NMP2L3088, Core Operating Limits Report

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Core Operating Limits Report
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/2016
From: Kreider R
Exelon Generation Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16154A064 (26)


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~ Exelon Generation Technical Specification 5.6.5 NMP2L 3088 May 16, 2016 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-001 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-69 NRC Docket No. 50-410


Core Operating Limits Report Enclosed is a copy of the Core Operating Limits Report, Cycle 16 for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 (NMP2). This report is being submitted pursuant to NMP2 Technical Specification 5.6.5.d.

Should you have any questions regarding the information in this submittal, please contact me at (315) 349-5219.

Robert E. Kreider, Jr.

Plant Manager, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Exelon Generation Company, LLC REK/KJK


Core Operating Limits Report for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Cycle 16 cc: NRC Regional Administrator, Region I NRC Project Manager NRC Senior Resident Inspector

Enclosure Core Operating Limits Report For Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Cycle 16

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document JD: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT FOR NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 CYCLE 16 (This is a complete re-write; no revision bars are used.)

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~;__Vtua_;___*_______ Date: 41612016 Lizette Flint - Co-Preparer Prepared by=-------~----------- Chad Burns - Co-Preparer Date: 4/6/2016 Reviewed by:*--------==-=--=~-__,..--__,__ _ __ Dae:.

8..J- ~ 4/7/2016 t ______

Brian Mmer - Independent Reviewer Date: 04/01no16 Date: <1(?/1r, Date: 4/1112016 Date: 4/11/2016

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report Table of Contents Section Page Number Revision History 3 List of Tables 4.

Terms and Definitions 5 General Information 7 MAPLHGR Limits 8 MCPR Limits 9 LHGR Limits 12 Rod Block Monitor Setpoints 14 Turbine Bypass Valve Parameters 15 Modes of Operation 15 Stability Protection 16 Power Flow Operating Map 17 Methodology 17 References 18 Appendix A 20 Appendix B 22 Page 2 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report Revision History Revision Description Revision 2 New Issue for Cycle 16 Revision 1 Revised to reflect MELLLA+ Implementation Revision 0 New Issue for Cycle 15 Note that this issuance of the Nine Mile Point Unit 2 COLR is the second revision in both this actual document and the accompanying document identification number. This bypasses revision 1 of the document identification number. This was done to reduce confusion, to eliminate a possible error trap, and with the permission of the Records Management department.

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report List of Tables Table# Table Name Page Table 3-1 MAPLHGR Versus Average Planar Exposure - GE14C 8 Table 3-2 MAPLHGR Versus Average Planar Exposure - GNF2 8 Table 3-3 MAPLHGR SLO Multiplier 9 Table 4-1 Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (OLMCPR) 10 Table 4-2 Power Dependent MCPR Limit Adjustments and Multipliers (MCPRp) 11 Table 4-3 Flow Dependent MCPR Limits (MCPRF) for SLO & DLO 11 Table 5-1 LHGR Limits for U02 Fuel 12 Table 5-2 LHGR Limits for Gadolinia Rods 12 Table 5-3 Power Dependent LHGR Multiplier LHGRFACp 13 Table 5-4 Flow Dependent LHGR Multiplier LHGRFACF 13 Table 6-1 Rod Block Monitor Setpoints 14 Table 6-2 ARTS RWE Validated MCPR Values 14 Table 7-1 Turbine Bypass Valve Response Time 15 Table 8-1 Modes of Operation 15 Table 9-1 BSP Endpoints for Normal Feedwater Temperature 16 Table 9-2 Automatic BSP Setpoints 17 Page 4 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report 1.0 Terms and Definitions AD SOOS Automatic Depressurization System Out of Service APLHGR Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate APRM Average Power Range Monitor ARTS APRM and RBM Technical Specification Analysis BPV Bypass Valve BSP Backup Stability Protection DLO Dual Loop Operation ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System EIS Equipment In Service ELL LA Extended Load Line Limit Analysis EOG End of Cycle EOC-RPT See RPTOOS.

EOOS Equipment Out of Service EOR End of Rated. The cycle exposure at which reactor power is equal to 100% rated (3988 MWth), recirculation flow equal to 100% rated (108.5 Mlb/hr), and all control blades are fully withdrawn with equilibrium xenon.

FWHOOS Feedwater Heater(s) Out of Service GEH General Electric-Hitachi GNF Global Nuclear Fuel GPM Gallons Per Minute HFCL High Flow Control Line HTSP High Trip Set Point (regarding RBM)

ICF Increased Core Flow INOP Inoperable ITSP Intermediate Set Point (regarding RBM)

Kp OLMCPR Multiplier LCO Limiting Condition for Operation LHGR Linear Heat Generation Rate LHGRFACF ARTS LHGR thermal limit flow dependent adjustments and multipliers LHGRFACp ARTS LHGR thermal limit power dependent adjustments and multipliers LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident LTSP Low Trip Set Point (regarding RBM)

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report MAPFACF Off-rated flow dependent MAPLHGR multiplier MAPFACp Off-rated power dependent MAPLHGR multiplier MAPLHGR Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate MCPR Minimum Critical Power Ratio MCPRF ARTS MCPR thermal limit flow dependent adjustments and multipliers MCPRp ARTS MCPR thermal limit power dependent adjustments and multipliers MELLLA Maximum Extended Load .Line Limit Analysis M.ELLLA+ Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus MSIVOOS Main Steam Isolation Valve Out of Service NCL Natural Circulation Line NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission OLMCPR Operating Limit MCPR OPRM Oscillation Power Range Monitor PROOS Pressure Regulator Out of Service RDF Recirculation Drive Flow RPTOOS Recirculation Pump Trip Out of Service; also known as EOC-RPT RTP Rated Thermal Power (3988 MWt)

RBM Rod Block Monitor RWE Rod Withdraw Error SLM CPR Safety Limit MCPR SLO Single Loop Operation SRVOOS Safety Relief Valve Out of Service TBVOOS Turbine Bypass Valve Out of Service TS Technical Specification Page 6 of23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report 2.0 General Information This report is prepared in accordance with Technical Specification 5.6.5 of Reference 1.

Power and flow dependent limits are listed for various power and flow levels. Linear interpolation is to be used for intermediate values.

This report provides the values of the power distribution limits, control rod withdraw block instrumentation setpoints and stability protection setpoints for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Cycle 16.

OPERATING LIMIT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Operating Limit Requirement APLHGR Technical Specification LCO 3.2.1 MCPR Technical Specification LCO 3.2.2 LHGR Technical Specification LCO 3.2.3 This report provides the following cycle-specific parameter limits for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 CYCLE 16 (RELOAD 15):

  • Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (MAPLHGR)
  • Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (OLMCPR)
  • ARTS MCPR thermal limit adjustments and multipliers
  • . Single Loop Operation (SLO) MCPR adjustment
  • Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR)
  • Single Loop Operation (SLO) LHGR multipliers
  • Rod Block Monitor (RBM) Analytical Limits,. Allowable Values and MCPR Limits
  • EOG Recirculation Pump Trip (EOC-RPT) Parameters
  • Backup Stability Protection Parameters Per TS 5.6.5, these values have been determined using NRG-approved methodology and are established such that all applicable limits of the plant safety analysis are met. The limits specified in this COLR support both DLO and SLO as required by TS LCO 3.4.1 and Main Turbine Bypass System inoperable as required by TS LCO 3.7.5.

The "BASE" thermal limit values shown in tables are for normal, equipment-in-service (EIS) two loop operation. Analysis also supports ICF for operational flexibility. Additional equipment out of service applicability can be found in Section 8.0, Modes of Operation.

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report The data presented in this report is valid for all licensed operating domains on the operating map, including (Reference 2):

  • Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus to a minimum core flow of 85%

of rated.

  • Increased Core Flow up to 105% rated (Rated Core Flow is 108.5 Mlb/hr).
  • Extended Power .Uprate to 3988 MW1h.

3.0 MAPLHGR Limits The Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate limits, in ~* obtained from the ECCS analysis are provided in Table 3-1 and Table 3-2. The limiting MAPLHGR value for the most limiting lattice of each tu.el type as a function of exposure is given. For SLO, a multiplier is used as shown in Table 3-3.

Table 3-1 MAPLHGR Versus Average Planar Exposure GE14C (Refer~nce 2 - Table 16.3-1)

Average Planar Exposure [GWD/ST] MAPLHGR Limit [KW/ft]

0.00 12.82 14.51 12.82 19.13 12.82 57.61 8.00 63.50 5.00 Table 3~2 MAPLHGR Versus Average Planar Exposure GNF2 (Reference 2 - Table 16.3-2)

Average Planar Exposure [GWD/ST] MAPLHGR Limit [KW/ft]

0.00 13.78 17.15 13.78 60.78 6.87 63.50 5.50 Page 8 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report Table 3-3 MAPLHGR SLO Multiplier All Fuel Types (Reference 2 - Table 16.3-3)

Fuel Type SLO Multiplier GE14C 0.78 GNF2 0.78 Note that per TS LCO 3.4.1, Single Loop Operation in the MELLLA or MELLLA+ domains is prohibited.

The MAPLHGR multipliers, MAPFACp and MAPFACF, are set to unity for all power and flow conditions per Reference 2 - Section 16.

4.0 MCPR Limits The Operating Limit MCPRs listed in Table 4-1 cover all conditions listed in Section 8.0, Modes of Operation. Additional EOOS information can be found in Section 8.0. ARTS provides for power and flow dependent thermal limits adjustments, which allow for a more reliable administration of the MCPR thermal limit. Per TS 3.2.2, all MCPR's shall be verified in accordance with limits specified in this section. Control rod scram time verification is also required per TS 3.1.4, "Control Rod Scram Times".

The applicable MCPR thermal limit set shall be determined with Tau (L), a measure of scram time performance throughout the cycle based on the cumulative plant scram time test results. The equations listed below are the generic equations for Boiling Water Reactors listed in Reference 8 - Item 2, "CRD Scram Insertion Time Conformance Procedure". Nine Mile Unit 2 Specific Coefficients are interpolated based on core size and values provided in Reference 11 - Section 1.2, "SCRAM PARAMETERS".

Tau (L) is determined based on the cumulative plant scram time test results. LA is the control rod average scram insertion time limit to notch 39 per Ts* 3.1.4, "Control Rod Scram Times". This corresponds to the SCRAM Time Option A MCPR thermal limit set in table 4-1. The SCRAM Time Option B MCPR thermal limit set takes credit for actual plant SCRAM speeds that are faster than the LA SCRAM insertion time limit. The lower Option B limits may be used provided that the actual plant average scram speed (LAVE) is faster or equal to the Option B SCRAM time speed limit (L8 ). This is determined by ensuring that L :::; O. The calculation of Tau shall be performed in accordance with site procedures.

Linear interpolation shall be used to calculate the OLMCPR value if Tau is between 0.0 (Tau Option B) and 1.0 (Tau Option A). The equations for Tau are defined as follows:

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report Tave -TB T=---

Where: TA = 0.866 seconds (Reference 1, Section 3.1.4)

T8 = Q.672 + 1.65

  • j._.nN1 .
  • 0.016 seconds

"'i=1Ni n is the number of surveillance tests performed in the cycle; Ni is the number of active control rods measured in surveillance test i; N1 is the total number of active rods measured; Ti is the average scram time to notch 39 for rods in surveillance test i; 0.672 is the mean distribution for average scram insertion time to position 39 drop-out; 0.016 is the standard deviation of the distribution for average scram insertion time to position 39 drop-out at NMP2 (Reference 3 - Table 6-2, Reference 8 - Item 2, Reference 11 - Section 1.2).

Table 4-1 Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (OLMCPR)

All Fuel Types (Reference 2 - Section 11)

SCRAM Time Cycle Exposure

  • EOOS Combination Option <EOR-2404 MWD/ST ~EOR-2404 MWD/ST A 1.73 1.75 BASE B 1.55 1.57 A 1.75 1.77 BASE SLO B 1.57 1.59 A 1.75 1.75 rBvoos B 1.57 1.57 A 1.77 1.77 TBVOOS SLO B 1.59 1.59 A 1.78 1.78 RPTOOS B 1.55 1.57 A 1.80 1.80 RPTOOS SLO B 1.57 1.59 A 1.73 1.75 PRO OS B 1.55 1.57 Page 10 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report Table 4-2 Power Dependent MCPR Limit Adjustments and Multipliers (MCPRp)

All Fuel Types (Reference 2 - Appendix D, Reference 16 - Section 7)

Core Thermal Power [% of rated]

Core Flow 0 23 <26 ~26 55 60 85 100 EOOS Combination

[%of rated] Operating Limit Operating Limit MCPR Multiplier MCPR (Kp)

>75 BASE 1.190 1.167 1.150 1.056 1.000

~75 2.65 2.65 2.57

>75 BASE SLO 1.190 1.167 1.150 1.056 1.000

~75 2.67 2.67 2.59

>75 TBVOOS 1.190 1.167 1.150 1.081 1.000

~75 3.51 3.51 3.22

>75 TBVOOS SLO 1.190 1.167 1.150 1.081 1.000

~75 3.53 3.53 3.24

>75 RPTOOS 1.190 1.167 1.150 1.068 1.000

~75 2.65 2.65 2.57

>75 RPTOOS SLO 1.190 1.167 1.150 1.068 1.000

~75 2.67 2.67 2.59

>75 PROOS ~75 2.65 2.65 2.57 1.190 1.167 1.158 1.056 1.000 ARTS power dependent thermal limits have been confirmed for operation with Equipment In-Service, Turbine Bypass Valves Out-Of-Service (TBVOOS) , Recirculation Pump Trip Out-Of-Service (RPTOOS) and Pressure Regulator Out-Of-Service (PROOS).

Table 4-3 Flow Dependent MCPR Limits (MCPRF) for SLO & DLO All Fuel Types (Reference 2 - Appendix D, Reference 16 -Table 7-20)

Flow [% rated] MCPRF Limit 0.0 2.01 30.0 1.78 94.2 1.29 112.0 1.29 Page 11 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operati ng Limits Report 5.0 LHGR Limits The LHGR limit is the product of the exposure depen.dent LHGR limit and the minimum of the LHGRFACp or the LHGRFACF .

The off-rated limits assumed in the ECCS-LOCA analyses are confirmed to be consistent with the cycle-specific off-rated LHGR multipliers calculated for MELLLA+ operation . The off-rated LHGR multipliers provide adequate protection for MELLLA+ operation (Reference 2) .

Table 5-1 LHGR Limits for U02 Fuel (Reference 5, Reference 6, Reference 13)

Fuel Type LHGR Limit [KW/ft]

GE14C See Reference 6 - Table D-2 GNF2 See Reference 13 - Table B-1 Table 5-2 LHGR Limits for Gadolinia Rods (Reference 5, Reference 6, Reference 13)

Fuel Type LHGR Limit [KW/ft]

GE14C See Reference 6 - Table D-4 GNF2 See Reference 13 - Table B-2 Page 12 of 23

Exel on Generati on - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Lim its Report Table 5-3 Power Dependent LHGR Multiplier LHGRFACp All Fuels Types (Reference 2 - Appendix D, Reference 16 - Section 7)

EOOS Core Flow Core Thermal Power [% of rated]

Combination [%of rated] 0 23 <26 2:26 55 60 85 100

>75 BASE 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1.000

75 0.540 0.540 0.545

>75 BASE SLO 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1.000

75 0.540 0.540 0.545

>75 TBVOOS 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1.000

75 0.495 0.495. 0.545

>75 *:

TBVOOS SLO 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1.000

75 0.495 0.495 0.545

>75 RPTOOS 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1.000

75 0.540 0.540 0.545

>75 ..

RPTOOS SLO 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1.000

75 0.540 0.540 0.545

>75 PROOS 0.613 0.720 0.740 0.831 1.000

75 0.540 0.540 0.545 Table 5-4 Flow Dependent LHGR Multiplier LHGRFACF All Fuel Types and Modes of Operation Reference 2 - Appendix D, Reference 16 - Section 7)

Core Flow [% of rated]

EOOS Condition 0 30 I 52.7 I 85 I 112 LHGRFACF Multiplier DLO 0.420 0.625 I I 1.000 I 1.000 SLO 0.420 0.625 I 0.780 I 0.780 I 0.780 Page 13 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report 6.0 Rod Block Monitor Setpoints Per Technical Specifications, the RBM instrumentation channels will be operable with the allowable values set to the values shown in Table 6-1. The valu~s given in Table 6-1 are unfiltered; these unfiltered values are applicable as the time filter constant is set to zero. (Reference 9 - Table 58, Reference 4 - Attachment 1 Table 4-5). The RBM operability requirements have been evaluated and shown to be sufficient to ensure that the SLM CPR and cladding 1% plastic strain criteria will not be exceeded in the event of a Rod Withdraw Error.

Table 6-1 Rod Block Monitor Setpoints 1 (Reference 2 - Section 10, Reference 7 - Section 5.1.3, Reference 10 - Section 3)

Power Level Allowable Value Nominal Trip Setpoint Analytical Limit LTSP 124.6% 124.2% 127.0%

ITSP 119.6% 119.2% 122.0%

HTSP 114.6% 114.2% 117.0%

INOP N/A N/A N/A The ARTS RWE analysis validated the MCPR values in Table 6-2 below for use in Cycle

16. The RWE MCPR values have been analyzed at discrete setpoint values and unblocked (continuous withdraw) conditions. The most limiting RBM OLMCPR of 1.45 is still less than the minimum cycle OLMCPR.

Table 6-2 ARTS RWE Validated MCPR Values (Reference 2 - Section 10)

Power Level [% Rated] MCPR

<90% ~1.70

~90% ~1.40 1

Values given are unfiltered; for filtered values see Reference 10.

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report 7 .0 Turbine Bypass Valve Parameters Per Technical Specification LCO 3.7.5, whenever the reactor power is at or above 23%

RTP the main turbine bypass system shall be operable or the plant must operate with the TBVOOS penalties. The definition of operable is given in Table 7-1 below.

Table 7-1 Turbine Bypass Valve Response Time (Reference 11 - Section 1.6)

Event Response Time [sec]

Maximum delay time before start of bypass valve opening following initial 0.15 turbine inlet valve movement Maximum time after initial turbine inlet valve movement for bypass valve 0.30 position to reach 80% of full flow (includes the above delay time) 8.0 Modes of Operation Table 8-1 Modes of Operation (Reference 2, Reference 12 - Table 15.0-6, Reference 16)

Options" Allowed Operating Region BASE Yes BASE SLO Yes TBVOOS Yes TBVOOS SLO Yes*

RPTOOS Yes RPTOOS SLO Yes PROOS Yes MSIVOOS Yes MSIVOOS SLO Yes The ADSOOS and SRVOOS conditions are included in the BASE analysis and are therefore the same as the BASE OLMCPRs. There are no thermal limit penalties for combining any operating condition with the ADSOOS and/or the SRVOOS conditions.

For Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) valves out of service, all conditions support only one ADSOOS (Reference 16 - Section 7.2.1, Reference 1 - Section 3.5.1 ).

For Safety Relief Valves (SRV) Out of Service, all conditions support up to 2 SRVOOS (Reference 16- Section 7.2.1).

2 The EOOS Options listed apply to both Option A and Option B Page 15 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report For Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) Out of Service, only one MSIV may be inoperable and reactor power must be maintained s 75% rated power (Reference 16 - Section 7.2.1 ).

There are no thermal limit penalties associated with MSIV out of service. Analogous to the ADSOOS and SRVOOS conditions, the MSIVOOS condition can be treated as the BASE case in the thermal limit tables.

SLO is restricted by two parameters, namely recirculation flow and rod line. The maximum allowable SLO recirculation drive flow is 41,800 GPM due to recirculation piping vibration limitations and the maximum SLO rod line is 89% (ELLLA boundary). Where these two parameters intersect on the Power Flow Maps restricts SLO maximum power. The SLO rod line restriction is also governed by Tech Spec 3.4.1 LCO (Reference 1). Operation in SLO is restricted to the ELLLA region; this region and applicable restrictions are described in the SLO Loop Power Flow Maps (Reference 15).

Operation with EOC RPTOOS was justified for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 (Reference 16 -

Section 7.2.1).

There is no formally analyzed option for FWHOOS; however per Reference 7 - Section 1.2.4 there is a 20°F decrease from the rated temperature within analyzed conditions.

9.0 Stability Protection The OPRM Amplitude Discriminator Setpoint (SAo) is 1.10 (Reference 2 - Section 15.2).

Results have been validated with feedwater temperature ;::; 420.5°F in accordance with Reference 7. Per TS 5.6.5.a.4, the BSP regions and values are as shown below in Tables 9-1 and 9-2. A graphical representation of these values can be found in Appendix A (Reference 2).

Table 9-1 BSP Endpoints for Normal Feedwater Temperature 3 (Reference 2 - Table 15-2)

Power Flow Endpoint Definition

[%of rated] [%of rated]

A1 69.1 43.6 Scram Region Boundary, HFCL B1 39.7 29.5 Scram Region Boundarv, NCL A2 64.5 50.0 Controlled Entry Region Boundary, HFCL B2 27.5 28.9 Controlled Entry Region Boundary, NCL A3 96.0 79.7 BSP Bqundary Intercept with MELLLA+ Boundary B3 72.3 55.0 BSP Boundary Intercept with MELLLA+ Boundary 3

Bounding for both DLO and SLO Page 16 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report Table 9-2 Automatic BSP Setpoints 4 (Reference 2-Table 15-3)

Parameter Symbol Value Slope of Automatic BSP APRM mTRIP 1.26 flow-biased trip linear segment Automatic BSP APRM flow-biased trip setpoint power intercept. Constant Power Line PssP-TRIP 39.7% RTP for Trip from zero Drive Flow to Flow Breakpoint value.

Automatic BSP APRM flow-biased trip setpoint drive flow WssP-TRIP 36.9% RDF intercept. Constant Flow Line for Trip.

Flow Breakpoint value WssP-BREAK 16.4% RDF 10.0 Power Flow Operating Map See Appendix B for a Power Flow Map (Reference 7).

11.0 Methodology The analytical methods used to determine the core operating limits shall b~ those previously reviewed and approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, particularly those described in the following documents:

1. "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel (GESTAR II)", NEDE-24011-P-A-21, May 2015
2. "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel (GESTAR II) (Supplement for United States)", NEDE-24011-P-A-21-US, May 2015 4

Applicable to both DLO and SLO.

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report 12.0 References

1. "Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2 Renewed Facility Operating License", Docket No. 50-410, Renewed License No. NPF-69, Exelon Document.
2. "Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Reload 15 Cycle 16 Extended Power Uprate (EPU)/Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus (MELLLA+)", March 2016, Global Nuclear Fuels Document No. 001 N4653, Revision 1.
3. "TRACG Application for Anticipated Operational Occurrences (AOO) Transient Analyses", GEH Document NEDE-32906P-A, Rev. 3, September 2006.
4. * "Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2 ARTS/MELLLA, Task T0900: Transient Analysis", GE Energy Document No. GE-NE-0000-0055-2373-RO, Revision 0, February 2007.
5. "Fuel Bundle Information Report for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Reload 15 Cycle 16 Extended Power Uprate (EPU)/Maximum Load Line Limit Analysis Plus (MELLLA+)",

GNF Document No. 001 N4654, Revision 0, February 2016.

6. "GE14 Compliance with Amendment 22 of NEDE-24011-P-A (GESTAR II), NEDC-32868P, Revision 5, May 2013," GNF Document No. MFN 13-028, May 24, 2013.
7. "Safety Analysis Report for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus", GEH Document No. NEDC-33576P Revision 0, October 2013.
8. "Qualification of the One-Dimensional Core Transient Model for Boiling Water Reactors," NED0-24154 and NEDE-24154P, Volumes I, II, and Ill, October 1978.
9. "Revise 22A2843AM", Engineering Change Notice for NSSS161405000 "Design Spec Data Sheet, Neutron Monitoring System", Exelon Document Number 007242, Rev. 1, April 1st, 2008.
10. "Instrumentation Limits Calculation Constellation Generation Group Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2 Rod Block Monitor (NUMAC ARTS-MELLLA)" GEH Document No. 0000-0053-1006 NMP2 A-M-T506-RBM-Calc-2006, Revision 1, March 2008.

11."Final resolved OPL-3 parameters for NMP2 C16", Exelon ENSAF ID Number ES1500019 Revision 0, June 23rd, 2015.

12. "Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2 Updated Safety Analysis Report", U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docket 50-410 License NPF-69, Revision 21, October 2014, Exelon Document.

13. "GNF2 Advantage Generic Compliance with NEDE-24011-P-A (GESTAR II)",

NEDC-33270P, Revision 5, May 2013, GNF Document No. MFN 13-029, May 24, 2013 14.TODI NF151201, "Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Cycle 16 Customer Approved FRED Form", Revision 0, May 21st, 2015.

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report

15. "Power Flow Operating Map 1 Recirculation Loop in Operation", Engineering Change Notice No. ECP-12-000448-CN-043 EM-9508-17.01, Revision 0000.00, August 161h, 2015, Exelon Document.
16. "GNF2 Fuel Design Cycle-Independent Analyses for Exelon Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2", GEH Document No. 003N2003 Revision 1, February 2016.

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report Appendix A Page 20 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Lim its Report NINE MILE POINT UNIT2 001 4653 Reload 15 Revision l 0 J.I 109 119 llO 47ll6

} t I

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-l ~/r i I 90

!- - -Fropo5Bi Maaml BSPCczbd IF.rt~ RrgjDn Bom11l11y i' I/ v 3589 80

- -BSP.Boundary I 4 / 3190

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~ ~ __..-" I l 0 0 10 20 30 40 :50 60 70 80 90 100 110 uo Core.Flow[%]

Figure 19 Manual BSP Regions and BSP Boundary for Normal Feedwater Temperature Operation Page 21of23 Page 48

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report Appendix 8 Page 22 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report NED0-33576 REVISION 0 NON-PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - CLASS I (PUBLIC)

Core Flow (Mlbm/hr) 0 IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 JOO J JO J20 130 J20 -if-+--H'--h-Hf-+-+-l-+-+-+-+-+-+--tf-+--H'-+--+-f-+-f-t-+-+-i-+-+--+-+f-+-+-t--+-+-+-+-H--+r-Hf-+-+-t-+-f-+-+-+---!rl--+--H--+-ri-'f-+-+-1-i I JO 100% CLTP

_ 86.9% CLTP (Pre-EPU) =

3988 MWt 3467 MWt , , 4 ,


_j. ~- _ _ __ l --- _ -----

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I I I 0 0 JO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 JOO I JO J20 Core Flow(%)

Figure 1-1 Power/Flow Operating Map for MELLLA+ in Dual Loop Operation Note: Operation in the MELLLA+ and MELLLA regions is not analyzed for single loop operation.

Refer to Section 8.0 Modes of Operation, Tech Spec 3.4.1 (Reference 1), and Reference 15 (SLO Power-to-Flow Map) for Single Loop Operation restrictions.

1-14 Page 23 of 23


~ Exelon Generation 10 CFR 72.44(d)(3)

NMP1L 3091 May 16, 2016 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk

-Washington, DC 20555-0001 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-63 and NPF-69 NRG Docket Nos. 50-220 and 50-410 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)

ISFSI Docket No. 72-1036


2015 ISFSI Radioactive Effluent Release Report for Nine Mile Point Units 1 and 2


1. Letter from Peter Orphanos (Exelon) to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "2015 Radioactive Effluent Release Report for Nine Mile Point Units 1 and 2", dated May 2, 2016.

This letter is to provide clarification that the report submitted via Reference 1 satisfies the annual effluent reporting requirements for the ISFSI required by 10 CFR 72.44(d)(3). There were no radioactive effluents released from the station ISFSI during the monitoring period, January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015.

Should you have questions regarding the information in this submittal, please contact Jeffrey W.

Gerber, Site Chemistry Environmental & Radwaste Manager, at (315) 349-4264.

Sincerely, Robert E. Kreider, Jr.

Plant Manager, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Exelon Generation Company, LLC REK/KJK Cc: NRG Regional Administrator, Region 1 NRG Project Manager NRG Resident Inspector C. Graves, NRG

)* __ , -


::: /

~ Exelon Generation Technical Specification 5.6.5 NMP2L 3088 May 16, 2016 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-001 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-69 NRC Docket No. 50-410


Core Operating Limits Report Enclosed is a copy of the Core Operating Limits Report, Cycle 16 for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 (NMP2). This report is being submitted pursuant to NMP2 Technical Specification 5.6.5.d.

Should you have any questions regarding the information in this submittal, please contact me at (315) 349-5219.

Robert E. Kreider, Jr.

Plant Manager, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Exelon Generation Company, LLC REK/KJK


Core Operating Limits Report for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Cycle 16 cc: NRC Regional Administrator, Region I NRC Project Manager NRC Senior Resident Inspector

Enclosure Core Operating Limits Report For Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Cycle 16

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document JD: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT FOR NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 CYCLE 16 (This is a complete re-write; no revision bars are used.)

Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~;__Vtua_;___*_______ Date: 41612016 Lizette Flint - Co-Preparer Prepared by=-------~----------- Chad Burns - Co-Preparer Date: 4/6/2016 Reviewed by:*--------==-=--=~-__,..--__,__ _ __ Dae:.

8..J- ~ 4/7/2016 t ______

Brian Mmer - Independent Reviewer Date: 04/01no16 Date: <1(?/1r, Date: 4/1112016 Date: 4/11/2016

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report Table of Contents Section Page Number Revision History 3 List of Tables 4.

Terms and Definitions 5 General Information 7 MAPLHGR Limits 8 MCPR Limits 9 LHGR Limits 12 Rod Block Monitor Setpoints 14 Turbine Bypass Valve Parameters 15 Modes of Operation 15 Stability Protection 16 Power Flow Operating Map 17 Methodology 17 References 18 Appendix A 20 Appendix B 22 Page 2 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report Revision History Revision Description Revision 2 New Issue for Cycle 16 Revision 1 Revised to reflect MELLLA+ Implementation Revision 0 New Issue for Cycle 15 Note that this issuance of the Nine Mile Point Unit 2 COLR is the second revision in both this actual document and the accompanying document identification number. This bypasses revision 1 of the document identification number. This was done to reduce confusion, to eliminate a possible error trap, and with the permission of the Records Management department.

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report List of Tables Table# Table Name Page Table 3-1 MAPLHGR Versus Average Planar Exposure - GE14C 8 Table 3-2 MAPLHGR Versus Average Planar Exposure - GNF2 8 Table 3-3 MAPLHGR SLO Multiplier 9 Table 4-1 Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (OLMCPR) 10 Table 4-2 Power Dependent MCPR Limit Adjustments and Multipliers (MCPRp) 11 Table 4-3 Flow Dependent MCPR Limits (MCPRF) for SLO & DLO 11 Table 5-1 LHGR Limits for U02 Fuel 12 Table 5-2 LHGR Limits for Gadolinia Rods 12 Table 5-3 Power Dependent LHGR Multiplier LHGRFACp 13 Table 5-4 Flow Dependent LHGR Multiplier LHGRFACF 13 Table 6-1 Rod Block Monitor Setpoints 14 Table 6-2 ARTS RWE Validated MCPR Values 14 Table 7-1 Turbine Bypass Valve Response Time 15 Table 8-1 Modes of Operation 15 Table 9-1 BSP Endpoints for Normal Feedwater Temperature 16 Table 9-2 Automatic BSP Setpoints 17 Page 4 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report 1.0 Terms and Definitions AD SOOS Automatic Depressurization System Out of Service APLHGR Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate APRM Average Power Range Monitor ARTS APRM and RBM Technical Specification Analysis BPV Bypass Valve BSP Backup Stability Protection DLO Dual Loop Operation ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System EIS Equipment In Service ELL LA Extended Load Line Limit Analysis EOG End of Cycle EOC-RPT See RPTOOS.

EOOS Equipment Out of Service EOR End of Rated. The cycle exposure at which reactor power is equal to 100% rated (3988 MWth), recirculation flow equal to 100% rated (108.5 Mlb/hr), and all control blades are fully withdrawn with equilibrium xenon.

FWHOOS Feedwater Heater(s) Out of Service GEH General Electric-Hitachi GNF Global Nuclear Fuel GPM Gallons Per Minute HFCL High Flow Control Line HTSP High Trip Set Point (regarding RBM)

ICF Increased Core Flow INOP Inoperable ITSP Intermediate Set Point (regarding RBM)

Kp OLMCPR Multiplier LCO Limiting Condition for Operation LHGR Linear Heat Generation Rate LHGRFACF ARTS LHGR thermal limit flow dependent adjustments and multipliers LHGRFACp ARTS LHGR thermal limit power dependent adjustments and multipliers LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident LTSP Low Trip Set Point (regarding RBM)

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report MAPFACF Off-rated flow dependent MAPLHGR multiplier MAPFACp Off-rated power dependent MAPLHGR multiplier MAPLHGR Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate MCPR Minimum Critical Power Ratio MCPRF ARTS MCPR thermal limit flow dependent adjustments and multipliers MCPRp ARTS MCPR thermal limit power dependent adjustments and multipliers MELLLA Maximum Extended Load .Line Limit Analysis M.ELLLA+ Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus MSIVOOS Main Steam Isolation Valve Out of Service NCL Natural Circulation Line NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission OLMCPR Operating Limit MCPR OPRM Oscillation Power Range Monitor PROOS Pressure Regulator Out of Service RDF Recirculation Drive Flow RPTOOS Recirculation Pump Trip Out of Service; also known as EOC-RPT RTP Rated Thermal Power (3988 MWt)

RBM Rod Block Monitor RWE Rod Withdraw Error SLM CPR Safety Limit MCPR SLO Single Loop Operation SRVOOS Safety Relief Valve Out of Service TBVOOS Turbine Bypass Valve Out of Service TS Technical Specification Page 6 of23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report 2.0 General Information This report is prepared in accordance with Technical Specification 5.6.5 of Reference 1.

Power and flow dependent limits are listed for various power and flow levels. Linear interpolation is to be used for intermediate values.

This report provides the values of the power distribution limits, control rod withdraw block instrumentation setpoints and stability protection setpoints for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Cycle 16.

OPERATING LIMIT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Operating Limit Requirement APLHGR Technical Specification LCO 3.2.1 MCPR Technical Specification LCO 3.2.2 LHGR Technical Specification LCO 3.2.3 This report provides the following cycle-specific parameter limits for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 CYCLE 16 (RELOAD 15):

  • Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (MAPLHGR)
  • Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (OLMCPR)
  • ARTS MCPR thermal limit adjustments and multipliers
  • . Single Loop Operation (SLO) MCPR adjustment
  • Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR)
  • Single Loop Operation (SLO) LHGR multipliers
  • Rod Block Monitor (RBM) Analytical Limits,. Allowable Values and MCPR Limits
  • EOG Recirculation Pump Trip (EOC-RPT) Parameters
  • Backup Stability Protection Parameters Per TS 5.6.5, these values have been determined using NRG-approved methodology and are established such that all applicable limits of the plant safety analysis are met. The limits specified in this COLR support both DLO and SLO as required by TS LCO 3.4.1 and Main Turbine Bypass System inoperable as required by TS LCO 3.7.5.

The "BASE" thermal limit values shown in tables are for normal, equipment-in-service (EIS) two loop operation. Analysis also supports ICF for operational flexibility. Additional equipment out of service applicability can be found in Section 8.0, Modes of Operation.

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report The data presented in this report is valid for all licensed operating domains on the operating map, including (Reference 2):

  • Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus to a minimum core flow of 85%

of rated.

  • Increased Core Flow up to 105% rated (Rated Core Flow is 108.5 Mlb/hr).
  • Extended Power .Uprate to 3988 MW1h.

3.0 MAPLHGR Limits The Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate limits, in ~* obtained from the ECCS analysis are provided in Table 3-1 and Table 3-2. The limiting MAPLHGR value for the most limiting lattice of each tu.el type as a function of exposure is given. For SLO, a multiplier is used as shown in Table 3-3.

Table 3-1 MAPLHGR Versus Average Planar Exposure GE14C (Refer~nce 2 - Table 16.3-1)

Average Planar Exposure [GWD/ST] MAPLHGR Limit [KW/ft]

0.00 12.82 14.51 12.82 19.13 12.82 57.61 8.00 63.50 5.00 Table 3~2 MAPLHGR Versus Average Planar Exposure GNF2 (Reference 2 - Table 16.3-2)

Average Planar Exposure [GWD/ST] MAPLHGR Limit [KW/ft]

0.00 13.78 17.15 13.78 60.78 6.87 63.50 5.50 Page 8 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report Table 3-3 MAPLHGR SLO Multiplier All Fuel Types (Reference 2 - Table 16.3-3)

Fuel Type SLO Multiplier GE14C 0.78 GNF2 0.78 Note that per TS LCO 3.4.1, Single Loop Operation in the MELLLA or MELLLA+ domains is prohibited.

The MAPLHGR multipliers, MAPFACp and MAPFACF, are set to unity for all power and flow conditions per Reference 2 - Section 16.

4.0 MCPR Limits The Operating Limit MCPRs listed in Table 4-1 cover all conditions listed in Section 8.0, Modes of Operation. Additional EOOS information can be found in Section 8.0. ARTS provides for power and flow dependent thermal limits adjustments, which allow for a more reliable administration of the MCPR thermal limit. Per TS 3.2.2, all MCPR's shall be verified in accordance with limits specified in this section. Control rod scram time verification is also required per TS 3.1.4, "Control Rod Scram Times".

The applicable MCPR thermal limit set shall be determined with Tau (L), a measure of scram time performance throughout the cycle based on the cumulative plant scram time test results. The equations listed below are the generic equations for Boiling Water Reactors listed in Reference 8 - Item 2, "CRD Scram Insertion Time Conformance Procedure". Nine Mile Unit 2 Specific Coefficients are interpolated based on core size and values provided in Reference 11 - Section 1.2, "SCRAM PARAMETERS".

Tau (L) is determined based on the cumulative plant scram time test results. LA is the control rod average scram insertion time limit to notch 39 per Ts* 3.1.4, "Control Rod Scram Times". This corresponds to the SCRAM Time Option A MCPR thermal limit set in table 4-1. The SCRAM Time Option B MCPR thermal limit set takes credit for actual plant SCRAM speeds that are faster than the LA SCRAM insertion time limit. The lower Option B limits may be used provided that the actual plant average scram speed (LAVE) is faster or equal to the Option B SCRAM time speed limit (L8 ). This is determined by ensuring that L :::; O. The calculation of Tau shall be performed in accordance with site procedures.

Linear interpolation shall be used to calculate the OLMCPR value if Tau is between 0.0 (Tau Option B) and 1.0 (Tau Option A). The equations for Tau are defined as follows:

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report Tave -TB T=---

Where: TA = 0.866 seconds (Reference 1, Section 3.1.4)

T8 = Q.672 + 1.65

  • j._.nN1 .
  • 0.016 seconds

"'i=1Ni n is the number of surveillance tests performed in the cycle; Ni is the number of active control rods measured in surveillance test i; N1 is the total number of active rods measured; Ti is the average scram time to notch 39 for rods in surveillance test i; 0.672 is the mean distribution for average scram insertion time to position 39 drop-out; 0.016 is the standard deviation of the distribution for average scram insertion time to position 39 drop-out at NMP2 (Reference 3 - Table 6-2, Reference 8 - Item 2, Reference 11 - Section 1.2).

Table 4-1 Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (OLMCPR)

All Fuel Types (Reference 2 - Section 11)

SCRAM Time Cycle Exposure

  • EOOS Combination Option <EOR-2404 MWD/ST ~EOR-2404 MWD/ST A 1.73 1.75 BASE B 1.55 1.57 A 1.75 1.77 BASE SLO B 1.57 1.59 A 1.75 1.75 rBvoos B 1.57 1.57 A 1.77 1.77 TBVOOS SLO B 1.59 1.59 A 1.78 1.78 RPTOOS B 1.55 1.57 A 1.80 1.80 RPTOOS SLO B 1.57 1.59 A 1.73 1.75 PRO OS B 1.55 1.57 Page 10 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report Table 4-2 Power Dependent MCPR Limit Adjustments and Multipliers (MCPRp)

All Fuel Types (Reference 2 - Appendix D, Reference 16 - Section 7)

Core Thermal Power [% of rated]

Core Flow 0 23 <26 ~26 55 60 85 100 EOOS Combination

[%of rated] Operating Limit Operating Limit MCPR Multiplier MCPR (Kp)

>75 BASE 1.190 1.167 1.150 1.056 1.000

~75 2.65 2.65 2.57

>75 BASE SLO 1.190 1.167 1.150 1.056 1.000

~75 2.67 2.67 2.59

>75 TBVOOS 1.190 1.167 1.150 1.081 1.000

~75 3.51 3.51 3.22

>75 TBVOOS SLO 1.190 1.167 1.150 1.081 1.000

~75 3.53 3.53 3.24

>75 RPTOOS 1.190 1.167 1.150 1.068 1.000

~75 2.65 2.65 2.57

>75 RPTOOS SLO 1.190 1.167 1.150 1.068 1.000

~75 2.67 2.67 2.59

>75 PROOS ~75 2.65 2.65 2.57 1.190 1.167 1.158 1.056 1.000 ARTS power dependent thermal limits have been confirmed for operation with Equipment In-Service, Turbine Bypass Valves Out-Of-Service (TBVOOS) , Recirculation Pump Trip Out-Of-Service (RPTOOS) and Pressure Regulator Out-Of-Service (PROOS).

Table 4-3 Flow Dependent MCPR Limits (MCPRF) for SLO & DLO All Fuel Types (Reference 2 - Appendix D, Reference 16 -Table 7-20)

Flow [% rated] MCPRF Limit 0.0 2.01 30.0 1.78 94.2 1.29 112.0 1.29 Page 11 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operati ng Limits Report 5.0 LHGR Limits The LHGR limit is the product of the exposure depen.dent LHGR limit and the minimum of the LHGRFACp or the LHGRFACF .

The off-rated limits assumed in the ECCS-LOCA analyses are confirmed to be consistent with the cycle-specific off-rated LHGR multipliers calculated for MELLLA+ operation . The off-rated LHGR multipliers provide adequate protection for MELLLA+ operation (Reference 2) .

Table 5-1 LHGR Limits for U02 Fuel (Reference 5, Reference 6, Reference 13)

Fuel Type LHGR Limit [KW/ft]

GE14C See Reference 6 - Table D-2 GNF2 See Reference 13 - Table B-1 Table 5-2 LHGR Limits for Gadolinia Rods (Reference 5, Reference 6, Reference 13)

Fuel Type LHGR Limit [KW/ft]

GE14C See Reference 6 - Table D-4 GNF2 See Reference 13 - Table B-2 Page 12 of 23

Exel on Generati on - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Lim its Report Table 5-3 Power Dependent LHGR Multiplier LHGRFACp All Fuels Types (Reference 2 - Appendix D, Reference 16 - Section 7)

EOOS Core Flow Core Thermal Power [% of rated]

Combination [%of rated] 0 23 <26 2:26 55 60 85 100

>75 BASE 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1.000

75 0.540 0.540 0.545

>75 BASE SLO 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1.000

75 0.540 0.540 0.545

>75 TBVOOS 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1.000

75 0.495 0.495. 0.545

>75 *:

TBVOOS SLO 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1.000

75 0.495 0.495 0.545

>75 RPTOOS 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1.000

75 0.540 0.540 0.545

>75 ..

RPTOOS SLO 0.613 0.720 0.791 0.922 1.000

75 0.540 0.540 0.545

>75 PROOS 0.613 0.720 0.740 0.831 1.000

75 0.540 0.540 0.545 Table 5-4 Flow Dependent LHGR Multiplier LHGRFACF All Fuel Types and Modes of Operation Reference 2 - Appendix D, Reference 16 - Section 7)

Core Flow [% of rated]

EOOS Condition 0 30 I 52.7 I 85 I 112 LHGRFACF Multiplier DLO 0.420 0.625 I I 1.000 I 1.000 SLO 0.420 0.625 I 0.780 I 0.780 I 0.780 Page 13 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report 6.0 Rod Block Monitor Setpoints Per Technical Specifications, the RBM instrumentation channels will be operable with the allowable values set to the values shown in Table 6-1. The valu~s given in Table 6-1 are unfiltered; these unfiltered values are applicable as the time filter constant is set to zero. (Reference 9 - Table 58, Reference 4 - Attachment 1 Table 4-5). The RBM operability requirements have been evaluated and shown to be sufficient to ensure that the SLM CPR and cladding 1% plastic strain criteria will not be exceeded in the event of a Rod Withdraw Error.

Table 6-1 Rod Block Monitor Setpoints 1 (Reference 2 - Section 10, Reference 7 - Section 5.1.3, Reference 10 - Section 3)

Power Level Allowable Value Nominal Trip Setpoint Analytical Limit LTSP 124.6% 124.2% 127.0%

ITSP 119.6% 119.2% 122.0%

HTSP 114.6% 114.2% 117.0%

INOP N/A N/A N/A The ARTS RWE analysis validated the MCPR values in Table 6-2 below for use in Cycle

16. The RWE MCPR values have been analyzed at discrete setpoint values and unblocked (continuous withdraw) conditions. The most limiting RBM OLMCPR of 1.45 is still less than the minimum cycle OLMCPR.

Table 6-2 ARTS RWE Validated MCPR Values (Reference 2 - Section 10)

Power Level [% Rated] MCPR

<90% ~1.70

~90% ~1.40 1

Values given are unfiltered; for filtered values see Reference 10.

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report 7 .0 Turbine Bypass Valve Parameters Per Technical Specification LCO 3.7.5, whenever the reactor power is at or above 23%

RTP the main turbine bypass system shall be operable or the plant must operate with the TBVOOS penalties. The definition of operable is given in Table 7-1 below.

Table 7-1 Turbine Bypass Valve Response Time (Reference 11 - Section 1.6)

Event Response Time [sec]

Maximum delay time before start of bypass valve opening following initial 0.15 turbine inlet valve movement Maximum time after initial turbine inlet valve movement for bypass valve 0.30 position to reach 80% of full flow (includes the above delay time) 8.0 Modes of Operation Table 8-1 Modes of Operation (Reference 2, Reference 12 - Table 15.0-6, Reference 16)

Options" Allowed Operating Region BASE Yes BASE SLO Yes TBVOOS Yes TBVOOS SLO Yes*

RPTOOS Yes RPTOOS SLO Yes PROOS Yes MSIVOOS Yes MSIVOOS SLO Yes The ADSOOS and SRVOOS conditions are included in the BASE analysis and are therefore the same as the BASE OLMCPRs. There are no thermal limit penalties for combining any operating condition with the ADSOOS and/or the SRVOOS conditions.

For Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) valves out of service, all conditions support only one ADSOOS (Reference 16 - Section 7.2.1, Reference 1 - Section 3.5.1 ).

For Safety Relief Valves (SRV) Out of Service, all conditions support up to 2 SRVOOS (Reference 16- Section 7.2.1).

2 The EOOS Options listed apply to both Option A and Option B Page 15 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report For Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) Out of Service, only one MSIV may be inoperable and reactor power must be maintained s 75% rated power (Reference 16 - Section 7.2.1 ).

There are no thermal limit penalties associated with MSIV out of service. Analogous to the ADSOOS and SRVOOS conditions, the MSIVOOS condition can be treated as the BASE case in the thermal limit tables.

SLO is restricted by two parameters, namely recirculation flow and rod line. The maximum allowable SLO recirculation drive flow is 41,800 GPM due to recirculation piping vibration limitations and the maximum SLO rod line is 89% (ELLLA boundary). Where these two parameters intersect on the Power Flow Maps restricts SLO maximum power. The SLO rod line restriction is also governed by Tech Spec 3.4.1 LCO (Reference 1). Operation in SLO is restricted to the ELLLA region; this region and applicable restrictions are described in the SLO Loop Power Flow Maps (Reference 15).

Operation with EOC RPTOOS was justified for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 (Reference 16 -

Section 7.2.1).

There is no formally analyzed option for FWHOOS; however per Reference 7 - Section 1.2.4 there is a 20°F decrease from the rated temperature within analyzed conditions.

9.0 Stability Protection The OPRM Amplitude Discriminator Setpoint (SAo) is 1.10 (Reference 2 - Section 15.2).

Results have been validated with feedwater temperature ;::; 420.5°F in accordance with Reference 7. Per TS 5.6.5.a.4, the BSP regions and values are as shown below in Tables 9-1 and 9-2. A graphical representation of these values can be found in Appendix A (Reference 2).

Table 9-1 BSP Endpoints for Normal Feedwater Temperature 3 (Reference 2 - Table 15-2)

Power Flow Endpoint Definition

[%of rated] [%of rated]

A1 69.1 43.6 Scram Region Boundary, HFCL B1 39.7 29.5 Scram Region Boundarv, NCL A2 64.5 50.0 Controlled Entry Region Boundary, HFCL B2 27.5 28.9 Controlled Entry Region Boundary, NCL A3 96.0 79.7 BSP Bqundary Intercept with MELLLA+ Boundary B3 72.3 55.0 BSP Boundary Intercept with MELLLA+ Boundary 3

Bounding for both DLO and SLO Page 16 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report Table 9-2 Automatic BSP Setpoints 4 (Reference 2-Table 15-3)

Parameter Symbol Value Slope of Automatic BSP APRM mTRIP 1.26 flow-biased trip linear segment Automatic BSP APRM flow-biased trip setpoint power intercept. Constant Power Line PssP-TRIP 39.7% RTP for Trip from zero Drive Flow to Flow Breakpoint value.

Automatic BSP APRM flow-biased trip setpoint drive flow WssP-TRIP 36.9% RDF intercept. Constant Flow Line for Trip.

Flow Breakpoint value WssP-BREAK 16.4% RDF 10.0 Power Flow Operating Map See Appendix B for a Power Flow Map (Reference 7).

11.0 Methodology The analytical methods used to determine the core operating limits shall b~ those previously reviewed and approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, particularly those described in the following documents:

1. "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel (GESTAR II)", NEDE-24011-P-A-21, May 2015
2. "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel (GESTAR II) (Supplement for United States)", NEDE-24011-P-A-21-US, May 2015 4

Applicable to both DLO and SLO.

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Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report 12.0 References

1. "Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2 Renewed Facility Operating License", Docket No. 50-410, Renewed License No. NPF-69, Exelon Document.
2. "Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Reload 15 Cycle 16 Extended Power Uprate (EPU)/Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus (MELLLA+)", March 2016, Global Nuclear Fuels Document No. 001 N4653, Revision 1.
3. "TRACG Application for Anticipated Operational Occurrences (AOO) Transient Analyses", GEH Document NEDE-32906P-A, Rev. 3, September 2006.
4. * "Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2 ARTS/MELLLA, Task T0900: Transient Analysis", GE Energy Document No. GE-NE-0000-0055-2373-RO, Revision 0, February 2007.
5. "Fuel Bundle Information Report for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Reload 15 Cycle 16 Extended Power Uprate (EPU)/Maximum Load Line Limit Analysis Plus (MELLLA+)",

GNF Document No. 001 N4654, Revision 0, February 2016.

6. "GE14 Compliance with Amendment 22 of NEDE-24011-P-A (GESTAR II), NEDC-32868P, Revision 5, May 2013," GNF Document No. MFN 13-028, May 24, 2013.
7. "Safety Analysis Report for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus", GEH Document No. NEDC-33576P Revision 0, October 2013.
8. "Qualification of the One-Dimensional Core Transient Model for Boiling Water Reactors," NED0-24154 and NEDE-24154P, Volumes I, II, and Ill, October 1978.
9. "Revise 22A2843AM", Engineering Change Notice for NSSS161405000 "Design Spec Data Sheet, Neutron Monitoring System", Exelon Document Number 007242, Rev. 1, April 1st, 2008.
10. "Instrumentation Limits Calculation Constellation Generation Group Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2 Rod Block Monitor (NUMAC ARTS-MELLLA)" GEH Document No. 0000-0053-1006 NMP2 A-M-T506-RBM-Calc-2006, Revision 1, March 2008.

11."Final resolved OPL-3 parameters for NMP2 C16", Exelon ENSAF ID Number ES1500019 Revision 0, June 23rd, 2015.

12. "Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2 Updated Safety Analysis Report", U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docket 50-410 License NPF-69, Revision 21, October 2014, Exelon Document.

13. "GNF2 Advantage Generic Compliance with NEDE-24011-P-A (GESTAR II)",

NEDC-33270P, Revision 5, May 2013, GNF Document No. MFN 13-029, May 24, 2013 14.TODI NF151201, "Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Cycle 16 Customer Approved FRED Form", Revision 0, May 21st, 2015.

Page 18 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report

15. "Power Flow Operating Map 1 Recirculation Loop in Operation", Engineering Change Notice No. ECP-12-000448-CN-043 EM-9508-17.01, Revision 0000.00, August 161h, 2015, Exelon Document.
16. "GNF2 Fuel Design Cycle-Independent Analyses for Exelon Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2", GEH Document No. 003N2003 Revision 1, February 2016.

Page 19 of23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report Appendix A Page 20 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Lim its Report NINE MILE POINT UNIT2 001 4653 Reload 15 Revision l 0 J.I 109 119 llO 47ll6

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Ij 20 798 10 t


/ /I I t 399 I'


~ ~ __..-" I l 0 0 10 20 30 40 :50 60 70 80 90 100 110 uo Core.Flow[%]

Figure 19 Manual BSP Regions and BSP Boundary for Normal Feedwater Temperature Operation Page 21of23 Page 48

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report Appendix 8 Page 22 of 23

Exelon Generation - Nuclear Fuels Document ID: COLR Nine Mile Point 2, Rev. 2 Core Operating Limits Report NED0-33576 REVISION 0 NON-PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - CLASS I (PUBLIC)

Core Flow (Mlbm/hr) 0 IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 JOO J JO J20 130 J20 -if-+--H'--h-Hf-+-+-l-+-+-+-+-+-+--tf-+--H'-+--+-f-+-f-t-+-+-i-+-+--+-+f-+-+-t--+-+-+-+-H--+r-Hf-+-+-t-+-f-+-+-+---!rl--+--H--+-ri-'f-+-+-1-i I JO 100% CLTP

_ 86.9% CLTP (Pre-EPU) =

3988 MWt 3467 MWt , , 4 ,


_j. ~- _ _ __ l --- _ -----

4500 JOO *  ;;":~!; E~: :u! ~~'"~"' ,~=:J=~~~f~:=::~*--i----*T-* *~:~~ 4000

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90 i ii~~~~ i~~mm~ ~i m~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _l _ _ _ ---r------------, --------t~:::__:~:::+~::=:::_~:: ::::_~ ---;;~r~,------

D: 100.0% Power/ 99.0% Flow  !  :

3500 80 ~~ ~u: :~::~nu: m: ------------t,.---- ----- ---------,- ___________ . ,i----------~,i

. ---------- -icF- -------*.:.(----------

3000 8 70 -

L: 68.4% Power/ 55.0% Flow M: 77. 6% Power/ 55. 0% Flow N: 100.0% Power/ 85.0% Flow

+----*!'.; --


! i  ! l ------ -------l------------

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J500 30 __________

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t--* -----------l------------+-------------~-------------~--------------4----------------1---~---------~--------~----i------------

500 0

I 1 i I I I I I


I I I 0 0 JO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 JOO I JO J20 Core Flow(%)

Figure 1-1 Power/Flow Operating Map for MELLLA+ in Dual Loop Operation Note: Operation in the MELLLA+ and MELLLA regions is not analyzed for single loop operation.

Refer to Section 8.0 Modes of Operation, Tech Spec 3.4.1 (Reference 1), and Reference 15 (SLO Power-to-Flow Map) for Single Loop Operation restrictions.

1-14 Page 23 of 23


~ Exelon Generation 10 CFR 72.44(d)(3)

NMP1L 3091 May 16, 2016 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk

-Washington, DC 20555-0001 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-63 and NPF-69 NRG Docket Nos. 50-220 and 50-410 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)

ISFSI Docket No. 72-1036


2015 ISFSI Radioactive Effluent Release Report for Nine Mile Point Units 1 and 2


1. Letter from Peter Orphanos (Exelon) to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "2015 Radioactive Effluent Release Report for Nine Mile Point Units 1 and 2", dated May 2, 2016.

This letter is to provide clarification that the report submitted via Reference 1 satisfies the annual effluent reporting requirements for the ISFSI required by 10 CFR 72.44(d)(3). There were no radioactive effluents released from the station ISFSI during the monitoring period, January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015.

Should you have questions regarding the information in this submittal, please contact Jeffrey W.

Gerber, Site Chemistry Environmental & Radwaste Manager, at (315) 349-4264.

Sincerely, Robert E. Kreider, Jr.

Plant Manager, Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Exelon Generation Company, LLC REK/KJK Cc: NRG Regional Administrator, Region 1 NRG Project Manager NRG Resident Inspector C. Graves, NRG