SECY-23-0008, Agency-Level Objectives and Key Results for Calendar Year 2023

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SECY-23-0008: Agency-Level Objectives and Key Results for Calendar Year 2023
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Issue date: 01/30/2023
From: Dan Dorman
Doris Lewis, 301-287-3794
Shared Package
ML22353A012 List:
Download: ML22353A016 (5)


January 30, 2023 SECY-23-0008 FOR: The Commissioners FROM: Daniel H. Dorman Executive Director for Operations



The purpose of this paper is to provide the Commission the new agency-level objectives and key results (OKRs) for calendar year 2023. This paper is being provided consistent with the agency transformation performance measurement methodology set forth in SECY-20-0049, Agencywide Transformation Performance Measures, dated May 29, 2020 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System Accession No. ML20149K586). This paper does not address any new commitments or resource implications.


In SECY-20-0049, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff selected the OKR methodology to assess and evaluate the progress of the agencys transformation. The OKRs, as implemented by the NRC, correlate to annual goals, and identify measures of success by key result (KR) in a given year. In 2020, one agency-level objective was selected with three corresponding KRs, which laid the foundation for the transformation journey by identifying the broad goals associated with fundamental concepts. Thereafter, each annual iteration of agency-level OKRs was designed to successively build upon the prior years transformational successes. The OKR methodology has allowed for a focused and coordinated agencywide approach to achieving the NRCs vision of becoming a more modern, risk-informed regulator.

CONTACTS: Alysia Bone, OEDO 301-415-1034 Doris Lewis, OEDO 301-287-3794

The Commissioners 2 During the past 3 years, the agency developed and implemented a number of tools and resources, such as the Be riskSMART framework, IdeaScale innovation platform, and the Guide to Career Enhancement, that helped provide the necessary infrastructure to support the agencys transformation. This has been a time of significant change marked by notable achievements that have enhanced the way the agency carries out its important safety and security mission. As a continuous learning organization, the agency will continue to leverage these tools and resources to maximize the investment dedicated to the agencys transformation journey. Additionally, as a modern, risk-informed regulator, the agency will continue to achieve mission excellence in a diverse, inclusive, and innovative environment with a highly skilled, adaptable, and engaged workforce.

Several notable achievements have been made to date that have brought the agency closer to fully attaining its transformation vision. To fully obtain its vision, NRC must transform into an organization of sustaining innovation and adaptation. Such an organization is necessary to stay relevant and on pace with the advancing environment in which we operate. This means being committed to pursuing innovation and adopting modern technologies and methodologies to accomplish the agencys regulatory responsibilities in a more effective and efficient manner. As a result, by continuing to examine our environment and focus on our people, processes, and programs, we will be best positioned to proactively address future operational challenges.

The OKRs have played a central role in the agencys multiyear transformation journey since being identified as the methodology by which progress would be tracked and measured. As described in SECY-20-0049, an objective is a statement of what the organization wants to achieve. Objectives are intentionally aspirational and by their nature go beyond what is routine for the organization. Therefore, achieving complete success of these objectives is not ensured.

KRs are the criteria against which progress in attaining the objective is measured. Since implementing the OKR methodology, the agency adopted an annual cycle for OKR development and assessment. Specifically, the EDO, with input from the Transformation Steering Committee, establishes agency-level OKRs at the beginning of the calendar year, evaluates the progress at the end of the year, and then reformulates the OKRs for the following year based on new goals and priorities.

This approach has allowed the agency to strategically drive agencywide alignment and engagement while identifying targeted progress areas within the four transformation focus areas (i.e., Be riskSMART, Innovation, Focus on Our People, and Use Technology). It has also allowed the agency to maximize use of the resources and tools it has developed to support transformation efforts. For example, the 2020 OKRs were intentionally broad and intended to help employees understand what the transformation vision of becoming a more modern, risk-informed regulator meant in practice. This first iteration of OKRs enabled the agency to develop the roadmap by identifying and implementing the tools and resources necessary for the transformation journey. The OKRs also encouraged offices to develop their own transformation plans that would support the agencys vision. This important foundational work served as the springboard for the 2021 OKRs, which were crafted, in part, to collect data on the staffs use of transformation tools as well as external stakeholder perceptions of the agencys efforts. These were the next strategic steps in helping transformation take root throughout the agency by empowering the staff at all levels and across all organizational sectors, while gathering insights into how transformation has improved the efficacy and efficiency of agency operations. The 2022 OKRs were intended to sustain transformational progress in the long term and further reinforced the four transformation focus areas. Given that the results of the 2022 OKRs are still being formulated, the staff will provide a summary of the progress as measured by the 2022 OKRs to the Commission in a separate communication mechanism. For 2023, as discussed

The Commissioners 3 below, the OKRs are focused on our organizational health, particularly in the areas of staff retention and engagement as well as recruitment and hiring.


As noted in the NRCs strategic plan for fiscal years (FY) 2022-2026, a focus on organizational health is necessary to foster the agencys ability to carry out its mission. A healthy organization provides the capacity and capability to enhance the agencys culture, organizational learning, business practices, and strategic management to prepare for an evolving future. Continual improvement in these areas enables the NRC to enhance its stewardship of resources, technology, and the workforce to improve performance in achieving its mission. As a modern, risk-informed regulator, the NRC will achieve mission excellence in a diverse, inclusive, and innovative environment with a highly skilled, adaptable, and engaged workforce. Therefore, the NRC has established Strategic Goal 2, which is to continue to foster a healthy organization.

The EDO has recently finalized the 2023 OKRs, which were developed with input from the Transformation Steering Committee and OKR Community of Practice.1 The strategy for the 2023 OKRs is to streamline and simplify the agency-level OKRs and align the OKRs with Strategic Goal 2, which is to continue to foster a healthy organization. Strategic Goal 2 has three associated specific objectives; the 2023 agency-level OKRs directly align with two of these objectives, as these objectives are focused on driving change in the areas of staff retention and engagement as well as recruitment and hiring.

The 2023 OKRs are as follows:

  • Objective: Foster a healthy organizational culture in which the workforce is engaged, adaptable, and receptive to change and makes data-driven and evidence-based decisions.2

- Key Result: Eighty percent or more of agency employees would say, I recommend my organization as a good place to work.

  • Objective: Attract, develop, and maintain a high-performing, diverse, engaged, and flexible workforce with the skills needed to carry out the NRCs mission now and in the future.3

- Key Result: The agency leverages technology and resources across the agency to onboard within 1 percent of the agencys FY 2024 allocation.

- Key Result: The agency achieves less than 2 percent nonretirement attrition.

1 The OKR Community of Practice meets periodically to share best practices and insights associated with the development, implementation, and tracking of annual OKR-related activities. Membership includes the staff from some Commission offices and all EDO offices and regions.

2 This objective aligns with Organizational Health Strategic Objective 2.1.

3 This objective aligns with Organizational Health Strategic Objective 2.3.

The Commissioners 4 For 2023, EDO-level offices are expected to actively support and drive towards these agency-level OKRs. Progress towards and lessons learned associated with the agency-level OKRs and vision of being a modern, risk-informed regulator will be shared among NRC leadership and staff through regular briefings and other communication channels, including the OKR Dashboard.

Daniel H. Digitally signed by Daniel H.

Dorman Dorman Date: 2023.01.30 09:41:06

-05'00' Daniel H. Dorman Executive Director for Operations

The Commissioners 5


SECY-23-XXXX: AGENCY-LEVEL OBJECTIVES AND KEY RESULTS FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2023. DATED: January 30, 2023 DISTRIBUTION: OEDO-23-00017 ADAMS Accession Number: ML22353A016 OFFICE QTE OEDO/ETA OGC NAME KAzariah-Kribbs DLewis MGartman DATE 12/16/2022 12/19/2022 1/06/2023 OFFICE OEDO/ETA OEDO/AO OEDO/DEDO NAME ABone MBailey CHaney DATE 01/ 24 /2023 01/ 24 /2023 01/23/2023 OFFICE OEDO/DEDO OEDO/EDO NAME SFlanders DDorman DATE 01/23/2023 01/ 30 /2023 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY