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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML17348A56614 September 1990Responds to Generic Ltr 90-07, Operator Licensing Natl Exam Schedule.
ML17223A94013 September 1990Forwards Evaluation of Potential Safety Impact of Failed Control Element Assemblies on Limiting Transients for Facility
ML17223A93410 September 1990Forwards Addl Info Re Generic Implications & Resolution of Control Element Assembly (CEA) Failure at Facility,Per NRC Request.Description of Testing Program for Old Style CEAs in Unit 1 Core Encl
ML17348A5507 September 1990Forwards Jul 1990 Integrated Schedule Regulatory Rept for FacilitiesBoric Acid
Ultimate heat sink
Stroke time
ML17348A5467 September 1990Forwards 1990 Inservice Insp Refueling Outage Summary Rept of NDE Activities 900206-0404 First Refueling Outage Second Period Second Insp Interval.VT-2
ML17348A5526 September 1990Forwards Matrix of Changes to Emergency Power Sys That Affect Revised Tech Specs Issued on 900828.Matrix Sent for Info & to Assist in NRC Review of No Significant Hazards Rept for Revised Tech Specs
ML17348A54331 August 1990Forwards Objectives for 901108 Emergency Plan Exercise. Exercise Will Involve Participation by Local Emergency Response Agencies & State Emergency Response Personnel & Will Not Be Evaluated by FEMA
L-90-315, Advises That Util Has Completed Evaluation of NUREG-0737, Item II.D.1,SER Item 830 August 1990Advises That Util Has Completed Evaluation of NUREG-0737, Item II.D.1,SER Item 8
ML17223A92028 August 1990Forwards Forms NIS-1 & NIS-2, Owners Rept for Inservice Insps as Required by Provisions of ASME Code Rules, Per 900725 Ltr
ML17348A53627 August 1990Forwards Turkey Point Units 3 & 4 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept,Jan-June 1990 & Health Physics Procedure HP-48, Process Control Program for Dewatering Radwaste Liners.Process Control Program
ML17348A51724 August 1990Forwards Ref Matl in Preparation for Operator License Exams Scheduled for Wk of 901029,per NRC 900628 RequestSafe Shutdown
Post Accident Monitoring
Feedwater Heater
ML17223A89120 August 1990Forwards Corrected Monthly Operating Repts for Jul 1990 for St Lucie Units 1 & 2 & Summary of Operating Experience
ML17348A50417 August 1990Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for Jan-June 1990Fitness for Duty
L-90-301, Discusses Generic Implications & Resolution of Control Element Assemblies Failure at Plant16 August 1990Discusses Generic Implications & Resolution of Control Element Assemblies Failure at Plant
ML17348A50515 August 1990Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for Jul 1990 for Turkey Point Units 3 & 4 & Revise Rept for June 1990 for Unit 3
ML20059B01114 August 1990Requests That Encl Intervenor Motion for Extension of Time to Appeal to Docketing & Svcs Branch Re Tech Spec Replacement Hearing Be Provided.Motion Inadvertently Omitted in Svc of Request on 900813
ML17348A49710 August 1990Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-250/90-18 & 50-251/90-18.Corrective Actions:Unit Stabilized in Mode 3, Operating Surveillance Procedures 3/4-OSP-089 Revised & Event Response Team Formed
IR 05000335/19900149 August 1990Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-335/90-14. Corrective Actions:Rcs Flow Determination by Calorimetric Procedure Repeated W/Supervisor of Individual Observing & Individual Counseled by Supervisor
ML17223A8759 August 1990Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-335/90-14. Corrective Actions:Rcs Flow Determination by Calorimetric Procedure Repeated W/Supervisor of Individual Observing & Individual Counseled by Supervisor
ML17348A47027 July 1990Forwards Rept Detailing Investigative Analysis of Unsatisfactory Blind Specimen Results,Identification of Causes & Corrective Actions Taken by Lab to Prevent Recurrence,Per Unsatisfactory Performance TestingFitness for Duty
ML17348A42825 July 1990Forwards Decommissioning Financial Assurance Repts for Plants,Per 10CFR50.33(k) & 50.75(b)
ML17223A86225 July 1990Advises That NIS-1 & NIS-2 Forms,As Part of Inservice Insp Rept,Will Be Submitted by 900831
ML17223A86325 July 1990Submits Addl Info Re Implementation of Programmed Enhancements Per Generic Ltr 88-17, Loss of Dhr. All Mods for Unit 1 Completed & Operational.Mods for Unit 2 Schedule for Upcoming Refueling Outage
L-90-282, Forwards Rev 23 to Physical Security Plan.Plan Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21 & 2.790)25 July 1990Forwards Rev 23 to Physical Security Plan.Plan Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21 & 2.790)
ML17348A46923 July 1990Forwards Addl Info on Emergency Power Sys Enhancement Project Re Load Sequencer,Programmable Logic Controllers & Implementation of Sys in Plant,Per NRC 900705 RequestSafe Shutdown
Commercial Grade Dedication
Commercial Grade
L-90-271, Responds to NRC Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-335/90-09 & 50-389/90-09.Corrective Actions:Procedural Expectation Re Hanging & Removal of Deficiency Tags Will Be Reemphasized to Personnel Generating Work Orders20 July 1990Responds to NRC Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-335/90-09 & 50-389/90-09.Corrective Actions:Procedural Expectation Re Hanging & Removal of Deficiency Tags Will Be Reemphasized to Personnel Generating Work Orders
ML17348A41420 July 1990Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-250/90-14 & 50-251/90-14.Corrective Actions:Breakers Closed,Returning Monitoring Sys to Operable Level & Briefings Held to Explain Rvlms Sys Theory to Operations Control Room Personnel
ML17348A41920 July 1990Advises That Comments on NRC Safety Evaluation Re Implementation of Station Blackout Rule Will Be Provided by 900921
ML17348A42020 July 1990Forwards Revised No Significant Hazards Determination for Proposed Tech Specs 1.17 & 3.0.5 & Bases,Per 890605 Ltr
ML17223A85819 July 1990Forwards Implementation Status of 10CFR50.62 Mod at Facility Re Requirements for Reduction of Risk from ATWS Events for Light Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants
ML17348A41719 July 1990Forwards May 1990 Integrated Schedule Regulatory Rept for PlantUltimate heat sink
Stroke time
ML17223A84918 July 1990Responds to NRC Bulletin 90-001, Loss of Fill Oil in Transmitters Mfg by Rosemount. No Rosemount Transmitters Models 1153 Series B,1153 Series D & 1154 Mfg Prior to 890711 Supplied by Different Vendor
ML17348A41218 July 1990Responds to NRC Bulletin 90-001, Loss of Fill-Oil in Transmitters Mfg by Rosemount.
ML17348A42517 July 1990Withdraws 900207 & 0424 Proposed Changes to Tech Specs Re Util Nuclear Review Board Composition
ML17223A85217 July 1990Forwards Addl Info Requested Re Generic Implications & Resolution of Control Element Assembly Failure at Plant.Encl Confirms Util Intent to Follow C-E Regulatory Response Group Action Program
ML17348A41616 July 1990Responds to Commitment Re Reverse Testing of Containment Isolation Valves Per Insp Repts 50-250/90-13 & 50-251/90-13. Corrective Action Plan Addresses Penetrations 16 & 53 for Unit 3 Only & Penetrations 11,47,54A & 54B for Both Units
IR 05000250/199001316 July 1990Provides Info Re Plant Implementation of 10CFR50.44 & NUREG- 0737,Item II.E.4.1 Re Hydrogen Recombiners,Per 900518 Meeting & Insp Repts 50-250/90-13 & 50-251/90-13.Agreement Re Use of External Recombiners Will Be Reactivated
ML17348A41516 July 1990Provides Info Re Plant Implementation of 10CFR50.44 & NUREG- 0737,Item II.E.4.1 Re Hydrogen Recombiners,Per 900518 Meeting & Insp Repts 50-250/90-13 & 50-251/90-13.Agreement Re Use of External Recombiners Will Be Reactivated
ML20055G86416 July 1990Informs ASLB That Petitioners Ref to Several Telephone Contacts Between J Butler & M Gutman,Of ATI Career Training Inst Is Inadvertent Misstatement & Should Be Changed to Telephone Contact. W/Certificate of Svc
ML17348A40412 July 1990Forwards Addl Info Re Responses to NRC Questions on Piping Codes Used for Emergency Power Sys Enhancement Project
ML17348A39212 July 1990Summarizes Facility Performance Since Last SALP Evaluation Period Which Ended 890731.Util Pursued Aggressive self- Assessment Program,Including Significant Internal or Outside Assessments in Areas of Operator Performance & EOPsFitness for Duty
Stroke time
Commercial Grade Dedication
Job Performance Measure
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
Generic Fundamentals Examination
ML17348A43211 July 1990Forwards Rev 8 to Updated FSAR for Turkey Point Units 3 & 4. Rev Includes Activities Completed Between 890123 & 900122. Rept of Changes for Jul 1989 Through June 1990 Will Be Provided by 900901
L-90-259, Forwards Rev 22 to Physical Security Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(a)(3))11 July 1990Forwards Rev 22 to Physical Security Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(a)(3))
L-90-261, Forwards Rev 7 to Guard Training & Qualification Plan.Rev Withheld11 July 1990Forwards Rev 7 to Guard Training & Qualification Plan.Rev Withheld
ML17223A8429 July 1990Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-335/90-13 & 50-389/90-13.Corrective Actions:Maint Personnel Counseled & Aware of Importance of Verifying Design Configuration Requirements
IR 05000335/19900139 July 1990Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-335/90-13 & 50-389/90-13.Corrective Actions:Maint Personnel Counseled & Aware of Importance of Verifying Design Configuration Requirements
ML17348A3949 July 1990Forwards Requested Addl Info Re Emergency Power Sys Enhancement Project.Specific Detailed Changes Will Be Made to Procedures to Address Mods Affecting Equipment Relied Upon for Safe ShutdownSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Fire Barrier
Fire Protection Program
ML17348A4315 July 1990Documents Written & Verbal Request of Region II Personnel for Temporary Waiver of Compliance of Tech Spec 3.4.2.b.1 Re Allowable Out of Svc Time for One Emergency Containment Cooler from 24 H to 72 Hr W/Addl Reasons
ML17348A3885 July 1990Requests Audit of NRC Records to Independently Verify Reasonableness of Charges Assessed Against Util,Per 10CFR170 Svcs
ML17223A8393 July 1990Forwards Results of Beach Survey Procedure & Reduction of Field Survey Data,Per Tech Spec 1 Updated Fsar,Section,concluded That Dune Condition Acceptable Per Tech Spec 5.1.3