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 Issue dateTitleTopic
LD-99-039, Part 21 Rept Re Defect of Abb 1200A 4kV Vacuum Breakers. Initially Reported on 990625.Defect Results in Breaker Failing to Remain in Closed Position.Root Cause Evaluation & Corrective Action Plan Being Developed.Licensee Notified30 June 1999Part 21 Rept Re Defect of Abb 1200A 4kV Vacuum Breakers. Initially Reported on 990625.Defect Results in Breaker Failing to Remain in Closed Position.Root Cause Evaluation & Corrective Action Plan Being Developed.Licensee Notified
LD-99-035, Part 21 Rept Re Abb 1200A 4KV Vacuum Breakers Performing Trip Free Operation When Close Signal Received by Breaker. Defect Results in Breaker Failing to Remain in Closed Position.Root Cause & CAP Being Developed25 June 1999Part 21 Rept Re Abb 1200A 4KV Vacuum Breakers Performing Trip Free Operation When Close Signal Received by Breaker. Defect Results in Breaker Failing to Remain in Closed Position.Root Cause & CAP Being Developed
ML20153C10918 September 1998Part 21 Rept Re Defective Capacity Control Valves.Trentec Personnel Have Been in Contact with Bg&E Personnel Re Condition & Have Requested Potentially Defective Valves
ML18066A27713 August 1998Part 21 Rept Re Deficiency in CE Current Screening Methodology for Determining Limiting Fuel Assembly for Detailed PWR thermal-hydraulic Sa.Evaluations Were Performed for Affected Plants to Determine Effect of Deficiency
ML20217J98128 April 1998Part 21 Rept Re Incorrect Description of Drift Specification for Model 1154,gauge Pressure Transmitters,Range Code 0 in Manual Man 4514,Dec 1992.Cause Indeterminate.Will Issue & Include Errata Sheets in All Future Shipments to Users
ML20211M6498 October 1997Addenda 1 to Part 21 Rept Re Weldments on Opposed Piston & Coltec-Pielstick Emergency stand-by Diesel gen-set lube-oil & Jacket Water Piping Sys.Revised List of Potentially Affected Utils to Include Asterisked Utils,Submitted
ML20211H79130 September 1997Part 21 Rept Re Failure of Weldment Associated w/lube-oil Piping Sys on 970804 at Millstone,Unit 2.Root Cause Is Not Yet Known.Quality of Weldment Is Being Considered.Listed Util Sites Affected
ML17309A62129 September 1997Part 21 Rept Re Final Disposition of Masterflow 713 & Embeco 636 Grout Nonconformance Reported by Master Builders,Inc. Licensee Continuing to Monitor shelf-life of Masterflow 713 & Embeco 636 Grouts Produced at Rancho Cucamonga
LD-97-024, Part 21 Rept Re Error in Energy Redistribution Factor Used in LOCA Analysis for Listed Plants for Which ABB-CE Performed Analysis.Issued Recommendations Info Bulletin 97-00414 August 1997Part 21 Rept Re Error in Energy Redistribution Factor Used in LOCA Analysis for Listed Plants for Which ABB-CE Performed Analysis.Issued Recommendations Info Bulletin 97-004
ML20149J86822 July 1997Part 21 Rept Re Failure of Main Steam Header Radiation Monitors Supplied by Nuclear Research Corp.Caused by Defect in Installed Basic Component.Declared Monitors Inoperable & Implemented Alternate Preplanned Monitoring Method
ML20149D31214 July 1997Part 21 Draft Rept Re 970606 Failure of Main Steam Header Radiation Monitors Supplied by Nuclear Research Corp.Caused by Temperature Compensation.Detectors Declared Inoperable & Removed for Repair
LD-97-002, Part 21 Rept Re Piping Line Loss Between SG & MSIV Inlet When MSSVs Area Activated.Recommends That Utils Confirm Proper Adjustment of MSSV Blowdown Settings So as to Preclude Valve Chatter & Related Structural Concerns17 January 1997Part 21 Rept Re Piping Line Loss Between SG & MSIV Inlet When MSSVs Area Activated.Recommends That Utils Confirm Proper Adjustment of MSSV Blowdown Settings So as to Preclude Valve Chatter & Related Structural Concerns
ML20133M25015 January 1997Part 21 Rept Re Failures of GE Type AMH-4.76-250 Circuit Breakers.Caused by Bent Trip Lever.Replaced Trip Paddles, Support Bracket & Spring Discharge Link
ML20133E8008 January 1997Deficiency Rept Re Nonconformance Related to Masterflow 713 Grout,Which Master Builders,Inc Has Supplied as Nuclear SR Product to 18 Npps.Cause Unknown.Requests That Listed Info Be Provided to Gain Insight as to Scope & Possible Cause
ML20134E81725 October 1996Part 21 Rept Re Bent Manual Trip Paddles in GE Magne Blast 4-kV Circuit Breakers.Investigation Revealed No Gap Between Manual Trip Rod & Manual Trip Lever.Definitive Explanation for Breaker Failures Not Been Confirmed
ML18065B01118 October 1996Part 21 Rept Re Application of Certain Aspects of ABB-CE Safety Analysis Methodology
ML20115J39822 July 1996Interim Part 21 Rept Re 3/4 Schedule 80 Pipe Furnished to Consolidated Power Supply.Investigation Revealed Only One Nuclear Customer Involved in Sale of Matl
ML20112G98129 May 1996Part 21 Rept Re Bechtel Job 21464 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant DG Project.Plant Start Up Problem Rept 96-06M Addressed Oil Filter O-Rings,filter Element & Filter Holder
ML20101L20528 March 1996Followup to Part 21 Rept Re Failures of gould-shawmut Fuses. Initial Investigation Into Issue Revealed Certain Percentage of Fuses Developed Cracks in Fuse Elements
ML20091P42724 August 1995Final Part 21 Rept Re Regular Locknut Being Installed on Governor Where Thinner Locknut Required at Calvert Cliffs. Applications of Thick Nut P/N 75233A06 on Control Linkages Will Be Reviewed to Insure Applications Correct
ML20083L0415 May 1995Interim Part 21 Rept Re Failures of Gould-Shawmit A25X 10-15 Ampere Fuses Due to Cracking of Fuse Element.Util Not Yet Verified That Mfg Process Described Cause of Failures & Performing Own Metallurgical Analysis on Fuses
ML20077M75810 January 1995Part 21 Rept,Determined That Bechtel Power Corp Analysis of long-term Cooling Phase of LOCA Did Not Model Heat Transfer from RCS Metal Components to RCS Coolant.Util Asked C-E to Provide New Mass & Energy Transfer Data
ML20078R27214 December 1994Part 21 Rept Re Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Turbine Governor Valve Binding.Caused by Galvanic & Crevice Corrosion Between Stem & Stem Packing Components.Licensees Replaced Stem & Packing Gland Matls
ML20078Q1649 December 1994Part 21 Rept Re Result in Slight Increase in post-accident Containment Temp.Licensees Have No Current Operability Concerns Due to Low Ultimate Heat Sink Temps at Present TimeUltimate heat sink
ML20080A76815 November 1994Part 21 Rept Re AFW Pump Turbine Governor Valve Binding Caused by Galvanic & Crevice Corrosion Between Stem & Stem Packaging Components.Turbine Mfg by Terry Steam Turbine Co. Licensee Plans to Periodically Exercise Valve Stems
ML20070K81120 July 1994Interim Part 21 Rept Re OP 38TD8-1/8 CS Injection Pump Erosion Sleeve Cavitation,Reported by Bg&E.Vendor Pursuing Evaluation to Determine Whether Situation Could Potentially Affect All Nuclear Utils Who Operate Subj Sleeve
ML20070M64526 April 1994Part 21 Rept Re anti-rotation Keys for 6-inch MOVs Mfg by Velan.New Keys Machined on-site to Dimensional Requirements of New Drawings Supplied by Vendor Installed & Performed Satisfactorily
ML20059H77217 January 1994Part 21 Rept Re Virginia Power Notifying Fairbands Morse Via Failure Analysis Rept NESML-Q-058 of Defective Air Start Distributor cam,16104412
ML20059F2637 January 1994Part 21 Rept Re Air Start Distributor Cam Mfg by Fairbanks Morse.Mfg Suggests That Site Referenced in Encl App I Inspect Air Start Distributor Cam as Soon as Practical
LD-93-019, Part 21 Rept Re Defect in Input to Better Axial Shape Selection Sys (Basss) Computer Code.Caused by Inconsistency Between Basss User Documentation & Code.Initially Determined on 930205.Correct Input Provided12 February 1993Part 21 Rept Re Defect in Input to Better Axial Shape Selection Sys (Basss) Computer Code.Caused by Inconsistency Between Basss User Documentation & Code.Initially Determined on 930205.Correct Input Provided
ML20126J59631 December 1992Part 21 Rept Re Potential Loss of RHR Cooling During Nozzle Dam Removal.Nozzle Dams May Create Trapped Air Column Behind Cold Leg Nozzle Dam.Mod to Nozzle Dams Currently Underway. Ltrs to Affected Utils EnclHydrostatic
ML20125C7167 December 1992Part 21 Rept Re Possibility for Malfunction of Declutching Mechanisms in SMB/SB-000 & SMB/SB/SBD-00 Actuators. Malfunction Only Occurs During Seismic Event.Balanced Levers May Be Purchased from Vendor.List of Affected Utils EnclStroke time
Anchor Darling
ML20127P58623 November 1992Followup to 921005 Part 21 Rept Re Potential Defect in SB/SBD-1 Housing Cover Screws.Procedure Re Replacement of SBD-1 Spring Cover Bolts Encl.All Fasteners Should Be Loosened & Removed.List of Affected Utils Encl
ML20077N5069 August 1991Part 21 Rept Re Defective 3/8 inch,3-way Solenoid Valve Model Supplied by Automatic Switch Co.Cv Valves Will Be Specified on Future Purchase Order W/Actual Test Values Requested for Each ValveStroke time
L-91-002, Supplemental Part 21 Rept Re GE Reactor Trip Breakers Used in safety-grade Equipment.Initially Reported on 901228.List of Plants Supplied w/C-E Breakers Encl4 January 1991Supplemental Part 21 Rept Re GE Reactor Trip Breakers Used in safety-grade Equipment.Initially Reported on 901228.List of Plants Supplied w/C-E Breakers Encl
ML20059M17524 September 1990Supplemental Part 21 Rept 1 Re Defect in Coltec Industries, Inc Connecting Rod Assemblies Nuts/Bolts on Model 38TD8-1/8 Emergency Generators.Initially Reported on 851120.Nuts/bolts for Assemblies at Stated Plants Inspected & Replaced
ML20056A4153 August 1990Part 21 Rept Re Thomas & Betts Electrical Terminal Lug Cracking Around Barrel.Initially Reported on 900731.All Thomas & Betts Products Currently Stocked in Warehouses Isolated & Ordered Held in WarehouseCommercial Grade
ML20012C1057 March 1990Part 21 Rept Re Several Failures of Fairbanks Morse Engine Div Piston Pins/Bushings on Upper Pistons.Caused by Incorrect Surface Pattern on Piston Pins.Piston Pins Under Listed Purchase Orders to Be Removed & Replaced
ML20005G6835 January 1990Part 21 Rept Re Installation Instructions for Grommet Use Range for Patel Conduit Seal P/N 841206.Conduit Seals in Environ Qualification Applications Inspected for Proper Wire Use Range & Grommets Replaced
ML20246M74613 July 1989Part 21 Rept Re Steam Generator Snubber Nuts Found Not to Meet Mfg Matl Composition Specs.Initially Reported on 890712.All 150 Nuts Will Be Replaced w/A194Gr2H Nuts
ML20244D4096 June 1989Corrected Part 21 Rept Re Responsible Officers for Reporting of Defects & Noncompliance.One of Creel Alternates Listed in Error in .Alternate Should Read as Stated
ML20236C27215 March 1989Part 21 Rept Re Nuclear fuel-potential Loss of Shutdown margin.C-E Issuing Info Bulletin Re Shutdown Margin During RefuelingShutdown Margin
ML20236A9397 March 1989Part 21 Rept Re Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Supply Crossover Line Mfg by Fairbanks Morse.Initially Reported on 890303.Fuel Leaking from Line Could Come in Contact W/Hot Engine Parts.Crossover Pipe Will Be Replaced
ML20207K78329 September 1988Part 21 Rept Re Defect in Amphenol SAMS Model 205-0034 Electrical Penetration Assembly.Metallurgical Analysis Revealed That Studs Made of Copper Alloy & Alloy Has Degraded.Equipment Replaced on Unit 1
ML20155C36820 September 1988Part 21 Rept Re Deviation in Westinghouse Type Ds 206 & 416 Circuit Breakers.Crimp Connections Repaired
ML20215G24416 June 1987Part 21 Rept Re Failure of Load Sequencing Equipment Supplied in Aug 1977 During Scheduled Testing.Caused by Open Electrical Connection on One Crimp Lug.Since 1978,insulated Lugs Used on All Equipment
ML20214E6247 May 1987Part 21 Rept Re Design of Extension Bonnets Supplied in 1980 for Four Pressurizer Spray Valves.Thielsch Engineering Assoc Retained to Inspect & Make NDE of WeldsNondestructive Examination
ML20211P72123 February 1987Part 21 Rept Re Rockbestos Coaxial Cable Used in Sorrento Electronics Digital & Analog high-range Radiation Monitor. Insulation Resistance at High Temp Not High Enough for Ion Chamber & Associated Electronics to Operate Properly
ML20137S44426 November 1985Part 21 Rept Re Unparallel Fitup of Nut to Mating Surface of Connecting Rod Cap & Nonperpendicular Faces of Nuts to Thread Pitch Line.Nuts & Bolts in Assembled Calvert Cliffs Onsite Spare Engine Will Be Replaced
ML20126C6905 June 1985Part 21 Rept Re Generator Failure.Concurs W/Encl Louis Allis That Interpolar Connectors Be RemovedEddy Current Testing
Overspeed trip