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ML20134D49722 July 1991Forwards Rev 1 to Safety Evaluation Secl 90-469.Revised Safety Evaluation Clarifies Section of ASME Code Associated W/Main Steam Safety Valves in Reference to CAE-90-315/CCE-90-310Overspeed trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML20214W2575 December 1986Forwards Applicant Exhibit 187,consisting of Entire Transcript of Deposition of ML Goedecke.Deposition Previously Served on Board & Parties
ML20214S9473 December 1986Forwards Remaining Potentially Relevant Documents for Quality First File Re Bcap Engineer Statement of Concern. Documentation Re Training Sessions for Comstock QC Personnel Admitted Into Evidence.W/O Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20214T1541 December 1986Forwards Rept on QA Investigation Based on Quality First 860108 Baseline Interview.Investigation Focused on Task Force Engineers,Not Inspectors.Rept Played No Part in Midpoint Look at Bcap Insps.W/O Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20214G85921 November 1986Forwards Copy of Affidavit of Nondisclosure Executed by Ja Geocaris,Per 851206 Protective Order.Original Affidavit Filed W/Aslb.Certificate of Svc EnclAffidavit
ML20211K00410 November 1986Forwards Two Computer Printouts of Welding & Nonwelding Data on Which Csr Analyses in Frankel Testimony Based.Related Correspondence.W/O Encls
ML20213E7264 November 1986Forwards Sargent & Lundy Engineers (S&L) Document, Discussion of Variances from Sept-Oct 1986, Re CPH-104. Understands That S&L Prepared or Preparing Similar Sheets for Other Bcap Items.W/O Stated Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20211J4053 November 1986Forwards marked-up Attachments 2C (Kaushal-3) & (Kaushal-4), Computer Listing Similar to Intervenors Exhibit 141,marked- Up Version of Exhibit 145 & marked-up Pages of Delgeorge & Frankel Testimonies.Related Correspondence
ML20211H44531 October 1986Forwards Transcript of KT Kostal Rebuttal Testimony Re Rorem QA Subcontention 2 Concerning Harassment & Intimidation,Info on Weld Discrepancies & Listed Attachments.Related Correspondence
ML20211H43429 October 1986Forwards Affidavit of Nondisclosure Executed by RO Wolf Per 851206 Protective Order
ML20215K89123 October 1986Forwards Affidavits of Nondisclosure Per 851206 Protective Order for Nk Jones,Cw Flynn,Jp Ratnaswamy,Ws Ettelson, Dj Choate,Mk Askins & Rl Fenton.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20215C4296 October 1986Forwards Complete Copy of NRC 451,memo from G Orlov Re Changes in Csr Data Base & Tables Indicating Number of Items in Each Const Category Declared Invalid or Out of Scope.W/O Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20215B23130 September 1986Forwards Addl Corrections to Csr Data Base as Result of Miscommunication Between Orlov & Mccraney During Interpretation of Lk Comstock Insp Records.Related Correspondence
ML20214V12329 September 1986Forwards More Legible Copy of K Kostal Tabulation of Insp & Discrepancy Points,Documents AR004758-4777 & Sargent & Lundy Evaluation for Bcap Observation CSR-I-E-CBL-130-2.W/o Encls.Related Correspondence
ML20214U99229 September 1986Summarizes Informal Discovery During 860923-29.Reinsp Checklists & Bcap Observation Records Re CBP-034,CPH-104 & EIN-144 Provided on 860923.All Requested Info Provided. Related Correspondence
ML20214Q94822 September 1986Forwards marked-up Pages of Frankel Testimony W/Necessary Changes Indicated & Changes to Pages 19 & 26 of Del George Testimony,Due to Corrections in Csr Data Base.Changes on Page 26 Unrelated Correction.Related Correspondence
ML20210D80916 September 1986Forwards marked-up & Revised Pages to Rebuttal Testimony Re Csr Data Base Due to Errors Initially Made in Interpreting Lk Comstock Insp Records.Related Correspondence
ML20203M9022 September 1986Forwards Engineering Drawings CRP-034,CPH-104 & EIN-144. Drawings Marked W/Red Ink to Indicate Components Subj of Csr Observations.Addl Info,Including Implementation of Overinsp Program,Included.W/O Encls.Related Correspondence
ML20203L72126 August 1986Forwards Sargent & Lundy Evaluative Matls Re CBP-034,CPH-104 & EIN-144,per Request.Explanatory Notes Added in Red for Convenience.Remaining Drawings Ref in Matls Will Be Forwarded.W/O Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20203L87825 August 1986Forwards Stamped Csr & Lk Comstock Insp Records for Csr Items CBP-034,CPH-104 & EIN-144.Unstamped Copies Previously Delivered on 860822.W/o Encls.Related Correspondence
ML20203L47821 August 1986Forwards Util Nonconformance Repts NCR-2062 & NCR-4354,in Response to Question of Whether Martin Aware of Rept That Tracked Matter of Missing Welder Identification Stamps. Related Correspondence
ML20203L33421 August 1986Forwards Ibm Pc Floppy Disc Re Csr Data Base Compiled for Purposes of Util Rebuttal Testimony.W/O Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20214J95712 August 1986Advises That Util Fall 1983 QA Audit,Addressing M Martin Photocopying of Form 19 Checklists,Already Provided in Late 1985.Bates-stamp Number Is I0000214-I0000575.Related Correspondence
ML20205C4647 August 1986Forwards Listed Documents Re Dismissal of Rd Hunter.W/O Documents.Related Correspondence
ML20155J96620 May 1986Provides List Indicating Portions of Documents Subj to ASLB Order to Compel,Incorrectly Identified as Being Available in .Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20197K00513 May 1986Forwards Lists of Pages & Documents Available Subj to Business & Professional People for Public Interest Motion to Compel Production of Documents & Board 860328 Order. W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
ML20203N12230 April 1986Forwards App a Listing Bates-stamp Numbers of Requested Documents & Copy of Each Document.W/O Documents.Related Correspondence
ML20210K66823 April 1986Forwards Package of Investigative Matls Re Hunter & Arndt & Lkc Ncr 5026 Concerning Performance & Acceptance of Visual Weld Insps Through Paint,Per Requests at Deposition of I Dewald.W/O Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20141J31222 April 1986Submits Detailed Description of Indices of Documents Produced by Applicant,Per .Description Disproves Recipient Claim That Intervenors Prejudiced by Late Production of Documents.Related Correspondence
ML20141J42122 April 1986Forwards Affidavit of Nondisclosure Executed by Gf Marcus, Per Terms of 851206 Protective Order.W/O Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20155F53118 April 1986Ack Receipt of 860416 Index Listing Documents Available for Insp,Including Addl Documents Re Contention Items.Requests Addl Info Re Late Production of Documents & Description of Relevance to Intervenor Contention.Related Correspondence
ML20155F62418 April 1986Forwards Legible First Page of Phillips Getschow Co Nonconformance Rept 789 & Other Documents Re Thickness Measurements Taken for Pitted Pipe.Pipe Sample Min Wall Checklist Summary Also Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20203C82316 April 1986Forwards Updated Index of Documents Produced in Response to Intervenors Third Set of Requests for Documents Re Question 9.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20203B73915 April 1986Forwards Addl Portions of Jul 1984 INPO Rept Deemed Relevant to Amended QA Contentions.Related Correspondence
ML20203B50614 April 1986Requests That Draft Protective Order Be Prepared Per ,For Review.Author Does Not Waive Any Other Action Which Util May Take or Remedy Based on Results of Recipient Violation of Ex Parte Regulations
ML20202G6018 April 1986Forwards Rev 1 to Phillips Getschow Procedure B10.2.F,per 860403 Commitment.W/O Encl.Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20202G1978 April 1986Clarifies Re Filing of Documents in Camera W/Commission
ML20155A1532 April 1986Forwards Updated Index of Documents Re Contention Items on Intervenor Third Set of Requests for Documents,Question 9. W/O Index.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20210E54919 March 1986Forwards Updated Index of Documents in Response to Intervenor Third Set of Requests for Documents Re Question 9 Concerning Listed Contention Items.Certificate of Svc Encl. W/O Index.Related Correspondence
ML20138B75719 March 1986Forwards Suppl to Index of Documents Withheld Under Claim of Privilege Addressed in 851009 Tenth Partial Response to Intervenor First Set of QA Interrogatories.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
ML20154Q26218 March 1986Forwards Resumes for Listed Applicant Witnesses.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related CorrespondenceNondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
ML20138A87513 March 1986Reminds That No Response Received on First & Second Sets of Interrogatories Re Background & Opinion of Each Witness.Only Vitae of Ilgen,Arvey & Mckirnan Received Thus Far.Info Requested by 860321.Related Correspondence
ML20154K8096 March 1986Forwards Index for Documents Made Available in Response to Intervenors 860125 Third Set of QA Interrogatories & Request to Produce.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20138A3395 March 1986Forwards Henry Kaiser Co Documents Received in Response to Subpoena Served on Kaiser Engineers.Duplicate Set of Documents Delivered to G Berry.W/O Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20154K9094 March 1986Forwards Original Transcript of L Phillips Deposition & Signed & Notarized Certificate of Deponent,Certifying That No Changes Made to Transcript.Signature Page Provided for Parties.W/O Transcript.Related Correspondence
ML20205K50724 February 1986Notifies of Availability for Insp of All Documents Re Intervenors Rorem 860124 Third Set of QA Interrogatories & Request to Produce.Detailed Document Index Will Be Ready in 10 Days.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20153G37020 February 1986Regrets Reaction to Recent Events,Per .Case Should Be Brought to Trial in Professional & Efficient Manner & Personal Feelings Should Not Be Involved
ML20214C71517 February 1986Decries Denial in Encl Shevlin 860213 Deposition That Mutual Agreement to Limit Scope of Depositions Re QA Contention Ever Existed.Denial of Agreement Slanderous,Libelous,Shabby & Deceitful.Related CorrespondenceAffidavit
ML20137W80317 February 1986Forwards Document Reflecting QA Comments on Rev 0 to Bcap Checklist Instructions CSR-R-M-1 in Response to Recipient Request in Orlov Deposition.W/O Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20137V01214 February 1986Advises That Documents E525,526,534,535,716,715,720 & 721 Removed from Shevlin Deposition Group,Exhibit 2 So Exhibit Includes Only Documents Shevlin Stated Were Used as Basis for Summary Disposition.Related CorrespondenceAffidavit