ULNRC-05781, Callaway Plant, Unit 1 - Request for License Amendment to Adopt NFPA 805, Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Generating Plants (2001 Edition) (License Amendment Request Ldcn 11-0012): Difference between revisions

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| case reference number = LDCN 11-0012, ULNRC-05781
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Callaway Plant, Unit 1 - Request for License Amendment to Adopt NFPA 805, Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Generating Plants (2001 Edition) (License Amendment Request Ldcn 11-0012)
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 08/29/2011
From: Maglio S
Ameren Missouri
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control Desk
Shared Package
ML112420020 List:
LDCN 11-0012, ULNRC-05781
Download: ML112420022 (7)



-WITHHOLD UNDER 10 CFR 2.390 VAmeren Callaway Plant MISSOURI ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


August 29,2011 ULNRC-05781 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Ladies and Gentlemen:



(1) Letter from AmerenUE to NRC, "Letter of Intent to Adopt NFP A 805 'Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Generating Plants, 2001 Edition,'" ULNRC-05232 dated December 2,2005 (2) Letter from NRC to AmerenUE, NRC Response to AmerenUE's Letter of Intent to Adopt 10 CFR 50.48(c) (NFPA 805 Rule) for Callaway Plant, Unit 1," dated January 31,2006 (3) Letter from AmerenUE to NRC, "Clarification of Letter of Intent to Adopt NFPA 805, 'Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Generating Plants, 2001 Edition,'" ULNRC-05342 dated November 14, 2006 (4) Letter from AmerenUE to NRC, "Request for Extension of Enforcement Discretion," ULNRC-05s41 dated September 29,2008 Attachments C, D, E, G, K, S, U, V, and W of Enclosure 1 to this letter contain security-related information.

Withhold from public disclosure under 10 CFR 2.390. Upon removal of Attachments C, D, E, G, K, S, U, V, and W of Enclosure 1, this letter is uncontrolled.


-WITHHOLD UNDER 10 CFR 2.390 ........................................................................................................................






PO Box 620 Fulton, MO 65251 AmerenMissouri.com ULNRC-05781 August 29, 2011 Page 2 (5) Letter from Ameren Missouri to NRC, "Request for Extension of Enforcement Discretion and Commitment to Submittal Date for 10 CFR 50.48(c) License Amendment Request," ULNRC-05797 dated June 28,2011 In accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50.90, "Application for amendment oflicense, construction permit or early site permit," Union Electric Company (db a Ameren Missouri) requests an amendment to Facility Operating License No. NPF -30 for Callaway Plant, Unit No.1. Implementation of the regulatory actions presented in the attachments to this License Amendment Request (LAR) will enable Callaway Plant to adopt a new fire protection licensing basis that complies with the requirements in 10 CFR 50.48(a) and (c) and the guidance in Revision 1 of Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.205, "Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Fire Protection for Existing Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants." As documented in this request, Ameren Missouri has met all of the NRC's regulatory requirements for the transition of its fire protection licensing basis. Information associated with Callaway'S transition is provided in the enclosed Callaway Transition Report, including the technical and regulatory justifications required to support this LAR. With regard to the enclosed, Enclosure 1 to this letter provides Callaway Plant's NFPA 805 Transition Report. Major topics in this Transition Report are presented as Attachments A through X (as attached to the report), summarized as follows:

  • Attachment B -NEI 04-02 Table B-2 -Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment

-Methodology Review

  • Attachment C -NEI 04-02 Table B-3 -Fire Area Transition

-Security-Related Information

  • Attachment D -Non-Power Operational Modes Transition

-Security-Related Information

  • Attachment E -NEI 04-02 -Radioactive Release Transition

-Security-Related Information

  • Attachment G -Recovery Actions Transition

-Security-Related Information

  • Attachment H -NFPA 805 Frequently Asked Question Summary Table
  • Attachment I -Definition of Power Block
  • Attachment J -Fire Modeling V & V
  • Attachment K -Existing Licensing Action Transition

-Security-Related Information

  • Attachment M -License Condition Changes
  • Attachment N -Technical Specification Changes ULNRC-05781 August 29, 2011 Page 3
  • Attachment 0 -Orders and Exemptions
  • Attachment Q -No Significant Hazards Evaluations
  • Attachment R -Environmental Considerations Evaluation
  • Attachment S -Plant Modifications and Items to be Completed During Implementation

-Security-Related Information

  • Attachment T -Clarification of Prior NRC Approvals
  • Attachment U -Internal Events PRA Quality -Security-Related Information
  • Attachment V -Fire PRA Quality -Security-Related Information
  • Attachment W -Fire PRA Insights -Security-Related Information
  • Attachment X -Other Requests for Approval In accordance with the guidance in Regulatory Position C. of Regulatory Guide 1.205, Revision 1, the total risk change associated with pre-transition fire protection program variances meeting the NFPA 805 performance-based approach (via the fire risk evaluation process) has been evaluated.

Further, upon completion of the plant modifications, as referenced in section 4.8.2 of the Transition Report, the total change in risk associated with Callaway's transition to NFPA 805 will be consistent with the acceptance guidelines in Regulatory Guide 1.174. The Callaway Onsite Review Committee and a subcommittee of the Nuclear Safety Review Board have reviewed and approved the proposed changes and have approved the submittal of this amendment application.

In addition, the license amendment does not present a significant hazards consideration and the criteria have been met for a categorical exclusion from the need for an environmental assessment.

Further, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.91(b), Ameren Missouri is providing the state of Missouri with a copy of the proposed license amendment.

Section 5.4 of the Transition Report provides Callaway's proposed implementation schedule for transitioning Callaway to the new fire protection licensing basis. Based on this, Ameren Missouri requests approval of this license amendment, with implementation to occur within 180 days of approval.

This letter contains new commitments, in Attachment 1, to be implemented following NRC approval of the LAR. Questions regarding the submittal should be directed to Scott Maglio (Regulatory Affairs Manager) at 573-676-8719 or Roger Wink (Supervising Engineer, Regulatory Initiatives) at 314-225-1561.

ULNRC-05781 August 29, 2011 Page 4 I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. Sincerely, Executed on: -----------------

Regulatory Affairs Manager


1. List of Commitments


1. Callaway Plant NFP A 805 Transition Report ULNRC-05781 August 29,2011 Page 5 cc: (copy w/out Attachments C, D, E, G, K, S, U, V, and W of Enclosure 1 except as noted with asterisk*)

u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Original and 1 copy)* Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Mr. Elmo E. Collins, Jr.

  • Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 612 E. Lamar Blvd., Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011-4125 Senior Resident Inspector Callaway Resident Office u.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 8201 NRC Road Steedman, MO 65077 Mr. Mohan C. Thadani (2 copies)* Senior Project Manager, Callaway Plant Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 0-8G 14 Washington, DC 20555-2738 Mr. James Polickoski*

Project Manager, Callaway Plant Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 0-8B1A Washington, DC 20555-2738 ULNRC-05781 August 29,2011 Page 6 Index and send hardcopy to QA File A160.0761 Hardcopy:

Certrec Corporation 4200 South Hulen, Suite 422 Fort Worth, TX 76109 (Certrec receives ALL attachments as long as they are non-safeguards and may be publicly disclosed.)

Electronic distribution for the following can be made via Tech Spec ULNRC Distribution: (electronic copy w/out Attachments C, D, E, G, K, S, U, V, and W of Enclosure

1) A. C. Heflin F. M. Diya C. O. Reasoner III L. H. Graessle S. A. Maglio S. L. Gallagher T. L. Woodward (NSRB) T. B. Elwood R. C. Wink G. A. Harris M. K. Fletcher E. M. Dorge L. E. Eitel S. G. Cantrell J. D. Bollinger J. W. Hiller P. C. Tella S. M. Putthoff P. S. Miller J. S. Johnson Ms. Diane M. Hooper (WCNOC) Mr. Tim Hope (Luminant Power) Mr. Ron Barnes (APS) Mr. Tom Baldwin (PG&E) Mr. Wayne Harrison (STPNOC) Ms. Linda Conklin (SCE) Mr. John O'Neill (Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP) Missouri Public Service Commission Mr. Dru Buntin (DNR)

Attachment 1 to ULNRC-05781 ATTACHMENT 1 LIST OF COMMITMENTS The following table identifies those actions committed to by Ameren Missouri in this document.

Any other statements in this document are provided for information purposes and are not considered commitments.

Please direct questions regarding these commitments to Roger Wink (Supervising Engineer, Regulatory Initiatives) at 314-225-1561.

COMMITMENT Due DatelEvent COMN Callaway will complete activities necessary to June 30, 2013 50143 -support the new licensing basis as indicated in 50145 Callaway Plant's NFPA 805 Transition Report Table S-2, "Plant Modifications Committed." Callaway will complete activities necessary to The later of 6 50146 -support the new licensing basis as indicated in months after 50207 Callaway Plant's NFPA 805 Transition Report Refuel Outage 19 Table S-3, "Implementation Items." or 6 months after NRC approval.