ablist mquire=e::s and                                                                              ;
            .                                          guide''mes for trad-* r and qualifica:ica cf persencel assiped                                                                        j i to perfe:-: 100 ac:1::. ties at a cuclear pcuer plan:.
2.0 SCOPE This pro:et:re is a: plica:le to : e site Quality Assurance /                                                                            j Quality ~~ ~1 Uni persennel whc perfc.                                  inspecti ns, sur-                                                :
8 veilla=ces, =n-d-=:1cc ce testing ac:1 rities- that are .inte:ded to ., a;ity c' constructica or to verify confer =ance to                                                                        i quality sm d s=ents; and perse:nel w:o review and accept or                                                                              l appro ru --* e::ica, avami ation or tes docu=entati:n er ot:er                                                                        l quality affe:._*=g c:c.=nents (e.g. procedures, instructions and                                                                        ;
specifica-* **). N:cdestructive Exa *n=tica (NDE) personnel                                                                            :
* r a=ad :;ualificatica will be in accordance with Reference
: 1. Fcr :ra p. psses of tais procedure, references o inspe::1on                                                                          ;    '
i                      activities d- '"edes surveillance.                          This is an AS:G See:1on ~II
* procecure.                    -
3.0 REFERE5C!3
: 1. Carp:rame QA De;artment Nondestructive Examination Manual (EE Ma:sual)                                    i                                                                  l 2.: I=st: 2          '- CA*-1.1, Visual Acuity and Color Perceptien Tests                                                            !
: 3.'* CA -1.2, CA/QC Persoccel Qualification Requirements                                                                          ,
4.0 R ESPC2*"~ ~'"E5                                                                                                                                i      i
                                                                                                                                                                                                !      i 4.1      h-n=e - CA/Q'' - Harris Plant Section                                                                                          *
                                                                                                                                                                                                ,l i
The !8=-aFe - ::A/QC - Harris Plast Section shall be respon-sitie fcr staf*1=g the QA/QC Unit with person =el meeti:g                                                                    l!
g i      '
the a;:r; :pria:a classificati=n requirements.                                                                          'f 1,      r 4.2 Disc                - CA,*:lC                                                                                                      ;      !
The C1.mtor - CA/Q shall have overall respo:sibility for                                                                      ,'      ,
implasse::atiot of tais procedun.                                                                                              I i
4.3 Suter:.: e: dent - CC                                                                                                      3,
,.                                                                "he Scpe-1=ta:de=t - QC is nspensible to the Directer - QA/C:                                                              !,;
for 'ehtatinn of this procedure.                                                                                                1 1                                                                                  -                                                                                                          . 4  -
1                                                                                                                                                            .
        --,      ,e,  --s-.--.  -e.-,      .,.m  -,-+r      . , . - - -          +,-,--g-,      w,,we--,-.-+v,,          wn--e,--.wg,e.+c---wr-,ew-        ,--mmw.-w,m ~w        y    a--w-,-*
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                                                                                                !UAEER      REV! SIGN CCR? CRATE CUALITY ASSlRAfG DEPARIET l          QA/QC - HARRIS PLATE SECTION                                        COA
* 11 TITLE; P.'RSONNEL TRAINI::G A::3 CUALIF CA~~ :X 4.4  Quality Assura .ce/Cuali r =_:: 5 Su:erriscrs CA/QC Subunit Super- is... =      e-=-' = ave crerall respcnsibility for implementation of -"' ;r:ca- 7 in their assig.ed areas of responsibi'.ity.                                                    H 4.5 cuality Assurance /cual:.& :_-_ =- ~. See:ialists/Ennreers Site QA/CC Specialists /        _d-ae:s m '' be res;c=sible fer indoctri=atica, tra'n' :,, :;-5-" na:1cn and*.icn of QA/QC persennel in their assi:;=e: a. eas of respcnsibi*.ity.
1 5.0 DUCATION AND EIFERIENCE 5.1  Personnel perfor=ing cur activ_ ties shall meet the educa-tion and experience rer.: .r -=-. se . ferth in Appendix A.
I i                              5.2 Acceptable equivale=ts t= =e e- ":ic levels listed in Appendix A are as fc11:ss:
: 1. In lieu of high senec:1: '''' tary (USAFI), state , county, or local school sy .,ars -'- sel:. col equivalency GD; or two (2) years experimsca 1:          -truction operation cr inspection work s' d == t= coverwd by the inspection activity.
: 2. In lieu of 2-year des se t= acgineering/*actnology:
Satisfactory ccc cf        " age credi s wnich can be evaluated to be ces;ars.:la = "at requi vd for a 4-year degrue; or two (2) years experience as a QA/CC Inspector j                                            in a nuclear progrzn
/                                                                                                                        ,
: 3. In leiu of a 4-year des se in =en-engineer 1=g discipline:
Satisfactory cf - " age credits unics can be
,                                            evaluated to be c:c:;ars.:le = t.ta: rwquired for a 4-year
!                                            degree; or two (2) years auxperience as a QA/QC Inspector in a, nuclear prog-z=.
: 4. In lieu of a 4-year des:Te = ==gneering:            Four (4) years experience as a .1/T          nzpector in a nuclear program.
: s. =en i
r    .-      w l
                  ,3 r OjpE KOST CAR 1Ita PCWER & LIGG CG1PMW c
COR.G%TE  CL:AL:TY ASSi.RANCE DEPARTIEin                                                                    i CA/GC - W.RRIS PLNE SECTION                                                              CCA-1  --
* i TITLE:              P.c...5;::::IL P.AI:: ':G Alr: QUALIFICAT ';                                                                      i 1
1 l
5.3        he experie::e levels lis ed in Appendix A are for din::'.y                                      1 l
related experience in were that is technically eg.tivale=: :=
that v ich will be covered by the specific inspectic:/ es ' r activity. Prior experia: a in constructicn operatic: cr inspe::ica work which is only simi'u' to the inspec-ic=/
                                                          .esti:g activity may be sutstituted for dine:1y mlated experience en a 2-month for 1-month basis, not to ex:eed                              -
two &d +s cf the total i=spection experience requir-" - .
5.2 Prior experience may be applied to the experience le rel mquin=ents for more tha= one inspection / testing ac .ivity prov:ded the requimmen s of 5.3 above are met.
6.0 EETSICAL CONDITION 6.1 QA/QC inspection person =e                  shall meet the physical ret.:1rements for the particular CP&L c assification 1:volved at ici-d s'
[.                                                hiring.
6.2 Coctracted personnel e= ployed to auip:ent CP&L QA/CC i=spe:-
tors shall meet the physical requirements of their e= plop.-..
6.3    .Q A/QC and augmented inspection personnel shall be testad to assure:                                                                        .
: 1.          Natural or corncted near distance acuity such as bei:g capable of reading the J-1 letters on a stancard Jasi;sr"s test-type chart or eq21 valent test type.
  ;                                                      2.            The capability for distinguishing and differentia '--
contrast between colors as dem:nstrated by practical demonstration or test perfoma:ce.
e 6.4 Pers-1 that fail the near dista:ce acuity or color se:se testing may be evaluated and, through satisfactory de=ccsten-tion of capability to perfor.n the required inspec:10:s, f ~
acceptable for certificat:.on for a sub-category of inspe:--' .
Ibe ;ersoc:e1 records s:all reflect the evaluation ; recess
:                                                        used and a..y inspection "*4 tations imposed.
6.5 the test specified in 6.3 (or as allowed by 6.4) shall be cond..cted on an annual basis.
b          ,
6.6 Prior to fuel loading applicable CA/QC inspectics a d                                                  j supervisory personnel ti=cluding centract personnel) i=velve:
in plant Start-Up/ Operations activities will participa.e i=                                        l
,                                                        the cepacy sponsored aspiratory protection progrs= *--- =-                          -
p ys: cal.                            ,,
_    . . _ , - _ . . .                . . . . . . . _ - . - -  .-_.,__..,___m,      .-        _..-._..___..._..____m-              . - - . _
r yr 3iIRO I R IJCifS~.'
CORPORATE CUALITY ASSURA'CE E:AR~ET QA/GC - HARRIS PLNC =c.. .ON                                                                                                CCA-1          i; lt TITLE:      PE:.SC::m2, - .1 :tI ;G AI : r_._._1- C';
7.3            INDOC-T._*'.;A'"*0N UC ~_ C-7.1              Newly ass:.goe: pec s---1 COPAL and aus=ented ) will be tr=* ed is the perf:---~ :f t.neir intended assig.=ent(s ). T.-= '
* g shall be =-                                    %-*d thr:ug= a progra= consisting of :.:de:-
trication =-" = -T..e .'cb traini:g (0JT) uncer the cire:: super-r_s:.on of --= -'i.ed ;e:se::el. The de gee of training vil..
depend on _:ae -- ": ::' par _ous experience and training.
r--: asis id 1.a :::. fi: s.ta=d experien:e gained throu:!; ac usi perfor :ance =f g , ssses, tests, exa=inations and inspe::::ns.
As the ins;e:: : 1: ::-= 4-d-- develops proficiency, he =27 :e allowed t: perf                                              :sr_ai: inspection fu:ctions under . e su;er-vision of =ne ,.r.alifieci i:spector; however, the qualifiec 1:spector is .=_s.                                            e le for ret.nspectic: to the exte:: ne: essa /
                                                      . to verify ::ie *- -sc7 of the trainee 's inspection. H:. ; in:
                                                          " sign-off' scal * :be ac===11shed by the qualified inspe::ce a .d certifies --
* a:=e;.a:ce f .he ec=pleted work.
7.2 (a) Pers:r=zel ;etrf::=r- g CA/QC activities shall be i=::ctri-natet i= . =ame ;reje:t inf:r=atic a1 areas n'e essary for effe: '.ve c:n=: 1=at1:n and accomplishment of their 1                                                                        assig ed and naponsibilities. Indoctr_ nation shall be 1:c:.=e=ted cu QA/3C Personnel
Checs-Cf! W::s C.& l.7) and consist of, but not be '4-d ted to:
!                                                                  . 1.            C.1-                      -'" and Organizational Relationships 4                                                                        2.            . :: :cuc:-d - to ap; repriate site personnel
: 3.            1.:: ins a=: P. asp =sibilities
: 4.          CFE., - C: L'0:3': Procedures, I structions, repc :s
:wc= r:.s and fi'ing syste=.
: 5.          ~.s----*                        ::b.,ec 1ves of as.te Cta/CCC Proceoures.
: 6.          "acas ac:: Standards to be e= ployed.
(b) QA/Q perg:-- -w *. i=v:1ved with plant Start-Up/Operztiens prior : 0.:mi l=ading will receive indoctricatics in:
: 1. ta:'
* gi:a1 Healt.h & Safety Program
: 2. Zam. ri Ac ic:
: 3. "'"r:r a.1 Safety Frogram
: 4. _1re
* P:-c.e:.2.on Program
;                                                                        5. Se== :7 .wsrs=
                                                                                                          '-                            ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
      ,-.-    u -
: a.  ,, a CNT, G 00r.!IST CAROLIfiA POWER & LIGHT COMPAftY u-1En                    pras:cu CORoCRATE QUALITY ASSLFiANCE DEPART'EliT QAhC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION                                                            "'                                    '2 TITLE:  FE*.23::::EI. TF.A:NING A!!D QUALIFICATI0 i 7.3 Appendix A to this procedure spe:i'ies the tr=--- g t'-=
re uire for the individual inspe::1c=/ testing *----d -'es.
                                      'h.ere the inspector in training has been prev ::: sly cert:-
fied for the inspectica/ testing activity by a : ar Orgc. i-zation, the classroom' hcurs =ay be reduce: by :: 4 al" as:
the OJT** hours may be reduced by two-thirds.                            .% rsence*
qualified for construction ptase CA/C0 activd-' - ' cluding those qualified thrcug: teh CI pr::r*-                                *~ =c.21-dered qualified f r equivalen: Start-Up a .: C;e ..:::: p:2se CA/QC activities provided in:octr:.catic: is re:s.:.- ei an:
docu=ented in applicable Start-Up/3peratie                            ;-"e ;rece:.:rez.
Notes:            'Classrec= training includes lect. .es, :ii::.:ssi:: ,
and de=enstrations of the uses of d:- -=::s. .:cis, and equip =ient related tc the 1.specti= ,:esting activity; and the ad=inistration cf a;::;:r:pria a examinations and tests.
                                                    ''Where equally applicable to more .ha: : e ins;e:-
tion / testing activity, OJT time =ay be a;pl.ied.
to each of the appropriate activ_tes.
7.4 Formal training **tered by the QA/QC Specia.;ist/
E=gineers/ Subunit Supervisors to develop or ma1= 2'n the r                                proficiency of inspection personnel, shall be d===ented.
Those training recc:11s shall incl.:de the fcil:r._:g infor-antion:                                                  '
: 1. Name of Inspector
: 2. Subject Matter
: 3. Date                                                          -
4    Time Spent                                    --          -
: 5. List of Attendees                                                          .
* FICA ~ C!!
i l
Prier to assig= ment to perforin speci is inspec:10:/:es. =g f.== 1c: ,
CA/ C personnel shall meet the **-4-"                              require =en s :'Or t e assig.-
ment as delineated in Appendix A. Classroom, self-s my and pract:.:a1 denenstrations shall be perfor-: led and doc.anented i= a ::rtian:e wit:
Reference 3.
r      <.e r
      .                        CARO.!!4A POWER & CE-T C~.i WW                                                                                        3 NUMEEE            REVISION i  i CORPCRATE CUALITY ASI'EG ~:'ET?DT                                                                                        i CCA-;
CA/CC - HARRIS :2 X.7 :.c.. M                                                                                11    i f
TITLE:  F E P.s n: 2., TP.A r . s 1:: c:Cr n :1- N                                                                          f S.O (cont.)                                                                                                                  l, l
Qualificat-        n          : =2f c~my perse::e1 trar.sferred, fec:
other units :z :r=:s:-.m2 hired frc= orpicatic=s wnich provide direct serr..=us m ::n OA/C:: Unit, wil'. be reviewed for accep-tance agai:z        =a :--5:m:ts of this procedure. The I: spec:ce's personnel f' = s ~ :n ann::a_ed to sh:w the results of -ne review                                            .
and identify a=            -
g a:d/or testi:.g required pr:.or to certi-fication. 7::ae.-=_ =c *--' ti::a.1 trai i-- is re quired , certifica-                                      ,
l tion /recer~''':4--
                                                                      =my be affected based on previcus quali-fications.
9.0 CERTIFICAT                                        9.1 subuni: e---- _: r s. ::A/C0 soecialists and Engineers                                                    l
                                              '9.1.1 l
                                                        * ~ - . Ic;aervisers, CA/CC Specialist and En-1:eers                                      j are - --= ' supervisory a:d technical respo: stb 111 ties                                  ;
                                               5 ~~y c: combinatic:s of for- al educatien,                                        )
                                                        ;2:T-- ::-mi-'ag, previous work experience and
                                                              =~~ of indoctrinati:n to satisfactorily perfor=
                                                        ~-- -= = ' r:ts . Such personnel are considered
:;r'''''"* acittout exami=ation to perform 'th9 following
                                                        "----- --' as a;pl.icable to the activities within their
                                                        ==' 3- - :m:
: 5.  ' r" --
:;ualify a:d supervise CA/CC personnel in
                                                            ''      =c ica, : monitoring and testing assig::=ents.
: 2.  -larvt.2l: o and =4m4-4 =ter oral / written qualificatic=
                                                                      -= tic =s .
: 3. IwrSm m capabilities and perfor. ance of CA/C0 putrs=:xnel,
: b. Ews.212 e results of exa:inations, inspections and
: 5.  -larve :so a:x* prepare new CA/QC procedures ar.d
                                                            *e::-i.c:ticca .
: 5. 3 CA/2C and Const:.tction operations procedures an: i=:st .etions for appropriate commit =ents and
:w-'- sme=ts.
'C                                                      "*. '3e -- - .1 Mview of si e generated docunents w 1ca l                                                            f.:.      ssn doc =nentary evidanee of the quality of
                                                            -" =atr safety relatet ite=a a:a of activities d AC-~ - " qua.lity.                                                                  [
: s.                                                    -
e,      y, COM M M W CAROLINA POWER & LIG4T C3fMW                                    ,'
                                                                                                ?UGE2        REVISION    ,
CORPORATE CL'ALITY ASST.RAtKI EFARTT*EiG                            l                            ,
QA/GC - HARRIS PL#iT IECTION                                  I  CA-1            13 T*TLE:    PERS;:::.~' TRAI:!!::G A:    CALIFICA!!O!!                                                  i 9.*.1 (cont.)
: 8. Je:1ew of procure =e:: :::=::m::= fer ine'.u-si=s of CA mquire.m:.s.
: 9. Fe:1ew of Suppliers' t: assure              .
                                                        ;recured ite=s cc ;1e .:= :.1 rs:; of
                                                        ;recure=e:: docu=entz.
: 10.  ?la=, schedble and s= pew se is:;e::i=s are surveilla:ce of ce=s : .=.: = a ::: c; erat :ns activities.
: 11.  ~destify quality prc:::le=s a=: i=1:11 e , Mc==e::.d er provide naclutices.
9 1.2 other a:tivities assigned :: :se Satunit se;ervis:rs an as follows:
9 1.2.1    QA surveillance 1.
Perform CA Su.-:si.11acce cf cc=s ruct:.:n    ' .,
                                              ;                  installaticc:, i:spection ami testing          ':
                                              ,                  activities.                    :              :i
                            .                                                                                    t    :
: 2. Perform CA Sur:wd.llan=e of selected          '' '
general activi. ins supper:1=g rather than          *
                ,                                                  directly related to the iss.allatic:.
* 1 testing or 1=xpection of permanent ;*a=:
items or
                                                    .    . 3. Perform te- -=' dec=me:t review of constructica .15e:cres.
91.2.2 civil & Struc+.:rs'.
: 1. Sampling a=2 .as.1:g =f :=:nte =atari.als (i.e. cement, ag;;;ngs .e, at:1xtures s :
water) .                                              i
                                  .                            2. Concrete pr'od.  .1=.
: 3. Sampling a:d .ar :g of ;1astic ess: ste                ;
and grout.
: 4. Compmssive tes:1::.g of c= crete a:d
    .,,                                                                                            e v  .e *                                                                                                                                            \
l OG'T 0~TU          _
CARQ.'M 3061 L'~iT                            s C3fAl#
                                                                                                                      '"              :: ~~ /n - g CORPORATE A7 /ESELe#CE 2?ARTTENT QA/ilC              -dEE3 M.RIT SE TION                                                  3 -1                      %
TITLE:    FE"-"'T S r N31*C0if'! ATION e (cont.;
: 5. Tensile testing of reinforcing'.
bars and cadweld speci= ens.
: 6. Instalia ion of Meena=1 cal splices (cadwelds) in concrete reinforcing a..=.      -
;                                                                        7. Calibrati:n and field adjustment of measuring devices.
                                            .                          8.  '41=dscr Probe System.=f testing cc :. rete st a ng.a in place. Materials & Records
: 1. Receipt storage and issue cf nuclea-safety m 1ated plant items and cen-1
(                                                                          su= ables.
: 2. Construction site procurement of -" *==-
safety related plant items and cons -= *==
: 3. Accumulations, myiew, filing and c==:r:-
of meerds which are required to fu:- - -
docume:tary evidence of the quality of nuclear safety related iter.s and of ac::,-
l                                                                            vities affecting quality.
;                                                                        4. Control of construction and operati.=:s contr:1 doc'.nzents.
i                                                                    5. Control af records of permanent pict d.:nmm
!'                                                                          transferred between units or off-s:.e.
l j                                                                        6. Assently of Code Data Reports fer s.::ne.:::a"
!                                                                            to the Nattenal Board.
q ,
7.1.2.a Hectanical & 'delding
: 1. Inst 211stion and pressure testing c' ~7 systecs, components and HVAC duct w:: w.
: 2. Field fabrication / modification cf            ~~-e      "
f                                                                                                                      -
1 i                        . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _          . _ - - - - - _              -_-      . _ _ _  - . - _ - _              . - - _ _ _
4o 1T M [CI~ET                                                                          -
                                                                                                                          ' GEER        RE'!1 SIC?4 CCRPORATE CUALITY ASStFA*G ~E ARTIOT C2A-1              13 GA/QC - HARRIS PLmT SE T*0N TITLE: FIRSONNEL TRA~NI::G UC C 11._F:0A~ ON                                                                                                l (cent.)
: 2. Applica i= " *:i" ty;e sy=tol stamp te AS:2 Oxe Chss pi;i=.g and subasse=blies acd systa=s.
4  Preparati= cf AS E C:de Cata Re;;rts.
: 5. Clean 11=ess i= ;ec:1=s Of ;i;1 :
systa=s a= ===;onents.
: 6. I:specta= cf ::de va*.ms.
: 7. Cualifi=a.1:e =f wel ers and welding o;eratcrs.                                                                    ;
                                          .                                                                                                          I*
B. Field wel 1ng :f AS!E Case Class and
                                            .                          ncn-code class piping.
: 9. I= stall.ati=c widing =f pm sure beendary CC=p00s=ts.
: 10. Installation wlding of Seismic Category I struc aral s. eel me ners, hangers and                                  .'
: 11. Fie,1d fat-i== sn weM1=g of piping sub-assembl.ies, -h,                          st:.:: ural steel :ne=ters, hangers a:xt supports (i=cluding studs).
: 12. Installattac welding of steel liner plate.
: 13. Post-weld heat treatment. . Start-Uo/ceers:L. s
: 1. Procedure Pmv;aw
: 2.    ?.trnovers
: 3. Docasest .% r w 4    Mainte= ante asi Modifi=ation Co: trol
.O                                                                  5-  => ="r= " --                          r $ = =-ca'or r == ====
: 6. Inspee:1:cs o-
r        ;v    ,                                                                                                          i
              -w e 3'E XM CC':. iPONEi & L*G47 039ANY                                                            ~
i pp~ .m."      .~' js-'- ~ j: 1 C::RPOR"'E ::.:,1LLITf ASSMKI DEPARTIOT                                                          j  -
a'it - +iAR:.:S P.'X.T SE TION                                  C .1 -            n l
TITLE: P'--~':.~..: T!.i _n3 l'c :AL: FICA'-*0N t
: 9. .3  Ferse::el, n t necessarily classi"ied as 1 I;ecialists/ Engineers may be assig.ed su;Mt.- _:r                      I as;o:sibilities within their amas of te---**                            f expertise when evaluated by. the CA/QC Sub ---                          <
hpervisor as being capable of perfor=ing e super-_sory assignment. The evaluation s-=~ :n                          -
                                              !==ume ted and shall take into ac:ount the f="-2---                    i
* i fa=:crs:
: 2. Education                      -
: 2. Experience                                                          l l
: 3. Deconstration of Capability                                        .
i.2 Parsonnel perfor=ing CA/QC activities will be elip_tle                          i f:r te. .1'ication after cc= plying with paragrapn 1.0                          i a- 9.0 as ap;11 cable.                                                          ;
i ^
Certification stall be
a: llUL/Q: Personnel Qualification / Certification L = = la- -                  I ami sha*.1 cc..ain, but not be limited to, the fci .:r g
                                                    .                                                                  i  1 1:f:rmatims:
: 1. Employer's Name
                                    -              N
: 2. Nasm of person being certified
: 3. Activity qualified to perform 1    Data of certification and effective period
: 5. Basis for certificat, ion
                    .                  E. Sig.atum of Dimeter or his designee 3.2 Car ifi=atic: by the Dinctor means the inspeet: :.: ::a.1:.f:.ed
:= perf:rn t:a following as applicable to the 1:rpe:--
tasting a=tivity:
: 1. Re==rd i=spection, esamination and testing cz:a.
: 2. Inciano: approved inspection, exa=ination a=:      .ar-- ;                    I proceduns.                                                                      l i
: 2. Fla=t 1:spections, evaluations and tests; se - p :esu.
O                                          h ** * : preparation and set-up of relatec e-"~t.
l A. Eral ate the validity and acceptati.11ty of i=.rpe-      ,
exa=:.=a. ion and test naults.
e-3EL!.E D00EiT CAR'1.IfiA PCHER & LIGiT C3PMN CORPORATE :CALITY ASTJiA* ICE 22A*EEIT QA/QC - HARRIS Pt N.T SECTICIN                                                              c A-1                      11 TIT M : FIRS 3NIC. T.:.AI!: ::s ao c;;c                                          _c1 TION 9.3 (cc:t.)                                                                                                                                          !
: 5.        Reper: i=s;ectic:, exasinati= nnd test resul.s.
: 6.        Superrise c:bar inspecti / testing person =e ..
: 7.          Train otner pers= el.
E.          Use e ='''rs.ed t:cis and equip ent requinc "- --=
inspe: tic:/ esting activity.
1                                                    9.4 Appendix A to .01s procedure identifies t.e 1:::. 2 %
;                                                                    supervisc:/ as i=spection/ testing activites fcr c10:
l                                                                    CA/QC perse_- el say be assig=ed.
10.3                ..Tn* I!!SPECC'::: AL.nn :S I= the event a new wric activity and the associate: ins;ecti=
a::1vity are c=: urns s: as to preclude prior qualifi:st: = of
  ;1                                                i=spection perso==el, inspectics of the work shall te .:= der supervisory c= trol of the cognizant CA/QO Specialist, -=---*er
                                                  *cr Subunit Supervis:r. Assistance fro: the cos-4-= : :: sci;11:e i                                                  a:Gineer and ma cfa::urer's npnsentative may be re:;uested Oc
                    .                              facilitate 1:1tial qua.lification cf inspection /'asta=g persc=nel.
                    't                              The requimd C!T =ay be waived upon satisfactory de=ces:rati:n of ability to perfers the inspection / testing functice.
11.0 E7A1UATION 1!;t RE-*I?.TI3 ICATION 11.1 The job perfor=a==e of QA/QC personnel shall be e aluated t.t intervals not to escoed two (2) years. QA/CC ;ers==e1
;                                                                    who have not perforced inspection / testing activ:. ties fc-whica qualified within a period of one year small be m-
  ;          -                                                      evalua.ed prior to assignment to perforu ::at
* gec 1:n or tes:.
11.2 If the nsu.lts of the perfor=ance evaluation (s) are satis-factory, the 1:dividual's certification stall be cc::1=ec.
11.3 If, duri:q the ab.ove evaluation or at any other, t:
is deter..ined that :be capabill:1es of an individual d =ct meet tse mquincents of the inspection / testing a:tirit7,
,                                                                      that 4-A'vi:iual asall be mmoved from the activity u=:t1 suct time that the mquimd capability has been de=c= strate:.
P Y'                                                  11.4 Recertificati:n will be doc'.:nented on CA-49A Fc:I.s.
,                                                                                                                                                                  i i
                                                                                                      -11 l
                      ,, o 2i7iiDi A DCC.ETT                                      '
                                                                                                          'C  .
RE:isTO'l C R?CRA2 CUALITY ASStRNG DEPARWIT                                    ,
I                                                                              i i              QQC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION                                      i      COA '          M i
Tr"LE: FE720:.'. EL TRAI:.*:.';G A! D QUALIFICAT :::
                                  .a . -. . . . - . e.v.e 12.1 A file of CA/QC personnel certifica:::rr          -
le .a.-
                                          ,            QA-- 9/49A Foms) stall be ntained 1= .it
12.2 A file of mcords required to su;; r: . se :a. .if:.:.1:i::
cf personnel assiped to perfor= 2A/O ac ::,r_:let s:a2 be est.ablished ann maintained. 'lte fi~e      *~
                                                                                                            -- * :e .
as a in1=um:
1  Visual Acuity Test Results (F:= G-. I.
: 2. Physical Exa=ination Results r E- -v=          Ju.acen:
: 3. Resurd' of Education and Experien:s
: a. I=doctrinatic= (Tom QA-47)
: 5. Other training such as the res;1rt    . r...e:.1:n                  l program, heal:3 physics, secu-ity. e::..                            i 13.. APPIND3 13.1 Appen:iix A, QA/QC Educatien, Experie=:n i L d'g Requin ments l
!O l                                                            .
l                                                                                                  -
                                                                                                    *;A-1 A;;e dix A Pa;e            of CA/CC C~''CI*N. E*?!RIENCE & TRAIMINO REOU~?."..EI"US
                                                        'E S . D;PERIESCE REQUIRE:
                                                                                                        !    .F3. !? C.; :;.,
                                                                                              --YR        C -~ .u s -    u4 INSPEC~*
                                  .p'g'CN/T"]. j HIGH
                                                  'SCHCOL      l2-YRENGR/
                                                                      '.-YR NON-ENCRTECH      ESCR        ?.COM CM*./STRUCTL*?.AL l            I I            i                                                -        --
Ccnerete Compressian Ten ~:g-          2                          1                                            ,
2                          1.          0              2          ~6 Sieve Analysis 2                                      3              2            I Field Testir4 of Cen:re .e          ,
1 l
Rebar & Cadweld Tensile                                                                                  04 2                          1            3      i        3 Testing i
                                                                                        .                                    ~
C=ncrete Material Testi=q;            4                          2            0      j        2          -
2                          1            0      l        1          15 Grout Testing I
Coment False Set Tes'.1=g              2                          1            3              2          16 l
Cen: rete Batch Pla.nt                                                                !
s                                                                                                          4        4C Inspector                            12                          4            2 In-Place Concrete Test .try Windsor Probe Systen                  2                          1            0              2          16 Cadweld Inspector                      5                        4            2              4          4C I
I d
4 O                                                                        .
        -    e, e QA 's
      -                                                                                                                                                      .ype :iix A Page                I    of f Q A/CC !!'.'C AT!!!i. EXPERIE!!OE & '"!.AM!O ?I!T.RI''E!*"5
                  ,                                                            '4Ks. EX?I: I:CE :I:' :.E:                                                        :          -i?.5 . I:.A ::I!:G
                  .                  INSPE TIOL7ESTI:;G                                      2-YE. I;;7/T O                                          -YE.                    OM5-              0JT HIGH l                      A*: TIVI-'IES                      SCHOOL          t.-U  'C:~- -  E'    M                            I!:C    -                    t:0M i
rzz;u & aEcoR:s                                                                                                  l                          .
i Receipt Inspector                              l                l I
: 1. Secondary (QR Received)                            12                      i'                                              t.                        4                  23
: 2. Rebar                                              16                      i                                                6                        4                  20
: 3.  !!SR Categories I & II                                      )                                                                        .
Off-the-sheir Items                                          (
Consumables                                        16        r            5                    -
6        I              t-                20
: 4. Stock Steel & Bolting                                        i Stock Tubing, Pipe and                                      y Fittings (FP & Radwaste)                                    :                                                                        .
Stock Tubing, Pipe and                                                                                                                j Fittings (Code Class)                              24      !            *I
                                                                                                      .                                                  7                        6                  20
  ' '                                                                                                                                                            l
: 5.  *deld Fil.ler Materials                            40                  2 *,                                              16        j              5                  23
: 6. Engineered Items                :
(Seismic I)                    :
Engineered Items                -
(NSR Categories I & II, Radwaste & Fire Pro-                                  i tection)                  .
Primary -Engineered Items                          44 I~                                                17                          6                  37 1
Pu-chase Requisition Review
: 1. Non "Q"-List Items                                  8                      4                                                2                        8                  20
: 2.  "Q" -List Itma                                    24                    *2
                                                                                                      .                                                  6                        8                  40 CA Records Clerk                                        8                    2.' A                                            !!/A                        S                  80 I
I i e m
            -        ,-    - - - - -            -        .+    .-,.,-.,.m_,        ..-c    4  ,-=    n ,      , , , , , , - , , - . . , , , . _ . , ,      .,-.-,,,e,.r-wn,,-              . . - - , , , , . , - , . -
    '                                                                                                                                            I
      ~,, e                                                                                                                                        '
wa .
                                                                                                  .hE      m.
Page                  of :
t\    _ .a.
                                                                            . . e:
                                                                                .. _ . .=.u
                                                                                      ....=--            '  . - .:: .    . : ., ..__ s. -.....u i        A ' '-- - ~ E ,,,,,'M * "
* HIGH        2-YR E.NGE.!?.;E          -YR          M 3-                  ,    O.TI i              A- ' ~#                  l SCHOOL        t..YR NON-INOR            EUOR      !  DM                  i l MICE,.
a .- . - --..,-
                                  ~                                                                    t.                      .
i                        .
l Clem-r spector                    8    '
4              2                I                      20 l
l Press =w !am:f g Inspe :or                8                      6'  .
4      1        -                        2C Valve a== * . :r.ect Instt* a--      ~. =;e:: r              24                      8              /*              -                        3C l
Pipe I:o:*. .*ar ~:i:n/                                                                  .
* spection              12                      8        -    4                -                        2*
Pipe, R2C. *.f:me deld Inspe: or                                24                    12                6    -
i                        80 r
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: 1. Qualification of CA/C:                                                                                                      !, -
Inspect:rs for surve" h- e                                                                      j                              ;
of on-site contract:r ac i-                                                                    i                              [
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veillan:e activities. Fr                                                                      i exa=ple, surveillance of                                                                      .'                                ,
l contractor welding activities                                                                  I                        t shall be perfor::ied by an                                                                                              !
inspector qualified in weld                                                                    j                        l control surveillance.                                                                          ,
      . -                  2. Qualification of CA/;C                                                        I t                    Inspect:rs for tech.ical                                                          ,                                            .
review of site generated records is provided by speci-fic activity qualificati:x2.
QA/QC Inspectors qualified for specific activity are                  -                                                          .
thereby qualified to review records generated within the                                                      4 scope of that activity.                                                          j j
: 3.        Site CA Surveillance personnel may be censidered                                                                                                        ;
qualified for general sur-                                                        l                                                  )
veilla:ce by virtue of their                                                                                                        l qualification in one or more                                                    .
specified surveillance                                                          !                                                  '
activities . In this case, the                                                  l          ,
qualification shall req.r_re                                                    ;
the co=pletion of requi.ed                                                      !
indoct.ination, self-study                                                      !          L and classroom training;                                                          ;
additi:nally, personnel shall                                                  ;
meet tne education and                  .                                      ;
experience require =ents out-                                                  .
lined in this Appendix. OJT, practical de::ionstrations, arx:
    /3                      examinations shall not be U                        requi 51 when qualification                                                    ;
is ac:cc:=lished by this                                                        l
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                                                                      ! SCHOOL I 4-YR NCN-E';OR I ENGR
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: 4. Site CA Sw'' =-ce                                                  }                                                                                      ,
personnel may be              e 'e: ed                                f
9ualified for su W. **                  e :f                          i inspection activ '== fcz- scia they hold or have '-=~                r=1"                                                                      .
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CP&L certifica-1:c                  : .his                              !                                    !
h case , the  q"= ' ' '' "-- - s- * '          '
I                                    !                        ,
require the c~ ;3- ~ =f re-quired indoctrinz ' w a=d                                                                                    i                        !                        j self-study. 1:idi '-                "7, j                                                i.
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appendix. No addi- -=
classroom tr="-d- ,, ;ractd 1                                                                                                          I j
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      . _ . . . . .                    .                    . . . .              escesclve            denfing em HnNger Welds
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Seea cndexed xxc'                                  '// d e nw/sHe h ae/cless . End sleci;t' w;/ a/y bre ene teles a, ades el dese&-
Sko Icl 6e                      enden /c Sb4+f u;    .
: 3.            M sfesial            Can frol              -
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      .                                                            2.      Foremen                sus l 3{prf beh                  tune.
Accura {e                m 4'd d ec crqW whick            is pl6:ed m    MAR.
    .                  .                                                  Nese            recold s                A c e. v,se A -lo      I n AidAlo . welden 's cedifienfin                            Auct Msf be A cc urn-fe. .
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                          ..-.            ...-.....r e v e i w e h . W en wise                              weldesS .w_i.ll._ Nk l
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1 D.          Weld                Procedunc                                        .
SpeciReak.s                                              Aee                    being issued                    +o welders, , den                                                                                      + Leg receik we rod s, ,              Welder s/ould reveio pocedure.
palm              b                        welding .
_                    .._      q,                                                                        .
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                                                          &&                    wklek is calleb Ge                                                                                                          welder sku.
am.!J forenso anc) Le s$ould.
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Designet.on of Welding and Allied Processes by Letters
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1 Designation of Welding and Allied Processes by Letters
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4 April 14, 1982 TO: Jim Tranmel FROM: David Timberlake
" Welding Inspection Training" Classes                              .
One class on the above subject was held on each of the following two days; April 7, 1982 and April 8, 1982. The attached information includes the class outline, class time, instructor, and list of attendees.
David Timberlake c; Frank Taylor Fasih Shaikh File I
4 1
                                -WELDING INSPECTION TRAINING CLASS OUTLINE I. Visual Inspection of Welds (AWS Dl.1-75, Examples of Various Defects)
A - Proper Profile 1 - Convexity Formula 2 - Overlap 3 - Undercut - no more than 1/32" B - Cracks (including crater cracks)
C - Porosity D - Non Fusion E - Slag F - Arc Strikes G - Weld Spatter H - Tools of Inspector - Magnifying lens, flashlight, mirror II. Fillet Weld Symbols A - Examples B - Leg, effective throat measurement III. Skewed Tee Fillets                                    .
A - Examples B - Leg Measurement (use of parallel lines)        -
IV. Plug Welds / Repairs
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Carolina Power & Lignt Company l
Company Corresponcence May 20, 1982 MEMO TO: Jim Trammel FROM: David Timberlake
" Welding Inspection Training" Class One class on the above subject was held on May 20, 1982. The attached information includes the class outline, class time, instructor and list of attendees.
David Timberlake cc: Brent Firestone - QC Fasih Shaikh Frank Taylor - QC File DT/c cc.
                            ._.                                                        J
i WELDING INSPECTION TRAINING CLASS OUTLINE I.        Visual Inspection of Welds (AWS Dl.1-75, Examples of Various Defects)
A - Proper Profile 1 - Convexity Formula 2 - Overlap 3 - Undercut - no more than 1/32" B - Cracks (including crater cracks)
C - Porosity D - Non Fusion E - Slag F - Arc Strikes G - Wald Spatter                                                      .
H - Tools of Inspector - Magnifying lens, flashlight, mirror II. Fillet Weld Symbols A - Examples B - Leg, effective throat measurement III. Skewed Tee Fillets                              - f-A - Examples                            'C B - Leg Measurement (use of parallaf.' lines) d  e
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Quality of Welds 9.25.1 Visual Inspection. All welds shall be visually .
inspected. A weld shall be acceptable by visualinspec-tion if it shows that:
9.25.I.1 The weld has no cracks. Thorough fusion exists between weld metal                  ,
and base metal.
9.25.I.3 All craters are filled to the full cross sec-I tion of the weld. Weld profiles are in accordance with 3.6.
9.25.I.5 The frequency of piping porosity in fillet
welds shall not exceed one in each 4 in. (102 mm) of length and the masimum diameter shall not exceed 3/32 in. (2.4 mm). Exception: for fillet welds connec-ting stiffeners to web, the sum of the diameters of pip-ing porosity shall not exceed 3/8 in. (9.5 mm)in any linear inch of weld and shall not exceed 3/4 in. (19.0 mm) in any 12 in. (305 mm) length of weld. A fillet weld in any single continuous weld shall be permitted to underrun the nominal fillet weld size required by 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) without correction, provided that the undersize weld does not exceed 10 percent of the length of the weld. On web-to flange welds on girders no underrun is permitted at ends for a length equal to twice the width of the flange.                        .
9.25.L7 Complete joint penetration groove welds in butt joints transverse to the direction of computed tensile M        stress shall have no piping porosity. For all other groove n        welds. the frequency of piping porosity shall r.ot exceed i              one in 4 in. (102 mm) oflength and the maximum diameter shall not exceed 3/32 in. (2.4 mm).
9.25.IJ Visual inspection of wc!ds in all steels may
: 4.              begin immediately after the completed welds have
      '"    ,        cooled to ambient temperature. Acceptance criteria for ASTM A514 and A517 steels shall be based on visual inspection performed not less than 48 hours after completion of the weld.
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4 3.6 Weld Profiles 3.6.1 The faces of fillet welds may'be slightly convex, llat, or slightly cormve as shown in Fig. 3.6 A, B, and C, with none of the unacceptable profiles shown in Fig. 3.6D. Except at outside corner joints, the convex.
ity shall not exceed the value of 0.lS plus 0.03 in.
where S is the actual size of the fillet weld in inches.
(See Fig. 3.6C.)
3.6.2 Groove welds shall preferably be made with slight or minimum reinforcement except as may be otherwise provided. In the case of butt and corner joints, the reinforcement shall not exceed 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) in height and shall have gradual transition to the plane of the base metal surface (Fig. 3.6E). They shall be free of the discontinuities shown for butt joints in Fig. 3.6F.
3.6.3 Surfaces of butt joints required to be Dush shall
      ' be finished so as not to reduce the thickness of the thinner base metal ar weld metal by more than 1/32 in.
(0.8 mm) or five percent of the thickness, whichever is smaller, or leave reinforcement that exceeds 1/32 in.
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                                                  .ee e conve.ny ineo,hc.ent throat s.-                                                o,ene, undercut                                        See 3.6.6 See a.8.2                                  See 3.8.3                          See 3.8.4 and 3.0.s eu                                          e Fig. 3.6-Acceptable and unacceptable weldprofiles.
However, all reinforcement must be removed where the weld forms part of a faying or contact surface.                                                  reinforcement at each end that exceeds 1/8 in. (3.2 mm).
Ends of butt welds shall be faired to adjacent plate or shape Any reinforcement must blend smoothly into the plate                                                  edges at a slope riot to exceed I in 10.
surfaces with transition areas free from edge weld un-dercut. Chipping may be used provided it is followed                                                  3.6.4 For buildings and tubular structures, undercut I
by grinding. Where surface finishing is required, its                                                shall,be no more than 0.01 in. (0.25 mm) deep when roughness value" shall not exceed 250 in. (6.3 pm).                                                  its direction is transverse to primary tensile stress in Surface finished to values of over 125 8 in. (3.2 pm)                                                the part that is undercut. nor more than 1/32 in. (0.8 through 250 in, shall be finished parallel to the di.                                                mm) for all other situations.
rection of primary stress. Surfaces finished to values                                                                                                                                %
of 125 pin. or less may be finished in any direction.                                                3.6.5 For bridges. undercut shall be no more than( Ends of butt joints required to be flush shall be                                          0.01 in. (0.25 mm) deep when the weld is transverse to '
finished so as not to reduce the width beyond the detailed                                            the primary stress in the part that ts undercut. Under.
width or the actual width fumished, whichever is greater.                                            cut shall be no more than 1/32 in.(0.8 mm) deep when 3 by more than 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) or so as not to leave a                                                the weld is pa(allel to the primary stress in the parti that is undercut.
            " ANSI B46.1 Surface Tenture. is microeches (pie 4                                                    3.6.6 Welds shall be free from overlap.
1977 Revisions
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CQC-19                                                                  March 16, 1981
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  ,--                CORPORATE CUALIT( ASSURANCE DEPART?ENT CCC-19                        12        3/19/84
                          ~QA/QC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION                                                                                                    '
: i.                TITLE:    WELD CONTROL REVISIGN RECORD The folicwing is a list of the pages and paragraphs affected by this revision. Changes or additions are indicated by a vertical bar in the rignt-hand nargin of the re n. sed pageis) .                                                              ,
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a subsequent revisien is issued.
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1                                    2.0; 3.0 2                                    3.0 3                                    4.4 5                                    6.1.2                                                  .
7                                    (No content change) 8                                    6.'1.4 9                                    (No content change) 10                                  6.1.6 11                                  6.1.6; 6.1.3 14                                  6.1.9; 6.1.10 16                                  6.2 17                                  6.2.4 - 6.3.4 18                                  6.3.4 - 6.3.5 19                                  6.3.6 - 6.4.2 20                                    6.4.3 - 6.4.7 21                                    6.4.8 - 6.4.9 22                                    6.4.10 - 6.4.12 l                            RECOMMEf0ED FCR APPROVM. BY:                                                        APPRCVAL BY:
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!                                                                                                                                                              l I
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          . TITLE: WELD CONTROL ll i
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23                        6.4.13 - 6.4.14 24                        7.0; 8.0 - 8.1.4 25                        8.3 - 8.4.1                        .
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TITLE:      WELD CONTROL                                                                                                                                              ;
I LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES                                                                                  t' Page No.                                                                    Rev. No.
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CAROLINA POWER'& LIGHT CQfANY-                                                                                                          REVISION NUMBER NH &TY ASSN @ARN QA/QC - HARRIS PLAf1T SECTION                                                                                ccc_ig                              .g P-TITLE;              WELD CONTROL' i
1.'0  PURPOSE-I The purpose of this procedure is to establish measures for the control and documentation of welding activities at a nuclear plant.
2.0 SCOPE This procedure is applicable to welding activities related to ASME Code, Section III, Classes-1, 2, 3 and MC Items; Categories 4 and 5-Mainsteam and Feedwater Systems; Category 7 Blowdown System; Waste Gas, Waste Liquid, and Secondary Waste Systems in the Radwaste System; Fire Protection System; Fuel Pool Liner; Seismic Class 1; and NNS Category I (Seismically Designed) Items. This is an ASME Section III procedure.
: 1.                      E&C QA Procedures and Instructions
: a. CQA-1, Personnel Training and-Qualifications C~)                                                          b. CQA-4, QA Records
: c. CQC-1, Tool and deasuring Device Control
: d. CQA-3, Nonconformance Control                                                                                                  [
: e. CQC-20, Post Weld Heat Treatment Control
: f. CQC-21, Seismic Category I Steel Fabrication
: g. NDEP-10, Training, Qualification & Certification of NDE Personnel
: h. NDEP-601, Visual Examination of Piping System and Component Welds (SHNPP)
: 1. NDEP-605, Visual Examination of Seismic I, Structural and                                                                            i Hanger Welds (SHNPP)                                                                                                                  '
J. NDEP-701, Leak Testing (Vacuum Box)
: k. QCI-19.1, Preparation of WDR, Repair WDR and TFWR                                                                                    !
: 1. QCI-19.3, Seismic Pipe Hanger Inspection Documentation                                                                                ;
System                                                                                      ,
: a. QCI-19.4, Preparation of Seismic I WDR                                                                                                J
: n. CQC-12, Inspection of Code Valve Installation, Disassembly and Reassembly l                                                                    QCI-19.5, Identification and Documentation of Base Metal l
l Deficiencies Outside of the Weld Area of Interest l
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          .        CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COWAt#
M ER    E ISION CORPORATE QUALITY ASStRANCE DEPARTtENT                                            l
  ,                  QA/QC - HARRIS PLAffT SECTION                              CQC-19          8 TITLE:  WELD CONTROL 3.0 (cont. )
: p. QCI-19.6, Material Verification
: q. QCI-6.4, Material Status Verification                              l
: 2. SHNPP Construction Procedures
: a. MP-03, Welding Material control
: b. MP-05, Stamping of Weldments
: c. MP-06, General Welding Procedure for Carbon Steel Weldments
: d. MP-07, General Welding. Procedure for Stainless Steel            -
I Weldments
: e. MP-08, General Welding Procedure for Structural Steel and Hangers
: f. MP-10, Repair of Base Materials and Weldments
: g. MP-12, Control of Welding on Non-Permanent Plant Items
: h. MP-13, Welder Qualification for Area of Limited
.                              Accessibility
: 1. MP-14, General Welding Procedure for Stainless Steel Liner Plate
      ,                      J. MP-24, General Welding Procedure for Installation of C'i                          Tubing and Instrumentation
: k. MP-15, Welding of Bottom Mounted Incore Tubing
: 1. MP-19, F161d Erected Stainless Steel Storage Tanks
: m. WP-01, Installation of Cadwelds
: n. WP-18, Miscellaneous Steel Fabrication
: o. WP-30, Erection of Structural Steel
: p. WP-102, Installation of Piping
: q. WP-105, Installation of Equipment Safety Related Seismic Class I and NNS
: r. WP-110, Installation of Seismic Pipe Hangers and Supports for Seismically Analyzed Pipe
: s. WP-203, Installation of Seismically Support Cable Tray and Conduit Boxes and Bus Ducts
: t. WP-302, Installation of supports for Safety and Seismically Related Instruments, Tube Tracking and Tubing
: u. WP-304, Installation of Safety Related and Seismic Process Tubing and Instrumentation
: v. WP-400, Installation of HVAC Seismic Category I Supports
: w. WP-402, Installation of Safety Related Seismic Class I and Non-Nuclear Safety HVAC Ductwork
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  ;                    CGiTRQ. LED ELPENT CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT C0ffANY R                                  SION CORPORATE QUAL.ITY ASSURANCE DEPARTtENT e                QA/dC - HARRIS PLAffT SECTION                                              CQC-19                                              8 TITLE:    WELD CONTROL 3.0 (cont.)
: 3.          Site Specifications
: a. 030, Field Fabrication and Erection of Power Piping
: b. 031, Requirements for Field Welding of Category 1, 2 and 3 and Balance-of-Plant Piping Systems, Seismic and Non-Seismic Structures
: c. 033, Structural Welding
: d. 034, Non-Destructive Examination Requirements for Class 1, 2 and 3 and Balance-of-Plant Piping Systems, Seismic and Non-Seismic Structures 4.0  RESPONSIBILITY 4.1        Director - QA/QC The Director - QA/QC has overall responsibility for implementation of this procedure.
4.2 Superintendent - Quality Control The Superintendent - QC is responsible to the Director - QA/QC for implementation of this procedure.
4.3 Quality control Sub'- Unit Supervisor Each applicable QC Sub-Unit Supervisor shall be responsible for the implementation of this procedure.
4.4 Quality Assurance / Quality Control Specialist The QA/QC Specialist shall be responsible for review and                                                                l verification of data and designated holdpoints on weld records; ensuring that SRIWDR's, WDR's and RWDR's for ASME                                                              l Code welds are forwarded to the Authorized Nuclear Inspector (ANI); for review and insertion of additional holdpoints; and final acceptance of the welding activity. The Pipe Welding QA/QC Specialist shall supervise the Pipe, Pool Liner Weld Inspectors in the performance of weld inspections and monitoring activities related to welding.
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CONTRC(1ED 0003BT CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COPANY                                      NUMBER    REVISION-CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURAtCE DEPARTTENT CCC-19        7 r                  QA/QC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION TITLE:    WELD C0!! TROL 4.4 (cont.)                                                                    .
The Structura'l Welding QA/QC Specialist shall be responsible for review and verification of data and designated holdpoints                    )
on Seismic Weld Records; for review and insertion of additional holdpoints; and final acceptance of the welding activity. The Structural Welding QA/QC Specialist shall supervise the Structural QC Inspectors in the performance of weld inspections and monitoring activities related to welding.
4.5 Quality Control Inspectors QC Inspectors shall perform welding inspections and monitoring of welding activities as directed by the appropriate QA/QC Specialist.                                                              ,
5.1  QC Welding inspection personnel shall be trained end qualified                l
in accordance with Reference 3.1 a and 3 1 s.                                l 5.2 Nondestructive Examination (NDE) personnel shall be trained                    l and qualified in accordance with Reference 3.1 g.
6.0 PROCEDURE 6.1    ASME Code Class 1, 2, 3 & MC and Seismic Class 1 Category 4 &
5 Mainsteam and Feedwater 6.1.1  ASME Code Class 1, 2, 3, MC and Category 4 & 5 Mainsteam and Feedwater welds shall be documented on a Weld Data Report (WDR), QA-28 Form. Instrumentation tubing joints involving welding, for ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3, shall require a Safety-Related Instrumentation Weld Data Report (SRIWDR) Form QA-40.        Class MC and Category 4 & 5 Mainsteam and Feedwater welds shall meet the Code technical requirements but do not require inspection and acceptance by ANI. Other category welds requiring RT/UT or PWHT shall be documented on a WDR.
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  'e                  QA/QC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION                              CCC-19          8
          . TITLE:  WELD CONTROL l
I 4
6.1.2 The QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, shall take the following action, as appropriate, when the WDR is received.from Welding Engineering:
: a. Ensure mandatory holdpoints have been designated as required by. Reference 3 3 d and enter additional holdpoints determined to be necessary.
: b. Review technical data and applicable drawings and coordinate with the ANI as necessary. (The ANI will stipulate his holdpoints.)
: c. The white copy of the WDR will be transmitted to the Mechanical Engineering Unit. The white copy of the SRIWDR will be transmitted to the Instrumentation Engineering Unit.                            l
: d. Technical additions or changes made to the WDR after review by QC and the ANI shall be initialed i                                    and dated by Welding Engineering and QC. It shall 3
be resubmitted to the ANI for his initial and date indicating concurrence with the change and for additional holdpoints, if needed.
: e. The following changes are considered non-technical          l and may be corrected by the QC Inspector or QA/QC Specialist:
(1) Changes in weld material heat number, lot number, rod sizes, welder's identification, and revision numbers to procedures.
(2) Changing magnetic particle testing to liquid penetrant testing or vice versa, as necessary,        l for joint accessibility.
l                                        (3)  Addition or correction to unit number and turnover numbers.
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* CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COWANY                                NUMBER      REVISION-CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTfENT r                                                                          CCC-19          7 QA/CC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION TITLE:    WELD CONTROL 6.1.2 (cont.)                                                              -
(4)  Addition of an'd changes to CQC-19 revision numbers.
(5)  Addition or changes to revision numbers of isometric (as documented in remarks section of WDR).
(6)  Correction to the area and elevation listed in
                                          " weld joint record".
: f. When applicable, Field Change Request (FCR) number (s) shall be entered, by Welding Engineering, in the remarks section of the WDR/SRIWDR/RWDR prior to issuance /re-issuance to construction except as            l noted in paragrap.h 6.1.2.h.                                  j l
: g. FCR's affecting WDR's, SRIWDR's, or Repair WDR's already issued shall be implemented into construction in one of the following methods:                  1
(1)  If the FCR does not dictate any rework instructions but does describe inspection requirements, a technical revision to the WDR,          .
SRIWDR, or Repair WDR will not be necessary.
However, upon mutual concurrence between Welding Engineering, the QA/QC Specialist, and the ANI, the QC Inspector will be made aware of the inspection criteria and shall have available to him and th'e ANI, a copy of the FCR for use in performing the inspection.
Upon completion of the inspection, the QC Inspector shall enter the FCR number in the remarks section of the WDR (i.e., accepted to FCR-H-1142).
                              % TRQ.1 D E M
                .          CARQ.INA POER & LIGHT CQfANY
NUfSER REVISION CORPORATE MITY MSN WMMffT QA/QC - HARRIS PLAffT SECTION                                                                              CCC-19    9 TITLE:  WELD CONTROL 6.1.2 (cont.)
(2) If the FCR requires rework of the weld, or changes instructions already detailed in the                        l WDR, SRIWDR, or Repair WDR, the.WDR, SRIWDR, or Repair WDR will be forwarded from construction to Welding Engineering for the                            '
necessary revisions to be made and the FCR number (s) added in the remarks section of the WDR.
: h.          When an FCR addressing an ASME Code case becomes applicable to an inspection being performed by the QC Inspector, he shall, upon acceptable completion of the inspection, reference the number of the ASME Code case being invoked, in the remarks section of the WDR, SRIWDR, or Repair WDR.
6.1.3 The QC Inspector will review the applicable installation drawings, isometrics, Field Change Requests (FCR's), and Design Change Notices (DCN's) to
        'j                                            ensure he understands the configuration and weld requirements. Any drawing problems such as missing, wrong, or confusing weld symbols or instructions shall be resolved through construction engineering prior to acceptance of the welds in question.
6.1.4 The QC Inspector shall ensure any changes or additions to the WDR have been properly initialed and dated per Paragraph 6.1.2 d, 6.1.2 e and 6.1.2 g and perform the prescribed visual inspection in accordance with Reference 3.1 h. Where applicable, the following items, in addition to those required by Reference 3.1 h, shall be verified prior to final acceptance:
: a.          Welded items have been accepted or conditionally accepted.
        %d                                                                                                                              ._      _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . _
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              .          CARCLINA POWER & LIGHT C0fANY                                        .
ER        RWISION CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTiTNT                                                                                                        l QA/QC-HARRISPLANTSECTION                                              CCC-19                  8 o.
TITLE:        WELD CONTROL 6.1.4 (coat.)
: b. Component identification and National Board Numbers (verify component identification against the isometric and National Board numbers against the component documentation) are entered on the ,WDR.
Heat numbers for stock pipe that is not NPh. stamped
                          .j-                      (verify per Reference 31p) are entered on the
                              **                  WDR.        Instrumentation components are identified only by heat number on the component.                Piece numbers listed on the SRIWDR are verified only against the ISO. Heat numbers for minor permanent attachments need not be entered if the requirements *
                                            ,      of ASME III NC4435 are met.
: c. Cold pull / spring is within specified limits.
(Obtain copy of the Cold Pull Record Form, Exhibit 1 to WP-102.)
: d. Pipe longitudinal seams offset in accordance with Reference 3.2 c.
O'                                        e. Pipe ovality in accordance with Reference 3.2 c.
: f. Valves are correctly installed in accordance with Reference 3.1 n.
: g. ISI weld centerline benchscrk is stamped in accordance with Reference 3.2 b.
: h. Weld joints requiring volumetric (UT) in-service inspection may have a counterbore less than 2T (pipe joint only, but greater than or equal to T +
1/4"). The actual dimension shall be recorded in the remarks section of.the WDR at prefit inspection.
: 1. Weld joint identification stamping is applied in accordance wtih Reference 3.2 b.
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  -                                                                                                              NLFSER              REVISION CORPORATE QUALITY ASSWANCE DEPARTtENT QA/QC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION                                                          CQC-19                      8 l
TITLE:      WELD CONTROL 6.1.4 (cont.)
: j. The specified welding procedure and Welding procedure specification is used, and is being followed.
: k. The welder is qualified to the procedure and position (and limited access, where requiFed).*j.                                  *        .
: 1. Weld filler metal heat / lot number (s) are entered on the QA field copies of the WDR.            (Check the WMR in the selder's possession.)
                                    ,      m. Tack welds are applied and incorporated, or removed, in accordance with Reference 3 3 b.
: n. No peening is done on the initial layer, root, or final weld layers.
: o. No grinding is done within the heat affect zone in the ID of CS, RC or SI system piping after
(,)                                          completion of welding.
: p. ISI welds requiring Volumetric Examination (UT) shall have their crowns finished and contoured in accordance with Paragraph 3.2 c and d. Other ISI welds requiring surface examination only, (MT or PT) shall be free from sharp surface irregularities such as deep valleys between stringer beads, and a
      .                                      250 microinch finish shall be established in the examination area.
: q. Visual inspection, per Reference 3.1 h and NDE required by Reference 3 3 d is performed after removal of temporary attachments, arc strikes, weld spatter and backing rings.
: r. We lder's symbol (s) stamping are applied in accordance with Reference 3.2 b.
: s. PWHT inspection is performed in accordance with Reference 3.1 e.
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6.1.5 Deficiencies noted during pre-fitup, ritup and in-process inspections which cannot be correct accordance with Reference 3.1 d.
6.1.6 The QC Inspector shall inform the ANI when theWhen speci holdpoints are reached.
are reached, the QC Inspector will inspect for appropriate surface preparation and perform (NDE procedure revision numbers are (QA-37 Form).
entered on WDR after receiving completed NDE Request and Report.)      NDE Requests shall be processed as follows:
: a. The QC Inspec' tor shall fill in pertinent information and submit along with the WDR to the QA/QC Specialist, or his designee.
The QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, shall review the NDE Request for accuracy; sign and date; and                              :
return to the inspector who willOne      forward copy the shall be original and one copy to NDE.
attached to the WDR.
The NDE Unit or qualified inspector after performing the specified NDE,          shall complete The original    copy ofthe  the appropriate NDE Report.
NDE Request, appropriately marked " Accept" or
                                                " Reject", signed and dated will be forwarded to the QA/QC Specialist.
: d. If the NDE is rejected for surfaces not suitable for test, or where the surface is inaccessible for Magnetic Particle Inspection and the QC Inspector or QA/QC Specialist changes the required NDE to Liquid Penetrant Inspection, the QC Inspector shall                          l place an appropriate asterisk (8) by the applicable Visual Inspection holdpoint, and note in the remark                          l section " Reinspection required for surface                                  !
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    ..              CARQ.INA POWER & LIGHT CQfANY                        -
l 6.1.6 (cont.)
preparation" and initial and date.        The WDR/SRIWDR '
shall be returned to the craft foreman for surface preparation. After reinspection and acceptance, the QC Inspector shall list " accept" and initial l
and date reinspection note in remarks section. If the ANI has a holdpoint on the visual inspection, he shall be notified for reinspection. After reinspection of weld is complete, the QC Inspector shall re-initiate the NDE Request (QA-37) per 6.1.6 a and b.
6 .1, . 7 Holdpoints accepted by the QC Inspector and the ANI will be intialed and dated on the white copy of the WDR or SRIWDR, as applicable.
6.1.8 Unacceptable holdpoints will be checked in the " Reject" column, but will not be signed on the WDR. An "R"        ,
shall be listed in the status block for rejects on SRIWDR's. The details of the unacceptable condition
(                                      for visual inspection will be written in the " Remarks" section of the WDR.
: a. If the unacceptable condition is in the weld (including 1/2" of base material for ASME Class 1, measured from the toe of the weld', on both sides of the weld) and is detected by NDE at a required holdpoint, a copy of the NDE Report will be forwarded to the Welding Engineer for disposition. If thelunacceptable condition is                    l detected by Magnetic Particle or Liquid Penetrant method, the WDR, SRIWDR, or RWDR may be revised to allow rework excluding weld repair, and QC/ANI                    l holdpoints shall be re-established for reinspection. Weld metal surface defects may be removedbygrindingor'machinhygandnotrepaired by Welding provided:                  :
: 1. The remaining section thickness is not below the minimum design wall thickness; and
    -                          CARCLINA POWER & LIGHT CQfANY                                                                            NUMBER                        REVISIOW CORPORATE GUALITY ASST.RANCE DEPARTENT CQC-19                                              6 QA/QC-HARRISPLANTSECTION TITLE:                WELD CONTROL 6.1.8 (cont.)                                                                                                                        ,,                                                ,
: 2.                  The depression,' after defect removal, is blended uniformly into the surrounding surface;'and
: 3.                    Liquid Penetrant (PT) or magnetic particle.
(MT) examination of the area, after blending                                                                .,
indicates the defect was removed or the indication was reduced to an acceptable limit.                                                                  {
When repair by welding is required, a Repair WDR (QA-30 Form) will be initiated in accordance with Reference 3 1 k. ' The area will be examined as follows:
1      i
: a.                    Unacceptable defeeta shall be removed by mechanical means or by thermal gouging                                                                ,
processes. The area prepared for repair shall I      .
be examined by the magnetic particle or 1,1 quid                                                            l
  ''                                                                                            penetrant method, except for partial
* penetration welds (i.e., tube to tube sheet                                                            l welds, fillet welds for attachment of lugs,                                                            l rings, trunions, shoes,-pipe saddles, and brackets), where defect removal essentially                                                            ,
removes the full thickness of the weld, in which case, a visual inspection to the                                                                      !
satisfetion of the ANI to determine                                                                        ,
suitability for rewelding shall be performed. The NDE (RT, MT, PT, UT) of weld                                                              ,
repairs shall be repeated, as required, for the original weld except that repair of defects originally detected by MT or PT methods when the repair cavities do not exceed                                                            i i
the lesser of 3/8 or 105 of the thickness, need only be reexamined by the MT.or PT I                                                                                                ' methods.                                                                                                i i
: b.                    Where the repair.results in complete removal l                                                                                                  of the weld and repreped for a new joint, a j                                                                                                  new WDR or SRIWDR shall be generated in accordance with Reference 3.1 k.                                                                          ;
T 12-l
      - . _ _ . _ . - _ . . -          _ , _ , _ . - . . , . - . . . . . . - ~ . _ , . _ - - - , - - . - - . . . , . - - _ _ - .            .. _ m _ _ - ,. _ - - - ,,,
* CAR (LIfn PCHER & LIGHT C0ffANY                                                                              l I
  .                CORPORATE QUALITY ASSLRANCE DEPARTIENT f-                    QA/QC-HARRISPLANTSECTION                                                          CQC-19            7 TITLE:          WELD CONTROL 6.1.8 (cont.)
: c.            Unacceptable conditions detected by visual inspection and consisting of weld defects which occur during the welding process (i.e.
slag, porosity, burn through in the root pass or backing ring, or a root weld defect) require in-process rework and reinspection, but will not require handling as a nonconformance or documentation on a Repair WDR.
: d.            For removal of indications in the base metal outside the area 1/2" from toe of weld that were detected by NDE where removal will not necessitate weld metal deposition, the
                                              .            required QA/ANI holdpoints shall be !                      '
l                                                          reestablished on the SRIWDR, WDR, or RWDR,
!                      ,                                    even if weld inspection area is acceptable.
i                                                            If the unacceptable condition has damage to, or a defect in the base material which cannot I                                                            be corrected by routine rework, it will be i                                                            handled as a nonconformance in accordance with
!                                                          Reference 3.1 d. The NCR number will be noted                        l d
in'the " Remarks" section of the WDR. ANI concurrence with the proposed repair or rework Il                                                          shall be obtained Drior to starting work.
;                                                            Repairs involving the deposition of weld metal will be documented on a Repair WDR.                            .
Inspection of the prepared cavity shall be entered as a QC inspection holdpoint on the Repair WDR so that the QC Inspector can measure the excavation. If the excavation exceeds the lesser of 3/8" of 10% of the section thickness, the QC Inspector shall
'                                                            ensure a sketch showing the location, length, width and depth of the excavation is prepared and attached to the Repair WDR.                      Examinaton of base metal repaired by welding shall be in accordance with Reference 3.3 d.
C0t M 3 M
        .                CARCLINA F0WFR & LIGHT C0ffANY                                          .
  .                  CORPORATE QUALITY ASSLRANCE DEPARTFENT QA/QC-HARRISPLANTSECTION                                                  CQC-19      7 TITLE:          WELD CorROL 6.1.8 ( co:.t. )
o                  .
: e.  ' Repairs to weldsents and base materials shall 3
be verified to comply with Reference 3.2 f.
6.1.9 If a QC or ANI holdpoint is by-passed, it shall be reported as a nonconformance in accordance with Reference 3.1 d. The pipe foreman will be notified                to '
stop welding until satisfactory dispositioning has been achieved and accepted by the ANI and the QA/QC Specialist.
6.1.10 At designated holdpoints as applicable and during random weld monitorin's , the QC Inspector will check the welder's copy of the WMR to verify that the specified type of weld material (backing, consummable inserts, and filler metal) is being used, and that the i                                      material that the welder has in his possession is that which is identified on the WMR. When the original copy / copies of the WMR is received by QC Welding, it will be reconciled with the corresponding WDR to ascertain that all appropriate weld material information has been entered correctly on the WDR. The QA/QC Inspector will reconcile the following items on the WMR against the WDR: Weld procedure, size of material, heat number of backing material, consummable insert, and bare electrodes, and heat and lot numbers for coated electrodes, welder symbol, ISO and FW numbers. The WDR and supporting documentation, along with the attached WMR'g will then be reviewed by the QA/QC Specialist, or his designee. After the                        ,
Specialist, or his designee has made his review, and accepted the WDR by signing and dating it, the WDR Package will be transmitted to the Authorized Nuclear Inspector for his review. The WMR's will be filed in a designated storage area for possible future reference.
                                                    ._,%,,-v -ry,- w e- w e  ,,r- w w- w ry v v y
h10.18 N CAR (LINA P(MER & LIGHT C09ANY                                    U BER            REVISIOR CORPORATE WALITY ASST.RANCE DEPARTfENT                                                      6 CQC-19 QA/QC-HARRISPLANTSECTION I
i                          6.1.11    Insoootion and Test Reouirements for ASME Section III                                  I
'                                    C~Je Class 1. 2 and 3 Safety Related Instrumentation Tubinz
: a. Inspection and testing shall be performed in accordance with References 3.1 h, 3 2 j, and 3.3.d with special emphasis being put on the following                          -
I                                          for ASME Code Class 1 and 2 butt weld joints.
: b. When the Automatic GTAW process is used, ASME Code case N-127 shall be invoked for material thickness less or equal to .200" and tubing nominal size less l
than or equal to 2 inches.                                                -
!                                            After machine set-up and prior to beginning of                            !
production welding, on each given workday (12 hour
                                          . shift), QC shall be notified to witness and                                l document on a Field Inspection Report, the                  '
l                                            acceptance of two consecutive sample weld prepared,i'                      i
;                                                                                                                        l for:
4                                                                                                .
(1)    Each welding machine.,                                              '
(2)    Welding procedure specification.                                          .
(3) Welding position.                                                              J
!                                            (4)    Nominal tube size.
(5)    Nominal wall thickness.
!                                              (6) P-Number group of material.
(7) In addition, one acceptable sample weld shall
be prepared (in the presence of QC) after each l'
four-hour period of production welding.                    -
T Acceptance shall be based on complete root l                                              penetration and shall be documented by QC on a I
Field Inspection Report. If the sample weld is                                  ,
l l
found unacceptable, all weld production since the
!                                                previous acceptable sample weld shall be examined l
i        by the radiographic method. The SRIWDR's j                                                applicable shall be revised to include RT.
1                                              .
i l
i i
E CGTRQ.lE N                                    .
CARG.INA POWER & LIGHT C09ANY                                      ER      W SION CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT CQC-19          4.
: d. In addition to NDEP-601, acceptance criteria, the following shall apply:
(1) Concavity on the outside weld surface shall not exceed 10%, of the nominal wall thickness. Concavity which exceeds 105, but not more than 20% of the nominal wall) thickness may be handled as in-process weld repair using the manual GTAW process; however, SRIWDR sust be revised to include the additional welding procedure and RT.
(2) Arc strikes outside the weld zone shall be rejected.
6.2 Fire Protection Radwaste and Category 7 Blowdown Piping Systems 6.2.1  Fire Protection, Radwaste Piping and Category 7
Blowdown welds shall receive final layer visual inspection in accordance with Reference 3.1 h.
6.2.2  The visual inspection will be documented on the Visual Examination Report (VT-1 Form). Welds shown on a given isometric may be listed on the same VT-1 Form. The QC Inspector will mark-up the appropriate isometric indicating acceptance of the weld joint (s).
6.2.3 If the final weld inspection is rejectable, the QC Inspector will document the rejection on a separate VT-1 Form. The VT-1 Form with a rejection documented on it will be retained in QC files until the weld is reinspected and accepted in accordance with Reference 31h.      All reinspections of the rejected weld will be documented on the name QA VT-1 Form.
T                                                                      '
Th M N '.                                      .i                                      ,
      .            CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY R    R M SION CORPORATE QUALITY ASStRANCE DEPARTENT QA/QC-HARRISPLANTSECTION                                            CQC-19          4 i
                            *6.2.4 The QC Inspector shall verify the following prior to closing the VT-1:
: a. Installed ites QA Accept status or a Conditionally Accepted status which does not restrict welding.
: b. Walder's symbol (s) and weld identification stampings are on the completed joint in accordance with Reference 3 2 b.
63 Fuel Pool Liner Plate
                          ,  6.3.1  Fuel pool liner welds shall be documented on the fuel pool liner weld maps.with the exception of modifications and base metal repairs which wil be documented on Seismic Weld Data Reports (Form QA-34).
6.3.2 Fuel pool liner welds shall be visually inspected in accordance with Reference 3.1 h.
: a. Fitup and preheat will be inspected on a random basis.
6.3.3 The QC Inspector Will review the applicable                            ,
installation drawings, Field Change Requests (FCR's),
and Design Change Notices (DCN's) to easure he understands the configuration and weld requirements.
Any drawing problems such as missing, wrong or
                                      ' confusing weld symbols or instructions shall be resolved through Construction Engineering prior to acceptance of the welds in question.
6.3.I Where applicable, the following items shall be verified prior to final acceptance:            :
: a. Welded items have been accepted or conditionally accepted.
r-                                                                                                  1 1
                    %IRQl3 M                                                                      i CAR (LINA POWER & LIGHT CQfMW                      .
,          CORPORATE QUALITY ASSLRANCE DEPARTFENT QA/QC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION                                CQC-19        4 TITLE:    WELD CONTROL                                                                    I 6.3.4 (cont.)
: b. Weld joint identification is applied in accordance with Reference 3.2 b.,
: c. The appropriate welding procedure and welding procedure specifications were used.
: d. .The welder is qualified to' the procedure and position.
: e. Welder's symbol is applied in accordance with Reference 3 2 b.
6.5.5 When specified NDE holdpoints are reached, the QC Inspector will inspect for appropriate surface preparation and perform the required NDE (if qualified) or initiate the NDE Request (Fora QA-37). NDE Requests shall be processed as follows:
: a. The QC Inspector shall fill in pertinent
  ;                                  information and submit to the QA/QC Specialist, or his designee.
: b. The QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, shall review the NDE Request for accuracy; sign and date; and
      .                              return to the inspector who will forward the original and one copy to NDE.
: c. The NDE Unit or qualified inspector after performing the specified NDE, shall complete the appropriate NDE Report. The original copy of'the NDE Request, appropriately marked " Accept" or
                                      " Reject", signed and dated, and the original and one copy of the NDE Report will be forwarded to the
_              requesting QA/QC Inspector.
MM E CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY                                                    .
..            CORPORATE QUALITY ASST.RANCE DEPARTENT M QC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION                                                          ,    CCC-19            2 TITLE:      WELD CONTROL 6.3.6 For base material repairs or liner. modifications, a Seismic I Weld. Data Report (Form QA-34)'will be initialed by the Discipline Engineer and forwarded to the Welding Engineer. After the Welding Engineer has entered welding requirements,.the SWDR will be-forwarded'to the QA/QC Specialist. The QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, will review the SWDR for all technical data.and assignment of mandatory holdpoints and if acceptable shall siFn'and date to release for welding and forward to the Discipline Engineer for issuance to craft.
              ..              6.3.7 The QC Inspector will perform inspections when notified f'                          at.4 indicate " Accept" or " Reject" on the SWDR in the i                                        appropriate block, initial and date. (Required NDE will
                                      .be ha:Mlad in accordance with Paragra;h 6.3.5.
6.4 Seismic Category I J
(                          6.4.1      Seismic I Weld Data Report (QA-34 Form) shall be generated for documentation and control of field
,                                        walding in the following categories:
: a. Fabrication,' modification and installation of Seismic Category I hangers, restraints and
;                                              equipment supports.
b d Fabrication, modification and installation of j        Seismic Category I structural steel, which includes
                                              . Electrical, HVAC Ductwork, Cable Tray, Instrumentation Supports and Hangers.                                -    -
: c. Fabrication, modification and installation of structural steel members attached to Seismic Category I reinforcing steel bars.
: d. Cadweld repairs by welding in accordance with Reference 3.2 m.
6.4.2 The QA-34 Form may be used to document multiple welds l'
                                      .-__ _      _ _ _ ,    _ _ - . _        ..._ -_. _ . -. _ . _        . _ _ . _ _._      _ _ ~ .
Dld. LED M                                      .
              -                  CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT C0ffANY                  ,
6.4.2 (cont. )                        ,
associated with a given component, hanger or support.            ,
6.4.3 The QA-34 Form is to be initiated by the cra'ft foreman for welding of structural members and cable tray, conduit or HVAC support members with thickness 1-1/2" or less, requiring only fillet or flare bevel welds, provided welds are not made to engineered embedded plates or strip plates with screwed-in studs. All others are initiated by the Discipline Engineer with weld procedures and mandatory holdpoints specified by the Welding Engineer.
Forms, in both cases, are then forwarded to the Welding QA/QC Specialist for review and designation of additional holdpoints, as needed.
6.4.4 The Welding QA/QC Specialist, or his. designee, will verify the designated inspection and NDE holdpoints on the QA-34 Form and designate additional holdpoints, as needed.
6.4.5 Mandatory QC holdpoints for structural welds will be                (
designated in accordance with References 3 1 1, 3.1 m, and 3 3 d as applicable.
6.4.6 Technica'l data changed, or additions made on the SWDR after review by QC, shall be initialed and dated by the craft foreman, or Welding Engineering as appropriate, and QC.
6.4.7 The QC Inspector will review the applicable installation drawings, Field Change Requests (FCR's) and Design Change Notices (DCN's) t'o ensure he understands the configuration and weld requirements.
Any drawing problems such as missing, incorrect or confusing weld symbols shall be resolved through construction engineering prior to acceptance of the welds in question.
                                    %M M CARCLINA POER & LIGHT C0ffANY                                                        -
ISION CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT QA/QC - HARRIS PLANT'SECTION                                                                      CQC-19                              3 TITLE:          WELD CONTROL 6.4.8 TheQC'Inspectorwill'insphettheiteminaccordance with the approved drawing and other approved design documents. Acceptance of the welding will be withheld until all deviations from the approved design documents
                        .                              have been resolved through the Discipline Engineer.
6.4.9 The QC Inspector will verify the"following during the
!                                                      initial weld inspection or prior to closing the SWDR, for any given hanger, support or structural component:
                                                      'a. Weld types agree with drawings.
: b. Qualification of welder (s) to the procedure and position.
: c. Installed items are in a QA Accept status or Conditionally Accepted status. Material status is verified in accordance with Reference 3.1 q except pipe hangers which will be verified in accordance
                                      .i                    with Reference 3.1 1.
;    (.                            -i l d.
Tack welds used for fitup purposes are either                                                                              j removed or incorporated into the final weld.
(Special attention shall be given to the opposite                                                                      '
side of the welded pieces.)
Any problems noted with an item will be handled as "in-process" conditions unless it involves a pipe hanger in the final phase of the installation process, as described in Reference 3.2 r, in which case it will be handled as a nonconformance in accordance with Reference-3.1 d.
                            - , - -            , _ , _        -        --w-, - . , - --      -,m--, m,,,--w,  ,,,-o-4-,-,-,me    --w-g ,,,---we-  gen-p.-n---      wy      -r-r
    ,-        CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT C0ffANY                    -
  .        CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTENT QA/QC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION                              Coc-19        1 TITLE. WELD CONTROL 6.4.10 After final inspection of pipe hanger inspection, the QC Inspector will review all documentation to ensure that filler plate and bridge plate welds were inspected and documented during subsequent inspections. If there is no evidence that the welds were inspected, then the welds will be inspec_ted and documented during the final phase of inspection.
6.4.11  The QC Inspector shall monitor welding activities within his assigned area (s). Activities monitored will include, but not be limited to the following:
: a. Fitup of non-full penetration joints (configuration, gap cleanliness). Enter on appropriate QA-34 Form.
: b. Correct welding procedure and welding procedure specification is used and is being followed.
<  /                          c. Qualification of welder to procedure and position.
4                              d. Specified filler metal being used.
: e. Preheat technique and temperature satisfactory.
(Use temperature indicating crayon or contact pyrometer.)
Deficiencies noted with items b, c or d and any other deficiencies which cannot be corrected by routine rework shall be handled as nonconformances in accordance with Reference 3.1 d.
6.4.12 The QC Inspector shall perform the required visual inspections in accordance with Reference 3.1 i and initiate the NDE Request when the specified NDE holdpoints are reached.
    .-                  CARCLINA PWER & LIGHT CQfANY                                                                .
NUPSER                                    REVISION -
CORPORATE QUALITY ASSIRANCE DEPART 7EE QA/QC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION                                                                                            CQC-19                                        1 TITLE:              WELD CONTROL 6.4.13 Minor surface defects detected by visual inspection will be identified on the ites by marking the defective areas with black marking ink and indicating the nature of the defects. The QC Inspector will check the appropriate " Reject" block on the SWDR (QA-34), but not initial and date.                                      He shall then enter the quantitative data for the rejection in the deficiency / description block of the SWDR; initial and date. These are in-process defects and not reported as nonconformances.
After the deficiencies are corrected, and the weld has been reinspected and accepted, the QC Inspector will check the appropriate " Accept" block on the SWDR; initial and date.
6.4.14 When a weld is found to be rejectable by NDE, the QC Inspector will check'the appropriate " Reject" block on the SWDR (QA-34), but not initial and date it. He shall then enter in the deficiency / description block of the SWDR "NDE Rejected", the date of the rejection; initial and date. He will forward a copy of the NDE Report to the Welding Engineer.
: a.                If the defect is in the weldment, rework is considered "in-process" and not reported as a nonconformance.
: b.                If the defect is noted in the base metal, it shall be handled in accordance with Reference 3 1 o.
When the deficiencies have been corrected by either the use of a Repair SWDR or by the re-establishment of the holdpoints on the original SWDR, the QC Inspector shall check the appropriate " Accept" block on the SWDR; initial and date it.                                                                                                                                l
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            . TITLE.
7.0 INSPECTION AIDS The QC Inspector will utilize written Visual Welding Inspection Guidelines and visual inspection aids such as gauges, instruments, magnifying glasses (5X should be used; up to 10X may be used for final anomalies) and flashlights for weld inspections. Gauges and instruments shall be examined by the inspector for dadage and wear prior to use. Those requiring calibration shall have a current calibration label as required by Reference 3.1 c.
8.0 DOCUMENTATION 8.1  ASME Class 1, 2 and 3 8.1.1  The QC Inspector shall assemble and submit the completed WDR/RWDR, NDE Reports and supporting                l documents to the Welding QA/QC Specialist.                -
8.1.2  The Welding QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, shall review the WDR/RWDR package for accuracy, completeness,
legibility and identification. If satisfotory, he will sign and date the WDR/RFDR and forward it to the ANI.
8.1.3  The ANI will review the WDR/ Repair WDR, sign and date        l
                                .            it, if satisfotory, and return it to the Welding QA/QC Specialist.
8.1.4  The Welding QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, will assemble all the documents (i.e. WDR/ Repair WDR's, PWHT Charts, NDE Reports and repair sketches) pertinent to the weld into a "WDR Package" mark it for filing and-transmit it to QA Records in accordance with Reference 3.1 b.
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NleEER                      REVISION
i                QA/QC-HARRISPLANTSECTION                                                                CCC-19                          2
1 l
8.2 Seismic Category I 8.2.1  The QC' Inspector shall assemble the documents pertinent to the welds listed on given QA-34 Form (i.e. QA-34 Form; Miscellaneous Steel Fabrication Requests, Exhibit 1 to WP-18; NDE. Reports and PWHT Charts) in weld number order and s,ubmit to the Welding QA/QC Specialist.
8.2.2  The Welding QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, shall-review the package for accuracy, completeness, legibility and identification.        If satisfactory, he will sign and date the QA-34 Form, mark the package for filing and transmit it to QA Records in accordance with-Reference 3.1 b.
8.3 Fire Protection and Radwaste and Category 7 Blowdown 8.3.1  If the final weld inspection 'is acceptable in-accordance" with Reference 3.1. h.              The QC Inspector
        .                          will submit the completed VT-1 Form to the QA/QC Specialist, or his designee. The marked-up isometric drawing will be retained in QC files.
8.3.2 The QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, shall review each QA VT-1 Form as it is presented to him for accuracy, completeness, legibility, and identification and transmit it to QA Records in accordance with Reference 3.1 b.
8.4 Fuel Pool Liner Welds                                                                                                -
;                          8.4.1  The QC Inspector shall assemble and submit the weld map, SWDR, NDE Reports and supporting documents to the
!                                  QA/QC Specialist when the weld map has been completed in full.
A b_.                                                      __        . . . _ _ . _ , _ , _ . . _ . . . , _ . , _ , . _ _ _ _ _ . , _ , _ -
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* CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT C0ffANY NUMBER REVISION CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTfENT QA/QC - HARRIS'PLNJT SECTION                                                                                                                      CQC-19    2 TITLE:        WELD CONTROL 8.4.2 The QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, shall review the weld map, SWDR package for accuracy, completeness,
[.                                                                              legibility and identification. He shall mark it for .
filing and transmit it to QA Records in accordance with Reference 3 1 b.
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NLNBER:                                                                                              INITIAL ISSUE DATE:
NDEP-605                                                                                            October 20, 1992 NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE APPROVED BY:
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OA-PC-1                                  CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Rev. 0                          E!!GI!!EERI!!G & CONSTRUCTION QUALITY
(        syg1                                                            ASSURANCE SECTION i    J N0!! DESTRUCTIVE EXAMI!!ATION MANUAL / PROCEDURE DE7IATION !!OTICE Procedure No.          NDEP-605                                Revision No.                    1-                Deviation No. 1 Procedure Title VISUAL EXAMI!!ATION OF SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL & HA!!GER WELDS (SH!!PP)
Affected Paragraphs                                                          Description of Deviation 6.1        Add to end of sentence of paracraoh 6.1:                                                  or other cualified crcrram accroved by the Level III.
s One time Condition; Deviation Notice to be closed as follows:
Permanent Condition; revision to procedure in process.
The approval of this Procedure Deviation Notice authorizes deviation from the name proce-dure within the limits described above.
l The holder of the affected procedure shall retain this notice with the procedure until incorporated in the next procedure revision or until otherwise closed.
Originator:                                                                                            Mgr. E & C QA Approval:
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,                                                        CORPORATE 10E UNIT 10NDESTRUCTIVF EX;MINATICN MANUAL / PROCEDURE INTERE4 CHANGE Procedure No.            NDEP-605              Revision No.        1                              Deviation No.              2 Procedure Titile VISUAL EXAMINATION OF SEIS!4IC I, STRUCTURAL & HAUGER WELDS (SHHPP)
                                                                                                                                        . . . - . 1 Affected Paracraph                                tiescription of Deviation                                                                  .
7.7          chnnre to read? Pbasco demien documents A:                              CAP-SM-BE-04A ne          cAn 21M A-003 9.0            Change to read: Evaluation shall be made in accordance with the following criteria for welds fabricated in accordance with Reference 3.1, except as i
modified by reference 3.7.B.        See paragraph 4.0, Definitiens, for ::pecifi::
details or discontinuities and acceptance limits except as modified by Reference 3.7.B as applicable, in this procedure.
I      I One' time Condition; Interim Change to be closed as follows:
L,.r l PeImanent Condition; Revision to pro dure in process.
l The approval of this Procedure Interim Change authorizes devialten frcm the named procedw.c                                                    l within the limits described above.
I The holder o                    affected procedure shall retain this notice with the procedure until                                          l incorpora              the          procedure revision or until otherwise closed.
Oriainato .                      [                                    Mar. CA/CC Harris Plant Acoroval:
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l            l Telephone Approval Obtained By:
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            .                COM1ED D0 CLIENT CARQ.INA POWER & LIGHT CmPMY C@ PORATE QUALITY AssuRAn a DEPARTE NT NUMDER                      REVISfrvl IIDEP-605                        i t eutr op )
TITLEI VISifAL EXAMINATION OF SEISMIC I. STPUCTUFAL AMn uannen igetn, 1.0    PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to delineate the visual welding examination criteria for Seismic Class I structural weldmnts such as pire hangers , restraints, structural steel, HVAC ductwork, equip-ment, etc., at the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP) .
2.0    SCOPE i
This procedure applies as applicable to welds fabricated in accordance with AWS D1.1, AWS D1.3 and other welding performd as directed by approved Engineering documnts. This procedure may be utilized, wrnn deemed by Engineering as appropriate, for visual examination of welds related to other codes specifications or safety related items. This precedure may be used for receipt inspection activities at SHNPP when required by other site documents or deemd appropriate by Engineering.
==3.0    REFERENCES==
  .                    3.1  AWS D1.1, Structural Welding Code ,1975 Edition.
3.2  AWS D1.3, Specification for Welding Sheet bbtal in Structures, 1978 Edition.
3.3  CP&L Corporate QA Department Nondestructive Examination Manual.
_1-w- - --    -    _ _ , , - _ _
l CON 11ELLED DOCU91T                                                          l CARa.Ita POWER & Llan COMPANY CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURAtiCE DEPART?Ef6 NUMcCR          REVIgIrN    l l
                                                                                !!DEP-605            1 TI M VISUAL EXAMINATIO!! 0F SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL A!!D HA!!GER HELDS (SIIIIPP) l i
3.4  SHMPP MP's A. MP-04 Procedure for Post Weld Heat Treatment                          ,
t B. MP-05 Permanent Marking of Site Material and Components C. MP-08' General Welding Procedure for Structural Steel (Seismic, Hon-Seismic) and Hangers D. MP-10 Repair of Base Material and Weldments E. MP-17 General Welding Procedure for HVAC Duct System (Seismic , !!on-Seismic )
F. MP-21 Repair of Bace Materials for HVAC Duct Systems (Siesmic, Non-Seismic 3.5  SHIIPP Wo'rk Procedures A. WP-110 Installation of Safety Related (Seismic Class I)
Pipe Hangers 3.6  SHNFP TP-04 3.7  Ebasco Specification CAR-SH-BE-04A 3.8  E&C QA/QC Procedures and Instructions A. CQC-2      Nonconfermance Control B. CQC-6      Receiving Inspection C. CQC-19    Weld Control D. QCI-19.1 Preparation and Submittal of Weld Data Report, Repair Weld Data Report, Tank Fabrication Weld Record and Seisnic I Weld Data Report E. QCI-19.2 Visual Inspection of Permanent Impression Stamping 3.9  SHI!PP Site Specification A. 033      Structural Welding for Permanent Plant Construction B. 034      Nondestructive Examination, Visual Inspection, and Testing Requirecents for Code Class 1, 2, 3, MC, Seismic and Non-Seismic Structures for Permanent Plant Construction.
C. 040      !!uclear Safety Related and Seismic Class I Complex Embedded Steel & Related Items Requiring flDE or PWHT for Permanent Plant Construction
                                                                                            !!DEP-60;              1 TITLE
* VISUAL EXAMINATION OF SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL AllD HAfIGER WELDS (SH!!PP) 3.10 " Arc Strike Evaluation" Instructions 3.11 AWS 3.0 - 80 Welding Terms and Definitions 4.0  DEFINITIONS The following are definitions of words and terms used in this procedure.
Definitions cf weld discontinuities are to be used by the Visual Examiner to aid in determining the type of discontinuity and, when applicable, the acceptable limits of discentinuities. They are intended to aid the Visual Examiner' in determining acceptable limits of discentinuities as well as establish a unified definition of the discontinuities and other words, as used in this procedure. Definitions found in Reference 3.0 shall also be used.
Site Documats - Drawings, engineering and site specifications, construc-tion and examination procedures / instructions, engineering documnts and 4
other approved documents as referenced by these documnts, as applicable.
Weld Spatter - The mtal particles expelled during welding and which do          -
not fcrm a part of the weld. Weld spatter that resists vigcrous wire brushing shall be acceptable provided it is not en a raying surface and/or will not inhibit the performance of required NDE.
'                                        Porosity - Cavity type discontinuities formed by gas entrap =ent during solidification. Acceptable limits are 'as given in the applicable part of this procedure.
l Slag Inclusions or Flux Coatings - Non-mtallic inclusion on or embedded in tne surface of welemnts.
Und ercu:: - Excessive mlting of the base mtal at or near the tce of tre weld.
Overs:rin'd - Excessive grinding that reduces the weld / base mtal below the minimum thickness required. Overgrind is unacceptable.
Tungsten Inclusion - Tungsten that is embedded in the weldmnt due to the tungsten electroce(GTAW Process) centracting the weldment and breaking off.
Tungsten inclusions are unacceptable .
                                                          --            - -          . ~ ,            --
                                                                          !!DEP-605                1 TITLE: VISUAL EXAMIllATIO!! 0F SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL A!!D HA!JGER WELDS (SHf1PP)
Overlap - The protrusion of weld mtal beyond the toe , face , or root of the weld. Any overlap is unacceptable.
Arc Strike - A discontinuity consisting of any locali::ed remelted metal, neat affected metal, or change in the surface profile of any part of a              I weld or base metal resulting from an arc. Arc strikes may be cauced by welding electrodes, weld machine ground clamp or magnetic particle prod contacts. '.'nless other dise specified by fluclear Power Construction Department Engineering, no are strikes are allowed.
5.1    flondestructive Examination Procedure Qualification Record , !!o. PQR-605 describes the actual qualification activity for this procedure.
6.0  PERS0!I!!EL QUALIFICATI011 6.1    Personnel performing visual examinations in accordance with this procedure shall meet qualification requiremnts as specified in Carolina Power & Light Company Corporate QA Procedure !!DEP-10.
7.0  EQUIPME!!T 7.1    The following equipnent may be used to aid the Visual Examiner in his evaluation of items being examined:
7.1.1  Flashlight or other illuminating device that provides adequate lighting as described ,in 7.2.
                                                                      !!DEP-605              1    l TITLE: VISUAL EXAMIllATIO!! 0F SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL AllD HA!!GER WELDS (SHf!PP) 7.1.2 Cambridge Weld Gauge 7.1.3 6" Ruled Scale 7.1.4 Magnifying Glass 7.1.5 Boroscope and Fiber Optics 7.1.6 Fillet Weld Gauges 7.1.7 Mirrors 7.1.8  Optical Canparators 7.1.9 Microre ters            .
7.1.10 Depth Gauges 7.1.11 Other equipmnt may be used as mcessary, but will be required to meet the conditions of 7.2 and 7.3, if applicable .
7.2  Illuminatien Visual examination shall be performed in an area illuminated with flashlight or other auxiliary lighting to attain a minimum of 15 foot candles (160 Lux) for general examination and a minimum of 50 foot candles (540 Lux) fer the detection or evaluation or small anomalies, unless otherwise specified.
7.3  Optical Aids 7.3.1  When optical aids such as boroscope, magnifying glass, mirror etc. , are used for remote examination, the system shall have a resolution capability equivalant to or better than that obtained by direct observatica.
,                        7.3.2 When use of optical aids is specified, optical aids shall have a mininum power of magnification called out in the specification, ccde or procedure. Lighting and resolution shall be verified either at the examination point er verified prior to the actual examination under sinulated conditions.
7.4    Mechanical Aida and Instrurents 7.4.1  Mechanical aids used for examinations shall have graduated scales in useable increments that are easily discernable.
l l
CO M . LED DOClf elT CARa.INA POWER & l!Gir COMPANY CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTENT NUMmER            REVISICf1              i TIM VISUAL EXAMI!!ATION OF SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL Af1D HAtIGER WELDS (SHilPP) 7.4.2 Dial depth gauges, micrczneters, optical ccrnparators and other precision mechanical masu~ing devices used for final accep-tance examinations shall be calibrated in accordance with Reference 3.6.
7.4.3 Rules, scales, gauges such as cambridge and fillet and other measuring devices used to aid the visual examiners shall be reasonably accurate but do not require calibration.
8.0  EXAMI!!ATIO!!
8.1    General 8.1.1  Visual examinations shall normally be performd without magni-fication. The examination shall be such that the surface to be examined is within 24" of the eye , and at an angle not less than 30 to the surface to be examined.
8.1.2  Visual examination performed using optical equipment shall be performd only when required by site documnts or Engineering using equipment that conforms to 7.3. Magnifiers may be used to aid in the evaluation of discontinuities detected during the visual examination.
8.1.3  When remote visual examination must be performed in lieu of direct visual examination, the visual aid (s) shall be in
  ,                                accordance with Paragraph 7.3.
8.1.4  Wlun using remote visual equipment, the technique used shall be verified for resolution and lighting capabilities prior to use by resolving a 1/32" black line on an 18''. neutral cray card. This verification may either be dom at the point of examination or under siculated conditions expected to be en-countered during the examination.
;                  8.2    Visual Examination 8.2.1  Visual examinations shall be performd when required by site documnts or when the appropriate holdpoints are reacted on Seismic I Weld Data Reports (SWDRs) .
                * *eue C0ffiRQ1ED DOClfENT CARC1.INA POWER & LIGHT COWANY CORPORATE QUM.!TY ASSURANCE DEPARmENT NUMCER            RCV1sIrN tmEP A0c              1 TITLE: VISUAL EXAMI!!ATIO!! OF SEIStlIC I, STRUCTURAL A!!D llA!!GER WELDS (SHflPP) 8.2.2  This examination shall also verify the suitability of the surface for subsequent 11DE. If the examiner determines that the surface will inhibit the proper interpretation of NDE, he/she will mark the areas for subsequent rework.
8.3  Examination Points Items to be examined at a particular stage of fabrication when specified by site procedures are listed in Attachment A.
9.0    EVALUATION 9.1  Evaluations shall be made in accordance with the following criteria for welds fabricated in accordance with Reference 3.1. See para-graph 4.0, Defi'nitions, for specific details of discontinuities and their acceptable limits, as applicable, in this procedure.
9.1.1  Prefitup Examination    Cleanliness of Joint
: a. Surfaces to be welded and surfaces adjacent to a weld (within %" of where the toe of the weld will be) shall be free from loose or thick scale, slag, rust, moisture, grease and other foreign material that would prevent proper welding or produce objectionable fumes. Mill scale and rust that can withstand vigorous wire brushing, a thin rust-inhibitive coating (such as deoxaluminate paint), or antispatter compound may remain with the following exception:    for girders, all mill scale shall be removed from the surfaces on which flange-to-web welds are to be made by submerged arc welding or by shielded metal arc welding with low hydrogen electrodes.
: b. The surfaces of base metal one inch adjacent to the weld joint prior to welding need only be cleaned of those loose materials which may fall into the molten weld metal, and coatings which, due to fumes caused by heating or burning, could leave a harmful residue in the weld. Tight adhering rust which has been cleaned with a hand wire brush shall be permissible but all paint, grease, or other coatings with the exception of deoxaluminate should be removed.
: c. Deoxaluminate paint can remain on the base metal and the prepped edges and surfaces to be welded.
If rust appears where deoxaluminate paint has been applied to the prepped edges and surfaces to be joined by welding, it shall be removed; however, if rusting appears on the base metal within the area one inch from the weld prepped edges, only wire brushing of these areas is necessary to re-move any loose particles which could fall into the molten weld metal during welding of the joint.
Surfaces.on the base metal, due to corrosion, may contain pitting- Wire brushing of these surfaces is adequate to remove loose rust scale without re-moving tightly adhering rust oxide film from the pits. Joint Weld End Prep
: a. Joint weld end prep and dimensional configuration shall be in accordance with applicable site documents.
: b. Discontinuities in excess of those outlined in Table 1 of Attachment A shall be repaired as required by Table I of Attachment A and/or other appropriate site procedures,
: c. Discontinuities in excess of 1" long and I" deep shall be repaired prior to welding in accordance with Table 1 of Attachment A and/or other appropriate site documents.
I l
                                                                      '!DEP-604              i TITLE' VISUAL EXAlf!!ATIO!! 0F SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL A!!D HAI!GER HELDS (SHI!PP) i 9.1.2    Fitup Beamination      Cleanliness
: a. Surfaces shall met the requiremnts of Paragraph    Joint Dimnsions and Tolerances l                                          a. Dimensions (tevel angle (s), root opening, root l                                              face, etc.) shall be in accordance with the          ,
drawing or applicable Welding Procedure Speci-        )
fication (WPS) .                                      1
: b. Butt welds shall not be offset more than 10% of the thickness of the thinner mmber being joined or 1/8", whictnver is less.
: c. Parts may be drawn to a slope of 1/2" in 12" maxicum, to correct misaligrrent,
: d. Measuremnt of offset is frcm the center line of the parts to be joined,
: e. The cross section of groove welded joints shall not exceed the tolerances of Table 2 of Attach-ment A.    ' Material Identification
: a. The filler, base and backing materials (when applicable) shall be examined in accordance with Reference 3.8c.    Tack Welds
: a. Tack welds shall be free from the same discon-tinuities as final welds.
: b. Multiple pass tack welds shall have cascaded ends,
: c. Tack welds fcr fitup can be lef t in the as-welded condition, when practical, except that the ends may need to be feathered by grinding to ensure adequate tie -in with subsequent weld passes.
C0mR(11ED DOCIJENT CARQ. Ira PWER & LIET C0 fat #                                                                                      l CCRPORATEQUALITYASSURANCEDEPARTMENT fatMcER            RCVI SICtt IIDEP-605                            1 TITLE: VISUAL EXA!4IIIATIO!! 0F SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL AllD llA!!GER tlELD3 (CH!!PP) 9.1.3                Completed Weld Examination    Undercut /oversrird
: a. Undercut in excess of 0.01" deep when tru weld is transverse to the primary stress in the part that is undercut shall be unacceptable .
: b. Undercut shall not exceed 1/32" deep in a weld that is parallel to the primary stress in tir part that is undercut,
: c. Overgrind which can result in notch-like grooves shall not exceed 1/32". Grinding shculd not reduce thickness below acceptable thickness and should be gradual raying er blending with surrcunding area.      Coatings should be no closer than approximately 1/2" from the toe of the weld. Additional removal of coatings may be required    so that NDE examinatiens and/or visual examinations may be perforned.
9.1.4 Weld Profiles      Fillet Welds                                                            ,
: a. Fillet Welds with profiles in excess of Fig.1 shall be unacceptable.      Groove Welds
: a. Groove weld profiles shall be as stated by
;                                                                applicable site docunents,
: b. Butt and corner joints with groove welds shall have a maximum reinforcerent of 1/8".        Butt Welds
: a. Surfaces of butt welds shall be as required by applicable site documents.
9.1.5            Impression Stamping        Impression stamping required by site doeurents shall be examimd in acecrdance with Reference 3.Se.
      .                                                                                              l l
C0fRRalED 00CifEIT                                                          l l
CAR (1.INA POWER & llGHT COWANY CCRPCRATEQUALITYASSURANCEDEPARTMENT NUMcER              RL"VI SIrti r!DEP-605            1 IIM VISUAL EXAMI!!ATION OF SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL A!!D HA!!GER WELDS (SHilPP) 9.1.6 Unacceptable Weld Discontinuities    Welds shall be examined for freedom from slag, cracks, and incomplete fusion,  Craters must be filled to the full cross section of the weld .    Welds not meeting the acceptable profiles of Fig. 1 shall be unacceptable.
9,1.6.4    Piping porosity in fillet welds shall not exceed one porosity hole in 4" length of weld nor shall the diameter be larger than 3/32" except for fillet welds connecting stiffeners to webs, the sum of the diamters of piping porosity shall not exceed 3/8" in any linear inch of weld nor 3/4" in any 12" length of weld.    Groove welds shall be free of piping porosity.
Linear, random scattered and clustered porosity shall be acceptable , independent of the criteria for piping porosity, provided that all pores have a greatest dimnsion of less than 1/16" and the sum of their greatest dimnsion does not exceed 3.8" in any linear inch of weld (example : A cluster of porosity with twelve (12) pores each of which has a greatest dimnsion of 1/32 inch or less would be acceptable 12 x 1/32" = 12/32" = 3/8" provided there was no other porosity line ar , rand om scattered and/or clustered within the one linear inch of weld . ) .    Fillet weld size may be 1/16" less than the nominal size required provided the undersized area does not exceed 10% of the length of the weld.
l                        on web-to-flange welds on girders, no underrun in the required fillet weld size is permitted at the j                                          ends for a length equal to twice trn width of the flange .
                                                                        !!DEP-605              i TITLE: VISUAL EXA!4I!!ATIO!! 0F SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL A!!D !!A!!GER WELDS (S!!!!PP) 9.1.7 Defect removal / repair shall be examined by the Visual Examiner to ensure the following:
                                  '1. Defects listed below in welds shall be removed by approved cuans outlined in applicable site docu::ents.
: 2. Cracks found in weld or base material shall be removed completely as we11 as 2" of sound mtal beyond each end of the crack prior to rewelding.
: 3. Incomplete fusion and unacceptable porosity and slag shall be removed completely.
: 4. Excessive concavity, undercutting, craters and undersized welds shall be suitably prepared and additional weld mtal deposited.
: 5. Overlap and excessive convexity shall be removed to acceptable limits.
9.2    The visual Examiner shall evaluate each required holdpoint in accordance with the following criteria for welds fabricated in accordance with Reference 3.2.
9.2.1    Welds are acceptable if they met all the following requiremnts:
: a. No cracks are present
: b. Square groove , are spot ard are scam welds must have at least 1/32" reinforcemnt.
: c. Undercut /overgrind does not exceed 10!'. of the thickrnss.
: d. Faces of fillet welds shall be flat or slightly Convex.
9 I
tl C0mRalED DOCIIslT CARa. Ira POWER & Limi COMPMY                                                                        l CORPORATEQUALITYASSURAt4CEDEPARTMENT POMcFR                RCNi g f rv4 MDEP-60<                !
TITLE: VISUAL EXAMIllATIO!! 0F SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL A!!D HANGER WELDS (SHf!PP) 10 .0    MARKI!!G OF IIIDICATIO!!S 10.1 Marking of rejectable indications shall be marked on the weld er base material, as applicable , using site approved marking materials.
11.0 DOCUME!!TATION i                                    11.1 Documnt' performance of visual examination on the Seismic I Weld i                                                Data Report (Form QA-34). Af ter the inspection items is accepted ,
check off the appropriate status, initial and date.
11.2 For visual examinations of HVAC hangers, the Visual Examiner shall
                                                  -ign the appropriate slot signifying visual acceptance of t!n ueld.
l l
U en di2    xS E5    Us M8    s v) 1.0 PRIOR TO FIT-UP                                                        X
: a. Jcint Scarf / Bevel Cleanliness (oxides, rust, dirt, etc)        X
: b. Cleanliness of External Surface (s) Adjacent to Weld              X
: c. Cleanliness of Backing Strip                                      X
: d. Joint End Prep Dimensional Configuration and Finish              X
: e. Freedom from Joint Surface Defec:,s                              X
: f. Removal / Repair of Joint Defecto                                X 2.0 FIT-UP                                                                  X
: a. Joint Cleanliness                                                X
: b. Fit-Up Dimensions (i.e. root opening, clearance, etc. )          X
: c. Joint Alignment and Offset                                        X
: d. Component Identification and Heat Numbers                        X
: e. Tack Welds                                                        X 3.0 EXTERf!AL SURFACE AFTER COMPLETION OF WELD                              X
: a. Weld Profiles                                                    X    X
: b. Undercut or Overgrind                                            X    X
: c. Suitability of Surface for Required NDT (i.e. removal of weld spatter, arc strikes, etc.)                              X
: d. Peening                                                          X
: e. Joint Identification                                              X
: f. Fillet Size                                                      X    y
: g. Blending Base Metal                                              X
: h. Freedcm from Unacceptable Discontinuities                        X    X
: i. Impression Stamping                                                X
: j. Removal / Repair of Defects                                        X A-1 l
HDEP-605 Fev. 1 ATTACHMENT A Table I                                    -Umita on acceptability and the repair of ctat-edge discontinuities of plate Description of discontinuity                                                                        Plate repair required o
Any discontinuity I la.(25.4 mm)in                                                                                None - need not be explored length orless Any discontinuity over I is. (25.4 mm) in                                                                        None, but the depth should be length and 1/3 in. (3.2 mm) maximum depth                                                                explortd' Any discontinuity over I in. (25.4 mm) in                                                                        Remove, need not weld I                                                          length with depth over I/g in. (3.2 mm) but not greater than i/4 in. (6.4 mm) e i
Any discontinuity over I in.(25.4 mm)in                                                                          Completely remove and weld.
length with depth over 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) but not                                                          Aggregate length of welding shall greater than I in.                                                                                      not exceed 20 percent of the length of the plate edge being repaired Any discontinuity over I in. (25.4 mm) in                                                                        Ser. Notes 1 thru 4 length with depth greater than I in.
l                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .
                                      'A sees enssa etism perumme stum dummmunusua em the esygen eas edge is eummen should to esseesud by snadies to esserinses depdL If the depen                                                                      -
t et any one of me diesenunosues espiered memada 1/t an. (3.s mm) then ail of the dismosomestius remsening en that edge shall be espeored bv gnn.
dans to deernme depth. If nees el the dessamusessass emp6esud se the see puremst nyse chest have e depia ensemasag I/t is. (3.2 mmh men the temseder of the disconunussies on that edge need not be espiered.
(1) where discontinuities such as (W), (X), or (Y)                                                                                "''
if in ;~ig. .2.                        are observed prior to completing the
                                                                                                                                                                        *"      ')
joint, the size and shape of the discontinuity shall be determined by ultrasonic testing. The area of the dis-continuity shall be determined as the area of totalloss of back reflection, when tested in accordance with the
procedure of ASTM A435.                                                                                                        ,,
5                        ,=** y (2) For acceptance, the area of the discontinuity (or
                            .the aggregate area of multiple discontinuities) shall                                                                                                                      Au dimenssons in inenes.
not exceed four percent of the plate area (plate length x plate width) with the following exception: if the                                                                  Table II                    -Edge discontinuisies in cut plate.
length of the discontinuity, or the aggregate width of discontinuities on any transverse section,as measured perpendicular to the plate length, exceeds 20 percent                                                                (25.4 mm) or more away from the face of the weld, as of the plate width, the four percent plate area shall be                                                              measured on the plate surface, no repair of the discon-reduced by the percentage amount of the width ex.                                                                    tinuity is required. If the discontinuity (Z) is less than
,                            caeding 20 percent. (For example, if a discr.ntinuity is                                                              I in. away from the face of the weld, it shall be gouged l
30 perecct of the plate width, the area of discontinuity                                                              out to a distance of I in, from the fusion zone of the cannot exceed 3.6 percent of the plate area.) The dis-                                                                weld by chipping, air carbon are gouging, or grinding.
continuity on the cut edge of this plate shall be gouged                                                              it shall then be blocked off by welding with the shield.
!                            out to a depth of I in. (25.4 mm) beyond iu intersec-                                                                  ed metal are process for at least four layers not ex-                                                  l tion with the surface by chipping, air carbon are goug .- ceeding I/8 in. (3.2 mm) in thickness per layer. .
                            'ing. or grinding. and blocked off by welding with the                                                                -
shielded metal are process in layers not exceeding 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) in thickness.                                                                                              (4) If tne. area et the discontinuity (W), (X), (Y), or (3) If a disconticuity, (Z), not exceeding the                                                                  (Z) exceeds the allowable in para. 2 the plate er allowable area in para. 2 is discovered after the                                                                    subcomponent shall be rejectea anc replaced, or joint has been completon and is determined to be I in,                                                                repaired at the discretion of eD6                      1 neering.                                        l
                                                - - - + - . - - - - - - - - - , - - , - - - - -                ---,-..--,..-,,n.---,----a.--,-          - - . - ,---                . - - . - - .        .ec    -- - ,w-.-w  . , - - . . - , - - - ,
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                  -                                                                    Fig.1 -Acceptalte and wsacceptable weld profiles,                                                                                ,
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      -                                                                          1 AWS Dl.1 STRUCTURAL WELDMENTS INSPECTION CRITERIA
    ?                                MODIFICATIONS SCOPE This is prepared to provide a weld zone visual inspection criteria for structural weldments designed to AISC and AWS D1.1 recuirements.
INTRODUCTION The need for modification of Dl.1 weldments workmanship inspection criteria became apparent following realization that industry conventional fabrication methods, when applied according to procedures used since the inception of joining metals by welding, are not capable of meeting requirements. This occurred because the inspection process philosophy has changed from rejection /
acceptance decisions based upon experience, to the present literal adherence to AWS Dl.1 criteria. This has caused a five fold or even greater increase in the number of repair required defect citations to e= anate from the inspection process . There is universal agreement among Materials Specialists that a defects repair effort of this magnitude can cause a new set of workcanship and metallurgical problems. This deleterious-to-service-life possibility may have been recognized by the AWS Co==ittee on Structural Steel Welding, which stated in their 19S2 Co==entary on AWS Dl.1, that "the funda= ental premise of the Code is to provide general stipulations applicable to any situation and to leave sufficient latitude for the exercise of engineering judgements".
Recourse to this statement is being taken fer the ensuing changes, which reflect careful consideration of manually applied fabrication methods, their capability for meeting present inspection acceptance criteria, viz-a-viz their effect on the mechanical properties of material and the intended service conditions.
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                +. . A detailed review of the inspection results o'f' fillet welds in i;
various shop fabricated power plant components and.the re-inspec: ion
[5      results of(a 200 unit sample of construction site installed pipe
_ hangers has .shown 5' .
9 <
                                                      'that,the' majority of those Delds requiring i
rework were found deficient' because of (a) incomplete fusion, (b) insufficient weld throat, (c) weld overldp, and (d) neld zone undercut. The significance o'f these defects for other than aesthetic purposes' appears negligible, owing to the short, less than 114 inch length'for an overwhelming cajority. 'Causes fer
                                                                                          . s such weld defects,'their impact on service performance and the rationale . for deve~lopment of- a reasonable and technically adecuate inspection criteria is given in the following, sections.
WELD ZONE DEFECTS, THEIR SIGNIFICANCE AND OCCURRENCE PROEAEILITY Inco=olete Fusion - This term describes a weld zone region within whi'ch the desired coalescence of base metal and weld-metal did not take place, owing to the abse::ce 'of complete neitingh Areas of non-fusion cannot be ascertained with
certainti. - khen evaluating welded components designed to AZS 01.1 because oft.the vissal inspection method used in the judgemen:
process. 'For this rea' son la meaningful inspection process cus:
employ, cir~cumstantial evidence,"such as pcs ulated and actual temperaturs[at_theweldingarc, as well as other arc charac:cr-istics , weld are manipulation by thc) worh=an and the physical properties of terals.
                                                              \t 4
The single i.ost important practice : for properly welded component e achievemen: Is' the control imposed by D1.1 on the weldin_c procedure,      andit he performance test which all welders tus:
execute satisfactorily. These are the prime industry accepte:
i safeguards for prevention of inco=plete melting. In addition.
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      -PROBABILITY (Cont' d)
Incomplete Fusion - (Cont'd) the energy release at the welding arc, which produces a reported weld zone temperature of 10,000 F, well above the nominal 2700 F melting temperature of steel is another built in safeguard against non-fusion. These temperature differences provide forgiving conditions which allow considerable latitude for welder arc manipulation variations which might otherwise indeed cause weld zone fusion difficulty.                Furthermore, the molten weld metal droplets transferring across the weld are are at steel vapor temperature, 5200 F.              It can be seen, that given the above temperatures, the risk of non-fused regions for a weld run length of 1/2 inch or more, is remote.                A pictorial example of the onset of a possible non-fused region is shotm by the arc reignition condition of Figure A.
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A                                            B i
Arc Ignition Figure A presents conditions which will not assure achievement of l
_4 WELD ZONE DEFECTS, THEIR SIGNIFICANCE ETC. (Cont'd) the desired base metal-weld metal coalescence, owing to the considerable thermal quench of the work piece at arc ignition.
However, the thermal imbalance occurs for a very short time,                  .
because of the extremely high welding arc energy release.                    1 l
Minimal concern has been accorded lack of fusion presence at the weld are reignition points of components which were constructed of nominally 60,000 psi tensile strength s: eel.
Figure B, represents conditions which exist along the weld run.
Note the absence of risk for non-fused areas, owing to the high welding are energy release. There are i= proper techniques which can cause lack of fusion to occur along the weld run shown by Figure B, presented in the ensuing section and identified as weld overlap by the industry.
Weld Overlac -      This condition is shown by Figure C, which ca-occur during arc ignition or when a large single pass fille:
weld is deposited in the horizontal position. Unfor:unately, the Dl.1 exclusion of preheat when single pass welds are employed encourages fabricators to proceed with one pass welds procedures. The avoidance of preheat by applica ion of the single pass 5/16" fillet weld can cause the gravity induced rollover of liquid metal, followed by the occurrence of over'_s-It cus; be noted however, that this happens after base ne:al/,:e'.d metal melting has taken place. It follows tha: the super-heated weld metal in contact with base =etal will cause
                                                  ~ WELD ZCNE DEFECTS, THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, ETC. (Cont'd) melting and coalescence before the gravity induced rollover takes place. For this reason, overlap such as in Figure C is not considered detrimental, provided the required weld size                        I is achieved. A classic example of another weld overlap condition, produced when the welding methods and parameters specified by Dl.1 are not applied, is shown by Figure D, beloc.
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s 1
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                - - - . - - - ,                                          s CAUSES ARE:
LO',  ARC ENERCY I' DD O 7-              a"'''''--^''
GRAVITY INDUCED OVERLAP                  DY'$tYY' 5 Sb'        '*iI'''
                                                                          -:Ef-'''C ~~ ~ ~
Figure C                                  Figure D The condition shown by Figure D can be present along either j:in:
rember, thus differing from the gravi y induced condition cf Figure C.
Causes for the Figure D profile are improper weld conditions or base metal uncleanliness. Welds as shown by Figure D are the result of welder inat:entien or improper trainin;.
Such defective weld zone regions, by na:ure of their cause are never onl:. short se g.ents of a weld run, rather they occur continuously along a major portion of a weld run length. A1:heug:-
r                                                                              m WELD ZONE DEFECTS, THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, ETC. (Cont'd)
Figure C and D profiles.are_ treated as one'by many inspectors, there is a distinct recognizable difference, as shown by the profiles, the important feature being the region of the arrows.
These differences are often not included in the inspection process.
Insufficient Weld Throat      -
Weld throat is the plane which bisects the 90 angle of a fillet weld (Figure E) . Fillet veld size is specified by the amount of weld metal attached to each j oint member (the fillet weld leg).            However, the weld throat dimension, which is about 307. less than the leg size, is the important parameter because the majority of the working stresses on fillet welds are shear mode; along the weld throat plane.
                                  /\ !                            A N/g        ,    iN 45      [        \
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lc        SIZE      --
Figure E A 1/16" undersize fillet reduces the ucld size (und the weld thrc.--
dimension) by 12.5% for a 1/2" weld and 25*. for a 1/4" weld, this change theoretically increasing the stress proportionall:..
l E_
m .
These values are tabulated in Table 1, below*.
Table I Throat            Throat      Effective    Applied Fillet      Dimension      . Dimension      Throat      Stress-Weld      Full Weld    1/16" Undersize    Decrease    Incrence Size      Leg' Size          Weld            %            '.
1/4"        .177"              .132"          25          32.2 5/16"      .221"              .177"          20          25.0 3/8"        .265"              .221"          16.7        20.0 1/2"        .354"              .309"          12.5        14.2 The two areas of concern in an undersize weld are the increase in stress in the throat of the weld and the increase in stress in transmitting the load through the weld into the base metal.
Since ueld metal is generally of higher strength than its minitur specified tensile strength, (72,000 psi), rarely only meeting this mini =u    value, its ability to tolerate a theoretical increase in stress for short lengths is not unreasonable.      In like carner the base metal is generally of higher yield strength than the
    =ini=un ascribed 36,000 psi, this streng:h further increased by the therral cycle imposed on the weld heat-affected zone, sc tha:
its ability for tolerating a theoretical increase in stress fcr shcr: lengths of undersize is also not unre as onable , the ecers:ress expected :c be redistributed without danger of failure. The result of a shor: run undersize weld correction is the ris; of cc ponent cuality degradation, this conditien believed to be          t
    .more deleterious to service performance than a relatively smal          ;
overstress for short lengths of an overall weld length.
1 Weld Zone Undercut    -
This condition is caused by melting away of base metal at the toe of a weld. Undercut is considered harmful 1
C  m M
Weld Zone Undercut      -
(Cont ' d)                                              j toiweldment service life because its cross sectional geometry is considered to be a."v"            . shaped depression, as well as-causing a reduction of base metal cross section , ' this configuration-creating a stress raiser.
Stringent inspection attention is accorded to undercut by the fabrication industry.          A major reason for this concern is the widespread belief-that the root region of the undercu:~ notch will be the origin            of cracks , - which grow when exposed to service' induced fluctuating stresses. This concept for crack propagation has persisted, despite universal agreement among l        -those-expert in materials behavior that the degree of sharpness of ~ a notch which can initiate a slowly propagating crack mus:
be several orders of magnitude sharper than the radius at the root of a typical weld undercut caused by are melting.
Although neither sharp nor rounded undercut root radii are desirable weld zone profiles, the rounded root radies, which is i
a direct result of the weld zone melting process, is the more forgiving and will permit stress redistribution without apparen:
This difference in the crack initiation behavior of varying notch-root radii is not given proper consideration during the inspection process. The problem i: co= pounded when strict adherence to described or sketched weld zone profile inspectier procedures are used.            The result of such inatten: ion is the L
initiation of extensive weld upgrading efforts. This practice must be given much more attention because the risk for weld ::ne
4 WELD ZONE DEFECTS, THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, ETC. (Cont'd) deterioration, always present during weld upgrading activity, increases appreciably when a larger-than-normal scale upgrading effort is initiated.
An investigation, designed to examine the shape of severely undercut weld zones and the effect of the notch on uniaxial tensile properties was conducted to provide data concerning the mechanical behavior of steel which contained weld undercut.
Details describing test sample preparation, photos and mechanical property test results are presented in the Appendix of this repcrt.
Except for two (2) samples which broke at the undercut , the balance failed in the base metal, outside the weld heat-affected zone.
One reason for the tensile test results of r.he undcrcut samples is that following initial local yielding at the undercut root, thf.s region is constrained from further yielding by surrounding elastic material.
Relocation of the energy absorption region for further yielding improves the load carrying capability cf the undercut region.
It will be noted that the sole conclusien of the evaluation is that weld undercut to nominal 1/16" depth can be present in steel produced to a specified tensile strengt'-      .
of 60,000 psi for relatively short lengths, and that this condi:icr will net be detrimental to service performance.
Perosity -
Steel weld metal porosity is almost always caused b-    ;
inadequate shielding of the welding arc, as will occur when welding is performed in an air draft of 3 to 5 mile s / hour. This conditien can cause the nitrogen in air to be introduced into the weld arc, causing porosity when sufficient nitrogen is pre scn:.
Another source of nitrogen is paint. Hydrogen also causes steel
VI  -
w WELD ZONE DEFECTS, THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, ETC. (Con t ' d) weld metal porosity, this constituent usually introduced by oil and grease, generally present in weld zone regions as a surface film.
It can be seen that only a minor amount of nitrogen or hydrogen can be introduced into the weld are under ordinary conditions, by nature of the form of the contaminant. It follows tha: the extent of the porosity, which results because molten steel weld metal solidifies before all the gas has issued from the licuid weld metal, is not as severe as is assumed by pore acceptance criteria, which treats all pores as extending through the entire weld deposit thickness. A modification of the degree of porosity acceptance in structural weldments is warranted per the above.
Unfilled Weld Craters -    The reduced throat thickness caused by this condition precludes its acceptance in grooved but: and full or partial penetration Tee welds. For recsons given earlier for insufficient weld throat, a 1/16" deep, s=co:h surface crater is not considered deleterious in fillet welds.
Cracks -  These defects contain sharo edges at extremities.      Fcr this reason they must be removed to sound metal and rewelded.
Arc Strikes  -
This condition is caused by inadvertent arcing be: ween the welding electrode and the base me:si, causing a small amount of base metal melting in the arc impinge =en region. M:re l
than ordinary attention is given this region in steel because c.f its hardness and its reported propensity for cracking. An extensive penetrant evaluation was conducted to examine crac:.            l 4                                                                                4 occurrence in the arc strike regions of steel produced to a                l 1
                                                                                        'JELD ZONE DEFECTS , THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, ETC. (Cont'd) specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi. No cracks were found, which indicates that the material is sufficiently tough and only
      . moderately hardenable when subjected to the high cooling rates of an are strike heat affected zone.                                    This study indicates that are strikes, left inadvertently in steel produced to a specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi can be disregarded.
SD' MARY A description and causes for the eight (S) most co==on weld zone defects have been provided for understanding defects for ation and occurrence probability, so as to serve as base for visual inspection criteria modification and application.
CRITERIA DEVELOPMI:C Our review of various welded co ponen                                            workmanship rejecticns has shown that an overwhelting majority were the result of undersize welds and weld zone undercut.
Undersize k' eld - This ter: is considered here as applicable te four reject conditions, incomplete fusien , insufficient weld throat, weld overlap and unfilled weld crater.                                                                                      Since the a=oun:
ef base metal attachment by weld metal is affected by all, each of these conditions cause the shear strength of a fille: weld to be reduced.
The method by which an undersize weld judgetent is made is misleading, because the weld leg size, not the weld throat is used for its determination, even though the weld throat is used
Undersize Weld - (Cont'd) for shear stress calculation. This overemphasizes the loss in shear stress capability of the fillet weld, because the weld throat is smaller than the weld leg by a factor of 30;..
Furthermore, the throat dimension change decreases as the fillet weld increases, this behavior also affecting shear stress as shown by the curve presented below:
LONGITUDINAL SHEAR STRESS VS INCREASED FILLET SIZES                                                                                  A - Shear stress on full size welds when AISC allewable load applied.
2sooo -                                                                                                  B-  Shear stress on 1/~.6 inch 7
j l                                                                                  undersize welds for full 27o00 -                                                                                                        length - AISC allowable e                                                                                                                                                load unchanged.
                    ;;                                  26000 -
5 3                                  2m-C-  Shear stress en 1/'.f inch
                                                                                                                                          ,                          undersize welds for 23! the 2                                                            l                                                                                  full weld lenet'..                      AIEC E
24000                                                                                                        allowable loa 3 unchanged.
j                                    23o00                      -
22000                    -
A 21000                        '    '    '  '    '
1'4  5:16 3!8 7/16 1/2
I .                                                                        R CRITERIA DEVELOPMENT (Cont 'd)
Undersi=e Weld - (Cont'd)
The effect on -shear stress increase of a 1/16 inch undersize weld which extends along 257. of a weld run, when the AISC -
allowable load is unchanged, is as follows :
1/4" weld - 1383 psi increase      3/8" weld - 928 psi increase 5/16" weld - 1083 psi increase      1/2" weld - 798 psi increase Recognition should be given to the method used by the AlSC in establishing the stress allowable for base metal and weld =etal.
The base metal allowable shear stress has been set as 0.4 x 36,000 (A36 cin yield strength); 14,400 psi for AST : A36. Weld metal allowable stress is determined by 0.3 =in tensile strength -
which for E7018 electrodes is 72,000 psi - 0.3 x 72,000; 21,600 psi.
This relation may be inappropriate because a cor=on base is not used for weld metal and base cetal.
Selecting yield stress for this purpose, the mini =u: specified yield strength of E7018 weld metal is 60,000 psi. The stress allowable according to the 407. minimu yield stress concept used for base metal would be 0.4 x 60,000; 24,000 psi. This corres; nds to a stress allowable difference of 9,600 psi betueen weld retal and base cetal, about 7 times the increased stress of nominal 1,400 psi for welds which are undersize by 1/16 inch over 25' of the full weld length as discussed above.
Recognition of the substantial allowable stress over atch whic:-
has been accorded weld metal, its well known superior ductili::
and notch toughness mandates the imposition of more realistic work =anship acceptance criteria, such as the proposed accep:ance of fillet welds which are 1/16 inch undersize for 25% or less of a weld run length.
(~  ,
1 i
Undercut - The limited investigation reported in the attached Appendix has shown that weld undercut up to 1/16 inch deep, in steels produced to a maximum specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi, is not deleterious to tensile strength.
The test samples were undercut full length and stressed transverse to weld direction. _ Undercut depth to 1/16 inch extending over 257. of a weld run length is proposed here in recognition of the satisfactory tensile test results of the more severely undercu:
and stressed test samples discussed in the Appendix.
The possibility for crack initiation and growth at the undercu root is-not given consideration because the vertically positiened fillet joint member which invariably contains the undercut in production welds , exhibits ample root radius owing to the nature of itr occurrence in horizontally positioned fillet welds.
ACCEPTABILITY CRITERIA Oversize Fillet Welds - Either or both fillet weld legs may exceed design size. Welds may be longer than specified.
Undersize Fillet Welds - The size of 5/16 inch or larger fille:
welds may be 1/16 inch less than required for a continuous span of 2 inches provided there is no less than a 6 inch separatien between each 2 inch long undersize increnent. Weld runs less than 8 inches long may contain a continuous undersize span of 25' of the total weld length. Undersize fillet weld spans less than 1/2 inches long shall be disregarded.
Porosity - Pores between 1/16" and 1/8" diameter shall be acceptable when separated by a minimu= of one inch. Fores less
C, -
a                                          ,
Porosity - (Cont'd) than 1/16" diameter shall be disregarded. Clustered porosity contained within a 3/8" diameter circle shall a~1so be acceptable.
Weld Profile -    Convexity height and butt. weld reinforcement may be                .
l          i                            .
accepted without limit, however a            .                                    "r *
* tini=u= 120 included angle mus.                                                      'N be present between weld runs in              !
g multipass welds for acceptable              '
                                                                                              ' set profile (shown by adjacent sketch).
,                                                    I Craters - Underfilled craters are not acceptab.le in continuous groove but: and grooved full or partial penetration Tee welds.
For reasons given earlier for insufficient weld throa: acceptance.
underfilled craters not exceeding 1/16 inch depth are acceptable for fillet welds, provided the underfilled crater has scoo:h contour, blending gradually with the adjacent weld and base ce:al.
Undercut  -
Undercut up to 1/32 inch depth is acceptable in all steels. Undercu: in 5/16 inch or thicker steels produced to a specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi, is acceptable to a j        depth of 1/16 inch, for a continuous span of 2 inches , previde d there is no less than a 6 inch separation between each undercu:
l        increnent. Weld runs less than 8 inches long may contain ar undercu: span of 25% of the total weld length. Undercu: spans less than 1/2 inches long shall be disregarded.
I v  y,---. - - , - - - - - - - - , -        -
Cracks - Cracks are unacceptable.
Fusion - Incomplete fusion between weld metal and base metal is unacceptable provided evidence such as shown by Figure D on Page 5 is visible. Incomplete fusion is acceptable provided a weld profile such as shown by Figure C on Page 5 is visible.
Arc Strikes -    Arc strikes in high-strength low-alloy steels (minimu= specified tensile strength greater than 60,000 psi),
shall be removed by grinding. The ground area shall be visually inspected to assure co=plete removal of the arc strike.
For steels produced to a specified 60,000 psi tensile strength, are strikes shall be visually examined and accepted if no cracking is evident. If cracking is evident, cracked region shall be ground to smooth contour and checked to ensure soundness.
Arc strike regions which arc not cracked shall not recufre brushing or grinding before visual examination.
The assistance, consultation and advice on various structural concepts contained in this paper by R D Steele, Ebasco Consulting Department Civil Engineer, is gratefully acknowledged.
j                  l.' '
L M Ferrick Chief ' aterials Engineer Ebasco Services Inc New York, N Y March 9, 19S;
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N._                                ....                                                                                                        .
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INiROT.*CTION                                                                    -
The need for codification of the presently used DI.1 veld ents workmanship inspe: tion cri:eria became apparent following realiza:'en tha: indus:ry conven:ional f abrication methods and techniques are ne: capable of meetin; the criteria specified by AWS DI.I. This conclusion has come abeu: be:ause :he exarina:1en err ese phi rs ;P. applied b:. ir s;+ ::::s '.as chan;+ d f r rej a . . .
acceptance decisions based upon experience, to the present literal adherence te AWS DI.1 criteria, resultin; in a five fold and even greater increase in the nu-ber :f repair requ' red defe:: ri:sti:ns.                              There is universa; a;;ter :.. _;.
Ma:erials Specialis:s tha: a defe::s repair effort of this magni:ude can cause nn c -M. r er '; r-d tr n' '. r ,1 :a'. pru' .".L ::. . T. . i t, cc.e.aricos-L.> possibility was recogni:ed by the AWS Costittee on Structural Steel Welding.
l                  vhi:h s:a:ed ir : heir 1952 N.*! ::nrtr.:ar;. cr. the Stra::.r : Welding Cede, tha:
                  "the fundamental precise of the C de is to prcside general s:1pulations i
applicable to any situation and te leave sufficient la:itude for the exercise of engineerin; judgements". Ee: curse te this statemen: is bein: taken for :he ensuin; ha . es , whi:L refle:: careful :.'nsiderati:- - ' :F e s' - - --' - s r f a::ep:ed fabri:a:irn e .eds and :e:ht:;;es, the me:!.a.ical pr:::::; an:
a*.::vsh:e stress fa:::rs .s:d f:: :$e des;; , a-d the in: ended servi:e c* i: .s .
A de:ai!ed review of receivin; inspection results at Shearen 'arris,                                              d                of fi!;e:
velds ir sh:; f abri:a:ed cc ;:nen:3 and the re-inspe::i:n res.;;s ei a O'' .ni:
sa ;;e of si:e ins:a* ed pipe han;ers at Wt:erferd, has sheve the =ajeri:y ef
* unae:ep:able defe::s to be (a) id:: ;1e:e fusion, (b} insufficien veld :hrea:.
(c) veld overlap and (d) weld zone undercu:.                                  The si;nificance cf these deft::s en con;:nent servi:e perfor=ance is considered minica , eving te the sh::t len;;:-
of an everwheltin; :sierft. of the cited defects (less char 1/4 freki, t's considerable A 50 safet;. fa:ter er;1oyed in the design, and the outs:andin; service perfor:ance experience of sitilarly f abricated veldrents.
Ter the re: erd, t'( ; e-              g-;;    ;.. -:s.g-..            eng: g: .c;. ... :s ,
                                                                                                                      .                          3, g ;,
in the design .i ne'dr. :: -:; .:: ::s jurirdicti:n tc 3'. the n:rina; ve.:
metal tensile strencth and 600 nominal base metal                                      yield strength. This resu!ts.
for.those structural steel base metal / veld metals combinations most of:er used fer power plar: structdra2 frr-in- in a stress allevab'e for the vc'd rc:2'.                    .                                                            **
ar.d the last . :c: ' *:,-
:.:.        :1;1::: :n of a ;:::len et the cens;:.r- :.                                            .
safe::. fa::or, norina11y 50,0's3 psi for veld metal, is proposed here. This
                                                                                                                                          , .1 , , , ,. , i L9 U U O 4> : -
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            .                                                                                            \ p.RE.OW PROBLEM DEFINITION (Cont'd.)
procedure follows accepted practice for engineered components design changes                                                                    -
whe.7, service conditions to be imposed are, as is the present situation, well known.
WILD ZONE DITICTS , THEIR SIGNIFICA';CE AND OCCL'RRENCE PROBABILITY Incomplete Fusion - This term describes a weld zone region within which the.
desired cealesce ce of base metal and weld metal did not take place, ovin; tc absence of complete =elting in the region. Limits on the welding process selection for structurals fabrication and the welder performance test require .
ment imposed by N,'S D1.1 are industry accepted safeguards for prevention of such incomplete melting.                      Further cre, the energy release at the veldi .g at:.
which produces a reperted weld zone temperature of 10,000*F, well above the nominal 2700'T celtinc temperature of steel, allows considerable latitude fer velder er: r2-I uls:1-- vari::irns, a perrible f:                                         prril. -
when accompanied by inadequate joining process conditions.                                                  Furthermore, the celten weld metal droplets transferring across the weld arc are at the steel var r ten;e rsture , 520','F. .It :ar be see- t'st, givtr. the sie te temperat.r a ,
the risk of = ear.ingful non-fusion regions for a weld run le .gth of 1/2 in:h er : rr, iz r a:t ?.
* pi: teric.1 c::2 p'n of the on: t t! :. pos:ibit r:n- fuse d -
regien is shown by the are reignition condition of Sketch A..
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Q .w'. T. ______                                                x{ T4 The desired base metal-weld catal coalescence may not aivays be achieve: t; the fullest possible extent, as shown by the above Sketch A, because of the considerable thereal quench of the work piece at are ignition. This therral 1 balante c: curs f er a' 11.ited time duratier., tecause of the extremelv hip weldini; are energ. release.                          The fa:t that ar. inadt ...te thermal cenditi::
be present for a very short tiec, if at all, and the good service perfor=ance of structural weldeents which had been fabricated according to DI.1 accepted
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                                                                                                              '. .';.:.l-4 :. h+ 5              -
::. - 2 . ,t . .
t, . .c y.g. .    .      - -
            ' Vrl.          2,CI'E DETECTS, THEIR SIC';ITICA';CE A';D OCCUR?tE''CE .                                                      * %IMINAn # .l velding procedure / certified welder test precautions are the reasons picposed for reduced concern for lack of fusion at are restrike regions of a weld run.                                                                                                -
Insufficient Veld Throat - Veld throad                                      +
is the plane which bisects the 90* t ;1                                                    .
fillet veld. Tillet veld size is described by the arount of weld cetal a:n:hed to each join: member (the fillet veld leq;). However, the veld throat disensten, which is 30% less than the leg size, is the important parameter because the working stresses en fillet welds are in the shear mede. Furthermore, the percent. effective throat reductica decreases as the fi!!e: vcid size in:rette:.
Advantage of this relation should be taken because 1: affects weld joint efficiency. The full size / undersize fillet veld throat dimension relationship has been calculated for several popular fillet veld sizes, the results tabulated and pletted below.
Structural Tracinc Tillet Welds Threat                                                            oC            40\      -
Throat            Dimension Effective Tille: Dimensten                            1/16"                Thres:                                                  SC-
                *teld Ful! Weld Undersi:e Decrease                                                            #:b.v i,
_S_. ira          Lee S*Tc                V??/
* 1 o.    .
3 ., ., ,. n
                                  . 1., ., . .
                                                        . n. e.n              3..a  .                        M
            .i-                  .soo                  .1 . -. .              ,. .
sp.-                                                    g      .
5/16"                .221"                .177"                  19.9                                CM 3/E"                  .2t5"                .221"                  16.6                            --
1/2"                  .35 "                .300"                12.7 J-l 6
I        .!.    .'?          .d
                                                                                                                                                                        /.        E        ec          4 f o'/ b b %./ t )              S~ o . t Iffe:: ef '.~ni.r            ::. T.1: : "'          .i l h :                          ~- : : : !!:e.
A ::re de.a:.'ed review cf these da:a and curve indi:ates tha: 1/= inch and larger fillet welds, which are undersi:ed by 1/16 inch for centinuous leng:hs up :: 25' ef 7'"
the :etal weld len; ' vil: refu:e :he veld regi:r desi; safety factor fr .
:: l i '. . The reduced rit; Of i n :ner: - ali:;. degrada: .cr., because of a
* redu::i:n ir upgrading require:ents, te be gained by use cf a less conserva:ive design safety factor will significantly enhance the overal'. service life capability of structural componen:s.
Ve:d cerlar - conditic. =a:. eccur 1r. s:ructura'. weldne.:s when a large single pass fillet veld is deposited in the horizontal posi: ion. The overlap.
or veld ineral rollever, results af ter base eetal/ weld retal meltin; had taken place, c e ress:                      for f te e:-:rrc re U-f-- 1:v trlifi~ : * :- t r: 7 -            -
s :. s : t .        1-:1. s v e .' d f . :        -.u      r e r : c ;;in, h.d take
                                                                                                                                      ;. ." a:, b<. f r w :i.            1 . :... rc...
rollover, ovt.rlap is not considered detri:.e .:al, provided the required weld si:c. vit in the guidelines of the earlier insufficient veld throat discussion, is a:hieved. /
* 8 6*
                                                                                                                                                              ,        e.    . . ..,,2..,
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                                                                                                                                                                                  . J:J
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                                                                                                                                                    .gi '. .. ..; ''s.
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v',%  ; fa,
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KELD ZOME DEFECTS. THEIR SIGNIFICANCE AND OCCURRENCE PROBABILITY classic exa:ple of weld overlap, not readily produced with welding methods and                                                              ~
para:eters used by the industry, is shown below.
1 1
                                              %g N
h Size M                                                                                                                          -
:v si: ener;y 1:pr per at: =anipt:a: ::.
gravity indaced over4ap                                                    i.duc d ava:~.ap
                    ..        "one Undereut - This c:nditien is :aused b;. re::in; away ef base =ett; at the toe ci a weld. Undercut is considered har=ful to veldsent service life because the area is often'a "C" shaped depression, whi:h reduces the base metal cr ss sectien and acts as a stress raiser.
Strin;ent inspe:: ion attention is accerded to undercut b, the fabrica:1cn                    .
indus:ry. A =aj:r reasen fer this con:ern is the videspread belief tha: the tr:: re;i:- :f t'-                  .-t:. ::: -:::- vill be.:'e ert;1r                      f cra:ks, which pr v v'.en
                        . ex;: sed :: ser..:e in:u.s: reversin; 5:resses. ! ::n:e:: f:: :re.-
pr:7agati:r hat 7ersisted, dt.*;i:e urftersal a;reener: a :r; :h:se exper*
                    =a:erials behavior that the degree of sharpness of a n:tch, necessary for tne occurrence of a cyc11cally stressed, slowly propagating crack, is several crders of earnitude sharper than :he radius at the re:: et a :y;i:a1 we'. d under:ut regi:n. Although neither shar; ner rcunde:'under:u: re:: radii are desitatie veld prcfiles, the trunded re t radius which is a direct result ef the melting pr::ess is the ::re fergivin;.
Difference ir the crac'r inftfa:f - be'avfer cf varyin; netch-rce: radii is not given proper consideration during the inspection process. The proble la cc: pounded when strict adherence to described or sketched weld zone profile inspection procedures are used. The result of such inattention is the it.1:iati - ef e ten 2fve ve'.1 up;rt!'-                        :f'- :r, :Sc re::- ' - :-fe s t d : ' v - * '-
being cencerns akir to thess for undsr:.: by the air: raft ir.dus r..                                                  'h s practise cust be given much mere attentien because the risk for se.'d tone deterioration, always present during weld upgrading activity, increases a; pre:f at:y when a larger than n:rr.s: s: ale ur; rad:n; effort is initiated.                                                                  e.
                                  .-    :            t    .....        . 1:            ,.,                                          j'; v            -
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                                ~.,..-                    .w..          :=-      .
                                                                                                                                    .,y,.- . .,. ..
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          . *kE D ZONE DEF CTS, TF.ID SIGNIFICANCE AND OCCORENCE PR03A3!I.12.                                ' ' N -i [ 7 y ,
i An investigation, designed to examine the shape of severely undercut veld zones                                        !
and the effect of the notch on uniaxial tensile properties was conducted to
provide data concerning the mechanical behavior of weld undercut containin; steel. Details describing test sample preparation, photos and mechanical property test results are presented in the Appendix of this report. It wi;*.
be noted that the sole conclusion of the evaluation is that veld under:u: ::
1/16" depth can be present in steel produced to a specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi and that this condition will not be deleterious to its, service performance.
Porosity      - Steel veld metaA porosity is almost a"1vays caused by inadequate
* shielding of the velding arc, as will occur when welding is perfor=ed in an air draft of 3 to 5 miles / hour. This conditien can cause nitrogen, an air constituent, to be introduced into the veld arc, ausing porosity when sufficient nitrogen is present. Another source of nitrogen is paint.
Hydre;ct als: causes steel ve:d et:al porosi:y. this ::ns:1:utr: uscal:-
introduced b:. cil and grease, generally present as surface films.
It can be seen that only a =iner areun: of ni:recen or hydregen can be in:redu:ed in:e the veld at: under erdinsrv cen::t: ens, t. nature Of the fer-nf the con *amirant. It fellows that the extent of the corosity, which occu-s be:ause celten steel weld metal selidifies before all the gas has issued fr:r the liquid weld re:a;. is net as severe as is assured by pere extent a::er:ar:e criteria, which treats all peres as extending through the en: ire veld ce;:s::
thickness. A modification of the degree of perosity acceptable in strue:gra.
weld:ents seems warranted per the abeve.
* nfillef *ie'.d Cra:ers
              .                                'he re f;:4d :hr::: :hi:ktest ::used i: :his ::nfi:i:r pre:;udes a::ep: ante in greeved it.:: and fu!! :r par:da: enetra:ien Tee welds.
rs:S+ - T.ese f:fc.:: :r-: sin shir e:              - z: extrent:1es. 7:r this ress:-
: hey rus: te ree:ved : s:;nd re:a; and rew.*.ded when :he tintru required r
weld ::ne :'i:kness        is viela:ed.          .
Are 5:ri'<es - 7.-is cendf fon is caused by inadverten arcing between the velding e;e::::de and :he base eral, :a;ri ; s se !* : :. .: :f base                          t:a?          .
eel:1ng in the at: 1:;ingement re;1cn. F. ore than crdinary attentien is given this regie in steel because of its hardness and its ;rcrensi::. fer cra:ki..g.
An extensive penetrant evaluation was conducted at *Ja:erferd te examine cra:k occurren:e in the ar: s:rike regions of steel produ:ed to a minimum specified tensi;e s:rtn;;h cf i~,"*4 ;si.            ::: ::a:is were found, whi:F fr.di:ates :h::
the caterial is sufficiently tough and only modera:ely hardenable when subjected to the high coeling rates of an are strike zone. This study indicates tha:
at: strikes left inadvertently ir steel produced te a ninimu specified tensile s:re ;:n ef : , a.* ;It :            :4 d:sregar:s:.
s-c 6..
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            ..            ..y,                          :. :,,              - - . . .
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A description and causes for the eight (8) most ce==on weld zone defec                                                                                        /4//v4ve _I '          '
been provided abeve for understanding of defects for:ation and occurrence                                                                                                                                          -
probability, so that a base for inspection criteria modification can be initiated.            The extent of acceptance criteria modifi:ation will also be influenced. by the design intent of specific structural weldments and the severity of the cyclic service loads which the various plant components may encounter.                          -
C1.A35!?!"AT ::: 07 vel.3 J0!N'S                                                                                      .
Catecorv 1 Joints - These joints are part of the main building frame and are                                                                                                                          ~
expected to carry principle design loads. Severe stress reversing service load conditions are not expected for this categorf, owing to the da: ping chara:: eristics of floor concrete.
Ca:e;:r. 2 J.-ir:s - These joints are not part of the main building trace, bu:
ra:her provide support /attachten for systems, co ponents, and equipment.
Reversing stress conditiens,are expected to be more severe fer this caterer".
5:ve =r, can be 1 :r:du:ed because Of .:::h radii, low vibra: 1c r.
a:pli:udes, the conservative allevable stress used in the desir.n, and the touganess of the steels used in this application.
Cater:r. 3 Jein:s - These -joints are net part of the main building frate cr suppert sys:e s, rather they provide framing for components such as instru=en:
ra:ks, due:ing, air control dampers, doers, hatch cevers, etc. Cyclic servi:e c .di:1:ns are expe:ted te be =inimal, eving to the flexibili:y of the c:- : a.:s :.t trisis of censtru::1:r., th= framin; u. der d.s:.ssi:r; a degree Of ri;1dity to the :::p:ne .:.
a.. ...:....                    . . :. . s - C r. _ . . . ...:.<. .              . . . . . . . .
Oversize Tille: Welds                                                                                                                                                                                                    '
Either or both fillet weld legs may exceed desi; si:e. Welds :::. be 1er.;<r ths s;e:ified.                                                                                                                ,
              'Jnde r s i:e Ti* ;e: Velds The fille: we'd le; dimension ca: not underrun the nent .a1 re:;uired size tv
::rt    thir T/ T in:h fer a c:ntinu:us rur if u; te t =r.:.~''''"(20g' percent.ef the total veld length.                                                                                                                    ~'
The weld may centain a'"
                          ~                                    inaximugh'p^ercent                        ~~"
* by surf ace area of tTrraTTgfred*,]
              .a    . . .efed a.m5or.osit
                                          , .w .                                                                                                                        -*
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                .t.      .
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* r-ACCEPTA3II.ITY CRITERIA - CATECORY I JOINTS (Cont'd.)                                                                  /
Weld Profile Convexity heigh: and butt veld reinforcenen may be a:cepted utihout 11:1:,
however a minier 120' included angle : s: be presen: between weld runs ir multipass welds for acceptable profile.
Craters Underfilledor          craters are not acceptable in contitiuous groove butt and grooved full    w    0    r t ial .p*e ne  t e1 ,/16 fin: e .; depth are~ a,r.a. tion Tee velds. Underf~illed crater.s3 not exceeding
                                                            . . .                              ~--              e cceptable4for inter =ittent veles, provided the underfilled crater metal and that  has    smooth        contour,      blending gradually with the adjacent veld and base the underfilled crater extends beyond the specified weld length.
                *'.-. I . r : _ :
Undercut up to 1/32 inch dep:h is acceptable in all s: eels,                                              l'nde r cu t in s:ee s pr:d.:ed :: a cir.itue spe:afiei : ensile s:rencth ei t. 0'*0 psi is acce; st'.                                                .
g gto pruit.=c it.s set tacecog,tinuou.s, gige(dep$ior.                  widtn is equal weld to or isrg.of greate  .20r perce'nyoyih6Y4ff"Q.ledg9 than' its deptn.              su-i atacr.
of shert run undercut regions shall not be eensidered fer acceptance /re. der-fr .
Cracks Cra:ks':are unaccep:able.
Ir:: ::ete fusf r- tt:v:;                        ve:I evids.:e su:h as sh:vr 5:. Figure E er pa;s c: *. s-I  r,      i-      :: ur. ::(--n .          ---
is vir::;t.            In::.;;e:e f.g,:-            is a::ep ai;e er:.iisi a vt:1 pr: file .o shown :' . 7:gure A en page ; is . t s i:, . .                                                .
Arc Strikes                                                                                                                          m.
Are creater  s:rikesthan1.6".high-str+.ngth                low-alloy s'.eC1 ( - specified tensile stre :th 030 psi), s h a *. be ren:ved i;. g rir.I:.n; .
he ground area sha;1 be visually inspe::ed t: assure cc ;1ete ren: val ef the are strike.
Ter eininu s;e:ified e S,00" ;,i tenri:e s:(-e:r , cr. strikes shall b'e'vir.t :y e.ayn@and accepted if :re crackin'g'ds' evideY.t. If cracking is eviden:, the repair shall c nfer with See: ion 3.13 of A*45 DI .l. Are strike regions in                                                          '
these lower streng:P steels sha:1 not visua exa-1.t: ::.                                                  reevire brur'f .; er grindin; bef ere
                                                                                                                                                  .t . , L 4
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Oversize Tillet Welds                                              N                                                  ''
Either er bo:h fille: weld legs may exceed design size. Welds may be longer than specified.' Continueus welds may be used in lieu of intermittent velds.
Undersize Fillet Velds The fillet wk!d.Jeg d2:ensie =s;. ne: u .derrun the nominal required si:e hy more  than 1/161:{ch' for a continuous run of twenty (20) percent total weld length.                '
Perrst:v                  s The veld may coniain a maximu of 5 per:ert by surf a:e area ef untit;-
un:1ustered per.2; y.
Veld Profile Convex 1:y height:and butt weld reinforcement may be ace.ected wit                                              h out limit, Lc-ever a Linice- 120 in:Auded anc4e must be present between veld runs in cultipass velds .for acceptable profile.
* Craters Underfilled cre:ers are no: accep:able in centinuous greeve bu:: and grc:ved fu'.1 er ;srtia! ;t e:rati:- Tee we'i,.                  .
In:er:1::e-: 24113 : ;. ave ur.dtrit;1et
::a:ers previded underfill de; h. dees n:: exceed 1/16 in:h, the cra:cr has a ser::h centour, blending gradeall;. with the adja:en: weld and base =e:a* and
:h:: :Pe underf f!!)d cri:er ex:t-i                        - -
                                                                                      -9f the a e : . .            '
                  'Jk der:::
Under:ut u; to 1/32 inch dep:5 is at:ectable in all steels. Under::: in s:ee*s pr:duced t:
a tirimu tensile stren;:h cf 60,701 psi is a::ep:able u; to.* 'It de;th fer a cen:inuaus veld run of 20 percent of tc:a1 veld leng:h, provided its vid:F is equa* ro or is greater :han its depth. Su==a:ien ci sh:r: rur under: : regi:ns shall net be censidered for a:cer:anceireje::ien.
Cracks Cracks are unaccep:able.
Inco=plete fusion between weld ee:a1 and'oase ee:a1 is not acceptable when a condition such as shown by Figure B en Page 2 is visible. Into=ple:e fusfer                                                                  s.
is a::e;:a'le pr vfdsd : wild preffic suer as shaw.';.
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                            . ~ . ..      ...                                -
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                                                                                                                                            . n .- -        .
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Arc Strikes                                                                      'L.l*A / /(A k  , -
s, Vjq CT' V i Arc strikes in hi;h-strength low-alloy steels (minieur specified tensile                        *
                                                                                                                  %s ,j strength greater than 60,000 psi) shall be removed by grinding. The gr:.r..
area shall be visually inspected to assure complete removal of the arc s:rike.
For other minitur specified 60,000 psi tensile steels, are strikes shall be. visually examined and accep:ed if no cracking is evident. If crachir.; 12 evident, the repair shall conform with Section 3.10 of AVS D1.1. Arc strike regions in these love'r strength steels shall not require power brushing or grinding before visual examination.
ACCE?TA!!LITY CRITERIA - CATEGORY 3 JOINTS Cversi:e Fillet **    .e lds Either er both fillet veld legs may exceed dest:r si:e. k* elds ma. Se ::nrer than spe:1fied.
:ntinueus velds may be used in lieu cf in:cr.itten: ve:de.
Undersize Tille: "*. elds The fillet le; dinensien may no: underrun the nominal required fille: si:e by : ore than 1/16 in:h for a centinueus run of up to 20 percent of :he :::a; veld len;;h.
7:::rit.        -
he veld =ay cer.tair a naximur of IG percent by surfa:4 area cf unali;ned un: .stered        :
          .... - ...r..,..e Convext:y hei;ht and bu:: velf rei.ferce er: .a:. be a::ep:ed vi:hru: 11-1:.
Craters                                                                                              .
                    .ty have er.derfilled craters provided underfill der:h dres no: ex:eed 1/161    :h adja- : veld  and the crater has a smo :h centour b ending gradual;:. with the and base retal.
_._nd er:ut
        'Jnde r::: up to 1/31 ine'r der:h is acceptable ir a;; s: eels. *'nd e r :ut i-stee:s produ:ed ::
a minimum specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi is acceptable fer a continuous run of 20 percent provided its surface width is. equal to er creater than its depth. The sum ation cf shert rue, under:.::
retiens shall nr: be censicerti fer a:ce;:an:e rcjc:::: ..                                                ,
Cra:ks Cra:ks are ur.arcep:able.
L. M. Petrick August 12. 1963
                                            .    "p.,,    r      .
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                -'                                        EFFECT OF WELD UNDERCUT OK THE TENSILE BEHAVIOR OF LOh' STRENGTH STEEL                                                            /
                                                                                                                                                              %q This evaluation was undertaken to examine weld undercut, specifically its shape and depth, produced uaing conditions most favorable for its occurrence, and its effect on uniaxial mechanical properties. The information to be developed was intended for evidence considered necessary to support an Ebasco structural weldments inspection acceptance criteria modifications effort.
Conclusion l
The conclusion drawn from this evaluation is that a weld undercut depth up to 1/16 inch, in' steels produced to a minimue specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi is not deleterious to its service, performance.                                                                                    j Test Material Preparatien Plate caterial,10 inches wide by 12 inches long by 3/8 inch thick ASTM A36 steel was used to produce bead on plate test samples. The test veldments were deposited along the 12 inch direction, employing AWS E7018, 1/8 inch diameter electrodes in the horizontal (2C) position. Weld undercut was additionally enhanced by orienting the welding electrode 10* free the horizontal plane.
Three weld test panels were produced per the above electrode orientatien at 140 aeperes, these conditions selected to produce severe undercut. An additional two test panels were produced using veld conditions which would eli:inate or reduce substantially the degree of undercut. These test welds were deposited with 120 a: peres.
Test Results Macro photos at IX ccgnification, of the weld zone adjacent to caterial removed for tensile test specimens are presented below. These photos show the undercut as would be seen by visual inspection. Photos 1, 2 and 3 present welds produced with 140 amperes, photos 4 A and B, of welds produced at 120 amperes. These photos indicate that the undercut, which is most severe in test welds 1, 2 and 3, is not continuous, the edge undulating such that undercut and non-undercut intervals are present along the weld run.
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  +                                                          Test Results (Cont'd.)                                                                    /
Undercut depth of weld zones in the material sectioned for tensile tests was g
measured at five (5) locations along the 1-1/2 inch reduced section of the tensile bar. The depth, tensile strength and % elongation in 2 inches data are tabulated below:
Undercut Depth. (Inches)
Tensile Specimen No.
1T1        IT-2      2T-1      2T-2      3T-1      3T-2          4A    4B 1      .035      .020      .020      .030      .026      .022        .003  .021      l 2      .030        .026      .030      .025    .035      .02E        .004  .005      l 3      .052        .015      .005      .020    .052      .035        .002  .008      i 4      .036        .030      .027      .053    .033      .040        .005  .009 l          5      .032        .022      .040      .022    .025      .032        .004  .002 Tensile Strength 6    74500      75000      74700    75200    75100    74500      74400  75000 i
Eloncation in 2" 7      29.0      32.0      29.0      23.0    29.0      32.5        29.0  31.5 It will be noted that the deepest undercut found was .053 inches. The high are energ. conditions, used to produce test saeples 12 2 and 3.were substantially in excess of the conditions generally employed for 2G pesitien welding. For this reasen, the undercut depth in the three (3) panels is believed to be representative of verst condition production veles.
The =aterial was prepared for tensile testing following ph:tocraphy and undercut depth measurement.        The weld reinforcement was re=eved, care taken te assure that the undercut side of      the weld pass would not be disturbed.        Rupture strengt? cf all undercut specimens varied only slightly, ranging f ren a maximur of 75,20.5 to a einitur of 74,400 psi. These data and the elencatien indicate that the undercut zone did not experience mechanical propcrty deterioration behavier to be expected of caterial in the minieu 60,000 psi strencth range for specimens which are not sharply netched.
The shape of a typical notch in a severely undercut sample is shewn by the cress sections presented below at IX and at 3X macnificatien. Attentien is directed to the wide span at the surface of the undercut.            This conditien, noted for all the severely undercut material was expected, owing to the melting action which caused undercut to occur and the position of the test plate during the bead on plate weld deposition.
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Several photos of the tensile specimens showing undercut presence before                                                                                                            Wy1    I testing and failure locations of ruptured samples are presented below.
                                                                .            ,                      .                      4' y .                                      *
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r Fig. A is presented te shew that the undercut pertien of the test plate was not disturbed in tensile spe cirt n preparat .cn. T h t- ruptured test material          -
shows that failure had taken place in tt                                                                      .dc r cu t regien as well as, in the other samples, base retal remeved free t                                                                      andercut rene          Attentien is directeJ test samples IT-1 and 31-1.
to the aenunt of elencation whict occurred in tb undercut rent cf i
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Discussion                                                                              I The absence of sharp notches in the undercut zone of welds deposited in the          !
horizontal (2G) position is expected to be dif ficult to accept. Also unexpecte is the insensitivity of the undercut notched specimens, stressed in tension, k
to anticipated reduced rupture strengths.
The rounded root.present in the undercut, is the result of the plane in which the weld was deposited, simulating that of production fillet welds, and the melting action of the arc. Rupture strength variances insensitivity, as affected by the tensile bar thickness reductions at the undercut, appears to have been caused by its presence in the weld heat affected zone, specifically the rapid cool from welding temperatures. The relatively mild hardenability and toughness of steels generally selected for structural fracing applications are the reasons for the tensile behavior reported in this study.
Conclusion The conclusion drawn from this evaluation is that a weld undercut depth up to 1/16 inch, in steels produced to a minimum specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi is not deleterious to its service perforcance.
L. M. Pctrick August 12, 1953
          .AFF-001                                        CAROLINA PO'nT.R & I.ICHT COMPAhi Km , 18                                                                                                              AP-IX-05
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                          *.                      TI5UAL INSFECTION C31TZ32A Cy FIELD AND SEOF BE1DS                                      .
: 1.
* The ares to be examined shall be sufficiently free from foreign matter to allow for examination of the weld area. Shop welds may be inspected through paint.
: 1.          Surfaces and adgas to be welded shall be snooth, miform and free from fins, taars, cracks, and other discontinuitias which would advarsly affect the quality or strerath of the weld.
: 3.      Check to assure tha weld has no cracks.
        .                  4          Chack. to assura that completa ,f'asion e"zista between weld and base matal
                                                                                                ~                                                      ,
and adjecsat layers of weld metal. Indications of apparent lack of fusion wnich do not exceed-1/4". in length shall be considered acceptable. Total length of such indications shall not exceed 1/4" &n. gay                                six inzhys of continous wel
: 5. Chack to assure that all crators are filled to the                                    . cross sect.on of the veld.                                .
: 6. Confirm the veld profilas are in aceerdanca with the illustrations outlined                                                            -
on figura #1.
: 7.      A fillet veld in any single continous weld shall be peruf.etad to undarrun the nominal filist veld size required by 1/16" trithout correction, providad that the cumulative langth of adarsized weld does not escaed 10% of the length of the weld. On web-co-flange welds on girders no adarra is permitted at tha ands for a length equal to twice the width                                                        '
of the flange.
: 8.      Check. to assure that any aaaM*4ans of undercut do not azcard 1/31" in depth.
: 9.      SMara porosity shall be less then 1/16* in siaa of greatest dimensi,n. The sua of tha grestaat Jimensions of porosity shall not exceed 3/8" in any linear inch of weld. Piping porosity in fillst welds shall not exceed ons                                            .                  ,
in four inches of weld length and the ='4 - diamatar shall not exceed 3/32" in size.
: 10.          Skaved tee fillets and flara bevel groove welds shril be measured in accordanca with the outlined illustration in figura fl..
: 11.          Ihan the toe of a fillet -d=                into the radius of a tube staal mes6er and diac lag is datarained. to be undarsized, a check shall be anda to
                                        #= that the undarsized lag is equal to the theoretical effsetive threat. The entire profile of the weld shall be equal to or greater than the t!ieoretical effective throat. (see figure #3)
: 12.          Tight adhering veld spattar is acceptable.
: 13.          Arc strikas 1/16" or less shall be considered acceptable providad the base setal or deposited antal is not cracked and there is no binatallic inclusion (copper, stainless steel finar antal).
: 14.        Noe-structural,end cap welds shall meet ths' above acceptance critaria azeept that indications less than 3/16" in length per one isch, of weld lenstA shall be considered non-revelant.
                                                                                                                                      .y              .,        T.
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Latest revision as of 18:48, 24 September 2022

Eddleman Contentions on Emergency Plan Brochure, Safety Info for Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant. Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/10/1984
From: Eddleman W
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
82-468-01-OL, 82-468-1-OL, OL, NUDOCS 8408160105
Download: ML20094N151 (750)


{{#Wiki_filter:- l


p / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA August 10, 1984 NUCLEAR - BEGULATORY COMMISSION u?skED BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND -LICENSING BOARD Glenn O. Bright '84 ggg 73. A:1:56 Dr. James H. Carpenter yn. . _ James L. Kelley, Chairman Ecc@fJQg 7 H&Y In the Matter of

                                                       )    Docket   50- W OL CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT CO. et al.                              ~

ar Harris Nuclear Power Plant, ASLBP No. 82-h66-01

                                                       >                 a Wells Eddleman's Contentions on Harris Emergency Plan Brochure Under orders as noted in the Board's 8-03-84 Order at 25, Wells Eddleman hereby files the following contentions on the Harris plant brochure " Safety Infomation for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant" (Carolina Power and Light Company).

227-A : The brochure is deficient in discussing respiratory protection measures for sheltering and/or evacuation because it fails to explain the best such means of protection, does not tell m which means are relatively ineffective or totally ineffective, i and does not give sufficient emphasis to respiratory protection. NUREG/CR 2272 demonstrates substantial variability,e.g. that a higher l quality wet towel (4 layers) protects much better than a sheet, shirt or handkerchief (against everything but CH I). Similar variations 3 are observed for dry towels. Respirators (e.g. 3M #8710) perform best, and this should be mentioned in the brochure. Otherwise sheltering may not be effective in protecting public health and safety. 227-B: The brochure's discussion of respiratory protection hN kDo o!$$kbo Q PDR


                                        -2 is derficient because it doesn't take sufficient account of the 1

need for, and most effective means of, sealing around the respiratory I protection. NUREG/CR-2958 establishes that leakage is least when panytyhouse are used to attach the protection, and much less if only the corners are taped, for example. The need for sealing, the  : effective means to do it, and the need to pre-stock materials (e.g. pantyhose or tape) to do it should be ===**mmad stated in the brochure. Otherwise, inappropriate responses or ineffective sheltering may take place. 227-C: As the primary means of public education under ) 10 CPR 50 47(b)(7) the brochure must assure that persons in the i nt i EPZ, including transiekas, understand the danger of a nuclear accident as well as how to avoid it. The brochure should be improved in clarity, particularly in labeling the pictures on page 1 (e.g. l hh@h o make it clear that these are steps in a sequential process. Also the language concerning the process should be improved, e.g. e.g. by positive language under step 1: STAY IND00MS. TURN YOUR RADIO OR TV to your EBS STATION; GET A BATTERY POWERED RADIO IF 4 YOU HAVE ONE. DO NOT EVACUATE. It is vital that the informatioun concerning what to do in an emergency be as clear and easy to understand l as possible. 227-D. The brochure needs to be clarified on page 1 to avoid 4 4 M4 inappropriate or possibly dangerous actions: In the 3d column $

                      ;  concerning school children, there should be an explicit sheltering /

reference (e.g. to; a the page re schoolpevacuations) to which anxious parents can turn for information. If day care center children are to be sheltered / evacuated, this should be stated. The instruction to shelter pets and livestock should be clarified -- people should not endanger themselves or use valuable time shethering animals i when this may endanger their lives or health. In the 4th column _._ the necessity to sign in at the _eyacuation_ center _should _be edWOeeggdo_

227-E. The brochure (p.1) treatment of sheltsring io not clear enough about protection from airborne radioactive mEterials. This protection is a necessary thing in an accident. 50.k7(a)(1). It should explain that the reason you close windows and doors, 4 cut off fans, fires or -heaters, etc. is to KEEP FROM DRAWING

Similarly l RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIALS INTO THE HOUSE along with air.

it should tell people how to effectively reduce breathing risk through the use of properly sealed breathing protective devices It fails (e.g. as described in Contentions 227-A and B above). to advise persons staying indoors to adopt breathing protect $ on. 227-F. The Brochure's treatment of sheltering is deficient i in that it dcean't explain the necessity. to get as far from walls and windows as possible, with as much mass (walls or other objects) Without such instructions, between you and the outside as possible.This will not be " effective" 50.47(a)(l' The people may shelter in inappropriate parts of buildings. instruction "few or no windows" (p.1 col. 3) is misleading Instead, i

)                                       if rooms farther from the house walls are available.

1 ) the brochure should have persons identify a sheltering space in their home (and tell them how to do it), which they then write in the box on page one, probably af ter item 1: Our in-home shelter f is ... . 227-0. The informa tion "When you hear the sirens" on p.2 often -i 4 is poorly organized, wordy,jstated in passive voice, and fails to j adequately j /) answer important questions like "Why not evacuate just to be extra-j safe?". The information daould begin with a descri$ tion of the l i siren signal for nuclear accidents. It should explain how it is J different from fire, police, and ambulance sirens (a long steady tone of 3 to 5 minutes). It should explain when the system is c tested, and why. It should describe back-up actions later. The answer to why-not-It should be written in shorter sentences. evacuate should be that you may get more radiation outside than inside. 227 -H. The EBS Stations list on page 3 should emphasize the

    .---.-..,---,-,..-,..,.,,,n,_,                          . _ ,._ ,n _       n n _ ,,,_ _ , n _         _,,,__-,,._-_____,,,,,_w__..,,,,,----.,,,,n
                                                               -4 m 24-hour radio and TV stations, so that in evacuations at night people will be able to tune in. It should emphasize the need _ to get hold of portable, or other battery powered radios whenever a real emergency occurs (in case of power failures during/ connected with the emergency). The information in the i                    long' (nearly as invisible as the warnings in cigarette ads) box t                    at the bottom of the page should be placed in a colored, prominent box higher on the page, so that people will know these MOST IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS, e.g. Do what the EBS Station says, If it's different from what's in this booklet, do what the station says.

Otherwise, inanorppriate actions, or inadequate information flow (thru not tuning in to an on-air station, or losing info when l the power is off) could result, violating NUREG-0654 II.G and II.E.5 and 6. 227-I. The instrtictions for sheltering on page 4 do not i adequately exclain why sheltering may be the best thing to do, l It should explain that people will be andrax ordered to take shelter when they will get less radiation exposure by staying inside, than they would get if they evacuated or stayed outside. It should emphasize the importance of keeping out outside air (e.g. taping leaky windows), staying away from the outside walls and roof oft shelters, keeping as much mass between you and the outside as possible, and respiraton protection as described in contentions 227A and B. Without such instructions clearly presented, ineffective actions may result, People should be encouraged to find their violating best home 10 sheltering CPR 50.k?(a)(1)in areas Amx advance, and be told how to do that. 227-J. 1he instructions for sheltering (p.4) do not adequately exclain how long one might possibly have to stay in shelter, and how to receive information (either about changing conditions, evacuation, that the accident is over, etc) if you don't have a poetable radio to take with you to shelter. It might, e.g. suggest leaving your TV on, very loud, or taking the phone with you.

            . - . - - -            - - - - - - - - - ~ ~                        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _       _


   /                                          -5 If cuch instructieno cren't giv;n, er onoth;r way to provida information provided, NUREG-0654 II.E.6 may be violated, and inappropriate actions (e.g. automatically coming out af ter 3 or 4 hours even though a radioactive release continues) may occur, violating 10 CPR 50 47(a)(1).

227-K. In the sheltering instructions (p.h) a risk-benefit instruction for sheltering pets or livestock is very important, but not included. If you would have to go outside to do this, and a radioactive plume is near or present, the risk may be gbeater than the benefit. Some notice of this risk / benefit and instructions to listen to your EBS station for information on outside radiation levels, is very imuortant for persons who make their living with (or partly with) livestock, and for those who might be tempted to go outside to nearch for a pet or nets. While the plan cannot stop people fron inappropriate actions in such situations, it needs to warn them, or it violates 10 CPR 50.h7 (a)(1) by not reasonably assuring that appropriate protective measures can and will be taken. always 227-L. The information on evacuation is not clearly identifiable or well presented. Since evacuation is the most difficult of the possible emergency actions, it is most imporatant that the instructions , for it be extremely straightforward and clear. For example, it's clearly important to use the exact route in the plan, even though some such routes look circuitous or turn odd directions. This goes unsaid. l The need for contamination checks of vehicles during evacuation is I not mentioned. The imoortance of not driving too fast or trying to pass up other drivers, because the opposite lanes are needed for emergency k vehicles, police, fire, wreckers etc. is not mentioned. There are no instructions for the handicapped except to fill out a card-(not much help if an accident is occurring) -- ! there should be some special instructions here for such persons.

227-M. The ' evacuation information, p.5, is deficient in not (1) explaining why doors and vents on cars should be closed and houses should be closed up (to prevent radimitomac'tive material

                - from getting in), does not explain respiratory protection well (it should be as requested in 227 A and B above), does not advocate taping over vents on cars whose vents don't seal tightly when closed; (2) emphasizing the importance of not contaminating others, especially for evacuees who do not choose to go to the evacuation center (3) emphasizing the imnortance of signing in at the evacuation
                      &% encouraging it, e.g.

center,f=====*=**y for the purpose of making later insurance claims. Without these emphases, inappropriate action may occur. 227-N. The provisions for sheltering livestock for an evacuation, and taking pets with you, are insufficient on page 5 because they do not address the risks and benefits of taking tims to provide for livestock versus the risk or being outside to go and come from doing that, breathing hard while working, etc. As to netas, you are instructed to take them with you only if you will not stay at an evacuation center, but this ignores how many people feel about pets and may confuse people and even delay their evacuating because they are not sure they can provide for their pets if they don't have an alternate place to stay. It would be clearer to stay that after you sign in at the EC, places for peonle with pets to stay will be found. 227-0. Because the very important maps of the EPZ zones , evacuation routes, and the schools charts are not yet available, intervenor explicitly points out here diat their accuracy, clearness, readability and usefulness are crucial to evacuation (and to sheltering where parents may be so concerned for their children that theyrmy go to daem at school, if they are not convinced the children will be adequately taken care of). Legibility of all this information is likewise important. These matters cannot be adequately taken _ . - - _ . ._. . _ _ - _ - _ - . = - - . . - _ - . _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ . - .

f ,< . care cf with ut cooing that tho info on pp 6,7 cnd 9 m;ats th co standards. That cannot be done until the info anpears. E.G. reducing the standard EPZ map to 8k x 11 inches would be illegible. Evacuation zones or routes printed in different colors (one for each zone and its routes, e.g. ) l l 227-P. The information for handicapped persons (p.8) is deficient because it doesn't tell you what to do if you haven't sent in the card, e.g. checking with neighbors to see if they can notify you in an accident, help you close your home if youx must shelter, etc. The information is also deficient in not advising of helpful actions to take while waiting for help, e.g. appropriate breathing protection (per 227 A and B), locating items you need to take in an evacuation, even if you can't assemble or carry then yourself, locating open windows and staying away from draf ts, etc. Without such information, handicapped persons may take inappropriate actions or not take appropriate protective actions which they can perform, violating 50.47(a)(1). 227-Q. The information on page 10 (sirens) is deficient in not referencing page 3 re EBS stations, and the box on page 1 where you are supposed to write names of EBS stations. This could resultz in delays when a test or accident occurs, in people's tuning in to the emergency broadcast stations. This would not be timely notification, in violation of 10 CPR 50.47(b)(5) and (b)(7). 227-R. The nature of the danger, as presented on up 11-112, is understated, misleading and vague. The existence of background radiation is irrelevant in evacuations or sheltering, and the discussion seems to indicate that radiation is so common that it's almost OK. It ignores a substantial body of scientific information (e.g. work of John Gorman, Radiation and Human Health 1981, K.Z. Morgan, Cancer and Low-Level Ionizing Radiation, Bull At. Sci. 9/78)

that holds that low-level exposure is notentially harnful, by presenting the information in a self-contradictory manner -- radiation's in everything, but it could be harmful. This should be clarified and related directly to nuclear accidents, not to background. The contradiction between the initial statements about background radiation and the instruction to "go to a place - with no radiation" in the middle of the nage is especially confusing. 227-S. The description of radiation omits its most imoortant characteristics to the 3verage person -- it cannot be detected by any of our senses (vision, hearing, touch) and it is transmissible. The nature of harmful health effects -- genetic damage and cancer, ya non-other diseases; is not mentioned. This information is misleading Persons who don 't know risks may underestimate them. and could lead to inappropriate actions.4 Also radiation detectors should be discussed here -- why they are not always sensitive enouFh to tell you if you're in danger , why you should listen to the EBS. The brochure should explain these dangers of radiation and how the emergency plan is set up to help you avoid it by sheltering or evacuation inf necessary. 227-T. The information on p.11 is confusing. and misleading in its discussion of nuclear accidents. Although a reactor cannot create a nuclear-bomb-like explosion, radioactive material can get out of reactors -- the plant can " blow up" frnm steam explosions, hydrogen ernlosions, ATVS or other breaches of containment. The reader should be told that the plant can release radioactive material and gases; into the air during an accident, and that ! the wind could carry it to persons in the EPZ. The most imuortant fact about nuclear accidents is that they are possible. That's why evacuation plans exist. The brochure should no t mislead or confuse people on this important point, or peonle may not take the brochure or its instructions or EBS instructions seriously, leading to inaopropriate actions violating 10 CPR 50.47(a)(1).

f / O( 227-U. 'lhe brochure's a discussion of contamination on p.11 is inadequate because it (1) doesn't exulain the amount of washing necessary for best deacontamination, or that radiation detectors a-y are needed to be sure it's off; (2) doesn't adequately explain how to reduce exposure from breathing or swallowing radioactive material (e.g. don't eat anything that's been outside, avoid eating during evacuation, take respiratory protection neasures); M (3) seems to imply evacuation is the only way to deal with " shine" and ground radiation, without exnlaining that it can be reducted through getting farther from the radiation sources or nutting shielding (mass) between you and the radiation. This all violates A NUREG-0654  % 52x42 II.G.1(c). 227-V. Information on decontamination should be highlighted, s and preventive measures and first-aid procedures for contamination should be at least mentioned, if not listed off and exulained in detail (the latter would be better), per 1Rx NUREG-0654 II.G.1(c). This is an essential part of emergency preparedness for nuclear accidents because it enables people to care for themselves, reduce t) N radiation exposure, and reduc 6 transmission of radioactive metevials (provided the mimportance of decontamination in evacuations is emphasized). Again, the undetectable nature of radiation to the h five normal senses people have, should be emphasized. 9 227-W. The infornation on page 12 is perhaps confusing and misleading in that it first emphasizes safety (touting CPS:L8s performance) and then says evacuations plans must be tested. Assuring residents that an accident is "unlikely" is irrelevant and against the brochure's purpose, which is to tell peonle what to do in an emergency. Clains of safety and comnarisons with other energy sources are likewise irrelevant. Instead, the space would be better used clearly defining the emergency conditions t

       " lower plant safety" and saying the plan was made because "we care .


                                                   ' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA i                                            NUCLTAR REGULATORY COMMISSION In the matter of CAROLHA POWER k LIGHT Co. Et al. }                                                                              Docket  50-400 Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant. Unit 1*                                                                                 )                      0.L.

CERTIFICATEOF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies op WB Contentions on Harris Plant Emergency Planning Brochure, and of List / Exhibits on Eddleman 41 (addl) l HAVE been served this 10 day of August 1983, by deposit in the US Mail, first-class postage prepaid, upon all parties whose names are listed below, except those whose narws are marked with an asterisk, for whom service was accomplished by (f r"41" documents) sending a list and an offer to provide conies on request; this was approved by the Board today in a conrerence call. Doexeting and service agrees to accept 1 or 2 copies if the list is provided. JudE es James Kelley, Glenn Bright and Janas Carpenter (1 cmy each) Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (1 copy only of 41 docuhents) i US Nuclear Megulatory Commission Washington DC 20555

  • George F. Trowbridge (attorney for Applicants)

Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge *N uthanne G. Miller 1600 M St. NW ASLB Panel Washington, DC 20036 USNRC Washington DC 255 5 Office of the E:tecutive Legal Director C Spence W Perry Attn Docke ts 50-400/hol 0.L. b FEMA Room 840 USNRC 0 500 C st. SW Washington DC 20555 Washington DC 20740

  • Dan Read
         ,Docketir.g and Service Section (3x)                                                                      CEAWE/FLP Attn Dockets 50-h00/h010.L.                                             -

Maleigh,7/07 Waveross Office of the Secretary NC 27606

                                                                                                        * ""* Li"d" "* Littl*

a n$ ton DC 20555 Governor's Waste Ngt. Bd.

  • John Runkle .

513 Albenarle B3dg l 325 N. salisbuer st. I Raleigh, NC 27611 Granville Rd , Chapel Hill Nc 2751h . Bradley W. Jones eRobert Gruber USNRC Region II 4Travi.J Payne Exec. Director 101 Marietta St. Edelstein & Payne' Public Staff Atlanta GA 30303 Blox 12601 gox 991 Raleigh NC 27605 Raleigh NC 27602

  • Richard Wilson, M.D. Certified by ./(h 729 Hunter St.

Apex NC 27502

omments were also recently received from FEMA via NRC with copies

  • provided to the service list.


a. Effectiveness is measured in terms of the fraction of contamination that passes through the material. For example, a material that has an effectiveness factor of 0.3 would allow 30% of the contamination to pass through. ,

Effectiveness of several readily available materials has been measured by D. W. Cooper and published as NUREG/CR-2272, SAND-81-7143. According to this research, a damp cloth such as a sheet folded to 6 layers would have an effectiveness for particulates of between .91 and .22 depending on the particle diameter. For volatiles the effectiveness was determined to be .45.

b. Effectiveness of other probable types of fabric are tabulated below.

This information is based on estimated penetration through expedient respiratory protection materials at 50 Pa (0.2 in H 20) pressure drop and 1.5 cm/s face velocity.


f C/1360737

                                                                                 .',' i DRY Material          No. Jayers        Aerosol particle         b          b In      CHal diameter (pm) 0.4          1     5 3M respirator
  • 2 .03 .004 <.01
              # 8710 Sheet                   20        .66      .64      .020    1.0     0.6 c Shirt                   15        .54      .59      .070 Lower-quality           20        .53      .41      .015 towel Higher-quality           6        .24      .13   <.01               0.6 c towel Handkerchief            14        .61      .54      .032 WET Material           No. layers      Aerosol particle          b          b I2       CHal diameter (pm) 0.4         1       5 Sheet                     6       .91      .88      .22    .45        .8 C
                                                                    .15 d     1.0 d Shirt                     6      1.0       .51    <.02 Higher-quality            4       .20    <.01     <.01     .21       1.0 towel                                                       d
                                                                    .10 Handerchief               2       .98      .95      .37
a. Available commercially in single-layer thickness.
b. Taken from tests at 1.0 cm/s, assuming penetration is the product of single-layer penetrations.
c. Not shown to be statistically different from 1.00.
d. Wetted with 5% by weight baking soda solution.

i ', 6 C/1360737 l l

I A - .. . .g.

c. Cooper has also performed research (NUREG/CR-2958, SAND -

82-7084) to determine the effect of leakage around the seals for different materials, using several methods of attachment. The effectiveness factors including leakage are tabulated below. Effectiveness Attachment Factor Mask # Layers Method (including leakage) 3M - #8710* 1 Pantyhose .0058 3M - #8710 1 Fully taped .015 3M - #8710 1 Strapped .18 J&J - HRI8131** 1 Fully taped .042 J&J - HRI8131 1 Tied .361 Shirt (Oxford) 4 Fully taped .306 Shirt (Oxford) 4 Corners taped .744 Handkerchief 4 Fully taped .236 Handkerchief 4 Corners taped .676 Handkerchief 4 Pantyhose .277 Toweling (washcloth) 1 Fully taped .389 Toweling (washcloth) 1 Corners taped .603 Toweling (washcloth) 2 Corners taped .298

  • Dust respirator
              ** Surgical mask
d. The effectiveness factors would not depend on concentration.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ' (1k 7-7                           HAVE EPZ RESIDENTS BEEN CLEARLY AND IN SUFFICIENT DETAIL ADVISED AS TO WHAT CONSTITUTES INADEQUATE SHELTER? WHAT STRUCTURES ARE LESS EFFECTIVE THAN A CLOSED AUTOMOBILE?

(DPC, P. F. Carter, H. D. Brewer)

a. See response to 7-6.
b. For external exposure, any structure would provide better protection than a closed automobile. Dose reduction depends on two factors;
                                                                                              - distance
                                                                                              - attenuation by passage of radiation through material.

Since cars provide little distance and little attenuation, they are not as effective as larger volume houses, buildings, etc. The following reduction factors are provided by WASH-1400, Appendix VI; Wood Frame Masonry House Cars House (No Basement) (No Basement) Passing Cloud 1.0 0.9 0.6 Deposited Material 0.5 0.4 0.2 For inhalation exposure, the dose reduction is very dependent on infiltration rates. Cars have high infiltration rates and as such s would provide less protection than structures. 7-11 WHAT ADVICE CAN BE GIVEN EPZ RESIDENTS IN REGARD TO CONTINUING SHELTERING IF THERE IS A COMMUNICATIONS BREAKDOWN. FOR EXAMPLE IF THE RESIDENT'S LINE POWERED RADIO OR TV BREAKS DOWN OR IS NOT SUPPLIED WITli POWER? (DPC, P. F. Carter) See Brochure, Page 8, last line, "In case of an emergency, fire, police and rescue units would patrol the affected areas and sound their sirens . " Further, use of battery powered radios and car radios would allow EPZ residents to receive information if they lost power. j C/1360737 l l

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      ;               "h                f        ATLANTA, OEORGIA 30303                        HARRIS N P P
                     ,ck                                                        ,m     -- ' ~ : m , ~ w : u n{r lI s

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I i f[c . APR 2 81982 { !h;],  ! O

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olina Power and Light Company , ATTN: Mr. J. A. Jones, Senior Executive i 1 w-Vice President and Chief ' L',' ' ",' U. T, * ' ' Operating Officer ' 7; ' '.' , . f. .T 411 Fayetteville Street . , Raleigh, NC 27602 ,

                                                                                           , f Rf, ,                 j Gentlemen:                                                                p,h,{ll '                 f
                                                                                       - }',[-#""


IE Report No 50-400/82-03 nd 50-401/82f? This refers to the investigation conducted by Mr. J. Y. Vorse of this office on December 11, 1981 to February 26, 1982, of activities authori:ed by NRC Construction Permit Nos. CPPR-158 and CPPR-159 for the Shearon Harris facility. Areas examined during the investigation and our findings are discussed in the enclosed investigation report. Within these areas, the investi-gation consisted of selective examinations of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the investigator. During the investigation, it was found that certain activities under your license appear to violate NRC requirements. These items and references to pertinent requirements are listed in the Notice of Violation enclosed herewith as Appendix A. Elements to be included in your response are delineated in Appendix A. In accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 2.790(a), a copy of this letter and the enclosures will be placed in the NRC's Public Document Room

  • unless you notify this office, by telephone, within ten days of the date k\; of this letter and submit written application to withhold information contained therein within thirty days of the date of this letter. Such
     %             application must be consistent with the requirements of 2.790(b)(1),

b The responses directed by the enclosed Notice are not subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required fi by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, PL 96-511. 4)

Y o

                              .   .                                         *hPR 2 8 tesg Carolina Power and Light                                              -

Company Should you have any questions concerning this letter, we will be glad to discuss them with you. Sincerely, _ tcBJ ames P. 0"Reilly -- gional Administrato

                                                                               -    ~-


1. Appendix A. Notice of -+-


2. ation Report Investi!0-400/82-03and Nos.
            ,     50-401/82-03 cc w/ enc 1:

R. Parsons, Site Manager e 4 e

f . l APPENDIX A NOT!CE OF VIOLATION Carolina Power and Light Comoany Oocket No. 50-400 Shearon Harris License No. CPPR-158 Based on the results of the NRC investigacion conducted on December 11, 1982 to February 26, 1982, and in accordance with the NRC Enforcement-Policy 47 FR 9987 (March 9, 1982), the following violations were identified. ,

        \ . A      10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVIII, as implemented by section of the PSAR, require *. hat inspection records identify the individuals who performed the inspection.                      .

Contrary to the above, a welding inspector signed inspection records indicating he had inspected welds and found them acceptable when, in fact, the welds had been inspected by other individuals and he had not personally inspected the welds. This is a Severity 1.evel IV violation (Supplement II). B. 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, Criterion !!, as implemented by section 1.4.9 (1.58) of the PSAR requires the licensee to comply with ANSI N45.2.6-1973. .

                   . Contrary to the above, the licensee did not comply with section 2.2 of ANSI N45.2.6-1973 in that two individuals performed wold inspections before they were certified by the licensee as being qualified to perform the assigned work.

This is a Severity Level IV violation (Supplement !!).

          / Pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 2.201, you are hereby required to submit to this office within thirty days of the date of this Notice, a          -

written statement or explanation in reply, including: (1)admissionor denial of the alleged violations; (2) the reasons for the violations if admitted; (3) the corrective steps which have been taken and the results achieved; (4) corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further violations; and (5) the date when full compliance will be achieved. Consideration mey be given to extending your response time for good Cause shown. APR 2 81982 Date


  ;.-                                              REGION 11 101 MARIETTA ST., N.W., Suitt 3100 0,,            [
  • ATLANTA,0EORQlA 30303
     %,*%/ ,e
                                             'APR 2 8 1982 INVESTIGATION REPORT NO. 50-400/82-03 and 50-401/82-03


Carolina Power and Light Cempany . Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Improper Welding Inspection Practices DATES OF INVESTIGATION: December 11, 1981 - February 26, 1982 INVEST! GATOR: /. ~ c V /'/ r 2 yfY.'Vorse, Regional Investigator Date Signed

                            " Enforcement and Investigations Staff I

REVIEWED BY: k . ( tunim M T4 87 Carl Icerson, Otrector Date Signed Enforce ont and Investigations Staff

                '                                                          se f


[ ., I-l A. INTRODUCTION On December 4, 1981, the NRC Resident Inspector assigned to Carolina Power and Light Company's Shearon Harris nuclear power plant, advised Region II that several personnel had complained to him that a welding inspector was not performing visual weld inspections properly. The personnel who complained had no first hand knowledge; however, the rumor among the welders and welding inspectors was that if a hanger was located in an inaccessible area, the individual would not inspect the weld but would sign it off as acceptable. One complainant identified a specific hanger which was rumored to have not been properly inspected by the welding inspector. This hanger was inspected by the Resident Inspector and all welds appeared to be acceptable. However, the adjacent hanger had one weld which appeared to be rejectable. The Resident Inspector later learned the hanger welds had been inspected and accepted by the welding inspector in question. Based on the number of personnel who were complaining about the welding inspector's weld inspection practices and the potential impact en the welding inspection program, an investigation was initiated by Region II on December 11, 1981, under the authority provided by Section 161.c of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

              'B . SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION                                ,

A review of the information supplied by the Resident Inspector disclosed one allegation to be addressed during the investigation. This was: A welding inspector was signing off welds on hangers and pipes as acceptable when he had not visually inspected them. During the course of the investigation, the Investigator held discussions with numerous current licensee and licensee contractor employees. Fomal interviews were conducted with 59 individuals who were considered by the Investigator to have potential knowledge of the alleged acts or practices. The investigation also included an inspection of randomly selected hangers and pipes which had been inspected by the particular welding inspector during the time frame the rumors began forming. The investigation included a review of appropriate regulatory requirements, NRC records and licensee procedures and records including:

                       -     10 CFR 50, Appendix B
                       -     Shearon Harris Quality Assurance Program
                       -     Fersonnel Training and Qualification l                       -     Visual Examination of Welds Procedure l


E .' l 0 . l I-2 l This investigation was conducted by one investigator and two inspectors I requiring a total of 42 man-hours of investigative and inspection ] activity on-site. C. CONCLUSIONS The allegation was substantiated in that the welding inspector had

                 ' signed off. weld inspections he had not personally performed; however, the welds had been inspected by inspector trainees who were working with the inspector. This results in two violations of NRC require-ments:                                    ,
1. Inspections were performed by uncertified welders; and
2. Inspection records do not reflect the correct identity of the individuals who performed the inspection.

0 ,6 9 e


II-1 A. INDIVIDUALS CONTACTED The following individuals were contacted during the course of the investigation. Carolina Power and Licht (CP&L) G. A. DeBarres, QA Weld Inspector K. A. Douglas, QA Weld Monitor R. L. Faulkner, QA Weld Control and Surve,illance S. M. Freeman, QA Weld Inspector A. B. Giles, QA Technician J. C. McDonnell, QA Weld Inspector A. Lucas, Senior Resident Engineer E. W. Mercer, QA Weld Inspector S. W. Montastle, QA Weld Inspector R. M. Parsons, Site Manager W. H. Pere, QA Weld Inspector K. B. Stanley, QA Weld Inspector , R. B. Strickland, Mechanical Inspector G. G. Tingen, QA Weld Inspector T. Wait, QA Welding Supervisor-Daniels Construction comoany Crew P-21: Reactor Auxiliary Building (RAB) R. V. McLeod, General Foreman W. W. Burton, Pipe-Fitter Helper R. J. Carr, Welding Foreman J. F. Goodsell, Welder B. W. Nguyen, Welder K. M. Norton, Welder J. A. Owens, Welder G. S. Peck, Pipefitter R. D. Symank, Welder M. D. Warlick, Welder Crew P-35 (RAB) i W. T. Bohan, Foreman D. L. Cauble, Welder l R. W. George, Pipe-Fitter j W. J. Jenkins, Welder i T. R. Merideth, Welder j M. D. Tatham, Welder - l J. C. Woznick, Welder l


II-2 Crew P-17 (RAB) D. E. Bradford, Pipe-Fitter C. A. Brigman, Foreman R. L. Grant, Pipe-Fitter T. M. Lazafame, Pipe-Fitter W. H. Martin, Welder J'. E. Newsome, Welder J. B. Starnes, Pipe-Fitter Helper L. L. Whitehead, Pipe-Fitter - S. J. Whitlock, Fitter Crew P-14 (Waste Process) R. A. Gardner, Foreman W. C. Lynch, Welder T. Smith, Welder W. B. Surber, Welder Crew P-20 (Waste Process) , J. A. Brincheck, Welding Supervisor K.-T. Davis, Pipe-Fitter Helper J. D. Foster, Pipe-Fitter D. P. Freeman, Welder

                   ' C. F. Green, Jr. , Welder J. W. Kilgore, Pipe-Fitter Helper J. F. Lynch, Pipe-Fitter D. C. Martin, Welder D. M. Shargots, Welder R. R. Stone, Pipe-Fitter N. C. Sulton, Welder G. G. Wilbon, Welder Daniels Technical Services, Ltd.

D. A. Sands, QA Welding Inspector B. L. Holcombe, QA Welding Engineer Nuclear Regulatory Ccmmission (NRC) G. F. Maxwell, Resident Inspector i

y ,7 .. II-3 B. ALLEGATION Occasionally, a welding inspector, Individual A, did not. visually inspect welds on seismic hangers and piping. However, he signed documentation showing that he had. C. BACKGROUND The Resident Inspector at Shearon Harris nuclear site expressed concerns about certain workers approaching him and complaining about a welding inspector, Individual A. Several workers stated they were hearing other workers saying that _ Individual A was not looking at some welds he was signing'off as acceptable. One individual stated to the Resident Inspector that if a weld was located in a difficult to access location, Individual A would not acquire the appropriate scaffolding to allow him to have access to the weld to be inspected. The Resident Inspector was further informed that he could find an unacceptable weld on seismic cate-gory 1 pipe hanger numbered A-3-236-1-CC-H-469. The Resident Inspector looked at the welds on that hanger and found no rejectable welds. However, on an adjacent hanger, No. A-3-236-1-CC-H-342 the Resident Inspector found what was, in his opinion, a rejectable ' weld. It was later determined by the resident inspector that this weld had been inspected by Individual A. Three additional hangers were looked at by the Resident Inspector and no rejectable welds were noted. , D. INTERVIEWS OF WELDING INSPECTORS Eight weld inspectors including a supervisor, as well as four other personnel involved in the QA weld inspection program were interviewed by the Investigator. One individual stated he had heard rumors that Individual A " inspected from the floor". Two individuals stated they heard rumors that Individual A sometimes shined his flashlight on hangers from the floor but did not go up and visually check the welds. Five individuals stated they were aware that Individual A had a very bad case of arthritis during the summer months of 1981 and were surprised when they saw him up on the scaffolding. Two welding. inspectors, Individuals B and C, stated they inspected welds before they (the inspectors) were certified. Individuals B and C provided the Investigator with signed statements which contained the following information in essence: Individual B started work as a welding inspector trainee beginning sometime in September 1980. Initially, he was under the direct supervision and received on-the-job-training frcm Individual A. Individual A showed him what to look for l- , i

                                  ~                            ~        -
       .- -            ~.                                                               .
   .     - ~

II-4 l regarding acceptability and when to reject a weld. After about 2 months, Individual B began inspecting welds by himself,- particularly in areas which were relatively inaccessible and high up. Individual A remained on the floor signing off the ' weld inspection documentation and provided Individual B with a-

                                . sticker showing the weld-had been inspected. Individual B placed the stickers on the hangers on which he had inspected welds. ' Individual B estimated that he had inspected welds by himself on approximately 50-75 hangers most of which were on the 90ft. and 236ft. elevations in the Reactor Auxiliary Building. Although he inspected the welds prior to being certified in January 1980, Individual B had no misgivings

about those welds he accepted. -In fact, he believes he was on 4 the conservative side and inspected all welds in accordance with AWS D1.1-75 Standards. Individual C began his on-the-job-training with Individual A in October 1981 for pipe hanger welding inspection. Indivi-dual C estimates that he spent 3 weeks, 40 hours per week with Individual A and, although he could not recall how many hangers they inspected, he estimates he alone inspected about 75% of . the welds. That is, those welds which were difficult to get to because of the need to climb scaffolds or physically difficult to get to. When he rejected weld's the first several times, Individual A climbed the scaffold, looked at the welds and agreed they were rejectable. Thereafter, Individual C rejected and accepted welds without Individual A looking at them. Individual A always signed the weld inspection forms (Weld Data Report (WDR QA 34 and traveler)) as well as the weld inspection sticker. Individual C estimates that he

inspected welds on about 100 hangers by himself before he was
certified.- In all of these situations, Individual A signed the documentation. Like Individdal B, Individual C had no reservations about the welds he had accepted. He also inspected the welds according to AWS D1.1-75 standards.

E. INTERVIEWS OF CRAFT PERSONNEL Forty-two Craft personnel comprised of welding foremen, welders, pipe-fitters, and pipe-fitter helpers were interviewed by the Investigator. Twenty-seven individuals had no knowledge of Individual A and could provide no pertinent information. Three individuals stated they heard rumors that Individual A would inspect from the floor and shine his flashlight on the welds. Five individuals stated they observed Individual i. performing inspections on welds which were high up and difficult to get to. One welder,

g .-

                  -Individual D stated that Individual A accepted welds withcut looking at them. A signed statement was provided to the Investigator by Individual D which contained the following information in essence:

Sometime in the late spring or early summer, Individual D was assigned to assist Individual A in locating and providing access for inspection of welds on piping. This transpired on a Saturday with no one else in the general area. The pipes were located in the waste process area, elevation 236. Individual A remained on the floor and Individual D climbed the scaffolds and ladders, placing stickers on pipes signify-ing the welds had been inspected. Individual A signed off the paperwork. Individual D estimates that this activity took place on approximately 100 welds, all non-safety Category 6-and 7. Individual D expressed concerns to co-workers and opined that this was the source of all the subsequent talk going around the plant about Individual A not inspecting the welds. Individual D thought Individuals E and F may have knowledge about similar occurrences. Individual E was interviewed and stated he had no first hand knowledge about improper welding inspection. Individual E only acknowledged

,                  hearing rumors that Individual A had welders put stickers on pipes
                 . for him. Individual F was interviewed by the Investigator and he provided a signed statement containing the following information in essence:

Individual F, a pipefitter helper, estimates he assisted Individual A in locating welds approximately 500 times. Most of the welds were easily accessible and were looked at by Individual A. On one occasion, however, in September 1981, Individual A glanced at two category'7 (non-safety related) welds which were located approximately 20 ft. above him. These were off the "MY column" and " column 2" of the East-West Hallway.of.the waste process area. Individual A signed the inspection sheet and handed the carbon copy to Individual F for the craft records. He also gave Individual F two filled out stickers instructing him to place them by the welds. However, Individual F did not do so because there was no scaffolding or ladder available, so he took the stickers home. Individual F.was later requested by the Resident i Inspector to provide him with the stickers. Only one was ' still available and this was given to the Resident Inspector by Individual F. This.same sticker was later provided to the Investigator. The sticker bears the initials of Individual A. 1

                       . - _ .                          _      _ ___ _,__       _ _ . . . - _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _      __ l

y . . II-6 Based on the information provided by Individual D regarding Indivi-


dual A's not inspecting welds on a Saturday when no others were in the indicated area, a foreman, Individual G yas asked to. provide the names of craft personnel who assisted Individual A on Saturdays. Individual G provided those names to the Investigator. They were: Individuals H, I. J K, L and M. These personnel were interviewed. Individuals H, I, J and M stated they observed Individual A inspect welds from scaffolds and ladders on Saturdays and he always appeared to be inspecting carefully. Individual K stated he observed Indivi-dual A inspect the welds alt.5 0ugh he seemed reluctant to go high. Individual L stated he assisted Individual A with approximately 100 weld inspections. On one occasion, Individual A shined his flashlight from a distance and accepted one weld. This, according to Individual L, was on code 6 and 7 non-ssfety related piping, located high off the floor. F. INTERVIEW OF INDIVIDUAL A (WELDING INSPECTOR) Individual A was interv,iewed at Shearon Harris on December 17, 1981 and he provided a signed st,atement containing the folicwing infor-mation in substance: Regarding signing off welds that he did not actually look at, but which were inspected by trainees, Individual A explained that he was always within close proximity to them. When questioned by the Investigator as to whether or not he remained at floor level while the trainee inspected welds high on the scaffolds, Individual A declined to state where his exact physical location was except that he was in the "immediate vicinity". Individual A explained that sometime around April 1981, EBASCO began sending revisions requiring reinspection of some pipe hangers. Subsequently, for about a 3 month period, Individual A went out and looked at the respective hangers. No welds had to be inspected but he did have to verify the hanger was physically present. Therefore, Individual A would often shine his flashlight on the hanger while standing on the floor to ensure the hanger was present and in its proper location. He would then sign off the revised drawing and give to whoever was assisting him, a. sticker indicating the date the hanger was

                               " inspected" to the latest revision. The as.sistant would then place the sticker somewhere on the hanger. Individual A believes this may have been misconstrued by others in the vicinity that i                               he was signing off welds without actually looking at them. In i                               fact, none of the welds on the hanger required any inspection.

Individual A estimates that he inspected approximately 100 hangers in this manner. Individual A denied having not inspected welds on pipes or hangers, but signing them off as acceptable. 1 4


I II-7 l l l

            'G. WELD INSPECTIONS BY NRC Based on the statements, made by several individuals, that individual A        1 signed off pipe welds without inspecting them, the Region II Engineer-ing Inspection Branch was requested to conduct an inspection of randomly sampled welds on hangers and pipes. It was further requested that they draw samples from:

Areas which were relatively difficult to access; Welds which were inspected on Saturdays; and Welds which were inspected during the April-September 1981 time frame. The results of the reinspection of welds conducted by NRC inspectors are documented in NRC Inspection Report Nos. 50-400/82-01 and 50-400/82-06. A summary of that inspection is included herewith i as Enclosure 1. Two violations were identified by the inspectors and they are discussed in the referenced inspection report. H. REVIEW OF LICENSEE PROCEDURES The problem of uncertified individuals performing inspections and the inspection reports for those inspections being signed off by a certified inspector was discussed with the CP&L Site Manager and Senior Resident Engineer. They stated that such actions were permissible in accordance with licensee procedure CQA-1, " Personnel Training and Qualification". A review of that procedure disclosed that Paragraph 7.1 contains the following:

                           " Emphasis will be on firsthand experience gained through actual performance of processes, tests examinations, and inspections.

As the inspector in training develops proficiency, he may be allowed to perform certain functions with minimal supervision; however, he will not be permitted to " sign-off"' hold points in verification of quality requirements for work activities." In response to the Investigator's coments regarding the inspection records being signed by an inspector who had not actually inspected the weld, the licensee's site management representatives stated.that the certified inspector was accepting responsibility for the welds, therefore the inspector would only permit the trainees to accomplish the inspection when he believed they were qualified. l l

y  :. a II-8 The licensee's procedure and imolementation of the procedure is inconsistent with the requirements of ANSI N45.2.6-1973 which the licensee committed to follow in that the trainees had not been certified to perform the inspections in question; that is, no

                         " certificate of qualification" meeting the requirements of Section 2.2.4 of the Standard had been ccmpleted for the individuals.

The licensee's procedure is also inconsistent with Criterion 17 of  ! Appendix B to 10 CFR 50, which requires that inspection records identify the inspector who performed the inspection. An inspector cannot " accept responsibility" for an inspection that he did not personally perform. I. FINDINGS The allegation was substantiated in that the welding inspector signed inspection records indicating that he had inspected welds and found them acceptable when, in fact, he had not personally inspected the welds. This action results in two violations _of NRC re,quirements. These are:

1. The inspection records did not identify the individuals (B and C) who had actually performed the inspections as required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVII and '

j Section of the PSAR; and

2. The inspections were performed by individuals (B and C) who were not certified to perform the inspections in accord-ance with ANSI N45.2.6-1973 as required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion II and Section 1.4.9(1.58) of the PSAR.

These violations appear to be the direct result of inadequacies in , C licensee procedure CQA-1 (Rev. 4), " Personnel Training and Qualifica-tion" or the licensee's interpretation of that procedure as discussed in Paragraph H above. i . I e

Af . t l ENCLOSURE 1 Followuo on Recional Recuest Certain pipe welds and a random sample of difficult access welds on seismic supports inspected by a certain welding inspector during a particular time frame were reviewed by inspectors from the Materials and processes Section.

1. The following seismic Category I welds were re-examined by Region II inspectors during the week of January 19-22, 1982:

COMPONENT ID/ WELD NO. SYSTEM ITEM INSPECTED CS-H-1790 Chemical and Volume Control Seismic Hanger CX-H-1623 Chilled Water Return Seismic Hanger CC-H-469 Component Cooling Seismic Hanger BD-H-144 Blowdown Seismic Hanger BR-H-731 Baron Recycle Seismic Hanger CS-H-137 Chemical and Volume Control Seismic Hanger RM-H-366 Reactor Make-up Water Seismic Hanger SI-H-1018 Safety Infection Seismic Hanger SF-H-704 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup Seismic Hanger CC-H-800 Component Cooling Seismic Hanger CT-H-205 Containment Spray Seismic Hanger SW-H-2343 Service Water Seismic Hanger

               *CC-H-342                Component Cooling                       Seismic Hanger
  • NOTE: This hanger was alleged to be unacceptable.

In addition to the above welds, the inspectors also inspected the follcwing welds on the laundry and hot shower tank #591-48, that were alleged to be rejectable. ISOMETRIC WELD JOINT SYSTEM 1-WL-1095 ~ FW-3708 Waste Liquid 1-WL-1092 FW-3702 Waste Liquid 1-WL-1090 FW-3697 Waste Liquid Discrepancies noted as a result of the NRC reinspection are as follows:

a. The inside of the box frame windows for hanger CC-H-469 had not been welded.

A review of.the records for this hanger revealed that the weld ins:ector had mistakenly referenced a -field change that would have deleted these welds if the hanger had been designed for a twelve inch pipe or smaller. Hanger CC-H-469, however, was designed for two 18-inch pipes.



Enclosure 1 E

b. Field pipe ' welds FW-3708, FW-3702, and rW-3697, located on the too of sne
 .              laundry and hot shower tank, had small arc strikes on the base metal adja-cent to the field welds. Carolina Power and Light Company (CP&L) procedure
              ;NDEP-601 for visual examination of welds, paragraph 9.11, states that " weld and adjacent base metal shall be free of visible are strikes, weld spatter and mishandling marks".                                                                                                                            -
c. In addition to the above pipe field welds, arc strikes and weld spatter were noted on vendor welds between the above field welds and the tank. The weld inspector had not reported this condition as required by paragraph 19.9 of CP&L's Quality Assurance Program for Radioactive Waste Management System.

The three examples noted above were reported as a violation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V and was assigned number 50-400/82-01-03, Failure to Folicw procedures / Instructions for Visual Examination of Welds and Reporting of Discrepancies,

d. As a result of the reinspections conducted during January, the Region II inspectors concluded that the samples taken were representative of the more difficult inspections the inspector in question had made on seismic supports. Although one item of noncompliance was found, the NRC inspectors concluded that this was an oversight by the welding inspector. When reading the instructions he apparently failed to see that the field change had size limitations. .The NRC . inspectors found inspection stickers with the individual in question's name on supports that were very high and difficult to reach.

This indicated that the weld inspector had made the inspections since all of the reinspected supports were examined during the period that the weld inspector was working alene. As for the reinspection of the three pipe welds that were examined by the inspector in question, two discrepancies were noted in this area and reported above. The Region II i nspection concluded that a larger sample of pipe welds; particularity Non-ASME welds inspected by this individual would need to be reinspected on a subsequent inspection. An inspector follow-up item 400/82-01-05, Inspection of Pipe Welds was open to track this problem.

2. During the week of February 23-26, 1982 the Non-ASME welds listed below were re-examined by Region II. The safety significance of this non-ASME pipe is i established by section 1.8 of the Harris FSAR, which commits to Regulatory Guide 1.143. The Guide identified the radioactive waste management systems as an activity important to safety and requires inspection in accordance with ANSI B31.1. CP&L procedure N0EP-601, Revision 0, conforms with the requirements of ANSI B31.1 and is the procedure used by CP&L for visual inspection of the Waste Processing System.
           --     _ _ _ , , - . - - - . - - - , . --   .,.~---,__e_.--- .. --.- ,_. ....--.-.   ....--_,,,..-,---..,.,-,.---w.-.m.----*-,,..--,-,---,.---,----y


        ..g - -
     $*a             ,t Enclosure 1                                      3 WELD JOINT NO.                       SYSTEM                                 DATED INSPECTED "1-WL-641-P4-2353                Waste Processing                                         9-09-81
                         *1-WL-642-P4-2358                Waste Processing                                         7-18-81 1-WL-364-FW-1857               Waste Processing                                         6-27-81 1-WL-324-FW-1856               Waste Processing                                         6-27-81 1-WL-365-FW-1846               Waste Processing               Date not recorded by NRC 1-WL-365-FW-1848              Waste Processing                                           6-27-81 1-WL-608-P4-2305             Waste Processing                                           8-11-81 1-WL-646-P4-2364             Waste Processing                                           7-21-81 1-WL-644-P4-2370             Waste Processing                                          8-11-81 1-2-WL-142-PW-1319           Waste Processing                                           8-18-81
  • 1-2-WL-142-P4-1318 Waste Processing Inspection Sticker had been removed 1-WL-717-FW-4016 Waste Processing 7-28-81 1-WL-717-P4-4017 Waste Processing 7-23-81 1-WL-679-P4-4051 Waste Processing 7-22-81 1-WL-717-P4-4015 Waste Processing 7-22-81 1-2-WL-143-PW-1316 Waste Processing 8-24-81
                    " NOTE: This joint was unacceptable Of screpancies noted as a result of NRC reinspection were as follows:

(a) Butt weld joint #'s 1-WL-641-PW-2353 and 1-WL-642-P4-2358 had insuffi-cient weld metal deposited on the external surface of the weld prep resulting in areas of external weld concavity. (b) Weld joint #1-2-WL-142-FW-1318.had two arc strikes. One of the are strikes resulted in a pit in the base metal which had not been ground or liquid penetrant inspected. The discrepancies noted above were reported as violation number 50-400, 401/82-06-01, " Failure to Follow Procedure for Visual Examination of Pipe Welds." -- - -

                                     ,                              o               . .                                        .

As a result of the above reinspections the licensee committed to reinspect all Non-ASME pipe weld joints inspected by the welding inspector in question and submit a list of their findings to NRC. This reinspection had commenced , prior to this inspector leaving the site on February 26, 1982 and additional discrepancies had been identified by the licensee.

                               --.r,                 2 --             - - , - . -

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l' '

      '". eug                                                                                   f a                                m              UNITED STATES               ~


       ! 3 ,. y%g U.g            g REGION 11 101 MARIETTA ST., N.W SUITE 3100                     A
       $k             2                                                                                   y ATLANTA. GEORGK 30303 Y ***** /                                                                      r) .t v- ? 3-jy 3 FEB 2 3153 Carolina Power and Light Company ATTN: Mr. E. E. Utley Executive Vice President 411 Fayetteville Street Raleigh, NC 27602                                   /j_////



REPORT NO . 50-400/83 ND 50-401/83-05 This refers to the routine safety inspection conducted by Mr. J. W. York of this office on February 1-4, 1983, of activities authorized by NRC Construction Permit Nos. CPPR-158 and CPPR-159 for the Shearon Harris facility and to the discussion of our findings held with Mr. R. M. Parson, Project General Manager, at the conclusion of the inspection. Areas examined during the inspection and our findings are discussed in the enclosed inspection report. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures and representative records, inte~rviews with personnel, and observations by the inspector.

  • Within the scope of this inspection, no violations or deviations were disclosed.

Two new unresolved items resulted from this inspection and are discussed in the enclosed report. These items will be examined during subsequent inspections. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790(a), a copy of this letter and the enclosure will be placed in the NRC's Public Document Room unless you notify this office, by telephone, within ten. days of the date of this letter and submit written applica-tion to withhold information contained therein within thirty days of the date of this letter. Such application must be consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR 2.7S0(b)(1). Should you have any questions concerning this letter, we will be glad to discuss them with you. Sincereiy, jun - D.. Verrelli, Chief Project Branch 1 Division of Project and Resident Programs , i


l Inspection Report Nos. 50-400/83-05 and 50-401/83-05 t ec w/ encl: R. M. Parsons, Project General Manager i


      '#pa aseg,o,   _                      q              UNITED STATES                  e-NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISS.                  .

e U .jg , .,. 8jg1j REGION 11 101 MAAlETTA ST., N.W., SUITE 3100 g ATLANTA. GEOF.w.A 30303 o ,, .<.....f Report Nos: 50-400/83-05 and 50-401/83-05 Licensee: Carolina Power and Light Company ' 411 Fayetteville Street Raleigh, NC 27602 Docket Nos: 50-400 and 50-401 License Nos: CPPR-158 and CPPR-159 - Facility Name: Harris 1 and 2 Inspection at Harris site near Raleigh, North Carolina Inspectors: J. m bd.l i 2 WM

                                  ' York
                                                ,'}                                                 Date 51gnec (U c-&%

2/;n/fs W. C. Liu Date digneo Approved by 87 J J. ake, Section Chief Date Signed g' eering Programs Branch i ision of Engineering and Operational Programs


Inspection on February 1-4, 1982 Areas Inspected . This routine, unannounced inspection involved forty-six inspector-hours on site in the areas of independent inspection effort, safety-related pipe support and restraint systems, and other safety-related piping system. Results Of the three areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified. O

g 4 .-.- .,

   .                                 O                               O A


1. Persons Contacted Licensee Employees "R. Parsons, Project General Manager
              *L. Loflin; Manager-Engineering "N. Chiangi, Manager-Engineering and Construction-QA/QC
              *G. Forehand, Director-QA/QC                                                        .
              *A.' Lucas, Assist. Project Gen. Manager
              *M. Vernon Superintendent, QC "E. Willett, Resident Mechanical Engineer
              *D. Whitehead, Supervisor, Site QA/QC
              *R. Hanford, Resident Engineer, Met./ Welding
              *M. - Thompson, Sr. Resident Engineer._                        .
              "A. Fuller, Prinicpal Engineer-Mechanical
              *G. Simpson, Principal Construction Specialist "C. Osman, Principal Specialist-0A/.QC
              *J. Nevill, Principal Engineer-Engineering Other licensee employees contacted included construction inspectors, technicians, QC inspectors, and office personnel.
  • Attended exit interview
2. Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on February 4,1983, with those persons indicated in Paragraph 1 above. The licensee was informed of the inspection finding listed below. The licensee acknowledged the inspec-tion finding with no dissenting comments.
               .a.     (0 pen) Unresolved Item, 400/83-05-01, Ground Areas on pipe support /

restraint No.1-SW-H-376, Paragraph 6.a.

b. (0 pen) Unresolved Item, 400/83-05-02, Administrative procedure for approval of drawings associated with Design Change Notifications, Paragraph 6a.
3. Licensee Action en Previous Enforcement Matters Not inspected. .
4. Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required to detennine whether they are acceptable or may involve violations or devia-tions. New unresolved items identified during this inspection are discussed in Paragraph 6.a.

/. ,,

  ,                            m                                 -

2 l i

5. Independent Inspecticn Effort - Units 1 and 2 (92706)

The inspectors toured the Carolina Power and Light Research Laboratories near the Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant in order to ascertain the capabilities of these laboratories in the metallurgical and mechanical testing areas. Since the testing for the weld procedure qualifications is performed by these laboratories, the inspectors reviewed the calibrations for the tensile and charpy impact testers.

6. Safety-Related Pipe Support and Restraint Systems - Unit 1 (50090)

The licensee divides the installation and inspection of pipe supports / restraints into three phases. Phase I involves the installation of the piping and support / restraint. Phase II involves the acjustment of struts, placement of shims in box frame restraints, and the inspection of the support / restraint after it has been totally completed. Phase III involves the comparison of the stress isometric to the as-built locations of the ~ supports / restraints to insure that the analysis was performed for as-built conditions. Shearon Harris Unit I has approximately fifty supports / restraints in the Phase II condition. The inspectors evaluated the following parts of the support / restraint program: (a) Observation of work and work activities The inspectors in conjunction with licensee welding ano construction inspectors reinspected the following five supports / restraints that were in the Phase II condition: Hanger / Restraint No.1-SU-H-376 in the Service Water System Hanger / Restraint No.1-PD-H-1590 in the Plumbing and Drainage System Hanger / Restraint No.1-4-WG-H-522 'in the Waste Processing System

                -     Hanger / Restraint No. 1-4-WG-523 in the Waste Processing System
               -      Hanger / Restraint No. 1-SW-H-4/3 in the Service Water System At the time of the inspection it appeared that all of the supports /

restraints conformed to the drawing with the exception of support / restrairt No. 1-SW-H-376. This support / restraint had two apparent overcround areas, one on the northwest (NW) corner and one on the southwest (SW) corner. Both areas were just above a fillet weld on the same vertical tube steel member. In a telephone communication on February 7,1983, the licensee stated that measurements were made on

3-i 3  ! tha't date using an ultrasonic thickness device that showed the wall thickness in the ground area on the NW corner to be 0.230" and:on the SW corner 0.235". The tolerances for the thicknesses en the tube steel are maximum 0.275" and minimum 0.225". Therefore, the areas met the minimum wall thickness requirement and were not reportable. Until the results of the licensee's inspection and the method used for inspecting 9round areas on other hangers can be reviewed, this will be Unresolved Item No. 400/83-05-01, Ground Areas on Pipe Support / Restraint No. 1-Sh-H-376. During the inspection, it was noted that the piping tolerances were indicated on Drawing _No. CAR-2165, G107S02 (02 indicates sheet 2) with the approval initials in the sign off block and a Professional Engineering (PE) Seal. It appeared that the field installation tolerance for the supports / restraints inspections were being taken from sheet 1 of the drawing. The appropriate signatures and PE Seal were not affixec to this sheet. The licensee stated that sheet I was a Design Change Notification (No. 530-0769 Rev. 2). There.was insuffi-cient time during this inspection to review the licensee's procedure for handling Design Change Notifications ano drawings and_the safety significance was not of a level that would warrant an extended inspec-tion.. Until the relationship concerning approval signatures for these documents can be reviewea with the licensee, this will be Unresolved Item No. 400/83-05-02, Administrative Approval of Urawings Associated with Design Change Notifications. (b) Review of QA Implementing Procedures The inspectors conducted a general review of QA procedures to verify that all craft, NDE, and inspection personnel associated with the  ! installation of pipe supports and restraints have been trained; that docunentation for quality requirements of materials and components are met prior to installation; and that nonconformances and defects are documented and proc 2ssed in accordance with established procedures. The following QA procedures were partially reviewed by the inspectors:

          -    EProcedure CQA-1, " Personnel. . Training and , qualification", Rev.12
          -     Procedure QAI-1.2, "QA/QC Personnel Oualification Requirements",

Rev. 13 4 - Procedure NDEP-10. " Training Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel", Rev. 3

          -     Procedure TP 40, " Training and Qualification of Construction Inspection Personnel", Rev. 4
          -     Procedure CQC-2, "Nonconformance Control", Rev. 4 Procedure CQC-6, " Receiving Inspection", Rev. 0 4
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l 4 1 1 (c) Review of Work Procedures The applicable code for safety-ralated pipe ' support and restraint  ! systems is the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section .III, Division 1, 1971 Edition including all addenda through Summer 1973. Mechanical snubbers shall be to 1977 code plus addenda through Summer 1978. The inspectors observed various activities and documents associated with the installation of supports and restraints to deter-mine if code and procedure requirements were being met. The inspectors reviewed the following work procedures pertaining to safety-related pipe support and restraint systems to determine whether they were app.oved by authorized licensee personnel: , Work Procedure Aporoved Date MP-06, " General Welding Procecure for 07/23/82 Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe Weldments", Rev. 14 TP-04, " Calibration of Centrolled Tools", Rev. 20 01/12/83 TP-34, " Inspection of the Installation of 09/15/82 Safety-Related Pipe Hangers", Rev. 6 TP-39, " Inspection of Drilled-In Expansion Anchors", 10/13/82 Rev. 4 WP-33, " Installation of Wedge Expansion Bolt Anchors", 09/28/82 Rev. 6 WP-110, " Installation of Seismic Pipe Hangers and 11/11/S2 Supports for Seismically Analyzed Pipe", Rev. 7 In addition, the inspectors partially reviewed those work procedures to assure that technical adequacy of activities pertaining to safety-related pipe support and restraint systems were being met. This review was also performed to ensure that provisions for required preinstalla-tion and in-process inspections are performed in a timely manner, and that bolts, nuts and washers are of the proper type and correctly installed. Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.

7. Safety-Related Piping - Unit 1 The inspector examined the welding activities described below relative to safety-related piping to determine whether applicable coces and specifica- ,

tions were being met. The applicable code for this work is the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Subsections NC and ND,1974 Edition including Addenda through Winter 1976.

c 5

a. Observation of Welding' Activities (55183)

The below listed welds were examined in process to determine work conducted in accordance with traveler; weloer identification and location; welding procedure; WPS assignment; welding technique and sequence; materials identity; weld geometry; fit-up; temporary attach-ments;' gas purging; preheat; electrical characteristics; shielding gas; welding equipment condition; interpass temperature; interpass cleaning; process control systems; identity of welders; qualifications of inspection personnel; and weld history records. Weld No. System

             , tW-1977 Service Water FW-159                                                        Residual Heat Receval FW-142                                                        Safety In]ec.i.on FW-2008                                                       Service Water FW-1950               ,                                       Service Water CS-103-2-SW-1                                                 Chemical and Volume Control
b. Welder Qualification (55187)

The following welder qualifications records were reviewed: Welder Symbol System Observed Welding E-7 Residual Heat Removal

                     -C-53                    -.   -

Residual Heat Removal - D-76 Service Water The following welder performance qualification tests were observed in progress: ' Welder ID WPS - l 32/353 1A4 32/354 1A4 Within the areas inspected, no violations or ceviations were identi-fied. l


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APF.001 , ,' , , CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY AP-IX-05 U.v. ,* :" SH

                                     ,s                  HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT                                                              Exhibit 1
                              .- I                                                                                                                 '

hpA IE Ih h i @)NCE $ QUEST / PERMANENTr, ' 8' FCE/2n h 3.If /4WAIVER LJ -- l \ / Type of Request: @ ermanint Waiver to 'u e-as-is' ( O AS e tion II Division 2 S Fleid Change Se ommended A'ethn; on,AShE u LJ L D / Sectk u ' ' III Division 1 t Identification of Area and Items , SQ A65a.i $Y/ w/WX/ We"

                                                                               $mn Conflict / Condition R3ference Documents or Attachment                        #         " "                               M'#?             d M W C W < /! b m        .<

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R ested by: Site Approvals f 1 Discipline Engineer n_ - J.'7//7h h$ sw~ kr.A}4l }2-/740

                                                        'Date                                 Senior Resident Engineer                            Date
 ,     First Distribution:

foririnal) nesien orennf-met,n DOCUMENT CONTR.'l (Coov) M (hh ico,,) (2$df,,4.:y/ - D~ev) M FEB 21981

                                                               .      5 b'.)Ibil V L5 S                                                                      O     l
                                       .                        SHEARON HAR.~.13 N. r .e.
                                                                                                                                                              /A J
     . _ .      , . . . . . .. . . .:c .: . . w.                   ~ ~ . .*   a. :,. . ...,..:....            ~.. ..-.     ~. .                     . . . . .             .

APP-001 .. , g f j y .-". , . R',v . 17 W-IXJ 5  % 11/6/80 ,: a .3 . . . uvu . I;;30 4 Exhibit 1, '

                           " * ~ - n-  ~.. .NQf 513                      Yk). f0f {'                           .                                Fage 2 of- C i

Dasign Organization Approval (AE))5 (NSSS)O (N/A) 0 (Other) O Telephone Resolution C Yes U No Approved as Reconunended Q Rejected U Conditional Approval This change requires the following Document (s) (Specification, Drawing, SAR, etc.) to be changed CHAAJ665 70 SE sHo& OAs AS-Bu/LT DwG. Conunents: . ps. 0f AtS/)h.76'f ' A u*$ A3WV l l , Sirnature Title Date' Signature' Title D'a t e '

!         CP&L Harris Plant Engineering Approval Required                                                                     Telephone Resolutio.n

[Yes C Yes UNo Approved as Reconsnended CRejected CConditional Approval


0 .U. t 21 0V / 2 / } ' Discipline Engineer Date MHP( o r "PPE' Date Site Concurrence: Recoannend kImplementation I' UAlternate Resolution Y .

                                                                                                                      - . .T$, A-ML 2 'L-7)

Senior Resident Engineer ~ Date Second Distributions . (Original) Docu=ent Control (Copy) (Copy) (Copy) (Copy) i (Conv) Implementation Completed as Approved? Chs Coassents: QNo 1 1 i . . l

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AP-IX-05 n/6/s **hibi t 1 FEB 31981 nnnient m ni.. econ n PlO.-45-2Ml '*** * * ' ' Design Organization Approval (AE)A (NSSS)O (N/A) O (Other) O Telephone Resolution C Yes G No Approved as Recoasnended D Rejected D Conditional Approval This change requires the following Document (s) (Specification, Drawing, SAR, etc.) to be changed cH Aukes To ite. Suewc ou AS- OuiLT OW4a. Comments: .

     /                       C./dPrad Adi; 2//7/p/                                                   -M          2. /    3/

Signa ture Title Date Signa tufe Title Da'te CP&L Harris Plant Engineering Approval Required Telephone Resolution

                                                                                       ,E,Yes D No pproved as Reconsnended                      DRejected                     CConditional Approval O1$1scisiline V uEngineer    $ r /n  '
                                                    /n                     O W4W2dshi         

D'a t e MF(PE d F N Date Site Concurrence Recoannend % Implementation OAlternate Resolution * ' Senior Residetrf. ' Engineer , Date _. Second Distributions * (Original) Document Control (Coov) (Copy) (Copy) (Copy) (Copv) Irplementation Completed as Approved! gy Coassen ts: QNo l l l Discipline Engineer Date finai Distributions (Original) File in Doc. Control RE.CEIVED(Co$v) l i (Copy) ((g $ jggj (Copv) (Copy) ,, (Coov) l Nytt ryctP!rrotNq (Sept

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APF-001 CAROLINA POWER & LICHT COMPANY 7ev. 17** AP-IX-05 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POVER PLANT Exhibit 1 [' 7 ~FTELD CHRNC ST T;RM/ T"WAI - '*E' 'I Ol ll 4 Sc8L'P JM-@/ Type of Requests y2armanent Wity i Q Field Chang to 'g'u ne-js ls @ S ection III Division 2 J3 Soe Rec en ctib o AS 3ME SgionIIIDivision1 Identification of Area and Item: MVo* "./ ./*:SN <:9 cAJ7 7 v-/ d M / OQ 0,v ndc/ .Ae/47 eb dE0 'O Non-Q Conflict / Condition Reference Documents or Attachment ' * ' - ' 7*' ND "' l f/J',&- // /9? r'e~ )

      / Wevs 's          G "Al f "'s'9        echo.e of riz;/c//zzuh as merv&cMd .adute broCrafes
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Reconsnended Action: Q Please Investigate and Resolve O Please Resolve as Follows

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        ' Discipline Engineer
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 ,     First Distribution:                                                 DOCUMENT CONTROL                  gg

_f ort r in al) neef orns.t-m* fan ce s k, / ~ ...- 9gg}g]eg d FEB 201981 4

                                                                       ._LSt$tbil U L5 m                                                                    ea.
                                                                        %HEARON HARRIS N. P P.

APF-001 .' CAROLINA POWER & LICHT CCMPANY I ~Iav. 1.f. * . *

                                    .          5HEARON 'HARPIS Nt! CLEAR, ftNER I                     NT AP-IX-05
           , 0            '                                                                                                             -

Exhibit 1 fib.DC$dN5bREQUES,T/PbRkANNTWAIVER '- {* E '. I 'I O

f. ' ;
                                                                                           ,     'i           Y:st1P         +T d 4(J Type of Request:              p       scin eat Wat er te "u essais                             -

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                                                           . Con flic t/ Con di tion Referer.:e Documents or Attachment                               -

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                                                                                          %PleaseResolveasFollows FOR R.$0RisiiOi1 ul,r_ .
                                                    //<,<)                es)         et y       d.                     DOCUMENT CONTROL TE       G)E3 g m d       APR 231981 LbUcl5IfU'E,4 SHEARON HARRIS N, p p 3uatification: Se A N'                                                 " '*N''A ~"'A                         A N *lNe de'3'sr Wsntt4 orse/

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       / Discip!!ne Engineer
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Date Senior Resident Engineer Date

 ,    First Distributions fortrinal) nesten cres f set n
     .ft'sey) f *'h st l l~/ /s v

_(Coev) l I

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                  .         IBASCO ATTACHMENT TO FCR-AS-446 1

COMMENTS: As per telecon between Chuck French of CP&L and O S Yue of Ebasco on

                          .4/15/81. Approval of welding any 3 sides of joint connection apply to hanger framings and hanger member to gusset plate joint- in which it

connects to embedded strip plates only. ap 0 1 i f

                                            ,                                                                                                          7
   .. .a .-- - : L c a                    . .           . .                   .        ..        u.-      .         .                       ..       .: -    -          .                :_.
                      ,                 ,                                 CAROLINA ICWER & LIGHT COMPANY                                                                                     AP-IX-05 APF-001..

R3v. 1@ >."- . - Exhibit i

                                                                 ,$M' ARON hIbC                                 'HARPIS NtitLEARettNER IfNT NbE' kEQUEST/PbR.                                                                  *E'            I   . *f WAIVER        U         I{'-
                                                                                                                                                    %:R-/P       1_   _ S'            4 4b Type of Requests                              p            e  datent Waiver tc "u ep s is'!                           a                 G ME       Se tio           II D           1.sion 2 O Field Change                             p                           scomm n d                   ion               .on-          ME            E      ctr5h I;"T IT!. vision 1 Identification oE Area and Items /%Gft', {l.gisf Es , a - W ( ',,c d ; /

3/,afer/ /bf rJ s $ h /c / k m er b e 'e* / c ra o N.s QQ U N0u~Q Conflict / Condition Reference Documents or Attachment 'F - "r " ' #- Se o s e/ /?' /eb'/ S-, -,e,-/ 81L <~s - Ossswe, s

                  /                                                                                               /                               ,./

o.r- /*Y'C'5/E. 'S acJsSr c'/k/~.ska/. sirs o er.,- W/~e=ss.E s/o'ns, sh r/ c.)e- c/r cljcS -s fo.*s'se*rk> o's a s s* W o c.).*7 en

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      . cide <-</hlcds).? /

wf/ &a4.? .sAsA WAe? ~r <<#' A o .1 n enu R2 commended'A Nions j }{ { !,jl '6./ Q Please Investigate and Resolve d {* ) , 1F , k *

                                                                                //sA)                   4sk- Gs                      .,,*5.                                                          W YME'_fl0 OfP ?

M APR 231981 _itstetgr % SHEARON HARRIS N. P p. Justification: Ss. t** N " o" 5 Af'* A AN *lNe* O$=.5 ' W/~4 a.Nres assol /.*n -r h ~~e~Js/ rz /$e s(-/ s~' Ore bro.<** ' ct n. s- cl/S$//prissWes ,,o-- e'bA'A ' N t* W#sh-' &Ns Cbb ,, /- as .s. dea-, o ,. ro Aa ,/G,',;. sA . /2 de /o a. . >r).r,:e v ase/Ade ensAkg < r' ./AL.,, wha,cd-,s-4 JA*,' -?eu4- me 4c>'As.y&t,,# . s;w" w :# m

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     - //               /_                    e                                    d'l1l#/                             h. ,, ,-                        f,. pm                          1 -; -c
      ! Discipline Engineer                                                         ' Da'te                                     Senior Resident Engineer                                       Date First Distributions (Coov)

(Orfeinal) Des f =n OrenM-n He n

     .iCaov)                 _/r lh &'?


W E e% Neem ,

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Page 1 cf 1

                .        'EBASCO ATTACliMENT TO FCR-AS-446 COMMENTS:

As per telecon between Chuck French of CP&L and O S Yue of Ebasco on 4/15/81. Approval of welding any 3 sides of joint connection apply to

                        ~ hanger framings and hanger member to gusset plate joint in which it embedded-strip plates only.

e-e t 5 I l l l 1 i l f l l


- - r-

                          ')                   .                    - . . . . .    .
    .--              .                                      ; ,,, j t   ,, .
                                                                                              . , . 4 ; , . :- e Fil'c      SH P-1/2
                                                 - CONSTRUCTION QA SECTION PERSONNEL. TRAINING Date:         September' 12, 1980
         . Training Period:                ik hours Topic:           Hanzer insoection'A documentation (see attached outline)                                               '*

Instructor:. V. Safarian _. The following personnel attended the above described training: Pete Tingen Judi McDonnell Steve Mountcastle William Pere Ward Mercer

                  -nt* W ai~n' T.J. Wait
                                                                                                   -y st Inst /Gctor


              }                                                                      ,.                                                                                                                                               .
        *                            ' ~
                                                                                                                                                + - . ' .                           -1             . . -. . . .            , ,

, Outline for Retraining A. Responsibility of Welding Inspectors

                                                                             -1.            Quality.not Quantity
3. Inspection in accordance with requirements of Hanger Package-
1. Check PW, DCN, other pertinent data C. Inspection in accordance with the Dwg.
1. ' Weld sy=bol review (AWS)
2. Verification of # of welds in accordance with the Dwg.
3. Verification of type of welds in accordance with Dwg.

4 RCI if question occurs in Dwg.

5. No sign off if hanger not in accordance with Dws. Package.

D. Doct=entation

1. Dws. sign off
2. Traveler sign off
3. Seismic WDR sign off
 .          _   __._______________._______.__..___-.___.._-.____.____-._____._._____-_m.___                                 _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _      __________.___._____m_                _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _     _ .__________m
s. .


                                                                         . . . n.

I.t J U;\0

                                                                                             .  . i Date:    4/6/81                                  .,

r ', ; - Training Period 2 hours Topic Post Weld Heat Treatment Instructor: Fasih Shaikh- Welding Engineering The following personnel attended the above-described training: Bruce Giles Bill Pere Ward Mercer Steve Mountcastle Pete Tingen Andy Bartrom Jim Root Clay Rhodes Judi McDonnell T.J. Wait j Bill Russell i Distribution: ###*


Personnel fil es for Instructor above personnet 5

                       --    +- -.        ,m,      ,-     ---n-       s          se+x-v-,           -e -- --   ,-e---   ,
     , Fili: SH P-1/2           '(-

0J }. 3. 7

                                                                     . . . l.1
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j .. ,. s m. . /, n ;i .; ..,;...... L

  • CORPORATE QA/QC SECTION' PERSONNEL TRAINING Date: 12-10 21 Training Per.iod: Decenber 10, 1951 for i b n'ir Topic: Inspection and documentation of Seismic Pipe Hancers I

i Ins truc to r- T.J. Wait The following personnel attended the above described training: James Root B!11 Pere Qen Stan1Q Steve nountcastle Gilbert DeBarros I l t , t , A,/ x


Instructor 1

      ,.                           ()-                                           -
   .. w.


                                                                          /979 SUBJECT COVEREDs-         phism % n h% l} n n a O                 6)_1[tA frn m1mtd #

A n > /\ ./ INSTRUCTCR: lIE?CTH OF CIASS: 2-)mu,, TE FOLLC*4I'C PERSONNEL ATIENED 'IEE ABOVE ESCRIED TRAINI?C : 1. 2. IPAree h r f) > iu t o '%_uf 3 2thekA Gnfi s , 4 '7)enel H e/J u_, 5 bMI 6 c. wa rwAEA o . 6. 7.

                                                                                   ' ~" ,' l Q,T ![','
8. . . .

9. 10. CC??'ENTS: PtM D,1.I W A1 UTI Ll ZF4 -14 T CMI RFfT/GTt: s VERIFIED BY: ~ R 13 _ David C. Whitehead De te QA SPECIALIST s l = mi n i /- .i...-a


1. T a n b l l-k d ( L a >
2. Vhi ~'t-t Hn ef ek.&& W
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6. "DaAv A /i Jhi+1 he n 4
7. . m a t *./


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10. CCPJGrTS: A WS Blot w Ae aren At ers c- R ett: w C VERIFIED BY: .

                                                                               , /             7     (3 ")9
                                             . David C. Whitehead                            Late-QA SPECIALIST
        .                                                                                                            1 L

j+.1 O I/o - elNrm0 . _

                                                                                                                   , j


                          ,          QC ECEIVINC T?aINI!C PRN?A."

a mn: 9/n/79 - SUBJECT COVEED: fM M b f d(7724$91) #_ i/ L ( fd(77&fECM s136 L D ~54 M 80 L S . w]4G4 V0GT u)C LD MceT ]7'{ATrstfM7

  • r% t'4 G a i n < D fc n. Emot D Pc nTeh INSTRUCTCR 6 o /f C { N. hM/(b IE?CTH OF CIASS: 50 m/4. .


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6. & &~'~~ c's er a . . . <
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7. W h h -f .


9. '

10. CCMME?TTS: J VE IED BY: b $ 4h

                                          '% vid C. Whitehead                 h1le         *
                 .                           QA SPECIALIST l

L- ]

O SERRCN HAPJiIS POER FIAUT l QC RECEIVINC TRAININC PRCC?a!' Inn s // -H ~ 7 f SUBJECT CCVEEDs P L<> d T (fos i Weig J/ u r 74eMi) 29 e o u t A + m e itj y r FoA iS A 11 e d f' L M 7 C' f Ln) e h >> e e isv 7'c sf 'P e e A u 4. t c '1

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2. B e b.a u u n a 3 ALAu / Lu 4 bAvoL Hn se d 5 'A / # . J M */ A . . '
6. ' ' r !. uMW
7. -
                                                                                                            -4 8.

9. 10. CCMMENTSs L'lA.53 kr s.t .fortjiegc7ost y givg ALL $4/ f 17/41NS Lo M f AN3 w ed e' d , 1 eAldrw eG ct M-r f w rH o7 0 m i m

               .                     e                           ;

VERIFIED BY:- ( W - tl l6 David C. Whitehead , Date

       , . . .    . . .          .        .. .        - - S *
  • MM.* $if3"J. ^*'f.'..' . 2 . . . . .
       ,-      +o.                                                                                                                     J'. ' ~ ~ v -

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  • ber 3 Delick l E hkt
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O e . .. .. 1.,. E a.11

                                                                                                                                        .. as-8 ino File Custodian                                                                                                    File Nos.:                   50-P-1
                      , ,Nesh File                           .

j - SQ-N-30 Mr John Barris, Project Manager Southwest Fabricating and Welding Co, Zac 90 Sox 9449 Bouston, TE 77011 l I, Dear Mr Barris

     .4                                                                                                   ~


    ,l                                                        SHEARON BARRIS WUCLEAR POWER FIANT SF & W'S FABRICATICW IS0 METRICS P 0 NY-435035 Attached please find the list of SF & W'S Fabrication Isometrics which have been reviewed by Ebasco. Letters shown in the remarks column for each drawing refer to notes applicable to that particular drawing as follows:
       .                                       I       -       Reviewed without comunents, proceed with I                                                   fabrication Y       -       Reviewed with comments, do not proceed with fabrication without receipt of Ebasco's comment print Please acte that the required resubmittal of the prints to SF & W Company will follow shortly.                                                                                                                                          :

Very truly yours, I PFame ' Attachment E Gebet.. Assistant Freject Manager oss L I Loflia . L E Nortia Plant Manager c/o C R Gibsma R M Parsons C. ' ( l 1

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( . SOUTHWEST FAB. ESASCO DWG N0. ISO Wo. REV 1364- REV 2 CS- 200 1 4703r u Y i .

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                           .,,_...,fERSO'CIE". TRA*NII",' A!") offal 2F~ A~~ICN      -


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f ,N .1.0 March 16, 1981 RECDfEMED RR AL N UI 4,,[ ^:-Y p . n:RecTUR - SWP QMQC W -

                                                                                                   " M/0C


        .r                                                                                                                 -

4 e, , s 9( M .fCIU" CARct.Ita Pad:. & .L:3E CO-PAf#

  • W~ ~::9'
                                                                                                                                                   ~        RE'J'~ ~' '~M          3 CCRPORATE G1JALITY AS5JXG E:ARTIF.NT QA/QC - HARR:5 R.#6T SE: TION                                                                               CCA-1              --

l TITLE: PERSO:i!!EL ""::~'N3 FC C P "*T CATICN , 1.0 PURPOSI The i=:e:: cf this ;recedure is to establis require =e::s and  ;

           .                           guide es fc- t:-='-* r and qualificatica cf perse..nel assiped to perfor: ROC ac.ivities at a nuclear pcwer plan:.                                                                                        '

2.0 SCOPE This pro:sc=n is a;;11ca:le to the site Quality Assurance / Quality *-

  • C=1; pers:nnel whc perfem inspecticas, sur- .:

ve111a=ces, ar=-*-=:icca or testing activities- that are intended 3, to assure :;:mality c' cons:metien or to verify ccafer=ance to j quality n--' e=ents; and persc nel w:o review and accept or l appmn :=z:De::ima, ar=+mtion or test docu:entatien er ot er l quality affe:.'=g c:c.=nects (e.g. procedures, instructions and specifica-*--*). 3;::csiestructive Exa=ina*. ion (.NDE) personnel  : trai

  • r acc! :;ua.11ricarica will be in a::orda=ce with Refenace
1. Fcr :::ad-p. poses cf tais procedure, refenness to inspe::1on l activities ' des surveillance. This is an AS:G See: ion ~'I procecure.
  • i 3.0 REFE5ENCI5 -
1. Carp:rama 2A De;artment Nondestructive Exa=ination Manual (EI .tnua*.) .; 4
2. ' I=st:; '- QA!-1.1, Visual Aculty and Color Perception Tests l
3. I=st:.u:-'- CA -1.2, QA/QC Person =e1 0- 21
  • fication Requinments l
                                                                     ,                                                                                                          t 4.0  RESPC'3'----"Is                                                                                                                           l l

4.1 *-an=r - CA/Q - Harris Plant Section + 2 The Mau:ager .1/QC - Harris Flast Section shall be respon- I sit *J fe staff 1=g the QA/QC Unit with persc==e1 meeti:g the a;:7 :;.-iata classificat1=n requireme=ts. l

                                                                                                                                                                            'i 1

4.2 Din e - QA~2C

                                                                                                                                                                                $l t

The Care: tor - CA/00 shall have overall respo=sibility for implanen:atiac of tais procedun. 1 i . 4.3 Su:er==te= den: - QC 3}

                                            "he St= peri =te:xte=t - QC is respe:sible to the Dinctor - QA/C                                                                }!

for i=uphtatico of this procedure.  ! e4

r ,,

c. qs


                                                                                               -'        REVIS'"'N COR? CRATE CfJALITY ASSLEAtiCE MFARTIEC                     "

l QA/QC - HARRIS PLAffT SECTION 00A-1 11 TITLE: PERSON!!EL TRAINI::G A:D OUALIF A-~.~::s 4.4 Quality Assura .ce/Cuali--- ::: :152.; it Surer risces CA/QC Subunit Super-is::rs e-*" sa:e crerall responsibility for i=plementatica cf -" = ;:-a:e=re in their assig .ed areas of responsibi'.ity. I 4.5 Quality Assurance /cual:.w := =-; see:ialist:/E rineers Site CA/OC SpecialistsF--'-ae: s +-* be res;c= sit:le fer indoctrinatica, tra *

  • i , :;-' " .:z:ic: a:d e.Cuatic: of QA/QC perscanel in their ass'-- e: a:Tas of res;caribility.

1 5.0 DUCATION AND EX?ERIENCE 5.1 Personnel perfor=1=g cu2 a __r_: ins shall =ee: the educa-tion and experience re:;u_~..:m=:.s set fcrth 1: Appendix A. f 5.2 Acceptable equivale=ts = e e- ":1c: levels listed in V Appendix A are as foll:ss:

1. In lieu of high scrcl: 'tary (USAFI), state , county, or local school ais;: school equivale cy GD; or two (2) years experian=a 1= -=truction operation cr inspection work s'h- to at covered by the inspection activity.
2. In lieu of 2-year ded;:ee 1: ecgineering/tect:olog7:

Satisfactory cc=plet::.oc cf " age credits wnich can be evaluated to be c--- g 1:le = :ta: requi.ed for a 4-year degree; or two (2) years experience as a CA/CC Inspector in a nuclear progrs=

3. In leiu of a 4-year : des:-se = =sn-engineering discipline:

Satisfactory :=plet.t.:: -" cal'ege crvdits whics can be evalua*.ed to be cc:;:arsale = taa: rwquired for a 4-year degree; or two (2) years experience as a CA/QC Inspector in a nuclear prog z=- 4 In lieu of a 4-year ctes:se = -c neering: Four (4) years experience as a :.UO: bpector in a nuclear program. g ,7 - e qr 3I?G l.'.J6I CMt1 ire PChER & LIGH C3fMN NLTGER :ECI"ON COR.oMTE GCALIT( ASIURANCE DEPARTTEtG CA/GC - lWLRIS PLNK SECTION CCA-1  ; e TITLE: PE?.5:::NEL -P.AI:CG AC QUALIFICA*:3 5.3 ?e experie:ce levels lis.ed in Appe . dix A are for directly related experience 1. wer.: that is technically equivale:: :: that .lich will be covend by the specific inspectic:/ as-*-- activity. Prior experience in construction operatic: er inspe::icn work which is only simDne to the inspec-ic:/ testi:g activity may be sutstituted for directly related exper.ence en a 2-month for 1-month basis, not to exceed - two-tairds cf the total i=spection experience requirece::. 5.2 Prior experience may be applied to the experience leve*,. requinments for more '" one inspectien/ testing activ1:7 prov ded the mquimments of 5.3 above are met. 6.0 PEYS! CAL CONDITICN 6.1 QA/QC icapection person =e1 shall meet the physical . for the particular CP&L classification involved at initial hiring. ( 6.2 Coctracted personnel er. ployed to aug=ent CP&L QA/CC i=spe:- tors shall meet the physical require =ents of their e=ploprz. 6.3 .QA/QC and augmented ins;ection personnel shall be testad to assure: -

1. Natural or corrected near distance acuity such as bei:g-capable of reading the J-1 letters on a stancar: .*aegr"s test-type chart or equivalent test type.
2. The capability for distinguishing and differentia-* !

contrast between cciors as de=c:strated by practical democatration or test performa=ce. 6.4 Pers:nnel that fail the maar distance acuity or color se:se testing may be evaluated and, through satisfactory de-cre: a-tics of capatility to perform the required inspectic..s, f'--- acce;:able for certification for a sub-category of inspe:" - . l The ;ersonnel ncords a:111 reflect the evaluation ; recess j used and acy inspection limitations imposed. '

i 6.5 The test specified in 6.3 (or as allowed by 6.4) shall be I conducted cm an acnual basis. 1
         ,                    6.6 Prior to fuel loading a;;11 cable CA/QC inspection a:d supervisory personnel tir.cluding centract personnel) 1 v:1 rec in plant Start-Up/ Operations activities will participate i=.

the coc:pacy sponsored mzpiratory protecticn progrs= *--"=* -

. cal. .
                            .                  _    -.   -_- - _--___. -          - -- - -        . - _ _ - ~ _ .      _

r-e yr l 3?iR01 A FM-CAR 3.INA PC)ER & LIG ~ C~ FANY NtFEER REY!5fCN 4* CORPORATE CUALITY ASSlRA'G E: ANT QA/CC - HARRIS PLNC 5E.-"~Cy; c A-1 11 l TITLE: PD.SC:: lEL ..A :tI::G AC :~.l*._. _1~!:': 7.3 INDoC7_".:A**0N C ~212.- : r 7.1 :;ewly assipe: pee s==al ::FAL and augen ed) will be _-s* ed is the perf: _.z=== :f :neir intended assign =ent(s). Tr5 ' ' g s:all be =- =-4 tar:as= a progra= censisting of ::de:- l trination s=1 =- .:s *:2 tr*'ad g (OJT) under the cire:: super-vision of .:. alt.fia: pe:s=:el. The degree of traini:( vill depend on ==  : =f prev- ons experie::e and tra1=ing. l e- usis wi 1_e ::: fi:staa:d experien:e gained throup actual perfor=an s =f ;:-m:ssces, tests, exa=1:ations and in:pe:: :ns. As the ins;e: :r ds :: mi

  • 5 develops proficiency, he =2y :e allowed t: pe-f:r =artai: inspection functions under .se super- ,

vision of ::= alified i:s;ecter; however, the qualifiec i=spector is -1Ls. ** hle for reinspectic: to the exte:: ne:essar/

                                    .to verify ::e *-" acy of tua trainee 's inspection. ii:M;:1 :
                                     " sign-off" z=a*.1 tie ac===;11shed by the qualified inspe:: r and certifies -
  • a:=e;.a:ce f the cc=plete: Work.

v 7.2 (a) Pers:==nel ;searf:rx::g CA/QO activities shall be 1:::ctri-natet 1: :..mse proje:t i=f:r=ational areas n'ecessary for


effe::in c:ss.1=ati:n and acco:plishment of their assiM a: ".T:.tias and rssponsibilities. Indoctrina:1cn shall to 1 r- r-ted on CA/3C Personnel Indoctri=atio= Cheer-Qff (F :s CA .7) and consist of, but not be '4-d ted to:

                                            . 1.       C&-=** ' and Organizational Relationsai;s
  .                                           2. ::r:cuc-'~ to appropriate site personnel
3. 3:.ims a=: Easp=sibilities
4. CFE - C::.L ::::C Procedures, Instructions, repc-.s rec =n-as and fi'ing system.
5. W- :h.wetives of site CCA/CCC Procedurss.
6. smd Itandartia to be e= ployed.

(b) QA/Q pe.m*. :=v:17ed with plan: Start-Up/Operztiens prior : f.aal *.=a:1:4 will receive indoctricata : in:

1. 3a:'
  • gi:11 Health & Safety Program i
2. Zus. ri Ac ic:
3. m:r=al Safety Program
4. Przw:: ice Fregram
5. Se== :7 .*nsrs:

l i i f l I i

1 r- qr OT:E D001ET cARaLInA mER & L!s,T cGfAftY u11a ps::s:Ou C M CRATE GUAU TY ASSURN CE DEPART

                                                                                              ~' ~-             22 TITLE:     PE7.20:::.T TF./,::::::G At:D CUALIT:CATIO::

7.3 A;;endix A to this procedure 3;e:ifies the tra'-- ; ti=e re uire: for the 1 :1vidual inspe::ics/tes ing L:.;vities.

                                      'h.ere the inspector in training has been pmva:::31 cern-fled for the inspection /testi=g activity by as: : ar ergs:1-zation, the classrocma hcurs may te reduce: by =e-calf 2::

the OJT** hours =ay be reduced by two-thirts. -ers ===e ; qualified for cons: rue 1on ;:ase CA/C0 act:.Jitis:s ::clu:ing those qualified througn teh O! training ;r:gra=. s e :: .11-dered qualified f:r equivale:. Start-Up a.: ;ersn: ;; CA/QC activities pr=vided in:octra:ation is rs:n vid as: docu ented in appli:acle Stare *J;/Operatie: ;-* e ;re:s:;.res.

lotes: 'Classrec training in:121es lect _. ez, di:: ==:.:::,

and de:cestrations of the uses of c:-"--::s  ::cl.s. and equip:sent related te the inspec:1=, et-ing activity; and the ad=intstration Of a;:;r:;ria.a exa=instions and tests. t V 'Where equally applicable to =cre :ts: ::a ins;s:- tion / testing activity, OJT time =sy te a;;;.ied. to each of the appropriate activ:.tes. 7.4 Formal training =4-dn4=tered by the CA/QO Spe:12.11st/ Enginners/ Subunit Supervisors to develop or cat =tain the r proficiency of inspection personnel, shall be ds==entet. Those training rec =rds shall include ' the f=110. :q infor-nation:

1. Name of Inspector
2. Subject Matter
3. Date 4 Time Spent - -
5. List of Atterssees ,

8.O C*JA'3- OA7:C!! PRIOR TO C"iR*3*ICA"' C? Price to assigt:nent to perform specifI.: inspectic /tes.1:g f.=:ticas, CA/^0

                                    . persoccel sna11 meet the d           require:ents f:r t e assig,-

ment as delineated in Appendix A. Classroom, self-s a:y ans pract:.:a1 demonstrations shall be perfor ned and documented in a::Ortas:e wit:

      .                         Reference 3.

m 3 e

           <    o. , r CIEM $'T~

cAna.:NA PO4A & Crr~ C/ *lY pap ~ee: RE/IS!C?l CCRPCRATE CUALITY ASE.FiA*G '.=:ETIG

                                                                                                                    .'s CA/GC - HARRIS ? X.7 3E-~.y;                                     CCA-1           11    l t

TI'!LE: PERIO:!:iEL TRA!':...: 1:: C.-

                                             .                  -;.01- :!!                                          [

S.O (cont.)  !, Qualificat n  : :sf c= ;any persc=e1 tran=ferred, frc= other unit :r :s=:s= . m.1 hired frc= organizatic=s wnich provide direct serv:.:ss -.m =a 3/0C Unit, w11*. be reviewed for accep-tance agal:r. =a :re-t'wce:ta of this procedum. The hspect:r's personnel fi .e a_~ =a ans::a ed to st:v tne results of .no review and identify a=* m--' g a:d/or testi ; required prior to certi-fication. ~a b e.7 :n: "-' tic:a1 trainis; is requ:. red, certifica-tion /recer-2.:1-- . =ay be a.ffected based on previcus quali-fications.


9.0 CERTIF'ICAT* I 91 subuni- I.=w-_: rs. :A/oc seecia*ists and Engineers l 9.1.1 * -"~. Icpervisers, QA/CC Specialist and Engineers a ars = - -d supervisory a.d tectnical respo.sibilities i

aamec y c: continatic:a of for.:41 educa:1cn, j
                                               ;rv--"+ := alci=g, previous work experience and
                                                     *=-       cf indoctrinatica to satisfactorCy perfor :
                                               =Dec.r -T-=:ta . Such personnel are consi:ered gr****"
  • wittout examination to perfor= 'thg following
                                               .  ::c. .. =:s as appl.icable to the activities within their
                                               ..r   g - :s 1:.   ".z=,
                                                       .       :;ualify a:.d supervise CA/CC perso=e1 in 1:nz:actio::, monitoring and testing assig=ents.
2. "seve*:p and =4*4 =ter oral / written qualification
3. E5.vtha=a capabilitias and perfor=ance of CA/Q pers=:mel. '
                                               =. Em as e reau.lts of exasinatioca, inspections ard mz:s.
5. la va*.::sp and prepare nos CA/QC procedures and 1:=r:-1.c:ticca.
5. Sur.wir QA/2C and Construction operations proceduns asc i=stractions fo
  • a;proprista connit: ants and
=ai- gras:ts.

O "l. ".Ja-*-* -a t review of Jite generated documents vnica "a.. sm documentary evidence of the quality of '

                                                     -"* =ar safety related ite=s and of activities                  ,

s *!ac ( quality. , i

                                                                      .s.                                           '

f .

u. -
                      @@1.l.3 EEE CAROL!!% POWER & LIGiT C3fMN                                  l
                                                                               '    'UGE9          "!EVISION CORPORATE Ct.:ALITY ASS'JWC DEPART!"Eiff QA/GC - HARRIS PLNIT E'" TION                                    J -i               13 T:Tt E:    Pas::::m. nn:::::o A:.. c:At.:rnn:o::

9 1.1 (cont.)

8. 7er.ew of procureme:: :::.=s:: fer ine'.2 at:s of CA mquireme=u.

\ .

9. 7er.ew of Suppliers' d::.=ns:.ats: . t: assure
                                           ;r::ured ite=s coc;17 V . *1    . of
                                           ;ro:uncent documents.
10. 71as, sched' ale and z=; err 2e 1:.:;e:: :ns as:

l sur teillacce of cenzt .*.:.1= s= c;ersta:ns l , a:tivities.

11. Identify quality prc:::le=a a=: i=itiate, rec:::s::.2 cr provide resciuticca.

9 1.2 Other activities assigned is se;erris:rs ] c an as follows: 91.2.1 QA surveillar.ce

1. Perform CA Samil. lance cf cons:mett:n .:
                                 ;                   installatics, azzi testing                 ;
                                 ,                   activities.                                         !!
2. Perform CA Sumf. nan s cf selected ,

general activ.'*. ins su; pcrting ratter than ' directly Mlated te the installatic:. - testing or ina;ection of pere 2 ent plast items or stru:::.:res.

                                            . 3. Perforin te    -=1 doc =me:t review of constructico .A Be:oren.

I civil & Str= Jet m. ;

1. Sampling ass :sz. :4 ef :=: rete =atar1.als (i.e. cement, aggregate, at:1xtures : .

l wa ter) .

                       .                          2. Concrete prod.: t=.
3. Sampling a::d taa =4 of ;1aat1: cor.:reta and grout.
4. Ccumpressive tasting of c:n=reta a 1 gr: rat.


9 0 2W ' T U- 5T CAR 3.*.id 83G 1 CFf C3FNN

                                                                                                                       ?.VGE:t           9"!:- t CORPORATE. CIL.7. l A1LT.FXQ 2PARTT.NT QA/Z   -deF23 PU.'tr SCTION                                                               2 -1                 %

TITLE: PEF.!::::::r. 2 :Cm 1:a : 11. . r::AT:en - ' e 9 1.2.2 (cont.;

5. Tensile test:ng of reinfore:ng sten.

bars ar.1 cadweld apec1: ens.

6. Installation of Moct.anical splices (cadwelds) in concrete reir. forcing cars.
7. Calibrat:.:n and field adjustment of measuring devices.

l . 8. Windsor Probe testing ec:: s e strong a in place. l Materials t *ecords

1. Receipt storage and issue cf nucisse

!cm safety n iated plant items and con-iC I sumables.

2. Construction site procurement of mc* mar safety niated plant items and onr.s.=a:;.as.
3. Acessuulations, review, filing and c:c=rr.".

of rocceds which are required to docume:tary evidence of the quality or nuclear safety related items and of ac.s-vities affecting quality. l l l

4. Contrel of construction and operatt:ca contrci documents.


5. Control of recons of permanent pla:t 1:muna l transferred between unita or off-s:.:a.

3 I

6. Assently of Code Cata Reports ter s.aram" to the Naticnal Board. *
 ,                                                                      i .1.2. 4 Moctonics1 & Weldir.s I
1. Installation and pressure testi:4 cf - m systems, componenta and HVAC duct w:rs.
     ,                                                                             2. Field fabrication / modification cf    , .t :=g j                                                                                       subassoaslies.
      .4     e MM 1Cil'UI                                                                            .

t CT.RG.If4A POWER & L. git C3fAf# l

                                                                                                                         '."15ER                 RE'.'I S 1CN CCRPORATE CUALITY ASS'SA*CE E: ART lOT COA-1                         13 G/QC - HARRIS PLAffT S.:"T*0N TIT 1E: FEESONNEL TRA2!!::G l'iO C M 7 : ACON (c=t. )
2. Appli:a_i= =' ':i" type. sy=bol sta:p te AS:E 0xe Cass pi;ing and subasse=blies and sys.e=s.
                                                  +. Preparati= =f IS'E C de Oa.a Rep:rts.

5 Cleanli=ess "-e;ectic=s f pipin-s . s te=s am ===one nts .

6. I:spect = c' =de v2.ns.
7. Cualifica ic= cf welders and welding operatcrs. .

I S. Field ul.i=.g :f ASIE Code Class ar.d i

                                  .                      ncn-code ' = = piping.                                                                                I
9. 7-atallati== veldins =f pressure toundary c==pc=ents.
10. I=stallati== welding of Seis=ic Category I structural s.ael me: bars, banSers and .'


11. Field fab-icanon welding of piping sub-assec611er, a:ks, str.:=tural steel me=bers,
b. angers a:d s=_ ports (i=cluding studs).
12. I=stal'.at' m welding of steel li:er plate.
13. Post-wt2d treat =sst. . Start-Uo/O e-st2.=..s

1. Proced: e -ernew
2. Turnovers ,


3. Docume= Be r_n
4. Mainta-=m e a.zi 3:xii'i=ation Control
 -n Q                                                 5.      CA Surn  ' e-= of Start-CP/ Operations
6. Inspe ct' ~ =

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3= 1 ~' X'DT CC',*, PGrER & CGHT ~3fMN i tr~P -~- ~  :=v' ~*r.R

                                                                                                                                          ~ ' -                  I C::F.*0:XE .A.ITf ASSJa' ICE .T.FARTPE'4T                                                                                                l i

TA'.a - :+1AR:.:5 R.NT SE TION C1- U l t TITLE: P'- w. Ti"NG A'O ::AL FICA- ON 1 e e, .3 .e se::el, net necessarily classi'ied as a -- l Specialists /F.ngineers may be assip.ed sups.-  := -- 1 espc:sibili .ies within their areas of te---? l expertise when evaluated by, the CA/QC Sub --- 1 Superv- sor as being capable of perfer=ing :e I superr scry assig. ment. The evaluation s-=" ce ' d:-~-ted and shall take into account the f "-:- r i fa=:crs: i s I. Education -

2. Experience l t
2. De=onstration of Capability I
.2 ' *s sonnel perfor--i g CA/QC activities will be e"--O  !

f.~. certi'ication af ter ce= plying with paragrapn: E.- i o- 0.0 as ap;11 cable. Cert:.fication shall be do- -- - cc ::M/Q Persennel Qualification / Certification (?::= 2  : } asi .s h = ' cc:.ain, but not be 14-4 ted to, the fc" v::s i 1:':rrma-' ': s

1. Z=;1 syne's Name
                                      -                 N
2. Name cf person being certified
2. Activity qualified to perform 4 Data of certification and effective period
5. Basis fo- certification,

1 E. Sig.ature of Director or his desig=ee 3.3 Ca. ifica ic: by the Director means the inspect:- :.: =~'ed

perf::= t .e following as applicable to the 1:.rpe:--
tasting antif.ty
1. Recc:-i 1:spection, examination and testing dz:.a.  !
2. Ic=Imment approved inspection, exa=1.ation a== ter-- r l pr:cmdures. l l
2. Plznt i=specticcs, evaluations and tests; se:- :p te:=:s. l l 4 '~"- preparatica and -set-up of related e-"---' .

l A. Evaluate the validity and acceptability of 1:.r:e- . arx-- n ion and test results.

              .o rn-r-.

t . .-- I -' a t_11 CAR 3.IM PCWER & LIGiT C'1 PAIN  !' N RATE ::UALITY ASS 3 ATE E". AEEIT CA/GC - HARRIS PLAT.T SECTICH CCA-1 11 TI'u :..*

                           . - . -.                 a 9.3 (c=t. )                                                                                       !
5. Rep r: *-~;ectic:, ex=-'-=:10: and tes: .m s;.:' .s.
6. etter i=spectir/ testing personne ..
7. Tr=" other p=~~~--1 S. Use calibra:ec ::cls and equi;:ent required f:r _ s inspe: tic:/ esti .g activ:.*y.

9.1 Appendix A to . sis procedure identifies t,'.e in:1:_:ua' ' an: inspectien/ testing activites fcr .10: CA/QC persensel =ay be assigned. 10.3 :EV II!SPECC:: Ac....n_ S In the event a new woric activity and the associated inspectics a:.ivity are c:::.:r es: se as to preclude prior q"=-"'-=--

  • of i=spectica perso==el, inspectics of the work sh.all te under supervisory c= trol of the cog '~ ant CA/QC Specialist, -- ~er I cr Subunit Superviser. Assistance frc= the cog-4-=-: :iscif 4 e e'r'aeer and =anufacturer's representative may be re:uested .o facilitate i=itial qualificatics cf inspection / test.=g persc=:el.

i - he required CJT =ay be waived upon satisfactory de-=:ra+" n of ability to perform the inspection / testing functic=. 11.0 ETALUATION A.E RE E:.TIIICATION 11.1 The job perfor=ance of QA/QC persennel shall be evaluated at intervals not to exceed two (2) years. QA/CC ;ersc=e1 who have Oct perfer::ied inspectic / testing activ:. ties fc-which gaalified within a period of one year sm be re-evalua:ad pric- to assi ga-=t to perform taa: ' *,e c i= Cr test. 11.2 If the results of the perfo: ance evaluation (s) a e satis-factor 7, the 4-d'vidual's cer*.ification shall be ----d---- 11.3 If, duri:5 the ab,ove evaluation or at any other t:.=se, it is deteW=d that the capabilities of an individual de =ct

                                            = leet the regaire:nents of the inspection / testing a::i-ity, that d"vidual s=all be removed from the activity u=:C sue ti:ne taa: the required capability has been de--*:ra e:.

O U' 11.4 Recer:ificati = will be documented on CA-49A Fe=s.

 -  ~

e . , , n Rai m r00Efi i CAP.3_If?A POM51 & LIGHT COMPAtlY  : __

                                                                                                    , L,, __.-    _
                                                                                                                            .,: .,, :_ 4,0N t ;.-uv,7- CUALITY ASSiRAfCE DEPAR 7ENT                               ,

l , a _ . - . . ..

                              % Z - HARRIS PLANT SECTION                                    i TI 1 E' Fr2C:.'.:EL TRAI::.223 A!!D QUALIFICAT:C:'

Ti I

                                       = .

1 1 12.1 A file of QA/QC personnel certifica:t- - _ -le .r_ QA :.9/49A For s) stall be retained i: II. :r--- as. 12.2 A file of records required to supp r: :e s_ _i'--=:i:: cf personnel assi=ed to perfor= 21/O 2::::.nties sna2 be establisned an: maintained. ~;e fi a -- "-

  • ce.

as a '-i um: 1

1. Visual Acuity Test Results (F:= !.1- 2. l
2. Physical Ex= '"ation Results Or I -- = = 2 a ece::
3. Resu=e' of Education and Experience 4 I=doctrinatic: (Fom QA-47) g
5. Other training such as the respirz:::  ;::-ete :::: I program, heal h physics, sec.:rity. = :.. i O 13. APPEIDI l

13.1 Appen:iix A, QA/QC Education, Exper'-- = 1 !--x- '-- Requi.9ements 6 1


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A:;er. dix A

  • Page of -


-, -e -r =- ve* T & TRAININO REOU~RD'EITS  !

CA/CC-e- - u.---'. 1 i ES . I ;PERIENCE REOUIRE2 ' :i:.5. TEA::::::G

  • g p e_, .--YR C~ us-
                                                                                                                                                                    .             u_t ACh.\._L"~-~g                  ! HIGH                     l 2-YR ENGR / TECH                                            l ua                      ; SCHOOL I a-YR NON-ENCR                                      E';OR                      I   ROOM I

C m ./STP.ucTuaAL- i i I  ! I - - - Concrete Compressi.n Ter:- .s - 2 1 ,

1. 0 2 5 Sieve Analysis 2 3 2 _2 Field Testing of Con-.* .e ,

2 1 f ls d Re' ar & Cadweld Tensi~e 3 24 2 1 3 Testir4 l i 4 2 0 2 -0 Concrete Material Tes:i=g s i 0 - 1 15 Grout Testing 2 1 1

  • i 3 2 16 Cement False Set Tes i=g 2 1 o

1 C i

   \.L'T                Cen: rete Batch P12.nt                                                                                              2                            4          4C 12                                4 I=spector                                                                                                                               l In-Place Concrete Test by 0                            2          16 Windsor Probe Syse                                        2                                1 8                                4                        2                             4         4C Cadwid Inspectoi-                                                             ,

O i i I 1 l Oh

  • I

r l

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                    ;                                        r.:s . EX?I: I:CI :.I:' J7.I:                              '
                                                                                                                               .2.5 . T:_C ::ISG
                    ;         'INSPE TIONTIESTING        HIGH           2-Y3. I;C-7 '! E E '       -YF.                   C' -    d5-           0JT I              M'DE5                5CH00L     f Lm.        'U-E';~.          E:;G..                     :. OY-t                         I                          i MA~EE~ALS & RECOE"S                                                   I Receipt Inspector             l            {


1. Secondary (OR Received) 12 i' 4 4 20
2. Rebar 16 i 6 ,

la 20 i

3. NSR Categories I & II i -

Off-the-Shelf Ite=s  ! , Consu= ables 16 ,I i - 6 4 20 t

4. Stock Steel & Bolting I Stock Tubing, Pipe and i Fittings (FP & Radwaste) i .

Stock Tubing, Pipe and  ! Fittings (Code Class) 24  ! 'l 7 6 20 a 5 *deld Filler Materials 40 2- 16 - E 20 I i l 6. Engineered Items j (Seismic I)  : Ecgineered Items (NSR Categories I & II, Radwaste & Fire Pro- I tection) , Primary -Engineered Items 44 2- 1T E 37 i i Pu-chase Requisition Review

1. Non "Q"-List Items 8 i J. 2 . E 20 ,

i l 2. "Q" -List Items 24 .2 6 6 40 l

                      ' QA Records Clerk                    8                   r1                  !UA                            5              80 3
m. ,



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                             %:: . 5             , .,.:: . u.a                                                                                               -.-

HIG.d.. 2 .(-n r ,.iG r. , .

                                                                                                                                          -  ..R
:- , Os a i A- ' #

l.-YR NON.INOR I IMOR  ?.T M l SCHOOL 6 i . .- - -  !'  ;

                   ; Mech..r
                       .          . a-        u                                                                                                           .                  .

Clea - - 8 l 4 l

                                 ~pect. '.r                                                                                               c                        :              c0 i,

Pre- - e =eo- Espec:cr 8 6' . 4 j - 2C I Valve -

                                                                                                                                       i Inst:"---- b;e::Or                                    24                                     8                         t.          i           -

3C Pipe I.:od .=a:- :z-i:n/  : Modi-=--- - b;ec: ion 12 8 - 4 -

                                                                                                                                                                    -               2;
                                    -                                                                                                                                        I Pipe, Fo: h deld Insperte.-                                            24                                  12                           6                       i               8C Stru::   J.
  • I.nspector 16 8 4 3 30 .

l S tud .* ' -- I b ;ect:r 16 8 4 40 f Post ~ae :1 Ema: ' reat::ent Inspe::=r 8 . 4 2 + 40 i n i P P. 4 l I l I i


          .. .. e
   ,'                                                                                                                                                                             A:pendix A Page -.            of      3 CA/0C EOUCAT! 5. EXPERIENCE & 7:~_'O EEC' rE                                                                            I.""'S 6                                                            e    ./d.S N .

O".r1.. ~.%-- *

                                                                                                                                     .~.1. - _7. L ' ..


                                                                                                                                                                                           . 7.3 .   ..._..._s..
                                                                                                                                                                                                          "L . *
  • i IN=,FEC"',0 N. *:h-.,,Ig, ..u HIGH 2-YF. G 7.,TE.H e-T?. l CLAS5- l OJT  ;
                  '                  A-             .2.AES                     SCHOOL             1.      :7. TN-INCE                                            I E!:G .             3    c.00M           '
                                                                                                                                                                 '                   I                     i S Ar-CP                                                                                                                                      !                   .                     I 5

l 1 1 Tur=cver - Mechanical 24 a c 16 l 4 l

                                                                                                                                                                 !                                                        l
                    ?.:rcover - H7AC                                               24                                  -                                         !       2                      2               16 i                                                        !
                    ?.irnover - Electrical                                         24                                  -.                                        3       2          !           2               16        1 Tur:over - I&C                                                 24                                   -                                        9 2          '

2 16

                                                                                                                                                      -l                            6 Tur:over - Structural / Civil                                  24                                  -
                                                                                                                                                                 ]       2                      2                16 C   e=-"   .ess Inspe :icns                                       8                                -

l 2  : 2 20 Ins::.=:mntation !=spections 24 ' 12 2 i 4 20 Mec.anical Inspecticus 24 A 6 40 l 2 4  : 6 40 Electrical I=spections 24 , I l Sur e4' lance - PSTJISI 24 12 . 4 3 20 Surveillance - Operations 24 12 4 2 20 Su::sillance - Maintenance 24 ~2 4 3 20 Surveillance - E&2C 24 12 6 3 20 Surveillance - Start-Up Acnivities 24 12 4 2 , 20 Surveillance Wn4=trative 24 ~2 4 2 10 I Surveillance - Technical Support 24 *2

                                                                                                                      .                                                  -                       2               10 Surveillance - General                                                    ;

(Refer to Note 1) 24 i ~2 4 4 20 , Note: l

1. General surveillance certi. ,

fi:ation will cover basic items suen as cleanliness, house- .W keeping, training and qualifi- g ca ions. This certificati:n l l wi 1 provide the netuods fer I preparing, condu= ing and l , re;crting surve1:Ia ces. l l


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START-UP.  ! l I I . Maintenance --:: 2=:-- -- Re r_e .- 24 S 2 2 E E .

  • I:

l Start-Up I:s :: 2--- Review 24 g 8 2 i 2 . i - E&RC Inst:.:::ic: Se:_ew 24  !. 8  !. 2 I i- I

                                                                                                   ~                                            *
  • General P.o:sdu es: i  ! i Instructic: Be;;ew 24 8 _ 2 l*
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ,              2 6 8

t 16 8 2 I I I h~ri&A Review . I .

                                                                                                                                                                              .                              .i .'
  • C'4R&A Review 16 8 2 - I t, ' Z i t.

S's/ pts Rersw 16 8 2 l 2 ii II - I g Plan t Modi -= -- --- Se t_ew 24 12 4 i -  :' 2- i s' r, l Calibratio- Sc- _ '.:--= ces - E Revd ew 12 12 1 8 - i -'j

                                                                                                                                                                                   );i f

l' d i ll a

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A :e :1ix A . Page - of  : s

                                           .*==                        gs 0 A/ U_L   & o ve.
                                                   -    L. .s* *.= *.r.s .4' . r=:"3.
                                                                                   -. . . F E?.?.\.*F b            T., at   "L T*******"
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  • J ? L ^b=. ***T. T\. f.T.*.** e C
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                                                                                                                                                                                  .  :. ,. ,. o-
                                          ,.ON/~t~.2_ .4 Is. s P_e.

u.. l ACTIVI~~'TES N.0. .'" 'I_^....___.,"#~~~~~" l* c.w..- Oa_.

                    *                            ~

l SCHOOL t.-YE NON-I'OR [ 'E!:GE E00M I [ i

                                                                                                                                                       ,l                           1
                    !                                                           l MI5Fr* ' UEOUS                                                                                                                                                j (Non-Inspection /Testi .g
  • g Actitities) i
                    ,  OA/0C Subunit Supertis:rs                                        468                                 354                                25;                            !/A                    :/A CA/0C Specialist                                                 312                                 20E                  _
                                                                                                                                                                ~;a                         ::,'a                    ::/A
                                                                                                                                                      ,l          ..                                    i            ..

OLJOC Engineer N/A 5/A '

                                                                                                                                                                  -o                        . la.
  • Ia.

l i 1 l 0 1 s e i 1 6 0

                      .                                                                                                                                                          t 3

8 4 Ii l i

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  • C' ::- L2 4 g GH 2-YR I:;GR/ TECH -YR -

ETCF. I i * - ' = I SC: COL a-YR ?'C?!-ENGR ! I'*GR 1 -l l' CA SURVEI1*'4 : I . 1 24 8 I 4 5 4 Concrete P S - *- " t =  ? 24 8 4 5 'i ' *O-Concre te Te_* -I .* - .:Dr l 12 4' 2 3  ! ~5 i Grout Place =m:- * -- - i Structural 5.eC E. r.= s . 12 4 2 4 M Mc.itor 12 4 2 a -D Cadwelding - : :T_ >~te , Stils - Cont- .1 '- ----- 24 8 _ 4  ! 5 AD Expansion I t-5 ~e"*: ion . 2 ~5 12 4 2 - Monitor i Electrical Ea:rsay ' '""  ; 24 8 4 1

                                                                                                                                                                                        -.                           23 ns talla* ' - P --- -                                                                                                                         :

Cable Pui-e _. re- - ti= l

      @                 and Testinr F * -   -

24 8 4 23

                                               .m:---"         ~ '~                         12                               4                                2          l               ?                           20 Cleanness                                                                                                                                                                             ,

Protective '"e5 M-= tion 8 4 4 50 Monitor 24 . 1 Mer hani cal '-" 24 8 4 4 tion Monitec- , 12 6 4 4 20, Hydrostati: h " +~- Hanger & * #  : st:al"ation Monitor 24 8 4 4 36-8 4 4 30 Piping I=r-m*-'- son. 24 HVAC Ductu:rr --e.a.'2.a* m 4 16 8 4 2C Monitor Receiving -- u

                                                                     .   't.or               44                            22                            17                                 E                         4C In-Proces.s ~e~e. i !::a.':ity 24                             12                                    6                         5                         4C Qualifitr--                    .W::ar 24                             12                                    6                         E                         4(

Final We'd 2:a.*-in Non-Dest: :c .a *-*-s.ico . 44 22 17 E 4( Monitor

             -             General 1:_'_t :;7 .acc:it.::-

24 8 4

  • 2i (Refer t: Ima I:

Electri- ' :---- . -=: .::senta- . tion Ins =- r---- ~' -ing 24 8 4 - 2 i t 'I l 1 l

s l c.. - i 4 a,,% I

                                 *                                                                                                                                                ..n   .

A::en-ix A Fage of - 0A/GC E-"A~!ON. EX"EE!E!:E & U_C***'O EECU!EE"E!C5

                                   .L           _C
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2 . u.a . .L- -

ES . EXPEE!E:7I :I:~_'IEi! t  : G 5 . T E A ::I!:G A
                                                                                                                                                            -- . .s                                 _ m.. -            ,0y .
s. _ 1_, , ...-c.. .. 2 -u _. . ._. . . . . . . ._

3 iSCHOOL 4-TE :.N-I:01 E::0R EOCM -i t

                     ;.                                                                          6 l                                                               :


                       ! CA SURF ~T.: ANCE (cont. )                                              l                                                     ,i                               l l                                      l                               I                                        I:

Note: } l 1. -  ! Qualificatien of CA/C0  ;- Inspect:rs for'surve"h e j

                       , of on-site centract:r acti-g vities is provided oy quali-                                                                                                                                 a ficatic for specific sur-                                                                                                                                   !                                         I veillan:e activities. Fer                                                                                                                                    l exa=ple, surveillance of                                                                                                     -

l ' contractor welding activities t  : shall be performed by an inspector qualified in veld - control surveillance.  ! I

2. Qualification of CA/CC l a~ Inspect:rs for technical  ;

review of site generated l recorcs is provided by speci-fic activity qualificati::n. CA/QC Lspectors qualified for specific activity ars > thereby qtmHfled to review records generated within the i scope of that activity. j Site CA Sa.-veillance


3. i Fersome] may be conside ed .. l qualified for general sur- l l l veillance by virtue cf their qualification in oos or more . specified surveillance  ! activities . In this case, the l qualification shall require  ; the co=pletion of mqui.M  ! indoct.-ination, self-study l f and classroom training; , additi:nally, personnel shall  ; meet tse education and . j experience requirecents out- . lined in this Appendix. OJT,  ; practical demonstrations, arx: ,/% exami:ations shall not be lV required when qualification  ; , is ac:2:clished by this j-



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                                                                                                                                                                                 .         ESGR                            2. C:M
  • i l

b 8 - U

                                                         .!                     I                                                                                                !

CA SUP.VEILLA' ~T. ' i i 5 l - 2 l4. Site CA S=*v='- L

                                                     =-re                                                     ,                                                                  1                                                                         i g

personnel may be --de ed 1. qualified for sw""= e "

  • inspection activi-"-- fc= w=ich l they hold or have ' =~ r=1 i 1 CP&L certifica-1:c _ -his j  !

case , the qualif'-*---- sW' l l , require the c::=ple-- =f n- i  ; j' quired indoctrina '~ a=id i  ! ll self-study, addi-' --* ' 'y ,

                                                                                                                                                                                   !,                         -                                             ti persc=nel sb='7 ::ee: be ed:-                                                                                                                                                          .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ;l cation and exper-- requ: e-                                                                                                                                                                                                          'I ments Outlir.e. 1 ~~"
  • j t'

appendix. No addi- -= CC'*, i gj classroom tra' i- ,, ;:-act'-=1 l demonstrations a=1 " mmtic.s . l i . shall be requimed ace: cuali-fication is acc m -" W by f I this method. ll. I t e a k'

                               .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    l t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              'l 1

lb 4 t a T t 4 0 . f


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.c , K 2 P. O. Box 101, New Hill, N. C. 2756i October 3,1983 Mr. James P. O'Reilly NRC-126 ~ i United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission ' Region 11 101 Marietta Street, Northwest (Suite 2900) Atlanta, Georgia 30303 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1986 900,000 KW - UNITS 1 & 2 SHOP WELDING DEFICIENCIES IN SEISMIC I PIPE HANGERS SUPPLIED BY BERGEN-PATERSON, ITEM 95 UNDERSIZE SKEWED TEE FILLET WELDS ON SEISMIC 1 - PIPE HANGERS, ITEM 72

Dear Mr. O'Reilly:

Attached is our second interim repcrt on the subject items which were deemed reportable per the provisions cf 10CFR50,55(e) and 10CFR, Part 21, on August 13,1982 (Item 95) and November 5,1982 (Item 72). Carolina Power and Light Company is pursuing this matter, and it is currently projected _ that corrective action and submission of the final report will be accomplished by December 1,1984. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Yours very truly, f W R. M. Parsons - Project General Manager Shearon Ilarris Nuclear Power Plant RMP/sh Attachment ' cc: Messrs. G. Maxwell /R. Prevatte (NRC-SHNPP) - Mr. R. C. D.eYoung (NRC) S

                                .                                                              000822 e


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o Mr. James P. O'Reilly NRC-126 bec: Mr. H. R. Banks Mr. N. J. Chiangi Mr. A. B. Cutter Dr. T. S. Elleman Mr. G. L. Forehand Mr. B. J. Furr Mr. S. Hinnant - Mr. L. I. Loflin Mr. R. E. Lumsden Mr. M. A. McDuffie Mr. C. H. Moseley, Jr. Mr. R. M. Parsons Mr. Sheldon D. Smith Mr. J. L. Willis Mr. S. R. Zimmerman Mr. H. W. Bowles Dr. J. D. E. Jeffries Mr. M. F. Thompson Mr. J. Nevill S e e e

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Deficient shop welds on pipe hangers previously accepted by Bergen-Paterson (B-P)'and Ebhsco Welding Inspectors. ITEM: Seismic Pipe Hangers SUPPLIED BY: Bergen-Paterson Pipe Support Corporation, Laconia, New Hampshire NATURE OF DEFICIENCY:

1. Missing and undersized welds
2. Cosmetic weld defects
3. Undersized skewed tee welds .
4. Deficient welds accepted by B-P inspectors and Ebasco Vendor Quality Assurance (VQA) inspectors DATE PROBLEM OCCURRED: Prior to October 1,1982 DATE PROBLEM REPORTED: On August 13,1982 CP&L (Mr. N. J. Chiangi) notified the NRC (Mr. A. Hardin) that this item (Item 95) was reportable under 10CFR50.55(e) and 10CFR, Part 21. In our November 5,1982 letter, CP&L (Mr. R. M. Parsons) notified the NRC (Mr. J. P.

O'Reilly) that this item (Item 72) was reportable under 10CFR50.55(e) and 10CFR, Part 21. SCOPE OF PROBLEM: . Seismic Category I pipe hangers which were inspected at the - source of fabrication prior to October 1,1982. SAFETY IMPLICATIONS: Deficieilt wclds could cause a safety-related pipe hanger to fail under seismic conditions. As a result, if not corrected, they could adversely affect the safe operation of this facility. However, no hangers evaluated to date with the a'oove type deficiencies have been found to adversely affect the safe op2 ration of *.his facility. REASON THE DEFICIENCY IS REPORTABLE: The conditions reported in item 95 and item 72 represent breakdowns in B-P and Ebasco QA programs which allowed supports to be shipped with welds which were not in accordance with design criteria. This incident was identified as reportable under 10CFR50.55(e) and 10CFR, Part 21, due to the extensive evaluation required and the breakdown in the QA programs. CORRECTIVE ACTIO_N_: 1. Hangers with shop weld deficiencies were identified during the following processes: A. Receipt Inspection. B. Inspection in the warehouse prior to hanger inssuance to the field. C. Inspection in the field of installed hangers which had not been previously inspected by CP&L for shop weld deficiencies (dcas not include thosc han; rcra

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CORRECTIVE ACTION (cont'd.): J D. Reinspection of pipe hangers that were installed or partially installed and inspected prior to June 26, 1982. This includes the 347 hangers which were previously reinspected as part of the Corrective Action to NRC Report 50-400/82-03. .The June 26, . i 1982 date was selected because the QC weld I inspection program was expanded to include shop welds. 346 hangers which had been installed and inspected prior to June 26,1982 were removed,

                                       '                        ' voided, or declassified to non-seismic by a subsequent drawing revision and therefore were not reinspected.                                                     .
2. 449 hangers with defective shop welds were identified by processes A and B (see above).

1862 hangers were reinspected by Processes C and D. 728

                                 $.                       were identified with shop weld deficiencies.                         .

Deficiencies were resolved as follows: Welds were cut out. , Design drawing revisions were issued as a result of Engineering evaluation. Welds were reworked and upgraded to meet the

                                                             -     acceptance c.-iteria of FCR-H-373.

r .e Some hangers were on hold due to engineering problems which precluded rework at this time. . These hangers will be dispositioned in accordance with the app opriate drawing revision when the enginecrag holds ere reraoved.

3. Instruction measures have been established to control pipe hangers which have not been installed but were received prior to October 1,1982. We have taken the option to inspect shop welds prior to issue from the warehouse or to inspect shop welds at the same time field welds are inspected. Defective welds will be identified on DDR's for control and evaluation.

PREVENTIVE MEASURES , TAKEN TO AVOID FURTHER NONCOMPLIANCE: 1. Field Change Request (FCR) H-979 was developed and issued to provide weld inspection acceptance criteria for both field and shop welds based on the AWS DI.1 code and B-P design criteria.

2. Ebasco VQA began performing in process inspections and 100% inspection of hanger welds en October 1,1982. This is to be performed throughout the remainder of the 6-P purchese order.

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3. Ebasco VQA management regularly visits the B-P Laconia facility to confer with the Ebasco VQA representative and to witness the VQA inspector's activities.
4. B-P welders and inspectors and Ebasco VQA inspectors have received additional training in weld acceptance criteria.
5. 100% shop weld inspection is presently being performed on site for. hangers received from B-P to ensure this problem does not reoccur.

FINAL REPORT: Corrective action has been completed on all active hangers. Those hangers on engineering hold will be reinspected and reworked when they become active again, or they will be cancelled if they are voided. For this reason, we cannot close this item until December 1,1984. 4 i l i

  • I

1 (i , j 1 ( O P. O. pox 101, New 11111, N. C. 2756!

              .,                                    October 3,1983 Mr. James P. O'Reilly                                                                                 NRC-127 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission l             Region II l             101 Marietta Gtreet, Northwest (Suite 2900)

Atlanta, Georgia 30303



Dear Mr. O'Reilly:

Attached is our second interim' report on the subject items which were deemed reportable per the provisions of 10CFR50.55(e), on August 13,1962 (Item 96) and November 5,1982 (Item 72). Carolina Power and Light Company is pursuing this matter, and it is currently projected that corrective action and subniission of the final report will be accomplished by December 1,1984. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Yours very truly, l . WN# R. M. Parsons Project General Manager Shearon flarris Nuclear Power Plant RMP/sh Attachment cc: Messrs. G. Maxwell /R Prevatte (NRC-SIINPP) Mr. R. C. DeYoung (NRC) , 000823 r t _-_ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _

i %.

    .                                                                                                                                                       l
                                                                 .                                                                                          1 Mr. James P. O'Reilly                                                                      NRC-127
        . bec: Mr. H. R. Banks Mr. N. J. Chiangi                                                                                                                        !

Mr. A. B. Cutter Dr. T. S. Elleman Mr. G. L. Forehand Mr. B. J. Furr Mr. S. Hinnant Mr. L. I. Loflin Mr. R. E. Lumsden Mr. M. A. McDuffie Mr. C. H. Moseley, Jr. Mr. R. M. Parsons Mr. Sheldon D. Smith Mr. J. L. Willis

  • Mr. S. R. Zimmerman Mr. H. W. Bowles Dr. J. D. E. Jeffries Mr. M. F. Thompson Mr. J. Nevill O

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Deficient field welds on pipe hangers previously accepted by QC welding inspectors. . ITEMS: Seismic Pipe Hangers SUPPLIED'BY: ' N/A - Hangers furnished by Bergen-Paterson, but problem deals i with field welds.  ! NATURE OF DEFICIENCY: 1. Missing and undersized welds

2. Cosmetic weld defects
3. Inaccurate and incomplete QC documentation
4. QC inspections performed by personnel whose work was suspect
5. Undersized skewed-tee field welds DATE PROBLEM OCCURRED: Prior to July 29,1982 DATE PROBLEM REPORTED: August 13,1982 - CP&L (N. J, Chiangi) notified the NRC (4 l;i Hardin) that this item (Item 96) was reportable urder the provisions of 10CFR50.55(e). In our November 5, 182 letter.
     .                                                                     CP&L (R. M. Parsons) notified the NRC (J. P. O'Iteilly) that this item (Item 72) was reportable under 10CFR50.55(e).

SCOPE OF PROBLEM: 3749 Seismic Oategory I pipe hangers that were installed or partly installed and inspected prior to June 26,1982 were identified and reinspected. This includes the 349 hangers which were previously reinspected as part of the corrective action to , NRC Report 50-400/82-03. The June 26,1982 date was selected because the QC weld inspection program was expanded to include shop welds on Installed hangers (refer to item 93). Inspector training was conducted prior to June 26,1982 to ensure satisfactory inspector perfctmance. , 347 hangers whicn had been instclied and inspected prior to June 26,1982 were removed, volded, or declassified to non-seismic by a subsequent drawing revis!on and therefore were not reinspected. SAFET IMPLICATION: Deficient welds could cause a safety-related pipe hanger to fall under seismic conditions. As a result, if not corrected, they could adversely affect'the safe operation of this facility. However, no hangers evaluated to date with the above type deficiencies have been found to adversely affect the safe operation of this facility. REASON Tile DEFICIENCY IS REPORTABLE: The conditions reported in Item 96 and Item 72 were identified as reportable under 10CFR50.55(c) due to the extensive evaluation' required and the breakdown in the QA program. i

    ..      'w
 .       CORRECTIVE ACTION:       - 1329 htogers wero identified with d:;ficient field wsids as a r2sult cf th3 rainspretion offdrt. Deficienclos w; ira resolvsd as follows:

Welds were cut out.'

      .                                    Design drawing revisions were issued as a result of
                                          . Engineering evaluation.                                                    '

Welds were rewo'rked and upgraded to meet the l acceptance criteria of FCR-H-979. Some hangers were on hold due to engineering problem which precluded rework at this time. These hangers will be dispositioned in accordance with the appropriate drawing revision when the holds are removed. To ensure that hangers requiring reinspection were not overlooked, QCI 19.3 requires that during the final review process all SWDR's in ,the hanger work package will be checked to ensure that inspectibns performed prior to June 26,1982 have . been reinspected and accepted. Any hangers inadvertently - missed during the reinspection effort will be reinspected and appropriately dispositioned. PREVENTIVE MEASURES

        'TAKEN TO AVOID FURTHER NON-COMPLIANCE:               1.      A pipe hanger inspection documentation instruction (QCI) 19.3 was developed and issued.                                            ,

i  :

6. Additional training classes were held with required -

l attendance for both craf t and QC weld inspection i personr.el involved in pipe hanger inspection. Training i classes covered items such as measurement of skewed-tee j - welds, visual acceptance criteria, proper documentation, j applicable work procedures,'etc. '

3. New QC weld inspector candidates are interviewed by the ,

i QA/QC Specialist in addition to passing a written . ... l ' A. l examination to ensure they are aware of project , , . 4,. , requirements pertinent to their assignments, ,, 4,, ! 4. Each inspector's documentation of weld inspectiops is' 1 reviewed after each phase of inspection to ensure

completeness and correctness.
5. Supervisory audits are routinely performed in accordance l with Quality Assurance Instruction (QAl)1.3 on each QC inspector's field work to ensure his satisfactory
. performance and to ensure that the worl( complies with the design documents.

! 8.

  • A system was developed to aid in the resolution of

! technical inquiries that inspector supervision is unable to resolve. Techn! cal inquiries de stated on a~ Request for , Information (RFI) form and forwarded to the QA ! enginecring unit wnich was established on site to provide anninnorinn ~ nnnet rne ivn.ntinn onth,itin,.

l s. f

          'REVENTIVE MEASURES                                      >
           'AKEN TO AVOID
7. Field Change Request (FCR) H-979 was developed and issued to provide weld inspection acceptance criteria for both field and shop welds based on AWS Dl.1 code and Bergen-Paterson design criteria. Procedure NDEP-605 was issued to address the specific conditions governing pipe hanger weld inspections.

FIN AL REPORT: Corrective action has been completed on all active hangers. Those hangers on engineering hold will be reinspected and reworked w. en they become active again, or they will be cancelled if they are volded. For this reason, we cannot close this item until December 1,1984. e l t J f G ( e l L

i N G ,n m A

 . A2F4001
              .= W                        CAROLINA POWER S LIGHT COMPANh                                                   AP-IX 05 i

l R?v. El be/h/U SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ' Exhibit i 8/83 FIELD CHANGE REQUEST /PERMANENTWAIVER l FCR/FVir A6 2W PAGE I OF 7 W l - l L, Permanent Weiver . O Non -O l @ieldChange [, O ' ' Category Nonconformance Al/A l @on-ASME O AsME sect. 2Ir oiv. i <

                                                                          !       suiiding    Qe rc Elevation be' i

O ASME Sect. 3II Div.2 . RFTs t4/ N is7 metrics N/ A ff instruments . M/A Volves A//A. Lines N/N' Cables Af /A List All Reference Documents (Drowings, Specs., FCR's, DCN's, Procedures,Etc.)

           $l(e% - & " O O h Deseription f' G   k[fi:v_r_'T~wl                   vi7cv..!v Conflict / Condition N&^Pb            CF         1 &k;-.-    i      u3        06j)'&s            fTi~~C'2 t       Lh "S':6 la'r'L>

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n 000821 Requested By : Site Appro ci;

                                       ,vh ! 'h L1l.lE.Nfl ni.e. asia. ran; ..,                    nai. /

J-.N4w.A.JW>R Residens F.ncineer / HPES - Prin. Eng. Doie

   ~            *          ~            mm                                  4u gr lU APF-OOl                                                                -                                           ' Ab =l A; OP g[83 FCR /PW      D~NN                                            PAGE 2 OF d'

I Oreliminary Approval: 0 to f n I cnot sis Des!gn Organization Approval O AE O NSSS MEO Cnly O other Telephone Resolution O yes- W 0. sign orgonization Attoenments O Yes ONo

 .           O Approved as Recommended                              O Rejected                     O Condiflonal Approval This change requires the following Occument(s) (Specification,0 rowing,SAR ,Etc.) to be changed ;

Comments: . Signature Title Date Signature Title Oot e CPSL Harris Plent Engineering Approval HPES Attachments O Yss Caio Approved as Recommended C Rejected O Conditionai Approvoi Reference Documents: s t , t . _ k'- -

                                                               ^// I L 0               W               /        h.
                                                                            -ffHPE/cr /PE ChiEIoline' Engineer                     Oote                                                        Octe Olstribution:(Specify those to receive" prior to onelysis"* )             (copy)

(Copy)  ; (Copy) U (Coov) (Copy) (Copy) (Cocy ) Implementation Completed As Approved O Yes O No Ccmments: l l

                                          '                                                                                               l Discipline Engineer                   Octe             !

j Pinal Distribution: l (Criginol) File in Occ. Contrel (Ccoy ) __ (Coov ) (Coev) f.Cooy1 (Ceov) I i

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                                                                      ,or   ,.

1.0 SCOPE , The intent of this design document is to provide the CP&L QA program with acceptance criteria that satisfies the design require-ments and thereby allowing clarification from strict code inter-pretation during receipt inspection, reinspection, and field welding inspection. This criteria is applicable to both primary (first inspection, uncoated) and secondary inspections (receipt inspection included with quality release or reinspection, coated) for structural weldments designed to AWS Dl.1 requirements. Secondary inspections may be ~ performed through coatings. Primary inspections shall cot be allowed through coatings unless allowed by the engineer. Any item not specifically covered in this criteria shall refer back to AWS D1.1. This criteria covers joints which provide framing for components, such as cable tray, HVAC, conduit supports, instrument racks, ducting air control dampers, doors, hatch covers, pipe supports, etc. This is to include any item welded to AUS Dl.1 standards. This criteria is applicable to any weld joint where these imper-f ections are to be visually inspected per AWS D1.1. As per AW$ Dl.1, welds with acceptable imperfections in combination shall be acceptable. Based on the QA programs for acceptance prior to vendor release (or acceptance of field welds), any defects not identified during primary inspection and subsequently covered by coatings are not considered significant. Visual inspection of welds shall be in accordance with AUS Dl.1 except as modified below: I l


[cp'. g -42.W ;qv .1 W / j All visual inspection shall be performed at an eye-to-examination surface distance of no nore than 24 inches, the inspector position within an angular region of 30 to 90 of the examination surface by personnel possessing 20/20 visual acuity. Visual aids which do not enhance IX capability, such as mirrors, may be . us ed . Visual inspection shall le used unless otherwise noted on design documents. 2.0 ACCEPTABILITY CRITERIA 2.1 Oversize Fillet Welds Either or both fillet weld legs may exceed design size. Welds may be longer than specified. Continuous welds may be used in lieu of intermittent welds. 2.2 Undersize Fillet Welds The leg of 1/4" and larger fillet welds may be 1/16" less than the required weld size for a continuous span of 2", provided there is no less than a 6" separation between each undersize increment. For welds less than 8" long, a continuous under-size span of 25% of the total weld run length will also apply. All 1/16" undersize increments less than 1/2" in length will be acceptable. For intermittent welds,1/16" less than that required size will be accepted provided the undersize condition I is no more than 40% of the weld length. The leg of 3/16" fillet welds may be 1/32" less than the required,according to the above provisions or 1/16" less for 10% of the length. l

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[Cd-3- It is to be understood that the thickness of coatings on secondary inspections are not considered detrimental and the weld size criteria shall not be adjusted. Any unique application of coatings (excessive' thickness, putty) shall be brought to the attention of QA management for resolution. 2.3 Porosity - Pores between 1/16" and 1/8" diameter shall be acceptable when separated by a minimum of one inch. Isolated pores less than 1/16" diameter shall be disregarded. Clustered porosity including all sizes to 0.030" contained within up to a 3/8" diameter circle shall be acceptable. Linear, in-line pores shall be considered as clustered porosity. It is to be understood that porosity not visible through coatings on secondary inspection are not considered significant. 2.4 Weld Profile Fillet and butt veld convexity can be accepted without limit. 2.5 Craters Welds may have underfilled craters provided underfill depth does not exceed 1/16" and the crater has a smooth conteur blending gradually with the adjacent weld and base metal with no evidence of cracking. 2.6 Undercut Steels 5/16" or thicker which were produced to a maximum ~ specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi may contain weld undercut up to 1/16" in depth for a continuous span of 2" p'rovided its surface width is less than 0.100" and there is no less than a 6" separation between each undercut increment. , , . .. i n -? - . v. w.,.<,-  ;. .u * . . <-:- b. <: :-/ -

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                                                                                                                                .EE jiE E f f-AS Af2.W Q . & *Y l 1

_g_ l Weld runs less than 8" long may contain a continuous undercut span of 25% of the' total weld length. All undercut less than 1/2" in length will be accepted provided the above width limit is adhered to. Undercut up to 1/32" depth is acceptable in all steels and all thicknesses. t 2.7 cracks Cracks are unacceptable. It 'is to be understood that secondary inspections are intended to identify cracks that result from shipping damage or stress relief and, if relevant, would


appear through the coating.

2. 8 Arc Strikes ,

Arc strikas in high-strength, low-alloy steels (minimum specified ( tensile strength greater than 60,000 psi), shall be removed by grinding. The ground area shall be visually inspected to assure complete removal of the are strike.

  • For other maximum specified 60,000 psi tensile, are strikes shall be visually examined and accepted if nc cracking is evident. If cracking is evident, the repair shall conform with Section 3.10 of AWS Dl.1. Arc strike regions in these lower strength steels shall not require power brushing or -

grinding before visual examination. It is to be understood that cracks !.n are strikes not visible through coatings on secondary inspections are not considered significant. 2.9 Fusion Lack of fusion which does not exceed 1/4" in length when measured transverse or along the veld e.nd each increnent . separated by 6" is acceptable. For welds between 1" and 6" in length, 1/4" maximum lack of fusloo is acceptable. For velds less than 1", lack of fusion is


E- \ _. l. lclo M - 4Gi+ f t, . 9 e r 7 5-l Criteria for lack of fusian in transverse direction is applicable only in start /stop location. Criteria for lack of fusion shall apply to overlap also. It-is to be understood that lack of fusion not visible through coatings on secondary inspections is not considered significant. Any unique application of coatings (excessive thickness, putty) shall be brought to the attention of QA managenent for resolution. D


t T*, a P. O. Box 101, New Hill, N. C. 2756: October 3,1983 Mr. James P. O'Reilly NRC-126 ~ ~i United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • Region 11 101 Marietta Street, Northwest (Suite 2900)


Dear Mr. O'Reilly:

Attached is our second interim report on the subject items which were deemed reportable per the provisions of 10CFR50,55(e) and 10CFR, Part 21, on August 13, 1982 (Item 95) and November 5,1982 (Item 72). Carolina Power and Light Company is pursuing this matter, and it is currently projected that corrective action and submission of the final report will be accomplished by December 1,1984. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Yours very truly, 7ff W R. M. Parsons - Project General Manager . Shearon liarris Nuclear Power Plant RMP/sh i Attachment ' cc: Messrs. G. Maxwell /R. Prevatte (NRC-SHNPP) - Mr. R. C. D.eYoung (NRC)

                                           .                                                                                 000822 e
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                     .                                                                                 f.~ \

Mr. James P. O'Reilly NRC-126 bec: Mr. H. R. Banks Mr. N. J. Chiangi Mr. A. B. Cutter Dr. T. S. Elleman Mr. G. L. Forehand Mr. B. J. Furr Mr. S. Hinnant . Mr. L. I. Loflin Mr. R. E. Lumsden Mr. M. A. McDuffie Mr. C. H. Moseley, Jr. Mr. R. M. Parsons Mr. Sheldon D. Smith Mr. J. L. Willis Mr. S. R. Zimmerman Mr. H. W. Bowles Dr. J. D. E. Jeffries Mr. M. F. Thompson Mr. J. Nevill O em 5 9f 1 e

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.              Deficient shop welds on pipe hangers previously accepted by -

Bergen-Paterson (3-P)'and Ebssco Welding Inspectors. ITEM: - Seismic Pipe Hangers - SUPPLIED BY: Bergen-Paterson Pipe Support Corporation, Laconia, New l Hampshire l NATURE OF DEFICIENCY: i 1. Missing and undersized welds

2. Cosmetic weld defects
3. Undersized skewed tee welds .
4. Deficient welds accepted by B-P l inspectors and Ebasco Vendor Quality Assurance (VQA) inspectors DATE PROBLEM OCCURRED: Prior to October 1,1982 DATE PROBLEM REPORTED: On August 13,1982 CP&L (Mr. N. J. Chiangi) notified the NRC (Mr. A. Hardin) that this item (Item 95) was reportable under 10CFR50.55(e) and 10CFR, Part 21. In our November 5,1982 letter, CP&L (Mr. R. M. Parsons) notified the NRC (Mr. J. P.

O'Reilly) that this item (Item 72) was reportable under 10CFR50.55(e) and 10CFR, Part 21. 1 SCOPE OF PROBLEM: . Seismic Category I pipe hangers which were inspected at the - source of fabrication prior to October 1,1982. SAFETY IMPLICATIONS: Deficient welds could cause a safety-related pipe hanger to fall l under seismic conditions. As a result, If not corrected, they

could adversely affect the safe operation of this facility.

i However, no hangers evaluated to date with the above type deficiencies have been found to adversely affect the safe operation of this facility. . REASON THE DEFICIENCY IS REPORTABLE: The conditions reported in Item 95 and Item 72 represent breakdowns in B-P and Ebasco QA programs which allowed supports to be shipped with welds which were not in accordance i with design criteria. This incident was identified as reportable j under 10CFR50.55(e) and 10CFR, Part 21, due to the extensive evaluation required and the breakdown in the QA programs. l CORRECTIVE ACTION: 1. Hangers with shop weld deficiencies were identified

during the following processes

A. Receipt Inspection. l l B. Inspection in the warehouse prior to hanger inssuance to the field. l ! C. Inspection in the field of installed hangers which had not been previously inspected by CP&L for shop weld deficiencies (docs'not include thosc han; tors

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,' . . ,; = -

CORRECTIVE ACTION (cont'd.): J D. Reinspection of pipe hangers that were installed or partially installed and inspected prior to June 26, 1982. This includes the 347 hangers which were previously reinspected as part of the Corrective

        .                                                 Action to NRC Report 50-400/82-03. The June 26, 1982 date was selected because the QC weld -

inspection program was expanded to include shop welds. 346 hangers which had been installed and inspected prior to June 26,1982 were removed, voided, or declassified to non-seismic by a subsequent drawing revision and therefore were not reinspected.

2. .449 hangers with defective shop welds were identified by-processes A and B (see above).
                      .                          1862 hangers were reinspected by Processes C and D. 728 A                          were identified with shop weld deficiencies.                     .

Deficiencies were resolved as follows: Welds were cut out. , Design drawing revisions were issued as a result of Engineering evaluation. Welds were reworked and upgraded to meet the acceptance criteria of FCR-H-979. . J' Some hangers were on hold due to engineering

                                                          . problems which precluded rework at this time.

These hangers will be dispositioned in accordance with the appropriate drawing revision when the  ; engineering holds are removed.

3. Instruction measures have been established to control pipe hangers which have not been installed but were received prior to October 1,1982. We have taken the option to inspect shop welds prior to issue from the warehouse or to inspect shop welds at the same time field welds are inspected. Defective welds will be identified on DDR's for control and evaluation.
        . PREVENTIVE MEASURES             .

TAKEN TO AVOID FURTilER NONCOMPLIANCE: 1. Field Change Request (FCR)11-979 was developed and issued to provide weld inspection acceptance criteria for both field and shop welds based on the AWS DI.1 code and B-P design criteria.

                                     . 2.         Ebasco VQA began performing in process inspections and 100% inspection of hanger welds on October 1,1982. This is to be performed throughout the remainder of the 8-P purchcse order.

j .~ .  ; -y

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       ' PREVENTIVE &lEASURES TAKEN TO AVOID FURTHER NONCOMPLIANCE (cont'd.)                            .
3. Ebasco VQA management regularly visits the B-P Laconia
                                                        ' facility to confer with the Ebasco VQA representative and to witness the VQA inspector's activities.
4. B-P welders and inspectors and Ebasco VQA inspectors have received additional training in weld acceptance criteria.
5. 100% shop weld inspection is presently being performed on site for. hangers received from B-P to ensure this problem does not reoccur.

FINAL REPORT: Corrective action has been completed on all active hangers. Those hangers on engineering hold will be reinspected and reworked when they become active again, or they will be cancelled if they are volded. For this reason, we cannot close this item until December 1,1984. 8 4 3 e _ _ _ . - . _ . - . - - - , , , - .- .-- - , - - . - - - - - , - - - - - . , - - - - ~ - - . - - -

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FoR 1 No.1779 8 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES MANUAL SHNPP h TPO As A rovad INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC PIPE HANGERS awe.on WORK PROCEDURE AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED 10 4~ DESCRIPTION PIPE p* 5 22 1.0 SCOPE 1.1 This procedure describes the steps to be followedf ' or the installation of seismic pipe supports and spring hangers on seismically analyzed pipe. 1.2 For construction purposes, a pipe hanger can be identified to be in accordance with this procedure if it supports a Safety Class I, II, or III pipe or MS or FW pipe by means of a spring cannister except hangers east of the seismic break as defined by FCR-H-il45, o_r if the hanger sketch is stamped seismic, or if the format of the load sheet is in accordance with Exhibit 6 or if it is a Bergen-Paterson fire protection pipe hanger.


2.1 MP-08, General Welding Procedu e for Structural Steel and Hangers 2.2 TP-34, Inspection of the Installation of Seismic I Pipe Hangers /Large

          ,                            Bergen-Paterson Frames and Supports for Seismically Analyzed Pipe 2.3      WP-112, Control of Materials and Equipment That May Be Harmful to Stainless Steel 2.4      WP-48, Temporary Construction Loads Supported From Permanent Plant Equipment                                                   .

2.5 WP-102, Installation of Piping 2.6 MP-06, General Welding Procedure for Carbon Steel Weldments 2.7 MP-07, General Welding Procedure for Stainless Steel Weldments 2.8 CAR 2165-G-801 Flow Diagram - Reactor Coolant System 2.9 TP-04 Calibration of Controlled Tools . 2.10 WP-108, Protective Coatings - Service Level I Embedded Steel Plate,

                                     ' Service Level II Steel Surfaces and Balance-of-Plant Steel Surfaces 2 .11    SD/C-A-1018, Identification of Bergen-Paterson Hanger Parts 2.12 SD/C-A-1019, Neutral Axis of Odd-Shaped Structural Members 2.13 WP-25, Field Engineering 2.14 MP-05, Permanent Marking of Site Material and Components 2.15 WP-139, Pipe Hanger Work Package Preparation l

F L l l _ - . _ . . . - _ . . . . . . .._....~..-.- - - - .. ....-... _.._ .

    . FORM NO.1779 8 D



2.16 WP-140, QA Records Review (Seismic Pipe Hangers and Supports for Seismically Analyzed Pipe) 2.17 CAR 2165-G-107501, Field Installation Tolerances for Pipe Hangers t 3.0 GENERAL 1 3.1 Introduction Unless otherwise noted, the tolerances in the following sections may be used for construction of a pipe hanger. However, to exceed these tolerances, a Field Mod (Exhibit 1) must be obtained from the Hanger Engineer. These Mods will allow work and inspections to proceed to completion. The tolerances described herein may also be appiled to the Mod requirements. 3.2 Location Tolerances

1. The reference dimensions provided on the hanger drawing for elevations and column line offsets should be used for locating hangers during initial hanger fit-up but not for inspection. R10
( 2. Dimensions from pipe attachments to pipe elbows or fittings shall be modded. The dimensional tolerance is 1/2".


3. Hangers should not be located within 15" of a pipe (butt) weld if the hanger supports Class I or 2 pipe.
4. Hangers shall not be installed on a pipe elbow, fitting or butt weld. R10
5. Pipe clamps may be installed over Code Data Tags provided the clamp halves remain approximately parallel. Box frame hangers may not be installed over Code Data Tags without obtaining a Work Directive from the Hanger Engineer.

3.3 Geometry Tolerance

1. Geometry may vary 1 1/2" from the design dimension however this tolerance can not be used to reduce weld length (Example:

Structural Steel overlapping embed plates) or to reduce the l clearance r.equirements around the pipe.

                          -. Slopes and angles may vary from design provided the location and geometry dimensions are maintained.



3. Sway supports must be within 33
  • of the design requirements.
4. The neutral axis of structural members shall be used as reference lines for geometric configurations (see SD/C 5-1019). ~
5. Strut lengths must be within 1/2" of design.
6. Plate sizes shall be + 1/2", -1/4" from the Bill of Material requirements.

3.4 Steel Attachment Tolerances

   .                    1. Hangers are to be attached within g 1/2" of the embed centerline (s).
2. Mangers attaching to cinch anchored base plates shall attach within the tolerance given on the anchor bolt and base plate detall sheet of the hanger sketch.
3. Hangers should attach to the correct embed type which is detailed on the hanger sketch. If tkembed in the field is designated as a Dubose plate, reduced tolerances will be necessary and should be

(. 4. provided via a Hanger Mod. Hangers must attach within 31 /2" of the centerline of a structural

                         ,     steel member (existing steel) and may move 11 /2" along the axis of the structural steel member. In the containment building the centerline of the structural steel member shall be assumed to be on the azimuth required by design.
5. Attachments to strblates__with_ threaded styds mugb_e, surrounded by acceptable studs. See Figr,es_1e and 2. A threaded stud is not acceptable if it is disengaged by more than 1/8" or if there is a weld within 1/2" of the stud.

If otherwise obtain a Hanger Mod from the Hanger Engineer if possible. Figure 1: 8 8 All four must .> g,/l r be acceptable. I e 0 Figure 2: All six must O # be acceptable. , 0

  ,     FORM No.1779 8 Precedure Na                                                               Deee CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES MANUAL                         . MPP                WP_110                                                               As Appr v-d INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC PIPE BANGERS                   w                         10 WORK PROCEDURE AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED PIPE                                                                                                                 d 22

( DESCRIPTION P*o* 8 3.5 Box Frame Hangers

1. Clearances 1.

Clearances around the pipe in a box frame hanger must be achieved. However, the pipe can not be cold pulled (forced out of its relaxed position)in order to do so.

2. If the clearance is specified as 1/16" by design, then the clearances must meet the criteria laid out in Appendix 1.

Rio 3.1f the clearance specified by design is more than 1/16" then contact the Discipline Mechanical Engineer for requirements via a Field Mod.

4. For one-way box restraints, the Hanger Engineer must issue a Mod to detail the clearance requirements.
5. The pipe and the hanger shall be visually square with respect to the other; however, clearances shall meet the skewness requirements of Appendix !. ,
l. Shims shall be installed in accordance with the Field Mod

{ around the pipe if clearances are not acceptable.

2. Shims called for by the design sketch may be deleted by a Field Mod if the pipe clearances are acceptable.
3. Shim material must be A-36 or A-569 carbon steel. If otherwise, a Field Mod must be obtained from the Hanger Engineer.
4. Shim plates must be in contact with the hanger member at the points where the shim is welded to the hanger member and free of lubricant. Shim surfaces shall not be I sandblasted.
5. The shim shall overhang the hanger member enough to allow for the weld on both sides. R10
6. The center!!nes of the shim and pipe shall be aligned within
    ,                             the f,l/2" of each other.
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7. The shim and shim weld details shall be provided on a Field Mod.
8. Weld length s' hall be within +1/4"-0" of the length specified R10 on the Mod.

3.6 Catalog Parts

1. Combinations of WBA, sway supports and/or pipe clamps must conform with the requirements of Appendix A unless noted otherwise.
2. All combinations must be aligned, in order to ensure the strut does not bind with the WBA or Clamp ears. Part numbers 1000 and 1001 should be fitted to other items using the load pin as the RIO neutral axis.
3. Catalog parts may be identified by part numbers or checked
   .                       against the dimensions prohded in the Site Drawing (SD/C-A-                                   ,
                         ; 1018). Also see Appendix E.

( 4. Care should be exercised to ensure load pins, bolts, nuts, washers, and pipe clamp halves for different hangers /or parts are not indiscriminately exchanged. An inspector shall verify material grades for load pins, bolts and nuts prior to Final Acceptance. (See Appendix C and F).

5. If the load pin must be removed from the end attachment, a light lubricant and punch should be used to facilitate removal. Care must be taken to prevent the lubricant from contacting stainless steel pipe.
6. The holes in the ears of the WBA or pipe clamps shall not be gresund in order to reinsert the load pin. However, the ends of the load pins may be lightly filed to remove mushrooming caused by forced installation. The shank of the load pin shall not be ground for any reason. Also, light tapping may be used to remove or install the load pins. If the end attachment ears are damaged in the process, the end attachment must be replaced. Cotter pins must be spread in opposite directions to prevent the load pin from f~ s!!pping out.

g.- 9


                                                                                 $*$0            As ApprSved WORK PROCEDURE                                                          %


7. Bearings should be tightly engaged between the ears of the WBA or pipe clamp. Any gaps should not exceed the clearances specified in Appendix B. Contact the Hanger Engineer if the clearance cannot be reduced with spacer washers per Appendix G.
8. When installing the struts, care must be taken to ensure that the pipe is not forced out of its relaxed position (this is called cold pull).
9. Tightening of bolts, studs, threaded rod, and U-bolts shall be in '

accordance with Appendix F. Nuts should be fully engaged on the threads (when the point of the threaded portion is outside the plane of the nut) and should not bear against the bolt shanks.'

10. Instructions for tightening bolts and nuts in applications other than pipe clamps, U-bolts, threaded rod supports, and springs should be obtained from the-Hanger Engineer.

11 . To shorten or lengthen strut assemblies (outside built in ( adjustment), the Hanger Engineer must provide detailed instructions to the craft via a Field Mod. 12. For telescoping struts, there must be 1/4" minimum engagement between the strut and the shank prior to welding. (A 1/4" hole may have to be drilled 1/4" minimum from the end of the barrel to verify shank engagement.) The shank and pipe strut must be aligned. The weld size between the shank and tubing shall be provided on a Mod even if noted otherwise on the Bergen Paterson sketch. 3.7 General Guidelines

1. Lift Points Installed pipe hangers shall not be used as lift points for loads other than the ones approved by WP-48. The welding of temporary attachments to hangers shall be in accordance with MP-08. All welded temporary attachments will be removed from the hanger prior to any inspections.

r (


                                                                                      ' WTP10                    AsApp$oved INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC PIPE HANGERS                        a.ww     10 WORK PROCEDURE AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED I      DESCRIPTION        PIPE P e.                   d 11                     22

{ (3.7.)

2. Pipe Cleanliness The external surface of all stainless steel piping shall be cleaned -

of all contaminants (Reference WP-112) prior to the placing of a pipe clamp around the pipe or surrounding the pipe with a window hanger. Rust on the external surface of stainless steel pipe is acceptable, as is dust which accumulates during normal construction activities. Vendor identification markings may be left on the pipe. Contact the Pipe Superintendent or his designee R10 if cleanliness has not been attained.

3. Box Frame and Anchor-Type Support Box Frame Hangers should not be welded out (tack welds should be sufficiently large to ensure safety). Anchors should not attach (including tack welded) R10 to the pipe until the pipe is installed hard point to hard point.
4. Temporary Pipe Supports i
1. Temporary hangers shall be erected to support the pipe in

( accordance with WP-102 Section These supports should not be removed nor should permanent supports be reworked if the work would compromise the required spacings for the pipe supports.

2. Temporary hangers shall also be erected in lieu of permanent hangers when necessary to support RFTs. They shall not be erected (insofar as practicable)in the same location as the permanent support. These temporary hangers will be tagged and may only be removed after the permanent supports have been installed. A Work Directive is necessary for this effort. .
5. Coating Requirements Per WP.108, all steel going into the containment building shall be coated to Service Level I requirements; all stock steel shall be coated to Service Level I requirements prior to issue to the field.

Prior to coating, hangers shall be hard marked for hanger and l l l l l


                                                                                                                                   .l (3.7.5. cont'd) material identifications; stock steel shall be hard marked for                                           i material identification. The installation of pipe, hangers shall not                                     jj make an area (steel or concrete) which requires protective                                               ;;

coatings inaccessible for application of coating or required i inspection of coatings. If installation of an item would cause an area to be inaccessible then prior to the installation, the Pipe Hanger Superintendent or designee shall contact the Paint R10 Superintendent and/or CI Coatings inspector to verify that required coatings and inspections have been performed and accepted..

6. Material Marking All steel for future installations shall be hard marked in accordance with MP-05 for materialidentification. This shall be witnessed by a QC Inspector, if markings will be removed or covered by a construction activity prior to a final QC signoff, the marking shall be transferred and witnessed by the QC Inspector.

There shall be no unmarked stock steel in the field surplus room.

7. Snubbers Since snubbers can't be installed until just prior to Hot Functional testing, " Surrogate" snubber assemblies shall be used in place of R10 the Pacific Scientific part of the B-P snubber assembly (part
                           #2540) load sizes .35, .65,1.5, 6 and 15. This " Surrogate" snubber assembly will permit weldout of the transition tube to the proper length. A Field Mod shall be issued detailing the transition tube weld and "1." dimension, reference SD/C-A-1018.
8. Access Interferences If the hanger creates an access interference in a doorway, aisle, or stairwell, etc., or if an interference prevents the hanger from performing its design function, the hanger should not be installed and the Hanger Engineer should be contacted.



                                                                     .SHNPP                                               Y31$


9. Stainless Steel Straps Stainless steel straps shall not be installed with the pipe hangers even if specified by design. Mods or design revisions are necessary to delete this item from the Bill of Materials.
10. Stiffener Plates Stiffener plates may be coped or trimmed as necessary in order for the item to be fitted between the flanges of W-shapes.
11. Welded Pipe A'ttachments (WPA)

Although the installation of WPA's is in accordance with other procedures, it should be verified that all parts of the WPA are Installed as' designed. Box frame hangers that interface with the WPA should not be inssalled until the WPA is welded out.

12. Valve Hangers
 ,                            Valve hangers should not tie-installed until after the valve has been welded out.

( 13. Volded Hangers A Work Directive shall be issued with volded hangers to have them removed from the field. CI and QC must verify the work was accomplished and sign the Work Directive.

14. Spring Hangers and Fire Protection Hangers All spring hangers and nonseismic fire protection hangers were within the scope of WP-109 (Installation of Nonseismic Hangers).

As a result, fitup gaps were not recorded, hanger geometry and locations were not checked, and structural welds were not inspected by QC. Spring hangers on seismically analyzed pipe per Revision 7 and Bergen-Paterson fire protection hangers per Revision 8 are within the scope of WP-110. Although the inspector cannot go back and check fitup gaps or other in-process inspections, the inspectors can verify geometry and location and perform a final visual inspection of the welds. For hold points which cannot be met due to installation prior to this procedure, ' the inspector can so note on the Traveler and/or SWDR.

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  • d 14 22 (3.7.)
15. Variable Supports
  • To assure the proper installation of spring type variable supports / hangers, the following criteria shall be adhered to: .
1. Name plates shall be visible and accessible.
2. Sufficient travel clearance shall be provided for piping movement between spring hanger parts and other structures, piping, condult, etc.
5. Rods are permitted freedom of swing. R10
4. Preset pin shall be checked for installation / engagement.
5. Adjust rods to remove slack only, this shall be accomplished by rotating turnbuckle / coupling and then tighten locking nuts.
6. Where trapeze type spring design is encountered, the as-built location of the p,lpe to be supported shall adhere to design location relative to centerlines of springs within

{- 1/4" and the trapeze shall be visually level.

16. Constant Supports (To be addressed later.)
                        , 17.       Materla! Requisitioning
1. Mangers may be requisitioned from the warehouse using the hanger numbers found on the hanger sketches. The material shall consist of all pieces received for the current drawing revision and, if necessary, those items taken from seismic surplus stock. For hangers utilizing snubbers, the warehouse will withhold the snubber and snubber extension if a separate requisition is made for specific parts needed. The parts being withheld can be requisitioned at a later date. At the time of requisitioning, the requisitioner should use the hanger sketch to inventory the materials for the hanger.
2. Hanger material shall be placed in a clean, dry area designated by the area superintendent and/or hanger superintendent. .

{. .


                                 ' INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC PIPE HANGERS MD s.,,,,,,,


3. All material superseded by later & awing revisions shall be removed I from the field. Usable surplus material'should be returned to the warehouse in a timely manner. This should avoid work-area congestion and misuse of material. l
4. Serap material shall be sent to the designated scrap location.
5. Material (Pipe Hangers) may be sent to surplus from Controlled Storage via a CMR. The CMR wD1 state the mate'ial r that is to be sent to surplus. Provided that is the case the welds will not be removed and only a material verification from QA is required. When material is released to the field from surplus all shopwelds wul be cut out and the material appropriately stamped for identification per section 3.7.6.


18. W. ding
1. Welding shall be in accordance with Reference 2.1.
2. The use of ' Typical" weld symbols by Bergen-Paterson does not mean that welded joints are identical in geometric configuration or made

{ up of parts the same size or shape. The ' Typical" weld symbol designation is used for similar joints with the same size weld.

3. Welds may be oversized provided the overwalding does not have any detrimental effect on the weld, base material or overall integrity of the hanger. The extra weld is permissible without a Mod provided a -

weld size or length tolerance is not specified on the drawing as is the casp with flexible connections and shims.

4. Bergen-Paterson supplied pipe clamps with shop welded attachments shall be considered B-P standard parts, therefore the shop welded attachments and shop welds do not require site inspection.
5. Arc strike on piping is not allowed. Contact the Discipline Engineer for guidance prior to the removal of any are strike from pipe. -
6. Welding to base plates that require grout should be done prior'to grouting except in cases where welding wul prohibit the grouting operation. If welding must be performed af ter r
  • O l

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                                                                                        'MD AsAOrovd WORK PROCEDURE AND' SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALTZED                                   10 DESCRIPTION             PIPE                                                    Pae* 16          d     22 g

( cont'd) grouting has been completed contact the Discipline Engineer for guidance. -

7. Walding shall not proceed to a point where the inspection of previously made welds could not be performed. -
19. Hanger Material Grade For Bergen-Paterson supplied standard structural shapes the
                               , material grade is dependent on the material type. If the material grade is not specified on the B-P hanger sketch Dill of Materials then the material is as follows:

Material Type Material Grade R10 Plate or Bar S A-36 Angle S A-36 Tube Steel A-500 Gr. B Pipe ,, SA-106 Gr. B Channel S A-36 Wide Flange S A-36 - {' 20. Nonstructural Endcaps Nonstructural end caps outside the Containment Building are not required to be welded out, they may be tack welded in place. The end caps shall be checked to ensure they cover the fu11 surface area of opening and fit-up gaps do not exceed 3/16". The end cap size or weld need not be shown on a Mod or inspected. Weld mapping of Nonstructural Endcaps is not required therefore, fit-up gaps are not required to be listed on the SWDR. 3.8 Exhibit instructions Changes to the content of Work Directives, Travelers, and Hanger Mods must be initialed and dated. Signoff blocks on a Work Directive or the Traveler for a Hanger Mod should be dated on or af ter the change date.

1. Field Mods (Exhibit 1)
1. Field Mods shall be written and issued by the Resident llanger Engineer or his designee.

r L .


2. Modifications to anchor-type supports or hangers on Class !

lRio lines must be limited to corrections in drafting errors, drawing clarifications, weld symbols, and geometry changes within 12". R10

3. The fleid mod is comprised of two copies, one of which remains in the field for hanger installation, and the original which is routed to the work package group for assignment of FM# and routing to Document Control. (The FM# is a sequential tracking number).
4. If NDE requirement holdpoints or welding procedures are affected by the issuance of a Mod, the hanger package should be routed to Welding Engineering and QC Welding for the required changes to the SWDR.
5. 1he field copy of th5 Mod shall be considered active for ten calendar days. If a controlled (blue) copy has not been Inserted in the hanger package within ten calendar days, all
  • work on the hanger shall stop until a contro!!ed copy is received.
6. Each Mod shall also have a unique number which shall consist of the Hanger Design revision, M for Mod, and an ascending number starting with I (Ex. 2/A M1). This numerical sequence starts over when a new design revision is received.
7. New design revisions shall supersede the previous design revision's and all Mods written against that revision.
8. Mods which conflict with an already active Mod shall not be Rio issued until the active Mod has been volded. Volding of Mods shall be accomplished as follows. The volded Mod shall be marked vold, initialed, and dated by the Hanger Engineer. The subsequent Mod shall specify the Mod which was volded. This shall serve as notificatl,on to Document Control that a Mod was volded.

( 1 l

         .FOTM NO.1779 8 pres.dwre Ne.                           DWe CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES MANUAL                     .



, DESCRIPTION '* 18 22 (3.8.1)

9. Mods which reflect a major redesign of the hanger should be 0

sent through QC wel' ding prior to weldout. l

2. HIC Sticker (Exhibit 2) 1 The HIC sticker shall be located and completed by the Field Engineers.
3. Traveler (Exhibit 3)
1. The Traveler shall be initiated by the Hanger Engineer in

order to control the in-process installation and inspections of the pipe hanger.

2. Work Directives, DCN's, PW's, FCR's, and Hanger Mods should be referenced in the applicable blocks at the top of the Traveler. Mod numbers (i.e., 251 M1) are listed under the RCI heading. If any of these documents are voided, the
      ,                                entry should be lined through, initialed and dated by the Hanger Engineer. Sugierseded documents do not need to be crossed out.                                                                  '

C 3. Engineered plate thickness determinations should be listed after 7/22/81 by the Hanger or Area Engineer.

4. The phase of construction - Preliminary or Final should be appropriately denoted. Completion of either phase shall be to the latest design revision and/or Mod (Examples 2/A M1 or 151 M4).
5. For the PRELIMINARY phase of construction, the FIT-UP and WELDOUT signoff blocks shall be initialed and dated by the foreman, the CI block initiated and dated by the Hanger Engineer, and the QC block initialed and dated by the Welding Engineer. The QC block may be marked N/A
                                      ' initialed and dated by the Hanger Engineer.

6., For the Final phase of construction and inspection, the FIT-UP AND WELDOUT blocks may be initialed and dated by the foreman. The CI and QC blocks shall be initialed and dated by CI and QC inspectors respectively. The CI and QC

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  • F08tM NO.1779 B '


                                                                                                   *a       10 DESCRIPTION                                                                       **"             19                  d

{ 22 ( cont'd) signoffs are for final acceptance of the hanger, however the actual inspection records are on TP-34 and the SWDR respectively.

7. Upon receipt of a new design which does not affect the as-built configuration and location of the hanger, signoff blocks shall be N/A'd, initialed and dated and the Hanger Engineer j shall make an entry for that revision and note "as-built" on '

the traveler.

8. If the new revision does affect work, the work package is re-issued to the field for completion to that later revision.
4. Material Verification (Exhibit 4)

The Material Verification sheet shall be completed by the Hanger Engineer per the instructions provided in Appendix 3.

5. Work Directives (Exhibit 5)
1. Work Directives shall be issued to detail Construction activities. This includes any work which will void out a previous inspection, however, the re-listing of weld joints in accordance with WP-13fon the SWDR shall serve as sufficient notice to the Craft as well as Inspection Groups that additional work is required.
2. Work Directives shall be initiated, signed and dated by the Hanger Engineer.
3. Work Directive Numbers shall be sequential starting with [R10 one. The number shall be assigned by the Hanger Work Package Group.
4. Signoff blocks shall be completed by the appropriate persons lR10 unless N/A'd by the Hanger Engineer.
6. Procedural Deviation (Exhibit 7)

The Procedural Deviation (P.D.) form shall be considered as an , attachment to the Traveler (Exhibit 3) where CI shall list the R10 ' rejectable conditions on the left side, sign and date at the bottom of the form. The Hanger Engineer shall address each discrepancy l l



SENPP PNY As AppN vsd WORK PROCEDURE INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC PIPE BANGERS AND 10 3 DESCRIPTION Pese 20 d 22 (3.8.6. cont'd) under the Corrective Action section on the right side, sign and date the bottom of the form. CI shall sign and date under the Hanger Engineer Rio acknowledging that discrepancy has been. addressed. When CI rejects { the hanger then the P.D. form shall be referenced by CI on the Traveler. A l new P.D. form shall be issued for each inspection and have a unique number which shall consist of an ascending letter starting with A (Ex. PD-A) for each revision of the pipe support to which an inspection is made. Discrepancies addressed under the Corrective Action section may be resolved by the following actions:

1. Field rework is required.


2. Issuance of a Field Modification.
3. Stating that the condition is acceptable and has no relevant impact on design. There is no quantitative acceptance criteria for this condition and therefore it will not be reported back to the design organization.

4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 The Field Engineers shall identify interferences and provide reference points (within i"lof design) for hanger installation as requested. The reference points are easily identified by the orange sticker (Exhibit 2). These activities are referred to as the HIC-Hanger Installation Checkout-Program in WP-139. 4.2 The Hanger Engineer should establish that the hanger is not on hold for construction, engineering or quality reasons prior to generating the work package. The work package sh'ould consist of but not be limited to the Hanger Design drawing, SWD.R, and Traveler (Exhibit 3). Instructions outlining work activities shall be included. In addition a Work Directive (Exhibit 5) detailing work instructions to the craft and inspectors shall be included. After the work package is made up in accordance with Reference 2.15 and it has been established that the hanger is ready for construction,it is issued to the Hanger Superintendent for installation. 4.3 If the Traveler has been signed off preliminary by CI or Hanger Engineering and by QC or Welding Engineering proceed to section 4.11. If the Traveler has been signed off preliminary by CI or Hanger Engineering only, then proceed to section 4.9. 4.4 The Hanger Engineer or the Craft Superintendent or their designees shall l requisition the material from the warehouse when necessary. i 1 __w _ . . . _ , - . . . . , . +-

                                               ,                                                                                           l FORM NO.1779 8 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES MANUAL SENPP                                     T_Tip                          AsAfp* roved WORK PROCEDURE INSTALLATION OF SEISMIC PIPE BANGERS AND                                                  10

, DESCRIPTION SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY ANALYZED PIPE pe ,. 21 of 22 4.5 The Craft Superintendent or his designee shall investigate the work arer and can the Area or Hanger Engineer for an embed thickness determinati6n if the hanger is to be attached to an engineered plate. ) 4.6 The Area or Hanger Engineer, when required, shall determine the  ; engineered plate thickness and record the thickness on the Traveler. 4.7 The Craft Superintendent or his designee shalltack weld the hanger members in accordance with MP-08 and sign the Traveler. If NDE requirements are changed due to a Mod or member thickness exceeds l-1/2', Welding Engineering should be contacted. Partialinspections by Welding Engineering and/or QC may be required.

        - 4.8     The Hanger Engineer shall list the gap measurements on the SWDR (see Appendix K for criteria); examine the hanger for general geometry, location, and function per design; and signoff the Traveler for preliminary. The Resident Engineer or his designee shallissue Mods as

necessary. 4.9 The Craft Superintendent or his designee shan weld the hanger members in accordance with MP-08 and sign the Traveler.' . 4.10 The Welding Engineer or his designee shan examine the welds for quality and size, as requested, and signoff the Traveler for preliminary. 4.!! The Craft Superintendent or. his designee shall prepare the hanger to pass CI and QC Final Inspections - adjust struts, check clearances, ensure proper hardware, make remaining welds, etc. 4.12 The Welding Engineer or his designee shall examine all welds which have not already been investigated by Welding Engineering and again signoff the Traveler by noting " Ready for Final" beside the preliminary I signoff. 4.13 The Hanger Engineer or his designee shall examine the hanger for completeness and correctness, verify material, complete Exhibit 4, Mod the as-constructed dimension from the centerline of the pipe

               , attachment to the nearest pipe fitting or elbow, and again signoff the traveler by noting " Ready for Final" beside the preliminary signoff.

4.14 CI and/or QC shall inspect the hanger as required and signoff the Traveler for final when all work has been completed per the latest design. l l

MtM No.1773 8 SHNPP Y'M"

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  • 10 a

As Ap oved l0NSTRUCTION PROCEDURES MANUAL _ INSTALLATION OF22SEISMIC PIPE IIA p I WORK PROCEDURE AND SUPPORTS FOR SEISMICALLY 22 ANALYZED PIPE ,R10 DESCR!PTION _ 4.15 The Hanger Engineer shall issue a Work Directive if rework is for ar.f revisions to ~~ the welding, geometry, material, or location ~ the hanger licable required. Work shall then proceed in accordance with the app steps listed above.


[R10 ) The Hanger Engineer shall review the Q-documents per WP-140 an 4.16 hanger has been transmit them to QA Records Review Group after the 3l completed and inspected and an as-built of the hange- has been incorporated into the design drawing. (R10 4.17 The Hanger Engineer shall put a CWRA in the work package when . required. 5.0 EXHIBITS AND APPENDICES 5.1 Exhibit 1 - Field Modification (Rev. 0-11/83) 5.2 Exhibit 2 - HIC Sticker (Rev. 0-11/83) 5.3 Exhibit 3 Seismic Hanger Installation and Inspection Traveler (Re 4/83). 5.4 Exhibit 4 - Material Verification Form ' lev. 0-11/83) 5.5 Exhibit 5 - Work Directive (Rev.1-11/82) ' 5.6 Exhibit 6'- Seismic Load Sheet (Rev All/82) 5.7 Exhibit 7 Procedural Deviation (Rev. 0 3/84) 5.8 Appendix A - Catalog Part Combinations (Rev. 4-3/84) 5.9 Appendix B - Gap Tolerances at Load Pins (Rev. 5-3/84) 5.10 Appendix C - Fastener Types (Rev. 4 2/84) 0 5 .11 Appendix D - Flow Chart (Rev.13/84) 5.12 Appendix E - Strut Identifications (Rev. 2 3/84) 3.13 Appendix F - Tightening Criteria (Rev. 2-1/84) 5.14 Appendix G - Flat and Tapered Washer Reference Table (R 5.15 Appendix H -Installation Procedure For Main Steam B Wall Suppo (Rev. 2 2/84) 5.16 Appendix I- Clearance Tolerances (Rev. 3 3/84) 5.17 Appendix 3 - Material Verification Program (Rev. 3 3/84) , 5.18 Appendix K - Gap, Measurement Criteria (Rev.1-1/84) l i l I l t

W . 6/83 ~~ EXMISIT -l i s ggo 1

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1. These items were part of the as received as issued steel for this hanger.


2. These items were part of the as received-as issued steel for this I hanger. This was verified by comparing the as-received and issued I revision against the as-constructed. revision.

i I

3. These items were substituted /added and there is documentation to record the soece of the material. The source has been investigated found to be legitimate with a C of C.

4. ( . . ..

                                                                                                          .l-j hese items have been stamped for material identification and the material ade conforms with the,tequirements of the Bill of Mater       .

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5. Thes te been etched for material identification and the mater conforms with the requirement of the Bill of Materi
6. These items are t ts.

l l

                                               ?er sampling program, th e reasonable assurance that the

7. + material conforms to the M material grade recuirements of the Bill of Materials. . .. . HANGER ENGINEER s REV. ' B = bolt list with 4 or 7 N = nut -list with 4 or 7 . L = load pin -list with 5 - no sampling is permissible S = shim -list with 4, 5, or 7 e = .e- o m. ..,e e.m. ., ,,, ** em=..--_om-- - - , , , , . . , - _ , , , , < .,,,-_,_,----.-,_--.,,.,,,-----,_,w-,- - - , . , , . , -

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g Construction Inspector Date Hanger Engineer Date L' Acknowledged (Ci) Date O e

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Rev. 4 WP-110 3/84 . Appendix A MAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY RNRARnN HARRIS NUNR AR POWER PLANT CATALOGUE PART COMBINATIONS Strut Part End Attachment End Attachment Paddle Paddle Number & Size (S.A.) & Size (P.A.) & Size OLA.) & Size (P.A.) & Size 2000/2010-L5 2003 -L5/10011.5 2003 -L5 2001 -L5 2002 -L5 2000/2010-3 2003 -3/1001-6 2003 -3 2001 -3 2002 -3 2000/2010-10 2003 -10 2003 -10 2001 -10 2002 -10 2000/2010-20 2003 -20 2003 -20 2001 -20 2002 -20 2100 -2.5 2003 -L5 2003 -L5 2101 -L5 2101 -L5 2100 -7 2003 -3 2003 -3 2101 -3 2101 -3 2100 -12 2003 -10 2003 -10 2101 -10 210I -10 2100 -28 2003 -20 2003 -20 2101 -20 2101 -20 2100 -38 2003 -30 2003 -30 2101 ' -3 0 2101 -30 2100 -50 2003 -50 2003 -50 2101 -50 2101 -5 0 2100 -70 2003 -70 2003 -70 2101 -70 2101 -70 2100 -130 2003 -130 2003 -130 2101 -13 0 2101 -13 0 2100 -200 2003 -200 2003 -200 2101 -200 2101 -200 2200 .65 2003 .65 2003 .65 2101 .65 2101 .65 2200 -L5 2003 -L5 2003 -1.5 .2105 -L5 2101 -L5 2200 -3 2003 -3 2003 -3 2105 -3 2101 -3 2200 -10 2003 -10 2003 -10 2105 -10 2101 -10 2200 -20 2003 -20 2003 -20 2105 -20 2101 -20 2200 -30 2003 -30 2003 -30 2105 -30 2101 -30 2200 -50 2003 -50 ~ 2003 -50 2105 -50 2101 -50 2200 -70 2003 -70 -:2003 -70 2105 -70 2101 -70 2540 .35 1001 .35/.65 2003 .65 N/A 2101 .65 2540 .65 1001 .35/.65 2003 .65 N/A 2101 .65 2540 -1.5 1001 -L5 2003 -L5 N/A 2101 -L5 2540 -6 10 01 -6 2003 -3 N/A 2101 -3 2540 -15 10 01 -15 2003 -10 N/A 2101 -10 2540 -50 1001 -50 2003 -50 N/A 2101 -50 2540 -120 1001 -12 0 2003 -130 N/A 2101 -13 0 2249 .7 1000 .7 2003 .65 , 2249 -L5 1000 -4 2003 -L5 SEE APPENDIX "E" 2249 -25 1000 -25 2003 -20 2249 -35 1000 -35 2003 -30 72249-2.5 1000 -4 2003 -1.5 72249-7 1000 -12 2003 -3 The 2000,2010,2100, and 2200 strut assemblies may be rotated 180* so that the paddles can be at either the S. A. or P. A. end. When no stamped part number is available, the dimensions in SD/C-A-1018 should be used for id:ntification. For the 1001 and 1000 end attachment, the strut must be used on the side opposite the i rdnforced side of the end attachment as shown. sw Part Number for 2003 is 1002.

                                                                                                               . USE STRUT IN THIS ARE A O'_L
                       .      _- . _ _ - . _ . . _ . -              -_,       . . .   --_ ~ .            . _ . - - . _ _ - - - . _ - - .        . , - - - -


                                                                                                \                            -

i , . . Rev. 5 \. WP-110 l 3/84 -- Appendix B Page 1 of 5 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY l SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER-PLANT ' GAP TOLERANCES AT LOAD PINS l The maximum amount of play ellowed between the end attachment and the strut is dependent on strut /end attachment combination used, see page 4 of 4. The maximum amount of play allowed between the 2600,2602,2640, and 2642 pipe clamps and the strut is dependent on the pin diameter, see page 2 of 4. Washers may have been installed by the vendor to reduce the gap. Note how the beveled edge, if applicable, of the washers is towards the paddle. See Appendix G for .- washer requirements for WBA and pipe clamps. -

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                                                                                                                                                                                      . Spherical Bearing          ,
                                                                                                    ]X              l                            6 7 78                                                        - . . . . . ..
                                                       .Strut                                    icai Pin                                          Pipe Cla=p ,oy,, kliA 4

X + Y = Gap Tolerance in Appendix B . Stacked washers are allowable provided flat washers are used as spacers. The thickness of the stacked washers or the thickness of single washers does not have to be the same on both sides of the spherical bearing. When beveled washers are used the beveled washers R4 shall be adjacent to the spherical bearing and correctly oriented (washer beveled toward the bearing).

              - , , . - . ~ . . , , . , , .        ~..--...---...,-.y.,.--,--r,-                             - - - - - , . - - - - , - , , . - ,                                                                --,-,.r-     -..-,-y-



GAP TOLERANCES' AT LOAD PINS F5R TIPE CLAMPS , I. The gap tolerance at the load pins for 2600,' 2602, 2640, and 2642 pipe clamps B5 is dapendent on the pin diameter. Clamphalvesshallbeapproximatelyparallel.p

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ' '      ~~

Pin Diameter Gap Tolerance 3/8 + ;r/16.' - 1/2 + ~1/16-3/4 + f/ii . 1 + $8 i-1-1/2 + 1/8 1-3/4 + 7/1E.. 2 + 7/16 2-1/2 + 7/16 3-1/4 + 3/4 4 + 3/4

                                                                                                                                                          't:J See                                                                                                                                                                              ...-

The distance between the ears of the gravity pipe clamp (Part Numbers 91,


II. .; - . 175, 298, 304, and 370) is dependent op the pipe' diameter. Clamp halves shall - be approximately parallel. DISTANCE BETWEEN THE CLAMP EARS Part No. Pipe Size 91 l 175 298 ' 304 370 3/4 5/8 3/4 1-1/16 1 5/8 3/4 1-1/16 Consult 1-1/4 5/8 3/4 1-1/16 the 1-1/16 1-1/2 3/4 Discipline 2 3/4 1-1/16 2-1/2 3/4 1-1/16 Mechanical 3 7/8 1-1/16 , 4 3/4 1 1-1/16 5 1-1/2 3/4 1 1-1/16 6 7/8 1-1/8 1-7/16 8 1-3/4 1 1-1/8 1-7/16 av - , . , - , , . . - - , . -- ----i--*-, - ,sm.,_. ,, . . , _ - - -..,c.y - .-w-- -s,w y-w. 7 -- ,-.--w---m -

R;v. 5 WP-110 3/84 Appendix B

                                                                                                \,                                            Page 3 of 5 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY \

SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT DISTANCE BETWEEN THE CLAMP EARS (CONTD) PART NO. Pipe Size 91 17 5 298 304 370 10 2 1 1-3/8 1-7/16 12 2 1 1-5/8 1-7/16 Consult 14 2-1/4 1-1/8 1-5/8 2 the 16 2-1/4 1-1/8 1-5/8 2 Discipline 18 2-1/4 1-1/4 1-5/8 .2 Mechanical 20 2-1/4 1-3/8 1-5/8 2 Engineer 24 2-1/4 1-5/8 2 28 2-1/4 30 2-1/4 2 2 36 2-1/4 2 s l-The tolerance on the dimension between the ears of the above pipe clamps is also dependent on the pipe size. - Pipe Diameter Maximum Total Gap at Imad Bolt (in) Under 1-1/2 incl. - 1/32, + 1/32 Over 1-1/2 - 4 incl. - 5/32, + 3'/32 Over 4 - 8 incl. - 5/32, + 3/16 Over 8 - 12 incl. - 5/32, + 5/32 Over 12 - 18 inch - 9/32, + 5/32 Over 18 - 9/32, + 3/16 ( l .

Rev.'5 WP-110 3/84 , Appadix B CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY \ Pege 4 of ,5. SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT s END ATTACHMENTS STRUT ASSEMBLY WITH TOTAL ALLOWABLE GAP TOLERANCE (IN.) 2000 2540 END 2010 2410 ATTACHMENT 2200 2100 2411 72249 2249 2003 .65 1/32 ^) 1/16 A) 2003-1.5 y/16 1/16fP 1/16 1/8( } 1/8( } 2003-3 1/16 1/16 1/16@^) 1/8(M) 1/8(PA) 2003-10 1/16 1/16 1/16(M) I/1d } 1/16(PA) 2003-20 ) } 1/8 ((PA) SA) 1/8 (ISA) 1/8( 1/8( } 2003-30 ) 1/8 ((M) SA) 1/8 ((M) SA) 1/8 C 1/8(M} , 2003-50 1/8 ((M) SA) 1/8 ((M) SA)

                                                     ,   1/8 I )      1/8(M) -         1/8(PA) 2003-70            1/8            1/8                                            1/89^)

2003-130 1/8 ^ 1/8 I ) ' 1/8 1/8(PA)' 2003-200 1/8 1/8 -- 1001 .65 1/16(M) 1001-1.5 1/8 ^ 3 1/8 5 ) 1001-6 1/8 ^ 1/8 5 ) ALL -- SIZES 1000 - 1/8(SA)' 17g(SA) SIZES 1001 1/8(SA) - ALL SIZES - 980 1/8(SA) NOTE: (PA) - PIPE ATTACHMENT END OF THE STRUT ASSEMBLY (SA) - STEEL ATTACHMENT END OF THE STRUT ASSEMBLY

Rev.5 WP-110 3/84 Appendir B PageS of5

 -                                                                                                                                                                                          \         .

CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY SHRARON HARRE NUCTRAM POWER PLANT GAP TOLERANCES AT LOAD PINS FOR 2620 WELDED PIPE ATTACHMENTS PART NO. ALLOWABLE GAP TOLERANCE QN.) 2620.35 1/32 , 2620.65 1/32 2620-L5 1/32 2620-2.5 1/32 R5 2620-3 1/32 2620-6 1/32 , 2620-7 1/32 2620-10 1/16 2620-12 1/16 2620-15 1/16 2620-20 1/16 2620-28 1/16 - 2S20-30 7/32 2620-38 7/32 2620-50 ' 7/32 e I

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  • I Bolt Type Locking (See Note Part No. (Old No.) Sizes SA-36 SA-307 Gr. B SA-193 Gr. B-7 SA-194 Gr. 2H Methods 6 and 7)

! 17 5 (6100) All Bolts Nuts Lock Nuts ' 298 (6101) All Bolts Nuts Lock Nuts 304 (6150) All Bolts Nuts Lock Nuts 2 370 (6300) All Bolt / Studs Nuts Lock Nuts 2600 1.5 - b0 Bolts Nuts Lock Nuts

. 70 - 200 Bolts / Studs Nuts . Lock Nuts j 2602 -

1.5,3 Bolts Nuts Lock Nuts 2.5 Bolts / Studs Nuts Lock Nuts j! - 7-50 Bolts Nuts Lock Nuts i 2630 All Bolts Nuts Lock Nuts 2632 All . Bolts Nuts Lock Nuts l 2640' . All Bolts Nuts Lock Nuts 2642 .35 - 1.5 Bolts Nuts Lock Nuts 1 6 - 50 Bolts / Studs Nuts Lock Nuts } 6202 All Bolts Nuts Lock Nuts j 6252 .35 Bolts Studs Nuts Lock Nuts j .65 - 6 Bolts Nuts - Lock Nuts j- 15 - 50 - Bolts / Studs Nuts Lock Nuts , j 6300 .61 - 1.13 Bolts Nuts Lock Nuts ! Note 1: SA-307 Gr. B Bolts are marked with the Bethlehem Steel vendor markings in accordance with ASTM. I Note 2: SA-193 Gr. B-7 and SA 194 Gr. 2H Bolts / Studs / Nuts are marked for material grade, i.e., B-7 and 2H ! respectively. . Note 3: SA-193 Gr. B-7 Bolts / Studs / Nuts are acceptable alternatives to SA-307 Gr. B Bolts. However, the

reverse situation does not apply.

i Note 4: A-323 or A-490 Bolts are acceptable alternatives to SA-307 Gr. B and SA-193 Gr. B-7 Bolts / Studs, However j the reverse situation does not apply. Bolts for Pipe Clamps may be reused. Note 5: Locknuts shall be tightened in accordance with Appendix F.

                                                                                                                                              ,4 l           Note 6:     Anco or Coloc locknuts will be used in lieu of the standard nut / jam nut arrangements.

Note 7: The locknut and lockwire must be fully engaged on the threads of the stod or bolt.

                                                                                                                                              ./p f                                                                                                                                          ,

s. Rev. 4 WP-110 2/84 Appendix C

                                                                                                                                                                           , Sheet 2 of 3 CAROLINA POWER de IJGHT COMPANY C                                                                   SHEARON WARHR NUCLEAR POWER PIANT
  • LOAD PIN MATRRfATA The following chart shows the acceptable material grades for the listed catalog

{ parts. The and marldng'A' stands for SA 564 type 630 material,'B' stands forSA 193 grade B7 and 'C' stands for SA 36, SA 30'6 grade 60. Acceptable substitutes are as shown below. , CATALOG MINIMUM LOAD PIN ACCEPTABLE LETTERING PART NO. MATRRIAL GRADE REQUIRED - END afARK SUBirITIvrES S1 SA-306 Grade 60, SA 36 A,B,C 11 3 SA-193 Grade B7 A,3 216 SA-306 Grade 60 A,B,C I 276 SA-306 Grade 60, SA 36 A,B,C 304 SA-306 Grade 60, SA 36 A,B,C 370 SA-193 Grade B7 A, B 377 SA-306 Grade 60, SA 36 A,B,C 1000 SA-564 Type 630 . A 1001 SA-193 Grade B7 A, B 2003 SA-193 Grade B7 A, B 2600 SA-193 Grade B7 A, B 2602 SA-193 Grade B7 - A, B 2620 SA-193 Grade B7 A, B 2630 SA-193 Grade B7 A, B 2632 SA-193 Grade B7 A, B 2640 SA-193 Grade'B7 A, B 2642 SA-193 Grade B7 A, B i 6175 SA-564 Type 630 A i I 's

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .          I e
      ,,.----...-------,..--.wn--,,.---n.,-..n_..-,--,.-,..r---.                                 ,---,<,,--nr,,--n.        - - . - ---. v,-,.. - - , -     --,a..--. - . -    .--a--------- - - - - - - - . - - - ~ - - - - -

Rev. 4 . WP-110

    -2/84                                                                                 Appendix C Sheet.3 of 3 CAROLINA POWER"&' LIGHT COMPANY C.                  SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT
  • CATALOG MINIMDM LOAD PIN ACCEPTABLE LETTERING PART NO. MATERIAL GRADE REQUIRED END MARKS 6202 SA-193 Grade B7 A, B 6252 SA-193 Grade B7 A, B 6300 SA-193 Grade B7 A, B 6515 SA-193 Grade B7 A, B 6516 SA-193 Grade B7 A, B 6525 SA-564 Type 630 A 980 SA-193 Grade B7 A, B e_

i 1






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                         .                                                                                     WIIEN MANCER IS COMPLETS l;                                                                                                                    .-

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   .              5..,


                  .Ran.'2                                     CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Appendix i I


     ;          . 3/84                                    SHEARON BARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Pcga 1 cf STRUT IDENTIFICATION e.
j. ('
                                                                                 ' ~ ~

7 $UlIT IINGIN 7 l [ t l l . . l 0

                                               .g, PA or                          .3'                       :       : :

x_------- c % . . PA

                                                      .g"~ '         -m s---------                                                            ,

y) g bPIN . PART NO. 2200 i

                                                                                                 ~~ ._.

ee b n

            %N.                                                           .
                                                                               =....                                 .

o m*

                                                   .'                    m
                                                     ._ :-                                           "",,*                           P Nom.Dia
                                           ,,                       f l Pipe                         g                          '
                                ,' .n., }              .                                                   r-                 --.--
                                                                                                                                                                 -l                     61 Q

si __ m .

                                                                                                                                                                    ,                   i
                                 *3                                                                         . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . . .

En , _ e  % N

s. .





                      .                                   CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Rev.2                                SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT                                                                                     APP:ndix E 3/86                                                                                                                                                         Pags 2 cf 3 STRUT IDENTIFICATION
                                                                           .MACHIkED -PADDLE
   'f,                                                                                                                   .:             ...e_.


                                                                                                                                                            '(PA End)
                                                                                                       , IN TO PIN g/                                      /                                       - Pipstwou.o A.3
  • f ffg f- n .

r---' r S 1 g . y < T T 2


( N w 9 w

                                                .                                                                                                                                       SWAGED PRESSED                                                                                                                                            BEARING BEARING                                  PART NO. 2249                                                      ,

PADDLE'; I - (SA End) v.; .W -


y- =-' : . .


t: 1, .

                                                               ~ --. . - + .                     Q.T -
n. ,

RIG'HT HAND THREADS I :'(PA: Ind) .. i l

                                                                                                  = TO MN I       "

f mMPE (NOM. DIAJ " " f - o - g

                           /             g                 --r                                                                             r---

F < 1 T 1 T  ; 9 ggl;/ i - , t , ,_ b~ m m i l PART NO. 72249 WELDED ! PADDLE i LEFT HAND THREADS

                ,                                                                                                                                               (SA End)

N N s

  • LLM. G WF-lRO
                      .3/.84                                                                CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Appsudix E SHEARON BARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Pegs 3 cr. 3 4                                                                                                   STRUT IDENTIFICATION 4                                                                                                                                                                                                         . .
  .;i L                                                                                                                           STRUT LENGTH
                                                              ;                                                                                                                                                                7 PA or                         '

PA or


SA End s . , g # SA End e . /N T,f s* - - ; _

                                                                                                                                                                                    .f              "
  • dl. //(/ %

Nf f Y . , ^ ^ ' .' lj.=

b. f f _i j .

e L -

                                                                                                                 ~   ..                 .....y.
                                                                                                                                                              .            .2-
                                                                                                                                                                                  *:.' 5~;, . ..~ 2 - .b PlN
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                                                                                                                                   ..: ~ .~ ;
                                                                                                                                                    . , u .?.                        ...       -
          ,,                                                                                                                                                                                        . y-     ..

y9 - - PART NO. 2000 or 2010 "..

                                                               .. _ ..                                                                                                     - . _ . .a                .       . .
                                                                                                                                                                               ._ .              m...                       .
                                                                                                                                                                                    .. 6.

t - . _ . .



                                             ., r                                                                                                                                                                                                        -
                                          /                                                        q                  =

r i

                                       /           .,.   .

PA or .

                                              ,'9 $    ,                                                                           .
                                                                                                                                                                             !                     _l                                             .                       -.

SA End I s k. l# L

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          !.i       kk
                                         '%                                                                             4                                                                    Q
                             -          _                   \s-                                                          '             .

PA or P!N

                                        '                                                            WV SA End i     ,                                                                                                                                   PART NO. 2100 i                                                 .                                _.                                      - _ _                                 .               . . . . ._ . .

1 i i i

                                                , -.               , - - - - - - - - . . - - . - - , - - - - - - - - - - . - - - , - - - - - . , . - , - - , - - - - - .                                                                     .-a,---------.                       ...

Rev. 2 App;ndiz F

                      -                                            Pm&UmNm                                                                       WP-110 1/84x.                        SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PIANT
                   'p                                                                                                                            Page 1 of 2 N

3 Where (2) nuts are used on

           ."i. 4..gSnus Tight"

{ .. ) aither side of a base matM S ting Surface 4 1 (e.g., U-bolts, velded beam , attachments) .m .:;;,@fi g y y' mig - (See Detail A) , use, standard i

                                                 '~;MN N                                                 A-194 2H nuts (Anco or Coloc lock
                                                                                                  ..      nuts are permissible if the grip wire is clipped).

Detail A BAhir, P1 Aft.

                                    ,i                                                                                                                                              R2

( ','

                                                                      '            J Where (2) nuts are deti..iled ~ia"'the sama side of a base material (e.g.,~U-bolts,rodsandweldedl o
                                 .!                            j      l     Coloc 1                 '.._.           beam . attachments) (See . Detail 1),

8 l 3 vse one, A-194 2H Colec or. Anco lock 11ut t ' p' >-- For U-bolts, tighten only to point where (0)- gap exists between pipe - . [ */ and U-Bolt (when (0) gap is specified jg on B-P hanger design sketch) to avoid damaging pipe. All other cases, tighten to point where nut to base material contact is made.

                                       .~         Detail 3 l


                                                % .. m                   ,

Where a locking nut is m N reWred on a. sent or Spring can spring can assembly.

              " Snug Tight"                                *
  • l or strut ,(See Detail C)

Against .t ',. / body 5 assembly Material grade is not Nating Material important since the nut

  • R2 is considered only a locking device.

Detail C

 ~    -   ---         . . . -    ..                  --
                                                                                ,.                          __-_,._,-,----_,,_--,._,-.w____                  , . , , .  ----y ,
                                                                                                                 -         ~

e Rev. 2 ~

                                                                                                                   .                                                                                    Appendix 7
                   *1784              .
                                                             '.                 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CEPANT                                                                                           WP-110          ,                        .

SHEARON RABRTC NUCLEAR POWER PIANT Page 2 of 2 l Tighten nut and bolt until the clamp cannot be i "' =' rotated using moderate hand pressure and the t -i . Clamp vesis seceetable should not be (Ref. si FCR-B-1095) deflected


ythetighteningoperafion.ficantly , k -

                                                                   '=                       -

Where (3) bolt pipe 4 J:a.= --- - 1 clamp used (i.e., 3-P ( f f

                                                                                        /                             -
                                                                                                                                                          ,1                Part #91, 304, 2600,

i 2602, 2640, 2642, 6202, I 6252, 6300) Tighten ll ,-  !

                                                                                                                                                      "y                    as .shown (Detail D)
                                                                          ?                              Tighten to r eove
                                             -                  -                                        slack plus 1/2 turn
                                                      .                                .                  (Approx.)


  • Detail D l
                                           '9                                                            "Snus Tight" against other i

8 aut (should use wrench on I ~

                                                                 -                       .               inside nut while tightaming                                          .

r jam nut) ( {k _

                                                                                                                                               '.J f ~ 's
                                                                                                                                                                       '*       Where (2) bolt pipe
                                                                                                                          ~ a MF ~~N -
                                    ="                                                                                                                                           clamp (Part No. 175, 0

e am

                                                                                                                                                ... ?/                  .

298, & 370) used with

                                                                                                                                                 ' J.
                                                                                                                                                                     .  lugs as shown                                        -

(Detail E & F) O h I (2) Lug or ., s ,. (4) Lug Config. us . - i may exist . .. l Tighten to remove slack

  • Detail E plus approximately 1/2 (Part No. 370) , turn (typical 2 bolts) g M , Section A-A Section A'-A'

r - f] ( yj W. j --

  • Note: Anco or Coloc locknuts R2 Typical both [ ' shall be used in lieu of the nut l @ M' & jam nut combinations.
  • l sides < v *.
                                                   *Ders11 F (Part No. 175,299)                                                                                                                                                             *
w. wtrqnu 11 / 8 3 Appendix G CAROLDIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY RNRannti RARBM NUCLEAR POWER PLANT PLAT AND TAPERED WASHER REFERENCE TABLE Streetwal Attachments 1000 .7 flat 1001 .35 flat 2003 .65 nat
              -L5   Dat                                                                   .65                    flat                             -L5                    tapered                                      1
              -4    Dat                                                             -L5                          flat                             -3                     tapered
              -12   tapered                                                          -6                          flat                             -10                    tapered
              -25   tapered                                                          -15                         tapered                          -20                    tapered
              -35   tapered                                                           -50                        tapered                          -30                    tapered
              -60   tapered                                                           -120                       flat                             -50                    flat
                                                                                                                               '                                    ~
              -80   nat                                                                                                                           -70                   flat
              -130  nat                                                                                                                           -130                   Dat                      .
                                                                                                                                                ' -200                   nat Pipe Clamps i

2600 -1.5 nat 2602 -L5 flat 2640 .35 Dat 2642 .35 flat

-2.5 tapered -2.5 tapered .65 flat - - .65 Dat .
              -3                                                                                                                                                                             -L5  ' flat tapered                                      -3                            tapered                  ,-       -L5 ' flat                                            ,
              -7    tapered                                      -7                            tapered.,                         -6          tapered                                         -6     tapered
               -10  tapered                                      -10                           tapered                           -15         tapered                                         -15    tapered
               -12  tapered                                      -12                           tapered                           -50         nat                                             -50    nat
              -20   tapered                                      -20                           tapered                           -12 0       nat
              -28   tapered                                      -28                           tapered
               -30  tapered                                     -30                            tapered
              -38   tapered                                     -38                            tapered
              -50 nat                                          -50                           flat flat
              -130  flat
              -200  nat                                                                                                                                                                                             ,

1 Netm: Tapered washers can be substituted for flat washers, but flat washers cannot be substituted for taperec washers. Hanger Mods are not required to substitute tapered for flat washers. k

                      .   . . .             . . .   . . . . .                    .               .              ..- -                  - . -           . -                            -..,--=.--
                                - - _ _ , -         _ _ _ _ _ . _ , _ - - . . - - . _ , _ . . . _ _ . _ - _ , _                                      ~ ~ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - -


           '2/84                        SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT.                                                                  Appendix H         l l

Page I cf 2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE POR MAIN STEAM SUPPORT 5 l R2 e. f . LO '~ SCOPE. Additional instructions for the installetion of the main steam B-wall supports and R2 D-Wall Header Supports are provided in this Appendix. They shall be used in conjunction with the instructions provided elsewhere in the procedure. The fonowing hangers are affected by this Appendix: 1 MS-N-212 - 216 MS-H-48 l MS-H-219 ' MS-H-64 - 12 i MS-H-234, 235 MS-H-75 MS-N-237 ' MS-H-345 ,


1. FCR-H-H86 grouting associated with B-P frames and hangers
2. TP-28, inspection of Equipment Installation
3. WP-29, Grouting
4. TP-04, Calibration of Controlled Tools
5. WP-139, Pipe Hanger Work Package Preparation 3.0 GENERAL .

L Mating surfaces in contact with the concrete shall be stripped of all coatings prior to fitup.

2. Anchor bolts shall be clean and undamged prior to the installation of the fra$ne or hanger boot. -
3. The dimension between the boot plate and the face of the concrete shall be maintained to within + 1/4" of design.

4. There should be 1/4" minimum grout cover on any shims used during erection. This is to ensure that the shims are not exposed which might cause rust and shim deterioration. 5. Tighten nuts finger tight. Washers may be instanedlater after grouting is complete. 6.. Grouting shan commence after the nuts hav9 bn turned finger tight. Type H grout shan be used in conjunction with WPw9.

7. After grout is acceptable, snug the mfrs 4. L' c41 effort of a man using an open end wrench.

I 8. Tighten ~all anchor bolts to the designed pre-tension (see the hanger sketch) using a calibrated direct tension indicator.

9. If washers were not instaued prior to grouting, then install one washer at a time, snugging each nut respectively. Then perform the action prescribed in 3.9 above.

i [ 10.

                    -  Shopwelds and shopwelded members that were made inaccessible during fabrication or instanation do not require inspection since the assembly received VQA inspection.


4 R v.2. WP-Il0 2/84 Appendix H

     '                                                                                              Page 2 of 2 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY r                        SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT -                                    -

INSTAT.T.ATION PROCEDURE POR MAIN frFEAM SUPPORTS N l 4.0 PROCEDURE i L The Hanger Superintendent shall: L Work the hanger to the design drawing, this Appendix and WP-110 where applicable.

2. Get the field engineers to provide benchmarks for CL
3. Notify Mechanleal CI to inspect for pad preparation per TP-28.
4. After setting the frame, notify Mechanical CI to check setting per TP-28.
5. Notify the Area Engineer to initiate a grout pour card. *
6. Reference the grout pour card number on the Traveler. -
7. Notify Hanger CI to verify each anchor bolt is properly pre-tensioned.
8. Notify Hanger CI to inspect as required per WP-Il0.
9. Notify the appropriate group for a weld inspection per WP-110,
2. The Work Package Engineer shall:
1. Prepare the package for construction in accordance with WP-139. ,,
3. The Area Engineer'shall:
1. Initiate the grout pour card. . .
2. Ensure that Type III grout is used. -
4. The Field Engineer shall: +-.

2 L Provide benchmarks.

5. Mechanical CI shall:

L Inspect per the appropriate procedures for equipment setting.

6. Hanger CI shall:
1. Verify that the anchor bolts are properly pre-tensioned using a calibrated tension indicator.
2. Verify the hanger was installed to the design drawing, this Appendix and WP-110.
3. Verify the signed off copies of the grout pour card and Exhibit 1 of TP-28 are in the Work Package.
7. The Discipline Mechanical Engineer shall:
1. Perform functions referenced in the body of WP-Il0 for Pipe Hanger Installation.
8. The weld inspections shall be performed by the appropriate group as detailed in WP-110.
                                                                                   ,,.,wm.m,,-,9..      -.w %99,_,v.M F*"           w-   r--""'"""-


        ~                                                                                            ~



t . C

                                         'm.__                                       mi                                                                                            ,

i l _ _ _ E- _ __ l i

                                                                                         '                                            A + B = 1/32" (min.)

l l See A + B = 1/8" (max.) l l I I


Note C = 1/32" (min.) B J y - l i A Below C = 1/8" (max. )' g 3 I l l I , .

                                 ,           i y ,

yL-9 Visual Contact Figure 1 Horizontal Run of Pipe C'

                                       . p==p I - - -- _ -

M,. I I I _ l A + B = 1/32" (min.)

                   -                                                                     l                             See            A + B = 1/8" '(max.)

l l I Note C + D = 1/32" (min.) B j' j A Bel v C + D = 1/8" (max.) c +

                                   ,                 l.                 _

l i , I l i g i I D I I L NOTE: See page 4 of 4 for cross sectional Figure 2 view detailing location with Vertical Run of Pipe respect to hanger member where minimu , and maxi =um I

  -                                                                                                                                            clearances are to b !

checked l

p.  ; --- BiiDGt 23 cf 4
                                                                                                  ,   CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY s                   SEEARON BARRIS' NUCLEAR POWER PLANT


                                                           . m.
                                                                                                            ,.          .s.                                                                                                        .

Contact Tequired *

                                                -.                                      %                                                                        .                               .       ,   ctn both sides                                                                                                                          i
                                                                                                    '                                             o                   .                                        .

P'. i

                                                                                              ..             ._ .                                  e  .,

C. .- ,. .

                                                                     ~~           *
                                                                                                                                                                                 -1tecuired Gao -                                                                                                                        .
                                                                                                                                         .                                         Max 1/8"                             -
                                                                                                                                                                   - ' Min 0" Clearance must be equal vrRnen 7m                                                                                    + 1/32"                                                                                                                                         -                               -

rizere 3 - . in.

                                                  ~ .                                                 .

t [# i

                                                                                                                                           .                                     clearancas must be equal                                                                                                                                  -
                                                                                                                                                                                                            +1/32" (Typical                        both sides)                                               ,


                                                                              -                                =-                                               ..                                                                                                                                                                         i
                                                                                *    -     -              .      0                              ..          . ..                                                                                                                                                                           .
l. .
                                    .                                                                   4m-         --

6 4 6 . . e M'. *

  • Total Can Max. 1/8"  ;

Min. 0" . l EORIZONTE PI?E Figure 4 1 l

                                        * *                                                                                    **                      ***
  • 6 m . . - . m e e. m a e .... _ m
        --m        w - ---              w-,-- - -      7--,,-,m-wrwe4-                                       ,                  e --.--,.              -m-m---     -"    4m.-,.      -,9--r            wyg-w,w-           ,,-,my,w,---wg -we,.                  ,-m>--,,,,.mveme,e,-w.--.m4                 -             s    q     m       op e- m
     *        -3 f84
  • I - She2: 3 of 4 * -


i. A. Design. Requires 1/16" Clearance
                               ,                               -c                                                                                          A+3 = Visual clearance ain.


                                                                                                                        ~                                                   1/8" max. (read to l                                   '
                                                                                                                                                                         - nearest 1/16")   ,

4 j - C = 1/8" max., visual. clearance ais, i ); (read' to nearest 1/16")

                                                                                                  / 6-                                                                                                                                             )
                                                                           - .I
                                                                           ,     ,                              ..i Visual contact gravity side                                                      '
                 .                                                                                                                                                           .                                      ~~

A-6 Borizontal Pine Run ~ [c, ~d ' A + 3 = Visual clearance ain. 1/8" anz. (read to - .. a 7 maarast 1/16") f \ C + 3 = Visual clearance ain. i 1/8" anz. (read to . . ... i. maarest 1/16") - T ,, T


A _ s v

  • Vertical Pine Rus


1. Design Requires 0" Clearance
                                                                                             ~                   ~

b ' A + 3 = 0" min. ~ ..;

  • 8-1/8" max. (read to nearest - ~
                                                                     .                                                                                                                       1/16")                                     .

E~ )

                                      .                                                                                                                    C + D = 0"                                                             .

_p - .


F. .

                        -.                              A                                                                                                                          .

Borizental er Vertical - - - - - Pipe Run E l l

       .\                                                .


t .. .,- - Rev.3 Appendix I 3/84 , WP-110 Page 4 cf 4 . CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY - SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT



          ' Clearance shall be measured at the edge of the hanger member or shimplate as                                                                                                              g3 shown below. Care shall be exercised to ensure that pipe skewness with respect to the hanger shall not exceed 1/32" if the hanger member is less than 6" wide and 1/16" if the hanger member is 6" wide or greater., Contact the Discipline

Mechanical Engineer if this cannot be achieved. If a shim is not required, pipe skewness with respect to the hanger is not a checkpoint. Total maximum and minimum clearances are to be checked at the closest point on each side of the pipe regardless of whether or not shims ar,e instaUed. R3 Rummple -

                                                                                                             - " 77                         ._ ,

F 7 !!' , I .I ,,, r

                                                                  -                                   .. .. x..
                                                                                          ... .                                          7,        ,         ,

[ $f i

1 l 1t ( , ,

d h; I.*; li . PIPE g ,j _ ;. n .,

                                                                                                            )(m                                    1 w4                  .                                              ,

' &1 B &u r 5 1 .. t a 1 6 . i

                                                     $Hid                                                      ,b                                    i KnN GGR                                                                            ;
  • NEMBER N -
                                                                                                                                    ,                i g

W _, J; .. i&-

                                                                               < Tust STEEL                    m.             ..

9",,.,.-,,'...-..:, . Clearances are to be checked at point (b) and (c). Although the clearances are acceptable (i.e., b + c = 1/32" + 1/16" = 3/32" minimum is 1/32", maximum is 1/8") the pipe is skewed more than 1/32" (i.e., a - e = 1/8" - 1/16" = 1/16"). This is i t unacceptable. l


                                                                                                                                           's Rsv. 3                                                    -


         -                                                                                                       CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY                             Appendix 3
                    '3/84                                                                              SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT                                                                {

' ' (? WP-110 l i Sheet I of 3 1 MATERIAL VERIFICATION PROGRAM t

                  - The following instructions are to be used by the Hanger Engineer to complete Parts 1-7 on Exhibit 4.                                                                                                        -

Part I f All material which was issued prior to 9-6-83 maintained identification via material control. To ensure the controls were implemented, the Hanger Engineer shall need to know what material was received and issued for construction. The Warehouse Engineer shall provide that information in Part 1 of Exhibit 4. He shall research receipt records and list items and the drawing revision for which the material was supplied. He shall sign and date the entry. Items Rev. j't Example: .l_ 2_ ,7, 3 Part 2 - The Hanger Engineer shall verify the as-b,ullt steel is the as-received as-Issued material for the pipe hanger. He mIist perform a field check on the items listed in Part I and compare the physical parameters, except length, of the as-built steel to the Bill of Materials of the drawing revision for which the material was supplied. In addition, the hanger material must:

1. Be coated with red oxide primer (except in the Containment Building) os
2. Be coated with flat white primer (only in the Containment Building) og, 3.

Be coated with gloss white paint and stamped with the hanger number oi, 4. Be an uncoated structural shape less than 6" long ol,

5. Be an uncoated plate which has an exposed area less than 3" from a weld
6. Not be marked with another hanger number or PO number
7. Not have documentation in the package to indicate the material
                    ,                                                  was supplied from surplus or stock.
                                                                                                                                 .____._...__..-.   . _ _ _ . _ . . _ . . . . - -        . . . . . . . . l l

t l l l Rsv.3 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Appendix J l 3/84 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT (. WP-110 Sheet 2 of 3 MATERIAL VERIPICATION PROGRAM If the material has been determined to be the original issue, the Hanger  ! Engineer shall list the item numbers in Part 2 of Exhibit 4. Part 3 The Hanger Engineer shalllist those items in Part 3 of Exhibit 4 whose source of material can be determined from Work Package documentation (i.e., Speed Letter, RCI or CMR). However the source must be legitimate with a Certificate of Comformance from a qualified vendor. This is evidenced by a stamp " Source Accepted"- on the CMR, Speed Letter, or RCI. Part 4 & 5 - All material issued after 9/6/83 will be stamped or etched for positive - identification. The following will be the acceptance criteria for this 4j material. A-36 plate, channel, wide flange, and angle, shall be stamped with the symbol unless it is less than 3/16" thick ' ) . A-500 Grade B tube steel shallbe stamped the symbol. U bolts and threaded rod will be stamped or etched with the material grade. 1 Stock pipe tubing for struts shall be etched with the material grade. Steel other than A-36 or A-500 Grade B stamped with the material grade. However some material was stamped with the R3 purchase order number. That P. O. shall be entered on Exhibit 4 and investigated to ensure the material grade. If the materialis marked and is acceptable, the Hanger Engineer sha!! list the item num rs under Part 4 or 5 as appropriate.

4 , s I. s l l Rev.3 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Appendix 3


! Sheet 3 of 3 MATERIAL VERIFICATION PROGRAM Part 6 l Catalog parts shall be identified by the physical characteristics of the item l or by the stamped catalog part number. The catalog part identity must be in accordance with The Bill of Materials. The Hanger Engineer shalllist these item numbers in Part 6 of Exhibit 4 and ng under Parts 2,3,4,5, or 7. Part 7 A sampling program is set up for structural shapes, plates, and shims which cannot beldentified under part 2,3,4, or 5. The Hanger Engineer shall list these items in Part 7 of Exhibit 4. General Notes: If more than"one of an item is to be considered, each piece shall be listed in the appropriate section. For example, if there are two piece 7's and both pieces are stamped, item 7 should be listed twice in Part 4. After the form is completed, the Hanger Engineer shall sign, date, and enter the drawing ! revision the items were checked against."A copy of the torm shall be removed from the Work Package and returned te the office to determine the scope of the sampling progr~am and to initiate any material testing. Welded pipe attachments (trunnions, lugs, etc.), anchor bolts and cinch anchored plates sha!! not be listed on Exhibit 4. Nonstructural end cups and shims are considered Non-Q material, do not require verification of the R3 j material identification markings, and do not need to be entered on Exhibit 4. J

o Appendix K Rev 1 WP-110 1/84 ' CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY

 -                                               SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT GAP MEASUREMENT GUIDANCE CRITERIA Since gap A is larger than gap B, the gap shall be listed as A and the weld size must be increased by A.

{ i L 6 Fig.1


m -.p v . For joints of this type, gaps should be measured at the root. If the c weld requirement is a flare bevel, the gap should not exceed 3/16". R1 and should bs recorded as 4.3/16". ItQ. 2. _ Fitup gaps between non-structural f end caps and tube steel should ' R1

                              , , _ . , _ ,      _ _                            _              i not be measured or recorded.

F(3 3

  .                                                                      CCIE1/E DOCIEtT
i4 <


                           #                                                                                                                        ?


                                                                                                                                         " W OC 1
            ._       . .___ ..__.,._...            .,.____._____.._____..______..___.____________.____.._.,_____i                                     -

CONTROLLO fCJEi- . CARaLIta POE:. & l.:M CW,t# 1 u ~==a nez~m i CCRPORATE QUALITY ASE.FxCE 2: ARTIER QA/QC - HARR:S Pt.A'iT SE_- ION CCA-1 . i TITLE: PERSO:i:IEL 5*-'~~'3 l'D C 2* '!"ATION 1.0 PURPOSE The 1 te:: cf tis ;ro:ecure is to es ablist mquire=e::s and  ;

            .                                           guidemes for trad-* r and qualifica:ica cf persencel assiped                                                                         j i to perfe:-: 100 ac:1::. ties at a cuclear pcuer plan:.

2.0 SCOPE This pro:et:re is a: plica:le to : e site Quality Assurance / j Quality ~~ ~1 Uni persennel whc perfc. inspecti ns, sur-  : 8 veilla=ces, =n-d-=:1cc ce testing ac:1 rities- that are .inte:ded to ., a;ity c' constructica or to verify confer =ance to i quality sm d s=ents; and perse:nel w:o review and accept or l appro ru --* e::ica, avami ation or tes docu=entati:n er ot:er l quality affe:._*=g c:c.=nents (e.g. procedures, instructions and  ; specifica-* **). N:cdestructive Exa *n=tica (NDE) personnel  : trai

  • r a=ad :;ualificatica will be in accordance with Reference
1. Fcr :ra p. psses of tais procedure, references o inspe::1on  ; '

i activities d- '"edes surveillance. This is an AS:G See:1on ~II

  • procecure. -

3.0 REFERE5C!3

1. Carp:rame QA De;artment Nondestructive Examination Manual (EE Ma:sual) i l 2.: I=st: 2 '- CA*-1.1, Visual Acuity and Color Perceptien Tests  !
3.'* CA -1.2, CA/QC Persoccel Qualification Requirements ,

4.0 R ESPC2*"~ ~'"E5 i i

                                                                                                                                                                                               !       i 4.1      h-n=e - CA/Q - Harris Plant Section                                                                                          *
                                                                                                                                                                                               ,l i

The !8=-aFe - ::A/QC - Harris Plast Section shall be respon-sitie fcr staf*1=g the QA/QC Unit with person =el meeti:g l! g i ' the a;:r; :pria:a classificati=n requirements. 'f 1, r 4.2 Disc - CA,*:lC  ;  ! The C1.mtor - CA/Q shall have overall respo:sibility for ,' , implasse::atiot of tais procedun. I i 4.3 Suter:.: e: dent - CC 3, ,. "he Scpe-1=ta:de=t - QC is nspensible to the Directer - QA/C:  !,; for 'ehtatinn of this procedure. 1 1 - . 4 - 1 .

       --,       ,e,   --s-.--.   -e.-,      .,.m  -,-+r      . , . - - -           +,-,--g-,       w,,we--,-.-+v,,           wn--e,--.wg,e.+c---wr-,ew-        ,--mmw.-w,m ~w         y     a--w-,-*
      .    <. q<


                                                                                               !UAEER       REV! SIGN CCR? CRATE CUALITY ASSlRAfG DEPARIET l           QA/QC - HARRIS PLATE SECTION                                        COA
  • 11 TITLE; P.'RSONNEL TRAINI::G A::3 CUALIF CA~~ :X 4.4 Quality Assura .ce/Cuali r =_:: 5 Su:erriscrs CA/QC Subunit Super- is... = e-=-' = ave crerall respcnsibility for implementation of -"' ;r:ca- 7 in their assig.ed areas of responsibi'.ity. H 4.5 cuality Assurance /cual:.& :_-_ =- ~. See:ialists/Ennreers Site QA/CC Specialists / _d-ae:s m be res;c=sible fer indoctri=atica, tra'n' :,, :;-5-" na:1cn and*.icn of QA/QC persennel in their assi:;=e: a. eas of respcnsibi*.ity.

1 5.0 DUCATION AND EIFERIENCE 5.1 Personnel perfor=ing cur activ_ ties shall meet the educa-tion and experience rer.: .r -=-. se . ferth in Appendix A. I i 5.2 Acceptable equivale=ts t= =e e- ":ic levels listed in Appendix A are as fc11:ss:

1. In lieu of high senec:1: ' tary (USAFI), state , county, or local school sy .,ars -'- sel:. col equivalency GD; or two (2) years experimsca 1: -truction operation cr inspection work s' d == t= coverwd by the inspection activity.
2. In lieu of 2-year des se t= acgineering/*actnology:

Satisfactory ccc cf " age credi s wnich can be evaluated to be ces;ars.:la = "at requi vd for a 4-year degrue; or two (2) years experience as a QA/CC Inspector j in a nuclear progrzn / ,

3. In leiu of a 4-year des se in =en-engineer 1=g discipline:

Satisfactory cf - " age credits unics can be , evaluated to be c:c:;ars.:le = t.ta: rwquired for a 4-year ! degree; or two (2) years auxperience as a QA/QC Inspector in a, nuclear prog-z=.

4. In lieu of a 4-year des:Te = ==gneering: Four (4) years experience as a .1/T nzpector in a nuclear program.


s. =en i


r .- w l

                 ,3 r OjpE KOST CAR 1Ita PCWER & LIGG CG1PMW c


  • i TITLE: P.c...5;::::IL P.AI:: ':G Alr: QUALIFICAT '; i 1

1 l 5.3 he experie::e levels lis ed in Appendix A are for din::'.y 1 l related experience in were that is technically eg.tivale=: := that v ich will be covered by the specific inspectic:/ es ' r activity. Prior experia: a in constructicn operatic: cr inspe::ica work which is only simi'u' to the inspec-ic=/

                                                         .esti:g activity may be sutstituted for dine:1y mlated experience en a 2-month for 1-month basis, not to ex:eed                               -

two &d +s cf the total i=spection experience requir-" - . 5.2 Prior experience may be applied to the experience le rel mquin=ents for more tha= one inspection / testing ac .ivity prov:ded the requimmen s of 5.3 above are met. 6.0 EETSICAL CONDITION 6.1 QA/QC inspection person =e shall meet the physical ret.:1rements for the particular CP&L c assification 1:volved at ici-d s' [. hiring. 6.2 Coctracted personnel e= ployed to auip:ent CP&L QA/CC i=spe:- tors shall meet the physical requirements of their e= plop.-.. 6.3 .Q A/QC and augmented inspection personnel shall be testad to assure: . h

1. Natural or corncted near distance acuity such as bei:g capable of reading the J-1 letters on a stancard Jasi;sr"s test-type chart or eq21 valent test type.
 ;                                                      2.            The capability for distinguishing and differentia '--

contrast between colors as dem:nstrated by practical demonstration or test perfoma:ce. e 6.4 Pers-1 that fail the near dista:ce acuity or color se:se testing may be evaluated and, through satisfactory de=ccsten-tion of capability to perfor.n the required inspec:10:s, f ~ acceptable for certificat:.on for a sub-category of inspe:--' . Ibe ;ersoc:e1 records s:all reflect the evaluation ; recess

used and a..y inspection "*4 tations imposed.

6.5 the test specified in 6.3 (or as allowed by 6.4) shall be cond..cted on an annual basis. b , 6.6 Prior to fuel loading applicable CA/QC inspectics a d j supervisory personnel ti=cluding centract personnel) i=velve: in plant Start-Up/ Operations activities will participa.e i= l , the cepacy sponsored aspiratory protection progrs= *--- =- - p ys: cal. ,,


_ . . _ , - _ . . . . . . . . . . _ - . - - .-_.,__..,___m, .- _..-._..___..._..____m- . - - . _

r yr 3iIRO I R IJCifS~.' CAROLINA PCbER & LIGC OT:ANY NUtA:::~~1 R:Vr:~ ION 4 ' CORPORATE CUALITY ASSURA'CE E:AR~ET QA/GC - HARRIS PLNC =c.. .ON CCA-1 i; lt TITLE: PE:.SC::m2, - .1 :tI ;G AI : r_._._1- C'; 7.3 INDOC-T._*'.;A'"*0N UC ~_ C-7.1 Newly ass:.goe: pec s---1 COPAL and aus=ented ) will be tr=* ed is the perf:---~ :f t.neir intended assig.=ent(s ). T.-= '

  • g shall be =-  %-*d thr:ug= a progra= consisting of :.:de:-

trication =-" = -T..e .'cb traini:g (0JT) uncer the cire:: super-r_s:.on of --= -'i.ed ;e:se::el. The de gee of training vil.. depend on _:ae -- ": ::' par _ous experience and training. r--: asis id 1.a :::. fi: s.ta=d experien:e gained throu:!; ac usi perfor :ance =f g , ssses, tests, exa=inations and inspe::::ns. As the ins;e:: : 1: ::-= 4-d-- develops proficiency, he =27 :e allowed t: perf :sr_ai: inspection fu:ctions under . e su;er-vision of =ne ,.r.alifieci i:spector; however, the qualifiec 1:spector is .=_s. e le for ret.nspectic: to the exte:: ne: essa /

                                                      . to verify ::ie *- -sc7 of the trainee 's inspection. H:. ; in:
                                                         " sign-off' scal * :be ac===11shed by the qualified inspe::ce a .d certifies --
  • a:=e;.a:ce f .he ec=pleted work.

7.2 (a) Pers:r=zel ;etrf::=r- g CA/QC activities shall be i=::ctri-natet i= . =ame ;reje:t inf:r=atic a1 areas n'e essary for effe: '.ve c:n=: 1=at1:n and accomplishment of their 1 assig ed and naponsibilities. Indoctr_ nation shall be 1:c:.=e=ted cu QA/3C Personnel Checs-Cf! W::s C.& l.7) and consist of, but not be '4-d ted to:

!                                                                   . 1.             C.1-                       -'" and Organizational Relationships 4                                                                        2.             . :: :cuc:-d - to ap; repriate site personnel
3. 1.:: ins a=: P. asp =sibilities
4. CFE., - C: L'0:3': Procedures, I structions, repc :s
wc= r:.s and fi'ing syste=.
5. ~.s----*  ::b.,ec 1ves of as.te Cta/CCC Proceoures.
6. "acas ac:: Standards to be e= ployed.

(b) QA/Q perg:-- -w *. i=v:1ved with plant Start-Up/Operztiens prior : 0.:mi l=ading will receive indoctricatics in:

1. ta:'
  • gi:a1 Healt.h & Safety Program
2. Zam. ri Ac ic:
3. "'"r:r a.1 Safety Frogram
4. _1re
  • P:-c.e:.2.on Program
5. Se==
7 .wsrs=

i..- t

                                                                                                         '-                             ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
      ,-.-    u -
a. ,, a CNT, G 00r.!IST CAROLIfiA POWER & LIGHT COMPAftY u-1En pras:cu CORoCRATE QUALITY ASSLFiANCE DEPART'EliT QAhC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION "' '2 TITLE: FE*.23::::EI. TF.A:NING A!!D QUALIFICATI0 i 7.3 Appendix A to this procedure spe:i'ies the tr=--- g t'-=

re uire for the individual inspe::1c=/ testing *----d -'es.

                                     'h.ere the inspector in training has been prev ::: sly cert:-

fied for the inspectica/ testing activity by a : ar Orgc. i-zation, the classroom' hcurs =ay be reduce: by :: 4 al" as: the OJT** hours may be reduced by two-thirds. .% rsence* qualified for construction ptase CA/C0 activd-' - ' cluding those qualified thrcug: teh CI pr::r*- *~ =c.21-dered qualified f r equivalen: Start-Up a .: C;e ..:::: p:2se CA/QC activities provided in:octr:.catic: is re:s.:.- ei an: docu=ented in applicable Start-Up/3peratie  ;-"e ;rece:.:rez. Notes: 'Classrec= training includes lect. .es, :ii::.:ssi:: , and de=enstrations of the uses of d:- -=::s. .:cis, and equip =ient related tc the 1.specti= ,:esting activity; and the ad=inistration cf a;::;:r:pria a examinations and tests.

                                                    Where equally applicable to more .ha: : e ins;e:-

tion / testing activity, OJT time =ay be a;pl.ied. to each of the appropriate activ_tes. 7.4 Formal training **tered by the QA/QC Specia.;ist/ E=gineers/ Subunit Supervisors to develop or ma1= 2'n the r proficiency of inspection personnel, shall be d===ented. Those training recc:11s shall incl.:de the fcil:r._:g infor-antion: '

1. Name of Inspector
2. Subject Matter
3. Date -

4 Time Spent -- -

5. List of Attendees .


  • FICA ~ C!!

i l Prier to assig= ment to perforin speci is inspec:10:/:es. =g f.== 1c: , CA/ C personnel shall meet the **-4-" require =en s :'Or t e assig.- ment as delineated in Appendix A. Classroom, self-s my and pract:.:a1 denenstrations shall be perfor-: led and doc.anented i= a ::rtian:e wit: Reference 3. .m

r <.e r



     .                        CARO.!!4A POWER & CE-T C~.i WW                                                                                        3 NUMEEE             REVISION i   i CORPCRATE CUALITY ASI'EG ~:'ET?DT                                                                                        i CCA-;

CA/CC - HARRIS :2 X.7 :.c.. M 11 i f TITLE: F E P.s n: 2., TP.A r . s 1:: c:Cr n :1- N f S.O (cont.) l, l Qualificat- n  : =2f c~my perse::e1 trar.sferred, fec: other units :z :r=:s:-.m2 hired frc= orpicatic=s wnich provide direct serr..=us m ::n OA/C:: Unit, wil'. be reviewed for accep-tance agai:z =a :--5:m:ts of this procedure. The I: spec:ce's personnel f' = s ~ :n ann::a_ed to sh:w the results of -ne review . and identify a= - g a:d/or testi:.g required pr:.or to certi-fication. 7::ae.-=_ =c *--' ti::a.1 trai i-- is re quired , certifica- , l tion /recer~:4--

                                                                      =my be affected based on previcus quali-fications.

9.0 CERTIFICAT 9.1 subuni: e---- _: r s. ::A/C0 soecialists and Engineers l

                                             '9.1.1 l
                                                       * ~ - . Ic;aervisers, CA/CC Specialist and En-1:eers                                       j are - --= ' supervisory a:d technical respo: stb 111 ties                                  ;
                                              5 ~~y c: combinatic:s of for- al educatien,                                         )
                                                       ;2:T-- ::-mi-'ag, previous work experience and
                                                              =~~ of indoctrinati:n to satisfactorily perfor=
                                                       ~-- -= = ' r:ts . Such personnel are considered
r"* acittout exami=ation to perform 'th9 following
                                                       "----- --' as a;pl.icable to the activities within their
                                                       ==' 3- - :m:
5. ' r" --
ualify a
d supervise CA/CC personnel in
                                                                  =c ica, : monitoring and testing assig::=ents.
2. -larvt.2l: o and =4m4-4 =ter oral / written qualificatic=
                                                                      -= tic =s .
3. IwrSm m capabilities and perfor. ance of CA/C0 putrs=:xnel,
b. Ews.212 e results of exa:inations, inspections and
5. -larve :so a:x* prepare new CA/QC procedures ar.d
                                                            *e::-i.c:ticca .
5. 3 CA/2C and Const:.tction operations procedures an: i=:st .etions for appropriate commit =ents and
w-'- sme=ts.

'C "*. '3e -- - .1 Mview of si e generated docunents w 1ca l f.:. ssn doc =nentary evidanee of the quality of

                                                            -" =atr safety relatet ite=a a:a of activities d AC-~ - " qua.lity.                                                                  [
s. -




                                                                                                ?UGE2        REVISION     ,


8. Je:1ew of procure =e:: :::=::m::= fer ine'.u-si=s of CA mquire.m:.s.
9. Fe:1ew of Suppliers' t: assure .
                                                        ;recured ite=s cc ;1e .:= :.1 rs:; of
                                                        ;recure=e:: docu=entz.
10. ?la=, schedble and s= pew se is:;e::i=s are surveilla:ce of ce=s : .=.: = a ::: c; erat :ns activities.
11. ~destify quality prc:::le=s a=: i=1:11 e , Mc==e::.d er provide naclutices.

9 1.2 other a:tivities assigned :: :se Satunit se;ervis:rs an as follows: 9 1.2.1 QA surveillance 1. Perform CA Su.-:si.11acce cf cc=s ruct:.:n ' .,

                                              ;                   installaticc:, i:spection ami testing          ':
                                              ,                   activities.                    :               :i
                            .                                                                                    t     :
2. Perform CA Sur:wd.llan=e of selected '

general activi. ins supper:1=g rather than *

               ,                                                  directly related to the iss.allatic:.
  • 1 testing or 1=xpection of permanent ;*a=:

items or

                                                    .    . 3. Perform te- -=' dec=me:t review of constructica .15e:cres.

91.2.2 civil & Struc+.:rs'.

1. Sampling a=2 .as.1:g =f :=:nte =atari.als (i.e. cement, ag;;;ngs .e, at:1xtures s :

water) . i

                                  .                            2. Concrete pr'od.   .1=.
3. Sampling a:d .ar :g of ;1astic ess: ste  ;

and grout.

4. Compmssive tes:1::.g of c= crete a:d


   .,,                                                                                            e v   .e *                                                                                                                                            \

l OG'T 0~TU _ CARQ.'M 3061 L'~iT s C3fAl#

                                                                                                                      '"               :: ~~ /n - g CORPORATE A7 /ESELe#CE 2?ARTTENT QA/ilC               -dEE3 M.RIT SE TION                                                  3 -1                      %

TITLE: FE"-"'T S r N31*C0if'! ATION e (cont.;

5. Tensile testing of reinforcing'.

bars and cadweld speci= ens.

6. Instalia ion of Meena=1 cal splices (cadwelds) in concrete reinforcing a..=. -
7. Calibrati
n and field adjustment of measuring devices.
                                            .                           8.  '41=dscr Probe System.=f testing cc :. rete st a ng.a in place. Materials & Records

1. Receipt storage and issue cf nuclea-safety m 1ated plant items and cen-1

( su= ables. 4

2. Construction site procurement of -" *==-

safety related plant items and cons -= *==

3. Accumulations, myiew, filing and c==:r:-

of meerds which are required to fu:- - - docume:tary evidence of the quality of nuclear safety related iter.s and of ac::,- l vities affecting quality.

4. Control of construction and operati.=
s contr:1 doc'.nzents.

i 5. Control af records of permanent pict d.:nmm !' transferred between units or off-s:.e. l j 6. Assently of Code Data Reports fer s.::ne.:::a" ! to the Nattenal Board. q , 7.1.2.a Hectanical & 'delding

1. Inst 211stion and pressure testing c' ~7 systecs, components and HVAC duct w:: w.
2. Field fabrication / modification cf ~~-e "

subasser.:11es. [] f - 1 i . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - - - - - _ -_- . _ _ _ - . - _ - _ . - - _ _ _

4o 1T M [CI~ET - i C;R(LINA POWER & L GC C3fAfN

                                                                                                                          ' GEER        RE'!1 SIC?4 CCRPORATE CUALITY ASStFA*G ~E ARTIOT C2A-1               13 GA/QC - HARRIS PLmT SE T*0N TITLE: FIRSONNEL TRA~NI::G UC C 11._F:0A~ ON                                                                                                 l (cent.)
2. Applica i= " *:i" ty;e sy=tol stamp te AS:2 Oxe Chss pi;i=.g and subasse=blies acd systa=s.

4 Preparati= cf AS E C:de Cata Re;;rts.

5. Clean 11=ess i= ;ec:1=s Of ;i;1 :

systa=s a= ===;onents.

6. I:specta= cf ::de va*.ms.
7. Cualifi=a.1:e =f wel ers and welding o;eratcrs.  ;
                                         .                                                                                                           I*

B. Field wel 1ng :f AS!E Case Class and

                                           .                           ncn-code class piping.
9. I= stall.ati=c widing =f pm sure beendary CC=p00s=ts.
10. Installation wlding of Seismic Category I struc aral s. eel me ners, hangers and .'


11. Fie,1d fat-i== sn weM1=g of piping sub-assembl.ies, -h, st:.:: ural steel :ne=ters, hangers a:xt supports (i=cluding studs).
12. Installattac welding of steel liner plate.
13. Post-weld heat treatment. . Start-Uo/ceers:L. s

1. Procedure Pmv;aw
2.  ?.trnovers
3. Docasest .% r w 4 Mainte= ante asi Modifi=ation Co: trol

.O 5- => ="r= " -- r $ = =-ca'or r == ====

6. Inspee:1:cs o-

r ;v , i

             -w e 3'E XM CC':. iPONEi & L*G47 039ANY                                                             ~

i pp~ .m." .~' js-'- ~ j: 1 C::RPOR"'E ::.:,1LLITf ASSMKI DEPARTIOT j - a'it - +iAR:.:S P.'X.T SE TION C .1 - n l TITLE: P'--~':.~..: T!.i _n3 l'c :AL: FICA'-*0N t

9. .3 Ferse::el, n t necessarily classi"ied as 1 I;ecialists/ Engineers may be assig.ed su;Mt.- _:r I as;o:sibilities within their amas of te---** f expertise when evaluated by. the CA/QC Sub --- <

hpervisor as being capable of perfor=ing e super-_sory assignment. The evaluation s-=~ :n -

                                              !==ume ted and shall take into ac:ount the f="-2---                     i
  • i fa=:crs:


2. Education -


2. Experience l l
3. Deconstration of Capability .

i.2 Parsonnel perfor=ing CA/QC activities will be elip_tle i f:r te. .1'ication after cc= plying with paragrapn 1.0 i a- 9.0 as ap;11 cable.  ; i ^ Certification stall be a: llUL/Q: Personnel Qualification / Certification L = = la- - I ami sha*.1 cc..ain, but not be limited to, the fci .:r g

                                                   .                                                                  i   1 1:f:rmatims:
1. Employer's Name
                                   -              N
2. Nasm of person being certified
3. Activity qualified to perform 1 Data of certification and effective period
5. Basis for certificat, ion
                   .                  E. Sig.atum of Dimeter or his designee 3.2 Car ifi=atic: by the Dinctor means the inspeet: :.: ::a.1:.f:.ed
= perf:rn t:a following as applicable to the 1:rpe:--

tasting a=tivity:

1. Re==rd i=spection, esamination and testing cz:a.
2. Inciano: approved inspection, exa=ination a=: .ar-- ; I proceduns. l i
2. Fla=t 1:spections, evaluations and tests; se - p :esu.

O h ** * : preparation and set-up of relatec e-"~t. l A. Eral ate the validity and acceptati.11ty of i=.rpe- , exa=:.=a. ion and test naults. e-3EL!.E D00EiT CAR'1.IfiA PCHER & LIGiT C3PMN CORPORATE :CALITY ASTJiA* ICE 22A*EEIT QA/QC - HARRIS Pt N.T SECTICIN c A-1 11 TIT M : FIRS 3NIC. T.:.AI!: ::s ao c;;c _c1 TION 9.3 (cc:t.)  !

5. Reper: i=s;ectic:, exasinati= nnd test resul.s.
6. Superrise c:bar inspecti / testing person =e ..
7. Train otner pers= el.

E. Use e =rs.ed t:cis and equip ent requinc "- --= inspe: tic:/ esting activity.


1 9.4 Appendix A to .01s procedure identifies t.e 1:::. 2 %

;                                                                     supervisc:/ as i=spection/ testing activites fcr c10:

l CA/QC perse_- el say be assig=ed. 10.3 ..Tn* I!!SPECC'::: AL.nn :S I= the event a new wric activity and the associate: ins;ecti= a::1vity are c=: urns s: as to preclude prior qualifi:st: = of

 ;1                                                 i=spection perso==el, inspectics of the work shall te .:= der supervisory c= trol of the cognizant CA/QO Specialist, -=---*er
                                                  *cr Subunit Supervis:r. Assistance fro: the cos-4-= : :: sci;11:e i                                                  a:Gineer and ma cfa::urer's npnsentative may be re:;uested Oc
                    .                               facilitate 1:1tial qua.lification cf inspection /'asta=g persc=nel.
                   't                              The requimd C!T =ay be waived upon satisfactory de=ces:rati:n of ability to perfers the inspection / testing functice.

11.0 E7A1UATION 1!;t RE-*I?.TI3 ICATION 11.1 The job perfor=a==e of QA/QC personnel shall be e aluated t.t intervals not to escoed two (2) years. QA/CC ;ers==e1

who have not perforced inspection / testing activ
. ties fc-whica qualified within a period of one year small be m-
 ;           -                                                       evalua.ed prior to assignment to perforu ::at
  • gec 1:n or tes:.

11.2 If the nsu.lts of the perfor=ance evaluation (s) are satis-factory, the 1:dividual's certification stall be cc::1=ec. 11.3 If, duri:q the ab.ove evaluation or at any other, t: is deter..ined that :be capabill:1es of an individual d =ct meet tse mquincents of the inspection / testing a:tirit7, , that 4-A'vi:iual asall be mmoved from the activity u=:t1 suct time that the mquimd capability has been de=c= strate:. P Y' 11.4 Recertificati:n will be doc'.:nented on CA-49A Fc:I.s. , i i

                                                                                                      -11 l
                     ,, o 2i7iiDi A DCC.ETT                                       '


                                                                                                         'C  .


                                 .a . -. . . . - . e.v.e 12.1 A file of CA/QC personnel certifica:::rr          -

le .a.-

                                         ,             QA-- 9/49A Foms) stall be ntained 1= .it

12.2 A file of mcords required to su;; r: . se :a. .if:.:.1:i:: cf personnel assiped to perfor= 2A/O ac ::,r_:let s:a2 be est.ablished ann maintained. 'lte fi~e *~

                                                                                                            -- * :e .

as a in1=um: 1 Visual Acuity Test Results (F:= G-. I.

2. Physical Exa=ination Results r E- -v= Ju.acen:
3. Resurd' of Education and Experien:s
a. I=doctrinatic= (Tom QA-47)
5. Other training such as the res;1rt . r...e:.1:n l program, heal:3 physics, secu-ity. e::.. i 13.. APPIND3 13.1 Appen:iix A, QA/QC Educatien, Experie=:n i L d'g Requin ments l

l !O l . l - L

                                                                                                    *;A-1 A;;e dix A Pa;e            of CA/CC C~CI*N. E*?!RIENCE & TRAIMINO REOU~?."..EI"US
                                                        'E S . D;PERIESCE REQUIRE:
                                                                                                       !    .F3. !? C.; :;.,
                                                                                             --YR        C -~ .u s -     u4 INSPEC~*
                                 .p'g'CN/T"]. j HIGH
                                                  'SCHCOL      l2-YRENGR/
                                                                     '.-YR NON-ENCRTECH      ESCR         ?.COM CM*./STRUCTL*?.AL l             I I            i                                                -         --

Ccnerete Compressian Ten ~:g- 2 1 , 2 1. 0 2 ~6 Sieve Analysis 2 3 2 I Field Testir4 of Cen:re .e , 1 l Rebar & Cadweld Tensile 04 2 1 3 i 3 Testing i

                                                                                       .                                     ~

C=ncrete Material Testi=q; 4 2 0 j 2 - 2 1 0 l 1 15 Grout Testing I Coment False Set Tes'.1=g 2 1 3 2 16 l Cen: rete Batch Pla.nt  ! s 4 4C Inspector 12 4 2 In-Place Concrete Test .try Windsor Probe Systen 2 1 0 2 16 Cadweld Inspector 5 4 2 4 4C I I d 4 O . I I l

       -     e, e QA 's
     -                                                                                                                                                      .ype :iix A Page                 I    of f Q A/CC !!'.'C AT!!!i. EXPERIE!!OE & '"!.AM!O ?I!T.RIE!*"5
                  ,                                                             '4Ks. EX?I: I:CE :I:' :.E:                                                         :           -i?.5 . I:.A ::I!:G
                  .                  INSPE TIOL7ESTI:;G                                      2-YE. I;;7/T O                                          -YE.                     OM5-              0JT HIGH l                      A*: TIVI-'IES                      SCHOOL           t.-U   'C:~- -   E'    M                            I!:C     -                    t:0M i

rzz;u & aEcoR:s l . i Receipt Inspector l l I

1. Secondary (QR Received) 12 i' t. 4 23
2. Rebar 16 i 6 4 20
3.  !!SR Categories I & II ) .

Off-the-sheir Items ( Consumables 16 r 5 - 6 I t- 20

4. Stock Steel & Bolting i Stock Tubing, Pipe and y Fittings (FP & Radwaste)  : .

Stock Tubing, Pipe and j Fittings (Code Class) 24  ! *I

                                                                                                     .                                                   7                        6                  20
 ' '                                                                                                                                                             l
5. *deld Fil.ler Materials 40 2 *, 16 j 5 23
6. Engineered Items  :

(Seismic I)  : Engineered Items - (NSR Categories I & II, Radwaste & Fire Pro- i tection) . Primary -Engineered Items 44 I~ 17 6 37 1 Pu-chase Requisition Review

1. Non "Q"-List Items 8 4 2 8 20
2. "Q" -List Itma 24 *2
                                                                                                      .                                                  6                         8                  40 CA Records Clerk                                        8                    2.' A                                             !!/A                        S                  80 I

I i e m

           -        ,-     - - - - -            -        .+    .-,.,-.,.m_,        ..-c    4  ,-=    n ,       , , , , , , - , , - . . , , , . _ . , ,      .,-.-,,,e,.r-wn,,-              . . - - , , , , . , - , . -
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Page of : te.'~C E'!CA'"I N. EX?ERIINCE & TRAININ~ EI*7I?_E'd.ESTS


t\ _ .a.

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                                                                               .. _ . .=.u
                                                                                      ....=--            '  . - .:: .     . : ., ..__ s. -.....u i        A ' '-- - ~ E ,,,,,'M * "
  • HIGH 2-YR E.NGE.!?.;E -YR M 3- , O.TI i A- ' ~# l SCHOOL t..YR NON-INOR EUOR  ! DM i l MICE,.

a .- . - --..,-

                                  ~                                                                     t.                       .

i . l Clem-r spector 8 ' 4 2 I 20 l l Press =w !am:f g Inspe :or 8 6' . 4 1 - 2C Valve a== * . :r.ect Instt* a-- ~. =;e:: r 24 8 /* - 3C l Pipe I:o:*. .*ar ~:i:n/ . Modifi:1--

  • spection 12 8 - 4 - 2*

Pipe, R2C. *.f:me deld Inspe: or 24 12 6 - i 80 r O., Stru:: rf. 'p I.=spector , 16 8 4 l } 30 I Stud V.e22:. .g *:spe.::r 16 8 4  ; - 40 Post sel: Essa: ".rea*mt Inspe==r 8 , 4 2 + 40 t i 1 i l l r. I

r j s a.

          .* me Q
                                                                                                                  "'A-l e'              ~

A:pendix A

     ,                                                                                                            Page        -   of 3 O A/0C EOUCATION. EXPERIENCE 5, "'?_:         ~
                                                                                        "- .?C EIt'.~~'M:"S
  • g~e .
                                                                         ~ . , ..
                                                                               -  -.       t a r -- : r-               ,   w:3 - " a "-'"'vc INSPECTION," TESTING T

HIGH 2-? r. :::7._~w. , G.-::.'."' t .(.c. li C LAs.:- li OJT C N ES SCHOOL 1.-??. *: N-INC7 II U:. Rc0M 8 t i S~AF"-CP , l 4  : Turnover - Mechanical 24 4 2 2 16

                      ?.treover - H7AC                        24                      -                ,    2                   2         16 4

Tarnever - Electrical 24 ' 2 2 16 I i Tar:over - I&C 24 - 2 , 2 16

                                                                                                  -                 6 Tur:over - Struct.:ral/ Civil           24                      -                     2                   2         16 l            I Cleari' .ess Inspe :1cna                 8                      -                     2                   2         20 l

I I=st:.montation I=spections 24 12 2 i 4 20 1 Mec ar.ical Ir.spections 24 *:  !. 6 40 ( l . I Electrical Ir.spections 24 12 4 6 40

                                                                                                     *l Surw111ance - PSUISI                    24                   12                       4                   3         20 Surwillance - Operations                24                   12                       4                   2         20 Sumi11ance - Maintenance 24                   *2                       &                   3         20 Surmillance - EARC                      24                   12                       A                   3         20 Surw111ance - Start-Up Activities            24                   12                       A                   2         20 Surn111ance - Adminiatrative            24                   12                       4                   2          10 Surwi11ance - Tec.v.ical                         t U

Support 24 *2

                                                                                    .                       =                   2          10 Surwi11ance - General (Refer to Note 1)                   24                   *2                       &                   4         20 Noter
1. General surveillance certi-fi:stion will cover basic itemo su:s as cleanliness, house-o keeping, training and qualiti-cations. This certificati:s will provide the net::ods f:r preparing, conducti g and rg;orting surve12A :es.


  • es Q
                                                                                                                                                            . gne .
<*                                                                                                                                                          A.pperdix A Page       :          :*            :

y=,.,= t se

q. _
                                     -..a     e m. *. =. e.I . M. . n_ . . =.?.s. *e
                                                                                   .w?_  w    M. . .k +. v. e +k . .C ;.  . .f
                                                                                                                             . a
                                                                                                                               . *. *. *.* .?*..T
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r. _?."s r .;. . ?_V..C .? r .= '.* . ;. . .e ".) t 4.:. .E. . .=.;.s.... . .- v-

                                                                              ....?..                               . . . . ..., u. G ._

                                                                       . . ., H           2 '( .s
                                                                                                  . r.N.e,. / 6 ...i I
                                                                                                                                              - ( .,.

C w.:- . j .

       '              *-'                                                                 4 n NON.E!!C?                             ! EMC?.                            ?.S
                                                                   !* *-C O I.

START-UF l 1 I i l , Maintenance ~2:.::-2t:--- Rer.e s 24 9 2 I j. *Z .

                                                                                                                  .                                                                   i.

Start-Up I:s: .::-- Review 24 8 2 i.i .

                                                                                                                                                                                                    *2  .

I 24 8 2 i f. 'I E&RC Instra :1= Sier_sw 8

                                                                                      .                                             ,                           ,                     o General F: o:s .:.ez i                                                                                                                                i                     .                 i Instructic: ,er sw                                           24                                 9                           .          2             l;
                                                                                                                                                                                      ..            *1  6 o
  • 2 I
                                                                                                                                                                                                    *Z   '

WR&A Review 16 8 I i i f 'l l 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                    *Z   '

CVR&A Rev1w 16 8 2 . 2  :' il STs/ pts Rer ew 16 8 2 I I i.: 72

'd                                                                                                                                               4             l                      '!.          2-Plant Modi'i a* m iet_ew                                      24                              12                                                                -
                                                                                                                                                                                      ,s t

Calibratio: No' ':r.mances Review 12 12 1 i 'f I. Q e l h I. O . 0

         .P                               :
               'sg I, -
w. a
       .                                                                                                                                           .4:;e. dix A                       I Pa;e          -

of  : On. /0C r__.L.r..s.- _ 0 . r-.n. eu..ve_s. C.e. m c -..s.-......, t - . e. r C . _N_. . '.*. *. 1

                                                                                      .:s:...e . e A. e.:. . : . . : : r t .:..r-)

u.n .

                                                                                                                                                              .         .:-,.Iv....u-l i               I,.sP ,C.,. . 0h/T = .A          8 H.GH t              2 .f r. c ...w
                                                                                                              . . - ..: .:. .u.
                                                                                                                                                           '.. 4 As : -         Ca.

ACt.VI"'y .m_ y l

                        .                                                    l SCHOOL              4-YE '.0 L I'*GR                        ENC .         . F.00M          i f

I l l . . 1 I l MISC: WEOUS (Non-Inspection / Testing

  • l g

Acti'tities ) . l

                             . .:.UCC Subunit Supe: tis- s                         468                     25:.                               25;              ::/A              ::/A CA/QC Specialist                                    312                     205                 _              *:-              ::i.s             ::/A i
                                                                                                                                                                             '   : /A CA/0C Engineer-                                     N/A                     II/A                    I H              :*/A l,

O I {~.Q t e l l i 4 6

                               .                                                                                                                      3 l

l l I I

                         .I                                                                                                                          .

l s b' s O I

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5C y 4 ".*J 5. Page nf  : _.. ._ .P L...= = e.e. . -v.g

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                                           ~ ' ' ' " - - * "                 i    H. GH                                                     -TR                                                       .

b- ' " 2-YR I:;GR/ I4-YR ';CN-ESCRTECH l IMGR 2. CX I i  ! SC*CO L

l. l -

CA SURVEIP T 24 8 I 4 5 C l Cencrete P =- -- ~ tr a l ' 8 4 5 *O Concrete Tes d -r 3*- ::sr 24' i 4' 2 3 -5 Grout Place::ec:- * - - 12 . St.~.tctural 5. eel ~=.W.en 4 2 4 4 M nitor 12 4 ' 2 - - -D Cadwelding - - : .I. '~ tr 12 , I 4  ! 5  !* D Stils Cont: -1 '---- 24 8 _ Expansion 1 r- h-- - r--r1 i e-d m 2 2 Is 12 4  ; Monitor Electrical Yan=.sary ' r..: i

                                                      -                              24                         8                            4           1                :-                      23

_ns talla* d - F-- I. Cable Piil-* _ . e --=ti= l

 @                 an.d Testin P ' --

24 8 4

a. 23 12 4 2 l 2 j 20 Cleanness :ren n.E. ~ =

Protective - er 1- '_' tion 4 4 50 24 8 Monitor $ i Meenanical : -' -- W.alla-4 4 30

                                                                                 - 24                            8 tion Monit::c*

12 6 4 4 20 Hydrostatin M W t~- . HanEer & S.,. g Y z.111 tion 8 4 4 - 36 Monitor 24 24 8 4 4 30 Piping Ins--=- =-d - * - - - - - HVAC Due:w:z-r et:.:xt 8 4 4 2C Mecitor 16

                                                       . . e ter                      44                        22                           17                            E                        4C' Receiving -

In-Process de.1 2:a 2.ty 12 6 5 4C Qualifica- .?--  ::or 24 24 12 6 5 4[ Final We*_d 2a. :i7 :!!cx: .ar Nco-Des L 4 w T-*-s icz2 . 41 44 22 17 E Monitor 1 l l General 1:::it_::;7 .!cc:ite 2! 24 8 4 ' (Refer te 3.u 3. Electrica.- ---- . -= : .:=mtsta- , tion Ins '~~2 - - ~ ' ng 24 8 4 - 21i l .

                                                                                                   ~                 w                                        -

7- _

              ,  s. , %
                                       .*                                                                              ..n    .

A::e :ix A Fai;e ~ of 0 OA/OC I"U~A~ICN. E?EEEE! '"E & T~.A"'*~'O EE7U!EI'".E!""5 c, INSFECTION/TES'"!NO ,! ...G.b


N b~ 2-Y.:E -

                                                                                                                              . h.
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4 g g tSCE00L ~:.. ~31 4-Y . N'N-E . . = l E :0R E0cM l OJT i r

                        .                                                                                    l              l                      :


                        ! CA S'JRF f
  • ANCE (con . ) l ,1  !  !  :,

l- j i j' Note: . i.

1. Qualification of CA/C:  !, -

Inspect:rs for surve" h- e j  ; of on-site contract:r ac i- i [ E vities is provided oy quali- i 8 ficatic: for specific sur-  ! { veillan:e activities. Fr i exa=ple, surveillance of .' , l contractor welding activities I t shall be perfor::ied by an  ! inspector qualified in weld j l control surveillance. , I I

     . -                   2. Qualification of CA/;C                                                         I t                     Inspect:rs for tech.ical                                                          ,                                             .

review of site generated records is provided by speci-fic activity qualificati:x2. QA/QC Inspectors qualified for specific activity are - . thereby qualified to review records generated within the 4 scope of that activity. j j

3. Site CA Surveillance personnel may be censidered  ;

qualified for general sur- l ) veilla:ce by virtue of their l qualification in one or more . specified surveillance  ! ' activities . In this case, the l , qualification shall req.r_re  ; the co=pletion of requi.ed  ! indoct.ination, self-study  ! L and classroom training;  ; additi:nally, personnel shall  ; meet tne education and .  ; experience require =ents out- . lined in this Appendix. OJT, practical de::ionstrations, arx:

    /3                       examinations shall not be U                         requi 51 when qualification                                                     ;

is ac:cc:=lished by this l

                                  -. .           _. _ _ _ _ _.            ._-                          _        _ __               _ . _ _ . _ .     .~.    ,


  • j i
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    .~                                                                                                                                                            1        Of 2 23$e
                                                                         . e. e . . _-.-       .,.a  . e. .k v.s.--.C g- r . . ,. .. ..e ..e. . . . ,
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                                                                                                                                                                       - ~-- - -                 ._

y, .a..- l -'~~.7-,',-_' b '* * ' t HI ,H  ; 2-Ya ENGR /~ECH -

                                                                      ! SCHOOL I 4-YR NCN-E';OR I ENGR
                                                                                                                                     --YR                     C =.: --

R*Ca' b b I 8

  • QA S*JRVEILLA'* E '- . !
                                                                                           .                                    i ti i                                                     l
4. Site CA Sw =-ce } ,

personnel may be e 'e: ed f {- 9ualified for su W. ** e :f i inspection activ '== fcz- scia they hold or have '-=~ r=1" . U i CP&L certifica-1:c  : .his  !  ! h case , the q"= ' ' "-- - s- * ' ' I  ! , require the c~ ;3- ~ =f re-quired indoctrinz ' w a=d i  ! j self-study. 1:idi '- "7, j i. persennel sb='7 : nee: ::e ed:- , cation and exper-- requ w-i ments outlined in m C-", l l l,! appendix. No addi- -= classroom tr="-d- ,, ;ractd 1 I j Q w de=castraticas and -- '"=:ic shall be requi. red at:n= C-s i fication is ace -" N LT this method. e e t i .l r 91

1 il, e.

1 i 4 P e g a l i l

, . : \' *

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                                                                                                                -t~/c n oc-s-4s, h!                       $j               c                 </           /d ybf,
              .                                 ,iw6~)^*C ou: n;JnLA gexcn yA, w                                       g       clu-                      .

din fala. Chi / T /350 h e U ,s

                            -hao             ws % .? ~ O cL  '

c' - 20 JW A- (* 52 o y m p.m 1 C P4 L. p ~-~J n W d Q . .A . ) .. A+tD L. s-- w% D .AL A a p - 9.. i

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yl-7 \

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l 1

W Udve 07 Ne/de B h f' d kcr

             .c             u.js
                                                      .e.      A%d-cah - we/o/ sy&chd                                     /ds &n /c                            ea/                ;

persn /w sass . &

                                                                                                                                          . M (s a m e % .-                       l I
a. k m au boyB k obsc... gegu 9ce.

N~ttQ r Weld gnbols A. Te%e U n e_. S2e 9 T e. welcl and -Gnisk ia-{'e r nek Ah crue 4 below p e {en e ce. (spe . givec ~- r ufor u l;*a g:ise V be t osa line re to arre.o s;Ar 2 y * ' 4-s L.,(Welal NA hofd sides) M.rrdh de-go.

                                                                                                                                         <         sae cit os              erro-ZNSorMehin                hlwAy$ PGA             Wh ho rl                     .
3. Accow. : J estg ede= akere
                                                                  .            .. nsa eeIJ                    win         b e.      ?er6rej.             pepara-
                                                                         . . . . . _. .           ._...N        .

l 8 S o tA1 4 O IC v- . . . _ _ . .

                                                                  . . . . _ _ -                 . _ ADM . ..[         .

i; ... _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . See will . be. pgard. en aple -

. -. . . . red. page. j

c emge: r , I l_ 5 ' k ' ' " h as y F. ! .#. ,c o. _ L ca.

c. .supohn/m &mdo/  :

ci v

i. We/s/ s// sesassi : O es. <
                                                                                                                              %              reyire.s on4taa e v.s C;llet toelel All are nben d g o h t.

No/e: 7h slou/o/ xo/ Le ow&u. w/// w 4.d sent e D hef sdes 4 ye+ w filet weld sU uoun). i 2 Re4! Weld sydo/ : oMspho/ *

                                                                                                                                                   ^% YfMSsyk/                     1 es.                  -n                    4                 e
                 .              .. _                 _ .._ ..__ .    . .. .. . .. ..                         h l                                                                                                           .

2>. Mil

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esw d e l s.,p d p

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M> Y v l ' w hu

  • rra
  • a speo n J, s n e L es deswt is n/ ebse. we/ok .e.6/of pe/ wi y// fesu /c ecm & d sech rial
       ;                         en ixeecs n we/d ry;xee, fo I

en,i h d ,,, wleu &s is d dene. .

2. rypin/ ae/o/ 96/s seea n seg. & #er.n,2,u.
i. n//e/ me/d .


                            .                       y                                       L.
                                                                ~1                          0 a.) Size     9 4illeh u= eld Alcans shevid t he   specife c) e n knusin?in
                                     %   f f llIle f s g e b k a.

4V 4.) measure Met s : size la nessure ley i legfl .

         ;                                       es.
  • SV
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                                                                                        . r 4             i 1

ffgMJ ff hh C " Y' 8 $6'Yf Vf# f? OI w,Ae ,.f w c: cs. + .


an e 9 7 \ _ 4 / l 9 r

                                                                                                                            } ?A _i i
                                                                                                                 -                          t 4                                                                    .

py4/ sU on ds l

2. FIAre We_!.d Il e,,,,ple . Ta h a s h el e plele e

r- l 7 ( 0@ I %. ID NO b Feue{riftm weld. 5 ~e ke.s - m eld s l~ acaciucs catt, - % y M b=ef weld

        ~     '~ ~ '

ca6% C 4au flee. T5/s Mdeke _ _ . . _ ... ~ ?-_l....skoviJhe..hroogh h A ^ k I' % a neanu,wa

 ,                                                                   o                                                         enoa ..c:&.

I _ . , . . . . . . _ . . - - . . - - - - - -


3. 'Beve l

l\ rat emebA 6. ve I mo ld s. A ov+ 6 s a ta & s l o v iel u k be veldect wiA WPS IAl . Uetcle sfeufcl be svalifica (4 a;A cres nok wefolig WPs: ras p i o ,- 4 a bp+;g M se welds . en . At /l e nS e [ - V f"

    .                                                                                                                             As .po-y en! h.J                              .

ry b . rf e,4 y e.- 4 .J, s n c

                      .                                    .                               Pjpkcdk picced m cbt?,re
                               .. . g MixnN x..JMal Sym bois .._...-                                                                                  ..       .                   ;

wFL Fil\e'

                                                    . . ..            Y.u.              . Beve I m.e . m. m    w.  .e. m .ne . .- .                   . e ame  o..

1 a i ,

                                                                                                                   }                            -                   <

s A

                                                                                                                    \               &

7 1)esirecl Welo(

2. Flare wifk Fillet i r r- '

r _ r i. > n x i H. $$C,US $ IOQ O NISUMbG $ Ob CC UfGS ( 5 -?~ . R. 3 in m pin 3 ,



      . . . .                                     . _ . . .                i.

Okanges to M9-os- +o help pieved

     . _ . . . . .                     .                     . . . .              escesclve            denfing em HnNger Welds

_2, _.3eguest . nab. _ Melded cbfAIN .

                                                                                "Nisces* Pipe mnckers fo use &
                      . _ _ _ . .            .             .          ..         SoXIN          in "      ( Al(. 6fbeil                            'nArki
                                                .. .. . .. .. ._.. _..a e ld u .P iel edifiedia . . .                                                 -_
   .             - - . - = = =  e                                 ..                        ..

[ d F 9

                                                                                                                           -. . . . . u. ..

es-no me -- --- . .. . l .]

3. ldelders wNo h A Ye Sbescils wsk 3)tdree m 6) four lefee aee (daviuf pol / ens .s k y &y y'-de c~p ele idemAssA% arDay cn, p/n/es. New s h i/s de.

Seea cndexed xxc' '// d e nw/sHe h ae/cless . End sleci;t' w;/ a/y bre ene teles a, ades el dese&- Sko Icl 6e enden /c Sb4+f u; .

3. M sfesial Can frol -

m P-05

n. Welders musf cliscdieve. +$e
                                                                         +Arowix a

elecfroc'le s AwnoG r 0c>cd weldia&

     .                                                            2.      Foremen                 sus l 3{prf beh                   tune.

Accura {e m 4'd d ec crqW whick is pl6:ed m MAR.

   .                  .                                                   Nese             recold s                A c e. v,se A -lo       I n AidAlo . welden 's cedifienfin                            Auct Msf be A cc urn-fe. .

l C. .. Weld es.s ... skoulol nevetw . All . . M P pa oceele

                   -.   . - . . . . . _ . - . . . . wl\tek             A ee     sed- 4c (lefol }-o be.                                    l
                          ..-.            ...-.....r e v e i w e h . W en wise                               weldesS .w_i.ll._ Nk l
                                                   .-. Ko   .n.. A bout.. nea ..'alanger. _fo . pnoedures
                                                                                   .        -_.     -   -           -                      J

1 D. Weld Procedunc . SpeciReak.s Aee being issued +o welders, , den + Leg receik we rod s, , Welder s/ould reveio pocedure. palm b welding . _ .._ q, . Y C e H clos, ion All w a r K. fesforheb eus-l- be As qecihe en denuings . .tf ce fhel Art;ses belwei Acfval w m 2 +ka+ can be p{orned vs.

                                                          &&                     wklek is calleb Ge                                                                                                           welder sku.

am.!J forenso anc) Le s$ould. he.chau,ee( cDeIdin en486 m . O6' e4 >  % $ 4 h 4

    #O*     'O                                                    es      m e . .e d. w e6               e me,       .e. he me em p g                              p,   p E### # #            *                  e .ee      .ee     a w eee e gmo         m en,ee          me            mee            e      *M 4*G e           e.__        6            h*                     94 .      #.6                   ,.                __ em .*w               .
                                                                                                                                                                                              **WN'#h6 6 85 *
  • O'- WS**4e =..4 9 e eemeee m .o
 .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Standard Beesc W iding Symbole ano Theer Loc to n Signific nc a pace er                                                                           Meae*

Plue or seet er 8*** essaing M**las Esse corner Laessee same Protesteen Stenseeense Areser este y W Ik j o W >' s N o-< A  :..a = > L' no, het het het '"' "

                                                                                                                     .we                            sud                          sw.                            e8 "8 seen etese                  - '                                           ewe not .                            not                      4-he erree sees                                 ""                                                     \          ^ /
                                                                                                                                                                                  ""                             ,,eg                             ,w.-                         ..

est ee eenee osee + s .w.

        ,               :e

Supplementary Symbole Used with Welding Symbole ceaves contow s,mee, e.v.a cenieur symesa

         . < es. . ...                                                                         . , . .                                                                                                                                          ............,,,
             .., me
             .e              ,.                             s                    /               ,v.,,,,.,.,,,,


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f ..,- n.n . ,

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i. e.
                                                                                                                                                                                       ~- ' -

1,p O -- - :


t#0 .geg.f. O' t #4# '* <Off'O' '

  • 18'
                ,pg ht,teve.1         ==
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M e . .,,~ , .,.. , k r.

                                                                    .s., ,,.,e,

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                                                                                                                                                               ~....,~.,.                                          s,        n                           ='a    ,,n    , g,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - i.-o
            <                                                .Wier --u..-
     - <- y- -                          ,


                                                      - m.                    ..
                                                                                       -                        7 fx ss..........                                                                                                                        .u,,..-

Basic Joints-identification of Arrow Side Location of Elements of a Welding Symbol and Other Side of Joint

r. ,n f E'w.e a s* amnes eu,e i v.Ja.m cria, j aag e e' ca.a.r a.

s.,0 too, seeing geste et t eg / 'O' Fi.4 .* 0, l Arte, g. Arts. se 5.e m-g u-w

  • em e ,em
                                                                                                                             .. n                                             *eirv u           a.ea w .an ivro                      F/                     t,.,,,,.,,
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                     ..n             g,c..                         ,..,                                               .r.
                                                                                                                 .c. .g i .w
                .ce,e4 ,.or Arrow Side end Other Side Member of Joint Lee Jeont                                                                                                                                 teg, Je a, 8'rt..   ,         s.a.                                                             ~'".'.*.S.8'.
                                          .- .x. .e W *.'                                                                        e&:r:


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .:$ /.S s $~,. ,,,
                     ****s**                                 y s                                 >y                           , , , , , ,,,

u-se r Designet.on of Welding and Allied Processes by Letters

                                                                                                           . . . . trarg Ch                               . . cm. ec ng tto                                     ceci.o,4g .re ng iCC                                  caeae Ni c."

anc . . ,, ,tes we i,*: e PS gf ee M ,avSt vees er$mg $4 DeCh ag g.g trar pg (to g p 05 0a .g g ag foe f,B furn I'* b 800 lesAs 00 .'tt

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               .t .o
  • 2,
                                                                                                                                                        .Mv,,en W.    scf B.e                       ei., ,,re, ace
m.*g i tare.metar=get occet ore o,n, rs

! ~ . eShetse

                                                    ...r.,,             cc                            .                                              .                ..g fa                                 Ple," M .
  • AC . - . . . . era cuniat CAe , . . sarsea art evees CS a.e is.eering FCAe (; two cared art eve..g-recirten l fio. trar ag Co*C gn *ra rt r 08'" . . .Elemet b,gregen (Alt C - .. . gis cartea m se+ag (ASP seerwit ett FLI

[ . Sheept ylee = opgeg [$C , eiectra. geD# CUM #g ILCe . . fles .t t.g Ce&A sn AF

                                           . W,ges art thftlR$ CAdl I                                                                                                                                                                       CNde ( *,      g3. me,4. FC .f'. S   FC .9 8 f


         *                                          . Art speq CAs I                          . fe'# 64r988 M WFE**g             (la            teeCtren team seigeg FL$P                                            flg., gg,g,eg

( J

l l g8 > s, . SSSIC b. Wing Symbote end Their 1.oc tion Significanc *a SL;ppi' ment ry Symbou Greeve net 6m . F. sed 3,g,are V E Seems U J IL8'e-W b Piere-hosef Grosed We'd 38 ' 8 "' 8 l


( , /lb ( 3 Coatoer T f;

                                                                                                                                                                                                     ,                                                          A                     %#
e.  ;

het .. het list nog not het sue A. e"8 esse esse .i. esse

                                                                            , sud          ,

Typical Welding Symbole stet weidme symmed severe.oreo,e wowing symbes Fler*.v.and,es.oree,e wowmg s,mmee s ttra , M*g

  • s cereatate* locatea / / /l /

ac en fjg #l aae a.e e.*es.eas sener inan sepin Om. sten , ban **uta] ll \ Sire e coas. sered as est.asias ea', 1 w br 'j (

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ~g( x Oa-nien me.uta                                                  t,n,.g ,, gne., et                          cong m g a come m .s                                            en ne                                                                                                                                to taaget Be*tt senaimas **s'                           _ , , , ,

soot oceamt Plus weedmg Symbol Cham latermittent Fillet welding Symbeg . Edge. and Corner. Flange weldmg Symbese

                                                                -P. ten as.uame              e tet.een ceaversa et .'                            5 tearn et incipeu                                                                              \
                              \                                 e.e es                   ,
  • M,N A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            * -l l          7,          i 8                                   / ;           2-o                   ""*"*"'"*'"                                                             '

ec. ,re . m -/ & .W 6 0'M,,o ' M*t 'a ',- wcud ==."ms .ae..s/II.*

                                                                 ,y                                                  ..,                                                                          g reen           w                     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,                                                                                                                                              $, , ,,,s      ~e            eet no            at i9ct.3fe 4agte                          g,,,,,g, bWP,W                                                                                                                         et taatmo ct ?.9'               =, ,, ,t 4 g

Sengie.v Greeve woodeng Symbei Sect er Gemeems wedding Sysineet - Surfecmg weidmg Symtet ladecstang Bwset.wp Sur9sco s., . f. , ,a...r.g . \ / ,s - s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          \                          e
  • as.cmes se a / ah g,,, ,,,,,, /V N f* aa, anni.caem tag, am4s. rt.,e,se,o
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .aa utes no            e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  , z" -             0,,a,a,e. eu,..

ang 3 i g .cs.oas

             , ,a..~ g .. .
                                                                                                                                            - t roe                                                          -~ a et e.,r.e _,P ~                                    e,,,, ,a a. , ,, e.,
    a,             . .m sin  J            w c_ ,r.                                                                               _ , .
                                                                                                                                                             .e it.
                                                                                                                                                            ,,,,,.._.                                                                                                ,..,,,e,.,

Fleen er upeet weeding Symbes staggered anterminentFinet wending Symmee '  % Smgie.v.Greeve wendme Symtei indicating meet Penetration

     ,,,.,.,d,                                                         -,r.         ,,e..                                      1            x,.u 4m                                  e                                                    s e,                           n                 _ ; .                ., to sa -sa,, % N u ^/ u.atu ,e.                                    -r                                                                  f.                         x s e~

f 11  :

                                                                       .=>,','*=e                                       /         ;V> -                                                             :       s.,. . .:'a * ~'~s                pg          3     -e..      ea.g
                                                                                             % %~                                                      t.,,,  ,     c.      a.,                                    . emi.         ~a,                             c,       aag ,
                                                       .m. ..             g.                                         -- we_ ,.y _

                                                                                                , , ,c. .s,aar.                                                                                                      -
                            ==-                                                                                                                                                                                   e s A,...,.e_            ,, .


                     ...g-....                                  ,am.1 sWei.i".',~"','                               ,e O.4 . e. ,,. . .e,s. , s
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s.c,e. . ..,

e. ,

s.,,,,,,,,,, .% 3,,e.,,m,,

                                                                                                                                                                  ,           g ,..,s,, , . ,         s     y                        /         p,n ,,m,1,

RSE v '

                                                                                               **e wes e"**"                                                   oc .ce, 0.rm. ,;                      RP p ess uneoweto
                                                  /               -          -       "

aar r c a an a e

                                                                                             , e rect sa e as 8.*cw.e

__ ,,e ,, g, ,,,g -.- wG Q 6p econ L.,,a,ce, c, _ __ .

                           *sim ers6ns                                                         P tcm is paMe Dr eea                                             ma fe, c ,ca .- -

3.e.w,sa . pes

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,                      iii.,e foi 93             =                                                cfatt s. F arf ***rs

, s,mee.e e come.n.d new. Ig; . . . .... v- no wo.r.nei wowme semese 4!

                                                                                                                                                                         - . .sa               wi e . egg                                   wr=

x 2N /\e ^ N

v. -

s:=f.ui. um i 1,, Nn ta-re, s-e.. -e-c.i h. u l.

                                                          . 7                          f,i                                                      . .
                                                                                                                                                               .,         e ot?'w terema s
                                                                                                                                                                                        .s i8[U \                   treae .e..,.


                                                                                                                                                                                                               ,s .q . .. . e n.          . er og pas.ggage*= .                      )         '

1 Designation of Welding and Allied Processes by Letters

         'W F       gn
  • cal arc .remg-ov ses yc ige moucten trar,ag esegea 'aace 8I LOC Of C P . esverosaae P!P rn a soray*g $ stee +g
                               - gas *ets art ce+g           i,$                eron imeeaas waC                           meta arc comag          Ore                                          og me,,g,,,q.g                                           ,,,gt,,c, e,areg      LAe                     sebaergee arc we+3 inert circonteg Fc fog                   WWrated Fat *g        CAA               Cita         p,*,aregg ,pgeg                 RPW                                          $As I
      ' .C                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ps4c14e .t'                       ser*fs 5.0* Fees arc .e o et ass tva cten arc ies                *trwee is*ew at CC                               se. gee camat         PAC            piasma Fc ch't*g              e$                   'Ttuaace 3D*efr*g                            sa'e'e's *Ca art cup +*
     'se                        en tweesten arc 11                 imedtee ne'esaag OfC                           mvves gas         Pas
     'ON                                                                                                                                                         pasma arc oce at               R$le           =es. stance seem ee+g         $use                in+ege .ce at .e4fg las ty*ggnpa as ocamg.gve ged yg ,e                        eggt.ea .e+ag            Ort a             . an,xrece cettre           Pts   see.*               ate 88"             "'ga '*eveace metawe .ee*g LOC                                                                                                                                                             rensian6e seet .esma         5:n                           so.e sta e .e e as asser trase cuttas Of C M                       mvavengea c ttag          P0w         ynsom                            a:n                          een .egag       sw                              st.e Fc .to *g I                           4el PMter t .9 0*g Lee                                                                                                     metas           oceag sW lager tage ep6ag QFC 4                       gagnaturas ges cultsag       PQC                        egt gor,seg                              retsshact ee'6ag      Ig                                  terc9 grapag i b                                                                                             .,--. .                                                                     _.



                           #                    PERSONS IN ATTENDANCE NAME                                                              BADGE NO.


l. Y f f Y Cf**4 239 2 f/ f .d ) ', A .t;. cest 7s
3. Icwd L;lI chL s']
4. ,1 & //fsin x w w w M/ - /A7
5. hf /J %06 Cid - 26/
6. kWl 9Eblia
7. ]/b$/3 G'f4 338
8. & $ D A/8 /,- CP&f n9
9. kb bn K 'T2-6S
10. I M 6 - ,7 ~

d-sd  : 11.%) UA ~' 73 -/OM

12. M d %\ Ade% e- P L 4_9
13. Y}A4 S) M- 754' i4.&ai W en - nc 15 $_- eT) c P/- 3 sry Is.MAC M 32 -A 3 17 M M / [ W , Q -g3 /

la b, %M 22 - rs?

19. ,[_ _ _ ,/

T1 ((f - 2adY JkA/d 5Q 94 9 21 P1'#ivl.a - 37-Ni%

22. ~ 63. R. GrA n/67 23.1 (W ' 77 1 /G2g
24. MM 3 1 -. ss7 25.0 b ns n FY Y $2-$b 1s. K L J ,, w ni l
11. X A 4 c/4 4- g2-/Ar 1
18. 6 "23 m - 22-4'[6 29 -)f" Xt _, ol / JE "j 75' 30 d , // /. d d / 5 h rs:P .


 .O        *~-m.                      ---

mmn e _ 4 L/ALAsl . a>/ n o G2dfDL r-. . cAu e au n ,=pr/,

31) y/


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n~ s I f f a I f I l I e' g __ P

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1. Ar4~. ',A .' ' o e ~ % .7 5
s. MLFrff f /v- n o
s. < ~ . ///- / as /
6. kf. Wl)a ) 3 S ' 9 9 ff
7. b_. Af @Snaz o '? 2 - 9 *? 6I s.Gd HM J JB '/& I
9. ?s// ! W Y u f $)//Y/

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16. A % )'.s 5 r /ie I h h - Hs/

17.fLB T Tc - T 9 - GN se. Xiatenmi 3a -c<a 19 W7nmn!Ybut M-d % 20 h J h h ' 4- r 5 3 2n { L 4 -111e f L e f f cpa in i 22tML 27P4_ ,; M /Ms 2a % L., J A 7Z v/vu 2s. /// W// h L A01/22 2s. Tf L 7 2 J J 3&ie u 2W/M #iLieC 4 //VG7 56 4/96

27. & L 8 a -
28. Thn n h').?'b))s- 1 2 - LJ 9 3 29/XmM bt & s c/ML'1//

20.'W % # M -kh ep$4 3 7 9 stW) bb/42.6 sz{

     /~ o er       -  1.1. //                            /M .ukg3 ~

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O.C. geog 68 [4447@d si ned REPLY Date 19 i l

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4 April 14, 1982 TO: Jim Tranmel FROM: David Timberlake


" Welding Inspection Training" Classes                              .

One class on the above subject was held on each of the following two days; April 7, 1982 and April 8, 1982. The attached information includes the class outline, class time, instructor, and list of attendees. David Timberlake c; Frank Taylor Fasih Shaikh File I i


4 1 l

                               -WELDING INSPECTION TRAINING CLASS OUTLINE I. Visual Inspection of Welds (AWS Dl.1-75, Examples of Various Defects)

A - Proper Profile 1 - Convexity Formula 2 - Overlap 3 - Undercut - no more than 1/32" B - Cracks (including crater cracks) C - Porosity D - Non Fusion E - Slag F - Arc Strikes G - Weld Spatter H - Tools of Inspector - Magnifying lens, flashlight, mirror II. Fillet Weld Symbols A - Examples B - Leg, effective throat measurement III. Skewed Tee Fillets . A - Examples B - Leg Measurement (use of parallel lines) - IV. Plug Welds / Repairs


l* - DANIEL CONSTRUCTION Coy 2ANY SEEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT TRAINING RECORD i DATE SAP /zi t.- 2, ) 98 2- r u z 7 .' 6 0 h % LENGTu 07 CLASS l$ twr1 COTRSE G TITLE h.) lyt DiMcT ZNSPac:m A.: hu, ac, l INSTRUCTOR DAt//o ' / /,77 SE/2t Au e- SHIFT .I " PERSONS IN ATTENDANCE NAl2 BADGE NO.  ! .i  !

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                   **                                                                         DANIEL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY j        ,
                                                                                    'SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT TRAINING RECORD l


                                                                        'hb                      TIME             #'                  LENGTH OF CLASS /               2 H TC 6 CO**RSE & TITLE                     ldELDi/b 6                     /4$@dT/e.C                TUdO INSTRUCTOR             .D Ad i D                       T1/VI 86'C L.A 2E                                         SHIFT       /W PERSONS IN ATTENDANCE


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i Form 244 . g l

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Carolina Power & Lignt Company l Company Corresponcence May 20, 1982 MEMO TO: Jim Trammel FROM: David Timberlake


" Welding Inspection Training" Class One class on the above subject was held on May 20, 1982. The attached information includes the class outline, class time, instructor and list of attendees.

David Timberlake cc: Brent Firestone - QC Fasih Shaikh Frank Taylor - QC File DT/c cc.

                            ._.                                                        J

i WELDING INSPECTION TRAINING CLASS OUTLINE I. Visual Inspection of Welds (AWS Dl.1-75, Examples of Various Defects) A - Proper Profile 1 - Convexity Formula 2 - Overlap 3 - Undercut - no more than 1/32" B - Cracks (including crater cracks) C - Porosity D - Non Fusion E - Slag F - Arc Strikes G - Wald Spatter . H - Tools of Inspector - Magnifying lens, flashlight, mirror II. Fillet Weld Symbols A - Examples B - Leg, effective throat measurement III. Skewed Tee Fillets - f-A - Examples 'C B - Leg Measurement (use of parallaf.' lines) d e

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Date Signed , , _ _ _ . _ Wilson Jones Company Ca"#*^'

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     . _:n.2MWNs%ff     2f a S' ENDER--DETACH y1:,   % a s w ahND          ,oRETAIN      + w -YELLOW             COPY.' SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBON I w.~ ~ a s.= . . .                        : s . . .. -
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Quality of Welds 9.25.1 Visual Inspection. All welds shall be visually . inspected. A weld shall be acceptable by visualinspec-tion if it shows that: 9.25.I.1 The weld has no cracks. Thorough fusion exists between weld metal , and base metal. 9.25.I.3 All craters are filled to the full cross sec-I tion of the weld. Weld profiles are in accordance with 3.6. 9.25.I.5 The frequency of piping porosity in fillet


welds shall not exceed one in each 4 in. (102 mm) of length and the masimum diameter shall not exceed 3/32 in. (2.4 mm). Exception: for fillet welds connec-ting stiffeners to web, the sum of the diameters of pip-ing porosity shall not exceed 3/8 in. (9.5 mm)in any linear inch of weld and shall not exceed 3/4 in. (19.0 mm) in any 12 in. (305 mm) length of weld. A fillet weld in any single continuous weld shall be permitted to underrun the nominal fillet weld size required by 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) without correction, provided that the undersize weld does not exceed 10 percent of the length of the weld. On web-to flange welds on girders no underrun is permitted at ends for a length equal to twice the width of the flange. . 9.25.L7 Complete joint penetration groove welds in butt joints transverse to the direction of computed tensile M stress shall have no piping porosity. For all other groove n welds. the frequency of piping porosity shall r.ot exceed i one in 4 in. (102 mm) oflength and the maximum diameter shall not exceed 3/32 in. (2.4 mm). 9.25.IJ Visual inspection of wc!ds in all steels may

4. begin immediately after the completed welds have


      '"     ,        cooled to ambient temperature. Acceptance criteria for ASTM A514 and A517 steels shall be based on visual inspection performed not less than 48 hours after completion of the weld.

v ~ , -- -

l l 4 3.6 Weld Profiles 3.6.1 The faces of fillet welds may'be slightly convex, llat, or slightly cormve as shown in Fig. 3.6 A, B, and C, with none of the unacceptable profiles shown in Fig. 3.6D. Except at outside corner joints, the convex. ity shall not exceed the value of 0.lS plus 0.03 in. where S is the actual size of the fillet weld in inches. (See Fig. 3.6C.) 3.6.2 Groove welds shall preferably be made with slight or minimum reinforcement except as may be otherwise provided. In the case of butt and corner joints, the reinforcement shall not exceed 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) in height and shall have gradual transition to the plane of the base metal surface (Fig. 3.6E). They shall be free of the discontinuities shown for butt joints in Fig. 3.6F. 3.6.3 Surfaces of butt joints required to be Dush shall

     ' be finished so as not to reduce the thickness of the thinner base metal ar weld metal by more than 1/32 in.

(0.8 mm) or five percent of the thickness, whichever is smaller, or leave reinforcement that exceeds 1/32 in.


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                                                 .ee e conve.ny ineo,hc.ent throat s.-                                                o,ene, undercut                                         See 3.6.6 See a.8.2                                  See 3.8.3                           See 3.8.4 and 3.0.s eu                                           e Fig. 3.6-Acceptable and unacceptable weldprofiles.

However, all reinforcement must be removed where the weld forms part of a faying or contact surface. reinforcement at each end that exceeds 1/8 in. (3.2 mm). Ends of butt welds shall be faired to adjacent plate or shape Any reinforcement must blend smoothly into the plate edges at a slope riot to exceed I in 10. surfaces with transition areas free from edge weld un-dercut. Chipping may be used provided it is followed 3.6.4 For buildings and tubular structures, undercut I by grinding. Where surface finishing is required, its shall,be no more than 0.01 in. (0.25 mm) deep when roughness value" shall not exceed 250 in. (6.3 pm). its direction is transverse to primary tensile stress in Surface finished to values of over 125 8 in. (3.2 pm) the part that is undercut. nor more than 1/32 in. (0.8 through 250 in, shall be finished parallel to the di. mm) for all other situations. rection of primary stress. Surfaces finished to values  % of 125 pin. or less may be finished in any direction. 3.6.5 For bridges. undercut shall be no more than( Ends of butt joints required to be flush shall be 0.01 in. (0.25 mm) deep when the weld is transverse to ' finished so as not to reduce the width beyond the detailed the primary stress in the part that ts undercut. Under. width or the actual width fumished, whichever is greater. cut shall be no more than 1/32 in.(0.8 mm) deep when 3 by more than 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) or so as not to leave a the weld is pa(allel to the primary stress in the parti that is undercut.

           " ANSI B46.1 Surface Tenture. is microeches (pie 4                                                    3.6.6 Welds shall be free from overlap.

1977 Revisions

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  • Page 1 of 2
                            . gg gg CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CCffAf#                                                  gg,EER                 REVISION        DATE
 ,--                CORPORATE CUALIT( ASSURANCE DEPART?ENT CCC-19                        12        3/19/84
                          ~QA/QC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION                                                                                                    '


i. TITLE: WELD CONTROL REVISIGN RECORD The folicwing is a list of the pages and paragraphs affected by this revision. Changes or additions are indicated by a vertical bar in the rignt-hand nargin of the re n. sed pageis) . ,
                               .{anual holder is to Nolace affected cares Only.                                           Th .3 rec:r:

is to be retained ben =a :ne t:. tie page f :ne precedure until t a subsequent revisien is issued.

                                                 ?sce i s i                                     Firs.--sen.s.

1 2.0; 3.0 2 3.0 3 4.4 5 6.1.2 . 7 (No content change) 8 6.'1.4 9 (No content change) 10 6.1.6 11 6.1.6; 6.1.3 14 6.1.9; 6.1.10 16 6.2 17 6.2.4 - 6.3.4 18 6.3.4 - 6.3.5 19 6.3.6 - 6.4.2 20 6.4.3 - 6.4.7 21 6.4.8 - 6.4.9 22 6.4.10 - 6.4.12 l RECOMMEf0ED FCR APPROVM. BY: APPRCVAL BY: (

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         . TITLE: WELD CONTROL ll i

l REVISICfl RECORD I The following is a list of the pages and paragrapns affected by this revision. Chanres or additicns are indicated by a vertical bar in the rignt-hand arg:.n of the revised pap ts) . M.anual holder is to melace affected cases eniv. This Ncccc is o be retained .ne .:. le pap of One prececure antil a subsequent revision is issued.

                                      ? uees;                     ?s:12:1cn.s:

23 6.4.13 - 6.4.14 24 7.0; 8.0 - 8.1.4 25 8.3 - 8.4.1 . 26 8.4.2 l;

  -                                                .i
d. . .



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8 3 7 4 8 5 7 6 9 7 8 8 8 9 10 8 11 8 6 12 7 13 j 7 14 6 15 (I 16 17 18 4 4 4 2 19 2 20 3 21 1 22 1 23 2 24 2 25 2 26 l I ( ' . 1

                                                                                                             , y .. _.   ,_.-,___,7  ,,_y-.,_,._    ,. .,, _    y , , __-. --
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CAROLINA POWER'& LIGHT CQfANY- REVISION NUMBER NH &TY ASSN @ARN QA/QC - HARRIS PLAf1T SECTION ccc_ig .g P-TITLE; WELD CONTROL' i 1.'0 PURPOSE-I The purpose of this procedure is to establish measures for the control and documentation of welding activities at a nuclear plant. 2.0 SCOPE This procedure is applicable to welding activities related to ASME Code, Section III, Classes-1, 2, 3 and MC Items; Categories 4 and 5-Mainsteam and Feedwater Systems; Category 7 Blowdown System; Waste Gas, Waste Liquid, and Secondary Waste Systems in the Radwaste System; Fire Protection System; Fuel Pool Liner; Seismic Class 1; and NNS Category I (Seismically Designed) Items. This is an ASME Section III procedure.


1. E&C QA Procedures and Instructions
a. CQA-1, Personnel Training and-Qualifications C~) b. CQA-4, QA Records
c. CQC-1, Tool and deasuring Device Control
d. CQA-3, Nonconformance Control [
e. CQC-20, Post Weld Heat Treatment Control
f. CQC-21, Seismic Category I Steel Fabrication
g. NDEP-10, Training, Qualification & Certification of NDE Personnel
h. NDEP-601, Visual Examination of Piping System and Component Welds (SHNPP)
1. NDEP-605, Visual Examination of Seismic I, Structural and i Hanger Welds (SHNPP) '

J. NDEP-701, Leak Testing (Vacuum Box)

k. QCI-19.1, Preparation of WDR, Repair WDR and TFWR  !
1. QCI-19.3, Seismic Pipe Hanger Inspection Documentation  ;

System ,

a. QCI-19.4, Preparation of Seismic I WDR J
n. CQC-12, Inspection of Code Valve Installation, Disassembly and Reassembly l QCI-19.5, Identification and Documentation of Base Metal l

o. l Deficiencies Outside of the Weld Area of Interest l r

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         .         CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COWAt#


 ,                  QA/QC - HARRIS PLAffT SECTION                              CQC-19          8 TITLE:   WELD CONTROL 3.0 (cont. )


p. QCI-19.6, Material Verification
q. QCI-6.4, Material Status Verification l
2. SHNPP Construction Procedures


a. MP-03, Welding Material control
b. MP-05, Stamping of Weldments
c. MP-06, General Welding Procedure for Carbon Steel Weldments
d. MP-07, General Welding. Procedure for Stainless Steel -

I Weldments

e. MP-08, General Welding Procedure for Structural Steel and Hangers
f. MP-10, Repair of Base Materials and Weldments
g. MP-12, Control of Welding on Non-Permanent Plant Items
h. MP-13, Welder Qualification for Area of Limited

. Accessibility

1. MP-14, General Welding Procedure for Stainless Steel Liner Plate
     ,                      J. MP-24, General Welding Procedure for Installation of C'i                           Tubing and Instrumentation
k. MP-15, Welding of Bottom Mounted Incore Tubing
1. MP-19, F161d Erected Stainless Steel Storage Tanks
m. WP-01, Installation of Cadwelds
n. WP-18, Miscellaneous Steel Fabrication
o. WP-30, Erection of Structural Steel
p. WP-102, Installation of Piping
q. WP-105, Installation of Equipment Safety Related Seismic Class I and NNS
r. WP-110, Installation of Seismic Pipe Hangers and Supports for Seismically Analyzed Pipe
s. WP-203, Installation of Seismically Support Cable Tray and Conduit Boxes and Bus Ducts
t. WP-302, Installation of supports for Safety and Seismically Related Instruments, Tube Tracking and Tubing
u. WP-304, Installation of Safety Related and Seismic Process Tubing and Instrumentation
v. WP-400, Installation of HVAC Seismic Category I Supports
w. WP-402, Installation of Safety Related Seismic Class I and Non-Nuclear Safety HVAC Ductwork

\ l 1 it. l l

  ;                    CGiTRQ. LED ELPENT CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT C0ffANY R                                   SION CORPORATE QUAL.ITY ASSURANCE DEPARTtENT e                QA/dC - HARRIS PLAffT SECTION                                               CQC-19                                              8 TITLE:     WELD CONTROL 3.0 (cont.)
3. Site Specifications
a. 030, Field Fabrication and Erection of Power Piping
b. 031, Requirements for Field Welding of Category 1, 2 and 3 and Balance-of-Plant Piping Systems, Seismic and Non-Seismic Structures
c. 033, Structural Welding
d. 034, Non-Destructive Examination Requirements for Class 1, 2 and 3 and Balance-of-Plant Piping Systems, Seismic and Non-Seismic Structures 4.0 RESPONSIBILITY 4.1 Director - QA/QC The Director - QA/QC has overall responsibility for implementation of this procedure.

4.2 Superintendent - Quality Control The Superintendent - QC is responsible to the Director - QA/QC for implementation of this procedure. 4.3 Quality control Sub'- Unit Supervisor Each applicable QC Sub-Unit Supervisor shall be responsible for the implementation of this procedure. 4.4 Quality Assurance / Quality Control Specialist The QA/QC Specialist shall be responsible for review and l verification of data and designated holdpoints on weld records; ensuring that SRIWDR's, WDR's and RWDR's for ASME l Code welds are forwarded to the Authorized Nuclear Inspector (ANI); for review and insertion of additional holdpoints; and final acceptance of the welding activity. The Pipe Welding QA/QC Specialist shall supervise the Pipe, Pool Liner Weld Inspectors in the performance of weld inspections and monitoring activities related to welding. l l 9" U i

CONTRC(1ED 0003BT CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COPANY NUMBER REVISION-CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURAtCE DEPARTTENT CCC-19 7 r QA/QC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION TITLE: WELD C0!! TROL 4.4 (cont.) . The Structura'l Welding QA/QC Specialist shall be responsible for review and verification of data and designated holdpoints ) on Seismic Weld Records; for review and insertion of additional holdpoints; and final acceptance of the welding activity. The Structural Welding QA/QC Specialist shall supervise the Structural QC Inspectors in the performance of weld inspections and monitoring activities related to welding. 4.5 Quality Control Inspectors QC Inspectors shall perform welding inspections and monitoring of welding activities as directed by the appropriate QA/QC Specialist. , I I 5.0 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION l 5.1 QC Welding inspection personnel shall be trained end qualified l { in accordance with Reference 3.1 a and 3 1 s. l 5.2 Nondestructive Examination (NDE) personnel shall be trained l and qualified in accordance with Reference 3.1 g.


6.0 PROCEDURE 6.1 ASME Code Class 1, 2, 3 & MC and Seismic Class 1 Category 4 & 5 Mainsteam and Feedwater 6.1.1 ASME Code Class 1, 2, 3, MC and Category 4 & 5 Mainsteam and Feedwater welds shall be documented on a Weld Data Report (WDR), QA-28 Form. Instrumentation tubing joints involving welding, for ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3, shall require a Safety-Related Instrumentation Weld Data Report (SRIWDR) Form QA-40. Class MC and Category 4 & 5 Mainsteam and Feedwater welds shall meet the Code technical requirements but do not require inspection and acceptance by ANI. Other category welds requiring RT/UT or PWHT shall be documented on a WDR. f 1, l . l - \ . _ _ . _ . . . - . _


 'e                  QA/QC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION                              CCC-19           8
         . TITLE:   WELD CONTROL l

I 4 6.1.2 The QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, shall take the following action, as appropriate, when the WDR is received.from Welding Engineering:

a. Ensure mandatory holdpoints have been designated as required by. Reference 3 3 d and enter additional holdpoints determined to be necessary.
b. Review technical data and applicable drawings and coordinate with the ANI as necessary. (The ANI will stipulate his holdpoints.)
c. The white copy of the WDR will be transmitted to the Mechanical Engineering Unit. The white copy of the SRIWDR will be transmitted to the Instrumentation Engineering Unit. l
d. Technical additions or changes made to the WDR after review by QC and the ANI shall be initialed i and dated by Welding Engineering and QC. It shall 3

be resubmitted to the ANI for his initial and date indicating concurrence with the change and for additional holdpoints, if needed.

e. The following changes are considered non-technical l and may be corrected by the QC Inspector or QA/QC Specialist:

(1) Changes in weld material heat number, lot number, rod sizes, welder's identification, and revision numbers to procedures. (2) Changing magnetic particle testing to liquid penetrant testing or vice versa, as necessary, l for joint accessibility. l (3) Addition or correction to unit number and turnover numbers. l f ( - _ - - _. _ _


c CM TRCt.1 B M


(4) Addition of an'd changes to CQC-19 revision numbers. (5) Addition or changes to revision numbers of isometric (as documented in remarks section of WDR). (6) Correction to the area and elevation listed in

                                          " weld joint record".
f. When applicable, Field Change Request (FCR) number (s) shall be entered, by Welding Engineering, in the remarks section of the WDR/SRIWDR/RWDR prior to issuance /re-issuance to construction except as l noted in paragrap.h 6.1.2.h. j l
g. FCR's affecting WDR's, SRIWDR's, or Repair WDR's already issued shall be implemented into construction in one of the following methods: 1

(1) If the FCR does not dictate any rework instructions but does describe inspection requirements, a technical revision to the WDR, . SRIWDR, or Repair WDR will not be necessary. However, upon mutual concurrence between Welding Engineering, the QA/QC Specialist, and the ANI, the QC Inspector will be made aware of the inspection criteria and shall have available to him and th'e ANI, a copy of the FCR for use in performing the inspection. Upon completion of the inspection, the QC Inspector shall enter the FCR number in the remarks section of the WDR (i.e., accepted to FCR-H-1142).



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               .          CARQ.INA POER & LIGHT CQfANY

NUfSER REVISION CORPORATE MITY MSN WMMffT QA/QC - HARRIS PLAffT SECTION CCC-19 9 TITLE: WELD CONTROL 6.1.2 (cont.) (2) If the FCR requires rework of the weld, or changes instructions already detailed in the l WDR, SRIWDR, or Repair WDR, the.WDR, SRIWDR, or Repair WDR will be forwarded from construction to Welding Engineering for the ' necessary revisions to be made and the FCR number (s) added in the remarks section of the WDR.

h. When an FCR addressing an ASME Code case becomes applicable to an inspection being performed by the QC Inspector, he shall, upon acceptable completion of the inspection, reference the number of the ASME Code case being invoked, in the remarks section of the WDR, SRIWDR, or Repair WDR.

6.1.3 The QC Inspector will review the applicable installation drawings, isometrics, Field Change Requests (FCR's), and Design Change Notices (DCN's) to

        'j                                            ensure he understands the configuration and weld requirements. Any drawing problems such as missing, wrong, or confusing weld symbols or instructions shall be resolved through construction engineering prior to acceptance of the welds in question.

6.1.4 The QC Inspector shall ensure any changes or additions to the WDR have been properly initialed and dated per Paragraph 6.1.2 d, 6.1.2 e and 6.1.2 g and perform the prescribed visual inspection in accordance with Reference 3.1 h. Where applicable, the following items, in addition to those required by Reference 3.1 h, shall be verified prior to final acceptance:

a. Welded items have been accepted or conditionally accepted.
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b. Component identification and National Board Numbers (verify component identification against the isometric and National Board numbers against the component documentation) are entered on the ,WDR.

Heat numbers for stock pipe that is not NPh. stamped

                         .j-                       (verify per Reference 31p) are entered on the
                              **                   WDR.         Instrumentation components are identified only by heat number on the component.                Piece numbers listed on the SRIWDR are verified only against the ISO. Heat numbers for minor permanent attachments need not be entered if the requirements *
                                            ,      of ASME III NC4435 are met.
c. Cold pull / spring is within specified limits.

(Obtain copy of the Cold Pull Record Form, Exhibit 1 to WP-102.)

d. Pipe longitudinal seams offset in accordance with Reference 3.2 c.

O' e. Pipe ovality in accordance with Reference 3.2 c.

f. Valves are correctly installed in accordance with Reference 3.1 n.
g. ISI weld centerline benchscrk is stamped in accordance with Reference 3.2 b.
h. Weld joints requiring volumetric (UT) in-service inspection may have a counterbore less than 2T (pipe joint only, but greater than or equal to T +

1/4"). The actual dimension shall be recorded in the remarks section of.the WDR at prefit inspection.

1. Weld joint identification stamping is applied in accordance wtih Reference 3.2 b.

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             .         CAR (LINA POWER & LIGHT CafANY
 -                                                                                                               NLFSER              REVISION CORPORATE QUALITY ASSWANCE DEPARTtENT QA/QC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION                                                           CQC-19                      8 l

TITLE: WELD CONTROL 6.1.4 (cont.)

j. The specified welding procedure and Welding procedure specification is used, and is being followed.
k. The welder is qualified to the procedure and position (and limited access, where requiFed).*j. * .
1. Weld filler metal heat / lot number (s) are entered on the QA field copies of the WDR. (Check the WMR in the selder's possession.)
                                   ,      m. Tack welds are applied and incorporated, or removed, in accordance with Reference 3 3 b.
n. No peening is done on the initial layer, root, or final weld layers.
o. No grinding is done within the heat affect zone in the ID of CS, RC or SI system piping after

(,) completion of welding.

p. ISI welds requiring Volumetric Examination (UT) shall have their crowns finished and contoured in accordance with Paragraph 3.2 c and d. Other ISI welds requiring surface examination only, (MT or PT) shall be free from sharp surface irregularities such as deep valleys between stringer beads, and a
     .                                       250 microinch finish shall be established in the examination area.
q. Visual inspection, per Reference 3.1 h and NDE required by Reference 3 3 d is performed after removal of temporary attachments, arc strikes, weld spatter and backing rings.
r. We lder's symbol (s) stamping are applied in accordance with Reference 3.2 b.
s. PWHT inspection is performed in accordance with Reference 3.1 e.

I e %k .g.

     . 1           d)NTRCEED IXEPENT CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO pat #                                            NutSER_            REVISION CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTIEffT                                                             g coc_19 QA/QC - HARRIS PLAf(T SECTION WELD CONTROL TITLE:

6.1.5 Deficiencies noted during pre-fitup, ritup and in-process inspections which cannot be correct accordance with Reference 3.1 d. 6.1.6 The QC Inspector shall inform the ANI when theWhen speci holdpoints are reached. are reached, the QC Inspector will inspect for appropriate surface preparation and perform (NDE procedure revision numbers are (QA-37 Form). entered on WDR after receiving completed NDE Request and Report.) NDE Requests shall be processed as follows:

a. The QC Inspec' tor shall fill in pertinent information and submit along with the WDR to the QA/QC Specialist, or his designee.

b. The QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, shall review the NDE Request for accuracy; sign and date; and  : return to the inspector who willOne forward copy the shall be original and one copy to NDE. attached to the WDR. c. The NDE Unit or qualified inspector after performing the specified NDE, shall complete The original copy ofthe the appropriate NDE Report. NDE Request, appropriately marked " Accept" or

                                               " Reject", signed and dated will be forwarded to the QA/QC Specialist.
d. If the NDE is rejected for surfaces not suitable for test, or where the surface is inaccessible for Magnetic Particle Inspection and the QC Inspector or QA/QC Specialist changes the required NDE to Liquid Penetrant Inspection, the QC Inspector shall l place an appropriate asterisk (8) by the applicable Visual Inspection holdpoint, and note in the remark l section " Reinspection required for surface  !

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l 6.1.6 (cont.) preparation" and initial and date. The WDR/SRIWDR ' shall be returned to the craft foreman for surface preparation. After reinspection and acceptance, the QC Inspector shall list " accept" and initial l and date reinspection note in remarks section. If the ANI has a holdpoint on the visual inspection, he shall be notified for reinspection. After reinspection of weld is complete, the QC Inspector shall re-initiate the NDE Request (QA-37) per 6.1.6 a and b. 6 .1, . 7 Holdpoints accepted by the QC Inspector and the ANI will be intialed and dated on the white copy of the WDR or SRIWDR, as applicable. 6.1.8 Unacceptable holdpoints will be checked in the " Reject" column, but will not be signed on the WDR. An "R" , shall be listed in the status block for rejects on SRIWDR's. The details of the unacceptable condition ( for visual inspection will be written in the " Remarks" section of the WDR.

a. If the unacceptable condition is in the weld (including 1/2" of base material for ASME Class 1, measured from the toe of the weld', on both sides of the weld) and is detected by NDE at a required holdpoint, a copy of the NDE Report will be forwarded to the Welding Engineer for disposition. If thelunacceptable condition is l detected by Magnetic Particle or Liquid Penetrant method, the WDR, SRIWDR, or RWDR may be revised to allow rework excluding weld repair, and QC/ANI l holdpoints shall be re-established for reinspection. Weld metal surface defects may be removedbygrindingor'machinhygandnotrepaired by Welding provided:  :
1. The remaining section thickness is not below the minimum design wall thickness; and


    -                           CARCLINA POWER & LIGHT CQfANY                                                                             NUMBER                        REVISIOW CORPORATE GUALITY ASST.RANCE DEPARTENT CQC-19                                               6 QA/QC-HARRISPLANTSECTION TITLE:                 WELD CONTROL 6.1.8 (cont.)                                                                                                                         ,,                                                 ,
2. The depression,' after defect removal, is blended uniformly into the surrounding surface;'and
3. Liquid Penetrant (PT) or magnetic particle.

(MT) examination of the area, after blending ., indicates the defect was removed or the indication was reduced to an acceptable limit. { When repair by welding is required, a Repair WDR (QA-30 Form) will be initiated in accordance with Reference 3 1 k. ' The area will be examined as follows: 1 i

a. Unacceptable defeeta shall be removed by mechanical means or by thermal gouging ,

processes. The area prepared for repair shall I . be examined by the magnetic particle or 1,1 quid l

                                                                                             penetrant method, except for partial
  • penetration welds (i.e., tube to tube sheet l welds, fillet welds for attachment of lugs, l rings, trunions, shoes,-pipe saddles, and brackets), where defect removal essentially ,

removes the full thickness of the weld, in which case, a visual inspection to the  ! satisfetion of the ANI to determine , suitability for rewelding shall be performed. The NDE (RT, MT, PT, UT) of weld , repairs shall be repeated, as required, for the original weld except that repair of defects originally detected by MT or PT methods when the repair cavities do not exceed i i the lesser of 3/8 or 105 of the thickness, need only be reexamined by the MT.or PT I ' methods. i i

b. Where the repair.results in complete removal l of the weld and repreped for a new joint, a j new WDR or SRIWDR shall be generated in accordance with Reference 3.1 k.  ;

T 12-l

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  .                CORPORATE QUALITY ASSLRANCE DEPARTIENT f-                    QA/QC-HARRISPLANTSECTION                                                           CQC-19            7 TITLE:          WELD CONTROL 6.1.8 (cont.)


c. Unacceptable conditions detected by visual inspection and consisting of weld defects which occur during the welding process (i.e.

slag, porosity, burn through in the root pass or backing ring, or a root weld defect) require in-process rework and reinspection, but will not require handling as a nonconformance or documentation on a Repair WDR.

d. For removal of indications in the base metal outside the area 1/2" from toe of weld that were detected by NDE where removal will not necessitate weld metal deposition, the
                                              .             required QA/ANI holdpoints shall be !                      '

l reestablished on the SRIWDR, WDR, or RWDR, ! , even if weld inspection area is acceptable. i If the unacceptable condition has damage to, or a defect in the base material which cannot I be corrected by routine rework, it will be i handled as a nonconformance in accordance with

!                                                           Reference 3.1 d. The NCR number will be noted                        l d

in'the " Remarks" section of the WDR. ANI concurrence with the proposed repair or rework Il shall be obtained Drior to starting work.

Repairs involving the deposition of weld metal will be documented on a Repair WDR. .

Inspection of the prepared cavity shall be entered as a QC inspection holdpoint on the Repair WDR so that the QC Inspector can measure the excavation. If the excavation exceeds the lesser of 3/8" of 10% of the section thickness, the QC Inspector shall ' ensure a sketch showing the location, length, width and depth of the excavation is prepared and attached to the Repair WDR. Examinaton of base metal repaired by welding shall be in accordance with Reference 3.3 d. i



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 .                  CORPORATE QUALITY ASSLRANCE DEPARTFENT QA/QC-HARRISPLANTSECTION                                                  CQC-19      7 TITLE:           WELD CorROL 6.1.8 ( co:.t. )

o . O

e. ' Repairs to weldsents and base materials shall 3

be verified to comply with Reference 3.2 f. 6.1.9 If a QC or ANI holdpoint is by-passed, it shall be reported as a nonconformance in accordance with Reference 3.1 d. The pipe foreman will be notified to ' stop welding until satisfactory dispositioning has been achieved and accepted by the ANI and the QA/QC Specialist. 6.1.10 At designated holdpoints as applicable and during random weld monitorin's , the QC Inspector will check the welder's copy of the WMR to verify that the specified type of weld material (backing, consummable inserts, and filler metal) is being used, and that the i material that the welder has in his possession is that which is identified on the WMR. When the original copy / copies of the WMR is received by QC Welding, it will be reconciled with the corresponding WDR to ascertain that all appropriate weld material information has been entered correctly on the WDR. The QA/QC Inspector will reconcile the following items on the WMR against the WDR: Weld procedure, size of material, heat number of backing material, consummable insert, and bare electrodes, and heat and lot numbers for coated electrodes, welder symbol, ISO and FW numbers. The WDR and supporting documentation, along with the attached WMR'g will then be reviewed by the QA/QC Specialist, or his designee. After the , Specialist, or his designee has made his review, and accepted the WDR by signing and dating it, the WDR Package will be transmitted to the Authorized Nuclear Inspector for his review. The WMR's will be filed in a designated storage area for possible future reference. l

                                                   ._,%,,-v -ry,- w e- w e   ,,r- w w- w ry v v y


'                                     C~Je Class 1. 2 and 3 Safety Related Instrumentation Tubinz
a. Inspection and testing shall be performed in accordance with References 3.1 h, 3 2 j, and 3.3.d with special emphasis being put on the following -

I for ASME Code Class 1 and 2 butt weld joints.

b. When the Automatic GTAW process is used, ASME Code case N-127 shall be invoked for material thickness less or equal to .200" and tubing nominal size less l

than or equal to 2 inches. - f ! After machine set-up and prior to beginning of  ! c. production welding, on each given workday (12 hour

                                         . shift), QC shall be notified to witness and                                l document on a Field Inspection Report, the                   '

l(. l acceptance of two consecutive sample weld prepared,i' i

l for

4 . (1) Each welding machine., ' (2) Welding procedure specification. .


(3) Welding position. J

!                                            (4)     Nominal tube size.

(5) Nominal wall thickness. ! (6) P-Number group of material. (7) In addition, one acceptable sample weld shall { be prepared (in the presence of QC) after each l' four-hour period of production welding. - T Acceptance shall be based on complete root l penetration and shall be documented by QC on a I Field Inspection Report. If the sample weld is , l l found unacceptable, all weld production since the ! previous acceptable sample weld shall be examined l i by the radiographic method. The SRIWDR's j applicable shall be revised to include RT. 1 . i l i i l


d. In addition to NDEP-601, acceptance criteria, the following shall apply:

(1) Concavity on the outside weld surface shall not exceed 10%, of the nominal wall thickness. Concavity which exceeds 105, but not more than 20% of the nominal wall) thickness may be handled as in-process weld repair using the manual GTAW process; however, SRIWDR sust be revised to include the additional welding procedure and RT. (2) Arc strikes outside the weld zone shall be rejected. 6.2 Fire Protection Radwaste and Category 7 Blowdown Piping Systems 6.2.1 Fire Protection, Radwaste Piping and Category 7 ( Blowdown welds shall receive final layer visual inspection in accordance with Reference 3.1 h. 6.2.2 The visual inspection will be documented on the Visual Examination Report (VT-1 Form). Welds shown on a given isometric may be listed on the same VT-1 Form. The QC Inspector will mark-up the appropriate isometric indicating acceptance of the weld joint (s). 6.2.3 If the final weld inspection is rejectable, the QC Inspector will document the rejection on a separate VT-1 Form. The VT-1 Form with a rejection documented on it will be retained in QC files until the weld is reinspected and accepted in accordance with Reference 31h. All reinspections of the rejected weld will be documented on the name QA VT-1 Form. f

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     .            CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY R    R M SION CORPORATE QUALITY ASStRANCE DEPARTENT QA/QC-HARRISPLANTSECTION                                            CQC-19           4 i


                            *6.2.4 The QC Inspector shall verify the following prior to closing the VT-1:
a. Installed ites QA Accept status or a Conditionally Accepted status which does not restrict welding.
b. Walder's symbol (s) and weld identification stampings are on the completed joint in accordance with Reference 3 2 b.

63 Fuel Pool Liner Plate

                          ,   6.3.1   Fuel pool liner welds shall be documented on the fuel pool liner weld maps.with the exception of modifications and base metal repairs which wil be documented on Seismic Weld Data Reports (Form QA-34).

6.3.2 Fuel pool liner welds shall be visually inspected in accordance with Reference 3.1 h. (

a. Fitup and preheat will be inspected on a random basis.

6.3.3 The QC Inspector Will review the applicable , installation drawings, Field Change Requests (FCR's), and Design Change Notices (DCN's) to easure he understands the configuration and weld requirements. Any drawing problems such as missing, wrong or

                                     ' confusing weld symbols or instructions shall be resolved through Construction Engineering prior to acceptance of the welds in question.

6.3.I Where applicable, the following items shall be verified prior to final acceptance:  : d.6

a. Welded items have been accepted or conditionally accepted.

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                    %IRQl3 M                                                                       i CAR (LINA POWER & LIGHT CQfMW                      .


,           CORPORATE QUALITY ASSLRANCE DEPARTFENT QA/QC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION                                CQC-19        4 TITLE:     WELD CONTROL                                                                    I 6.3.4 (cont.)
b. Weld joint identification is applied in accordance with Reference 3.2 b.,
c. The appropriate welding procedure and welding procedure specifications were used.
d. .The welder is qualified to' the procedure and position.
e. Welder's symbol is applied in accordance with Reference 3 2 b.

6.5.5 When specified NDE holdpoints are reached, the QC Inspector will inspect for appropriate surface preparation and perform the required NDE (if qualified) or initiate the NDE Request (Fora QA-37). NDE Requests shall be processed as follows:

a. The QC Inspector shall fill in pertinent
  ;                                  information and submit to the QA/QC Specialist, or his designee.
b. The QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, shall review the NDE Request for accuracy; sign and date; and
      .                              return to the inspector who will forward the original and one copy to NDE.
c. The NDE Unit or qualified inspector after performing the specified NDE, shall complete the appropriate NDE Report. The original copy of'the NDE Request, appropriately marked " Accept" or
                                     " Reject", signed and dated, and the original and one copy of the NDE Report will be forwarded to the

_ requesting QA/QC Inspector. i

MM E CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY . NtJSER REVISION .. CORPORATE QUALITY ASST.RANCE DEPARTENT M QC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION , CCC-19 2 TITLE: WELD CONTROL 6.3.6 For base material repairs or liner. modifications, a Seismic I Weld. Data Report (Form QA-34)'will be initialed by the Discipline Engineer and forwarded to the Welding Engineer. After the Welding Engineer has entered welding requirements,.the SWDR will be-forwarded'to the QA/QC Specialist. The QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, will review the SWDR for all technical data.and assignment of mandatory holdpoints and if acceptable shall siFn'and date to release for welding and forward to the Discipline Engineer for issuance to craft.

              ..              6.3.7 The QC Inspector will perform inspections when notified f'                          at.4 indicate " Accept" or " Reject" on the SWDR in the i                                         appropriate block, initial and date. (Required NDE will
                                     .be ha:Mlad in accordance with Paragra;h 6.3.5.

~ 6.4 Seismic Category I J ( 6.4.1 Seismic I Weld Data Report (QA-34 Form) shall be generated for documentation and control of field , walding in the following categories:

a. Fabrication,' modification and installation of Seismic Category I hangers, restraints and
equipment supports.

b d Fabrication, modification and installation of j Seismic Category I structural steel, which includes

                                              . Electrical, HVAC Ductwork, Cable Tray, Instrumentation Supports and Hangers.                                -    -
c. Fabrication, modification and installation of structural steel members attached to Seismic Category I reinforcing steel bars.


d. Cadweld repairs by welding in accordance with Reference 3.2 m.

6.4.2 The QA-34 Form may be used to document multiple welds l'

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              -                  CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT C0ffANY                  ,

ISION CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTtENT COC-19 2 QA/QC~-HARRISPLANTSECTION WELD CONTROL TITLE: 6.4.2 (cont. ) , associated with a given component, hanger or support. , 6.4.3 The QA-34 Form is to be initiated by the cra'ft foreman for welding of structural members and cable tray, conduit or HVAC support members with thickness 1-1/2" or less, requiring only fillet or flare bevel welds, provided welds are not made to engineered embedded plates or strip plates with screwed-in studs. All others are initiated by the Discipline Engineer with weld procedures and mandatory holdpoints specified by the Welding Engineer. Forms, in both cases, are then forwarded to the Welding QA/QC Specialist for review and designation of additional holdpoints, as needed. 6.4.4 The Welding QA/QC Specialist, or his. designee, will verify the designated inspection and NDE holdpoints on the QA-34 Form and designate additional holdpoints, as needed. 6.4.5 Mandatory QC holdpoints for structural welds will be ( designated in accordance with References 3 1 1, 3.1 m, and 3 3 d as applicable. 6.4.6 Technica'l data changed, or additions made on the SWDR after review by QC, shall be initialed and dated by the craft foreman, or Welding Engineering as appropriate, and QC. 6.4.7 The QC Inspector will review the applicable installation drawings, Field Change Requests (FCR's) and Design Change Notices (DCN's) t'o ensure he understands the configuration and weld requirements. Any drawing problems such as missing, incorrect or confusing weld symbols shall be resolved through construction engineering prior to acceptance of the welds in question.

                                   %M M CARCLINA POER & LIGHT C0ffANY                                                        -

ISION CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT QA/QC - HARRIS PLANT'SECTION CQC-19 3 TITLE: WELD CONTROL 6.4.8 TheQC'Inspectorwill'insphettheiteminaccordance with the approved drawing and other approved design documents. Acceptance of the welding will be withheld until all deviations from the approved design documents

                       .                               have been resolved through the Discipline Engineer.

6.4.9 The QC Inspector will verify the"following during the ! initial weld inspection or prior to closing the SWDR, for any given hanger, support or structural component:

                                                      'a. Weld types agree with drawings.


b. Qualification of welder (s) to the procedure and position.
c. Installed items are in a QA Accept status or Conditionally Accepted status. Material status is verified in accordance with Reference 3.1 q except pipe hangers which will be verified in accordance
                                     .i                    with Reference 3.1 1.
;     (.                             -i l d.

Tack welds used for fitup purposes are either j removed or incorporated into the final weld. (Special attention shall be given to the opposite ' side of the welded pieces.) Any problems noted with an item will be handled as "in-process" conditions unless it involves a pipe hanger in the final phase of the installation process, as described in Reference 3.2 r, in which case it will be handled as a nonconformance in accordance with Reference-3.1 d.

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   ,-         CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT C0ffANY                    -


 .        CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTENT QA/QC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION                               Coc-19         1 TITLE. WELD CONTROL 6.4.10 After final inspection of pipe hanger inspection, the QC Inspector will review all documentation to ensure that filler plate and bridge plate welds were inspected and documented during subsequent inspections. If there is no evidence that the welds were inspected, then the welds will be inspec_ted and documented during the final phase of inspection.

6.4.11 The QC Inspector shall monitor welding activities within his assigned area (s). Activities monitored will include, but not be limited to the following:

a. Fitup of non-full penetration joints (configuration, gap cleanliness). Enter on appropriate QA-34 Form.
b. Correct welding procedure and welding procedure specification is used and is being followed.

< / c. Qualification of welder to procedure and position. ( 4 d. Specified filler metal being used.

e. Preheat technique and temperature satisfactory.

(Use temperature indicating crayon or contact pyrometer.) Deficiencies noted with items b, c or d and any other deficiencies which cannot be corrected by routine rework shall be handled as nonconformances in accordance with Reference 3.1 d. 6.4.12 The QC Inspector shall perform the required visual inspections in accordance with Reference 3.1 i and initiate the NDE Request when the specified NDE holdpoints are reached.


   .-                   CARCLINA PWER & LIGHT CQfANY                                                                .

NUPSER REVISION - CORPORATE QUALITY ASSIRANCE DEPART 7EE QA/QC - HARRIS PLANT SECTION CQC-19 1 TITLE: WELD CONTROL 6.4.13 Minor surface defects detected by visual inspection will be identified on the ites by marking the defective areas with black marking ink and indicating the nature of the defects. The QC Inspector will check the appropriate " Reject" block on the SWDR (QA-34), but not initial and date. He shall then enter the quantitative data for the rejection in the deficiency / description block of the SWDR; initial and date. These are in-process defects and not reported as nonconformances. After the deficiencies are corrected, and the weld has been reinspected and accepted, the QC Inspector will check the appropriate " Accept" block on the SWDR; initial and date. 6.4.14 When a weld is found to be rejectable by NDE, the QC Inspector will check'the appropriate " Reject" block on the SWDR (QA-34), but not initial and date it. He shall then enter in the deficiency / description block of the SWDR "NDE Rejected", the date of the rejection; initial and date. He will forward a copy of the NDE Report to the Welding Engineer.

a. If the defect is in the weldment, rework is considered "in-process" and not reported as a nonconformance.
b. If the defect is noted in the base metal, it shall be handled in accordance with Reference 3 1 o.

When the deficiencies have been corrected by either the use of a Repair SWDR or by the re-establishment of the holdpoints on the original SWDR, the QC Inspector shall check the appropriate " Accept" block on the SWDR; initial and date it. l

    ~ *           ~'

rp p @ M .

            . TITLE.

7.0 INSPECTION AIDS The QC Inspector will utilize written Visual Welding Inspection Guidelines and visual inspection aids such as gauges, instruments, magnifying glasses (5X should be used; up to 10X may be used for final anomalies) and flashlights for weld inspections. Gauges and instruments shall be examined by the inspector for dadage and wear prior to use. Those requiring calibration shall have a current calibration label as required by Reference 3.1 c. 8.0 DOCUMENTATION 8.1 ASME Class 1, 2 and 3 8.1.1 The QC Inspector shall assemble and submit the completed WDR/RWDR, NDE Reports and supporting l documents to the Welding QA/QC Specialist. - 8.1.2 The Welding QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, shall review the WDR/RWDR package for accuracy, completeness, ( legibility and identification. If satisfotory, he will sign and date the WDR/RFDR and forward it to the ANI. 8.1.3 The ANI will review the WDR/ Repair WDR, sign and date l

                               .            it, if satisfotory, and return it to the Welding QA/QC Specialist.

8.1.4 The Welding QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, will assemble all the documents (i.e. WDR/ Repair WDR's, PWHT Charts, NDE Reports and repair sketches) pertinent to the weld into a "WDR Package" mark it for filing and-transmit it to QA Records in accordance with Reference 3.1 b.

                                                                  . .. s 7

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1 l 8.2 Seismic Category I 8.2.1 The QC' Inspector shall assemble the documents pertinent to the welds listed on given QA-34 Form (i.e. QA-34 Form; Miscellaneous Steel Fabrication Requests, Exhibit 1 to WP-18; NDE. Reports and PWHT Charts) in weld number order and s,ubmit to the Welding QA/QC Specialist. 8.2.2 The Welding QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, shall-review the package for accuracy, completeness, legibility and identification. If satisfactory, he will sign and date the QA-34 Form, mark the package for filing and transmit it to QA Records in accordance with-Reference 3.1 b. 8.3 Fire Protection and Radwaste and Category 7 Blowdown 8.3.1 If the final weld inspection 'is acceptable in-accordance" with Reference 3.1. h. The QC Inspector

       .                           will submit the completed VT-1 Form to the QA/QC Specialist, or his designee. The marked-up isometric drawing will be retained in QC files.

8.3.2 The QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, shall review each QA VT-1 Form as it is presented to him for accuracy, completeness, legibility, and identification and transmit it to QA Records in accordance with Reference 3.1 b. 8.4 Fuel Pool Liner Welds -

8.4.1 The QC Inspector shall assemble and submit the weld map, SWDR, NDE Reports and supporting documents to the

! QA/QC Specialist when the weld map has been completed in full. A b_. __ . . . _ _ . _ , _ , _ . . _ . . . , _ . , _ , . _ _ _ _ _ . , _ , _ - l

r- - - - - - _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ - _ -

                         . cATROLLED REPENT
  • CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT C0ffANY NUMBER REVISION CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTfENT QA/QC - HARRIS'PLNJT SECTION CQC-19 2 TITLE: WELD CONTROL 8.4.2 The QA/QC Specialist, or his designee, shall review the weld map, SWDR package for accuracy, completeness,

[. legibility and identification. He shall mark it for . filing and transmit it to QA Records in accordance with Reference 3 1 b. l t


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1 l . . OA-PC-1 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Rev. 0 E!!GI!!EERI!!G & CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ( syg1 ASSURANCE SECTION i J N0!! DESTRUCTIVE EXAMI!!ATION MANUAL / PROCEDURE DE7IATION !!OTICE Procedure No. NDEP-605 Revision No. 1- Deviation No. 1 Procedure Title VISUAL EXAMI!!ATION OF SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL & HA!!GER WELDS (SH!!PP) Affected Paragraphs Description of Deviation 6.1 Add to end of sentence of paracraoh 6.1: or other cualified crcrram accroved by the Level III. s One time Condition; Deviation Notice to be closed as follows: Permanent Condition; revision to procedure in process. The approval of this Procedure Deviation Notice authorizes deviation from the name proce-dure within the limits described above. l The holder of the affected procedure shall retain this notice with the procedure until incorporated in the next procedure revision or until otherwise closed. Originator: Mgr. E & C QA Approval: d w 00.r , 12 [20 Tt . Telephone j f ,Y l ' Dice C Memorandum op oved: _ _ ekw - b /1 2c1 UDE Level III # Data

                                   ,e     -, , , _ - - - - - , - - -              , , , , , , . . -


                                                                                                                                        . . . - . 1 Affected Paracraph                                 tiescription of Deviation                                                                  .

7.7 chnnre to read? Pbasco demien documents A: CAP-SM-BE-04A ne cAn 21M A-003 9.0 Change to read: Evaluation shall be made in accordance with the following criteria for welds fabricated in accordance with Reference 3.1, except as i modified by reference 3.7.B. See paragraph 4.0, Definitiens, for ::pecifi:: details or discontinuities and acceptance limits except as modified by Reference 3.7.B as applicable, in this procedure. I I One' time Condition; Interim Change to be closed as follows: L,.r l PeImanent Condition; Revision to pro dure in process. l The approval of this Procedure Interim Change authorizes devialten frcm the named procedw.c l within the limits described above. I The holder o affected procedure shall retain this notice with the procedure until l incorpora the procedure revision or until otherwise closed. Oriainato . [ Mar. CA/CC Harris Plant Acoroval: Signa LC / /02 / 3 Y .h.( Uw /tol2 slo

                                                      /Date                                              signature f '

l l Telephone Approval Obtained By: tecmmn _ for'Acc I Signature i v\. 10 t 3 l l NDE Iavel III /Date Date )




           .                COM1ED D0 CLIENT CARQ.INA POWER & LIGHT CmPMY C@ PORATE QUALITY AssuRAn a DEPARTE NT NUMDER                      REVISfrvl IIDEP-605                        i t eutr op )

TITLEI VISifAL EXAMINATION OF SEISMIC I. STPUCTUFAL AMn uannen igetn, 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to delineate the visual welding examination criteria for Seismic Class I structural weldmnts such as pire hangers , restraints, structural steel, HVAC ductwork, equip-ment, etc., at the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP) . 2.0 SCOPE i This procedure applies as applicable to welds fabricated in accordance with AWS D1.1, AWS D1.3 and other welding performd as directed by approved Engineering documnts. This procedure may be utilized, wrnn deemed by Engineering as appropriate, for visual examination of welds related to other codes specifications or safety related items. This precedure may be used for receipt inspection activities at SHNPP when required by other site documents or deemd appropriate by Engineering.


 .                     3.1   AWS D1.1, Structural Welding Code ,1975 Edition.

3.2 AWS D1.3, Specification for Welding Sheet bbtal in Structures, 1978 Edition. 3.3 CP&L Corporate QA Department Nondestructive Examination Manual. I _1-w- - -- - _ _ , , - _ _


                                                                                !!DEP-605             1 TI M VISUAL EXAMINATIO!! 0F SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL A!!D HA!!GER HELDS (SIIIIPP) l i

3.4 SHMPP MP's A. MP-04 Procedure for Post Weld Heat Treatment , t B. MP-05 Permanent Marking of Site Material and Components C. MP-08' General Welding Procedure for Structural Steel (Seismic, Hon-Seismic) and Hangers D. MP-10 Repair of Base Material and Weldments E. MP-17 General Welding Procedure for HVAC Duct System (Seismic , !!on-Seismic ) F. MP-21 Repair of Bace Materials for HVAC Duct Systems (Siesmic, Non-Seismic 3.5 SHIIPP Wo'rk Procedures A. WP-110 Installation of Safety Related (Seismic Class I) Pipe Hangers 3.6 SHNFP TP-04 3.7 Ebasco Specification CAR-SH-BE-04A 3.8 E&C QA/QC Procedures and Instructions A. CQC-2 Nonconfermance Control B. CQC-6 Receiving Inspection C. CQC-19 Weld Control D. QCI-19.1 Preparation and Submittal of Weld Data Report, Repair Weld Data Report, Tank Fabrication Weld Record and Seisnic I Weld Data Report E. QCI-19.2 Visual Inspection of Permanent Impression Stamping 3.9 SHI!PP Site Specification A. 033 Structural Welding for Permanent Plant Construction B. 034 Nondestructive Examination, Visual Inspection, and Testing Requirecents for Code Class 1, 2, 3, MC, Seismic and Non-Seismic Structures for Permanent Plant Construction. C. 040  !!uclear Safety Related and Seismic Class I Complex Embedded Steel & Related Items Requiring flDE or PWHT for Permanent Plant Construction


                                                                                            !!DEP-60;              1 TITLE
  • VISUAL EXAMINATION OF SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL AllD HAfIGER WELDS (SH!!PP) 3.10 " Arc Strike Evaluation" Instructions 3.11 AWS 3.0 - 80 Welding Terms and Definitions 4.0 DEFINITIONS The following are definitions of words and terms used in this procedure.

Definitions cf weld discontinuities are to be used by the Visual Examiner to aid in determining the type of discontinuity and, when applicable, the acceptable limits of discentinuities. They are intended to aid the Visual Examiner' in determining acceptable limits of discentinuities as well as establish a unified definition of the discontinuities and other words, as used in this procedure. Definitions found in Reference 3.0 shall also be used. Site Documats - Drawings, engineering and site specifications, construc-tion and examination procedures / instructions, engineering documnts and 4 other approved documents as referenced by these documnts, as applicable. Weld Spatter - The mtal particles expelled during welding and which do - not fcrm a part of the weld. Weld spatter that resists vigcrous wire brushing shall be acceptable provided it is not en a raying surface and/or will not inhibit the performance of required NDE. l ' Porosity - Cavity type discontinuities formed by gas entrap =ent during solidification. Acceptable limits are 'as given in the applicable part of this procedure. l Slag Inclusions or Flux Coatings - Non-mtallic inclusion on or embedded in tne surface of welemnts. Und ercu:: - Excessive mlting of the base mtal at or near the tce of tre weld. Overs:rin'd - Excessive grinding that reduces the weld / base mtal below the minimum thickness required. Overgrind is unacceptable. Tungsten Inclusion - Tungsten that is embedded in the weldmnt due to the tungsten electroce(GTAW Process) centracting the weldment and breaking off. Tungsten inclusions are unacceptable .

                                                          --             - -          . ~ ,            --


                                                                         !!DEP-605                1 TITLE: VISUAL EXAMIllATIO!! 0F SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL A!!D HA!JGER WELDS (SHf1PP)

Overlap - The protrusion of weld mtal beyond the toe , face , or root of the weld. Any overlap is unacceptable. Arc Strike - A discontinuity consisting of any locali::ed remelted metal, neat affected metal, or change in the surface profile of any part of a I weld or base metal resulting from an arc. Arc strikes may be cauced by welding electrodes, weld machine ground clamp or magnetic particle prod contacts. '.'nless other dise specified by fluclear Power Construction Department Engineering, no are strikes are allowed. 5.0 PROCEDURE QUALIFICATI0!! 5.1 flondestructive Examination Procedure Qualification Record , !!o. PQR-605 describes the actual qualification activity for this procedure. 6.0 PERS0!I!!EL QUALIFICATI011 6.1 Personnel performing visual examinations in accordance with this procedure shall meet qualification requiremnts as specified in Carolina Power & Light Company Corporate QA Procedure !!DEP-10. 7.0 EQUIPME!!T 7.1 The following equipnent may be used to aid the Visual Examiner in his evaluation of items being examined: 7.1.1 Flashlight or other illuminating device that provides adequate lighting as described ,in 7.2. 4


                                                                     !!DEP-605               1     l TITLE: VISUAL EXAMIllATIO!! 0F SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL AllD HA!!GER WELDS (SHf!PP) 7.1.2 Cambridge Weld Gauge 7.1.3 6" Ruled Scale 7.1.4 Magnifying Glass 7.1.5 Boroscope and Fiber Optics 7.1.6 Fillet Weld Gauges 7.1.7 Mirrors 7.1.8   Optical Canparators 7.1.9 Microre ters            .

7.1.10 Depth Gauges 7.1.11 Other equipmnt may be used as mcessary, but will be required to meet the conditions of 7.2 and 7.3, if applicable . 7.2 Illuminatien Visual examination shall be performed in an area illuminated with flashlight or other auxiliary lighting to attain a minimum of 15 foot candles (160 Lux) for general examination and a minimum of 50 foot candles (540 Lux) fer the detection or evaluation or small anomalies, unless otherwise specified. 7.3 Optical Aids 7.3.1 When optical aids such as boroscope, magnifying glass, mirror etc. , are used for remote examination, the system shall have a resolution capability equivalant to or better than that obtained by direct observatica. , 7.3.2 When use of optical aids is specified, optical aids shall have a mininum power of magnification called out in the specification, ccde or procedure. Lighting and resolution shall be verified either at the examination point er verified prior to the actual examination under sinulated conditions. 7.4 Mechanical Aida and Instrurents 7.4.1 Mechanical aids used for examinations shall have graduated scales in useable increments that are easily discernable. l l


CO M . LED DOClf elT CARa.INA POWER & l!Gir COMPANY CORPORATE QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTENT NUMmER REVISICf1 i TIM VISUAL EXAMI!!ATION OF SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL Af1D HAtIGER WELDS (SHilPP) 7.4.2 Dial depth gauges, micrczneters, optical ccrnparators and other precision mechanical masu~ing devices used for final accep-tance examinations shall be calibrated in accordance with Reference 3.6. 7.4.3 Rules, scales, gauges such as cambridge and fillet and other measuring devices used to aid the visual examiners shall be reasonably accurate but do not require calibration. 8.0 EXAMI!!ATIO!! 8.1 General 8.1.1 Visual examinations shall normally be performd without magni-fication. The examination shall be such that the surface to be examined is within 24" of the eye , and at an angle not less than 30 to the surface to be examined. 8.1.2 Visual examination performed using optical equipment shall be performd only when required by site documnts or Engineering using equipment that conforms to 7.3. Magnifiers may be used to aid in the evaluation of discontinuities detected during the visual examination. 8.1.3 When remote visual examination must be performed in lieu of direct visual examination, the visual aid (s) shall be in

 ,                                accordance with Paragraph 7.3.

8.1.4 Wlun using remote visual equipment, the technique used shall be verified for resolution and lighting capabilities prior to use by resolving a 1/32" black line on an 18. neutral cray card. This verification may either be dom at the point of examination or under siculated conditions expected to be en-countered during the examination.

8.2 Visual Examination 8.2.1 Visual examinations shall be performd when required by site documnts or when the appropriate holdpoints are reacted on Seismic I Weld Data Reports (SWDRs) .
               * *eue C0ffiRQ1ED DOClfENT CARC1.INA POWER & LIGHT COWANY CORPORATE QUM.!TY ASSURANCE DEPARmENT NUMCER             RCV1sIrN tmEP A0c              1 TITLE: VISUAL EXAMI!!ATIO!! OF SEIStlIC I, STRUCTURAL A!!D llA!!GER WELDS (SHflPP) 8.2.2  This examination shall also verify the suitability of the surface for subsequent 11DE. If the examiner determines that the surface will inhibit the proper interpretation of NDE, he/she will mark the areas for subsequent rework.

8.3 Examination Points Items to be examined at a particular stage of fabrication when specified by site procedures are listed in Attachment A. 9.0 EVALUATION 9.1 Evaluations shall be made in accordance with the following criteria for welds fabricated in accordance with Reference 3.1. See para-graph 4.0, Defi'nitions, for specific details of discontinuities and their acceptable limits, as applicable, in this procedure. 9.1.1 Prefitup Examination Cleanliness of Joint

a. Surfaces to be welded and surfaces adjacent to a weld (within %" of where the toe of the weld will be) shall be free from loose or thick scale, slag, rust, moisture, grease and other foreign material that would prevent proper welding or produce objectionable fumes. Mill scale and rust that can withstand vigorous wire brushing, a thin rust-inhibitive coating (such as deoxaluminate paint), or antispatter compound may remain with the following exception: for girders, all mill scale shall be removed from the surfaces on which flange-to-web welds are to be made by submerged arc welding or by shielded metal arc welding with low hydrogen electrodes.
b. The surfaces of base metal one inch adjacent to the weld joint prior to welding need only be cleaned of those loose materials which may fall into the molten weld metal, and coatings which, due to fumes caused by heating or burning, could leave a harmful residue in the weld. Tight adhering rust which has been cleaned with a hand wire brush shall be permissible but all paint, grease, or other coatings with the exception of deoxaluminate should be removed.


c. Deoxaluminate paint can remain on the base metal and the prepped edges and surfaces to be welded.

If rust appears where deoxaluminate paint has been applied to the prepped edges and surfaces to be joined by welding, it shall be removed; however, if rusting appears on the base metal within the area one inch from the weld prepped edges, only wire brushing of these areas is necessary to re-move any loose particles which could fall into the molten weld metal during welding of the joint. Surfaces.on the base metal, due to corrosion, may contain pitting- Wire brushing of these surfaces is adequate to remove loose rust scale without re-moving tightly adhering rust oxide film from the pits. Joint Weld End Prep

a. Joint weld end prep and dimensional configuration shall be in accordance with applicable site documents.
b. Discontinuities in excess of those outlined in Table 1 of Attachment A shall be repaired as required by Table I of Attachment A and/or other appropriate site procedures,
c. Discontinuities in excess of 1" long and I" deep shall be repaired prior to welding in accordance with Table 1 of Attachment A and/or other appropriate site documents.

I l


                                                                      '!DEP-604              i TITLE' VISUAL EXAlf!!ATIO!! 0F SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL A!!D HAI!GER HELDS (SHI!PP) i 9.1.2    Fitup Beamination      Cleanliness
a. Surfaces shall met the requiremnts of Paragraph Joint Dimnsions and Tolerances l a. Dimensions (tevel angle (s), root opening, root l face, etc.) shall be in accordance with the , drawing or applicable Welding Procedure Speci- ) fication (WPS) . 1

b. Butt welds shall not be offset more than 10% of the thickness of the thinner mmber being joined or 1/8", whictnver is less.
c. Parts may be drawn to a slope of 1/2" in 12" maxicum, to correct misaligrrent,
d. Measuremnt of offset is frcm the center line of the parts to be joined,
e. The cross section of groove welded joints shall not exceed the tolerances of Table 2 of Attach-ment A. ' Material Identification

a. The filler, base and backing materials (when applicable) shall be examined in accordance with Reference 3.8c. Tack Welds

a. Tack welds shall be free from the same discon-tinuities as final welds.
b. Multiple pass tack welds shall have cascaded ends,
c. Tack welds fcr fitup can be lef t in the as-welded condition, when practical, except that the ends may need to be feathered by grinding to ensure adequate tie -in with subsequent weld passes.


a. Undercut in excess of 0.01" deep when tru weld is transverse to the primary stress in the part that is undercut shall be unacceptable .
b. Undercut shall not exceed 1/32" deep in a weld that is parallel to the primary stress in tir part that is undercut,
c. Overgrind which can result in notch-like grooves shall not exceed 1/32". Grinding shculd not reduce thickness below acceptable thickness and should be gradual raying er blending with surrcunding area. Coatings should be no closer than approximately 1/2" from the toe of the weld. Additional removal of coatings may be required so that NDE examinatiens and/or visual examinations may be perforned. 9.1.4 Weld Profiles Fillet Welds ,

a. Fillet Welds with profiles in excess of Fig.1 shall be unacceptable. Groove Welds

a. Groove weld profiles shall be as stated by
applicable site docunents,
b. Butt and corner joints with groove welds shall have a maximum reinforcerent of 1/8". Butt Welds

a. Surfaces of butt welds shall be as required by applicable site documents.

9.1.5 Impression Stamping Impression stamping required by site doeurents shall be examimd in acecrdance with Reference 3.Se.

      .                                                                                              l l

C0fRRalED 00CifEIT l l CAR (1.INA POWER & llGHT COWANY CCRPCRATEQUALITYASSURANCEDEPARTMENT NUMcER RL"VI SIrti r!DEP-605 1 IIM VISUAL EXAMI!!ATION OF SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL A!!D HA!!GER WELDS (SHilPP) 9.1.6 Unacceptable Weld Discontinuities Welds shall be examined for freedom from slag, cracks, and incomplete fusion, Craters must be filled to the full cross section of the weld . Welds not meeting the acceptable profiles of Fig. 1 shall be unacceptable. 9,1.6.4 Piping porosity in fillet welds shall not exceed one porosity hole in 4" length of weld nor shall the diameter be larger than 3/32" except for fillet welds connecting stiffeners to webs, the sum of the diamters of piping porosity shall not exceed 3/8" in any linear inch of weld nor 3/4" in any 12" length of weld. Groove welds shall be free of piping porosity. Linear, random scattered and clustered porosity shall be acceptable , independent of the criteria for piping porosity, provided that all pores have a greatest dimnsion of less than 1/16" and the sum of their greatest dimnsion does not exceed 3.8" in any linear inch of weld (example : A cluster of porosity with twelve (12) pores each of which has a greatest dimnsion of 1/32 inch or less would be acceptable 12 x 1/32" = 12/32" = 3/8" provided there was no other porosity line ar , rand om scattered and/or clustered within the one linear inch of weld . ) . Fillet weld size may be 1/16" less than the nominal size required provided the undersized area does not exceed 10% of the length of the weld. l on web-to-flange welds on girders, no underrun in the required fillet weld size is permitted at the j ends for a length equal to twice trn width of the flange .


                                                                       !!DEP-605              i TITLE: VISUAL EXA!4I!!ATIO!! 0F SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL A!!D !!A!!GER WELDS (S!!!!PP) 9.1.7 Defect removal / repair shall be examined by the Visual Examiner to ensure the following:
                                 '1. Defects listed below in welds shall be removed by approved cuans outlined in applicable site docu::ents.
2. Cracks found in weld or base material shall be removed completely as we11 as 2" of sound mtal beyond each end of the crack prior to rewelding.
3. Incomplete fusion and unacceptable porosity and slag shall be removed completely.
4. Excessive concavity, undercutting, craters and undersized welds shall be suitably prepared and additional weld mtal deposited.
5. Overlap and excessive convexity shall be removed to acceptable limits.

9.2 The visual Examiner shall evaluate each required holdpoint in accordance with the following criteria for welds fabricated in accordance with Reference 3.2. 9.2.1 Welds are acceptable if they met all the following requiremnts:

a. No cracks are present
b. Square groove , are spot ard are scam welds must have at least 1/32" reinforcemnt.
c. Undercut /overgrind does not exceed 10!'. of the thickrnss.
d. Faces of fillet welds shall be flat or slightly Convex.

9 I

tl C0mRalED DOCIIslT CARa. Ira POWER & Limi COMPMY l CORPORATEQUALITYASSURAt4CEDEPARTMENT POMcFR RCNi g f rv4 MDEP-60<  ! TITLE: VISUAL EXAMIllATIO!! 0F SEISMIC I, STRUCTURAL A!!D HANGER WELDS (SHf!PP) 10 .0 MARKI!!G OF IIIDICATIO!!S 10.1 Marking of rejectable indications shall be marked on the weld er base material, as applicable , using site approved marking materials. 11.0 DOCUME!!TATION i 11.1 Documnt' performance of visual examination on the Seismic I Weld i Data Report (Form QA-34). Af ter the inspection items is accepted , check off the appropriate status, initial and date. 11.2 For visual examinations of HVAC hangers, the Visual Examiner shall

                                                 -ign the appropriate slot signifying visual acceptance of t!n ueld.

l l



a. Jcint Scarf / Bevel Cleanliness (oxides, rust, dirt, etc) X
b. Cleanliness of External Surface (s) Adjacent to Weld X
c. Cleanliness of Backing Strip X
d. Joint End Prep Dimensional Configuration and Finish X
e. Freedom from Joint Surface Defec:,s X
f. Removal / Repair of Joint Defecto X 2.0 FIT-UP X
a. Joint Cleanliness X
b. Fit-Up Dimensions (i.e. root opening, clearance, etc. ) X
c. Joint Alignment and Offset X
d. Component Identification and Heat Numbers X
a. Weld Profiles X X
b. Undercut or Overgrind X X
c. Suitability of Surface for Required NDT (i.e. removal of weld spatter, arc strikes, etc.) X
d. Peening X
e. Joint Identification X
f. Fillet Size X y
g. Blending Base Metal X
h. Freedcm from Unacceptable Discontinuities X X
i. Impression Stamping X
j. Removal / Repair of Defects X A-1 l


HDEP-605 Fev. 1 ATTACHMENT A Table I -Umita on acceptability and the repair of ctat-edge discontinuities of plate Description of discontinuity Plate repair required o Any discontinuity I la.(25.4 mm)in None - need not be explored length orless Any discontinuity over I is. (25.4 mm) in None, but the depth should be length and 1/3 in. (3.2 mm) maximum depth explortd' Any discontinuity over I in. (25.4 mm) in Remove, need not weld I length with depth over I/g in. (3.2 mm) but not greater than i/4 in. (6.4 mm) e i Any discontinuity over I in.(25.4 mm)in Completely remove and weld. length with depth over 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) but not Aggregate length of welding shall greater than I in. not exceed 20 percent of the length of the plate edge being repaired Any discontinuity over I in. (25.4 mm) in Ser. Notes 1 thru 4 length with depth greater than I in. l .

                                      'A sees enssa etism perumme stum dummmunusua em the esygen eas edge is eummen should to esseesud by snadies to esserinses depdL If the depen                                                                       -

t et any one of me diesenunosues espiered memada 1/t an. (3.s mm) then ail of the dismosomestius remsening en that edge shall be espeored bv gnn. dans to deernme depth. If nees el the dessamusessass emp6esud se the see puremst nyse chest have e depia ensemasag I/t is. (3.2 mmh men the temseder of the disconunussies on that edge need not be espiered.


(1) where discontinuities such as (W), (X), or (Y) " if in ;~ig. .2. are observed prior to completing the

                                                                                                                                                                        *"       ')

joint, the size and shape of the discontinuity shall be determined by ultrasonic testing. The area of the dis-continuity shall be determined as the area of totalloss of back reflection, when tested in accordance with the [' [ procedure of ASTM A435. ,, 5 ,=** y (2) For acceptance, the area of the discontinuity (or

                           .the aggregate area of multiple discontinuities) shall                                                                                                                      Au dimenssons in inenes.

not exceed four percent of the plate area (plate length x plate width) with the following exception: if the Table II -Edge discontinuisies in cut plate. length of the discontinuity, or the aggregate width of discontinuities on any transverse section,as measured perpendicular to the plate length, exceeds 20 percent (25.4 mm) or more away from the face of the weld, as of the plate width, the four percent plate area shall be measured on the plate surface, no repair of the discon-reduced by the percentage amount of the width ex. tinuity is required. If the discontinuity (Z) is less than , caeding 20 percent. (For example, if a discr.ntinuity is I in. away from the face of the weld, it shall be gouged l 30 perecct of the plate width, the area of discontinuity out to a distance of I in, from the fusion zone of the cannot exceed 3.6 percent of the plate area.) The dis- weld by chipping, air carbon are gouging, or grinding. continuity on the cut edge of this plate shall be gouged it shall then be blocked off by welding with the shield. ! out to a depth of I in. (25.4 mm) beyond iu intersec- ed metal are process for at least four layers not ex- l tion with the surface by chipping, air carbon are goug .- ceeding I/8 in. (3.2 mm) in thickness per layer. .

                           'ing. or grinding. and blocked off by welding with the                                                                -

shielded metal are process in layers not exceeding 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) in thickness. (4) If tne. area et the discontinuity (W), (X), (Y), or (3) If a disconticuity, (Z), not exceeding the (Z) exceeds the allowable in para. 2 the plate er allowable area in para. 2 is discovered after the subcomponent shall be rejectea anc replaced, or joint has been completon and is determined to be I in, repaired at the discretion of eD6 1 neering. l

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i  ; I-  !!DEP-605 Fev. 1



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                                                                         -                               ',= . C                                E        escoes t/6 in. See 3.6.2 I                          [             1                      I e >                                                                                       lR e -                                             ...


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                                                                   -                                                                                                                                           u Esceseeve                                      insiecsent                                              Esceesive                              Overieo convesity                                            tnrose                                            uncercut                              See 3.6 6 See 3.8.2                                         See 3.8.3                                  See 3.6.4 ene 3.8.5
                                                                                                                       @ h h*" "88 P'"*" . .._ ..
                 -                                                                     Fig.1 -Acceptalte and wsacceptable weld profiles,                                                                                 ,


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a (:;-P I]RUGC.w[

     -                                                                           1 AWS Dl.1 STRUCTURAL WELDMENTS INSPECTION CRITERIA
    ?                                 MODIFICATIONS SCOPE This is prepared to provide a weld zone visual inspection criteria for structural weldments designed to AISC and AWS D1.1 recuirements.

INTRODUCTION The need for modification of Dl.1 weldments workmanship inspection criteria became apparent following realization that industry conventional fabrication methods, when applied according to procedures used since the inception of joining metals by welding, are not capable of meeting requirements. This occurred because the inspection process philosophy has changed from rejection / acceptance decisions based upon experience, to the present literal adherence to AWS Dl.1 criteria. This has caused a five fold or even greater increase in the number of repair required defect citations to e= anate from the inspection process . There is universal agreement among Materials Specialists that a defects repair effort of this magnitude can cause a new set of workcanship and metallurgical problems. This deleterious-to-service-life possibility may have been recognized by the AWS Co==ittee on Structural Steel Welding, which stated in their 19S2 Co==entary on AWS Dl.1, that "the funda= ental premise of the Code is to provide general stipulations applicable to any situation and to leave sufficient latitude for the exercise of engineering judgements". Recourse to this statement is being taken fer the ensuing changes, which reflect careful consideration of manually applied fabrication methods, their capability for meeting present inspection acceptance criteria, viz-a-viz their effect on the mechanical properties of material and the intended service conditions. l 000820

4 4 .'

 .                                                                           t       'N
       .                                                                                    i                      <
                                                                       -2                         3
         -          -PROBLEM DEFINITION                                                  't r                                                                                 g
               +. . A detailed review of the inspection results o'f' fillet welds in i;

various shop fabricated power plant components and.the re-inspec: ion


[5 results of(a 200 unit sample of construction site installed pipe


_ hangers has .shown 5' . 9 <

                                                      'that,the' majority of those Delds requiring i

rework were found deficient' because of (a) incomplete fusion, (b) insufficient weld throat, (c) weld overldp, and (d) neld zone undercut. The significance o'f these defects for other than aesthetic purposes' appears negligible, owing to the short, less than 114 inch length'for an overwhelming cajority. 'Causes fer

                                                                                         . s such weld defects,'their impact on service performance and the rationale . for deve~lopment of- a reasonable and technically adecuate inspection criteria is given in the following, sections.

WELD ZONE DEFECTS, THEIR SIGNIFICANCE AND OCCURRENCE PROEAEILITY Inco=olete Fusion - This term describes a weld zone region within whi'ch the desired coalescence of base metal and weld-metal did not take place, owing to the abse::ce 'of complete neitingh Areas of non-fusion cannot be ascertained with


certainti. - khen evaluating welded components designed to AZS 01.1 because oft.the vissal inspection method used in the judgemen: process. 'For this rea' son la meaningful inspection process cus: employ, cir~cumstantial evidence,"such as pcs ulated and actual temperaturs[at_theweldingarc, as well as other arc charac:cr-istics , weld are manipulation by thc) worh=an and the physical properties of terals.

                                                             \t 4

The single i.ost important practice : for properly welded component e achievemen: Is' the control imposed by D1.1 on the weldin_c procedure, andit he performance test which all welders tus: execute satisfactorily. These are the prime industry accepte: i safeguards for prevention of inco=plete melting. In addition. E

                                                           ,                , - - ,             .   -,      _m--- .. -e.,- -, .


     -PROBABILITY (Cont' d)

Incomplete Fusion - (Cont'd) the energy release at the welding arc, which produces a reported weld zone temperature of 10,000 F, well above the nominal 2700 F melting temperature of steel is another built in safeguard against non-fusion. These temperature differences provide forgiving conditions which allow considerable latitude for welder arc manipulation variations which might otherwise indeed cause weld zone fusion difficulty. Furthermore, the molten weld metal droplets transferring across the weld are are at steel vapor temperature, 5200 F. It can be seen, that given the above temperatures, the risk of non-fused regions for a weld run length of 1/2 inch or more, is remote. A pictorial example of the onset of a possible non-fused region is shotm by the arc reignition condition of Figure A. {'s.T 3 [ E' b Y" h s s 2 ._ s

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A B i Arc Ignition Figure A presents conditions which will not assure achievement of l


_4 WELD ZONE DEFECTS, THEIR SIGNIFICANCE ETC. (Cont'd) the desired base metal-weld metal coalescence, owing to the considerable thermal quench of the work piece at arc ignition. However, the thermal imbalance occurs for a very short time, . because of the extremely high welding arc energy release. 1 l Minimal concern has been accorded lack of fusion presence at the weld are reignition points of components which were constructed of nominally 60,000 psi tensile strength s: eel. Figure B, represents conditions which exist along the weld run. Note the absence of risk for non-fused areas, owing to the high welding are energy release. There are i= proper techniques which can cause lack of fusion to occur along the weld run shown by Figure B, presented in the ensuing section and identified as weld overlap by the industry. Weld Overlac - This condition is shown by Figure C, which ca-occur during arc ignition or when a large single pass fille: weld is deposited in the horizontal position. Unfor:unately, the Dl.1 exclusion of preheat when single pass welds are employed encourages fabricators to proceed with one pass welds procedures. The avoidance of preheat by applica ion of the single pass 5/16" fillet weld can cause the gravity induced rollover of liquid metal, followed by the occurrence of over'_s-It cus; be noted however, that this happens after base ne:al/,:e'.d metal melting has taken place. It follows tha: the super-heated weld metal in contact with base =etal will cause

                                                 ~ WELD ZCNE DEFECTS, THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, ETC. (Cont'd) melting and coalescence before the gravity induced rollover takes place. For this reason, overlap such as in Figure C is not considered detrimental, provided the required weld size                         I is achieved. A classic example of another weld overlap condition, produced when the welding methods and parameters specified by Dl.1 are not applied, is shown by Figure D, beloc.

1 I N l \ ' s 1 I q\ l \ l

         ,               N                           l              N i
               - - - . - - - ,                                          s CAUSES ARE:


                                                                          -:Ef-C ~~ ~ ~

Figure C Figure D The condition shown by Figure D can be present along either j:in: rember, thus differing from the gravi y induced condition cf Figure C. Causes for the Figure D profile are improper weld conditions or base metal uncleanliness. Welds as shown by Figure D are the result of welder inat:entien or improper trainin;. Such defective weld zone regions, by na:ure of their cause are never onl:. short se g.ents of a weld run, rather they occur continuously along a major portion of a weld run length. A1:heug:-

r m WELD ZONE DEFECTS, THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, ETC. (Cont'd) Figure C and D profiles.are_ treated as one'by many inspectors, there is a distinct recognizable difference, as shown by the profiles, the important feature being the region of the arrows. These differences are often not included in the inspection process. Insufficient Weld Throat - Weld throat is the plane which bisects the 90 angle of a fillet weld (Figure E) . Fillet veld size is specified by the amount of weld metal attached to each j oint member (the fillet weld leg). However, the weld throat dimension, which is about 307. less than the leg size, is the important parameter because the majority of the working stresses on fillet welds are shear mode; along the weld throat plane. 1

                                 /\ !                             A N/g        ,     iN 45       [         \


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lc SIZE -- Figure E A 1/16" undersize fillet reduces the ucld size (und the weld thrc.-- dimension) by 12.5% for a 1/2" weld and 25*. for a 1/4" weld, this change theoretically increasing the stress proportionall:.. l E_

m . m WELD ZONE DEFECTS, THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, ETC. (Cont'd) These values are tabulated in Table 1, below*. Table I Throat Throat Effective Applied Fillet Dimension . Dimension Throat Stress-Weld Full Weld 1/16" Undersize Decrease Incrence Size Leg' Size Weld  % '. 1/4" .177" .132" 25 32.2 5/16" .221" .177" 20 25.0 3/8" .265" .221" 16.7 20.0 1/2" .354" .309" 12.5 14.2 The two areas of concern in an undersize weld are the increase in stress in the throat of the weld and the increase in stress in transmitting the load through the weld into the base metal. Since ueld metal is generally of higher strength than its minitur specified tensile strength, (72,000 psi), rarely only meeting this mini =u value, its ability to tolerate a theoretical increase in stress for short lengths is not unreasonable. In like carner the base metal is generally of higher yield strength than the

    =ini=un ascribed 36,000 psi, this streng:h further increased by the therral cycle imposed on the weld heat-affected zone, sc tha:

its ability for tolerating a theoretical increase in stress fcr shcr: lengths of undersize is also not unre as onable , the ecers:ress expected :c be redistributed without danger of failure. The result of a shor: run undersize weld correction is the ris; of cc ponent cuality degradation, this conditien believed to be t

   .more deleterious to service performance than a relatively smal           ;

overstress for short lengths of an overall weld length. 1 Weld Zone Undercut - This condition is caused by melting away of base metal at the toe of a weld. Undercut is considered harmful 1

C m M L WELD ZONE DEFECTS, THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, ETC. (Cont'd) Weld Zone Undercut - (Cont ' d) j toiweldment service life because its cross sectional geometry is considered to be a."v" . shaped depression, as well as-causing a reduction of base metal cross section , ' this configuration-creating a stress raiser. Stringent inspection attention is accorded to undercut by the fabrication industry. A major reason for this concern is the widespread belief-that the root region of the undercu:~ notch will be the origin of cracks , - which grow when exposed to service' induced fluctuating stresses. This concept for crack propagation has persisted, despite universal agreement among l -those-expert in materials behavior that the degree of sharpness of ~ a notch which can initiate a slowly propagating crack mus: be several orders of magnitude sharper than the radius at the root of a typical weld undercut caused by are melting. Although neither sharp nor rounded undercut root radii are desirable weld zone profiles, the rounded root radies, which is i a direct result of the weld zone melting process, is the more forgiving and will permit stress redistribution without apparen: distress. This difference in the crack initiation behavior of varying notch-root radii is not given proper consideration during the inspection process. The problem i: co= pounded when strict adherence to described or sketched weld zone profile inspectier procedures are used. The result of such inatten: ion is the L initiation of extensive weld upgrading efforts. This practice must be given much more attention because the risk for weld ::ne

4 WELD ZONE DEFECTS, THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, ETC. (Cont'd) deterioration, always present during weld upgrading activity, increases appreciably when a larger-than-normal scale upgrading effort is initiated. An investigation, designed to examine the shape of severely undercut weld zones and the effect of the notch on uniaxial tensile properties was conducted to provide data concerning the mechanical behavior of steel which contained weld undercut. Details describing test sample preparation, photos and mechanical property test results are presented in the Appendix of this repcrt. Except for two (2) samples which broke at the undercut , the balance failed in the base metal, outside the weld heat-affected zone. One reason for the tensile test results of r.he undcrcut samples is that following initial local yielding at the undercut root, thf.s region is constrained from further yielding by surrounding elastic material. Relocation of the energy absorption region for further yielding improves the load carrying capability cf the undercut region. It will be noted that the sole conclusien of the evaluation is that weld undercut to nominal 1/16" depth can be present in steel produced to a specified tensile strengt'- . of 60,000 psi for relatively short lengths, and that this condi:icr will net be detrimental to service performance. Perosity - Steel weld metal porosity is almost always caused b-  ; inadequate shielding of the welding arc, as will occur when welding is performed in an air draft of 3 to 5 mile s / hour. This conditien can cause the nitrogen in air to be introduced into the weld arc, causing porosity when sufficient nitrogen is pre scn:. Another source of nitrogen is paint. Hydrogen also causes steel

VI - w WELD ZONE DEFECTS, THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, ETC. (Con t ' d) weld metal porosity, this constituent usually introduced by oil and grease, generally present in weld zone regions as a surface film. It can be seen that only a minor amount of nitrogen or hydrogen can be introduced into the weld are under ordinary conditions, by nature of the form of the contaminant. It follows tha: the extent of the porosity, which results because molten steel weld metal solidifies before all the gas has issued from the licuid weld metal, is not as severe as is assumed by pore acceptance criteria, which treats all pores as extending through the entire weld deposit thickness. A modification of the degree of porosity acceptance in structural weldments is warranted per the above. Unfilled Weld Craters - The reduced throat thickness caused by this condition precludes its acceptance in grooved but: and full or partial penetration Tee welds. For recsons given earlier for insufficient weld throat, a 1/16" deep, s=co:h surface crater is not considered deleterious in fillet welds. Cracks - These defects contain sharo edges at extremities. Fcr this reason they must be removed to sound metal and rewelded. Arc Strikes - This condition is caused by inadvertent arcing be: ween the welding electrode and the base me:si, causing a small amount of base metal melting in the arc impinge =en region. M:re l than ordinary attention is given this region in steel because c.f its hardness and its reported propensity for cracking. An extensive penetrant evaluation was conducted to examine crac:. l 4 4 occurrence in the arc strike regions of steel produced to a l 1


                                                                                        'JELD ZONE DEFECTS , THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, ETC. (Cont'd) specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi. No cracks were found, which indicates that the material is sufficiently tough and only
     . moderately hardenable when subjected to the high cooling rates of an are strike heat affected zone.                                     This study indicates that are strikes, left inadvertently in steel produced to a specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi can be disregarded.

SD' MARY A description and causes for the eight (S) most co==on weld zone defects have been provided for understanding defects for ation and occurrence probability, so as to serve as base for visual inspection criteria modification and application. CRITERIA DEVELOPMI:C Our review of various welded co ponen workmanship rejecticns has shown that an overwhelting majority were the result of undersize welds and weld zone undercut. Undersize k' eld - This ter: is considered here as applicable te four reject conditions, incomplete fusien , insufficient weld throat, weld overlap and unfilled weld crater. Since the a=oun: ef base metal attachment by weld metal is affected by all, each of these conditions cause the shear strength of a fille: weld to be reduced. The method by which an undersize weld judgetent is made is misleading, because the weld leg size, not the weld throat is used for its determination, even though the weld throat is used

1 CRITERIA DEVELOPMENT (Cont ' d) Undersize Weld - (Cont'd) for shear stress calculation. This overemphasizes the loss in shear stress capability of the fillet weld, because the weld throat is smaller than the weld leg by a factor of 30;.. Furthermore, the throat dimension change decreases as the fillet weld increases, this behavior also affecting shear stress as shown by the curve presented below: LONGITUDINAL SHEAR STRESS VS INCREASED FILLET SIZES A - Shear stress on full size welds when AISC allewable load applied. 2sooo - B- Shear stress on 1/~.6 inch 7 j l undersize welds for full 27o00 - length - AISC allowable e load unchanged.

                    ;;                                  26000 -

5 3 2m-C- Shear stress en 1/'.f inch

                                                                                                                                          ,                           undersize welds for 23! the 2                                                             l                                                                                   full weld lenet'..                      AIEC E

24000 allowable loa 3 unchanged. j 23o00 - C C 22000 - A 21000 ' ' ' ' ' 1'4 5:16 3!8 7/16 1/2

I . R CRITERIA DEVELOPMENT (Cont 'd) Undersi=e Weld - (Cont'd) The effect on -shear stress increase of a 1/16 inch undersize weld which extends along 257. of a weld run, when the AISC - allowable load is unchanged, is as follows : 1/4" weld - 1383 psi increase 3/8" weld - 928 psi increase 5/16" weld - 1083 psi increase 1/2" weld - 798 psi increase Recognition should be given to the method used by the AlSC in establishing the stress allowable for base metal and weld =etal. The base metal allowable shear stress has been set as 0.4 x 36,000 (A36 cin yield strength); 14,400 psi for AST : A36. Weld metal allowable stress is determined by 0.3 =in tensile strength - which for E7018 electrodes is 72,000 psi - 0.3 x 72,000; 21,600 psi. This relation may be inappropriate because a cor=on base is not used for weld metal and base cetal. Selecting yield stress for this purpose, the mini =u: specified yield strength of E7018 weld metal is 60,000 psi. The stress allowable according to the 407. minimu yield stress concept used for base metal would be 0.4 x 60,000; 24,000 psi. This corres; nds to a stress allowable difference of 9,600 psi betueen weld retal and base cetal, about 7 times the increased stress of nominal 1,400 psi for welds which are undersize by 1/16 inch over 25' of the full weld length as discussed above. Recognition of the substantial allowable stress over atch whic:- has been accorded weld metal, its well known superior ductili:: and notch toughness mandates the imposition of more realistic work =anship acceptance criteria, such as the proposed accep:ance of fillet welds which are 1/16 inch undersize for 25% or less of a weld run length. 1

(~ , 1 i l CRITERIA DEVELOPMENT (Cont ' d) Undercut - The limited investigation reported in the attached Appendix has shown that weld undercut up to 1/16 inch deep, in steels produced to a maximum specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi, is not deleterious to tensile strength. The test samples were undercut full length and stressed transverse to weld direction. _ Undercut depth to 1/16 inch extending over 257. of a weld run length is proposed here in recognition of the satisfactory tensile test results of the more severely undercu: and stressed test samples discussed in the Appendix. The possibility for crack initiation and growth at the undercu root is-not given consideration because the vertically positiened fillet joint member which invariably contains the undercut in production welds , exhibits ample root radius owing to the nature of itr occurrence in horizontally positioned fillet welds. ACCEPTABILITY CRITERIA Oversize Fillet Welds - Either or both fillet weld legs may exceed design size. Welds may be longer than specified. Undersize Fillet Welds - The size of 5/16 inch or larger fille: welds may be 1/16 inch less than required for a continuous span of 2 inches provided there is no less than a 6 inch separatien between each 2 inch long undersize increnent. Weld runs less than 8 inches long may contain a continuous undersize span of 25' of the total weld length. Undersize fillet weld spans less than 1/2 inches long shall be disregarded. Porosity - Pores between 1/16" and 1/8" diameter shall be acceptable when separated by a minimu= of one inch. Fores less

C, - a , ACCEPTABILITY CRITERIA (Cont'd) Porosity - (Cont'd) than 1/16" diameter shall be disregarded. Clustered porosity contained within a 3/8" diameter circle shall a~1so be acceptable. Weld Profile - Convexity height and butt. weld reinforcement may be . l i . accepted without limit, however a . "r *

  • tini=u= 120 included angle mus. 'N be present between weld runs in  !

g multipass welds for acceptable '

                                                                                              ' set profile (shown by adjacent sketch).

, I Craters - Underfilled craters are not acceptab.le in continuous groove but: and grooved full or partial penetration Tee welds. For reasons given earlier for insufficient weld throa: acceptance. underfilled craters not exceeding 1/16 inch depth are acceptable for fillet welds, provided the underfilled crater has scoo:h contour, blending gradually with the adjacent weld and base ce:al. Undercut - Undercut up to 1/32 inch depth is acceptable in all steels. Undercu: in 5/16 inch or thicker steels produced to a specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi, is acceptable to a j depth of 1/16 inch, for a continuous span of 2 inches , previde d there is no less than a 6 inch separation between each undercu: l increnent. Weld runs less than 8 inches long may contain ar undercu: span of 25% of the total weld length. Undercu: spans less than 1/2 inches long shall be disregarded. I v y,---. - - , - - - - - - - - , - -

.o. ACCEPTABILITY CRITERIA (Cont'd) Cracks - Cracks are unacceptable. Fusion - Incomplete fusion between weld metal and base metal is unacceptable provided evidence such as shown by Figure D on Page 5 is visible. Incomplete fusion is acceptable provided a weld profile such as shown by Figure C on Page 5 is visible. Arc Strikes - Arc strikes in high-strength low-alloy steels (minimu= specified tensile strength greater than 60,000 psi), shall be removed by grinding. The ground area shall be visually inspected to assure co=plete removal of the arc strike. For steels produced to a specified 60,000 psi tensile strength, are strikes shall be visually examined and accepted if no cracking is evident. If cracking is evident, cracked region shall be ground to smooth contour and checked to ensure soundness. Arc strike regions which arc not cracked shall not recufre brushing or grinding before visual examination. ACK50LEDGEME"T : The assistance, consultation and advice on various structural concepts contained in this paper by R D Steele, Ebasco Consulting Department Civil Engineer, is gratefully acknowledged. j l.' '




L M Ferrick Chief ' aterials Engineer Ebasco Services Inc New York, N Y March 9, 19S;

6 () l SERRCN HARRIS PC:!ER PMI.T QC RECEIVING TEAINI!G PRCC?r: mus _ hiims IV-Al /979 SUBJECT COVERED:- 11 A r m i rs, s nA l}]'Nnn0~ (s) A rA frn mn1/



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6. & M ~ c_ rr, - . .. . ,. ... .,
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8. 9. _ 10. - COMMENTS: J VE IED BY: h Q $ (t

                                      'Mvid C. Whitehead              .hte
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VERIFED BY:- M/& ll l6 David C. Whitehead i Da1.e QA SPECIALIST e 9

N._ .... .

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na 31.1 .e.,.... ... ...a ..,.

                                                         .a.s.. . -s .             :. . . a    ...s.      ......        C.,.....n . . :. . . n EBASCO MODIFICATIONS-SCO?I This is prepared to provide an Ebasco veld zone inspection criteria for strue: tral weldments designed to AISC and AWS DI.1 requirements.

INiROT.*CTION - The need for codification of the presently used DI.1 veld ents workmanship inspe: tion cri:eria became apparent following realiza:'en tha: indus:ry conven:ional f abrication methods and techniques are ne: capable of meetin; the criteria specified by AWS DI.I. This conclusion has come abeu: be:ause :he exarina:1en err ese phi rs ;P. applied b:. ir s;+ ::::s '.as chan;+ d f r rej a . . . acceptance decisions based upon experience, to the present literal adherence te AWS DI.1 criteria, resultin; in a five fold and even greater increase in the nu-ber :f repair requ' red defe:: ri:sti:ns. There is universa; a;;ter :.. _;. Ma:erials Specialis:s tha: a defe::s repair effort of this magni:ude can cause nn c -M. r er '; r-d tr n' '. r ,1 :a'. pru' .".L ::. . T. . i t, cc.e.aricos-L.> possibility was recogni:ed by the AWS Costittee on Structural Steel Welding. l vhi:h s:a:ed ir : heir 1952 N.*! ::nrtr.:ar;. cr. the Stra::.r : Welding Cede, tha:

                  "the fundamental precise of the C de is to prcside general s:1pulations i

applicable to any situation and te leave sufficient la:itude for the exercise of engineerin; judgements". Ee: curse te this statemen: is bein: taken for :he ensuin; ha . es , whi:L refle:: careful :.'nsiderati:- - ' :F e s' - - --' - s r f a::ep:ed fabri:a:irn e .eds and :e:ht:;;es, the me:!.a.ical pr:::::; an: a*.::vsh:e stress fa:::rs .s:d f:: :$e des;; , a-d the in: ended servi:e c* i: .s .


A de:ai!ed review of receivin; inspection results at Shearen 'arris, d of fi!;e: velds ir sh:; f abri:a:ed cc ;:nen:3 and the re-inspe::i:n res.;;s ei a O .ni: sa ;;e of si:e ins:a* ed pipe han;ers at Wt:erferd, has sheve the =ajeri:y ef

  • unae:ep:able defe::s to be (a) id:: ;1e:e fusion, (b} insufficien veld :hrea:.

(c) veld overlap and (d) weld zone undercu:. The si;nificance cf these deft::s en con;:nent servi:e perfor=ance is considered minica , eving te the sh::t len;;:- of an everwheltin; :sierft. of the cited defects (less char 1/4 freki, t's considerable A 50 safet;. fa:ter er;1oyed in the design, and the outs:andin; service perfor:ance experience of sitilarly f abricated veldrents. Ter the re: erd, t'( ; e- g-;;  ;.. -:s.g-.. eng: g: .c;. ... :s ,

                                                                                                                      .                          3, g ;,

in the design .i ne'dr. :: -:; .:: ::s jurirdicti:n tc 3'. the n:rina; ve.: metal tensile strencth and 600 nominal base metal yield strength. This resu!ts. for.those structural steel base metal / veld metals combinations most of:er used fer power plar: structdra2 frr-in- in a stress allevab'e for the vc'd rc:2'. . ** ar.d the last . :c: ' *:,-

.:. :1;1::: :n of a ;:::len et the cens;:.r- :. .

safe::. fa::or, norina11y 50,0's3 psi for veld metal, is proposed here. This

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           .                                                                                            \ p.RE.OW PROBLEM DEFINITION (Cont'd.)

procedure follows accepted practice for engineered components design changes - whe.7, service conditions to be imposed are, as is the present situation, well known. WILD ZONE DITICTS , THEIR SIGNIFICA';CE AND OCCL'RRENCE PROBABILITY Incomplete Fusion - This term describes a weld zone region within which the. desired cealesce ce of base metal and weld metal did not take place, ovin; tc absence of complete =elting in the region. Limits on the welding process selection for structurals fabrication and the welder performance test require . ment imposed by N,'S D1.1 are industry accepted safeguards for prevention of such incomplete melting. Further cre, the energy release at the veldi .g at:. which produces a reperted weld zone temperature of 10,000*F, well above the nominal 2700'T celtinc temperature of steel, allows considerable latitude fer velder er: r2-I uls:1-- vari::irns, a perrible f: prril. - when accompanied by inadequate joining process conditions. Furthermore, the celten weld metal droplets transferring across the weld arc are at the steel var r ten;e rsture , 520','F. .It :ar be see- t'st, givtr. the sie te temperat.r a , the risk of = ear.ingful non-fusion regions for a weld run le .gth of 1/2 in:h er : rr, iz r a:t ?.

  • pi: teric.1 c::2 p'n of the on: t t! :. pos:ibit r:n- fuse d -

regien is shown by the are reignition condition of Sketch A..

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Q .w'. T. ______ x{ T4 The desired base metal-weld catal coalescence may not aivays be achieve: t; the fullest possible extent, as shown by the above Sketch A, because of the considerable thereal quench of the work piece at are ignition. This therral 1 balante c: curs f er a' 11.ited time duratier., tecause of the extremelv hip weldini; are energ. release. The fa:t that ar. inadt ...te thermal cenditi:: be present for a very short tiec, if at all, and the good service perfor=ance of structural weldeents which had been fabricated according to DI.1 accepted

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           ' Vrl.          2,CI'E DETECTS, THEIR SIC';ITICA';CE A';D OCCUR?tECE .                                                       * %IMINAn # .l velding procedure / certified welder test precautions are the reasons picposed for reduced concern for lack of fusion at are restrike regions of a weld run.                                                                                                 -

Insufficient Veld Throat - Veld throad + is the plane which bisects the 90* t ;1 . fillet veld. Tillet veld size is described by the arount of weld cetal a:n:hed to each join: member (the fillet veld leq;). However, the veld throat disensten, which is 30% less than the leg size, is the important parameter because the working stresses en fillet welds are in the shear mede. Furthermore, the percent. effective throat reductica decreases as the fi!!e: vcid size in:rette:. Advantage of this relation should be taken because 1: affects weld joint efficiency. The full size / undersize fillet veld throat dimension relationship has been calculated for several popular fillet veld sizes, the results tabulated and pletted below. Structural Tracinc Tillet Welds Threat oC 40\ - Throat Dimension Effective Tille: Dimensten 1/16" Thres: SC-

                *teld Ful! Weld Undersi:e Decrease                                                            #:b.v i,

_S_. ira Lee S*Tc V??/

  • 1 o. .

3 ., ., ,. n

                                  . 1., ., . .
                                                        . n. e.n               3..a  .                         M
            .i-                   .soo                  .1 . -. .              ,. .

sp.- g . 5/16" .221" .177" 19.9 CM 3/E" .2t5" .221" 16.6 -- 1/2" .35 " .300" 12.7 J-l 6 L-4- I .!. .'? .d

                                                                                                                                                                        /.         E        ec          4 f o'/ b b %./ t )               S~ o . t Iffe:: ef '.~ni.r             ::. T.1: : "'          .i l h :                          ~- : : : !!:e.

A ::re de.a:.'ed review cf these da:a and curve indi:ates tha: 1/= inch and larger fillet welds, which are undersi:ed by 1/16 inch for centinuous leng:hs up :: 25' ef 7'" the :etal weld len; ' vil: refu:e :he veld regi:r desi; safety factor fr .

l i '. . The reduced rit; Of i n :ner: - ali:;. degrada: .cr., because of a
  • redu::i:n ir upgrading require:ents, te be gained by use cf a less conserva:ive design safety factor will significantly enhance the overal'. service life capability of structural componen:s.

Ve:d cerlar - conditic. =a:. eccur 1r. s:ructura'. weldne.:s when a large single pass fillet veld is deposited in the horizontal posi: ion. The overlap. or veld ineral rollever, results af ter base eetal/ weld retal meltin; had taken place, c e ress: for f te e:-:rrc re U-f-- 1:v trlifi~ : * :- t r: 7 - - s :. s : t . 1-:1. s v e .' d f . : -.u r e r : c ;;in, h.d take

                                                                                                                                      ;. ." a:, b<. f r w :i.            1 . :... rc...

rollover, ovt.rlap is not considered detri:.e .:al, provided the required weld si:c. vit in the guidelines of the earlier insufficient veld throat discussion, is a:hieved. / S.

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KELD ZOME DEFECTS. THEIR SIGNIFICANCE AND OCCURRENCE PROBABILITY classic exa:ple of weld overlap, not readily produced with welding methods and ~ para:eters used by the industry, is shown below. 1 1

                                             %g N

h Size M -

v si: ener;y 1:pr per at: =anipt:a: ::.

gravity indaced over4ap i.duc d ava:~.ap

                   ..        "one Undereut - This c:nditien is :aused b;. re::in; away ef base =ett; at the toe ci a weld. Undercut is considered har=ful to veldsent service life because the area is often'a "C" shaped depression, whi:h reduces the base metal cr ss sectien and acts as a stress raiser.

Strin;ent inspe:: ion attention is accerded to undercut b, the fabrica:1cn . indus:ry. A =aj:r reasen fer this con:ern is the videspread belief tha: the tr:: re;i:- :f t'- .-t:. ::: -:::- vill be.:'e ert;1r f cra:ks, which pr v v'.en

                       . ex;: sed :: ser..:e in:u.s: reversin; 5:resses. ! ::n:e:: f:: :re.-

pr:7agati:r hat 7ersisted, dt.*;i:e urftersal a;reener: a :r; :h:se exper*

                   =a:erials behavior that the degree of sharpness of a n:tch, necessary for tne occurrence of a cyc11cally stressed, slowly propagating crack, is several crders of earnitude sharper than :he radius at the re:: et a :y;i:a1 we'. d under:ut regi:n. Although neither shar; ner rcunde:'under:u: re:: radii are desitatie veld prcfiles, the trunded re t radius which is a direct result ef the melting pr::ess is the ::re fergivin;.

Difference ir the crac'r inftfa:f - be'avfer cf varyin; netch-rce: radii is not given proper consideration during the inspection process. The proble la cc: pounded when strict adherence to described or sketched weld zone profile inspection procedures are used. The result of such inattention is the it.1:iati - ef e ten 2fve ve'.1 up;rt!'- :f'- :r, :Sc re::- ' - :-fe s t d : ' v - * '- being cencerns akir to thess for undsr:.: by the air: raft ir.dus r.. 'h s practise cust be given much mere attentien because the risk for se.'d tone deterioration, always present during weld upgrading activity, increases a; pre:f at:y when a larger than n:rr.s: s: ale ur; rad:n; effort is initiated. e. l

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              .                                                                          ;    *i.~.
          . *kE D ZONE DEF CTS, TF.ID SIGNIFICANCE AND OCCORENCE PR03A3!I.12.                                ' ' N -i [ 7 y ,

i An investigation, designed to examine the shape of severely undercut veld zones  ! and the effect of the notch on uniaxial tensile properties was conducted to


provide data concerning the mechanical behavior of weld undercut containin; steel. Details describing test sample preparation, photos and mechanical property test results are presented in the Appendix of this report. It wi;*. be noted that the sole conclusion of the evaluation is that veld under:u: :: 1/16" depth can be present in steel produced to a specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi and that this condition will not be deleterious to its, service performance. Porosity - Steel veld metaA porosity is almost a"1vays caused by inadequate

  • shielding of the velding arc, as will occur when welding is perfor=ed in an air draft of 3 to 5 miles / hour. This conditien can cause nitrogen, an air constituent, to be introduced into the veld arc, ausing porosity when sufficient nitrogen is present. Another source of nitrogen is paint.

Hydre;ct als: causes steel ve:d et:al porosi:y. this ::ns:1:utr: uscal:- introduced b:. cil and grease, generally present as surface films. It can be seen that only a =iner areun: of ni:recen or hydregen can be in:redu:ed in:e the veld at: under erdinsrv cen::t: ens, t. nature Of the fer-nf the con *amirant. It fellows that the extent of the corosity, which occu-s be:ause celten steel weld metal selidifies before all the gas has issued fr:r the liquid weld re:a;. is net as severe as is assured by pere extent a::er:ar:e criteria, which treats all peres as extending through the en: ire veld ce;:s:: thickness. A modification of the degree of perosity acceptable in strue:gra. weld:ents seems warranted per the abeve.

  • nfillef *ie'.d Cra:ers
              .                                 'he re f;:4d :hr::: :hi:ktest ::used i: :his ::nfi:i:r pre:;udes a::ep: ante in greeved it.:: and fu!! :r par:da: enetra:ien Tee welds.

rs:S+ - T.ese f:fc.:: :r-: sin shir e: - z: extrent:1es. 7:r this ress:-

hey rus: te ree:ved : s:;nd re:a; and rew.*.ded when :he tintru required r

weld ::ne :'i:kness is viela:ed. . Are 5:ri'<es - 7.-is cendf fon is caused by inadverten arcing between the velding e;e::::de and :he base eral, :a;ri ; s se !* : :. .: :f base t:a? . eel:1ng in the at: 1:;ingement re;1cn. F. ore than crdinary attentien is given this regie in steel because of its hardness and its ;rcrensi::. fer cra:ki..g. An extensive penetrant evaluation was conducted at *Ja:erferd te examine cra:k occurren:e in the ar: s:rike regions of steel produ:ed to a minimum specified tensi;e s:rtn;;h cf i~,"*4 ;si.  ::: ::a:is were found, whi:F fr.di:ates :h:: the caterial is sufficiently tough and only modera:ely hardenable when subjected to the high coeling rates of an are strike zone. This study indicates tha: at: strikes left inadvertently ir steel produced te a ninimu specified tensile s:re ;:n ef : , a.* ;It : :4 d:sregar:s:. s-c 6..

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WE1.0 ZONE DET CTS, THEIps SICNTTICANCE AND OCC TJENCE F*0_. A description and causes for the eight (8) most ce==on weld zone defec /4//v4ve _I ' ' been provided abeve for understanding of defects for:ation and occurrence - probability, so that a base for inspection criteria modification can be initiated. The extent of acceptance criteria modifi:ation will also be influenced. by the design intent of specific structural weldments and the severity of the cyclic service loads which the various plant components may encounter. - C1.A35!?!"AT ::: 07 vel.3 J0!N'S .


Catecorv 1 Joints - These joints are part of the main building frame and are ~ expected to carry principle design loads. Severe stress reversing service load conditions are not expected for this categorf, owing to the da: ping chara:: eristics of floor concrete. Ca:e;:r. 2 J.-ir:s - These joints are not part of the main building trace, bu: ra:her provide support /attachten for systems, co ponents, and equipment. Reversing stress conditiens,are expected to be more severe fer this caterer". 5:ve =r, can be 1 :r:du:ed because Of .:::h radii, low vibra: 1c r. a:pli:udes, the conservative allevable stress used in the desir.n, and the touganess of the steels used in this application. Cater:r. 3 Jein:s - These -joints are net part of the main building frate cr suppert sys:e s, rather they provide framing for components such as instru=en: ra:ks, due:ing, air control dampers, doers, hatch cevers, etc. Cyclic servi:e c .di:1:ns are expe:ted te be =inimal, eving to the flexibili:y of the c:- : a.:s :.t trisis of censtru::1:r., th= framin; u. der d.s:.ssi:r; a degree Of ri;1dity to the :::p:ne .:. a.. ...:.... . . :. . s - C r. _ . . . ...:.<. . . . . . . . . . Oversize Tille: Welds ' Either or both fillet weld legs may exceed desi; si:e. Welds :::. be 1er.;<r ths s;e:ified. ,

             'Jnde r s i:e Ti* ;e: Velds The fille: we'd le; dimension ca: not underrun the nent .a1 re:;uired size tv
rt thir T/ T in:h fer a c:ntinu:us rur if u; te t =r.:.~'"(20g' percent.ef the total veld length. ~'

Porosit. The weld may centain a'"

                          ~                                    inaximugh'p^ercent                        ~~"
  • by surf ace area of tTrraTTgfred*,]


              .a     . . .efed a.m5or.osit
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Weld Profile Convexity heigh: and butt veld reinforcenen may be a:cepted utihout 11:1:, however a minier 120' included angle : s: be presen: between weld runs ir multipass welds for acceptable profile. Craters Underfilledor craters are not acceptable in contitiuous groove butt and grooved full w 0 r t ial .p*e ne t e1 ,/16 fin: e .; depth are~ a,r.a. tion Tee velds. Underf~illed crater.s3 not exceeding

                                                           . . .                               ~--              e cceptable4for inter =ittent veles, provided the underfilled crater metal and that  has    smooth         contour,      blending gradually with the adjacent veld and base the underfilled crater extends beyond the specified weld length.
               *'.-. I . r : _ :

Undercut up to 1/32 inch dep:h is acceptable in all s: eels, l'nde r cu t in s:ee s pr:d.:ed :: a cir.itue spe:afiei : ensile s:rencth ei t. 0'*0 psi is acce; st'. . g gto pruit.=c it.s set tacecog,tinuou.s, gige(dep$ior. widtn is equal weld to or isrg.of greate .20r perce'nyoyih6Y4ff"Q.ledg9 than' its deptn. su-i atacr. of shert run undercut regions shall not be eensidered fer acceptance /re. der-fr . Cracks Cra:ks':are unaccep:able. Tusi:- Ir:: ::ete fusf r- tt:v:; ve:I evids.:e su:h as sh:vr 5:. Figure E er pa;s c: *. s-I r, i-  :: ur. ::(--n . --- is vir::;t. In::.;;e:e f.g,:- is a::ep ai;e er:.iisi a vt:1 pr: file .o shown :' . 7:gure A en page ; is . t s i:, . . . Arc Strikes m. Are creater s:rikesthan1.6".high-str+.ngth low-alloy s'.eC1 ( - specified tensile stre :th 030 psi), s h a *. be ren:ved i;. g rir.I:.n; . he ground area sha;1 be visually inspe::ed t: assure cc ;1ete ren: val ef the are strike. Ter eininu s;e:ified e S,00" ;,i tenri:e s:(-e:r , cr. strikes shall b'e'vir.t :y e.ayn@and accepted if :re crackin'g'ds' evideY.t. If cracking is eviden:, the repair shall c nfer with See: ion 3.13 of A*45 DI .l. Are strike regions in ' these lower streng:P steels sha:1 not visua exa-1.t: ::. reevire brur'f .; er grindin; bef ere

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0 AccEPTA?:1.ITY CRITE?.!A - CATECORY'2 JOINCS ( S... Oversize Tillet Welds N Either er bo:h fille: weld legs may exceed design size. Welds may be longer than specified.' Continueus welds may be used in lieu of intermittent velds. Undersize Fillet Velds The fillet wk!d.Jeg d2:ensie =s;. ne: u .derrun the nominal required si:e hy more than 1/161:{ch' for a continuous run of twenty (20) percent total weld length. ' Perrst:v s The veld may coniain a maximu of 5 per:ert by surf a:e area ef untit;- un:1ustered per.2; y. Veld Profile Convex 1:y height:and butt weld reinforcement may be ace.ected wit h out limit, Lc-ever a Linice- 120 in:Auded anc4e must be present between veld runs in cultipass velds .for acceptable profile.

  • Craters Underfilled cre:ers are no: accep:able in centinuous greeve bu:: and grc:ved fu'.1 er ;srtia! ;t e:rati:- Tee we'i,. .

In:er:1::e-: 24113 : ;. ave ur.dtrit;1et

a:ers previded underfill de; h. dees n:: exceed 1/16 in:h, the cra:cr has a ser::h centour, blending gradeall;. with the adja:en: weld and base =e:a* and
h:: :Pe underf f!!)d cri:er ex:t-i - -
                                                                                     -9f the a e : . .             '
                  'Jk der:::

Under:ut u; to 1/32 inch dep:5 is at:ectable in all steels. Under::: in s:ee*s pr:duced t: a tirimu tensile stren;:h cf 60,701 psi is a::ep:able u; to.* 'It de;th fer a cen:inuaus veld run of 20 percent of tc:a1 veld leng:h, provided its vid:F is equa* ro or is greater :han its depth. Su==a:ien ci sh:r: rur under: : regi:ns shall net be censidered for a:cer:anceireje::ien. Cracks Cracks are unaccep:able. Tusi:- Inco=plete fusion between weld ee:a1 and'oase ee:a1 is not acceptable when a condition such as shown by Figure B en Page 2 is visible. Into=ple:e fusfer s. is a::e;:a'le pr vfdsd : wild preffic suer as shaw.';. visi:le. c A en rap

  • 1:


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... 3 ACCEPTASILITY CRITERIA - CATT* ~"Y 2 JOINTS (Cont 'd.) f s '. Arc Strikes 'L.l*A / /(A k , - s, Vjq CT' V i Arc strikes in hi;h-strength low-alloy steels (minieur specified tensile *

                                                                                                                 %s ,j strength greater than 60,000 psi) shall be removed by grinding. The gr:.r..

area shall be visually inspected to assure complete removal of the arc s:rike. For other minitur specified 60,000 psi tensile steels, are strikes shall be. visually examined and accep:ed if no cracking is evident. If crachir.; 12 evident, the repair shall conform with Section 3.10 of AVS D1.1. Arc strike regions in these love'r strength steels shall not require power brushing or grinding before visual examination. ACCE?TA!!LITY CRITERIA - CATEGORY 3 JOINTS Cversi:e Fillet ** .e lds Either er both fillet veld legs may exceed dest:r si:e. k* elds ma. Se ::nrer than spe:1fied.

ntinueus velds may be used in lieu cf in:cr.itten: ve:de.

Undersize Tille: "*. elds The fillet le; dinensien may no: underrun the nominal required fille: si:e by : ore than 1/16 in:h for a centinueus run of up to 20 percent of :he :::a; veld len;;h. 7:::rit. - he veld =ay cer.tair a naximur of IG percent by surfa:4 area cf unali;ned un: .stered  :

          .... - ...r..,..e Convext:y hei;ht and bu:: velf rei.ferce er: .a:. be a::ep:ed vi:hru: 11-1:.

Craters . Welds

                   .ty have er.derfilled craters provided underfill der:h dres no: ex:eed 1/161    :h adja- : veld  and the crater has a smo :h centour b ending gradual;:. with the and base retal.

_._nd er:ut

        'Jnde r::: up to 1/31 ine'r der:h is acceptable ir a;; s: eels. *'nd e r :ut i-stee:s produ:ed ::

a minimum specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi is acceptable fer a continuous run of 20 percent provided its surface width is. equal to er creater than its depth. The sum ation cf shert rue, under:.:: retiens shall nr: be censicerti fer a:ce;:an:e rcjc:::: .. , Cra:ks Cra:ks are ur.arcep:able. L. M. Petrick August 12. 1963

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               -'                                         EFFECT OF WELD UNDERCUT OK THE TENSILE BEHAVIOR OF LOh' STRENGTH STEEL                                                            /


                                                                                                                                                              %q This evaluation was undertaken to examine weld undercut, specifically its shape and depth, produced uaing conditions most favorable for its occurrence, and its effect on uniaxial mechanical properties. The information to be developed was intended for evidence considered necessary to support an Ebasco structural weldments inspection acceptance criteria modifications effort.

Conclusion l The conclusion drawn from this evaluation is that a weld undercut depth up to 1/16 inch, in' steels produced to a minimue specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi is not deleterious to its service, performance. j Test Material Preparatien Plate caterial,10 inches wide by 12 inches long by 3/8 inch thick ASTM A36 steel was used to produce bead on plate test samples. The test veldments were deposited along the 12 inch direction, employing AWS E7018, 1/8 inch diameter electrodes in the horizontal (2C) position. Weld undercut was additionally enhanced by orienting the welding electrode 10* free the horizontal plane. Three weld test panels were produced per the above electrode orientatien at 140 aeperes, these conditions selected to produce severe undercut. An additional two test panels were produced using veld conditions which would eli:inate or reduce substantially the degree of undercut. These test welds were deposited with 120 a: peres. Test Results Macro photos at IX ccgnification, of the weld zone adjacent to caterial removed for tensile test specimens are presented below. These photos show the undercut as would be seen by visual inspection. Photos 1, 2 and 3 present welds produced with 140 amperes, photos 4 A and B, of welds produced at 120 amperes. These photos indicate that the undercut, which is most severe in test welds 1, 2 and 3, is not continuous, the edge undulating such that undercut and non-undercut intervals are present along the weld run. am ,-~~r

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 +                                                           Test Results (Cont'd.)                                                                     /

Undercut depth of weld zones in the material sectioned for tensile tests was g measured at five (5) locations along the 1-1/2 inch reduced section of the tensile bar. The depth, tensile strength and % elongation in 2 inches data are tabulated below: Undercut Depth. (Inches) Tensile Specimen No. 1T1 IT-2 2T-1 2T-2 3T-1 3T-2 4A 4B 1 .035 .020 .020 .030 .026 .022 .003 .021 l 2 .030 .026 .030 .025 .035 .02E .004 .005 l 3 .052 .015 .005 .020 .052 .035 .002 .008 i 4 .036 .030 .027 .053 .033 .040 .005 .009 l 5 .032 .022 .040 .022 .025 .032 .004 .002 Tensile Strength 6 74500 75000 74700 75200 75100 74500 74400 75000 i Eloncation in 2" 7 29.0 32.0 29.0 23.0 29.0 32.5 29.0 31.5 It will be noted that the deepest undercut found was .053 inches. The high are energ. conditions, used to produce test saeples 12 2 and 3.were substantially in excess of the conditions generally employed for 2G pesitien welding. For this reasen, the undercut depth in the three (3) panels is believed to be representative of verst condition production veles. The =aterial was prepared for tensile testing following ph:tocraphy and undercut depth measurement. The weld reinforcement was re=eved, care taken te assure that the undercut side of the weld pass would not be disturbed. Rupture strengt? cf all undercut specimens varied only slightly, ranging f ren a maximur of 75,20.5 to a einitur of 74,400 psi. These data and the elencatien indicate that the undercut zone did not experience mechanical propcrty deterioration behavier to be expected of caterial in the minieu 60,000 psi strencth range for specimens which are not sharply netched. The shape of a typical notch in a severely undercut sample is shewn by the cress sections presented below at IX and at 3X macnificatien. Attentien is directed to the wide span at the surface of the undercut. This conditien, noted for all the severely undercut material was expected, owing to the melting action which caused undercut to occur and the position of the test plate during the bead on plate weld deposition. n Q.3c Y.

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l . N l Test Pesults (Cont'd.) EL/ ~ N . N - Several photos of the tensile specimens showing undercut presence before Wy1 I testing and failure locations of ruptured samples are presented below. l

                                                               .            ,                       .                       4' y .                                      *
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[* / gl _ k b I i i r Fig. A is presented te shew that the undercut pertien of the test plate was not disturbed in tensile spe cirt n preparat .cn. T h t- ruptured test material - shows that failure had taken place in tt .dc r cu t regien as well as, in the other samples, base retal remeved free t andercut rene Attentien is directeJ test samples IT-1 and 31-1. to the aenunt of elencation whict occurred in tb undercut rent cf i l

  -   .' r                                           *.

Discussion I The absence of sharp notches in the undercut zone of welds deposited in the  ! horizontal (2G) position is expected to be dif ficult to accept. Also unexpecte is the insensitivity of the undercut notched specimens, stressed in tension, k to anticipated reduced rupture strengths. The rounded root.present in the undercut, is the result of the plane in which the weld was deposited, simulating that of production fillet welds, and the melting action of the arc. Rupture strength variances insensitivity, as affected by the tensile bar thickness reductions at the undercut, appears to have been caused by its presence in the weld heat affected zone, specifically the rapid cool from welding temperatures. The relatively mild hardenability and toughness of steels generally selected for structural fracing applications are the reasons for the tensile behavior reported in this study. Conclusion The conclusion drawn from this evaluation is that a weld undercut depth up to 1/16 inch, in steels produced to a minimum specified tensile strength of 60,000 psi is not deleterious to its service perforcance. L. M. Pctrick August 12, 1953

          .AFF-001                                        CAROLINA PO'nT.R & I.ICHT COMPAhi Km , 18                                                                                                              AP-IX-05
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                                                                          .S         t       3 O ASME Section III Division 1

[ Field Change J j O ASME SeetionyII . Division 2 _ J_ [ See Recommended Action " IQ ~

                                                                                                                     ~ . ' ' - O Non-Q Nonconfor: nance do               O Yes          Report No.

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                                                           ~ CP&L Earris Plant Engineerin's. Apprdmal                                                    .

EFES Attachments O Y** E Na Approved as Recosamended O Rejected O Conditional Approval ,

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O Reiseted- . - Seniet Resident Engineer Date Distribution: (Original) Document Control ( "EI} -


(Copy) (Conv) (Copy) (Copy) _- e Implementation Completed as Approved? O Tes ! . Comments: O no i f Discipline Engineer Date Final Distribution: MM mall File in Dec. Control (Coev) (Coevi (Copy)

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                         *.                       TI5UAL INSFECTION C31TZ32A Cy FIELD AND SEOF BE1DS                                      .
  • The ares to be examined shall be sufficiently free from foreign matter to allow for examination of the weld area. Shop welds may be inspected through paint.
1. Surfaces and adgas to be welded shall be snooth, miform and free from fins, taars, cracks, and other discontinuitias which would advarsly affect the quality or strerath of the weld.
3. Check to assure tha weld has no cracks.
        .                  4          Chack. to assura that completa ,f'asion e"zista between weld and base matal
                                                                                                ~                                                       ,

and adjecsat layers of weld metal. Indications of apparent lack of fusion wnich do not exceed-1/4". in length shall be considered acceptable. Total length of such indications shall not exceed 1/4" &n. gay six inzhys of continous wel

5. Chack to assure that all crators are filled to the . cross sect.on of the veld. .
6. Confirm the veld profilas are in aceerdanca with the illustrations outlined -

on figura #1.

7. A fillet veld in any single continous weld shall be peruf.etad to undarrun the nominal filist veld size required by 1/16" trithout correction, providad that the cumulative langth of adarsized weld does not escaed 10% of the length of the weld. On web-co-flange welds on girders no adarra is permitted at tha ands for a length equal to twice the width '

of the flange.

8. Check. to assure that any aaaM*4ans of undercut do not azcard 1/31" in depth.
9. SMara porosity shall be less then 1/16* in siaa of greatest dimensi,n. The sua of tha grestaat Jimensions of porosity shall not exceed 3/8" in any linear inch of weld. Piping porosity in fillst welds shall not exceed ons . ,

in four inches of weld length and the ='4 - diamatar shall not exceed 3/32" in size.

10. Skaved tee fillets and flara bevel groove welds shril be measured in accordanca with the outlined illustration in figura fl..
11. Ihan the toe of a fillet -d= into the radius of a tube staal mes6er and diac lag is datarained. to be undarsized, a check shall be anda to
                                        #= that the undarsized lag is equal to the theoretical effsetive threat. The entire profile of the weld shall be equal to or greater than the t!ieoretical effective throat. (see figure #3)
12. Tight adhering veld spattar is acceptable.
13. Arc strikas 1/16" or less shall be considered acceptable providad the base setal or deposited antal is not cracked and there is no binatallic inclusion (copper, stainless steel finar antal).
14. Noe-structural,end cap welds shall meet ths' above acceptance critaria azeept that indications less than 3/16" in length per one isch, of weld lenstA shall be considered non-revelant.
                                                                                                                                     .y              .,         T.


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  • 90*

a w s [

       .                                                                                            1                                                   .                                                                                  1 8

Skaw-Tea (30' - 60 ) - Optional End Prep . k' - e g<

  • 8 8 See above 30 -9.0 gg-option for i /

30*-60* ==1ds [

                                                                           ,w' 4

Skew-Tea (30 -90*) e i

               .                  F \\\\\\\\V                                                                             ,                                                                                                     .

V, ///////s - l . , Ib ' - j , .

                                                                      .p. .

Figure 3 . Entire profile of weld must 'El"" -

  • be equal to or graatar than theoretical effective throat.
                                                                                                                     /                                 - a.14 cas.                                  .
                                                                                                                     /                                          Throat Confirmation c ,,,,,,,,


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