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ML20206A05426 April 1999Memorandum & Order.* All Petitioners to Intervene Have Withdrawn Their Petition,Proceeding Terminated.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 990426
ML20057C09513 September 1993Memorandum & Order (Termination of Proceeding).* Informs of Petitioner Withdrawal of Motion to Intervene & Request for Hearing,Therefore Board Terminates & Dismisses Proceeding Herein.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 930914
ML20057C12813 September 1993Memorandum & Order (Termination of Proceeding).* W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 930916
ML20056E68713 August 1993Memorandum & Order (Extension of Time).* Petitioner Suppl W/ Contentions Should Be Filed by 930827 & Licensee Response to Suppl Should Be Filed within 10 Days Thereafter.W/ Certificate of Svc.Served on 930813
ML20056C86016 July 1993Memorandum & Order (Extension of Time).* Petitioner Suppl W/ Contentions Should Be Filed by 930813,util Response to Suppl within 10 Days After Svc & NRC Response to Suppl within 15 Days After Svc.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 930719
ML20246C71418 August 1989Order to Show Cause Why CPs CPEP-1 & CPEP-2 Should Not Be Revoked & Requiring Licensee to Notify Commission at Least 30 Days Before Taking Possession of Any Classified Equipment
ML20151U78210 August 1988Order Modifying License DPR-44,DPR-56,NPF-39 & CPPR-107 for Violations Involving Licensed Operators Sleeping in Control Room,Reading Matls Not Directly Job Related & Otherwise Inattentive to Obligations of License
ML20151G59626 July 1988Special Prehearing Conference Order.* Discusses ASLB Rulings from 880721 Special Prehearing Conference.Served on 880727
ML20195D06116 June 1988Order (Scheduling of Special Prehearing Conference).* Parties & State of Tn Directed to Appear at 880721 Special Prehearing Conference Re Application for Ol.Served on 880617
ML20236N80631 July 1987Order.* Parties Directed to File Simultaneous Briefs,Not to Exceed 10 Pages,Discussing Applicability of ALAB-869 to Sierra Club Contentions on or Before 870814.Served on 870803Ultimate heat sink
ML20210B8061 May 1987Order.* NRC 861020 Order Directing Licensee to Show Cause Why OL Should Not Be Modified to Prohibit Use of Radios,Tapes,Television Sets or Other Audible Entertainment Devices Recinded & Proceeding Dismissed.Served on 870501
ML20211D02913 February 1987Order.* Staff Directed to File W/Commission & Serve on Petitioners & Licensees Detailed Explanation of Health & Safety Basis for 861020 Order Re Use of Audio Equipment in Control Rooms by 870306.Carr Views Encl.Served on 870217
ML20215J14220 October 1986Order to Show Cause Why Radios or Other Electrical/ Electronic Equipment Used to Provide Background Music in Control Rooms Should Not Be Removed (Ref IE Info Notice 85-053 & Circular 81-02)
ML20205K36225 February 1986Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty in Amount of $25,000, Based on Violation Noted During 850806-08 Insp.Violation Noted:Two Openings in Vital Area Barrier
DD-85-19, Order Extending Time Until 860303 for Commission to Review Director'S Decision DD-85-19.Served on 86022019 February 1986Order Extending Time Until 860303 for Commission to Review Director'S Decision DD-85-19.Served on 860220
ML20212H82010 January 1986Order Re Ex Parte Communication from P Miriello.Ltr Being Served on Counsel for Parties in Drug Contention WB-3. Objections to Making Ltr Publicly Available Must Be Received by 860124
ML20137H34627 November 1985Memorandum & Order Denying Util Request for Extension of 851130 Deadline for Environ Qualification of Electric Equipment at Plant.Served on 851127
ML20132E19731 July 1985Order Extending Time for Jf Doherty to File Brief in Support of Appeal from 850719 Order to 850814.Served on 850801
ML20129K15619 July 1985Memorandum & Order Dismissing Jf Doherty 850621 Request for Hearing & Petition for Leave to Intervene.Decision Will Constitute Final Decision within 30 Days If Not Appealed. Served on 850722
ML20237L46329 November 1984Order Modifying License DPR-35.Licensee Shall Complete Independent Contractor Assessment of Radiological Controls Program by 841230 & Provide Region I Administrator W/ Contractor Repts by 850130
ML20058J0306 August 1982Order Extending Time for Commission to Decide Whether to Review IE Denial of State of Ma Executive Ofc of Energy Resources 820318 Request for Action Under 10CFR2.206 Until 820811
ML20054L9468 July 1982Order Extending Time Until 820729 for Commission to Decide Whether to Review IE Director Denial of Ma Executive Ofc of Energy Resources 820318 10CFR2.206 Request for Action
ML20054L84030 June 1982Memorandum & Order Overruling Certain Objections to Prehearing Conference Order & Referring Certain Questions to Aslab
ML20054G20818 June 1982Order Extending Time Until 820708 for Commission to Decide Whether to Review IE Director Denial of Ma Executive Ofc of Energy Resources 820318 10CFR2.206 Request
ML17273A0633 August 1979Order 8995 Adopting FERC Order 450 Re Location & Preservation of Records
ML20133M63530 September 1977Order Modifying License DPR-66,assuring Adequate Net Positive Suction Head to Recirculation Spray & Low Head Safety Injection Pumps in Recirculation Mode of Operation Following Postulated LOCAEarthquake
ML20236B6356 July 1976Order Extending Latest Const Completion Date for CPPR-39 to 770101Earthquake
ML20236B74815 April 1976Order Relative to Scenic Shoreline Motion on Notification of Meetings,Etc.* Denies Intervenor Motion Postmarked 870329 Re Notification of Meetings & Establishment of Seismic Review Committee.Certificate of Svc & Svc List Encl
ML20236C04423 December 1975Order Relative to Motions from San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace & Jj Forster Pertaining to Special Nuclear Fuel.* Denies Motions.Board Concludes That Record Supports Issuance of Part 70 License to Applicant for SNMEarthquake
ML20236C77024 June 1975Order Relative to Evidentiary Hearing San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Motion Pertaining to Storage of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies.* Orders All Parties to Be Prepared to Present Evidence Re Listed & Other Matters During HearingEarthquake
ML20236C91412 March 1975Order Relative to San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Motion of 750203 Concerning Conferences Between PG&E & NRC Regulatory Staff.* Denies San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace 750203 Motion
ML20236D36026 November 1974Memorandum & Order Relative to Supplemental Motion of Mothers for Peace for Stop Order & Commission Memorandum & Order Concerning Financial Assistance.* Board Denial of San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Motion Reaffirmed
ML20236D4184 November 1974Order Relative to Mothers for Peace Motion for Stop Order & Motion to Compel & PG&E Request for Extension of Time for Response to Addl Interrogatories.* Denies Motion to Compel & Grants Request for Extension to Respond to Addl Questions
ML20236B55030 May 1974Order Relative to Petitions to Intervene.* Order Granting & Rejecting Listed Contentions Presented by Intervenors During 740326 & 27,0430 & 0501 Prehearing Conference
ML20236B6553 April 1974Order.* Scenic Shoreline Preservation Conference,Inc 731205 Petition to Suspend Const of Plant,Alleging Newly Discovered Geological Questions,Consolidated W/Other Matters to Be Taken Up at 740503 Prehearing Conference
ML20058K71018 December 1973Memorandum & Order.* Order Requesting Derating of Certain BWRs
ML20127J3486 August 1973Memorandum & Order Re Petition for Derating of Certain BWRs
ML20236C24821 April 1972Memorandum & Order.* Hearing Should Be Held to Determine Whether Const Activities of Facilities Should Be Suspended Pending Completion of NEPA Review.Notice of Hearing & Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20235D48211 September 1970Order Dismissing Suffolk County 700829 Petition to Intervene in Proceeding