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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20065H01128 September 1990Offers to Perform Work Under NRC Contract 26-89-289,Task Order 4 Re Diagnostic Evaluation at Plant
ML19327A8697 September 1989Submits Info Re Alchemie & Anderson County Bank Financing Transaction
ML19332F21710 July 1989FOIA Request for Documents Re Communications Between Ofcs of Edo,Deputy Edo,Ofc of Director,Regional Administrators & Commissioners Ofcs Re Plants During period,890301-0615
ML20246F13126 June 1989FOIA Request for Minutes of Meeting Ref in 820210 Memo from NRR Re Design & Const Assurance for Upcoming OL Cases
ML20245D98522 June 1989Forwards 21 Insp Rept Executive Summaries,Per NRC Contract NRC-03-87-029,Task Order 037.Individual Quality Evaluations of Insp Repts Also PreparedHigh Radiation Area
Fire Barrier
Nondestructive Examination
Continuous fire watch
Fire Protection Program
ML20247P94117 May 1989FOIA Request for Final Open Item Transmittal Ltrs Per NRC Insp Procedure 94300B for Listed Plants
ML20245C1423 April 1989Forwards Endorsements 75,108,108,96 & 110 to Maelu Policies MF-56,MF-26,MF-58,MF-39 & MF-52,respectively & Endorsements 93,129,127,109 & 122 to Nelia Policies NF-186,NF-76,NF-188, NF-151 & NF-173,respectively
ML20247N15531 March 1989Forwards Revised Proprietary Conformance of HPCS Div to NUMARC 87-00 Alternate AC Criteria, for Review as Result of Comments from 890216 Meeting.Rept Withheld
ML20246M73315 March 1989Responds to NRC Info Notice 88-082, Torus Shells W/ Corrosion & Degraded Coatings in BWR Containments. Summary of Relevant Projects for Various Utils Successfully Employing Underwater Alternative to Draining Vessel EnclCoatings
ML20246N12827 February 1989FOIA Request for Jl Smith to NRC Re Spent Fuel Shipment from Brunswick Nuclear Power Station to Harris Plant
ML17285A2356 February 1989Forwards Proprietary Draft Conformance of HPCS Div to NUMARC 87-00 App B Aac Criteria, for 890214 Meeting
ML17285A2346 January 1989Discusses Issues Highlighted at BWR/6 Alternate Ac Task Force Meeting on 881115,including Need for Capability of Div III Sys to Maintain Plant in Safe Shutdown Condition (Hot Shutdown) for Min of 4 HSafe Shutdown
ML20206H05114 November 1988Urges Relicensing of Pilgrim & Expedited Operation of Seabrook.Newspaper Clipping Encl
ML20150D5728 March 1988Provides Summary of Utils Test Results & Calculations on Emergency Diesel Generators,Including Review of Design of Static Exciter & Voltage Regulator for Emergency Diesel Generators
ML20196C1593 February 1988Forwards Monthly Progress Rept P-C6177-5, Independent Analysis & Assessment, for Period Ending 880131
ML20147G07418 January 1988FOIA Request for All Documents Re NRC Investigation of Wg Dick Allegations About S&W & Lilco Re Performing NRC Instructions to Bring Facility Up to Fuel Load Stds
ML20235A12516 December 1987Forwards Info Re Resource Technical Svcs,Inc,Including Summary of NRC Contract Work,Nrc Form 26 for Three Existing Contracts,Audit Info,Work History & Lists of Expertise Available for Special Insps & of Current Resource Svcs
ML20237B80525 November 1987FOIA Request That Encls to Listed Documents,Including NRC Forwarding Amend 1 to License NPF-73,be Placed in PDR
ML20236S42920 October 1987FOIA Request for Listed Documents,Including Encls from NRC Requesting Addl Info on Gpu Topical Repts TR-033 & TR-040 & Encl to NRC Meeting Summary Re SPDS
ML20236U52219 October 1987FOIA Request for LERs for Listed Plants,Including All Attachments & Encls from Original Documents
ML20235V13228 August 1987Forwards EGG-NTA-7471, Technical Evaluation Rept,Reactor Trip Sys Reliability Conformance to Item 4.5.2 of Generic Ltr 83-28.... Based on Licensee Responses,Plants Reviewed Conform W/Exceptions Listed in Section 14
ML17342A77413 July 1987Forwards Technical Evaluation of Rept, Retran Code: Transient Analysis Model Qualification, Dtd Jul 1985. Criteria for Use of Single & Two Loop Plant Models Listed. NRC Audit of Util QA Procedure Recommended
ML20235K8739 July 1987Informs That Tayloe Assoc Cannot Produce Mag or nine-track Tapes of Hearing Transcripts Until NRC Finalizes Arrangements W/Others to Provide Lexis Format,Including Library & File Numbers & Segmentation Info
ML20237J2142 July 1987FOIA Request for Listed Documents Ref in NUREG-1150 & Related Contractor Repts
ML20238E30129 June 1987FOIA Request for All Documents Described in App,Including Listed LERs & Revs for Plants,W/Original Attachments & Encls
ML18052B19117 June 1987Forwards EGG-NTA-7720, Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28,Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface:Calvert Cliffs-1 & -2,Millstone-2 & Palisades, Final Informal Rept. Plants Conform to Generic Ltr Item
ML20234B62112 May 1987Requests That Listed Plants Be Added to Encl 870508 FOIA Request Re 94300 Region Input on Plant Readiness
ML20214R4058 May 1987FOIA Request for Region Input to NRR Re Status of Listed Plants Readiness for Ol,Per IE Manual Chapter 94300
ML20234B6578 May 1987FOIA Request for Placement,In Pdr,Region Input to NRC Headquarters,Nrr Re Status of Listed Plants in Terms of Plant Readiness for OL IE Manual,Chapter 94300
ML20215L7401 May 1987Forwards EGG-NTA-7617, Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28, Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface Programs for All Other Safety Related Components:Oyster Creek, Final Informal Rept.Rept Concludes Licensee Conforms to Generic Ltr on Item
ML18150A1861 May 1987Forwards EGG-NTA-7612, Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28, Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface Programs for All Other Safety- Related Components,North Anna Units 1 & 2 & Surry Units 1 & 2, Final Informal Rept
ML20214Q88017 April 1987Forwards EGG-NTA-7591, Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28 Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Hatch-1 & 2,Millstone-1, Final Rept.Plants Conform to Item
ML20214R06217 April 1987Forwards EGG-NTA-7613, Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28,Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Arnold, Brunswick-1 & 2, Final Rept.Plants Conform to Item
ML18150A11714 April 1987Forwards Final rept,EGG-NTA-7625, Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) Generic Ltr 83-28,Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,North Anna 1 & 2 & Surry 1 & 2.
ML20214R86127 March 1987Forwards EGG-NTA-7614, Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28,Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface:Cook-1 & -2,Haddam Neck, Final Informal Rept.Facilities Conform to Generic Ltr
ML20214R18626 March 1987Forwards Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface Programs for All Other Safety-Related Components,Haddam Neck & Millstone 1,2 & 3, Final Rept
ML20214R13626 March 1987Forwards Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28,Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface:Maine Yankee, St Lucie 1 &-2 & Waterford 3, Final Rept.Plants Conform to Generic Ltr
ML20214R35812 March 1987Forwards Follwup SEP Evaluation of Part of Remaining Open Items for Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant. Reported Results Indicate That Licensee Actions in Response to Open Items Will Be Acceptable If Recommended Actions Taken
ML20211D74412 February 1987Notifies of 830517 Meeting in San Francisco,Ca to Discuss Development of Piping Stress Intensification Factor
ML20211D70312 February 1987Notifies of 830209 Meeting in San Francisco,Ca to Discuss Shake Table Tests of Electrical Equipment
ML20211D66312 February 1987Notifies of 830204 Meeting W/Util,Idvp,Nrc & BNL in San Francisco,Ca to Discuss Status of Containment Annulus Steelwork & Status of Auxiliary Bldg
ML20209A85516 January 1987FOIA Request for Documents to Be Placed in Pdr,Including NRC Re Calibr of Test Equipment allegation,1986 Inservice Insp Repts for McGuire 1 & Surry 1 & NRC 830307 SALP on Nine Mile Point 2
ML20207K01519 December 1986FOIA Request That Encls to Insp Rept 50-247/86-26,Byron Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Rept & Millstone 1 & 2 SALP Rept Be Placed in PDR
ML20211P20524 November 1986FOIA Request for La Crosse & Big Rock Point Semiannual Effluent Repts & Turkey Point & St Lucie SALP Repts
ML20214R8835 November 1986FOIA Request for Encls to 860821 SALP Repts
ML20213F88430 October 1986FOIA Request for Encls to NRC 860724 & 31 Requests for Addl Info Re Vermont Yankee Spent Fuel Pool Expansion & Browns Ferry Seismic Reevaluation Program,Respectively
ML20209D16929 October 1986Forwards Rev 3 to EGG-EA-7035, Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.1.3 & 3.2.3 Braidwood Units 1 & 2,Bryon Station Units 1 & 2,Callaway Plant Unit 1,Indian Point.... Licensees Conform to All Items W/Exception of Trojan
ML20214J97615 October 1986FOIA Request for Containment Event Trees for Listed Facilities,Technical Repts & Memoranda Re Interpretation & Quantification & Identification of FIN Numbers,Contractors & Investigators Involved in Creation/Analysis of Event Trees
ML20214K02315 October 1986FOIA Request for All Documentation Re Accident Sequence Evaluation Program Repts Re Listed Facilities in Preparation for NUREG-1150
ML20245A44525 September 1986Forwards Revised Draft EGG-NTA-7188, Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28 Item 2.1 (Part 1) Equipment Classification Hope Creek,Peach Bottom 2 & 3,Perry 1 & 2 & Pilgrim 1