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| number = ML17158B150
| number = ML17158B150
| issue date = 06/08/2017
| issue date = 06/08/2017
| title = 06/08/2017, Meeting Slides for High Pressure Safety Injection Pump AB Pre-submittal Public Meeting Relief Request Per 50.55a(Z)(2)for Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (CAC No. MF9699)
| title = Meeting Slides for High Pressure Safety Injection Pump AB Pre-submittal Public Meeting Relief Request Per 50.55a(Z)(2)for Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = Entergy Operations, Inc
| author affiliation = Entergy Operations, Inc
| addressee name = Pulvirenti A L
| addressee name = Pulvirenti A
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR/DORL/LPLIV
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR/DORL/LPLIV
| docket = 05000382
| docket = 05000382
| license number = NPF-038
| license number = NPF-038
| contact person = Pulvirenti A L, 415-1390
| contact person = Pulvirenti A, 415-1390
| case reference number = CAC MF9699
| case reference number = CAC MF9699
| document type = Slides and Viewgraphs
| document type = Slides and Viewgraphs
| page count = 19
| page count = 19
| project = CAC:MF9699
| project = CAC:MF9699
| stage = Meeting

{{#Wiki_filter:HIGHPRESSURESAFETYINJECTIONPUMPABPRESUBMITTALPUBLICMEETINGRELIEFREQUESTPER50.55a(z)(2)WATERFORD3JUNE8,20171 HPSIABReliefRequestPreSubmittalMeetingIntroductionsJohnJarrell-RegulatoryAssuranceManagerBenSheppard-InServiceTestingEngineerMichelleGroome-SystemsEngineerMariaZamber-RegulatoryAssurance2 HPSIABReliefRequestPreSubmittalMeeting*Overview*AdverseCondition,Testing,andCorrectiveActionRequirements*PreviousReliefRequest*ProblemwithRefurbishment*PumpPerformanceData/Analysis*ProposedAlternative3Agenda Overview*EntergyisrequestingreliefoftherequirementtoperformtheISTComprehensiveTestoftheHPSIABpump.*Testisrequiredtobeperformedata39weekfrequencyduetotherequirement(ISTB6200(a))todoublethefrequencyifaparametervalue(inthiscase,vibration)fallswithintheAlertrange.*HighvibrationnotedduringRF20(Nov2015)andreliefpreviouslygrantedforCycle21.*PumpcouldnotberefurbishedduringRF21,thereforereliefisagainbeingrequestedforCycle22.4 HighPressureSafetyInjectionPumpAB*PumpSIMPMP0002ABistheinstalledspare(maybealignedtoeithertrain).*Safetyrelated,horizontallymounted,ninestage,centrifugalpump.*ManufacturerisIngersollRand(Model4X9C9).*Ratedfor405gpmwith2830feetofheadat3575rpm.*GroupBpump.5 AdverseCondition-HighVibration*ComprehensivePumpTestperformedduringRF20(Nov2015)identifiedhighvibrationinthealertrangeatvibrationpoints3H(inboardbearing)and4H(outboardbearing).*Causeofhighvibrationattributedtobeginningstagesofendoflife.6 TestandCorrectiveActionRequirements*ComprehensivePumpTestrequiredtobeperformedon18monthfrequencyduetolengthofWF3OperatingCycles.*Correctiveactionrequiresthatiftestparametervaluefallswithinalertrange,frequencyshallbedoubleduntilthecauseofthedeviationisdeterminedandtheconditioniscorrected.*Comprehensivetestcanonlybeperformedwhenreactorisshutdown(Mode6).7 PreviousReliefRequest/Precedent*ReliefpreviouslygrantedforWaterford3onJuly6,2016forOperatingCycle21[ML16182A270].*ApprovalgrantedtoperformGroupAtestonaquarterlybasisinordertomonitorvibrationwhileonlineinordertoidentifyiftheconditionwasworsening.*Pumprefurbishmentwasscheduledtobeperformedduringthe21strefuelingoutage(RF21).8 ProblemwithRefurbishment*NewHPSIABshaftdamagedbyfabricatoranddeemedunusable*PumpisuniquetoWaterford3andArkansasNuclearOneandsparematerialsnotavailable.*LeadtimeforanewshaftwasbeyondthestartdateofOperatingCycle22.*Inpreparationforrefurbishment,pumpwasuncoupledfrommotor,thenrecoupledwhenrefurbishmentcouldnotbecompleted.Noadditionalmaintenancewasperformed.9 PumpPerformance*Pumpexhibitssatisfactoryhydraulicperformancewithnodegradingtrend.*TSflowsurveillancerequirementsaresatisfactory.*VibrationmeasurementsobservedduringCycle21GroupAtestingwereelevatedyetacceptable.*AftertheuncouplingandrecouplingofthepumpjustpriortoRF21,thevibrationswerenotedtohavebeenreducedsignificantly,andareofthesamemagnitudeasvibrationmeasurementsrecordedduringthecomprehensivetestofRF21.10 ChangeinVibrationReadingsEngineeringevaluationdeterminedthattheuncouplingandrecouplingperformedatthebeginningoftherefurbishmentattemptaffectedthevibrationreadings;however,thisisnotthemostlikelycauseoftheincreasedvibrationsidentifiedinNovember2015andthereforeEntergycannotsaythattheoriginalconditionhasbeenresolved.DuetothecircumstancespresentedbythefactthattheHPSIABpumpcouldnotberefurbished,theoriginalconditionthatcausedtheelevatedvibrationhasnotbeencorrected.11 HPSIABComprehensiveData12DateOutageFlow Rate (gpm)DP(psid)Pump Bearing Vibrations (in/sec)3H3V4H4V4A10/28/2009RF16404.01202.00.2670.1910.2520.2660.05004/16/2011RF17422.81184.20.2350.1610.2410.2500.05812/18/2012RF18411.01215.00.2490.1660.2260.2340.04904/19/2014RF19411.21190.70.0900.0830.0700.0720.05811/03/2015RF20406.01194.50.3320.1910.3360.2300.08811/23/2015RF20408.51202.20.3970.2250.3990.1790.0784/21/2017RF21411.61194.70.2130.1240.2190.1410.042Note:Alertrangeis0.325<V0.700in/sec HPSIABTSDPSurveillanceData13Cycle 20Cycle 21DateDP (psid)DateDP (psid)06/10/20141491.003/09/20161492.309/09/20141462.006/07/20161466.212/12/20141491.509/09/20161467.403/05/20151466.512/01/20161470.106/02/20151471.603/10/20171474.109/04/20151497.004/07/20171468.5Note:TSrequiresaDPgreaterthanorequalto1429psid.
HPSIABTSFlowSurveillanceData14Note:TSrequiresthatthesumofinjectionlineflowratesshallbe>675gpm.Eachpumpmustperformwithahotlegflowrategreaterthanorequalto436gpmandwithin+/-10%ofcoldlegflow.DateOutageTS 4.5.2(h)Cold Leg Flow(gpm)Cold Leg Flow(gpm)Hot/Cold Leg Flow (gpm)90%Cold Leg FlowHot Leg Flow110%Cold Leg Flow10/28/2009RF16687441.0396.90463.7485.1004/16/2011RF17695466.0419.40455.0512.6012/18/2012RF18706451.0405.00458.0496.0004/19/2014RF19 (Header B)708422.0379.80455.2464.2005/06/2014RF19 (Header A)689459.0413.00441.0505.0011/03/2015RF20 (Header A)680454.0408.60445.0499.4011/23/2015RF20 (Header B)694442.0397.80462.0486.204/21/2017RF21 (Header B)678417.8376.00457.5459.604/21/2017RF21 (Header A)679.8443.5399.2457.9487.8 HPSIABGroupATestData(Cycle21)15DateDP (psid)Pump BearingVibrations3H3V4H4V4A03/09/20161376.20.2780.2200.3100.2920.06206/07/20161347.50.2820.2100.2310.2860.07209/09/20161335.20.2700.2000.2900.2900.07012/01/20161340.50.2600.2000.2400.3000.06003/10/20171336.60.2800.2500.2300.3100.05004/07/20171345.00.1430.1420.1510.2230.050Note:At250gpm,eachHPSIPumpmustachieveaminimumof1312.1psid,whichincludesinstrumentaccuracy,inordertofulfilltherequirementsofDesignBasisCalculationECM05003.
WATERFORD 3 JUNE 8, 2017 1
Analysis*PumpdischargeflowhasconsistentlyachievedTSflowrequirements.*PumphasachievedTSDPrequirementsduringeachquarterlysurveillanceduringOperatingCycle20andOperatingCycle21.*PumphasbeenwithinISTComprehensivetestDPacceptancecriteriawithnodegradingtrendinpumphydraulicperformance.16 Conclusion17TheprecedinginformationdemonstratesthateventhoughtheHPSIABpumpisinthebeginningstagesofendoflife,itisremainscapableofperformingitssafetyfunctionforitsmissiontime.
HPSI AB Relief Request PreSubmittal Meeting
John Jarrell - Regulatory Assurance Manager Ben Sheppard - InService Testing Engineer Michelle Groome - Systems Engineer Maria Zamber - Regulatory Assurance 2
HPSI AB Relief Request PreSubmittal Meeting Agenda
* Overview
* Adverse Condition, Testing, and Corrective Action Requirements
* Previous Relief Request
* Problem with Refurbishment
* Pump Performance Data/Analysis
* Proposed Alternative 3
* Entergy is requesting relief of the requirement to perform the IST Comprehensive Test of the HPSI AB pump.
* Test is required to be performed at a 39 week frequency due to the requirement (ISTB6200(a)) to double the frequency if a parameter value (in this case, vibration) falls within the Alert range.
* High vibration noted during RF20 (Nov 2015) and relief previously granted for Cycle 21.
* Pump could not be refurbished during RF21, therefore relief is again being requested for Cycle 22.
High Pressure Safety Injection Pump AB
* Pump SIMPMP0002AB is the installed spare (may be aligned to either train).
* Safetyrelated, horizontally mounted, nine stage, centrifugal pump.
* Manufacturer is Ingersoll Rand (Model 4X9C9).
* Rated for 405 gpm with 2830 feet of head at 3575 rpm.
* Group B pump.
Adverse Condition - High Vibration
* Comprehensive Pump Test performed during RF20 (Nov 2015) identified high vibration in the alert range at vibration points 3H (inboard bearing) and 4H (outboard bearing).
* Cause of high vibration attributed to beginning stages of end of life.
Test and Corrective Action Requirements
* Comprehensive Pump Test required to be performed on 18 month frequency due to length of WF3 Operating Cycles.
* Corrective action requires that if test parameter value falls within alert range, frequency shall be doubled until the cause of the deviation is determined and the condition is corrected.
* Comprehensive test can only be performed when reactor is shutdown (Mode 6).
Previous Relief Request / Precedent
* Relief previously granted for Waterford 3 on July 6, 2016 for Operating Cycle 21 [ML16182A270].
* Approval granted to perform Group A test on a quarterly basis in order to monitor vibration while online in order to identify if the condition was worsening.
* Pump refurbishment was scheduled to be performed during the 21st refueling outage (RF21).
Problem with Refurbishment
* New HPSI AB shaft damaged by fabricator and deemed unusable
* Pump is unique to Waterford 3 and Arkansas Nuclear One and spare materials not available.
* Lead time for a new shaft was beyond the start date of Operating Cycle 22.
* In preparation for refurbishment, pump was uncoupled from motor, then recoupled when refurbishment could not be completed. No additional maintenance was performed.
Pump Performance
* Pump exhibits satisfactory hydraulic performance with no degrading trend.
* TS flow surveillance requirements are satisfactory.
* Vibration measurements observed during Cycle 21 Group A testing were elevated yet acceptable.
* After the uncoupling and recoupling of the pump just prior to RF21, the vibrations were noted to have been reduced significantly, and are of the same magnitude as vibration measurements recorded during the comprehensive test of RF21.
Change in Vibration Readings Engineering evaluation determined that the uncoupling and recoupling performed at the beginning of the refurbishment attempt affected the vibration readings; however, this is not the most likely cause of the increased vibrations identified in November 2015 and therefore Entergy cannot say that the original condition has been resolved. Due to the circumstances presented by the fact that the HPSI AB pump could not be refurbished, the original condition that caused the elevated vibration has not been corrected.
HPSI AB Comprehensive Data Flow                      Pump Bearing Vibrations (in/sec)
DP Date    Outage  Rate (psid)       3H        3V        4H  4V      4A (gpm) 10/28/2009  RF16  404.0    1202.0      0.267      0.191      0.252 0.266  0.050 04/16/2011  RF17  422.8    1184.2      0.235      0.161      0.241 0.250  0.058 12/18/2012  RF18  411.0    1215.0      0.249      0.166      0.226 0.234  0.049 04/19/2014  RF19  411.2    1190.7      0.090      0.083      0.070 0.072  0.058 11/03/2015  RF20  406.0    1194.5      0.332      0.191      0.336 0.230  0.088 11/23/2015  RF20  408.5    1202.2      0.397      0.225      0.399 0.179  0.078 4/21/2017  RF21  411.6    1194.7      0.213      0.124      0.219 0.141  0.042 Note: Alert range is 0.325 < V  0.700 in/sec 12
HPSI AB TS DP Surveillance Data Cycle 20                                Cycle 21 Date            DP (psid)             Date            DP (psid) 06/10/2014          1491.0            03/09/2016            1492.3 09/09/2014          1462.0            06/07/2016            1466.2 12/12/2014          1491.5            09/09/2016            1467.4 03/05/2015          1466.5            12/01/2016            1470.1 06/02/2015          1471.6            03/10/2017            1474.1 09/04/2015          1497.0            04/07/2017            1468.5 Note: TS requires a DP greater than or equal to 1429 psid.
HPSI AB TS Flow Surveillance Data TS 4.5.2(h)                         Hot/Cold Leg Flow (gpm)
Cold Leg Cold Leg Date        Outage                          Flow Flow (gpm)             90%                         110%
(gpm)                        Cold Leg     Hot Leg Flow    Cold Leg Flow                          Flow 10/28/2009        RF16            687            441.0          396.90          463.7        485.10 04/16/2011        RF17            695            466.0          419.40          455.0        512.60 12/18/2012        RF18            706            451.0          405.00          458.0        496.00 04/19/2014    RF19 (Header B)     708            422.0          379.80          455.2        464.20 05/06/2014    RF19 (Header A)     689            459.0          413.00          441.0        505.00 11/03/2015    RF20 (Header A)     680            454.0          408.60          445.0        499.40 11/23/2015    RF20 (Header B)     694            442.0          397.80          462.0        486.20 4/21/2017    RF21 (Header B)     678            417.8          376.00          457.5        459.60 4/21/2017    RF21 (Header A)   679.8          443.5          399.2          457.9        487.8 Note: TS requires that the sum of injection line flow rates shall be > 675 gpm. Each pump must perform with a hot leg flow rate greater than or equal to 436 gpm and within +/-10% of cold leg flow.
HPSI AB Group A Test Data (Cycle 21)
DP                              Pump Bearing Vibrations Date (psid)               3H            3V              4H            4V      4A 03/09/2016        1376.2            0.278          0.220            0.310        0.292    0.062 06/07/2016        1347.5            0.282          0.210            0.231        0.286    0.072 09/09/2016        1335.2            0.270          0.200            0.290        0.290    0.070 12/01/2016        1340.5            0.260          0.200            0.240        0.300    0.060 03/10/2017        1336.6            0.280          0.250            0.230        0.310    0.050 04/07/2017        1345.0            0.143          0.142            0.151        0.223    0.050 Note: At 250 gpm, each HPSI Pump must achieve a minimum of 1312.1 psid, which includes instrument accuracy, in order to fulfill the requirements of Design Basis Calculation ECM05003.
* Pump discharge flow has consistently achieved TS flow requirements.
* Pump has achieved TS DP requirements during each quarterly surveillance during Operating Cycle 20 and Operating Cycle 21.
* Pump has been within IST Comprehensive test DP acceptance criteria with no degrading trend in pump hydraulic performance.
Conclusion The preceding information demonstrates that even though the HPSI AB pump is in the beginning stages of endof life, it is remains capable of performing its safety function for its mission time.
Proposed Alternative
* Relief will be requested to allow performance of the Group A test on a quarterly basis in lieu of the Comprehensive Test for the duration of Cycle 22, essentially identical to the relief granted for Cycle 21.
* Data will be analyzed to ensure that the performance is in the expected range, providing assurance that the pump will continue to be operationally ready for the duration of the cycle.
* Expected submittal date is July 6, 2017.
* Approval requested by February 3, 2018 to ensure that relief is obtained prior to the time that testing would need to be performed, which is 39 weeks following the previous test due to the increased testing frequency requirement.
* Thank you for your time and consideration.
* Questions?

Latest revision as of 08:40, 4 December 2019

Meeting Slides for High Pressure Safety Injection Pump AB Pre-submittal Public Meeting Relief Request Per 50.55a(Z)(2)for Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/08/2017
Entergy Operations
To: April Pulvirenti
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Pulvirenti A, 415-1390
CAC MF9699
Download: ML17158B150 (19)



WATERFORD 3 JUNE 8, 2017 1

HPSI AB Relief Request PreSubmittal Meeting


John Jarrell - Regulatory Assurance Manager Ben Sheppard - InService Testing Engineer Michelle Groome - Systems Engineer Maria Zamber - Regulatory Assurance 2

HPSI AB Relief Request PreSubmittal Meeting Agenda

  • Overview
  • Adverse Condition, Testing, and Corrective Action Requirements
  • Previous Relief Request
  • Problem with Refurbishment
  • Pump Performance Data/Analysis
  • Proposed Alternative 3


  • Entergy is requesting relief of the requirement to perform the IST Comprehensive Test of the HPSI AB pump.
  • Test is required to be performed at a 39 week frequency due to the requirement (ISTB6200(a)) to double the frequency if a parameter value (in this case, vibration) falls within the Alert range.
  • High vibration noted during RF20 (Nov 2015) and relief previously granted for Cycle 21.
  • Pump could not be refurbished during RF21, therefore relief is again being requested for Cycle 22.


High Pressure Safety Injection Pump AB

  • Pump SIMPMP0002AB is the installed spare (may be aligned to either train).
  • Safetyrelated, horizontally mounted, nine stage, centrifugal pump.
  • Manufacturer is Ingersoll Rand (Model 4X9C9).
  • Rated for 405 gpm with 2830 feet of head at 3575 rpm.
  • Group B pump.


Adverse Condition - High Vibration

  • Comprehensive Pump Test performed during RF20 (Nov 2015) identified high vibration in the alert range at vibration points 3H (inboard bearing) and 4H (outboard bearing).
  • Cause of high vibration attributed to beginning stages of end of life.


Test and Corrective Action Requirements

  • Comprehensive Pump Test required to be performed on 18 month frequency due to length of WF3 Operating Cycles.
  • Corrective action requires that if test parameter value falls within alert range, frequency shall be doubled until the cause of the deviation is determined and the condition is corrected.
  • Comprehensive test can only be performed when reactor is shutdown (Mode 6).


Previous Relief Request / Precedent

  • Relief previously granted for Waterford 3 on July 6, 2016 for Operating Cycle 21 [ML16182A270].
  • Approval granted to perform Group A test on a quarterly basis in order to monitor vibration while online in order to identify if the condition was worsening.
  • Pump refurbishment was scheduled to be performed during the 21st refueling outage (RF21).


Problem with Refurbishment

  • New HPSI AB shaft damaged by fabricator and deemed unusable
  • Pump is unique to Waterford 3 and Arkansas Nuclear One and spare materials not available.
  • Lead time for a new shaft was beyond the start date of Operating Cycle 22.
  • In preparation for refurbishment, pump was uncoupled from motor, then recoupled when refurbishment could not be completed. No additional maintenance was performed.


Pump Performance

  • Pump exhibits satisfactory hydraulic performance with no degrading trend.
  • TS flow surveillance requirements are satisfactory.
  • Vibration measurements observed during Cycle 21 Group A testing were elevated yet acceptable.
  • After the uncoupling and recoupling of the pump just prior to RF21, the vibrations were noted to have been reduced significantly, and are of the same magnitude as vibration measurements recorded during the comprehensive test of RF21.


Change in Vibration Readings Engineering evaluation determined that the uncoupling and recoupling performed at the beginning of the refurbishment attempt affected the vibration readings; however, this is not the most likely cause of the increased vibrations identified in November 2015 and therefore Entergy cannot say that the original condition has been resolved. Due to the circumstances presented by the fact that the HPSI AB pump could not be refurbished, the original condition that caused the elevated vibration has not been corrected.


HPSI AB Comprehensive Data Flow Pump Bearing Vibrations (in/sec)

DP Date Outage Rate (psid) 3H 3V 4H 4V 4A (gpm) 10/28/2009 RF16 404.0 1202.0 0.267 0.191 0.252 0.266 0.050 04/16/2011 RF17 422.8 1184.2 0.235 0.161 0.241 0.250 0.058 12/18/2012 RF18 411.0 1215.0 0.249 0.166 0.226 0.234 0.049 04/19/2014 RF19 411.2 1190.7 0.090 0.083 0.070 0.072 0.058 11/03/2015 RF20 406.0 1194.5 0.332 0.191 0.336 0.230 0.088 11/23/2015 RF20 408.5 1202.2 0.397 0.225 0.399 0.179 0.078 4/21/2017 RF21 411.6 1194.7 0.213 0.124 0.219 0.141 0.042 Note: Alert range is 0.325 < V 0.700 in/sec 12

HPSI AB TS DP Surveillance Data Cycle 20 Cycle 21 Date DP (psid) Date DP (psid) 06/10/2014 1491.0 03/09/2016 1492.3 09/09/2014 1462.0 06/07/2016 1466.2 12/12/2014 1491.5 09/09/2016 1467.4 03/05/2015 1466.5 12/01/2016 1470.1 06/02/2015 1471.6 03/10/2017 1474.1 09/04/2015 1497.0 04/07/2017 1468.5 Note: TS requires a DP greater than or equal to 1429 psid.


HPSI AB TS Flow Surveillance Data TS 4.5.2(h) Hot/Cold Leg Flow (gpm)

Cold Leg Cold Leg Date Outage Flow Flow (gpm) 90% 110%

(gpm) Cold Leg Hot Leg Flow Cold Leg Flow Flow 10/28/2009 RF16 687 441.0 396.90 463.7 485.10 04/16/2011 RF17 695 466.0 419.40 455.0 512.60 12/18/2012 RF18 706 451.0 405.00 458.0 496.00 04/19/2014 RF19 (Header B) 708 422.0 379.80 455.2 464.20 05/06/2014 RF19 (Header A) 689 459.0 413.00 441.0 505.00 11/03/2015 RF20 (Header A) 680 454.0 408.60 445.0 499.40 11/23/2015 RF20 (Header B) 694 442.0 397.80 462.0 486.20 4/21/2017 RF21 (Header B) 678 417.8 376.00 457.5 459.60 4/21/2017 RF21 (Header A) 679.8 443.5 399.2 457.9 487.8 Note: TS requires that the sum of injection line flow rates shall be > 675 gpm. Each pump must perform with a hot leg flow rate greater than or equal to 436 gpm and within +/-10% of cold leg flow.


HPSI AB Group A Test Data (Cycle 21)

DP Pump Bearing Vibrations Date (psid) 3H 3V 4H 4V 4A 03/09/2016 1376.2 0.278 0.220 0.310 0.292 0.062 06/07/2016 1347.5 0.282 0.210 0.231 0.286 0.072 09/09/2016 1335.2 0.270 0.200 0.290 0.290 0.070 12/01/2016 1340.5 0.260 0.200 0.240 0.300 0.060 03/10/2017 1336.6 0.280 0.250 0.230 0.310 0.050 04/07/2017 1345.0 0.143 0.142 0.151 0.223 0.050 Note: At 250 gpm, each HPSI Pump must achieve a minimum of 1312.1 psid, which includes instrument accuracy, in order to fulfill the requirements of Design Basis Calculation ECM05003.



  • Pump discharge flow has consistently achieved TS flow requirements.
  • Pump has achieved TS DP requirements during each quarterly surveillance during Operating Cycle 20 and Operating Cycle 21.
  • Pump has been within IST Comprehensive test DP acceptance criteria with no degrading trend in pump hydraulic performance.


Conclusion The preceding information demonstrates that even though the HPSI AB pump is in the beginning stages of endof life, it is remains capable of performing its safety function for its mission time.


Proposed Alternative

  • Relief will be requested to allow performance of the Group A test on a quarterly basis in lieu of the Comprehensive Test for the duration of Cycle 22, essentially identical to the relief granted for Cycle 21.
  • Data will be analyzed to ensure that the performance is in the expected range, providing assurance that the pump will continue to be operationally ready for the duration of the cycle.



  • Expected submittal date is July 6, 2017.
  • Approval requested by February 3, 2018 to ensure that relief is obtained prior to the time that testing would need to be performed, which is 39 weeks following the previous test due to the increased testing frequency requirement.
  • Thank you for your time and consideration.
  • Questions?