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 Issue dateTitleTopic
NRC 2010-0149, Notification Letter Designating Point Beach Nuclear Plant Balance of Plant Systems within the Cyber Security Rule Scope28 September 2010Notification Letter Designating Point Beach Nuclear Plant Balance of Plant Systems within the Cyber Security Rule ScopeCyber Security
NRC-2010-0143, License Amendment Request 261, Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional Information28 September 2010License Amendment Request 261, Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional InformationPower Uprate
Manual Operator Action
NRC 2010-0154, License Amendment Request 261 - Extended Power Uprate - Response to Request for Additional Information28 September 2010License Amendment Request 261 - Extended Power Uprate - Response to Request for Additional InformationStroke time
NRC 2010-0146, License Amendment Request 261, Extended Power Uprate, Withdrawal of Proposed Technical Specifications for Reactor Protection System and Engineered Safety Features Setpoints Not Associated with Extended Power Uprate28 September 2010License Amendment Request 261, Extended Power Uprate, Withdrawal of Proposed Technical Specifications for Reactor Protection System and Engineered Safety Features Setpoints Not Associated with Extended Power Uprate
NRC 2010-0148, License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate Response to Request for Additional Information27 September 2010License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate Response to Request for Additional InformationBoric Acid
NRC 2010-0145, License Amendment Request 261, Supplement 9 Extended Power Uprate21 September 2010License Amendment Request 261, Supplement 9 Extended Power UprateAnticipated operational occurrence
Power change
NRC 2010-0093, License Amendment Request 261, Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional Information14 September 2010License Amendment Request 261, Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional InformationBoric Acid
NRC 2010-0144, License Amendment Request 261, Supplement 8 Extended Power Uprate9 September 2010License Amendment Request 261, Supplement 8 Extended Power Uprate
NRC 2010-0127, CFR 50.55a Request, Relief Request RR-23 Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger - Nozzle Examination Fourth Ten-Year Lnservice Inspection Program Interval9 September 2010CFR 50.55a Request, Relief Request RR-23 Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger - Nozzle Examination Fourth Ten-Year Lnservice Inspection Program IntervalVT-2
Through-Wall Leak
NRC 2010-0136, License Amendment Request 261 Extended Response to Request for Additional Information8 September 2010License Amendment Request 261 Extended Response to Request for Additional InformationSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Finite Element Analysis
Aging Management
Design basis earthquake
Flow Accelerated Corrosion
Feedwater Heater
Eddy Current Testing
Code Reconciliation
Fuel cladding
Flow Induced Vibration
Power Uprate
Stretch Power Uprate
Measurement Uncertainty Recapture
NRC 2010-0141, License Amendment Request 241 Alternate Source Term, Response to Request for Additional Information3 September 2010License Amendment Request 241 Alternate Source Term, Response to Request for Additional Information
NRC 2010-0142, Completion of Activities to Support Entry Into the Period of Extended Operation3 September 2010Completion of Activities to Support Entry Into the Period of Extended Operation
ML1025603033 September 2010Summary of Teleconference to Clarify RAI Response Regarding Dynamic Analysis of Feedwater Valve Fast Closure
ML1024400671 September 2010Mid-Cycle Performance Review and Inspection Plan - Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2
NRC 2010-0132, License Amendment Request 261, Extended Power Uprate Response to Request for Additional Information1 September 2010License Amendment Request 261, Extended Power Uprate Response to Request for Additional Information
NRC 2010-0119, License Amendment Request 264 Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Requirements, Response to Request for Additional Information30 August 2010License Amendment Request 264 Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Requirements, Response to Request for Additional InformationSafe Shutdown
NRC 2010-0123, Response to Request for Additional Information on License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate26 August 2010Response to Request for Additional Information on License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate
NRC 2010-0129, License Amendment Request 261, Supplement 7, Extended Power Uprate24 August 2010License Amendment Request 261, Supplement 7, Extended Power UprateSafe Shutdown
Design basis earthquake
Power-Operated Valves
Power Operated Valves
Power change
NRC 2010-0122, License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional Information24 August 2010License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional Information
NRC 2010-0116, License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional Information23 August 2010License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional InformationAnticipated operational occurrence
Power Uprate
NRC 2010-0135, Consolidation of License Renewal Regulatory Commitment 8 with Commitment 29 Reactor Vessel Lnternals Program Implementation18 August 2010Consolidation of License Renewal Regulatory Commitment 8 with Commitment 29 Reactor Vessel Lnternals Program Implementation
NRC 2010-0120, License Amendment Request 241 Alternative Source Term, Response to Request for Additional Information12 August 2010License Amendment Request 241 Alternative Source Term, Response to Request for Additional Information
NRC 2010-0133, License Amendment Request 261, Extended Power Uprate, Regulatory Commitment Change12 August 2010License Amendment Request 261, Extended Power Uprate, Regulatory Commitment Change
ML10224063711 August 2010Draft RAIs Extended Power Uprate (TAC Nos. ME1044 & ME1045Anticipated operational occurrence
Power Uprate
NRC 2010-0117, License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional Information9 August 2010License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional Information
NRC 2010-0104, License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional Information9 August 2010License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional InformationSafe Shutdown
Mission time
Stroke time
High Energy Line Break
Coast down
Power Uprate
NRC 2010-0121, License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate Response to Request for Additional Information6 August 2010License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate Response to Request for Additional Information
IR 05000266/20100036 August 2010IR 05000266-10-003, 05000301-10-003; 04/01/2010 - 06/30/2010; Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2; Adverse Weather Protection, Equipment Alignment, Operability Evaluations, and Other ActivitiesSafe Shutdown
High winds
Fire Barrier
Water Inventory Control
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Temporary Modification
Zebra Mussel
Functionality Assessment
Significance Determination Process
Operability Determination
License Renewal
Maintenance Rule Program
Fire Protection Program
Operability Assessment
ML1021702352 August 2010Email Attachment: Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Draft RAIs Extended Power Uprate and Associated with Diesel FO Storage RequirementsPower Uprate
NRC 2010-0112, License Amendment Request 261, Extended Power Uprate Transmittal of Proposed Technical Specifications for Reactor Protection System and Engineered Safety Features Setpoints Not Associated with Extended Power Uprate2 August 2010License Amendment Request 261, Extended Power Uprate Transmittal of Proposed Technical Specifications for Reactor Protection System and Engineered Safety Features Setpoints Not Associated with Extended Power UprateSafe Shutdown
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Anticipated operational occurrence
NRC 2010-0079, License Amendment Request 241 Alternative Source Term, Response to Request for Additional Information29 July 2010License Amendment Request 241 Alternative Source Term, Response to Request for Additional InformationHigh Radiation Area
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Code Reconciliation
Weak link
Power Uprate
NRC 2010-0086, License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional Information29 July 2010License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional InformationSafe Shutdown
Finite Element Analysis
Code Reconciliation
NRC 2010-0105, License Amendment Request 261, Supplement 6 Extended Power Uprate28 July 2010License Amendment Request 261, Supplement 6 Extended Power UprateSafe Shutdown
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Anticipated operational occurrence
High Energy Line Break
Aging Management
License Renewal
Fuel cladding
Power Uprate
Manual Operator Action
IR 05000266/201040428 July 2010IR 05000266-10-404, 05000301-10-404, on 07/20/2010 - 07/22/2010, Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Security Baseline Inspection - Cover Letter OnlyAffidavit
NRC 2010-0088, License Amendment Request 261, Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional Information27 July 2010License Amendment Request 261, Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional Information
NRC 2010-0085, License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate Response to Request for Additional Information23 July 2010License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate Response to Request for Additional InformationSafe Shutdown
Code Reconciliation
Power Uprate
ML10207004422 July 2010Comment (6) of Scott Boggs, on Behalf of Nextera Energy, on Proposed Rule PR-50, Regarding American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Codes and New and Revised ASME Code Cases
ML10204013821 July 2010License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate, Transmittal of Sample Reactor Protection System/Engineered Safety Features Actuation System Instrumentation Setpoint CalculationsOperability Determination
Power Uprate
NRC 2010-0115, Response to Regulatory Information Summary 2010-08, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations.20 July 2010Response to Regulatory Information Summary 2010-08, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations.
NRC 2010-0103, License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional Information15 July 2010License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate, Response to Request for Additional Information
NRC 2010-0039, License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate, Transmittal of Attachments 3 and 4 to NRC 2010-003915 July 2010License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate, Transmittal of Attachments 3 and 4 to NRC 2010-0039
NRC 2010-0102, License Amendment Request 265, Revision to Reactor Vessel Head Drop Methodology, Supplement 19 July 2010License Amendment Request 265, Revision to Reactor Vessel Head Drop Methodology, Supplement 1Finite Element Analysis
Control of Heavy Loads
TAC:ME40069 July 2010
ML1020301169 July 2010Calculation, CN-MRCDA-08-51, Revision 1, Evaluation of Bottom Mounted Instrumentation Conduits for a Postulated Closure Head Assembly Drop Event, Enclosure 2 to NRC 2010-0102Weld Overlay
Finite Element Analysis
Control of Heavy Loads
NRC 2010-0102, Point Beach, Units 1 & 2 - License Amendment Request 265, Revision to Reactor Vessel Head Drop Methodology, Supplement 19 July 2010Point Beach, Units 1 & 2 - License Amendment Request 265, Revision to Reactor Vessel Head Drop Methodology, Supplement 1Finite Element Analysis
Control of Heavy Loads
IR 05000266/20100088 July 2010IR 05000266-10-008(DRS); 05000301-10-008(DRS); 05/10/2010 - 05/28/2010; Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Routine Triennial Fire Protection Baseline InspectionSafe Shutdown
Unanalyzed Condition
Fire Barrier
Enforcement Discretion
Operator Manual Action
Emergency Lighting
Significance Determination Process
B.5.b Mitigating Strategies
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
NRC 2010-0084, License Amendment Request 263A, Request for Approval of Revised Cyber Security Plan8 July 2010License Amendment Request 263A, Request for Approval of Revised Cyber Security PlanSafe Shutdown
Cyber Security
Incorporated by reference
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Fuel cladding
Fire Protection Program
Cyber attack
ML1019403928 July 2010Calculation 2008-12355, Rev. 0, Mass and Energy Calculation for High Energy Line Break in 3 Steam Line within Ccwhx Room, Enclosure 1, Attachment 18Earthquake
NRC 2010-0069, License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate Response to Request for Additional Information8 July 2010License Amendment Request 261 Extended Power Uprate Response to Request for Additional InformationSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Internal Flooding
Code Reconciliation
NRC 2010-0065, Response to Request for Additional Information on License Amendment Request 261, Extended Power Uprate8 July 2010Response to Request for Additional Information on License Amendment Request 261, Extended Power UprateBoric Acid
Power Uprate
Stretch Power Uprate