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buality Control Procedure                              +      '"'Y "
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es Subject                                                  Section                        Effective Date ANCHORAGE MEASUREMENT CONTROL                      QUALITY CONTROL                1-19-83
: 1. SCOPE The procedure shall establish the means of verifying the acceptability of various thread mating dimensions for the Inryco 170 wire post-tensioning anchorage system, by measurement of the critical thread dimensions.
: 2. PURPOSE This procedure shall be used to acquire the necessary data for determining the accept-asility of various thread dimension combinations of 170W1B Field Anchorhead or 170W15 Bushing to stressing ram Adaptor.
: 3. PESPONSIBILITY It shall be the responsibility of the Owner or his agent to provide the necessary actions stated within this procedure, to assure that damage to the tendons or equipment or injuries to personnel shall not occur during stressing or detensioning cf tendon anchorages.      It is suggested that this information be provided to these vendors that are being submitted Request To Bid specification for In-Service-Inspection (Tendon Surveillance).
: 4. MEASURING EQUIPMENT The following devices are recommended for the measurements to be performed and shall be controlled for calibration to the required accuracy and frequency.
: 1. Standard outside measuring microme ter, readable to 0.001" or finer (0.0001").
: 2. Inside measuring micrometer readable to 0.001" or finer (0.0001"), with changable anvils, small contact area or point style anvils as well as standard inside measuring anvils. For convenience, more than one micromecer may be used.
: 3. Go and No-Go thread plug gauges.
: 4. Standard stub ACME, 3 wire sets of thread measuring wires.
: 5. Shim stock (about 0.020" thickness to prevent flexing).
l l
l 8302230555 830127 PDR ADOCK 05000454 S                    PDR APPROVED FOR ISSUE                  Revision:                      d  Date:
D a g .h M w                                        Supersedes:
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Procedure Number Quality Control Procedure                            + 'arvc an inland Steel company page " 'of" eages 2    9 Subject                                                  Section                        Effective Date A!!CHORAGE MEASUREMENT CONTROL                      QUALITY CONTROL              l-19-83
: 5. MEASURING THREADS A combination square with a centering head should be used to assure that the measure-ments are diametrically opposite each other and that the second reading is nearly perpendicular to the first reading.      Crayon or soapstone can be used to mark the measuring locations, but care should be taken so as not to permit those marks to interfere with the accuracy of the measurements.
: 1. USE OF MICROMETER Proper use of the micrometer is essential when measuring large diemeters. The fixed anvil must be held at one point of the measurement and the spindle is rocked back and forth at the opposite point of measurements, while the thimble is rotated to acquire the greatest, true diametric reading.        The thimble should be locked af ter each reading, before being removed from the measurement. This will assure reading accuracy and permit rechecks with consistent repeatability.
: 6. EXTERNAL THREADS - ANCHORACES All external thread measurements shall be taken at the 3rd, 6th and 9th threads.              Two readings 81111 be taken for each thread and each reading shall be taken at right angles to the other. This measurement shall only apply to 170WlB Field Anchorheads and 170W15 Bushings.
: 1. MAJOR DIAMETER This nuasurement shall be taken with a standard outside measuring micrometer and perforud as shown in Sketch I below.      The micrometer measurement will directly provide the major diameter dimension.
SKETCH 1 - External Major Diameter I
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L FX Micrometer, Anvil / Spindle APPROVED FOR ISSUE                  Revision:                    d  Date:
j        h Qg                                      Supersedes:
Procedure                  Page    Date Issued Q.A.S.7/({dt                                            gg, ggg,g        d Form 780.17-10    September 1976      INRYCO. Inc.
Procedure Number Quality Control Procedure                              + 'arva an inland Steel company rege  "J '' reges 3      9 Subject                                                  Section                        Effective Date ANCHORACE MEASUREMENT CONTROL                QUALITY CONTROL                l-19-83
: 6. 2. PITCH DIAMETER This measurement shall be- taken with a standard outside measuring micrometer, shim stock and 3 thread measuring wires for standard stub ACME threads. The 3 wires shall be of the same diameter, within the specified accuracy tolerances. The diameter may range from 0.129" to 0.162" but shall be selected so that the measur-ing wire rests on the tapered sides of the thread, protruding beyond the crest of the thread, but not resting on the flat portion of the root cf the thread.              'Ihe shin is used to retain the wires and permit the anvil to rest on the shim bridge across the wires and can be seen in Sketch 2 below.
NOTE:  Some equipment manufacturers provide special thread wire holding attachments for certain micrometers, which facilitate the neasuring process.
Crest SKETCH 2 - External Pitch Diameter Root Shim Stock
                                                                          %              Micrometer Anvil / Spindle
                                                                        / $
5 Micrometer                              Stub Acme Thread Measuring Wires:
Anvil / Spindle                        Wire shall protrude beyond crest of thread and shall rest on slope of thread, but not rest on the flat portion of the root
: 1. The pitch diameter constant shall be provided by Table A in Attachment 2 for the diameter of wire being used.      The shim thickness shall be added to the constant and this total subtracted from the micrometer reading, thus providing the pitch diameter. It should be noted that the constant. already considers all the wire diameters.
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l APPROVED FOR ISSUE                  Revision:                      g    Date:
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Page      Date Issued Procedure Q.A.S.5g Q)          h                                  no, g igg;      d Form 780.17-10    September 1976    INRYC0, Inc.
Procedure Number Quality Control Procedure                            + 'arva an inland Steel company ee9e 4
J '' eeses 9
Subject                                                  Section                        Effective Date ANCHORAGE MEASUREMENT CONTROL                        QUALITY CONTROL                I-19-83
: 6. 3. MINOR DIAMETER This measurement shall be taken with a standard outside measuring micrometer, shim stock and 3 thread measuring wires of the same diameter.          The diameter of the wire shall be selected so that i:. tests on the root flat of the thread, protruding beyond the crest of the thread, but not resting on the tapered sides of the thread. As noted in Section 6.2 above, the shim shall again be used to contact the 2 vires to bridge the thread permitting measurement, as seen in Sketch 3 below.
SKETCli 3 - External Minor Diameter Shim Stock 70                Micrometer 4                                                  Anvil / Spindle J
Micrometer                                Stub Acme Thread Measuring Wires:
Anvil / Spindle                          e8 all Protrude beyond crest of thread and contact minor diameter, but not rest on the slope of the thread.
: 1. The sum of twice the selected wire diameter shall be added to the shim thick-ness, then this totel dimension shall be subtracted from the micrometer reading to provide the minor diameter dimension.
: 7. INTERNAL TilREADS - STRESSING RAM ADAPTOR The locations for the measurement of major and minor diameters shall be specified in each section below. Two readings shall be taken for each thread and each reading shall be taken at right angles to the other. Pitch diameter shall be checked with thread plug gauges.      This measurement shall only apply to stressing ram Adaptors.
APPROVED FOR ISSUE                  Revision:                    A    Date:
M            M.                                    Supersedes:
Pro edu                    Page      Date Issued Q.A.S        [(}j d.
Form 78b.17-10    September 1976      INRYCO, Inc.
Procedure Number (luality Control Procedure                          + 'arva an inland Steel company rese    J '' eeses 5      9 Subject                                                  Section                        Effective Date ANCHORACE MEASURDIENT CONTROL                      QUALITY CONTROL                1-19-83
: 7. 1. MAJOR DIAMETER This measurement shall be taken at the 3rd and 9th threads of the stressing Adaptor, avoiding incomplete threads, with an inside measuring micrometer utilizing small contact area or point style anvils, in the canner shown in Sketch 4 below. Care shall be exercised to keep the angular error to a minimum as shown in Figure 4. The angular alignment introduces an error of 0.00013" or less and therefore shall be disregarded. The micrometer measurement will directly provide the inside major diameter dimension.
SKETCH 4 - Internal Major Diameter Measure with a minimum of angularity.
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1 Micrometer Blade Points
: 2. PITCH DIAMETERS Thread curvature does not readily permit measurement.        Instead, Go and No-Go thread plug gauges shall be used to verify the acceptability of pitch diameter.
l          1. The Go gauge should enter the thread full length.        The satisfactory entry or non-entry shall be documented. The Go gauge check is relatively unimportant l                as it only checks the maximum metal limit and therefore may be waived by the l                authorized quality authority.
: 2. The No-Go gauge should not actuelly enter the thread, except for about a one-quarter to one-half turn of the gauge. If this gauge completely enters the thread, then that stressing ram Adaptor, shall be rejected. It would be advantageous to perform this check first, to validate the acceptability of the l                pitch diameter before performing actual measurements.
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1 APPROVED FOR ISSUE                Revision:                      d    Date:
om        ,k                                  Supersedes:
b                                            Procedure                    Page      Date Issued 4 A.St        M utbu                                  No Q610*Ll      b l
Form 780.17-10    September 1976      INRYC0, Inc.
    .                                                                                              Proc; dure Numb:r Quality Control Procedure                                    + 'arva an Inland Steel conipany ease    ol"'' eages 6      9 Subject                                                          Section                        Effective Date ANCHORAGE MEASUREMENT CONTROL                                QUALITY CONTROL                l-19-83
: 7. 3. MINOR DIAMETER This measurement shall be taken at the 3rd, 6th and 9th threads of the Adaptor, avoiding incomplete threads, with an inside measuring micrometer, preferably with a blade type anvil or other small contac t area anvil, and performed as shown in Sketch 5 below. The micrometer reading will directly provide the inside minor diameter measurement.
SKETCH 5 - Internal Minor Diameter
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Micrometer Blade Points
: 8. DOCUMENTATION All measurements and required data shall be documented on a form identical or similar to the Typical Documentation Form shown in this procedure, Attachment 3.
: 1. With the measurement data posted to the documentation fonn, it shall become necessary to determine the average dimension for that measured characteristic.
: 1.        Add the        readings together. Do this for each characteristic.
: 2.        Divide the total of each characterie: tic by the amount of readings.            'Ihis shall provide the Average Dimension.
: 3.        Enter all calculations on to the documentation form.
If the stressing ram Adaptor fails the No-Go gauge check, that Adaptor shall not be used for any stressing or detensioning operations, as it may not have sufficient I      thread strength to withstand lift of f or overstress loads.
i 1
1 APPROVED FOR ISSUE                    Revision:                      d  Date:
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no, ggiotl      8 Form 780.17-10          September 1976      INRYCO Inc.
Procedure Number Quality Control Procedure                                + 'arva an Inland Steel company PageN''eeges 7    9 Subject                                                      Section                        Effective Date ANCHOR ACE MEASUREMENT CONTROL                        QUALITY CONTROL              l-19-83
: 10. ACCEPTANCE 3/8" - 4 STUB ACME TilHEAD The recommerded thread dimension stated by FED. STD. H28 APP.13 dated 8-31-78 for 9-3/8" thrmada are as follows:
EXTERNAL - ANCHORACE                                    INTERNAL - ADAPTOR Maximum      Hinimum                                  Maximum        Minimum 9.375        9.363              MAJOR                9.428          9.395 9.276        9.242              PITCH                9.333          9.300 9.205        9.172              MINOR                9.238          9.225
: 1. As shown above, the minimum external to maximum internal dimensiona uill provide a strength equivalent to 138% of the tendon Guaranteed Ultimate Tensile Strength (GUTS). 'Ihis strength equivalent has nothing to do with the forces applied to the tendon or anchorages.      It only means that there is sufficient strength between the threads of an anchorage and the stressing adaptor to impart the required forces into the tendon during stressing or detensioning, without failing the threads of the stressing adaptor and/or the anchorage.
: 2. If the reasured thread dimensions meet those dimensions of Section 10 above, no nonconformance exists and the threads are acceptable.
: 3. As the maximum stressing force applied to a tendon during stressing or detensioning is only 80% of tendon GUTS, (in certain cases 82%), it shall be acceptable to utilize a dimensional matchup between the 9-3/8" diameter anchorages and stressing adaptor which provides no less than 100% of tendon GUTS. While the anchorage threads are nonconforming, they have satisfactorily carried the previous stressing forces and can be expected to continue to do so, provided the actual thread sizes are not less than shown below.
EXTERNAL - ANCHORACE                        INTERNAL - ADAPTOR Minimum                                    Maximum 9.290                MAJOR                  9.428 9.197                PITCH                  9.333 9.129                MINOR                  9.238
: 1. As seen in the above chart, External Maximum and Internal Minimum threads are disregarded, as well aa those combinations that exceed the stated control dimensions. Oversize external and less than minimum internal thread sizes would tend to produce tighter fits which would increase the strength equivalent. While this is a nonconforming condition, it does not a f fec t the strength, as long as the anchorage can be threaded fully into the adaptor.
APPROVED FOR ISSUE                  Revision:                      d  Date:
6                ,k                                    Supersedes:
1                                                  Procedure                    Page    Date Issued 4 A . L.
Q, j u _t( w ,                            gg, gegog,      d form 780.17- 10        September 1976        INRYC0, Inc.
Proc: dure Number Quality Control Procedure                                  + !"' E t  ,    ee, m pany Page b        Pages 8      o    _
Subject                                                      Section                    Effective Date ANCHORAGE MEASUREMENT CONTROL                          QUALITY CONTROL          I-19-83
: 10. 3. 2. All above strength equivalents are based on maintaining no less than 3 inches of thread engagement. Less than this engagement will reduce the strength equivalents.
: 3. The average Internal Maximum thread dimensions greater than those shown in the charts of Section 10 or 10.3 will also reduce the thread strength equivalents.
It should be noted here, that the stressing adaptor has never been considered a safety-related component, even though it plays a very important part in maintaining thread strength equivalents.
As the stressing adaptor will wear more than anchorages due to frequency of use, extra care should be taken to assure that the threads do not exceed the control ranges.
: 2. It is possible to utilize a stressing adaptor that exceeds the Internal Maximum dimensions providing the average External Minimum threads of the anchorage are proportionately larger. If it is decided that it is necessary to use an oversized stressing adaptor, then Inryco, Inc. should be consulted to verify the swallest dimensions that would be acceptable for matchup to that adaptor.
: 11. ACCEPTANCE - 6" - 4 STUB ACME THREAD It shall not be necessary to perform any measurements of tne 170WIA anchorhead or the 170W15 bushing interior threads. The current matchups shall be acceptable providad the bushing is returned to thu mame anchorhead f rom which it was removed and the threads fully engaged.
: 1. It is recommended that each stressing adaptor be permanently marked with a unique identification code, so that stressing performed with that device may be appro-priately identified.
: 2. It is recommended that the identification code of a stressing adaptor be noted on the tendon stressing or detensioning quality control record.
: 3. The measurements of each anchorage and stressing adaptor shall be documented.
: 4. All documents shall be signed and dated and shall be maintained in accordance with the established requirements for that jobsite or power plant.
APPROVED FOR ISSUE                  Revision:                  d  Date:
g                    g                                  Supersedes:
4 l                          Procedure                Page    Date Issued Q.A.S            d d b ._                                  No. Qt to Z.I Form 780.17-10          September 1976      INRYCO, Inc.
Proc dure Number Quality Control Procedure                              + 'arvaan inland Steel company page              "I''eages o
Subject                                                  Section                                                              Effective Date ANC110 RACE MEASUREMENT CONTROL                    QUALITY CONTROL                                                      l-19-83
: 13. ATTACilMENTS Accompanying this procedure are the following documents.
: 1. Procedure QC 1021      - SAFETY COMMENTS 2 pages
: 2. Procedure QC 1021      - Table A - Constants
: 3. Procedure QC 1021      - Sample Documentation Form
: 4. Drawing 170WlA        - For Informat. ion Only
: 5. Drawing 170WIB        - For Information Only
: 6. Drawing 170W15        - For Information Only l
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APPROVED FOR ISSUE                  Revision:                    A                              Date:
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Procedure                  Page                                            Date Issued Q. A. S.N'kslU ad%                                      no, poot; A Form 780.17-10      September 1976      INRYCO. Inc.
PROCEDURE OC 1021                                  ATTACHMENT 1 OfWyCO an inland Steel company SAFETY COMMENTS CAUTION
: 1. WORN TilREADS OR POOR TilREAD MATCH VERIFY that an acceptable dimensional thread match exists between the stressing ram adaptor and the anchorage to be coupled.                                                      Before performing any coupling operations, the thread dimensions of tiie stressing ram adaptor and the thread dimensions of the anchorage to be coupled, shall be measured and compared for an acceptable match-up.
: 1.        Refer to Inryco Procedure QC 1021 for controls.
: 2. STRESSING RMi ADAPTOR TO ANCHORAGE VERIFY that the stressing ram adaptor (coupler) is fully engaged with the
_ threads of the 170W15 Bushing or the threads of the 170WIB Field Anchorhead, of that end of the tendon that shall have the jacking force applied. The anchorage shall not protrude more than 3/8 of an inch beyond the bottom outside face of the stressing ram adaptor, before starting any stressing or detensioning operations.
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Stressing Adaptor
Shall not exceed 3/8" m\.
EFFECTIVE DATE l-19-83' f PREV.REV.d                                                                        REVISIONd                    PAGE I of 2 Form 780.90-10              August 1977                            INRYCO, Inc.
PROCEDURE OC 1021                                              ATTANIME NT 1 ggrygg an inland Steel company SAFETY COMMENTS CAUTION
: 3. SIIOP ANCHORHEAD TO BUSHING VERIFY that the 170W1A Shop Anchorhead does not protrude beyond the bottom face of the 170W15 Bushing. During coupling and uncoupling of the stressing ram adaptor with the Bushing, there is a possibility that the 170W1A Shop Anchor-head may become partially or completely unthreaded from the Bushing. This unthreading could occur as a result of tight, sticking or slightly damaged threads of either the stressing ram adaptor and the Bushing or both.
Therefore, where a dif ficulty has been encountered in coupling the adaptor to the Bushing, especially where repeated threadon and unthreading has occurred, the proper engagement of the Shop Anchorhead with the Bushing shall be checked, prior to applying any jacking force to the tendon.
Bushing 170W15
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                    - - *      ~ No protrusion shall exist between anchorhead 170W15 and bushing 170W15.
EFFECTIVE DATE 1-19-83                          'E              PREV.REV.A                                            REVISION d                      PAGE 2 of 2 Form 780.90-10              August 1977                                  INRYCO, Inc.
ATTACHMENT 2 PROCEDURE QC 1021 4 inrycoan inland Steel company P3TCH DIAN C O t4 G T FOR 3 LJ I R C MC1 HOD W1bs                  WIFL        ,    Witt                Witt        v  W164              WIL1                WikL Lati      Lun.        L121 Luw.        t 1/1  Lun.        Liti  CDN.  '  L121 ( ON. I L121      LUN.      L1H          LON.
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Revision as of 05:51, 31 March 2020

Rev 0,to Anchorage Measurement Control.
Person / Time
Site: Byron, 05000000
Issue date: 01/19/1983
Shared Package
ML20065B885 List:
REF-PT21-83 QC-1021, NUDOCS 8302230555
Download: ML20065B902 (16)
