W3F1-2022-0028, Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report - 2021

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Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report - 2021
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/26/2022
From: Lewis J
Entergy Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML22116A256 (56)


)entergy W3F1-2022-0028 April 26, 2022 ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report - 2021 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Docket No. 50-382 Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-38 John Lewis Manager Regulatory Assurance 504-739-6028 Attached is the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for the period of January 1 through December 31, 2021. This report is submitted pursuant to the requirements of Waterford 3 Technical Specification Section

There are no commitments contained in this submittal.

If you have any questions, please contact John Lewis, Regulatory Assurance Manager, at 504-739-6028.

John Lewis JDUllb


Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report-2021 cc:

NRC Region IV Regional Administrator NRC Senior Resident Inspector-Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 NRC Project Manager - Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Entergy Legal, General Sr Counsel Entergy Operations, Inc., 17265 River Road, Killona, LA 70057

Enclosure to W3F1 -2022-0028 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report-2021

( 53 pages follow)

2021 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Document Number: 50-382 Author: :E: 25 ___.A" Z2 Bo Boudreaux Chemistry Technician Reviewer: __ ~-----~--------

Thomas House Chemistry Supervisor Reviewer: -~-----"-""-'--~~-=---------

Michelle Beavers

. Effluent Specialist Date: 'f- ( ~-:J.J.

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Plant: Waterford 3 Page 1 of 53 YEAR: 2021 Docket Number: 50-382 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 2 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE


............................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program................................................................... 5 1.2 Reporting Levels................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Comparison to State Program............................................................................................... 6 1.4 Sample Deviations................................................................................................................ 6 1.5 Program Modifications........................................................................................................... 6


........................................................................................................................ 6 2.1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program................................................................... 6 2.2 Pathways Monitored.............................................................................................................. 7 2.3 Land Use Census.................................................................................................................. 7 3.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS...................... 8 4.0 INTERPRETATION AND TRENDS OF RESULTS.................................................................... 19 4.1 Air Particulate and Radioiodine Sample Results.................................................................. 19 4.2 Thermoluminescent Dosimetry (TLD) Sample Results........................................................ 20 4.3 Waterborne Sample Results................................................................................................ 21 4.3.1 Surface Water Results............................................................................................................... 21 4.3.2 Drinking/Surface Water Results................................................................................................. 21 4.3.3 Sediment Sample Results.......................................................................................................... 22 4.4 Ingestion Sample Results.................................................................................................... 22 4.4.1 Fish Sample Results................................................................................................................... 22 4.4.2 Broad Leaf Vegatation Sample Results...................................................................................... 22 4.4.3 Milk Sample Results.................................................................................................................... 22 4.5 Land Use Census Results................................................................................................... 23 4.6 Interlaboratory Comparison Results.................................................................................... 25 5.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM


.......................... 25

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 3 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report ATTACHMENTS - Sample Deviations........................................................................................................ 30 - Monitoring Results Tables............................................................................................ 32 - Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results............................................................... 46 TABLES Table 1: Exposure Pathway - Airborne........................................................................................ 8 Table 2: Exposure Pathway - Direct Radiation............................................................................ 9 Table 3: Exposure Pathway - Waterborne................................................................................. 13 Table 4: Exposure Pathway - Ingestion..................................................................................... 14 Table 5: Land Use Census - 2020 Land Use Census Results................................................... 24 Table 6: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary......................................... 26 Table 7: Sample Deviations Table............................................................................................. 30 Table 8: Air Particulate Data Table............................................................................................ 32 Table 9: Radioiodine Cartridge Data Table............................................................................... 33 Table 10: Air Particulate Composite Data Table........................................................................ 34 Table 11: Thermoluminescent Dosimeters - Inner Ring............................................................. 35 Table 12: Thermoluminescent Dosimeters - Outer Ring............................................................ 35 Table 13: Thermoluminescent Dosimeters - Special Interest Areas.......................................... 36 Table 14: Thermoluminescent Dosimeters - Control.................................................................. 36 Table 15: Surface Water - Gamma............................................................................................ 37 Table 16: Surface Water - Tritium............................................................................................. 38 Table 17: Drinking/Surface Water - Gamma and Gross Beta.................................................... 39 Table 18: Drinking/Surface Water - Iodine-131.......................................................................... 40 Table 19: Drinking/Surface Water - Tritium............................................................................... 41 Table 20: Sediment - Gamma................................................................................................... 42 Table 21: Fish - Gamma............................................................................................................ 43

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 4 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report TABLES Cont'd Table 22: Broad Leaf Vegatation - Gamma............................................................................... 44 Table 23: Milk - Gamma and Iodine-131................................................................................... 45 Table 24: Analytics Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program.................................... 48 Table 25: DOE's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP)............................ 50 Table 26: ERA Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program.......................................... 51 Table 27: Percentage of Individual Dosimeters that passed EDC internal criteria January - December 2021........................................................................................ 52 Table 28: Mean Dosimeter Analyses (N=6) January - December 2021.................................... 53 Table 29: Summary of Independent Dosimeter testing January - December 2021................... 53 FIGURES Figure 1: Exposure Pathway..................................................................................................... 15 Figure 2: REMP Samples Within 2 Miles of Waterford 3............................................................ 16 Figure 3: REMP Samples Within 2 to 10 Miles of Waterford 3................................................... 17 Figure 4: REMP Samples Within 10 to 50 Miles of Waterford 3................................................. 18 Figure 5: TLD Radiation Dose Comparison By Year................................................................. 20

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 5 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 1.0 EXECUTIVE


1.1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report presents data obtained through analyses of environmental samples collected for Waterford 3 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) for the period January 1 through December 31, 2021. This report fulfills the requirements of Waterford 3 Technical Specification

All required lower limit of detection (LLD) capabilities were achieved in all sample analyses during 2021, as required by Waterford 3s Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Table 4.12-1. No measurable levels of radiation above baseline levels attributable to Waterford 3's operation were detected in the vicinity of Waterford 3.

The 2021 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program thus substantiated the adequacy of source control and effluent monitoring at Waterford 3 with no observed impact of plant operations on the environment.

Waterford 3 established the REMP prior to the station becoming operational in 1985 to provide data on background radiation and radioactivity normally present in the area. Waterford 3 has continued to monitor the environment by sampling air, water, sediment, fish and broad leaf, as well as measuring direct radiation. Waterford 3 also samples milk if milk-producing animals used for human consumption are present within five miles (8 km) of the plant.

The REMP includes sampling indicator and control locations within an approximate 31-mile radius of the plant. The REMP utilizes indicator locations near the site to show any increases or buildup of radioactivity that might occur due to station operation and control locations farther away from the site to indicate the presence of only naturally occurring radioactivity. Waterford 3 personnel compare indicator results with control and preoperational results to assess any impact Waterford 3 operation might have had on the surrounding environment.

In 2021, environmental samples were collected for radiological analysis. The results of indicator locations were compared with control locations and previous studies. It was concluded that no significant relationship exists between Waterford 3 operation and effect on the area around the plant. The review of 2021 data showed radioactivity levels in the environment were undetectable in many locations and near background levels in significant pathways.

1.2 Reporting Levels Waterford 3's review indicates that no samples equaled or exceeded reporting levels for radioactivity concentration in environmental samples, as outlined in Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Table 3.12-2 when averaged over any calendar quarter, due to Waterford 3 effluents. Therefore, 2021 results did not trigger any radiological monitoring program special reports.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 6 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 1.3 Comparison to State Program Waterford 3 personnel compared REMP data to state monitoring programs as results became available. Historically, the programs used for comparison have included the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD)

Direct Radiation Monitoring Network and the Environmental Radiological Laboratory -

Department of Environmental Quality Laboratory Services Division (ERL-DEQLSD).

The NRC TLD Network Program was discontinued in 1998. Historically these results have compared to those from the Waterford 3 REMP. Waterford 3s TLD results continue to remain similar to the historical average and continue to verify that plant operation is not affecting the ambient radiation levels in the environment.

The ERL-DEQLSD and the Waterford 3 REMP entail similar radiological environmental monitoring program requirements. These programs include collecting air samples and splitting or sharing sample media such as water, sediment and fish.

Both programs have obtained similar results over previous years.

1.4 Sample Deviations During 2021, environmental sampling was performed for eight media types addressed in the ODCM and for direct radiation. A total of 464 samples of the 466 scheduled were obtained. Of the scheduled samples, 99.6% were collected and analyzed in accordance with the requirements specified in the ODCM. Attachment 1 contains the listing of sample deviations and actions taken.

1.5 Program Modifications Milk collection was removed from the 2021 sampling program due to the lack of indicator sampling locations. There were no other program modifications during the reporting period.


2.1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Waterford 3 established the REMP to ensure that plant operating controls properly function to minimize any associated radiation endangerment to human health or the environment. The REMP is designed for:

Analyzing applicable pathways for anticipated types and quantities of radionuclides released into the environment.

Considering the possibility of a buildup of long-lived radionuclides in the environment and identifying physical and biological accumulations that may contribute to human exposures.

Considering the potential radiation exposure to plant and animal life in the environment surrounding Waterford 3.

Correlating levels of radiation and radioactivity in the environment with radioactive releases from station operation.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 7 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 2.2 Pathways Monitored The airborne, direct radiation, waterborne and ingestion pathways are monitored as required by Waterford 3 TRM Table 3.12-1. A description of the REMP utilized to monitor the exposure pathways is described in the attached Tables and Figures.

Section 4.0 of this report provides a discussion of 2021 sampling results with Section 5.0 providing a summary of results for the monitored exposure pathways.

2.3 Land Use Census Waterford 3 conducts a land use census biennially, as required by Section 3.12.2 of the TRM. The purpose of this census is to identify changes in uses of land within five miles of Waterford 3 that would require modifications to the REMP and the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM/TRM). The most important criteria during this census are to determine the location in each sector of the nearest:

1) Residence
2) Animal milked for human consumption
3) Garden of greater than 50 m2 (500 ft2) producing broad leaf vegetation.

Waterford 3 conducts the land use census by:

Field surveys in each meteorological sector out to five miles in order to confirm:

Nearest permanent residence Nearest garden > 50 square meters Nearest beef cow Nearest milking animal Identifying locations on maps, measuring distances to Waterford 3 and recording results on data sheets.

Comparing current census results to previous results.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 8 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 3.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Table 1: Exposure Pathway - Airborne Requirement Sample Point Description Distance and Direction Sampling and Collection Frequency Type and Frequency Of Analyses RADIOIODINE AND PARTICULATES Three samples from close to the three SITE BOUNDARY locations, in different sectors, in or near sectors having the highest calculated annual average ground-level D/Q.

APQ-1 (NW, 0.81 Miles) -

(West bank) Located in soybean/sugarcane field off LA 18 east of LA 18/3141 intersection.

APF-1 (ESE, 0.35 Miles) -

(West bank) Located on north side of Secondary Meteorological Tower.

APC-1 (NE, 0.67 Miles) - (East bank) Located inside Little Gypsy Cooling Water Intake Structure fence.

Continuous sampler operation with sample collection biweekly, or more frequently if required by dust loading.

Radioiodine Canisters - I-131 analysis biweekly.

Air Particulate - Gross beta radioactivity analysis following filter change. Gamma isotopic analysis of composite (by location) quarterly.

RADIOIODINE AND PARTICULATES One sample from the vicinity of a community having the highest calculated annual average ground level D/Q.

APP-1 (WNW, 0.84 Miles) -

(West bank) Located in soybean/sugarcane field on Short St. in Killona.

Continuous sampler operation with sample collection biweekly, or more frequently if required by dust loading.

Radioiodine Canisters - I-131 analysis biweekly.

Air Particulate - Gross beta radioactivity analysis following filter change. Gamma isotopic analysis of composite quarterly.

RADIOIODINE AND PARTICULATES One sample from a control location, as for example 15 - 30 km distance and in the least prevalent wind direction.

APE-26 (E, 25.8 Miles) - (West bank) Located at Entergy office on Virgil Street in Gretna.


Continuous sampler operation with sample collection biweekly, or more frequently if required by dust loading.

Radioiodine Canisters - I-131 analysis biweekly.

Air Particulate - Gross beta radioactivity analysis following filter change. Gamma isotopic analysis of composite quarterly.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 9 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table 2: Exposure Pathway - Direct Radiation Requirement Sample Point Description Distance and Direction Sampling and Collection Frequency Type and Frequency Of Analyses TLDS An inner ring of stations, one in each meteorological sector in the general area of the SITE BOUNDARY.

A-2 (N, 1.27 Miles) - (East bank)

Located on pole on LA 628 at Zephrin L. Perriloux Fire House.

B-1 (NNE, 0.75 Miles) - (East bank)

Located on fence west of Little Gypsy.

C-1 (NE, 0.67 Miles) - (East bank)

Located on fence at Little Gypsy Cooling Water Intake structure.

D-2 (ENE, 1.24 Miles) - (East bank)

Located on pole on levee at west entrance to Bonnet Carre Spillway E-1 (E, 0.41 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on pole on LA 18 east of Waterford 3 plant entrance.

F-2 (ESE, 1.15 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on fence on LA 3142 south of LA 18.

G-2 (SE, 1.26 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on fence on LA 3142 north of railroad overpass.

H-2 (SSE, 1.54 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on fence on LA 3142 north of LA 3127/3142 intersection.

Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 10 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table 2: Exposure Pathway - Direct Radiation Requirement Sample Point Description Distance and Direction Sampling and Collection Frequency Type and Frequency Of Analyses TLDS An inner ring of stations, one in each meteorological sector in the general area of the SITE BOUNDARY.

J-2 (S, 1.38 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on fence south of LA 3127 west of LA 3127/3142 intersection.

K-1 (SSW, 1.06 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on stop sign at entrance to Entergy Education Center on LA 3127.

L-1 (SW, 1.06 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on gate on LA 3127 west of LA 3127/3142 intersection.

M-1 (WSW, 0.76 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on south gate of Waterford 1 and 2.

N-1 (W, 0.98 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on pole at corner of Railroad Avenue and School House Road.

P-1 (WNW, 0.84 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on fence enclosing air sample station APP-1.

Q-1 (NW, 0.81 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on fence enclosing air sample station APQ-1.

R-1 (NNW, 0.51 Miles) - (West bank)

Located at Waterford 1 and 2 Cooling Water Intake Structure.

Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 11 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table 2: Exposure Pathway - Direct Radiation Requirement Sample Point Description Distance and Direction Sampling and Collection Frequency Type and Frequency Of Analyses TLDS An outer ring of stations, one in ten of the meteorological sectors in the 6 to 8 km ranges from the site.

A-5 (N, 4.59 Miles) - (East bank)

Located on pole at intersection of Oswald Avenue and US 61.

B-4 (NNE, 3.75 Miles) - (East bank)

Located on pole near weigh station on US 61.

D-5 (ENE, 4.09 Miles) - (East bank)

Located on gate on shell road north of US 61/LA 48 intersection.

E-5 (E, 4.08 Miles) - (East bank)

Located on fence on Wesco Street off LA 48.

F-4 (ESE, 3.53 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on pole behind house at 646 Aquarius St. in Hahnville.

G-4 (SE, 3.30 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on pole on LA 3160 north of railroad track.

H-8 (SSE, 8.13 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on pole in front of Hahnville High School.

P-6 (WNW, 5.58 Miles) - (West bank) Located on fence at LA 640/railroad track intersection.

Q-5 (NW, 5.01 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on pole on LA 18 across from Mississippi River marker 137.

R-6 (NNW, 5.52 Miles) - (East bank)

Located on fence on LA 3223 near railroad crossing.

Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 12 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table 2: Exposure Pathway - Direct Radiation Requirement Sample Point Description Distance and Direction Sampling and Collection Frequency Type and Frequency Of Analyses TLDS The balance of the stations (five) to be placed in special interest areas such as population centers, nearby residences, schools, and in one or two areas to serve as control locations.

E-15 (E, 11.7 Miles) - (East bank)

Located on fence on Alliance Avenue.

F-9 (ESE, 8.18 Miles) - (East bank)

Located on fence north of railroad tracks on Jonathan Street.

G-8 (SE, 7.74 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on back fence of Luling Entergy Office.

J-15 (S, 11.7 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on pole near LA 631/Hwy 90 intersection in Des Allemands.

E-26 (E, 25.8 Miles) - (West bank)

Located at Entergy office on Virgil Street in Gretna. (Control)

Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 13 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table 3: Exposure Pathway - Waterborne Requirement Sample Point Description Distance and Direction Sampling and Collection Frequency Type and Frequency Of Analyses SURFACE WATER One sample upstream and one sample downstream.

SWP-7 (WNW, 7.37 Miles) - (West bank) Located at St. John Parish Waterworks in Edgard. (Control)

SWF-2 (ESE, 1.51 Miles) - (West bank) Located at Dow Chemical Plant drinking water canal.

SWE-5 (E, 4.59 Miles) - (East bank)

Located at St. Charles Parish Waterworks in New Sarpy.

SWK-1 (SSW, 0.49 Miles) - (West bank) Located at 40 Arpent Canal south of the plant.

Composite sample over one quarter period.

Gamma isotopic analysis and tritium analysis quarterly.

DRINKING WATER One sample upstream and one sample downstream.

DWP-7 (WNW, 7.37 Miles) - (West bank) Located at St. John Parish Waterworks in Edgard. (Control)

DWF-2 (ESE, 1.51 Miles) - (West bank) Located at Dow Chemical Plant drinking water canal.

DWE-5 (E, 4.59 Miles) - (East bank)

Located at St. Charles Parish Waterworks in New Sarpy.

Composite sample over one month period when I-131 analysis is performed, quarterly composite otherwise.

I-131 analysis on each composite when the dose calculated for the consumption of the water is greater than one mrem per year. Composite for gross beta and gamma isotopic analyses quarterly.

Composite for tritium analysis quarterly.

SEDIMENT FROM SHORELINE One sample upstream and one sample downstream.

SHWQ-6 (NW, 5.99 Miles) - (East bank) Located on LA 628 east of Reserve ferry landing. (Control)

SHWE-3 (E, 2.99 Miles) - (West bank) Located at Foot Ferry landing on LA 18.

SHWK-1 (SSW, 0.49 Miles) - (West bank) Located at 40 Arpent Canal south of plant.

Annually Gamma isotopic analysis annually.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 14 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table 4: Exposure Pathway - Ingestion Requirement Sample Point Description Distance and Direction Sampling and Collection Frequency Type and Frequency Of Analyses MILK Samples from milking animals in the three locations within 5 km distance having the highest dose potential. If there are none, then, one sample from milking animals in each of the three areas between 5 to 8 km distant where doses are calculated to be greater than 1 mrem per year.

One sample from milking animals at a control location 15 - 30 km distant and in the least prevalent wind direction.

MKE-3 (E, 2.35 Miles) - (West bank)

Located at the Zeringues house on LA 18 in Taft.

MKA-31 (N, 31.2 Miles) - (East bank)

Located at 18736 Sisters Road, Ponchatoula, LA. (Control)

Quarterly (When Available)

Gamma isotopic and I-131 analysis quarterly.

FISH AND INVERTEBRATES One sample of each commercially and/or recreationally important species in vicinity of plant discharge area.

One sample of same species in area not influenced by plant discharge.

FH-2 (Distance/Direction Not Applicable) - Downstream of the plant discharge structure.

FH-3 (Distance/Direction Not Applicable) - (Westbank) Waterways downstream of plant discharge directed to 40 Arpent Canal.

FH-1 (Distance/Direction Not Applicable) - Upstream of the plant intake structure. (Control)

Sample in season, or annually if they are not seasonal.

Gamma isotopic analysis on edible portions annually.

BROAD LEAF VEGATATION Samples of one to three different types of broadleaf vegetation grown nearest each of the two different off-site locations of highest predicted annual average ground level D/Q if milk sampling is not performed.

One sample of each of the similar broadleaf vegetation grown 15 - 30 km distant in the least prevalent wind direction if milk sampling is not performed.

BLQ-1 (NW, 0.83 Miles) - (West bank)

Located near air sample station.

BLB-1 (NNE, 0.81 Miles) - (East bank)

Located west of Little Gypsy on LA 628 BLE-20 (E, 19.7 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on property of Nine Mile Point in Westwego. (Control)

Quarterly during the growing season.

Gamma isotopic and I-131 analysis quarterly.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 15 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Figure 1: Exposure Pathway

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 16 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Figure 2: REMP Samples Within 2 Miles of Waterford 3

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 17 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Figure 3: REMP Samples within 2 to 10 Miles of Waterford 3

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 18 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Figure 4: REMP Samples within 10 to 50 Miles of Waterford 3

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 19 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 4.0 INTERPRETATION AND TRENDS OF RESULTS 4.1 Air Particulate and Radioiodine Sample Results Samples of airborne particulate and radioiodine were collected at four indicator locations and one control location and analyzed for gross beta radionuclides, Iodine-131 and gamma radionuclides (quarterly air particulate filter composites only).

Waterford 3 did not detect any gamma radionuclides in the quarterly air particulate composites or Iodine-131 in the radioiodine cartridges during the reporting period as has been the case in previous years. Indicator gross beta air particulate results for 2021 were similar to background levels obtained during previous years of the operational REMP and well below preoperational levels as seen below. Results are reported as annual average pCi/m3.

Monitoring Period Result 2011 - 2020 (Minimum Value) 0.017 2021 Average Value 0.019 2011 - 2020 (Maximum Value) 0.026 Preoperational 0.080 In the absence of plant-related gamma radionuclides, gross beta activity is attributed to naturally occurring radionuclides. Table 6, which includes gross beta concentrations and provides a comparison of the indicator and control means and ranges, emphasizes the consistent trends seen in this pathway to support the presence of naturally occurring activity. Therefore, it can be concluded that the airborne pathway continues to be unaffected by Waterford 3 operations.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 20 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 4.2 Thermoluminescent Dosimetry (TLD) Sample Results Waterford 3 reports measured dose as net exposure (field reading less transit reading) normalized to 92 days and relies on comparison of the thirty indicator locations to the one control as a measure of plant impact. Waterford 3s comparison of the inner ring, outer ring, and special interest area TLD results to the control, as seen in Table 6, identified no noticeable trend that would indicate that the ambient radiation levels are being affected by plant operations. In addition, the indicator value of 11.3 millirem (mrem) shown in the TLD radiation dose comparison graph below shows the 2021 concentration is comparable to historic results. Overall, Waterford 3 concluded that the ambient radiation levels are not being affected by plant operations.

The average exposure rates during 2021 are consistent with those from the preoperational program and the previous five years of operation. In particular, the preoperational survey indicates that exposure rates ranged between 11 and 33 mrem/standard quarter with an average of 20 mrem/standard quarter. The range during the previous five years of operation was 9 to 15 mrem/standard quarter with an average exposure rate of 12 mrem/standard quarter.

A comparison of the indicator results to the control results, as seen in Table 6, shows that the average indicator locations are slightly higher than that of the control. As shown in Attachment 2, Tables 11-14, several indicator locations are higher than the control by a few mrem with a maximum difference of 5.1 mrem. The differences between indicator locations and the control, and TLD stations grouped by distance from the plant are expected due to a variety of factors not related to Waterford 3 plant operations that can affect background radiation in the vicinity of each TLD station.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 21 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 4.3 Waterborne Sample Results Analytical results for 2021 drinking water/surface water samples were similar to those reported in previous years. Gamma radionuclides, iodine-131 and tritium analytical results for 2021 waterborne samples were below the ODCM-required LLD similar to those reported in previous years. Gross Beta continues to be detected in Waterford 3 drinking water samples consistent with historical results. These results are further explained below.

4.3.1 Surface Water Results Samples were collected from one indicator location and analyzed for gamma radionuclides and tritium. Gamma radionuclides were below detectable limits which is consistent with results seen in previous operational years. Tritium was not detected in any of the quarterly samples. Therefore, the operation of Waterford 3 had no definable impact on this waterborne pathway in 2021.

4.3.2 Drinking/Surface Water Results Drinking water samples also serve as surface water samples for Waterford 3.

Therefore, monthly and quarterly gamma spectroscopy and tritium analyses of drinking water also satisfy the surface water sampling requirement.

Samples were collected from two indicators and one control location.

Drinking/Surface water samples were analyzed for, gamma radionuclides, gross beta, iodine-131, and tritium. Gamma radionuclides, iodine-131, and tritium concentrations were below the LLD limits at the indicator and control locations. Gross beta was detected in both indicator and control locations. The average concentration of the indicator locations is comparable to the 2011 - 2020 operational years and below background preoperational data as shown below. Gross beta results from 2021 are summarized in Table 6. Results are reported as annual average pCi/L.

Monitoring Period Result 2011 - 2020 (Minimum Value) 3.8 2021 Average Value 3.8 2011 - 2020 (Maximum Value) 6.6 Preoperational 7.0 Table 17, which includes gross beta concentrations for 2021, provides a comparison of the indicator and control means. It shows that the waterborne pathway continues to remain at background levels. Waterford 3 personnel have noted no definable trends associated with drinking water results at the indicator location. Therefore, the operation of Waterford 3 had no definable impact on this waterborne pathway in 2021 and levels of radionuclides remain similar to those obtained in previous operational years.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 22 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 4.3.3 Sediment Sample Results Sediment samples were collected from two indicators and one control location in 2021 and analyzed for gamma radionuclides. Gamma radionuclides were below the LLD limits at both indicator and control locations. Listed below is a comparison of 2021 Cs-137 indicator results to the 2011-2020 operational years. Waterford 3 operations had no significant impact on the environment or public by this waterborne pathway.

Monitoring Period Result 2011-2020 (Minimum Value)

<LLD 2021 Value

<LLD 2011-2020 (Maximum Value)

<LLD 4.4 Ingestion Sample Results 4.4.1 Fish Sample Results Fish samples were collected from two indicator and one control location and analyzed for gamma radionuclides. In 2021, gamma radionuclides were below detectable limits which are consistent with the preoperational monitoring period and operational results. Therefore, based on these measurements, Waterford 3 operations had no significant radiological impact upon the environment or public by this ingestion pathway.

4.4.2 Broad Leaf Vegetation Sample Results The REMP has detected radionuclides prior to 1990 that are attributable to other sources. These include the radioactive plume release due to reactor core degradation at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986 and atmospheric weapons testing.

In 2021, broad leaf vegetation samples were collected from two indicator and one control location and analyzed for iodine-131 and gamma radionuclides. The 2021 levels remained undetectable, as has been the case in recent years. Therefore, based on these measurements, Waterford 3 operations had no significant radiological impact upon the environment or public by this ingestion pathway.

4.4.3 Milk Sample Results Milk samples from the indicator location were unavailable for collection during 2021; therefore, broad leaf vegetation sampling was performed as required by TRM 3.12-1.

Results are shown in section 4.4.2. Milk samples were collected from one control location the first half of 2021 and analyzed for iodine-131 and gamma radionuclides.

Cesium-137 was not measured in any control samples in 2021. Therefore, Waterford 3 concluded that plant operations had no significant impact on this pathway in 2021.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 23 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 4.5 Land Use Census Results The latest land use census was conducted September 3 - September 7, 2020. The nearest residence, garden, beef cow, food product and milk animal in each sector within a five mile radius of the plant was located by visual inspection and verbal inquiry.

The land use census identified several changes in 2020. These changes include three nearest residence changes, 5 nearest garden changes, 1 milk animal change, and 1 meat animal change.

The three nearest residence changes identified were in sectors A, N, and P. The nearest residence in sector A has changed to 106 Evangeline Road at a distance of 1.24 miles from the plant. The nearest residence in sector N has changed to 262 School House Road at a distance of 0.94 miles from the plant. The nearest residence in sector P has changed to 100 School House Road at a distance of 0.86 miles from the plant.

The five nearest garden changes identified were in sectors A, B, G, P, and Q. The nearest garden in sector A has changed to 17834 River Road at a distance of 1.31 miles from the plant. The nearest garden in sector B has changed to 199 Evangeline Street at a distance of 1.40 miles from the plant. The nearest garden in sector G has changed to 694 Courthouse Lane at a distance of 4.01 miles from the plant. The nearest garden in sector P has changed to 244 School House Road at a distance of 0.92 miles from the plant. The nearest garden in sector Q has changed to 126 Post Street at a distance of 0.93 miles from the plant.

The one nearest milk animal change identified was in sector E. The nearest milk animal location in sector E no longer has any milk animals. Therefore, there are no identified nearest milk animal locations in 2020.

The one nearest meat animal location change identified was in sector A. The nearest meat animal in sector A has changed to 614 HWY 628 in LaPlace at a distance of 3.56 miles from the plant.

Based upon the locations identified in this survey, the locations identified in previous surveys and the locations currently being used to calculate dose commitments from liquid and gaseous effluents released from Waterford 3, no REMP sampling location changes are necessary. Results of the 2020 biennial census are shown in Table 5.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 24 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table 5: 2020 Land Use Census Results Sector Direction Nearest Residence (miles)

Nearest Garden (miles)

Nearest Milk Cow (miles)

Nearest Beef Cow (miles)

Nearest Goat (miles)


1.2 1.3



  • 3.8 B

NNE 1.0 1.4




C NE 0.9 1.1




D ENE 0.9 0.9





2.3 2.3




F ESE 3.2 2.3




G SE 4.0 4.0



































0.9 1.2




P WNW 0.9 0.9




Q NW 0.9 0.9




R NNW 3.1 3.4




Symbol Comment


Nothing was located within a five-mile radius of Waterford 3.

Animals were located at this distance from Waterford 3, but the milk is not used for human consumption.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 25 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 4.6 Interlaboratory Comparison Results contains result summary for Interlaboratory Comparison program for Teledyne Brown Engineering and Environmental Dosimetry services to fulfill the requirements of section 5.7.2 of the ODCM.




Table 6, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary, summarizes data for the 2021 REMP.

Sample Type (Units)

Type / Number of Analyses(1)

LLD (2)

Indicator Locations Mean (F)(3)




[Highest Annual Mean]

Mean (F)(3)


Control Locations Mean (F)(3) [Range]

Number of Non Routine Results(5)

GB / 130 0.01 0.0191 (104 / 104)

APQ-1 0.0193 (26 / 26) 0.0203 (26/26) 0

[0.0090 - 0.0320]

(132 - 0.81 mi)

[0.0120 - 0.0290]

[0.0110 - 0.0330]

GS / 20 Cs-134 0.05


< LLD 0

Cs-137 0.06


< LLD 0

Airborne Iodine (pCi/m3)

I-131 / 130 0.07


< LLD 0

Inner Ring TLD Gamma / 63 (6) 11 (63 / 63)

D-2 13.1 (4 / 4)

N/A 0


[8.6 - 13.9]

(238°- 1.24 mi)

[12.2 - 13.9]

Outer Ring TLD Gamma / 39 (6) 12.2 (39 / 39)

P-6 13.8 (4 / 4)

N/A 0


[8.7 - 14]

(107°- 5.58 mi)

[13.4 - 14.0]

Special Interest Gamma / 16 (6) 10.5 (16 / 16)

G-8 10.9 (4 / 4)

N/A 0

TLD (mR/Qtr)

[9.8 - 11.4]

(305°- 7.74 mi)

[10.2 - 11.4]

Control TLD Gamma / 4 (6)

N/A N/A N/A 9.3 (4 / 4) 0 (mR/Qtr)

[8.9 - 9.9]

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 26 of 53 Table6: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Air Particulate (pCi/m3)

Sample Type (Units)

Type / Number of Analyses(1)

LLD (2)

Indicator Locations Mean (F)(3)




[Highest Annual Mean]

Mean (F)(3)


Control Locations Mean (F)(3) [Range]

Number of Non Routine Results(5)

H-3 / 4 2000

< LLD N/A N/A N/A 0

GS / 13 Mn-54 15

< LLD N/A N/A N/A 0

Co-58 15

< LLD N/A N/A N/A 0

Fe-59 30

< LLD N/A N/A N/A 0

Co-60 15

< LLD N/A N/A N/A 0

Zn-65 30

< LLD N/A N/A N/A 0

Nb-95 15

< LLD N/A N/A N/A 0

I-131 15

< LLD N/A N/A N/A 0

Zr-95 15

< LLD N/A N/A N/A 0

Cs-134 15

< LLD N/A N/A N/A 0

Cs-137 18

< LLD N/A N/A N/A 0

Ba-140 15

< LLD N/A N/A N/A 0

La-140 15

< LLD N/A N/A N/A 0

Surface Water (pCi/L)

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 27 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table6: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary

Sample Type (Units)

Type / Number of Analyses(1)

LLD (2)

Indicator Locations Mean (F)(3)




[Highest Annual Mean]

Mean (F)(3)


Control Locations Mean (F)(3) [Range]

Number of Non Routine Results(5)

GB / 12 4

3.8 (8 / 8)

DW/SWF-2 4.0 (4 / 4) 3.2 (4 / 4) 0

[2.4 - 5.7]

(302°- 1.51 mi)

[2.6 - 5.7]

[2.2 - 4.6]

I-131 / 40 1


< LLD 0

H-3 / 12 2000


< LLD 0

GS / 12 Mn-54 15


< LLD 0

Co-58 15


< LLD 0

Fe-59 30


< LLD 0

Co-60 15


< LLD 0

Zn-65 30


< LLD 0

Nb-95 15


< LLD 0

Zr-95 15


< LLD 0

Cs-134 15


< LLD 0

Cs-137 18


< LLD 0

Ba-140 15


< LLD 0

La-140 15


< LLD 0

GS / 3 Cs-134 150


< LLD 0

Cs-137 180


< LLD 0

Drinking/Surface Water (pCi/L)

Sediment (pCi/kg dry)

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 28 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table6: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary

Sample Type (Units)

Type / Number of Analyses(1)

LLD (2)

Indicator Locations Mean (F)(3)




[Highest Annual Mean]

Mean (F)(3)


Control Locations Mean (F)(3) [Range]

Number of Non Routine Results(5)

GS / 12 Mn-54 130


< LLD 0

Co-58 130


< LLD 0

Fe-59 260


< LLD 0

Co-60 130


< LLD 0

Zn-65 260


< LLD 0

Cs-134 130


< LLD 0

Cs-137 150


< LLD 0

GS / 12 I-131 60

< LLD N/A N/A N/A 0

Cs-134 60

< LLD N/A N/A N/A 0

Cs-137 80

< LLD N/A N/A N/A 0

I-131 / 2 1


< LLD 0

GS / 2 Cs-134 15 N/A N/A N/A

< LLD 0

Cs-137 18 N/A N/A N/A

< LLD 0

Ba-140 15 N/A N/A N/A

< LLD 0

La-140 15 N/A N/A N/A

< LLD 0


(1) - GB = Gross beta; I-131 = Iodine-131; H-3 = Tritium; GS = Gamma scan.

(2) - LLD = Required lower limit of detection based on Waterford 3 TRM Table 4.12-1.

(3) - Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis (F).

(4) - Locations are specified (1) by name and (2) degrees relative to reactor site.

(5) - Non-routine results are those which exceed ten times the control station value. If no control station value is available, the result is considered non-routine if it exceeds ten times the preoperational value for the location.

(6) - LLD is not defined in Waterford 3 TRM.

Milk (pCi/L)

Broad Leaf (pCi/kg wet)

Fish (pCi/kg wet)

Table6: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 29 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 30 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Page 1 of 2 Sample Deviations Table 7: Sample Deviations Table Comment No.

Sample Media Affected Sample Location Date Problem Evaluation / Actions 1

Milk MKE-3 2021 Sample Unavailable Milk samples from indicator station MKE-3 were unavailable for all four quarters of 2021 due to there being no indicator milk animals within 8 km of the plant.

Broad Leaf vegetation sampling was performed in place of the milk indicator sampling.

2 Milk MKA-31 2021 Program Change Milk samples from control station MKA-31 were not collected for 3rd and 4th quarters of 2021 due to there being no indicator milk animals within 8 km of the plant. Milk sampling was removed from the program. Broad Leaf vegetation sampling was performed in place of the milk indicator sampling.

3 AP/C APP-1 02/08/21-02/22/21 Low Volume The air particulate and charcoal sample collected from 02/08/21-02/22/21 had low volumes due to a broken sample pump. The sample pump was replaced on the same day it was found not working.

4 WT SWR-1 08/29/21-09/03/21 Loss of Power The surface water composite sampler had a loss of power due to Hurricane Ida.

Dip samples were taken daily until the power was restored.

5 WT SWK-1 08/29/21-09/03/21 Loss of Power The surface water composite sampler had a loss of power due to Hurricane Ida.

Dip samples were taken daily until the power was restored.

6 AP/C APQ-1 08/29/21-09/27/21 Low Volume The air particulate and charcoal sample collected from 08/29/21-09/27/21 had low volumes due to a loss of power during Hurricane Ida.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 31 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Page 2 of 2 Sample Deviations Table 7: Sample Deviations Table Comment No.

Sample Media Affected Sample Location Date Problem Evaluation / Actions 7

AP/C APP-1 08/29/21-09/27/21 Low Volume The air particulate and charcoal sample collected from 08/29/21-09/27/21 had low volumes due to a loss of power during Hurricane Ida.

8 TLD B-4 08/29/21 Sample Missing TLD from station B-4 was unable to be analyzed due to the sample missing after Hurricane Ida. A new TLD was ordered and put in its place on 09/16/21.

9 AP/C APE-26 09/20/21-10/04/21 Low Volume The air particulate and charcoal sample collected from 09/20/21-10/04/21 had low volumes due to a power outage at the sample location. The power was restored 10/04/21.

10 TLD Q-5 10/06/21 Sample Missing TLD from station Q-5 was unable to be analyzed due to the sample missing at the time of collection. The disappearance seemed to be because of recovery work of power lines and poles that were damaged during Hurricane Ida. 4th Qtr.

TLD was put in place.

11 TLD N-1 10/06/21 Sample Missing TLD from station N-1 was unable to be analyzed due to the sample missing at the time of collection. The disappearance seemed to be because of recovery work of power lines and poles that were damaged during Hurricane Ida. 4th Qtr.

TLD was put in place.

12 TLD N-1 11/03/21 Sample Missing TLD from station N-1 was unable to be analyzed due to the sample missing at the time of collection. A new TLD was ordered and put in its place on 11/05/21.

Page 32 of 53 Start Date End Date APF-1 (Indicator)



APP-1 (Indicator)

APC-1 (Indicator)

APE-26 (Control) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 12/28/2020 01/11/2021 0.021 0.021 0.019 0.019 0.020 01/11/2021 01/25/2021 0.020 0.023 0.020 0.021 0.023 01/25/2021 02/08/2021 0.023 0.022 0.023 0.023 0.024 02/08/2021 02/22/2021 0.022 0.019 0.021 0.017 0.020 02/22/2021 03/08/2021 0.019 0.020 0.019 0.020 0.022 03/08/2021 03/22/2021 0.019 0.018 0.017 0.015 0.019 03/22/2021 04/05/2021 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.017 0.021 04/05/2021 04/19/2021 0.017 0.022 0.019 0.018 0.018 04/19/2021 05/03/2021 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.022 0.021 05/03/2021 05/17/2021 0.016 0.015 0.018 0.017 0.017 05/17/2021 05/31/2021 0.017 0.016 0.014 0.016 0.016 05/31/2021 06/14/2021 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.011 0.012 06/14/2021 06/28/2021 0.015 0.014 0.015 0.014 0.015 06/28/2021 07/12/2021 0.015 0.012 0.009 0.010 0.011 07/12/2021 07/26/2021 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.015 0.014 07/26/2021 08/09/2021 0.020 0.019 0.024 0.021 0.026 08/09/2021 08/23/2021 0.015 0.016 0.013 0.014 0.016 08/23/2021 09/06/2021 0.016 0.025 0.022 0.020 0.017 09/06/2021 09/20/2021 0.017 0.014 0.014 0.016 0.018 09/20/2021 10/04/2021 0.017 0.016 0.018 0.018 0.023 10/04/2021 10/18/2021 0.022 0.021 0.020 0.021 0.022 10/18/2021 11/01/2021 0.026 0.022 0.024 0.023 0.023 11/01/2021 11/15/2021 0.032 0.029 0.032 0.028 0.033 11/15/2021 11/29/2021 0.026 0.028 0.022 0.021 0.026 11/29/2021 12/13/2021 0.022 0.023 0.022 0.025 0.026 12/13/2021 12/27/2021 0.020 0.023 0.027 0.022 0.026 (1) Station with highest annual mean.

REQUIRED LLD Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Year: 2021 Plant: Waterford 3 Monitoring Results Tables Table8: Air Particulate Data Table Analysis: Gross Beta Units: pCi/m3 Page 1 of 14

Start Date End Date 12/28/2020 01/11/2021

< 0.014

< 0.015

< 0.013

< 0.014

< 0.015 01/11/2021 01/25/2021

< 0.014

< 0.014

< 0.015

< 0.011

< 0.014 01/25/2021 02/08/2021

< 0.016

< 0.016

< 0.018

< 0.013

< 0.017 02/08/2021 02/22/2021

< 0.021

< 0.021

< 0.016

< 0.020

< 0.020 02/22/2021 03/08/2021

< 0.014

< 0.012

< 0.014

< 0.013

< 0.014 03/08/2021 03/22/2021

< 0.014

< 0.015

< 0.014

< 0.013

< 0.012 03/22/2021 04/05/2021

< 0.013

< 0.014

< 0.013

< 0.013

< 0.011 04/05/2021 04/19/2021

< 0.021

< 0.021

< 0.020

< 0.020

< 0.009 04/19/2021 05/03/2021

< 0.019

< 0.019

< 0.018

< 0.018

< 0.008 05/03/2021 05/17/2021

< 0.014

< 0.015

< 0.014

< 0.014

< 0.006 05/17/2021 05/31/2021

< 0.014

< 0.014

< 0.014

< 0.013

< 0.012 05/31/2021 06/14/2021

< 0.022

< 0.023

< 0.021

< 0.021

< 0.010 06/14/2021 06/28/2021

< 0.016

< 0.016

< 0.015

< 0.015

< 0.007 06/28/2021 07/12/2021

< 0.020

< 0.020

< 0.019

< 0.008

< 0.020 07/12/2021 07/26/2021

< 0.012

< 0.013

< 0.012

< 0.012

< 0.009 07/26/2021 08/09/2021

< 0.012

< 0.013

< 0.012

< 0.006

< 0.013 08/09/2021 08/23/2021

< 0.016

< 0.017

< 0.016

< 0.016

< 0.007 08/23/2021 09/06/2021

< 0.013

< 0.026

< 0.029

< 0.016

< 0.013 09/06/2021 09/20/2021

< 0.010

< 0.022

< 0.035

< 0.013

< 0.014 09/20/2021 10/04/2021

< 0.015

< 0.016

< 0.015

< 0.014

< 0.017 10/04/2021 10/18/2021

< 0.013

< 0.014

< 0.013

< 0.013

< 0.007 10/18/2021 11/01/2021

< 0.014

< 0.014

< 0.014

< 0.011

< 0.014 11/01/2021 11/15/2021

< 0.018

< 0.009

< 0.018

< 0.017

< 0.018 11/15/2021 11/29/2021

< 0.016

< 0.016

< 0.016

< 0.012

< 0.016 11/29/2021 12/13/2021

< 0.010

< 0.009

< 0.010

< 0.009

< 0.010 12/13/2021 12/27/2021

< 0.018

< 0.008

< 0.018

< 0.017

< 0.018 0.07 APQ-1 (Indicator) 0.07 APP-1 (Indicator) 0.07 Page 33 of 53 Year: 2021 APC-1 (Indicator) 0.07 APE-26 (Control) 0.07 Units: pCi/m3 Table9: Radioiodine Cartridge Data Table Analysis: I-131 REQUIRED LLD Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Monitoring Results Tables Plant: Waterford 3 Page 2 of 14 APF-1 (Indicator)

Location Collection Date APF-1 (Indicator) 04/19/2021

< 0.004

< 0.003 APQ-1 (Indicator) 04/19/2021

< 0.002

< 0.002 APP-1 (Indicator) 04/19/2021

< 0.001

< 0.002 APC-1 (Indicator) 04/19/2021

< 0.003

< 0.002 APE-26 (Control) 04/19/2021

< 0.003

< 0.004 APF-1 (Indicator) 07/12/2021

< 0.003

< 0.002 APQ-1 (Indicator) 07/12/2021

< 0.003

< 0.003 APP-1 (Indicator) 07/12/2021

< 0.002

< 0.002 APC-1 (Indicator) 07/12/2021

< 0.003

< 0.003 APE-26 (Control) 07/12/2021

< 0.002

< 0.002 APF-1 (Indicator) 10/04/2021

< 0.005

< 0.004 APQ-1 (Indicator) 10/04/2021

< 0.003

< 0.002 APP-1 (Indicator) 10/04/2021

< 0.004

< 0.004 APC-1 (Indicator) 10/04/2021

< 0.002

< 0.002 APE-26 (Control) 10/04/2021

< 0.003

< 0.003 APF-1 (Indicator) 12/27/2021

< 0.005

< 0.004 APQ-1 (Indicator) 12/27/2021

< 0.003

< 0.003 APP-1 (Indicator) 12/27/2021

< 0.002

< 0.002 APC-1 (Indicator) 12/27/2021

< 0.002

< 0.002 APE-26 (Control) 12/27/2021

< 0.002

< 0.002 Analysis: Gamma Isotopic REQUIRED LLD Plant: Waterford 3 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Page 3 of 14 Monitoring Results Tables Table10: Air Particulate Composite Data Table Year: 2021 Page 34 of 53 Units: pCi/m3 Cs-134 Cs-137 0.05 0.06

Page 35 of 53 Station 1st Qtr 2021 2nd Qtr 2021 3rd Qtr 2021 4th Qtr 2021 Annual Mean 2021 A-2 12.2 12.2 12.5 13.0 12.5 B-1 12.5 12.7 12.5 13.7 12.9 C-1 9.2 8.6 9.2 9.8 9.2 D-2(1) 12.3 12.2 13.9 13.9 13.1 E-1 11.7 11.5 11.8 12.7 11.9 F-2 10.6 10.6 11.3 11.8 11.1 G-2 10.4 10.0 10.5 10.9 10.5 H-2 9.9 10.0 10.9 10.9 10.4 J-2 10.1 8.8 9.5 10.2 9.7 K-1 11.1 10.1 11.2 11.8 11.1 L-1 12.3 11.7 12.2 12.2 12.1 M-1 10.2 9.6 10.1 10.0 10.0 N-1 10.2 10.1 (2) 9.5 9.9 P-1 10.5 10.2 10.5 11.3 10.6 Q-1 12.0 11.6 12.4 12.4 12.1 R-1 9.0 9.0 9.5 9.3 9.2 (1) Inner ring station with highest annual mean.

(2) See Attachment 1, Table 7, Samples Deviations Table, Comment 11 Station 1st Qtr 2021 2nd Qtr 2021 3rd Qtr 2021 4th Qtr 2021 Annual Mean 2021 A-5 12.4 12.1 12.4 13.0 12.5 B-4 13.1 13.1 13.8 14.0 13.5 D-5 11.5 11.0 11.2 12.9 11.7 E-5 12.7 12.3 12.5 12.6 12.5 F-4 13.6 13.2 13.2 13.3 13.3 G-4 10.3 9.7 10.4 11.4 10.5 H-8 12.7 12.1 11.8 13.9 12.6 P-6(1) 13.8 13.4 13.8 14.0 13.8 Q-5 11.4 11.2 (2) 12.7 11.8 R-6 10.1 8.7 9.7 9.7 9.6 (1) Outer ring station with highest annual mean.

(2) See Attachment 1, Table 7, Samples Deviations Table, Comment 10 Units: mrem/Std. Qtr.

Analysis: Gamma Dose Table12: Thermoluminescent Dosimeters - Outer Ring Year: 2021 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Monitoring Results Tables Plant: Waterford 3 Page 4 of 14 Table11: Thermoluminescent Dosimeters - Inner Ring Analysis: Gamma Dose Units: mrem/Std. Qtr.

Page 36 of 53 Station 1st Qtr 2021 2nd Qtr 2021 3rd Qtr 2021 4th Qtr 2021 Annual Mean 2021 E-15 9.9 9.9 10.2 10.6 10.2 F-9 10.3 10.3 11.1 11.1 10.7 G-8(1) 10.9 10.2 11.1 11.4 10.9 J-15 9.9 9.8 10.0 10.7 10.1 (1) Special interest station with highest annual mean.

Station 1st Qtr 2021 2nd Qtr 2021 3rd Qtr 2021 4th Qtr 2021 Annual Mean 2021 E-26 9.2 8.9 9.2 9.9 9.3 Monitoring Results Tables Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Page 5 of 14 Table13: Thermoluminescent Dosimeters - Special Interest Areas Analysis: Gamma Dose Units: mrem/Std. Qtr.

Table14: Thermoluminescent Dosimeters - Control Analysis: Gamma Dose Units: mrem/Std. Qtr.

Location Start Date End Date SWK-1 (Indicator) 12/22/2020 01/18/2021

< 1.91

< 1.86

< 4.07

< 2.16

< 3.93

< 1.89

< 2.17

< 3.54

< 2.24

< 2.25

< 7.35

< 2.70 SWK-1 (Indicator) 01/18/2021 02/15/2021

< 1.96

< 2.12

< 4.54

< 2.35

< 4.38

< 2.02

< 3.94

< 3.43

< 1.99

< 2.05

< 10.2

< 3.76 SWK-1 (Indicator) 02/15/2021 03/15/2021

< 3.99

< 3.16

< 6.86

< 4.44

< 7.33

< 3.80

< 4.54

< 5.89

< 3.84

< 3.72

< 14.3

< 4.20 SWK-1 (Indicator) 03/15/2021 04/13/2021

< 1.65

< 1.80

< 3.91

< 1.84

< 3.49

< 1.69

< 2.16

< 2.91

< 1.82

< 1.75

< 6.60

< 1.97 SWK-1 (Indicator) 04/13/2021 05/11/2021

< 2.12

< 1.93

< 4.10

< 2.03

< 4.16

< 1.94

< 1.99

< 3.24

< 2.03

< 1.99

< 6.65

< 2.35 SWK-1 (Indicator) 05/11/2021 06/07/2021

< 1.77

< 1.82

< 3.69

< 1.85

< 3.70

< 1.77

< 2.22

< 3.11

< 2.00

< 1.96

< 7.11

< 2.21 SWK-1 (Indicator) 06/07/2021 07/06/2021

< 1.87

< 1.88

< 4.13

< 1.90

< 3.75

< 1.96

< 2.23

< 3.37

< 2.27

< 2.03

< 7.41

< 2.83 SWK-1 (Indicator) 07/06/2021 08/03/2021

< 2.10

< 1.88

< 3.79

< 2.35

< 3.54

< 1.90

< 2.07

< 3.72

< 2.24

< 2.05

< 7.01

< 2.34 SWK-1 (Indicator) 08/03/2021 09/01/2021

< 1.99

< 1.88

< 3.96

< 2.28

< 3.82

< 1.82

< 2.03

< 3.24

< 2.26

< 1.97

< 6.89

< 2.48 SWK-1 (Indicator) 09/01/2021 09/28/2021

< 3.03

< 2.74

< 5.80

< 3.81

< 5.93

< 3.19

< 4.18

< 5.11

< 3.27

< 4.04

< 14.6

< 4.18 SWK-1 (Indicator) 09/28/2021 10/25/2021

< 2.94

< 3.36

< 6.04

< 3.45

< 6.44

< 2.66

< 4.25

< 5.26

< 3.75

< 3.33

< 14.7

< 4.87 SWK-1 (Indicator) 10/25/2021 11/23/2021

< 1.98

< 2.02

< 4.20

< 1.99

< 3.98

< 2.00

< 2.20

< 3.33

< 2.22

< 2.04

< 7.56

< 2.32 SWK-1 (Indicator) 11/23/2021 12/21/2021

< 1.61

< 1.57

< 3.32

< 1.75

< 3.46

< 1.66

< 2.80

< 2.97

< 1.86

< 1.82

< 8.15

< 2.49 30 18 Cs-134 La-140 15 Ba-140 15 Cs-137 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Monitoring Results Tables Table15: Surface Water - Gamma Page 6 of 14 Mn-54 15 Fe-59 30 Co-58 15 Page 37 of 53 Year: 2021 Units: pCi/L Co-60 15 I-131 15 Nb-95 15 Zn-65 15 Zr-95 15 Analysis: Gamma Isotopic REQUIRED LLD Plant: Waterford 3

Year: 2021 Location Start Date End Date SWK-1 (Indicator) 12/22/2020 03/15/2021

< 520 SWK-1 (Indicator) 03/15/2021 06/07/2021

< 488 SWK-1 (Indicator) 06/07/2021 09/01/2021

< 539 SWK-1 (Indicator) 09/01/2021 11/23/2021

< 493 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Plant: Waterford 3 Analysis: H-3 Units: pCi/L REQUIRED LLD Table16: Surface Water - Tritium Monitoring Results Tables Page 7 of 14 Page 38 of 53 H-3 3000

Location Collection Date DWF/SWF-2(1)

(Indicator) 03/15/2021 2.61

< 2.11

< 2.31

< 4.64

< 1.88

< 4.38

< 2.12

< 3.60

< 2.28

< 2.25

< 10.4

< 3.45 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 03/15/2021 2.41

< 2.00

< 1.90

< 4.20

< 2.36

< 3.57

< 2.18

< 3.64

< 2.32

< 2.09

< 9.74

< 3.74 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 03/15/2021 2.19

< 2.35

< 2.47

< 5.16

< 2.39

< 4.67

< 2.66

< 4.20

< 2.58

< 2.37

< 12.1

< 3.79 DWF/SWF-2(1)

(Indicator) 06/07/2021 4.32

< 1.54

< 1.59

< 3.20

< 1.71

< 3.23

< 1.66

< 2.85

< 1.75

< 1.70

< 6.85

< 2.27 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 06/07/2021 4.14

< 2.21

< 2.23

< 4.46

< 2.43

< 4.26

< 2.38

< 3.95

< 2.54

< 2.40

< 11.2

< 3.73 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 06/07/2021 2.84

< 3.96

< 3.59

< 7.11

< 3.31

< 9.14

< 3.85

< 7.11

< 4.31

< 4.64

< 14.8

< 5.04 DWF/SWF-2(1)

(Indicator) 09/01/2021 5.66

< 1.93

< 1.80

< 3.89

< 1.98

< 3.65

< 1.77

< 3.10

< 2.09

< 2.03

< 7.44

< 2.43 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 09/01/2021 4.91

< 2.12

< 2.06

< 4.27

< 2.09

< 4.25

< 2.24

< 3.60

< 2.65

< 2.36

< 8.19

< 2.84 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 09/01/2021 4.55

< 2.11

< 1.82

< 3.90

< 2.21

< 4.28

< 1.91

< 3.53

< 2.34

< 2.21

< 8.07

< 2.85 DWF/SWF-2(1)

(Indicator) 11/23/2021 3.59

< 1.16

< 1.20

< 2.58

< 1.37

< 2.61

< 1.26

< 2.20

< 1.35

< 1.34

< 6.26

< 2.29 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 11/23/2021 3.04

< 1.71

< 1.79

< 4.13

< 2.02

< 3.98

< 1.77

< 3.32

< 2.17

< 1.86

< 9.13

< 3.16 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 11/23/2021 3.41

< 1.56

< 1.82

< 3.68

< 1.66

< 3.44

< 1.80

< 3.16

< 1.92

< 1.62

< 9.50

< 3.01 (1) Station with highest annual Gr-B mean.

REQUIRED LLD Plant: Waterford 3 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Monitoring Results Tables Table17: Drinking/Surface Water - Gamma and Gross Beta Analysis: Gamma Isotopic, Gross Beta Page 8 of 14 La-140 15 Ba-140 15 Cs-137 15 18 Cs-134 Gross Beta 4

Co-58 15 Mn-54 15 Units: pCi/L Page 39 of 53 Year: 2021 Fe-59 30 Nb-95 15 Zn-65 30 Co-60 15 Zr-95 15

Year: 2021 Location Start Date End Date DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 12/22/2020 01/18/2021

< 0.647 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) Dup.

12/22/2020 01/18/2021

< 0.716 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 12/22/2020 01/18/2021

< 0.742 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 12/22/2020 01/18/2021

< 0.802 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 01/18/2021 02/15/2021

< 0.912 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 01/18/2021 02/15/2021

< 0.811 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 01/18/2021 02/15/2021

< 0.883 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 02/15/2021 03/15/2021

< 0.757 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 02/15/2021 03/15/2021

< 0.871 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 02/15/2021 03/15/2021

< 0.809 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 03/15/2021 04/13/2021

< 0.886 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 03/15/2021 04/13/2021

< 0.860 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 03/15/2021 04/13/2021

< 0.741 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 04/13/2021 05/11/2021

< 0.660 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 04/13/2021 05/11/2021

< 0.630 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 04/13/2021 05/11/2021

< 0.648 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 05/11/2021 06/07/2021

< 0.848 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 05/11/2021 06/07/2021

< 0.646 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 05/11/2021 06/07/2021

< 0.862 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 06/07/2021 07/06/2021

< 0.676 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 06/07/2021 07/06/2021

< 0.772 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 06/07/2021 07/06/2021

< 0.850 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 07/06/2021 08/03/2021

< 0.650 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 07/06/2021 08/03/2021

< 0.731 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 07/06/2021 08/03/2021

< 0.822 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 08/03/2021 09/01/2021

< 0.742 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 08/03/2021 09/01/2021

< 0.686 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 08/03/2021 09/01/2021

< 0.771 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 09/01/2021 09/28/2021

< 0.684 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 09/01/2021 09/28/2021

< 0.793 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 09/01/2021 09/28/2021

< 0.504 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 09/28/2021 10/26/2021

< 0.903 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 09/28/2021 10/25/2021

< 0.812 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 09/28/2021 10/25/2021

< 0.787 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 10/26/2021 11/23/2021

< 0.871 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 10/25/2021 11/23/2021

< 0.850 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 10/25/2021 11/23/2021

< 0.826 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 11/23/2021 12/21/2021

< 0.743 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 11/23/2021 12/21/2021

< 0.677 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 11/23/2021 12/21/2021

< 0.859 Analysis: Iodine-131 Units: pCi/L REQUIRED LLD Plant: Waterford 3 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Page 9 of 14 Monitoring Results Tables Table18: Drinking/Surface Water-Iodine-131 Page 40 of 53 I-131 1.0

Year: 2021 Location Start Date End Date DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 12/22/2020 03/15/2021

< 503 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 12/22/2020 03/15/2021

< 500 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 12/22/2020 03/15/2021

< 498 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 03/15/2021 06/07/2021

< 467 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 03/15/2021 06/07/2021

< 509 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 03/15/2021 06/07/2021

< 495 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 06/07/2021 09/01/2021

< 550 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 06/07/2021 09/01/2021

< 542 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 06/07/2021 09/01/2021

< 537 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 09/01/2021 11/23/2021

< 504 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 09/01/2021 11/23/2021

< 485 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 09/01/2021 11/23/2021

< 480 Analysis: H-3 Units: pCi/L REQUIRED LLD Plant: Waterford 3 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Page 10 of 14 Monitoring Results Tables Table19: Drinking/Surface Water - Tritium H-3 2000 Page 41 of 53

Location Collection Date SHWK-1 (Indicator) 09/07/2021

< 81.47

< 75.65 SHWE-3 (Indicator) 09/07/2021

< 88.67

< 84.79 SHWQ-6 (Control) 09/07/2021

< 67.24

< 56.71 REQUIRED LLD Plant: Waterford 3 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table20: Sediment - Gamma Page 11 of 14 Monitoring Results Tables Analysis: Gamma Isotopic Page 42 of 53 Cs-137 Cs-134 Units: pCi/kg (dry) 180 150 Year: 2021

Location Collection Date Species FH-1 (Control) 10/31/2021 Catfish

< 45.32

< 80.59

< 103.2

< 66.05

< 117.2

< 68.82

< 70.44 FH-2 (Indicator) 10/31/2021 Catfish

< 62.29

< 54.80

< 96.33

< 67.81

< 159.9

< 70.02

< 62.05 FH-3 (Indicator) 10/12/2021 Catfish

< 60.43

< 90.30

< 194.3

< 65.75

< 164.6

< 77.84

< 59.53 FH-1 (Control) 10/31/2021 Buffalo

< 54.19

< 57.89

< 102.9

< 46.21

< 103.8

< 63.93

< 50.19 FH-2 (Indicator) 10/31/2021 Buffalo

< 49.29

< 51.46

< 132.0

< 63.45

< 118.7

< 57.56

< 56.28 FH-3 (Indicator) 10/12/2021 Buffalo

< 79.32

< 89.59

< 229.1

< 59.57

< 169.1

< 66.02

< 78.93 FH-1 (Control) 10/31/2021 Mullet

< 52.99

< 59.53

< 84.96

< 57.63

< 105.4

< 50.74

< 48.49 FH-2 (Indicator) 10/31/2021 Mullet

< 61.17

< 80.12

< 188.8

< 55.66

< 161.0

< 65.92

< 64.30 FH-3 (Indicator) 10/12/2021 Mullet

< 47.34

< 78.63

< 216.5

< 52.01

< 106.4

< 79.16

< 50.90 FH-1 (Control) 10/31/2021 Carp

< 74.18

< 88.04

< 157.1

< 69.24

< 130.6

< 75.22

< 66.55 FH-2 (Indicator) 10/31/2021 Carp

< 65.14

< 72.68

< 142.9

< 76.57

< 179.3

< 71.82

< 62.02 FH-3 (Indicator) 10/12/2021 Carp

< 72.99

< 98.06

< 203.4

< 69.04

< 154.3

< 75.22

< 55.13 Cs-137 150 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Plant: Waterford 3 Page 12 of 14 Page 43 of 53 Year: 2021 Analysis: Gamma Isotopic Units: pCi/kg (wet)

REQUIRED LLD Table21: Fish - Gamma Monitoring Results Tables Mn-54 130 Zn-65 260 Cs-134 Co-58 130 Fe-59 260 Co-60 130 130

Location Collection Date BLQ-1 (Indicator) 03/09/2021

< 25.19

< 23.64

< 25.36 BLB-1 (Indicator) 03/09/2021

< 18.97

< 20.91

< 24.08 BLE-20 (Control) 03/09/2021

< 21.26

< 24.52

< 23.22 BLQ-1 (Indicator) 06/08/2021

< 57.07

< 57.48

< 51.41 BLB-1 (Indicator) 06/08/2021

< 35.22

< 31.70

< 29.06 BLE-20 (Control) 06/08/2021

< 32.54

< 23.81

< 31.13 BLQ-1 (Indicator) 09/07/2021

< 53.43

< 57.58

< 50.04 BLB-1 (Indicator) 09/07/2021

< 41.22

< 43.34

< 35.99 BLE-20 (Control) 09/07/2021

< 44.34

< 39.40

< 45.45 BLQ-1 (Indicator) 12/07/2021

< 33.46

< 37.04

< 32.74 BLB-1 (Indicator) 12/07/2021

< 33.29

< 40.53

< 38.08 BLE-20 (Control) 12/07/2021

< 36.63

< 45.35

< 47.02 Table22: Broad Leaf Vegatation - Gamma Analysis: Gamma Isotopic REQUIRED LLD Monitoring Results Tables I-131 60 Cs-134 60 Cs-137 80 Units: pCi/kg (wet)

Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Year: 2021 Page 13 of 14 Page 44 of 53 Plant: Waterford 3

Location Collection Date MKE-3 (Indicator) 03/09/2021 MKA-31 (Control) 03/09/2021

< 0.836

< 2.73

< 3.37

< 10.3

< 2.94 MKE-3 (Indicator) 06/08/2021 MKA-31 (Control) 06/08/2021

< 0.797

< 4.28

< 4.00

< 14.8

< 3.93 MKE-3 (Indicator) 09/01/2021 MKA-31 (Control) 09/01/2021 MKE-3 (Indicator) 12/01/2021 MKA-31 (Control) 12/01/2021 (1) See Attachment 1, Table 7, Samples Deviations Table, Comment 1 (2) See Attachment 1, Table 7, Samples Deviations Table, Comment 2 REQUIRED LLD Analysis: Gamma Isotopic, Iodine-131 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Page 45 of 53 Table23: Milk - Gamma and Iodine-131 Monitoring Results Tables Page 14 of 14 Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Units: pCi/L I-131 1

La-140 15 Cs-134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba-140 15 (1)






























Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 46 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Page 1 of 8 Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results 1.0 Summary of Teledyne Brown Engineering Quality Assurance For the Teledyne Brown Engineering (TBE) laboratory, 146 out of 154 analyses performed met the specified acceptance criteria. Seven analyses did not meet the specified acceptance criteria for the following reasons and were addressed through the TBE Corrective Action Program. NOTE: One analysis (soil for Tc-99) that did not meet acceptance criteria was performed for TBE information and is not on the list of required ICP analyses. A summary is found below:

Note: The Department of Energy (DOE) Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP) samples are created to mimic conditions found at DOE sites which do not resemble typical environmental samples obtained at commercial nuclear power facilities.


The ERA MRAD March 2021 Water Fe-55 result was evaluated as Not Acceptable. The reported value for Fe-55 was 579 pCi/L and the known result was 275 pCi/L (acceptance range 162 - 400). When reviewing the original sample data, it was found that the carrier yield was 52.6% (lower than typical water samples). Looking at the etched plate that was counted, it appeared that some loss of sample could have occurred. The sample was logged for reanalysis and used as the workgroup duplicate. The results were acceptable at 197 and 221 respectively. Yields were 97.4% and 105.7% and the plated samples were centered with no apparent loss of sample. The loss of sample during plating resulted in a low yield which produced an artificially high sample result. (NCR 21-01)


The MAPEP February 2021 AP Gross Alpha result was evaluated as Not Acceptable. The reported value was 0.371 Bq/sample and the known result was 1.77 Bq/sample (acceptance range 0.53 - 3.01). A similar failure had occurred several years prior due to the filter being placed with the wrong side up on the detector. At that time, a small dot was placed on the top of the filter prior to removal from the package to indicate the correct side for counting. The current sample was still in the detector when the result was received (dot side facing the detector). The sample was recounted with a similar result and was flipped and recounted. The flipped result was 0.661 Bq/sample, within the acceptable range. Because TBE cannot rely on receiving correct packaging from the provider, MAPEP AP cross-checks will be counted on both sides going forward. NOTE: The August sample had the same packaging issue (upside down). (NCR 21-02)


The MAPEP February 2021 soil Ni-63 was evaluated as Not Acceptable. The reported value was 310 Bq/kg and the known result was 689 (acceptance range 482 - 896). All workgroup QC was reviewed with no anomalies. The analytical procedure had been revised prior to this analysis to eliminate added interferences. The sample yield was

>100%, indicative of incomplete separation from interferences, leading to a lower result.

The procedure was again revised after acceptable results were obtained. (NCR 21-03)


The ERA October 2021 water Gross Beta result was evaluated as Not Acceptable. The reported value was 63.0 pCi/L and the known was 55.7 (acceptance range 38.1 - 62.6) or 113% of the known. The 2-sigma error was 6.8, placing the reported result well within the acceptable range. All QA was reviewed with no anomalies. A follow-up Quick Response cross-check was analyzed with a 120% ratio (see item 7). (NCR 21-10)

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 47 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Page 2 of 8 Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results


The ERA October 2021 water Tritium result was evaluated as Not Acceptable. The reported value was 13,800 pCi/L and the known was 17,200 (acceptance range 15,000 -

18,900). The 2-sigma error was 1,430, placing the result within the acceptable range.

TBEs internal QC acceptance is 70% - 130%, while ERAs for this sample was 87% -

110%. All QA was reviewed with no anomalies. A Quick Response follow-up cross-check was analyzed with a result of 17,500 pCi/L (known 17,800 pCi/L). (NCR 21-11)


The MAPEP August 2021 soil Ni-63 result was evaluated as Not Acceptable. The reported value was 546 Bq/kg and the known result was 1,280 Bq/kg (acceptance range 896 - 1,664). All QC was reviewed and no anomalies found. The procedure revision to remove added MAPAP interferences was ineffective for this sample. No client soil matrix samples were analyzed for Ni-63 in 2020 or 2021. The root cause investigation is still ongoing at this time. (NCR 21-13)


The ERA December 2021 Quick Response water Gross Beta result was evaluated as Not Acceptable. The reported value was 47.6 pCi/L and the known was 39.8 pCi/L or 120% of the known (acceptance range of 26.4 - 47.3). The 2-sigma error was 6.1, placing the reported result well within the acceptable range. All QA was reviewed with no anomalies.

The original sample was recounted on a different detector with a result of 40.3 +/- 6.27 pCi/L. The failure of this sample and the RAD-127 was due to the narrow upper acceptance ranges assigned (119% and 112%) (NCR 21-14)

The Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program provides evidence of in control counting systems and methods, and that the laboratories are producing accurate and reliable data.

Month/Year Identification Number Matrix Nuclide Units TBE Reported Value Known Value (a)

Ratio of TBE to Analytics Result Evaluation (b)

March 2021 E13466 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 84.6 87.1 0.97 A

Sr-90 pCi/L 11.5 12.6 0.91 A

E13467 Milk Ce-141 pCi/L 111 125 0.89 A

Co-58 pCi/L 123 128 0.96 A

Co-60 pCi/L 140 154 0.91 A

Cr-51 pCi/L 252 242 1.04 A

Cs-134 pCi/L 130 151 0.86 A

Cs-137 pCi/L 110 110 1.00 A

Fe-59 pCi/L 105 109 0.96 A

I-131 pCi/L 77.6 86.9 0.89 A

Mn-54 pCi/L 111 112 0.99 A

Zn-65 pCi/L 200 211 0.95 A

E13468 Charcoal I-131 pCi 83.5 88.5 0.94 A

E13469 AP Ce-141 pCi 103.0 103 1.00 A

Co-58 pCi 93.3 105 0.89 A

Co-60 pCi 136 126 1.08 A

Cr-51 pCi 213 198 1.07 A

Cs-134 pCi 123.0 124 0.99 A

Cs-137 pCi 86.3 90.1 0.96 A

Fe-59 pCi 81.3 89.6 0.91 A

Mn-54 pCi 93.5 92.0 1.02 A

Zn-65 pCi 166 173 0.96 A

E13470 Soil Ce-141 pCi/g 0.232 0.262 0.89 A

Co-58 pCi/g 0.251 0.268 0.94 A

Co-60 pCi/g 0.306 0.322 0.95 A

Cr-51 pCi/g 0.517 0.506 1.02 A

Cs-134 pCi/g 0.263 0.317 0.83 A

Cs-137 pCi/g 0.278 0.301 0.92 A

Fe-59 pCi/g 0.228 0.229 1.00 A

Mn-54 pCi/g 0.221 0.235 0.94 A

Zn-65 pCi/g 0.448 0.441 1.02 A

E13471 AP Sr-89 pCi 92.2 95.5 0.97 A

Sr-90 pCi 11.7 13.9 0.84 A

(a) The Analytics known value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation (b) Analytics evaluation based on TBE internal QC limits:

A = Acceptable - reported result falls within ratio limits of 0.80-1.20 W = Acceptable with warning - reported result falls within 0.70-0.80 or 1.20-1.30 N = Not Acceptable - reported result falls outside the ratio limits of < 0.70 and > 1.30 Table 24: Analytics Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 48 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Page 3 of 8 (Page 1 of 4)

Month/Year Identification Number Matrix Nuclide Units TBE Reported Value Known Value (a)

Ratio of TBE to Analytics Result Evaluation (b)

September 2021 E13472 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 66.4 85.4 0.78 W

Sr-90 pCi/L 11.9 14.0 0.85 A

E13473 Milk Ce-141 pCi/L 118 114 1.03 A

Co-58 pCi/L 116 118 0.98 A

Co-60 pCi/L 142 145 0.98 A

Cr-51 pCi/L 244 236 1.03 A

Cs-134 pCi/L 81 93.1 0.87 A

Cs-137 pCi/L 105 112 0.94 A

Fe-59 pCi/L 105 102 1.03 A

I-131 pCi/L 65.1 85.6 0.76 W

Mn-54 pCi/L 128 128 1.00 A

Zn-65 pCi/L 158 153 1.03 A

E13474 Charcoal I-131 pCi 85.2 90.9 0.94 A

E13475 AP Ce-141 pCi 126 135 0.94 A

Co-58 pCi 148 139 1.07 A

Co-60 pCi 183 171 1.07 A

Cr-51 pCi 322 278 1.16 A

Cs-134 pCi 118 110 1.08 A

Cs-137 pCi 147 132 1.12 A

Fe-59 pCi 131 120 1.09 A

Mn-54 pCi 161 151 1.06 A

Zn-65 pCi 202 180 1.12 A

E13476 Soil Ce-141 pCi/g 0.215 0.219 0.98 A

Co-58 pCi/g 0.208 0.226 0.92 A

Co-60 pCi/g 0.277 0.277 1.00 A

Cr-51 pCi/g 0.388 0.452 0.86 A

Cs-134 pCi/g 0.157 0.178 0.88 A

Cs-137 pCi/g 0.270 0.284 0.95 A

Fe-59 pCi/g 0.218 0.195 1.12 A

Mn-54 pCi/g 0.239 0.246 0.97 A

Zn-65 pCi/g 0.312 0.293 1.06 A

E13477 AP Sr-89 pCi 85.6 68.3 1.25 W

Sr-90 pCi 12.6 11.2 1.13 A

(a) The Analytics known value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation (b)

Analytics evaluation based on TBE internal QC limits:

A = Acceptable - reported result falls within ratio limits of 0.80-1.20 W = Acceptable with warning - reported result falls within 0.70-0.80 or 1.20-1.30 N = Not Acceptable - reported result falls outside the ratio limits of < 0.70 and > 1.30 Table 24: Analytics Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 49 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Page 4 of 8 (Page 2 of 4)

Month/Year Identification Number Matrix Nuclide Units TBE Reported Value Known Value (a)

Acceptance Range Evaluation (b)

February 2021 21-GrF44 AP Gross Alpha Bq/sample 0.371 1.77 0.53 - 3.01 N(3)

Gross Beta Bq/sample 0.731 0.65 0.325 - 0.974 A

21-MaS44 Soil Ni-63 Bq/kg 310 689.0 482 - 896 N(4)

Tc-99 Bq/kg 457 638 447 - 829 W

21-MaSU44 Urine Cs-134 Bq/L 2.34 2.73 1.91 - 3.55 A

Cs-137 Bq/L 2.54 2.71 1.90 - 3.52 A

Co-57 Bq/L 0.4100 (1)

A Co-60 Bq/L 2.24 2.44 1.71 - 3.17 A

Mn-54 Bq/L 2.03 2.03 1.42 - 2.64 A

K-40 Bq/L 52.8 54.0 38 - 70 A

U-234 Bq/L 0.108 0.0877 0.0614 - 0.114 W

U-238 Bq/L 0.101 0.091 0.064 - 0.118 A

Zn-65 Bq/L 1.06 1.34 (2)

A 21-MaW44 Water Ni-63 Bq/L 6.7 8.2 5.7 - 10.7 A

Tc-99 Bq/L 3.850 4.01 2.81 - 5.21 A

21-RdV44 Vegetation Cs-134 Bq/sample 3.13 3.60 2.5 - 4.7 A

Cs-137 Bq/sample 4.64 4.69 3.28 - 6.10 A

Co-57 Bq/sample 5.25 5.05 3.54 - 6.57 A

Co-60 Bq/sample 2.86 2.99 2.09 - 3.89 A

Mn-54 Bq/sample 5.02 5.25 3.68 - 6.83 A

Sr-90 Bq/sample 0.631 0.673 0.471 - 0.875 A

Zn-65 Bq/sample

-0.233 (1)

A August 2021 21-GrF45 AP Gross Alpha Bq/sample 0.368 0.960 0.288 - 1.632 A

Gross Beta Bq/sample 0.595 0.553 0.277 - 0.830 A

21-MaS45 Soil Ni-63 Bq/kg 546 1280 896 - 1664 N(5)

Tc-99 Bq/kg 453 777 544 - 1010 N(6) 21-MaSU45 Urine Cs-134 Bq/L 3.10 3.62 2.53 - 4.71 A

Cs-137 Bq/L 0.083 (1)

A Co-57 Bq/L 0.844 0.87 0.606 - 1.125 A

Co-60 Bq/L 0.0535 (1)

A Mn-54 Bq/L 0.459 0.417 (2)

A K-40 Bq/L 48.8 54.0 38 - 70 A

U-234 Bq/L 0.133 0.116 0.081 - 0.151 A

U-238 Bq/L 0.137 0.121 0.085 - 0.157 A

Zn-65 Bq/L 0.339 0.420 (2)

A 21-MaW45 Water Ni-63 Bq/L 33.5 39.5 27.7 - 51.4 A

Tc-99 Bq/L 3.5 3.7 2.60 - 4.82 A

21-RdV45 Vegetation Cs-134 Bq/sample 3.42 4.34 3.04 - 5.64 W

Cs-137 Bq/sample 2.14 2.21 1.55 - 2.87 A

Co-57 Bq/sample 4.08 4.66 3.26 - 6.06 A

Co-60 Bq/sample 2.81 3.51 2.46 - 4.56 A

Mn-54 Bq/sample 0.035 (1)

A Sr-90 Bq/sample 1.15 1.320 0.92 - 1.72 A

Zn-65 Bq/sample 2.05 2.43 1.70 - 3.16 A

(a) The MAPEP known value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation (b) DOE/MAPEP evaluation:

A = Acceptable - reported result falls within ratio limits of 0.80-1.20 W = Acceptable with warning - reported result falls within 0.70-0.80 or 1.20-1.30 N = Not Acceptable - reported result falls outside the ratio limits of < 0.70 and > 1.30 (1) False positive test (2) Sensitivity evaluation (3) See NCR 21-02 (4) See NCR 21-03 (5) See NCR 21-13 (6) Tc-99 cross-checks done for TBE information only - not required Table 25: DOE's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP)

Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 50 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Page 5 of 8 (Page 3 of 4)

Month/Year Identification Number Matrix Nuclide Units TBE Reported Value Known Value (a)

Acceptance Limits Evaluation (b)

March 2021 MRAD-34 Water Am-241 pCi/L 175 157 108 - 201 A

Fe-55 pCi/L 579 275 162 - 400 N(1)

Pu-238 pCi/L 181 171 103 - 222 A

Pu-239 pCi/L 153 142 87.9 - 175 A

Soil Sr-90 pCi/kg 6570 9190 2860 - 14,300 A

AP Fe-55 pCi/filter 107 121 44.2 - 193 A

U-234 pCi/filter 25.99 25.5 18.9 - 29.9 A

U-238 pCi/filter 24.7 25.3 19.1 - 30.2 A

April 2021 RAD-125 Water Ba-133 pCi/L 92.3 90.5 76.2 - 99.6 A

Cs-134 pCi/L 62.9 70.5 57.5 - 77.6 A

Cs-137 pCi/L 161 168 151 - 187 A

Co-60 pCi/L 22.5 20.9 17.7 - 25.8 A

Zn-65 pCi/L 183 177.0 159 - 208 A

GR-A pCi/L 30.8 30.2 15.4 - 39.4 A

GR-B pCi/L 60.1 67.5 46.8 - 74.2 A

U-Nat pCi/L 36.45 36.9 30.0 - 40.8 A

H-3 pCi/L 13,400 14,600 12,800 - 16,100 A

Sr-89 pCi/L 64.5 63.5 51.4 - 71.5 A

Sr-90 pCi/L 22.8 23.0 16.5 - 27.0 A

I-131 pCi/L 28.2 26.7 22.2 - 31.4 A

September 2021 MRAD-35 Water Am-241 pCi/L 68 63.7 43.7 - 81.5 A

Fe-55 pCi/L 179 246 145 - 358 A

Pu-238 pCi/L 102 114 68.5 - 148 A

Pu-239 pCi/L 32 34.3 21.2 - 42.3 A

Soil Sr-90 pCi/kg 6160 6090 1,900 - 9,490 A

AP Fe-55 pCi/filter 493 548 200 - 874 A

Pu-238 pCi/filter 28 28.5 21.5 - 35.0 A

Pu-239 pCi/filter 21 21.6 16.1 - 26.1 A

U-234 pCi/filter 7.95 7.76 5.75 - 9.09 A

U-238 pCi/filter 8.0 7.69 5.81 - 9.17 A

October 2021 RAD-127 Water Ba-133 pCi/L 82.8 87.5 73.6 - 96.2 A

Cs-134 pCi/L 64.0 70.1 57.1 - 77.1 A

Cs-137 pCi/L 145 156 140 - 174 A

Co-60 pCi/L 83.2 85.9 77.3 - 96.8 A

Zn-65 pCi/L 133 145 130 - 171 A

GR-A pCi/L 76.0 66.7 35.0 - 82.5 A

GR-B pCi/L 63.0 55.7 38.1 - 62.6 N(2)

U-Nat pCi/L 52.88 55.5 45.3 - 61.1 A

H-3 pCi/L 13,800 17,200 15,000 - 18,900 N(3)

Sr-89 pCi/L 54.9 61.0 49.1 - 68.9 A

Sr-90 pCi/L 24.8 29.3 21.3 - 34.0 A

I-131 pCi/L 27.4 26.4 21.9 - 31.1 A

December 2021 QR 120121Y Water GR-B pCi/L 47.6 39.8 26.4 - 47.3 N(4)

H-3 pCi/L 17,500 17,800 15,600 - 19,600 A

(a) The ERA known value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation.

(b) ERA evaluation:

A = Acceptable - Reported value falls within the Acceptance Limits N = Not Acceptable - Reported value falls outside of the Acceptance Limits (1) See NCR 21-01 (2) See NCR 21-10 (3) See NCR 21-11 (4) See NCR 21-14 Table 26: ERA Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 51 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Page 6 of 8 (Page 4 of 4)

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 52 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Page 7 of 8 Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results 2.0 Environmental TLD Quality Assurance Environmental dosimetry services for the reporting period of January - December, 2021 were provided by the Environmental Dosimetry Company (EDC), Sterling, Massachusetts. The TLD systems at the Environmental Dosimetry Company (EDC) are calibrated and operated to ensure consistent and accurate evaluation of TLDs. The quality of the dosimetric results reported to EDC clients is ensured by in house performance testing and independent performance testing by EDC clients.

The purpose of the dosimetry quality assurance program is to provide performance documentation of the routine processing of EDC dosimeters. Performance testing provides a statistical measure of the bias and precision of dosimetry processing against a reliable standard, which in turn points out any trends or performance changes. Dosimetry quality control tests are performed on EDC Panasonic 814 Environmental dosimeters. These tests include: (1) the in house testing program conducted by the EDC QA Officer and (2) independent test perform by EDC clients.

Excluded from this report are instrumentation checks. Although instrumentation checks represent an important aspect of the quality assurance program, they are not included as process checks in this report. Instrumentation checks represent between 5-10% of the TLDs processed.

Table 27 provides a summary of individual dosimeter results evaluated against the EDC internal acceptance criteria for high-energy photons (Cs-137) only. The internal acceptance (tolerance) criteria for the Panasonic Environmental dosimeters are: +/- 15% for bias and +/- 12.8% for precision. During this period, 100% (72/72) of the individual dosimeters, evaluated against these criteria met the tolerance limits for accuracy and 100% (72/72) met the criterion for precision.

Table 28 provides the Bias + Standard deviation results for each group (N=6) of dosimeters evaluated against the internal tolerance criteria. Overall, 100% (12/12) of the dosimeter sets evaluated against the internal tolerance performance criteria met these criteria.

Table 29 presents the independent blind spike results for irradiated dosimeters provided by client utilities during this annual period. All results passed the performance acceptance criterion.


Dosimeter Type Number Tested

% Passed Bias Criteria

% Passed Precision Criteria Panasonic Environmental 72 100 100 (1)This table summarizes results of tests conducted by EDC.

(2)Environmental dosimeter results are free in air.

Plant: Waterford 3 Year: 2021 Page 53 of 53 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Page 8 of 8 Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results Table 28 MEAN DOSIMETER ANALYSES (N=6)

JANUARY - DECEMBER 2021 (1), (2)

Process Date Mean Bias %

Standard Deviation %

Tolerance Limit +/-15%

5/04/2021 0.6 0.9 Pass 5/06/2021

-0.2 1.4 Pass 5/26/2021

-3.8 1.6 Pass 7/27/2021 2.8 1.4 Pass 8/04/2021

-1.8 2.3 Pass 9/14/2021

-0.2 2.3 Pass 11/01/2021 3.7 0.6 Pass 11/03/2021 1.9 1.9 Pass 11/09/2021 1.1 1.1 Pass 01/26/2022 2.6 1.9 Pass 01/30/2022

-4.2 1.1 Pass 02/06/2022 2.9 1.2 Pass (1)This table summarizes results of tests conducted by EDC for TLDs issued in 2021.

(2)Environmental dosimeter results are free in air.

Table 29



Issuance Period Client Mean Bias %

Standard Deviation %

Pass / Fail 1st Qtr. 2021 SONGS

-3.8 1.4 Pass 1st Qtr. 2021 SONGS

-4.7 1.1 Pass 2nd Qtr.2021 Seabrook 3.1 1.0 Pass 3rd Qtr. 2021 Millstone

-4.7 1.4 Pass 4th Qtr.2021 PSEG(PNNL) 50mR 1.3 0.8 Pass 4th Qtr.2021 PSEG(PNNL) 100mR 1.8 0.8 Pass 4th Qtr.2021 PSEG(PNNL) 150mR

-0.6 0.5 Pass 4th Qtr.2021 PSEG(PNNL) 200mR

-2.6 2.0 Pass 4th Qtr.2021 Seabrook 2.6 1.4 Pass (1)Performance criteria are +/- 30%.

(2)Blind spike irradiations using Cs-137