NLS2017032, 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number RI-21, Revision 1

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10 CFR 50.55a Request Number RI-21, Revision 1
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/2017
From: Higginbotham K
Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD)
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NLS2017032, RI-21
Download: ML17109A071 (95)



H Nebraska Public Power District Always there when you need us 50.55a NLS2017032 March 29, 2017 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001


10 CFR 50.55a Request Number RI-21, Revision 1 Cooper Nuclear Station, Docket No. 50-298, DPR-46

Dear Sir or Madam:

The purpose of this letter is to request that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission grant Nebraska Public Power District relief from certain inservice inspection (ISi) code requirements for Cooper Nuclear Station based on ISi impracticality pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii).

10 CFR 50.55a Request Number RI-21, Revision 1, is applicable to the Fourth Ten-Year ISi Interval, which began March 1, 2006. The Code of Record is the 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, "Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components," as modified by 10 CFR 50.55a. The basis and details of the request are provided in the attachment. There is no specific deadline for approval as this relief request is for closeout of the Fourth Ten-Year ISi Interval that ended on March 31, 2016.

This letter contains no regulatory commitments.

Should you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact Jim Shaw, Licensing Manager, at (402) 825-2788.

"nbotham Vice Presi ent-Nuclear and Chief Nuclear* Officer

/dv COOPER NUCLEAR STATION P.O. Box 98 /Brownville, NE 68321-0098 Telephone: (402) 825-3811 /Fax: (402) 825-5211


NLS2017032 Page 2 of2


10 CFR 50.55a Request Number RI-21, Revision 1 cc: Regional Administrator w/ attachment USNRC - Region IV Cooper Project Manager w/ attachment USNRC - NRR Plant Licensing Branch IV Senior Resident Inspector w/ attachment USNRC-CNS NPG Distribution w/ attachment CNS Records w/ attachment L_

NLS2017032 Attachment Page 1 of93 Attachment 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number RI-21, Revision 1 Cooper Nuclear Station, Docket No. 50-298, DPR-46

10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

1. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code Component(s) Affected Code Classes: 1 and2 Examination Categories: B-D, B-G-1, R-A, C-A, and C-B Item Numbers: B3.90, B3.100, B6.40, Rl.20-4, Cl.10, and C2.21 Component Numbers: NVE-BD-NlA, NVE-BD-N2C, NVE-BD-N2E, NVE-BD-N2F, NVE-BD-N2G, NVE-BD-N2H, NVE-BD-N2J, NVE-BD-N2K, NVE-BD-N3A, NVE-BD-N4A, NVE-BD-N4B, NVE-BD-N4C, NVE-BD-N4D, NVE-BD-NSA, NVE-BD-N6B, NVE-BD-N7, NVE-BD-N9, NVIR-BD-N9, PRE-BGl-1 through PRE-BGl-52, RVI-BJ-16Bl, RHR-CA-2A, RHR-CB-lA, CWB-BJ-27 (Preservice)

2. Applicable Code Edition and Addenda

The Code of Record for the Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection (ISI) Interval at Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS) is the 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, "Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components" as modified by 10 CFR 50.55a. The Appendix VIII requirements and use of the Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI) requirements at CNS are in accordance with the 2001 Edition of Section XI as conditioned by 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(xv) and 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(xxiv).

3. Applicable Code Requirement

Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-D, Item No. B3.90 requires the examination volume for the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds or the Nozzle-to-RPV Top Head Welds to be as defined by Figure IWB-2500-7(a), (b), or (c). These figures also cover the required examination volume for the Nozzle Inside Radius Section Item No.

B3.100, when examined. However, CNS performed the examinations detailed in this relief request using the alternative examination volumes defined in Code Case N-613-1, Figures 1 or 2, Reference (1), as approved in Regulatory Guide 1.147.

Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-G-1, Item No. B6.40 requires the examination volume for the RPV Threads in Flange Area to be as defined by Figure IWB-2500-12 of ASME Section XL The CNS Risk-Informed (RI-ISI) Program, Reference (2), per Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) TR-112657, Reference (3), Examination Category R-A, Item No. Rl.20-4, Page 1of92

10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

RVI-BJ-16Bl (RPV Partial Penetration Nozzle to Safe-end piping weld) requires the examination volume to be as defined by Figure IWB-2500-8(c) of ASME Section XI but extended 112 inch inch per EPRI TR-112657, Figure 4-IO.

The CNS RI-ISi Program, Reference (2), per EPRI TR-112657, Reference (3), Examination Category R-A, Item No. Rl.20-4, CWB-BJ-27 (valve to elbow weld) requires the examination volume to be as defined by Figure IWB-2500-8(c) of ASME Section XI but was extended 1/2 inch beyond the counterbore and weld toe transitions in excess ofEPRI TR-112657 figures.

Table-IWC-2500-1, Examination Category C-A, Item No. Cl.IO requires the examination volume for the Shell Circumferential Welds to be as defined by Figure IWC-2500-1, but there is no general design figure in the code that actually depicts the CNS configuration for this weld and thus the code required volume was determined from Figure IWC-2500-1 and applied to the figure contained in Appendix 1.

Table-IWC-2500-1, Examination Category C-B, Item No. C2.21 requires the examination volume and surface area for the Nozzle-to-Shell or Head Welds shown in Figure IWC-2500-4(b), which is the closest general figure for this weld. The code required volume and surface area was determined from Figure IWC-2500-4(b) and applied to the figure contained in Appendix 1.

Exam Item Examination Requirements Cat. No.

B-D B3.90 Essentially 100% volumetric examination of all the Nozzle-to-Vessel B3.IOO Welds or Nozzle-to-RPV Head welds and the Nozzle Inside Radius Sections.

B-G-1 B6.40 Essentially 100% volumetric examination of the 1 inch annular surface of flange surrounding each stud hole.

R-A Rl.20-4 Essentially 100% volumetric examination of the. weld length for all Circumferential Piping Welds - These welds were previously identified as Category B-J prior to the assigned Category R-A Item No. under the RI-ISi Program, Reference (3).

C-A Cl.IO Essentially 100% volumetric examination of the weld length for all Shell Circumferential Welds.

C-B C2.21 Essentially 100% volumetric and surface examination of all Nozzle-to-Shell or Head Welds.

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10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

As previously defined in 10 CPR 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(2) now removed, and ASME Code Case N-460, Reference (4), essentially 100% means more than 90% of the examination volume or required surface area of each weld where the reduction in coverage is due to interference by another component or part geometry. CNS has applied these requirements to the welds and items contained in this relief request.

4. Impracticality of Compliance 10 CPR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii), states in part, that licensees may determine that conformance with certain code requirements is impractical and that the licensee shall notify the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or Commission) and submit information in support of the determination. Determination of impracticality in accordance with this section must be based on the demonstrated limitations experienced when attempting to comply with the Code requirements during the inservice inspection interval for which the request is being submitted. Requests for relief made in accordance with this section must be submitted to the NRC no later than 12 months after the expiration of the initial 120-month inspection interval or subsequent 120-month inspection interval for which relief is sought.

Pursuant to 10 CPR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) described above, the required submittal of this relief request is due before April 1, 2017, because Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) has determined that compliance with the code requirements of achieving essentially 100%

coverage of the welds and items listed in this request is impractical for CNS to achieve. This determination is based on actual demonstrated limitations experienced when attempting to comply with the code requirements in the performance of the examinations listed in this relief request.

The construction permit for CNS was issued on June 4, 1968, before the effective date of implementation for ASME Section XI, thus the plant was not designed to meet the requirements for ISi. Details of the examination access restrictions and reductions in required examination coverage are provided in Appendix 1.

When examined, the welds and items listed in this relief request did not receive the required code volume coverage due to their access restrictions and/or design configurations. These conditions resulted in scanning limitations that prohibited obtaining essentially 100%

examination coverage of the required examination volume, but when this situation occurred 100% of the accessible volume of the welds and items were covered.

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10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

For the RPV Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds and Nozzle-to-RPV Top Head Welds and the Nozzle Inside Radius Section addressed in this relief request, the configuration of the nozzles, the design of the vessel insulation support rings and their attachments, nozzle access hatches, and instrument lines, (only RPV Nozzle-to Vessel Welds not the RPV Top Head Welds) prevented essentially 100% examination of the required weld volume and the inside radius section volume.

For the RPV Threads in Flange Areas PRE-BG 1-1 through PRE-BG 1-52 that are required to be volumetrically examined and where the examination is performed by an Ultrasonic Test (UT) of the 1 inch annulus surface around each RPV stud hole from the flange surface, there is a stainless steel step-up on the flange surface, where double 0-ring grooves are on the surface. This step-up on the flange surface causes an obstruction to perform the required 0-degree UT from the flange surface for a portion of each Thread Flange Area and thus examination coverage was limited based on this design configuration.

For Category R-A weld RVI-BJ-16Bl, RVI Partial Penetration Nozzle-to-Safe End Weld.

CNS has four of these two (2) inch instrument welds contained in the RI-ISI Program with similar weld configurations. The outside diameter taper adjacent to this weld limits the coverage in conjunction with the procedural required transducer sizes to perform the examinations.

For the Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger (RHR HX) "lA" Shell-to-Circumferential Weld RHR-CA-2A it is actually configured as a shell circumferential weld to a distributor ring end plate where physical design restrictions limited the coverage of this weld because it is of a comer type weld design and the inside surface is not accessible.

For the RHR HX "lA" Nozzle-to-Head Weld RHR-CB-lA it is a full penetration weld that is beveled on the inside and outside surface and was welded during fabrication from both the inside and outside of the HX. This physical design limits the volumetric examination from the outside surface of this weld as the inside surface is not accessible, but the required surface examination was 100% completed on this weld.

For Category R-A weld CWB-BJ-27, this valve to elbow weld was performed as a pre-service examination when the corresponding valve was replaced. This geometric configuration limits the examination coverage to one side.

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10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

5. Burden Caused by Compliance To comply with the code required examination volumes for obtaining essentially 100%

coverage the welds and items listed in this relief request and their associated components would have to be physically modified and/or disassembled beyond their current design.

Specifically, for the RPV Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds and the Nozzle Inside Radius Section a major modificatfon to the RPV nozzles, access hatches, shield wall, and mirror insulation would have to be performed.

For the RPV Threads in Flange Areas the step-up design would have to be modified.

Examination coverage was limited based on this design configuration and the inability to penetrate the cladding with the available technology.

For the RHR HX welds they are not accessible by design from the inside diameter and disassembly of the bolted channel head connection would still require removing the tubes or cutting and re-welding the shell or nozzles to gain access to the inside surface of these welds.

  • For the Category R-A Weld RVI-BJ- l 6B 1, the nozzle to safe end weld on this small bore line (i.e., 2 inch Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)) would require re-design of the piping joint. The weld has an outside diameter taper of3.9 inch from the RPV and the weld centerline is 0.5 inch from the taper limiting coverage.

For the Category R-A weld CWB-BJ-27, this elbow to valve configuration would require a re-design of the piping system. This Class 1 weld was examined to meet pre-service requirements.

Overall it is not possible to obtain ultrasonic interrogation of greater than 90% of the required code examination volume for the welds and items in this relief request without extensive design modifications. Examinations have been performed to the maximum extent possible.

The ultrasonic examination techniques used for each weld or item in this relief request were reviewed to determine if additional coverage could be achieved by improving those techniques and none could be identified and the examinations have been performed to the maximum extent possible. Therefore, NPPD has determined that obtaining essentially 100%

coverage is not feasible and is impractical without adding additional burden consisting of significant redesign work, increased radiation exposure, and/or potential damage to the plant or the component itself.

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10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

6. Proposed Alternative and Basis for Use Proposed Alternative
1) Periodic system pressure tests and VT-2 visual examinations in accordance with ASME Section XI, Examination Category B-P, for Class 1 pressure retaining welds and items each refueling outage and Examination Category C-H for Class 2 pressure retaining welds and items each inspection period of Table IWB-2500-1 and Table IWC-2500-1, respectively.
2) Conduct of ultrasonic examinations to the maximum extent possible and when required perform a 100% surface examination.

Basis for Use NPPD performed manual ultrasonic examinations of the above listed components during the

. Fourth 10-Year ISi Interval. NPPD performed inservice examinations of selected welds and items in accordance with the requirements of 10 CPR 50.55a, plant technical specifications, and the 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda, of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI including Appendix VIII requirements in accordance with the 2001 Edition of Section XI and applicable PDI requirements. When a component was found to have condition(s), which limit the examination volume, NPPD is required to submit this information to the enforcement and regulatory authorities having jurisdiction at the plant site.

This relief request has been written to address areas where these types of conditions exist and where the required amount of coverage was reduced below the minimum acceptable.

10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4) recognizes that throughout the service life of a nuclear power facility, components which are classified as ASME Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 must meet the requirements set forth in the ASME Code to the extent practical within the limitations of design, geometry and materials of construction of the welds and items described in Appendix 1.

NPPD performed the examinations to the extent possible. There is no plant-specific, or industry operating experience regarding potential degradation specific to the subject welds and items included in this relief request.

Pot the Class 1 Examination Category B-D welds and B-G-1 items the following applies:

Even though the limitations associated with the examinations identified in this relief request Page 6of92

10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

did not meet the essentially 100% code required volume coverage requirement there are systems in place to assure that early detection of any Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary (RCPB) leakage is identified. This is accomplished by the leakage monitoring systems inside the drywell at CNS where the drywell floor drain sump flow monitoring system is the primary system used for this purpose and then the secondary system consists of one channel of the drywell atmospheric particulate or atmosphere gaseous monitoring system. These two systems have high level and alert status alarms in the control room. These systems are used to quantify any unidentified leakage from the RCPB and to meet the Technical Specifications required monitoring in Surveillance Requirement which is checked every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

In summary, no further actions can be taken by NPPD at this time to improve these examinations without applying impractical options. In addition to the ultrasonic examinations performed for these components as well as alternate scans performed to the extent practical, surface examinations were also performed as applicable. Periodic pressure testing with VT-2 examination was also performed as required by Code. Therefore, the proposed alternative in this relief request will provide assurance of an acceptable level of quality and safety by providing reasonable assurance of structural integrity.

7. Duration of Proposed Alternative This relief request is applicable to the CNS Fourth 10-Year ISI Interval which began on March 1, 2006 and ended on March 31, 2016.
8. Precedents NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER) for St. Lucie Plant, Unit No. 2 - Relief Request No. 17

- Request for Relief from Performing Inservice Inspection Volumetric Examinations of ASME Category B-A Welds (TAC NO. MF4339), dated April 17, 2015

9. References (1) ASME Code Case N-613-1, "Ultrasonic Examination of Full Penetration Nozzles in Vessels, Examination Category B-D, Item No's. B3.10 and B3.90, Reactor Nozzle-To-Vessel Welds, Figs. IWB-2500-7(a), (b), and (c)Section XI, Division 1," dated August 20,2002 Page 7of92

10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

(2) "Cooper Nuclear Station - Corrections to and Clarification in the Safety Evaluation RE:

Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection Program for the Fourth IO-Year Interval; Relief Request No. RI-34 (TAC No. MD0283)," dated November 3, 2006 (3) EPRI TR-112657, Rev. B-A, Final Report, "Revised Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection Evaluation Procedure," dated December 1999 (4) ASME Code Case N-460, "Alternative Examination Coverage for Class 1 and Class 2 WeldsSection XI, Division 1," dated July 27, 1988 (5) "Cooper Nuclear Station - Requests for Relief No. RI-21 and RI-22 for the fourth 10-y ear Inservice Inspection Interval Regarding Volumetric Examination Coverage for Certain Welds (TAC Nos. ME0687 and ME0688)," dated January 12, 2010 Page 8of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Section 1.0 Introduction This appendix contains tables, figures, and pictures that are used to depict the limitations and calculations for obtained coverage, materials and product forms, with UT angles and wave forms used, and the examination results for the welds and items associated with this relief request, including any applicable previous examination history.

TABLE 1 WELDS OR ITEMS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Applicable Component Number of(Welds or Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Examination Examination Sections Identification Items), Description, By and and and Code Limitations and Results Flow and Associated Product Product Product Coverage Size, As Annlicable Form Form Form Obtained1 Nozzle:

Section 2.0 NVE-BD-NIA (1) RPV NI Nozzle-to- Weld: Shell: Plate UT=25.76% Geometric Design A-508 Shell Welds Reactor Class 2 SA-533 Gr Configuration - No Recirculation Outlet 28 Type E- B, Class 1 Recordable Indications Alloy Steel 8018 inch Forging Low Alloy with Steel with Stainless SS Cladding Steel (SS)

Cladding Nozzle:

Section 3.0 NVE-BD-N2C (7) RPV N2 Nozzle-to- Weld: Shell: Plate UT=37.36% Geometric Design A-508 NVE-BD-N2E Shell Welds Reactor SA-533 Gr Configuration - No Class 2 Type E-NVE-BD-N2F Recirculation Inlets 12 B, Class 1 Recordable Indications.

Alloy Steel 8018 NVE-BD-N2G inch Low Alloy Forging NVE-BD-N2H Steel with with SS NVE-BD-N2K SS Cladding Cladding NVE-BD-N2J Nozzle:

Section 4.0 NVE-BD-N3A (1) RPV N3 Nozzle-to- Weld: Shell: Plate UT=27.85% Geometric Design A-508 Shell Welds Main Steam SA-533 Gr Configuration - Lower Class 2 Type E-24 inch Alloy Steel B, Class 1 15% had no recordable 8018 Low Alloy indications. A previous Forging Steel with recordable indication with SS Cladding SS Cladding characteristic of slag inclusion in the upper 85% region and evaluated as acceptable.


Section 5.0 NVE-BD-N4A (4) RPV N4 Nozzle Weld: Shell: Plate N4A,C: Geometric Design A-508 NVE-BD-N4B Shell Welds Reactor SA-533 Gr Configuration, adjacent Class 2 Type E- UT=36.8%

NVE-BD-N4C Feed Water 12 inch B, Class 1 Nl 1 instrument nozzles Alloy Steel 8018 NVE-BD-N4D Low Alloy N4B,D: impacted N4A, C nozzle Forging Steel with coverages.

SS Cladding UT=39%


Section 6.0 NVE-BD-NSA (I) RPV NS Nozzle-to- Weld: Shell: Plate UT=31.05% Geometric Design A-508 Shell Weld Core Spray SA-533 Gr Configuration - No Class 2 Type E-12 inch Alloy Steel B, Class 1 Recordable Indications 8018 Low Alloy Forging with SS Steel with Cladding SS Cladding Page 9 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

TABLE 1 WELDS OR ITEMS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Applicable Component Number of(Welds or Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Examination Examination Sections Identification Items), Description, By and and and Code Limitations and Results Flow and Associated Product Product Product Coverage Size, As Applicable Form Form Form Obtained1 Nozzle:

Section 7.0 NVE-BD-N6B (1) RPV N6 Nozzle-to- Weld: Head: A-533 UT= 18.52% Geometric Design A-508 RPV Head Weld Top GRB Class Configuration - No Class 2 Type E-Head Spray 5.75 inch 1 Alloy Steel Recordable Indications Alloy Steel 8018 Inside Diameter Plate with Forging No Cladding with No Cladding Section 8.0 NVE-BD-N7 (1) RPV N7 Nozzle to Nozzle:- Weld: Head: A-533 UT=59.09% Geometric Design RPV Top Head Vent A-508 GRB Class Configuration - No Type E-3.81 inch Inside Class 2 I Alloy Steel Recordable Indications Diameter Alloy Steel 8018 Plate with Forging No Cladding with No Cladding Section 9.0 NVE-BD-N9 (1) RPV N9 Nozzle-to- Nozzle: Weld: Shell: Plate UT=37.48% Geometric Design Shell Weld Control Rod A-508 SA-533 Gr Configuration and Drive (CRD) Return 5 Type E-Class 2 B, Class 1 Insulation Support Ring inch 8018 Alloy Steel Low Alloy - No Recordable Forging Steel SS Indications with SS Cladding Cladding Section NVIR-BD-N9 (1) RPV N9 Nozzle Nozzle: A- NIA NIA UT=78.46% Insulation Support Ring 10.0 Inside Radius Section 508 Class 2 - No Recordable CRD Return 5 inch Alloy Steel Indications Forging with SS Cladding Section PRE-BGI-1 (52) RPV Flange Thread Nozzle: A- NIA NIA UT= 82.54% Geometric Design 11.0 through Areas - Includes 1 inch 508-64 Configuration Where a PRE-BGI-52 Annular Surface Class 2 Stainless Steel Step-Up Surrounding Each Stud Alloy Steel Exists on the Flange Hole Forging Surface for "O" Ring Seals - No Recordable Indications Page 10of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Section RVl-BJ-16Bl ( 1) Reactor Vessel Nozzle: Weld: Safe End: UT=88.56% Lower coverages are 12.0 Instrumentation (RVI) SB-166 Inconel 182 SA-182 attributed to current Partial Penetration procedure requirements Nozzle-to-Safe End where contoured Weld2 inch transducers are required.

The footprint of the RL transducers was a limiting factor adjacent to the taper where full contact was lost thereby limiting two-direction coverage. No recordable indications.

Section RHR-CA-2A (1) RHR HX IA Shell to Shell: Weld: Pl Distributor UT=40.52% Geometric Design 13.0 Distributor Ring End A-516-70 Material Ring: Configuration and Plate Weld Carbon A-516-70 External Attachment -

Steel Plate Carbon Steel No Recordable Plate Indications Section RHR-CB-lA (1) RHRHX IA Head: Weld: Pl Nozzle: UT= 65.14% Geometric Design 14.0 Nozzle-to-Top Head A-516-70 Material A-106-B Configuration - No Seamless MT= 100% Recordable Indications Weld 20 inch Schedule Carbon 80 Pipe Steel Plate Carbon Steel Pipe Section CWB-BJ-27 ( 1) Reactor Water Valve Weld: Elbow: UT=55% Geometric Design 15.0 Cleanup (RWCU) Valve Body MT= 100% Configuration - oversized ER70S-2/-3 A-333, Gr 1 elbow and valve to Elbow 4 inch Schedule 160 pipe A-352, Gr configuration, No LCB Recordable Indications NOTES:

1. Ultrasonic: Examination (UT) and Surface Examination by Liquid Penetrant (Pn or Magnetic Particle (MT)

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Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Section 2.0 (1) RPV Nl Nozzle-to-Shell Welds Reactor Recirculation Outlet 28 inch Photo 2-1-Typical RPV Recirculation Outlet Nozzle The (1) weld examined in this section is the Nozzle-to-RPV Shell Welds, Recirculation outlet 28 inch, identified as NVE-BD-NlA. The examination volume was re-determined from Code Case N-613-1 , Figure 1, and A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. Dimensions used were determined from design drawings as allowed by NOTE (2) on Figure 1 in Code Case N-613-1.

Nozzle-to-shell Nozzle Access Restrictions  % Coverage  % Coverage Weld ID. Description 3rd Interval, 4th Interval, Outage Examined Outage Examined (Year) (Year)

NVE-BD-NlA Recirculation Nozzle and weld 32.2 % 25.76 % (I)

Outlet configuration Refuel Outage RE26 (2011)

(RE) 18 (1998)

Note 1: This nozzle to shell weld limitations was previously approved by the NRC per RI-21 Rev 0 during the 4th Interval using a less conservative required volume that assumed 1/2T past the blend radius of the weld. This methodology showed a higher volume of coverage for the 85% weld volume compared to the 0.5 inch beyond the actual weld bevel using Code Case N-613-1. Use of the more conservative area per Code Case N-613-1 resulted in a relative reduction in total weld coverage in Revision 1 of this Relief Request.

This component was scanned manually using conventional ultrasonic exam methods. Per procedure, a 60° Refracted Longitudinal (RL) was used for axial exam of the full volume and a 60°RL to examine the upper 85 % in the circumferential direction from the vessel. Per EPRI modeling, a 45° Shear (S) (+/- 72° skew) and a 50°S (+/- 115° skew) from the blend radius were used to examine the lower 15% in the circumferential direction. No recordable indications were observed with this weld.

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Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Reactor Recirculation Outlet N1 Nozzle Nozzle to Vessel Weld E-8018 N1 Nozzle Low Alloy Steel A-508 CL2

. a.

STEEL Figure 2 (1) RPV Nl Reactor Recirculation Outlet Nozzle-to-Shell Weld Overview Page 13of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

N1 Nozzle to Shell Weld Axial Scan Coverage Calculations Total Area: =22.20 sq. In.

AREA-1: 2.50" x 1.03" =2.57 sq . in. AREA-2:* x 5.87" =14.67 sq. in.

AREA-3: .215 x 7.52 x 0.41 =4 .96 sq . in.

Lower 15% t of Vessel Shell Coverage: = 11. 58%

2.5" x 1.03" = 2.57 sq. in.

2 .57 + 22 .20 x 100 =11 .58% of Total Area Upper 85% t of Vessel Shell & Radius Coverage: =26. 71%

(1.63" x 2.50") + (1.49" x 2.50" + 2) = 5.93 sq . in.

5.93 + 22.20 x 100 =26.71%

Total Axial Coverage:= 11.58% + 26.71% - 38.29%

Figure 2 (1) RPV Nl Reactor Recirculation Outlet Nozzle-to-Shell Weld Axial Scan Coverage from RE24 Page 14 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--lnservice Inspection Impracticality--


N1 Nozzle 10 Shell Weld


I I ::t::==l l I N1 Nozzle to Shell Weld Circumferential Scan Coverage Cal culations Total Area : =22.20 sq. i n .

AREA-1 : 2 .50 " x 1.03" =2.57 sq. in. AREA-2: 2 .50" x 5.87" = 14.67 sq. in.

AREA-3: .21 5 x 7.52 x 0.41= 4. 9 6 sq. in.

Upper 85% t of Vessel Shell & Radi us Coverage: - 1.66%

2.50" x 0 .71" x (0 .50 + 2 .5) 0.37 sq. in.

0.37 + 22.20 x 100 =1.66%

Lower 15% t of Vessel Shell Coverage:

  • 11 .58%

2 .50" x 1.03" =2 .57 sq . in.

2 .57 + 22 .20 x 100 = 11.58% of Total Area Total Circumferential Coverage:= 1.66% + 11.58% = 13.24%

Figure 2 (1) RPV Nl Reactor Recirculation Outlet Nozzle-to-Shell Weld Circumferential Scan Coverage from RE24 Page 15 of 92

l Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

45° +/. 72° and 50° +/.115* Clrc Scan (54-151*850-06) 60°Rl Axlal Scan f54-ISl.SOS--06) 100% ts volume 60°RL Circ Scan (54-151-805-06) Uooer 85% ts volume Inner 15% ts volume (Modeled)

Thickness (ts) Inches 6.90 Thid<ness (ts) Inches 6.90 Thickness (ts) Inches 6.90 Weld Width Inches 1.50 Weld Width Inches 1.50 Weld Width Inches 1.50 Exam Volume (A BC DEF GH) Sq. Inches 22.20 Exam Voll.KTle (A BCD EFG H) Sq . Inches 22.20 Exam Volume (A B C DE F GH) Sq. Inches 22.20 Area Scanned Sq. lndles 8.50 Upper 85% *r & Radius Volume Sq. Inches 19.63 Inner 15% *r Volume Sq. Inches 2.57 Percentage of Area Scanned 38.29% Area Scanned 0.37 Area Scanned 2.57 Percentage of Area Scanned 1.88% Percentage of Area Scanned 100%

Percentage of Total Volume 38.29%

Percentage of Total Volume 1.66% Percentage of Total Volume 11 .58%

Coverage Axial Scan 100% ts volume 38.29,o Coveraae Clrc Scan Uooer 85% ts volume 1.66% Coverage Axial Scan Inner 15°.4 t volume 11.58%

Total Coverage Axial and Circ Scans: [38.29% + (1.68% + 11.58%)] +2 =25.76%

Figure 2 (1) RPV Nl Reactor Recir culation Outlet Nozzle-to-Shell Weld Coverage Calculation Summary from RE24 Page 16 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Section 3.0 (7) RPV N2 Nozzle-to-Shell Welds Reactor Recirculation Inlets 12 inch Photo 3-1-Typical RPV Recirculation Inlet Nozzle N2C, N2E, N2F, N2G, N2H, N2J, and N2KAccess The (7) welds examined in this section are Nozzle-to-RPV Shell Welds, Recirculation Inlets 12 inch, identified as: NVE-BD-N2C, NVE-BD-N2E, NVE-BD-N2F, NVE-BD-N2G, NVE-BD-N2H, NVE-BD-N2J and NVE-BD-N2K. Each of these welds is of an identical design configuration and has the same examination limitations. The examination volume was determined from Code Case N-613-1, Figure 1, and A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. Dimensions used were determined from design drawings as allowed by NOTE (2) on Figure 1 in Code Case N-613-1.

Page 17 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Nozzle-to-shell Nozzle Access Restrictions  % Coverage  % Coverage Weld ID. Description 3rd Interval, 4th Interval, Outage Examined Outage Examined (Year) (Year)

NVE-BD-N2C Recirculation Nozzle to vessel 40 % 37.36 %

Inlet configuration RE18 (1 998) RE26 (2011)

NVE-BD-N2E Recirculation Nozzle to vessel 40 % 37.36 % (I)

Inlet configuration RE19 (2000) RE24 (2008)

NVE-BD-N2F Recirculation Nozzle to vessel 40 % 37.36 %

Inlet configuration RE18 (1998) RE26 (2011)

NVE-BD-N2G Recirculation Nozzle to vessel 40 % 37.36 %

Inlet configuration RE18 (1998) RE26 (2011)

NVE-BD-N2H Recirculation Nozzle to vessel 40 % 37.36% (l)

Inlet configuration RE18 (1998) RE24 (2008)

NVE-BD-N2J Recirculation Nozzle to vessel 40 % 37.36 %

Inlet configuration RE19 (2000) RE26 (2011)

NVE-BD-N2K Recirculation Nozzle to vessel 40 % 37.36 % (I )

Inlet configuration RE19 (2000) RE24 (2008)

Note 1: These nozzle to shell welds limitations were previously approved by the NRC per RI-21 Rev 0 during the 4th Interval using a less conservative required volume that assumed l /2T past the blend radius of the weld. This methodology showed a higher volume of coverage for the 85% weld volume compared to the 0.5 inch beyond the actual weld bevel. Use of the more conservative area per Code Case N-613-1 resulted in a relative reduction in total weld coverage.

These components were scanned manually using conventional ultrasonic exam methods. Per procedure, a 60°RL was used for axial exam of the full volume and a 60°RL to examine the upper 85% in the circumferential direction, both from the vessel. Per EPRI modeling, a 50°S (+/- 52° skew) from the vessel and a 35°S (+/- 90° skew) from the blend radius were used to examine the lower 15% in the circumferential direction. No recordable indications were observed with these welds.

Pa ge 18 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g}(5}(iii}

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Reactor Recirculation Return N2 Nozzle SA533 GR B .

Class 1 6-718' MIM f,\ Nozzle to Vessel Weld

'LJ E-8018 1-112' C) N2 Nozzle Low Alloy Steel A-508 CL 2 71'!1." KIN. CUD STADlfSS STm Figure 3 (7) N2 Reactor Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Overview Page 19 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

AREA- S AREA.4 SO RL N2 Nozzle to Shell Weld Axial Scan Coverage Calculatlon Total Area: = 21 .36 sq. Jn .

AREA-1 : 2.5" x 1 .03" = 2.58 sq . in. AREA-2: 2 .5" x 5.87" = 14.68 sq . in .

AREA-3: .215 x 4 x .93 = 3.20 sq . in.

2 AREA-4: 2 .9" x .25 =0 .73 sq . in.

AREA-5 : .25" x 1 .1 x .632 =0.17 sq . in .

Lower15% tofVessel Shell Coverage:= 12.08"/o 2 .5" x 1.035" =2.58 sq. in.

2 .58 + 2 1.36 x 100 = 12.0 8% of Total Area Upoer 85% t of Vessel Shglf & Radi us Coverage: "' 44. 15%

(3 .05" x 2.5" ) + (1.45" x 2 .5" + 2 ) =9 .43 sq . in.

9 .43 + 21 .36 x 100 = 44. 15%

Total Axial Coverage:= 44.15% + 12.08% =56.23%

Figure 3 (7) N2 Reactor Recirculation Inlet Nozzle to Shell Weld Axial Scan Coverage from RE24 and RE26 Page 20 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Begining of Radiu s W2 P1 P2 W1 W3 W3 ,_

N2 Nozzle to Shell Weld W2 ' ' '

W1 Upper 85%

W1 P2 P1 N2 Nozzle to SheH Weld Circumferential Scan Coverage Calculations Total Area:= 11.36 sq. ;n.

AREA-1: 2.5" x 1.03" =2.58 SQ. in. AREA-2: 2.5" x 5.87" =14.68 sq. in.

AREA-3: .215 x 42 x .93 =3.20 sq. in. AREA-4: 2.9" x .25 =.73 sq. in .

AREA-5: .25" x 1.1 x .632 = .17 sq. in.

Upper 85% t of VEl§sel Shell & Badius Coverage: = 6.41%

2.5" x 0.87" x ( 1.58 + 2.5) =1.37 sq. in.

1.37 + 21 .36 x 100 =6.41%

Lowe.r 15% t of Vessel Shell Coverage: "' 12.08°/o 2.5" x 1.035" =2.58 sq. In.

2.58 ... 21 .36 x 100 = 12.08% ofTotal Area Total Circumferential Coverage:= 6.41% + 12.08% =18.49%

Figure 3 (7) N2 Reactor Recirculation Inlet Nozzle Weld Circumferential Scan Coverage from RE24 and RE26 Page 21of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50 .55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

50°+f. 52° and 359 +/. 90°Circ Scan (54-ISl-850-007) 60 RL Axial Scan (54-151-805-07) 100% ts volume 9

60°RL Circ Scan (54-ISl-805-07) upper 85% ts volume _Inner 15% ts volume (Modeled)

Thickness (ts) Inches 6.90 Thickness (ts} Inches 6.90 Thickness (ts) Inches 6.90 Weld Width Inches 1.50 Weld Width Inches 1.50 Weld Width Inches 1.50 ExamVolume(A BC0 EFGH) Sq. Inches 21.36 Exam Volume(A BCDE FGH) Sq. Inches 21 .36 Exam (A BCDEFGH) Sq.Inches 21 .36 Area Scanned Sq. Inches 12.01 Upper 85% 'T' &Radius Volume Sq. Inches 18.78 Inner 15% "T' Volume Sq. Inches 2.58 Percentage of Area Sc.anned 56.23% AreaSc.anned 1.37 Area Scanned 2.58 Percentageof Area Scanned 7.29% Percanlage of Area Scanned 100%

Percentage of Total Volume 56.23%

Percentage of Total Volume 6.41% Percentage of Total Volume 1'-08%

Coverage Axial Scan 100% ts volume 56.23% Coverage Clrc Scan upper 85%ts volume 6.41% Coverage Axial Scan Inner 15%ts volume 12.08%

Total Coverage Axial and Circ Scans: [56.23% +(6.41% +12.08%)] +2=37.36%

Figure 3 (7) N2 Reactor Recirculation Inlet Nozzle Scan Coverage Summary from RE24 and RE26 Page 22 of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Section 4.0 (1 ) RPV N3 N ozzle-to-Shell Weld Main Steam 24 inch Photo 4-1 -Typical RPV Main Steam Nozzle N3 The (1) weld examined in this section is the Nozzle-to-RPV Shell Weld, Main Steam outlet 24 inch, identified as NVE-BD-N3A. The examination volume was re-determined from Code Case N-613-1, Figure 1, and A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. Dimensions used were determined from design drawings as allowed by N OTE (2) on Figure 1 in Code Case N-613-1.

Nozzle-to-shell Nozzle Access Restrictions  % Coverage  % Coverage Weld ID. Description 3rd Interval, 4th Interval, Outage Examined Outage Examined (Year) (Year)

NVE-BD-N3A Recirculation Nozzle and weld 35.5% 27.85 % ( I)

Outlet configuration RE18 (1998) RE24 (2008)

Note 1: This nozzle to shell weld limitations was previously approved by the NRC per RI-21 Rev 0 during the 4th Interval using a less conservative required volume that assumed 1/2T past the blend radius of the weld. This methodology showed a higher volume of coverage for the 85% weld volume compared to the 0.5 inch beyond the actual weld bevel using Code Case N-613-1. Use of the more conservative area per Code Case N-613-1 resulted in a relative reduction in total weld coverage.

This component was scanned manually using conventional ultrasonic exam methods. Per procedure, a 60°RL was used for axial exam of the full volume and a 60°RL to examine the upper 85% in the circumferential direction, both from the vessel. Per EPRI modeling, a 50°S (+/- 60° skew) from the vessel and a 43°S (+/- 106° skew) from the blend radius were used to examine the lower 15% in the circumferential direction. Lower 15% had no recordable indications; however a previous recordable indication from 1998 that is characteristic of a slag inclusion was recorded in the upper 85% region and evaluated as acceptable with no change.

Page 23 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Main Steam N3 Nozzle Reactor Pressure Vessel SA 533 GR B Class 1


3116' llIH. CUD STAifUSS STm.

Figure 4 (1) N3 Main Steam Nozzle Weld Overview Page 24 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--



' \

' \


'I I

+ I I

I l


\ '\ I I

, I

, I Upper85% 1 Lower15% l Figure 4 (1) N3 Main Steam Nozzle Weld Slag Inclusion Location from RE24 Page 25 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

60 RL 60 RL N3 Nonie to Shell Weld Axial Scan Coverag~ Calcu 'a tion

~ - 1: 2.:50" x-0 *~3"

  • 2 32$q. In AREA-.3; 0.215 x !5 . ~I' x .694 z 4.51 sq in .

l.ower 15%: <of 1(1-ne1 She/I CG\'eraqe :

  • 11.60%

2 .~* ll 0.93" "'2.32 sq in.

2.32 .,. 2-0.00 x 100 ; 60% cl otaJ Area Upper4@ tql.VtisE(ShJdL&_Badlw '9yeraae,* "' .3'0.75%

( U2 :t 2 -* ~ 4..30 $lQ In } -> { ,48" ll 2.0"

  • i
  • 1 a~ $ In ) B $ sq, In 6 Hh 20 00 x 10 =30 75%

Total Axlal _Ct:)verage:;: 11.60% + 30'. 75% - 42. 35%

Figure 4 (1) N3 Nozzle Weld Axial Scan Coverage from RE24 Page 26 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Beginning of Radius Pl P2 Wl W2 W3 N3 Nozzle to Shell Weld P2 P1 N3 NozzJ e to Shel l Weld Circumferent ial Scan Co verage Cate lati ons 1

AREA-1: 2 t:iO"' x. 5..2 ~ 1J 17 $Cj. if1

.~ t.ol'.fts.tet.Shef! &.,llf:dWS Coin!rag ~

  • 1. 1.s" 2.50"x0.71"x(050* 5 ) ~oJe.s q in 0.35 + 20 00 x 00 = 1 ~

2.32 +20 00 x 100 =11 ~ of fa. Area Total Circumferential Cov. ae: _: 1.76" + 11.60% * , 13*.Js%

Figure 4 (1) N3 Nozzle to Shell Weld Circumferential Scan Coverage from RE24 Page 27 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g}(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

50° +1- 60°and 4t t/. 74 (tf.106v) CTrCScan 60vRL Axl IScan 54-ISl.SOS.06 100%ts volume 60°RL Clrc Scan 54-ISl.SOS.06 u r 85%ts volume 54-151*850.06 Inn r 15% ts volume Thickness (ts) Inches 6.20 Thl(tness (ls) Inches 6.20 Thickn ss (ts) In 1es 6.20 Weld W~th Inches 1.50 W~d Wldlh Inches 1.50 Weld Wldlh Inches 1.50 Exam V~ume (A BCD EFG H) Sq. Inches 20.00 Exam Volume {A BCDEFGH) Sq. Inches 20.00 Exam Volume {A 8CDEFGH) Sq. Inches 20.00 1

Upper 85% i" &Radius Volume Sq. lnr.hes 17.68 Upper85% 'T" &Radius Volume Sq. Inches 17.68 Inner 15% 1 Volume Sq. Inches 2.32 lvea Scanned Sq.Inches 8.47 Area Scanned 0.35 Area Scanned 2.32 Percentage of Area Scanned 47.91°A Percentage of Area Scanned 1.98% Percentage of Area Scanned 100%

Percenlage ol Total Volume 42.35% Percentage of Total Vo ume 1.75% Percentage of Tolal Volume 11.60%

Covera eAxlal Scan100% ts volume 42.35% Covera eClrcScan u r 85%ts volume 1.75% Covera Axlal Scan nner 15% ts volume 1UO%

Total Coverage Axial and Circ Scans: [42.35% +(1.75% +11.60%)] +2=27.85%

Figure 4 (1) N3 Nozzle to Shell Weld Scan Coverage Summary from RE24 Page 28 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.SSa Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Section 5.0 (4) RPV N4 Nozzle Shell Welds Reactor Feed Water 12 inch Photo 5-1-Typical RPV Feed Water Nozzle N4A and N4C Access and Adjacent Nozzle Scan Limitation Photo 5-2 -Typical RPV Feed Water Nozzle N4B and N4D Access and Scan Limitation The (4) welds examined in this section is the Nozzle-to-RPV Shell Weld, Reactor Feedwater outlet 12 inch, identified as NVE-BD-N4A, NVE-BD-N4B, NVE-BD-N4C, and NVE-BD-N4D.

The examination volume was determined from Code Case N-613-1 , Figure 1, and A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. Dimensions used were determined from design drawings as allowed by NOTE (2) on Figure 1 in Code Case N-613-1.

Page 29 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Nozzle-to-shell Nozzle Access Restrictions  % Coverage  % Coverage Weld ID. Description 3rd Interval, 4th Interval, Outage Outage Examined Examined (Year) (Year)

NVE-BD-N4A RPV Nozzle and weld configuration and adjacent 57.72 % 36.8 % (1)

Feedwater NllA Nozzle RE22 (2005) RE28 (2014)

Outlet NVE-BD-N4B RPV Nozzle and weld configuration 65.16 % 39 % (1)

Feedwater RE22 (2005) RE28 (2014)

Outlet NVE-BD-N4C RPV Nozzle and weld configuration and adjacent 57.72 % 36.8 % (1)

Feed water N11B Nozzle RE22 (2005) RE28 (2014)

Outlet NVE-BD-N4D RPV Nozzle and weld configuration 65 . 16 % 39 % (I )

Feed water RE22 (2005) RE28 (2014)

Outlet Note 1: Coverage variances attributed to using correct as-built nozzle information, calculating coverage volume using 1/2 inch per N-613-1 vs1/2 T per Section XI, and applied combined T-scans (transverse) and P-scans (parallel) to derive new coverage.

These components were scanned manually using conventional ultrasonic exam methods. Per procedure, a 60°RL was used for axial exam of the full volume and a 60°RL to examine the upper 85% in the circumferential direction from the vessel. Per GEH modeling, a 55°S (+/- 30° - 50° skew) from the vessel was used to examine the lower 15% in the circumferential direction. No recordable indications were observed with these welds.

Page 30 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Feed Water N4 Nozzle Reactor Pressure Vessel SA-533 GR B Class 1

<!)Nozzle to Vessel Weld "E-8018 t~112*

N4 Nozzle Low Alloy Steel A-508 CL 2 Figure 5 (4) N4 Feed Water Nozzle to Shell Weld Overview Page 31of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

A 30Az.

R:lstricted Area 23°Az.



a) Blend R:!dius Nozzle Boss Nozzle weld limited due to the proximity of an instrumentation nozzle .

Cooper Feedwater 60' NS Exam Volume= 7.8 60" FV S6 Exam Volume= 10.9 60" FV S4 Exam Volume = 2.2 60" NS T-Scan Achieved = 0 60" FV S6 T-Scan Achieved = 9.2 60" FV S4 T-Scan Acleved = 2.2 60" NS P-Scan Achieved = 0 60" FV S6 P-Scan Achieved= 2.7 60" FV S4 P-SCan Achieved = 2.2 60T&60P 60P 60T Legend: NS = Near Surface, FV = Full Volume; S6 = ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII, Supplement 6; S4= ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII, Supplement 4; T-Scan = Transverse (Axial); P-Scan= Parallel (Circumferential)

Figure 5 (4) N4A Feed Water Nozzle to Shell Weld Exam Axial and Circumferential Coverage Details from RE28 Page 32 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Cooper N4A Nozzle Weld CODE CROSS*SECTIONAL ARE'1 TOTAL CODE COVERAGE Percent Weld Length = 360.0 Required Exam Area Scanned of Area Weld length Percent Exam Volume= 20.9 Area Sq. In. Sq.In. Achieved Achieved Achieved 60' T*8can (84 UC) A 2.2 2.2 10.5% 340.0 5.0%

60' T.Scan (SB FV) A 18.7 9.2 44.0% 340.0 20.8%

P-Scan CW (SS Inner 15%T) A 2.2 2.2 5.3% 340.0 2.5%

P-Scan CCW ($5Inner15%T A 2.2 2.2 5.3% 340.0 2.5%

60' P-Scan (::iii t'V) A 16.7 2.7 12.9% 340.0 6.1%

60' T-Scan (S4 UC) 60' T-Scan (86 FV)

P-Scan CW (55Inner15%T)

P-Scan CCW ($5 Inner 15%T) ao* P*Scan (::itJ i-vi 60' T.Scan (84 UC) 60' T.Scan (S6 FV)

P-Scan CW (85Inner15%T)

P-Scan CCW (SS Inner 15%T) so* P-scan 1se t-Vl

%Total Composite Coverage= 36.8%

Comments: A* Manual scanning was restricted due to the nozzle configuration and the proximity of an instrumentation nozzle.


  • Rounding methods may affect calculated values. UC-Underclad, FV-Full volume, NS-Near Surface. Weld length in degrees.

Figure 5 (4) N4A Feed Water Nozzle to Shell Weld Exam Coverage Summary from RE28 Page 33of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Cooper Feedwater 60' NS Exam Volume= 7.8 60' FV S6 Exam Volume::: 10.9 60' FV S4 Exam Volume ::: 2.2 60' NS T-Scan Achieved = 0 60' FV S6 T-Scan Achieved = 9.2 60° FV S4 T-Scan Acleved = 2.2 60' NS P-Scan Achieved = 0 60' FV S6 P-Scan Achieved= 2.7 60' FV S4 P-SCan Achieved = 2.2 I

I 60T&60P 60P 60T I


f- - -

I Legend: NS= Near Surface, FV =Full Volume; S6 = ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII, Supplement 6; S4= ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII, Supplement 4; T-Scan =Transverse (Axial); P-Scan= Parallel (Circumferential)

Figure 5 (4) N4B Feed Water Nozzle to Shell Weld Exam Axial and Circumferential Coverage Details from RE28 Page 34 of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Cooper N4B Nozzle Weld CODE CROSS*SECTIONAL AREA TOTAL CODE COVERAGE Percent Weld Length = 360.0 Required Exam Area Scanned of Area Weld Length Percent Exam Volume= 20.9 Area Sq. in. Sq.In. Achieved Achieved Achieved 60° T-Scan (S4 UC) A 2.2 2.2 10.5% 360.0 5.3%

60° T-Scan (S6 FV) A 18.7 9.2 44.0% 360.0 22.0%

P-Scan CW (55Inner15%T) A 2.2 2.2 5.3% 360.0 2.6%

P-Scan CCW (S5 Inner 15%T A 2.2 2.2 5.3% 360.0 2.6%

60° P-Scan (S6 fV) A 18.7 2.7 12.9% 360.0 6.5%

60° T-Scan (S4 UC) 60° T -Scan (S6 FV)

P-Scan CW (S5Inner15%T)

P-Scan CCW (S5 Inner 15%T) 60" t-'-~can (~ti rV) 60° T-Scan (S4 UC) ao* T-Scan (S6 FV)

P-Scan CW (SS Inner 15%T)

P-Scan CCW (55Inner15%T) 60" P-Scan (S6 FV)

% Total Composite Coverage = 39.0%

Rav. 0 9123/05 Comments: A - Manual scanning was restricted due to the nozzle configuration.

Note - Rounding methods may affect calculated values. UC-Underclad, FV-Full volume, NS-Near Surface. Weld length in degrees.

Figure 5 (4) N4B Feed Water Nozzle to Shell Weld Exam Coverage Summary from RE28 Page 35of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

N1 1B

,,,-- R3stricted Area

/ 23°Az.


I \

I \

\...........___Scan Limit I

\ ~OD Blend -*us

/ Nozzle Boss


Nozzle weld limited due to the proximity of an instrumentation nozzle.

Cooper Feedwater 60' NS Exam Volume = 7.8 60' FV S6 Exam Volume= 10.9 60' FV S4 Exam Volume = 2.2 60' NS T-Scan Achieved = 0 60' FV S6 T-Scan Achieved = 9.2 60' FV S4 T-Scan Acieved =2.2 60' NS P-Scan Achieved =0 60' FV S6 P-Scan Achieved = 2. 7 60' FV S4 P-SCan Achieved = 2.2 60T&60P SOP 60T Legend: NS= Near Surface, FV =Full Volume; S6 = ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII, Supplement 6; S4= ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII, Supplement 4; T-Scan =Transverse (Axial); P-Scan= Parallel (Circumferential)

Figure 5 (4) N4C Feed Water Nozzle to Shell Weld Exam Axial and Circumferential Coverage Details from RE28 Page 36of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Cooper N4C Nozzle Weld CODE CROSS.SECTIONAL AREA TOTAL CODE COVERAGE Percent Weld Length = 360.0 Required Exam Area Scanned of Area Weld Length Percent Exam Volume = 20.9 Area Sq. in. Sq. In. Achieved Achieved Achieved 60' T-Scan (S4 UC) A 2.2 2.2 10.5% 340.0 5.a%

ea* T-Scan (SS FV) A 18.7 9.2 44.0% 34a.a 2a.8%

so* P-Scan CW (Inner 15%T) A 2.2 2.2 5.3% 340.0 2.5%

60° P-Scan CCW (Inner 15%T A 2.2 2.2 5.3% 34a.o 2.5%

so* P-scan (S6 FVJ A 18.7 2.7 12.9% 340.a 6.1"/o 60' T-Scan (S4 UC) 60' T-Scan (S6 FV) ea* P-Scan CW (Inner 15%T) 60' P-Scan CCW (Inner 15%T) 60' P-Scan (S6 t-V) 60' T-Scan (S4 UC) so* T-Scan (S6 FV) 60' P-Scan CW (Inner 15%T) so* P-Scan CCW (Inner 15%T) 60" 1-'-Scan ($6 FV)

%Total Composite Coverage= 3S.8%

R<w. o a'2J10; Comments: A - Manual scanning was restricted due to the nozzle configuration and the proximity of an instrumentation nozzle.

Note. Rounding methods may affect calculated values. UC-Underclad, FV-Full volume, NS-Near Surface. Weld length in degrees.

Figure 5 (4) N4C Feed Water Nozzle to Shell Weld Exam Coverage Summary from RE28 Page 37of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Cooper Feedwater 60° NS Exam Volume= 7.8 60° FV S6 Exam Volume = 10.9 60° FV S4 Exam Volume = 2.2 60° NS T-Scan Achieved = 0 60° FV S6 T-Scan Achieved = 9.2 60° FV S4 T-Scan Acieved = 2.2 60° NS P-Scan Achieved = 0 60° FV S6 P-Scan Achieved= 2.7 60° FV 84 P-SCan Achieved = 2.2 60T Legend: NS= Near Surface, FV =Full Volume; S6 = ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII, Supplement 6; S4= ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII, Supplement 4; T-Scan =Transverse (Axial); P-Scan= Parallel (Circumferential)

Figure 5 (4) N4D Feed Water Nozzle to Shell Weld Exam Axial and Circumferential Coverage Details from RE28 Page 38of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Cooper N4D Nozzle Weld CODE CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA TOTAL CODE COVERAGE Percent Weld Length = 360.0 Required Exam Area Scanned of Area Weld Length Percent Exam Volume= 20.9 Area Sq. in. Sq.In. Achieved Achieved Achieved 60' T-Scan (S4 UC) A 2.2 2.2 10.5% 360.0 5.3%

60' T-Scan (S6 FV) A 18.7 9.2 44.0% 360.0 22.0%

P-Scan CW (S5Inner15%T) A 2.2 2.2 5.3% 360.0 2.6%

P-Scan CCW (S5 Inner 15%T A 2.2 2.2 5.3% 360.0 2.6%

50* P-Scan (~ti t"V) A 18.7 2.7 12.9% 360.0 6.5%

60° T-Scan (S4 UC!

60' T-Scan (S6 FV)

P-Scan CW (S5Inner15%T)

P-Scan CCW (55 Inner 15%T) 60° P-Scan (~ti t"V) 60' T-Scan (S4 UC) 60° T-Scan (S6 FV)

P-Scan CW (S5 Inner 15%T)

P-Scan CCW (SS Inner 15%T)"

60° P-Scan (SB FV)

%Total Composite Coverage= 39.0%

Comments: A* Manual scanning was restricted due to the nozzle configuration.

Note - Rounding methods may affect calculated values. UC-Underclad, FV-Full volume, NS-Near Surface. Weld length in degrees.

Figure 5 (4) N4D Feed Water Nozzle to Shell Weld Exam Coverage Summary from RE28 Page 39of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Section 6.0 (1) RPV NS Nozzle-to-Shell Weld Core Spray 12 inch Photo 6-1-Typical RP V C ore Spray Nozzle to Shell Weld Access The (1) weld examined in this section is the Nozzle-to-RPV Shell Welds, Core Spray Inlet 12 inch, identified as NVE-BD-N5A. The examination volume was re-determined from Code Case N-613-1 , Figure 1, and A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. Dimensions used were determined from design drawings as allowed by NOTE (2) on Figure 1 in Code Case N-613-1.

Nozzle-to-shell Nozzle Access Restrictions  % Coverage  % Coverage Weld ID. Description 3rd Interval, 4th Interval, Outage Examined Outage Examined (Year) (Year)

NVE-BD-N5A Core Spray Nozzle and weld 31 % 31.05 % ( ! )

Inlet configuration RE19 (2000) RE24 (2008)

Note 1: This nozzle to shell weld limitations was previously approved by the NRC per RI-21 Rev0 during the 4th Interval using a less conservative required volume that assumed l/2T past the blend radius of the weld. This methodology showed a higher volume of coverage for the 85 % weld volume compared to the 0.5 inch beyond the actual weld bevel using Code Case N-613-1. Use of the more conservative area per Code Case N-613-1 resulted in a relative reduction in total weld coverage.

This component was scanned manually using conventional ultrasonic exam methods. Per procedure, a 60°RL was used for axial exam of the full volume and a 60°RL to examine the upper 85% in the circumferential direction from the vessel. Per EPRI modeling, a 35°S (+/- 75° skew) from the blend radius was used to examine the lower 15% in the circumferential direction. No recordable indications were observed with this weld .

Page 40 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Core Spray NS Nozzle Reactor Pressure Vessel SA 533 GB B Class 1 1-112' 3116' NIH . CUD STAINLESS Silll.

Figure 6 (1) NS Core Spray Nozzle to Shell Weld Overview Page 41of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

N5 Nozzle to Shell Weld Axial Scan Coverage Calculations Total Area; - 18. 70 sq. in.

AREA-1: 2.50" x 0.89" =2.22 sq. in . AREA-2: 2 .50 x 5 .01" = 12.52 Q. in .

AREA--3; 0 .215 x 5.CJ2 x 0.735 =3.95 sq . in .

Upper 85% t of Vessel Shell & Radius Coverage: = 33.90%

(2.5" x .80'"} + (2.50 x .47 + 2) == 6 .34 sq . in .

6.34 + 18 .70 x 100 = 33.90%

Lqwer 15% t of Vessel Shell Coverage: = 11.90%

2.50" x 0.89'" = 2.22 sq . i .

2.2'2 + 18.70 .x. 100 =11.90% of Tota Area Total Axial Coverage:= 33.90% + 11.90% = 45.800,A, Figure 6 (1) NS C ore Spray Nozzle to Shell Weld Axial Scan Coverage calculation from RE24 Page 42 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Beginning of Radius I

Pl P2 I W1 W3 I I Upper85% '-,,:-- ,

N5 Nozzle to Shell Weld Circumferential Scan Coverage Calculations Total Area: = 18.70 $q. in .

AREA-1: 2.50" x 0.89" =2.22 sq . in. AREA-2:* x s .01* = 12.s2 sq . in.

AREA-3: 0.215 x 5.0 2 x 0.735 =3.95 sq . in.

Vpper B5% t of Vessel Shell & Radius Coverage: =4.40%

1.14" x 2.50" x (.73 + 2.5) = 0.83 sq. in.

0.83.,. 18.70 x 00 =4.44%

Lowe~ 15% t of Vessel Shell Coverage; = 11.90"n 2.50" x 0 .89" =2.22 sq . in .

2.22 + .S.70 x 100 =1 .90% of Total Area Total Circumferential Coverage: = 11.90% + 4.40% =16.30%

Figure 6 (1) NS Nozzle to Shell Weld Circumferential Scan Coverage calculation from RE24 Page 43 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5){iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

35 +/. 75D Circ Scan (5'*1S~&50-06) 60~RL Axlal Scan ~151405"06 100% ts volume 60*RL Clrc Scan 54-ISl-805'°6 U er 85% ts volume Inner 15% ts ~olume Thickness (ts) Inches 5.90 Thick~ (ts) Inches 5.00 ThicXress (Is) Indies 5.00 WekJ Wldlh lrd1es 1.50 Weld W~ Inches 1.50 We Width Inch s 1.50 xam Volume (ABC DE FGH)S. Inches 18.70 Exam Volume (ABC0EFGH)Sq.loches 18.70 Exam Volume (A BC DE FGH) Sq.Inches 8.70 Area Scanned Sq. Inches 8.56 Upper 85% *r &RadiusVolume Sq. Inches 16.47 Inner 15% 'T' Volume Sq. Inches 2.22 Percentage of Area ScaMoo 45.77% Ar aScanned 0.83 Area Scanned 222 p lagofAr Sn d 5.39o/o Percent of Ar aScanned 100%

PerCBnlage of Total Vol1J11e 45. 7%

Percentage of otalVolume 4.38% Pe cen~g ol Total Vol me 11.87%

Cove Axial Sc n100% volume *5.80% 4.40% Co~e eA.1.1al Scan Inner 15% ts volume 11.90%

Total Coverage:[(45.80%) +(4.40% +11.90%)] +2=31i05 %

Figure 6 (1) NS Nozzle to Shell Weld Scan Coverage Calculations Summary from RE24 Page 44 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g}(5}(iii}

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Section 7.0 (1) RPV N6B Nozzle-to-RPV Head Weld Top Head Spray 5.75 inch Inside Diameter The (1) weld examined in this section is a Nozzle-to-RPV Head Weld, Top Head Spray 5.75 inch Inside Diameter, identified as: NVE-BD-N6B. The examination volume was determined from Code Case N-613-1, Figure 2, and A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. Dimensions used were determined from design drawings as allowed by N OTE (2) on Figure 2 in Code Case N-613-1.

Nozzle-to-shell Nozzle Access Restrictions  % Coverage  % Coverage Weld ID. Description 3rd Interval, 4th Interval, Outage Examined Outage Examined (Year) (Year)

NVE-BD-N6B Nozzle-to- Nozzle and weld 58 % 18.52% ) (1)

RPV Head configuration RE19 (2000) RE26 (2011)

Weld Note 1: Change in coverage between the exams is due to calculating coverage volume using 112 inch per N-613-1 vs 112 T per Section XI, and use of a more conservative methodology in determining total achieved coverage.

This component was scanned manually using conventional ultrasonic exam methods. Per procedure, a 60°RL was used for axial exam of the full volume and a 60°RL to examine the upper 85% in the circumferential direction from the vessel. Per EPRI modeling, a 50°S (+/- 36° -76° skew) from the vessel along with a 25°S and 35°S (+/- 90° skew) from the blend radius were used to examine the lower 15% in the circumferential direction. No recordable indications were observed witlr this weld.

Page 45 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Top Head Spray

  • A-5 .8' CL SS 2 N6 Nozzle (i) N6 Nozzle

/-,, Low Alloy Steel A~OOC L 2 t-411f--- 1 RPVTop Head A 533GR B Class 1 Figure 7 (1) Nozzle-to-RPV Head Weld Top Head Spray Overview Page 46 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

N6 Nozzle t.o Shell Weld Axial Scan Coverage Calculations Total Area: = 9.23 sq. in.

AREA-1: 2.00" x 0 .48" = 0 .96sq. in . AR.EA*2: 2 .00" x 2 .72" = 5 .44 SQ . in.

AREA-3: 0 .215 x 2 .00 2 x 0.79 = 0 .68 sq . in. AREA-4: 1 .16" x 1.20" = 1.39 sq. in.

AREA-5: 1.2 7 " x 1.20" + 2 = 0 .76 s q. in.

L ower 15% t of Ve.sffl Shell Coverage: = 10.400./0 2 .0" x 0.48" = 0 .96sq . in.

0 .96+ 9 .23x100 = 10 .40% of Total Area Upper 8§% t of Vessel Shell & Radi us Coyecage: =15.17%

2 .00" x 1.40"

  • 2 = 1 .40 sq . in.

1.40 + 9.2 3 x 100 ;;; 15 .1 7%

Total Axial Coveraf1.e: = 10.40% + 15.17% 25.57%

Figure 7 (1) N6 Nozzle to Shell W eld Axial Scan Coverage Calculations from RE26 Page 47 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g}(5}(iii}

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

" ,:! VIC,!


~~~I 11---'-i--+r-- ""

+++-<>--<+---- ""'

I+.-_,.__ _ ""

N6 Nozzle to Shell Weld Circumferential Scan Coverage Calculations Total Area: =9. ~3 sq. in.

AREA-1: 2.00" x 0.48" =0.96sq. in. AREA-2: 2 .oow x 2 .72" = 5.44 sq . in.

AREA-3: 0.215 x 2.002 x 0 .79 =0 .68 sq. in. AREA-4: 1.16" x 1.20" =1.39 sq . tn.

AREA-5: 1.27

  • x 1.20" + 2 =0.76 sq. in.

Upper 85% t of Vessel Shell & R;µ;Jius Coverage:= 1.08%

2 .00" x 0.31" x (0 .32 + 2.00) =0.10 sq . in.

0 .10 ... 9.23 x 100 = 1.08%

Lower 15% t of Vessel Shell Coverage,* = 10.40%

2.0" x 0.48" =0 .96sq. in.

0.96 + 9.23 x 100 =10.40% of Total Area Total Circumferential Coverage: = 1.08% + 10.40% = 11.48%

Figure 7-3 N6 Nozzle to Shell Weld Circumferential Scan Coverage Calculations from RE26 Page 48 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

25° +I* 900, 35° +I* 900 and 50° +/* (36°to 76°) Circ Scan (M-ISl-850-007) 60°RL Axial Scan 154-ISl*805-07l 100% ts volume 60°RL Circ Scan l5+1Sl-805-07l Uooer 85% ts volume Inner 15% t volume (Modeled)

Thickness (ts) Inches 3.20 Thickness (Is) Inches 3.20 Thickness (ts) Inches 3.20 WeldWidth Inches 1.00 Weld Width Inches 1.00 Weld Width Inches too Exam Volune (A 8CDEFGH)Sq. Inches 9.23 Exam Volltne (A BCDEFGH)Sq. Inches 9.23 Exam Volume (A BCDEFGH)Sq. Inches 9.23 Area Scanned Sq. Inches 2.36 Upper 85%1* &Radius Volume Sq. Inches 8.27 Inner 15% "i Volume Sq. Inches .96 Percentage of Area &.aoo .d 25.57% Area Scanned 0.10 Area Scanned .96 Percentage ofArea Scanned 1.21% Percentage of Area Scanned 100%

Percentage of Total Volume 25.57%

Percentage of Total Volume 1.08% Percentage ofTotal Volume 10.40%

Coveraae Axial Scan 100% ts volume 25.57% Coveraae Circ Scan UnDer 85% ts Rvolume 1.08% Coveraae Axlal Scan Inner 15% t volume 10.40%

Total Coverage Axial and Circ Scans: [25.57% +(1.08% +10.40%)] +2=18.52%

Figure 7 (1) N6 Nozzle to Shell Weld Scan Coverage Calculations Summary from RE26 Page 49 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Section 8.0 (1) RPV N7 Nozzle to RPV T op Head Vent 3.81 inch Inside Diameter The (1) weld examined in this section is a RPV Head-to-Nozzle Weld, Top Head Vent 3.802 inch Inside Diameter, identified as: NVE-BD-N7. The examination volume was determined from Code Case N-613-1 , Figure 2, and A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. Dimensions used were determined from design drawings as allowed by NOTE (2) on Figure 2 in Code Case N-613-1.

Nozzle-to-shell Nozzle Access Restrictions  % Coverage  % Coverage Weld ID. Description 3rd Interval, 4th Interval, Outage Examined Outage Examined (Year) (Year)

NVE-BD-N7 Nozzle-to- Nozzle and weld 58 .6 % 59.09 %) (1)

RPV Head configuration RE18 (1998) RE26 (2011)

Weld Note 1: Previous exams from 1995 and 2001 reported a total achieved coverage of 92.25%. The reduced exam volume per Code Case N-613-1 was used, but due to the thickness and configuration of the RPV head no significant change in achieved coverage reported.

This component was scanned manually using conventional ultrasonic exam methods. Per procedure, a 60°RL was used for axial exam of the full volume and a 60°RL to examine the upper 85% in the circumferential direction from the vessel. Per EPRI modeling, a 50°S (+/- 43° skew) from the vessel was used to examine the lower 15% in the circumferential direction. No recordable indications were observed with this weld.

Page 50 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

RPV Top Head Vent N7 Nozzle RPV Top Head 3.s* SA 533 GR B Class 1 Figure 8 (1) RPV Head-to-Nozzle Weld Top Head Vent Overview Page 51of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

l 60 RL N7 Nozzle to Shell Weld Axial Scan Coverage Calculat ions Total Area;= 7.20 sq. in.

AREA-1: 2.0* x 0.53" = 1.06sq. in. AREA-2: 2.0" x 2.97" =5.94 sq . in .

AREA -3: 0.215 x 1 .2 ~ x 0.595 = .20 sq. ln.

Lower 15% t of \lessel Shell Coverage: = 14.72"'/.

2.0" x 0.53" =1.06sq. in.

1.06 + 7.20 x 100 = 14.72% of Total Area Upper 85% t of Vessel Shell & Radius Coverage: =65.14%

(2.00" x 1.79" = 3.58 sq .in.)+ (2.00" x 1.11" + 2 :: 1.11 sq. in.) = 4.69sq. in .

4.69 ~ 7.20 x 100::; 65.14%

Total Axial Coveraae: =65.14% + 14.72% =79.86%

Figure 8 (1) N7 Nozzle to Shell Weld Axial Scan Coverage C alculations from RE26 Page 52 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--


.. --*- -* -* - *------ .... ~

PJ W1 W2 W3 I f\ W3 1:

W2 --~~-+---t--+-~
w1 P3 P2 I


~ P1 I

N7 Nozzle to Shell Weld Circumferential Scan Coverage Calculations Total Area: - 7.20 sq. in.

AREA-1: 2.0" x 0.53" = 1.06sq . in . AREA-2: 2.0" x 2.9T' = 5.94 sq. in.

AREA-3: 0.215 x 1.25 2 x 0.595 = .20 sq. in.

Upper 85% t of Vessel Shell & Radius Coverage: =23.61%

2.00 11 x 0.85" = 1.7 sq. in.

1.70+7.20x100 = 23.61%

Lower 15% t of Vessel Shell Coverage: = 14.72°A 2.0* x 0.53" = 1.06sq. in.

1.06 + 7.20 x 100 = 14.72% of Total Area Total Circumferential Coverage: - 23~ 61% + 14.72% -38.33%

Figure 8 (1) N7 Nozzle to Shell Weld Circumferential Scan Coverage Calculations from RE26 Page 53 of 92

Append ix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

50' +/. 43° Clrc Scan (54-ISl-~50.Q07) 600RL Axial- Scan154-151~05.07} 100% ts volume 6G4RL Clrc Scan(54-151*805-07) u1>oer 85% ts volume Inner153 t volume (Modeled)

Thickness (Is) Inches 3.50 Thickness (Is) Inches 3.50 Thld(ness (ts) Inches 3.50 Weld Width Inches 1.00 Weld W~th Inches 1.00 W eld W~th Inches 1.00 ExamVolume (A BCDEFGH)Sq.Inches 7.20 Exam Volume (A BCDEFGH)Sq. lnciles 7.20 Exam Volume (A 8CD EFGH)Sq. Inches 7.20 Area Scanned Sq. lnd1es 5.75 Upper 85% 1' &Radius Volume Sq. lndles 6.14 *r Inner15% Volume Sq.Inches 1.06 Percentage of Area Scanned 79.86% Area Scanned 1.70 Area Sc.ann~ 1.00 Perrentage of Area Scanned 27.69% Percen~ge of Area Scanned 100%

Percentage ofTolal Volume 79.86%

Percentage of Tolal Volume 23.61% Percentage of Total Volume 14.72%

Coveraoe Axlal Scan 100%t +RvoluiM 79.86% CoveraoeClrc Scanucoer85%t+Rvolume 23.61% Coveraae Axial Scan inner15% t volume 14.72%

Total Coveraae Axial and Clrc Scans: [79.86% +(23.61% +14,72%)] +2- 59.09%

Figure 8 (1) N7 Nozzle to Shell Weld Scan Coverage Calculation Summary from RE26 Page 54 of 92

Append ix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii}

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Section 9.0 (1) RPV N9 Nozzle-to-Shell Weld C ontrol Rod Drive (C RD) R eturn 5 inch Photo 9 R PV N9 C RD R etur n Nozzle to Shell Weld Access The (1) weld examined in this section is a RPV Shell-to-Nozzle Weld, CRD Return 5 inch identified as: NVE-BD-N9. The examination volume was determined from Code Case N-613-1 ,

Figure 1, and A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. Dimensions used were determined from design drawings as allowed by NOTE (2) on Figure 1 in Code Case N-613-1.

Nozzle-to-shell Nozzle Access Restrictions  % Coverage  % Coverage Weld ID. Description 3rd Interval, 4th Interval, Outage Examined Outage Examined (Year) (Year)

NVE-BD-N9 (1) RPV N9 Nozzle to weld 40.99 % 37.48 % (l)

Nozzle-to- configuration and RE22 (2005) RE26 (2011)

Shell Weld. Insulation Support Ring Note 1: The previous exam from 2005 reported a total coverage of 40.99%, but it appears the insulation support ring may not have been accounted for in the coverage calculation which would have impacted the coverage reported in 2005 . The most recent exam adopted Code Case N-613-1 which reduced the exam volume from one-half the component's thickness from weld toe, down to 1/2 inch per Code Case N-613-1.

The reason the 2005 and 2011 coverages are close is due to the reduction of required exam volume per N-613-1 and the fact that the 2005 exam data did not account for the coverage reduction caused by the support nng.

In 2011, this component was scanned manually using conventional ultrasonic exam methods. Per procedure, a 60°RL was used for axial exam of the full volume and a 60°RL to examine the upper 85% in the circumferential direction from the vessel. Per EPRI modeling, a 50°S (+/- 38° and +/-50° skew) from the vessel was used to examine the lower 15% in the circumferential direction. No recordable indications were observed with this weld.

Page 55 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

CRD Return (capped)

N9 Nozzle Reactor Pressure Vessel SA-533 GR B Class 1 5-718" IN

('.;'\ Nozzle to Vessel Weld

\!.I. E-8018 N9 Nozzle Low Alloy Steel A-508 CL 2 3/16"

  • CUD STUNT ESS STER Figure 9 (1) RPV Shell-to-Nozzle Weld CRD Return Overview Page 56 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Photo 9 RPV N9 CRD Return Nozzle to Shell Weld Limited Scan Coverage Area Page 57 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--



N9 Nozzle to Shell Weld Axial Scan Coverage Calculations Total Area: = 15.93 sq. in.

AREA-1: 2.50" x 0.89" =2.22 sq. In AREA-2: 2.50" x 5.01 " =12 52 sq in AREA-3: 0 .215 x 3.0 2 x 0.613 =1 19 sq. in.

Lower 15% t of Vessel Shell Coverage: =9.48%

2.50" x 0.89" =2.22 sq. in.

2.22 + 15.93 x ((360- 115) + 360) x 100 = 9 48% of Total Area Upper 85% t of Vessel Shell & Radius Coverage: =38.93%

(2.92" x 2.50" =7 30 + (1.46" x 2.50" ... 2 =*1.82 sq in ) =9.12 sq in.

9. 12 + 15.93 x ((360- 115) + 360) x 100 = 38.93%

Total Axial Coverage: = 9.48% + 38.93% = 48.41 %

Figure 9 (1) RPV Shell-to-Nozzle Weld CRD Return Limited Scan Axial Coverage from RE26 Page 58 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

~, ,,,----~~:-,-,' ,,,~


,I I

I P1 P2 W1 W2 \N3 I


,' W3 u*rrED x " ftEA60 ftl LI rTED X N ftEA6DRL a P2 TD~ tl ~

P1 INSULATION SUPPORT RING N9 Nozzle to Shell Weld Circumferential Scan Coverage Calculations Total Area: = 15.93 sq. in.

AREA-1 : 2.50"' x 0.89" = 2.22 sq. in . AREA-2: 2.50"' x 5.0 1" = 12.52 sq. in.

AREA-3: 0.215 x 3.02 x 0.613 = 1.19 sq. in.

Upper 85% t of Vessel Shell & Radius Coverage: = 15.93%

2.50" x 1.62"' (2.3 + 2.50 )= 3.73 sq . in .

3.73+15.93 x ((360-115) + 360) x 100=15.93%

Lower 15% t of Vessel Shell Coverage: = 10.63%

2.50"' x 0.89"' = 2.22 sq . in.

(2 .22" + 15.93"' x (360 -60 + 360 ) =1.64 ") + 15.93" x 100 =10.29% ofTotal Area (2.22 " + 15.93"' x (360 -40 ... 360 ) =1.75"') + 15.93"' x 100 =10.98% of Total Area 10.29% + 10.98% + 2 = 10.63% of Total Area Total Circumferential Coverage: = 15.93% + 10.63% = 26.56%

Figure 9 (1) RPV Shell-to-Nozzle W eld CRD R eturn Limited Scan Coverage Area from RE26 Page 59 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(i ii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

500 +/* 38° 6 50° +/. 500 Cire Scan !54-ISl-850*007)

&O°RL Axial Scan (54-ISl-805.07) 100% ts volume 60°'RL Clrc Scan (~Sl-805-07) Upper 85% ts volume Inner 15% t volume (Modeled)

Thickness (ts) Inches 5.90 Thickness (ts) Inches 5.00 Thickness (ts) Inches 5.00 Weld Width Inches 1.50 Weld Width Indies 1.50 Weld Width lncnes 1.50 Exam Volume (A BCDEFGH) Sq.

Exam Volume (A BCDEFGH)Sq. Inches 15.93 Exam Volume(A BcDEFGH) Sq. Inches 15.93 Inches 15.93 Area Scanned Sq. Inches 7.711 Upper 85%T &Radius Volume Sq. Inches 13.71 Inner 15% *r Volume Sq. Inches 2.22 Percentage of Area Scanned 48.41% Area Scanned 2.538 fvea Scanned 1.693 Percentage of Area Scanned 18.51 % Percentage of Area Scanned 76.26%

Percentage ofTotal Volume 48.41%

Percentage of Total Volume 15.93% Percentage of Total Volume 10.63%

Coverall8 Axial Scan 100% l$ volume 48.41% Coverage Circ Scan Uccer 85% ts volume 15.93% Coverage Axial Scan Inner 15% ts volume 10.63%

Total Coverage Axial and Clrc Scans: [48.41% +(15.93% +10.63%)] +2=37.48%

Figure 9 (1) RPV Shell-to-Nozzle Weld CRD Retur n Scan Coverage Calculations Summary from RE26 Page 60 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Section 10.0 (1) RPV N9 Nozzle Inside Radius Section CRD Return 5 inch Photo 10-1-RPV N9 CRD Return Nozzle Inner Radius Access The (1) item examined in this section is a Nozzle Inside Radius Section, for the CRD Return 5 inch Nozzle, identified as: NVIR-BD-N9. The examination volume was determined from Code Case N -6 13-1 , Figure 1, and M-N-0-P. Dimensions used were determined from design drawings as allowed by NOTE (2) on Figure 1 in Code Case N-613-1.

Nozzle-to-shell Nozzle Access Restrictions  % Coverage

% Coverage Weld ID. Description 3rd Interval, 4th Interval, Outage Examined Outage Examined (Year)


NVIR-BD-N9 (1) RPV N9 Insulation support ring 100 % 78.46% (1)

Nozzle Inner RE22 (2005) RE26 (2011)

Radius Note 1: The previous exam from 2005 reported a total coverage of 100%, but it appears the insulation support ring may not have been accounted for in the coverage calculation which would have impacted the coverage reported in 2005 . The most recent exam did account for this scanning obstruction, which reduced coverage to below 90%.

In 2011 , this component was scanned manually with conventional methods per EPRI modeling. The most recent exam performed per revised EPRI modeling (dated 2008), using a 70°S from the vessel and 70°S (+/-

30 to 23° skew) from the nozzle blend radius was only able to achieve 78.46% coverage due to a scanning limitation caused by the insulation support ring. No recordable indications have been observed with this exam.

Page 61of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

CRD Return (capped)

N9 Nozzle Reactor Pressure Vessel SA-533 GR B Class 1 5-7/8 1 KIN r."\ Nozzle to Vessel Weld

\.!./, E-801 8 N9 Nozzle Low Alloy Steel A-508 CL 2 S/161

  • aJll sr 11Nlf3S STEEL Figure 10 (1) Nozzle Inside Radius Section CRD Return Overview Page 62 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Photo 10 RPV N9 CRD Return Nozzle to Shell Inner Radius Photo of Coverage Limitation Page 63 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-LIMITED SCAN AREA LIMIT E D SCAN AREA 70 +/. (3 to 2 3) 70 +/. (3 t o 23)

INSULATION SUPPORT RING 70° +/- 15° Skew Probe - Inner Radius Scan (EPRI M odel ffi-2008-310)

Thickness (ts) Inches 5.9 Exam Volume (M, N, 0 , P) square inch 100%

Scan Percent of Total Volume 32.57%

Percentage of Modeled Scan Covered 100%

Total Modeled Inner Radius Coverage 32.57%

70° +/- 3°-23° Skew Probe - Inner Radius Scan (EPRI Model ffi-2008-310)

Thickness (ts) Inches 5.9 Exam Volume (M, N, 0 , P) square inch 100%

Scan Percent of Total Volume 67.43%

Percentage of Modeled Scan Covered 68.06%

Total Modeled Inner Radius Coverage 45 .93%

Total Coverage - Modeled Inner Radius Scans: 32.57% + 45.89% = 78.46%

Figure 10 Nozzle Inside Radius Section CRD Return Coverage Limitation Plot and Limited Coverage Worksheet from RE26 Page 64 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Photo 11 RPV Flange T hread Areas - New Calibration Block The (52) items examined in this section are the RPV Flange Thread Areas ~ Includes 1 inch Annular Surface surrounding each stud hole and are identified as: PRE-BG 1-1 through PRE-BG 1-52. Each of these flange Thread Areas are of an identical design configuration and has the same examination limitation that is associated with a stainless steel step-up on the flange surface where the RPV "O" Rings seal the head and shell flange. The examination volume was determined from Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-12, and E-F-G-H. Dimensions used were determined from design drawings.

Page 65 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Component ID. Component Access Restrictions  % Coverage  % Coverage Description 3rd Interval, 4th Interval, Outage Examined Outage Examined (Year) (Year)

PRE-BGl-1 (52) RPV Cladded Area 100% 82.54 % (1 )

Flange through RE17 (1997) RE28 (2014)

Thread Areas PRE-BGl-52 - Includes 1 inch Annular Surface Surrounding Each Stud Hole Note 1: Previous exams of these components in 1997 didn't account for the 1/4 inch stainless steel step-up on the flange surface, where double 0-ring grooves are located. Exams prior to this outage have assumed this step-up area was polished carbon steel, when in fact it is a continuation of the RPV internal SS cladding.

This stainless steel step-up on the flange surface causes scanning obstructions for a portion of each Thread Flange Area. To support this recent finding that the step-up area was SS, a new calibration block was created which included a section with 1/4 inch SS cladding. During site specific demonstration of the UT system using this new calibration block, both required calibration notches under the SS cladding could not be resolved. Different transducers with various size and frequency configurations were tested and none were able to resolve the far notch. This issue appears to be caused by the attenuation of the cladding. Since the calibration on the SS cladding was unsuccessful, scans performed on the cladded surfaces could not be credited toward meeting ASME Code coverage. Examination coverage was limited based on this design configuration and the inability to penetrate the cladding with the available technology.

This component was scanned manually with conventional methods with a 0°L probe. No recordable relevant indications have been observed with these exams.

Page 66 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50 .55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-I" I ,,

... j6 r

?iG .. o" OJA.

...,. I.(

-~Q llJ 1 C(

~ f

-'4-11 5~ DJA.

1u+.L' 7t6 - r5 ,, DJ/I.

Figure 11 (52) RPV Flange T hread Areas O verview Page .67 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Photo 11 RPV Flange Thread Areas - Limited Scan Area Bushing Diameter= 7.75" Bushing 0 rcu m fere nce = 24. 35" Extent (required depth) of exam = 7. 7 5" P,equired Volum e= 24.35 x 7.75 x 1=188.71 c u in "v' o I u m e Re stri ct e d = 4. 2 5 x 7. 7 5 x 1 = 3 2. 9 4 cu i n

\/ol um e E xam ined= 155. 77 c u in Coverage Obtained= 155. 77 / 188. 71 = 82. 54%

Figure 11 (52) RPV Flange Thread Areas Scan Coverage Calculation Summary from RE26 Page 68 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Section 12.0 (1) RVI Partial Penetration Nozzle-to-Safe End Weld 2 inch Photo 12 RVI Partial Penetration Nozzle-to-Safe End Weld Access The (1) weld examined in this section is a RVI Partial Penetration Nozzle-to-Safe End identified as RVI-BJ-16Bl. This weld is categorized per the CNS RI-ISi Program, Reference (2), per EPRI TR-112657, Reference (3), Examination Category R-A, Item No. Rl.20-4. The examination volume was determined from Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c) but volume A-B-C-D extended 1/2 inch consistent with Figure 4-10 ofEPRI TR-112657.

Page 69 of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Component ID. Component Access Restrictions  % Coverage  % Coverage Description 3rd Interval, 4th Interval, Outage Examined Outage Examined (Year) (Year)

RVI-BJ-16B 1 (1) RVI Surface condition 100% 88.56% (1)

Partial adjacent the weld (OD RE22 (2005) RE28 (2014)

Penetration taper), smaller diameter Nozzle-to- configuration of the weld Safe End combined with procedure Weld 2 inch requirements to use probes with larger footprint.

Note 1: The previous exam from 2005 reported 100% Code and procedural coverage (full volume). Current exam coverage from 2014 was calculated to be 88.56% with a procedural coverage of 85.69%. The coverage difference appears to be due to the currently qualified procedure, which requires the use of contoured RL probes. The larger footprint of the RL probes becomes a limiting factor for the areas adjacent the outside diameter taper which is located just downstream of the weld toe on the Safe End side. The taper and the requirement to use contoured RL probes is the cause for the scanning limitation that reduces the total Code coverage to below the required 90%.

In 2014, this weld was scanned manually with conventional methods using 45°S and RL, 60°S and RL and 70°RL probes. No recordable indications have been observed with this exam.

Page 70 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Thickness taken at Datum "O" 1" 1 2 3 4 5 o . ~Y O.:J<f () . 3!) 0 . 10 0 .:11 1"

0 0 _(,Af~_ l_S __J__ 9 II tl'<0/'1 V.55Et.

r,.JcU} £ ~ 0 .5 _;,Roi'? TAl7E~ (vE~£t. .51/JE)

ASME Code Exam Volume = 0.1 in. x 1.75 in. - 0.175 sq. in.

Procedure Coverage= 0.3 in. x 1.75 in. = 0.525 sq. in.

Figure 12 (1) RVI Partial Penetration Nozzle-to-Safe End Weld 2 inch NPS Exam Volume from RE28 Page 71of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Thickness taken at Datum "O" Weld Length . ~ . 2

1" 1 2 3 4 s Weld Diameter ~

o . ~Y o.:J'i (). 3!) 0 . 10 o .;z¥ Weld Width O "

1" fAPf-R

~ ~ ,/';itO

Z'r.-'-:.4 f

,,,. t8' 'I>'


~ ----~

6o' 76' 45° Circumferential Scan Li mitation ASME Code Coverage - 45° Circ. Scan Code Limitation = 0.1 in. x 0.05 in . = 0.5 sq . in.

0.1 75 sq. in. - 0.5 sq. in . = 0.125sq. in . (0.125 sq. in. I 0.175 sq. in. = . 714 x 100 = 71 .4% Achieved Coverage)

Procedural Coverage - 45° Circ. Scan Code Limitation= 0.3 in. x 0.5 in. = 0. 15 sq. in.

0.525 sq . in. - 0.15 sq. in . = 0.375 sq. in. (0.375 sq . in. / 0.525 sq . in. = .714x100 = 71.4% Achieved Coverage)

Figure 12 (1) RVI Partial Penetration Nozzle-to-Safe End Weld 2 inch NPS Exam Coverage Plot 45° Circumferential Coverage from RE28 Page 72of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Thickness taken at Datum "O" Weld Length .. (,s:J . 2 11 1" 1 2 3 4 5 Weld Diameter ~

() . :;y t> .:JY (). 30 0 . 10 0 ,;2'/ Weld Width O. ?s,..

1" ASME Code Coverage - 60° Axial Scan Code Limitation = None (100% Code Coverage)

Procedural Coverage - 60° Axial Code Limitation= 0.525 sq . in. - 0.50 sq in. = 0.475 sq . in. (90.47% Achieved Procedural Coverage)

ASME Code Coverage - 70° Axial Scan Limitation = None (100% Code Coverage)

Procedural Coverage - 70° Axial Scan Code Limitation= 0.525 x 0.25 sq . in. = 0.500 sq. in. (95.2% Achieved Procedural Coverage)

Figure 12 (1) RVI Partial Penetration Nozzle-to-Safe End Weld 2 inch NPS Exam Coverage Plot 60° and 70° Axial Coverage from RE28 Page 73 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Weld RVl~BJ-j 1 681 Code coverage *Obtained == 88.56%

Procedure Coverage obtained= 85.69°/o Code rea =O, x * .75 !!!: .175 Procedure area* 0.3 x 1.75 "' .525 45* Code Umrtalloo "' .1 x .05 '- .05 45* Procedure Lim - *on :=: .3 x .. S =.15 TRANSDUCER PROCEDUREOOVERAGE CODE COVERAGE SHEAR AXIAL60., 100 100 CIRC45* 71.4 71.4

.525- .15 = .375 (.375 I .S2S - .714) 115* .05"' .12 (. 25 J ' 75 * .71~)*

.714 x 100 - 71 .42% 714x100;:;71 . 2'%

RL AXIAL6~ 90.47 100

.525 - .050 =.475 (.475 / .525 = .9047)

.90 7 )( 100 =00.4 7%

AXIAL 70-- 95.2 100

.525 - .025; .5 (.5 J .5Z5 = .9523)

.9523 x 100 . 9 .20.,.,

CIRC45* 71 .4 71 .4

.525* . 5- .37 (.375 / .525 = .714) .175- .OS= .125 (.125 1.175- .714)

.7 4 )( 00= 71 .42% 7 ~ X 100 - 7 .A2'1l>

428.4715: 85.69% 4412.8 / 6"' 88.56%

Figure 12 (1) RVI Partial Penetration Nozzle-to-Safe End Weld 2 inch NPS Coverage Calculation Summary from RE28 Page 74 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Photo 13 RHR HX lA Shell to Distributor Ring End Plate Weld Access The (1) weld examined in this section is a RHR HX IA Shell to Distributor Ring End Plate Weld, identified as: RHR-CA-2A. The examination volume was required to be from Section XI, Figure IWC-2500-1 , A-B-C-0, but this Figure IWC-2500-1 does not actually pertain to this weld design and the required examination volume was applied as shown on Figure 9-1 of this section.

Page 75 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Component ID. Component Access Restrictions  % Coverage  % Coverage Description 3rd Interval, 4th Interval, Outage Examined Outage Examined (Year) (Year)

RHR-CA-2A (1) RHR HX Weld configuration and 92.25% 40.52% (1) lA Shell to External Attachment RE20 (2001) RE26 (2011)

Distributor Ring End Plate Weld Note 1 - The vendor reported 48.10% coverage, but this could not be validated from the provided data sheets so NPPD recalculated the coverage using more conservative assumptions which resulted in a slightly reduced coverage of 40.52%.

This component was scanned manually with conventional methods using 45°S, 60°S, and 70°S probes.

Previous exams from 1995 and 2001 reported a total achieved coverage of 92.25%. Reviews of both reports show that the examiners claimed excessive amounts of coverage on both axial and circumferential scans.

The axial scans did not fully account for coverage in two directions. The circumferential scans credited additional coverage by "skewing" into the weld. Although skewing was used during the RE28 exams in an attempt to fully interrogate the exam volume in both circumferential directions, coverage was conservatively not credited beyond the edge of the transducer. No recordable indications have been observed with this exam.

Page 76 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Coverage volumes for the vessel weld was based on IWC-2500-1 as modified due to the unique configuration of th is weld .

Weld Length 150 in.

Upstream scans were limited from 145 in. to 148 in. due to external attachment (2% scan reduction for each affected scan )

Examination Volumes Upstrea m Exam Volume 0 .725 in x 1.625 in. =1.178 sq. in .

OONnstream Exam Volume


0 .500 1n x 2 516 1n . 1.258 sq . 11"1 0

Coye rages achieved UIS Axial Scans= 48 .30% (45') + 7.1 5% (60'&70') = 5545%

D/S Axia l Scans= 57 .25%

UIS Circ Scans = 20.9 %

DIS Circ Scans = 28.5% RHR Heat Exchanger Total Coverage Achieved (5 545% + 57 .25% + 20.9% + 28.5%) 14 =~

Upstream side

(\kssel) 0 0-725 RHR-CA-2A





1.750 Dowistream side (Distributor Ring)

Figure 13-1-(1) RHR HX lA Shell to Distributor Ring End Plate Weld Exam Volume and Coverage Overview Page 77 of 92

r Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Coverage volumes based on IWC-2500-1 as modified based on unique configuration of this weld .

E xam Volume Weld Length 150 in .

Upstream Exam Volume 0.725 in. x 1.625 in . = 1.178 sq . in.

Downstrea m Exam Vo lu me Upstream 0.500 in. x 2.516 in. = 1.258 sq . in . side (Vessel)

Upstream scan limited from 145 in. to 148 in . due to external attachment (2% scan reduction )

--- ---i-- 0. 725 Exam Coye rage wjth 45 °$ Axjal Scans U/S 45" One Direction Axial Coverage Exami ned 0.857 sq . in. of 1.178 sq . in . = 72.7%

U/S 45" Two Direction Axial Coverage Examined 0.329 sq . in. of 1.178 sq . in . = 27.9%

45° U/S 45° Combined Ax ial Coverage Ach ieved (72 .7%+27 .9% I 2 = 50 .3%)

48 .30 % (includes 2% reduction due to obstruction )

D/S 45' One Direction Axial Coverage Exa mined 1.258 sq . in. of 1.258 sq . in . = 100%

D/S 45" Two Direction Axia l Coverage Examined 0.183 sq . in. of 1.258 sq . in . = 14.5%

D/S 45° Combi ned Axial Coverage Ach ieved 100 % + 14.5% / 2 = 57.25 %

~ Single Direction Coverage

~ Two Direction Coverage 45° 1.750 Downstream side (Distributor Ring)

Figure 13 (1) RHR HX lA Shell to Distributor Ring End Plate Weld 45° Axial Exam Coverage Page 78 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Coverage volumes based on IWC-2500-1 as modified based on unique configuration of this weld . Upstream side (VesseO Exam Volume Weld Length 150 in. >--1-- - 0.725 Upstream Exam Volume 0.725 in. x 1 .625 in . = 1.178sq. il .

0 Upstream scan limited from 145 in . to 148 in . due to external attachment (2% scan reduction) 60 Exam Coyeraae With 60" $ and 70' SAxia! scans fin add jtional to the 45' $ Axjal coyeragel UIS 60 ' One Direction Axial Coverage Examined 0.164 sq. in. of 1.178 sq . in. = 13.9%

UIS 60 ' Two Direction Axial Coverage Examined 0.019 sq . in. of 1.178 sq . in. = 1.6%

13.9% + 1.6% I 2 = 7.75 UIS 60° Combined Coverage= 5.75% (includes 2% reduction d ue to scan obstruction)

UIS 70' One Direction Axial Coverage Examined 0.032 sq . in. of 1.178 sq. in . = 2.7%

UIS 70 ' Two Direction Axial Coverage Examined 0.049 sq . in. of 1.178 sq. in. = 4 .1%

2.7% + 4 .1% 1 2 = 3.4%

UIS 70° Combi ned Coverage= 1.4% (includes 2% reduction due to scan obstruction) c=:J Coverage Achieved with 45°

~ 60° Addi. Single Direction Coverage

- 60° Addi. Two Direction Coverage

~ 70° Addi. Single Direction Coverage

~ 70° Addi. Two Direction Coverage J

1.750 Down stream side (O ls1Jibutor Ring)

Figure 13-3-(1) RHR HX lA Shell to Distributor Ring End Plate Weld 60° and 70° Axial Exam Coverage Page 79 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Coverage volumes based on IWC-2500-1 as modified based on unique configuration Upstream of this weld . side (Vessel)

Exam Volume Weld Length 150 in. 1- -- ---+-- 0.725 Upstream Exam Volume 0.725 in. x 1.625 in . = 1.178 sq . in.

Downstream Exam Volume 0.500 in. x 2.516 in. = 1.258 sq. in .

Upstream scan limited from 145 in. to 148 in . due to external attachment (2% scan reduction)

Exam Coverage with 45°S Circumferential Scans U/S Two Direction Circumferential Coverage (CW & CCW)

Examined 0.270 sq. in. of 1.1 78 sq. in. = 22 .9%

UIS Two Direction Circ. Coverage= 20 .9% (includes 2% scan reduction)

D/S Two Direction Circumferential Coverage (CW & CCW)

Examined 0.359 sq . in . of 1.258 sq. in . = 28.5%

D/S Two Direction Circ. Coverage= 28.5.%

~ Two Direction Coverage Clockwise & Counter Clockwise 1.750 Downstrea m side (Distributor Ring)

Figure 13 (1) RHR HX lA Shell to Distributor Ring End Plate Weld 45° Circumferential Exam Coverage Page 80 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Section 14.0 (1) RHR HX lA Nozzle-to-Top Head Weld 20 inch Schedule 80 Pipe Photo 14-1-RHR HX lA Nozzle-to-Top Head Weld Access The (1) weld examined in this section is a RHR HX lA Nozzle-to-Top Head Weld, identified as:

RHR-CB-IA. The examination volume was determined to be from Section XI, Figure IWC-2500-4(b), and C-D-E-F, and the surface examination area from A-B.

Page 81of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Component ID. Component Access Restrictions  % Coverage  % Coverage Description 3rd Interval, 4th Interval, Outage Examined Outage Examined (Year) (Year)

RHR-CB-lA Nozzle to Nozzle to weld 90.3% 65 .14%(1)

Top Head Configuration RE20 (2001) RE26 (2011)

Weld Note 1: Previous exam data from 2001 reported total coverage of90.3% by using 45°S and 60°S from the vessel and a 45°S from the nozzle. The 2001 exam data claimed additional circumferential scan coverage by skewing the 45° beam toward the nozzle. Similar skewing techniques were used during circumferential scans in 2011 in an attempt fully interrogate the exam volume, but coverage was conservatively not claimed beyond the edge of the transducer.

This component was scanned manually with conventional methods by using 45°S, 60°S, and 70°S from the vessel. No recordable indications have been observed with either the magnetic particle or ultrasonic exams of this weld.

Page 82 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-RHR-CB-1A Nozzle 0 0

~~I ~

Heat Exchanger Exam Volume Coverage volume for the vessel nozzle weld was based on IWC-2500~4 .

Weld Length = 63 in.

Exam Volume= 1.55 in. x 0.360 in. = 0.558 sq . in.

Cm.~rages Achieved 0 0 Axial Scan Coverage Area Achieved 0.558 sq . in . (1.55" in. x 0.360" in .)

Circumferential Scan Coverage Area Achieved 0.169 sq . in. (0.47 in . x 0.360 in .)

Axial Scan Coverage Percent Achieved 0.558 sq . in. I 0.558 sq. in . x 100 = 100%

Circumferential Scan Coverage Percent Achieved 0.169 sq . in . I 0.558 sq. in . x 100 = 30 .28%

Total Coverage Achieved = 100 + 30.28 I 2 = 65.14%

Figure 14-1-(1) RHR HX lA Nozzle-to-Top Head Weld 20 inch Schedule 80 Pipe Exam Volume and Coverage Achieved from RE26 Page 83 of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g}(5}(iii}

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-


RHR-CB-1A Nozzle Component Thickness - 1.08'"

Exam Volume - 1.5..5* :x 0. * - 0.558 Axial Scan Coverag,e (sq. inch)= O .~ (1.55* :x 0.360""}

Circumferential Scan Covera:ge (sq. inchp 0.169'"2 (0.4 :x 0.3601

~a'.I Sca:n Coverage (%}-0.558-.i 10.558 :x 100 -1 00%

Circumferential Sca:n Cmierage (%}- 0.16 11 10.558 x 100 ~ 30.28%

Total Coverag,e - 100130.28-6..5 14%

70° r-



'\ 1.08 Vessel

\..,,\ \!-- ------

\ . ---

Axial Scan Coverage== 100%

Figure 14-2 -(1) RHR HX lA Nozzle-to-Top Head Weld 20 inch Schedule 80 Pipe Axial Scan Coverage from RE26 Page 84 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-

1 .os-~

RHR-CB-1 A Nozzle ComporientThickness - 1.08 Exan Volume -* xo. - 0.558

,Exam1Coverages Ao:. h je'l/e:dl Axial Scan Coverag,e (sq. inch)-0.558 (1.55* x0.360j Ciroo mf-erertial Scan Coverage (sq. inch)- 0.16g"J (0.4 x 0.

A>'Jial Scan Coverage ('%)-0 .5~ I 0.558 x 100- 100%

Oirrnmf-erertial Scan Coverage ('%}~ 0. 16

  • i I 0.5.58-ii x 100 ~ 3-0 ..28%

To1al Coverage- 100 / 3.0.28-fi5 14%


\ ' 1 . oa Vessel

\_ -~- ------ ----- <~. ~*c/t.-:,

  • ):>.*"i....f Ci re Scan Coverage

~*~-c\~~ Clock'A-ise and Counter - 30.28%

Figure 14 (1) RHR HX lA Nozzle-to-Top Head Weld 20 inch Schedule 80 Pipe Circumferential Scan Coverage from RE26 Page 85of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Section 15.0 (1) RWCU Valve to Elbow 4 inch Schedule 160 pipe Photo 15-1-RWCU Valve to Elbow Access The (1) weld examined in this section is a RWCU Valve to Elbow Weld, identified as: CWB-BJ-

27. The examination volume was determined to be from Section XI, Figure IWC-2500-4(b), and C-D-E-F extended 1/2 inch to be consistent with Note 1 of Code Case N-578-1, and the surface examination area from A-B.

For Category R-A, Item Rl.20-4 weld CWB-BJ-27, this valve to elbow weld was performed as a pre-service examination when the corresponding valve was replaced. This geometric configuration limits the examination coverage to one side.

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Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-Component ID. Component Access Restrictions  % Coverage  % Coverage Description 3rd Interval, 4th Interval, Outage Examined Outage Examined (Year) (Year)

CWB-BJ-27 Valve to Geometric Design NIA 55% (I) tight-radius Configuration and valve RE28 (2014) elbow Note 1: This weld was examined as part of pre-service inspection activity due to replacement of the valve.

This component was ultrasonically scanned using conventional methods. Due to the elbow to valve configuration, this weld could not be fully interrogated to meet greater than 90% coverage. The weld was examined using 0°L, 45°S, and 70°S. Due to the configuration, the 70°S was not able to provide any additional coverage beyond what the 45° achieved. The configuration of this component required that the exam coverage plots be broken circumferentially into four different quadrants around the weld. Each quadrant is labeled 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°, per its location around the pipe and going clockwise with flow .

The 0° quadrant is located on the top of the component. No recordable indications were observed with this ultrasonic exam. Magnetic Particle and Radiographic exams were also completed with no recordable indications.

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l Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-PROFILE AND THICKNESS DATA Cl.)f3 - !3:S- d.7

  • L Thickne ss taken at Datum "O" *'

Weld Length I</. 6 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 Weld Diameter,f....~ L/. o

  • 0 . 70 I 0 . 60 I o . 61 I "'IA I "'/,. Weld W idth o . ~"

1" Total Exam Volume Calculatjon Length of weld= 14.6 In .

o" e TDC Length of each exam quadrant= 3.65 In .

Exam Area= 0.2 in. x 2.5 in. = .50 sq. In.

Total Exam Area= 0.2 in. x 2.5 in x 14.6 in= 7.3 in. cu.

Exam Area for each exam quadrant = 1.825 in. cu

/ Ft.OW Exam Coverage Calculation for 0° Qyadrant Total Volume of Axial CoyeraQe No Axial Coverage was obtained on the 0° segment due to the elbow inner radius = 0%

Total Volume of Circumferential CoveraQe 0.2 in. x 0.7 in x 3.65 in. + 0.2 in x 0.4 in x 3.65 in = 0.803 in. cu.

0.803 in . cu . I 1.825 cu. in. = 0.44 x 100 = 44%

Figure 15 (1) Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) Valve to Elbow 4 inch Schedule 160 pipe 0° Quadrant - Exam Volume and Coverage from RE28 Page 88 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-PROFILE AND THICKNESS DATA CtJ8 J. 7 Thickness taken at Datum "O" Weld Length / </. 6 1 2 3 4 5 Weld Diameter '/. o ..

0. 0.5'7 0 6 f'/.'/I Weld Width 0 . 8" Total Exam Volume Calculation 1" Length of weld= 14.6 in.

Length of each exam quadrant = 3.65 in.

Exam Area = 0.2 in. x 2.5 in. = .50 sq. in.

Total Exam Area= 0.2 in. x 2.5 in x 14.6 in= 7.3 in. cu.

Exam Area for each exam quadrant = 1.825 in. cu EL8oiAJ

, FLOf.J Exam Coverage Calculation for 90° & 270° Qyadrants Total Volume of Axial Coverage 0.2 in. x 0.9 in. x 3.65 in. + 0.2 in. x 0.4 in. x 3.65 in. = 0.949 in . cu .

0.949 in. cu . I 1.825 in. cu. = .520 x 100 = 52%

Total Volume of Circumferential Coverage 0.2 in. x 1.8 in. x 3.65 in.= 1.314 in. cu .

1.314 in. cu . I 1.825 in. cu . = .720 x 100 = 72%

Figure 15 (1) Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) Valve to Elbow 4 inch Schedule 160 pipe 90° Quadrant - Exam Volume and Coverage from RE28 Page 89 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-PROFILE AND THICKNESS DATA Cw!3 -8:J- :J7 Thickness taken at Datum "O" Weld Length _ _,l__...:..


1 I 2 I 3 I 4 1 5 Weld Diameter _ __,_ 7".* o 0 . 62 I O.S2 I 0 , !>-6 1 #/,., I N"/,.;i Weld Width - -==- a-'-.8>_ '_' _

1" Total Exam Volume Calculation Length of 'Neid= 14.6 in .

Length of each exam quadrant = 3.65 in.

Exam Area = 0.2 in. x 2.5 in. = .50 sq. in.

Total Exam Area= 0.2 in . x 2.5 in x 14.6 in= 7.3 in. cu .

Exam Area for each exam quadrant = 1.825 in. cu Exam Coverage Ca!cy!atjon for 180° Qyadrant Total Volume of Axial Coverage 0.2 in. x 0.2 in . x 3.65 in = 1.46 in. cu .

1.46 in . cu. / 1.825 in . cu . - 0.80 x 100 = 80%

Total Volume of Circumferential Coverage 0.2 in. x 2.0 in. x 3.65 in . = 1.241 in. cu .

1.241 in . cu . / 1.825 cu . in.= 0.68x100 = 68%

Figure 15 (1) Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) Valve to Elbow 4 inch Schedule 160 pipe 180° Quadrant- Exam Volume and Coverage from RE28 Page 90 of 92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21, Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-PROFILE AND THICKNESS DATA Thickness taken at Datum "O" Weld Length IX 6 ,.

1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 Weld Diameter Y. o

0. 61 I o.SO I O .S8 I tv',4 I ~ Weld Width o.3" Total Exam Volume Calculation 1" Length of weld = 14.6 in.

Length of each exam quadrant = 3.65 in.

Exam Area = 0.2 in. x 2.5 in . = .50 sq. in.

Total Exam Area= 0.2 in. x 2 .5 in x 14.6 in= 7.3 in. cu.

Exam Area for each exam quadrant = 1.825 in. cu


---- ' \ I

~ ' '-"'


I - --*


Exam Coverage Ca!cy!ation for 90° & 270° Qyadrants Total Volume of Axial Coverage 0.2 in . x 0.9 in. x 3.65 in.+ 0.2 in . x 0.4 in. x 3.65 in. = 0.949 in. cu .

0.949 in. cu. I 1.825 in . cu . = .520 x 100 = 52%

Total Volume of Circumferential Coverage 0.2 in . x 1.8 in. x 3.65 in. = 1.314 in . cu .

1.314 in . cu . I 1.825 in. cu.= .720 x 100 = 72%

Figure 15 (1) Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) Valve to Elbow 4 inch Schedule 160 pipe 270° Quadrant - Exam Volume and Coverage from RE28 Page 91of92

Appendix 1 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number Rl-21 , Revision 1 Relief Request in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality-CWB-BJ-27 45° Axial 45° Circ oo 0 44 goo 52 72 180° 80 68 270° 52 72 Axial Coverage 46o/o Circ Coverage 64 °/o Refer to coverage drawings for percent calculations Total estimated coverage= 55°/o Figure 15 (1) Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) Valve to Elbow 4 inch Schedule 160 pipe Scan Coverage Calculation Summary from RE28 Page 92 of 92