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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20236S88910 November 1987Investigation Rept 4-86-004 Re Credibility & Effectiveness of Quality First Program.Evidence Did Not Establish Util Mgt Wrongdoing.Nrc Should Not Place Great Reliance on Quality First Investigative Program
ML20245B4404 April 1986Partially Deleted Rept of Investigation 4-85-011.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Investigated:Suspected Falsification of Records at Plant.Supporting Documentation Encl
ML20209C4884 April 1986Investigation Rept 4-85-011 on 850305-0825.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Investigated:Suspected Falsification of Records.Investigation Not Conducted in Manner Acceptable to NRC Investigative Stds
ML20245B45124 January 1986Partially Deleted Rept of Investigation 4-85-012.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Investigated:Allegation of Drug Use by Quality Engineering Personnel.Related Documentation Encl
ML20209C60224 January 1986Investigation Rept 4-85-012 on 850305-0825.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Investigated:Suspected Improper Disposition of Allegation of Drug Use by Engineer. Investigation Not Conducted in Compliance W/Nrc Stds
IA-85-327, Partially Deleted Investigation Rept 4-85-013.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Investigated:Alleged Discrimination Against QC Employee.Supporting Documentation Encl22 January 1986Partially Deleted Investigation Rept 4-85-013.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Investigated:Alleged Discrimination Against QC Employee.Supporting Documentation Encl
ML20245B46422 January 1986Partially Deleted Investigation Rept 4-85-013.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Investigated:Alleged Discrimination Against QC Employee.Supporting Documentation Encl
IR 05000305/200802522 January 1986Investigation Rept 4-85-013 on 850305-0825.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Investigated:Alleged Discrimination Against Daniel Intl Corp QC Employee by Supervisor
ML20206F5306 November 1985Partially Withheld Inquiry Rept for Investigation Q4-85-007 Re Alleged Improper Concrete Pour & Falsified Certifications.Case Closed.Related Info Encl
ML20235K13017 October 1985Partially Withheld Investigation Rept Q4-85-022.No Violation Noted.Major Areas Investigated:Alleged Harassment & Intimidation & Technical Concerns of Former Daniel Intl Corp Employee.Partially Withheld Related Info Encl
ML20209C3257 October 1985Investigation Rept 4-84-026 on 850305-0825.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Investigated:Allegations of Harassment by Daniel Intl Corp (Dic) Supervisors & Falsification of Insp Records by Dic Supervisors
ML20245B3837 October 1985Partially Deleted Investigation Rept 4-84-026.Major Areas Investigated:Alleged Harassment & Intimidation of QC Inspectors & Falsification of Insp Drawings.Related Info, Including Partially Deleted Transcripts of Interviews EnclCoatings
ML20245B41712 June 1985Partially Deleted Assist to Insp A4-85-005 Re Ofc of Investigations Review of Util Quality First Program Investigation Records
ML20198B68214 May 1985Inquiry Rept Q4-84-052 Re Alleged Falsification of Welding Record.Missing Welds Caused by QA Breakdown.No Further Investigation of Wrongdoing Anticipated.Inquiry ClosedCoatings
Nondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
ML20198B76014 May 1985Inquiry Rept Q4-84-053 Re Alleged Missing Weld Records.Due to Task Force Reinsp Effort,Imposed Civil Penalty,Licensee Reinsp Effort & Absence of Evidence of Willfulness to Destroy Records,No Further Investigation Anticipated
ML20245B40321 February 1985Partially Deleted Rept of Inquiry Q4-85-001.Major Areas Investigated:Alleged Improper Activity Re Quality First/Qa Programs & Questionable Mgt Integrity.Related Documentation Encl
ML20245B46815 February 1985Supplemental Rept of Inquiry Q4-84-018(S).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Investigated:Alleged Intimidation of QC Inspectors
ML20245B39730 January 1985Partially Deleted Rept of Inquiry Q4-84-042.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Investigated:Alleged Alterations of Personnel Records.Record of 840930 Telcon & Rept of Interview W/Ja Kelly Encl
ML20198B66529 January 1985Inquiry Rept Q4-84-048.Major Areas Investigated:Alleged Reprisals Against Former Employee for Identifying Safety Issues.Text Deleted
ML20140E53114 June 1984Partially Released Inquiry Rept Q4-84-028.Major Areas Investigated:Allegations Concerning Pipe Hangers,Improper Heat Application to Stainless Steel Piping & Falsification of Heat Numbers on Pipe Hangers.Investigation Proceeding
ML20245B37713 April 1984Partially Withheld Rept of Inquiry 04-84-019 Re Alleged Improper Dispositioning of Nonconformance Repts (Ncrs) on Falsification of Insp Records & Intimidation of QC Inspectors.Wd Johnson 840320 Memo Forwarding Ncr Encl
ML20211A28911 April 1984Partially Withheld Rept of Inquiry Q4-84-018 Re Alleged Intimidation of QC Inspectors
ML20138G76726 January 1984Inquiry Rept Q4-84-002.Major Areas Investigated:Allegations Re Improper Disposition of Bad Weld,Improper QC Control Practices & Intimidation of QC Inspector.Related Info Encl
ML20138H39513 October 1983Inquiry Rept Q4-83-024.Major Areas Investigated:Alleged Intimidation of Util Electrical QC Inspectors.Dept of Labor 830926 Rept Concludes Discrimination Factor in Complaintee Case.Related Info Encl
ML20138G74529 June 1983Inquiry Rept Q4-83-014.Major Areas Investigated:Allegation Re Improper Interpretation of NRC Regulations by Daniel Intl QC Supervisors.Related Info Encl
ML20138G73829 June 1983Inquiry Rept Q4-83-013.Major Areas Investigated:Allegation of Improper Disposition of Nonconformance Repts by Daniel Intl Qc.Info Deleted.Related Info Encl
ML20138G7261 April 1983Inquiry Rept Q4-83-008.Major Areas Investigated:Allegation Re Alteration of Electrical QC Nonconformance Repts by Daniel Intl QC Mgt.Related Info Encl
ML20138G63829 March 1983Investigation Rept 4-82-018 on 821130-830114.Major Areas Investigated:Allegations Re Counterfeit safety-related Pipe Hanger.Related Info Encl
ML20138G55629 March 1983Investigation Rept Q4-83-007 on 830317.Major Areas Investigated:Allegations Re Generic Procedural Violation on Intermittent Fillet Welds.Forwards Nonconformance Rept 1SN9130E
ML20138G8177 March 1983Inquiry Rept Q4-83-005.Major Areas Investigated:Alleged Improper Electrical Fabrication Due to Shortage of Specified Steel.Info Deleted.Related Info Encl
ML20138G23011 February 1983Investigation Rept A4-83-004 on 821201.Major Areas Investigated:Allegations Re Improper Use of white-out. Related Info Encl
ML20138G6919 February 1983Insp Rept A4-83-003.Major Areas Investigated:Allegations Concerning Procedural Violation Re Certificate Tests.Info DeletedCoatings
ML20138G6587 February 1983Insp Rept A4-83-002.Major Areas Investigated:Qualification of Daniel QC Inspectors to Sign Off on Hanger Location. Related Info EnclCoatings
ML20138G6444 January 1983Inquiry Rept Q4-82-030 on 821220.Major Areas Investigated: Alleged Discrimination by Daniel Intl Corp Against Level 2 Mechanical Welding QC Inspector.Related Info EnclCoatings
ML20138G6165 August 1982Inquiry Rept Q4-82-015.Major Areas Investigated:Allegations Re Const Deficiencies.Summary of Conversation Re Individual a Encl.Related Info Also EnclSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Nondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
ML20138G5784 August 1982Inquiry Rept Q4-82-0012/4-82-0008.Major Areas Investigated: Allegations Re Discriminatory Personnel Practices. Confidentiality Agreement & Related Info Encl