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{{#Wiki_filter:WCNOC-NRCPre-submittalMeeting WCNOC NRC Pre submittal MeetingCore Design and Safety Analysis Methodology TransitionLicenseAmendmentRequest Transition License Amendment RequestJuly302013 July 30 , 2013Wolf Creek Nuclear O p eratin g Cor p orationpgp 1 Meeting AgendaMtiP/Objti
{{#Wiki_filter:WCNOC-NRC WCNOC     NRC Pre-submittal Pre submittal Meeting Core Design and Safety Analysis Methodology Transition License Amendment Request July 30 30, 2013 Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating p     g Corporation p
*M ee ti ng P urpose / Obj ec ti ves*IntroductionsLicenseAmendmentRequest(LAR)Content
*License Amendment Request (LAR) Content*Transition to Westinghouse Analysis Methodologies Methodologies*RTS/ESFAS/LOP DG Start Instrumentation Setpoint Uncertaint y Anal y sis yy*Alternative Source Term (AST)*LAR Schedule 2*Summary 2 Introductions*NRC*WCNOC Team *Westinghouse Support
*Teleconference Attendees 3 3 WCNOC Ownership of Safety AnalysisWCNOCOhifthSftAliidttd
*WCNOC O wners hi p o f th e S a f e t y A na l ys i s i s d emons t ra t e d through the strength and application of the Quality Assurance (QA) Program
-WCNOC technical oversight is provided by the QA processes and participation in NUPIC-WCNOC QATittlfDiIftifdtth*T ransm itt a l o f D es i gn I n f orma ti on -re f erence d t o th e source calculation, design basis document, or identified as a direct input*Owner's Acceptance Review

Meeting Agenda
Configuration Management updates, regulatory reviews, etc.*WCNOC/Westinghouse (WEC) Interface-On-site WEC staff responsible for core design and safety analysis OnsiteWECstaffmaintainsqualificationsinboththeWCNOCand 4 4-On-site WEC staff maintains qualifications in both the WCNOC and WEC QA programs. Proper independence is always maintained between the QA programs.
* Meeting M    ti PPurpose / Objectives Obj ti
4 License Amendment Request Content*License Amendment Request (LAR) to revise the WCGS Technical Specifications (TSs) based on:-Transition to Westinghouse core design and safetyanalysismethodologies safety analysis methodologies-Transition to Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology
* Introductions
-FullScopeImplementationofAlternativeSource Full Scope Implementation of Alternative Source Term (AST) 5 5 License Amendment Request Content*LAR is consistent with NEI 06-02, "License Amendment Request (LAR) Guidelines" template Attachments:
* License Amendment Request (LAR) Content
Attachments:I-EvaluationII-Pro posed TS Chan g es (Mark-u p) pg(p)III -Revised TS pages IV-Proposed TS Bases Changes (info only)V-Proposed COLR Changes (info only) 6 License Amendment Request Content
* Transition to Westinghouse Analysis Methodologies
* RTS/ESFAS/LOP DG Start Instrumentation Setpoint Uncertaintyy Analysis y
*LAR content (cont.)
* Alternative Source Term (AST)
* LAR Schedule
* Summary 2
* WCNOC Team
* Westinghouse Support
* Teleconference Attendees 3
WCNOC Ownership of Safety Analysis
* WCNOC O    Ownership    hi off ththe S Safety f t AAnalysis l i iis d  demonstrated t t d through the strength and application of the Quality Assurance (QA) Program
  - WCNOC technical oversight is provided by the QA processes and participation in NUPIC
* T Transmittal itt l off Design D i Information I f    ti - referenced f      d tto the th source calculation, design basis document, or identified as a direct input
* Owners Acceptance Review
* Configuration Management updates, regulatory reviews, etc.
* WCNOC/Westinghouse (WEC) Interface
  - On-site WEC staff responsible for core design and safety analysis
  - On-site On site WEC staff maintains qualifications in both the WCNOC and WEC QA programs. Proper independence is always maintained between the QA programs.                                             4
License Amendment Request Content
* License Amendment Request (LAR) to revise the WCGS Technical Specifications (TSs) based on:
  - Transition to Westinghouse core design and safety analysis methodologies
  - Transition to Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology
  - Full Scope Implementation of Alternative Source Term (AST) 5
License Amendment Request Content
* LAR is consistent with NEI 06-02, License Amendment Request (LAR) Guidelines template Attachments:
I - Evaluation II - Proposed p    TS Changes g ((Mark-up) p)
III - Revised TS pages IV - Proposed TS Bases Changes (info only)
V - Proposed COLR Changes (info only) 6
License Amendment Request Content
* LAR content (cont.)
(cont )


I-WCAP-17658-NP-TransitionLicensingReport I WCAP 17658 NP Transition Licensing ReportII-WCAP-17746-P -Setpoint Methodology for WCGSIII  -WCAP-17746-NPIV-WCAP-17602-P  
I -   WCAP 17658 NP - Transition Licensing Report WCAP-17658-NP II -   WCAP-17746-P - Setpoint Methodology for WCGS III - WCAP-17746-NP IV -   WCAP-17602-P - Setpoint Calculations for WCGS V -   WCAP-17602-NP VI -   Full Scope Implementation of Alternative Source Term VII - CD-ROM containing Meteorological Data VIII - Proprietary Information Affidavit for WCAP-17746-P IX -   Proprietary Information Affidavit for WCAP-17602-P 7
-Setpoint Calculations for WCGSV-WCAP-17602-NP VIFullScopeImplementationofAlternativeSourceTerm VI-Full Scope Implementation of Alternative Source TermVII -CD-ROM containing Meteorological Data VIII -Proprietary Information Affidavit for WCAP-17746-PIX   -Proprietary Information Affidavit for WCAP-17602-P 7 7 TransitiontoWestinghouseAnalysis Transition to Westinghouse Analysis MethodologiesCDidSftAliMthdl
*C ore D es i gn an d S a f e t y A na l ys i s M e th o d o l ogy-The Non-LOCA safety analyses were analyzed with Westin g house , NRC a pp roved methodsg,pp-All of the Westinghouse Non-LOCA methods are applicable to the WCGSTheContainmentresponseanalysesofrecordarenot
Transition to Westinghouse Analysis Methodologies
-The Containment response analyses of record are not impacted-The SBLOCA and LBLOCA analyses of record are not impacted-The Core Design and Fuel Rod Design will be evaluated for each reload c y cle 8 8 y 8 TransitiontoWestinghouseAnalysis Transition to Westinghouse Analysis MethodologiesOifAliMthdlS
* Core C     D Designi and  dS Safety f t Analysis A l i Methodology M th d l
*O verv i ew o f A na l ys i s M e th o d o l ogy S cope-Non-LOCA Safety Analyses*RETRAN-02 for Westin g house PWRs (WCAP-14882-P-A
  - The Non-LOCA safety analyses were analyzed with g
) g()was used for majority of the analyses*LOFTRAN (WCAP-7907-P-A) was used for some analyses
Westinghouse,  , NRC approved pp     methods
*Other Codes that were used:-TWINKLE (WCAP-7979-P-A)-FACTRAN (WCAP-7908-A) -Non-LOCA Thermal-Hydraulics (T&H) Safety Analyses*VIPRE-01 (WCAP-14565-P-A) was used for the T&H analyses-RETRAN-02 (WCAP-14882-P-A) and WCAP-10698-P-A dfthStGtTbRtMi 9 9 were use d f or th e St eam G enera t or T u b e R up t ure M arg i n to Overfill and Input to the Dose analyses 9
  - All of the Westinghouse Non-LOCA methods are applicable to the WCGS
TransitiontoWestinghouseAnalysis Transition to Westinghouse Analysis MethodologiesOifAliMthdlS(t)
  - The Containment response analyses of record are not impacted
*O verv i ew o f A na l ys i s M e th o d o l ogy S cope (con t.)-DNB Correlations used in the VIPRE-01 DNBR calculations calculations*The WRB-2 DNB correlation will continue to be used as the primary DNB correlation for the T&H analyses of fuel regions abovethefirstmixingvanegrid above the first mixing vane grid*The ABB-NV DNB correlation was used for the T&H analyses of fuel regions below the first mixing vane gridTheWLOPDNBcorrelationwasusedfortheT&Hanalysesthat
  - The SBLOCA and LBLOCA analyses of record are not impacted
*The WLOP DNB correlation was used for the T&H analyses that are outside the range of applicability of the WRB-2 and ABB-NV DNB correlations 10 10 10 TransitiontoWestinghouseAnalysis Transition to Westinghouse Analysis Methodologies f OC*Implementation o f the Westinghouse Non-L OC A Safety Analysis Methodology resulted in five changes tothecurrentWCGSTSs to the current WCGS TSs-SLs 2.1.1, Added the ABB-NV and WLOB DNB Correlations-TS 3.3.1, RTS Function 10, Reactor Coolant Flow-Low-TS 3.4.1, RCS Pressure, Temperature and Flow DNB Limits Limits*The Minimum Measured Flow (MMF) was relocated to the COLR and revised from 371,000 gpm to 376,000 gpm 11 11*The Thermal Design Flow  
  - The Core Design and Fuel Rod Design will be y
-361,200 gpm, replaces the MMF 11 TransitiontoWestinghouseAnalysis Transition to Westinghouse Analysis MethodologiesIlttifthWtihNLOCASft*I mp l emen t a tion o f th e W es ti ng h ouse N on-LOCA S a f e t y Analysis Methodology results in five changes to the current WCGS TSs (cont.)()-TS Table 3.7.1-1, OPERABLE MSSVs versus Maximum Allowable Power, the maximum allowable power for 4, 3, and2OPERABLEMSSVswasrevised and 2 OPERABLE MSSVs was revised-TS 5.6.5, COLR*Added WCAP-9272-P-A, the Westinghouse Reload MthdltSifiti565b M e th o d o l ogy t o S pec ifi ca ti on 5.6.5 b.*Deleted the WCNOC methodologies from Specification 5.6.5 b.*WCAP-9272-P-A is the only methodology associated with a Tech Spec COLR parameter 12 12 TransitiontoWestinghouseAnalysis Transition to Westinghouse Analysis MethodologiesFllfth9/20/12PSbittlMti*F o ll owup f rom th e 9/20/12 P re-S u b m itt a l M ee ti ng-Provide a roadmap of which code was used to analyze each postulated accident -Attachment I of the LAR includes a roadmap
evaluated for each reload cycle 8
-The Limitations, Restrictions and Conditions for the Westinghouse codes used in the Non-LOCA safety analyses are addressed in detail, including justifications in the LAR (Enclosure I, Appendix A) 13 13 13 InstrumentationSetpointUncertainty Instrumentation Setpoint Uncertainty AnalysisUtitAli*U ncer t a i n t y A na l ys i s-Transition from the existing WCNOC Setpoint Methodolo gy to the current Westin g house Set p oint gygpMethodology as applied to WCGS for RTS, ESFAS and LOP DG Start Instrumentation (WCAP-17746-
Transition to Westinghouse Analysis Methodologies
* Overview O     i     off Analysis A l i M     Methodology th d l       S Scope
  - Non-LOCA Safety Analyses
* RETRAN-02 for Westinghouse g       PWRs ((WCAP-14882-P-A))
was used for majority of the analyses
* LOFTRAN (WCAP-7907-P-A) was used for some analyses
* Other Codes that were used:
          - TWINKLE (WCAP-7979-P-A)
          - FACTRAN (WCAP-7908-A)
  - Non-LOCA Thermal-Hydraulics (T&H) Safety Analyses
* VIPRE-01 (WCAP-14565-P-A) was used for the T&H analyses
  - RETRAN-02 (WCAP-14882-P-A) and WCAP-10698-P-A were used d ffor th the Steam St     Generator G       t Tube T b Rupture R t   Margin M i to Overfill and Input to the Dose analyses               9
Transition to Westinghouse Analysis Methodologies
* Overview O     i     off Analysis A l i M     Methodology th d l         S Scope ((cont.)
  - DNB Correlations used in the VIPRE-01 DNBR calculations
* The WRB-2 DNB correlation will continue to be used as the primary DNB correlation for the T&H analyses of fuel regions above the first mixing vane grid
* The ABB-NV DNB correlation was used for the T&H analyses of fuel regions below the first mixing vane grid
* The WLOP DNB correlation was used for the T&H analyses that are outside the range of applicability of the WRB-2 and ABB-NV DNB correlations 10
Transition to Westinghouse Analysis Methodologies
* Implementation off the Westinghouse Non-LOCA        OC Safety Analysis Methodology resulted in five changes to the current WCGS TSs
  - SLs 2.1.1, Added the ABB-NV and WLOB DNB Correlations
  - TS 3.3.1, RTS Function 10, Reactor Coolant Flow- Low
  - TS 3.4.1, RCS Pressure, Temperature and Flow DNB Limits
* The Minimum Measured Flow (MMF) was relocated to the COLR and revised from 371,000 gpm to 376,000 gpm
* The Thermal Design Flow - 361,200 gpm, replaces the MMF 11
Transition to Westinghouse Analysis Methodologies
* IImplementation l     t ti off theth Westinghouse W ti h             Non-LOCA N LOCA Safety S f t Analysis Methodology results in five changes to the current WCGS TSs (cont.) (     )
    - TS Table 3.7.1-1, OPERABLE MSSVs versus Maximum Allowable Power, the maximum allowable power for 4, 3, and 2 OPERABLE MSSVs was revised
    - TS 5.6.5, COLR
* Added WCAP-9272-P-A, the Westinghouse Reload M th d l Methodology  tto S Specification ifi ti 5.6.5 65b b.
* Deleted the WCNOC methodologies from Specification 5.6.5 b.
* WCAP-9272-P-A is the only methodology associated with a Tech Spec COLR parameter                             12
Transition to Westinghouse Analysis Methodologies
* Followup F ll           ffrom th the 9/20/12 P     Pre-Submittal S b itt l M   Meeting ti
  - Provide a roadmap of which code was used to analyze each postulated accident - Attachment I of the LAR includes a roadmap
  - The Limitations, Restrictions and Conditions for the Westinghouse codes used in the Non-LOCA safety analyses are addressed in detail, including justifications in the LAR (Enclosure I, Appendix A) 13
Instrumentation Setpoint Uncertainty Analysis
* Uncertainty U       t i t Analysis A l i
  - Transition from the existing WCNOC Setpoint Methodology  gy to the current Westinghouse g     Setpoint p
Methodology as applied to WCGS for RTS, ESFAS and LOP DG Start Instrumentation (WCAP-17746-P,, Enclosure II of LAR))
  - Technical Specification Changes
* TS 3.3.1,TS 3.3.2, and TS 3.3.5 Allowable Values were replaced with a Nominal Trip Setpoint
* TS Table 3.3.1-1, Overtemperature T, Note 1 and Overpower T, Note 2 14
Instrumentation Setpoint Uncertainty Analysis
* Uncertainty U    t i t Analysis A l i ((cont.)  t)
  - Calculations were performed for the RTS, ESFAS, and LOP DG Start instrumentation Functions using the current Westinghouse setpoint methodology (WCAP-17602-P, Enclosure IV of LAR))
  - Implementation of the Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology resulted in two changes to the existing WCGS Trip Setpoints
* TS 3.3.1, RTS Function 10, Reactor Coolant Flow- Low
* TS 3.3.5, Degraded Voltage Function 15
Instrumentation Setpoint Uncertainty Analysis
* TSTF TSTF-493-A, 493 A Revision R i i 4,  4 Option O ti A - Technical T h i l Specification Changes
  - Variation from Option A - Nominal Trip Setpoint specified in the single column format based on the Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology
  - TS changes h        include i l d the th addition dditi off individual i di id l Surveillance Requirement footnotes to the applicable instrumentation Functions in accordance with Option p
A of TSTF-493, Revision 4 16
Instrumentation Setpoint Uncertainty Analysis
* Followup from the 9/20/12 Pre-Submittal Meeting
  - The level of detail of the setpoint methodology and setpoint calculations for WCGS is consistent with that in the Diablo Canyon y Power Plant ((DCPP))
submittal of March 7, 2013 (DCL-13-016)
  - WCNOC specific setpoint calculations are provided in WCAP WCAP-17602-P 17602 P (Enclosure IV of LAR) 17
Alternative Source Term
* Full F ll S Scope IImplementation l      t ti off the th AST
  - Radiological dose consequences analyses were performed for the accidents specified p                                p        in Regulatory g    y Guide (RG) 1.183 include:
* Main Steamline Break (USAR Section
* Locked Rotor (USAR Section 15 3 3 3)
* Rod Ejection (USAR Section
* Steam Generator Tube Rupture (USAR Section
* Loss of Coolant Accident (USAR Section
* Fuel Handling Accident (USAR Section 15.7.4) 18
Alternative Source Term
* Full Scope Implementation of the AST (cont.)
  - Radiological dose consequences analyses performed for additional accidents not specified in RG 1.183 include:
* Loss of Non-Emergency AC Power (USAR Section 15 2 6 3)
* Letdown Line Break (USAR Section
* Waste Gas Decay Tank Failure (USAR Section 15.7.1)
* Liquid Liq id Waste Tank Fail Failure re (USAR Section 15.7.2) 15 7 2)
  - Dose consequences analyses were performed using version 3.03 of the RADTRAD computer code d
Alternative Source Term
* Full Scope Implementation of AST (cont.)
  - No changes to the licensing basis EQ dose analyses - maintaining the TID TID-14844 14844 accident source term
  - No changes to the licensing basis NUREG-0737 evaluations other than the Control Room Habitability Envelope (CHRE) doses (III.D.3.4) and Technical Support Center doses (III (III.A.1.2)
A 1 2) 20
Alternative Source Term
* Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (X/Q)
  - New X/Q values were calculated
* Offsite (EAB and LPZ) X/Q values were calculated using the PAVAN code consistent with RG 1.145
* Control Room and TSC X/Q values were calculated using the ARCON96 code consistent with RG 1  1.194 194
  - Meteorological Data
* Five years of WCGS site-specific meteorological data from 1/1/2006 through 12/31/2010 was collected
* Data recovery for the 5-year period met the 90% recovery criterion of RG 1.23 21
Alternative Source Term
* Current licensing basis changes
  - Revises USAR Chapter 15 dose analysis for 10 accidents
((includes the 6 DBAs in RG 1.183))
  - New Offsite, Control Room, and TSC atmospheric dispersion factors based on site-specific meteorological data from 2006 throughg 2010
  - Revises the CRHE unfiltered inleakage from 20 scfm to 50 scfm
  - Revises the Control Building unfiltered inleakage from 300 scfm to 400 scfm
  - TS changes to address the update of the accident source term and associated DBAs
  - TS changes to address the adoption of TSTF TSTF-51-A, 51 A Revision 2 22
Alternative Source Term
* Technical T h i lS    Specification ifi ti Ch  Changes
  - Definition of DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131
* Revised to only allow the use of the dose conversion factors from EPA Federal Guidance Report No. 11
  - Definition of DOSE EQUIVALENT XE-133
* Revised to only allow the use of the dose conversion factors EPA Federal Guidance Report No. 12
  - Specification 5.5.12, Explosive Gas and Storage Tank Radioactivity Monitoring ProgramProgram
* Revises the quantity of radioactivity contained in each gas storage tank to be less than the amount that would result in a whole bodyy exposure p      limit to  0.1 rem ((current limit is  0.5 rem) 23
Alternative Source Term
* Technical T h i lS      Specification ifi ti Ch    Changes ((cont.)  t)
  - Adoption of TSTF-51-A, Revision 2, Revise q
Containment Requirements          during g Handling g Irradiated Fuel and Core Alterations
* Allows the elimination of the TS requirements for certain g
Engineered  Safetyy Feature ((ESF)) systems y      to be OPERABLE, after a sufficient radioactive decay has occurred
* Changes were not applied to the TS Section 3.8 Electrical TSs (conservative) 24
Alternative Source Term
* E l Enclosure    VI off LAR - Sections S ti 1 -  DESCRIPTION 2 -  PROPOSED CHANGES 3 -  BACKGROUND 4 -  TECHNICAL ANALYSIS 5 -  RG 1.183 CONFORMANCE TABLE 6 -  RG 1.145 CONFORMANCE TABLE 7 -  RG 1.194 CONFORMANCE TABLE 8 -  RIS 2006-04 TABLE 9 -  PROPOSED TS MARKUPS 10 - RETYPED TS PAGES 11 - PROPOSED BASES MARKUPS (information only) 12 - PROPOSED TRM and BASES MARKUP (information only) 25 13 - PROPOSED USAR CHANGES (information only)
Alternative Source Term
* Followup from the 9/20/12 Pre-Submittal Meeting
  - Meteorological Data - One gap in the recorded data was due to the data logger failure (5/30/2007 through 6/7/2007)
  - Provide a detailed plant drawing that shows the potential release paths - site plan provided consistent with the guidance in RIS 2006-04 (Enclosure VI of the LAR) 26

P , Enclosure II of LAR
Alternative Source Term
),)-Technical Specification Changes*TS 3.3.1,TS 3.3.2, and TS 3.3.5 Allowable Values were replacedwithaNominalTripSetpoint replaced with a Nominal Trip Setpoint*TS Table 3.3.1-1, Overtemperature T, Note 1 and Overpower T, Note 2 14 14 14 InstrumentationSetpointUncertaintyUtitAli(t)
* Followup from the 9/20/12 Pre-Submittal Meeting (cont) 27
Instrumentation Setpoint Uncertainty Analysis*U ncer t a i n t y A na l ys i s (con t.)-Calculations were performed for the RTS, ESFAS, and LOP DG Start instrumentation Functions using the current Westinghouse setpoint methodology (WCAP-17602-P, Enclosure IV of

LAR))-Implementation of the Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology resulted in two changes to the existingWCGSTripSetpoints existing WCGS Trip Setpoints*TS 3.3.1, RTS Function 10,  Reactor Coolant Flow-Low*TS 3.3.5, Degraded Voltage Function 15 15 InstrumentationSetpointUncertainty Instrumentation Setpoint Uncertainty Analysis TSTF 493ARii4OtiAThil*TSTF-493-A , R ev i s i on 4 , O p ti on A -T ec h n i ca l Specification Changes
* Submit LAR to NRC            August 13, 2013
-NominalTripSetpoint Variation from Option A Nominal Trip Setpoint specified in the single column format based on the Westinghouse Setpoint MethodologyTShildthdditifidiidl
* NRC Acceptance Review        (30 days per LIC-109)
-TS c h anges i nc l u d e th e a ddition o f i n di v id ua l Surveillance Requirement footnotes to the applicable instrumentation Functions in accordance with O p tion pA of TSTF-493, Revision 4 16 16 InstrumentationSetpointUncertainty Instrumentation Setpoint Uncertainty Analysis*Followup from the 9/20/12 Pre-Submittal Meeting-The level of detail of the setpoint methodology and setpoint calculations for WCGS is consistent with that in the Diablo Can y on Power Plant (DCPP) y()submittal of March 7, 2013 (DCL-13-016)-WCNOC specific setpoint calculations are providedinWCAP
* Requested Approval Date      December 15, 2014
-17602-P(EnclosureIVofLAR) provided in WCAP 17602 P (Enclosure IV of LAR)17 A lternative Source TermFllSIlttifthAST
* Start of Refueling Outage 20 January 5, 2015
*F u ll S cope I mp l emen t a ti on o f th e AST-Radiological dose consequences analyses were performed for the accidents s p ecified in Re g ulator y ppgy Guide (RG) 1.183 include:*Main Steamline Break (USAR Section
* Cycle 21 Startup            February 9, 2015 28
*Locked Rotor (USAR Section*Rod Ejection (USAR Section*Steam Generator Tube Rupture (USAR Section*Loss of Coolant Accident (USAR Section*Fuel Handling Accident (USAR Section 15.7.4) 18 18 18 A lternative Source Term*Full Scope Implementation of the AST (cont.)-Radiological dose consequences analyses performedforadditionalaccidentsnotspecifiedin performed for additional accidents not specified in RG 1.183 include:*Loss of Non-Emergency AC Power (USAR Section 15263)*Letdown Line Break (USAR Section*Waste Gas Decay Tank Failure (USAR Section 15.7.1)LiqidWasteTankFailre(USARSection1572)
*Liq u id Waste Tank Fail u re (USAR Section 15.7.2)-Dose consequences analyses were performed using version 3.03 of the RADTRAD computer d co d e 19 19 A lternative Source Term*Full Scope Implementation of AST (cont.)-No changes to the licensing basis EQ dose analysesmaintainingtheTID14844accident analyses -maintaining the TID-14844 accident source term -No changes to the licensing basis NUREG-0737 evaluations other than the Control Room Habitability Envelope (CHRE) doses (III.D.3.4) and Technical SupportCenterdoses(IIIA12)
Support Center doses (III.A.1.2)20 20 20 A lternative Source Term*Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (X/Q)-New X/Q values were calculated
*Offsite (EAB and LPZ) X/Q values were calculated using the PAVAN code consistent with RG 1.145*Control Room and TSC X/Q values were calculated using theARCON96codeconsistentwithRG1194 the ARCON96 code consistent with RG 1.194-Meteorological Data*Five years of WCGS site-specific meteorological data from 1/1/2006 through 12/31/2010 was collected*Data recovery for the 5-year period met the 90% recovery criterion of RG 1.23 21 21 21 A lternative Source Term*Current licensing basis changes-Revises USAR Chapter 15 dose analysis for 10 accidents (includes the 6 DBAs in RG 1.183
)()-New Offsite, Control Room, and TSC atmospheric dispersion factors based on site-specific meteorological data from 2006

throu g h 2010 g-Revises the CRHE unfiltered inleakage from 20 scfm to 50 scfm-Revises the Control Building unfiltered inleakage from 300 scfm to 400scfm 400 scfm-TS changes to address the update of the accident source term and associated DBAsTSchangestoaddresstheadoptionofTSTF 51ARevision2 22 22-TS changes to address the adoption of TSTF-51-A , Revision 2 22 A lternative Source TermThilSifitiCh
*T ec h n i ca l S pec ifi ca ti on Ch anges-Definition of DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131
* WCNOC iintends t d tto submit b it a LAR on 8/13/13 tto revise i
*Revisedtoonlyallowtheuseofthedoseconversionfactors Revised to only allow the use of the dose conversion factors from EPA Federal Guidance Report No. 11 -Definition of DOSE EQUIVALENT XE-133
the WCGS TSs based on:
*Revisedtoonlyallowtheuseofthedoseconversionfactors Revised to only allow the use of the dose conversion factors EPA Federal Guidance Report No. 12 -Specification 5.5.12, "Explosive Gas and Storage TankRadioactivityMonitoringProgram "Tank Radioactivity Monitoring Program*Revises the quantity of radioactivity contained in each gas storage tank to be less than the amount that would result in a whole bod y ex p osure limit to  0.1 rem (current limit is  0.5 23 23 yp (rem) 23 A lternative Source TermThilSifitiCh(t)
  - Transition to the Westinghouse core design and safety analysis methodologies
*T ec h n i ca l S pec ifi ca ti on Ch anges (con t.)-Adoption of TSTF-51-A, Revision 2, "Revise Containment Re q uirements durin g Handlin g qggIrradiated Fuel and Core Alterations"*Allows the elimination of the TS requirements for certain En g ineered Safet y Feature (ESF) s y stems to be gy()yOPERABLE, after a sufficient radioactive decay has occurred*Changes were not applied to the TS Section 3.8 Electrical TSs (conservative) 24 24 24 A lternative Source TermElVIfLARSti*E nc l osure VI o f LAR -S ec ti ons1  -DESCRIPTION2  -PROPOSED CHANGES3  -BACKGROUND 4  -TECHNICAL ANALYSIS 5  -RG 1.183 CONFORMANCE TABLE6  -RG 1.145 CONFORMANCE TABLE 7  -RG 1.194 CONFORMANCE TABLE 8  -RIS 2006-04 TABLE9  -PROPOSED TS MARKUPS 10 -RETYPED TS PAGES 11-PROPOSEDBASESMARKUPS(informationonly) 25 25 11 PROPOSED BASES MARKUPS (information only)12 -PROPOSED TRM and BASES MARKUP (information only)13 -PROPOSED USAR CHANGES (information only) 25 A lternative Source Term*Followup from the 9/20/12 Pre-Submittal Meeting-Meteorological Data -One gap in the recorded data was due to the data logger failure (5/30/2007 through6/7/2007) through 6/7/2007)-Provide a detailed plant drawing that shows the potential release paths -site plan provided consistent with the guidance in RIS 2006-04 (Enclosure VI of the LAR) 26 A lternative Source Term*Followupfrom the 9/20/12 Pre-Submittal Meeting (cont)27 Schedule*Submit LAR to NRC August 13, 2013*NRC Acceptance Review (30 days per LIC-109)*Requested Approval DateDecember 15, 2014*Start of Refueling Outage 20 January 5, 2015*Cycle 21 StartupFebruary 9, 2015 28 28 SummaryWCNOCitdtbitLAR8/13/13ti
  - Transition to the Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology
*WCNOC i n t en d s t o su b m it a LAR on 8/13/13 t o rev i se the WCGS TSs based on:
  - Full Scope Implementation of the Alternative Source Term (AST)
-TransitiontotheWestinghousecoredesignand Transition to the Westinghouse core design and safety analysis methodologies-Transition to the Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology-Full Scope Implementation of the Alternative SourceTerm(AST)
* Request NRC approval by 12/15/14 to support Cycle 21 operation (Feb. 2015)
Source Term (AST)*Request NRC approval by 12/15/14 to support Cycle 21 operation (Feb. 2015) 29*Questions/Comments 29}}
* Questions/Comments 29}}

Latest revision as of 16:38, 4 November 2019

Operating Corporation - Slides for Pre-application Meeting on 7/30/13 - Core Design and Safety Analysis Methodology Transition License Amendment Request for Wolf Creek Generating Station
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 07/30/2013
Wolf Creek
Office of New Reactors
Lyon C
TAC MF2309
Download: ML13205A214 (29)


WCNOC-NRC WCNOC NRC Pre-submittal Pre submittal Meeting Core Design and Safety Analysis Methodology Transition License Amendment Request July 30 30, 2013 Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating p g Corporation p


Meeting Agenda

  • Meeting M ti PPurpose / Objectives Obj ti
  • Introductions
  • License Amendment Request (LAR) Content
  • Transition to Westinghouse Analysis Methodologies
  • RTS/ESFAS/LOP DG Start Instrumentation Setpoint Uncertaintyy Analysis y
  • Summary 2


  • NRC
  • Westinghouse Support
  • Teleconference Attendees 3

WCNOC Ownership of Safety Analysis

  • WCNOC O Ownership hi off ththe S Safety f t AAnalysis l i iis d demonstrated t t d through the strength and application of the Quality Assurance (QA) Program

- WCNOC technical oversight is provided by the QA processes and participation in NUPIC


  • T Transmittal itt l off Design D i Information I f ti - referenced f d tto the th source calculation, design basis document, or identified as a direct input
  • Configuration Management updates, regulatory reviews, etc.
  • WCNOC/Westinghouse (WEC) Interface

- On-site WEC staff responsible for core design and safety analysis

- On-site On site WEC staff maintains qualifications in both the WCNOC and WEC QA programs. Proper independence is always maintained between the QA programs. 4

License Amendment Request Content

  • License Amendment Request (LAR) to revise the WCGS Technical Specifications (TSs) based on:

- Transition to Westinghouse core design and safety analysis methodologies

- Transition to Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology

- Full Scope Implementation of Alternative Source Term (AST) 5

License Amendment Request Content

  • LAR is consistent with NEI 06-02, License Amendment Request (LAR) Guidelines template Attachments:

I - Evaluation II - Proposed p TS Changes g ((Mark-up) p)

III - Revised TS pages IV - Proposed TS Bases Changes (info only)

V - Proposed COLR Changes (info only) 6

License Amendment Request Content

  • LAR content (cont.)

(cont )


I - WCAP 17658 NP - Transition Licensing Report WCAP-17658-NP II - WCAP-17746-P - Setpoint Methodology for WCGS III - WCAP-17746-NP IV - WCAP-17602-P - Setpoint Calculations for WCGS V - WCAP-17602-NP VI - Full Scope Implementation of Alternative Source Term VII - CD-ROM containing Meteorological Data VIII - Proprietary Information Affidavit for WCAP-17746-P IX - Proprietary Information Affidavit for WCAP-17602-P 7

Transition to Westinghouse Analysis Methodologies

  • Core C D Designi and dS Safety f t Analysis A l i Methodology M th d l

- The Non-LOCA safety analyses were analyzed with g

Westinghouse, , NRC approved pp methods

- All of the Westinghouse Non-LOCA methods are applicable to the WCGS

- The Containment response analyses of record are not impacted

- The SBLOCA and LBLOCA analyses of record are not impacted

- The Core Design and Fuel Rod Design will be y

evaluated for each reload cycle 8

Transition to Westinghouse Analysis Methodologies

  • Overview O i off Analysis A l i M Methodology th d l S Scope

- Non-LOCA Safety Analyses

was used for majority of the analyses

  • Other Codes that were used:



- Non-LOCA Thermal-Hydraulics (T&H) Safety Analyses

- RETRAN-02 (WCAP-14882-P-A) and WCAP-10698-P-A were used d ffor th the Steam St Generator G t Tube T b Rupture R t Margin M i to Overfill and Input to the Dose analyses 9

Transition to Westinghouse Analysis Methodologies

  • Overview O i off Analysis A l i M Methodology th d l S Scope ((cont.)


- DNB Correlations used in the VIPRE-01 DNBR calculations

  • The WRB-2 DNB correlation will continue to be used as the primary DNB correlation for the T&H analyses of fuel regions above the first mixing vane grid
  • The ABB-NV DNB correlation was used for the T&H analyses of fuel regions below the first mixing vane grid
  • The WLOP DNB correlation was used for the T&H analyses that are outside the range of applicability of the WRB-2 and ABB-NV DNB correlations 10

Transition to Westinghouse Analysis Methodologies

  • Implementation off the Westinghouse Non-LOCA OC Safety Analysis Methodology resulted in five changes to the current WCGS TSs

- SLs 2.1.1, Added the ABB-NV and WLOB DNB Correlations

- TS 3.3.1, RTS Function 10, Reactor Coolant Flow- Low

- TS 3.4.1, RCS Pressure, Temperature and Flow DNB Limits

  • The Minimum Measured Flow (MMF) was relocated to the COLR and revised from 371,000 gpm to 376,000 gpm
  • The Thermal Design Flow - 361,200 gpm, replaces the MMF 11

Transition to Westinghouse Analysis Methodologies

  • IImplementation l t ti off theth Westinghouse W ti h Non-LOCA N LOCA Safety S f t Analysis Methodology results in five changes to the current WCGS TSs (cont.) ( )

- TS Table 3.7.1-1, OPERABLE MSSVs versus Maximum Allowable Power, the maximum allowable power for 4, 3, and 2 OPERABLE MSSVs was revised

- TS 5.6.5, COLR

  • Added WCAP-9272-P-A, the Westinghouse Reload M th d l Methodology tto S Specification ifi ti 5 5.6.5 65b b.
  • Deleted the WCNOC methodologies from Specification 5.6.5 b.

Transition to Westinghouse Analysis Methodologies

  • Followup F ll ffrom th the 9/20/12 P Pre-Submittal S b itt l M Meeting ti

- Provide a roadmap of which code was used to analyze each postulated accident - Attachment I of the LAR includes a roadmap

- The Limitations, Restrictions and Conditions for the Westinghouse codes used in the Non-LOCA safety analyses are addressed in detail, including justifications in the LAR (Enclosure I, Appendix A) 13

Instrumentation Setpoint Uncertainty Analysis

  • Uncertainty U t i t Analysis A l i

- Transition from the existing WCNOC Setpoint Methodology gy to the current Westinghouse g Setpoint p

Methodology as applied to WCGS for RTS, ESFAS and LOP DG Start Instrumentation (WCAP-17746-P,, Enclosure II of LAR))

- Technical Specification Changes

  • TS 3.3.1,TS 3.3.2, and TS 3.3.5 Allowable Values were replaced with a Nominal Trip Setpoint
  • TS Table 3.3.1-1, Overtemperature T, Note 1 and Overpower T, Note 2 14

Instrumentation Setpoint Uncertainty Analysis

  • Uncertainty U t i t Analysis A l i ((cont.) t)

- Calculations were performed for the RTS, ESFAS, and LOP DG Start instrumentation Functions using the current Westinghouse setpoint methodology (WCAP-17602-P, Enclosure IV of LAR))

- Implementation of the Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology resulted in two changes to the existing WCGS Trip Setpoints

Instrumentation Setpoint Uncertainty Analysis

  • TSTF TSTF-493-A, 493 A Revision R i i 4, 4 Option O ti A - Technical T h i l Specification Changes

- Variation from Option A - Nominal Trip Setpoint specified in the single column format based on the Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology

- TS changes h include i l d the th addition dditi off individual i di id l Surveillance Requirement footnotes to the applicable instrumentation Functions in accordance with Option p

A of TSTF-493, Revision 4 16

Instrumentation Setpoint Uncertainty Analysis

  • Followup from the 9/20/12 Pre-Submittal Meeting

- The level of detail of the setpoint methodology and setpoint calculations for WCGS is consistent with that in the Diablo Canyon y Power Plant ((DCPP))

submittal of March 7, 2013 (DCL-13-016)

- WCNOC specific setpoint calculations are provided in WCAP WCAP-17602-P 17602 P (Enclosure IV of LAR) 17

Alternative Source Term

  • Full F ll S Scope IImplementation l t ti off the th AST

- Radiological dose consequences analyses were performed for the accidents specified p p in Regulatory g y Guide (RG) 1.183 include:

  • Main Steamline Break (USAR Section
  • Locked Rotor (USAR Section 15 3 3 3)
  • Rod Ejection (USAR Section
  • Loss of Coolant Accident (USAR Section
  • Fuel Handling Accident (USAR Section 15.7.4) 18

Alternative Source Term

  • Full Scope Implementation of the AST (cont.)

- Radiological dose consequences analyses performed for additional accidents not specified in RG 1.183 include:

  • Loss of Non-Emergency AC Power (USAR Section 15 2 6 3)
  • Letdown Line Break (USAR Section
  • Waste Gas Decay Tank Failure (USAR Section 15.7.1)
  • Liquid Liq id Waste Tank Fail Failure re (USAR Section 15.7.2) 15 7 2)

- Dose consequences analyses were performed using version 3.03 of the RADTRAD computer code d


Alternative Source Term

  • Full Scope Implementation of AST (cont.)

- No changes to the licensing basis EQ dose analyses - maintaining the TID TID-14844 14844 accident source term

- No changes to the licensing basis NUREG-0737 evaluations other than the Control Room Habitability Envelope (CHRE) doses (III.D.3.4) and Technical Support Center doses (III (III.A.1.2)

A 1 2) 20

Alternative Source Term

  • Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (X/Q)

- New X/Q values were calculated

  • Offsite (EAB and LPZ) X/Q values were calculated using the PAVAN code consistent with RG 1.145
  • Control Room and TSC X/Q values were calculated using the ARCON96 code consistent with RG 1 1.194 194

- Meteorological Data

  • Five years of WCGS site-specific meteorological data from 1/1/2006 through 12/31/2010 was collected
  • Data recovery for the 5-year period met the 90% recovery criterion of RG 1.23 21

Alternative Source Term

  • Current licensing basis changes

- Revises USAR Chapter 15 dose analysis for 10 accidents

((includes the 6 DBAs in RG 1.183))

- New Offsite, Control Room, and TSC atmospheric dispersion factors based on site-specific meteorological data from 2006 throughg 2010

- Revises the CRHE unfiltered inleakage from 20 scfm to 50 scfm

- Revises the Control Building unfiltered inleakage from 300 scfm to 400 scfm

- TS changes to address the update of the accident source term and associated DBAs

- TS changes to address the adoption of TSTF TSTF-51-A, 51 A Revision 2 22

Alternative Source Term

  • Technical T h i lS Specification ifi ti Ch Changes

- Definition of DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131

  • Revised to only allow the use of the dose conversion factors from EPA Federal Guidance Report No. 11

- Definition of DOSE EQUIVALENT XE-133

  • Revised to only allow the use of the dose conversion factors EPA Federal Guidance Report No. 12

- Specification 5.5.12, Explosive Gas and Storage Tank Radioactivity Monitoring ProgramProgram

  • Revises the quantity of radioactivity contained in each gas storage tank to be less than the amount that would result in a whole bodyy exposure p limit to 0.1 rem ((current limit is 0.5 rem) 23

Alternative Source Term

  • Technical T h i lS Specification ifi ti Ch Changes ((cont.) t)

- Adoption of TSTF-51-A, Revision 2, Revise q

Containment Requirements during g Handling g Irradiated Fuel and Core Alterations

  • Allows the elimination of the TS requirements for certain g

Engineered Safetyy Feature ((ESF)) systems y to be OPERABLE, after a sufficient radioactive decay has occurred

  • Changes were not applied to the TS Section 3.8 Electrical TSs (conservative) 24

Alternative Source Term


Alternative Source Term

  • Followup from the 9/20/12 Pre-Submittal Meeting

- Meteorological Data - One gap in the recorded data was due to the data logger failure (5/30/2007 through 6/7/2007)

- Provide a detailed plant drawing that shows the potential release paths - site plan provided consistent with the guidance in RIS 2006-04 (Enclosure VI of the LAR) 26

Alternative Source Term

  • Followup from the 9/20/12 Pre-Submittal Meeting (cont) 27


  • Submit LAR to NRC August 13, 2013
  • Requested Approval Date December 15, 2014
  • Start of Refueling Outage 20 January 5, 2015
  • Cycle 21 Startup February 9, 2015 28


  • WCNOC iintends t d tto submit b it a LAR on 8/13/13 tto revise i

the WCGS TSs based on:

- Transition to the Westinghouse core design and safety analysis methodologies

- Transition to the Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology

- Full Scope Implementation of the Alternative Source Term (AST)

  • Request NRC approval by 12/15/14 to support Cycle 21 operation (Feb. 2015)
  • Questions/Comments 29