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lh                (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE ALL REQUIRED INFORNIATION) 7 oji 8 9 lUlElFlClSl1l@l0lol0l0lolol0l0lo o l o l@l hl 1l ll ll 1l@l LICENSEE CODE                  14    15                    LICENSE NUMBER                    25      ;8      LICENSE TYPE JO l
lh                (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE ALL REQUIRED INFORNIATION) 7 oji 8 9 lUlElFlClSl1l@l0lol0l0lolol0l0lo o l o l@l hl 1l ll ll 1l@l LICENSEE CODE                  14    15                    LICENSE NUMBER                    25      ;8      LICENSE TYPE JO l
57 CATid l@
57 CATid l@
CON'T o11                5a7RCE              I L @l 0 l 5 l 0 j 0 l 0 l 2 l 8 l 5 }gl1 l 210 l 5 [ 7 l 8 @l1 l 2 l2 l 217 l8 l@
                      "' "
o11                5a7RCE              I L @l 0 l 5 l 0 j 0 l 0 l 2 l 8 l 5 }gl1 l 210 l 5 [ 7 l 8 @l1 l 2 l2 l 217 l8 l@
7            4                      60              61            CCCXET NUM8ER                68    69      EVENT CATE              74      75      REPCRT CATE        80
7            4                      60              61            CCCXET NUM8ER                68    69      EVENT CATE              74      75      REPCRT CATE        80
_        EVENT DESCRIPTION AND PROBA8LE CONSEQUENCES h o    2 l During the performance of the type B and C containment leak rate tests during the                                                                                        l o    a l 1978 refueling outage, it was noted that the total leakage exceeded the 0.6 La limit                                                                                    l 0 44        lof 62,951 sces.                                                                                                                                                      I o    s !                                                                                                                                                                        l 0    6      l 017 l                                                                                                                                                                            l ata        l                                                                                                                                                                    I 7          $ 9                                                                                                                                                                  SO SYSTEM                CAUSE          CAUSE                                                      COMP.          VALVE CCDE                  CCOE        SU8CCDE                COMPONENT CCDE                  SUSCCOE          SUSCCCE 7
_        EVENT DESCRIPTION AND PROBA8LE CONSEQUENCES h o    2 l During the performance of the type B and C containment leak rate tests during the                                                                                        l o    a l 1978 refueling outage, it was noted that the total leakage exceeded the 0.6 La limit                                                                                    l 0 44        lof 62,951 sces.                                                                                                                                                      I o    s !                                                                                                                                                                        l 0    6      l 017 l                                                                                                                                                                            l ata        l                                                                                                                                                                    I 7          $ 9                                                                                                                                                                  SO SYSTEM                CAUSE          CAUSE                                                      COMP.          VALVE CCDE                  CCOE        SU8CCDE                COMPONENT CCDE                  SUSCCOE          SUSCCCE 7
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                 @ aEPoat 17 18 I                              l-l            lo lh lo i            I/l          l 01, I                ILI            l-1        I ol
                 @ aEPoat 17 18 I                              l-l            lo lh lo i            I/l          l 01, I                ILI            l-1        I ol
_ 21            22        23            24            26        27          28        23          30              31        J2 ACTION . FUTURE                    EFFECT          SHUTOOWN                                  ATTACHMENT          NPR O-4      PRIME COMP,          COMPONENT TAKEN ACTICN                  ON PLANT              METHOO                  HOURS    d      SUSMITTED        PCRM bu8.        SUPPLIE R        MANUFACTURER lo 3J l@lz l@34                    W@ - Iz l@                        Io lo l0 lo l            lY@              l42N I@            l Alh l Xl 9l ol Olh 35                36            3 e.                40    41                                  43          44              47 CAuSE cESCRIPTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS 1 eo lThe penetrations that exhibited excess leakage were recaired and the total containmentI ii1        l leakage was reduced to below the 0.6 La (62.oS1 seem) limit. A modifientic, +n                                                                        W -4
_ 21            22        23            24            26        27          28        23          30              31        J2 ACTION . FUTURE                    EFFECT          SHUTOOWN                                  ATTACHMENT          NPR O-4      PRIME COMP,          COMPONENT TAKEN ACTICN                  ON PLANT              METHOO                  HOURS    d      SUSMITTED        PCRM bu8.        SUPPLIE R        MANUFACTURER lo 3J l@lz l@34                    W@ - Iz l@                        Io lo l0 lo l            lY@              l42N I@            l Alh l Xl 9l ol Olh 35                36            3 e.                40    41                                  43          44              47 CAuSE cESCRIPTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS 1 eo lThe penetrations that exhibited excess leakage were recaired and the total containmentI ii1        l leakage was reduced to below the 0.6 La (62.oS1 seem) limit. A modifientic, +n                                                                        W -4
           ,    ;tainment purge valves was completed this refueling outage which should reduce the leak +
           ,    ;tainment purge valves was completed this refueling outage which should reduce the leak +
         ,3    l age attributable to these valves, even if after repeated cycling. Quarterly leakage                                                                                I g,,            ; tests will continue to be performed on the containment purge valve penetrations.                                                                                  I 7          8 9                                                                                                                                                                  so
         ,3    l age attributable to these valves, even if after repeated cycling. Quarterly leakage                                                                                I g,,            ; tests will continue to be performed on the containment purge valve penetrations.                                                                                  I 7          8 9                                                                                                                                                                  so "YE
               $                    sPowER                          oTHER STATUS      @        ciSCoNRv                            ciScovERY cESCRiPrioN h lt !5          l H l@ l 0l ol ol@lRefueline Shutdevd                                              l Bl@l Refueline leak rate test                                                  l ACTIVITY        CO TENT mELEASEC CFRELEASE                            AMOUNT C8 ACTtVITY                                                      LOCATICN CF RELEASE l          l      NA                                                                  l 164 I3 l Z l h lZ          l@l NA 1
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NAME OF PRi? ARER J. Connolley/G. Petersen 7wCNE:
NAME OF PRi? ARER J. Connolley/G. Petersen 7wCNE:
Lo2 h26 holl
Lo2 h26 holl

LER 78-Oh0 Omaha Public Power District Fort Calhoun Station Unit No. 1 Docket Ilo. 05000285 Attachment Ilo.1 Safety Analysis The air leakage tests performed during the 1978 refueling outage indicated a total leaka ge rate of h81,30h.27 seen of this leakage. However, only 183,288.07 scem can be attributed to direct containment atmosphere leakage.
LER 78-Oh0 Omaha Public Power District Fort Calhoun Station Unit No. 1 Docket Ilo. 05000285
Attachment Ilo.1 Safety Analysis The air leakage tests performed during the 1978 refueling outage indicated a total leaka ge rate of h81,30h.27 seen of this leakage. However, only 183,288.07 scem can be attributed to direct containment atmosphere leakage.
Since the containment purge valves were the largest contributors to this leak-age, 1h3,002.17 seem and the leakage of the purge valves was verified to be 8,h10 seem on September lb, 1978, prior to cycling to purge containment after the shutdown. It can, therefore, be concluded that centainment integrity was not violated during plant operation since the total leak rate to atmosphere would have been h8,695.9 scem. The purge valves were repaired during the 1978 refueling outage as were other valves and mechanical seals to bring the total leak rate within the 0.6 La limit. A special report (as required by Technical Specification 5 9.3.e) vill be submitted within 90 days of the leak test comple-tion date.
Since the containment purge valves were the largest contributors to this leak-age, 1h3,002.17 seem and the leakage of the purge valves was verified to be 8,h10 seem on September lb, 1978, prior to cycling to purge containment after the shutdown. It can, therefore, be concluded that centainment integrity was not violated during plant operation since the total leak rate to atmosphere would have been h8,695.9 scem. The purge valves were repaired during the 1978 refueling outage as were other valves and mechanical seals to bring the total leak rate within the 0.6 La limit. A special report (as required by Technical Specification 5 9.3.e) vill be submitted within 90 days of the leak test comple-tion date.
o y}}
o y}}

Revision as of 19:45, 1 February 2020

LER 78-040/03L-0 on 781205:during Performance of Type B & C Containment Leak Rate Tests,Noted That Total Leakage Exceeded Tech Spec Limits.Leakage Caused by Penetrations to Containment Purge Valves
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 12/22/1978
From: Connolley J, Gordon Peterson
Shared Package
ML19270E890 List:
LER-78-040-03L, LER-78-40-3L, NUDOCS 7901030110
Download: ML19270E896 (2)



l l I l 1 6

lh (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE ALL REQUIRED INFORNIATION) 7 oji 8 9 lUlElFlClSl1l@l0lol0l0lolol0l0lo o l o l@l hl 1l ll ll 1l@l LICENSEE CODE 14 15 LICENSE NUMBER 25 ;8 LICENSE TYPE JO l

57 CATid l@

CON'T o11 5a7RCE I L @l 0 l 5 l 0 j 0 l 0 l 2 l 8 l 5 }gl1 l 210 l 5 [ 7 l 8 @l1 l 2 l2 l 217 l8 l@

7 4 60 61 CCCXET NUM8ER 68 69 EVENT CATE 74 75 REPCRT CATE 80

_ EVENT DESCRIPTION AND PROBA8LE CONSEQUENCES h o 2 l During the performance of the type B and C containment leak rate tests during the l o a l 1978 refueling outage, it was noted that the total leakage exceeded the 0.6 La limit l 0 44 lof 62,951 sces. I o s ! l 0 6 l 017 l l ata l I 7 $ 9 SO SYSTEM CAUSE CAUSE COMP. VALVE CCDE CCOE SU8CCDE COMPONENT CCDE SUSCCOE SUSCCCE 7

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i S l Djh Wh IB lh l Vl Al Ll VI 'l XIh Wh l DIh 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 20


@ aEPoat 17 18 I l-l lo lh lo i I/l l 01, I ILI l-1 I ol

_ 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 23 30 31 J2 ACTION . FUTURE EFFECT SHUTOOWN ATTACHMENT NPR O-4 PRIME COMP, COMPONENT TAKEN ACTICN ON PLANT METHOO HOURS d SUSMITTED PCRM bu8. SUPPLIE R MANUFACTURER lo 3J l@lz l@34 W@ - Iz l@ Io lo l0 lo l lY@ l42N I@ l Alh l Xl 9l ol Olh 35 36 3 e. 40 41 43 44 47 CAuSE cESCRIPTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS 1 eo lThe penetrations that exhibited excess leakage were recaired and the total containmentI ii1 l leakage was reduced to below the 0.6 La (62.oS1 seem) limit. A modifientic, +n W -4

, ;tainment purge valves was completed this refueling outage which should reduce the leak +

,3 l age attributable to these valves, even if after repeated cycling. Quarterly leakage I g,,  ; tests will continue to be performed on the containment purge valve penetrations. I 7 8 9 so "YE

$ sPowER oTHER STATUS @ ciSCoNRv ciScovERY cESCRiPrioN h lt !5 l H l@ l 0l ol ol@lRefueline Shutdevd l Bl@l Refueline leak rate test l ACTIVITY CO TENT mELEASEC CFRELEASE AMOUNT C8 ACTtVITY LOCATICN CF RELEASE l l NA l 164 I3 l Z l h lZ l@l NA 1

7 10 11 44 45 30 ageSCNNEL EXPCSURES NUV8Ea ypg O ESCRIPTICN

  • 7 ii7 8 9 loIolol@lzl@l n 11 1: 13 BC i



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S$ cP :R = " .Ca , CmTv ra TV'E 05 SCRwTION V


I9!l2i NA 7 3, 3 'C 40 PU B LICITv ygcggggggv 1 SUED OESCP6PTION

  • 3l W @l n M3/  ! !I i ' IIII i

7 3 9 10 /M 93 59 ' %

NAME OF PRi? ARER J. Connolley/G. Petersen 7wCNE:

Lo2 h26 holl

LER 78-Oh0 Omaha Public Power District Fort Calhoun Station Unit No. 1 Docket Ilo. 05000285 Attachment Ilo.1 Safety Analysis The air leakage tests performed during the 1978 refueling outage indicated a total leaka ge rate of h81,30h.27 seen of this leakage. However, only 183,288.07 scem can be attributed to direct containment atmosphere leakage.

Since the containment purge valves were the largest contributors to this leak-age, 1h3,002.17 seem and the leakage of the purge valves was verified to be 8,h10 seem on September lb, 1978, prior to cycling to purge containment after the shutdown. It can, therefore, be concluded that centainment integrity was not violated during plant operation since the total leak rate to atmosphere would have been h8,695.9 scem. The purge valves were repaired during the 1978 refueling outage as were other valves and mechanical seals to bring the total leak rate within the 0.6 La limit. A special report (as required by Technical Specification 5 9.3.e) vill be submitted within 90 days of the leak test comple-tion date.

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