SNRC-1749, Amends 900605 Request for Limited Scope Exemption from Operator License Requirements of 10CFR55 & for Interim Relief Pending Disposition of Exemption to Include Mods to Licensed Operator Requalification Program

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Amends 900605 Request for Limited Scope Exemption from Operator License Requirements of 10CFR55 & for Interim Relief Pending Disposition of Exemption to Include Mods to Licensed Operator Requalification Program
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1990
From: Leonard J
SNRC-1749, NUDOCS 9009070013
Download: ML20059D367 (26)



  • e 9





U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Amendment To LILCO's Request for a Limited-Scope Exemption from the Operators' Licenses Requirements of 10 CFR Part 55 and Request for Interim Relief Pending Disposition of Exemption ,

Shoreham Nuclear Power Station - Unit 1 Docket No. 50-322 -

Reft (1) LILCO letter SNRC-1719 dated June 5, 1990 to the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission from W. E. Steiger, Jr.;

subject: LILCO's Request for a Limited-Scope Exemption from the Operators' Licenses Requirements of 10 CFR Part 55 and Request for Interim Relief Pending Disposition of Exemption.

Gentlemen By this correspondence, the Long Island Lighting Company (LILCO) amends its request for a limited-scope exemption from the Operators' Licenues Requirements cf 10 CFR Part 55 as identified by SNRC-1719 (reference 1).

SNRC-1719 forwarded LILCO's request for a limi ced-scope exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 55.45(b) in ics entirety, and from 10 CFR 55.59 (a) (2) , 10 CFR 55.59 (c) (3) , and 10 CFR 55.33 (a) (2) to the extent that the regulations require an e) proved simulation facility or a simulator facility consisting of a certified plant-referenced simulator (see Attachment 1 to SNRC-1719). The scope of the request eas limited since the referenced letter also stated that LILCO would continue to train licensed personnel (operators) on the Phoreham Nuclear Power Station (SNPS) simulator as we have since it became operational on or about August 19, 1987.

LILCO hereby amends its exemption request (reference 1) to include modifications to~LILCO's Licensed Operator Requalifi-cation Programngadnexemption from the requirement to use a Simulation Facisldt'y9 0 9009070013 900833 PDR

/ M 7, ADOCK 05000322 p V PDC ll

j4 I SNRC-1749 Page 2 l LILCO is proposing modifications to its Licensed Operator l Requalification Program for Reactor Operators and Senior Reactor .

Operators. During the past two months, LILCO's training and  :

operations personnel have evaluated the actual training and requalification requirements for licensed' operators at the defueled Shoreham plant. It was deterraned that certain .

requirements of 10 CFR 55.59 are no longer relevant to the l requalification training of operators here at Shoreham becauso .

the actual duties of the operators have been substantially  !

reduced. During a July 31, 1990 visit to Region I headquarters,_

members of my staf f presented and explained I,ILCO's approach to ,

the evaluation of actual operator training and requalifica'. ion ,

needs. Many areas of the current training program are oc longer  ;

possible (e.g., specific manipulations) or applicable at the  :

defueled Shoreham plant.  ;

Therefore, LILCO requests a partial exemption from 10 CFR

55. 59 (a) (2) , (c) (2) and (c) (4) as required to accommodate the pinoosed revision to LILCO's NRC approved Licensed Operator  ;

Requalification Program. .

FutM r.aore, LILCO requests an rmenption from 10 CFR 55.15ib) in its atirety, which requires either a simulation facility which the Commission has approved for use-after application has been made by the facility licensee, or a simulation facility '

consisting solely of a plant-referenced simulator which has been.

certified to the Commission by the facility licensee. In addition, LILCO requests exemption from 10 CFR 55.33 (a) (2) and 10 ,

CFR 55.59 (c) (3) , to the extent that the regulations require a simulation facility or the use of (training and testing on) a simulation facility to grant or maintain operators' licenses.

This amended request should be granted for essentially the same reasons described in refe ace (1) , except as modified by deletion of any simulato; use. Upon Commission review and approval, LILCO will no lo'.ger include simulator training in its operator requalification training program.

Attached to this letter, as attachment 1, is the proposed revision to LILCO's NRC-approved Licensed Operator Requalifi-cation Program. It is provided for your review and approval pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(1-1) and 10 CFR 55, and describes the program elements LILCO considers necessary for licensed operators at.the defueled, non-operating Shoreham Nuclear Power Station.

Although the changes to the Requalification Program result in-I reductions in scope and content fram the present program and testing needed for compliance with the regulations, it is LILCO's determination that the changes are consistent with the operator training required with Shoreham in a non-operating, defueled

' condition and do not affect nuclear safety at Shoreham, are not irreversible in nature, and do not decrease the protection of the public health and safety, This is further supported by the fact, LILCO is prohibited from placing any nuclear fuel into the

SNRC-1749 Page 3 Shoreham reactor vessel without prior approval from the NRC, in accordance with the Commission's Confirmatory Order Modifying License (NPF-82) issued March 29,1990.

If additional information or furcher discussion is required to support this request, please du not hesitate to contact my office.

Very truly yours, wv I kb]'$t t 8ol's D. Leonard, Jr.


/ President Office of Corporate Services (Vic and Office of Nucleab l RPlap cc: S. Brown T. T. Martin D. Norris

MC 1


  • Attadust $1 gge *1g .

S Wiimber , , 1,L 01,4 07 ,

l ,. *evision s .,, _9 pp0mMRoll E P or D Apv1 !,evel ,, P ONW Effective Date /2-/2 BB Section Head " /,/ $h 1.

Qu:lity Control [he d'/8di 2.

Div. Hgr. 'S C /d 8 3.

P1:nt Mgr. Muq N / o # 4.

! Signatore dr W/ C Date TPC No. Effective Expiration Date of TPC Date of TPC a


'u establish a method of implementation for the licensed operator requalification program.

l 2.0 RESPONSIBILITY The Licensed Operator Training Supervisor (Office of Training) shall be responsible for proper implementation of the requirements set forth by this procedure. l SR2-1021.100-6.421 .

l l



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, '.$ 3.1 Periodic requalification for all operators and senior operators is

  • necessary for the personnel to maintain competence, particularly to respond to abnormal and emergency situations.

3.2 This procedure describes the method to periodically relicense NRC licensed .

Reactor Operators (RO's) and Senior Reactor Operators (SRO's), and to meet the requirements of References 11.1 and 11.2.

3.3 Licensed Ros and SRCs shall participate in the requalification program.

3.4 Definitions related to the SNPS Licensed Operator Requalification Program are contained in Appendix 12.1.

3.5 This procedure is used to meet certain NRC commitments. Before this procedure is changed or modified, ensure these commitments are still met.

3.6 The following topics are contained in this procedure Page I 8.1 Schedule 3 )

8.2 Lectures 3 i 8.3 On-the-job Training 4 8.4 Evaluations 6 8.5 Upgrade from inactive to Active Status 7 l 8.6 Administration of Requalification Examination 8 8.7 Records 8 l

Appendix 12.1 SNPS Requalification Program Definitions ,

Appendix 12.2. SNPS Requalification Control Manipulations '

Appendix 12.3, Requirements for Administration of Written Exams Appendix 12.4 Annual Written Exams Appendix 12.5 Annual Operating Exams 4.0 PREREQUISITES N/A 5.0 PRECAUTIONS N/A 6.0 LIMITATIONS AND ACTIONS N/A 7.0 MATERIALS AND/OR TEST EQUIPMENT N/A SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 Page 2 k

-m -, - - - ,- ~ -n e -- ,, - - - <

~. .

' 8.0 PROCtDMRE'

,. 8.1 Schedule -

8.1.1 The SNPS Licensed Operat6r Requalification Program shall be conducted for a continuous period not to exceed two years. The program shall consist of preplanned classroom lectures, on-the-job training, ;' h;;; t;;;;O.;, plan;/;i .h;;; drills and l examinations as necessary to document operator proficiency and annual eva:uations.

8.1.2 / minimum of # hours of reasonably spread, preplanned lectures l shall be acheduled each year.

  • 8.1.3 The lectures will be scheduled throughout the year. Each license holder shall participate in the training program.

8.1.4 Personnel assigned to license requalification training shall be assigned no concurrent duties during the periods that they are actually engaged in training activities.

0.1.5  !.-;ini;.; ef 10 b ;;; ;f ;1;; h;;; ;;;;;. ins ; h il be v.vvided ee;h 7:= ';;;nxiz:::17 Ci i:x; ;n y ;i; n..;M?.

8.2 Lectures 8.2.1 Pteplanned classroom lectures shall be scheduled and abould provide, as a minimum, training in the following subjectse*'

base J o w He. p ere,r e4 5 e feel ytant vfafust Theory and Principles of Operation General and Specific Plant Operating Characteristics Plant instrumentation and Control Systems Plant Protection Systems Engineered Safety Systems Normal, Abnormal, and Emergency Operating Procedures Radiation Control and Safety Technical Specifications Applicable Portions of Title 10, Chapter I, Code of Pederal Regulaticus "i:ise:Or.ef Oes; ;; .. (neruse/)

l Pundamentals of Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Plow SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 )

Page 3

r ,

s - SNPS LERs (cnd significant or cppliccble induri , LERs) l l

.- NOTE: Training on Emergency Operating procedures should '

include basis for the Emergency Operating -

procedures and the purpose and significance of key actions or steps in the amargency operating procedures and their effect on criti, cal safety' functions.

8.2.2 Each license holder shall review the abnormal and emergency

, operating procedures on an annual basis.

l 6 w4slspA ,,% 4/JMO Compliance with this requirement by be nel by: Actual performance under abnormal or ocergency operating conditions. k'alkthrough of the pro:edural steps necessary to cope with the situation. 0. 11. .;ili;in; ; ;;;;;;;; ei;.1;;;; ;; on-site preplanned drill scenario. l I Preplanned lectures. I l Supervised self study. All self study will be under

supervision of the training section and documentation will include examinations to verify effectiveness of the self study. Procedure review and/or rewrite as part of normal job function.

l 8.2.3 No more than 50% of the lecture series outlined in this section  :

may be presented by videotape or film presentation. All lectures ]

should be a balanced presentation of live instruction with related training aids.

G.2.4 Periodic lecture series exams shall be administered during the requalification year. (After approximately 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of instruction time).

8.3 On The Job Training 8.3.1 C;;;;;l F.;;ipel;;i;;; '.t feree;; - Arr-..dia 12.2} [fla"T M///#) fniet 43eh

._: ::::::1 ;;nipul;;ien; 11ei.J 1. Ayreed1. 12.2 .L.11 i: p::f:r;;d i; th; pi;;; ;; 0 :70 eie.l.;.. .i it.--

Indi: ted f::;ren:d:: by :;;h li;.need vy...iv.  ;

der ep:: tze. C rdi f:: p;;;i;ipe;1en 1. . yl.ui v.

, 212:12t:: drill th:11 : 1y 5: ; ire :: :: : 1 pt:ticip:::: ::: :: te;;cere. eea;rellere. e; evelt:::::.

SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 Page 4 1


[:1pe/ s<reh- 1:3 ::::::1 :_1p h:O:.. f:;_ _.... ;;. .. i . : :::::1.

.- in::d i;.'pp;;di 10.0.1 h:'.1 h p.:f....d . .. 11,^.,y i !  :::S 1h::::d ;;;;::: ::f :::h: :p.;;;;;. .. ;i,1;f ,

, 6 p;n ;.d;;0:~0.....;..;n; e c' rict:: rr- 5: :::f te frlfill thi : ; ir:::::. The SNPS requalification training program will

[ #*/

duus 4be,-4m4-edade+n for retraining licensid operators.

should include the following:

.1 SNPS normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures as well as the appropriate SNPS alara

, response procedures shall be used by SNPS operators .

d::in; cfr:::::: ::;;;11fh::d:: :: f-f ..

.2 fir:1: :: ::;;22644ee64en training should be t conducted using a crew concept; the students should -

be required to dup 41cate to the extent practical the functions and rtsponsibilities of the normal SNPS control room staff.

.3 (W. 23.* O.

.t-1 ::: f5: d:y: :f zin i::::. ::1;;;d; ..e j

, Sir :192. 5:f th::: flve- d:y: f ;i;.1;;;;

frin;. :::5 :::f::: ch:11 :p:;f :: h::: :h:::

d y: :;::::in; th: ifrrlete: ::::::1: : ;::: f th: 0:: inia; ::::.  !

.4 Plant enh drills che 1d be conducted on a crew basis and should invohe reviewing plant )

procedures steps, action identification, equipment i control location, expected instrumentation l response, plant communications and Technical l Specification action identification.

Each drill should be planned in a drill scenario as l indicated in Reference 11.13 and shall include the -


.1 Plant Condition

.2 Expected Response

.3 References

.4 Objectives -

8.3.2 Station Design, Procedure and Facility Changes. All licensed personnel shall be kept cognizant of SNPS l design, procedural and facility license changes using

, one or more of the following methods:

l SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 ,

Page 5

.1 Brief lecturos cenducted by section supervisien or 3 other appropriate personnel.

.2 Staff seatings (also includes Review of Operations  ;


Consittee meetings). i


.3 Written communications to each licensed individual.

.4 Preplanned lecture' series.

.5 Required reading list.  ;

, Other on-the-job training such as cross job training and on-shift discussion may be used +.o increase the individuals proficieccy. ,

8.4 Evaluation- ,

8.4.1 Licensed Operation Management personnel should review all phases of the requalification training program. This should includes phMW .

.1 Periodic observation of simuleter-treining, sessions.

.2 Conduct of plant walk thru exams.

.3 Review of individuals training records.

4 Technical review of new training material.

.5 Review and approval of overall training schedule.

l l 8.4.2 The performance and competency of all licensed operators and senior operators shall be evaluated thru systematic observation by supervicors or training staff members. This shal) include an i evaluation of actiont taken or to be taken during actual or simulated abnormal and emergency procedures. ,

Actual perfotmance is evaluated on an annual basis, as a minimum, for all personnel with active licenses. These performance evaluations should be reviewed by the Operations Section and training needs identified. These needs should be used to identify topics to be presented in the requalification program. Howeve r, accelerated retraining for an individual license holder should ,

also be identified.

o n t d % ills 8.4.3 Holders of inactive licenses shall be evaluated during

ticity :ripul::i::: to identify training needs.


8.4.4 A- ---" ' written examination comparable in scope and degree of difficulty to an NRC examination. Consistent with the level of license held, shall be given to eaan license holder. (Appendix l 12.4)

SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 Page 6

8 . 4.'5 A licensed individual who rsceives an evere11 grcde of less th:n

. 80% or receives a grade of less than 70% in any one category of

. the annual written exam administered by the Office of Training shall be relieved of his license duties and placed in an accelerated Requalification Program prior to ratesting. Training provided to personnel participating in an accelerated requalification program may include preplanned lectures, self study, on the job instruction, or other training as required and shall be evaluated via ,

written and/or operating examination.

8.4.6 A grade of less than 70% on any lecture series examination shall require that individual to be retrained and rescheduled for reexamination in that area.

8.4.7 An annual operating exam shall be administered to each license holder (Appendix 12.5).

8.4.8 Crew and individual' should be l 4 l

evaluated by use of evaluation forms. Each licensed operator will be evaluated on an individual basis asing reference 11.14 for approximately 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> every year. C1ew evolutions will be evaluated for team work per reference 11.14 during training l sessions. : th: frrl::::. l 8.4.9 A licensed individual who receives a failing grade on the annual operating examination shall be placed in an accelerated .

requalification program. .

8.4.10 licensed individuals who are directly involved with the preparation and gradfng of examinations shall take all required ,

written and operating examinations. l l

8.4.11 Plant line management should periodically observe each shift crew )

during selected e4ewieteth emergency scenarios. l l 1

8.4.12 The Training Supervisor or designee shall review drill critiques that are evaluated as unsatisfactory and initista corrective j remedial if necessary. '

8.5 Upgrade from Inactive to Active License status.

I 8.5.1 Persons holding an inactive NRC license may be moved to active ,

status provided that the Vice President, Office of 1;uclear, l certifies (in the form of a letter to the individual's training folder) the following: That the qualifications and status of the licensee are valid.

SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 Page 7 That the licensee has cerplated a cinitum cf 40 hturs of shift functions under the direction of an operator or senior operator as appropriate and in the position to which the individual vill be assigned. The 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> '

shall have ineluded a complete tour of the plant and all l

required shift turnover procedures. kor SRO license holders whose activities will 1e atmited to fuel handling, one' eight hour shift shall >= completed.

8.6 Administration of Requalification Examination 8.6.1 Administration of Requalification examinations sha?.1 be le accordance with Appectix 12.4.

8.7 Records 8.7.1 Records for each individual shall be maintaL.ed by the Training Division until the individual's license is renewed or terminated. gq I

Requal program records should be sent to SR for retention after I the 1 year anniversary date of the end of th.. Requal year. These  ;

records should include the followingt i 1 Copies of written examinations administered and answer l keys that contain point values for each-correct answer. Answers given by the licensee to written examinations. Results of performance evaluations (drill scenarios). Documentation of operating tests and of additional training administered to licensed individuals in areas where deficiencies have been demonstrated. Records of attendance at preplanned lectures. , Documentation of licensed personnel cognizance of changes made to station design, appropriate procedures, ,

and the station license. Documentation of the annual review of abnormal and emergency procedares.

S.'.1.S D:::::::::i:: :f p:::i;;p;;;;n da ;;;;;1ci:7 ;;a;;e;

!  :: ipul: i::: 'i;;;; ding .;. ef .1 1.;er ;rei..lo, if


, 9.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 9.1 Continued successful performance in the Requalification Program by an individual shall be required to maintain a current license.


SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 Page 8 t


---,,,v-em- ., w - _.--,-e, ,:-,.m-

e f

. .. j 10.0 FINAL CONDITIONS  !


10.1 Ultimate failure in the Requalification Program by an individual (i.e.,  :

accelerated training is unsuccessful) shall result in written notification  :  !

of the NRC within 30 days that the individual license has lapsed. i


j 11.1 Code of Tederal Regulations Title 10, Part 55 i

11.2 USAR, Section 13.2.2 l 11.3 USAR, Table 13.5.1-1, Sections 3.1, B.2, 8.3 and B.4 11.4 INPO Guidelines for Requalification Training and Evaluation, GPG 02-10-80 11.5 ANSI /ANS 3.1 - 1978 11.6 NUREG - 0660, Vol. I, 1980 11.7 TITLE 10 CFR Part 50 - Section 50.54 Conditions of License 11.8 NUREG-1021, Operator Licensing Examiner Standards 11.9 Regulatory Guide 1.8 - Personnel Selection and Training 11.10 R+gwa*tery Cudd: 1. !':9 - iteleer Pee er Ple-* Sf-"' atere fer "ee f a Operster Tre!-4 3 11.11 Shoreham Commitment Action Requirement (SCAR) No. 346 11.12 Shoreham SNRC Letter 1062 11.13 OTP S.02 SMRC- 1W 11.14 O!." S.01 S MRC. I? U 12.0 APPENDICES 12.1 SNPS Requalification Program Definitions 4 12.1.1 System Operating Procedures 12.1.2 Emergency Procedures 12.1.3 Abnormal Operation Proceduras 12.2 SNPS Requalification Control Manipulations 12.2.1 SNPS Reactivity Control Manipulations l

l 12.3 Requirenents for Administration of Written Examinations SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 l Page 9 I

1 l b

_ _ _ __ -_. _._.---_w

I' 12.0 APP 5h* DICES.(cont.)

. 12.4 Annual Written hans t


12.5 Annual operating hans 1

1 l

l l



SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 Page 10



Job cross-training for shift personnel'shall consist of assuming the duties and l performing the functions of other shift classifications. I 1

~ *



On-shif t discussions may include review of procedures, discussions of plant operations and/or other specific material kssigned by the Training Supervisor or Operations. Supervision. These discussions should include review of Reactor I Operating Experiences.

3. ACTIVE LICINSE STATJU A licensed individual who has performed the duties of an RO or SRO (as appropriate) for seren 8-hour shifts or five 12-hour shifts during the previous quarter, or who has been certified to be active. Also, a newly issued license  !

is counted as active. )


4. INACTIVT ',1 CENSE $7 ATUS l A licensed indivLlual who does not meet the requirements for active status.
5. LICENSED OPERATOR (RO) l Any individual who possesses an operator's license pursuant to Title 10, CFR, l Part 55, " Operators' Licenses". 1


Any individual who possesses a senior operator's license pursuent to Title 10 CFR, Part $5, " Operators' Licenses".

7. NORV.AL OPERATING PROCEDLTES Normal Operating Procedures are those procedures which cover those operating activities defined in Appendix 12.1.1.
8. ABNORMAL OPERATING PROCEDURES Abnormal Operating Procedures are those procedural actions included in the appropriate system operating procedures for the activities listed in Appendix 12.1.1. -
9. EMERGENCY OPERATING PROCEDLTES Emergency Operating Procedures are those procedural actions provided for combating the potential emergency conditions listed in Appendix 12.1.2.
10. OPERATING EXAMINATI0g An examination which includes a :irht: :>&stic: 22d plant specific l walkthrough.

SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 j Page 11. ,l l


i Appendix 12.1.1 ,


1. L.::=;i; :;;;u;.;iu;i;;. ;,.;a.. (m t used)
2. 0 ;;;1 1;f 0;i.; 0,;;.; (w / ~~ u d'
3. - C;u :; . a, ;j .; = (nel stsed) ,
4. Diesel Generator
5. 4,160 V System ,
6. 480 V System ,
7. 120 V AC Instrument Bus
8. 120 V AC Reactor Protection System Bus i
9. 120 V AC Uninterruptible Power Supply ,
10. 125 V DC System t

! 11. Fuel Pool Cooling

12. # Pet- i

.  ;.";; Cui; ;f ii:n) (no/ used)

14. Of f;n ':::1;en ;J/.I, ::Occ n) (w/ usc/)
15. Pri n ry 0;;. :.inu n; :n ;;1;r (w / used) -
16. 2VAC-Drywell Cooling
17. Re:Ste: 3r!1dit: Cler:d L::; C001. Sy:::: [w/ vte/)

j 18. Reactor Building Normal Ventilation System (RBNVS)

19. 4644 (na/ used)
20. --L': C;;;= (net 41. 4)
21. R:::::: n::irni::i:: Syster (w / yse /)
22. Service Water
23. Reactor Butiding Standby Ventilation System (RBSYS)

I l i


1 f

SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 Page 12 l l

l  !

Appendix 12.1.1 Page 2 of 2


e.  :;2:;, L:,.:: : .,; ,,:, :,.... (no/ M*Cl}
25. :=i=n;; :;::;- (mf acreJ)
26. 2 ;iz:;; :;;; = (,,e/ Mted)
27. EVAC - Control Room i
28. EVAC - Turbine Building
29. Generator Seal Oil System
30. ." :. ::: = :y;; = (n./ usec/)
31. Reactor Water Cleanup tJystem
32. Station Air System
33. Turbine Building, Closed Loop Cooling System
34. !;;iin; =;n:;. (m / #5ed)
35. T.;Lir.; :::: (m/ yte/)

Turbine Lube Oil System

31. =::i n;;; ^;;; L;;L;.;; h ;;;;;;; 0 7;; = [w / gre /)
38. RBSYS & CRAC Chilled Water i

i i

i t

l l f I

l SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 Page 13

Appandix 12.1.2


1. Acta of Nature
2. M ir- 1 E disiirr h iere: - Off C : (Mok 08Ed
3. Abnormal Radiation Release - Liquid -
4. Abnormal Radiation Release - Station Ventilation
5. C::t::1 Sd ha (NOY U88d}
6. 4meegency *.';; f 0 ' .C. (40Y03'
7. h:: ;f "". rf I'". 07 ::aas- [Not US A d) i
8. -Feel- Cleddi:; ?gil: : (9ot USEc0 -
9. Fuel Handling Accident
10. =-------.. et.. 2--- [ pot used)
11. Met a-11 Felt rte- letruth- hof used
12. M : ef Cerdere:- " eu r (got use d)
13. - h:: ef P:!st y Centri- :rt Inte;-ity- (go used)
14. Loss of Secondary Containment Integrity
15. Loss of Offsite Power
16. Loss of all AC Power
17. Loss of Instrument Air
18. S:: ef *:::t:: *:ildin; Cle::d b:; ce:1f ; t'
- [NohUSEd)
19. Loss of Service Water  !
20. S:: f Shutde= ce:11 ; (NokUSEch
21. Loss of Turbine Building Cicaed Loop Cooling Water
22. Shutdown from Outside Control Room
23. R ::1 C::t::1 (yc,h u5sd)

SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 Page 14 J

1 i .  !

, s' * * . l Appendix 12.1.2 i

. Page 2 of 2 9

,. h (ve r

2$. ....... _ . . ..--....-.

(nsf qt< d)  !


26. L .;l b ;;;;;;'.;; (.,,,/ gsc/) .
27. t;id "T? *:;:n:ve6eedeer-(we/ 4te/)
28. 1*? ilxf1 ;; (%,y gse/)  ;
29. 5:::: int ri:5 T:il :: : 4eeen- 6./ use/) j
30. I:::::i= :' !=': 12:: th: *:::t:: C::12 t Sy:ter h./a(se/)

. i l

1 I

1 l

I 1

l l

1 I


l l

l ,

l t

l l

l l

l 1

SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 Page 15 1

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .__ _ _ . .__. . - _ - . . - ~ . _ - - ._

l .

l . .

Appendix 12.1.3 1

Page 1 of 1 l


1. ' Sir:::: S.i.. 1.:::; 7 ,'e) ;..y [tw/4re/)
2. ........ .. r [md useef) l l 3. C:;;;;;;; !:1p (in f Sr/)
4. '::d 5j::: (wfgsc/)

_ _ _ _ ___ . -.. .c'--. .'..,.' ....-

...'. ,' ."... ,' (~t aced)


6. ' - ' . ' . ' . ' . , - . . " . . . ' . . " . - . . . . . ' " . . ' . - [ws/ #f'#)
7. 4*ee-of-Weveron M:ni:erini; Cy ::2. (w/v5c/)
8. Feedwator/4+ vel C:::::1 Sy:::: T:il;;; (w/ use/)
9. bese-of, :: M:1f.n;;ien :f ";;;;;; "::::::. C:::::1 ' ::C) [w'/84C# ,

1 0

r SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 Page 16

l' Appendix 12.2

,- Page 1 of 3


The following control manipulations and plant evolutions ara acceptable for meeting the reactivity control manipulations required by Appendix A paragraph 3.a of 10 CFR Part 55. The starred itans shall be priorsed on an annual basis; all other items shall be performed on a two-year cycle. However, each individual should participate in as many reactivity changes as plant conditions permit. Those control manipulations which are not perfor.aed at the plant may be performed on a simulator or cs part of the plant drill program. Personnel with SRO licensees are credited with the activities if they direct or evaluate control manipulations as they are performed.

I CA. 1;;r~e d te critfrel fre c M -!!irl et th: == = = ;; 12:: ====:i:: :: ;b

i f
n!=: i=: ;=ifi:d t) ::::tli hir.; ; p nd;;; ;i ;d i;;;.,,

teNn (wfused) os. 3:22: :h;;d;n , (my yge/j

  1. C. "::a1 :=:n1 :f f nd=:= drin; pic: :txte; : d ch: d:=. [wn/ uf'O D N/A
  • E.  % p= = :hng: :! 10% = ; =: = ning ==: =1 =d: = ===1  :=inul::i:n 41:e :=:ni, (w / used)

F. N/A ,

80. b n :f n :!:::, 12:1.fing-1 =h =:: d:::=i=:d:::

[we/ used)

-1. In:id: ::d =::id: pri=r; = ::in= ,

2. Eng: d :=11 l *H. Loss of instrument air (must be parformed via drill at SNPS).
01. Loss of electrical power (and/or degraded power sources).[bAi// ts/S)

OJ. b n :f n :i::;1::i n fi::. [w / #se/)

OK. Leec Of !=d= n =d f::d=::: ey::e; fe1.arv. (ws / use/)


M. M=: :h ;de.:. :ee11.,. (ns t gse d)

N. Leer ef F2CES' te indifid :1 :::; rent:. [ws / used) t O. Lees et ner el feeJ..t.. vi uv.mel  !..J.. i.. .i . ... f.11 .. . [nc/ a re/)

P. An== af r^adenser-veewush [w / 4(te /)

SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 l Page 17 l

Appendix 12.2 Page 2 of 3

v. I.ossofaprotectivesystemchannel.[pgitt sups)

R. " :e n;;.1 ;; ;.;;. .....a; .as ,. .. . . (hef use d)

5. " . " . . ' ' ' . ' . , - .. .- . ..--^...'

-_ . . . . . __ ' . ws/ 4(sed)

y. e JJ.J


_. ____.J

.- ... X .L-

. . . . . ..--_., ..,.JJ..

..-JL 91 -- ^

---. . .9. . .-.- .

.- s/asgjj U. ?v-? ^ "* ; *-' ?::: :: hi;h 1:21:it; 11- ::::::: :::122 :: ;"";;;. (Ire / Wsel)

V. 4wehe :: ;.:n .;; :1;. [1re / ysec/)



. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . , . ......_r.,, ..u .u..

. ...--..J..J...



1. ".21'u r tier c' r r' : ; r := :--': 1 :yrter. [wt/ #Je/)

Y. Des:t= ?:i;. [ws/ #se/)

2. ".21: :::= lin: 5: r h (ir ide :: = -13: r-. a ::-') . hc / efe/)

AA. Mx1=: in tr:rt-tin '-11ere(e). [w / 4fe/) I The following are not required by 10CPR55 but are desirable for operator experience sad should be perfora.ed once every two years.

c. Operation of the fuel handling bridges d::in; n ' :lin; :: == 1::dit; ::

rindin; (licenses fuel handling personnel only). (D#i// SWI.) ,


b. ":ci ; :=:::1 ::d: i: :::; r:: :: : ::::: en=d=t.[w/ysee/)


"- 2 1 rd r et:01 pri:: t: : d d :in; ;;n ::::: .,;.:hrn.intin. [.w,f gge/;

d. T. tin:

On n:t a ::=::F.[wc/ use/)

e. *ri::;10:in Tin nn:n1 =1f =ti=, [we / qsc/)


112 r:1 : net : =:n 1:=1. [ws/ usc/) g c

g. %V "ei:=. . (nef qged)
h. StationBlackout.(bei42SA/#3)
1. ORV ^;n. [ws/ yted)


j. . .~ ......-...- - .

.. ('v c y gre;) ,

k. ".:n offed = = Mutin; (Ley qge/)
1. Indn::=: dni d:= :: th: ::p; :::i= pn1 [we/ ytec/) I SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 Page 18 1

Appendix 12.2 Page 3 of 3

^ ti;d; :: :::::i::: zi t essaa [nc/

8. '::: :' '"" (m/ kted)


Do Loss of heat sink . (Deilt Sn?s)

p. ,_ . .. _. ._ . . __

, 4,,,

q. C .;;d:.. ; p:.::::: 51ei (v./ 44*/)

ro "211;;; :' :::::'

t 12:12 tier (.m /
a. Cert f-_  ::t t- ;:--te : ? [w r yted)
t. i ;; :::!:r ?::1 [w/<(sed)
h L ;
::tu :

t u, t .....s 9 __ 9 1

u. Accidental liquid or gas release. D#ill A'M
v.  ? 9 ::::  :-t-f--- ! :- c;-
w. Ir 9 :: ::: ::rtri-r: . i: litirr i

i l

SP 12.014.07 Re *. 9 Ps, 19 s

\ . .

i Appendix 12.2.1 Page 1 of 1 jl f,, 'fp C 6 'D E L G TE.'i>



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f SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 Page 20 W


1. A single room should be used for the written examination. The location of this room and supporting restroom facilities shall be such as to prevent contact with all other f acility and/or contractor personnel during the duration cf the written examination.
2. Minimum spacing is required to aneure examination integrity as determined by the chief examiner. Minimum spacing should be one candidate per table, with a _

3-foot space between tables. No wall charts, models, and/or other exposed j training materials shall be present in the examination room. K

3. Suitable arrangements shail be made for the candidates to have lunch, coffee or fi other refreshments. These arrtngements shall comply with item 1 above. j i

s SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 Page 21

1 Appendix 12.4 Page 1 of 2 ,

An't!AL WR[TTEN EXAMS l There will be two separate requalification examinations administered as listed below. '  !

Reactor Operator - this examination will be administered to holders of NRC Reactor Operator Licenses and will contain questions in the following categories:

1. Principles of Nuclear Power Plant Operation, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow.
2. Plant Design, including Safety and Emergency Systems.
3. Instruments and Controls.
4. Procedures - Normal Abnormal Emergency and Radiological Control. ,

Senior Reactor Operator - This examination will be administered to holders of NRC .

Senior Reactor Operator Licenses and will contain questions in the following cctegories:

5. Principles of Nuclear Power Plant Operation, Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics and Fluid Flow.
6. Plant Sys' ems - DesiEn, Control, and Instrumentation
7. Procedures - Normal, Abnormal. Emergency, and Radiological Control
8. Administrative Procedures Conditions, and Limitations I The annual written exam for Reactor Operators will include a sample of the following:

(1) Fundamentals of reactor theory, including fission process, neutron multiplication, source effects, ::::::1 ::d eff::::, criticality indications, reactivity coefficients. --d reiter !!fert -

(2) General design features of the tr e. 1 21rdi ; crre :trr:!ure, fuel elements,

trel ::de, :::: 12 :: :::: 2;;;, ::d :::1;;; 'ir;.

(3) Mechanical components and design features of the reactor primary system.

(4) Secondary coolant and auxiliary systems that affect the facility. '

i (5) SNPS operating characteristics during steady state and transient conditions,  !

i;;;; din; :::1::: :h::i;;;y, :::::: ::d :ff:::: :f ;;iar:::::, pr:::::: d

y ch;;;;;, ;ff;;;; ef le;d ;h;;;;;. ;;d cr;;;;i;; lici
;;i;;; and I reasons for these operating characteristics.

l' SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 Page 22

Appendix 1204

,- Page 2 of 2

.s) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

(7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signal, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual ,


(g) Components, capacity, and functions of emergency systems.

(9) Shielding, isolation, and containment design features, including access limitations.

(10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procednes for the facility.  :

11) Purpose and operation of radiation monitoring systems, including alarms and survey equipment.

(18) Radiological safety principles and procedures.

(13) Procedures and equipment available for handling and disposal of radioactive materials and effluents.

'14) Principles of heat trensfer thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.

Written exams for Senior Reactor Operators will include a sample of the 14 previously listed items and the following 7 items:

(1) Conditions and limitations of the SNPS License.  !

(2) 16.YS operating limitations in the technical specifications and their bases.

(3) SNPS licensee procedures required to obtain authority for design and operating i changes in the facility.

(4) Radistion hazards that may arise during normal and abnormal situations, including maintenance activities and various contamination conditions.

(5) Assessment of facility conditions and selection of appropriate procedures during normal, abnormal, and emergency situations.

(0) h/[:Id[!: =d licit:ti::: 1: :17:e it initi:1 :: = 1 =eis:. alt: =ti::: i: ::::

= rig =ti=. :=t=1 =e p=:r-te:. =e ette-tuti= ei =i=: int ==1
e = ter=1 eff:: : = :::: : = tivity. l (7) Fuel handling facilities and procedures.

I il SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9 [

Page 23



l ,e , .

Appendix 12.5


Page 1 of 1 Annual Operatina Exams The annual operating test will consist of an oral walkthrough at SNPS,rf : c'c h ter l

.esas,. The Reactor Operator or Senior Reactor Operator should demonstrate an understanding of and the ability to perform actions necessary to accomplish a comprehensive sample of the followingt l

1 (1) Manipulate the console controls as required to operate the facility boeween '

&ti= :2! i::i; :::! ;=: 1;^;;1:. m its elef erJed es, hwe,s.

(2) Identify annunciators and condition-indicating signals and perform appropriate remedial action where appropriate.

(3) Identify the instrumentation systems and the significance of facility instrument J readings.

(4) Obezrve and safely control the operating behavior characteristics of the faci 5ity.

(5) Perform control manipulations required to obtain desired operating results during normal, abnormal, and amergency situations.

- facility's heat removal systems, 1;;1; din; y:'- ry :: & t,

'6) Safely opente

:7 :: E ., * : y 5::t ::::::1 ;;;::::, and identify the relation of the proper operation of these systems to the operation of the facility.

(7) Safely opeirates the auxiliary and emergency systems, including operation of I those controls associated with plant equipment that could affect eee;;ivi;, .. l ]

the release of cadioactive materials to the environment.  !

(8) Demonstrate or describe the use and function of the radiation monitoring systems, including fixed radiation monitors and alarms, portable survey -

instruments, and personnel monitoring equipment.

(9) Demonstrate knowledge of significant radiation hazards, including permissible levels in excess of those authorized, and ability to perform other procedures to reduce excessive levels of radiation and to guard against personnel exposure.

(10) Demonstrate knowledge of the emergency plan for SNPS, including, as appropriate, the operator's or sen!or operator's responsibility to decide whether the plan l should be executed and the duties under the plan assigned.  !

(11) Demonstrate the knowledge and ability as appropriate to the assiped position to )

assume the responsib:(lities associated with the safe operation of SNPS. l (12) Demonstrate the applicant's ability to function within the control room team as appropriate to the assigned position, in such a way that SNPS procedures are ,

adhered to and that the limitations in its license and amendments are not i violated.

SP 12.014.07 Rev. 9

! Page 24 i

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