SECY-23-0055, 2025-02-27 Public Meeting Announcement
ML25056A148 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 02/25/2025 |
From: | Huda Akhavannik NRC/NMSS/DMSST/ASPB |
To: | |
References | |
SRM-SECY-23-0055 | |
Download: ML25056A148 (1) | |
Title: Abandoned Uranium Mine Waste Remediation Guidance Development Date: February 27, 2025, 3-5 pm
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and seek feedback on the NRCs review and implementation plan for SRM-SECY-23-0055, Options for Licensing Emerging Technologies Used for Remediation of Mine Waste. This meeting will discuss the Commissions direction contained in SRM-SECY-23-0055 to develop guidance for remediation of abandoned uranium mines using a service provider licensing framework. In this meeting, the working group will discuss: (1) proposed definitions including an updated definition of ore and (2) considerations for licensing abandoned uranium mine waste remediation using the service provider framework.
Location: Teleconference Webinar:
v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e8d01475-c3b5-436a-a065-5def4c64f52e%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22ce531e0c-7f03-4c87-8162-9bf8a01743e7%22%7d Meeting ID: 277 506 645 11 Passcode: Qm9a7bJ3 Dial in by phone
+1 301-576-2978,2408776# United States, Silver Spring Participation Level: Information with Q&A NRC Participants Huda Akhavannik Douglas Mandeville External Participants Public Related Documents:
Abandoned Uranium Mine (AUM) Waste Remediation Guidance Development - ML25055A058 Joint NRC and Agreement State Working Group Charter - ML25017A229 SECY-23-0055, Options for Licensing Emerging Technologies Used for Remediation of Mine Waste, - ML24269A245 SRM-SECY-23-0055, Options for Licensing Emerging Technologies Used for Remediation of Mine Waste-ML23121A271