RBG-47709, Response to Request for Additional Information on Nineteenth Fuel Cycle Core Operating Limits Report

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Response to Request for Additional Information on Nineteenth Fuel Cycle Core Operating Limits Report
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/12/2016
From: Schenk T
Entergy Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16259A385 (5)


-===-Entergy Entergy Operations, Inc.

River Bend Station 5485 U.S. Highway 61 N St. Francisville, LA 70775 Tel 225-378-4177 Timothy A. Schenk Manager, Regulatory Assurance September 12, 2016 RBG-47709 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555


Response to Request for Additional Information -- Nineteenth Fuel Cycle Core Operating Limits Report River Bend Station - Unit 1 Docket No. 50-458 License No. NPF-47 Reference 1.) Entergy Letter; Nineteenth Fuel Cycle Core Operating Limits Report, Revision 2 River Bend Station -Unit 1 (RBG-47648) Dated February 11, 2016 2.) NRC email; Request for Additional Information -- RBS Nineteenth Fuel Cycle Core Operating Limits Report, Rev 2 (CAC No. MF7561), Dated June 7,2016

Dear Sir or Madam:

Attached is the response to the NRC Staff request for additional information (RAI) on Revision 2 of the River Bend Station (RBS) Core Operation Limits Report (COLR) for the nineteenth fuel cycle.

This letter does not contain any commitments.

RBG-47709 Page 2 of 2 For further information, please contact me at (225) 381-4177.

TAC/bmb Attachments: Response to Request for Information cc: Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IV 1600 East Lamar Blvd.

Arlington, TX 76011-451. 1 1 NRG Senior Resident Inspector P. 0. Box 1050 St. Francisville, LA 70775 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Mr. James S. Kim MS 8 B1A One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 Department of Environmental Quality Office of Environmental Compliance Radiological Emergency Planning and Response Section Ji Young Wiley P.O. Box 4312 Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4312 Public Utility Commission of Texas Attn: PUC Filing Clerk 1701 N. Congress Avenue P. 0. Box 13326 Austin, TX 78711-3326 RBF1-16-0091 LAA 2016- 01

Attachment RBG-47709 Response to Request for Information I


RBG-47709 Attachachment Page 1 of 2 By letter dated February 11, 2016 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML16049A257), Entergy Operations, Inc. (Entergy, the licensee),

submitted Revision 2 of the River Bend Station, Unit 1 (RBS) Core Operation Limits Report (COLA) for the nineteenth f.uel cycle. The report was submitted in accordance with Technicpl Specification (TS) 5.6.5, "Core Operating Limits Report (COLA)," of Appendix A of the Facility Operating License NPF-47.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has determined that additional information is required in order to complete its review of the RBS COLA.

As mentioned in the Entergy letter, "License Amendment Request: Changes to the Analytical*

Methods Referenced in Technical Specification 5.6.5, 'Core Operating Limits Report (COLA),"'

dated October 16, 2006 (ADAMS Accession No. ML062960299), Entergy acknowledges being consistent with the guidance presented in TSTF-363, "Revise Topical Report References in its 5.6.5, COLA [Core Operating Limits Report]," in that the dates and revision numbers are contained in the referenced COLA.

Section 3.2 of the RBS COLA for Cycle 19 lists NEDE-24011-P-A, "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel (GESTART-11)," without a revision and a date, as the analytical method used to determine the parameters found in the COLA. In the Section 5.6.5 of the RBS, Unit 1, TS, there are ~ number of analytical methods listed used to determine the COLA parameters, including NEDE-24011-P-A, all of which do not include revisions or dates. Since there are no revisions or dates listed for the analytic methods in the TS or COLA, the staff cannot determine what analytical method was used to develop the COLA parameters.

1. Identify the revision and date of NEDE-24011'-P-A that was used in the development of the COLA parameters for Cycle 19.


The NEDE-24011-P-A revision used for each RBS cycle 19 COLA is 20, December 2013.

RBG-47709 Attachment Page 2 of2

2. Section 5.6.5 of the 1s contains a list of many analytical methods while the COLA only has one analytical method. The extra analytical methods appear to be related to fuel types that are no longer used at RBS. Confirm that the difference in references is related to fuel types that are no longer used or if they are not used for another reason, discuss those reasons. Additionally; discuss any plans to remove these unused references from the TS.


The current fuel used in the RBS core is provided by Global Nuclear Fuel (GNF) with the analytical methods identified by item 24 in Section 5.6.5 (b) of the Technical Specifications. The (

remaining references (1 - 23 and 25) in Section 5.6.5 apply to fuel types previously used at RBS; These fuel types are still resident in the spent fuel pool and available for reuse if necessary. While these analytical methods are not currently in use, the fuel and analytical methods use was reviewed and approved by the NRG remain applicable to fuel available for reuse. Maintaining these analytical methods in the Technical Specifications allows for a reintroduction of these fuel types without the additional delay. Therefore, for commercial reasons RBS does not have current plans for removing reference to analytical methods 1 - 23 in Section 5.6.5 (b) of the Technical Specifications.