RBG-47895, Supplement to the Response to License Amendment Request (LAR) for Review and Approval of Relocation of the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) Injection Point NRC Request for Additional Information (RAI): Difference between revisions

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{{#Wiki_filter:* Entergx C-=--
Entergy Operations. Inc.
Alver Bend Station 5485 U.S. Highway 61 N St. Francisville, LA 70775 Tel 225*381 4374 William F. Maguire Site Vice President River Bend Station RBG-47895 August 15, 2018 Attn: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738

3 3 
Supplement to the Response to License Amendment Request (LAR) for Review and Approval Of Relocation Of The Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC)
Injection Point NRC Request for Additional Information (RAI)
River Bend Station, Unit 1 Docket No. 50-458 License No. NPF-47 RBF1 0168

: 1) Entergy Letter: License Amendment Request (LAR) (RBG-47823 dated January 29, 2018) (ADAMS Accession No. ML18029A187)
: 2) NRC email : River Bend Station, Unit 1, Request for Additional Information dated May 24, 2018 (ADAMS Accession No. ML18149A288)
: 3) Entergy Letter: RAI Response (RBG-47876 dated June 21,2018) (ADAMS Accession No. ML18172A142)

o o 
==Dear Sir or Madam :==

.10. OR WOo NO. 2210 OMSION & GROUP CA L CULA TION NO. NP(C) AX-17D-4 iG3 REF. f--5.0 WADING CONDITIONS ANALnBD 5.1 DRSCRIPTION POR LOAD CASES OESc:R.lPTlON (Run 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 P'Ll1lD TRANSIENT  
In Reference 1, Entergy Operations, Inc (Entergy) submitted a request for the review and approval of relocation of the RCIC Injection Point from the Reactor Vessel Head Spray Nozzle to the IAI Feedwater Line via the IAI Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Shutdown Cooling Return Line. In an email dated May 24, 2018, (Reference 2) the NRC staff made a request for additional information , needed to complete the license amendment request. On June 21 , 2018 Entergy submitted responses to the RAI (Reference 3) . A clarification call for the RAI response was held with the NRC on July 17, 2018 where it was determined additional information was required by the NRC.
Enclosure 1 provides the additional information requested during the July 17, 2018 clarification call with the NRC. Attachment 1 contains the original load cases and thermal modes table from calculation AX-017D Revision 3. Attachment 2 contains the thermal transient table from AX-17D Addendum 3K. Attachment 3 contains Cumulative Usage Factor (CUF) Summaries for AX-17D Rev 3, Addendum 3J , and Addendum 3K. Attachment 4 contains the cover pages from AX-17D Addendum 3J and 3K. Attachment 5 contains Addendum 3J Stress/CUF comparison with Addendum 3B
RBG-47895 Page 2 of 3 This letter does not contain any new commitments .
If you require additional information , please contact Mr. Tim Schenk at (225) 381-4177 or tschenk@entergy.com.
In accordance with 10 CFR 50.91 (b)(1), Entergy is notifying the State of Louisiana and the State of Texas by transmitting a copy of this letter to the designated State Official.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on August 15, 2018.
BY STD SRSS PS-POOL SwaLL .***.****.**
Sincerely, WFM/BJ : Supplement to the Request for Additional Information (ML18172A142) : Original Load Cases and Thermal Modes Table from AX-017D : Thermal Transient Loss of Feed Water Pumps Aux Power Trip without Bypass and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) Injection AX-17D Rev 3K : Cumulative Usage Factor (CUF) Summaries AX-17D Rev 3, Addendum 3J , and Addendum 3K : Addendum 3J and 3K Cover Pages : Addendum 3J Stressl Cumulative Usage Factor (CUF) comparison with Addendum 3B cc:    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 1600 E. Lamar Blvd .
Arlington , TX 76011-4511 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn : Ms. Lisa M. Regner, Project Manager 09-0-14 One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville , MD 20852 NRC Senior Resident Inspector Attn : Mr. Jeff Sowa 5485 U.S. Highway 61 , Ste . NRC St. Francisville, LA 70775 Department of Environmental Quality Office of Environmental Compliance Radiological Emergency Planning and Response Section Ji Young Wiley P.O. Box 4312 Baton Rouge , LA 70821 -4312
(12) PPG e 420/420/'20 F RPV 552/526/52£ TBERM 2-TURB ROLL COLD: ('A-1 ** ) PPG e 70/70/70 F RPV V 552/552/4 5C THERM 3-BOLT-UP,LEAX TEST: (3A-i ** ) 70-100 THERM ,-HYDROTEST: (ZA) 100-180-100 THERM 5-S'l'AR'!'-UP:{UP}
RBG-47895 Page 3 of 3 Public Utility Commission of Texas Attn : PUC Filing Clerk 1701 N. Congress Avenue P. O. Box 13326 Austin , TX 78711-3326
(3A-2 .. ) 100-486 THZRM START-UP:{UP}
100-486 THERH 7-ROLL I (U-2 ** ) 70-325 THERM a-TURB ROLL: (4B-l+2) 180-70-325 THERM 'l'URB ROLL: (41\-3 ** ) 325-'20 THERM 10-DAILY PWR REDCTN (5-1+2 ** ) 420-354 u-DAILY PWR INCR : (5-3 .. ) 354-420 TRERM 12 c WEEKLY REDCTN : (6-1+2) 420-326 THERM 13-LOSS: (9-1+2) 420-352 THERM 14HTR RES'roRnI:
RBG-47895 Page 1 of 4 RBG-47895 Enclosure 1 Supplement to the Request for Additional Information (ML18172A142)
(9-3) 352-420 TBERH 15-SCRAMS: (22-1+2 ** ) 420-275 THERM 16PWR REDUCTN: (13) 420-190 THERM 17-HOT S'lDBY: (14A) 190-70 THERK 16-HOT S'lDBY: (14B-1 ** ) 190-435 THERM 19 HOT STDBY:
R8G-47895 Page 2 of 4 Supplement to the Request for Additional Information (ML18172A142)
(15B-l) 435-156 THERN 21= SHUT-DOWN (15B-2) 156-395 THERM 22= VESSEL FLOODING:
(16A-) 70-157 23-VESSEL PLOODING:
(16A-3 ** ) 167-108 THERM 24. VESSEL FLOODING:
(16A-4 ,,) 108-167 TBERH 25-VESSEL FLOODING:
The NRC staff would like to have a clarification call with you concerning your RAI response dated June 21 , 2018. Specifically, the staff would like to discuss the below topics to determine if a follow-up RAI is needed: In your response dated June 21 , 2018, you explained that the Cumulative Usage Factors (CUF) reduced significantly from 0.35 to 0.16 at point 1Wand from 0.59 to 0.23 at point 71 W as indicated in Table 3.6A-9a of the Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR) , as a result of installing a nozzle check valve into the feedwater system instead of using a swing check valve . The staff notes that the CUF for the piping system is from thermal transients.
(16&-1+2) 149-66-152 THEm! 26-SHUT-DOWN, UNBOL'!': (l7A .. ) 167-100 WO o NO. GROUP CAl.CULATlON NO. T ASK 1221 0 NP (C) Al\-17D-4 5.0 LOADING CONDIT I ONS ANALYZED (COlfT'D)  
Question What thermal modes or transient changes and loading condition changes occurred since the cumulative usage factors and stresses decreased?
The reason for this significant CUFs reduction should be explained in detail including :
* old/new transients curves/cycles,
* fatigue stresses/cycles (S-N) combination summary, and
* the method to combine the CUFs for:
o    before the change (from 1986 beginning of the operation to the modification) and o    after the change (after the modification to end of the operating license period) .
MR 96-0069 rerouted the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) Injection point from the Reactor Head Spray connection to the "A" Loop of Feedwater via the "A" Reactor Heat Removal (RHR) Shutdown Cooling return . This modification issued addendum 3K to calculation AX-0170 (Pipe Stress Calculation for Feedwater Piping in Reactor and Auxiliary 8ldgs, West Loop, Normal/Upset Condition Class 1 Analysis) to analyze the changes made to the feedwater piping system with the RCIC injection connection. Addendum 3K also administratively incorporated the approved AX-0170 addenda 38, 3E, 3F, 3G, 3H , and 3J . The changes made by each of these addenda are summarized below:
Addendum 38 revised the temperature drop during the feedwater heater loss event from 322 deg F to 320 deg F. This change was associated with LAR 88-006 and analyzed operation with lower feedwater temperature associated with operation in Single Loop Operation with Feedwater Heaters Out of Service. This change increased the severity of this transient and increased stresses and CUF. A summary of the class 1 stresses and CUF values can be seen below on the Addendum 3J Stress/CUF comparison with Addendum 38.
Addendum 3E evaluated a change in a 3' segment of pipe from Sch . 60 to Sch. 80 associated
RBG-47895 Page 3 of 4 with plant modification MR 91 -0080. The resulting stresses, moments and loads due to the upgrade of the piping to schedule 80 from schedule 60 were determined to be within the allowable limits. The model changes associated with this addendum were incorporated into addendum 3K.
Addendum 3F evaluated the effects of smaller mass (500 Ib to 275 Ib) on a valve actuator/ valve center accelerations, pipe stress, usage factor, pipe support loads, penetration loads, and the potential impact on stress reports caused by a lighter weight motor installed on outboard feedwater valve FWS-MOV7A. Based on an assessment of relative reduction of mass and increase of valve natural frequency it was concluded that the deadweight and combined dynamic loads for the new configuration were bounded by the corresponding loads of the old configuration.
Addendum 3G evaluated the addition of a 12" sch 60 to 12" sch 60 field weld between nodes 108 and 109. The stresses and CUF for the new weld fall between those of the two previously analyzed adjacent nodes as they were both previously analyzed and qualified as weld points.
Addendum 3H reduced the total combined normal/upset and faulted accelerations computed for FWS-MOV065A by applying Code Case N-411 damping spectra. This change was superseded by addendum 3K because all of the seismic and hydraulic events were analyzed using N-411 damping curves in addendum 3K.
Addendum 3J reduced the dynamic loads for OBE, SRV 1V, SRV 2V, and SRV 16V load cases by using Code Case N-411 damping in the stress analysis. Attachment 4 contains the cover page to AX-017D Addendum 3J for reference. The analyzed Class 1 stresses and CUF were reduced as a result. The reduction of stresses and CUF due to the use of Code Case N-411 damping values are shown below on the Addendum 3J Stress/CUF comparison with Addendum 3B, see Attachment 5. As can be seen, stresses and CUF for most of the class 1 node points analyzed were reduced significantly.
3K incorporated the changes made by addenda 3B, 3E, 3F, 3G , 3H , and 3J . Addendum 3K evaluated the Feedwater piping for the new function of RCIC injection in addition to the existing Feedwater functions. Attachment 4 contains the cover page to AX-017D Addendum 3K for reference. The added check valve FWS-V3052 was added to the model and new thermal mode 36 was introduced for the injection of 40 deg F RCIC into the feedwater piping . This new thermal transient includes 10 postulated events with 3 injections per event (total of 30 cycles) with no feedwater flowing . In addition to these 10 injection sequences, there are 40 postulated spurious injections with feedwater flowing . The spurious injection of RCIC with feedwater flowing events were excluded from the analysis as the contribution to stress is minimal due to the low change in feedwater temperature . The thermal transient diagram fo r the new thermal transient is shown in Attachment 2.
Due to the changes made by MR 96-0069 (RCIC Reroute to Feedwater) and the aggregate of the incorporated addenda 3B, 3E, 3F, 3G , 3H , and 3J , there was a net decrease in stresses and CUF of the break points reported out on RBS USAR tables 3.6A-9a and 10a. However, this decrease is largely due to the use of Code Case N-411 damping on the dynamic transient cases. It can be seen from a comparison of the results of addendum 3J (re-evaluated dynamic load cases with N-411 damping curves) to addendum 3K (MR 96-0069 RCIC Reroute Modification) that the stresses and CUF values of break points 60AW , BW , CW (corresponds
RBG-47895 Page 4 of 4 with AX-017D Node Point 82) , 70W (corresponds with AX-017D Node point 97) , and 71W (corresponds with AX-017D Node Point 85) increased from the results of 3J. This increase is caused by the aggregate of the incorporated changes made by addenda 3B, 3E, 3F, and 3G and the change to the routing of the RCIC system.
The reason for this significant CUFs reduction should be explained in detail including:
* old/new transients curveslcycles, The load cases and thermal modes from Revision 3 ofAX-017D are located in Attachment 1. A new thermal transient was added with addendum 3K, the transient curve can be found in .
* fatigue stresseslcycles (S-N) combination summary  shows the original CUF values from AX-017D; the load combination summary and stress/CUF combinations for node points 82, 85, and 87 from AX-017D addendum 3J (implemented Code Case N-411 damping curves ; and the load combination summary and stress/CUF combinations for node points 82, 85, and 87 from AX-017D addendum 3K (MR 96-0069 and addenda incorporation)
* the method to combine the CUFs for:
o    before the change (from 1986 beginning of the operation to the modification) and o    after the change (after the modification to end of the operating license period).
The piping model analyzes the cumulative effects of postulated transients and normal operating conditions on the piping system. The change associated with MR 96-0069 added a new transient to the feedwater piping system (spurious injection of RCIC). The new thermal transient was added with a postulated number of occurrences of 10. This new thermal transient was added to the model and was added to the calculated stresses and CUF. For this change it was not necessary to break out the stresses that would have occurred before and after this modification .
If a situation were to occur where a physical change to the plant reduced the severity of a postulated transient, but that transient had already occurred X number of times prior to the physical change then that transient would need to be broken out into two different transients.
One would track or estimate the stress/usage caused by the transients that had occurred under the previous configuration and one would track the stress/fatigue due to the new postulated, but less severe transient.
RBG-47895 Page 1 of 5 RBG-47895 Attachment 1 Original Load Cases and Thermal Modes Table from AX-017D
RBG-47895 Page 2 of 5 Original Load Cases Table from AX-017D:
                .10. OR WOo NO.       OMSION & GROUP         CALCULATION NO. cvnONAL TASt( CODE    PAGE iG3 2210                    NP(C)                 AX-17D-4 REF.
5.0 WADING CONDITIONS ANALnBD 5.1 DRSCRIPTION POR LOAD CASES LOAD CASE NtlMBER                          OESc:R.lPTlON No mo\/ up:)et condi tio",        (Run 004) 1   n- P'Ll1lD TRANSIENT 'rIME H S'l'ORY (3-PUMP-TRIP) OBEI- OBE INERTIA ***** ~JPING BY STD sass SSEla SSE INERTIA .**** GROUPING BY STD SRSS 4    SRV ( lV,2V,SRVC02V) ********** GROUPING BY STD SRSS SRV (16V,SRVC016V ) *********** GROUPING BY STD SRSS Ii  CQCac CONDENS.OSCILL , CHUGGIHG ******** GROUPI~G BY STD SRSS PS- POOL SwaLL .***.****.** * ** GROUPING BY STD SRSS 8  APMS~ ANNULUS PRESSURIZATION M.S.B *** GROUPING BY STD sass APRCBm ANNULUS PRESSURIZATION R.C.B **** GROUPING BY STD SRSS 10  AP~g ~~LUS PRESSURIZATION P.W.B .*.* GROUPING BY STD SRSS OL- D~IGKT ANALYSIS: TLOADa3,( FiSS m COLDSET LOAD) 12  X-OrR OBE }UICHOR MVMTS 13  Y-OIR aBE ANCHOR MVM'l'S 14    Z-OIR OBt ANCHOR HVM'l'S 15  THERM 1- NORMAL OPERATING: (12) PPG e 420/420/'20 F RPV i 552/526/52£ 16  TBERM 2- TURB ROLL COLD: ('A-1 ** ) PPG e 70/70/70 F             RPV V 552/552/45C 17  THERM 3- BOLT-UP,LEAX TEST: (3A-i ** ) 70-100 18  THERM , - HYDROTEST: (ZA) 100-180-100 19  THERM 5- S'l'AR'!'-UP:{UP} (3A-2 .. ) 100-486 20  THZRM 6- START- UP:{UP} (3~-2) 100-486 21  THERH 7- 'l'tlRS ROLL I (U-2 ** )     70-325 22  THERM a- TURB ROLL: (4B-l+2) 180-70-325 23  THERM 9- 'l'URB ROLL: (41\-3 * * ) 325-'20 24  THERM 10- DAILY PWR REDCTN I (5-1+2 ** ) 420-354 25  'l'IU:RH u- DAILY PWR INCR : (5-3 .. ) 354-420 26  TRERM 12 c WEEKLY y~ REDCTN : (6-1+2) 420-326 27  THERM 13- l"W H'llt LOSS: ( 9-1+2) 420-352 28  THERM 14 l"W HTR RES'roRnI: (9-3) 352-420 E
29  TBERH 15- SCRAMS: (22-1+2 * * ) 420-275 30  THERM 16b PWR REDUCTN: ( 13) 420-190 31  THERM 17- HOT S'lDBY: (14A) 190-70 32  THERK 16- HOT S'lDBY: (14B-1 ** ) 190-435 33  THERM 19 HOT STDBY: (14B-2 ) 435-190 34  THERM 20a SHUT-DOWN INrTIA'.O!: (15B-l) 435-156 35  THERN 21= SHUT-DOWN IKITI~;:{UP} (15B-2) 156-395 36  THERM 22= VESSEL FLOODING: (16A-) 70-157 37  ~ 23- VESSEL PLOODING: (16A-3 ** )             167-108 38  THERM 24. VESSEL FLOODING: (16A- 4 ,,) 108-167 39  TBERH 25- VESSEL FLOODING: (16&-1+2) 149-66-152 40  THEm! 26- SHUT- DOWN, UNBOL'!': (l7A .. ) 167-100
RBG-47895 Page 3 of 5 Original Load Cases Table from AX-017D, pg. 2:
STONE " WEB~ ENG 'SERINO CORPORATION CALCULA TION SHEET I                          I                        I CALCULATIO      IOEM1FICA    ON /IlJMBER Jo. OR  WOo NO.       DIVISION & GROUP             CAl.CULATlON NO.     oPTIONAL TASK CODE            PAGE~
12210                  NP (C)                     Al\-17D- 4 5.0 LOADING CONDIT I ONS ANALYZED (COlfT'D )

FOR        ~OAD    CASES 1.OAD CASE NUMBER                              DESCRIPTION 41    THERM 27- LOSS OF PW PUHP:{UP} (20-1 ** ) 42 0-573-485 42    THERM 28- PIPE RUPTURE: ( 27-1+2) 420-259-70 43    THERM 29- START-UP: {ON} ( 3A-3 ** ) 486-70 44    THERM 30- START-UP: {ON} ( 3B-3 )                    486-180 45    'l'HERM  31& SHU'l'-DOWN tNIT!TN: {Dll} (15B-3) 395-149 46    THERM 32- LOSS OF PWP:{DN}                (20-13+14 )        485-70 47    T!!ERM 33" 'l'MODE 2 WITH P-O PSI 48    TB!:RM 34k TMODE 15 WI'l'H p c 1516 PSI 49    TRtRM 35- THODB 15 WITH P:1175 PS 50    X+Y OIR. OBE AI'CHaR MVM1"S ********** CASES 12+13 BY SRSS Sl    OBEA- X+Y+Z EAR'l"HQ1JAlI;E ANCHOR HVMTS **** CASES 12+13+14 B'! SRSS 52    SRV- (SRV MAX ) ************* CASES H5 BY MAXIMUM VALUE 53    SRSS ( SRV,r7 ) *...... ** *.*.* CASES 52+1 BY SRSS 5'    SRSS(OBtI,OCCU)- SRSS(OBEI,SRV,FT) *.* CASES 2+52+1 BY SRSS 55    OBET- ABS (OBEI + OBEA) .*.** CASES 2+51 BY ASS. SUM 56    SRSS(OBET,OCCU )- SRSS(ABS (OB.EI+OIlEA) ,SRV,F'l') .. CASESS5+53 BY SRSS 57    SRSS(OBEI,FT) ******** * * * *** CASES 1+2 BY SRSS ( FOR 9CN CARD ONLY) 58    FT- F~Uro TRANSIENT 'rIMA HISTORY(3 PUMP-~IP ) *.** (FOR 5~~ ONLY )
II 1    SEn El. '"      B t)(~ . SEn E      nn '"      RtP,O oR  ~\.tlG . smLES 0<l~t4    ~'(
* GI'J
* 2    r.~1'lLE 2. ~  ~LDE.*    SE.'T'T L E MENi ." AUX . SLt)I;o. . still..E.5 tlowl'l i1.'f * \8 ':

RBG-47895 Page 4 of 5 Original Load Cases (Emergency/Faulted) Table from AX-017D STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORA 10 CALCULA TION SHEET I                                  I CALcaATION IOENTlFICA.lION MJMBER JO. OR WOo NO.
(20-1 ** ) 42 0-5 73-485 42 THERM 28-PIPE RUPTURE: (27-1+2) 420-259-70 43 THERM 29-START-UP:
12210 REF
{ON} (3A-3 ** ) 486-70 44 THERM 30-START-UP:
{ON} (3B-3) 486-1 80 45 'l'HERM 31& SHU'l'-DOWN tNIT!TN: {D ll} (15B-3) 395-149 46 THERM 32-L OSS OF PWP:{DN} (20-13+14) 485-70 47 T!!ERM 33" 'l'MODE 2 WITH P-O PSI 48 34k  c 1516 PSI 35-P:1175 PS 50 X+Y OIR. OBE AI'CHaR MVM1"S **********
CASES 12+13 BY SRSS Sl OBEA-X+Y+Z EAR'l"HQ1JAlI;E ANCHOR HVMTS **** CASES 12+13+14 B'! SRSS 52 (SRV H5 53 SRSS (SRV,r7) *......***.*.* CASES 52+1 BY SRSS 5' SRSS(OBtI,OCCU)-
CA.L.cu ..A.lION /110-AX-17D-4 OPTIONAL TA.SK COOE S.O LOADING CONDITIONS ANALYZED (COIIT'D) 5.1 OESCRJPrION FOR LOAD CASES LOAD CASE NUMBER                                    DESCRIPTION El1tRCltHCY &. PAUl.TfD  c.DND\1 10l-\S                (Run 005) 1   n. fLUID TRAKSUIfT TIlll KUTeRY () -PUHP-TlII P I Z   OBU - 00&#xa3; ltU,RTIA * **** GRCM"ItIG BY !ITO SR!I!I 3   SSEI.:;Sf 1I1tRTIA * ** ** GROUPIHG Ill' 5TD SRSS
                          ~    51111 1l1l.ZV.5JM;OZVI . . . . . . . . . . GROUPING DY !lTD SRSS 5   'IIV Il.V.SRVC016Vl *********** GROUPING DY 'TD                       !IR~'
                          ,    COCII- COMlfHS .esCILL. L CHUGG.IHG ....... . GROUPltIG DT STD SIISS
                          ,    PS: POOL SMELL . .............. GRCM"IHG BY STD SRSS II   APttSa~ ANI'U.~    PRE!lSu:!IZATION H.S.II *** GROUPING 11'1' STD 5lI!1!1
                          ,   APRCa- AHNI..\.US PRESSURIZATIOH II.C.D . ... G1iOUPIlG eY !lTD SRSS 10   APfHB. AIIIMUS PRUSURttATlON P .K . e * *** GIIOU'ItIG 11'1' STD SIISS 11   OL.. DfAOK[l6HT ANALYSIS: TlOAD:] . '                 F~SH
* COLDSET LOADI 1:  SRVt (SAIl HAXI * *** *********** CA5tS                 ~.5    DY KAX~ VALut 13   SlI:;sI SRV.rTl .......... ....... CASES 12+1                   DY 5RSS 1~  5RSSI OIIfI .5lIV.FTI ......... C.I \Sts           hlhl       11'1' SRSS 15   SRSSIODEI.OtCEI.SRSS'OBEI.SRV.FT.COOH ....... ... .. CASES Z.llol . '                       IIY SRSS 16   SRSSISSEI.SRV.rTI .. . ........ CASE!l '.U.l Dl' SRSS 17  HAX(CQCH.PSI ............. CAStS 6.7                    Ill' ItAX VALUE UI   IIAXIAPKS!I.APlltel .. .. .... . CASts Ih9              BY HAX VALUE 19  AP. AHHl~US  PRtsS : HAJI    AP(lIS8.RCD.~Hl)I        ... CAS~S /1.'.10 11'1' HAX VALUf; ZO   SRsSlSsn.fT l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CASf S '.1 8Y       ~s Z1   SRSSIssn.OCCfl)t:SRSS[SSU.SRV.fT.IIAXICOCli.PSI I ** CASES 8'1' SRSS ZZ  5RSSISSEI.OCCfZI-sRSSISStl.FT.API ........ . ....... .. CAS&#xa3;S :1.1>19                        BY SltSS t3   SSEI. SSE l/iCRTIA ............ (CASE RfPEAn:D fOIl SlIalARY OM. YJ f4  COCH . COND!t(S.OSCYL.L L CHU!>Gltt:; ... ICASE REPUTfO fOR WIHARY Qtl.YI
(CAS&#xa3; FOR 9N CARD ONLY) 61 SRV (16V.SRVC016V) ********** (CASE REPEATED P O R 9N CARD ONLY) 2.
* JO. 12210 HP{C) AX-17D-4  
* COLDSET LOADI CA5tS DY 13 SlI:;s I SRV.rTl ..........
....... CASES 12+1 DY 5RSS 5RSSI OIIfI.5lIV.FTI  
............ CASES Z.llol.' IIY 16 SRSSISSEI.SRV.rTI  
........... CASE!l '.U.l Dl' SRSS HAX(CQCH.PSI  
......... AP.  
ZO SRsSlSsn.fT l ..................
.................. CAS&#xa3;S t3 SSEI. SSE l/iCRTIA ............ (CASE RfPEAn:D fOIl SlIalARY YJ COCH. COND!t(S.OSCYL.L L CHU!>Gltt:;  

M.JMBER Jo. 00 wo.
RBG-47895 Page 5 of 5 Original Thermal Modes Table from AX-017D STONE & weBSTER ENGIfIIEER1IIG CORPORATION CALCULATION Sr&#xa3;ET I
Jo. 00 wo. NO.        OIVlSlCXll & GROUP      CALCULATION NO.      OPTlONAl TASIC. CODE Z210                   NP (C)                 AX-17P-4 RE F.

FOR        THEB~    MODES DESCRIPTION 1    THERM 1c NORMAL OPERATING: (12) PPG e '20/'20/420 F                    RPV i 552/S28/52!
2    T8ERH 2- TURB ROLL COLD: (~-l .. ) PPG e 70/70/70 P                    RPV @ SS2/SS2/4SC 3    THlmM 3- BOLT-trP, LEAK TEST: ( 3A-l .* ) 70-100 4    THERM ,- HYDROTBST: (ZA) 100-180-100 5    THERM 5- STARr-UP:{UP} (3A-Z ** ) 100-486 6    THERM 6- STARX- P:{UP} ( 31l-2 ) 100-486 7    THERH 7- TURB ROLL: ('A-Z ** ) 70-325 8    THERM 8- TURB ROLL: ( 4B- ~2) l80-70-325 9    THERM 9c TURB ROLLI (4A-3 ** ) 3Z5-420 10      THERM 10- DAILY ~NR REDCTN : (5-1+2 ** ) 420-35' 11    TH!lRM 11- DA LY Pm IlICR r (5-3 ** ) 35'-'20 12      THERM 2- WEEKLY PWR REDCTN I (6-1+2) 420-326 13      THERM 13- FW BTR LOSS: (9-1+2) '20-352 14      TBRRM U " FW Jml RES'l'ORTH: (9-3) 352-420 15      THERM 15- SCRAMS: (22-1+2 *. ) 420-275 16      THERM 16- ~WR REDUCTN: (13) 420-190 17    ~RM 17~ b," STDBY: eltA)            190-70 18    TKERM 18- ROT STDBY: (1'B-1 ** ) 190-435 19    THtRM 19- HOT STDBY: (14B-2)            435- 90 20    THER.'6 20- SHUT-DOWN INI'l'lUN: (151\-1 ) 435-.56 21    THERM 21& SHUT-DOWN INITITN:{trP) (lSB-2) 1.56-395 22    THERM 22s VESSEL FLOODING I (16A-l ) 70-157 23    THERM 23- VESSEL FLOODING: ( 16A-3 ** ) 16i-l08 2'    THERM 24- VESSEL FLOODING: (16A-4 .. ) 108-167 25    THERM 25- VESSEL FLOOD NG : (16B-l+2) 1'9-66-152 26    THERM 26- smrr-w;I'N, UNllOLT: ( 17A .* ) 167-100 27    TH.ERM 27- LOSS OF !'VI PUMP :{trP} (20-1 .* ) '20-573-485 28    THERM 26- PIPE RUPTURE: (27-1+2) '20-259-70 29    '1'HERH 2P- START-UP: {DN) (3A-3 *. ) 486-70 30    TliER.~ 30- STAR'1'-T1PdDNl      (3B-3)        486-180 31    THERM 31~ SHVT-~I INrrrTN:{ON} (lSB-3) 395-149 32    THERH 32- LOSS OF PWP:{ON}          (20-13+14)        485-70 33    THERM 33-- 'lY.ODE 2 WlTH P-O PSI 34    THERM 3'" 'l'MODE 15 WITH P-1.516 PSI 35    TBl:RM 35- 'l'MOOE 15 WITH P-ll75 PSI
RBG-47895 Page 1 of 2 RBG-47895 Attachment 2 Thermal Transient Loss of Feed Water Pumps Aux Power Trip without Bypass and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) Injection AX-17D Rev 3K
RBG-47895 Page 2 of 2 Thermal Transient Loss of FW Pumps Aux Power Trip without Bypass and RCtC injection .
                                                      <.:. .A.;. .:X;.-.-. .:. /. .:. 7. ;:O~R:.* ;.;t;;~V~\~t>.:...J<~..L.A:J..&#xa5;#=-*.:...::IO~P 1ClC~ 17- 01 PICL AP- *1T                                                      ATTACH          u.rr A)      PAGt. 127a VPS~T'"
600 -  ~~ \TJt),v 5ZS0
                                                                                        'SZS'r -h                                              rl 525" r-500-                                                          I        1 I                              I Ii I
                                ~            ht12~                                            .1                                            I    I I                        I
                                ~  400-1 1                                                      :
I                      I
                                ~              I              .                                ,I                                        I      ,                      I
                                ~    300-      I                                                I            I                                    I                    I
1                    I i
I-I 1                                              I'            I                        I          I                  I 200 -    I                                            f                I                        I          I                I I                                                                                                  I
                            .          100-
                                                ~~~' feOOF
                                                                                            /                  L k-{5l1~R I              I I
                                                                                                                                                    ~5~ 1 -;:.~'F F F'ft FLOW -... ~r S-""8f'1                        ._--                          ".,        7
                                              ."':'9~:>':. O~ F'f'J~~,,-~t-i!ltl EVENT DESCRIPTION (",ws)~~~~.~'!..~ ~                                                                            .        ,
EVENT NUMBER                                  zo..;i.-1          2~2-2                20-2 -3 20-6"- 1 2l)-6-2 W-6-3 -ZO-1O-1 ZD * ~O-2. .2 lHo- 31 PRESSURE-PSIG                              ,,001100 HOO                                                    'HOP      1100        11QO HOO            1100 ~100 '          !
OURATION OF FINAL TEMP. -HR. 1~ : ~0l.I 012Jl 0.333                                                        oiJo&#xa3;t O.i13 0.333 0.004 0,11.3 IIJDtF. 1 NO. OF CYCLES                                    To 10 . 10                                                  10          10          iO        10      ~O      -10 i RATE OF TEMP. CHANGE-oF/HR. S~ S~
TIME - SEC.      FOR    A. n;lo\p DER'MP VELOCITY-F"t/SEC,(rit !t'i,CfS IR.CfS h1S o
                                                                                                                &TE.?    mr 625 ;)T&#xa3;.p STP blS . !
0.'lS      0 0.95 O . ~5
  ~:iJb    '@ VELOCITY-FT.lSEC,(IO',) ().~O                      o.BO                          o                        O.Bo          0          0,80  0.2,0      0          i 0.78                          o                        0.78          0          0.78  C.78      0 NQTE:
* Fl.OW IS ~crc I~(}. 'rJATE.R AND EXI515 0 L'Y                                    -. r-------------~-----------------.
DOW/.ISTREAM OF liloJl RH5 ' OIO-f,S -2 11'\                                                    THERMAL TRANSIENTS Ft.t~\J , LOOP A .                    .                                                        FEEOWATER SYSTEM (FWS).
A        12210-SK-TRI-7-A-2
RBG-47895 Page 1 of 19 RBG-47895 Attachment 3 Cumulative Usage Factor (CUF) Summaries AX-17D Rev 3 , Addendum 3J , and Addendum 3K
RBG-47895 Page 2 of 19 Original CUF from Calc Rev. 3 STONE  a W ESSlER    E~ING        CORPORATlON CALCULATION SHEET I                        I                        I CAlClA.ATlON IDENTll'lCAilON NUIIA6CR JO. OR WO, NO.        DMSION I< GROUP          CAlCULA'TION NO.      OPTIONAl TASK COOE      PAGE 22G 12210                  NP (C)                  AX-17D-'
REF, t--
OF RESULTS (ODNT'O) 9.S CUMt1LM'lVE USAGE: l'ACTOR (ClIF) 9.5. COF FOR OTHER THAN BREAK EXCLUSION AREAS                    ~e\ected. fuints ns 4 C.Uf "> '02 0    , -'
Allowable Cl1F - 1.0                  ( Ref. 1    llB-3600) l/
Node      Type ot:        Equation 12      ECJuation 13          CUI'        Remarks Point      E1Q!llent          (Re' . 1 )        ( Re!. 1) 4      ELB                30043            2.4 '15 (j,      ' 02.\2.
JO        EL~                2.~  592-          22.72.G.      -0 \44 45        El~                27084              2(0'309        '0\85 70          EL'e>              427\            2\32\          '0048 80      GRUN                  \9 .53          20541            '0178 g3        <4RVN                '\3 0~'2.        19~58            -02"8 85      ~t:LB                4(o1<DZ          2.'2 4~~        '5~ 0~
SCi      ~  E. \..'C          4(O(l,2 0        '2\ 53'2.        *5378
              .          87      GElb                43'3~O            22. s, c..      . '3598 8'?>      Gr.IJ~            \8 50S            '2.\8~2.        -0370 3.5        G~\J~              11783              '22.570        'OZ I~
                        ':>7      GRUN                18783            21000            '&deg;350
                        .5B        G'K\\~            4G, r;, 85        2.\S9S'"          '0'4\
100        E.L~              47850              1'338"            'O~O3
                        '05        ELI(,            404~S-              9\\8          '0 342
                        '0(0      G. ~\)~          '38522-            21718            *O33~
109      ~RIJ~              25\87            2.5 \51          .0173

FOR MODES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2' 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 DESCRIPTION THERM 1c NORMAL OPERATING:
RBG -47895 Page 3 of 19 Original CUF from Calc Rev. 3 pg. 2 STONE & WB3STER ENGINJ;ERING CORPORATION CALCULA TION SHEET INP (C)                 IAX-17D-4            1 CALCULATION CENTIFlCATION N~
(12) PPG e '20/'20/420 F T8ERH 2-TURB ROLL COLD:
.. ) PPG e 70/70/70 P 3-BOLT-trP, LEAK TEST: (3A-l .* ) 70-100 THERM ,-HYDROTBST: (ZA) 100-180-100 THERM 5-STARr-UP:{UP}
(3A-Z ** ) 1 00-486 (31l-2) 100-486 THERH 7-TURB ROLL: ('A-Z ** ) 70-325 THERM 8-TURB ROLL: (4B-l80-70-325 THERM 9c TURB ROLLI (4A-3 ** )
THERM 10-DAILY REDCTN : (5-1+2 ** ) 420-35' 11-DA LY Pm IlICR (5-3 ** ) 35'-'20 THERM 2-WEEKLY PWR REDCTN (6-1+2) 420-326 THERM 13-FW BTR LOSS: (9-1+2) '20-352 TBRRM U" FW Jml RES'l'ORTH:
352-420 THERM 15-SCRAMS: (22-1+2 *. ) 420-275 THERM 16-REDUCTN: (13) 420-190 b," STDBY: eltA) 190-70 TKERM 18-ROT STDBY: (1'B-1 ** ) 190-435 19-HOT STDBY: (14B-2) 435-90 20-SHUT-DOWN INI'l'lUN:
(151\-1) 435-.56 THERM 21& SHUT-DOWN INITITN:{trP) (lSB-2) 1.56-395 THERM 22s VESSEL FLOODING (16A-l) 70-157 THERM 23-VESSEL FLOODING:
(16A-4 .. ) 108-167 THERM 25-VESSEL FLOOD NG: (16B-l+2) 1'9-66-152 THERM 26-smrr-w;I'N, UNllOLT: (17A .* ) 167-100 TH.ERM 27-LOSS OF PUMP :{trP} (20-1 .* ) '20-573-485 THERM 26-PIPE RUPTURE: (27-1+2) '20-259-70
{DN) (3A-3 *. ) 486-70 30-STAR'1'-T1PdDNl (3B-3) 486-180 THERM INrrrTN:{ON} (lSB-3) 395-149 32-LOSS OF PWP:{ON} (20-13+14) 485-70 THERM 33--'lY.ODE 2 WlTH P-O PSI THERM 3'" 'l'MODE 15 WITH P-1.516 PSI P-ll75 PSI RPV 552/S28/52!
RPV @ SS2/SS2/4SC 

1 17-01 PICL u.rr A) 600 -\TJt),v 1 400-1300-I I-200 -.1 / L . 100-5ZS0 rl 525" r--1-1 -;:. F 20-2 -3 20-6"-1  
,,001100 HOO 'HOP 012Jl 0.333 oiJo&#xa3;t O.i13 10 FOR n;lo\p -DER'MP VELOCITY-F"t/SEC,(rit
9.S.1  CUP POR OTHER THAN BREAK EXCLl1S1ON AREAS Allowable CUP      s  1.0        (Ret. 1 llB- 3600 )
Node      Type of          Equation 12    EtJUlI.tio  l3      CUP          Remarki Point      Element            CRet. 1)      {Ref. 1) .
o o -
                        \\S          E.L~              447" i        22.\05          ' &deg;38(.,
0.333 iO 625 0 0 HOO 1100 0.004 0,11.3 IIJDtF. 1 ;)T&#xa3;.p ST*P -0.95 0 DOW/.ISTREAM O F liloJl RH 5'OIO-f,S-2 11'\ LOOP A . . THERMAL 
                        \ \ Co      GRI.)N            45450        2.4445 . .04'7
                        \If        G R\)\'-\          22832        '2~848          *0493
                        \ 19      G R\)~(_            4~4M>        32.~    53      '4 0 34
                        \ 'Z '2. GRUN                47GS        2'2442- *0'2.75 1'2.5"    G. R\.l N(WoIII      3~O8        32\'2.1         -0(047 140      G. 'R \l\-\(~~llI    4C,ll        2.17 SG,        .0'341 45'      ELt)                9~B4          7497          . 007.3 82      'TE.E              2~393        3 1388          -3 479 2.ScP    G ?- \) \-\          3955          17  ~53      '031g
                      ~OTE.      Fo'\' Nodes 20, 94\ ~ 143                  See. o.\t~c'n me'Ot .. 7.

RBG -47895 Page 4 of 19 Original CUF from Calc Rev. 3 pg. 3 STONE & WesTER ENGIM:fRIIIG CORPORA liON CALCULATION SHEET I                        I                      I CALClJLATION IDENTIFICATlON NIJII.IBEfI JO. OR wo. NO.       DIVISION & OROOf'         CALClLAliON NO.     OPTIONAL TASK CODE   PAGE~
fuints ns 4 C.Uf Allowable Cl1F -1.0 (Ref. 1 l lB-3600) l/ Equa tio n 12 ECJu at ion 13 CUI' Remarks Point ELB 2.4 JO 22.72.G. -0\44 45 70 EL'e> 427\
12210                   NP(C)                   AX-17P- 4 RB'.
80 <4RVN
-02"8 85 2.'2
*5378 87 GElb
: 22. s, c..
\8 50S 3.5 18783 21000 '&deg;350 .5B r;,
100 1'338" 21718 OR WO N O.
PAGE..1ll 1 221 0 NP (C) AX-17D-4 RE F.
A ll owable CUP s 1.0 (R et. 1 Node Type of Equation 12 EtJUlI.tio CUP Remarki P oint Element
: 1) {Ref. 1).
\ \
\If G R\)\'-\ 22832 G 53 0 47GS 2'2442-1'2.5" G. R \.l N (WoIII 140 G.
2.17 SG, .0'341 45'
.007.3 82 'TE.E 3 1388 2.ScP ?-\) \-\ 3955 '031g Nodes 20, 94\
m e'Ot ..

OP RESULTS (CQNT'O)                                                               -
* 0.1 NB-3600) Node Type or Equation 12 Equation 13 Remarks Point  
"(RIl!. 1) El'C  
'8042 S474 It;,  
*0'2.13 8255 G. R\)\'\
Allowable CUP
1 1 1 714&#xa3;'0
* 0.1                 (Ra!. 1      NB-3600)
\" 2-"32-.0"3704-''-3
Node         Type or           Equation 12     Equation 13           CUF        Remarks Point       ~lement            "(RIl! . 1)       (Ref. lJ ISO        El'C               \3888            '8042           'OO~5 152.        GRUN                  S474           It;, 8~<:D      *0'2.13
\'3385 '13 202-C; R\)\{ ,g, .07(;.\
                        \53        G. ~\)N              8255          \ra.503          '0202-
G. 2732.(;, -0911 s u ? '271-272. .
                        \55        G R\)~(4~~~            '3703          2zlO8          ' 04 18,
24542-.0 5
                          \5 ~      G. 'R\)N (IIlI~~      ~859          '21'2'32.       ' 0752-
                          \G. \    G. R\)\'\              <0<0 11        1714&#xa3;'0
* 0572-
: 1.
                        \" 2-     GR\JH                  G,O"37          IS 4 "32-     .0"3704-
MB:l OI/NO RD/5 6 2367 HT5 5 13 RUN !'fO.2 FOR NODE POUlTS 82. 85. 87. 100. lOS. 11.0 01' AX-170 I.oOCATION 82 OF , .SET NO.1.OAD SST DESCRIPTION.C'lCLES ,
                          ''-3     GR0N                  3~5~            ~1   738    .O2~4
                        \'n        G~\)~                1481          \'3385        *038(0     .
* z DT1 TA
                        '13        G.R\)~                  8~9           ~2.51        '02  e>\
... ----... 1. * .OOO: RON. .0: .: 0 : .0 , .0 , .0: 420.0: 420.0
202-         C; R\)\{              \'3\'2-        ,g, 50 7      .07(;.\
* RUN: .0. .0 * .0: d3RA: .0. ., 0. .0. 2 :a [)!(T. SR V FT-2 45: .000.ROlf: .0. *. 0.
2.05        G. R\J N(ilu~        ~ 307         2732.(;,       - 0911 io-- s u ? '271- 272. .
* 0 , .0 * .0 , 42,0.0: 420.0< , ROth .: 0: . D *
                        '2. \ 5     G R\)N(~",           \250          24542-           .0 5 14
* O. . '0: .0: 3 3 D WT.SRV" 2
                        '2.~0           ,,_'.'\4          \583          17525          *0&deg;40 I
* O. .0:
* 0. . o. 42.0.0: 420.0 * . 0: .1 0 * , BRA, .0: ... : .... *P. TH11D2 8. DYN'l"1'L
.0: 2;a .. 6. 18. -66.0: -14.0: 104 .. 0.
.0 , .0: ,BRA, "13.2 , 432 ** 2: -131.8, 5 5 p', THKD1S
* D'iNT'l'l<
: i.
* D. 530:0 . so. o. -60.0. 70.0. .R1JH, . 0 , .0 * .0: : BRA, 897.8. *306.2. 6 6 5, .020 dtUN. .0 , 50.0: -60.0. le.o, , ROlf: .0 , .0, , BRA. 897.8: 1095.: 5. *306.2 , 7 191: .. 020 , ROH ,
* D. 5 30.0. 50.0: -60.0. -9.0 ,
: ROlf. .0: .0: .0 , : BRA. 897.8. 1095.: 5. *306.2. 8 8 P.THMDJ4 , SRV16V . 0: 50 , 0 , -60.p: -9.0: 88.0 * , RUN * .0 , ..0. .0: :.!lRA. 897 *. 6 , -30 6 ,;2. 9 9 P.THMD35 , SRV16V 98:1.175,RUN
: .0 , 530.0 , 50.0 , -60.0. 70.0: 68.0: : ROlf. .0 , .0* .0. , BRA , 897.8: 1095.5 , -306.2: 1 0 , 10 92 , 1.1.'15,ROlf. . 0, 5 30.0. 50.0. -60.0 * -9.0. 70.0 , 88.0: .0': , 0 , .0: : B.iU'. 89'1.8 , l095.5: -306.2 , l L , 1 1 P,THMD32.SRVIV 10; .120:RON. D. 530.0. 50.0 , -11i.0: '10.0 , 95.0. ,RUN , .0', .0 ** : BAA, 897.8. 109S: 5. -306.2: l:i!
* 12 P,THMD31.SRVIV 1.5 : .200:ROlf. .0: 418 _7. 39.S, 70.0: '0.0: ':ROlf.
* D. ;0'. ,0. :BRA: 709.3. 865 *** -2.1.9, 1) :13 P,THMD:i!3
.SRVIV 126 , .0!D:RDli:
* D. 113.6: 9.3: . -20.0, *3.0. 70.0: ,RUN. .0': .0. .0', :BRA: 21 1.9. 221.. 6 , -67.6: 14 : 14 P,THMll29.
SRVlV 106.1.:l0D,RON:
.0 , 5 3 0'.0': 50.0. .0: .0 , 70'.0, 70.0:
.0 , .0', .0, ,BAA: 897.8. 1095.5. *.3 0G.2, TABU: CONTINUED 8
CLASS 1 CODE COMPLtANCS ANALYSYS MS1.01/tl4 RJ}/562J67 07/17/9' l1T55l) !'IIlJS RlIII NO.2 POEl NOOE POHns 82. 8 S. 87. 1.00. 105. 110 & 125 O F AX-1JD LOAD FOR 11 A'I' LOCATION 82 ('rBB, ---------, LOAD , , NO. OF', .S ST NO,LOAO S8T DIlSCIUPTION
, cyCL8$,
* Y * : Z
* 0T 1 D'n TB 15 , 15 P.THMD26.SRVlV 249: .O OO:RtJIII'
.0: 122.7 , 10.0,
.0 : '10.0: Jl.0:
.0: .0: .0: :BRA: 228.8: 239.4 : -73.0: 16 : 16 P.TJD(1)20,SRVlV 15: .700 ,Rln"
* 0.: 445.2 , 12 0: -1.0: 70.0, O. ;Rt1N: : 0; .0, , Q, :BRA: 754.2. 920.h -257.2', 11 : 17 1',
SRVlV 40 : 1.250,Rt1N , *. 0 .. 74 .l
* 22.3. .0: .0, 180.0.
.0, .0 , .0-: :BRA , 29 , 6' 162.6: -19. T: , 1B P *. TllMDD2, SRV1V 442: 1.100 ,'RUN , , 0 , 5)0.0: 50.0 , .0 : .0
* 70.0, 70.0: :lltlN , .'0 , .0: ;BRA, 1095.5: -305.2" 19 , 19 P,'n!MIl01 307: 1.100 : Rtm , . 0:' 371.2 , 114.), 57.0 , S. 70.0. : ROlle .0 , .0: .0 , : BRA' 15.1 , 8U*.4, 20 : 20 P.1'HMD22 .050'RUN* .. 0 , 8.9 21 t.OI 80.0. 70.0: iEl UN. .0 . .0: .0; , BAA: 203.4 : 2.11.8, -64.9; ,21 P,TIIMD08 15:L10 0 , RUN: .0 , 3'/1.. 2< 114.3; 55.0, 90.0 , 70.0, , RUN , .11. .0 ,
1 5.1, 864 ,4 :
22 70 , 1.100:'R lnl, 31.6.
27.0: 4.0: 81.0. 70.0: , RON, . 0. .0 * .0.  
-27 0.), 167.9, 21 . : 23 p , Tl!MDll .0'-31.6: 140:': 2.0: .0: 11.0: 70.0: , R.UN , .0 , .0, .0: : ORA: -210.): 767.9. -2.'/: ,24 p , nil"DU )0: 050: RU II , . 0 , 30.7: U6.6: 22.0: 3.0. 91.0: 70.0 * : Rt1N: . 0 , .0: .0 * :liRA, -262.2 C  
-2.6: 25 :25 P, nil"D21 . 700,Rlllh
.0 , 29.5, 126.8: 26.0 , 4.0: 92.0 , 70.0: : RUN , .0 , _0, , 1ll\A, -20.3 , 691-1. -2.5 , 26 ,26 P,Tl1MD27 lO: 1.335: RUN. .0: .0 , .1: 3.0, l.o: 70.0: 10.0 , .RUN. .0: .0 , .0 , .BAA. -312.1. 800.4 : 21 ,27 P. nJMD24 207: .0 50 : RUN. .0: '19.'1: 23.9 , 20.0, 3.0: 17.0: 70.0:* .RON: .0: .0, .0: 31.B, 174..8, -21.2:
'!IOTt: OBI!
ClJ\SS 1 CODB COMP LIJ'Jl'CE MEI01/N4 RB/562367 07/17/96 HT5513 RUN NO.2 FOR NODE POINTS 82 , 85, 87,. ),00.
; LON> PAIR: BQ.ll EQ.14 OCCURENCE : CYCLES LBFT : ALLO;tf. : FlITlQUE :*---...... *---t :-_.-------_ ... : ELIM-:-------------,
: USAGE : , J SP"KX/2 N-I , l NATEO r N-I N-J : N-O FACTOR: 5 17 110.618: 1.218: 70.688: 40: 4: S, S 0: 36: 1560 .0026: 8 27 1.117: 63.908. 1 1 201: 1 : 8, 8 0: 2116 .ooos. t 6 17 105.304= LG 99 1 57.86 1: 5: 3 6: S f 6, 6 0: 31:
.0017: 7 17
* I G 4.913: 1.086 J 56.954: 191! 31: 17,11 160: 3015 .0 103 : 102.164: 1,055: S3.88(O s 1: 307: 1: 4. 4 305 : 3575 .0003: 7 26 < 103.
1.0 00. 5l.661:, 160. 10*: 10: 26,26 O. 4 010 9 , 27 99 .* :no: ' 1.000: 49.655: 98: 206: 98 , 9, 9 0: 10 8 4589 : 0214: 22
: 1. 000: 48.9 44 , 150: '10: 70: 22,22 80: 0: 4782 ,01 46 1 27 t 97.096: 1.000 1 48.5 4a: 92: 108:
0: 16: 48H .0188: 7 19 96.828: 1.000; 48.414 : 80: 306: 80: 7. '7 0: l26: 4932 .0).52 ; .: 11 19 : 3:96; 1. 0'00: 42.198: 10: 226: 10: 11,11 : 729" .0014 : 13 18 83.494 1.00 , 0: 4*1.747: 126: 442 : 126; 13,13 0: 310: 7524 , 016-7 : 1..8 27 81..
40.6]9< 316 :' 16: 27,27 300, 0: B124 .00 10: 1.5 18 81.*176: , 1;o do:
249 1;,15 ' 0: 51: 8153 : .0305: 18 20 80:3 54: 1.000. +() :1.17" 51: 51: 1 8 ,18 0: 45: '8393 ,006) : 14-20 80.354; 1 ... 000: 4S, 45: 20 ,20 6l: 1 2 1 9 1 hOOO.: 3.9.44 5: 1.5: 216 : 1 5: 12,12 0:
.0017: 60.391 : 1 ., 00.0 ; lCL 197: 15: 201: 16 , 16 0: 186: 19&14 14 2S 54.9'13l 1..000 ; 27.487 : 61: 15.;, 15: 25.25 4t1.: 0 1 283M .000 5 : 1 24 38.532: I 1.000: 19.266: 46: 30: 30 1 24,24 16. 01 11 8363 .000 3 : 14 1 19 ., 3';')'!1:
1: 000: 17.17 1 , 1 6: 1.86, 16: 14,14 0; 170: 19 8889. .0-001 ; 1. :n.725: 1.GOO: 13.863: 45: 45: 1, 1 1 0: 0: 5:a87.6 .0001: 23 } .2l! 141: 1.00.0.: , 10 ..* 970 :.
99.99 :.. 17o_; J.9,19 0, 9829: >1.E6 0 21 23 20.312 , 1. 10.1.56: 15: 9829, 15: 2 1.21 0 , 9814: :>l.B' 0 2 :2 16,195: 1.000.: 8.097 1 45: 2. 2 0 ,: 0 3 1 3 1. 000 7875: 1875: 1875: ), 3 0 1 0: :>1.&6 0 TOTAL OSAGE FACTOR,.-.1543 13 

1 CODS COMPLIJ\NCS NfM.YSYS HE10l/N4 RB/S62367 01/1,/96 HT5511 PAGB lun; NO.2 FOR NODE POlN'l'S 82. 8S , 87, .100, lOS, 110 6: 125 OFAX-170 LOAD TABLE POR BO. H 2\T WC1\TION 85 (CURB) : LOA() ; : NO. OF: : SET N O:LO.I\D SET x .. y -Z
RBG -47895 Page 5 of 19 load Combinations for location 82 Tee (Break Points 60AW, BW, and CW) Addendum 3J CLASS  1. CODE COHPloUlNCE J\N"l\I.YSYS                                                                 MB:l OI/NO        RD/5 6 2367                    07/ 1 ~/96       HT55 13      P~GE 8 RUN !'fO . 2 FOR NODE POUlTS 82.             85 . 87. 100. lOS . 11.0      & rZ5 01' AX - 170 LOAD T1\IlL!o: FOR BO.           11 AT I.oOCATION 82          ('reB)
* DTl 1}T2 TB 1 1. otfl'. DY1m'L* 2 2 2 DNT.SRVPT*2 3 3 DHl',SRV*2 4 4 P,THMD28,DYNTTL p.
                            . 1.01\D
6 6 7 7 P,THMD1S,SRV16V 8 8 &#xa3;>,'l'HM034
                            . SET NO . 1.OAD SST DESCRIPTION.C'lCLES ,
, SR'I16V 9' 9 t1,THMD35,SRVI6V 10 P,TRMD3S,SRVIV 1 1 :11 ?, TRMD32,SRV1V 12 :12 P,THMD31,SRVlV 13 11,3 P, TJ.OO>23, SRVIV 14 11:4 P,tHM029,SRVlV 15 :15 P,'IHMD26 , SRVIV 16 P, TJ.D;ID20 , SR.V1 V 17 ;17 P,THMDOt , SRVIV 18 :18 P,THMD02,SRV1V 19 .19 'P,THl<ID07 20 :20 P,THMI>22 21 ;23, P,YNMD08 22 ,22 P.THMD14 23 :23 P, t1!MDl.l :24  J 25 , 25 P,THMD21 26 : 26 27 .27 P.1'HMD 2 4 : , r: I. 45: .00 0: 45: .000; 7875 .000 1 1 .0 20; 4: .021h .020 1.91 1 .020. 1:1.516.: 9811.175:
: NO. OF ,
92:1.175: .OSO, 106: 1.100: 249 1 .000: 15: .700: 40 1 1.250 , 442 1 1.100, 307,1.100
P    s LEO.     X *     ,     y  *   ,   z  .   , DT1      DT4        TA              'm t--------~----------------------
: 96, ;050, 1 5:1.100: 70: 1.100: 9999,1.100:
1 CMT"Dnn'TL*2.
15: .700: 10: 1.335 207: .050! .0; .{); .0 413.2 , 8 9 7.8: 897.8 897.8: .0: .0 , -118*.4 -1l8. -116.4..: .0: .0 :
45 ;.
: -H1.6. -411.6: -otl1d" U1.8, -118'.4 1 -411.61 897 , 81 -118.4: -411.6: 897.8: -411.6. 891 , 8: -118.41 -411.6:  
                                                                                        .OOO : RON .
-93.6, -325.2: 21 1.9: -24.6', -71.7: 897.11. -U8.4*: -411.6: 228.8: -26!6: -77.4: 754.2: -99.5: -345.8: 29.6: -8.6: -88.8: 897.8: -118.4: -411.6: 75.1 , -46..-3: -505 ,'0,' '203.4; -23.7: -68.8: 75.1: -46.3: -505.0, -'2 70.3 c -16.6: -546.5: -270.3: -16.6: -546.5: -262.2: -16.1: -530 , 1,: -243.3: -14.9: -491.9: -312.1: -25.8: -591.5: 31.8: -9 , 3; -95.5. . 0 .0: -57.0 1 -36.0. -36.0: -36.0 1 -36.0 1 -36.0: -36.0 ,
                                                                                                                          ! --~---.-----~ --, - ------- - ----------- - ------- ~
-30_0: -.13 , 0: .0: -3.0: -36.0: .0: .0: 31.0 , 15.0 , 1.0: 16 , 0: .0, '-10.0, -S.Ul -5.0l -5 , 0. -5.0: -5.0: -S.D. -2.0: -4.0: -2.'0 : .0: : 0 , -5.0: .0: .0: 4.0: 3.0: 4.0: .0: : J.O , .0 : 2.0, 420.0!
                                                                                                                                            . 0,       .0,       .0:   420 . 0 :        420 . 0
70.0. 70.0: 10 t O: 70.0 1 10.0, 70 , O t 70.0 , 70.0: 70.0: 70.0: 70;: 0 180..0: 10;0: 70.01 70..0:
: 1. *                                                                      .0:           .:0 :
70'. 0, ']0.0: 7(1 ,"0.: 71).0: 70.0: 70.0: 420.0 , 420.0 , 420.0', 70.0 l 10[' 0: 70 0; 10.0, 10 70;0: 10'.0: 70.0.: 10.0: 70.0, 180.0: 0.0 , 70.0: 70.0: 70.0: 70.0: 70.0: 70.Q; 70,0: 70.0: 70.0: "110TE: OSE J>.ND SAM MOMBNTS ARB INCLODED IN RANOB VJU,UE CALCULATIONS NOT THESE SINGLE SET COMBWED MOMENTS. 1 4 CLASS 1 COOS o:lHPLIAl'(CE ANALYSYS R8/S62367 HT5513 PAGE NO.2 liODB POIN1'S 82, 87, 100, lOS , 110 &. :l2S OP AX-17&#xa3;>
* RUN :         .0.           .0 *          . 0:
d3RA :         .0 .           .,0.         .0.
* CYCLES LEFT , FATIQoE :-------------t ELIH-:-_.--.---.---, CYCLES: : J SPTU./2 !
2      :a  [)!(T. SRVFT-2                45:      .000 . ROlf:           .0.           *.0.         *0 ,        .0 *      .0 ,  42,0.0 :         420 . 0 <
N-I : ! ..  
: Ot
... ___ ..... ____ .... _____ _____
                                                                                                , ROth                        .:0:         . D*
* _________________
:BRA :
: 5 26 122.449: l.138: 69.654 : 4' 10: 4, 5, 5 0: 6 : 1624 .0025: 6 26 106.705. 1. 000. 53.353 ; 6. 5. 6 , 6 OJ I. 3686 .0 014: 7 26 106.629: 000; S3.31''''* 1911 l' 1: 26,26 190= 0: 3694 .00'031' . 7 22 103.506: 'l.. 190: 7tl l 10: 22,22 120 0.: 4041 .0173: 7 24 102.375 , 1.000. 5 1.181t: 120: 30 i 30: 24 , 24 90l O. 4l8(; , .o on: 23 99.903: 1. 000 49.952: 90: 90: 7, 1 O* 9909: 4512 .OH9: 4 .: 23 99.293: 1.000: 49.646: l' 9909: 1: 4 , .. 0: 9908': 4591 .0002: , 25 98.41:0: "1..00 0: 49.20sJ: 1: l S j 1 : 8, e 0 1 14 : 4110 .0002: '3 ; 25 93.735: 000: 016.868.,. 14: 14 25,25 84: 0: 5-411 .0026: 11 : 23 91.062: 1.000: 45.531.: 10; 9908: 10: 11, 1 1 0: 9 898: 5816 .0011: 9 : 27 89.150: 1. 000: 44.815', 84 , 201. 9 , 9 123 ; 6124 .0131:. 10 : 27 87.926: 1.000: 4.3. 92; 123: 92; 10,10 0: 31: 6493 .0 1.4 2: 12 23 84.3 95 , 1.00Ot 42.197;, lS: !l898: 15', 1.2 ,12 1 0; 9883: 7298 .0 02 1: 16 23 81. 435. 1.000 e 40.711 , I S: !l88]: IS , 16,16 0: 9868: 8080 .0019: 18 27 77.67 1 , 1.000; 442: 31.: 31: 27 , 21 411: 0: .00')3: 18 23 '1 4.465: 1. 000: 37.233:: 411: 9868 : 4ll ,: 18,18 9457: 1 0520 .1}391: 14 23 74.4'65: 1.0001 37,233.: 106: 9-451: 106: U., 14 0: 9351 : 1 0520 .01 0 1: 1.000: 3i.S25: . c 13 23 63.650: 126: 9351: 126: 13,13 0: 9225: 1 6778 .G07S: 15 ,: 23 ,: 62 , 078: 1,000: 31..039: 249: 9225 ; 249: 15',15 0: 1 8073 .Oll8: 20 2) 59.884: 1. 0 0 0:
* O.           . '0:         .0:
96: 8976: 96: 20,20 0: 8 8 80: .004.8: 1. 1 43.433 , 1.000, 21.716 1 45: 45: 1.. 1 (), 0: 12123 .0006, 1 7 23 40.325: LOOO: 20.162: 40: 8880: 40 r 17,17 c: 8840: 961140 .0004: 21 \ 23 28.791,: 1 ,000;, 14,39&: 15: 8840:
78"75: 1           sRtnft                        . ,O J                              . o.
0, 8625: 4 40221 .OQ,OOI. 19 28.791: 1. 000: 1 4.396: 307. 8825: 307 1 19,19 0 , 8518, 440221 .0007: 2 2 15.333: LOOO: 7.667: 45: 45 , 45: 2 , 2 c: 0: ", 1.86 ) 14
3        3 DWT.SRV " 2                              ~ooo
* 85'S : l..000; 7;4.27, 7875: 7875: 7875: 3. 1 0: 0: 0 M. __ ___
* O.                         .0:
* ______________
* 0.             42.0.0 :       420 . 0
* zROU:           . 0:           .10 *         . /l<
________ TOTAL USAGE FACTOR-.16S3 17 CLASS 1 coDe COMPLIANCE RB/S62361 07/17/96 Hr5513 PAGE RUN NO.2 FOR NODE POINTS 82. 85, 67, .100 , 105, 110
                                                                                                , BRA,          .0:            ~ o:          , Pi
* 125 OFAX-l7D LON> TABLE FOR EQ.ll AT LOCATIO .. ' 87 (CURE) : " 0. OP: y
                                    ... : . ... *P. TH11D2 8. DYN'l"1'L          1. .. . 020 . ROH.            . 0:     2;a .. 6.     18 . I..   - 66.0:   - 14 . 0 :    70.011        104 .. 0 .
* Z 171'1 0'12 3 4 5 t 6 8 9 10 11 :-12 13 1-4 1S :-L6 17 18 19 20 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 nt.'T, DYNTTr.* 2 2 DPlT,SRVPT
o:R.UN:        .0 ,          -1&deg; :         .0:
*2 3 D'WT,SRV-2 4
                                                                                                ,BRA,                    432 ** 2 : - 131 . 8, "13 . 2 ,
5      5 p', THKD1S
:10 P,'l1!MD35,$RVIV
* D'iNT'l'l<            i .   . 020. : RUNI
* D.     530:0 .       so. o.    -60 . 0.   - 9 .0 ,     70.0.          88 . 0J
:12 P,TRMD31,SRVIV 13 P, SR,Vl V : 14 P,THMD29 SRVIV : 15 P.THMD2&.SR V 1V ;1 6 P,THMD20,SRVIV
                                                                                    ,.         .R1JH,
:17 P,TRMD04,SRV1V
: BRA,
:18 P,THMD02,$RVIV
                                                                                                                .0, 897 . 8.
;19 P: TRMD01 :20 P, TIOO>22 ; 21. P, 111MI>06 : 22 P,'I'H HDH : 23 P, THMDll 45: .00 0: 45; .000; 7875 *. 0 00. 1: .020: 4 1 t .02 0: S: .0lO 191; .020: 1.1.516: 98:1.115: 92.1.175: 10: .IZ0: 15: .200: 12(;, .050:
249 , .000:'; 1.5&#xa3; .1 0Q: 40;1.25Q: '\42 1 1.10 0:
lO 9 S~S :
96: .05 0.1 15: 1.10o.i 70 :1.1 00: '9997 1 1.1.00: 30,1.050. 15: .100 , 10 1 1.335':
* 306 . 2.
.050: .0: .0 , .0: .0: .0: .0: .0: .0;, .O! 34.31 -3 17.9, 66 . .11 -6419.7: '*359.0: '049.7: -359.0. 66:1., -649.7: -3S9.0: 66.11 -6oU. 7;, -3 59.0': -64 9.7t 1)6.1.. -649. -3S 9.(}! -649.7: -359:0: 52.2: -513.3: -283.6: 17.6, -163.0: 66.1: -64 9.7: -359;0: 19.0: -1 16.0:', .83.'1: 55.5 1 -545.7: <l.3: -24.5': 66.1: -6 49.7: -359.0: -1.3. 76.7: -119: 2: 1 6.9: -15 6.5: 76.7: -119.2: -30,2: 38].9, -21.;0: -30.2: 383.9: -21 ,0: -29., 3: 372 , 4;; -20 *. -21.2: 345.5: -18.9: -47.1 , 449.7: -lO c 4: 2.5: -2.1, -26.3; .0: .0 , .0: -415.0: -21.0: *21.0: -21..0 , -:n , o: -21.0: -21.0: -21. 0, -8.0: .0 : .0', -25.0: . 0; .17.0: 12.0: 17.0. 8.Q*, l.0: 1l .
12.0: 2.0: 8.0: .0; .0 , .0: -8: 0: -].0 1 -3.0; -3.0: -3.0: -3.0 ,! -1.0: -3.0, -l.O: .d: .0:
6       6  P ,THMD ~ S,SRVFT 5, .020 dtUN .
,0.: , Ch 3.0) 2:0 .. 3:0:
                                                                                                , ROlf:
.o! 2 .0: 420.0: 420.0 420.0: 70 11: ' 70.0: 70 , 0: ' 70..0:
                                                                                                                .0 ,
70.0: ' 1 0 , , 0: 70','0 t: 70'., 0:: 1110 ,. 7&deg;.*,P*1 711 *. 0 ,: ' 81. 0: 75.0; 70.0:
                                                                                                                .0, 530.'0 1
7 5.0; 420.0: 420.0: 420.0; 103.0: ' 80.0 p 0:. 80.0: ' 80 ,0: ' 80.0; 94.0: 91.0:" 15.0; : 70.0: 70.0.'4.0; . lB O.O: . 70.0. 10.0:
                                                                                                                              . :O !
70.0..: 10.0 , , 10.0; . 70 , 0.:-10.0: 70.0: . 70.0 , _______ _____________ __
50.0 :
* _______ ____________JiND ARB RANGB NOT 18 Cl.J\SS 1 COOB RB/56236"1 07/17/S6 HT5513 PAGS RON NO.2 NODE POINTS 82. as, 87, 100, 105, 110 << 1 25 OFAX-l70 SUlofllARY OF CALCULATIONS OP CUMlJLA TIVE USAOE: F1\CTOR 1\1' LOCNr ION 87 ICO!tE) OCCURBNCE , ,CYC'L&#xa3;S
                                                                                                                                            . 0,
:---------1 : I : J S-P Sp*KE!2 N-!: N-J: > IN1\TED: N-! : N-J: N*D . ___ ... _____________
                                                                                                                                                    - 60.0.     - 9.0.       70 .. 0 : '    le . o,
_ . __________ __________ 26 6 24 ., 24 26 8 25! 7 1 !. 7 22 25 4 23: 23 1'12 23 9 23 : 1 16 1 23 2] " : ' 18 : 23 : 14 23 " 13 23 : 15 23 :' 20 23 27 1 1 21 23 19' 1 23 2 2 3 3 116.4481 1 07.3 63: 101.052: 106.937. 103 , 054: 102.8 08: 10L39S. 99.4404: 97.942: 97.1S9: 88.400: 87.226: 86.759: 8 4.963: 75.581: 75.5 81: 56.410: 54.364 : 53.66 1: 4 1..342; 34.312: lO.989: 28.168: 28 ,'169. 14.5 04 : 13 .928: 1.032: 1. 000: 1.000: 1.000 , 1.000: 1.000, 1.000: 1.000; 1.000: 1.000: 1.000: LOOO, l.OOO: 1 , 000.:-1. 000: .OQO: 1.000, 1,000: 1.000 , 1.000: 1. 000 00.0: OO'O l 1.000: 1.QOO.' 60.069: 53.661: 53.526: 53.469: 51.. 527: 5 , 1.404 : 50.'99, 49 , 732, 48.971: 48.580: 44.200 : 43.613 : 43.379: 42.492., 37.791: 37.191: 28.205: 27 .182 26.831:
                                                                                                , BRA . 897 . 8 :  1095.:5 . *306 . 2 ,
: 17.156: l.S.495r 14.384 ; 14.384: 7 , 25 2 F 6.9 61: 4: 5: 191: 166 , 1: 160: 90. 16: 1: 10: 1.$; 98 : n ,
7        7 P"THKD1S,SRV16V                191 : . . 020 , ROH ,
106, 126: 249: 96, 8673: 45 : 40: 1 5 ! 307: 4 5; 7 815: 0: 30: 25: IS': 1.4 : 9999: 9923: 992.h 991 2: 9897: 9799; 9784: 9692: 9250 , 9 1 44 : 90 1 8: 8769: 207: 8466: 8436: 8411 : 45: 187 5: 4: 5, 5 6, 6 2si 2'1.24 : 61 76,26 1: 6, 8 22.22 14: , 25,25 76: 7, 7 1: .c, .;
* D. 5 30 . 0 .     50 . 0 :   - 60.0 .    -9.0 ,       70 . 0 1      88.0.
15: 12,12 98:: 9 , S 15:; 16,16 92:' 1 0,10 442: , 18, 1 8 106 , 14,14
: ROlf .        . 0:           .0 :         .0,
* 126: 13, 13 4 9: 15 ,15 96, 20,20 201: 27,27 45; 1, 1 4 0: 11,17 15: '21,21 307:'19,19 45: 2 ,. 875; 3, 3 0: 6: 0: 1 66, 0: 160: Q: 0: 1 4: 90: 0; 76: 0: 0; 9923 , 0: 9922 , 0; 9512; 0-: 9891 , O t 9799: 3 617 t 364 3661 1 4102' 4132 4312 4569 4885' : 0: *97U: 6745: 0: 9692; : O t 0': 0: 8466 : 0;' 0: 0.:. 0': 0: 0, 92S0: 1006 4 91H t : 9018: 25549 9769: 29585 ' 8673 31 15 3 : 0: 8 , 7718': 0/
: BRA . 897 . 8 . 1095.:5 . *306 .2.
842&, 315988 84 11: 441344-810ot: 441844 O.
8      8 P . THMDJ4 , SRV16V                1 : ~ ~ 516 : ROl'f :        . 0:     530 ,. 0 :      50 , 0 ,   -60 . p :  -9 . 0 :    70 . 0 ~      88 . 0 *
E6 0; E6 TO!'M. USAGE
                                                                                                , RUN *        .0,            ..0 .         .0:
.0014 : . 0068 .001 6: .000l:
:.!lRA . 897 *.6 , 1095 ,..5 , -306 ,;2 .
.0032: .OI66! .0002 , .0020: .00:l3: .0148: .0022: .0129: .04.19: .0105: .0G49 , .OG84; .00 31 : .0024 : .0002: .00 0 1: .O ,O OO t .0007: o o .1572 21 
9      9 P . THMD35 , SRV16V              98:1.175,RUN :                 .0 ,     530 . 0 ,      50.0 ,    -60 . 0 .   -9.0 1      70 . 0 :       68 . 0 :
: ROlf .        .0,           .0 *          .0.
                                                                                                , BRA ,    897 . 8 : 1095 . 5 , -306 . 2 :
10     , 10     P.THMD35 , SRV~V              92 , 1.1.'15,ROlf .            . 0,     5 30.0 .       50 . 0.   -60 . 0 *  -9 . 0.     70 . 0 ,      88 . 0 :
                                        ,                                                      e RtJN :
: B.i U'.
                                                                                                                . 0' :        ,0, 89'1 . 8 , l095 . 5 : -306.2 ,
l L  , 1 1 P,THMD32.SRVIV                    10 ;                              D. 530.0 .             50.0 ,                 -2 J01
                                                                                        .120:RON .                                                -11i.0:                  '10 . 0 ,      95 . 0 .
                                                                                                ,RUN ,         . 0' ,        . 0 :         .0**
: BAA,    897 . 8 . 109S : 5 . -306.2:
* 12 P,THMD31 . SRVIV                  1.5 :   .200:ROlf .            .0 :     418 _7 .        39.S,     - 4.0.0:   - 6 .0 ,    70 . 0:
                                                                                                                                                                                            '0.0 :
                                                                                              ' :ROlf.
* D.           ;0'.         ,0.
:BRA :    709 . 3 . 865 ** * -2.1.9,
: 1)    :13 P,THMD:i!3 . SRVIV                126 ,      .0!D:RDli :
* D. 113.6:            9 . 3: . -20.0,
* 3 .0 . 70. 0 :        7 7.0 :
                                                                                                ,RUN.           . 0' :        .0 .         .0',
:BRA:      21 1. 9 . 221.. 6 ,    -67.6:
14    : 14 P,THMll29. SRVlV                106.1.:l0D,RON:                  .0,     5 3 0'.0' :     50 . 0.         .0:        .0 ,    70'.0,        70.0:
s ROU:          .0,           . 0' ,        . 0,
                                                                                                ,BAA:     897 . 8 . 1095.5 . *.3 0G . 2,
                            --- -- ------ - ----._--- - - - -- --------- -- -- - - - ------------ - -- - - - - -- - - ----- - -- - --------------- - ---~- - - -- - - -

AX-lID REV. 3K A TI ACHMENT " 0" PAGE 6 4 O F 156 CLASS 1 coce OOMPLlAl l CE .ANAL YSYS ME1C1/Wt 00/18/91 PAGE FOR rolin'S S2, SlI, lOO, 1(1), 110 , 12' O F LOA!) 'U'.BJ.&#xa3; FOR EO. 11 AT IiXI\1'1OiJ 32 __ _____ ________ _ .tQ. : SE.r NO:LD .* SET D&#xa3;:;aui'TIClI:CYC'LI!S:
RBG-47895 Page 6 of 19 Load Combinations for location 82 Tee (Break Points 60AW, BW, and CW) Addendum 3J pg. 2 CLASS 1 CODE COMPLtANCS ANALYSYS                                                            MS1.01/tl4    RJ}/562J67                    07/17/9' l1T55l)       !'IIlJS ,
P :LLG , 7:" . y -on 01'2 11.. Til -------, 1 1);,"'l',OYm'?L'2 4', .OOO:RJW: .0 , .0: .0: .0: \.20.0:
RlIII NO.2 POEl NOOE POHns 82. 8 S. 87. 1.00. 105. 110 & 125 OF AX-1JD LOAD nBLI!      FOR EO . 11 A'I' LOCATION 82 ('rBB,
tRU}l: .0; : BRA. .0: .0, 2 2 1)I."'l', SltllM'<-2 as: .OOO:RllN:
                              .. --------- .. . -----------~-----------
.0: .0, .0: .0: .0, !:20.0:
                              , LOAD ,                             ,NO . OF',
.0. .0: .0: :5RA: .0: .0: .0: 3 DRT,SRV'2
                                                                                  - ---- -- ----- --------- ----------------.----~-------------.--------
'$(5: .OOO:RUN:
                              .SST NO,LOAO S8T DIlSCIUPTION , cyCL8$,              P  ,:LEGl      :x *    :   Y * :       Z
.0: .0: .0: .0: .0: 420.0 *
* 0T1        D'n        1'1.     TB
* o. .0: .0:  
:---- ----~-- - ------------------------ --------- ---- --- - - ----------------------------------- -- -------- -:
.0. P, I!!!m3e , tJn,'tTl,
15    , 15 P.THMD26.SRVlV            249 : .O OO:RtJIII'          .0:   122 . 7 ,    10 .0,    -l.a:         .0 :    '10.0:   Jl. 0 :
.0: -H.O: 70.0: 94.0: : RUN: .0: .0: 1 :BAA: 9'5.3: 1081.8, -l06.S, 5 P, 'laI!U!, $iWrT S,L0 5 0.Rl'll. .0. 664,1: 60.2:
dUIN:          .0:          .0:       .0:
:BRA:     228.8 :     239 . 4 : -73 . 0:                     1                   I 16    : 16 P . TJD(1)20,SRVlV          15 : . 700 ,Rln"
* 0.:  445.2 ,      12 0 :  -49 . 0 .. -1 . 0 :    70 . 0, ~17. O.
                                                                                      ;Rt1N:          :0 ;        .0,      , Q, 11    : 17 1', TI~04, SRVlV
40 : 1.250,Rt1N ,
754 . 2 .
                                                                                                    * . 0 ..
920 . h -257 . 2',
74 .l
* 22 . 3.      .0:
                                                                                                                                                    .0,    1.50,0,  180.0 .
IRUNt          . 0,          .0,      . 0-:
:BRA ,      29 , 6 '    162.6:    -19. T:
18    , 1B P *.TllMDD2, SRV1V        442: 1.100 ,'RUN ,            ,0,    5)0 .0:      50 . 0 ,    .0 :      .0
* 70.0,    70 .0 :
:lltlN ,        .'0 ,        . 0:      .0 ,
                                                                                      ;BRA,      8~1 . B :  1095.5 : -305 . 2"            I*
19    , 19 P,'n!MIl01                307: 1.100 : Rtm ,          . 0 :'  371 . 2 ,  114 . ) ,  57. 0 ,    S.O~      ~7.0 . 70.0 .
: ROlle        .0 ,          . 0:      .0,
: BRA '    15.1 ,      8U *.4,    - ~2 . 2',
20    : 20 P.1'HMD22                    9G , .050'RUN *            ..0 ,  10' . 1,      8.9 I  21 .o~      t . OI    80.0 . 70.0:
iElUN .        .0 .          .0:      .0;
                                                                                      , BAA :    203. 4 :    2.1 1 . 8, -64 . 9 ;
n    ,21 P,TIIMD08                    15:L100 , RUN :            .0,    3 '/1.. 2< 114 . 3;    55 . 0,    8 . 0 1'  90 .0 ,  70.0,
                                                                                      , RUN ,        . 11.        .0,      .OJ
                                                                                      , 8RJ\:    1 5.1,      864 ,4 :  -91.2:
22    : 22 P,THMD14                    70 , 1.100:'Rlnl,          :0;      31.6. 140.9;      27 .0:      4 .0:      81.0. 70 . 0:
                                                                                      , RON,          . 0.          .0 *      .0.
                                                                                      ~DRJ\:  - 27 0. ) ,    167.9,      -2.7:
21 . : 23 p , Tl!MDll                '999 :' 1.100<R~:            .0 '-    31 . 6 : 140:':      2 .0:        . 0:    11 . 0:  70 . 0:
                                                                                      ,R.UN ,        .0,          .0,      .0:
: ORA:  -210.):        767.9.      -2.'/:
2~  ,24 p , nil"DU                    )0: 1. 050 : RUII ,        .0,      30 . 7:  U6.6:      22.0 :      3 . 0. 91.0:    70 . 0 *
: Rt1N :        .0,          .0:      .0 *
:liRA,  -262.2 C      744.',      - 2.6:
25  :25 P, nil"D21                    15 : . 700,Rlllh            .0,      29 . 5,  126.8:      26. 0 ,    4 . 0:    92 .0 ,  70 . 0 :
: RUN ,        .0 ,          _0,      .0,
                                                                                      ,1ll\A,  - 20.3 ,      691- 1 .    - 2.5 ,
26  ,26 P,Tl1MD27                    lO: 1.335 : RUN .          .0:          .0,      .1:    3 . 0,    l.o:      70 . 0:  10 . 0 ,
                                                                                      .RUN .          .0:          . 0,      .0, 21    ,27 P. nJMD24 L      .BAA .
207 : .0 50 : RUN .
                                                                                                - 312.1 .
800 . 4 :
                                                                                                                '19 . '1:
                                                                                                                            -~ . 2 ,
: 23. 9 ,  20.0,      3.0:
17 . 0 :  70 . 0 :*
                                                                                      .RON :          . 0:          . 0,      .0:
                                                                                      ~ BRA I    31.B,      174. . 8,  - 21 . 2 :
RBG-47895 Page 7 of 19 CUF Summary for location 82 Tee (Break Points 60AW, BW, and CW) Addendum 3J ClJ\SS 1 CODB COMPLIJ'Jl'CE Jl.NM,YSYS                                                              MEI01/N4        RB/562367                    07/17/96 HT5513  P~GE 13 RUN NO.2      FOR NODE POINTS 82 , 85, 87,. ),00.              105,    no    &. 125 OFAX- 17D S~Y        OF  CALC'UL1>.l*tO~S  OF CUMULATIVB USAGB f"ACI'OR AT LOCATION 82 (Tim)
            .-------------- - --~~~ --- --- , ---- --- ------------- ---- --- - - --------- - --- - --- ------- --- ------ -------------
            ; LON> PAIR :      BQ.ll                        EQ. 14        OCCURENCE                        SET : CYCLES LBFT : ALLO;tf. : FlITlQUE
:*--- ...... *---t                    K-8                    :-_. ------ -_ ...    ; N      : ELIM- :-------------, CYC~S : USAGE :
r , J              s-p
                                    - ____
* __ L _______________
SP"KX/2 ___ ____N- I    ,
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N-J    :
___________    __  _____ r __N-I _______________
                                                                                                            ~      .~  ~~
:                  ,! FACTOR::
N-J : N-O __________
5      17    110. 618 :        1.218:      70 . 688 :        4r        40:        4:    S, S          0:    36 :    1560  t    . 0026 :
8      27    1l4 . 4Q9~        1.117:      63.908.            11      201:        1:    8, 8          0:  201> ,    2116      .ooos.
6      17    105.304=          LG99 1      57.86 1:          5:        36 :      Sf    6, 6          0:    31:      28'12      .0017:
          ,                                                    56.954:                                                              O~
7      17
* I G4. 913 :        1.086 J                      191 !        31:      31 ~  17,11        160:                3015      .0103 :
                  ... !  III ~ 102.164:          1,055:      S3.88(O s          1:      307:        1:    4. 4          o~  305 :      3575      .0003:
7 I 26 < 103. 3l2~              1.000 .      5l.661:,        160 .        10*:    10: 26,26          150~        O.      4 010      ,002 5:
9 , 27          99.* :no: '    1.000:      49.655:          98 :    206 :      98 ,    9, 9          0:  108 ~      4589      : 0214:
7      22      97.8'88~        1. 000:      48 .944 ,      150 :        '10 :    70: 22,22            80:      0:      4782      ,0146 1
                ~o        27 t    97.096:        1 . 000 1    48 .5 4a:        92:      108 :      92 : 10,10              0:    16 :      48H        .0188:
        "        7      19      96 .828 :      1.000;      48.414 :          80 :    306 :      80:      7. '7 I        0:  l26:      4932      .0).52 ;
          . : 11          19 :    8~. 3:96;      1. 0'00:    42 .198 :        10:      226:      10: 11,11              o~  ~16 :      729 "      . 0014 :
13 I 18 !          83.494 'i      1.00,0:      4*1.747:        126:      442 :    126 ; 13,13              0:  310:      7524      , 016-7 :
1..8      27      81.. 278 ~ :    l~OOO:      40.6]9 <        316 :'      16 :    l6 ~  27,27        300,        0:      B124      . 0010:
1.5      18      81.*176 : ,    1 ;odo:      40 .588 ,      2409 :    300~    249 t 1;,15            ' 0:    51:      8153 :    . 0305:
18        20      80:3 54:        1.000.      +() :1.17 "      51 :        96 ~    51 : 18 ,18            0:    45:      '8 393      ,006) :
14-      20      80.354; .'  I 1 ... 000:  4(L~77 :        106 ~        4S,      45 : 20 ,20          6l :      o~      8393  l
12        19      7B.8~1~ 1        hOOO. :      3.9. 44 5:      1.5 :    216 :      1 5 : 12,12            0:  201.      88~O      . 0017:
H    I ts        60.391 :        1 .,00.0 ;  lCL 197:        15 :      201:      1 5~ 16 , 16            0:  186:    19&14
* OOOS ;
I 14        2S      54 . 9'13l      1..000 ;    27.487 :        61:        15.;,    15: 25.25            4t1.:    01    283M        . 0005 :
            ~ ~4 1 24            38.532: I        1 . 000:    19 . 266:        46 :        30:      30 1 24,24            16.      01  118363        . 0003 :
I 14 1 19 .,          3';')'!1:        1:000 :      17.17 1 ,        16 :      1.86,      16: 14,14              0;  170:  19 8889.      . 0-001 ;
1        1.    :n.725:          1 .GOO:      13 . 863 :      45 :        45:      ~S:      1, 1  1        0:      0:  5:a87.6        .0001 :
                ~9        23 }    .2l ! 141:      1. 00.0.:,  10 ..*970 : . 170~    99.99 :.. 17o_; J.9,19              0,  9829:  >1 .E6        0 I 21          23      20 . 312 ,      1. ooo ~    10.1.56:        15:    9829,      15: 2 1 .21              0,  9814:  :>l.B'        0 2        :2 !    16,195 :    I  1.000.:        8 . 097 1      o!l5,      <45:    45:      2. 2          0,:    0: >1 . &6        0 3 1 3          15 . 242 ~      1. 000 ~      '1.621:    7875:      1875:    1875:      ), 3          01      0 : :>1.&6        0
            ---- -- ---------- - - ----~-~---- -~------.~-- --~----------~-- -. -- ------- ------------. --- - - ~-- -------------
TOTAL OSAGE FACTOR,.-            .1543
RBG-47895 Page 8 of 19 Load Combinations for location 85 (Break Point 71W) Addendum 3J ctASS 1 CODS COMPLIJ\NCS NfM.YSYS                                                        HE10l/N4        RB/S62367                      01/1,/96 HT5511      PAGB 14 lun; NO.2 FOR NODE POlN'l'S 82. 8S , 87, .100, lOS, 110 6: 125 OFAX-170 LOAD TABLE POR BO. H          2\T WC1\TION 85        (CURB)
: LOA() ;                              :NO. OF :
: SET NO:LO.I\D SET      DBSCRr~IOt-l : CYCI.SS :    p        x ..        y -          Z
* DTl        1}T2          TA        TB
                      ! -~ - ----~-- - -------~----- -- ------------------------------------------- - ---- --- ----- - ---- --~--- - --:
1    1. otfl'. DY1m'L* 2            45 : .000 :          . 0;        .0 :        .0;        .0:          . 0,  4.20 . 0:  420 . 0 ,
2    2 DNT.SRVPT*2                  45 : .000 ;          .{);        .0:        .0:        .0~          .0,    420 . 0 !  420 . 0 ,
3    3 DHl',SRV*2                7875 I . 000            .0 f        .0,        .0 :      .0:          .0,    920.0:    420.0' ,
4    4 P,THMD28,DYNTTL        :,      1 1 .020;      413 . 2 , -48.0 : -~39.8 :        -57.0 1    '-10.0,        70.0 . 70.0 l 5    5 p. 'l'HMtl15 , VYN'ITL          4: .021h      897.8: -118*.4 ! -H1.6.            -36.0.      -S.Ul        70. 0:    10[' 0:
6    6 ~,THHD1S , SRVFT        r:          . 020    897 . 8    -1l8 . ~: -411.6:      - 36.0:      - 5.0l      10 t O:    70 0; 7      7 P,THMD1S,SRV16V            1.91 1 . 020.      897.8: - 116.4.. : - otl1d"        - 36.0 1    - 5 , 0.      70.0 1    70 ~ 0 ,
8      8 &#xa3;>,'l'HM034 , SR'I16V          1:1.516.:      U1.8, -118'. 4 1 -411.61          -36.0 1      -5.0:        10.0,      10.0, 9 '    9 t1,THMD35,SRVI6V              9811.175:        897 , 81 -118.4: - 411.6:          - 36.0 :    - 5 . 0:    70 , Ot    70 ~0':
10 ~10 P,TRMD3S,SRVIV                    92:1.175:        897.8: - ~18 . 4 :    - 411.6 .  -36.0 ,      -S.D.        70.0 ,    10 ~ 0.
11 :11 ?, TRMD32,SRV1V                  ~o: .120:        891 , 8: -118 .41      -411.6:    -~2.0:      - 2.0:      7 Q.~ O:  70 , 0~
12    :12 P,THMD31,SRVlV                IS , .200:      709.3:      -93.6,    - 325.2:    - 30 _0:    - 4.0 :      70 . 0 :  70 ;0 :
13    11,3 P, TJ.OO>23, SRVIV          12' ~ .OSO,        211. 9:    - 24 . 6',  - 71.7 :  -.13 , 0 :  -2.' 0 :    70.0:      10 '.0:
14    11:4 P,tHM029,SRVlV          =;  106 : 1.100:      897 . 11 . -U8 . 4*:  -411.6:          . 0:        .0:      70.0:      70.0.:
15    :15 P,'IHMD26 , SRVIV            249 1 . 000 :      228.8: - 26 !6:          - 77.4:    - 3.0 :        :0,      70' . 0 ~  10.0:
16    116 P, TJ.D;ID20 , SR.V1 V        15: .700:        754.2:      -99. 5: -345.8 :      -36.0 :      - 5.0:      70; : 0 <  70.0, 17  ;17 P,THMDOt , SRVIV              40 11 . 250 ,      29.6:      -8 . 6: - 88.8:          . 0:        .0:    180..0:    180.0:
18    :18  P,THMD02,SRV1V        I. 442 11.100,        897.8: - 118 . 4: - 411.6 :            .0 :        .0 :    10;0 :      0.0 ,
19    .19  'P,THl<ID07                307,1.100 :          75 . 1 ,  -46..-3: -505 ,'0, '    31.0 :      4.0 :      70.01      70 . 0:
20    :20  P,THMI>22                    96, ;050,        '203.4 ;    -23.7 :      - 68.8 :    ~9 . 0 ;    3.0:      70..0:    70.0:
21    ;23,  P,YNMD08                    1 5:1.100:        75.1:    - 46 . 3 : -505 .0,      31.0 ,      4.0 :      70.0~      70 . 0:
22    ,22  P. THMD14                    70 : 1 . 100 : -'2 70.3 c    -16 . 6 : -546 . 5:      15 . 0 ,    2 ~ 0. ,  70'. 0,    70.0:
23    :23  P, t1!MDl.l              9999,1.100: -270.3:            - 16 . 6 : - 546 . 5:      1.0:        .0:      ']0.0:    70.0 :
24    :24 P J 'O{MI)18                  30 : 1 ~ 050: - 262 . 2:    - 16 . 1 : -530 , 1, :  16 , 0 :    2 ~O  :  7(1,"0.:  70.Q ;
25    , 25 P,THMD21                      15: . 700 : - 243.3:        -14 . 9 : -491.9:        ~7.0 ;      J.O ,      71).0:    70,0:
26    : 26 1'.TW!D27                    10 : 1.335 -312.1:          - 25 . 8 : - 591 .5 :      3.0 :        .0 :    70.0:      70.0 :
27    . 27 P.1'HMD24                  207:    . 050 !    31.8:      -9 , 3; - 95 .5.      ~3_0 :      2 . 0,    70.0:      70.0:
RBG -47895 Attachm ent 3 Page 9 of 19 CUF Summary for location 85 (Break Point 71 W) Addendum 3J CLASS 1 COOS o:lHPLIAl'(CE ANALYSYS                                                                        MS"l01/N4          R8/S62367                                07/17/96 HT5513    PAGE 17
    ~ON NO.2  l"OR liODB POIN1'S 82, as, 87, 100, lOS , 110 &. :l2S OP AX-17&#xa3;>
                                              ~y        OF CALCULl\TIONS OF CUM!JLA'rlVE l1SAGE FAcroR AT LOCATION 85                                        (CURB)
              ----          -- ---------- - ------- - -.----~------------------------.------------------------                                                - --- .---- ---~- - -- -~--
:LOAD PArR.                  eQ.n                          EO. lot        OCCURENCE                            SET
* CYCLES LEFT I ~ . , FATIQoE f ... .... - -*... - - - - :                ~E                        :-------------t            N      ~  ELIH-      :-  _.--.---        .---,      CYCLES : USI\GE
* I                      s- p                                        N- t        N-J :                                                                        : F1I.CTOR :
                                                                                                              ... ___ : .....INJ\T8o:                    N- J          M- o
: J        ;                              SPTU./2                !                                          N- I    :              !
l---------.~----------------                        - .. _--a- -  - - ----- - - - --.--~-_              ~      ~ ____ . . ~M _ _ __ _  ~ _ ____
* _________________          :
5        26      122.449 :      l.138 :        69.654 :            4 ,'      10 :        4,        5, 5              0:            6:        1624          . 0025:
6 I      26      106.705 .      1. 000 .      53.353 ;            51        6.        5.        6, 6    I          OJ            I.        3686 !        .0014 :
7 I      26      106.629 :      '1 . 000;      S3 . 31''''*    1911          l'        1:    26,26              190=              0:        3694        .00'031' .
7        22      103.506 :      'l.. 00-0 :    51."153 ,      190:          7tl l      10:    22,22              120 ~            0 .:      4041        .0173:
7        24      102.375 ,        1.000 .      5 1. 181t:      120 :        30 i      30 :    24 , 24
* 90l            O.        4l8(; ,      .oon :
i I      23      99.903 :      1. 000 l      49.952 :          90 :    9 9 99 ~ . 90:        7, 1              O*,      9909:          4512        .OH9 :
4 .:      23      99.293:        1.000:        49 . 646:          l'    9909:          1:        4,  .              0:      9908':          4591        .0002:,
6        25      98.41:0 :    "1. .00 0:      49.20sJ :          1:        lSj        1:        8, e              01          14 :        4110        .0002 :
                          '3 ;    25      93.735 :      1. 000 :      016.868., .      9S f      14 :        14 <    25,25                84:            0:        5-411        . 0026 :
11 :          23      91.062 :      1 .000:        45 . 531.:        10 ;    9908:          10 :    11, 1 1              0:      9 898:          5816        . 0011:
9 :      27
* 87.926 89 . 150 :    1. 000:        44 . 815' ,      84 ,    201.          80f t      9, 9              01        123 ;        6124        .0131:.
10 :          27                  :  1.000 :        4.3 . 963' ~      92 ;    123:          92 ;  10,10                  0:          31 :        6493        . 01.4 2 :
j    12 i          23      84 .3 95 ,    1.00Ot        42 . 197;,        lS:    !l898:        15',  1.2 ,12    1          0;      9883:          7298 I      .0021:
16 j          23      81. 435 .      1.000 e        40 . 711 ,        I S:    !l88] :        IS ,  16,16                  0:      9868 :          8080        .0019:
18 ' !        27        77 . 671 ,      1 . 000;      38~835:        442 :        31.:        31:    27 , 21            411:            0:        92 8 0      .00')3:
18            23      '1 4 . 465 :  1. 000:        37.233::        411 :    9868 :      4ll,:    18,18                01      9457 :        1 0520        . 1}391 :
14            23        74.4'65 :I    1. 0001        37,233.:        106 :    9-451 :      106 :    U. , 14              0:      9351 :        1 0520        .01 0 1:
c 13                23      63.650 :      1.000 :        3i.S25 : . 126 :          9351:        126 :    13,13                  0:      9225:        1 6778        .G07S:
15 ,: 23 ,:              62 , 078 :    1,000:        31..039 :      249 :    9225 ;      249 :    15',15                0:      8976 :        18073          .Oll8 :
20            2)        59 . 884 :    1. 0 0 0 :    2!1 , 942~        96 :    8976:          96 :    20,20                0:      8 8 80:      20154          .004.8:
: 1.          1      43 . 433 ,    1. 000,        21.716 1          45:        45:        4S*~      1.. 1              () ,          0:      12123          .0006, 17            23        40 . 325 :    LOOO :        20 . 162 :        40 :    8880 :        40 r  17,17                  c:      8840 :        961140        .0004 :
21 \ 23                28 .791, :    1 ,000;,      14,39&:          15 :    8840 :        15 1 21,21                    0,      8625: 440221                .OQ,OOI.
19            2.l      28 . 791 :    1. 000:        1 4.396 :      307.      8825:        307 1 19,19                    0,      8518, 440221                .0007 :
2          2      15 . 333 :    LOOO :          7.667 :        45 :      45 ,        45 : 2 , 2                    c:            0 : ", 1. 86          (l
                        )          )      14
* 85'S :    l.. 000;
              - - - - - _________ __ _____________ * . ______ _ _ _ _ M. __
                                            ~      ~
7;4.27,    7875:  .~~
7875:      7875: 3. 1 _____ ____
* ______________                                              ;>I. Il' 0: ______0:___________            __ 0 TOTAL USAGE FACTOR-                      .16S3
RBG-47895 Page 10 of 19 Load Combinations for location 87 (Break Point 70W) Addendum 3J CLASS 1 coDe COMPLIANCE            l\N~YSYS                                                                      MEI01/~4              RB/S62361                        07/17/96 Hr5513              PAGE 18 RUN NO . 2 FOR NODE POINTS 82. 85, 67, .100 , 105, 110
* 125 OFAX-l7D LON> TABLE FOR EQ.ll                    AT LOCATIO..'          87 (CURE)
:  I,ON) :                                          : " 0. OP :
                    , SBT NO:LOAD SST OElSCRIPTIOU : CYCItSS :                              P          x ,.            y
* Z
* 171'1        0'12        TA            TB
:-- ~ ---------. --- -- ---------~-.--------------------- - - - -~---------- -- - -- -- - - - -- -- ---.--- - ~-- - ---- :
1        1  nt.'T, DYNTTr.* 2                        45 : .00 0 :            .0:            .0,            .0:          .0:          .0 ;  420.0 :        420.0:
2        2 DPlT,SRVPT*2                              45; . 000;              .0:            .0 :            .0 :          .0 ,        .0 ,  420.0          420 . 0:
3        3 D'WT,SRV-2                            7875 * . 0 00 .            . 0:            .0 ; ,          .O !          .0:          .0:  420.0 :        420 . 0 ;
4        4  P,TKM028,D~~                              1: .020:          34.31 -3 17 .9,            -150.~:        - 415 .0:      -8 : 0 :  10 . 0 ~      103.0: '
                  .~      5        5  P,THMDlS,DYN1~                            4 1t .02 0 :      66 . .11 -6419.7 : '
* 359 . 0:      -21.0:        -].0 1    70 ~ 11:'      BO.O ! ,
t      6        6 P. TRMDlS,SRVPT                              S: . 0lO          ~6. 1: '049.7 :            - 359 .0 .
* 21.0:        - 3.0;    70 . 0:        80.0 p
                            '1        7 P,THMDlS , SRV16V                        191; .020:            66:1., - 649.7:            -3S9.0:        - 21. . 0 ,    -3 . 0 :  70 ; O ~        80 ~ 0: .
8        e P,THMD34,SRV16V                              1 . 1.516 :      66.11 -6oU. 7 ;,            -359 . 0':      - :n ,o:      -3 . 0 :  70 , 0:'        80 .0: '
f      9        9 P,THMDl5,SRV16V                            98 :1. 115:        66 .1i - 64 9 . 7t          - 359.0 ~      -21. 0 :      *3    q. 7d . o ~        80 ,0: '
10      :10 P,'l1!MD35,$RVIV                            92 . 1 .175:        1)6.1. . -649 . 7 ~        -3S 9.(}!      - 21.0 :      -3.0,!    70..0:          80.0; 11      :11 P,THMD32,SRVIV                              10 : .IZ0:          66.1 ~      -649.7: - 359:0:                  ~9.0 :      -1.0:      70,0;          94.0:
:-    12      :12 P,TRMD31,SRVIV                              15: .200:          52.2 : - 513.3: -283.6 :                    -21. 0,        -3.0,      70 . 0 :'      91.0:"
13      ~ 13 P, THMD23 , SR,Vl V                      12(;, .050:          17.6, -163.0:                - 77 :: 0 1 ~  -8.0 :      - l .O:    70 ~ 0:~        15.0 ; :
1-4    :14 P,THMD29 r SRVIV                          106 : 1.100~          66.1: -64 9. 7: - 359 ; 0:                        .0 :        . d:  1 0,, 0:        70.0 :
1S      :15 P.THMD2&.SRV1V                            249 , . 000 :';      19 .0: - 1 16. 0 :' , . 83.'1:                    .0',        .0:    70','0 t:      70.0. 1
:-    L6      ;16 P,THMD20,SRVIV                              1.5 &#xa3; .1 0Q :      55.5 1 -545.7 : - 301. f,>":                - 25.0 :      -".o~      70' .,0 ::      '4.0 ; .
17      :17 P,TRMD04,SRV1V                              40 ; 1.25Q :          <l.3:        - 2 . 0: ,j -24.5':              . 0;        ,0.:  1110,. o ~    lB O.O: .
18      :18 P,THMD02,$RVIV                            '\42 11 . 100 :      66 . 1: -6 49 . 7 : -359 . 0 :                    . 0:        , Ch  7&deg;.*,P *1      70.0.
19      ; 19 P: TRMD01                                ~07 ,1 .100,          - 1.3.          76 . 7: - 119 : 2 :          .17.0:        3 .0)    81..iO;        10.0:
20      :20 P, TIOO>22                        r        96 : .050.1        1 6.9: - 156. 5:              -73. 9 ~        12.0:          2:0.. 711 *. 0,: '    70.0, 2      ; 21. P, 111MI>06                                15: 1.10o. i        - 1 ~ 3:        76.7: -119.2 :                17. 0 .        3 :0:    81. 0 :        70 . 0..:
22      : 22 P,'I'HHDH                                  70 :1.100 :      -30,2:          38].9, -21.;0 :                  8.Q*,        1.0:    75.0;          10. 0 , ,
23      : 23 P, THMDll                            '9997 11.1.00 :        - 30 . 2:      383.9 : -21 ,0 :                  l. 0 :        .o!    70.0:          10 . 0 ; .
24      : 2<t  P. THMn18                                30,1.050 .        - 29.,3:        372 , 4 ; ; -20 *.3~            1l . .o;.:    2 _o.~  9o.~0 .;        70 , 0.:-
25      :'2 5  P, THMD21.                              15: . 100 ,      -21 . 2 :      345 . 5 : - 18.9:              12 . 0:        2.0 "    90** '0 :      10. 0 :
26      : 26    P. THMD27                                10 11 .335':      - 47 . 1 ,      449.7 :        - lO c4:          2 . 0:        . 0:  72.0:          70 . 0 : .
27      ; 27    P,THMIl24
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._~ _ _ *
:-      207~ .050:              2.5 :        -2 . 1,      -26.3 ;
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ -- ---- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8.0 :        1.0 :
: 75. 0 ;        70. 0 ,
* NOTE:        cae    JiND S~ ~BNTS                ARB !NCLUDED 1U RANGB VALUE CMA.'ULATI()!Il'S NOT IN THESE SINGLB SET C014B,;rmm ....oMENTS.
RBG-47895 Page 11 of 19 CUF Summary for location 87 (Break Point 70W) Addendum 3J Cl.J\SS 1 COOB        COMPLrAtlC~    ANALYSYS                                                          MR101/t-r~        RB/56236"1                      07/17/S6 HT5513    PAGS 21 RON NO.2        ~R    NODE POINTS 82 .        as,  87, 100, 105, 110            <<  1 25 OFAX-l70 SUlofllARY OF CALCULATIONS OP CUMlJLATIVE USAOE: F1\CTOR 1\1' LOCNrION 87                              ICO!tE)
: LOAD PAl R:    ' EQ. 11                          EO. 14          OCCURBNCE                      , SeT    ,CYC'L&#xa3;S LB p'r : M,l,OW. : FATrQUE
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1 26    116.4481            1.032 :        60 . 069:            4:        0:      4:      5, 5            0:        6:    ;2560 ;      . OOJ.61 6      24    1 07.3 63:          1. 000:        53 .661 :            5:      30 :      5~      6, 6            0:      ~S~      3 617 t      .0014 :
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8      25 !  103 , 054:          1.000 :      51.. 527:            1:      IS':      1:      6, 8            0:      1 4:    4102 '      .000l:
7      22    102 . 8 08:        LOOO ~        5,1.404 :        160:        70~      70~    22.22            90 :        0;    4132        .O~69, 1      25    10L39S .            1.000,        50 . '99,          90 .      1.4 :    14 :,  25,25            76 :        0:    4312        .0032:
23 I          !. 7                99 . 4404 :      1 . 000:      49 , 732,          16 :  9999:        76 :      7, 7
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0;    9923 ,      4569 4174 , ~
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I                4      23 :    97.942:          1.000 ;      48.971:              1:  9923:          1:                      0:    9922 ,                  .0002 ,
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1' 12        23      88.400 :          1 . 000 :    44 . 200 :        1.$;  991 2 :      15: 12,12                0-:  9891 ,      6394 :      .00:l3:
9      23        87.226:          1.000:        43.613 :          98 :  9897:        98 :: 9 , S              Ot    9799 :      66013 , :    . 0148:
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92 :' 1 0,10 442 : , 18, 18 0:
Ot 9692 ;
ilSS ' :
                                                                                                                                                                    .0129 :
                                                                                                                                                                    . 04.19 :
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* 0",  91H t      10~64    :    . 0105:
              " 13        23 I    56.410:            . OQO :    28.205:          126:    9 1 44 :  126 :    13, 13 ~          o~    9018:      25549 ~      . 0G49 ,
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:' 20        23      53 .661 :        1,000:        26.831:            96,    8769:        96,    20,20    t        0:    8673 I    31153 :      . 0031 :
: ~ 23      27      4 1..342;        1. 000 ,      ~0.671 :        8673 :      207 :    201:    27,27        8466 :          0: 8,7718 ' :      . 0024 :
            ,: '    1  1  1      34.312:            1.000:        17.156:            45 :                45;      1, 1            0;'        0/ 1~9658          . 0002 :
17      23      lO.989:          1. 000 <      l.S.495r          40:    8466 :      4 0 : 11,17              0:    842&, 315988            .000 1:
21      23      28 . 168:        1. 00.0 :    14.384 ;          15 !  8436:        15: ' 21,21              0.:. 84 11: 441344-          .O,O OO t 19'  1  23      28 , '169 .      1. OO'Ol      14.384:          307:    8411 :    307:' 19,19                0':  810ot: 441844            .0007:
2      2      14.504 :          1. 000:          7 , 252 F      4 5;      45 :    45:      ~,  2 , .      0:        O. :>1. E6          o 3      3      13 .928:          1.QOO .'        6 .961 :    7 815 :  1875:      875;        3, 3            0,        0 ; :>1. E6        o TO!'M. USAGE      P1\CTOR ~        . 1572
RBG-47895 Page 12 of 19 Load Combinations for location 82 Tee (Break Points 60AW, BW, and CW) Addendum 3K (M96-0069)
AX- lID REV. 3K                                ATIACHMENT "0"                                  PAGE 64 OF 156 l
CLASS 1 coce OOMPLlAllCE .ANALYSYS                                                                    ME1C1/Wt      ~/S'2361                    00/18/91      I~2010    PAGE
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LOA!) 'U'.BJ.&#xa3; FOR EO . 11 AT IiXI\1'1OiJ 32            (run
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: ROlf.        .0:      .0:          .0,
: F.l1A:    936.(:    104~.3 .  -291.3:
a  J  e P j 'II:Drn2 9: , $I\.Vl. V        1.~6:1.1.00:EWN:                .0:  5H.e:        38 . (:      .0:        .0:    70.0:      70 . 0:
: 3M:
                                                                                                                    .0:        . 0:
                                                                                                                ~36.~: 1049 . 3 : -297.3:
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* RUN:          .0:      .0:          .0:
: 6.'!A:    936. {: :OU .3: - 297.3:
                                                                                                                                ..,.                                                190.0, 10    :10 P, llIIID13 , Sltvl V                6J2:1.!OO:RU>>:
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* 0'                    .0 *
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9~~.~:    10~'.J:    - 2S7 .**
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* n.o **
:lW.If:          . 0:      . 0:        . 0:
: SPA:      936.~:    10ii . 3 . - 291.1:
13    : 13 P, THl-:Il2E" , SRVJ,V              2~S:    .OOO:JUlN,            .0:  62 *. 9:    $6.6.      - 1.0.        .0 . 10.0,      71.1I:
:!l'I1N,        . 0:      *0*
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0:  ~l. . &:G        o TOtAL USAGE FF.ctO.R'              .2362
RBG-47895 Page 1 of 3 RBG-47895 Attachment 4 Addendum 3J and 3K Cover Pages:

pg. AX-l ID REV. 3K A IT ACHMENT " D" PAGE 65 OF 156 C"J\SS 1 COD:: COI1t'I.:;'::CE 1&#xa3;10 l/lH
RBG-47895 Page 2 of 3 Addendum 3J Cover Page:
!P2 0l0 2AGI: nUtIIlO.2 NOD&#xa3; OODI'l'S 82 , 85, &1, 100, lOS,
* 125 ar .'X-171) UlAD TJ.!lIJ! 1.1 A7 82 [T ll) cw.y:,aa::.,.*
.. * -.-:>10. t>D:IDA D SEV Otsa.IP'1tON:CYCLE3: : LEG: DT! Til ------_ ... _----------------------------------------------_ _---------.... 15 115 D,1RMD20,SRVlV .100IR'.m:  
.0: 12,': -q,.O , -'.0: 10.0: t1.0:
.0: ,0: :B;t.>.: 546.8: 1003.3: 16 : 1 6 .tl20:RUlI:
JBI AX-17D r-;o. PAGE. lOF 365 I      3J
.0: 313.,: 40 , 1: -6 6.0: -lLO: 10.0: lOLO: .0: .0: .0: (SR.A:
: 2. CALCULA T(ON TITL&#xa3;:                                                                   3. SUPERSEDES: N/A ME 101 class 1 pipe stres analysis using Code Calie N-411 drunplng for              ----------------------------------------
selected components                                                                      SUPPLEMENTS: AX*17D REV. 3
t ;17 15 , ,200
.0: :131.', 6'.1: -,(0 , 0: -5.0: 70.0: 10,0: :RUN; .0: , 0:
The objective of this addendum Is to reduce the d)'DamiC loads (or OBE and SRV 1V, 2V                d 16V cases by using the Code Case N*411 damping in stress analysis., then to perform !he class 1 pipe stress aoaJys' for the critical p ip ing components such as elbow, reducer, ret, taper uansition, and RPV nozzle.
6 01. S: 933.0: -209. ,: 19 : H P , ':HllD06 15:1.100
: 5. CALCULA nON J\>mTHOD I ASSlJl\.1PTlOl'\S:
.0: 113 .* : 131.1: 26.0: 400: 92.CI 10.0: tR.lJ)J: .0: .0: ... :BRA: -2.5. 771.0: 7: 19 301 : 1 , 100:!\IIlI:
See page 3
.0: .39.0, 105.1 : 8.0: 9'1.0: 1 0.0: :!WIt, .0: .0, : SPA: 110.f: aU.1, 20  
?, __ . 0:
(1) Calcula i OIl AX* 17D Rev. 3            (2) t.ffi 101 Computer Progl'llJl], Version N4 (3) 0 13. 18. 1.5*08 Rev. 1 Peak-spread ARS for Seismic Events Includ ing Curves with N-4 J )*1 Damping (4) Code Case N-4II- I A Itcmative Damping Values for Response Spectra AlUllysis of Class I, 2, and 3 Piping Sec ion Ill, Division I, dated Feb. 20, 1986
109.l' S.O: 90.0: 10.0 * :E\'Ol" .0: .01 .0 , :SI\A: 85t. 7: -go .* : :21.
I . The class ] results from Jv1E 10 I C I analysis are consistent with th se fr om NUPJPE anaJysis. The Clas I tresses as well as CUF went down slightly as expected.. There is DO noed 10 revise the 3Upport 10 ds, equipment loads. and valve accelerations in this addendum .
.13 1.6: 2.0: .0: '1.0: 10.0:
: 2. Stress report for feedwater system SR-504 needs not to be rev ' cd per the above reasons.
.0: .0: .0: :BRA: -236.2: 1H.l: 22 :22 P,!l1!1OH
REC ElVE D NOV 0 71995 S. REASON FOR REVlS10N (iF APPLICABLE):                                             SDC This calculation is used as a basis for the class 1 qualifICation of some    fittin~ affected by fiow accelerated corrosion (PAC) to detennlne tbe remaining life.
.0: 131.8 , 21.C , LO: n.o; '0.0: : J WJI: .0: .0: .0 ,
: 9. RELATED DOCUMENTS:                                                 10. Q-CLASS N/A                                                                    1* NUCL AR SAFETY RELATED
-2315.2; 147.1: -2.6: : 23 ".=8
__ 3 2
QAPA? y - -           ..X-l I.     ~Jtf. S ~                                12--if.     K    ~                            I~~~
22.0: J.O: 91.0. '1 0.0:
V _ Sll PREPA.Rijt 0667 KCJIi 9/SJ96 DATE Hunp    :;1ue CltECKERlREYJEWER KeN 0996        9110196 DATE Lotbll[ KnbD KC~ IJIlS INDE.PE!'o'DENT R&#xa3;,Vn;W&#xa3;R 2111[26 DATE
.0: .0: .0: : BAA: -233.9: 139.6: -2.6: 2( .100 , RUt/: .0: l,Oa.l:
: 14. DATA REQUUUNG COJ'04"FIRMATION:                                       15. APPROVED:             _.                 R>!2-~
2'.0, LO , 10.0; :R'JN: .0, .0, .0, t , 9AA, -222.1.
DATA CONFIRMED BY:                       DATE
-2.5: t 25 ,25 P ,
                                                                                          ~    SIGNI                    KCN C!x,J I";~t.
.0: U9 .* : 26.7: 21.0: *. 0: 80.0: 10.0:
.0: .0: .0; :S?J.: 143.1: 28L.fi : -B.3l :26 126: .0-50
-20.0 * *-l.0 , 10.0, 71.0: . 0: .0 : .0; 19AAl 21.3.9:
-65.0: 21 :21 PO, 207:
.0: 65.': 17.1: 20.0: 3.0, 77 .0: 70.0: : run': .0: : Ji.P.A: -H.l.7: ua.3: -1.6: 28 :28 P , TI:!!f027 IG.:l.J3S:RlJIl:
.0: 1:1.4: 134.(: 3.0: 1.0, 7 0.0: 70.0: :llllN: .0: .0: .0: : 6M.: -2.1, rJil!).&#xa3; 

pg. AX-l7D REV. 3K A IT ACHlv.1ENT PAGE 66 O F 15 6 1 c:J.ri.5S 1 cow. ct24PLUIl<<::f; M6.l.YSYS HE10 lIl("
RBG-47895 Page 3 of 3 Addendum 3K Cover Page:
O*/lS/S7 IP2010 RUN NO.2 pOUlTs 32. $S , S7 , 100 , 1.05, 11.0 CF liX.-l"O
'tA!l.&#xa3; EQ. 11 LOC.lU'!Otl 82 (
  ----                 ENGIN ERING DEP RTMENT                                          ATTAC~lENTNO.:
t !.O.Il'J) o r r WOLtl>AD SE'I' DtSCiUPTI<X'1:CYCLES; K .. y. D r l TIt.. TS .. ...... ..... -""--&..-.-
JBI NO.: G13.10.2.2 ENTERGY                RN RBE DSTATIO                                                        PAGE 1 OF TITLE:
... -----12 9 20:1.MO
Pipe Stress Anal)' 's for FWS-Piping in Reactor and Auxilia.ry Bid            (West    ............. ...... ................. ~ ...... ............ .
Loop)                                                                                 SUPP MENTS: AX-l7D, Rev. '3 CALCULATIO          STATUS:                     o APPROYED                  .P:ENDING                        OC M NO.: 107 CLASSIFlCA no          :                                                                         D Q-UA PURPOSE I SCOPE I OBJECTIVE:
1$0.2: -'S.O. -12.0 10.0 1 9L O: Rl])O; .1); ;eJ1 JI,t 1.0 61.8: -l06. 5: ..
MR. 96-0069 rerout~ the RCIC Injection Line from its original ccnnection to the RPV Head to the FWS system through a short portion of the RHS piping. The objective of RC\.]sion '3K is to evaluate the FWS piping for the new function of RCrC injection in addition to the existing FINS function. A new cheek valve is to be added in the Au."ril.iary Bo.ilding (see worksketch). The p iping is to be evaluated for thermal and fluid transient events associ.ated willi RCIC lnjecti n into feed water loop A. Theinformation contained in Revisions 3B, 3E. 3F, 3G, 3R , and 31 bas been mcorporated into the mpu fife. See also comment cards in Ihe input listings.
Class 1 pJping      y . covers oo.ly the critical components such as Reducer, Tee, Taper Transi 'on (Valve), Elbow, and RPY nozzlcjun *on.
* __ ____ '*1<<1'1&#xa3;1
;.t(O SA,\! It(CII.fD'm 1 0 AX-17D REV. 3K ATTACHMENT PAGE 71 0 156 10100 ltS/562l67 FlJN lK).2 85, 61 , 100, 10:!!, 1),0 ,
RECEIVED                                                          I JUL 0 1 1998 CONCLUSION:
f The analysis demoD traitS the aCGcptab' lity of tbe piping for        m 96-0069.
O f OJ" cmJUL.'o.1'IVE USPQJi: loOCA:HOO 92 (TE:E) ,CYCLI:.S
SOC 6229AQ.O-IOQ...QOIA Bc:chtel                        MEIOI          V~rsionf!\clease          No._ _    "
;LUI' t &#xa3;.....-r'I(Jti&#xa3;
CONFIRMATION                        : 0 YES        I!I       CONFmMATION COJ.\.IPLETE: D YES                        0 NO
:---------U'SAGi I J S-P )l-l.: N-J: JAC'fOl\ :----------------------.... --,.--. ---....
.. 21 S 21 2'7 2 ,; 1S ZS 22 S 203 6 19* 1 12 2.5-e ? 2" 1 13 lSi a 26 1.3 , 20 1G 26 13 21 \? t 21 t 10 24-1$ , Zl () 21 1 1 H 21 :2. 10S.i23; It2:.Sse: 99.899 1 1.1l3.06.6: 9!2: .2.2:: !?6.J0 1: B.q.e!3, 8.3.1!17:
MR 96-0069. PIPE STRESS, FWS. ICS.                   411 REVIEW & APPROVAL rf-S'41J  (C~b7) 6-/9-97              '~M-'v .v... (6 q.rC ) b-,~-) 7
83.00!: S1..!S!5:
()       (Signatur~ate)                                 (SignarureIDale)
81.516; 7& .H8: 72.ra!1: !S.:2e:2, 5d..490. 30.1 54:: 26.973. 2.EU)66t 1"1. sa!: l"l.'ll: 1.2S'" : .
Preparer                          o Reviewer (Non-Safety)
1.0?9: 1.Oi8: 1.052: 1.000: : 1..000: 1.013: !..000, 1..000: .000: .1>00 : 1. GOO , 1.000: 1.000: 1.000: . ooo: LO()l): 1...000: 1. 000: 1..000, .oe o! .QOO: 1.000: .00 0:
(Printed Name, KCN, or SSN)                   o Design VerificatIon Re,tieweJ' ev (Printed Name, KCN, or SSN)
1.000: 5 , 207. 9.3,7; 1: 53.104: 19E: 20t 200 , 1St !1.5<tJ::
IG4JESJi                TA
10: 115: 10: 49.07S1 lOS: 30:
i76, 48.6 1 1: 7!, 48.351: .14: !!>6: 47.096: 1061 1: i(t!."tlB:
96, 1 .... 82.
lO! 222 ,
:-4: 126: l.;:)z:
4.'0. 1"9 e; . 21t '15: 39 .... 455; ..*., 7,. _
36.32!il 1.5:
21.691: S2!: 15: 15: 9972, 1 5.0 7 7. 610; t!:
1.3.033: 1.5: 9347, e.7 91. 45, 8, 156: '!-4$, 4.. " 1: 5,
'20 15 10 70 30:
e,16 26 , 2$ 22 , 22: 23 , 2 27 ,2 157 6 , 104.: 12 , 12-Eli .. 2,5_ Z 1 1): 9, 9 t 1$, e , 8 l.s: .. , 7., .::!6 , aG 12:: 13,13 1 5: 1'1 ,:'7 1.S.t.-2..f,2 15 , 15 4;],01 to/lel l, 1 s: 1<2,14 i s: 2, 2 "5(5, 3 ,.1 0, O. 0; 116: US: 175: l05; 75: 1.<< : 0; 0: 1 4: D: 0, 21: 0; 12, 6:25: O l 0: 610: Q: o o o o 2:0l: 1.36: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: U2: Or 0: 222' 1.12 : 0: Ot G , 1983
-1739 t145 oUl'iS , 4951 :5336 71 9 6 :.2 8040 8121-90H. 1.1321 27{S5 Sge.
o o SS'l.(O t o >1.&#xa3;.&#xa3; o >l.U ---------....
US P.G&#xa3;. FACTOR"
t .0053: .(J039: .002' :
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* OO l,i; .013 1 * .001:9 : .OOOS, .0013; .O OlJ : .(lOOSt .()005 :
* COOl : .0000: o o .1.t$03 5
: t. AX-l 7D REV. 3K ATTACHMENT PAGE 72 OF 156 CLASs 1 AtfALYSYS RB/562M1 m010 P),GI m:JN tlO.2 "i'OR WOOl:: l'ODI1S 8:2, 85 , 87, 100, 105, 110 llS ;.x-1m .Q/':O TJUL&#xa3; 1:1. LC<:AtlOlJ (::uRSI : LOJID )IlO. O::! :$t'I' x ,. y M'2 '1',' '1'11 : -.------------... --------.---"'7-:-;-j-r--.--r...,..........,--.-,. ----------1 :. 3 4 5 6 e 10 1. 1:' 13 t7 lQ 20 2 2 23 2< 25 26 !
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tlI:l:tI'!A'!'!OIIS IN SU o:ef9DIW AX-I REV. 3K PAGE 15 OF 156 ClJ'.$S 1 06/:e/97 lD2 otO 1<<).2 FOR 1tOD:: J'OlN':"S 82 , as , B i. 1(1(1 , l OS, 11 0 U S Of A-':-17l) SUMMlI.RY OF CUM1JlJi.1'IV.&#xa3; USME At' l.OCATIO}1 '9S (CURiI -------------------------
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RBG -47895 Page 1 of 2 RBG-47895 Attachment 5 Addendum 3J Stress/ Cumulative Usage Factor (CUF) comparison with Addendum 38
N/A ME 101 class 1 pipe stres ana l ysis using Code Calie N-411 drunplng for ---------------
--selec t ed components SUPPLEMENTS:
AX*17D REV. 3 4. OB JECTNE OF CALCULATI O N: The objective of addendum I s to reduce the d)'DamiC l oads (or OBE and SRV 1 V, 2V d 16V cases by using the Code Case N*411 damping stress analysis., then to perform !he class 1 pipe stress aoaJys' for t he critical p i p ing components such as elbow, reducer , ret, ta p er uansition, and RPV nozzle. 5. CALCULA nON J\>mTHOD ASSlJl\.1PTlOl'\S
(1) Calcu l a i OIl AX*17D Rev. 3 (2) 101 Co mp uter Progl'llJl], Ver sion N4 (3) 0*08 Rev. 1 Peak-spread ARS for Seismic Events I ncl ud ing Curves with N-4 J )*1 Damping (4) Code Case N-4II-I A Itcmative Da mp ing Values for Response Spectra AlUllysis of Class I , 2 , and 3 Piping Sec ion Ill, Di vision I, date d Feb. 20, 19 86 7. CONCLUSIONS:
I. The cla ss] resu lt s from Jv1E 10 I C I analysis are consiste n t with th se fr om NUPJPE anaJysis.
The Clas I tresses as well as CUF went down slight l y as expected..
There is noe d revise the d s, equipmen t l oads. and valve acce l erations this addendum. 2. Stress rep ort for f ee dwater sys t em SR-504 nee d s not to be rev' per the abo v e re asons. REC ElVE D S. REASO N FOR REVlS10 N (iF APPLICABLE):
SDC c alcu l ation is used as a basis for th e class 1 qualifICation of some affected by fiow acceler a ted corrosion (PAC) to detennlne tbe remaining l ife. 9. RELATED DOCUME NTS: 10. Q-CLASS N/A AR SAFETY RELATED --2 __ 3 QAPA?
S 12--if. V_ Sll 066 7 Hunp :;1ue 0996 9110196 Lotbll[ KnbD IJIlS 2111[26 PREPA.Rijt K CJIi INDE.PE!'o'DENT R&#xa3;,Vn;W&#xa3;R DATE 14. DATA REQUUUNG COJ'04"FIRMATION:
: 15. APPROVED: _.
CALCULATIO ENGIN ERING DEP RTMENT RN RBE DSTATIO AX-lID. Re\1sion 3K JBI NO.: G13.10.2.2 Pipe Stress Anal)' 's for FWS-Piping in Reactor and Auxilia.ry Bid (West .................................... .................. . Loop) SUPP MENTS: AX-l7D , Rev. '3 CALCULATIO STATUS: APPROYED .P:ENDING O C M NO.: 107 CLASSIFlCA no : D Q-UA PURPOSE SCOPE OBJ E CTIVE: 96-0069 the RCIC Injection Line from i ts original ccnnection to the RPV Head to the FWS system through a short portion of the RHS piping. The objective of RC\.]si on '3K t o evaluate the FWS piping for the new function of RCrC injection addition to the FINS function.
A new cheek valve i s to be added the Au."ril.iary Bo.ilding (see worksketch). The p i ping to be evaluated for thermal and fluid transient events associ.ated willi RCIC lnjecti n into feed water loop A. Theinformatio n contained in Rev i s i ons 3B, 3E. 3F , 3G , 3 R , and 31 bas been mcorporated into the mpu fife.
comment Ihe input listings.
Class 1 pJping co v ers oo.l y the critical components such as Reducer , Tee , Taper Trans i 'on (Valve), Elbow , and RPY nozzlcjun
CONCLUSION: 0 1 The analysis demoD traitS the aCGcptab'lity of tbe piping for m 96-0069. SOC 6229AQ.O-IOQ...QOIA Bc:chtel MEIOI No. __ " C ONFIRMATION CONFmMATION COJ.\.IPLETE:
MR 96-0069. PIP E STRESS, FWS. ICS. 411
() Preparer (Printed Name, KCN , or REVIEW & APPROVAL .v... (6 -(SignarureIDale) o Reviewer (Non-Safety) o Design VerificatIon Re,tieweJ' (Printed Name, KCN, or SSN) TA 

RBG-47895 Page 2 of 2 Addendum 3J Stress/CUF comparison with Addendum 38 EOt CALCuu.nON NUMBER:
CALCULATION WORK SHEET                                                             AX-lID Rev.3J
IiNTSRG~                                                                                        TRY No ENTERGY OPERAnONS INCORP.

OF RES ULTS I'tonlinued)
OF RESULTS I'tonlinued)
CLASS I STRESS COMPARIS ON Rev. 3J vs Rev. 38 !'I.P. EQ.9 psi) EQ.IO EQ.12 ii) EQ.I J (p$l) l J 3 8 3*) 31 38 38 lJ 38 lJ lnt J.3% inc3.J%
CLASS I STRESS COMPARISON                Rev. 3J vs Rev. 38
2 11101 9571 39074 40363 37894 0.0142 0.0147 0.0189 4 18361 1 697 1 52562 54297 49781 O.{)116 0.0120 0.0213 6 1 7417 16472 5078S 5246 1 48087 0.0099 0.0102 0.0182 10 17158 15 898 47934 49 516 46011 0.0081 0.0084 0.0145 1 2 16 113 15851 43694 45136 44357 0.0048 0.0050 0.00 96 35 1999 1 '20729 47543 49112 48198 0.006 0 0.0062 0.0138 45 18212 18586 54237 56 027 53924 0.007 9 0.0082 0.0186 58 15032 1 5 849 32984 35051 0.0096 0.0099 0.0178 59 15372 3715 9 38385 35451 0.0161 0.0166 0.0175 6 5 14770 19879 37 991 39245 44172 MOll 0.0032 0.0058 14017 19203 37154 38380 42829 0.0028 0.0029 0.0050 82 18183 20548 67590 69820 70498 26893 29393 29533 31388 0.1543 0.1594 0.6490 . 85 15493 16056 74992 17836 41302 42665 4 6162 21027 24027 0.1653 0.1708 0.6512 &7 15084 68996 7 1 273 71289 41599 42972 20022 239 46 0.1572 0.1624 0.3722 100 1 272 3 13656 67082 69296 67257 0.0348 0.0359 0.0604 105 12 684 13 455 61324 63348 5 9836 0.0186 0.0 192 0.0343 110 14670 16324 51770 5347 8 46983 0.0 1 06 0.0109 0.0 161 liS 13909 15696 63300 65 389 6 1591 0.0327 0.033 8 0.0386 119 13073 13 934 71583 73945 74505 40462 41797 464 86 21701 32653 0.2802 0.2894 0.4038 125 10800 56865 5&742 60116 0.04 61 0.0476 0.0657 140 1 02 83 10191 4586 7 47381 46369 0.03 1 8 0.0 328 0.0346 1 45 143 25 14040 4 5 871 0.0064 0.0066 0.0074 150 1 4408 14449 46576 48113 47032 0.0089 0.0092 0.009 1 I5S 1 0332 10479 46919 48467 4 7823 0.0390 0.0403 0.0424 IS9 9522 9670 466 36 48175 54351 0.0381 0.0394 0.0763 20S 12239 12968 36705 5 8 576 0.04 2 4 0.0438 0.094 0 2 1 5 10239 104 16 52147 53 368 555 6 7 0.0326 0.0337 0.0522 Note: The th ermal stresses from MEIOl run would be expected nearly i dentical to those from NUPIPE. However , the MEIOI model the nozzle e lements (nodesl-2 119-120) were not' M a r esult, the piping is sti ffer. This explains wh y EQ. 9 10 stresse s are d iff erent from those of the ana l ysis. The purpose of this addendum is to provide a reference for wall thinning analysis (FAC), and cri tica l walJ th ickness calcu l ation.}}
        !'I.P. EQ. 9   psi)             EQ. IO     (piI)          EQ. 12   ~ ii)     EQ. IJ (p$l)                 CUF lJ        38      3*)       31         38   II      3J        38   lJ       38       3J      lJ       3B lntJ .3%                 inc3.J%                                     lllCJJ~'o 2   11101     9571 39074         40363       37894                                           0.0142   0.0147   0.0189 4   18361     1697 1 52562       54297       49781                                           O.{)116   0.0120   0.0213 6   17417    16472 5078S       5246 1     48087                                           0.0099   0.0102   0.0182 10   17158     15898 47934       49516      46011                                           0.0081   0.0084   0.0145 12    16113    15851 43694       45136       44357                                           0.0048   0.0050   0.0096 35   1999 1   '20729 47543       49112       48198                                           0.0060    0.0062   0.0138 45     18212     18586 54237       56027      53924                                           0.0079    0.0082   0.0186 58   15032     15849 32984       34072      35051                                           0.0096   0.0099   0.0178 59   15372     15693 37159        38385       35451                                           0.0161   0.0166   0.0175 65    14770     19879 37991        39245     44172                                           MOll     0.0032   0.0058 10    14017     19203 37154       38380       42829                                           0.0028   0.0029   0.0050 82   18183     20548 67590         69820     70498 26034 26893       29393 29533   31388 0.1543     0.1594   0.6490 .
85   15493     16056 72S96        74992     17836 41302 42665       46162 21027   24027 0.1653     0.1708   0.6512
          &7   146S1    15084 68996         71273      71289 41599 42972       43990 20022   23946 0.1572     0.1624   0.3722 100   12723    13656 67082         69296     67257                                           0.0348   0.0359   0.0604 105   12684    13455 61324         63348     59836                                          0.0186   0.0 192   0.0343 110   14670     16324 51770         53478      46983                                           0.0 106  0.0109   0.0 161 liS   13909     15696 63300         65389      6 1591                                         0.0327   0.033 8   0.0386 119   13073     13934 71583         73945     74505 40462 41797       46486 21701   32653 0.2802     0.2894   0.4038 125   10800     11483 56865         5&742     60116                                           0.0461    0.0476   0 .0657 140   10283    10191 45867        47381     46369                                           0 .03 18  0.0328    0.0346 145    14325    14040 455 13        470 15 45871                                              0.0064   0.0066   0.0074 150   14408    14449 46576         48113 47032                                               0.0089   0.0092   0.0091 I5S   10332    10479 46919         48467 47823                                                0.0390   0.0403   0.0424 IS9   9522     9670 46636        48175 54351                                               0.0381   0.0394   0.0763 20S     12239   12968 36705         58576 6177S                                                0.0424    0.0438   0.0940 2 15    10239   104 16 52147       53368 55567                                                0.0326   0 .0337   0.0522 Note:
The thermal stresses from MEIOl run would be expected 10 be nearly identical to those from NUPIPE.
However, in the MEIOI model the nozzle elements (nodesl -2 & 119-120) were not ' cl~d. M a result, the piping is ~ligbtly stiffer. This explains why EQ. 9 & 10 stresses are different from those of the ~IPE analysis. The purpose of this addendum is to provide a reference for wall thinning analysis (FAC), and critical walJ thickness calculation.}}

Latest revision as of 19:07, 2 February 2020

Supplement to the Response to License Amendment Request (LAR) for Review and Approval of Relocation of the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) Injection Point NRC Request for Additional Information (RAI)
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/15/2018
From: Maguire W
Entergy Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RBF1 -18-0168, RBG-47895
Download: ML18228A619 (38)


  • Entergx C-=--

Entergy Operations. Inc.

Alver Bend Station 5485 U.S. Highway 61 N St. Francisville, LA 70775 Tel 225*381 4374 William F. Maguire Site Vice President River Bend Station RBG-47895 August 15, 2018 Attn: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738


Supplement to the Response to License Amendment Request (LAR) for Review and Approval Of Relocation Of The Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC)

Injection Point NRC Request for Additional Information (RAI)

River Bend Station, Unit 1 Docket No. 50-458 License No. NPF-47 RBF1 0168


1) Entergy Letter: License Amendment Request (LAR) (RBG-47823 dated January 29, 2018) (ADAMS Accession No. ML18029A187)
2) NRC email : River Bend Station, Unit 1, Request for Additional Information dated May 24, 2018 (ADAMS Accession No. ML18149A288)
3) Entergy Letter: RAI Response (RBG-47876 dated June 21,2018) (ADAMS Accession No. ML18172A142)

Dear Sir or Madam :

In Reference 1, Entergy Operations, Inc (Entergy) submitted a request for the review and approval of relocation of the RCIC Injection Point from the Reactor Vessel Head Spray Nozzle to the IAI Feedwater Line via the IAI Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Shutdown Cooling Return Line. In an email dated May 24, 2018, (Reference 2) the NRC staff made a request for additional information , needed to complete the license amendment request. On June 21 , 2018 Entergy submitted responses to the RAI (Reference 3) . A clarification call for the RAI response was held with the NRC on July 17, 2018 where it was determined additional information was required by the NRC.

Enclosure 1 provides the additional information requested during the July 17, 2018 clarification call with the NRC. Attachment 1 contains the original load cases and thermal modes table from calculation AX-017D Revision 3. Attachment 2 contains the thermal transient table from AX-17D Addendum 3K. Attachment 3 contains Cumulative Usage Factor (CUF) Summaries for AX-17D Rev 3, Addendum 3J , and Addendum 3K. Attachment 4 contains the cover pages from AX-17D Addendum 3J and 3K. Attachment 5 contains Addendum 3J Stress/CUF comparison with Addendum 3B

RBG-47895 Page 2 of 3 This letter does not contain any new commitments .

If you require additional information , please contact Mr. Tim Schenk at (225) 381-4177 or tschenk@entergy.com.

In accordance with 10 CFR 50.91 (b)(1), Entergy is notifying the State of Louisiana and the State of Texas by transmitting a copy of this letter to the designated State Official.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on August 15, 2018.

Sincerely, WFM/BJ : Supplement to the Request for Additional Information (ML18172A142) : Original Load Cases and Thermal Modes Table from AX-017D : Thermal Transient Loss of Feed Water Pumps Aux Power Trip without Bypass and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) Injection AX-17D Rev 3K : Cumulative Usage Factor (CUF) Summaries AX-17D Rev 3, Addendum 3J , and Addendum 3K : Addendum 3J and 3K Cover Pages : Addendum 3J Stressl Cumulative Usage Factor (CUF) comparison with Addendum 3B cc: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 1600 E. Lamar Blvd .

Arlington , TX 76011-4511 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn : Ms. Lisa M. Regner, Project Manager 09-0-14 One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville , MD 20852 NRC Senior Resident Inspector Attn : Mr. Jeff Sowa 5485 U.S. Highway 61 , Ste . NRC St. Francisville, LA 70775 Department of Environmental Quality Office of Environmental Compliance Radiological Emergency Planning and Response Section Ji Young Wiley P.O. Box 4312 Baton Rouge , LA 70821 -4312

RBG-47895 Page 3 of 3 Public Utility Commission of Texas Attn : PUC Filing Clerk 1701 N. Congress Avenue P. O. Box 13326 Austin , TX 78711-3326

RBG-47895 Page 1 of 4 RBG-47895 Enclosure 1 Supplement to the Request for Additional Information (ML18172A142)

R8G-47895 Page 2 of 4 Supplement to the Request for Additional Information (ML18172A142)



The NRC staff would like to have a clarification call with you concerning your RAI response dated June 21 , 2018. Specifically, the staff would like to discuss the below topics to determine if a follow-up RAI is needed: In your response dated June 21 , 2018, you explained that the Cumulative Usage Factors (CUF) reduced significantly from 0.35 to 0.16 at point 1Wand from 0.59 to 0.23 at point 71 W as indicated in Table 3.6A-9a of the Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR) , as a result of installing a nozzle check valve into the feedwater system instead of using a swing check valve . The staff notes that the CUF for the piping system is from thermal transients.

Question What thermal modes or transient changes and loading condition changes occurred since the cumulative usage factors and stresses decreased?

The reason for this significant CUFs reduction should be explained in detail including :

  • fatigue stresses/cycles (S-N) combination summary, and
  • the method to combine the CUFs for:

o before the change (from 1986 beginning of the operation to the modification) and o after the change (after the modification to end of the operating license period) .


MR 96-0069 rerouted the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) Injection point from the Reactor Head Spray connection to the "A" Loop of Feedwater via the "A" Reactor Heat Removal (RHR) Shutdown Cooling return . This modification issued addendum 3K to calculation AX-0170 (Pipe Stress Calculation for Feedwater Piping in Reactor and Auxiliary 8ldgs, West Loop, Normal/Upset Condition Class 1 Analysis) to analyze the changes made to the feedwater piping system with the RCIC injection connection. Addendum 3K also administratively incorporated the approved AX-0170 addenda 38, 3E, 3F, 3G, 3H , and 3J . The changes made by each of these addenda are summarized below:

Addendum 38 revised the temperature drop during the feedwater heater loss event from 322 deg F to 320 deg F. This change was associated with LAR 88-006 and analyzed operation with lower feedwater temperature associated with operation in Single Loop Operation with Feedwater Heaters Out of Service. This change increased the severity of this transient and increased stresses and CUF. A summary of the class 1 stresses and CUF values can be seen below on the Addendum 3J Stress/CUF comparison with Addendum 38.

Addendum 3E evaluated a change in a 3' segment of pipe from Sch . 60 to Sch. 80 associated

RBG-47895 Page 3 of 4 with plant modification MR 91 -0080. The resulting stresses, moments and loads due to the upgrade of the piping to schedule 80 from schedule 60 were determined to be within the allowable limits. The model changes associated with this addendum were incorporated into addendum 3K.

Addendum 3F evaluated the effects of smaller mass (500 Ib to 275 Ib) on a valve actuator/ valve center accelerations, pipe stress, usage factor, pipe support loads, penetration loads, and the potential impact on stress reports caused by a lighter weight motor installed on outboard feedwater valve FWS-MOV7A. Based on an assessment of relative reduction of mass and increase of valve natural frequency it was concluded that the deadweight and combined dynamic loads for the new configuration were bounded by the corresponding loads of the old configuration.

Addendum 3G evaluated the addition of a 12" sch 60 to 12" sch 60 field weld between nodes 108 and 109. The stresses and CUF for the new weld fall between those of the two previously analyzed adjacent nodes as they were both previously analyzed and qualified as weld points.

Addendum 3H reduced the total combined normal/upset and faulted accelerations computed for FWS-MOV065A by applying Code Case N-411 damping spectra. This change was superseded by addendum 3K because all of the seismic and hydraulic events were analyzed using N-411 damping curves in addendum 3K.

Addendum 3J reduced the dynamic loads for OBE, SRV 1V, SRV 2V, and SRV 16V load cases by using Code Case N-411 damping in the stress analysis. Attachment 4 contains the cover page to AX-017D Addendum 3J for reference. The analyzed Class 1 stresses and CUF were reduced as a result. The reduction of stresses and CUF due to the use of Code Case N-411 damping values are shown below on the Addendum 3J Stress/CUF comparison with Addendum 3B, see Attachment 5. As can be seen, stresses and CUF for most of the class 1 node points analyzed were reduced significantly.

3K incorporated the changes made by addenda 3B, 3E, 3F, 3G , 3H , and 3J . Addendum 3K evaluated the Feedwater piping for the new function of RCIC injection in addition to the existing Feedwater functions. Attachment 4 contains the cover page to AX-017D Addendum 3K for reference. The added check valve FWS-V3052 was added to the model and new thermal mode 36 was introduced for the injection of 40 deg F RCIC into the feedwater piping . This new thermal transient includes 10 postulated events with 3 injections per event (total of 30 cycles) with no feedwater flowing . In addition to these 10 injection sequences, there are 40 postulated spurious injections with feedwater flowing . The spurious injection of RCIC with feedwater flowing events were excluded from the analysis as the contribution to stress is minimal due to the low change in feedwater temperature . The thermal transient diagram fo r the new thermal transient is shown in Attachment 2.

Due to the changes made by MR 96-0069 (RCIC Reroute to Feedwater) and the aggregate of the incorporated addenda 3B, 3E, 3F, 3G , 3H , and 3J , there was a net decrease in stresses and CUF of the break points reported out on RBS USAR tables 3.6A-9a and 10a. However, this decrease is largely due to the use of Code Case N-411 damping on the dynamic transient cases. It can be seen from a comparison of the results of addendum 3J (re-evaluated dynamic load cases with N-411 damping curves) to addendum 3K (MR 96-0069 RCIC Reroute Modification) that the stresses and CUF values of break points 60AW , BW , CW (corresponds

RBG-47895 Page 4 of 4 with AX-017D Node Point 82) , 70W (corresponds with AX-017D Node point 97) , and 71W (corresponds with AX-017D Node Point 85) increased from the results of 3J. This increase is caused by the aggregate of the incorporated changes made by addenda 3B, 3E, 3F, and 3G and the change to the routing of the RCIC system.

The reason for this significant CUFs reduction should be explained in detail including:

  • old/new transients curveslcycles, The load cases and thermal modes from Revision 3 ofAX-017D are located in Attachment 1. A new thermal transient was added with addendum 3K, the transient curve can be found in .
  • fatigue stresseslcycles (S-N) combination summary shows the original CUF values from AX-017D; the load combination summary and stress/CUF combinations for node points 82, 85, and 87 from AX-017D addendum 3J (implemented Code Case N-411 damping curves ; and the load combination summary and stress/CUF combinations for node points 82, 85, and 87 from AX-017D addendum 3K (MR 96-0069 and addenda incorporation)
  • the method to combine the CUFs for:

o before the change (from 1986 beginning of the operation to the modification) and o after the change (after the modification to end of the operating license period).

The piping model analyzes the cumulative effects of postulated transients and normal operating conditions on the piping system. The change associated with MR 96-0069 added a new transient to the feedwater piping system (spurious injection of RCIC). The new thermal transient was added with a postulated number of occurrences of 10. This new thermal transient was added to the model and was added to the calculated stresses and CUF. For this change it was not necessary to break out the stresses that would have occurred before and after this modification .

If a situation were to occur where a physical change to the plant reduced the severity of a postulated transient, but that transient had already occurred X number of times prior to the physical change then that transient would need to be broken out into two different transients.

One would track or estimate the stress/usage caused by the transients that had occurred under the previous configuration and one would track the stress/fatigue due to the new postulated, but less severe transient.

RBG-47895 Page 1 of 5 RBG-47895 Attachment 1 Original Load Cases and Thermal Modes Table from AX-017D

RBG-47895 Page 2 of 5 Original Load Cases Table from AX-017D:




5.0 WADING CONDITIONS ANALnBD 5.1 DRSCRIPTION POR LOAD CASES LOAD CASE NtlMBER OESc:R.lPTlON No mo\/ up:)et condi tio", (Run 004) 1 n- P'Ll1lD TRANSIENT 'rIME H S'l'ORY (3-PUMP-TRIP) 2 OBEI- OBE INERTIA ***** ~JPING BY STD sass 3 SSEla SSE INERTIA .**** GROUPING BY STD SRSS 4 SRV ( lV,2V,SRVC02V) ********** GROUPING BY STD SRSS 5 SRV (16V,SRVC016V ) *********** GROUPING BY STD SRSS Ii CQCac CONDENS.OSCILL , CHUGGIHG ******** GROUPI~G BY STD SRSS 7 PS- POOL SwaLL .***.****.** * ** GROUPING BY STD SRSS 8 APMS~ ANNULUS PRESSURIZATION M.S.B *** GROUPING BY STD sass 9 APRCBm ANNULUS PRESSURIZATION R.C.B **** GROUPING BY STD SRSS 10 AP~g ~~LUS PRESSURIZATION P.W.B .*.* GROUPING BY STD SRSS 1 OL- D~IGKT ANALYSIS: TLOADa3,( FiSS m COLDSET LOAD) 12 X-OrR OBE }UICHOR MVMTS 13 Y-OIR aBE ANCHOR MVM'l'S 14 Z-OIR OBt ANCHOR HVM'l'S 15 THERM 1- NORMAL OPERATING: (12) PPG e 420/420/'20 F RPV i 552/526/52£ 16 TBERM 2- TURB ROLL COLD: ('A-1 ** ) PPG e 70/70/70 F RPV V 552/552/45C 17 THERM 3- BOLT-UP,LEAX TEST: (3A-i ** )70-100 18 THERM , - HYDROTEST: (ZA) 100-180-100 19 THERM 5- S'l'AR'!'-UP:{UP} (3A-2 .. ) 100-486 20 THZRM 6- START- UP:{UP} (3~-2) 100-486 21 THERH 7- 'l'tlRS ROLL I (U-2 ** )70-325 22 THERM a- TURB ROLL: (4B-l+2) 180-70-325 23 THERM 9- 'l'URB ROLL: (41\-3 * * ) 325-'20 24 THERM 10- DAILY PWR REDCTN I (5-1+2 ** ) 420-354 25 'l'IU:RH u- DAILY PWR INCR : (5-3 .. ) 354-420 26 TRERM 12 c WEEKLY y~ REDCTN : (6-1+2) 420-326 27 THERM 13- l"W H'llt LOSS: ( 9-1+2) 420-352 28 THERM 14 l"W HTR RES'roRnI: (9-3) 352-420 E

29 TBERH 15- SCRAMS: (22-1+2 * * ) 420-275 30 THERM 16b PWR REDUCTN: ( 13) 420-190 31 THERM 17- HOT S'lDBY: (14A) 190-70 32 THERK 16- HOT S'lDBY: (14B-1 ** ) 190-435 33 THERM 19 HOT STDBY: (14B-2 ) 435-190 34 THERM 20a SHUT-DOWN INrTIA'.O!: (15B-l) 435-156 35 THERN 21= SHUT-DOWN IKITI~;:{UP} (15B-2) 156-395 36 THERM 22= VESSEL FLOODING: (16A-)70-157 37 ~ 23- VESSEL PLOODING: (16A-3 ** ) 167-108 38 THERM 24. VESSEL FLOODING: (16A- 4 ,,) 108-167 39 TBERH 25- VESSEL FLOODING: (16&-1+2) 149-66-152 40 THEm! 26- SHUT- DOWN, UNBOL'!': (l7A .. ) 167-100

RBG-47895 Page 3 of 5 Original Load Cases Table from AX-017D, pg. 2:


12210 NP (C) Al\-17D- 4 5.0 LOADING CONDIT I ONS ANALYZED (COlfT'D )


FOR ~OAD CASES 1.OAD CASE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 41 THERM 27- LOSS OF PW PUHP:{UP} (20-1 ** ) 42 0-573-485 42 THERM 28- PIPE RUPTURE: ( 27-1+2) 420-259-70 43 THERM 29- START-UP: {ON} ( 3A-3 ** ) 486-70 44 THERM 30- START-UP: {ON} ( 3B-3 ) 486-180 45 'l'HERM 31& SHU'l'-DOWN tNIT!TN: {Dll} (15B-3) 395-149 46 THERM 32- LOSS OF PWP:{DN} (20-13+14 ) 485-70 47 T!!ERM 33" 'l'MODE 2 WITH P-O PSI 48 TB!:RM 34k TMODE 15 WI'l'H p c 1516 PSI 49 TRtRM 35- THODB 15 WITH P:1175 PS 50 X+Y OIR. OBE AI'CHaR MVM1"S ********** CASES 12+13 BY SRSS Sl OBEA- X+Y+Z EAR'l"HQ1JAlI;E ANCHOR HVMTS **** CASES 12+13+14 B'! SRSS 52 SRV- (SRV MAX ) ************* CASES H5 BY MAXIMUM VALUE 53 SRSS ( SRV,r7 ) *...... ** *.*.* CASES 52+1 BY SRSS 5' SRSS(OBtI,OCCU)- SRSS(OBEI,SRV,FT) *.* CASES 2+52+1 BY SRSS 55 OBET- ABS (OBEI + OBEA) .*.** CASES 2+51 BY ASS. SUM 56 SRSS(OBET,OCCU )- SRSS(ABS (OB.EI+OIlEA) ,SRV,F'l') .. CASESS5+53 BY SRSS 57 SRSS(OBEI,FT) ******** * * * *** CASES 1+2 BY SRSS ( FOR 9CN CARD ONLY) 58 FT- F~Uro TRANSIENT 'rIMA HISTORY(3 PUMP-~IP ) *.** (FOR 5~~ ONLY )



II 1 SEn El. '" B t)(~ . SEn E nn '" RtP,O oR ~\.tlG . smLES 0<l~t4 ~'(

  • 2 r.~1'lLE 2. ~ ~LDE.* SE.'T'T L E MENi ." AUX . SLt)I;o. . still..E.5 tlowl'l i1.'f * \8 ':

RBG-47895 Page 4 of 5 Original Load Cases (Emergency/Faulted) Table from AX-017D STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORA 10 CALCULA TION SHEET I I CALcaATION IOENTlFICA.lION MJMBER JO. OR WOo NO.

12210 REF




~ 51111 1l1l.ZV.5JM;OZVI . . . . . . . . . . GROUPING DY !lTD SRSS 5 'IIV Il.V.SRVC016Vl *********** GROUPING DY 'TD !IR~'


, PS: POOL SMELL . .............. GRCM"IHG BY STD SRSS II APttSa~ ANI'U.~ PRE!lSu:!IZATION H.S.II *** GROUPING 11'1' STD 5lI!1!1


  • COLDSET LOADI 1: SRVt (SAIl HAXI * *** *********** CA5tS ~.5 DY KAX~ VALut 13 SlI:;sI SRV.rTl .......... ....... CASES 12+1 DY 5RSS 1~ 5RSSI OIIfI .5lIV.FTI ......... C.I \Sts hlhl 11'1' SRSS 15 SRSSIODEI.OtCEI.SRSS'OBEI.SRV.FT.COOH ....... ... .. CASES Z.llol . ' IIY SRSS 16 SRSSISSEI.SRV.rTI .. . ........ CASE!l '.U.l Dl' SRSS 17 HAX(CQCH.PSI ............. CAStS 6.7 Ill' ItAX VALUE UI IIAXIAPKS!I.APlltel .. .. .... . CASts Ih9 BY HAX VALUE 19 AP. AHHl~US PRtsS : HAJI AP(lIS8.RCD.~Hl)I ... CAS~S /1.'.10 11'1' HAX VALUf; ZO SRsSlSsn.fT l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CASf S '.1 8Y ~s Z1 SRSSIssn.OCCfl)t:SRSS[SSU.SRV.fT.IIAXICOCli.PSI I ** CASES 8'1' SRSS ZZ 5RSSISSEI.OCCfZI-sRSSISStl.FT.API ........ . ....... .. CAS£S :1.1>19 BY SltSS t3 SSEI. SSE l/iCRTIA ............ (CASE RfPEAn:D fOIl SlIalARY OM. YJ f4 COCH . COND!t(S.OSCYL.L L CHU!>Gltt:; ... ICASE REPUTfO fOR WIHARY Qtl.YI

RBG-47895 Page 5 of 5 Original Thermal Modes Table from AX-017D STONE & weBSTER ENGIfIIEER1IIG CORPORATION CALCULATION Sr£ET I








2 T8ERH 2- TURB ROLL COLD: (~-l .. ) PPG e 70/70/70 P RPV @ SS2/SS2/4SC 3 THlmM 3- BOLT-trP, LEAK TEST: ( 3A-l .* )70-100 4 THERM ,- HYDROTBST: (ZA) 100-180-100 5 THERM 5- STARr-UP:{UP} (3A-Z ** ) 100-486 6 THERM 6- STARX- P:{UP} ( 31l-2 ) 100-486 7 THERH 7- TURB ROLL: ('A-Z ** )70-325 8 THERM 8- TURB ROLL: ( 4B- ~2) l80-70-325 9 THERM 9c TURB ROLLI (4A-3 ** ) 3Z5-420 10 THERM 10- DAILY ~NR REDCTN : (5-1+2 ** ) 420-35' 11 TH!lRM 11- DA LY Pm IlICR r (5-3 ** ) 35'-'20 12 THERM 2- WEEKLY PWR REDCTN I (6-1+2) 420-326 13 THERM 13- FW BTR LOSS: (9-1+2) '20-352 14 TBRRM U " FW Jml RES'l'ORTH: (9-3) 352-420 15 THERM 15- SCRAMS: (22-1+2 *. ) 420-275 16 THERM 16- ~WR REDUCTN: (13) 420-190 17 ~RM 17~ b," STDBY: eltA) 190-70 18 TKERM 18- ROT STDBY: (1'B-1 ** ) 190-435 19 THtRM 19- HOT STDBY: (14B-2) 435- 90 20 THER.'6 20- SHUT-DOWN INI'l'lUN: (151\-1 ) 435-.56 21 THERM 21& SHUT-DOWN INITITN:{trP) (lSB-2) 1.56-395 22 THERM 22s VESSEL FLOODING I (16A-l )70-157 23 THERM 23- VESSEL FLOODING: ( 16A-3 ** ) 16i-l08 2' THERM 24- VESSEL FLOODING: (16A-4 .. ) 108-167 25 THERM 25- VESSEL FLOOD NG : (16B-l+2) 1'9-66-152 26 THERM 26- smrr-w;I'N, UNllOLT: ( 17A .* ) 167-100 27 TH.ERM 27- LOSS OF !'VI PUMP :{trP} (20-1 .* ) '20-573-485 28 THERM 26- PIPE RUPTURE: (27-1+2) '20-259-70 29 '1'HERH 2P- START-UP: {DN) (3A-3 *. ) 486-70 30 TliER.~ 30- STAR'1'-T1PdDNl (3B-3) 486-180 31 THERM 31~ SHVT-~I INrrrTN:{ON} (lSB-3) 395-149 32 THERH 32- LOSS OF PWP:{ON} (20-13+14) 485-70 33 THERM 33-- 'lY.ODE 2 WlTH P-O PSI 34 THERM 3'" 'l'MODE 15 WITH P-1.516 PSI 35 TBl:RM 35- 'l'MOOE 15 WITH P-ll75 PSI

RBG-47895 Page 1 of 2 RBG-47895 Attachment 2 Thermal Transient Loss of Feed Water Pumps Aux Power Trip without Bypass and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) Injection AX-17D Rev 3K

RBG-47895 Page 2 of 2 Thermal Transient Loss of FW Pumps Aux Power Trip without Bypass and RCtC injection .

<.:. .A.;. .:X;.-.-. .:. /. .:. 7. ;:O~R:.* ;.;t;;~V~\~t>.:...J<~..L.A:J..¥#=-*.:...::IO~P 1ClC~ 17- 01 PICL AP- *1T ATTACH u.rr A) PAGt. 127a VPS~T'"

600 - ~~ \TJt),v 5ZS0

'SZS'r -h rl 525" r-500- I 1 I I Ii I


~ ht12~ .1 I I I I

~ 400-1 1  :



~ I . ,I I , I

~ 300- I I I I I


1 I i

I-I 1 I' I I I I 200 - I f I I I I I I

. 100-


~~~' feOOF

/ L k-{5l1~R I I I


~5~ 1 -;:.~'F F F'ft FLOW -... ~r S-""8f'1 ._-- "., 7

."':'9~:>':. O~ F'f'J~~,,-~t-i!ltl EVENT DESCRIPTION (",ws)~~~~.~'!..~ ~ . ,

EVENT NUMBER zo..;i.-1 2~2-2 20-2 -3 20-6"- 1 2l)-6-2 W-6-3 -ZO-1O-1 ZD * ~O-2. .2 lHo- 31 PRESSURE-PSIG ,,001100 HOO 'HOP 1100 11QO HOO 1100 ~100 '  !

OURATION OF FINAL TEMP. -HR. 1~ : ~0l.I 012Jl 0.333 oiJo£t O.i13 0.333 0.004 0,11.3 IIJDtF. 1 NO. OF CYCLES To 10 . 10 10 10 iO 10 ~O -10 i RATE OF TEMP. CHANGE-oF/HR. S~ S~

TIME - SEC. FOR A. n;lo\p DER'MP VELOCITY-F"t/SEC,(rit !t'i,CfS IR.CfS h1S o

&TE.? mr 625 ;)T£.p STP blS . !

0.'lS 0 0.95 O . ~5


~:iJb '@ VELOCITY-FT.lSEC,(IO',) ().~O o.BO o O.Bo 0 0,80 0.2,0 0 i 0.78 o 0.78 0 0.78 C.78 0 NQTE:

  • Fl.OW IS ~crc I~(}. 'rJATE.R AND EXI515 0 L'Y -. r-------------~-----------------.


A 12210-SK-TRI-7-A-2

RBG-47895 Page 1 of 19 RBG-47895 Attachment 3 Cumulative Usage Factor (CUF) Summaries AX-17D Rev 3 , Addendum 3J , and Addendum 3K


REF, t--



OF RESULTS (ODNT'O) 9.S CUMt1LM'lVE USAGE: l'ACTOR (ClIF) 9.5. COF FOR OTHER THAN BREAK EXCLUSION AREAS ~e\ected. fuints ns 4 C.Uf "> '02 0 , -'

Allowable Cl1F - 1.0 ( Ref. 1 llB-3600) l/

Node Type ot: Equation 12 ECJuation 13 CUI' Remarks Point E1Q!llent (Re' . 1 ) ( Re!. 1) 4 ELB 30043 2.4 '15 (j, ' 02.\2.

JO EL~ 2.~ 592- 22.72.G. -0 \44 45 El~ 27084 2(0'309 '0\85 70 EL'e> 427\ 2\32\ '0048 80 GRUN \9 .53 20541 '0178 g3 <4RVN '\3 0~'2. 19~58 -02"8 85 ~t:LB 4(o1<DZ 2.'2 4~~ '5~ 0~

SCi ~ E. \..'C 4(O(l,2 0 '2\ 53'2. *5378

. 87 GElb 43'3~O 22. s, c.. . '3598 8'?> Gr.IJ~ \8 50S '2.\8~2. -0370 3.5 G~\J~ 11783 '22.570 'OZ I~

':>7 GRUN 18783 21000 '°350

.5B G'K\\~ 4G, r;, 85 2.\S9S'" '0'4\

100 E.L~ 47850 1'338" 'O~O3

'05 ELI(, 404~S- 9\\8 '0 342

'0(0 G. ~\)~ '38522- 21718 *O33~

109 ~RIJ~ 25\87 2.5 \51 .0173








9.S.1 CUP POR OTHER THAN BREAK EXCLl1S1ON AREAS Allowable CUP s 1.0 (Ret. 1 llB- 3600 )

Node Type of Equation 12 EtJUlI.tio l3 CUP Remarki Point Element CRet. 1) {Ref. 1) .

\\S E.L~ 447" i 22.\05 ' °38(.,

\ \ Co GRI.)N 45450 2.4445 . .04'7

\If G R\)\'-\ 22832 '2~848 *0493

\ 19 G R\)~(_ 4~4M> 32.~ 53 '4 0 34

\ 'Z '2. GRUN 47GS 2'2442- *0'2.75 1'2.5" G. R\.l N(WoIII 3~O8 32\'2.1 -0(047 140 G. 'R \l\-\(~~llI 4C,ll 2.17 SG, .0'341 45' ELt) 9~B4 7497 . 007.3 82 'TE.E 2~393 3 1388 -3 479 2.ScP G ?- \) \-\ 3955 17 ~53 '031g

~OTE. Fo'\' Nodes 20, 94\ ~ 143 See. o.\t~c'n me'Ot .. 7.


12210 NP(C) AX-17P- 4 RB'.







Allowable CUP

  • 0.1 (Ra!. 1 NB-3600)

Node Type or Equation 12 Equation 13 CUF Remarks Point ~lement "(RIl! . 1) (Ref. lJ ISO El'C \3888 '8042 'OO~5 152. GRUN S474 It;, 8~<:D *0'2.13

\53 G. ~\)N 8255 \ra.503 '0202-

\55 G R\)~(4~~~ '3703 2zlO8 ' 04 18,

\5 ~ G. 'R\)N (IIlI~~ ~859 '21'2'32. ' 0752-

\G. \ G. R\)\'\ <0<0 11 1714£'0

  • 0572-

\" 2- GR\JH G,O"37 IS 4 "32- .0"3704-

-3 GR0N 3~5~ ~1 738 .O2~4

\'n G~\)~ 1481 \'3385 *038(0 .

'13 G.R\)~ 8~9 ~2.51 '02 e>\

202- C; R\)\{ \'3\'2- ,g, 50 7 .07(;.\

2.05 G. R\J N(ilu~ ~ 307 2732.(;, - 0911 io-- s u ? '271- 272. .

'2. \ 5 G R\)N(~", \250 24542- .0 5 14

'2.~0 ,,_'.'\4 \583 17525 *0°40 I

RBG -47895 Page 5 of 19 load Combinations for location 82 Tee (Break Points 60AW, BW, and CW) Addendum 3J CLASS 1. CODE COHPloUlNCE J\N"l\I.YSYS MB:l OI/NO RD/5 6 2367 07/ 1 ~/96 HT55 13 P~GE 8 RUN !'fO . 2 FOR NODE POUlTS 82. 85 . 87. 100. lOS . 11.0 & rZ5 01' AX - 170 LOAD T1\IlL!o: FOR BO. 11 AT I.oOCATION 82 ('reB)

. 1.01\D


NO. OF ,

P s LEO. X * , y * , z . , DT1 DT4 TA 'm t--------~----------------------

1 CMT"Dnn'TL*2.

45 ;.

.OOO : RON .

! --~---.-----~ --, - ------- - ----------- - ------- ~

. 0, .0, .0: 420 . 0 : 420 . 0

1. * .0: .:0 :
  • RUN : .0. .0 * . 0:

d3RA : .0 . .,0. .0.

2 :a [)!(T. SRVFT-2 45: .000 . ROlf: .0. *.0. *0 , .0 * .0 , 42,0.0 : 420 . 0 <


, ROth .:0: . D*

  • O. . '0: .0:

78"75: 1 sRtnft . ,O J . o.

3 3 DWT.SRV " 2 ~ooo

  • O. .0:
  • 0. 42.0.0 : 420 . 0
  • zROU: . 0: .10 * . /l<

, BRA, .0: ~ o: , Pi

... : . ... *P. TH11D2 8. DYN'l"1'L 1. .. . 020 . ROH. . 0: 2;a .. 6. 18 . I.. - 66.0: - 14 . 0 : 70.011 104 .. 0 .

o:R.UN: .0 , -1° : .0:

,BRA, 432 ** 2 : - 131 . 8, "13 . 2 ,

5 5 p', THKD1S

  • D'iNT'l'l< i . . 020. : RUNI
  • D. 530:0 . so. o. -60 . 0. - 9 .0 , 70.0. 88 . 0J

,. .R1JH,


.0, 897 . 8.


lO 9 S~S :

  • 306 . 2.


6 6 P ,THMD ~ S,SRVFT 5, .020 dtUN .

, ROlf:

.0 ,

.0, 530.'0 1

. :O !

50.0 :

. 0,

- 60.0. - 9.0. 70 .. 0 : ' le . o,

, BRA . 897 . 8 : 1095.:5 . *306 . 2 ,

7 7 P"THKD1S,SRV16V 191 : . . 020 , ROH ,

  • D. 5 30 . 0 . 50 . 0 : - 60.0 . -9.0 , 70 . 0 1 88.0.
ROlf . . 0: .0 : .0,
BRA . 897 . 8 . 1095.:5 . *306 .2.

8 8 P . THMDJ4 , SRV16V 1 : ~ ~ 516 : ROl'f : . 0: 530 ,. 0 : 50 , 0 , -60 . p : -9 . 0 : 70 . 0 ~ 88 . 0 *

, RUN * .0, ..0 . .0:

.!lRA . 897 *.6 , 1095 ,..5 , -306 ,;2 .

9 9 P . THMD35 , SRV16V 98:1.175,RUN : .0 , 530 . 0 , 50.0 , -60 . 0 . -9.0 1 70 . 0 : 68 . 0 :

ROlf . .0, .0 * .0.

, BRA , 897 . 8 : 1095 . 5 , -306 . 2 :

10 , 10 P.THMD35 , SRV~V 92 , 1.1.'15,ROlf . . 0, 5 30.0 . 50 . 0. -60 . 0 * -9 . 0. 70 . 0 , 88 . 0 :

, e RtJN :

B.i U'.

. 0' : ,0, 89'1 . 8 , l095 . 5 : -306.2 ,


l L , 1 1 P,THMD32.SRVIV 10 ; D. 530.0 . 50.0 , -2 J01

.120:RON . -11i.0: '10 . 0 , 95 . 0 .

,RUN , . 0' , . 0 : .0**

BAA, 897 . 8 . 109S : 5 . -306.2:


  • 12 P,THMD31 . SRVIV 1.5 : .200:ROlf . .0 : 418 _7 . 39.S, - 4.0.0: - 6 .0 , 70 . 0:

'0.0 :

' :ROlf.

  • D. ;0'. ,0.
BRA : 709 . 3 . 865 ** * -2.1.9,
1) :13 P,THMD:i!3 . SRVIV 126 , .0!D:RDli :
  • D. 113.6: 9 . 3: . -20.0,
  • 3 .0 . 70. 0 : 7 7.0 :

,RUN. . 0' : .0 . .0',

BRA: 21 1. 9 . 221.. 6 , -67.6:

14  : 14 P,THMll29. SRVlV 106.1.:l0D,RON: .0, 5 3 0'.0' : 50 . 0. .0: .0 , 70'.0, 70.0:

s ROU: .0, . 0' , . 0,

,BAA: 897 . 8 . 1095.5 . *.3 0G . 2,

--- -- ------ - ----._--- - - - -- --------- -- -- - - - ------------ - -- - - - - -- - - ----- - -- - --------------- - ---~- - - -- - - -


RBG-47895 Page 6 of 19 Load Combinations for location 82 Tee (Break Points 60AW, BW, and CW) Addendum 3J pg. 2 CLASS 1 CODE COMPLtANCS ANALYSYS MS1.01/tl4 RJ}/562J67 07/17/9' l1T55l)  !'IIlJS ,

RlIII NO.2 POEl NOOE POHns 82. 8 S. 87. 1.00. 105. 110 & 125 OF AX-1JD LOAD nBLI! FOR EO . 11 A'I' LOCATION 82 ('rBB,

.. --------- .. . -----------~-----------

, LOAD , ,NO . OF',

- ---- -- ----- --------- ----------------.----~-------------.--------

.SST NO,LOAO S8T DIlSCIUPTION , cyCL8$, P ,:LEGl :x *  : Y * : Z

  • 0T1 D'n 1'1. TB
---- ----~-- - ------------------------ --------- ---- --- - - ----------------------------------- -- -------- -:

15 , 15 P.THMD26.SRVlV 249 : .O OO:RtJIII' .0: 122 . 7 , 10 .0, -l.a: .0 : '10.0: Jl. 0 :

dUIN: .0: .0: .0:

BRA: 228.8 : 239 . 4 : -73 . 0: 1 I 16  : 16 P . TJD(1)20,SRVlV 15 : . 700 ,Rln"
  • 0.: 445.2 , 12 0 : -49 . 0 .. -1 . 0 : 70 . 0, ~17. O.
:0 ; .0, , Q, 11  : 17 1', TI~04, SRVlV

40 : 1.250,Rt1N ,

754 . 2 .

  • . 0 ..

920 . h -257 . 2',

74 .l

  • 22 . 3. .0:


.0, 1.50,0, 180.0 .

IRUNt . 0, .0, . 0-:

BRA , 29 , 6 ' 162.6: -19. T:

18 , 1B P *.TllMDD2, SRV1V 442: 1.100 ,'RUN , ,0, 5)0 .0: 50 . 0 , .0 : .0

  • 70.0, 70 .0 :
lltlN , .'0 , . 0: .0 ,
BRA, 8~1 . B
1095.5 : -305 . 2" I*

19 , 19 P,'n!MIl01 307: 1.100 : Rtm , . 0 :' 371 . 2 , 114 . ) , 57. 0 , S.O~ ~7.0 . 70.0 .

ROlle .0 , . 0: .0,
BRA ' 15.1 , 8U *.4, - ~2 . 2',

20  : 20 P.1'HMD22 9G , .050'RUN * ..0 , 10' . 1, 8.9 I 21 .o~ t . OI 80.0 . 70.0:

iElUN . .0 . .0: .0;

, BAA : 203. 4 : 2.1 1 . 8, -64 . 9 ;

n ,21 P,TIIMD08 15:L100 , RUN : .0, 3 '/1.. 2< 114 . 3; 55 . 0, 8 . 0 1' 90 .0 , 70.0,

, RUN , . 11. .0, .OJ

, 8RJ\: 1 5.1, 864 ,4 : -91.2:

22  : 22 P,THMD14 70 , 1.100:'Rlnl, :0; 31.6. 140.9; 27 .0: 4 .0: 81.0. 70 . 0:

, RON, . 0. .0 * .0.

~DRJ\: - 27 0. ) , 167.9, -2.7:

21 . : 23 p , Tl!MDll '999 :' 1.100<R~: .0 '- 31 . 6 : 140:': 2 .0: . 0: 11 . 0: 70 . 0:

,R.UN , .0, .0, .0:

ORA: -210.): 767.9. -2.'/:

2~ ,24 p , nil"DU )0: 1. 050 : RUII , .0, 30 . 7: U6.6: 22.0 : 3 . 0. 91.0: 70 . 0 *

Rt1N : .0, .0: .0 *
liRA, -262.2 C 744.', - 2.6:

25 :25 P, nil"D21 15 : . 700,Rlllh .0, 29 . 5, 126.8: 26. 0 , 4 . 0: 92 .0 , 70 . 0 :

RUN , .0 , _0, .0,

,1ll\A, - 20.3 , 691- 1 . - 2.5 ,

26 ,26 P,Tl1MD27 lO: 1.335 : RUN . .0: .0, .1: 3 . 0, l.o: 70 . 0: 10 . 0 ,

.RUN . .0: . 0, .0, 21 ,27 P. nJMD24 L .BAA .

207 : .0 50 : RUN .

- 312.1 .


800 . 4 :

'19 . '1:

-~ . 2 ,

23. 9 , 20.0, 3.0:

17 . 0 : 70 . 0 :*

.RON : . 0: . 0, .0:

~ BRA I 31.B, 174. . 8, - 21 . 2 :


RBG-47895 Page 7 of 19 CUF Summary for location 82 Tee (Break Points 60AW, BW, and CW) Addendum 3J ClJ\SS 1 CODB COMPLIJ'Jl'CE Jl.NM,YSYS MEI01/N4 RB/562367 07/17/96 HT5513 P~GE 13 RUN NO.2 FOR NODE POINTS 82 , 85, 87,. ),00. 105, no &. 125 OFAX- 17D S~Y OF CALC'UL1>.l*tO~S OF CUMULATIVB USAGB f"ACI'OR AT LOCATION 82 (Tim)

.-------------- - --~~~ --- --- , ---- --- ------------- ---- --- - - --------- - --- - --- ------- --- ------ -------------

  • --- ...... *---t K-8  :-_. ------ -_ ...  ; N  : ELIM- :-------------, CYC~S : USAGE :

r , J s-p

- ____

  • __ L _______________

SP"KX/2 ___ ____N- I ,

~_~ ~

N-J  :

___________ __ _____ r __N-I _______________


~ .~ ~~


N-J : N-O __________


5 17 110. 618 : 1.218: 70 . 688 : 4r 40: 4: S, S 0: 36 : 1560 t . 0026 :

8 27 1l4 . 4Q9~ 1.117: 63.908. 11 201: 1: 8, 8 0: 201> , 2116 .ooos.

6 17 105.304= LG99 1 57.86 1: 5: 36 : Sf 6, 6 0: 31: 28'12 .0017:


, 56.954: O~

7 17

  • I G4. 913 : 1.086 J 191 ! 31: 31 ~ 17,11 160: 3015 .0103 :

... ! III ~ 102.164: 1,055: S3.88(O s 1: 307: 1: 4. 4 o~ 305 : 3575 .0003:

7 I 26 < 103. 3l2~ 1.000 . 5l.661:, 160 . 10*: 10: 26,26 150~ O. 4 010 ,002 5:

9 , 27 99.* :no: ' 1.000: 49.655: 98 : 206 : 98 , 9, 9 0: 108 ~ 4589  : 0214:

7 22 97.8'88~ 1. 000: 48 .944 , 150 : '10 : 70: 22,22 80: 0: 4782 ,0146 1

~o 27 t 97.096: 1 . 000 1 48 .5 4a: 92: 108 : 92 : 10,10 0: 16 : 48H .0188:

" 7 19 96 .828 : 1.000; 48.414 : 80 : 306 : 80: 7. '7 I 0: l26: 4932 .0).52 ;

. : 11 19 : 8~. 3:96; 1. 0'00: 42 .198 : 10: 226: 10: 11,11 o~ ~16 : 729 " . 0014 :

13 I 18 ! 83.494 'i 1.00,0: 4*1.747: 126: 442 : 126 ; 13,13 0: 310: 7524 , 016-7 :

1..8 27 81.. 278 ~ : l~OOO: 40.6]9 < 316 :' 16 : l6 ~ 27,27 300, 0: B124 . 0010:

1.5 18 81.*176 : , 1 ;odo: 40 .588 , 2409 : 300~ 249 t 1;,15 ' 0: 51: 8153 : . 0305:

18 20 80:3 54: 1.000. +() :1.17 " 51 : 96 ~ 51 : 18 ,18 0: 45: '8 393 ,006) :

14- 20 80.354; .' I 1 ... 000: 4(L~77 : 106 ~ 4S, 45 : 20 ,20 6l : o~ 8393 l

  • OOSJI ~

12 19 7B.8~1~ 1 hOOO. : 3.9. 44 5: 1.5 : 216 : 1 5 : 12,12 0: 201. 88~O . 0017:

H I ts 60.391 : 1 .,00.0 ; lCL 197: 15 : 201: 1 5~ 16 , 16 0: 186: 19&14

  • OOOS ;

I 14 2S 54 . 9'13l 1..000 ; 27.487 : 61: 15.;, 15: 25.25 4t1.: 01 283M . 0005 :

~ ~4 1 24 38.532: I 1 . 000: 19 . 266: 46 : 30: 30 1 24,24 16. 01 118363 . 0003 :

I 14 1 19 ., 3';')'!1: 1:000 : 17.17 1 , 16 : 1.86, 16: 14,14 0; 170: 19 8889. . 0-001 ;

1 1. :n.725: 1 .GOO: 13 . 863 : 45 : 45: ~S: 1, 1 1 0: 0: 5:a87.6 .0001 :

~9 23 } .2l ! 141: 1. 00.0.:, 10 ..*970 : . 170~ 99.99 :.. 17o_; J.9,19 0, 9829: >1 .E6 0 I 21 23 20 . 312 , 1. ooo ~ 10.1.56: 15: 9829, 15: 2 1 .21 0, 9814:  :>l.B' 0 2 :2 ! 16,195 : I 1.000.: 8 . 097 1 o!l5, <45: 45: 2. 2 0,: 0: >1 . &6 0 3 1 3 15 . 242 ~ 1. 000 ~ '1.621: 7875: 1875: 1875: ), 3 01 0 : :>1.&6 0

-- ---------- - - ----~-~---- -~------.~-- --~----------~-- -. -- ------- ------------. --- - - ~-- -------------


RBG-47895 Page 8 of 19 Load Combinations for location 85 (Break Point 71W) Addendum 3J ctASS 1 CODS COMPLIJ\NCS NfM.YSYS HE10l/N4 RB/S62367 01/1,/96 HT5511 PAGB 14 lun; NO.2 FOR NODE POlN'l'S 82. 8S , 87, .100, lOS, 110 6: 125 OFAX-170 LOAD TABLE POR BO. H 2\T WC1\TION 85 (CURB)

LOA() ; :NO. OF :
SET NO:LO.I\D SET DBSCRr~IOt-l : CYCI.SS : p x .. y - Z
  • DTl 1}T2 TA TB

! -~ - ----~-- - -------~----- -- ------------------------------------------- - ---- --- ----- - ---- --~--- - --:

1 1. otfl'. DY1m'L* 2 45 : .000 : . 0; .0 : .0; .0: . 0, 4.20 . 0: 420 . 0 ,

2 2 DNT.SRVPT*2 45 : .000 ; .{); .0: .0: .0~ .0, 420 . 0 ! 420 . 0 ,

3 3 DHl',SRV*2 7875 I . 000 .0 f .0, .0 : .0: .0, 920.0: 420.0' ,

4 4 P,THMD28,DYNTTL  :, 1 1 .020; 413 . 2 , -48.0 : -~39.8 : -57.0 1 '-10.0, 70.0 . 70.0 l 5 5 p. 'l'HMtl15 , VYN'ITL 4: .021h 897.8: -118*.4 ! -H1.6. -36.0. -S.Ul 70. 0: 10[' 0:

6 6 ~,THHD1S , SRVFT r: . 020 897 . 8 -1l8 . ~: -411.6: - 36.0: - 5.0l 10 t O: 70 0; 7 7 P,THMD1S,SRV16V 1.91 1 . 020. 897.8: - 116.4.. : - otl1d" - 36.0 1 - 5 , 0. 70.0 1 70 ~ 0 ,

8 8 £>,'l'HM034 , SR'I16V 1:1.516.: U1.8, -118'. 4 1 -411.61 -36.0 1 -5.0: 10.0, 10.0, 9 ' 9 t1,THMD35,SRVI6V 9811.175: 897 , 81 -118.4: - 411.6: - 36.0 : - 5 . 0: 70 , Ot 70 ~0':

10 ~10 P,TRMD3S,SRVIV 92:1.175: 897.8: - ~18 . 4 : - 411.6 . -36.0 , -S.D. 70.0 , 10 ~ 0.

11 :11 ?, TRMD32,SRV1V ~o: .120: 891 , 8: -118 .41 -411.6: -~2.0: - 2.0: 7 Q.~ O: 70 , 0~

12 :12 P,THMD31,SRVlV IS , .200: 709.3: -93.6, - 325.2: - 30 _0: - 4.0 : 70 . 0 : 70 ;0 :

13 11,3 P, TJ.OO>23, SRVIV 12' ~ .OSO, 211. 9: - 24 . 6', - 71.7 : -.13 , 0 : -2.' 0 : 70.0: 10 '.0:

14 11:4 P,tHM029,SRVlV =; 106 : 1.100: 897 . 11 . -U8 . 4*: -411.6: . 0: .0: 70.0: 70.0.:

15 :15 P,'IHMD26 , SRVIV 249 1 . 000 : 228.8: - 26 !6: - 77.4: - 3.0 : :0, 70' . 0 ~ 10.0:

16 116 P, TJ.D;ID20 , SR.V1 V 15: .700: 754.2: -99. 5: -345.8 : -36.0 : - 5.0: 70; : 0 < 70.0, 17 ;17 P,THMDOt , SRVIV 40 11 . 250 , 29.6: -8 . 6: - 88.8: . 0: .0: 180..0: 180.0:

18 :18 P,THMD02,SRV1V I. 442 11.100, 897.8: - 118 . 4: - 411.6 : .0 : .0 : 10;0 : 0.0 ,

19 .19 'P,THl<ID07 307,1.100 : 75 . 1 , -46..-3: -505 ,'0, ' 31.0 : 4.0 : 70.01 70 . 0:

20 :20 P,THMI>22 96, ;050, '203.4 ; -23.7 : - 68.8 : ~9 . 0 ; 3.0: 70..0: 70.0:

21 ;23, P,YNMD08 1 5:1.100: 75.1: - 46 . 3 : -505 .0, 31.0 , 4.0 : 70.0~ 70 . 0:

22 ,22 P. THMD14 70 : 1 . 100 : -'2 70.3 c -16 . 6 : -546 . 5: 15 . 0 , 2 ~ 0. , 70'. 0, 70.0:

23 :23 P, t1!MDl.l 9999,1.100: -270.3: - 16 . 6 : - 546 . 5: 1.0: .0: ']0.0: 70.0 :

24 :24 P J 'O{MI)18 30 : 1 ~ 050: - 262 . 2: - 16 . 1 : -530 , 1, : 16 , 0 : 2 ~O  : 7(1,"0.: 70.Q ;

25 , 25 P,THMD21 15: . 700 : - 243.3: -14 . 9 : -491.9: ~7.0 ; J.O , 71).0: 70,0:

26  : 26 1'.TW!D27 10 : 1.335 -312.1: - 25 . 8 : - 591 .5 : 3.0 : .0 : 70.0: 70.0 :

27 . 27 P.1'HMD24 207: . 050 ! 31.8: -9 , 3; - 95 .5. ~3_0 : 2 . 0, 70.0: 70.0:


RBG -47895 Attachm ent 3 Page 9 of 19 CUF Summary for location 85 (Break Point 71 W) Addendum 3J CLASS 1 COOS o:lHPLIAl'(CE ANALYSYS MS"l01/N4 R8/S62367 07/17/96 HT5513 PAGE 17

~ON NO.2 l"OR liODB POIN1'S 82, as, 87, 100, lOS , 110 &. :l2S OP AX-17£>


-- ---------- - ------- - -.----~------------------------.------------------------ - --- .---- ---~- - -- -~--

  • CYCLES LEFT I ~ . , FATIQoE f ... .... - -*... - - - - : ~E  :-------------t N ~ ELIH-  :- _.--.--- .---, CYCLES : USI\GE
  • I s- p N- t N-J :  : F1I.CTOR :

... ___ : .....INJ\T8o: N- J M- o

J  ; SPTU./2  ! N- I  :  !

l---------.~---------------- - .. _--a- - - - ----- - - - --.--~-_ ~ ~ ____ . . ~M _ _ __ _ ~ _ ____

  • _________________  :

5 26 122.449 : l.138 : 69.654 : 4 ,' 10 : 4, 5, 5 0: 6: 1624 . 0025:

6 I 26 106.705 . 1. 000 . 53.353 ; 51 6. 5. 6, 6 I OJ I. 3686 ! .0014 :

7 I 26 106.629 : '1 . 000; S3 . 31'* 1911 l' 1: 26,26 190= 0: 3694 .00'031' .

7 22 103.506 : 'l.. 00-0 : 51."153 , 190: 7tl l 10: 22,22 120 ~ 0 .: 4041 .0173:

7 24 102.375 , 1.000 . 5 1. 181t: 120 : 30 i 30 : 24 , 24

  • 90l O. 4l8(; , .oon :

i I 23 99.903 : 1. 000 l 49.952 : 90 : 9 9 99 ~ . 90: 7, 1 O*, 9909: 4512 .OH9 :

4 .: 23 99.293: 1.000: 49 . 646: l' 9909: 1: 4, . 0: 9908': 4591 .0002:,

6 25 98.41:0 : "1. .00 0: 49.20sJ : 1: lSj 1: 8, e 01 14 : 4110 .0002 :

'3 ; 25 93.735 : 1. 000 : 016.868., . 9S f 14 : 14 < 25,25 84: 0: 5-411 . 0026 :

11 : 23 91.062 : 1 .000: 45 . 531.: 10 ; 9908: 10 : 11, 1 1 0: 9 898: 5816 . 0011:

9 : 27

  • 87.926 89 . 150 : 1. 000: 44 . 815' , 84 , 201. 80f t 9, 9 01 123 ; 6124 .0131:.

10 : 27  : 1.000 : 4.3 . 963' ~ 92 ; 123: 92 ; 10,10 0: 31 : 6493 . 01.4 2 :

j 12 i 23 84 .3 95 , 1.00Ot 42 . 197;, lS: !l898: 15', 1.2 ,12 1 0; 9883: 7298 I .0021:

16 j 23 81. 435 . 1.000 e 40 . 711 , I S: !l88] : IS , 16,16 0: 9868 : 8080 .0019:

18 ' ! 27 77 . 671 , 1 . 000; 38~835: 442 : 31.: 31: 27 , 21 411: 0: 92 8 0 .00')3:

18 23 '1 4 . 465 : 1. 000: 37.233:: 411 : 9868 : 4ll,: 18,18 01 9457 : 1 0520 . 1}391 :

14 23 74.4'65 :I 1. 0001 37,233.: 106 : 9-451 : 106 : U. , 14 0: 9351 : 1 0520 .01 0 1:

c 13 23 63.650 : 1.000 : 3i.S25 : . 126 : 9351: 126 : 13,13 0: 9225: 1 6778 .G07S:

15 ,: 23 ,: 62 , 078 : 1,000: 31..039 : 249 : 9225 ; 249 : 15',15 0: 8976 : 18073 .Oll8 :

20 2) 59 . 884 : 1. 0 0 0 : 2!1 , 942~ 96 : 8976: 96 : 20,20 0: 8 8 80: 20154 .004.8:

1. 1 43 . 433 , 1. 000, 21.716 1 45: 45: 4S*~ 1.. 1 () , 0: 12123 .0006, 17 23 40 . 325 : LOOO : 20 . 162 : 40 : 8880 : 40 r 17,17 c: 8840 : 961140 .0004 :

21 \ 23 28 .791, : 1 ,000;, 14,39&: 15 : 8840 : 15 1 21,21 0, 8625: 440221 .OQ,OOI.

19 2.l 28 . 791 : 1. 000: 1 4.396 : 307. 8825: 307 1 19,19 0, 8518, 440221 .0007 :

2 2 15 . 333 : LOOO : 7.667 : 45 : 45 , 45 : 2 , 2 c: 0 : ", 1. 86 (l

) ) 14

  • 85'S : l.. 000;

- - - - - _________ __ _____________ * . ______ _ _ _ _ M. __

~ ~

7;4.27, 7875: .~~

7875: 7875: 3. 1 _____ ____


  • ______________  ;>I. Il' 0: ______0:___________ __ 0 TOTAL USAGE FACTOR- .16S3

RBG-47895 Page 10 of 19 Load Combinations for location 87 (Break Point 70W) Addendum 3J CLASS 1 coDe COMPLIANCE l\N~YSYS MEI01/~4 RB/S62361 07/17/96 Hr5513 PAGE 18 RUN NO . 2 FOR NODE POINTS 82. 85, 67, .100 , 105, 110

I,ON) :  : " 0. OP :


  • Z
  • 171'1 0'12 TA TB
-- ~ ---------. --- -- ---------~-.--------------------- - - - -~---------- -- - -- -- - - - -- -- ---.--- - ~-- - ---- :

1 1 nt.'T, DYNTTr.* 2 45 : .00 0 : .0: .0, .0: .0: .0 ; 420.0 : 420.0:

2 2 DPlT,SRVPT*2 45; . 000; .0: .0 : .0 : .0 , .0 , 420.0 420 . 0:

3 3 D'WT,SRV-2 7875 * . 0 00 . . 0: .0 ; , .O ! .0: .0: 420.0 : 420 . 0 ;

4 4 P,TKM028,D~~ 1: .020: 34.31 -3 17 .9, -150.~: - 415 .0: -8 : 0 : 10 . 0 ~ 103.0: '

.~ 5 5 P,THMDlS,DYN1~ 4 1t .02 0 : 66 . .11 -6419.7 : '

  • 359 . 0: -21.0: -].0 1 70 ~ 11:' BO.O ! ,

t 6 6 P. TRMDlS,SRVPT S: . 0lO ~6. 1: '049.7 : - 359 .0 .

  • 21.0: - 3.0; 70 . 0: 80.0 p

'1 7 P,THMDlS , SRV16V 191; .020: 66:1., - 649.7: -3S9.0: - 21. . 0 , -3 . 0 : 70 ; O ~ 80 ~ 0: .

8 e P,THMD34,SRV16V 1 . 1.516 : 66.11 -6oU. 7 ;, -359 . 0': - :n ,o: -3 . 0 : 70 , 0:' 80 .0: '

f 9 9 P,THMDl5,SRV16V 98 :1. 115: 66 .1i - 64 9 . 7t - 359.0 ~ -21. 0 : *3 q. 7d . o ~ 80 ,0: '

10 :10 P,'l1!MD35,$RVIV 92 . 1 .175: 1)6.1. . -649 . 7 ~ -3S 9.(}! - 21.0 : -3.0,! 70..0: 80.0; 11 :11 P,THMD32,SRVIV 10 : .IZ0: 66.1 ~ -649.7: - 359:0: ~9.0 : -1.0: 70,0; 94.0:

- 12 :12 P,TRMD31,SRVIV 15: .200: 52.2 : - 513.3: -283.6 : -21. 0, -3.0, 70 . 0 :' 91.0:"

13 ~ 13 P, THMD23 , SR,Vl V 12(;, .050: 17.6, -163.0: - 77 :: 0 1 ~ -8.0 : - l .O: 70 ~ 0:~ 15.0 ; :

1-4 :14 P,THMD29 r SRVIV 106 : 1.100~ 66.1: -64 9. 7: - 359 ; 0: .0 : . d: 1 0,, 0: 70.0 :

1S :15 P.THMD2&.SRV1V 249 , . 000 :'; 19 .0: - 1 16. 0 :' , . 83.'1: .0', .0: 70','0 t: 70.0. 1

- L6 ;16 P,THMD20,SRVIV 1.5 £ .1 0Q : 55.5 1 -545.7 : - 301. f,>": - 25.0 : -".o~ 70' .,0 :: '4.0 ; .

17 :17 P,TRMD04,SRV1V 40 ; 1.25Q : <l.3: - 2 . 0: ,j -24.5': . 0; ,0.: 1110,. o ~ lB O.O: .

18 :18 P,THMD02,$RVIV '\42 11 . 100 : 66 . 1: -6 49 . 7 : -359 . 0 : . 0: , Ch 7°.*,P *1 70.0.

19  ; 19 P: TRMD01 ~07 ,1 .100, - 1.3. 76 . 7: - 119 : 2 : .17.0: 3 .0) 81..iO; 10.0:

20 :20 P, TIOO>22 r 96 : .050.1 1 6.9: - 156. 5: -73. 9 ~ 12.0: 2:0.. 711 *. 0,: ' 70.0, 2  ; 21. P, 111MI>06 15: 1.10o. i - 1 ~ 3: 76.7: -119.2 : 17. 0 . 3 :0: 81. 0 : 70 . 0..:

22  : 22 P,'I'HHDH 70 :1.100 : -30,2: 38].9, -21.;0 : 8.Q*, 1.0: 75.0; 10. 0 , ,

23  : 23 P, THMDll '9997 11.1.00 : - 30 . 2: 383.9 : -21 ,0 : l. 0 : .o! 70.0: 10 . 0 ; .

24  : 2<t P. THMn18 30,1.050 . - 29.,3: 372 , 4 ; ; -20 *.3~ 1l . .o;.: 2 _o.~ 9o.~0 .; 70 , 0.:-

25  :'2 5 P, THMD21. 15: . 100 , -21 . 2 : 345 . 5 : - 18.9: 12 . 0: 2.0 " 90** '0 : 10. 0 :

26  : 26 P. THMD27 10 11 .335': - 47 . 1 , 449.7 : - lO c4: 2 . 0: . 0: 72.0: 70 . 0 : .

27  ; 27 P,THMIl24

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._~ _ _ *

- 207~ .050: 2.5 : -2 . 1, -26.3 ;

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ -- ---- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8.0 : 1.0 :

75. 0 ; 70. 0 ,

RBG-47895 Page 11 of 19 CUF Summary for location 87 (Break Point 70W) Addendum 3J Cl.J\SS 1 COOB COMPLrAtlC~ ANALYSYS MR101/t-r~ RB/56236"1 07/17/S6 HT5513 PAGS 21 RON NO.2 ~R NODE POINTS 82 . as, 87, 100, 105, 110 << 1 25 OFAX-l70 SUlofllARY OF CALCULATIONS OP CUMlJLATIVE USAOE: F1\CTOR 1\1' LOCNrION 87 ICO!tE)

LOAD PAl R: ' EQ. 11 EO. 14 OCCURBNCE , SeT ,CYC'L£S LB p'r : M,l,OW. : FATrQUE
-: I-------- 1 K-E  : - ---- -------- , N &LIM- :--- --- -------: CYCLeS t1SAGE

. ~ -_-


___ I


~--- ~


  • KE!2

~------- --~-.--ww--~-~-----~---

N-!: N-J:

..IN1\TED: N- .! : N-J: N*D

. _____________ , F~CTOR


1 26 116.4481 1.032 : 60 . 069: 4: 0: 4: 5, 5 0: 6: ;2560 ; . OOJ.61 6 24 1 07.3 63: 1. 000: 53 .661 : 5: 30 : 5~ 6, 6 0: ~S~ 3 617 t .0014 :

., 24 I 101.052: 1 . 000 : 53.526: 191: 25 : 2si 2'1.24 : 1 66, 0: 364 9 , ~ . 0068 ~~

~ ., l 26 106.937 . 1.000 , 53.469 : 166 , 61 61 76,26 160: Q: 3661 1 .001 6 :

8 25 ! 103 , 054: 1.000 : 51.. 527: 1: IS': 1: 6, 8 0: 1 4: 4102 ' .000l:

7 22 102 . 8 08: LOOO ~ 5,1.404 : 160: 70~ 70~ 22.22 90 : 0; 4132 .O~69, 1 25 10L39S . 1.000, 50 . '99, 90 . 1.4 : 14 :, 25,25 76 : 0: 4312 .0032:

23 I  !. 7 99 . 4404 : 1 . 000: 49 , 732, 16 : 9999: 76 : 7, 7

.c, .;

0; 9923 , 4569 4174 , ~

. OI66!

I 4 23 : 97.942: 1.000 ; 48.971: 1: 9923: 1: 0: 9922 , .0002 ,


,,11 I 23 97. 1S9: 1.000 : 48.580 : 10 : 992.h 10,' 11,11 0; 9512 ; 4885 ' : . 0020:

1' 12 23 88.400 : 1 . 000 : 44 . 200 : 1.$; 991 2 : 15: 12,12 0-: 9891 , 6394 : .00:l3:

9 23 87.226: 1.000: 43.613 : 98 : 9897: 98 :: 9 , S Ot 9799 : 66013 , : . 0148:

! :1 16 1 23 86.759 : LOOO, 43.379 : :1.5 r n,

9799 ; 15 :; 16,16 0 :

  • 97U: 6745: . 0022:

ii , r, 10

' 18 : 23 2] " 8 4.963 :

75 . 581 :

l . OOO :

1 , 000 .:-

42.492. ,

37.791 : <t~2:


9692 :

92 :' 1 0,10 442 : , 18, 18 0:

Ot 9692 ;


ilSS ' :


.0129 :

. 04.19 :

14 23 75 .581: 1. 000 : 37.191 : 106, 9250 , 106 , 14,14
  • 0", 91H t 10~64  : . 0105:

" 13 23 I 56.410: . OQO : 28.205: 126: 9 1 44 : 126 : 13, 13 ~ o~ 9018: 25549 ~ . 0G49 ,

15 ~ 23 54.364 : 1. 000, 27 .182 ~ 249: 901 8 : 49 : 15 ,15 0' : 9769: 29585 ' ~ .OG84;
' 20 23 53 .661 : 1,000: 26.831: 96, 8769: 96, 20,20 t 0: 8673 I 31153 : . 0031 :
~ 23 27 4 1..342; 1. 000 , ~0.671 : 8673 : 207 : 201: 27,27 8466 : 0: 8,7718 ' : . 0024 :

,: ' 1 1 1 34.312: 1.000: 17.156: 45 : 45; 1, 1 0;' 0/ 1~9658 . 0002 :

17 23 lO.989: 1. 000 < l.S.495r 40: 8466 : 4 0 : 11,17 0: 842&, 315988 .000 1:

21 23 28 . 168: 1. 00.0 : 14.384 ; 15 ! 8436: 15: ' 21,21 0.:. 84 11: 441344- .O,O OO t 19' 1 23 28 , '169 . 1. OO'Ol 14.384: 307: 8411 : 307:' 19,19 0': 810ot: 441844 .0007:

2 2 14.504 : 1. 000: 7 , 252 F 4 5; 45 : 45: ~, 2 , . 0: O. :>1. E6 o 3 3 13 .928: 1.QOO .' 6 .961 : 7 815 : 1875: 875; 3, 3 0, 0 ; :>1. E6 o TO!'M. USAGE P1\CTOR ~ . 1572

RBG-47895 Page 12 of 19 Load Combinations for location 82 Tee (Break Points 60AW, BW, and CW) Addendum 3K (M96-0069)


CLASS 1 coce OOMPLlAllCE .ANALYSYS ME1C1/Wt ~/S'2361 00/18/91 I~2010 PAGE

~T ~.2 FOR t'lOOt rolin'S S2, SlI, Bi, lOO, 1(1), 110 , 12' OF .~- li!)

LOA!) 'U'.BJ.£ FOR EO . 11 AT IiXI\1'1OiJ 32 (run

___ _______ _____________________ ____ ~ww~~~w~ ~~~~~ _ ~~ _ ~~~~~~~~ ~ __ ~~ _ ____ ~ ___ _____ _

LO.'!J) : .tQ. OF:
SE.r NO:LD.*.D SET D£:;aui'TIClI:CYC'LI!S: P :LLG , 7:" . , y , on 01'2 Til y - 11..
... -- ------ ---------~------ ----- ------------- ~

1 , 1 1);,"'l',OYm'?L'2 4' , .OOO:RJW: . 0: .0 , .0: .0: .0: \.20.0: ~20.0; tRU}l: .0: .0; .0'

BRA. .0: .0: .0, 2 2 1)I."'l', SltllM'<-2 as: .OOO:RllN: . 0: . 0, .0: .0: .0,  !:20.0: ~20.0 :

,~Ulf, .0. .0: .0:

5RA: .0: .0: .0:

3 DRT,SRV'2 '$(5: .OOO:RUN: .0: .0: .0 : .0: .0: ~20. 0 : 420 .0 *

  • RUN:
  • o. .0: .0:

i~'rt,A: . 0. .0: .0: I P, I!!!m3e , tJn,'tTl, ):l.O~O.I\Ull: . 0: <<"~.1: ~O.2: -1~.0: -H . O: 70 .0: 94.0:

RUN: .0: .0 : .0 :

1 :BAA: 9'5.3: 1081.8, - l06 . S, I 5 P, 'laI!U! , $iWrT S,L050.Rl'll. .0. 664,1: 60.2: - 15.0. - lZ.O: 10. 0: ~4.0:

  • RUt' : .0: .0. '.0:

IB.~: 965.3: :001.8: - J~ .5:

6 6 p, !H!-lD15.$R\'lOV 200: . 020 *.iWJI: .11: 644.6, S:8.4' - ~O.O: - ~ . O: 70 . 0 , 86.0 ,

RON: .1I. .0 , .0:
BAA. 936.(: 104~.3: - Z".3.

!,,~10l1 , SRVl5V 96'1.1:I5~:!'WN: :0: 6*ff. 8: 58 . 4: -60.0:-- ' - 1.0: 10.0: ae.o:

ROlf. .0: .0: .0,
F.l1A: 936.(: 104~.3 . -291.3:

a J e P j 'II:Drn2 9: , $I\.Vl. V 1.~6:1.1.00:EWN: .0: 5H.e: 38 . (: .0: .0: 70.0: 70 . 0:


.0: . 0:

~36.~: 1049 . 3 : -297.3:


r ,

I 9 9 p, D!KD.32, SIWl V 10:

  • 120:R1JN: .0: 6"~ . 8: !U *.<\, -Hi . 0: -Z.O l 10.0: 95.0;
  • RUN: .0: .0: .0:
6.'!A: 936. {: :OU .3: - 297.3:

..,. 190.0, 10 :10 P, llIIID13 , Sltvl V 6J2:1.!OO:RU>>:

  • 0: 6-H.3: 5B . ': . 0: .0 , .90.0:
  • 0' .0 *
BM: 93G.4' 10~~.J: - !97.3;

,11 l', 'IH10ZH , Slt'ii'l V l: 1 . :!l~:;>.'.iN: *~: ~H . O:  :!iLt: -60.11: - 9. 0: 70.0: 88.0:


.0: .0, .0.


9~~.~: 10~'.J: - 2S7 .**

1:2 :12 .,tlIM03~,SJt.*Jl'l HOI1. . l75,RUN: 6H.9: ~9.4: -60.0: - '. 0 : 10.0

  • n.o **
lW.If: . 0: . 0: . 0:
SPA: 936.~: 10ii . 3 . - 291.1:

13  : 13 P, THl-:Il2E" , SRVJ,V 2~S: .OOO:JUlN, .0: 62 *. 9: $6.6. - 1.0. .0 . 10.0, 71.1I:

!l'I1N, . 0: *0*
  • O*
'07.,: lOl6.~ : - 298.1:

H :14 P,TI'.J<DU, SR'llV 1~ : 1 .0~O:IU!N : .0: 555.2: 159.8: 3.0:  : .0: 10.0: 10.0:

RUIt: . 0: .0 * .0:

,SAAl '21.0: 9.3.t : -216.3:

TA!ILB ootf!!~

RBG-47895 Page 13 of 19 Load Combinations for location 82 Tee (Break Points 60AW, BW, and CW) Addendum 3K (M96-0069) pg. 2 AX- l ID REV. 3K A ITACHMENT "D" PAGE 65 OF 156 C"J\SS 1 COD:: COI1t'I.:;'::CE )'}(ALYS~S 1£10l /lH RBIS &13~ 06/15/97 ! P2 0l0 2AGI:

nUtIIlO. 2 iG!. NOD£ OODI'l'S 82 , 85, &1, 100, lOS, l~O

  • 125 ar .'X- 171)

UlAD TJ.!lIJ! ret!. £Q. 1.1 A7 LOC"'7:I~ 82 [Tll)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ ... __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ __ _ ___ ... _ _ _ _ _

  • __._.....""I..II... J., cw.y:,aa::.,.* .. * -


lLllJl :  :>10. 0::

sr:r t>D:IDAD SEV Otsa.IP'1tON:CYCLE3: p  :'{ 'r .. : Z .. : DT! ll'?'2 rl<

LEG: Til 15 115 D,1RMD20,SRVlV 3.5 1 .100IR'.m: .0 : s'76. ~  ; 12,': - q,.O , - '.0: 10 . 0 : t1.0:
It:JN; .0: .Q: ,0:
B;t.>.: 546 .8: 1003.3: -225,~ :

16 :16 t' ,~8,SltVlV 1 : .tl20:RUlI: .0: 313 . ,: 40 , 1: -66.0 : - lLO: 10 . 0: lOLO:

~: .0: .0: .0:

(SR.A: 3&2.2: 5>1.8: -la~.2; t 1

17 ~ $ 'tHH!)31/$RVl'l 15 , ,200 ;!ll.lll; .0
:131.', 6 ' .1: -,(0 , 0: - 5.0: 70.0: 10,0:
RUN; . 0: , 0: .~:
B.~: 6 01. S: 933 . 0: -209. ,:

19  : H P, ':HllD06 15:1.100 :~IJN:


BRA: -2.5. i,


. 0:

113 .* :

.0 :

771 . 0:


-~ . 7:

26.0: 400: 92 . CI 10.0:

19  : it ~,n!!m07 301 : 1 , 100:!\IIlI: .0: .39.0, 105 .1 : ~ 7 ,0: 8.0: 9'1.0: 10.0:

!WIt, .0: .0, .0 :
SPA: 110 . f: aU.1, -90.{:  :

20  : 2,;) ? , __'{OO8 15:1.1"O:!Ullf: . 0: 4J~.O: 109.l' 5~.0: S . O: 90 . 0: 10 .0 *

E\'Ol" .0: . 01 .0 ,
SI\A: 1l0 . ~: 85t. 7: -go . * :

n :21. ?,1lIMDl: ~'!l-9;1.100;fI,tm: . 0: lO~.l: .131. 6: 2.0: .0: '1 . 0 : 10.0:

RI1M: .0: .0: .0:
BRA: -236 .2: 1H. l : - 2 .~ :

22 :22 P,!l1!1OH 1?: 1 .lO~:RUN: .0: 10~ . 2 : 131.8 , 21.C , LO : n.o; ' 0 . 0:

JWJI: .0: .0: .0 ,
~l\A: - 2315 . 2; 147.1: - 2.6 :

z:;  : 23 " . = 8 .30'1.0~O : Ill!l(: . 0: ~O!l.l: HO.~: 22.0: J.O: 91.0. '10 . 0 :

RII/t: . 0: .0: . 0:
BAA: - 233 .9: 139 . 6: -2 . 6:

2( :24 1'. Tl!lCD21 1S: . 100 , RUt/: .0: l,Oa .l : 12'.~; 2'.0, LO , ~2 . 0; 10 . 0;

R'JN: .0, . 0, . 0, t , 9AA, -222. 1 . If)2.~: - 2.5: t 25 ,25 P , ~llJ022 90: . OSO:RtI!I: .0: U9 . * : 26 . 7: 21 . 0: * . 0: 80.0: 10.0:



.0 :

28L.fi : - B.3l

. 0; 26 :26 P,~3 126: .0-50 : I\0Il: . 0: ll'.~  : 10.': - 20 . 0 * * - l.0 , 10 . 0, 71 . 0:

!;W~! . 0: .0 : .0; 19AAl 21.3 . 9: 2:3.~: - 65.0:

21 :21 PO, U!l-'..DZ' 207: . 050:!llJlf: . 0: 65.': 17.1: 20.0 : 3 . 0, 77 . 0: 70 . 0 :


, :run': .C:

Ji.P.A: - H.l.7: ua . 3:


- 1 . 6:

28 :28 P , TI:!!f027 IG.:l . J3S:RlJIl: .0: 1:1.4: 134 . (: 3.0: 1.0, 70.0: 70.0:

llllN: . 0: .0 : .0:
6M.: - H l. l.); 1~2. ~ : - 2. 1, rJil!).£ ~ITI!IL"ED

RBG-47895 Page 14 of 19 Load Combinations for location 82 Tee (Break Points 60AW, BW, and CW) Addendum 3K (M96-0069) pg. 3 AX- l7D REV. 3K A ITACHlv.1ENT "on PAGE 66 OF 156 1

c:J.ri.5S 1 cow. ct24PLUIl<<::f; M6.l.YSYS HE10 lIl(" PJ) / ~2 3.b' O/lS/S7 IP2010 P. 10 RUN NO.2 ~ !<Ore pOUlTs 32 . $S , S7 , 100, 1.05, 11.0 & 1~5 CF liX.- l"O

,~'IP 'tA!l.£ ~ EQ. 11 F:r LOC.lU'!Otl 82 (

--~---- -------------~-----~---~~~~ ----- -~--------------------- --~--~--~------ -------------

t  !.O.Il'J) ! :N:l . or r ~


~  ; r. ~ : K .. y. Dr l ~ TIt.. TS

.. ---~--- - ------ --.--------------------- - --.--...... -- -~..... -""--&..-.-...- - - - -- - - - - - - - - :

~g 129 ~,mll)J6,.~JlQV 20:1.MO RIm! . 1): M~.i: 1$0.2: - 'S . O. - 12 . 0 10. 0 1 9LO:

Rl])O; . 1) ; .0: .0 :

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ . . ~._ _=_ _ _ _____._o_

eJ1JI,t ~~.;); 1.061.8
- l06 . 5:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _~ _ _ _ _ _ .. . . . . . . _ __ .. ______ J _ _ ..

~*_*_*_"_...I,...:. ___*__ __ __

~,. GJ...._

'*1<<1'1£1 091:  ;.t(O SA,\! ~~$ ~ It(CII.fD'm IN RAlT~ V;.u.r£ c:..:.ctr..Al'toli:.S liO'i rn nn:S:E I>>INGL!. S~ ~n~ ~S.

RBG-47895 Page 15 of 19 CUF Summary for location 82 Tee (~reak Points 60AW, BW, and CW) Addendum 3K AX-17D REV. 3K ATTACHMENT <<!Y' PAGE 71 0 156

'1 Ct,,\SS 1 CODt: CO!-lPLIA!lCE A-~YSYS 10100 ltS/562l67 o5/1e/~7  !~Q10 ~~ 5 FlJN lK) . 2 FCP. no.lJli: i'Or:I1'S ~2, 85, 61 , 100, 10:!!, 1),0 , 1'z:) 0'; "'~-1.70 so;.n.wa Of o.LcO.LATI(~ OJ" cmJUL.'o.1'IVE USPQJi: 6'1ICT~ K! loOCA:HOO 92 (TE:E)

-~~-~~----------------------- ~--------- ~----------------~-~--------------~~~ .- ------------~--

LoAD ~i\ll\l El\l.11 . 14 OCC~~

'l ,CYCLI:.S ;LUI' t .ALW... : £.....-r'I(Jti£ lr.-i.  :--------- .... - : Ii l:lJM- , -- - - - - - - - ; ~ U'SAGi I J S- P $£'*1:£12 N-: N-<J ~~D: )l-l.: N-J: n-lJ  : JAC'fOl\ I

----------10S.i23; ------------.. .--,.--. ---....


~-~._r----- _:~-~ ~~ . 0,

---r~,.~1I:T -. .._----._.-- -


~ 21 1.2S'" : 6~ . 2'7e, 207. 1983 .OO~5:

11 2: It2:.Sse: . o,,~. 9.3,7; 1: 202~

4. .

1 : :i.I , t1 O. 2:0l: ~~51 . 000,, <

S 21 9$.!~'l: 1 .0?9: ~.,",11: . ~: 201 ; 5, 0; 1.36: ~"Z5 .OOl~ t 2'7 2 gS*.50-t1 1.Oi8: 53.104: 19E: 20t ' 20 ~S,2S 116: 0: '739 .0053:

,; 1S 99.899 1 1.052:  !~.$Ie. 200 , 1St 15 e,16 US: 0: ~e6 .(J039:

~ ZS 1.1l3.06.6: 1.000: !1.5<tJ:: ~!l5: 10: 10 26 , 2$ 175: 0: 110~9 .002' :

~ 22 9B.ZO~: :1.. 000: OZ: 115: 10 : 70 22, 22: l05; 0: -1739 .GUIl:

S 203 ~6. 9!2 : 1.013: 49.07S1 lOS: 30: 30: 23, 2 75: 0: t145 . 4) O ~ :

12 27 ~' .4.E$~,  !..000, 48 . 731~ l~O: i76, lj~: 27 ,2 1.<< : 0: ~ 641 . 03~4' 6 19* 1 ~7 .2.2:: 1..000 : 48.61 1 : 7!, ~~t 157 6, 0; U2: oUl'iS , .01:;(:

12 2.5-  !?6 .J01: .000 : 48.351: .14:  !!>6: 104.: 12, 12- 0: ~2, 4951 . 1)026:

e H 9~-l. n: .1>00 : 47.096: 1061 1: Hi, 10~ t Or :5336 .0002:

? I 2" !ilJ .*120: 1. GOO , i(t!."tlB: 96,1. . .. 82. Eli .. 2,5_ Z 1 4: 0: 5~ ol .01S0:

i 'l.~ 1 B.q.e!3, 1.000: ~2.~6: lO! 222 , 1 1): 9, 9 D: 222' 71 9 6 .001. ... 1 7

  • tIS 8.3.1!17: ~.OOQ: . U.~~':  :-4: 126: 1t.: " , ' t 0, 1.12 : (to
  • OOl,i; 13 t lSi 83 . 00!: 1.000: l.;:)z: 2~9: 222 : 221 ; 1$ , L 21: 0:  :.2 .0:z.~O r a 26 S1..!S!5: 1 .000: ~Q.T ~2: 10 ~: liZ: 10~ : e, 8 0; 037 .0131
  • 1.3 , 20 81.516; . ooo: 4.'0. 1"9 e; . 21t '15: l.s: 20 , ~0 12, Ot 8040 .001:9 :

1G 26 '$ . .310, LO()l): 39....455; .. * . .:G~2.' . .. .. . ,7,. _ .. ,7. , .::!6 , aG 6:25: G, 8121- .OOOS, 13 21 7& .H8: 1... 000: l~ . 1"'41 12 : 9~~9: 12: : 13,13 Ol Sge. 90H. .0013;

\? t 21 t 72.ra!1: 1. 000: 36.32!il 1.5: 9~B7: 1 5: 1'1 , :'7 0: ~972 1.1321 .OOlJ :

t 10 24- !S.:2e:2, 1..000, 21 . 691: S2 !: 15: 1.S.t.-2..f,2 610: o 27{S5 .(lOOSt I 1$ , Zl 5d..490. .oeo! 21.~ C5! 15: 9972, 1S~ 15 , 15 Q: ~9S1 2931.5 .() 005 :

() 21 30.1 54:: .QOO: 1 5 .0 7 7. 610; ~~5"'~ 4;],01 to/lel o ~.Hl SS'l.(O . <101.7 :

1 1 26.973. 1 .000: 1.3. ;16!1~ t!: -45: -l:i: l, 1 o o ~S(lH~ t

  • COOl :

H 21 2.EU)66t . 000 : 1.3.033: 1.5: 9347, s: 1<2,14 o 9~32 tle!ll 51!1 .0000:

~, :2 . 1"1 . sa!: ~.()()O' e .791. 45, ~5: is: 2, 2 o o >1.£.£ o

} 3 1.000
8, 156: 'S ~ S, '!-4$, "5(5, 3, .1 o o >l.U o

.. l "l .'ll:

..- - ------------.-. ---.- --- ------.- -,----~---.----"7-,-

'!(ITA!. USP.G£. FACTOR" .1.t$03

RBG -47895 Page 16 of 19 Load Combinations for location 85 (Break Point 71W) Addendum 3K AX- l 7D REV. 3K ATTACHMENT c~ PAGE 72 OF 156 t.

CLASs 1 :::oct!. cc:t.jpLIANC~ AtfALYSYS ~Ol/ tl4 RB/562M1 ~/18/97 m010 P),GI ~6.

m:JN tlO.2 "i'OR WOOl:: l'ODI1S 8:2, 85, 87, 100, 105, 110 t; llS ~  ;.x-1m

.Q/':O TJUL£ FeR EQ. 1:1. TC LC<:AtlOlJ as (::uRSI

---~ ------------------------~~------------ ---- ----- -----.---- ---~--~-------------------------


z .. Or-1 I .. )IlO.

$t'I' tIO:L<>..*J) SU D~:ll':ot.. !CYC'.Le:s[ I.' x ,. y ~

M'2 '1',' '1'11

-.- ------- ---- . . --------,.......-...,..... --~.- --------.---"'7-:-;-j-r--.--r...,..........,--.-,. ---------- r:

1  ! o:;n.onmL*~ .(5: .000: .0: . j: .0: .0: .0: ~20.0: 420.0 :

. :2 0I0i'T, S'R\iT12 ,5: .OOO! .0: .0 : . 0: .01 420.0: .20.0:

3 3 r;:wT,!',ltv*z 7'~': .000: .0, .0 : .01 .0, .0, 120.0: 20.0:

4 ii!', '!'}I*!D~5 r D'lN'tTl. 5:1.050 : 965 . 3: - 111.3: 1.. 9: - 50.0: -e.o: 71) . 0 : "$. 0:

~6S . 3: -1.1 '1. 3 : - .:rlol.. Sit 5 5 1', 'i'D~,~'I'E't' 5 : 1.050: - 50 . 0: -8.0: 1(1 . 0, 6.0:

6 ~ 1', -:raltt1.5,S!t'o'16V 200:

  • 0:20 ~ ~36. ~ ,' - l13.,l': - ,3613.6, -J.f .0: 70.0 t to . O:

1 I', ':..'I1D1' , ;S~Vl6V ~:L050 :  :;36.~1 - 11.3.6: -303.6: -3<;.0 ! -s.o, 10.0, 7Q.O:

e 9 r, ~9,SR"o'l 6 ' 106:1.100 : S36.41 -1l3.B: -363.6: .0: .0: 10.0: 'lO . C :

10 SI 9 P, m~2,.s'RVl"

10 ~, mo{l)3J,~VlV 1,0! .120:

~a2: 1.1 00:

936 .

~36. ~:

Q, - 11.3.6: -363 . 6:

-ll~.a: -~S3. !Ii .0,

- 1.2.0, - 2.D :

  • D:


HO .O :

'0.0 :

g,o . O,

1.  : 11 P, 'Ja.(I)34 I SJ!!.1IlV 1:1.)10 : ~j~ . .. : - llJ.i!I: - lBl.l5: - l6.0 : -:.. i): 10.0: 70.0, 1:'  ! 12 P, 'l'h~S,SEt.V1V 90 :1. 175: 93~.~: - 113.8: - 363.6: -36 . 0: -5.0: 70.0: 1 0 .41 :

13 .13 f',m'l026,SRVlY HS, .000 , 9()7.4, -1.1(1 . 3 : - lS:'.4: -3.0! .0: 10 . 0: '10.0 :

H :1.1 1',THMDl~,.s.lWlV 1~ ' 1 .050: 621.0; -8$ .2 ! -4Q1. 1, - ~2.0. -i: .0; 1<l.0: 1 0. 0 .

l~ :15 P,~lD20,SRVlV I S: .'00: 646 . 8 : -<18.8: -ua.~ : -3t.0: - ~.o: 70.0: 1 0 .0:

tE! t16 P,,~lD28,SRV1V 1: . 020: 362.2: -H.7: -23 4 * .3: - 51.0: -10.0: 70. 0 : 10.0:

t7  : 17 P j llll'fI)3'l, s!l;Vl'l 15; .200: 601 . $: - $2_!\1 -3e9.1t - 30.0: -~ .O! 70.0! 0.0:

lQ ,III l' , Tl'\l1~ 15 ; 1. 100: -Z4~.'t: -1~ ... : - S40.~: . 31 .1: ~o.o. 10.0 :

H :1.:9 p , n !l*mo1 307 :1. 100: 1 !0 .6~ ~2 . o: - *HlZ.lt ~1 . 0: 4.0: '7 0.0; 10 . 0' 20 :2Q p , tBI:,tOO~ ~:1..100: 1l0.~, ; .i~ol.2.1!: - 4l!Z.i: 3,l . P: 4.0; 10.0 r 70.0:


  • 21 ! I !'Yt-tn1.l. 9~~9:1 . 100: - 236.~: -12 . 9, - !>H.1 : 1.0! . . Gt 7 0 . 0: 0 . 0:

2  : ~4 P , 'ZPI IDH. '0:1,.100: - 236.2: - 12.9! - 519.!: l~~O: 2.0: 7 0.0: "10.0, 23 :2l P, 'l~"lo@lS- ~O:l.O!O: -233.~: -12.8: - 514.6: 16.0: Z . tI: 10.0. '7 0.0.

2< ,2..1. P, m-ar.n. 1,5: .1001 -222 .1: - 12.1: '-*us.e: 1'.0: 3.1) 70.0: iO.O :

25 :2.5 P,'lf3Ki)2,2 9G, .0SQr . 113.7. - 2~.9 1 - .1.26*1 , 19 .0 , .3.0 '0.0: 0.0:

26 :25 H, 'IHiD23 126: .D50: 213.8: - 2~ . '7 - ' 1 .i; - 1.3.0: -2.0 "0.0: 0.41:

2'1 :27 P,tfrlPZ4. 201 : . 050: -lU.71 - 7.'7 - 311. 9: , . 1.3.0: 2.D 'l0. 0: 1 0.0:

2a ,28 P , '!B)oW27 lO:1 .33S, - 2~1.0: -1.3.1 -!30.2 : .3.0: .0 10 .0 : 1 0.0:

H  : Zl) 1','I'l:il-103tS ,.slWl~V 20:1.030: 9'5 . ~: -111.3 -3 'T~ .9 , -$0.0: -S. o 10.0, !Hl.O.

.... ------------- ---.-- ~~-.- ------,--- - -_

'"'UO'm, ODU riND ~ >>=>>G:N?S J...'tt DlCWOu) DT AAtU;i: V},1,l1£ tlI:l:tI'!A'!'!OIIS N'C'f IN ~SE s:rn<OL~ SU o:ef9DIW }~5.

RBG -47895 Page 17 of 19 CUF Summary for location 85 (Break Point 71W) Addendum 3K AX-I REV. 3K A 'D PAGE 15 OF 156 1

ClJ'.$S 1 C¢~ ~t.1A>>C!: N:lXL'ts'l13 IEl.O~/tH ~/!G23b' 06/:e/97 lD2otO ~~ 19 iWlf 1<<) .2 FOR 1tOD:: J'OlN':"S 82, as , Bi. 1(1(1 , l OS, 11 0 & U S Of A-':- 17l)

SUMMlI.RY OF CAl.~I.A'I'lQt(s or CUM1JlJi.1'IV.£ USME r~ At' l.OCATIO}1 '9S (CURiI

,lO,M) ('Am, t2.1l oo..-uru:J:lC£

--~---------~- ..... --

~.14 11~-'l  : CY~ L~  ; 1IL~CW.  : FATlQ'UE l(- I; I ------- t ~ IU.lX-  :~- --.-- : C'CCLES : USAGE :

1  : J s-p SP'-KE./2 N-I : ~- J  ; I!4A.T::D : l{-I ; 11- 3 : tI- D  ; FAC'l'OR :


.( 21 123.l66: 1..109: 6i. -1:65; $: 207 : 5:

Or 2021 :715 .002!h


27 lO~.O!l~: H . !.50~ 5; "$ , S 4 0;

~ I LOOO! s! l02 : :U7: 3443 .ODl5:

27 29 1.0',0&0: 1..000:  ! 4 .HO: H1: 20 : 20 : 2 9 , 2~ 1 71 : 0: 34145 . 0058 :

6 : 26 104.121 : LOOO~ S2 . 1l6.j,: 200: 10 : :0: 28,28 1 90 : 0; 3!;1. . 002.5:

6 2~ lOl.649 : 1. .000~ !1..U~! lIlO : '0 : '1'0: 22,22 120: 0: {030 .0174:

6 23 1 ~ O2 . 97 5 1 1.000t 5'L ~ 1!I1! 120. 30, 30, 23,23

  • SO, 0: 1112 . 00'3:

G U 1 00.'T6'l: 1. . 000: 5(1 * .360 ;  !}o: 15 ; :5; 16,16 75: 0: {:!~/5 . 0034:

11 27 100 . HZ: 1..000; 50.371 : 1. : 177 : 1.: U.,11. 0: 1715: 4 3~ ! I . 0002; S 21 100.045: 1. 000: SO.(J Zl : '1:5 : ;~3: 75: 0, 6: 0: 992~: .ti~B .Ql151 :

t 1.2  ! 21 I  %.061: 1. . 000: {S.CS.(: lSO : 11~  : 176: :n,:n H: 0: 5045 .Ol~!h 12" 24- Stl . 'tU: LOOOr 4.~.8'i(h 1.4. : 15 [ 1 4. , 12,12 Or 1! SUO .0026.

't 24 U.1OS: 1..000: ~6. 552: 1J6; l: 1 : 2~,. 2f

, 95; 0: 5::16 .0002 :

21 '1.~~3: 1.000: ~ !>.10: 10: ~n-4: 10: ~. 0: 9~l<i  : 5797 .0017 :

13 2l. 89.054: ]..0001 .4,4.527: 249 : 9n~. 2la 9 : U,13 0: 3n5: ~26l .03SS:

21 $S.9Z5 : 1..000: 41 . 963. !r5: 9663 : 9S: 7, 'I O. 957Q : 6!t3.3 t . Ol!'7 :

8 2l. 7~.OU: 1 . 000: 3a.IlOG : lOG:  ;!'O: 106: a, a 0; U64~ SlUG .01.Oi:

1.0 1 21 l 14.e~, l.COO~ 3'.Ha, 632: ;4G*H G32: 10/10 0: ee.32 : 10341. . O6!l:

le 21 7 ** "t3J.: 1.()OO. 3'.H~1 ~: eU2. 1: 16-,1$ 0: ee.31; 10409 .0001 :

11 21 7 ** 692: 1..000: 37 .H6: l5 : 883l t 1 5: 1,7,17 01 elHh 10425 . OOH:

I! 21 71 . 102: 1. 000: 35.1151: 1.5 : 8in6 : :5: lS,lS 0: 88()1 ! l1?7Z t . ()Ollr lot 25 62. S"Sc~ : 1.000: n.~3(: 1.5 : 516 : 15 : l.e,lt 0: il: 1.1110i .0DO !h Zl 26 ~  !~ **p~, 1.0001 2$.23' I liaOl: 12E"f 12G: 26,26 66'5: 0: 2~43 " .0050:

21 25 52.26tl: 1 .COO: Ul.133: !t515 : 8J t n: Z,,2~ e~9<; , O~ l ot !!S e, .0023:

1 1 {O.OOO : 1.000: 20.()O!: !5: (5 : '( 5: 1., 1 0; 0: 99 S15 l . ()OO5t 20 21 29.853: 1..000: l *L~ 26: 15 : ass).! : :5: 200,200 00; e5i~: d601.8 .0000; 19 I 21 1 28.853: LOOO~ 1 4.~ 26: .3~1 : 9f>1.;J , ~Cl7: l~, 1$ 0: Ill":2 : ~l 60H: ~ .OOO? :

I 2 16.Jirl. ; 1. 0001 9.1910 t5, (5, 45: 2, 2 ; O. 01 >l . ~ 0

~ l l 1.6.J3a : 1..000: 8. 16 ~H '1545; 1~4S  : 15~ 5; 3, 3 0: 0; >l..U 0

~-~ -- - - - -----------.--

.--.---------~---- ----- -

'l'OtAL USAGe. S1iC1'M-

. --------. 234S

RBG -47895 Page 18 of 19 Load Combinations for location 87 (Break Point 70W) Addendum 3K AX- I7D REV. 3K ATTACHN1ENT '~ D " PAGE 76 OF 156 1

CJ..1I$$ 1 Q;)~ CQln.I1'l iCE". A1.\AJ.YSYS }OlHOl/N4. RB/5 62.367 ~/la/9J re2010 PAGE 20

~u~ ~ . 2 ~ NOD£ POrNTS ~2 , 8 5, 87, 100, ~O!, 110 ~ 12' OFAX-liO LQlJ) '1:AiLll fOR EQ .11 AT J.OC.;U'J:ON 81 IctlR£)

:}f0. Of:

-.--~ -- -------- ---------~------~--.--~-~ ---

IstT ttl' ll~l' T!ON :CYCU:S: x

  • y 1 '" D't1 D't"2 ,.B r-----.*-,--------------------..

1 JX): LQIl.O 0'I."r, OYN'I'I'1 ""Z 45:


- -~-- ------~----- ~ ----- -

.QOO ,0 .0 .0:

.01 .0: -4.20,0 '2 0. 0 Z 2 OlJI"l',!!WFl'FZ '15: .000 ,0 . il .0 : .OJ .0: i20.0 420. 0 3 3 DWl'. SRV'*2 545: .000 .0 ,0 , 0: .0: . 0, '2<1.0 20 . 0 4 ~ p, 'l11)o1036", OTInTL S : 1. 050: ~S.5 - ?36 .1. -3'6.3: - SO.O: - i . O: iO.Ot 9S. 0 5 S l , tm-ltl~G , SRVfT 5; 1. 0&0; 68. 5 : - 736.1' - 36~.3' -so.O, -$.0; 70.0; 96.0:

6 G ~,tHHD~~/3 RVlQV 200: . 02 0: 06.5 : - 7U.O : - '55.3 : - 21.0': -3 . 0: 70.0 : :SO . C t 1 7 P , r.a~~17 , S~VI6v 96 :1, O!\0: 66 .!>: - iH.(I : -3~ S.S : - 21.0 : -3 .0: 70 ,0: 8 0. (] :

B B P , ~~9 , SRV16V 106:1.100: QQ.!I: - "lH,O : - 3~S . 5: .0: .0: 70.0: 0. 0:

~ , ~ 2,SR1flV 1 0: ."20: 66_ S: - 7lLO : -35.5. ~: -51.0 : -LO, 70.0, H.O :

1.0 tlO P,~3 /SP.vlV 1532 ;1 .10)0: e.~.~: - 714 .(1, - 3".3: .D: .0: 90.0: lJIQ . O; U IllP , reo,H, SRVlV '1:1. 5 ) 6 : SS.5: - 7U . 0 . - 3~.3: -21 .0 : -3 . 0: 70.0: 80.0t 12 :12  ? , m~3.5, $~VlV lSO: 1 .11S : S.!I: - 7H. 0 : - 355.3t -21 . {): - 3.0: "l0.0: o.(]:

13 :13  !> , m~ 6,S'RVIV 2 4 ~: .000, ';4 . ~: - 0'5~n. ~ , -lH.l: . 0: . 01 70.0: iO.O :

14 '10/. l',tfl.ol 9,SRVlV 15:1.050 : -43.7: _ *C!1 . Gt - Z~*4 . 2r -22 . ": - 40 0: 70.0: 91.0 :

1 ;1 5 !' , tm-020,~VlV l5: .100: "lS.S; - H9 . o : -275 .2: -~5.0t - 4 . 0: 70.0: 114.(]:

l.~ :l~ :r,m026,SRnv 1: .021,) : 25 . 5: - 251. . $; - 1.!!4. 1 : ~ 6. (): -8. 0; 70.0. 103 . 0:

1  : 11 !', tJ!t031.S1W1V s: .zoo: '2. 3.: - 418.1t - Z ~ ~LOt - 21 . 0 : - 3 . 0: 70.0: 91.(]:

ia :1~ p,rrlas ~ll.lO(): - 23 . ~: 356.1 : - 23 . 4: . 3, .1 , 71. 0: '0 . 0 :

l~  : 19 i, iiiHD07 3 0 '~1.1 0 (), 4.0, 31. . 6; - 1~1 . ~! 1 't * ..,: 3. 0: 81.0: Q. OJ 20 ;20 l', i'a.fi)()e lS:1.10 0 : ~ .0; 31.. 4; - lo21.S: 11 . 0: l .* O: 0.0:

-n. :.

8 1.0:

21 :21 l' , n!t.fOU ~lilS7:1 ,J.C(); - 23 . 0: 342 .4: l.-() : . 0: 70.0: 10.0 :

2Z :22 P,!HHDlo1 C>tl .100 : - 23.0: 3-12. -t: - 22. !: 11.0: 1 . 01 75. 0: 70.0 ;

23 :23 i,1"'r1HOH 3G:l , O S O~ -2 2.1! 319.0: - ~ . .3: 11.. 2.0: 90 . 0 0.0, 24 r2.4 P, ffiMC>:21. u; .'70<1: -21. 6 : 321. 9: - 2J..2 : lZ .IJ~ 2 . 0: go. o 70 . 0; 2> :2-5 P, :r~1 9~: . 050: 11.1 : - 92 . 9: - dS.1: It . 4:.0: 1e. 0 7 0.0:

25  : 26 :P , 1111-1OO 3 12h .050: l~.S : - 161.1: -17. 3 : ~ s. - 1 .0: 70.0 '5. 0:

21  : 2"1 1' ; f1it.1:>2-1 20'1 : . 0 50: - 13 .8 205 .ot : - 13.5: *s, 1.0: 75 . 0 0.0:

29 t28 !',nlMM7 10 : 1.,335. - :;:~ . -4. :O ~!I.2 1 -23.0: 2. .o! 12. 0 0. 0 ;

29  ; 2:9 l', 1!HH!)36. SR\Il67 2Qll.0:50; 6'.5 -730.1: - 366.3: -50.0: ~ . Ol 70. 0 '6.0; NO'1'.E.: OBi: .'UID SFM }-f.)¥.EIITS AAE- rNCLU'O£D !.N R>>lG't VALIJE C.:;u.."'tlLA'lIONS },'O!' D r ~£ s!}J~ Sit!' Ct:t4aQl~ }O~ .

RBG-47895 Page 19 of 19 CUF Summary for location 87 (Break Point 70W) Addendum 3K AX-17D REV. 3K ATTACIDvfENT <TI~' PAGE 79 OF 156 clJISe 1. OOPE CG1PJ.lAl~e i'IlmLYSYS 1*ltlO1./N4 R'S"Gl.3G1 O G/le/~7 1:1"2Oll) !. 2:3 RUN NO .2 rca. OODi iOllrrs $.2:, 95, $7, 100, lOS, :1.0 , 12' o. P.x- l'l1>

Stln.f.D.RY ~ C.:u.ccJ1AcrotfS OF CU'"r!UlA1'1V£ USA~ E'J.C'OOR J.T .LOC'ATIOU g 7 (caR:r)

LO.~ P.r..IR EQ. l 1 t Q . ! 9 o::truP.Et......,t SLl ~ CYCl.£S Lu-r .PJ.LOtf. FA'I'IQUE

- --- K-E  :-~- - ---- ---: 11 ELD<- . ---- - - - ~ CrcLES crSAGE 1  : J S-P S?*X£./2 }l- ! I ~J: t ~I:r.: ~l: U-:1 11-0 G"~

- -- -----------------------~------------ ----- -- - - ------ - - - --- --1 5

2<1 H

H 29 lZZ.UO:



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10 20 S

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10 1~


2267 3065


. OOZ!:


.001.6 :

2:3 29 109.81 1 1 1 .000: 5.4 * $(IS t lO: 150: 1': 2f;,2r; I! : 0; 3.l1S . OOH; 6 23 10"3.1,36 ; 1. 000, Sot .066, 2 0 0: 1$ : 15: 2 ~, 23 U!>I 0: 3~3$ .0042:

eI ze :104. 1"'3: 1 .000: ~2.OS i' : 111:5

  • 10: 10: 28,28 17: : Or 396 .0025:

6 22 103.-4.05: 1. 000: !1. 'UJ2 : .'?S : 70: ro : 22,22 10!: 0: 4059 .0172 :

s :e lO1. . ~S! 1. 000: !O . !3-t : lOS: 1~ ' 15, 18,18 90t 0: .355 .0034 !

ti Z1.  ::'()o.061l 1.000, !O . 031l ~O: 9~lI-" 90; Q, 6 0: 9909; Hn . 020'0:

i 21 la' ,

~ .1.56. 1. 000: ~9. 093 : 9! O~ : 101 ~ 0: e99: .'1U . 002:1:

11 21 9:9 .O~i: 1. 000: 49.C4:9 , ~: 2Q1 :  !: 11,11 0: 2.061 4153 .0002:

7 ~.2S4: 1.000: 47.1.27: !Hi: 2~ ; 96: '1, '1 l 01 11.0 r 5326 .0180:

r :12 I 27 9!-.947: l .OOO! '106. 9<73! UO~ 1 0: 11.0: 2 1 ,:21 ~O; 0: 'U'~ .0205:

~3 21 e3 . -4.0e ~ 1 .000; 'l"'l.20.t. 249: '09~ : 24': ~,13 Ot ~G~O I ~Sl3 . 036'9 :

'U 1 e~.01.01 1-000: 'l.l.C(l:i; lIO: ~tIi':50: 50: 12,12 0: 9~ 7 0: 6914 . 011.6:

16 21 9.f.4'9. 1. 000: 39.72:5, 1: jS70; 1: 1ES,16 0: 9569: 9676 .0001.:

17 2 9.035: ].000 : 39 . 5421 15: ~S69: is: 11,1':' 0: 9~!5(: 6196 . 001 ':

II :a '711 .4.2 1: 1.0001 39 . 211 1 HUll 955-4 t l()tS. Sf S , 0: !lUS t 901~ .Olla:

I 15 I n. I ".U!~ 1.000: 3e . 70i'; lS: 9H6; 1.5; 15,15 0: 9. 3 3 : 9-3'tz .OO1.~

10 21. "/>6.608: ;1.000: 3~.~-tl 1532: oj3~: Ei 3:2: 10',10 0: ellOI : j'56~ .06St 1.1 Z1. 70.221: 1 .000: J.S . ll l! 15: seOl: 15 : H.H 0; 81915 : 12-'215 .001.2

!tl 25 .so.O~!5: 1 . 000; 25 . 028: 13786: 26 : 126: 26,26 8GO: 0, 41060 .0031

'2'l 25 4$.7~3: .000, :2~.j"2; ~6~O SlG:; 96 5,25 8SGf, 01 saaBO , .001.9 1 ~t.9~01 J.OOO: 1'. 5'1:5~ :5 5: ~ 1, ]. 0: 0: 2 75361 .0002 20 Z1. 2S .~!j7: 1. 000: 1<4 . 498 ! . 15 8564 t 15 0,20 0; 8.>49 : ~lEi~30 .0000 19 21 29 .~~i : 1. 000: 14..491:\ : 3()<7 e~ ,~ : 301 19,1.9 0: B~4.2 t ~l63,30 .Q007 2 2 1.2 .656 : .000, cL2>2S: ,,~: (! 2, 2 0: >1. ~ o 3 3 , 12.572: 1. 0001 ~.::HIS, "

"'!i.(::J, 1!4!r ( !. a. 3 0:


0: ~l. . &:G o TOtAL USAGE FF.ctO.R' .2362

RBG-47895 Page 1 of 3 RBG-47895 Attachment 4 Addendum 3J and 3K Cover Pages:

RBG-47895 Page 2 of 3 Addendum 3J Cover Page:





JBI AX-17D r-;o. PAGE. lOF 365 I 3J

2. CALCULA T(ON TITL£: 3. SUPERSEDES: N/A ME 101 class 1 pipe stres analysis using Code Calie N-411 drunplng for ----------------------------------------

selected components SUPPLEMENTS: AX*17D REV. 3


The objective of this addendum Is to reduce the d)'DamiC loads (or OBE and SRV 1V, 2V d 16V cases by using the Code Case N*411 damping in stress analysis., then to perform !he class 1 pipe stress aoaJys' for the critical p ip ing components such as elbow, reducer, ret, taper uansition, and RPV nozzle.


See page 3


(1) Calcula i OIl AX* 17D Rev. 3 (2) t.ffi 101 Computer Progl'llJl], Version N4 (3) 0 13. 18. 1.5*08 Rev. 1 Peak-spread ARS for Seismic Events Includ ing Curves with N-4 J )*1 Damping (4) Code Case N-4II- I A Itcmative Damping Values for Response Spectra AlUllysis of Class I, 2, and 3 Piping Sec ion Ill, Division I, dated Feb. 20, 1986


I . The class ] results from Jv1E 10 I C I analysis are consistent with th se fr om NUPJPE anaJysis. The Clas I tresses as well as CUF went down slightly as expected.. There is DO noed 10 revise the 3Upport 10 ds, equipment loads. and valve accelerations in this addendum .

2. Stress report for feedwater system SR-504 needs not to be rev ' cd per the above reasons.

REC ElVE D NOV 0 71995 S. REASON FOR REVlS10N (iF APPLICABLE): SDC This calculation is used as a basis for the class 1 qualifICation of some fittin~ affected by fiow accelerated corrosion (PAC) to detennlne tbe remaining life.


__ 3 2

QAPA? y - - ..X-l I. ~Jtf. S ~ 12--if. K ~ I~~~

V _ Sll PREPA.Rijt 0667 KCJIi 9/SJ96 DATE Hunp  :;1ue CltECKERlREYJEWER KeN 0996 9110196 DATE Lotbll[ KnbD KC~ IJIlS INDE.PE!'o'DENT R£,Vn;W£R 2111[26 DATE



~ SIGNI KCN C!x,J I";~t.


RBG-47895 Page 3 of 3 Addendum 3K Cover Page:




Pipe Stress Anal)' 's for FWS-Piping in Reactor and Auxilia.ry Bid (West ............. ...... ................. ~ ...... ............ .


MR. 96-0069 rerout~ the RCIC Injection Line from its original ccnnection to the RPV Head to the FWS system through a short portion of the RHS piping. The objective of RC\.]sion '3K is to evaluate the FWS piping for the new function of RCrC injection in addition to the existing FINS function. A new cheek valve is to be added in the Au."ril.iary Bo.ilding (see worksketch). The p iping is to be evaluated for thermal and fluid transient events associ.ated willi RCIC lnjecti n into feed water loop A. Theinformation contained in Revisions 3B, 3E. 3F, 3G, 3R , and 31 bas been mcorporated into the mpu fife. See also comment cards in Ihe input listings.

Class 1 pJping y . covers oo.ly the critical components such as Reducer, Tee, Taper Transi 'on (Valve), Elbow, and RPY nozzlcjun *on.



f The analysis demoD traitS the aCGcptab' lity of tbe piping for m 96-0069.

SOC 6229AQ.O-IOQ...QOIA Bc:chtel MEIOI V~rsionf!\clease No._ _ "



MR 96-0069. PIPE STRESS, FWS. ICS. 411 REVIEW & APPROVAL rf-~ S'41J (C~b7) 6-/9-97 '~M-'v .v... (6 q.rC ) b-,~-) 7

() (Signatur~ate) (SignarureIDale)

Preparer o Reviewer (Non-Safety)

(Printed Name, KCN, or SSN) o Design VerificatIon Re,tieweJ' ev (Printed Name, KCN, or SSN)


RBG -47895 Page 1 of 2 RBG-47895 Attachment 5 Addendum 3J Stress/ Cumulative Usage Factor (CUF) comparison with Addendum 38

RBG-47895 Page 2 of 2 Addendum 3J Stress/CUF comparison with Addendum 38 EOt CALCuu.nON NUMBER:






OF RESULTS I'tonlinued)


!'I.P. EQ. 9 psi) EQ. IO (piI) EQ. 12 ~ ii) EQ. IJ (p$l) CUF lJ 38 3*) 31 38 II 3J 38 lJ 38 3J lJ 3B lntJ .3% inc3.J% lllCJJ~'o 2 11101 9571 39074 40363 37894 0.0142 0.0147 0.0189 4 18361 1697 1 52562 54297 49781 O.{)116 0.0120 0.0213 6 17417 16472 5078S 5246 1 48087 0.0099 0.0102 0.0182 10 17158 15898 47934 49516 46011 0.0081 0.0084 0.0145 12 16113 15851 43694 45136 44357 0.0048 0.0050 0.0096 35 1999 1 '20729 47543 49112 48198 0.0060 0.0062 0.0138 45 18212 18586 54237 56027 53924 0.0079 0.0082 0.0186 58 15032 15849 32984 34072 35051 0.0096 0.0099 0.0178 59 15372 15693 37159 38385 35451 0.0161 0.0166 0.0175 65 14770 19879 37991 39245 44172 MOll 0.0032 0.0058 10 14017 19203 37154 38380 42829 0.0028 0.0029 0.0050 82 18183 20548 67590 69820 70498 26034 26893 29393 29533 31388 0.1543 0.1594 0.6490 .

85 15493 16056 72S96 74992 17836 41302 42665 46162 21027 24027 0.1653 0.1708 0.6512

&7 146S1 15084 68996 71273 71289 41599 42972 43990 20022 23946 0.1572 0.1624 0.3722 100 12723 13656 67082 69296 67257 0.0348 0.0359 0.0604 105 12684 13455 61324 63348 59836 0.0186 0.0 192 0.0343 110 14670 16324 51770 53478 46983 0.0 106 0.0109 0.0 161 liS 13909 15696 63300 65389 6 1591 0.0327 0.033 8 0.0386 119 13073 13934 71583 73945 74505 40462 41797 46486 21701 32653 0.2802 0.2894 0.4038 125 10800 11483 56865 5&742 60116 0.0461 0.0476 0 .0657 140 10283 10191 45867 47381 46369 0 .03 18 0.0328 0.0346 145 14325 14040 455 13 470 15 45871 0.0064 0.0066 0.0074 150 14408 14449 46576 48113 47032 0.0089 0.0092 0.0091 I5S 10332 10479 46919 48467 47823 0.0390 0.0403 0.0424 IS9 9522 9670 46636 48175 54351 0.0381 0.0394 0.0763 20S 12239 12968 36705 58576 6177S 0.0424 0.0438 0.0940 2 15 10239 104 16 52147 53368 55567 0.0326 0 .0337 0.0522 Note:

The thermal stresses from MEIOl run would be expected 10 be nearly identical to those from NUPIPE.

However, in the MEIOI model the nozzle elements (nodesl -2 & 119-120) were not ' cl~d. M a result, the piping is ~ligbtly stiffer. This explains why EQ. 9 & 10 stresses are different from those of the ~IPE analysis. The purpose of this addendum is to provide a reference for wall thinning analysis (FAC), and critical walJ thickness calculation.