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| issue date = 02/13/2012
| issue date = 02/13/2012
| title = Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section Iii.L
| title = Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section Iii.L
| author name = Gullott D M
| author name = Gullott D
| author affiliation = Exelon Generation Co, LLC, Exelon Nuclear
| author affiliation = Exelon Generation Co, LLC, Exelon Nuclear
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
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{{#Wiki_filter:Nuclear 10 CFR 50.12 10 CFR 50, Appendix R Exelon Generation Company, 4300 Winfield Road Warrenville, IL 60555 RS-12-011 February 13, 2012 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-1 9 and DPR-25 NRC Docket Nos. 50
{{#Wiki_filter:Exelon Generation Exelon  Generation Company, Company,LLCLLC 4300 Winfield 4300  Winfield Road Road                                                                                                        Nuclear Nuclear Warrenville, IL 60555 Warrenville, IL 60555 10 10 CFRCFR 50.12 50.12 10  CFR 10 CFR      50,  Appendix R Appendix RS-12-011 RS-12-011 February 13,2012 February      13, 2012 u.s.
-237 and 50-249
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Document Control Control Desk Washington, Washington, DC       DC    20555-0001 Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Renewed Facility      Operating License Facility Operating       License No. No. DPR-19 DPR-1 9 and and DPR-25 DPR-25 NRC Docket Nos. Nos. 50-237 50- 237 and and 50-249

Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.L
Request for for Exemption Exemption from  from 1010 CFR CFR 50, Appendix Appendix R, SectionSection III.L III.L

Letter from Steven A. Reynolds (NRC) to Michael J. Pacilio (Exelon Generation Company, LLC), "Dresden Nuclear Power Station Triennial Fire Protection Inspection Report 05000237
Letterfrom Letter   fromSteven Steven A.A. Reynolds (NRC) to Michael  Michael J. J. Pacilio (Exelon Generation Generation Company, LLC),LLC), "Dresden Nuclear Power     PowerStation Station Triennial Triennial FireFire Protection Protection Inspection Report Inspection    Report 05000237/2011 05000237 /2011008(DRS);               05000249/2011008(DRS)"
/2011008(DRS); 05000249
008(DRS); 05000249/2011              008(DRS)"
/2011008(DRS)" In accordance with 10 CFR 50.12, "Specific exemptions," Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC) is requesting a permanent exemption from the requirements in 10 CFR 50 Appendix R,"Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Facilities Operating Prior to January 1, 1979," Section III.L"Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability," paragraph 4, for Dresden Nuclear Power Station (DNPS) Units 2 and 3. The requested exemption would eliminate the requirement for the on-shift High Voltage Operator (HVO), a member of the Safe Shutdown (SSD) staff, to remain "on site at all times" and would allow the HVO to conduct normal shift duties, including those at remote Owner Controlled Areas (OCAs), while fulfilling a required position on the SSD staff. In addition, the exemption would eliminate the requirement to remain "on site at all times" for one on-shift Operations Supervisor, also a member of the SSD staff, and allow that individual to perform the duties of a Safety
In accordance In accordance with    with 10 CFR 50.12, 50.12, "Specific "Specific exemptions,"
/First-aid Monitor during switching operations occurring at a remote OCA, i.e., the 345kV switchyard or lake lift station. This exemption is being requested in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii) since the application of the regulation in this particular circumstance is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule.As described in the referenced letter, DNPS takes credit for the HVO to perform SSD actions for
exemptions,* Exelon Exelon Generation Generation Company, Company,LLC     LLC (EGC)
(EGC) is requesting a permanent  permanent exemption exemption from from the requirements requirements in    in 10 10 CFR CFR 50 50Appendix AppendixR,        R, "Fire   Protection Program "Fire Protection        Program forfor Nuclear Nuclear Facilities Operating Prior    Prior to January 1,   1,1979,"
1979,"Section SectionIII.L  tll.L "Alternative "Alternative and   anddedicated dedicated shutdown capability,"           paragraph 4, for capability," paragraph            for Dresden Dresden Nuclear NuclearPower Power Station Station (DNPS) Units 2 and 3. The         Therequested requestedexemption exemptionwould wouldeliminate eliminatethe  therequirement requirementfor      for the on-  shift High on-shift     High Voltage Voltage Operator Operator (HVO),
(HVO),aamembermember of   ofthe the Safe Safe Shutdown (SSD) (SSD)staff, staff,to to remain remain "on"on sitesite at all times" times" and and would would allow the HVO to conduct   conduct normal normal shift shift duties, duties,including including those  at  remote      Owner    Controlled    Areas those at remote Owner Controlled Areas (OCAs), while fulfilling               fulfilling aa required requiredposition position on on the the SSDSSD staff. InIn addition, addition, the  the exemption exemptionwouldwouldeliminate eliminatethetherequirement requirementto  toremain remain"on"onsite siteatatallalltimes" times" for one on-shift Operations Supervisor,Supervisor, also alsoaamember memberof    ofthe theSSDSSDstaff, staff,and andallow allowthatthatindividual individual to perform perform the  the duties of a Safety/First-Safety/First-aid aid Monitor     during switching Monitor during        switching operations operations occurring occurring at  at aa remote OCA, i.e., the 345kV      345kV switchyard switchyard or or lake lake lift liftstation.
station. This This exemption exemption is being requestedrequested in      in accordance accordance with    with the requirements requirements of 10   10 CFR CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii) 50.12(a)(2)(ii) since sincethetheapplication application of ofthe the regulation regulation in  in this this particular particularcircumstance circumstanceisis not not necessary necessary to  to achieve achievethe theunderlying underlyingpurposepurposeofof the rule.
the rule.
As As described describedin      in the thereferenced referencedletter, letter,DNPS DNPStakestakescredit creditforforthe theHVO HVOto    toperform perform SSD SSDactions actionsfor    for several several SSDSSDprocedures.
procedures. The  TheHVOHVO has has been beenresponsible responsiblefor  for performing performing thesethese SSD-SSD-related related activities activities since the subject procedures were developed in                    in the late 1980s.
1980s.ItItwas wasobserved observedthat    that the the HVO HVO performs operator rounds      rounds (i.e., log taking) at remote locations,locations, such suchas asthethelake lakeliftlift station station and Goose GooseLake  Lakepumping pumping station, station, which which areare outside outsidethe theprotected protectedarea area(i.e.,
(i.e.,the the security security    fence). Since Since these locations are in OCAs, compliance with 10 CFR 50 AppendixR,R, these locations    are  in OCAs,      compliance      with  10  CFR  50  Appendix Section Section III.L.4 III.L.4 waswas considered considered to to be besatisfied; satisfied;however, however,the  theHVO HVOhas hastotobriefly brieflyleave leavethe  theOCAOCA and and travel travel on aa public public road in    order to in order    to get get to to and and from fromthe thesubject subject locations.
locations. Subsequently, Subsequently,as          as

several SSD procedures.
February 13, February      13, 2012 2012 U.S. Nuclear Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory      Commission Page 2 noted inin the the referenced letter, the NRC concluded that                  that use useof ofthe thepublic public road road constituted constituted aa failure to failure  to ensure ensure that all operators, operators, required required forfor SSDSSDactivities, activities,remained remained"on  "onsite"site" at at all all times.
The HVO has been responsible for performing these SSD
-related activities since the subject procedures were developed in the late 1980s. It was observed that the HVO performs operator rounds (i.e., log taking) at remote locations, such as the lake lift station and Goose Lake pumping station, which are outside the protected area (i.e., the security fence). Since these locations are in OCAs, compliance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L.4 was considered to be satisfied; however, the HVO has to briefly leave the OCA and travel on a public road in order to get to and from the subject locations. Subsequently, as Exelon Generation Company, LLC 4300 Winfield Road Warrenville, IL 60555 Nuclear 10 CFR 50.12 10 CFR 50, Appendix R RS-12-011 February 13,2012 u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-19 and DPR-25 NRC Docket Nos. 50-237 and 50-249
This is contrary contrary to  to the requirements of 10      10 CFR CFR 50    50Appendix Appendix R,  R, Section      II I. LA, and SectionIII.L.4,        and aaGreen Green Findingwas Finding    was issued issued to DNPS.
It has been been demonstrated demonstrated that,    that, in in the the event eventthetheHVO  HVO is  is located located at at the the most mostdistant distant remote remote OCA  OCA location at location    at the the onset onset of of aa fire, fire, the HVO HVO is able to    to return return to to the the protected protected area and complete    complete the    the required SSD required      SSD activities within within thethe required required timeframe.
timeframe. Also,   Also, ifif the HVO HVO and an OperationsOperations Supervisor are performing performing switching operationsoperationsin      in the the345kV 345kVswitchyard switchyardor    orlakelakelift lift station station at at the the onset of    a  fire, both    individuals      will  be able  to  return      to  the  protected of a fire, both individuals will be able to return to the protected area and complete          area    and    complete        the required SSD required      SSD activities activities within within the required required timeframe.
Ifthe If the HVO HVOisis not notallowed allowed to  to perform performhis  his normal normalshift  shiftduties dutieswhile whilebeing being considered considered a member    member of    of the SSD SSDstaff; staff; and and ifif an an Operations OperationsSupervisor Supervisorisisnot    notallowed allowedtotoperform performthe  theSafety/First-aid Safety/First-aid Monitorfunction Monitor      functionduring duringswitching switchingoperations, operations, two two additional additional operators operators will willneed need to be added  added to  to each of of the the DNPS DNPS six sixoperating operating crews, crews,forfor aatotal total of of 12 12additional additional operators. Increasing Increasing the    the number of  of personnel personnel on each  each operating operating crewcrewwouldwould represent representan    anunwarranted unwarranted burden    burden on EGC    EGC since these theseadditional additional operators operators are  are not not necessary necessarytotomeet      meetthetheunderlying underlyingpurposepurposeofofthe    therule.
Therefore, the Therefore,      the special special circumstances for            issuance of for issuance          of the the exemption exemption are  are satisfied satisfied in  in accordance with the with   the requirements requirementsof      of1010 CFR CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii),
50.12(a)(2)(ii), since  since application application of  of the the rule rule isis not not necessary necessary to achieve thethe underlying underlying purpose of the rule.      rule. In In addition, addition, the requested exemption  exemption is      is authorized authorized and is consistent by law and         consistent with with the common defense  defenseand    andsecurity; security; therefore, therefore, the  the requirements requirements of 10 CFR 50.12(a)(1) 50.12(a)(1) are  aresatisfied.
satisfied.Attachment Attachment1 1provides providesadditional additionaldetail detailand  andjustification justification for  for the requested exemption.
EGC requests approval EGC                  approval of this exemption request    request by    by February February 14,  14, 2013.
There are no  no regulatory regulatory commitments commitments contained containedin      in this this letter.
Should youyou have any  any questions questionsconcerning concerningthis  thisletter, letter, please pleasecontact contactMr. Mr. Joseph JosephA. A.Bauer Bauerat    at (630) 657-2804.
Respectfully, T2f/$p 4 David M.M. Gullott Manager -- Licensing Licensing Exelon Generation Company, LLC Attachment 1: RequestRequestfor  for Exemption Exemption Request Requestfrom    from10  10CFRCFR50  50Appendix AppendixR,R,Section  SectionIII.L III.L "Alternative "Alternative and  and dedicated dedicated shutdown shutdowncapability" capability" cc:      NRC NRC Regional Regional Administrator, Administrator, RegionRegion III  III NRC Senior Resident Inspector Dresden Nuclear NRC    Senior    Resident      Inspector    - Dresden          NuclearPowerPowerStation Station

ATTACHMENT 11 ATTACHMENT Request for Exemption Request        Request from from 10  10CFR CFR50  50Appendix AppendixR,R,Section Section1111  m.l "Alternative II Alternative and    and dedicated shutdown capability" I.1. SPECIFIC EXEMPTION REQUEST In accordance In    accordance with with 10 CFR 50.12,  50.12, "Specific "Specific exemptions," Exelon    Exelon Generation GenerationCompany, Company,LLC    LLC (EGC) is (EGC)      is requesting a permanent permanent exemption exemption from from thethe requirements requirementsinin 10    10CFR CFR50  50Appendix AppendixR,      R, "Fire Protection "Fire    Protection Program for Nuclear Facilities      Facilities Operating Operating Prior to    to January January 1,  1, 1979,"
Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.L  
1979," Section SectionIII.L III.L "Alternativeand "Alternative      anddedicated dedicated shutdown shutdown capability,"
capability,"paragraph paragraph 4,  4, for for Dresden Dresden Nuclear Power Station (DNPS)
Station    (DNPS) UnitsUnits22and  and 3. 3. The requested requestedexemption exemptionwould would eliminate eliminate the requirement requirement for    for the on-shift High VoltageVoltage Operator (HVO),    (HVO), aa member member of the Safe  Safe Shutdown Shutdown (SSD) (SSD)staff, staff,toto remain "on site at    at all all times" and  and would would allow allow the HVOHVO to conduct conduct normal normal shift shift duties, duties,including including those at those    at remote remoteOwner OwnerControlled Controlled AreasAreas(OCAs),
(OCAs), whilewhile fulfilling fulfilling aa required required position position on on the SSD staff. In staff. In addition, the exemption exemption would  would eliminate the requirement to remain "on                "on site at at all all times" for one on-shift Operations for                    Operations Supervisor, also aa member      memberof    of the theSSDSSDstaff, staff,and andallow allowthat thatindividual individual to perform the duties duties ofof aa Safety/First-aid Safety/First-aid Monitor          during switching Monitor during      switching operations operations occurring at      at aa remote OCA. OCA. This exemption is being requested        requested in  in accordance accordancewith  with the the requirements requirementsof      of1010 50.12(a)(2)(ii) since CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii)          since the application of the regulation in this particular circumstance        circumstance isis not  not necessary      to achieve    the    underlying      purpose necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule.          of  the  rule.
10 CFR 50 Appendix Appendix R,  R, Section Section IIIII.L.4 I.L.4 states thethe following:
the capability to "If the                to achieve achieve and  and maintain maintain cold shutdown will not be available because of                      of fire damage, the equipment and systems comprising the means to achieve                          achieve and and maintain maintain the hot standby or hot shutdown condition shall be capable of                        of maintaining such conditions until cold shutdown shutdown can  can be be achieved.
achieved. IfIf such equipment equipment and  and systems will not    not be capable of  of being powered by both onsite and              and offsite offsite electric powerpower systems systems because because damage, an independent onsite of fire damage,                                onsite power power system system shall shallbe beprovided.
provided. The number of          of personnel, exclusive of fire brigade members, required to operate such operating shift personnel, equipment and systems shall be on site at all times."            times. 11 As described described in in Reference Reference 1,    1,DNPS DNPS takestakescredit creditforfor the theHVO HVO (i.e.,
(i.e., aa non-licensed non-licensedoperator) operator)to    to perform perform SSD SSD actions actions forforseveral several SSD SSD procedures.
procedures. The  The HVO HVO has been  been responsible responsible for  for performing performing thesethese SSD-related activities              since the activities since    the subject procedures procedures were  were developed developedin    in the thelate late 1980s. ItIt was wasobserved observedthat  thatthetheHVOHVO performs performs operator operator rounds rounds (i.e.,
(Le., log log taking) taking) at remote remote locations, such as  as the the lake lake lift    station and Goose lift station        Goose Lake Lake pumping station, which    which are outside the    the protected area      (i.e.,
area (Le.,    the  security    fence). Since    these  locations    are  part  of the fence). Since these locations are part of the OCA, compliance  OCA,    compliance with with 10 CFR 50 Appendix R,            R, Section III.L.4        was considered III.L.4 was    considered to be    be satisfied; satisfied; however, however, the  theHVOHVO has has toto briefly briefly leave the OCA  OCA and  and travel travel onon a public road in    in order to  to get to and from the noted  noted locations. Subsequently, as          as noted noted in in Reference Reference1,1,the  theNRC NRCconcluded concludedthat  thatuseuseofofaapublic publicroadroad constituted a failure            ensure that failure to ensure        that all all operators, operators, required required forfor SSD SSD activities, activities, remained remained on-site on-siteatat all time. This all time. This is is contrary contrary to the requirements requirements of    of 10 10 CFR CFR 50 50 Appendix Appendix R,   R, Section Section III.L.4, III.L.4, and aa Green Finding Finding was issuedissued to  to DNPS.
Page 1 of 10  10

ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 11 Request for for Exemption Request from Exemption        Request      from 10 CFR 50 Appendix AppendixR,R,Section Section    lII.l 111.1
                              ""Alternative Alternative and  and dedicated        shutdowncapability" dedicated shutdown            capability" II. BASIS FOR EXEMPTION REQUEST          REQUEST In  accordance with In accordance      with 1010 CFR      50.12, the NRC may grant exemptions CFR 50.12,                                  exemptions from  from the requirements requirements of    of 10 CFR 50, which are:
          "(1) Authorized Authorized by  by law, will will not not present present an an undue undue risk risk toto public public health healthor  orsafety, safety, and andare are consistent with the common defense and              and security."
Further, 10 CFR 50.12(2) notes Further,                            notes that:
that: `The
                                                    ''The Commission Commission will  will not consider consider granting granting an an exemption exemption unless special circumstances are          are present."
present." Paragraph Paragraph(ii) (ii)specifies specifiesone oneof of those thosespecial special circumstances:
          "(ii) Application of  of the the regulation in the  the particular particular circumstances circumstances would  would not  notserve serve thethe underlying purpose of      of the rule or is not  not necessary necessary to  to achieve achieve the the underlying underlying purpose purpose of  of the rule;"
On Site Definition 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L.4 uses the term "on site" as noted above; however,                        however, "on  "on specifically defined site" is not specifically        defined inin the the CFR.
CFR. For  For the the purposes purposes of    of the following following discussion, discussion, DNPS DNPS considers "on  "on site" site" as as used used inin Appendix Appendix R      R to to be be equivalent equivalent to  to OCAs.
OCAs. NoteNote that that the DNPS DNPS OCA  DCA extends beyond the protected area (i.e.,        (Le., outside the security security fence).
The intent of restricting        operators, dedicated restricting operators,        dedicated to SSD  SSDactivities, activities,to  toan an"on"on site" site" location location isis to to ensure they ensure    they are are readily readily available to perform perform their theirassigned assigned SSD  SSDduties dutiesininthe thetimeframe timeframe required required the associated analysis by the                  analysis of  of record    (AOR). As discussed record (AOR).              discussedbelow, below,itit has hasbeen beendemonstrated demonstratedthat    that an operator, operator, located anywhere in          in the subject      remote OCAs, is able to subject remote                          to return return to the station and perform his/her perform    his/her assigned assigned SSD SSDduties dutieswithin withinthetherequired required timeframe.
HVO Safe Shutdown Duties Dresden Safe Shutdown Shutdown Procedures (i.e.,        (Le., DSSP DSSP series seriesofofprocedures) procedures) addresses addressesactivities activities associated with associated      with safe safe shutdown shutdown of    of the plant      followingaa severe plant following      severe fire.
fire. These Theseprocedures procedureswere    were initiallydeveloped initially  developed in  in the the late 1980s      timeframe. The HVO 1980s timeframe.                HVO has activities specified specified in in the the following following procedures:
DSSP 01  0100-A1, OO-A 1, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path Al,"              A 1,"Revision Revision31    31 DSSP 01  0100-B1, 00-B1, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path B1," Revision 32 DSSP 0100-CR, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Control Room Evacuation,"                  Evacuation," Revision Revision 42 DSSP 0100-B, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path                  Path B,"
B," Revision Revision 22  22 DSSP 01  0100-B1, 00-B1 , "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path            Path B1,"
B1," Revision Revision 32  32 DSSP 0100-C, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path                    Path C,"
C," Revision Revision 22  22 DSSP 0100-CR, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Control                  Control Room Room Evacuation,"
Evacuation,"Revision Revision 42  42 0100-D, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path DSSP 0100-0,                                                  Path D,"
0," Revision Revision 22  22 DSSP 0100-E, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path                  Path E,"
E," Revision Revision 30  30 DSSP 0100-F, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path                  Path F,"
F," Revision Revision 28  28 Page 2 of 10

Letter from Steven A. Reynolds (NRC) to Michael J. Pacilio (Exelon Generation Company, LLC), "Dresden Nuclear Power Station Triennial Fire Protection Inspection Report 05000237/2011 008(DRS);
ATTACHMENT 11 ATTACHMENT Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R,                                           R, Section III.L   lII.l "Alternative and dedicated shutdown         shutdown capability" capability" Section F, "Limitations "Limitations and  and Actions,"
05000249/2011 008(DRS)" In accordance with 10 CFR 50.12, "Specific exemptions,*
Actions,"ofofeach  each of ofthese these procedures, in part, states:        states:
Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC) is requesting a permanent exemption from the requirements in 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, "Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Facilities Operating Prior to January 1, 1979," Section tll.L "Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability," paragraph 4, for Dresden Nuclear Power Station (DNPS) Units 2 and 3. The requested exemption would eliminate the requirement for the on-shift High Voltage Operator (HVO), a member of the Safe Shutdown (SSD) staff, to remain "on site at all times" and would allow the HVO to conduct normal shift duties, including those at remote Owner Controlled Areas (OCAs), while fulfilling a required position on the SSD staff. In addition, the exemption would eliminate the requirement to remain "on site at all times" for one on-shift Operations Supervisor, also a member of the SSD staff, and allow that individual to perform the duties of a Safety/First-aid Monitor during switching operations occurring at a remote OCA, i.e., the 345kV switchyard or lake lift station. This exemption is being requested in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii) since the application of the regulation in this particular circumstance is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule. As described in the referenced letter, DNPS takes credit for the HVO to perform SSD actions for several SSD procedures.
          "DSSPs define actions to be performed by specific individuals.                individuals. Time    Time critical criticalactions actions need to be completed within the assumed time.                  time. Operations Operations personnelpersonnel outside outside the protected area (i.e., switchyard, lift          lift station, etc.)
The HVO has been responsible for performing these SSD-related activities since the subject procedures were developed in the late 1980s. It was observed that the HVO performs operator rounds (i.e., log taking) at remote locations, such as the lake lift station and Goose Lake pumping station, which are outside the protected area (i.e., the security fence). Since these locations are in OCAs, compliance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L.4 was considered to be satisfied; however, the HVO has to briefly leave the OCA and travel on a public road in order to get to and from the subject locations.
etc.) will will be recalled recalled to  to assist assist inin the the safe safe shutdown efforts.
Subsequently, as February 13, 2012 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 noted in the referenced letter, the NRC concluded that use of the public road constituted a failure to ensure that all operators, required for SSD activities, remained "on site" at all times.
efforts. In In the the event eventthatthatperson person assigned assigned to    to perform perform an    an action action is NOT NOT available OR is performing performing other  other tasks, tasks, anyany qualified qualified individual individual can perform the           the required required actions, as determined determined by    by the the Shift Shift Manager."
This is contrary to the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L.4, and a Green Finding was issued to DNPS.
It has been demonstrated that, in the event the HVO is located at the most distant remote OCA location at the onset of a fire, the HVO is able to return to the protected area and complete the required SSD activities within the required timeframe. Also, if the HVO and an Operations Supervisor are performing switching operations in the 345kV switchyard or lake lift station at the onset of a fire, both individuals will be able to return to the protected area and complete the required SSD activities within the required timeframe.
It should be notednoted that that all all operators operators dedicated dedicatedto    to SSD SSDactivities activities are are trained trained andand qualified qualified to to perform all perform    all non-licensed non-licensed operator operator SSD  SSD related activities            and; therefore, activities and;        therefore, are  are interchangeable.
If the HVO is not allowed to perform his normal shift duties while being considered a member of the SSD staff; and if an Operations Supervisor is not allowed to perform the Safety/First-aid Monitor function during switching operations, two additional operators will need to be added to each of the DNPS six operating crews, for a total of 12 additional operators. Increasing the number of personnel on each operating crew would represent an unwarranted burden on EGC since these additional operators are not necessary to meet the underlying purpose of the rule.
As noted in in Reference Reference1,1,Attachment AttachmentD,       0,"HVO "HVO Actions,"
Therefore, the special circumstances for issuance of the exemption are satisfied in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii), since application of the rule is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule. In addition, the requested exemption is authorized by law and is consistent with the common defense and security; therefore, the requirements of 10 CFR 50.12(a)(1) are satisfied. Attachment 1 provides additional detail and justification for the requested exemption.
Actions," of  of DSSP DSSP 01    0100-A1 OO-A1 and DSSP  DSSP 0100-B1 0100-81 directs the the HVOHVO to perform a number    number of  of activities, activities, one one ofof which which is to remove power      power and  andde- de-energize aa spuriously spuriously openopen safety safety relief relief valve. This This isis aatime time critical critical action assumedassumed to    to occur occur within within 1010 minutes as  as defined defined in    in the the Appendix Appendix R    R hydraulic hydraulic AOR. In          In the theevent eventthatthatthetheHVOHVOisis performing rounds performing       rounds in in a remote OCA,  OCA, another available operator    operator within within the protected area       area would would perform this perform    this action action asas allowed allowed by    by the the procedural procedural limitations limitationsand  andactions actions notednoted above.
EGC requests approval of this exemption request by February 14, 2013.
above. The  The shift shift staffing levels discussed staffing            discussed belowbeloware  areofofsufficient sufficient number numberto    tocomplete completethis    thistime timecritical critical action action regardless ofofHVO regardless                availability. With HVO availability.          With thethe exception of    of DSSP-0100-CR DSSP-0100-CR as            as discussed discussedbelow, below,shift shift staffing levels are of sufficient staffing                    sufficient number to complete all SSD-related      SSD-related time      time critical critical actions regardless of regardless      of HVO HVO availability availability for  forallallDSSPs DSSPs noted above.
There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter.
Reference 1 also  also discusses discussesHVO    HVOactivities activities directed directed by DSSP-0100-CR. DSSP-0100-CR          DSSP-0100-CR describes SSD describes      SSDactivities activities required required in  in the the event eventof  of aaControl Control RoomRoom (CR)  (CR) evacuation evacuation due  dueto  toaafire fire in the CR or in            or Auxiliary    Electrical Equipment Room (AEER);
Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Joseph A. Bauer at (630) 657-2804.
AUXiliary Electrical                                    (AEER); and    and isis the themost mostlimiting limiting DSSP DSSPwith  with regard to resources; i.e.,  i.e., all all SSD-dedicated operators are needed            needed to    to complete complete the the SSD-required SSD-required actions. The Thehydraulic hydrauliCAOR AOR requires requiresthat thatthe thetime timecritical critical actions actions assigned assignedtotothe    theHVO HVObe  be completed withinwithin 3232 minutes. As      As acknowledged acknowledgedin        in Reference Reference1,1,aatime      timevalidation validationof    of DSSP DSSP 0100-CR was completed in January        January 2006. 2006. AllAll required required actions actions in  in this procedure were      were completed in    in 25 25 minutes minutes assuming assuming all  all necessary operators were          were readily          available. Attachment readily available.           Attachment H, "HVO H, "HVOActions,"
Respectfully, David M.Gullott Manager - Licensing Exelon Generation Company, LLC : Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L"Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" cc:NRC Regional Administrator, Region III NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Dresden Nuclear Power Station February 13, 2012 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 noted in the referenced letter, the NRC concluded that use of the public road constituted a failure to ensure that all operators, required for SSD activities, remained "on site" at all times. This is contrary to the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section II I. LA, and a Green Finding was issued to DNPS. It has been demonstrated that, in the event the HVO is located at the most distant remote OCA location at the onset of a fire, the HVO is able to return to the protected area and complete the required SSD activities within the required timeframe.
Actions,"ofofDSSPDSSP0100-CR0100-CR directsdirects the the HVO HVO to  to perform perform aa number of activities, one            one ofof which is to locally locally start the 2A (3A)          Control Rod (3A) Control      Rod Drive Drive (CRD)
Also, if the HVO and an Operations Supervisor are performing switching operations in the 345kV switchyard or lake lift station at the onset of a fire, both individuals will be able to return to the protected area and complete the required SSD activities within the required timeframe.
(CRD)pump. pump. The    The noted notedtime timevalidation validation indicated that this time  time critical criticalaction action could couldbe be completed completed in    in 14 14 minutes.
If the HVO is not allowed to perform his normal shift duties while being considered a member of the SSD staff; and if an Operations Supervisor is not allowed to perform the Safety/First-aid Monitor function during switching operations, two additional operators will need to be added to each of the DNPS six operating crews, for a total of 12 additional operators.
minutes. For    For this this case, case,the theHVOHVO is relied  on to relied on    to complete complete thisthis action action as as the shift staffing staffing levels levelsdiscussed discussed below  below are are not such that an extra extra operator operatorwouldwould be  beavailable availableto    toperform performthis  thisfunction function in  in lieu lieu of the HVO. HVO. In  In the theevent event that DSSP DSSP 0100-CR 0100-CR isisinitiated initiated while while thethe HVO HVO is performing performing rounds at            at aa remote remoteOCA, OCA, the theHVOHVO would would be immediately            notifiedand immediately notified            and directed directed to  to return return to to the the protected protected area    area and and perform perform the  the required HVO SSD duties. duties.
Increasing the number of personnel on each operating crew would represent an unwarranted burden on EGC since these additional operators are not necessary to meet the underlying purpose of the rule. Therefore, the special circumstances for issuance of the exemption are satisfied in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii), since application of the rule is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule. In addition, the requested exemption is authorized by law and is consistent with the common defense and security; therefore, the requirements of 10 CFR 50.12(a)(1) are satisfied.
The HVOHVO conducts operator rounds        rounds and and takes takeslogslogsininvarious variousplant  plantlocations, locations,including including aa number of of "remote "remoteOCAs"OCAs"that    thatareareoutside outsidethe  theprotected protectedarea. area. Rounds at remote OCAs are conducted every shift (i.e.(i.e., three three shifts/day shifts/day on  on weekdays; weekdays; two    two shifts/day shifts/dayon    onweekends) weekends) and    and are accessed by accessed      bydriving driving aa company company vehicle vehicle to the location.
Attachment 1 provides additional detail and justification for the requested exemption.
location. The  Thetotal total time time thethe HVO      spends HVO spends performing rounds in the remote OCAs performing                                      OCAs varies varies from from approximately approximately one-two hours          hours per pershift.
EGC requests approval of this exemption request by February 14, 2013. There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter. Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Joseph A. Bauer at (630) 657-2804.
Respectfully, T2f/$p 4 David M. Gullott Manager -Licensing Exelon Generation Company, LLC Attachment 1: Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L "Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" cc: NRC Regional Administrator, Region III NRC Senior Resident Inspector
These remote These    remoteOCAs OCAsinclude includethe  the345kV 345kVelectrical electrical switchyard, switchyard, lake    lakeliftlift station, Goose GooseLake  Lake pumping station and hot and       and coldcold cooling cooling towers. The     TheHVO HVO may  may also alsoneedneedtotoperform performswitching switching Page 3 of 10   10
-Dresden Nuclear Power Station ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section 1111"Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" 1.SPECIFIC EXEMPTION REQUEST In accordance with 10 CFR 50.12, "Specific exemptions," Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC) is requesting a permanent exemption from the requirements in 10 CFR 50 Appendix R,"Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Facilities Operating Prior to January 1, 1979," Section III.L"Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability," paragraph 4, for Dresden Nuclear Power Station (DNPS) Units 2 and 3. The requested exemption would eliminate the requirement for the on-shift High Voltage Operator (HVO), a member of the Safe Shutdown (SSD) staff, to remain "on site at all times" and would allow the HVO to conduct normal shift duties, including those at remote Owner Controlled Areas (OCAs), while fulfilling a required position on the SSD staff. In addition, the exemption would eliminate the requirement to remain "on site at all times" for one on-shift Operations Supervisor, also a member of the SSD staff, and allow that individual to perform the duties of a Safety/First-aid Monitor during switching operations occurring at a remote OCA. This exemption is being requested in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii) since the application of the regulation in this particular circumstance is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule.

ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 11 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R,                                            R, Section Section III.Lm.l "Alternative and dedicated shutdown          shutdown capability" capability" operations in operations      in the the 345kV 345kV electrical electrical switchyard switchyard and    and lake lakeliftlift station. The  Themostmostlimiting limitinglocation, location, from a travel from      travel time time standpoint, standpoint, is the Goose Goose Lake  Lake pumping pumping station station which which is  is approximately approximately miles from 1.5 miles    fromthe  theplant plantentrance.
10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section II I.L.4 states the following: "If the capability to achieve and maintain cold shutdown will not be available because of fire damage, the equipment and systems comprising the means to achieve and maintain the hot standby or hot shutdown condition shall be capable of maintaining such conditions until cold shutdown can be achieved. If such equipment and systems will not be capable of being powered by both onsite and offsite electric power systems because of fire damage, an independent onsite power system shall be provided. The number of operating shift personnel, exclusive of fire brigade members, required to operate such
entrance. It has recently (Le.,        (i.e., February February 2012)  2012) beenbeen demonstrated demonstrated that the HVO,                performing duties HVO, when performing              duties at the GooseGoose Lake  Lake pumping pumping station,station, can canbe  benotified notifiedusing usingthethe normal radio        communication system, radio communication              system, and  and return return to  to the the protected protectedarea    areawithin within 15  15minutes minutestoto perform the perform      the required required SSD-related activities. Note            Note thatthatthetheHVOHVO maintains maintains radio  radio contact contact capability withwith thethe control control room room at all times.
Adding the Adding      the 15 minute travel  travel time time back back to to the the plant to the 14 minutes to complete          complete the  the HVO HVO time time--
critical task critical  task described described above, indicatesindicates thatthat this this task taskcancanbe  becompleted completedinin29      29minutes; minutes;i.e.,Le.,within within the acceptable acceptabletime    timeof of 32 32minutes minutesnoted notedininthe theAppendix AppendixRRhydraulic hydraulicAOR. AOR.
HVO Travel Time and Station Access Impediments Unforeseen issues issuesaffecting affecting the the ability ability of the HVO  HVO to  to return return to  to the the protected area  area to to perform perform the the required SSD required    SSD functions functionshave  havealso alsobeen been assessed.
As noted in Reference 1, one          one instance instance (documented (documentedby        byAR  AR 01258591, 01258591, `Truck  ''Truck Stranded Stranded Operator During          Rounds") was During Rounds")            was identified identified whenwhen an  an operator performing performing duties outside of the protected areaarea was was delayed delayed forfor approximately approximately 40 minutes due              due to  to vehicle vehicle related related issues.
Unforeseen equipment              problems equipment problems affecting  affecting    travel    time    back    to the   protected protected area wouldbe area    would      be similar to similar  to an an unforeseen unforeseen personal personalinjury injuryor orillness illnessthatthatwould would incapacitate incapacitatean      anindividual individualduring duringan an event requiring requiring aa SSD-related action      action by thatthat individual.
individual. These These types of      of issues issuesare  areofoflow low probabilityand probability      and areare not specifically specificallyaddressed addressed in      in a staffing staffing plan. However, However, environmental environmental conditions, such as severe conditions,                  severeweather, weather,that  thatmay mayimpact impacttravel travel times, times, willwill be considered. InInthe      the case of case  of severe severeweather weatherwhere wheretravel travel times timesmay maybe    beunacceptably unacceptablyimpacted,  impacted,discretion discretionwill  will be be used for used  for conducting HVO      HVO rounds in remote OCAs          OCAs consistent consistentwith    with procedures          OP-AA-108-111--
proceduresOP-AA-108-111 1001, "Severe Weather Weather and  andNatural NaturalDisaster DisasterGuidelines,"
Guidelines,"and    andOP-AA-1 OP-AA-102-102,02-102, "General "General Area Area Checks and OperatorOperator Field Field Rounds."
In the In  the event aa lossloss of of off-site off-site power would occur while the HVO                HVO is    is outside the protected protected area,area, access to access    to the the protected protected area areathrough through normal normal gatehouse gatehousesecurity securityturnstiles turnstiles wouldwould not be impacted as there is aa backup    backup powerpower supply to security  security equipment.
equipment. In      In the event that the security turnstiles are non-functional non-functional for    for some some unforeseen unforeseen issue,  issue,the  theSecurity Securitypersonnel personnelwould  would allow the allow  the HVO HVOaccess access to the protected protected area areathrough throughkey-locked key-locked doors. doors.
Operations Supervisor Supervisor Electrical Electrical Switching Switching Safety/First-Aid Safety/First-Aid Monitor    Monitor Duties During switching During    switching operations, operations, the HVO  HVO is  is procedurally procedurally requiredrequired to be accompanied accompaniedby        byaa Safety/First-aid qualified individual. This          ThisSafety/First-aid Safety/First-aidMonitor  Monitorrole  roleisisfulfilled fulfilled byby an an on-shift on-shift Operation Supervisor. IfIf switching  switching operations operations are    areperformed performed at      ataaremote remoteOCA  OCA(i.e.,
(Le.,thethe345kV 345kV electrical switchyard electrical  switchyard or    or lake lift liftstation),
station),the the Operations Operations Supervisor would need              need to  to accompany accompany the HVO HVO to  to these remote remote OCAs;OCAs; thus, thus, the theexemption exemptionfrom    fromAppendix AppendixRRSection  SectionIII.L.4 III.LA isis also also requested for requested      for aa single single Operations Operations Supervisor Supervisorduring  during remote remoteOCA    OCA switching switching operations.
Planned switching operations occur approximately two                                times per week and two times                      and take take approximately approximately two hours for each  each operation. Typically, Typically, no  no switching switching operations operations are    are conducted conductedduring  duringthe the summer months (i.e.,    (Le., June, July July andand August)
August) exceptexcept for emergent emergent events. events.
Page 4 of 10

equipment and systems shall be on site at all times." As described in Reference 1, DNPS takes credit for the HVO (i.e., a non-licensed operator) to perform SSD actions for several SSD procedures. The HVO has been responsible for performing these SSD-related activities since the subject procedures were developed in the late 1980s. It was observed that the HVO performs operator rounds (i.e., log taking) at remote locations, such as the lake lift station and Goose Lake pumping station, which are outside the
ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT11 Request for Exemption Request from 10                      10 CFR 50 AppendixAppendix R,    R, Section.III.L Section.III.L "Alternative and dedicated shutdown      shutdown capability" capability" Only one of the DSSPs; Only                  DSSPs; i.e.,  Le., DSSP DSSP0100-CR, 0100-CR,"Hot  "Hot Shutdown Shutdown Procedure Procedure- -ControlControlRoomRoom Evacuation," Revision Evacuation,"      Revision 42,  42, specifies SSD-related SSD-related duties duties forfor all all on-shift Operations Supervisors.
As noted above, it has been      been demonstrated demonstratedthat  thatthe theHVOHVO is  is able able to to return return to the protected area      area in 15 minutes from in                 from the most distancedistance remote remoteOCA, OCA, (i.e.,
(Le., the the Goose GooseLakeLakepumping pumpingstation).
Therefore, if  if an Operation Supervisor Supervisorwas    wasperforming performingswitching switchingoperations operationsininthe    the345345kV kV switchyard or lake lift switchyard                liftstation stationat at the the onset onset of a fire, fire, the the supervisor could also return        return to thethe protected areaareawithin within 15 minutes minutes or  or less lessand andwould wouldbe  beable abletotocomplete completethe  thetimetimecritical critical activities defined in DSSP-0100-CR DSSP-0100-CR required  required by bythe theAppendix AppendixRRhydraulichydrauliC AOR. AOR.
The "HVO The  "HVO Travel Time and Station Access          AccessImpediments" Impediments" discussion discussion above, above,addressing addressinginjuryinjuryoror illness, severe severeweather, weather, and  and loss lossofofoff-site off-sitepower, power,isisalso  alsoapplicable applicabletotothe theOperations Operations Supervisor.
Operating Shift Staffing Requirements The operating shift staffingstaffing requirements requirements are specified in          in Dresden Operating Procedure, OP-DR-101-111-1001, OP-DR-1      01-111-1 001, "On-Shift            Staffing Requirements."
                                  "On-Shift Staffing      Requirements." The        Thenumber numberof  ofoperations operationsindividuals individuals noted in in Attachment A of      of OP-DR-1 OP-DR-101-111-1001 01-111-1 001 meets meets the  thefollowing following staffing staffing requirements:
10 CFR 50.54(m)(2)(i) for licensed   licensed operators operators 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section H for Fire Brigade; and 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section L for Safe Shutdown The requirements requirements for  for Fire Fire Brigade and  and SSD SSD staffing staffing exceeds exceedsthe    thestaffing staffingrequirements requirementsfor    for licensed operators operators under under10  10CFR CFR50.54(m);
50.54(m);therefore, therefore,this  thisdiscussion discussionwill  will focus focus on on the the requirements for the Fire Brigade and SSD             SSD staff.
As specified in OP-DR-101-111-1001 Attachment A, "Staffing Requirements                  Requirements with either    either Unit Unit in in Mode 1, 1, 2, 3," the "SSD Staffing" consists  consists of of the the following following operations operationsindividuals:
Position                                              Safe Shutdown (SSD) Staffin        Staffing g Shift Manager Shift                                                                                                  1 1
Unit Supervisor                                                                                        2 WEC [Work Execution Center] Supervisor                                                                1 1
Field Supervisor                                                                                      1 1
NSO [Nuclear Station Operator]  Operator]                                                              4 STA                                                                                                    1 1
Equipment Operator (EO)                                                                                7 It should be noted that   that the the Shift Shift Manager also  also serves servesas  asthetheSite SiteEmergency EmergencyDirector  Directorand andisisnot not a member member of  of either either thethe Fire Fire Brigade Brigade or  or SSD SSD staff.
staff. The TheSTA  STAposition position isisfilled filled as as aaconcurrent concurrent responsibility of responsibility    ofone one of ofthe thenoted noted Operations Operations Supervisors Supervisors and is not a separate    separate individual.
individual. Also, Also, the Field Field Supervisor positionposition is not required to be      be staffed staffed to  to meet meetthetheFire Fire Brigade Brigade or  or SSD SSD staffing requirements. DNPS staffing                        DNPSelectively electively staffs staffs this this position position for  for additional      operational support and additional operational as aa contingency contingency for  for unforeseen unforeseen operator operator absences.
absences. Thus,  Thus,therethereareare14 14individuals individuals (i.e., three Supervisors, four four NSOs NSOs and  and seven EOs) EOs) dedicated to      to the Fire Fire Brigade and SSD staff.      staff. Note Note that that one of the EOsEOs is is the the HVO.
Page 55of10 Page        of 10

protected area (i.e., the security fence). Since these locations are part of the OCA, compliance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L.4 was considered to be satisfied; however, the HVO has to briefly leave the OCA and travel on a public road in order to get to and from the noted locations.
ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 1          1 Request Request for  for Exemption Exemption Request  Requestfrom  from1010CFR CFR50  50Appendix AppendixR,R,Section   Section    lII.l 111.1 Alternative and "Alternative II                    anddedicated dedicated shutdown            capability" shutdown capability" As stated in As          in OP-DR OP-DR-1    - 101-111 01-111-1001,- 1001, Step Step 4.1, 4.1,"Per "Per Technical Technical Requirements RequirementsManual    Manual(TRM) (TRM)
Subsequently, as noted in Reference 1, the NRC concluded that use of a public road constituted a failure to ensure that all operators, required for SSD activities, remained on-site at all time. This is contrary to the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L.4, and a Green Finding was issued to DNPS.
Section 5.0, aa site Section            site Fire Fire Brigade Brigade of at least least five members members shallshall be be maintained maintained on-site on-site at atall all times.
Page 1 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section m.l II Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" I. SPECIFIC EXEMPTION REQUEST In accordance with 10 CFR 50.12, "Specific exemptions," Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC) is requesting a permanent exemption from the requirements in 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, "Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Facilities Operating Prior to January 1, 1979," Section III.L "Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability," paragraph 4, for Dresden Nuclear Power Station (DNPS) Units 2 and 3. The requested exemption would eliminate the requirement for the on-shift High Voltage Operator (HVO), a member of the Safe Shutdown (SSD) staff, to remain "on site at all times" and would allow the HVO to conduct normal shift duties, including those at remote Owner Controlled Areas (OCAs), while fulfilling a required position on the SSD staff. In addition, the exemption would eliminate the requirement to remain "on site at all times" for one on-shift Operations Supervisor, also a member of the SSD staff, and allow that individual to perform the duties of a Safety/First-aid Monitor during switching operations occurring at a remote OCA. This exemption is being requested in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii) since the application of the regulation in this particular circumstance is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule. Background 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L.4 states the following: "If the capability to achieve and maintain cold shutdown will not be available because of fire damage, the equipment and systems comprising the means to achieve and maintain the hot standby or hot shutdown condition shall be capable of maintaining such conditions until cold shutdown can be achieved.
If such equipment and systems will not be capable of being powered by both onsite and off site electric power systems because of fire damage, an independent onsite power system shall be provided.
The Fire Brigade Brigade SHALL SHALL NOT include    include thethe personnel necessary necessaryfor  for safe safeshutdown shutdownofofthe  theunit."
The number of operating shift personnel, exclusive of fire brigade members, required to operate such equipment and systems shall be on site at all times. 11 As described in Reference 1, DNPS takes credit for the HVO (i.e., a non-licensed operator) to perform SSD actions for several SSD procedures. The HVO has been responsible for performing these SSD-related activities since the subject procedures were developed in the late 1980s. It was observed that the HVO performs operator rounds (Le., log taking) at remote locations, such as the lake lift station and Goose Lake pumping station, which are outside the protected area (Le., the security fence). Since these locations are part of the OCA, compliance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L.4 was considered to be satisfied; however, the HVO has to briefly leave the OCA and travel on a public road in order to get to and from the noted locations.
Subsequently, as noted in Reference 1, the NRC concluded that use of a public road constituted a failure to ensure that all operators, required for SSD activities, remained on-site at all time. This is contrary to the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L.4, and a Green Finding was issued to DNPS. Page 1 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section 111.1"Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" II.BASIS FOR EXEMPTION REQUEST In accordance with 10 CFR 50.12, the NRC may grant exemptions from the requirements of 10 CFR 50, which are:
Fire Brigade The Fire    Brigade is  is comprised comprised of four    four EOs EOs andand one Supervisor.
"(1)Authorized by law, will not present an undue risk to public health or safety, and are consistent with the common defense and security." Further, 10 CFR 50.12(2) notes that: `The Commission will not consider granting an exemption unless special circumstances are present." Paragraph (ii) specifies one of those special circumstances:
As stated As  stated in OP-DR-101-111-1001, OP-DR-101-111-1001, Step 5.2, "Per                "Per 1010 CFR CFR Appendix Appendix R to Part    Part 50 50 documentation, the personnelpersonnel assignedassignedtotoperform performSafe SafeShutdown Shutdownduties dutiesSHALLSHALLNOT  NOT include include the personnel assigned assignedto      toFire Fire Brigade Brigade staffing.
"(ii)Application of the regulation in the particular circumstances would not serve the underlying purpose of the rule or is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule;" On Site Definition 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L.4 uses the term "on site" as noted above; however, "on site" is not specifically defined in the CFR. For the purposes of the following discussion, DNPS considers "on site" as used in Appendix R to be equivalent to OCAs. Note that the DNPS OCA extends beyond the protected area (i.e., outside the security fence).
staffing. SSD SSDstaffing staffing consists consistsof    oftwo two Supervisors, Supervisors,four    four NSOs, and NSOs,     and three Equipment Operators." Operators." Therefore, nine individuals individuals are  are dedicated dedicated to SSD activities.
The intent of restricting operators, dedicated to SSD activities, to an "on site" location is to ensure they are readily available to perform their assigned SSD duties in the timeframe required by the associated analysis of record (AOR). As discussed below, it has been demonstrated that an operator, located anywhere in the subject remote OCAs, is able to return to the station and perform his/her assigned SSD duties within the required timeframe.
five Fire The five    Fire Brigade Brigade members members plus    plus the the nine SSD staff staff members account account for all  all 14 operations positions staffed positions    staffed onon an operating operating crew.crew. Thus, Thus, isis cancanbebeseen seenthat thatififthe theHVO HVOisisnot notallowed allowed to   to perform    his/her  normal      shift  duties  in  remote    OCAs perform his/her normal shift duties in remote OCAs while being considered a while  being  considered        a member      of  the staff, an SSD staff,    an additional additional operator operator wouldwouldneed need to to be be added to each each of of the the DNPS DNPS six six operating operating crews. Further, Further,ifif one one of of the the on-shift on-shift Operations Operations Supervisors Supervisorsisisnot notallowed allowed to  toprovide provide the the Safety/First-aid Monitor           functionduring Monitor function            duringswitching switchingoperations operations at a remote remote OCA,  OCA, an  anadditional additional supervisor would        also need to be added would also                        added to  to each eachof  ofthe thesix sixoperating operatingcrews; crews; forfor aatotal total of of 12 12 additional operators.
HVO Safe Shutdown Duties Dresden Safe Shutdown Procedures (i.e., DSSP series of procedures) addresses activities associated with safe shutdown of the plant following a severe fire. These procedures were initially developed in the late 1980s timeframe.
additional NUREG-1791 Guidance In July In July 2005, 2005, the the NRC NRC published published NUREG-1791, NUREG-1791, "Guidance  "Guidance for forAssessing Assessing Exemption Exemption Requests Requests from  the Nuclear Power Plant Licensed Operator Staffing Requirements from the                                                                           Requirements SpecifiedSpecified in  in 10 10 CFR CFR 50.54(m)," (Le.,
The HVO has activities specified in the following procedures:
50.54(m),"    (i.e., Reference Reference 2).      2). The The Foreword Foreword of    of the the NUREG NUREG states statesthe thefollowing:
DSSP 0100-A1, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path Al," Revision 31 DSSP 0100-B1, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path B1," Revision 32 DSSP 0100-CR, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Control Room Evacuation," Revision 42 DSSP 0100-B, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path B," Revision 22
          'This document "This  document provides guidance for the NRC staff                  staff to systematically systematically review review and and assess assess requests by licensees of nuclear power plants for exemption from the licensed                        licensed operator operator staffing requirements of Title 10,           10, Part 50 of the Code of      of Federal Regulations (10         (10 CFR CFR
: 50) contained in 10 CFR 50.54(m).      50.54(m). The  The purpose of  of the NRC's review is to ensure public health andand safety by    by verifying that the applicant's applicanfs staffing plan and      and supporting supporting analyses analyses sufficiently    justify the sufficiently justify        the requested requested exemption.
The increased use      use of advanced automation technologies in existing nuclear power                        power plants plants and and thethe introduction of      of advanced advanced reactor reactor designs will  will likely likely change change the the roles, roles, responsibilities, composition, composition, and    and size size ofofthe the crews crews required requiredtotocontrol controlplant plantoperations.
Current regulations regarding control room staffing,            staffing, which are based  based on the conceptconcept of  of operation for existing light-waterlight-water reactors, reactors, may may nono longer longer apply.
apply. Licensees of        of nuclear power power plants plants who who have have implemented implemented significant significant changes changes to to existing existing control control rooms rooms or    or who have introduced increased use of advanced automation technologies may                                    may submit submit applications for exemption from          from thethe requirements.
requirements. Likewise, Likewise, because because of  of the the anticipated anticipated changes in operator operator roles and responsibilities in new            new reactor reactor designs, deSigns, an applicant applicant for  for an an operating license for a new reactor may wish to seek exemption from                            from the the current current licensed licensed operator operator staffingstaffing requirements."
Although Although this guidance was        was published published specifically specifically for for exemptions exemptions to  to licensed licensedoperator operatorstaffing staffing requirements in  in 10 10 CFR 50.54(m)50.54(m) due to advanced automation    automation technologies technologies or      or advanced advanced reactor designs, deSigns, thethe same samerationale rationalefor for acceptability acceptability can  can also also be beapplied appliedto    tothe thesubject subject Page 66 of Page        of 10 10

DSSP 0100-B1, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path B1," Revision 32 DSSP 0100-C, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path C," Revision 22 DSSP 0100-CR, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Control Room Evacuation," Revision 42 DSSP 0100-D, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path D," Revision 22 DSSP 0100-E, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path E," Revision 30 DSSP 0100-F, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path F," Revision 28 Page 2 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section lII.l " Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" II. BASIS FOR EXEMPTION REQUEST In accordance with 10 CFR 50.12, the NRC may grant exemptions from the requirements of 10 CFR 50, which are: "(1) Authorized by law, will not present an undue risk to public health or safety, and are consistent with the common defense and security." Further, 10 CFR 50.12(2) notes that: ''The Commission will not consider granting an exemption unless special circumstances are present." Paragraph (ii) specifies one of those special circumstances:
ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT Request Request for  for  Exemption          Request Requestfrom    from10 10CFRCFR50  50Appendix AppendixR,R,SectionSection  111.1 III.L "Alternative and "Alternative          and dedicated dedicated shutdown capability" exemption request.
"(ii) Application of the regulation in the particular circumstances would not serve the underlying purpose of the rule or is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule;" On Site Definition 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L.4 uses the term "on site" as noted above; however, "on site" is not specifically defined in the CFR. For the purposes of the following discussion, DNPS considers "on site" as used in Appendix R to be equivalent to OCAs. Note that the DNPS DCA extends beyond the protected area (Le., outside the security fence). The intent of restricting operators, dedicated to SSD activities, to an "on site" location is to ensure they are readily available to perform their assigned SSD duties in the timeframe required by the associated analysis of record (AOR). As discussed below, it has been demonstrated that an operator, located anywhere in the subject remote OCAs, is able to return to the station and perform his/her assigned SSD duties within the required timeframe.
exemption    request. NUREG-1791 NUREG-1791 Part        PartII,II, "Evaluation "Evaluation of Exemption Exemption Requests," lists      lists 11 11 review review areas. Section    8, "Review        of  the  Staffing    Plan,"
HVO Safe Shutdown Duties Dresden Safe Shutdown Procedures (Le., DSSP series of procedures) addresses activities associated with safe shutdown of the plant following a severe fire. These procedures were initially developed in the late 1980s timeframe.
areas. Section 8, "Review of the Staffing Plan," states the following:states    the following:
The HVO has activities specified in the following procedures:
          'The purpose "The    purpose of the  the staffing plan review is to ensure that the applicant          applicant has systematically analyzed systematically        analyzed the requirements for the numbers of                    of qualified personnel that are necessary to necessary      to operate operate the  the plant plant safely under the operational conditions analyzed. That                    Thatis, is, the staffing the   staffing plan plan should should answeranswer the question, question, "How many individuals must be qualified and available and  available to   to fill fill each eachjob?"job?"
DSSP 01 OO-A 1, "Hot Shutdown Procedure
The applicant's The    applicant's staffing staffing plan plan should should be  be supported by the results of        of the functional requirements analysis requirements        analysis and function allocation, task analyses, and                   and the job definitions for each position each    position required required under  under thethe operational operational conditions conditions considered.
-Path A 1," Revision 31 DSSP 01 00-B1, "Hot Shutdown Procedure
considered. In addition, the applicant's submittal should define the proposed applicant's                                                proposed shift shift composition and  and shift shift scheduling.
-Path B1," Revision 32 DSSP 0100-CR, "Hot Shutdown Procedure
Shift composition refers to the different types of                  of jobs that that must must be filled on each shift    shift and and the number of personnel the                  personnel required for each of              of the jobs on a shift. InInthe    thecase caseof ofremote remote operations or operations that will take place outside of                      of a traditional traditional control control room, the applicant should also define the locations of                  of the the personnel      comprising aa shift."
-Control Room Evacuation," Revision 42 DSSP 0100-B, "Hot Shutdown Procedure
personnel comprising            shift."
-Path B," Revision 22 DSSP 01 00-B1 , "Hot Shutdown Procedure
Section 8.3, "Review "Review Criteria,"
-Path B1," Revision 32 DSSP 0100-C, "Hot Shutdown Procedure
Criteria," lists lists aa number of staffing staffing plan review criteria.
-Path C," Revision 22 DSSP 0100-CR, "Hot Shutdown Procedure
criteria. TwoTwo of these these criteria are:
-Control Room Evacuation," Revision 42 DSSP 0100-0, "Hot Shutdown Procedure
The staffing plan The                plan will provide an adequate number          number of    of qualified qualified personnel personnel to operate the plant plant safely safely under under the  the operational operational conditions conditions considered."
-Path 0," Revision 22 DSSP 0100-E, "Hot Shutdown Procedure
considered." and and
-Path E," Revision 30 DSSP 0100-F, "Hot Shutdown Procedure
        'Travel and response times "Travel                            times areare adequate adequateand    anddo  donot nottrigger triggeradverse adverseconditions conditions for  for the the safety safety of of the plant."
-Path F," Revision 28 Page 2 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L"Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" Section F, "Limitations and Actions," of each of these procedures, in part, states: "DSSPs define actions to be performed by specific individuals. Time critical actions need to be completed within the assumed time. Operations personnel outside the protected area (i.e., switchyard, lift station, etc.) will be recalled to assist in the safe shutdown efforts. In the event that person assigned to perform an action is NOT available OR is performing other tasks, any qualified individual can perform the required actions, as determined by the Shift Manager." It should be noted that all operators dedicated to SSD activities are trained and qualified to perform all non-licensed operator SSD related activities and; therefore, are interchangeable.
Section 10,10, "Review "Review the Staffing Staffing Plan Plan Validation,"        states:
As noted in Reference 1, Attachment D, "HVO Actions," of DSSP 0100-A1 and DSSP 0100-B1 directs the HVO to perform a number of activities, one of which is to remove power and de-energize a spuriously open safety relief valve. This is a time critical action assumed to occur within 10 minutes as defined in the Appendix R hydraulic AOR. In the event that the HVO is performing rounds in a remote OCA, another available operator within the protected area would perform this action as allowed by the procedural limitations and actions noted above. The shift staffing levels discussed below are of sufficient number to complete this time critical action regardless of HVO availability.
Validation," states:
With the exception of DSSP-0100-CR as discussed below, shift staffing levels are of sufficient number to complete all SSD-related time critical actions regardless of HVO availability for all DSSPs noted above.
        'The "The purpose of    of reviewing reviewing the    the validation validation of ofthe the staffing staffing plan plan is is to to ensure ensure that that the the applicant applicant fullyfully considered considered the      the dynamic dynamic interactions interactions between between the the plant plantdesign, design, itsits systems, and and control control personnel personnel for  for thethe operational operational conditions conditions identified identifiedfor for the the exemption exemption request."
Reference 1 also discusses HVO activities directed by DSSP-0100-CR. DSSP-0100-CR describes SSD activities required in the event of a Control Room (CR) evacuation due to a fire in the CR or Auxiliary Electrical Equipment Room (AEER); and is the most limiting DSSP with regard to resources; i.e., all SSD-dedicated operators are needed to complete the SSD-required actions. The hydraulic AOR requires that the time critical actions assigned to the HVO be completed within 32 minutes. As acknowledged in Reference 1, a time validation of DSSP 0100-CR was completed in January 2006. All required actions in this procedure were completed in 25 minutes assuming all necessary operators were readily available. Attachment H, "HVO Actions," of DSSP 0100-CR directs the HVO to perform a number of activities, one of which is to locally start the 2A (3A) Control Rod Drive (CRD) pump. The noted time validationindicated that this time critical action could be completed in 14 minutes. For this case, the HVO is relied on to complete this action as the shift staffing levels discussed below are not such that an extra operator would be available to perform this function in lieu of the HVO. In the eventthat DSSP 0100-CR is initiated while the HVO is performing rounds at a remote OCA, the HVO would be immediately notified and directed to return to the protected area and perform the required HVO SSD duties.
Section Section 10.1.1, 10.1.1, "Operational "Operational Conditions Conditions Sampling,"
The HVO conducts operator rounds and takes logs in various plant locations, including a number of "remote OCAs" that are outside the protected area. Rounds at remote OCAs are conducted every shift (i.e., three shifts/day on weekdays; two shifts/day on weekends) and are accessed by driving a company vehicle to the location. The total time the HVO spends performing rounds in the remote OCAs varies from approximately one-two hours per shift.
Sampling," also also states:
These remote OCAs include the 345kV electrical switchyard, lake lift station, Goose Lake pumping station and hot and cold cooling towers. The HVO may also need to perform switching Page 3 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section lII.l "Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" Section F, "Limitations and Actions," of each of these procedures, in part, states: "DSSPs define actions to be performed by specific individuals.
Time critical actions need to be completed within the assumed time. Operations personnel outside the protected area (i.e., switchyard, lift station, etc.) will be recalled to assist in the safe shutdown efforts. In the event that person assigned to perform an action is NOT available OR is performing other tasks, any qualified individual can perform the required actions, as determined by the Shift Manager." It should be noted that all operators dedicated to SSD activities are trained and qualified to perform all non-licensed operator SSD related activities and; therefore, are interchangeable.
        'The "The applicant applicant should should include include the the operational operationalconditions conditionsrelevant relevantto  tothe theexemption exemption request request in in the the staffing staffing plan plan validation.
As noted in Reference 1, Attachment 0, "HVO Actions," of DSSP 01 OO-A 1 and DSSP 0100-81 directs the HVO to perform a number of activities, one of which is to remove power and energize a spuriously open safety relief valve. This is a time critical action assumed to occur within 10 minutes as defined in the Appendix R hydraulic AOR. In the event that the HVO is performing rounds in a remote OCA, another available operator within the protected area would perform this action as allowed by the procedural limitations and actions noted above. The shift staffing levels discussed below are of sufficient number to complete this time critical action regardless of HVO availability.
validation. As  Asaapractical practicalmatter, matter,however, however,ititmay  maybe  be unnecessary unnecessary to     to address address all    all of ofthe the possible possible variations variations of ofthese these conditions.
With the exception of DSSP-0100-CR as discussed below, shift staffing levels are of sufficient number to complete all SSD-related time critical actions regardless of HVO availability for all DSSPs noted above. Reference 1 also discusses HVO activities directed by DSSP-0100-CR.
conditions. ItItmay maybe  be reasonable reasonable to    to combine combine some  some of   ofthem them intointo scenarios."
DSSP-0100-CR describes SSD activities required in the event of a Control Room (CR) evacuation due to a fire in the CR or AUXiliary Electrical Equipment Room (AEER); and is the most limiting DSSP with regard to resources; i.e., all SSD-dedicated operators are needed to complete the SSD-required actions. The hydrauliC AOR requires that the time critical actions assigned to the HVO be completed within 32 minutes. As acknowledged in Reference 1, a time validation of DSSP 0100-CR was completed in January 2006. All required actions in this procedure were completed in 25 minutes assuming all necessary operators were readily available.
Attachment H, "HVO Actions," of DSSP 0100-CR directs the HVO to perform a number of activities, one of which is to locally start the 2A (3A) Control Rod Drive (CRD) pump. The noted time validation indicated that this time critical action could be completed in 14 minutes. For this case, the HVO is relied on to complete this action as the shift staffing levels discussed below are not such that an extra operator would be available to perform this function in lieu of the HVO. In the event that DSSP 0100-CR is initiated while the HVO is performing rounds at a remote OCA, the HVO would be immediately notified and directed to return to the protected area and perform the required HVO SSD duties. The HVO conducts operator rounds and takes logs in various plant locations, including a number of "remote OCAs" that are outside the protected area. Rounds at remote OCAs are conducted every shift (i.e., three shifts/day on weekdays; two shifts/day on weekends) and are accessed by driving a company vehicle to the location.
Section 10.3.4, Section    10.3.4,"Staffing "Staffing Plan Plan Validation Validation Outcomes,"
The total time the HVO spends performing rounds in the remote OCAs varies from approximately one-two hours per shift. These remote OCAs include the 345kV electrical switchyard, lake lift station, Goose Lake pumping station and hot and cold cooling towers. The HVO may also need to perform switching Page 3 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L"Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" operations in the 345kV electrical switchyard and lake lift station. The most limiting location, from a travel time standpoint, is the Goose Lake pumping station which is approximately 1.5 miles from the plant entrance. It has recently (i.e., February 2012) been demonstrated that the HVO, when performing duties at the Goose Lake pumping station, can be notified using the normal radio communication system, and return to the protected area within 15 minutes to perform the required SSD-related activities. Note that the HVO maintains radio contact capability with the control room at all times.
Outcomes," lists  lists aanumber numberof  ofcriteria.
Adding the 15 minute travel time back to the plant to the 14 minutes to complete the HVO time
criteria. The Thefirst firstcriterion criterion states:
-critical task described above, indicates that this task can be completed in 29 minutes; i.e., within the acceptable time of 32 minutes noted in the Appendix R hydraulic AOR.
HVO Travel Time and Station Access Impediments Unforeseen issues affecting the ability of the HVO to return to the protected area to perform the required SSD functions have also been assessed.
        "The "The results results ofofanalyses analyses demonstrate demonstratethat    thatcontrol controlpersonnel, personnel,individually individuallyand  andworking workinginin crews, crews, ififapplicable, applicable, can  can accomplish accomplishtheir    theirtasks taskswithin within performance performancecriteria."
As noted in Reference 1, one instance (documented by AR 01258591, `Truck Stranded Operator During Rounds") was identified when an operator performing duties outside of the protected area was delayed for approximately 40 minutes due to vehicle related issues.
Unforeseen equipment problems affecting travel time back to the protected area would be similar to an unforeseen personal injury or illness that would incapacitate an individual during an event requiring a SSD-related action by that individual. These types of issues are of lowprobability and are not specifically addressed in a staffing plan. However, environmental conditions, such as severe weather, that may impact travel times, will be considered. In the case of severe weather where travel times may be unacceptably impacted, discretion will be used for conducting HVO rounds in remote OCAs consistent with procedures OP-AA-108-111
Page Page 77of  of1010
-1001, "Severe Weather and Natural Disaster Guidelines," and OP-AA-1 02-102, "General Area Checks and Operator Field Rounds." In the event a loss of off-site power would occur while the HVO is outside the protected area, access to the protected area through normal gatehouse security turnstiles would not be impacted as there is a backup power supply to security equipment. In the event that the security turnstiles are non-functional for some unforeseen issue, the Security personnel would allow the HVO access to the protected area through key-locked doors.
Operations Supervisor Electrical Switching Safety/First-Aid Monitor Duties During switching operations, the HVO is procedurally required to be accompanied by a Safety/First-aid qualified individual. This Safety/First-aid Monitor role is fulfilled by an on-shift Operation Supervisor. If switching operations are performed at a remote OCA (i.e., the 345kV electrical switchyard or lake lift station), the Operations Supervisor would need to accompany the HVO to these remote OCAs; thus, the exemption from Appendix R Section III.L.4 is also requested for a single Operations Supervisor during remote OCA switching operations.
Planned switching operations occur approximately two times per week and take approximately two hours for each operation. Typically, no switching operations are conducted during the summer months (i.e., June, July and August) except for emergent events.
Page 4 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section m.l "Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" operations in the 345kV electrical switchyard and lake lift station.
The most limiting location, from a travel time standpoint, is the Goose Lake pumping station which is approximately 1.5 miles from the plant entrance.
It has recently (Le., February 2012) been demonstrated that the HVO, when performing duties at the Goose Lake pumping station, can be notified using the normal radio communication system, and return to the protected area within 15 minutes to perform the required SSD-related activities.
Note that the HVO maintains radio contact capability with the control room at all times. Adding the 15 minute travel time back to the plant to the 14 minutes to complete the HVO critical task described above, indicates that this task can be completed in 29 minutes; Le., within the acceptable time of 32 minutes noted in the Appendix R hydraulic AOR. HVO Travel Time and Station Access Impediments Unforeseen issues affecting the ability of the HVO to return to the protected area to perform the required SSD functions have also been assessed.
As noted in Reference 1, one instance (documented by AR 01258591, ''Truck Stranded Operator During Rounds") was identified when an operator performing duties outside of the protected area was delayed for approximately 40 minutes due to vehicle related issues. Unforeseen equipment problems affecting travel time back to the protected area would be similar to an unforeseen personal injury or illness that would incapacitate an individual during an event requiring a SSD-related action by that individual.
These types of issues are of low probability and are not specifically addressed in a staffing plan. However, environmental conditions, such as severe weather, that may impact travel times, will be considered.
In the case of severe weather where travel times may be unacceptably impacted, discretion will be used for conducting HVO rounds in remote OCAs consistent with procedures OP-AA-108-111-1001, "Severe Weather and Natural Disaster Guidelines," and OP-AA-102-102, "General Area Checks and Operator Field Rounds." In the event a loss of off-site power would occur while the HVO is outside the protected area, access to the protected area through normal gatehouse security turnstiles would not be impacted as there is a backup power supply to security equipment.
In the event that the security turnstiles are non-functional for some unforeseen issue, the Security personnel would allow the HVO access to the protected area through key-locked doors. Operations Supervisor Electrical Switching Safety/First-Aid Monitor Duties During switching operations, the HVO is procedurally required to be accompanied by a Safety/First-aid qualified individual.
This Safety/First-aid Monitor role is fulfilled by an on-shift Operation Supervisor.
If switching operations are performed at a remote OCA (Le., the 345kV electrical switchyard or lake lift station), the Operations Supervisor would need to accompany the HVO to these remote OCAs; thus, the exemption from Appendix R Section III.LA is also requested for a single Operations Supervisor during remote OCA switching operations.
Planned switching operations occur approximately two times per week and take approximately two hours for each operation. Typically, no switching operations are conducted during the summer months (Le., June, July and August) except for emergent events. Page 4 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section.III.L"Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" Only one of the DSSPs; i.e., DSSP 0100-CR, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Control Room Evacuation," Revision 42, specifies SSD-related duties for all on-shift Operations Supervisors.
As noted above, it has been demonstrated that the HVO is able to return to the protected area in 15 minutes from the most distance remote OCA, (i.e., the Goose Lake pumping station).
Therefore, if an Operation Supervisor was performing switching operations in the 345 kV switchyard or lake lift station at the onset of a fire, the supervisor could also return to theprotected area within 15 minutes or less and would be able to complete the time critical activities defined in DSSP-0100-CR required by the Appendix R hydraulic AOR.
The "HVO Travel Time and Station Access Impediments" discussion above, addressing injury or illness, severe weather, and loss of off-site power, is also applicable to the Operations Supervisor.
Operating Shift Staffing Requirements The operating shift staffing requirements are specified in Dresden Operating Procedure, OP-DR-101-111-1001, "On-Shift Staffing Requirements." The number of operations individuals noted in Attachment A of OP-DR-101-111-1001 meets the following staffing requirements:
10 CFR 50.54(m)(2)(i) for licensed operators 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section H for Fire Brigade; and 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section L for Safe Shutdown The requirements for Fire Brigade and SSD staffing exceeds the staffing requirements for licensed operators under 10 CFR 50.54(m); therefore, this discussion will focus on the requirements for the Fire Brigade and SSD staff.
As specified in OP-DR-101-111-1001 Attachment A, "Staffing Requirements with either Unit in Mode 1, 2, 3," the "SSD Staffing" consists of the following operations individuals:
Position Safe Shutdown (SSD) Staffin g Shift Manager 1 Unit Supervisor 2 WEC [Work Execution Center] Supervisor 1 Field Supervisor 1 NSO [Nuclear Station Operator]
4 STA 1 Equipment Operator (EO) 7 It should be noted that the Shift Manager also serves as the Site Emergency Director and is not a member of either the Fire Brigade or SSD staff. The STA position is filled as a concurrent responsibility of one of the noted Operations Supervisors and is not a separate individual. Also, the Field Supervisor position is not required to be staffed to meet the Fire Brigade or SSD staffing requirements. DNPS electively staffs this position for additional operational support and as a contingency for unforeseen operator absences. Thus, there are 14 individuals (i.e., three Supervisors, four NSOs and seven EOs) dedicated to the Fire Brigade and SSD staff. Note that one of the EOs is the HVO.
Page 5of10 ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section.III.L "Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" Only one of the DSSPs; Le., DSSP 0100-CR, "Hot Shutdown Procedure
-Control Room Evacuation," Revision 42, specifies SSD-related duties for all on-shift Operations Supervisors.
As noted above, it has been demonstrated that the HVO is able to return to the protected area in 15 minutes from the most distance remote OCA, (Le., the Goose Lake pumping station).
Therefore, if an Operation Supervisor was performing switching operations in the 345 kV switchyard or lake lift station at the onset of a fire, the supervisor could also return to the protected area within 15 minutes or less and would be able to complete the time critical activities defined in DSSP-0100-CR required by the Appendix R hydrauliC AOR. The "HVO Travel Time and Station Access Impediments" discussion above, addressing injury or illness, severe weather, and loss of off-site power, is also applicable to the Operations Supervisor.
Operating Shift Staffing Requirements The operating shift staffing requirements are specified in Dresden Operating Procedure, OP-DR-1 01-111-1 001, "On-Shift Staffing Requirements." The number of operations individuals noted in Attachment A of OP-DR-1 01-111-1 001 meets the following staffing requirements:
10 CFR 50.54(m)(2)(i) for licensed operators 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section H for Fire Brigade; and 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section L for Safe Shutdown The requirements for Fire Brigade and SSD staffing exceeds the staffing requirements for licensed operators under 10 CFR 50.54(m);
therefore, this discussion will focus on the requirements for the Fire Brigade and SSD staff. As specified in OP-DR-101-111-1001 Attachment A, "Staffing Requirements with either Unit in Mode 1 , 2, 3," the "SSD Staffing" consists of the following operations individuals:
Position Safe Shutdown (SSD) Staffing Shift Manager 1 Unit Supervisor 2 WEC [Work Execution Center] Supervisor 1 Field Supervisor 1 NSO [Nuclear Station Operator]
4 STA 1 Equipment Operator (EO) 7 It should be noted that the Shift Manager also serves as the Site Emergency Director and is not a member of either the Fire Brigade or SSD staff. The STA position is filled as a concurrent responsibility of one of the noted Operations Supervisors and is not a separate individual.
Also, the Field Supervisor position is not required to be staffed to meet the Fire Brigade or SSD staffing requirements.
DNPS electively staffs this position for additional operational support and as a contingency for unforeseen operator absences.
Thus, there are 14 individuals (i.e., three Supervisors, four NSOs and seven EOs) dedicated to the Fire Brigade and SSD staff. Note that one of the EOs is the HVO. Page 5 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section 111.1"Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" As stated in OP-DR
-101-111-1001, Step 4.1, "Per Technical Requirements Manual (TRM)
Section 5.0, a site Fire Brigade of at least five members shall be maintained on-site at all times.
The Fire Brigade SHALL NOT include the personnel necessary for safe shutdown of the unit." The Fire Brigade is comprised of four EOs and one Supervisor.
As stated in OP-DR-101-111-1001, Step 5.2, "Per 10 CFR Appendix R to Part 50 documentation, the personnel assigned to perform Safe Shutdown duties SHALL NOT include the personnel assigned to Fire Brigade staffing. SSD staffing consists of two Supervisors, four NSOs, and three Equipment Operators." Therefore, nine individuals are dedicated to SSD activities.
The five Fire Brigade members plus the nine SSD staff members account for all 14 operations positions staffed on an operating crew. Thus, is can be seen that if the HVO is not allowed to perform his/her normal shift duties in remote OCAs while being considered a member of the SSD staff, an additional operator would need to be added to each of the DNPS six operating crews. Further, if one of the on-shift Operations Supervisors is not allowed to provide the Safety/First-aid Monitor function during switching operations at a remote OCA, an additional supervisor would also need to be added to each of the six operating crews; for a total of 12 additional operators.
NUREG-1791 Guidance In July 2005, the NRC published NUREG-1791, "Guidance for Assessing Exemption Requests from the Nuclear Power Plant Licensed Operator Staffing Requirements Specified in 10 CFR 50.54(m)," (i.e., Reference 2). The Foreword of the NUREG states the following:
'This document provides guidance for the NRC staff to systematically review and assess requests by licensees of nuclear power plants for exemption from the licensed operator staffing requirements of Title 10, Part 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR
: 50) contained in 10 CFR 50.54(m). The purpose of the NRC's review is to ensure public health and safety by verifying that the applicant's staffing plan and supporting analyses sufficiently justify the requested exemption.
The increased use of advanced automation technologies in existing nuclear power plants and the introduction of advanced reactor designs will likely change the roles, responsibilities, composition, and size of the crews required to control plant operations.
Current regulations regarding control room staffing, which are based on the concept of operation for existing light-water reactors, may no longer apply. Licensees of nuclear power plants who have implemented significant changes to existing control rooms or who have introduced increased use of advanced automation technologies may submit applications for exemption from the requirements. Likewise, because of the anticipated changes in operator roles and responsibilities in new reactor designs, an applicant for an operating license for a new reactor may wish to seek exemption from the current licensed operator staffing requirements." Although this guidance was published specifically for exemptions to licensed operator staffing requirements in 10 CFR 50.54(m) due to advanced automation technologies or advanced reactor designs, the same rationale for acceptability can also be applied to the subject Page 6 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section lII.l II Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" As stated in OP-DR-1 01-111-1001, Step 4.1, "Per Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Section 5.0, a site Fire Brigade of at least five members shall be maintained on-site at all times. The Fire Brigade SHALL NOT include the personnel necessary for safe shutdown of the unit." The Fire Brigade is comprised of four EOs and one Supervisor.
As stated in OP-DR-101-111-1001, Step 5.2, "Per 10 CFR Appendix R to Part 50 documentation, the personnel assigned to perform Safe Shutdown duties SHALL NOT include the personnel assigned to Fire Brigade staffing.
SSD staffing consists of two Supervisors, four NSOs, and three Equipment Operators." Therefore, nine individuals are dedicated to SSD activities.
The five Fire Brigade members plus the nine SSD staff members account for all 14 operations positions staffed on an operating crew. Thus, is can be seen that if the HVO is not allowed to perform his/her normal shift duties in remote OCAs while being considered a member of the SSD staff, an additional operator would need to be added to each of the DNPS six operating crews. Further, if one of the on-shift Operations Supervisors is not allowed to provide the Safety/First-aid Monitor function during switching operations at a remote OCA, an additional supervisor would also need to be added to each of the six operating crews; for a total of 12 additional operators.
NUREG-1791 Guidance In July 2005, the NRC published NUREG-1791, "Guidance for Assessing Exemption Requests from the Nuclear Power Plant Licensed Operator Staffing Requirements Specified in 10 CFR 50.54(m)," (Le., Reference 2). The Foreword of the NUREG states the following: "This document provides guidance for the NRC staff to systematically review and assess requests by licensees of nuclear power plants for exemption from the licensed operator staffing requirements of Title 10, Part 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR 50) contained in 10 CFR 50.54(m).
The purpose of the NRC's review is to ensure public health and safety by verifying that the applicanfs staffing plan and supporting analyses sufficiently justify the requested exemption.
The increased use of advanced automation technologies in existing nuclear power plants and the introduction of advanced reactor designs will likely change the roles, responsibilities, composition, and size of the crews required to control plant operations.
Current regulations regarding control room staffing, which are based on the concept of operation for existing light-water reactors, may no longer apply. Licensees of nuclear power plants who have implemented significant changes to existing control rooms or who have introduced increased use of advanced automation technologies may submit applications for exemption from the requirements.
Likewise, because of the anticipated changes in operator roles and responsibilities in new reactor deSigns, an applicant for an operating license for a new reactor may wish to seek exemption from the current licensed operator staffing requirements." Although this guidance was published specifically for exemptions to licensed operator staffing requirements in 1 0 CFR 50.54(m) due to advanced automation technologies or advanced reactor deSigns, the same rationale for acceptability can also be applied to the subject Page 6 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section 111.1"Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" exemption request. NUREG-1791 Part II, "Evaluation of Exemption Requests," lists 11 review areas. Section 8, "Review of the Staffing Plan," states the following:
'The purpose of the staffing plan review is to ensure that the applicant has systematically analyzed the requirements for the numbers of qualified personnel that are necessary to operate the plant safely under the operational conditions analyzed. That is, the staffing plan should answer the question, "How many individuals must be qualified and available to fill each job?"The applicant's staffing plan should be supported by the results of the functional requirements analysis and function allocation, task analyses, and the job definitions for each position required under the operational conditions considered. In addition, the applicant's submittal should define the proposed shift composition and shift scheduling.
Shift composition refers to the different types of jobs that must be filled on each shift and the number of personnel required for each of the jobs on a shift. In the case of remote operations or operations that will take place outside of a traditional control room, the applicant should also define the locations of the personnel comprising a shift." Section 8.3, "Review Criteria," lists a number of staffing plan review criteria. Two of these criteria are:
The staffing plan will provide an adequate number of qualified personnel to operate the plant safely under the operational conditions considered." and
'Travel and response times are adequate and do not trigger adverse conditions for the safety of the plant." Section 10, "Review the Staffing Plan Validation," states:
'The purpose of reviewing the validation of the staffing plan is to ensure that the applicant fully considered the dynamic interactions between the plant design, its systems, and control personnel for the operational conditions identified for the exemption request." Section 10.1.1, "Operational Conditions Sampling," also states:
'The applicant should include the operational conditions relevant to the exemption request in the staffing plan validation. As a practical matter, however, it may be unnecessary to address all of the possible variations of these conditions. It may be reasonable to combine some of them into scenarios." Section 10.3.4, "Staffing Plan Validation Outcomes," lists a number of criteria. The first criterion states: "The results of analyses demonstrate that control personnel, individually and working in crews, if applicable, can accomplish their tasks within performance criteria." Page 7 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L "Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" exemption request. NUREG-1791 Part II, "Evaluation of Exemption Requests," lists 11 review areas. Section 8, "Review of the Staffing Plan," states the following: "The purpose of the staffing plan review is to ensure that the applicant has systematically analyzed the requirements for the numbers of qualified personnel that are necessary to operate the plant safely under the operational conditions analyzed.
That is, the staffing plan should answer the question, "How many individuals must be qualified and available to fill each job?" The applicant's staffing plan should be supported by the results of the functional requirements analysis and function allocation, task analyses, and the job definitions for each position required under the operational conditions considered.
In addition, the applicant's submittal should define the proposed shift composition and shift scheduling.
Shift composition refers to the different types of jobs that must be filled on each shift and the number of personnel required for each of the jobs on a shift. In the case of remote operations or operations that will take place outside of a traditional control room, the applicant should also define the locations of the personnel comprising a shift." Section 8.3, "Review Criteria," lists a number of staffing plan review criteria.
Two of these criteria are: The staffing plan will provide an adequate number of qualified personnel to operate the plant safely under the operational conditions considered." and "Travel and response times are adequate and do not trigger adverse conditions for the safety of the plant." Section 1 0, "Review the Staffing Plan Validation," states: "The purpose of reviewing the validation of the staffing plan is to ensure that the applicant fully considered the dynamic interactions between the plant design, its systems, and control personnel for the operational conditions identified for the exemption request." Section 1 0.1.1, "Operational Conditions Sampling," also states: "The applicant should include the operational conditions relevant to the exemption request in the staffing plan validation.
As a practical matter, however, it may be unnecessary to address all of the possible variations of these conditions.
It may be reasonable to combine some of them into scenarios." Section 1 0.3.4, "Staffing Plan Validation Outcomes," lists a number of criteria.
The first criterion states: "The results of analyses demonstrate that control personnel, individually and working in crews, if applicable, can accomplish their tasks within performance criteria." Page 7 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L"Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" These specific excerpts from NUREG-1791 and the overall philosophy of the guidance support the subject exemption request as presented above.
NUREG 1852 Guidance In October 2007, the NRC also published NUREG-1852, "Demonstrating the Feasibility and Reliability of Operator Manual Actions in Response to Fire," (i.e., Reference 3) as a reference guide for NRC Staff who evaluate the acceptability of manual actions, submitted by licensees as

exemption requests from the requirements of Appendix R, Section III.G, "Fire protection of safe shutdown capability," paragraph 2. This guidance does not directly address staffing levels;however, it does provide insights into "feasibility and reliability criteria" for completing manual operator actions, similar to SSD activities, which are germane to the subject exemption request.
ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT Request for Request      for Exemption Exemption Request Request from  from 1010 CFR CFR 50  50 Appendix Appendix R,    R, Section Section lII.l III.L "Alternative and "Alternative      and dedicated dedicated shutdown capability" These specific excerpts from These                            from NUREG-1791 NUREG-1791 and the overall philosophy of the guidance support the subject exemption the            exemption request as presented above.
The issue of the HVO being located at a remote OCA at the onset of an event appears to be specifically acknowledged in Section 3.2.2, "Analysis Showing Adequate Time Available to Ensure Reliability." Item 2 of this section discusses potential demonstration shortcomings; however, states the following:
NUREG 1852 Guidance NUREG In October In  October 2007, 2007, the NRC also published published NUREG-1852, NUREG-1852, "Demonstrating "Demonstrating the    the Feasibility Feasibility andand Reliability  of Operator      Manual      Actions      in  Response    to  Fire,"
`The demonstration might be limited in its ability to account for (or envelop) all possible fire locations where the actions are needed and for all the different travel paths and distances to where the actions are to be performed. A similar limitation concern is that the current location and activities of needed plant personnel when the fire starts could delay their participation in executing the operator manual actions (e.g., they may typically be at a location that is on the opposite side of the plant relative to a postulated fire location and/or may need to restore certain equipment before being able to participate such as if they are routinely doing maintenance). The intent is not to address temporary/infrequent situations but to account for those that are typical and may impact the timing of the action." Again, in Section 3.2.10, "Staffing," the NUREG acknowledges that some required staff responding to a fire may be located off-site but able to respond in an acceptable timeframe:
Reliability of Operator Manual Actions in Response to Fire," (Le., Reference 3) as a  (i.e., Reference      3) as  a reference for NRC guide for  NRC StaffStaffwhowhoevaluate evaluate the the acceptability acceptability of  ofmanual manual actions, actions, submitted submitted by licensees licensees as  as exemption requests requests fromfrom the the requirements requirementsofofAppendix AppendixR,  R,Section SectionIII.G, III.G, "Fire "Fire protection protection of  of safe safe shutdown capability,"
shutdown      capability,"paragraph paragraph 2. 2. This guidance does   does notnot directly directly address addressstaffing staffing levels; levels; however, it does however,        does provide provideinsights insightsintointo"feasibility
                                                    ''feasibility and andreliability reliability criteria" criteria" for completing manual  manual operator actions, similar similar toto SSD SSD activities, activities,which whicharearegermane germane to  to the the subject subject exemption exemption request.
The issue of the HVO          being located HVO being       located at at aa remote remote DCAOCAatatthe theonset onset of ofan an event event appears appears to be specifically acknowledged specifically    acknowledged in Section 3.2.2, "Analysis      "Analysis Showing Adequate Adequate Time  Time Available Available to Ensure Reliability."
Reliability." ItemItem 22 of of this this section section discusses discusses potential potential demonstration demonstration shortcomings; shortcomings; however, states states thethefollowing:
        `The demonstration might "The                        might be limited limited in its ability ability to to account accountfor for (or (orenvelop) envelop) allallpossible possible fire locations where the actions are needed and for all the different travel paths and fire distances to where the      the actions are   are toto be be performed.
performed. A similar limitation concern is that the current location and activities of needed plant personnel when the fire starts could delay their participation in executing the operator manual actions (e.g., they may                          may typically be at a location that is on the opposite side of                of the plant relative to a postulated postulated fire location and/or may need to restore certain equipment before being able to participate such as if they are routinely dOing          doing maintenance).
maintenance). The    The intent intent is not not to address temporary/infrequent situations but to account for those that are typical and may impact                          impact the timing of  of the action."
Again, in Section 3.2.10, "Staffing,"
                                  "Staffing," thethe NUREG NUREG acknowledges acknowledges that some   somerequired requiredstaff staff responding to to aa fire fire may be be located located off-site off-site but able to respond respond in  in an anacceptable acceptabletimeframe:
Section 3.2.10 states:
Section 3.2.10 states:
`The intent of the staffing criterion is to ensure that an adequate number of qualified personnel will be available so that hot shutdown conditions can be achieved and maintained in the event of a fire. Credited personnel may be normally on site, or available through the emergency planning staff augmentation system in time to successfully perform the desired action. Further, individuals that might be needed to perform the operator manual actions should not have collateral duties, such as firefighting, security duties, or control room operation, during the evolution of the fire scenario. In other words, enough trained people, without collateral duties during a fire, should be available to ensure that operator manual actions can be completed as needed." Page 8 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section lII.l "Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" These specific excerpts from NUREG-1791 and the overall philosophy of the guidance support the subject exemption request as presented above. NUREG 1852 Guidance In October 2007, the NRC also published NUREG-1852, "Demonstrating the Feasibility and Reliability of Operator Manual Actions in Response to Fire," (Le., Reference
        `The "The intent of  of the staffing staffing criterion criterion is is to to ensure ensure that that anan adequate adequatenumber numberofofqualified qualified personnel personnel will  will be be available available so  so that that hothot shutdown shutdown conditions conditions can can be be achieved achievedand  and maintained maintained in the event of        of a fire.
: 3) as a reference guide for NRC Staff who evaluate the acceptability of manual actions, submitted by licensees as exemption requests from the requirements of Appendix R, Section III.G, "Fire protection of safe shutdown capability," paragraph
fire. Credited Credited personnel personnel may may be  be normally normally onon site, or or available through the     the emergency emergency planningplanning staff staff augmentation augmentation system   system inin time time toto successfully successfully perform the      the desired desired action.
: 2. This guidance does not directly address staffing levels; however, it does provide insights into ''feasibility and reliability criteria" for completing manual operator actions, similar to SSD activities, which are germane to the subject exemption request. The issue of the HVO being located at a remote DCA at the onset of an event appears to be specifically acknowledged in Section 3.2.2, "Analysis Showing Adequate Time Available to Ensure Reliability." Item 2 of this section discusses potential demonstration shortcomings; however, states the following: "The demonstration might be limited in its ability to account for (or envelop) all possible fire locations where the actions are needed and for all the different travel paths and distances to where the actions are to be performed.
action. Further, Further,individuals individualsthat thatmight mightbe beneeded neededtoto perform perform the  the operator operator manual manual actions actions should should not not have have collateral collateral duties, duties, such such asas firefighting, security security duties, duties, or orcontrol controlroom room operation, operation, during duringthe theevolution evolutionofofthe thefire fire scenario. In other words, enough trained people, without collateral duties during afire, scenario.      In other  words,    enough        trained  people,    without  collateral    duties    during  a  fire, should should be  be available available to to ensure ensure thatthat operator operator manual manual actions actions can can be be completed completed as  as needed."
A similar limitation concern is that the current location and activities of needed plant personnel when the fire starts could delay their participation in executing the operator manual actions (e.g., they may typically be at a location that is on the opposite side of the plant relative to a postulated fire location and/or may need to restore certain equipment before being able to participate such as if they are routinely dOing maintenance).
The intent is not to address temporary/infrequent situations but to account for those that are typical and may impact the timing of the action." Again, in Section 3.2.10, "Staffing," the NUREG acknowledges that some required staff responding to a fire may be located off-site but able to respond in an acceptable timeframe:
Page Page 88 of of 10 10
Section 3.2.10 states: "The intent of the staffing criterion is to ensure that an adequate number of qualified personnel will be available so that hot shutdown conditions can be achieved and maintained in the event of a fire. Credited personnel may be normally on site, or available through the emergency planning staff augmentation system in time to successfully perform the desired action. Further, individuals that might be needed to perform the operator manual actions should not have collateral duties, such as firefighting, security duties, or control room operation, during the evolution of the fire scenario.
In other words, enough trained people, without collateral duties during a fire, should be available to ensure that operator manual actions can be completed as needed." Page 8 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L"Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" Another reference that would appear to support the HVO being able to conduct rounds at remote OCAs is Section 4.2.10, "Information Regarding the Staffing Criterion." Section 4.2.10 states:`Adequate numbers of qualified personnel should be available within the timeframe credited in the analysis for performing the various operator manual actions. Credited personnel may be normally on site, or available through the emergency planning staff augmentation system, as long as the necessary timing of the action(s) can be met." III.ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT In accordance with 10 CFR 51.30, "Environmental assessment," and 51.32, "Finding of no significant impact," the following information is provided in support of an environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact for the proposed action. The proposed action would result in a permanent exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, "Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Facilities Operating Prior to January 1, 1979," Section III.L"Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability," paragraph 4 for DNPS Units 2 and 3.
ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 1             1 Request for Request       for Exemption Exemption Request  Request from  from 10 CFR  CFR 50  50 Appendix R, Section III.L        lII.l "Alternative and "Alternative        and dedicated dedicated shutdown capability" Another reference Another      reference thatthat would would appear appear to support the HVO          HVO being able to conduct  conduct rounds rounds at  at remote OCAs remote      OCAs is  is Section Section 4.2.10, 4.2.10, "Information "InformationRegardingRegarding the     the Staffing StaffingCriterion."
The proposed exemption will not significantly increase the probability or consequences of accidents, no changes are being made in the types or quantities of any radiological effluents that may be released offsite, and there is no significant increase in occupational or public radiation exposure. Therefore, there are no significant radiological environmental impacts associated with the proposed exemption. In addition, the proposed exemption does not affect non-radiological plant effluents and has no other environmental impact. Therefore, there are no significant non-radiological impacts associated with the proposed exemption. As a result, the proposed exemption will not have a significant effect on the quality of the human environment.IV.CONCLUSION The proposed exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L.4 will not result in undue risk to the public health and safety. The intent of Appendix R, Section III.L.4 is to ensure that sufficient operating shift personnel are available to operate systems and equipment necessary to achieve hot shutdown in the event of fire damage. As discussed above, it has been demonstrated that, in the event the HVO is conducting operator rounds at the most distant remote OCA location at the onset of a fire, the HVO will be able to return to the protected area and complete the required SSD activities within the required timeframe. In addition, if the HVO and an Operations Supervisor are performing switching operations in either the 345kV switchyard or lake lift station at the onset of a fire, both individuals will be able to return to the protected area and complete the required SSD activities within the required timeframe.
Criterion." Section Section states:
If the HVO is not allowed to perform his normal shift duties while being considered a member of the SSD staff; and if an Operations Supervisor is not allowed to perform the Safety/First-aid Monitor function during switching operations, two additional operators will need to be added to each of the DNPS six operating crews, for a total of 12 additional operators. Increasing the number of personnel on each operating crew would represent an unwarranted burden on EGC Page 9 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section lII.l "Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" Another reference that would appear to support the HVO being able to conduct rounds at remote OCAs is Section 4.2.10, "Information Regarding the Staffing Criterion." Section 4.2.10 states: "Adequate numbers of qualified personnel should be available within the timeframe credited in the analysis for performing the various operator manual actions. Credited personnel may be normally on site, or available through the emergency planning staff augmentation system, as long as the necessary timing of the action(s) can be met." III. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT In accordance with 10 CFR 51.30, "Environmental assessment," and 51.32, "Finding of no significant impact," the following information is provided in support of an environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact for the proposed action. The proposed action would result in a permanent exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, "Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Facilities Operating Prior to January 1, 1979," Section III.L "Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability," paragraph 4 for DNPS Units 2 and 3. The proposed exemption will not significantly increase the probability or consequences of accidents, no changes are being made in the types or quantities of any radiological effluents that may be released offsite, and there is no significant increase in occupational or public radiation exposure.
Therefore, there are no significant radiological environmental impacts associated with the proposed exemption.
          `Adequate numbers "Adequate        numbers of   of qualified qualified personnel personnel should be available within the timeframe credited in credited      in the the analysis analysis for for performing performing the    the various various operator operatormanual manualactions.
In addition, the proposed exemption does not affect non-radiological plant effluents and has no other environmental impact. Therefore, there are no significant non-radiological impacts associated with the proposed exemption.
actions. Credited personnel may be normally on personnel                                  on site, site, oror available available through through the the emergency emergency planning planning staff staff augmentation system, system, as long as the        the necessary necessary timing of the action(s) can be met."
As a result, the proposed exemption will not have a significant effect on the quality of the human environment.
III. ENVIRONMENTAL III. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT In accordance In  accordance with  with 10 CFR 51.30, "Environmental "Environmental assessment," and 51.32, "Finding                "Finding of no significant impact,"
IV. CONCLUSION The proposed exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L.4 will not result in undue risk to the public health and safety. The intent of Appendix R, Section III.L.4 is to ensure that sufficient operating shift personnel are available to operate systems and equipment necessary to achieve hot shutdown in the event of fire damage. As discussed above, it has been demonstrated that, in the event the HVO is conducting operator rounds at the most distant remote OCA location at the onset of a fire, the HVO will be able to return to the protected area and complete the required SSD activities within the required timeframe.
significant      impact," the the following followinginformation informationisisprovided providedininsupport support of of an an environmental assessment and assessment        andfinding finding of of no no significant        impact for significant impact          forthe theproposed proposed action.
In addition, if the HVO and an Operations Supervisor are performing switching operations in either the 345kV switchyard or lake lift station at the onset of a fire, both individuals will be able to return to the protected area and complete the required SSD activities within the required timeframe.
action. The proposed proposed actionaction would result would    result in in aa permanent exemption exemption from  from the requirements requirements of      of 10 10CFRCFR 50  50 Appendix Appendix R,    R, "Fire "Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Facilities Operating Prior Protection                                                                      Prior to January January1,    1, 1979,"
If the HVO is not allowed to perform his normal shift duties while being considered a member of the SSD staff; and if an Operations Supervisor is not allowed to perform the Safety/First-aid Monitor function during switching operations, two additional operators will need to be added to each of the DNPS six operating crews, for a total of 12 additional operators.
1979,"Section SectionIII.L III.L "Alternativeand "Alternative      and dedicated dedicated shutdown capability,"                  paragraph 44 for capability," paragraph                for DNPS DNPS Units Units 22 and and3.3.
Increasing the number of personnel on each operating crew would represent an unwarranted burden on EGC Page 9 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section 111.1"Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" since these additional operators are not necessary to meet the underlying purpose of the rule as discussed above. Therefore, the special circumstances for issuance of the exemption are satisfied in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii) since application of the rule is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule. In addition, the requested exemption is authorized by law and is consistent with the common defense and security; therefore, the requirements of 10 CFR 50.12(a)(1) are satisfied.
The proposed proposed exemption exemption will              significantlyincrease will not significantly          increase the the probability probability or  orconsequences consequences of      of accidents, no    no changes changesare    arebeing beingmade madeininthe  thetypes typesororquantities quantitiesofofany  anyradiological radiologicaleffluents effluents that may be released releasedoffsite, offsite, and and there thereisisno  nosignificant significant increase increaseinin occupational occupationalor    orpublic public radiation radiation      exposure.       Therefore,     there  are  no    significant      radiological Therefore, there are no significant radiological environmental        environmental        impacts associated with associated        with the proposed exemption.exemption. In      Inaddition, addition, the the proposed proposedexemption exemption does doesnot  notaffect affect non-radiological non-radiological plant    plant effluents effluentsand  and has has no other environmental environmental impact. impact. Therefore, Therefore, therethere are areno no significant      non-radiologicalimpacts significant non-radiological              impactsassociated associated with  withthe the proposed proposed exemption.
V.REFERENCES 1.Letter from Steven A. Reynolds (NRC) to Michael J. Pacilio (Exelon Generation Company, LLC), "Dresden Nuclear Power Station Triennial Fire Protection Inspection Report 05000237/2011008(DRS); 05000249/2011008(DRS)" 2.NUREG-1791, "Guidance for Assessing Exemption Requests from the Nuclear Power Plant Licensed Operator Staffing Requirements Specified in 10 CFR 50.54(m)" 3.NUREG-1852, "Demonstrating the Feasibility and Reliability of Operator Manual Actions in Response to Fire" Page 10 of 10 ATTACHMENT 1 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section lII.l "Alternative and dedicated shutdown capability" since these additional operators are not necessary to meet the underlying purpose of the rule as discussed above. Therefore, the special circumstances for issuance of the exemption are satisfied in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii) since application of the rule is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule. In addition, the requested exemption is authorized by law and is consistent with the common defense and security; therefore, the requirements of 10 CFR 50.12(a)(1) are satisfied.
exemption. As    As aa result, result, thethe proposed proposed exemption exemption will  will not have have aa significant significant effecteffect onon the the quality quality ofof the the human humanenvironment.
IV. CONCLUSION The proposed proposedexemption exemptionfrom    from thetherequirements requirementsofof10      10CFRCFR5050Appendix AppendixR,R,Section Section  IIIIII.L.4  will
                                                                                                                                  .L.4 will not result in undue risk            to the public risk to       public health and safety. The            Theintent intentofofAppendix AppendixR,    R,Section SectionIII.L.4III.L.4 is to ensure ensure thatthat sufficient operating operating shiftshiftpersonnel personnel are  are available available to to operate operate systems systems and  and equipment necessary necessary to    to achieve achieve hot  hot shutdown shutdown in      in the event of fire  firedamage.
damage. As  As discussed discussed
: above, above, itit hashasbeen beendemonstrated demonstratedthat,     that,ininthe theevent eventthe theHVO HVOisisconducting conductingoperator operatorrounds roundsatat the most most distant distant remote remote OCA OCA location at the onset      onset of of aafire, fire, the the HVO will will be be able able toto return return to the  the protected area  area andandcomplete completethe  therequired requiredSSD    SSDactivities activitieswithin withinthe therequired requiredtimeframe.
: addition, addition, if the HVO  HVO and  and an Operations Operations Supervisor Supervisorare    areperforming performing switching switching operations operationsin    in either either the   345kV the 345kV switchyard switchyard or lake lift          station at the onset lift station              onsetof ofaafire, fire, both both individuals individuals willwill be be able ableto to return return toto the the protected protected area and complete  completethe    therequired required SSD SSDactivities activitieswithin within the therequired required timeframe.
If  the HVO If the HVO is  is not not allowed allowed to  to perform perform his his normal normal shiftshift duties duties while while being being considered considered aa member memberof      of the the SSDSSDstaff; staff; and and ifif an an Operations OperationsSupervisor Supervisorisisnot    notallowed allowedto    toperform perform the theSafety/First-aid Safety/First-aid Monitor      function during Monitor function          during switching switchingoperations, operations, two  two additional additional operators operators will    need to be added will need            added to    to each each of of the the DNPS DNPS six  six operating operating crews,crews, forfor aa total total of 12 additional additional operators. Increasing Increasingthe    the number number of    of personnel personnel on    on each eachoperating operatingcrew  crewwould would represent representan    anunwarranted unwarrantedburden  burdenon    onEGCEGC Page Page 99 of  of 10 10
ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 11 Request for Request    for Exemption ExemptionRequest Requestfromfrom1010CFR CFR50 50Appendix AppendixR,R,Section Section 111.1 lII.l "Alternativeand "Alternative    and dedicated dedicated shutdown shutdown capability" capability" these additional since these    additional operators are are not not necessary necessaryto  tomeet meetthetheunderlying underlying purpose purposeof of the the rule rule as as discussed above.      Therefore,  the  special  circumstances    for  issuance    of the above. Therefore, the special circumstances for issuance of the exemption are  exemption    are satisfied in accordance accordance with with the the requirements requirementsof  of 10 10CFR CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii) 50.12(a)(2)(ii) since application application ofof the rule is rule  is not not necessary necessary to achieve the underlying underlying purpose of the the rule.
rule. In In addition,  the requested addition, the exemption is exemption    is authorized authorized by law law and and is consistent with    the common with the   common defense defense and and security; security; therefore, the requirements requirements of of 10 10 CFR CFR 50.12(a)(1) 50.12(a)(1) are satisfied.
: 1. Letter from Steven A. Reynolds (NRC) to Michael J. Pacilio (Exelon Generation Company, LLC), "Dresden Nuclear Power Station Triennial Fire Protection Inspection Report 05000237/2011008(DRS);
: 1. Letter
05000249/2011 008(DRS)" 2. NUREG-1791, "Guidance for Assessing Exemption Requests from the Nuclear Power Plant Licensed Operator Staffing Requirements Specified in 10 CFR 50.54(m)" 3. NUREG-1852, "Demonstrating the Feasibility and Reliability of Operator Manual Actions in Response to Fire" Page 10 of 10}}
: 1. Letter from from Steven Steven A.
A. Reynolds (NRC)
(NRC) to Michael Michael J. J. Pacilio (Exelon Generation Company, Pacilio (Exelon LLC),"Dresden LLC),   "Dresden Nuclear Nuclear Power Power Station Triennial Triennial Fire Fire Protection Protection Inspection Report 05000237/2011008(DRS); 05000249/2011008(DRS)"
05000249/2011 008(DRS)"
NUREG-1791, "Guidance
: 2. NUREG-1791,         "Guidance forforAssessing Assessing Exemption      Requests from Exemption Requests       from thethe Nuclear Nuclear Power Power Plant Plant Licensed Operator Operator Staffing Staffing Requirements RequirementsSpecified Specifiedinin10 10CFR CFR50.54(m)"
: 3. NUREG-1852, "Demonstrating the         the Feasibility Feasibility and and Reliability Reliability of Operator Operator Manual Manual Actions Actions in  in Response to Response    to Fire" Fire" Page 10 10 ofof 10 10}}

Latest revision as of 09:14, 12 November 2019

Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section Iii.L
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/13/2012
From: Gullott D
Exelon Generation Co, Exelon Nuclear
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
IR-11-008, RS-12-011
Download: ML12045A426 (12)


Exelon Generation Exelon Generation Company, Company,LLCLLC 4300 Winfield 4300 Winfield Road Road Nuclear Nuclear Warrenville, IL 60555 Warrenville, IL 60555 10 10 CFRCFR 50.12 50.12 10 CFR 10 CFR 50, Appendix R Appendix RS-12-011 RS-12-011 February 13,2012 February 13, 2012 u.s.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Document Control Control Desk Washington, Washington, DC DC 20555-0001 Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Renewed Facility Operating License Facility Operating License No. No. DPR-19 DPR-1 9 and and DPR-25 DPR-25 NRC Docket Nos. Nos. 50-237 50- 237 and and 50-249


Request for for Exemption Exemption from from 1010 CFR CFR 50, Appendix Appendix R, SectionSection III.L III.L


Letterfrom Letter fromSteven Steven A.A. Reynolds (NRC) to Michael Michael J. J. Pacilio (Exelon Generation Generation Company, LLC),LLC), "Dresden Nuclear Power PowerStation Station Triennial Triennial FireFire Protection Protection Inspection Report Inspection Report 05000237/2011 05000237 /2011008(DRS); 05000249/2011008(DRS)"

008(DRS); 05000249/2011 008(DRS)"

In accordance In accordance with with 10 CFR 50.12, 50.12, "Specific "Specific exemptions,"

exemptions,* Exelon Exelon Generation Generation Company, Company,LLC LLC (EGC)

(EGC) is requesting a permanent permanent exemption exemption from from the requirements requirements in in 10 10 CFR CFR 50 50Appendix AppendixR, R, "Fire Protection Program "Fire Protection Program forfor Nuclear Nuclear Facilities Operating Prior Prior to January 1, 1,1979,"

1979,"Section SectionIII.L tll.L "Alternative "Alternative and anddedicated dedicated shutdown capability," paragraph 4, for capability," paragraph for Dresden Dresden Nuclear NuclearPower Power Station Station (DNPS) Units 2 and 3. The Therequested requestedexemption exemptionwould wouldeliminate eliminatethe therequirement requirementfor for the on- shift High on-shift High Voltage Voltage Operator Operator (HVO),

(HVO),aamembermember of ofthe the Safe Safe Shutdown (SSD) (SSD)staff, staff,to to remain remain "on"on sitesite at all times" times" and and would would allow the HVO to conduct conduct normal normal shift shift duties, duties,including including those at remote Owner Controlled Areas those at remote Owner Controlled Areas (OCAs), while fulfilling fulfilling aa required requiredposition position on on the the SSDSSD staff. InIn addition, addition, the the exemption exemptionwouldwouldeliminate eliminatethetherequirement requirementto toremain remain"on"onsite siteatatallalltimes" times" for one on-shift Operations Supervisor,Supervisor, also alsoaamember memberof ofthe theSSDSSDstaff, staff,and andallow allowthatthatindividual individual to perform perform the the duties of a Safety/First-Safety/First-aid aid Monitor during switching Monitor during switching operations operations occurring occurring at at aa remote OCA, i.e., the 345kV 345kV switchyard switchyard or or lake lake lift liftstation.

station. This This exemption exemption is being requestedrequested in in accordance accordance with with the requirements requirements of 10 10 CFR CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii) 50.12(a)(2)(ii) since sincethetheapplication application of ofthe the regulation regulation in in this this particular particularcircumstance circumstanceisis not not necessary necessary to to achieve achievethe theunderlying underlyingpurposepurposeofof the rule.

the rule.

As As described describedin in the thereferenced referencedletter, letter,DNPS DNPStakestakescredit creditforforthe theHVO HVOto toperform perform SSD SSDactions actionsfor for several several SSDSSDprocedures.

procedures. The TheHVOHVO has has been beenresponsible responsiblefor for performing performing thesethese SSD-SSD-related related activities activities since the subject procedures were developed in in the late 1980s.

1980s.ItItwas wasobserved observedthat that the the HVO HVO performs operator rounds rounds (i.e., log taking) at remote locations,locations, such suchas asthethelake lakeliftlift station station and Goose GooseLake Lakepumping pumping station, station, which which areare outside outsidethe theprotected protectedarea area(i.e.,

(i.e.,the the security security fence). Since Since these locations are in OCAs, compliance with 10 CFR 50 AppendixR,R, these locations are in OCAs, compliance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix Section Section III.L.4 III.L.4 waswas considered considered to to be besatisfied; satisfied;however, however,the theHVO HVOhas hastotobriefly brieflyleave leavethe theOCAOCA and and travel travel on aa public public road in order to in order to get get to to and and from fromthe thesubject subject locations.

locations. Subsequently, Subsequently,as as

February 13, February 13, 2012 2012 U.S. Nuclear Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Commission Page 2 noted inin the the referenced letter, the NRC concluded that that use useof ofthe thepublic public road road constituted constituted aa failure to failure to ensure ensure that all operators, operators, required required forfor SSDSSDactivities, activities,remained remained"on "onsite"site" at at all all times.


This is contrary contrary to to the requirements of 10 10 CFR CFR 50 50Appendix Appendix R, R, Section II I. LA, and SectionIII.L.4, and aaGreen Green Findingwas Finding was issued issued to DNPS.

It has been been demonstrated demonstrated that, that, in in the the event eventthetheHVO HVO is is located located at at the the most mostdistant distant remote remote OCA OCA location at location at the the onset onset of of aa fire, fire, the HVO HVO is able to to return return to to the the protected protected area and complete complete the the required SSD required SSD activities within within thethe required required timeframe.

timeframe. Also, Also, ifif the HVO HVO and an OperationsOperations Supervisor are performing performing switching operationsoperationsin in the the345kV 345kVswitchyard switchyardor orlakelakelift lift station station at at the the onset of a fire, both individuals will be able to return to the protected of a fire, both individuals will be able to return to the protected area and complete area and complete the required SSD required SSD activities activities within within the required required timeframe.

Ifthe If the HVO HVOisis not notallowed allowed to to perform performhis his normal normalshift shiftduties dutieswhile whilebeing being considered considered a member member of of the SSD SSDstaff; staff; and and ifif an an Operations OperationsSupervisor Supervisorisisnot notallowed allowedtotoperform performthe theSafety/First-aid Safety/First-aid Monitorfunction Monitor functionduring duringswitching switchingoperations, operations, two two additional additional operators operators will willneed need to be added added to to each of of the the DNPS DNPS six sixoperating operating crews, crews,forfor aatotal total of of 12 12additional additional operators. Increasing Increasing the the number of of personnel personnel on each each operating operating crewcrewwouldwould represent representan anunwarranted unwarranted burden burden on EGC EGC since these theseadditional additional operators operators are are not not necessary necessarytotomeet meetthetheunderlying underlyingpurposepurposeofofthe therule.


Therefore, the Therefore, the special special circumstances for issuance of for issuance of the the exemption exemption are are satisfied satisfied in in accordance with the with the requirements requirementsof of1010 CFR CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii),

50.12(a)(2)(ii), since since application application of of the the rule rule isis not not necessary necessary to achieve thethe underlying underlying purpose of the rule. rule. In In addition, addition, the requested exemption exemption is is authorized authorized and is consistent by law and consistent with with the common defense defenseand andsecurity; security; therefore, therefore, the the requirements requirements of 10 CFR 50.12(a)(1) 50.12(a)(1) are aresatisfied.

satisfied.Attachment Attachment1 1provides providesadditional additionaldetail detailand andjustification justification for for the requested exemption.


EGC requests approval EGC approval of this exemption request request by by February February 14, 14, 2013.


There are no no regulatory regulatory commitments commitments contained containedin in this this letter.


Should youyou have any any questions questionsconcerning concerningthis thisletter, letter, please pleasecontact contactMr. Mr. Joseph JosephA. A.Bauer Bauerat at (630) 657-2804.

Respectfully, T2f/$p 4 David M.M. Gullott Manager -- Licensing Licensing Exelon Generation Company, LLC Attachment 1: RequestRequestfor for Exemption Exemption Request Requestfrom from10 10CFRCFR50 50Appendix AppendixR,R,Section SectionIII.L III.L "Alternative "Alternative and and dedicated dedicated shutdown shutdowncapability" capability" cc: NRC NRC Regional Regional Administrator, Administrator, RegionRegion III III NRC Senior Resident Inspector Dresden Nuclear NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Dresden NuclearPowerPowerStation Station

ATTACHMENT 11 ATTACHMENT Request for Exemption Request Request from from 10 10CFR CFR50 50Appendix AppendixR,R,Section Section1111 m.l "Alternative II Alternative and and dedicated shutdown capability" I.1. SPECIFIC EXEMPTION REQUEST In accordance In accordance with with 10 CFR 50.12, 50.12, "Specific "Specific exemptions," Exelon Exelon Generation GenerationCompany, Company,LLC LLC (EGC) is (EGC) is requesting a permanent permanent exemption exemption from from thethe requirements requirementsinin 10 10CFR CFR50 50Appendix AppendixR, R, "Fire Protection "Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Facilities Facilities Operating Operating Prior to to January January 1, 1, 1979,"

1979," Section SectionIII.L III.L "Alternativeand "Alternative anddedicated dedicated shutdown shutdown capability,"

capability,"paragraph paragraph 4, 4, for for Dresden Dresden Nuclear Power Station (DNPS)

Station (DNPS) UnitsUnits22and and 3. 3. The requested requestedexemption exemptionwould would eliminate eliminate the requirement requirement for for the on-shift High VoltageVoltage Operator (HVO), (HVO), aa member member of the Safe Safe Shutdown Shutdown (SSD) (SSD)staff, staff,toto remain "on site at at all all times" and and would would allow allow the HVOHVO to conduct conduct normal normal shift shift duties, duties,including including those at those at remote remoteOwner OwnerControlled Controlled AreasAreas(OCAs),

(OCAs), whilewhile fulfilling fulfilling aa required required position position on on the SSD staff. In staff. In addition, the exemption exemption would would eliminate the requirement to remain "on "on site at at all all times" for one on-shift Operations for Operations Supervisor, also aa member memberof of the theSSDSSDstaff, staff,and andallow allowthat thatindividual individual to perform the duties duties ofof aa Safety/First-aid Safety/First-aid Monitor during switching Monitor during switching operations operations occurring at at aa remote OCA. OCA. This exemption is being requested requested in in accordance accordancewith with the the requirements requirementsof of1010 50.12(a)(2)(ii) since CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii) since the application of the regulation in this particular circumstance circumstance isis not not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule. of the rule.


10 CFR 50 Appendix Appendix R, R, Section Section IIIII.L.4 I.L.4 states thethe following:


the capability to "If the to achieve achieve and and maintain maintain cold shutdown will not be available because of of fire damage, the equipment and systems comprising the means to achieve achieve and and maintain maintain the hot standby or hot shutdown condition shall be capable of of maintaining such conditions until cold shutdown shutdown can can be be achieved.

achieved. IfIf such equipment equipment and and systems will not not be capable of of being powered by both onsite and and offsite offsite electric powerpower systems systems because because damage, an independent onsite of fire damage, onsite power power system system shall shallbe beprovided.

provided. The number of of personnel, exclusive of fire brigade members, required to operate such operating shift personnel, equipment and systems shall be on site at all times." times. 11 As described described in in Reference Reference 1, 1,DNPS DNPS takestakescredit creditforfor the theHVO HVO (i.e.,

(i.e., aa non-licensed non-licensedoperator) operator)to to perform perform SSD SSD actions actions forforseveral several SSD SSD procedures.

procedures. The The HVO HVO has been been responsible responsible for for performing performing thesethese SSD-related activities since the activities since the subject procedures procedures were were developed developedin in the thelate late 1980s. ItIt was wasobserved observedthat thatthetheHVOHVO performs performs operator operator rounds rounds (i.e.,

(Le., log log taking) taking) at remote remote locations, such as as the the lake lake lift station and Goose lift station Goose Lake Lake pumping station, which which are outside the the protected area (i.e.,

area (Le., the security fence). Since these locations are part of the fence). Since these locations are part of the OCA, compliance OCA, compliance with with 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, R,Section III.L.4 was considered III.L.4 was considered to be be satisfied; satisfied; however, however, the theHVOHVO has has toto briefly briefly leave the OCA OCA and and travel travel onon a public road in in order to to get to and from the noted noted locations. Subsequently, as as noted noted in in Reference Reference1,1,the theNRC NRCconcluded concludedthat thatuseuseofofaapublic publicroadroad constituted a failure ensure that failure to ensure that all all operators, operators, required required forfor SSD SSD activities, activities, remained remained on-site on-siteatat all time. This all time. This is is contrary contrary to the requirements requirements of of 10 10 CFR CFR 50 50 Appendix Appendix R, R, Section Section III.L.4, III.L.4, and aa Green Finding Finding was issuedissued to to DNPS.


Page 1 of 10 10

ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 11 Request for for Exemption Request from Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix AppendixR,R,Section Section lII.l 111.1

""Alternative Alternative and and dedicated shutdowncapability" dedicated shutdown capability" II. BASIS FOR EXEMPTION REQUEST REQUEST In accordance with In accordance with 1010 CFR 50.12, the NRC may grant exemptions CFR 50.12, exemptions from from the requirements requirements of of 10 CFR 50, which are:

"(1) Authorized Authorized by by law, will will not not present present an an undue undue risk risk toto public public health healthor orsafety, safety, and andare are consistent with the common defense and and security."


Further, 10 CFR 50.12(2) notes Further, notes that:

that: `The

The Commission Commission will will not consider consider granting granting an an exemption exemption unless special circumstances are are present."

present." Paragraph Paragraph(ii) (ii)specifies specifiesone oneof of those thosespecial special circumstances:

"(ii) Application of of the the regulation in the the particular particular circumstances circumstances would would not notserve serve thethe underlying purpose of of the rule or is not not necessary necessary to to achieve achieve the the underlying underlying purpose purpose of of the rule;"

On Site Definition 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section III.L.4 uses the term "on site" as noted above; however, however, "on "on specifically defined site" is not specifically defined inin the the CFR.

CFR. For For the the purposes purposes of of the following following discussion, discussion, DNPS DNPS considers "on "on site" site" as as used used inin Appendix Appendix R R to to be be equivalent equivalent to to OCAs.

OCAs. NoteNote that that the DNPS DNPS OCA DCA extends beyond the protected area (i.e., (Le., outside the security security fence).


The intent of restricting operators, dedicated restricting operators, dedicated to SSD SSDactivities, activities,to toan an"on"on site" site" location location isis to to ensure they ensure they are are readily readily available to perform perform their theirassigned assigned SSD SSDduties dutiesininthe thetimeframe timeframe required required the associated analysis by the analysis of of record (AOR). As discussed record (AOR). discussedbelow, below,itit has hasbeen beendemonstrated demonstratedthat that an operator, operator, located anywhere in in the subject remote OCAs, is able to subject remote to return return to the station and perform his/her perform his/her assigned assigned SSD SSDduties dutieswithin withinthetherequired required timeframe.


HVO Safe Shutdown Duties Dresden Safe Shutdown Shutdown Procedures (i.e., (Le., DSSP DSSP series seriesofofprocedures) procedures) addresses addressesactivities activities associated with associated with safe safe shutdown shutdown of of the plant followingaa severe plant following severe fire.

fire. These Theseprocedures procedureswere were initiallydeveloped initially developed in in the the late 1980s timeframe. The HVO 1980s timeframe. HVO has activities specified specified in in the the following following procedures:

DSSP 01 0100-A1, OO-A 1, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path Al," A 1,"Revision Revision31 31 DSSP 01 0100-B1, 00-B1, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path B1," Revision 32 DSSP 0100-CR, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Control Room Evacuation," Evacuation," Revision Revision 42 DSSP 0100-B, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path Path B,"

B," Revision Revision 22 22 DSSP 01 0100-B1, 00-B1 , "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path Path B1,"

B1," Revision Revision 32 32 DSSP 0100-C, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path Path C,"

C," Revision Revision 22 22 DSSP 0100-CR, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Control Control Room Room Evacuation,"

Evacuation,"Revision Revision 42 42 0100-D, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path DSSP 0100-0, Path D,"

0," Revision Revision 22 22 DSSP 0100-E, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path Path E,"

E," Revision Revision 30 30 DSSP 0100-F, "Hot Shutdown Procedure - Path Path F,"

F," Revision Revision 28 28 Page 2 of 10

ATTACHMENT 11 ATTACHMENT Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, R,Section III.L lII.l "Alternative and dedicated shutdown shutdown capability" capability" Section F, "Limitations "Limitations and and Actions,"

Actions,"ofofeach each of ofthese these procedures, in part, states: states:

"DSSPs define actions to be performed by specific individuals. individuals. Time Time critical criticalactions actions need to be completed within the assumed time. time. Operations Operations personnelpersonnel outside outside the protected area (i.e., switchyard, lift lift station, etc.)

etc.) will will be recalled recalled to to assist assist inin the the safe safe shutdown efforts.

efforts. In In the the event eventthatthatperson person assigned assigned to to perform perform an an action action is NOT NOT available OR is performing performing other other tasks, tasks, anyany qualified qualified individual individual can perform the the required required actions, as determined determined by by the the Shift Shift Manager."


It should be notednoted that that all all operators operators dedicated dedicatedto to SSD SSDactivities activities are are trained trained andand qualified qualified to to perform all perform all non-licensed non-licensed operator operator SSD SSD related activities and; therefore, activities and; therefore, are are interchangeable.

As noted in in Reference Reference1,1,Attachment AttachmentD, 0,"HVO "HVO Actions,"

Actions," of of DSSP DSSP 01 0100-A1 OO-A1 and DSSP DSSP 0100-B1 0100-81 directs the the HVOHVO to perform a number number of of activities, activities, one one ofof which which is to remove power power and andde- de-energize aa spuriously spuriously openopen safety safety relief relief valve. This This isis aatime time critical critical action assumedassumed to to occur occur within within 1010 minutes as as defined defined in in the the Appendix Appendix R R hydraulic hydraulic AOR. In In the theevent eventthatthatthetheHVOHVOisis performing rounds performing rounds in in a remote OCA, OCA, another available operator operator within within the protected area area would would perform this perform this action action asas allowed allowed by by the the procedural procedural limitations limitationsand andactions actions notednoted above.

above. The The shift shift staffing levels discussed staffing discussed belowbeloware areofofsufficient sufficient number numberto tocomplete completethis thistime timecritical critical action action regardless ofofHVO regardless availability. With HVO availability. With thethe exception of of DSSP-0100-CR DSSP-0100-CR as as discussed discussedbelow, below,shift shift staffing levels are of sufficient staffing sufficient number to complete all SSD-related SSD-related time time critical critical actions regardless of regardless of HVO HVO availability availability for forallallDSSPs DSSPs noted above.

Reference 1 also also discusses discussesHVO HVOactivities activities directed directed by DSSP-0100-CR. DSSP-0100-CR DSSP-0100-CR describes SSD describes SSDactivities activities required required in in the the event eventof of aaControl Control RoomRoom (CR) (CR) evacuation evacuation due dueto toaafire fire in the CR or in or Auxiliary Electrical Equipment Room (AEER);

AUXiliary Electrical (AEER); and and isis the themost mostlimiting limiting DSSP DSSPwith with regard to resources; i.e., i.e., all all SSD-dedicated operators are needed needed to to complete complete the the SSD-required SSD-required actions. The Thehydraulic hydrauliCAOR AOR requires requiresthat thatthe thetime timecritical critical actions actions assigned assignedtotothe theHVO HVObe be completed withinwithin 3232 minutes. As As acknowledged acknowledgedin in Reference Reference1,1,aatime timevalidation validationof of DSSP DSSP 0100-CR was completed in January January 2006. 2006. AllAll required required actions actions in in this procedure were were completed in in 25 25 minutes minutes assuming assuming all all necessary operators were were readily available. Attachment readily available. Attachment H, "HVO H, "HVOActions,"

Actions,"ofofDSSPDSSP0100-CR0100-CR directsdirects the the HVO HVO to to perform perform aa number of activities, one one ofof which is to locally locally start the 2A (3A) Control Rod (3A) Control Rod Drive Drive (CRD)

(CRD)pump. pump. The The noted notedtime timevalidation validation indicated that this time time critical criticalaction action could couldbe be completed completed in in 14 14 minutes.

minutes. For For this this case, case,the theHVOHVO is relied on to relied on to complete complete thisthis action action as as the shift staffing staffing levels levelsdiscussed discussed below below are are not such that an extra extra operator operatorwouldwould be beavailable availableto toperform performthis thisfunction function in in lieu lieu of the HVO. HVO. In In the theevent event that DSSP DSSP 0100-CR 0100-CR isisinitiated initiated while while thethe HVO HVO is performing performing rounds at at aa remote remoteOCA, OCA, the theHVOHVO would would be immediately notifiedand immediately notified and directed directed to to return return to to the the protected protected area area and and perform perform the the required HVO SSD duties. duties.

The HVOHVO conducts operator rounds rounds and and takes takeslogslogsininvarious variousplant plantlocations, locations,including including aa number of of "remote "remoteOCAs"OCAs"that thatareareoutside outsidethe theprotected protectedarea. area. Rounds at remote OCAs are conducted every shift (i.e., (i.e., three three shifts/day shifts/day on on weekdays; weekdays; two two shifts/day shifts/dayon onweekends) weekends) and and are accessed by accessed bydriving driving aa company company vehicle vehicle to the location.

location. The Thetotal total time time thethe HVO spends HVO spends performing rounds in the remote OCAs performing OCAs varies varies from from approximately approximately one-two hours hours per pershift.


These remote These remoteOCAs OCAsinclude includethe the345kV 345kVelectrical electrical switchyard, switchyard, lake lakeliftlift station, Goose GooseLake Lake pumping station and hot and and coldcold cooling cooling towers. The TheHVO HVO may may also alsoneedneedtotoperform performswitching switching Page 3 of 10 10

ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 11 Request for Exemption Request from 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, R, Section Section III.Lm.l "Alternative and dedicated shutdown shutdown capability" capability" operations in operations in the the 345kV 345kV electrical electrical switchyard switchyard and and lake lakeliftlift station. The Themostmostlimiting limitinglocation, location, from a travel from travel time time standpoint, standpoint, is the Goose Goose Lake Lake pumping pumping station station which which is is approximately approximately miles from 1.5 miles fromthe theplant plantentrance.

entrance. It has recently (Le., (i.e., February February 2012) 2012) beenbeen demonstrated demonstrated that the HVO, performing duties HVO, when performing duties at the GooseGoose Lake Lake pumping pumping station,station, can canbe benotified notifiedusing usingthethe normal radio communication system, radio communication system, and and return return to to the the protected protectedarea areawithin within 15 15minutes minutestoto perform the perform the required required SSD-related activities. Note Note thatthatthetheHVOHVO maintains maintains radio radio contact contact capability withwith thethe control control room room at all times.

Adding the Adding the 15 minute travel travel time time back back to to the the plant to the 14 minutes to complete complete the the HVO HVO time time--

critical task critical task described described above, indicatesindicates thatthat this this task taskcancanbe becompleted completedinin29 29minutes; minutes;i.e.,Le.,within within the acceptable acceptabletime timeof of 32 32minutes minutesnoted notedininthe theAppendix AppendixRRhydraulic hydraulicAOR. AOR.

HVO Travel Time and Station Access Impediments Unforeseen issues issuesaffecting affecting the the ability ability of the HVO HVO to to return return to to the the protected area area to to perform perform the the required SSD required SSD functions functionshave havealso alsobeen been assessed.


As noted in Reference 1, one one instance instance (documented (documentedby byAR AR 01258591, 01258591, `Truck Truck Stranded Stranded Operator During Rounds") was During Rounds") was identified identified whenwhen an an operator performing performing duties outside of the protected areaarea was was delayed delayed forfor approximately approximately 40 minutes due due to to vehicle vehicle related related issues.


Unforeseen equipment problems equipment problems affecting affecting travel time back to the protected protected area wouldbe area would be similar to similar to an an unforeseen unforeseen personal personalinjury injuryor orillness illnessthatthatwould would incapacitate incapacitatean anindividual individualduring duringan an event requiring requiring aa SSD-related action action by thatthat individual.

individual. These These types of of issues issuesare areofoflow low probabilityand probability and areare not specifically specificallyaddressed addressed in in a staffing staffing plan. However, However, environmental environmental conditions, such as severe conditions, severeweather, weather,that thatmay mayimpact impacttravel travel times, times, willwill be considered. InInthe the case of case of severe severeweather weatherwhere wheretravel travel times timesmay maybe beunacceptably unacceptablyimpacted, impacted,discretion discretionwill will be be used for used for conducting HVO HVO rounds in remote OCAs OCAs consistent consistentwith with procedures OP-AA-108-111--

proceduresOP-AA-108-111 1001, "Severe Weather Weather and andNatural NaturalDisaster DisasterGuidelines,"

Guidelines,"and andOP-AA-1 OP-AA-102-102,02-102, "General "General Area Area Checks and OperatorOperator Field Field Rounds."

In the In the event aa lossloss of of off-site off-site power would occur while the HVO HVO is is outside the protected protected area,area, access to access to the the protected protected area areathrough through normal normal gatehouse gatehousesecurity securityturnstiles turnstiles wouldwould not be impacted as there is aa backup backup powerpower supply to security security equipment.

equipment. In In the event that the security turnstiles are non-functional non-functional for for some some unforeseen unforeseen issue, issue,the theSecurity Securitypersonnel personnelwould would allow the allow the HVO HVOaccess access to the protected protected area areathrough throughkey-locked key-locked doors. doors.

Operations Supervisor Supervisor Electrical Electrical Switching Switching Safety/First-Aid Safety/First-Aid Monitor Monitor Duties During switching During switching operations, operations, the HVO HVO is is procedurally procedurally requiredrequired to be accompanied accompaniedby byaa Safety/First-aid qualified individual. This ThisSafety/First-aid Safety/First-aidMonitor Monitorrole roleisisfulfilled fulfilled byby an an on-shift on-shift Operation Supervisor. IfIf switching switching operations operations are areperformed performed at ataaremote remoteOCA OCA(i.e.,

(Le.,thethe345kV 345kV electrical switchyard electrical switchyard or or lake lift liftstation),

station),the the Operations Operations Supervisor would need need to to accompany accompany the HVO HVO to to these remote remote OCAs;OCAs; thus, thus, the theexemption exemptionfrom fromAppendix AppendixRRSection SectionIII.L.4 III.LA isis also also requested for requested for aa single single Operations Operations Supervisor Supervisorduring during remote remoteOCA OCA switching switching operations.


Planned switching operations occur approximately two times per week and two times and take take approximately approximately two hours for each each operation. Typically, Typically, no no switching switching operations operations are are conducted conductedduring duringthe the summer months (i.e., (Le., June, July July andand August)

August) exceptexcept for emergent emergent events. events.

Page 4 of 10

ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT11 Request for Exemption Request from 10 10 CFR 50 AppendixAppendix R, R, Section.III.L Section.III.L "Alternative and dedicated shutdown shutdown capability" capability" Only one of the DSSPs; Only DSSPs; i.e., Le., DSSP DSSP0100-CR, 0100-CR,"Hot "Hot Shutdown Shutdown Procedure Procedure- -ControlControlRoomRoom Evacuation," Revision Evacuation," Revision 42, 42, specifies SSD-related SSD-related duties duties forfor all all on-shift Operations Supervisors.


As noted above, it has been been demonstrated demonstratedthat thatthe theHVOHVO is is able able to to return return to the protected area area in 15 minutes from in from the most distancedistance remote remoteOCA, OCA, (i.e.,

(Le., the the Goose GooseLakeLakepumping pumpingstation).


Therefore, if if an Operation Supervisor Supervisorwas wasperforming performingswitching switchingoperations operationsininthe the345345kV kV switchyard or lake lift switchyard liftstation stationat at the the onset onset of a fire, fire, the the supervisor could also return return to thethe protected areaareawithin within 15 minutes minutes or or less lessand andwould wouldbe beable abletotocomplete completethe thetimetimecritical critical activities defined in DSSP-0100-CR DSSP-0100-CR required required by bythe theAppendix AppendixRRhydraulichydrauliC AOR. AOR.

The "HVO The "HVO Travel Time and Station Access AccessImpediments" Impediments" discussion discussion above, above,addressing addressinginjuryinjuryoror illness, severe severeweather, weather, and and loss lossofofoff-site off-sitepower, power,isisalso alsoapplicable applicabletotothe theOperations Operations Supervisor.

Operating Shift Staffing Requirements The operating shift staffingstaffing requirements requirements are specified in in Dresden Operating Procedure, OP-DR-101-111-1001, OP-DR-1 01-111-1 001, "On-Shift Staffing Requirements."

"On-Shift Staffing Requirements." The Thenumber numberof ofoperations operationsindividuals individuals noted in in Attachment A of of OP-DR-1 OP-DR-101-111-1001 01-111-1 001 meets meets the thefollowing following staffing staffing requirements:

10 CFR 50.54(m)(2)(i) for licensed licensed operators operators 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section H for Fire Brigade; and 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Section L for Safe Shutdown The requirements requirements for for Fire Fire Brigade and and SSD SSD staffing staffing exceeds exceedsthe thestaffing staffingrequirements requirementsfor for licensed operators operators under under10 10CFR CFR50.54(m);

50.54(m);therefore, therefore,this thisdiscussion discussionwill will focus focus on on the the requirements for the Fire Brigade and SSD SSD staff.


As specified in OP-DR-101-111-1001 Attachment A, "Staffing Requirements Requirements with either either Unit Unit in in Mode 1, 1, 2, 3," the "SSD Staffing" consists consists of of the the following following operations operationsindividuals:


Position Safe Shutdown (SSD) Staffin Staffing g Shift Manager Shift 1 1

Unit Supervisor 2 WEC [Work Execution Center] Supervisor 1 1

Field Supervisor 1 1

NSO [Nuclear Station Operator] Operator] 4 STA 1 1

Equipment Operator (EO) 7 It should be noted that that the the Shift Shift Manager also also serves servesas asthetheSite SiteEmergency EmergencyDirector Directorand andisisnot not a member member of of either either thethe Fire Fire Brigade Brigade or or SSD SSD staff.

staff. The TheSTA STAposition position isisfilled filled as as aaconcurrent concurrent responsibility of responsibility ofone one of ofthe thenoted noted Operations Operations Supervisors Supervisors and is not a separate separate individual.

individual. Also, Also, the Field Field Supervisor positionposition is not required to be be staffed staffed to to meet meetthetheFire Fire Brigade Brigade or or SSD SSD staffing requirements. DNPS staffing DNPSelectively electively staffs staffs this this position position for for additional operational support and additional operational as aa contingency contingency for for unforeseen unforeseen operator operator absences.

absences. Thus, Thus,therethereareare14 14individuals individuals (i.e., three Supervisors, four four NSOs NSOs and and seven EOs) EOs) dedicated to to the Fire Fire Brigade and SSD staff. staff. Note Note that that one of the EOsEOs is is the the HVO.


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ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 1 1 Request Request for for Exemption Exemption Request Requestfrom from1010CFR CFR50 50Appendix AppendixR,R,Section Section lII.l 111.1 Alternative and "Alternative II anddedicated dedicated shutdown capability" shutdown capability" As stated in As in OP-DR OP-DR-1 - 101-111 01-111-1001,- 1001, Step Step 4.1, 4.1,"Per "Per Technical Technical Requirements RequirementsManual Manual(TRM) (TRM)

Section 5.0, aa site Section site Fire Fire Brigade Brigade of at least least five members members shallshall be be maintained maintained on-site on-site at atall all times.


The Fire Brigade Brigade SHALL SHALL NOT include include thethe personnel necessary necessaryfor for safe safeshutdown shutdownofofthe theunit."


Fire Brigade The Fire Brigade is is comprised comprised of four four EOs EOs andand one Supervisor.

As stated As stated in OP-DR-101-111-1001, OP-DR-101-111-1001, Step 5.2, "Per "Per 1010 CFR CFR Appendix Appendix R to Part Part 50 50 documentation, the personnelpersonnel assignedassignedtotoperform performSafe SafeShutdown Shutdownduties dutiesSHALLSHALLNOT NOT include include the personnel assigned assignedto toFire Fire Brigade Brigade staffing.

staffing. SSD SSDstaffing staffing consists consistsof oftwo two Supervisors, Supervisors,four four NSOs, and NSOs, and three Equipment Operators." Operators." Therefore, nine individuals individuals are are dedicated dedicated to SSD activities.

five Fire The five Fire Brigade Brigade members members plus plus the the nine SSD staff staff members account account for all all 14 operations positions staffed positions staffed onon an operating operating crew.crew. Thus, Thus, isis cancanbebeseen seenthat thatififthe theHVO HVOisisnot notallowed allowed to to perform his/her normal shift duties in remote OCAs perform his/her normal shift duties in remote OCAs while being considered a while being considered a member of the staff, an SSD staff, an additional additional operator operator wouldwouldneed need to to be be added to each each of of the the DNPS DNPS six six operating operating crews. Further, Further,ifif one one of of the the on-shift on-shift Operations Operations Supervisors Supervisorsisisnot notallowed allowed to toprovide provide the the Safety/First-aid Monitor functionduring Monitor function duringswitching switchingoperations operations at a remote remote OCA, OCA, an anadditional additional supervisor would also need to be added would also added to to each eachof ofthe thesix sixoperating operatingcrews; crews; forfor aatotal total of of 12 12 additional operators.

additional NUREG-1791 Guidance In July In July 2005, 2005, the the NRC NRC published published NUREG-1791, NUREG-1791, "Guidance "Guidance for forAssessing Assessing Exemption Exemption Requests Requests from the Nuclear Power Plant Licensed Operator Staffing Requirements from the Requirements SpecifiedSpecified in in 10 10 CFR CFR 50.54(m)," (Le.,

50.54(m)," (i.e., Reference Reference 2). 2). The The Foreword Foreword of of the the NUREG NUREG states statesthe thefollowing:


'This document "This document provides guidance for the NRC staff staff to systematically systematically review review and and assess assess requests by licensees of nuclear power plants for exemption from the licensed licensed operator operator staffing requirements of Title 10, 10, Part 50 of the Code of of Federal Regulations (10 (10 CFR CFR

50) contained in 10 CFR 50.54(m). 50.54(m). The The purpose of of the NRC's review is to ensure public health andand safety by by verifying that the applicant's applicanfs staffing plan and and supporting supporting analyses analyses sufficiently justify the sufficiently justify the requested requested exemption.


The increased use use of advanced automation technologies in existing nuclear power power plants plants and and thethe introduction of of advanced advanced reactor reactor designs will will likely likely change change the the roles, roles, responsibilities, composition, composition, and and size size ofofthe the crews crews required requiredtotocontrol controlplant plantoperations.


Current regulations regarding control room staffing, staffing, which are based based on the conceptconcept of of operation for existing light-waterlight-water reactors, reactors, may may nono longer longer apply.

apply. Licensees of of nuclear power power plants plants who who have have implemented implemented significant significant changes changes to to existing existing control control rooms rooms or or who have introduced increased use of advanced automation technologies may may submit submit applications for exemption from from thethe requirements.

requirements. Likewise, Likewise, because because of of the the anticipated anticipated changes in operator operator roles and responsibilities in new new reactor reactor designs, deSigns, an applicant applicant for for an an operating license for a new reactor may wish to seek exemption from from the the current current licensed licensed operator operator staffingstaffing requirements."


Although Although this guidance was was published published specifically specifically for for exemptions exemptions to to licensed licensedoperator operatorstaffing staffing requirements in in 10 10 CFR 50.54(m)50.54(m) due to advanced automation automation technologies technologies or or advanced advanced reactor designs, deSigns, thethe same samerationale rationalefor for acceptability acceptability can can also also be beapplied appliedto tothe thesubject subject Page 66 of Page of 10 10

ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT Request Request for for Exemption Request Requestfrom from10 10CFRCFR50 50Appendix AppendixR,R,SectionSection 111.1 III.L "Alternative and "Alternative and dedicated dedicated shutdown capability" exemption request.

exemption request. NUREG-1791 NUREG-1791 Part PartII,II, "Evaluation "Evaluation of Exemption Exemption Requests," lists lists 11 11 review review areas. Section 8, "Review of the Staffing Plan,"

areas. Section 8, "Review of the Staffing Plan," states the following:states the following:

'The purpose "The purpose of the the staffing plan review is to ensure that the applicant applicant has systematically analyzed systematically analyzed the requirements for the numbers of of qualified personnel that are necessary to necessary to operate operate the the plant plant safely under the operational conditions analyzed. That Thatis, is, the staffing the staffing plan plan should should answeranswer the question, question, "How many individuals must be qualified and available and available to to fill fill each eachjob?"job?"

The applicant's The applicant's staffing staffing plan plan should should be be supported by the results of of the functional requirements analysis requirements analysis and function allocation, task analyses, and and the job definitions for each position each position required required under under thethe operational operational conditions conditions considered.

considered. In addition, the applicant's submittal should define the proposed applicant's proposed shift shift composition and and shift shift scheduling.

Shift composition refers to the different types of of jobs that that must must be filled on each shift shift and and the number of personnel the personnel required for each of of the jobs on a shift. InInthe thecase caseof ofremote remote operations or operations that will take place outside of of a traditional traditional control control room, the applicant should also define the locations of of the the personnel comprising aa shift."

personnel comprising shift."

Section 8.3, "Review "Review Criteria,"

Criteria," lists lists aa number of staffing staffing plan review criteria.

criteria. TwoTwo of these these criteria are:

The staffing plan The plan will provide an adequate number number of of qualified qualified personnel personnel to operate the plant plant safely safely under under the the operational operational conditions conditions considered."

considered." and and

'Travel and response times "Travel times areare adequate adequateand anddo donot nottrigger triggeradverse adverseconditions conditions for for the the safety safety of of the plant."

Section 10,10, "Review "Review the Staffing Staffing Plan Plan Validation," states:

Validation," states:

'The "The purpose of of reviewing reviewing the the validation validation of ofthe the staffing staffing plan plan is is to to ensure ensure that that the the applicant applicant fullyfully considered considered the the dynamic dynamic interactions interactions between between the the plant plantdesign, design, itsits systems, and and control control personnel personnel for for thethe operational operational conditions conditions identified identifiedfor for the the exemption exemption request."

Section Section 10.1.1, 10.1.1, "Operational "Operational Conditions Conditions Sampling,"

Sampling," also also states:


'The "The applicant applicant should should include include the the operational operationalconditions conditionsrelevant relevantto tothe theexemption exemption request request in in the the staffing staffing plan plan validation.

validation. As Asaapractical practicalmatter, matter,however, however,ititmay maybe be unnecessary unnecessary to to address address all all of ofthe the possible possible variations variations of ofthese these conditions.

conditions. ItItmay maybe be reasonable reasonable to to combine combine some some of ofthem them intointo scenarios."


Section 10.3.4, Section 10.3.4,"Staffing "Staffing Plan Plan Validation Validation Outcomes,"

Outcomes," lists lists aanumber numberof ofcriteria.

criteria. The Thefirst firstcriterion criterion states:


"The "The results results ofofanalyses analyses demonstrate demonstratethat thatcontrol controlpersonnel, personnel,individually individuallyand andworking workinginin crews, crews, ififapplicable, applicable, can can accomplish accomplishtheir theirtasks taskswithin within performance performancecriteria."


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ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT Request for Request for Exemption Exemption Request Request from from 1010 CFR CFR 50 50 Appendix Appendix R, R, Section Section lII.l III.L "Alternative and "Alternative and dedicated dedicated shutdown capability" These specific excerpts from These from NUREG-1791 NUREG-1791 and the overall philosophy of the guidance support the subject exemption the exemption request as presented above.

NUREG 1852 Guidance NUREG In October In October 2007, 2007, the NRC also published published NUREG-1852, NUREG-1852, "Demonstrating "Demonstrating the the Feasibility Feasibility andand Reliability of Operator Manual Actions in Response to Fire,"

Reliability of Operator Manual Actions in Response to Fire," (Le., Reference 3) as a (i.e., Reference 3) as a reference for NRC guide for NRC StaffStaffwhowhoevaluate evaluate the the acceptability acceptability of ofmanual manual actions, actions, submitted submitted by licensees licensees as as exemption requests requests fromfrom the the requirements requirementsofofAppendix AppendixR, R,Section SectionIII.G, III.G, "Fire "Fire protection protection of of safe safe shutdown capability,"

shutdown capability,"paragraph paragraph 2. 2. This guidance does does notnot directly directly address addressstaffing staffing levels; levels; however, it does however, does provide provideinsights insightsintointo"feasibility

feasibility and andreliability reliability criteria" criteria" for completing manual manual operator actions, similar similar toto SSD SSD activities, activities,which whicharearegermane germane to to the the subject subject exemption exemption request.

The issue of the HVO being located HVO being located at at aa remote remote DCAOCAatatthe theonset onset of ofan an event event appears appears to be specifically acknowledged specifically acknowledged in Section 3.2.2, "Analysis "Analysis Showing Adequate Adequate Time Time Available Available to Ensure Reliability."

Reliability." ItemItem 22 of of this this section section discusses discusses potential potential demonstration demonstration shortcomings; shortcomings; however, states states thethefollowing:


`The demonstration might "The might be limited limited in its ability ability to to account accountfor for (or (orenvelop) envelop) allallpossible possible fire locations where the actions are needed and for all the different travel paths and fire distances to where the the actions are are toto be be performed.

performed. A similar limitation concern is that the current location and activities of needed plant personnel when the fire starts could delay their participation in executing the operator manual actions (e.g., they may may typically be at a location that is on the opposite side of of the plant relative to a postulated postulated fire location and/or may need to restore certain equipment before being able to participate such as if they are routinely dOing doing maintenance).

maintenance). The The intent intent is not not to address temporary/infrequent situations but to account for those that are typical and may impact impact the timing of of the action."

Again, in Section 3.2.10, "Staffing,"

"Staffing," thethe NUREG NUREG acknowledges acknowledges that some somerequired requiredstaff staff responding to to aa fire fire may be be located located off-site off-site but able to respond respond in in an anacceptable acceptabletimeframe:


Section 3.2.10 states:

`The "The intent of of the staffing staffing criterion criterion is is to to ensure ensure that that anan adequate adequatenumber numberofofqualified qualified personnel personnel will will be be available available so so that that hothot shutdown shutdown conditions conditions can can be be achieved achievedand and maintained maintained in the event of of a fire.

fire. Credited Credited personnel personnel may may be be normally normally onon site, or or available through the the emergency emergency planningplanning staff staff augmentation augmentation system system inin time time toto successfully successfully perform the the desired desired action.

action. Further, Further,individuals individualsthat thatmight mightbe beneeded neededtoto perform perform the the operator operator manual manual actions actions should should not not have have collateral collateral duties, duties, such such asas firefighting, security security duties, duties, or orcontrol controlroom room operation, operation, during duringthe theevolution evolutionofofthe thefire fire scenario. In other words, enough trained people, without collateral duties during afire, scenario. In other words, enough trained people, without collateral duties during a fire, should should be be available available to to ensure ensure thatthat operator operator manual manual actions actions can can be be completed completed as as needed."


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ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 1 1 Request for Request for Exemption Exemption Request Request from from 10 CFR CFR 50 50 Appendix R,Section III.L lII.l "Alternative and "Alternative and dedicated dedicated shutdown capability" Another reference Another reference thatthat would would appear appear to support the HVO HVO being able to conduct conduct rounds rounds at at remote OCAs remote OCAs is is Section Section 4.2.10, 4.2.10, "Information "InformationRegardingRegarding the the Staffing StaffingCriterion."

Criterion." Section Section states:


`Adequate numbers "Adequate numbers of of qualified qualified personnel personnel should be available within the timeframe credited in credited in the the analysis analysis for for performing performing the the various various operator operatormanual manualactions.

actions. Credited personnel may be normally on personnel on site, site, oror available available through through the the emergency emergency planning planning staff staff augmentation system, system, as long as the the necessary necessary timing of the action(s) can be met."

III. ENVIRONMENTAL III. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT In accordance In accordance with with 10 CFR 51.30, "Environmental "Environmental assessment," and 51.32, "Finding "Finding of no significant impact,"

significant impact," the the following followinginformation informationisisprovided providedininsupport support of of an an environmental assessment and assessment andfinding finding of of no no significant impact for significant impact forthe theproposed proposed action.

action. The proposed proposed actionaction would result would result in in aa permanent exemption exemption from from the requirements requirements of of 10 10CFRCFR 50 50 Appendix Appendix R, R, "Fire "Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Facilities Operating Prior Protection Prior to January January1, 1, 1979,"

1979,"Section SectionIII.L III.L "Alternativeand "Alternative and dedicated dedicated shutdown capability," paragraph 44 for capability," paragraph for DNPS DNPS Units Units 22 and and3.3.

The proposed proposed exemption exemption will significantlyincrease will not significantly increase the the probability probability or orconsequences consequences of of accidents, no no changes changesare arebeing beingmade madeininthe thetypes typesororquantities quantitiesofofany anyradiological radiologicaleffluents effluents that may be released releasedoffsite, offsite, and and there thereisisno nosignificant significant increase increaseinin occupational occupationalor orpublic public radiation radiation exposure. Therefore, there are no significant radiological Therefore, there are no significant radiological environmental environmental impacts associated with associated with the proposed exemption.exemption. In Inaddition, addition, the the proposed proposedexemption exemption does doesnot notaffect affect non-radiological non-radiological plant plant effluents effluentsand and has has no other environmental environmental impact. impact. Therefore, Therefore, therethere are areno no significant non-radiologicalimpacts significant non-radiological impactsassociated associated with withthe the proposed proposed exemption.

exemption. As As aa result, result, thethe proposed proposed exemption exemption will will not have have aa significant significant effecteffect onon the the quality quality ofof the the human humanenvironment.


IV. CONCLUSION The proposed proposedexemption exemptionfrom from thetherequirements requirementsofof10 10CFRCFR5050Appendix AppendixR,R,Section Section IIIIII.L.4 will

.L.4 will not result in undue risk to the public risk to public health and safety. The Theintent intentofofAppendix AppendixR, R,Section SectionIII.L.4III.L.4 is to ensure ensure thatthat sufficient operating operating shiftshiftpersonnel personnel are are available available to to operate operate systems systems and and equipment necessary necessary to to achieve achieve hot hot shutdown shutdown in in the event of fire firedamage.

damage. As As discussed discussed

above, above, itit hashasbeen beendemonstrated demonstratedthat, that,ininthe theevent eventthe theHVO HVOisisconducting conductingoperator operatorrounds roundsatat the most most distant distant remote remote OCA OCA location at the onset onset of of aafire, fire, the the HVO will will be be able able toto return return to the the protected area area andandcomplete completethe therequired requiredSSD SSDactivities activitieswithin withinthe therequired requiredtimeframe.


addition, addition, if the HVO HVO and and an Operations Operations Supervisor Supervisorare areperforming performing switching switching operations operationsin in either either the 345kV the 345kV switchyard switchyard or lake lift station at the onset lift station onsetof ofaafire, fire, both both individuals individuals willwill be be able ableto to return return toto the the protected protected area and complete completethe therequired required SSD SSDactivities activitieswithin within the therequired required timeframe.


If the HVO If the HVO is is not not allowed allowed to to perform perform his his normal normal shiftshift duties duties while while being being considered considered aa member memberof of the the SSDSSDstaff; staff; and and ifif an an Operations OperationsSupervisor Supervisorisisnot notallowed allowedto toperform perform the theSafety/First-aid Safety/First-aid Monitor function during Monitor function during switching switchingoperations, operations, two two additional additional operators operators will need to be added will need added to to each each of of the the DNPS DNPS six six operating operating crews,crews, forfor aa total total of 12 additional additional operators. Increasing Increasingthe the number number of of personnel personnel on on each eachoperating operatingcrew crewwould would represent representan anunwarranted unwarrantedburden burdenon onEGCEGC Page Page 99 of of 10 10

ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 11 Request for Request for Exemption ExemptionRequest Requestfromfrom1010CFR CFR50 50Appendix AppendixR,R,Section Section 111.1 lII.l "Alternativeand "Alternative and dedicated dedicated shutdown shutdown capability" capability" these additional since these additional operators are are not not necessary necessaryto tomeet meetthetheunderlying underlying purpose purposeof of the the rule rule as as discussed above. Therefore, the special circumstances for issuance of the above. Therefore, the special circumstances for issuance of the exemption are exemption are satisfied in accordance accordance with with the the requirements requirementsof of 10 10CFR CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii) 50.12(a)(2)(ii) since application application ofof the rule is rule is not not necessary necessary to achieve the underlying underlying purpose of the the rule.

rule. In In addition, the requested addition, the exemption is exemption is authorized authorized by law law and and is consistent with the common with the common defense defense and and security; security; therefore, the requirements requirements of of 10 10 CFR CFR 50.12(a)(1) 50.12(a)(1) are satisfied.



1. Letter
1. Letter from from Steven Steven A.

A. Reynolds (NRC)

(NRC) to Michael Michael J. J. Pacilio (Exelon Generation Company, Pacilio (Exelon LLC),"Dresden LLC), "Dresden Nuclear Nuclear Power Power Station Triennial Triennial Fire Fire Protection Protection Inspection Report 05000237/2011008(DRS); 05000249/2011008(DRS)"

05000249/2011 008(DRS)"

NUREG-1791, "Guidance

2. NUREG-1791, "Guidance forforAssessing Assessing Exemption Requests from Exemption Requests from thethe Nuclear Nuclear Power Power Plant Plant Licensed Operator Operator Staffing Staffing Requirements RequirementsSpecified Specifiedinin10 10CFR CFR50.54(m)"


3. NUREG-1852, "Demonstrating the the Feasibility Feasibility and and Reliability Reliability of Operator Operator Manual Manual Actions Actions in in Response to Response to Fire" Fire" Page 10 10 ofof 10 10