SECY-23-0060, Weekly Information Report Week Ending July 7, 2023

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SECY-23-0060: Weekly Information Report Week Ending July 7, 2023
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/17/2023
Download: ML23193A367 (8)




The Commissioners FROM:

Marissa G. Bailey Assistant for Operations Office of the Executive Director for Operations


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING JULY 7, 2023 CONTENTS Enclosure Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer A

Office of the Chief Information Officer B

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation C

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards D

Office of Administration E

Office of the Secretary F

Matthew Meyer for Marissa G. Bailey Assistant for Operations, OEDO CONTACT: John R. Jolicoeur, OEDO 301-415-1642 Meyer, Matthew signing on behalf of Bailey, Marissa on 07/17/23

ML23193A367 OFFICE OEDO OEDO/AO NAME JJolicoeur MMeyer for MBailey DATE 7/13/2023 7/17/2023

Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer Items of Interest Week Ending July 7, 2023 ARRIVALS NONE RETIREMENTS NONE DEPARTURES NONE JULY 17, 2023 ENCLOSURE A

Office of the Chief Information Officer Items of Interest Week Ending July 7, 2023 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) Requests and Appeals Received During the Period of July03 - July 07, as submitted by requester Tracking Number Requesters Name Requesters Organization Request Description Received Date FOIA-2023-000158 Doberschuetz, Pawel Muller Safe We request Regulatory Guides (RG) 5.69 Rev. 1 and 5.76 Rev. 1.

07/03/2023 FOIA-2023-000159 Cloy, Jon Requester is seeking a list of all industrial plants in the USA that use nuclear sources to measure real time density concentrations.

Users of radioactive sources (not nuclear power plants) must report to the NRC on a regular basis.

07/05/2023 FOIA-2023-000160

Lagura, Jordan Envirosite Corporation Requester is seeking the updated electronic list and details for sites in possession/use of radioactive materials regulated by NRC.

Previously requester received these fields: License Number, Date Org Lic., License Date, Expiration Date, Licensee, Licensee Line 2, License Contact Street 1, License Contact Street 2, License Contact Street 3, License Contact, City, State, License Contact Zip, Contact Full Name, Contact Phone, Status, Agency Code. Requester would like this in electronic format.

07/05/2023 JULY 17, 2023 ENCLOSURE B

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Items of Interest Week Ending July 7, 2023 NRC Finalizes the Accident Tolerant Fuel Roadmap to Readiness Graphic On June 28, 2023, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission finalized the Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) Roadmap to Readiness graphic (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System Accession No. ML23158A288). The graphic complements the ATF project plan (ML21243A298), providing: a graphical representation of the project timeline; project efficiency and reliability; regulatory certainty of licensing near-term ATF, increased enrichment, and higher burnup technologies; and a visual of critical milestones anticipated to maintain a mid-to-late 2020s batch loading deployment timeline for the entire suite of near-term ATF, increased enrichment, and higher burnup.


Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Items of Interest Week Ending July 7, 2023 List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks: Holtec International HI-STORM 100 Cask System; Certificate of Compliance No. 1014, Renewal of Initial Certificate and Amendments 1 through 15; 10 CFR Part 73 [NRC-2022-0109; RIN 3150-AK86]

On July 3, 2023, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published a notice in the Federal Register (86 FR 42587) announcing the effective date of August 2, 2023, for the direct final rule published on February 13, 2023 (86 FR 9195). The direct final rule renews the initial certificate (Amendment 0) and Amendment Nos. 1 through 15 of the Holtec International 100 Certificate of Compliance 1014 for 40 years.

Rubidium-82 Generators, Emerging Technologies, and Other Medical Use of Byproduct Material: Regulatory Basis and Notice of Public Meeting; 10 CFR Part 35 [NRC-2018-0297; RIN 3150-AK80]

On July 3, 2023, the NRC published a notice in the Federal Register (88 FR 42654) to announce that it is conducting rulemaking to add requirements for calibration and dosage measurement for certain generator systems and establish performance-based requirements for existing and future emerging medical technologies. The rulemaking will affect medical licensees who use these technologies and evaluate the current training and experience requirements for emerging medical technologies. The NRC is requesting comments from the public by October 31, 2023, on the regulatory basis and will hold one or more public meetings during the comment period.

NMSS Staff Issued Exemption to Arizona Public Service Company On July 5, 2023, staff issued an exemption to Arizona Public Service Company (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System Accession No. ML23166B082). The exemption authorizes the licensee to deviate from the requirements in Certificate of Compliance No. 1031 for the MAGNASTOR storage cask, by using cask lids that were not fabricated in accordance with the requirements of two American Concrete Institute (ACI) codes. This exemption is to support a spent fuel loading campaign scheduled for July at the Palo Verde Generating Station.

The staff determined that the more limited set of requirements proposed in the Technical Specifications for the concrete in the cask lid, in lieu of the requirements of ACI 349 and ACI 318, are suitable to ensure that the lid can adequately perform its required shielding safety function.

NMSS Staff Issued Revision to Certificate of Compliance to TN Americas LLC On July 7, 2023, staff issued to TN Americas LLC, Revision 8 of Certificate of Compliance No.

9358 for the Model TN-LC Package (ML23180A203). This packaging was designed for the exclusive transport of irradiated test, research, and commercial reactor fuels from the Material Test Reactors, Training Research and Isotope General Atomics Reactors, Boiling Water Reactors, and Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR). The amendment request allows the use of top and bottom damaged fuel end caps for shipment of damaged PWR fuel assemblies for post irradiation examination.


Office of Administration Items of Interest Week Ending July 7, 2023 ANSYS, FLUENT, LS-DYNA Software Services, Licenses, and Support On July 3, 2023, contract number NNG15SC79B/31310023F0075 was awarded to Integration Technologies Group, Inc. in Falls Church, VA. The purpose of this contract is to procure a renewal of ANSYS software services, licenses, and support. The period of performance is from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, with no option periods. The total potential value of the contract can be up to $591,106.07.

Purchase of Palo Alto Networks Software for Perimeter Security, Threat Prevention, and Analysis/Reporting Capabilities On June 30, 2023, contract number NNG15SD00B/31310023F0081 was awarded to Blue Tech, Inc. in La Jolla, CA. The purpose of this contract is to acquire Palo Alto Networks software for perimeter security, threat prevention, and analysis/reporting capabilities. The period of performance is from August 18, 2023, through August 29, 2026, with no option periods. The total potential value of the contract can be up to $1,433,016.53.


Office of the Secretary Items of Interest Week Ending July 7, 2023 Document Released to Public Date of Document Subject Decision Documents 1.

None Information 1.

SECY-23-0055 06/28/23 Options for Licensing Emerging Technologies Used for Remediation of Mine Waste 2.

SECY-23-0057 07/06/23 Weekly Information Report Week Ending June 23, 2023 Memoranda 1.

None Commission Correspondence 1.

Letter to the Honorable Kay Granger and Patty Murray, submits the NRC's plan regarding the continued operation of Diablo Canyon Power Plant Units 1 and 2.


Letter to the Honorable Gary C. Peters, et al., submits the NRC's annual report related to the protection of whistleblowers required by the "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018."


Letter to the Honorable James Comer, et al., responds to letter requesting information regarding the NRC's telework and remote work policies and practices.


Letter to the Honorable Thomas R. Carper, et al., submits the NRC's Report to Congress on the Security Programs for Operating Commercial Nuclear Power Plants and CAT 1 Fuel Cycle Facilities: Results and Status Update Calendar Year 2022.


Letter to the Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers, et al., submits the May 2023 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund.

Federal Register Notices Issued 1.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Seeks Qualified Candidates for Appointment to the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, Request for resumes.