SECY-22-0027, Enclosure 2 - 2022 Agency-Level Objectives and Key Results

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SECY-22-0027: Enclosure 2 - 2022 Agency-Level Objectives and Key Results
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Issue date: 04/01/2022
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Download: ML22049A088 (4)


Enclosure 2 2022 Agency-Level Objectives and Key Results Several factors inform the 2022 agency-level objectives and key results (OKRs) for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), including the four transformation focus areas and the agencys themes and strategic objectives articulated in the Full Draft Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years (FY) 2022-2026.1 Additionally, the OKRs directly align with the agency vision recently formulated by the newly appointed Executive Director for Operations (EDO),2 which states, As a modern, risk-informed regulator, we achieve mission excellence in a diverse, inclusive, and innovative environment with a highly skilled, adaptable, and engaged workforce.

Be riskSMART In the Be riskSMART focus area the staff is concentrating on encouraging a wider adoption and incorporation of data and risk considerations across all sectors of the agency. The goal is to institutionalize the performance of risk-informed activities and use of data as part of daily activities, especially those related to decision-making including upfront decisions about how the staff works to develop data to support endpoint decisions. This reinforces the EDOs vision by encouraging and empowering the staff to continue pursuing innovative approaches while striving for mission excellence.

Objective: Institutionalize the use of risk insights and data analytics to improve agency decision-making.

Key Result 1: As agency procedures become due for updating, 100 percent will be reviewed and revised with consideration for the inclusion of data-driven, risk-informed activities, as appropriate.

Key Result 2: Designate agency data stewards for each office and region with a minimum of 90 percent of identified data stewards completing the initial phase of training by December 31, 2022.

Key Result 3: At least 75 percent of external stakeholders surveyed by the NRC in 2022 agree that the use of risk information and data has improved the timeliness and quality of the agencys decision-making over the past year.

This objective has a nexus to the FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan as described below.

Theme: Organizational Health Strategic Objective 1: Foster an organizational culture in which the workforce is engaged, adaptable, and receptive to change and makes data-driven and evidence-based decisions.

1 Agencywide Documents Access and Management System Accession No. ML21260A054 2

EDO Update December 2 2021.msg

2 Theme: Stakeholder Confidence Strategic Objective 1: Engage stakeholders in NRC activities in an effective and transparent manner.

Strategic Objective 2: Uphold an NRC decision-making process that is data driven and evidence-based while ensuring information is available and accessible to interested stakeholders.

Innovation In the Innovation focus area, the goal is twofold. First, the staff wants to sustain the progress it has made to date and continue to expand the use of the tools it has created to maximize the potential of the agency and create an environment where innovation thrives. Second, the staff wants to go even further in incorporating innovation and creativity in how it carries out the agencys mission. Part of sustaining momentum is recognizing the staff for its innovative ideas by expanding the use of the tools at its disposal to acknowledge notable accomplishments and contributions. This supports the EDOs vision by encouraging and empowering the staff to continue pursuing innovative approaches as it strives for mission excellence.

Objective: Empower and encourage the staff to enhance agency approaches and processes to realize added efficiencies through innovative thinking and collaboration across the agency.

Key Result 1: Institute a staff-led recognition and award to publicly recognize and reward NRC employees who make notable and innovative contributions toward attaining agency goals through business process improvements, applying risk insights, using data in decision-making, realizing ideal culture, enhancing the work environment, or advancing knowledge management practices.

Key Result 2: In response to a followup internal survey administered in 2022, obtain an increase of 10 percent in the number of staff positively agreeing that the agency has benefited from the adoption of innovative ideas over the past year.

Key Result 3: At least 75 percent of external stakeholders surveyed by the NRC during 2022 agree that, within the past year, the agency has adopted new processes, tools, or products that are improving the agencys mission execution.

This objective has a nexus to the FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan as described below.

Theme: Organizational Health Strategic Objective 2: Enable the workforce to carry out the agencys mission by leveraging modern technology, innovation, and knowledge management to support data driven decisions in an evolving regulatory landscape.

Focus on Our People In the Focus on Our People area, the staff is truly intent on building a pipeline of talent that is critical to the NRC successfully carrying out its mission now and for years to come. People are the cornerstone of the NRC. Through the OKRs, the staff will continue making strides in

3 creating a diverse, highly skilled workforce and fostering a work environment that enables all employees to thrive and maximize their potential. This includes not only employing strategies for hiring and development but also routinely assessing the progress in attaining the goals for achieving the ideal agency culture.

Objective: Invest in the NRCs future by implementing actions to promote the agencys ideal culture and employing sustainable approaches to recruitment, development, and knowledge management so the staff remains the agencys greatest asset and the cornerstone of its global reputation as a first-rate safety and security regulator.

Key Result 1: Demonstrate the agencys commitment to building a skilled and diverse pipeline of talent by hiring within 1 percent of the agencys FY 2023 allocation.

Key Result 2: The agency shows improvement in employee engagement as measured by the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey administered in 2022 compared to 2021 and improvement in culture as measured by an increase in constructive norms and decrease in defensive norms on the Organizational Culture Inventory administered in 2022 compared to the baseline in 2020.

Key Result 3: For established competency models, obtain an 85 percent completion rate by December 31, 2022.

Key Result 4: Identify the three most critical knowledge management (KM) need areas and take actions to address these areas by employing recognized KM tools and practices.

This objective has a nexus to FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan as described below.

Theme: Organizational Health Strategic Objective 1: Foster an organizational culture in which the workforce is engaged, adaptable, and receptive to change and makes data-driven and evidence-based decisions.

Strategic Objective 3: Attract, develop, and maintain a high-performing, diverse, engaged, and flexible workforce with the skills needed to carry out the NRCs mission now and in the future.

Use Technology In the Use Technology area, the staff is focused on maximizing the use of current technology by promoting its wider application while continuing to provide education on the various tools at the staffs disposal. The staff wants to concentrate on what is available and how to make the most of the tools in performing daily work. The staff understands that, to maximize benefit, the agency needs to focus on education and on providing opportunities to apply newly developed skills while setting goals that will encourage routine application of these technologies.

Technology also plays a central role in supporting the drive to encourage and highlight staff-led innovation efforts. This relates to the EDOs vision by supporting the desire for the agency to be a more modern regulator and support an adaptable workforce that is expanding its technological aptitude.

4 Objective: Use the NRCs technology assets and resources to make agency personnel more effective and efficient regulators as they operate in a hybrid environment.

Key Result 1: 80 percent of all new and modified information technology systems and applications implement improved business processes.

Key Result 2: 50 percent of all staff members view tutorials on the agencys technology and collaboration tools or participate in training to promote expanded awareness and use of existing technology resources.

Key Result 3: Develop new and enhance existing dashboards for each major program area and business line to include (1) a means to determine access rates and (2) a mechanism to ascertain feedback on the dashboard, including its functionality and usefulness, while demonstrating the NRCs commitment to openness and transparency in the agencys decision-making processes. At least 75 percent of stakeholder feedback indicates positive responses in the aforementioned feedback areas.

Key Result 4: Obtain an increase of at least 10 percent in the followup NRC survey during 2022 showing that the staff agrees that (1) the use of technology during the past year has improved the agencys mission execution (an increase from 81 percent to 91 percent) and (2) the use of data has improved the agencys decision-making processes (an increase from 54 percent to 64 percent).

Key Result 5: At least 75 percent of external stakeholders surveyed by the NRC during 2022 agree that, during the past year, the agencys use of technology, data, and data analytics has strengthened the decision-making process and informed regulatory activities.

This objective has a nexus to the FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan as described below:

Theme: Organizational Health Strategic Objective 1: Foster an organizational culture in which the workforce is engaged, adaptable, and receptive to change and makes data-driven and evidence-based decisions.

Strategic Objective 2: Enable the workforce to carry out the agencys mission by leveraging modern technology, innovation, and knowledge management to support data driven decisions in an evolving regulatory landscape.

Theme: Stakeholder Confidence Strategic Objective 1: Engage stakeholders in NRC activities in an effective and transparent manner.

Strategic Objective 2: Uphold an NRC decision-making process that is data driven and evidence-based while ensuring information is available and accessible to interested stakeholders.