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ML20198Q4393 November 1997LER 97-S001-00:on 971003,vital Area Barrier Gratings in Main Steam Valve Bldg Floor Not Secured.Caused by Inadequate Verification/Validation Process for Ensuring Vital Area Boundary Integrity.Security Instructions Will Be RevisedContraband
ML20217F23229 September 1997LER 970934-01:on 970918,RHR Pump Suction Relief Valve Setpoint Not IAW TS Was Determined.Caused by Insufficient Configuration Control.Declared B Train RHR Valve Inoperable, Recalibrated to Correct Setpoint & Declared OperableShutdown Margin
05000336/LER-1997-003, Corrected Page One to LER 97-003-01:on 961216,discovered Discrepancy in Plant Procedure Utilized to Perform Periodic Insp of Fire Protection Sys Smoke Detectors.Caused by Failure to Properly Incorporate Ts.Ts Partially Revised15 April 1997Corrected Page One to LER 97-003-01:on 961216,discovered Discrepancy in Plant Procedure Utilized to Perform Periodic Insp of Fire Protection Sys Smoke Detectors.Caused by Failure to Properly Incorporate Ts.Ts Partially Revised
05000336/LER-1993-01910 September 1993LER 93-019-00:on 930812,reactor Trip Occurred Due to Low SG Level.Conducted Shift Briefing of Event to Operating Shift While Assuming Watch.Briefing Included Listed Requirements for Subsequent Specific start-up.W/930910 Ltr
05000423/LER-1993-0123 September 1993LER 93-012-00:on 930805,piece of Plywood Discovered in Train a of Sws.Caused by Inadequate Work Control During 1991 Outage to Repair Sws.Plywood Removed & Increased Attention Being Paid to Matl Exclusion in Critical sys.W/930903 Ltr
05000336/LER-1993-0183 September 1993LER 93-018-00:on 930805,letdown Manual Isolation Valve 2-CH-442 Developed Leak Which Exceeded TS Limits.Root Cause Has Not Been Determined.Valve Replaced & All Code Required Post Intallation Tests Successfully completed.W/930903 Ltr
05000336/LER-1993-0082 September 1993LER 93-008-01:on 930505,declared Charging Pumps Inoperable Due to Low Control Power Voltage.Established Administrative Controls & Installed Interposing Relay within C Charging Pump Control circuit.W/930902 Ltr
05000423/LER-1993-00431 August 1993LER 93-004-01:on 930331,RT Occurred Due to electro-hydraulic Control Power Supply Failure.Replaced Faulty Power Supply. W/930831 Ltr
05000423/LER-1993-01130 August 1993LER 93-011-00:on 930731,MSSV Lift Setpoint Drift Occurred Due to Unknown Cause.Reduced Setpoint for Power Range Neutron Flux High Trip to 10%.W/930830 Ltr
05000336/LER-1993-01627 August 1993LER 93-016-00:on 930729,reportability Determination Made Re Analysis for Boron Dilution Event.Caused by Inadequate Review of Results of Boron Dilution in Relation to Plant Operating Conditions.Boron Results revised.W/930827 LtrShutdown Margin
05000336/LER-1993-01413 August 1993LER 93-014-00:on 930714,discovered Surveillances Procedures Had Not Been Performed within Specified Time Intervals Due to Insufficent Planning.Missed Surveillances Immediately performed.W/930813 LtrMissed surveillance
05000423/LER-1990-02625 July 1990LER 90-026-00:on 900625,Train B Containment Hydrogen Monitor Failed Calibr Surveillance.Caused by Inadequate Engineering Interface Between Facilities Design Organization.Caution Tags Placed on Main Control Board indicators.W/900725 Ltr
05000423/LER-1990-02520 July 1990LER 90-025-00:on 900616,hourly Vice Fire Watch Maintained During Condition That Required Continuous Fire Watch Be Established.Caused by Personnel Error.Continuous Fire Watch Established & Personnel Involved counseled.W/900720 LtrContinuous fire watch
Fire Watch
05000336/LER-1990-01020 July 1990LER 90-010-00:on 900621,door Identified in Configuration Not Consistent W/Bechtel Design Drawings During High Energy Line Review.Caused by Lack of Knowledge of Requirements.Double Door reinforced.W/900720 Ltr
05000423/LER-1990-02420 July 1990LER 90-024-00:on 900620,control Bldg Isolations Occurred Due to Radiation Monitor Detector Degradation.Other Equipment Not Affected.Degradation Caused Radiation Levels to Exceed High Alarm Setpoint.Detector replaced.W/900720 Ltr
05000336/LER-1990-00818 July 1990LER 90-008-00:on 900620,determined That Grab Sample of Unit Stack Gas Not Taken.Caused by Lack of Communication Between Personnel.Grab Sample Obtained & analyzed.W/900718 LtrGrab sample
05000336/LER-1987-00918 July 1990LER 87-009-02:on 870902,unit Experienced Automatic Reactor Trip Due to Low Steam Generator Level.Caused by Valve Stem Slightly Loose from Valve Plug.Damaged Stem/Plug Assembly replaced.W/900718 Ltr
05000423/LER-1990-02116 July 1990LER 90-021-00:on 900607,integrated Leak Rate Test Supply & Exhaust Valve 3HVU*V5 Discovered Unlocked & Opened.Caused by Failure to Use Applicable Procedure for Nonroutine Evolution.Valve Closed & locked.W/900716 Ltr
05000336/LER-1990-00916 July 1990LER 90-009-00:on 900617,inadvertent Partial Actuation of Train B of Enclosure Bldg Filtration Sys Occurred.Root Cause Not Determined.No Corrective Actions Recommended Until Further Testing & Troubleshooting performed.W/900716 LtrBoric Acid
05000423/LER-1990-02216 July 1990LER 90-022-00:on 900618,discovered That Hourly Fire Watch Patrol Had Not Been Established in Battery 4 Inverter Room. Caused by Procedural Deficiency.Hourly Fire Watch Established.Procedures revised.W/900716 LtrHourly Fire Watch
Early Warning Fire Detection
05000423/LER-1990-0193 July 1990LER 90-019-00:on 900606,automatic Reactor Trip from Negative Flux Rate Signal Occurred Due to Dropped Control Rod.Caused by Broken Connection in Stationary Coil Power Cable for Rod. Special EOP Performed & Connector replaced.W/900703 LtrRod Drop Event
05000000/LER-1986-022, Partially Deleted LER 86-022-02:on 861018,potential Undetected Access Into Vital Area Discovered.Caused by Use of Incorrect Procedure.Card Reader Replaced & Tested to Ensure Proper Operation20 February 1987Partially Deleted LER 86-022-02:on 861018,potential Undetected Access Into Vital Area Discovered.Caused by Use of Incorrect Procedure.Card Reader Replaced & Tested to Ensure Proper Operation
05000000/LER-1986-030, Partially Deleted LER 86-030-00:on 861211,unauthorized Opening Into Protected Area Discovered.Caused by Area Not Properly Identified as Area for Security Concern.Signs Posted16 December 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-030-00:on 861211,unauthorized Opening Into Protected Area Discovered.Caused by Area Not Properly Identified as Area for Security Concern.Signs Posted
05000000/LER-1986-026, Partially Deleted LER 86-026-00:on 861124,vital Area Door Discovered W/O Alarm Capability.Caused by Personnel Error. Secutiry Officer in Question Terminated & Function of Administrative Sergeant Reviewed1 December 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-026-00:on 861124,vital Area Door Discovered W/O Alarm Capability.Caused by Personnel Error. Secutiry Officer in Question Terminated & Function of Administrative Sergeant Reviewed
05000000/LER-1986-023, Partially Deleted LER 86-023-01:on 861023,unauthorized Access Into Vital Area Door Discovered.Caused by Card Reader Malfunction.Malfunctioning Card Reader Replaced.Cause Still Under Investigation21 November 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-023-01:on 861023,unauthorized Access Into Vital Area Door Discovered.Caused by Card Reader Malfunction.Malfunctioning Card Reader Replaced.Cause Still Under Investigation
05000000/LER-1986-024, Partially Deleted LER 86-024-00:on 861113,attempted Introduction of Unauthorized Weapon Into Protected Area Discovered.Caused by Personnel Attempt to Enter Plant W/ Concealed Gun.Personnel Denied Facility Access18 November 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-024-00:on 861113,attempted Introduction of Unauthorized Weapon Into Protected Area Discovered.Caused by Personnel Attempt to Enter Plant W/ Concealed Gun.Personnel Denied Facility Access
05000000/LER-1986-007, Partially Deleted LER 86-007-01:on 860218,loss of Alarm Surveillance Occurred.Caused by Water Leaking Into Cable Due to Heavy Rain.Cable Dried,Leak Repaired & Design Corrected6 October 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-007-01:on 860218,loss of Alarm Surveillance Occurred.Caused by Water Leaking Into Cable Due to Heavy Rain.Cable Dried,Leak Repaired & Design Corrected
05000000/LER-1986-021, Partially Deleted LER 86-021-00:on 860911,vital Area Doors Failed to Alarm When Tested During Surveillance.Caused by Failure to Report Door Transactions to Host Computer.Central Procesing Unit Board Replaced15 September 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-021-00:on 860911,vital Area Doors Failed to Alarm When Tested During Surveillance.Caused by Failure to Report Door Transactions to Host Computer.Central Procesing Unit Board Replaced
05000000/LER-1986-020, Partially Deleted LER 86-020-00:on 860812,security Sys Experienced Loss of Power.Caused Withheld.Numerous Failures Experienced Until Machine a Designated as Prime.Procedures to Reboot Computers Revised15 August 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-020-00:on 860812,security Sys Experienced Loss of Power.Caused Withheld.Numerous Failures Experienced Until Machine a Designated as Prime.Procedures to Reboot Computers Revised
05000000/LER-1986-004, Partially Deleted LER 86-004-01:on 860204,loss of Dynamic Reporting of Alarm Surveillance Occurred.Cause Withheld. Computer Svcs Personnel Will Continue to Monitor Sys for Indicators of Cause11 June 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-004-01:on 860204,loss of Dynamic Reporting of Alarm Surveillance Occurred.Cause Withheld. Computer Svcs Personnel Will Continue to Monitor Sys for Indicators of Cause
05000000/LER-1986-016, Partially Deleted LER 86-016-00:on 860501,vital Area Door Discovered W/O Alarm Capabilities.Caused by Access Control Security Officer Asleep at Post.Determination to Suspend or Discontinue Employment Being Made6 May 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-016-00:on 860501,vital Area Door Discovered W/O Alarm Capabilities.Caused by Access Control Security Officer Asleep at Post.Determination to Suspend or Discontinue Employment Being Made
05000000/LER-1986-015, Partially Deleted LER 86-015-00:on 860428,stationary Side of Door Failed to Alarm When Tested.Cause Withheld.Alarm Repaired2 May 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-015-00:on 860428,stationary Side of Door Failed to Alarm When Tested.Cause Withheld.Alarm Repaired
05000000/LER-1986-014, Partially Deleted LER 86-014-00:on 860421,bomb Threat Received by Security Officer in Security Assembly Room. Cause Not Applicable.Actions Taken to Minimize Station Threat & Investigation Underway25 April 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-014-00:on 860421,bomb Threat Received by Security Officer in Security Assembly Room. Cause Not Applicable.Actions Taken to Minimize Station Threat & Investigation Underway
05000000/LER-1986-013, Partially Deleted LER 86-013-00:on 860414,vital Area Door W/O Alarm Capability Discovered.Caused by Personnel Error. Personnel Removed from Shift & Vital Area Checked for Unauthorized Personnel W/None Being Found18 April 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-013-00:on 860414,vital Area Door W/O Alarm Capability Discovered.Caused by Personnel Error. Personnel Removed from Shift & Vital Area Checked for Unauthorized Personnel W/None Being Found
05000000/LER-1986-012, Partially Deleted LER 86-012-00:on 860412,breach Discovered in Protected Area Barrier.Caused by Personnel Error. Personnel Counseled17 April 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-012-00:on 860412,breach Discovered in Protected Area Barrier.Caused by Personnel Error. Personnel Counseled
05000000/LER-1986-011, Partially Deleted LER 86-011-00:on 860410,vital Area Intrusion Alarm Failure Occurred.Cause of Event Deleted. Alarm & Door Tested Satisfactorily15 April 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-011-00:on 860410,vital Area Intrusion Alarm Failure Occurred.Cause of Event Deleted. Alarm & Door Tested Satisfactorily
05000000/LER-1986-003, Partially Deleted LER 86-003-00:on 860125,loss of Dynamic Reporting of Vital Area Door Activity Occurred.Caused by Equipment Malfunction.Corrective Action Withheld29 January 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-003-00:on 860125,loss of Dynamic Reporting of Vital Area Door Activity Occurred.Caused by Equipment Malfunction.Corrective Action Withheld
05000000/LER-1986-002, Partially Deleted LER 86-002-00:on 860117,loss of Alarm Surveillance on Doors Occurred.Caused by Erroneously Listing Officer as Being Posted on Door 398.Processing of Rev to Physical Security Plan Initiated23 January 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-002-00:on 860117,loss of Alarm Surveillance on Doors Occurred.Caused by Erroneously Listing Officer as Being Posted on Door 398.Processing of Rev to Physical Security Plan Initiated
05000000/LER-1986-001, Partially Deleted LER 86-001-00:on 860105,loss of Dynamic Reporting of Vital Door Activity Occurred.Cause & Corrective Action Completely Deleted10 January 1986Partially Deleted LER 86-001-00:on 860105,loss of Dynamic Reporting of Vital Door Activity Occurred.Cause & Corrective Action Completely Deleted
05000336/LER-1983-012, Updated LER 83-012/03X-1:on 830322 & 26,charging Pump C Shut Down Due to Lost Oil Pressure.Caused by Failed Integral Oil Pump Drive Coupling.Coupling Repaired12 March 1984Updated LER 83-012/03X-1:on 830322 & 26,charging Pump C Shut Down Due to Lost Oil Pressure.Caused by Failed Integral Oil Pump Drive Coupling.Coupling Repaired
05000336/LER-1983-020, Updated LER 83-020/01X-1:on 830613,2,557 Degraded Tubes Discovered on Steam Generator Tubing.Cause Undetermined. Tubes W/Flaws Less than + or - 40% Through Wall or Eddy Current Probe Restrications repaired.W/840213 Ltr13 February 1984Updated LER 83-020/01X-1:on 830613,2,557 Degraded Tubes Discovered on Steam Generator Tubing.Cause Undetermined. Tubes W/Flaws Less than + or - 40% Through Wall or Eddy Current Probe Restrications repaired.W/840213 Ltr
05000336/LER-1983-007, Updated LER 83-007/01T-1:on 830318,nonconservative Safety Analysis Assumption Discovered in Steam Generator Tube Rupture Analysis.Radiological Consequences of Reanalysis Being Analyzed9 December 1983Updated LER 83-007/01T-1:on 830318,nonconservative Safety Analysis Assumption Discovered in Steam Generator Tube Rupture Analysis.Radiological Consequences of Reanalysis Being Analyzed
ML20064F85928 November 1978/03L-0 on 781115:spent Fuel Pool(Sfp)Ventilation Particulate & Gaseous Setpoints Exceeded Tech Specs Setpoints of Table 3.3-6,items 2.c & 2.d.Caused by Monitor Recalibr W/O Taking Into Account Tech Spec Limit
ML20064F16521 November 1978/03L-0 on 781025:during Oper,Surveillance Test on Channel a Reactor Protec Sys Core Protec Calculator Reveated Sys Ground Traced to Signal for Pressurizer Pressure W/In Containment Boundary.Source Not Known at This Time
ML20064E66116 November 1978/03L-0 on 781024:plant Computer Malfunction Caused CEA Pulse Counting Position to Be in Oper.Cause of Computer Failure Could Not Be Traced
ML20064E1506 November 1978/03L-0 on 781007:daily Tech Spec,Table 4.3-1,items 2.a & 2.b,Nuc Pwr Surveillance & Delta-T Pwr Channel Calibr Not Performed Due to Personnel Error. Supervisors Told to Perform Req Surveillance
ML20064D6133 November 1978/03L-0 on 781025:Analysis of Instru Installations Revealed That Two Transmitters Assoc W/Channel a Steam Generator Low Water Lever Were non-seismically Mounted. Channel a SG Was Bypassed.Seismic Brackets Will Be Used
ML20064D6011 November 1978/03L-0 on 781004:during Surveillance Testing, Setpoint for Reactor Protec Sys Reactor Coolant Low Flow Trip on Channel B Was Out of Spec.Setpoint Was Readjusted. Rev Will Req Low Flow Trip Unit Setpoint Be Reset
ML20064B8172 October 1978/03L-0 on 780906:Loss of Methyl Iodide Removal Efficiency for a Ebfs Train. Cause Unknown