Information Notice 1995-45, American Power Service Falsification of American Society for Nondestructive Testing Certificates: Difference between revisions

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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 October 4, 1995 NRC INFORMATION

All holders of operating licenses or construction permits for nuclear powerreactors.
All holders of operating
licenses or construction
permits for nuclear power reactors.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this informationnotice to alert addressees that American Power Service (APS) of Georgetown,Massachusetts, has deliberately given falsified American Society forNondestructive Testing (ASNT) certificates to an NRC licensee in connectionwith the procurement of commercial-grade services. It is expected thatrecipients will review the information for applicability to their facilitiesand consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar problems. However,suggestions contained in this information notice are not NRC requirements;therefore, no specific action or written response is required.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) is issuing this information
notice to alert addressees
that American Power Service (APS) of Georgetown, Massachusetts, has deliberately
given falsified
American Society for Nondestructive
Testing (ASNT) certificates
to an NRC licensee in connection
with the procurement
of commercial-grade
It is expected that recipients
will review the information
for applicability
to their facilities
and consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar problems.
However, suggestions
in this information
notice are not NRC requirements;
therefore, no specific action or written response is required.Description
of Circumstances
In response to information
by the Northeast
Nuclear Energy Company (NNECo), the NRC recently investigated
APS, a vendor that provides commercial- grade services for the resurfacing
of babbitt material on bearings.
The NRC determined
that the president
of APS deliberately
and improperly
falsified ASNT certificates
and gave them to NNECo.Discussion
On March 4, 1994, NNECo advised the NRC by letter (Accession
Number 9403150377)
that on February 15, 1994, it had received apparently
falsified certificates
from APS. NNECo had contracted
with APS for commercial-grade
services in supplying
bearings for a Millstone
Unit No. 2 reactor building closed cooling water system pump. Since APS did not have a NNECo approved quality assurance
program, the rebabbitted
bearings were to be dedicated
and accepted under NNECo's quality assurance
program. The dedication
process included ultrasonic
which was to be performed by NNECo as part of the receiving
Po T j~1C'- 9s'-oqs 9$i0oo'950927013~
r9519 I IMt'tRS-q5q
K)J IN 95-45 October 4, 1995-~ During NNECo source inspection
of APS, the APS president
informed the NNECo Quality Assessment
Services (QAS) inspector
that APS had developed
in-house ultrasonic
testing capability
and gave the inspector
copies of what appeared to be ASNT certificates
three of the company's
employees as ultrasonic
testing inspectors
or examiners.
Upon observing
that the certificates
had identical
serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector
contacted ASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates
in question..
NNECo informed NRC of its findings in the March 4, 1994, letter, (Accession
Number 9403150377).
The NRC Office of Investigations
that the president
of APS deliberately
and improperly
ASNT certificates
and gave them to NNECo. NRC informed APS of its finding by letter dated February 14, 1995 (Accession
Number 9502160007).
Since APS was performing
a commercial-grade
service and since the acceptance
of the bearings was based on ultrasonic
testing performed
by NNECo, the integrity
of the bearings was not compromised
and NNECo was able to justify their use in the intended application.
This information
notice requires no specific action or written response.
If you have any questions
about the information
in this notice, please contact the technical
contact listed below or the appropriate
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.enn Ms. Crutchfiel
===Director Division of Reactor Program Management===
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
contact: Uldis Potapovs (301) 415-2959 Attachment:
List of Recently Issued NRC Information
NOTICES Information
Date of Notice No. Subject Issuance Issued to 95-44 95-43 95-42 95-41 95-40 95-39 95-38 95-37 95-36 Ensuring Compatible
===Use of Drive Cables Incorporating===
Nuclear Company Ball-Type
===Male Connectors===
Failure of the Bolt-Locking
Device on the Reactor Coolant Pump Turning Vane Commission
Decision on the Resolution
of Generic Issue 23, "Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Failure'Degradation
of Ventilation
System Charcoal Resulting from Chemical Cleaning of Steam Generators
to Generic Letter 95-03,*Circumferential
Cracking of Steam Generator
Tubes" Brachytherapy
Incidents Involving
Treatment Planning Errors Degradation
of Boraflex Neutron Absorber in Spent Fuel Storage Racks Inadequate
Offsite Power System Voltages during Design-Basis
Events Potential
Problems with Post-Fire
Emergency Lighting 09/25/95 09/28/95 09/22/95 09/22/95 09/20/95 09/19/95 09/08/95 09/07/95 08/29/95 All Radiography
All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors designed by Westinghouse
Electric Corporation (W).All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.All U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Medical Licensees.
All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.OL -Operating
License CP = Construction
* s'<-" IN 95-45 October 4, 1995 During NNECo source inspection
of APS, the APS president
informed the NNECo Quality Assessment
Services (QAS) inspector
that APS had developed
in-house ultrasonic
testing capability
and gave the inspector
copies of what appeared to be ASNT certificates
three of the company's
employees as ultrasonic
testing inspectors
or examiners.
Upon observing
that the certificates
had identical
serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector
contacted ASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates
in question.NNECo informed NRC of its findings in the March 4, 1994, letter, (Accession
Number 9403150377).
The NRC Office of Investigations
that the president
of APS deliberately
and improperly
ASNT certificates
and gave them to NNECo. NRC informed APS of its finding by letter dated February 14, 1995 (Accession
Number 9502160007).
Since APS was performing
a commercial-grade
service and since the acceptance
of the bearings was based on ultrasonic
testing performed
by NNECo, the integrity
of the bearings was not compromised
and NNECo was able to justify their use in the intended application.
This information
notice requires no specific action or written response.
If you have any questions
about the information
in this notice, please contact the technical
contact listed below or the appropriate
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.orig /s/'d by DMCrutchfield
Dennis M. Crutchfield, Director Division of Reactor Program Management
===Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation===
contact: Uldis Potapovs (301) 415-2959 Attachment:
List of Recently Issued NRC Information
Notices DOCUMENT NAME: 95-45.IN* See previous concurrence
....To receive a copy of this document, hndlcate In the box: 'C' -Copy without attachment/enclosure
'E' = Copy with attachment/enclosure
E * :U B *OGC E *01 *TSIB:DOTS
INAME TGreene Tech Ed SLewis AGallow UPotapovs DATE 5/18/95 5/04/95 95 5/31/95 5/31/95 OFFICE C/TSIB:DOTS
lNAME RGallo RSpessard
RDennig RKiessel AChaffee DATE 6/01/95 6/01/96/02/95
09/14/95 09/20/95 OFFICE [D/DAN4 ZL Il NAME DCr cjfield DATE / /, t/95 I UrILILAL KtLUKU LUrT
' ~ IN 95-XX September
xx, 1995 During NNECo source inspection
of APS, the APS president
informed the NNECo Quality Assessment
Services (QAS) inspector
that APS had developed
in-house ultrasonic
testing capability
and gave the inspector
copies of what appeared to be ASNT certificates
three of the company's
employees as ultrasonic
testing inspectors
or examiners.
Upon observing
that the certificates
had identical
serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector
contacted ASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates
in question.NNECo informed NRC of its findings in the March 4, 1994, letter, (Accession
Number 9403150377).
The NRC Office of Investigations
that the president
of APS deliberately
and improperly
ASNT certificates
and gave them to NNECo. NRC informed APS of its finding by letter dated February 14, 1995 (Accession
Number 9502160007).
Since APS was performing
a commercial-grade
service and since the acceptance
of the bearings was based on ultrasonic
testing performed
by NNECo, the integrity
of the bearings was not compromised
and NNECo was able to Justify their use in the intended application.
This information
notice requires no specific action or written response.
If you have any questions
about the information
in this notice, please contact the technical
contact listed below or the appropriate
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.Dennis M. Crutchfield, Director Division of Reactor Program Management
===Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation===
contact: Uldis Potapovs (301) 415-2959 Attachment:
List of Recently Issued NRC Information
* See previous concurrence
To Acove a mopy f thWe documwit.
Inkate In the box: 'C' -Copy without atchzont/encioe
'E = Copy with attachmentlencowu
NAME TGreene Tech Ed SLewis AGallow UPotapovs DATE 5/18/95 5/04/95 5/24/9 5 5/31/95 5/31/95 OFFICE *C/TSIB:DOTS
C/P D PM NAME RGallo RSpessard
RDennig IRKiessel
JAC Vfe DATE 6/95 6/ 0 1/1/95 6/02/95 09/14/95 I9 42U/95 OFFICE /DRPM l NAME DCrutchfield
K>IN 95-XX September
xx, 1995 During NNECo source inspection
of APS, the APS president
informed the NNECo Quality Assessment
Services (QAS) inspector
that APS had developed
in-house ultrasonic
testing capability
and gave the inspector
copies of what appeared to be ASNT certificates
three of the company's
employees as ultrasonic
testing inspectors
or examiners.
Upon observing
that the certificates
had identical
serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector
contacted ASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates
in question.NNECo informed the NRC of its findings by letter dated March 4, 1994 (Accession
Number 9403150377).
The NRC Office of Investigations
that the president
of APS deliberately
and improperly
ASNT certificates
and gave them to NNECo. The NRC informed APS of its finding by letter dated February 14, 1995 (Accession
Number 9502160007).
Since APS was performing
a commercial-grade
service and since the acceptance
of the bearings was based on ultrasonic
testing performed
by NNECo, the integrity
of the bearings was not compromised
and NNECo was able to justify their use in the intended application.
This information
notice requires no specific action or written response.
If you have any questions
about the information
in this notice, please contact the technical
contact listed below or the appropriate
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.Dennis M. Crutchfield, Director Division of Reactor Program Management
===Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation===
contact: Uldis Potapovs (301) 415-2959 Attachment:
List of Recently Issued NRC Information
* See previous concurrence
To receive a copy of this document, Indicate In the box: 'C' -Copy without attachmentlenloisure
'E" a Copy with attachmentlenclosure
'N' -No copy.1 OFFICE *ECB:DOPS
lNAME TGreene Tech Ed SLewis AGallow UPotapovs DATE 5/18/95 5/04/95 5/24/95 5/31/95 5/31/95 OFFICE *C/TSIB:DOTS
NAME RGallo RSpessard
RDennig RKiess~el
ALA Chaffee DATE 1 /01/95 6 /0j56/02/95
/ /95 "5s l OFFICE D/DRPM NAME DCrutchfield
IN 95-XX June xx, 1995 During NNECo source Inspection
of APS, the APS president
informed the NNECO Quality Assessment
Services (QAS) inspector
that APS had developed
in-house ultrasonic
testing capability
and gave the inspector
copies of what appeared to be ASNT certificates
three of the company's
employees as ultrasonic
testing inspectors
or examiners.
Upon observing
that the certificates
had identical
serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector
contacted ASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates
in question.NNECo informed the NRC of its findings by letter dated February 15, 1994. The NRC Office of Investigations
that the president
of APS deliberately
and improperly
ASNT certificates
and gave them to NNECo.Since APS was performing
a commercial-grade
service and since the acceptance
of the bearings was based on ultrasonic
testing performed
by NNECo, the integrity
of the bearings was not compromised
and NNECo was able to justify their use in the intended application.
This information
notice requires no specific action or written response.
If you have any questions
about the information
in this notice, please contact the technical
contact listed below or the appropriate
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.Brian K. Grimes, Director Division of Project Support Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
contact: Uldis Potapovs (301) 415-2959 Attachment:
List of Recently Issued NRC Information
* See previous concurrence
He *s u-F1 -onnw vAth attachmentlenclosure
'N' -No copy To receive a copy *1 VMS socumnm uaacru -me WOx -in*t he .- n --.- _ u-OFFICE *ECB:DOPS
IE *ADM:PUB *OGC E 0I 0 1 lj jIb:DOI in, NAME TGreene Tech Ed SLewis &4 AGallow UI otapoIvs DATE 5/18/95 5/04/95 5/24/95 I'I-9/ /95 I./i95 OFFICE .ATSDOP, C /TSS B: KS C OECB:DOPS
NAME JjRGal RSpessardr
RIonn RKiessel AChaffee IDATE bl' /95 6///95 t/o /5 //951 5l OFFICE D/ DOPS NAME BGrimes I DATE j /95 l,__ _ _OFFICIAL
K>IN 95-XX June xx, 1995 During NNECo source inspectio
of APS, the APS president
informed the NNECo Quality Assessment
Services (QAS) inspector
that APS had developed
in-house ultrasonic
testing capability
and gave the inspector
copies of what appeared to be ASNT certificates
three of the company's
employees as ultrasonic
testing inspectors
or examiners.
Upon observing
that the certificates
had identical
serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector
contacted ASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates
in question.The NRC investigation
the information
provided by NNECo. The investigation
that the president
of APS deliberately
and improperly
ASNT certificates
and gave them to NNECo.Since APS was performing
a commercial-grade
service and since the acceptance
of the bearings was based on ultrasonic
testing performed
by NNECo, the integrity
of the bearings was not compromised
and NNECo was able to justify their use in the intended application.
This information
notice requires no specific action or written response.
If you have any questions
about the information
in this notice, please contact technical
contact listed below or the appropriate
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.Brian K. Grimes, Director Division of Project Support Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
contact: Uldis Potapovs (301) 504-2559 Attachment:
List of Recently Issued NRC Information
\ 1 a%' y%* See previous concurrence
i o wtNf To receive a copy of this document, Indicate In the box: 'C' -Copy without attachment/enclosure
l NAME TGreene 0 Tech Ed SLewis AGallow UPotapovs DATE S //y/95 5/04/95 lr/ 2y/95 / /95 / /95 OFFICE C/TSIB:DOTS
L NAME RGallo RSpessard
RDennig RKiessel AChaffee DATE I /95 / /95 I /95 /95 OFFICE l/ lOllS NAME BGrimes DATE I /95 I OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
4 IN 95-XX May xx, 1995 appeared to be ASNT certificates
three of the company's
employees as ultrasonic
testing inspectors
or examiners.
Upon observing
that the certificates
had identical
serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector
contacted ASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates
in question.The NRC investigation
the information
provided by NNECo. The investigation
that the President
of APS and two APS employees deliberately
and improperly
provided false ASNT certificates
to NNECo.Since APS was providing
a commercial
grade service and the acceptance
of the bearings was based on ultrasonic
testing performed
by NNECo, the integrity
of the bearings was not compromised
and NNECo was able to justify their use in the intended application.
This information
notice requires no specific action or written response.
If you have any questions
about the information
in this notice, please contact one of the technical
contacts listed below or the appropriate
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.Brian K. Grimes, Director Division of Project Support Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
contact: Uldis Potapovs (301) 504-2559 Attachment:
List of Recently Issued NRC Information

==Description of Circumstances==
To receive a copy of thi document, xdicate In the box: C" -Copy wihout attachmontlemncbsure
In response to information submitted by the Northeast Nuclear Energy Company(NNECo), the NRC recently investigated APS, a vendor that provides commercial-grade services for the resurfacing of babbitt material on bearings. The NRCdetermined that the president of APS deliberately and improperly falsifiedASNT certificates and gave them to NNECo.DiscussionOn March 4, 1994, NNECo advised the NRC by letter (Accession Number9403150377) that on February 15, 1994, it had received apparently falsifiedcertificates from APS. NNECo had contracted with APS for commercial-gradeservices in supplying rebabbitted bearings for a Millstone Unit No. 2 reactorbuilding closed cooling water system pump. Since APS did not have a NNECoapproved quality assurance program, the rebabbitted bearings were to bededicated and accepted under NNECo's quality assurance program. Thededication process included ultrasonic examination which was to be performedby NNECo as part of the receiving inspection.Po T j~1C'- 9s'-oqs 9$i0oo'950927013~r9519 I IMt'tRS-q5q

K)J IN 95-45October 4, 1995-~ During NNECo source inspection of APS, the APS president informed the NNECoQuality Assessment Services (QAS) inspector that APS had developed in-houseultrasonic testing capability and gave the inspector copies of whatappeared to be ASNT certificates identifying three of the company's employeesas ultrasonic testing inspectors or examiners. Upon observing that thecertificates had identical serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector contactedASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates in question..NNECo informed NRC of its findings in the March 4, 1994, letter, (AccessionNumber 9403150377). The NRC Office of Investigations determined that thepresident of APS deliberately and improperly falsified ASNT certificates andgave them to NNECo. NRC informed APS of its finding by letter datedFebruary 14, 1995 (Accession Number 9502160007).Since APS was performing a commercial-grade service and since the acceptanceof the bearings was based on ultrasonic testing performed by NNECo, theintegrity of the bearings was not compromised and NNECo was able to justifytheir use in the intended application.This information notice requires no specific action or written response. Ifyou have any questions about the information in this notice, please contactthe technical contact listed below or the appropriate Office of NuclearReactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.enn Ms. Crutchfiel DirectorDivision of Reactor Program ManagementOffice of Nuclear Reactor RegulationTechnical contact: Uldis Potapovs(301) 415-2959Attachment:List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
E -Copy with aldwent/emcosure

k.JchmentIN 95-45October 4, 1995 LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUEDNRC INFORMATION NOTICESInformation Date ofNotice No. Subject Issuance Issued to95-4495-4395-4295-4195-4095-3995-3895-3795-36Ensuring Compatible Use ofDrive Cables IncorporatingIndustrial Nuclear CompanyBall-Type Male ConnectorsFailure of the Bolt-LockingDevice on the ReactorCoolant Pump Turning VaneCommission Decision on theResolution of GenericIssue 23, "Reactor CoolantPump Seal Failure'Degradation of VentilationSystem Charcoal Resultingfrom Chemical Cleaning ofSteam GeneratorsSupplemental Informationto Generic Letter 95-03,*Circumferential Crackingof Steam Generator Tubes"Brachytherapy IncidentsInvolving TreatmentPlanning ErrorsDegradation of BoraflexNeutron Absorber inSpent Fuel Storage RacksInadequate Offsite PowerSystem Voltages duringDesign-Basis EventsPotential Problems withPost-Fire EmergencyLighting09/25/9509/28/9509/22/9509/22/9509/20/9509/19/9509/08/9509/07/9508/29/95All Radiography Licensees.All holders of OLs or CPsfor nuclear power reactorsdesigned by WestinghouseElectric Corporation (W).All holders of OLs or CPsfor nuclear power reactors.All holders of OLs or CPsfor nuclear power reactors.All holders of OLs or CPsfor nuclear power reactors.All U.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission MedicalLicensees.All holders of OLs or CPsfor nuclear power reactors.All holders of OLs or CPsfor nuclear power reactors.All holders of OLs or CPsfor nuclear power reactors.OL -Operating LicenseCP = Construction Permit

* s'<-" IN 95-45October 4, 1995 During NNECo source inspection of APS, the APS president informed the NNECoQuality Assessment Services (QAS) inspector that APS had developed in-houseultrasonic testing capability and gave the inspector copies of whatappeared to be ASNT certificates identifying three of the company's employeesas ultrasonic testing inspectors or examiners. Upon observing that thecertificates had identical serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector contactedASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates in question.NNECo informed NRC of its findings in the March 4, 1994, letter, (AccessionNumber 9403150377). The NRC Office of Investigations determined that thepresident of APS deliberately and improperly falsified ASNT certificates andgave them to NNECo. NRC informed APS of its finding by letter datedFebruary 14, 1995 (Accession Number 9502160007).Since APS was performing a commercial-grade service and since the acceptanceof the bearings was based on ultrasonic testing performed by NNECo, theintegrity of the bearings was not compromised and NNECo was able to justifytheir use in the intended application.This information notice requires no specific action or written response. Ifyou have any questions about the information in this notice, please contactthe technical contact listed below or the appropriate Office of NuclearReactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.orig /s/'d by DMCrutchfieldDennis M. Crutchfield, DirectorDivision of Reactor Program ManagementOffice of Nuclear Reactor RegulationTechnical contact: Uldis Potapovs(301) 415-2959Attachment:List of Recently Issued NRC Information NoticesDOCUMENT NAME: 95-45.IN* See previous concurrence....To receive a copy of this document, hndlcate In the box: 'C' -Copy without attachment/enclosure 'E' = Copy with attachment/enclosure AND No copy.OFFICE *ECB:DOPS E * :U B *OGC E *01 *TSIB:DOTSINAME TGreene Tech Ed SLewis AGallow UPotapovsDATE 5/18/95 5/04/95 95 5/31/95 5/31/95OFFICE C/TSIB:DOTS [D/DOTSI*C/OECB:DOPS *PECB:DRPM *C/PECB:DRPMlNAME RGallo RSpessard RDennig RKiessel AChaffeeDATE 6/01/95 6/01/96/02/95 09/14/95 09/20/95OFFICE [D/DAN4 ZL IlNAME DCr cjfieldDATE / /, t/95IUrILILAL KtLUKU LUrT

' ~ IN 95-XXSeptember xx, 1995 During NNECo source inspection of APS, the APS president informed the NNECoQuality Assessment Services (QAS) inspector that APS had developed in-houseultrasonic testing capability and gave the inspector copies of whatappeared to be ASNT certificates identifying three of the company's employeesas ultrasonic testing inspectors or examiners. Upon observing that thecertificates had identical serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector contactedASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates in question.NNECo informed NRC of its findings in the March 4, 1994, letter, (AccessionNumber 9403150377). The NRC Office of Investigations determined that thepresident of APS deliberately and improperly falsified ASNT certificates andgave them to NNECo. NRC informed APS of its finding by letter dated February14, 1995 (Accession Number 9502160007).Since APS was performing a commercial-grade service and since the acceptanceof the bearings was based on ultrasonic testing performed by NNECo, theintegrity of the bearings was not compromised and NNECo was able to Justifytheir use in the intended application.This information notice requires no specific action or written response. Ifyou have any questions about the information in this notice, please contactthe technical contact listed below or the appropriate Office of NuclearReactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.Dennis M. Crutchfield, DirectorDivision of Reactor Program ManagementOffice of Nuclear Reactor RegulationTechnical contact: Uldis Potapovs(301) 415-2959Attachment:List of Recently Issued NRC Information NoticesDOCUMENT NAME: S:\DRPM SEC\INFAL1.APS* See previous concurrenceTo Acove a mopy f thWe documwit. Inkate In the box: 'C' -Copy without atchzont/encioe 'E = Copy with attachmentlencowu N = Ho opyOFFICE *ECB:DPS E *ADM: PUB l II *TSIB:DOTSNAME TGreene Tech Ed SLewis AGallow UPotapovsDATE 5/18/95 5/04/95 5/24/9 5 5/31/95 5/31/95OFFICE *C/TSIB:DOTS *D/DOTS l *C/OECB:DOPS I [*PECB:DRPM C/P D PMNAME RGallo RSpessard RDennig IRKiessel JAC VfeDATE 6/95 6/ 0 1/1/95 6/02/95 09/14/95 I9 42U/95OFFICE /DRPM lNAME DCrutchfieldDATE I /95-. L OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

K>IN 95-XXSeptember xx, 1995 During NNECo source inspection of APS, the APS president informed the NNECoQuality Assessment Services (QAS) inspector that APS had developed in-houseultrasonic testing capability and gave the inspector copies of whatappeared to be ASNT certificates identifying three of the company's employeesas ultrasonic testing inspectors or examiners. Upon observing that thecertificates had identical serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector contactedASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates in question.NNECo informed the NRC of its findings by letter dated March 4, 1994(Accession Number 9403150377). The NRC Office of Investigations determinedthat the president of APS deliberately and improperly falsified ASNTcertificates and gave them to NNECo. The NRC informed APS of its finding byletter dated February 14, 1995 (Accession Number 9502160007).Since APS was performing a commercial-grade service and since the acceptanceof the bearings was based on ultrasonic testing performed by NNECo, theintegrity of the bearings was not compromised and NNECo was able to justifytheir use in the intended application.This information notice requires no specific action or written response. Ifyou have any questions about the information in this notice, please contactthe technical contact listed below or the appropriate Office of NuclearReactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.Dennis M. Crutchfield, DirectorDivision of Reactor Program ManagementOffice of Nuclear Reactor RegulationTechnical contact: Uldis Potapovs(301) 415-2959Attachment:List of Recently Issued NRC Information NoticesDOCUMENT NAME: G:\TAG\INFAL1.APS* See previous concurrenceTo receive a copy of this document, Indicate In the box: 'C' -Copy without attachmentlenloisure 'E" a Copy with attachmentlenclosure 'N' -No copy.1OFFICE *ECB:DOPS E *ADM: PUB I *OGC IE *OIiIii *TSIB:DOTS lNAME TGreene Tech Ed SLewis AGallow UPotapovsDATE 5/18/95 5/04/95 5/24/95 5/31/95 5/31/95OFFICE *C/TSIB:DOTS IlI/DOT S*C/OECB:DOPS C/PECB:DRPMNAME RGallo RSpessard RDennig RKiess~el ALA ChaffeeDATE 1 /01/95 6 /0j56/02/95 / /95 "5s lOFFICE D/DRPMNAME DCrutchfieldOFFICIAL RECORD COPY

IN 95-XXJune xx, 1995 During NNECo source Inspection of APS, the APS president informed the NNECOQuality Assessment Services (QAS) inspector that APS had developed in-houseultrasonic testing capability and gave the inspector copies of whatappeared to be ASNT certificates identifying three of the company's employeesas ultrasonic testing inspectors or examiners. Upon observing that thecertificates had identical serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector contactedASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates in question.NNECo informed the NRC of its findings by letter dated February 15, 1994. TheNRC Office of Investigations determined that the president of APS deliberatelyand improperly falsified ASNT certificates and gave them to NNECo.Since APS was performing a commercial-grade service and since the acceptanceof the bearings was based on ultrasonic testing performed by NNECo, theintegrity of the bearings was not compromised and NNECo was able to justifytheir use in the intended application.This information notice requires no specific action or written response. Ifyou have any questions about the information in this notice, please contactthe technical contact listed below or the appropriate Office of NuclearReactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.Brian K. Grimes, DirectorDivision of Project SupportOffice of Nuclear Reactor RegulationTechnical contact:Uldis Potapovs(301) 415-2959Attachment:List of Recently Issued NRC Information NoticesDOCUMENT NAME:G:\TAG\INFALI.APS* See previous concurrence He *s u-F1 -onnw vAth attachmentlenclosure 'N' -No copyTo receive a copy *1 VMS socumnm uaacru -me WOx -in*t he .- n --.- _ u-OFFICE *ECB:DOPS IE *ADM:PUB *OGC E 0I 0 1 lj jIb:DOI in,NAME TGreene Tech Ed SLewis &4 AGallow UI otapoIvsDATE 5/18/95 5/04/95 5/24/95 I'I-9/ /95 I./i95OFFICE .ATSDOP, C /TSS B: KS C OECB:DOPS C/OECB:DOPSNAME JjRGal RSpessardr RIonn RKiessel AChaffeeIDATE bl' /95 6///95 t/o /5 //951 5lOFFICE D/ DOPSNAME BGrimes IDATE j /95 l,__ _ _OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
I NAME UPotapovs

K>IN 95-XXJune xx, 1995 During NNECo source inspectio of APS, the APS president informed the NNECoQuality Assessment Services (QAS) inspector that APS had developed in-houseultrasonic testing capability and gave the inspector copies of whatappeared to be ASNT certificates identifying three of the company's employeesas ultrasonic testing inspectors or examiners. Upon observing that thecertificates had identical serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector contactedASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates in question.The NRC investigation substantiated the information provided by NNECo. Theinvestigation determined that the president of APS deliberately and improperlyfalsified ASNT certificates and gave them to NNECo.Since APS was performing a commercial-grade service and since the acceptanceof the bearings was based on ultrasonic testing performed by NNECo, theintegrity of the bearings was not compromised and NNECo was able to justifytheir use in the intended application.This information notice requires no specific action or written response. Ifyou have any questions about the information in this notice, please contacttechnical contact listed below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear ReactorRegulation (NRR) project manager.Brian K. Grimes, DirectorDivision of Project SupportOffice of Nuclear Reactor RegulationTechnical contact: Uldis Potapovs(301) 504-2559Attachment:List of Recently Issued NRC Information NoticesDOCUMENT NAME: G:\TAG\INFALI.APS \ 1 a%' y%* See previous concurrence i o wtNfTo receive a copy of this document, Indicate In the box: 'C' -Copy without attachment/enclosure AND No copy---i11OFFICE OECB:DOPS _
TGreene Tech Ed RSaorLao RDennig RGallo DATE j / /95 9 5 /95 1 /4 /9 / 9 / /95 OFFICE D/DOTS I-OC:OS I COC:OSI 0DP NAME jRSpessard
* PLig OLCJvI TSIB:DOTS lNAME TGreene 0 Tech Ed SLewis AGallow UPotapovsDATE S //y/95 5/04/95 lr/ 2y/95 / /95 / /95OFFICE C/TSIB:DOTS l D/OSl SC/OECB:DOPS OECB:DOPS C/OECB:DOPS LNAME RGallo RSpessard RDennig RKiessel AChaffeeDATE I /95 / /95 I /95 /95OFFICE l/ lOllSNAME BGrimesDATE I /95 IOFFICIAL RECORD COPY

4IN 95-XXMay xx, 1995 
RKiessel AChaffee BGrimes DATE / /9 1 95 / 5 /95 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY}}

{{Information notice-Nav}}
{{Information notice-Nav}}

Revision as of 14:04, 31 August 2018

American Power Service Falsification of American Society for Nondestructive Testing Certificates
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Millstone, Hatch, Monticello, Calvert Cliffs, Dresden, Davis Besse, Peach Bottom, Browns Ferry, Salem, Oconee, Nine Mile Point, Palisades, Palo Verde, Perry, Indian Point, Fermi, Kewaunee, Catawba, Harris, Wolf Creek, Saint Lucie, Point Beach, Oyster Creek, Watts Bar, Hope Creek, Grand Gulf, Cooper, Sequoyah, Byron, Pilgrim, Arkansas Nuclear, Three Mile Island, Braidwood, Susquehanna, Summer, Prairie Island, Columbia, Seabrook, Brunswick, Surry, Limerick, North Anna, Turkey Point, River Bend, Vermont Yankee, Crystal River, Haddam Neck, Ginna, Diablo Canyon, Callaway, Vogtle, Waterford, Duane Arnold, Farley, Robinson, Clinton, South Texas, San Onofre, Cook, Comanche Peak, Yankee Rowe, Maine Yankee, Quad Cities, Humboldt Bay, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, Rancho Seco, Zion, Midland, Bellefonte, Fort Calhoun, FitzPatrick, McGuire, LaSalle, Fort Saint Vrain, Shoreham, Satsop, Trojan, Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant, 05000370  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/04/1995
From: Crutchfield D M
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
IN-95-045, NUDOCS 9509270134
Download: ML031060177 (9)




WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 October 4, 1995 NRC INFORMATION





All holders of operating

licenses or construction

permits for nuclear power reactors.


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

Commission (NRC) is issuing this information

notice to alert addressees

that American Power Service (APS) of Georgetown, Massachusetts, has deliberately

given falsified

American Society for Nondestructive

Testing (ASNT) certificates

to an NRC licensee in connection

with the procurement

of commercial-grade


It is expected that recipients

will review the information

for applicability

to their facilities

and consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar problems.

However, suggestions


in this information

notice are not NRC requirements;

therefore, no specific action or written response is required.Description

of Circumstances

In response to information


by the Northeast

Nuclear Energy Company (NNECo), the NRC recently investigated

APS, a vendor that provides commercial- grade services for the resurfacing

of babbitt material on bearings.

The NRC determined

that the president

of APS deliberately

and improperly

falsified ASNT certificates

and gave them to NNECo.Discussion

On March 4, 1994, NNECo advised the NRC by letter (Accession

Number 9403150377)

that on February 15, 1994, it had received apparently

falsified certificates

from APS. NNECo had contracted

with APS for commercial-grade

services in supplying


bearings for a Millstone

Unit No. 2 reactor building closed cooling water system pump. Since APS did not have a NNECo approved quality assurance

program, the rebabbitted

bearings were to be dedicated

and accepted under NNECo's quality assurance

program. The dedication

process included ultrasonic


which was to be performed by NNECo as part of the receiving


Po T j~1C'- 9s'-oqs 9$i0oo'950927013~

r9519 I IMt'tRS-q5q

K)J IN 95-45 October 4, 1995-~ During NNECo source inspection

of APS, the APS president

informed the NNECo Quality Assessment

Services (QAS) inspector

that APS had developed

in-house ultrasonic

testing capability

and gave the inspector

copies of what appeared to be ASNT certificates


three of the company's

employees as ultrasonic

testing inspectors

or examiners.

Upon observing

that the certificates

had identical

serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector

contacted ASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates

in question..

NNECo informed NRC of its findings in the March 4, 1994, letter, (Accession

Number 9403150377).

The NRC Office of Investigations


that the president

of APS deliberately

and improperly


ASNT certificates

and gave them to NNECo. NRC informed APS of its finding by letter dated February 14, 1995 (Accession

Number 9502160007).

Since APS was performing

a commercial-grade

service and since the acceptance

of the bearings was based on ultrasonic

testing performed

by NNECo, the integrity

of the bearings was not compromised

and NNECo was able to justify their use in the intended application.

This information

notice requires no specific action or written response.

If you have any questions

about the information

in this notice, please contact the technical

contact listed below or the appropriate

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.enn Ms. Crutchfiel

Director Division of Reactor Program Management

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


contact: Uldis Potapovs (301) 415-2959 Attachment:

List of Recently Issued NRC Information



NOTICES Information

Date of Notice No. Subject Issuance Issued to 95-44 95-43 95-42 95-41 95-40 95-39 95-38 95-37 95-36 Ensuring Compatible

Use of Drive Cables Incorporating


Nuclear Company Ball-Type

Male Connectors

Failure of the Bolt-Locking

Device on the Reactor Coolant Pump Turning Vane Commission

Decision on the Resolution

of Generic Issue 23, "Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Failure'Degradation

of Ventilation

System Charcoal Resulting from Chemical Cleaning of Steam Generators



to Generic Letter 95-03,*Circumferential

Cracking of Steam Generator

Tubes" Brachytherapy

Incidents Involving

Treatment Planning Errors Degradation

of Boraflex Neutron Absorber in Spent Fuel Storage Racks Inadequate

Offsite Power System Voltages during Design-Basis

Events Potential

Problems with Post-Fire

Emergency Lighting 09/25/95 09/28/95 09/22/95 09/22/95 09/20/95 09/19/95 09/08/95 09/07/95 08/29/95 All Radiography


All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors designed by Westinghouse

Electric Corporation (W).All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.All U.S. Nuclear Regulatory


Medical Licensees.

All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.All holders of OLs or CPs for nuclear power reactors.OL -Operating

License CP = Construction


  • s'<-" IN 95-45 October 4, 1995 During NNECo source inspection

of APS, the APS president

informed the NNECo Quality Assessment

Services (QAS) inspector

that APS had developed

in-house ultrasonic

testing capability

and gave the inspector

copies of what appeared to be ASNT certificates


three of the company's

employees as ultrasonic

testing inspectors

or examiners.

Upon observing

that the certificates

had identical

serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector

contacted ASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates

in question.NNECo informed NRC of its findings in the March 4, 1994, letter, (Accession

Number 9403150377).

The NRC Office of Investigations


that the president

of APS deliberately

and improperly


ASNT certificates

and gave them to NNECo. NRC informed APS of its finding by letter dated February 14, 1995 (Accession

Number 9502160007).

Since APS was performing

a commercial-grade

service and since the acceptance

of the bearings was based on ultrasonic

testing performed

by NNECo, the integrity

of the bearings was not compromised

and NNECo was able to justify their use in the intended application.

This information

notice requires no specific action or written response.

If you have any questions

about the information

in this notice, please contact the technical

contact listed below or the appropriate

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.orig /s/'d by DMCrutchfield

Dennis M. Crutchfield, Director Division of Reactor Program Management

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


contact: Uldis Potapovs (301) 415-2959 Attachment:

List of Recently Issued NRC Information

Notices DOCUMENT NAME: 95-45.IN* See previous concurrence

....To receive a copy of this document, hndlcate In the box: 'C' -Copy without attachment/enclosure

'E' = Copy with attachment/enclosure


E * :U B *OGC E *01 *TSIB:DOTS

INAME TGreene Tech Ed SLewis AGallow UPotapovs DATE 5/18/95 5/04/95 95 5/31/95 5/31/95 OFFICE C/TSIB:DOTS



lNAME RGallo RSpessard

RDennig RKiessel AChaffee DATE 6/01/95 6/01/96/02/95

09/14/95 09/20/95 OFFICE [D/DAN4 ZL Il NAME DCr cjfield DATE / /, t/95 I UrILILAL KtLUKU LUrT

' ~ IN 95-XX September

xx, 1995 During NNECo source inspection

of APS, the APS president

informed the NNECo Quality Assessment

Services (QAS) inspector

that APS had developed

in-house ultrasonic

testing capability

and gave the inspector

copies of what appeared to be ASNT certificates


three of the company's

employees as ultrasonic

testing inspectors

or examiners.

Upon observing

that the certificates

had identical

serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector

contacted ASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates

in question.NNECo informed NRC of its findings in the March 4, 1994, letter, (Accession

Number 9403150377).

The NRC Office of Investigations


that the president

of APS deliberately

and improperly


ASNT certificates

and gave them to NNECo. NRC informed APS of its finding by letter dated February 14, 1995 (Accession

Number 9502160007).

Since APS was performing

a commercial-grade

service and since the acceptance

of the bearings was based on ultrasonic

testing performed

by NNECo, the integrity

of the bearings was not compromised

and NNECo was able to Justify their use in the intended application.

This information

notice requires no specific action or written response.

If you have any questions

about the information

in this notice, please contact the technical

contact listed below or the appropriate

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.Dennis M. Crutchfield, Director Division of Reactor Program Management

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


contact: Uldis Potapovs (301) 415-2959 Attachment:

List of Recently Issued NRC Information


  • See previous concurrence

To Acove a mopy f thWe documwit.

Inkate In the box: 'C' -Copy without atchzont/encioe

'E = Copy with attachmentlencowu


NAME TGreene Tech Ed SLewis AGallow UPotapovs DATE 5/18/95 5/04/95 5/24/9 5 5/31/95 5/31/95 OFFICE *C/TSIB:DOTS



C/P D PM NAME RGallo RSpessard

RDennig IRKiessel

JAC Vfe DATE 6/95 6/ 0 1/1/95 6/02/95 09/14/95 I9 42U/95 OFFICE /DRPM l NAME DCrutchfield


K>IN 95-XX September

xx, 1995 During NNECo source inspection

of APS, the APS president

informed the NNECo Quality Assessment

Services (QAS) inspector

that APS had developed

in-house ultrasonic

testing capability

and gave the inspector

copies of what appeared to be ASNT certificates


three of the company's

employees as ultrasonic

testing inspectors

or examiners.

Upon observing

that the certificates

had identical

serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector

contacted ASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates

in question.NNECo informed the NRC of its findings by letter dated March 4, 1994 (Accession

Number 9403150377).

The NRC Office of Investigations


that the president

of APS deliberately

and improperly


ASNT certificates

and gave them to NNECo. The NRC informed APS of its finding by letter dated February 14, 1995 (Accession

Number 9502160007).

Since APS was performing

a commercial-grade

service and since the acceptance

of the bearings was based on ultrasonic

testing performed

by NNECo, the integrity

of the bearings was not compromised

and NNECo was able to justify their use in the intended application.

This information

notice requires no specific action or written response.

If you have any questions

about the information

in this notice, please contact the technical

contact listed below or the appropriate

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.Dennis M. Crutchfield, Director Division of Reactor Program Management

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


contact: Uldis Potapovs (301) 415-2959 Attachment:

List of Recently Issued NRC Information


  • See previous concurrence

To receive a copy of this document, Indicate In the box: 'C' -Copy without attachmentlenloisure

'E" a Copy with attachmentlenclosure

'N' -No copy.1 OFFICE *ECB:DOPS


lNAME TGreene Tech Ed SLewis AGallow UPotapovs DATE 5/18/95 5/04/95 5/24/95 5/31/95 5/31/95 OFFICE *C/TSIB:DOTS



NAME RGallo RSpessard

RDennig RKiess~el

ALA Chaffee DATE 1 /01/95 6 /0j56/02/95

/ /95 "5s l OFFICE D/DRPM NAME DCrutchfield


IN 95-XX June xx, 1995 During NNECo source Inspection

of APS, the APS president

informed the NNECO Quality Assessment

Services (QAS) inspector

that APS had developed

in-house ultrasonic

testing capability

and gave the inspector

copies of what appeared to be ASNT certificates


three of the company's

employees as ultrasonic

testing inspectors

or examiners.

Upon observing

that the certificates

had identical

serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector

contacted ASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates

in question.NNECo informed the NRC of its findings by letter dated February 15, 1994. The NRC Office of Investigations


that the president

of APS deliberately

and improperly


ASNT certificates

and gave them to NNECo.Since APS was performing

a commercial-grade

service and since the acceptance

of the bearings was based on ultrasonic

testing performed

by NNECo, the integrity

of the bearings was not compromised

and NNECo was able to justify their use in the intended application.

This information

notice requires no specific action or written response.

If you have any questions

about the information

in this notice, please contact the technical

contact listed below or the appropriate

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.Brian K. Grimes, Director Division of Project Support Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


contact: Uldis Potapovs (301) 415-2959 Attachment:

List of Recently Issued NRC Information


  • See previous concurrence

He *s u-F1 -onnw vAth attachmentlenclosure

'N' -No copy To receive a copy *1 VMS socumnm uaacru -me WOx -in*t he .- n --.- _ u-OFFICE *ECB:DOPS

IE *ADM:PUB *OGC E 0I 0 1 lj jIb:DOI in, NAME TGreene Tech Ed SLewis &4 AGallow UI otapoIvs DATE 5/18/95 5/04/95 5/24/95 I'I-9/ /95 I./i95 OFFICE .ATSDOP, C /TSS B: KS C OECB:DOPS


NAME JjRGal RSpessardr

RIonn RKiessel AChaffee IDATE bl' /95 6///95 t/o /5 //951 5l OFFICE D/ DOPS NAME BGrimes I DATE j /95 l,__ _ _OFFICIAL


K>IN 95-XX June xx, 1995 During NNECo source inspectio

of APS, the APS president

informed the NNECo Quality Assessment

Services (QAS) inspector

that APS had developed

in-house ultrasonic

testing capability

and gave the inspector

copies of what appeared to be ASNT certificates


three of the company's

employees as ultrasonic

testing inspectors

or examiners.

Upon observing

that the certificates

had identical

serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector

contacted ASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates

in question.The NRC investigation


the information

provided by NNECo. The investigation


that the president

of APS deliberately

and improperly


ASNT certificates

and gave them to NNECo.Since APS was performing

a commercial-grade

service and since the acceptance

of the bearings was based on ultrasonic

testing performed

by NNECo, the integrity

of the bearings was not compromised

and NNECo was able to justify their use in the intended application.

This information

notice requires no specific action or written response.

If you have any questions

about the information

in this notice, please contact technical

contact listed below or the appropriate

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.Brian K. Grimes, Director Division of Project Support Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


contact: Uldis Potapovs (301) 504-2559 Attachment:

List of Recently Issued NRC Information


\ 1 a%' y%* See previous concurrence

i o wtNf To receive a copy of this document, Indicate In the box: 'C' -Copy without attachment/enclosure




l NAME TGreene 0 Tech Ed SLewis AGallow UPotapovs DATE S //y/95 5/04/95 lr/ 2y/95 / /95 / /95 OFFICE C/TSIB:DOTS




L NAME RGallo RSpessard

RDennig RKiessel AChaffee DATE I /95 / /95 I /95 /95 OFFICE l/ lOllS NAME BGrimes DATE I /95 I OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

4 IN 95-XX May xx, 1995 appeared to be ASNT certificates


three of the company's

employees as ultrasonic

testing inspectors

or examiners.

Upon observing

that the certificates

had identical

serial numbers, the NNECo QAS inspector

contacted ASNT and learned that ASNT had not issued the certificates

in question.The NRC investigation


the information

provided by NNECo. The investigation


that the President

of APS and two APS employees deliberately

and improperly

provided false ASNT certificates

to NNECo.Since APS was providing

a commercial

grade service and the acceptance

of the bearings was based on ultrasonic

testing performed

by NNECo, the integrity

of the bearings was not compromised

and NNECo was able to justify their use in the intended application.

This information

notice requires no specific action or written response.

If you have any questions

about the information

in this notice, please contact one of the technical

contacts listed below or the appropriate

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.Brian K. Grimes, Director Division of Project Support Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


contact: Uldis Potapovs (301) 504-2559 Attachment:

List of Recently Issued NRC Information


To receive a copy of thi document, xdicate In the box: C" -Copy wihout attachmontlemncbsure

E -Copy with aldwent/emcosure





I NAME UPotapovs

TGreene Tech Ed RSaorLao RDennig RGallo DATE j / /95 9 5 /95 1 /4 /9 / 9 / /95 OFFICE D/DOTS I-OC:OS I COC:OSI 0DP NAME jRSpessard

RKiessel AChaffee BGrimes DATE / /9 1 95 / 5 /95 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY