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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML10270061427 September 2010Part 21 60-Day Interim Report Notification: Failure to Include Seismic Input in Channel-Control Blade Interference Customer GuidanceSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Channel-control blade interference
ML10273006327 September 2010Notification of Potential Part 21 Report Concerning Failure to Include Seismic Input in Reactor Control Blade Customer GuidanceSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Channel-control blade interference
NLS2010089, Notification Letter Designating Balance of Plant Systems within the Cyber Security Rule Scope27 September 2010Notification Letter Designating Balance of Plant Systems within the Cyber Security Rule ScopeCyber Security
ML10278034922 September 2010FEMA, Submittal of Final Report July 21, 2010, Exercise of the Offsite Radiological Emergency Response Plans Site-Specific to the Cooper Nuclear StationHot Short
Fuel cladding
Potassium iodide
IR 05000298/201030117 September 2010Notification of NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination 05000298/2010301
ML11186001317 September 20102011-06 - Draft Operating Test CommentsHalf scram
Condition Adverse to Quality
NLS2010085, Revision of Safeguards Plan16 September 2010Revision of Safeguards Plan
ML11186001114 September 20102011-06 - Draft Written Exam CommentsPost Accident Monitoring
Internal Flooding
Locked High Radiation Area
Deep Dose Equivalent
Water hammer
Press Release-10-157, NRC Issues Final Safety Evaluation Report for Cooper Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal8 September 2010Press Release-10-157: NRC Issues Final Safety Evaluation Report for Cooper Nuclear Power Plant License RenewalAging Management
ML1014801037 September 2010ACRS Review of the Cooper Nuclear Station, License Renewal Application Safety Evaluation Report
ML1025301247 September 2010License Renewal ApplicationAging Management
ML1025601633 September 2010Comment (1) of Joseph E. Cothern on Behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Review of the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants, NUREG- 1437, Supplement 41, Regarding Cooper, Unit 1, FinaEnvironmental Justice
ML1025202193 September 2010Part 21 - Failure to Include Seismic Input in Reactor Control Blade Customer GuidanceSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Channel-control blade interference
NLS2010082, 10 CFR 21 Notification - Identification of Defect2 September 201010 CFR 21 Notification - Identification of Defect
ML1024605372 September 2010Part 21 60-Day Interim Report Notification: Failure to Include Seismic Input in Channel-Control Blade Interference Customer GuidanceSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Channel-control blade interference
ML1020002701 September 2010Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Cooper Nuclear Station
ML1024305761 September 2010Mid-Cycle Performance Review and Inspection Plan - Cooper Nuclear Station
TAC:ME417930 August 2010
ML10242013830 August 2010E-mail Cooper Nuclear Station - Decommissioning Fund Spot Check
ML10207028130 August 2010Results of Oversight Review and Audit of Decommissioning Trust Funds for Operating Nuclear Power Reactor
ML10207025830 August 2010the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Spot-Checks Review of Cooper Nuclear Station June 30, 2010 - Finding of No Potential Issues in Bank Statements
ML10229023230 August 2010Final Supplement 41 to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Regarding Cooper Nuclear Station (TAC MD9763 and MD9737)High winds
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Tornado Missile
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Tornado-Generated Missile
Aging Management
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Large early release frequency
Open House
License Renewal
Fuel cladding
Environmental Justice
Uranium Hexafluoride
Power Uprate
Measurement Uncertainty Recapture
Potassium iodide
NLS2010083, Revision to Response to License Renewal Request for Additional Information30 August 2010Revision to Response to License Renewal Request for Additional InformationAging Management
NLS2010079, Response to Cooper Nuclear Station License Renewal Request for Additional Information20 August 2010Response to Cooper Nuclear Station License Renewal Request for Additional InformationAging Management
ML11259A17119 August 2010E-mail with Attachment from R. Bulavinetz, NRR to C. Eccleston, NRR, on Cumulative Template - Cooper
NLS2010076, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number RI-36, Revision 017 August 2010Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number RI-36, Revision 0
NLS2010078, Comment (4) of David W. Van Der Kamp on Behalf of Nebraska Public Power District, on Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1248, Nuclear Power Plant Simulation Facilities for Use in Operator Training, License Examinations, and Applicant Experience Re16 August 2010Comment (4) of David W. Van Der Kamp on Behalf of Nebraska Public Power District, on Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1248, Nuclear Power Plant Simulation Facilities for Use in Operator Training, License Examinations, and Applicant Experience Requ
Press Release-10-140, NRC Issues Final Environmental Impact Statement for Cooper Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal Application16 August 2010Press Release-10-140: NRC Issues Final Environmental Impact Statement for Cooper Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal Application
ML10225038716 August 2010Completion of Cooper Nuclear Station License Renewal ReviewAging Management
IR 05000298/201000810 August 2010IR 05000298-10-008; 05/05/2010 - 07/29/2010; Cooper Nuclear Station; Followup of License Renewal Unresolved Item Related to Suppression Chamber Pitting Inspection ReportSafe Shutdown
Aging Management
License Renewal
ML10222032310 August 2010Acceptance Review for License Amendment Request (TAC No. ME4270), Cooper Nuclear StationCyber Security
ML10228017410 August 2010Part 21 Report 4160 Vac Control and Transfer Breaker Switch DefectFitness for Duty
IR 05000298/20100034 August 2010IR 05000298-10-003; 03/25/2010 - 06/23/2010; Cooper Nuclear Station, Integrated Resident and Regional Report; Equipment Alignments, Maintenance Effectiveness, Event Follow-up, Other ActivitiesUnanalyzed Condition
Corrosion bonding
Significance Determination Process
Feedwater Heater
Fire Protection Program
Unidentified leak
Water hammer
ML1021705254 August 2010IR 05000298-10-003; 03/25/2010 - 06/23/2010; Cooper Nuclear Station, Integrated Resident and Regional Report; Equipment Alignments, Maintenance Effectiveness, Event Follow-up, Other ActivitiesUnanalyzed Condition
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Corrosion bonding
Significance Determination Process
Feedwater Heater
Operability Determination
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Operability Assessment
Unidentified leakage
Unidentified leak
Failure to Scram
Water hammer
NLS2010075, Data from Metamic Coupon Sampling Program2 August 2010Data from Metamic Coupon Sampling Program
ML10210037131 July 2010NUREG-1437, Supp 41, Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the License Renewal of Nuclear Plants: Supplement 41 Regarding Cooper Nuclear Station, Final Report.High winds
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Tornado Missile
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Tornado-Generated Missile
Aging Management
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Large early release frequency
Open House
License Renewal
Fuel cladding
Environmental Justice
Uranium Hexafluoride
Power Uprate
Measurement Uncertainty Recapture
Potassium iodide
ML10201030230 July 2010Notice of Availability of the Final Plant-Specific Supplement 41 to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Regarding Copper Nuclear StationLicense Renewal
ML10202039730 July 2010Notice of Availability of the Final Plant-Specific Supplement 41 to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Regarding Cooper Nuclear Station -FRNLicense Renewal
NLS2010074, Updated Consolidated Commitment List Associated with the Review of License Renewal Application29 July 2010Updated Consolidated Commitment List Associated with the Review of License Renewal ApplicationNon-Destructive Examination
Aging Management
Flow Accelerated Corrosion
License Renewal
Fire Protection Program
Thermal fatigue
ML10193006829 July 2010Final Supplement 41 to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Regarding Copper Nuclear StationHigh winds
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Tornado Missile
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Tornado-Generated Missile
Aging Management
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Large early release frequency
Open House
License Renewal
Fuel cladding
Environmental Justice
Uranium Hexafluoride
Power Uprate
Measurement Uncertainty Recapture
Potassium iodide
NLS2010071, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations28 July 2010Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing ExaminationsGeneric Fundamentals Examination
NLS2010062, Revisions and Supplements to Responses to Requests for Additional Information Related to License Renewal23 July 2010Revisions and Supplements to Responses to Requests for Additional Information Related to License RenewalCoatings
Nondestructive Examination
Aging Management
NLS2010067, License Renewal Application 2010 Annual Update23 July 2010License Renewal Application 2010 Annual Update
ML10203053322 July 2010Minutes of the Plant License Renewal Subcommittee Regarding Cooper Nuclear Station on May 5, 2010, in Rockville, MarylandAging Management
ML10203002222 July 2010Acceptance Review Email, Request for Exemption from 10 CFR Part 73 Physical Security Requirements, to Extend Compliance Date for Implementation to 12/31/2010Exemption Request
TAC:ME420722 July 2010
ML10202013421 July 2010Notification of an NRC Triennial Fire Protection Baseline Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000298-10-006) and Request for Information
NLS2010059, Withdrawal and Resubmission of License Amendment Request for Approval of the Cyber Security Plan20 July 2010Withdrawal and Resubmission of License Amendment Request for Approval of the Cyber Security PlanSafe Shutdown
Cyber Security
Incorporated by reference
Fuel cladding
Fire Protection Program
NLS2010068, Licensee Guarantees of Payment of Deferred Premiums20 July 2010Licensee Guarantees of Payment of Deferred PremiumsDecommissioning Funding Plan
NLS2010069, Supplemental Information - Request for Exemption from Physical Security Requirements20 July 2010Supplemental Information - Request for Exemption from Physical Security RequirementsExemption Request