NG-05-0420, Inservice Inspection Report

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Inservice Inspection Report
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/29/2005
From: Vanmiddlesworth G
Nuclear Management Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML052310453 (159)



Committed to Nuclear Excellence Duane Arnold Energy Center Operated by Nuclear Management Company, LLC July 29, 2005 NG-05-0420 10 CFR 50.55a U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Duane Arnold Energy Center Docket 50-331 License No. DPR-49 Inservice Inspection Report In accordance with the requirements of Paragraph IWA-6230 of ASME, Section Xl, 1989 Edition/No Addenda and 10 CFR Section 50.55a(g), Nuclear Management Company, LLC (NMC) herewith submits the Refueling Outage (RFO) 19 Inservice Inspection Summary Report (Enclosure 1). This report addresses examinations that were performed at the Duane Arnold Energy Center (DAEC) during the time period from April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005. Information regarding augmented inspections performed during RFO 19 is included in Enclosure 2. Enclosure 3 provides amended information from previously submitted RFO 17 and RFO 18 Summary Reports. These pages are being provided to correct minor errors that were identified on three pages of these reports.

As noted on Form NIS-1 included in the RFO 19 Summary Report, the third ten-year interval began on November 1, 1996 and will end on October 31, 2006. This end date has been changed from that shown on Form NIS-1 included with the RFO 18 Summary Report. The second ten year interval began on November 1, 1985 and had been previously extended in accordance with IWA-2430(d), resulting in an eleven year second interval. IWA-2430(d) states that interval adjustments shall not cause successive intervals to be altered by more than 1 year from the original pattern of intervals. Ending the third interval on October 3 2006 meets this requirement and is therefore allowed by IWA-2430.

Ga an Middlesworth Site Vice President, Duane Arnold Energy Center Nuclear Management Company, LLC Enclosures (3) cc: Administrator, Region 1II, USNRC Project Manager, DAEC, USNRC Resident Inspector, DAEC, USNRC 3277 DAEC Road

  • Palo, Iowa 52324-9785 I f4`7 Telephone: 319.851.7611


THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005 ASME Section Xl Summary Report Duane Arnold Energy Center Refueling Outage 19 (Period 3)



REPORT April 21,2003 through May 3, 2005 Dated: July 28, 2005 OWNER:

ALLIANT ENERGY P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406 Prepared by- = )  % Date:

A§ME Section XI Administrator -7/?7 Reviewed by: -1 g/Al ,/f" v Date:

Program Engineering Staff Reviewed by: bs Date:

Inspct n and Matea sor Concurred by-P gram Engine y

g Manager Date: ?-?-&-1)5--

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005 This page intentionally blank


A Form NIS-I Pages 1-2 B Certificate of Inservice Inspection Pages 1-3 C Abstract Page 1 D Table of Component and Weld Examination Identification Records Pages 1-6 E Table of Additional and Successive Examinations Identification Records Page I F Abstract of ASME Section XI Repairs and Replacements Pages 1-3 G Form NIS-2's Pages 1-75 H Abstract of Conditions Noted and Corrective Measures Taken Page I I ISI Figures and Isometrics Pages 1-41 Status of Work for Third Ten Year Interval Pages 1-5 K Listing of Relief Requests and Code Cases Utilized Page 1-2

THIRD TEN Y'EAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005 This page intentionally blank

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21,2003 through May 3, 2005 Part A, Page I of 2 FORM NIS-1 OWNER'S DATA REPORT FOR INSERVICE INSPECTIONS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules I .Owner: Interstate Power and Light Company, an Alliant Company. P.O. Box 351 .Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 *

(Name and address of Owner)

2. Plant: Duane Arnold Energy Center. 3277 DAEC Road. Palo, IA 52324 (Name and Address of Plant)
3. Plant Unit 1 4. Owner Certificate of Authorization (if required) N/A
5. Commercial Service Date 02/01 n5 6. National Board Number of Unit N/A
7. Components Inspected This report includes a Table of Contents (P1), Part A (PPI-2), Part B (PPI-3), Part C (P1), Part D (PP1-6), Part E (P1),

Part F (PP1-3), Part G (PP1-75), Part H (P1), Part I (PP1-41),

Part J (PP 1-5), and Part K (PP 1-2).

Component or Manufacturer Manufacturer State or National Appurtenance Appurtenanceor InstallerS orerial Installer N o._ _

Province No.

Board No.

Reactor Pressure Chicago Bridge 3-4833 N/A 3663 Vessel (RPV) & Iron__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Refer to Part B, Pages 1-3, of this report for a continuation of components examined

_ I _ _ _

I 1 T 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4. .4.

4 4 1 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 '1' +

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 + 4 I 1 .1- 4 I 1 4 4 Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, ordrawings maybe used provided (I) size is 8.5 X II inches, (2) information in items I through 6 on this data report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This form (E00029) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10010

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005 Part A, Page 2 of 2 FORAM NIS-1 (back)

8. Examination Dates 4/21/03 to 5/03/05 9. Inspection Interval from 11/01/96 to 10/31/06
10. Abstract of Examinations. Include a list of examinations and a statement concerning status of work required for current interval.

Refer to Part C, Part D, and Part J.

I1. Abstract of Conditions Noted Refer to Part H.

12. Abstract of Corrective Measures Recommended and Taken Refer to Part H.

We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and the examinations and corrective measures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Date 2 2005 Signed - y G lX tt~j \LIN Amp;- 4 Certificate of Authorization No. (if applicable) N/A Expiration Date N/A CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of Iowa and employed by HSB CT of Hartford CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Data Report during the period 4121/03 to 5/3/05 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Data Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector, nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Date 7 - 7 2005.

? UCommissions A/ 1519 :

Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province and No.

  • Note - Other owners ate Central Iowa Power Cooperative and Corn Belt Power Cooperative.

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21,2003 through May 3,2005 Part B, page I of 3 I) Owners: Interstate Power and iUght Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Ilumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant: Duane Arnold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant IUnit: #1
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): N/A 5) Commiercial Service Date: 02/01175
6) National Board Number of Unit: N/A Gross Ge nerating Capacity 614 MWE CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION COMPONENTS EXAMINED:

Reactor Pressure Vessel:

Manufacturer: Chicago Bridge and Iron Post Office Box 13308 Memphis, TN 38113 National Board Number 3663, Mfr. Serial Number 3-4833 Refer to Part A, Page 1, form NIS-1, Owners Data Report for Inservice Inspections.


Manufacturers, sizes, part numbers and locations are noted and traceable through the piping isometric and piping instrumentation drawings (P&ID). Installation contractor, fabricator, systems P&ID's and Isometric drawings are listed below.


Bechtel Power Co.

P.O. Box 3865 San Francisco, CA 94119 Fabricator:

Southwest Fabricating and Welding Co.

P.O. Box 9449 Houston, TX 77011

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21,2003 through May 3,2005 Part B, page 2 of 3 I) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Ilumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant: Duane Amold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02/01175
6) National Board Number of Unit: N/A Gross Generating Capacity: 614 MWE CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION COMPONENTS EXAMINED:

CLASS I Component Iso No Reactor Vessel 1.1-0813 VS-01-06/-07/-08 VS-0 I -22/-23/4 1 VS-12-01/-02 VS-13-02/-03 Reactor Vessel Stabilizers 1.1-10 Main Steam 1.2-03/-04 Feedwater 1.2-05/-06 Core Spray 1.2-07 High Pressure Coolant Injection 1.2-09 Control Rod Drive Return 1.2-12A&B Residual Heat Removal 1.2-16 Recirculation Pump 'A' Suction 1.2-19A Recirculation Manifold 'A' and Risers 'F' & 'G' 1.2-20 Recirculation Drain 'A' 1.2-21 B Recirculation Manifold 'B' and Riser 'D' 1.2-22 Jet Pump Instrumentation 1.2-26 Liquid Level Control 1.2-27 Reactor Vessel Instrumentation 1.2-29 lVVI Component Iso No Vessel Head VS-01-06 Core Spray Brackets VS-01-26 Feedwater Brackets VS-01 -27 Guide Rod Brackets VS-01-28 Steam Dryer Brackets VS-01-29/-30 Surveillance Specimen Brackets VS-01-31 Jet Pump Riser Support Pads VS-01-34

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005 Part B, page 3 of 3 I) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, C entral Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company M:arion, IA. Ilumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant Duane Amold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02/0 if5
6) National Board Number of Unit: N/A Gross Generating Capacity: 614 MAT'E CERTIFICATE 4OF INSERVICE INSPECTION COMPONENTS EXAMINED:

I IVVI Continued Component Iso No Shroud Ledge VS-02-1 I Peripheral Fuel Support Pieces VS-03-09 Top Guide VS-04-01 Sample Holder VS-10-02 Bottom Head CRD Housing Stub Tubes VS-12-01/-02 CLASS 2 Component Iso No There were no Class 2 component or weld examinations performed during this outage.

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005 Part C, page I of 1

1) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, Central Iowa Power Coopcrative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. 1lumbolt, 1A.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center, Palo, 1A. 52324 3) Plant Unit #1
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (ifrequired): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02/01/75
6) National Board Number of Unit: N/A Gross Generating Capacity 614 MWE CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION ABSTRACT:

The Inservice Inspection addressed in this report was performed in accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI 1989 Edition, No Addenda, and the Duane Arnold Energy Center Updated Final Safety Analysis Report. The inspections were performed utilizing Non-Destructive Examination Techniques (i.e., UT, PT, MT, etc.). The examinations were conducted during the period of April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005. The specific details and associated records of the examinations are on file at Duane Arnold Energy Center.

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005 This page intentionally blank

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21,2003 through May 3, 2005 Part D, page I of 6 I) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Hlumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant: Duane Arnold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) PlantUnit: #1
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02/01/75
6) National Board Number of Unit N/A Gross Generating Capacity: 614 MWE COMPONENT AND WVELD EXAMINATION IDENTIFICATION RECORDS CLASS I

'SI ASME XI Component Description Report Examination ISI Iso Category Results Reactor Vessel IR215(02-19) 105002 UT 1.1-08 B-O Accepted IR2 15(02-27) 105003 UT 1.1-08 B-O Accepted I R215(42-27) 105004 UT 1.1-08 B-O Accepted IR215(06-23) 105125 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted IR215(10-1 1) 105146 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted IR215(10-23) 105147 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted IR215(14-07) 105128 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted IR215(14- 1I) 105129 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted IR215(18-31) 105131 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted IR215(22-03) 105132 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted I R215(22-07) 105133 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted IR215(22-11) 105134 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted IR215(26-11) 105136 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted IR215(26-31) 105137 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted IR215(30-15) 105138 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted IR215(30-31) 105139 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted I R215(30-39) 105140 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted IR215(34-11) 105144 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted I R215(34-39) 105143 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted I R215(34-07) 105141 VT-I 1.1-08 B-G-2 Accepted by Replacement CAP036901 HCC-B002 105069 UT VS-01-06 B-A Accepted (HOLES 40-60)

HMC-B0O1 105070 UT VS-01 -06 B-A Accepted HMC-B002 105071 UT VS-01 -06 B-A Accepted HMC-B003 105072 UT VS-01 -06 B-A Accepted HMC-B004 105073 UT VS-01 -06 B-A Accepted HMC-B005 105074 UT VS-01-06 B-A Accepted HMC-B006 105075 UT VS-01 -06 B-A Accepted HCC-C00I 105076 UT VS-01 -06 B-A Accepted (HOLES 40-60) MT HCC-C001 105076 UT VS-01-06 B-A Accepted (HOLES 60-20) MT HCA-B001 107078 UT VS-01 -07 B-A Accepted HMA-B001 105079 UT VS-01 -07 B-A Accepted HMA-B002 105080 UT VS-01 -07 B-A Accepted HMA-B003 105081 UT VS-01 -07 B-A Accepted HMA-B004 105082 UT VS-01 -07 B-A Accepted HMA-B005 105083 UT VS-01 -07 B-A Accepted HMA-B006 105084 UT VS-01 -07 B-A Accepted

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005 Part D, page 2 of 6 I) Owners: Interstate Power and light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Humbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant Duane Amold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02/01175
6) National Board Number of Unit: N/A Gross Generating Capacity: 614 MWE COMPONENT AND WELD EXAMINATION IDENTIFICATION RECORDS CLASS I Continued ISI ASME XI Component Description Report Examination 1ST Iso Category Results HMA-B007 105085 UT VS-01-07 B-A Accepted HMA-B008 105086 UT VS-01-07 B-A Accepted HMA-B009 105087 UT VS-01-07 B-A Accepted HCA-H002 105088 MT VS-01-08 B-K Accepted VSK-K001 105089 VT-3 VS-01-08 F-A Accepted VFA-E00I 105001 VT-2 VS-01-22 B-E Accepted VFA-E002 105001 VT-2 VS-01-23 B-E Accepted VCB-CO05 105090 UT VS-01-41 B-A Accepted VLB-AOO1 105093 UT VS-01-41 B-A Accepted VLB-A002 105094 UT VS-01-41 B-A Accepted VLC-B001 105095 UT VS-01-41 B-A Accepted VLC-B002 105096 UT VS-01-41 B-A Accepted VLD-B001 105097 UT VS-01-41 B-A Accepted VLD-B002 105098 UT VS-01-41 B-A Accepted BH-CRD 105001 VT-2 VS-12-01 B-E Accepted HSING/ST TUB BH-CRD STUB 105001 VT-2 VS-12-02 B-E Accepted TUBES BH-INCORE 105001 VT-2 VS-13-03 B-E Accepted HOUSING Reactor Vessel VSW-0 AZ 105158 MT 1.1-10 B-K Accepted Stabilizers VSW-180AZ 105159 MT 1.1-10 B-K Accepted VSW-180AZ 105159 VT-3 1.1-10 F-A Accepted VSW-270 AZ 105160 MT 1.1-10 B-K Accepted VSW-270 AZ 105160 VT-3 1.1-10 F-A Accepted VSW-90 AZ 105161 MT 1.1-10 B-K Accepted VSW-90AZ 105161 VT-3 1.1-10 F-A Accepted Main Steam MSC-D001 105005 UT 1.2-03 B-D Accepted MSC-D001 105005 UT 1.2-03 B-D Accepted INNER RADIUS MSD-DOOI 105007 UT 1.2-04 B-D Accepted MSC-D00I 105007 UT 1.2-04 B-D Accepted INNER RADIUS

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005 Part D, page 3 of 6 I) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. liumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA.52406

2) Plant Duane Amold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): NIA 5) Commercial Service Date: 02/0115
6) National Board Number of Unit N/A Gross Generating Capacity: 614 MV'E COMPONENT AND WELD EXAMINATION IDENTIFICATION RECORDS CLASS I Continued ISI ASME XI Component Description Report Examination ISI Iso Category Results Feedwater FWA-THERM SLV 105010 UT 1.2-05 R-A* Accepted FWB-D001 105011 UT 1.2-05 B-D Accepted FWB-DOOI 105011 UT 1.2-05 B-D Accepted INNER RADIUS FWA-J003 105014 UT 1.2-05 R-A* Accepted FWB-K032 105013 VT-3 1.2-05 F-A Accepted FWC-DOO1 105017 UT 1.2-06 B-D Accepted FWC-DOO1 105017 UT 1.2-06 B-D Accepted INNER RADIUS FWC-THERM 105018 UT 1.2-06 R-A* Accepted SLEV FWD-DOOI 105019 UT 1.2-06 B-D Accepted FWD-DOOI 105019 UT 1.2-06 B-D Accepted INNER RADIUS FWC-J002 105021 UT 1.2-06 R-A* Accepted FWC-J003 105022 UT 1.2-06 R-A* Accepted FWC-JO05 EC05006 UT 1.2-06 R-A* Accepted FWC-JO05 105023 UT 1.2-06 R-A* Accepted FWC-J006 105024 UT 1.2-06 R-A* Accepted FWC-J006 EC05006 UT 1.2-06 R-A* Accepted FWC-K004 105025 VT-3 1.2-06 F-A Accepted FWC-K033 105026 VT-3 1.2-06 F-A Accepted FWD-J0 11 ECO5058 UT 1.2-06 R-A* Accepted FWD-JO16 EC05059 UT 1.2-06 R-A* Accepted Core Spray CSA-JOI1 105032 UT 1.2-07 R-A* Accepted CSA-J012 105033 UT 1.2-07 R-A* Accepted High Pressure PSA-JOOI 105034 UT 1.2-09 R-A* Accepted Coolant Injection PSA-J004 105035 UT 1.2-09 R-A* Accepted Control Rod Drive CRA-J032 105040 UT 1.2-12B R-A* Accepted Return Residual Heat RHD-J008 105042 UT 1.2-16 R-A* Accepted Removal RHD-J009 105043 UT 1.2-16 R-A* Accepted Recirculation RCA-J012 105044 UT 1.2-19A R-A* Accepted Pump 'A' Suction RCA-J021 105016 UT 1.2-19A R-A* Accepted

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21,2003 through May 3, 2005 Part D, page 4 of 6 I) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Ilumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant: Duane Amold Energy Center, Palo, IA.52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) Owners Certificate ofAuthorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02/01n5
6) National Board Number of Unit: N/A Gross Generating Capacity: 614 MVE CONMPONENT AND WELD EXAMINATION IDENTIFICATION RECORDS CLASS I Continued ISI ASME XI Component Description Report Examination IS Iso Category Results Recirculation RRG-DOOI 105045 UT 1.2-20 B-D Accepted Manifold 'A' and Risers E, F, G & H RRG-DOO1 105045 UT 1.2-20 B-D Accepted INNER RADIUS RRG-F002 105048 UT 1.2-20 R-A* Accepted RRG-J003 105049 UT 1.2-20 REA* Accepted

'A' Recirculation RDB-J005 105053 UT 1.2-21B R-A* Accepted Drain VT-2 Recirculation RRD-J005 105058 UT 1.2-22 R.A* Accepted Manifold 'B' and Risers A, B, C & D Jet Pump JPB-DOOI 105061 UT 1.2-26 B-D Accepted Instrumentation JPB-DOO1 105061 UT 1.2-26 B-D Accepted INNER RADIUS Liquid Level LCA-D00I 105064 UT 1.2-27 B-D Accepted Control LCA-D00I 105064 UT 1.2-27 B-D Accepted INNER RADIUS Reactor Vessel VIB-D00I 105065 UT 1.2-29 B-D Accepted Instrumentation VIB-D001 105065 UT 1.2-29 B-D Accepted INNER RADIUS Reactor Vessel Vessel Head 105149 VT-3 VS-01-06 B-N-I Accepted Internals CSB Welds-2 100 105149 VT-3 VS-01-26 B-N-2 Accepted CSB Welds-330 0 105149 VT-3 VS-01 -26 B-N-2 Accepted FWB Welds NE - 105149 VT-3 VS-01 -27 B-N-2 Accepted 3150 FWB Welds NW - 105149 VT-3 VS-0 1-27 B-N-2 Accepted 2250 GRB Welds-I 800 105149 VT-3 VS-01 -28 B-N-2 Accepted Guide Rod Brt-1800 105149 VT-3 VS-01 -28 B-N-I Accepted DSB-2250 105149 VT-3 VS-01 -29 B-N-2 Accepted DSB-3150 105149 VT-3 VS-01 -29 B-N-2 Accepted DHB-2110 105149 VT-3 VS-01 -30 B-N-2 Accepted DHB-3290 105149 VT-3 VS-01-30 B-N-2 Accepted SH Welds-288 0-LW 105149 VT-I VS-01-31 B-N-2 Accepted SH Welds-288 0-UP 105149 VT-3 VS-01-31 B-N-2 Accepted

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005 Part D, page 5 of 6 I) Owners: Interstate Power and iUght Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt PowerCooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Iumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) Owners Certificate ofAuthorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02/01in5
6) National Board Number of Unit N/A Gross Generating Capacity 614 MWE COMPONENT AND WELD EXAMINATION IDENTIFICATION RECORDS CLASS I Continued 1s5 ASME XI Component Description Report Examination IS Iso Category Results JPR-SUPP PAD- 105149 VT-I VS-01-34 B-N-2 Accepted 1440 JPR-SUPP PAD- 105149 VT-I VS-01-34 B-N-2 Accepted 2520 SHROUD LEDGE 105149 VT-3 VS-02-11 B-N-I Accepted 0°-180° CSS-PERIPH FUEL 105149 VT-3 VS-03-09 B-N-2 Accepted SUP TOP GUIDE 105149 VT-3 VS-04-01 B-N-I Accepted SAMPLE HLDR- 105149 VT-3 VS-1 0-02 B-N-I Accepted 2880
  • Risk-Informed process was used.

CLASS I PRESSURE TESTS ISI ASME XI Component Description Report Examination ISI ISO Category Results Class I Hydrostatic STP 3.10.1-02 105001 VT-2 ISONO-P B-P Accepted Pressure Test

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21,2003 through May 3,2005 Part D Page 6 of 6 I) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. flumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant: Duane Amold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) Owxners Certificate of Authorization (ifrequired): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: o2 in5
6) NationalBoardNumberofUnit: NIA Gross Generating Capacity 614 MWE COMPONENT AND WELD EXAMINATION IDENTIFICATION RECORDS CLASS 2 ISi ASME XI Component Description Report Examination 1SI Iso Category Results There were no Class 2 component or weld examinations performed during this outage.

CLASS 2 PRESSURE TESTS ISI ASME XI Component Description Report Examination ISI ISO Category Results Core Spray STP NS510002 103119 VT-2 ISONO-P C-H Accepted HPCI STP NS520001 105100 VT-2 ISONO-P C-H Accepted HPCI (Steam STP NS520003 105162 VT-2 ISONO-P C-H Accepted Tunnel Components)

Standby Liquid STP NS530001 104001 VT-2 ISONO-P C-H Accepted Control Main Steam STP NS830003 105102 VT-2 ISONO-P C-H Accepted Residual Heat STP NS490003 103118 VT-2 ISONO-P C-H Accepted Removal CRD Hydraulic STP NS550001 105157 VT-2 ISNO-P C-H Accepted IWE COMPONENTS

  • ISI Exam ASME XI Component Description Report Method ISI ISO Category Results Drycvell STP 105109 VT N/A E-A Accepted DRYWELL HEAD 105110 VT-3 N/A E-A Accepted DW INT 798'-805' 105111 VT-3 N/A E-A Accepted DW INT 776'-798' NW 105112 VT-3 N/A E-A Accepted DW INT 742'-757' SE 105113 VT-3 N/A E-A Accepted MOIST. BAR 742' SE 105114 VT-3 N/A E-D Accepted CRD BOLTS 105115 VT-I N/A E-G Accepted Torus TORUS INT (5,6,7,8) 105116 VT-3 N/A E-A Accepted ABOVE WATER LEVEL TORUS EXT (5,6,7,8) 105122 VT-3 N/A E-A Accepted TORUS BAYS 1-16 105123 VT-4 N/A E-C Accepted DW TO TORUS VENT NE 105124 VT-3 N/A E-A Accepted DW TO TORUS VENT#F 105148 VT-3 N/A E-A Accepted
  • Credited for Third Period of IWE Plan Interval

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005 Part E, page I of I I) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, C,crntral Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Mlarion, IA. Ilumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant: Duane Arnold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #I
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02on7n5
6) NationalBoardNumberofUnit N/A Gross Generting Capacity 614 MWE ADDITIONAL EXAMINATION IDENTIFICATION RECORDS Class I Component Examined Previous ISI Report Number ISI Report Number I Examination F ASME XI Category I Results NO ADDITIONAL EXAMS WERE PERFORMED DURING THE THIRD PERIOD FOR THIS CYCLE SUCCESSIVE EXAMINATION IDENTIFICATION RECORDS Class I Component Previous ISI ISI Report Examination ASME XI Results Examined Report Number Category Number HCC-B002 101093 105027 UT B-A Acceptable (HOLES 2040)

RRF-F002 101068 105047 UT R-A Acceptable CRA-KO17AA 101051 105015 VT-3 F-A Acceptable

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21,2003 through May 3, 2005 Part F, page I of 3 I) Owners: Interstate Power and light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Ilumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant Duane Amold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #I
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02101/ 75
6) National Board Number of Unit: N/A Gross Generating Capacity 614 MWE ABSTRACT OF ASMIE SECTION XI REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS The repairs and replacements addressed in this report were performed in accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Xl, 1992 with the 1992 Addenda (Ref. Relief Request NDE-RO 15 Rev. 1).

NIS-2 NO. CLASS COMPONENT WORK DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION 19-03-01 2 SV4334B Containment CWO A62771 Replaced Main Disc Assembly Atmosphere Dilution N2 Supply Outboard Isolation 19-03-02 1 Spare Main Steam PO 19829 Spare Main Steam Safety/Relief Safety Relief Valve Valves were repaired and tested Pilots 19-03-05 2 SV4333A Containment CWO A62941 Replaced Main Disc Assembly Atmosphere Dilution N2 Supply Inboard Isolation 19-03-06 1 Spare Main Steam PO 19829 Spare Main Steam Safety/Relief Safety Relief Valve Valve was repaired and tested Pilot 19-03-09 2 M01055 Moisture CWO A64131 Welded guide slots to improve Separator Reheat & alignment Steam Supply CWO A68176 19-03-10 2 IP216 & IP216A CWO A63477 Installed piping supports for seal High Pressure Coolant & water piping Injection Pump CW0 A63478 19-03-11 2 lP21IB Core Spray MWO 1126361 Replaced pump seal with a design Pump for higher temperatures 19-03-13 2 M04323A CWO A51965 Seal welded bonnet to body Containment Atmosphere Dilution Supply 19-03-14 1 PSV4401 Main Steam PWO 1128061 Pilot Valve S/N 201 was rotated in Relief Valve place of S/N 226 19-05-01 2 CV1064 Main Steam CWO A67068 Removed and replaced seal weld on Drain Isolation bonnet for valve disassembly 19-05-02 2 1P211A Core Spray MWO 1126360 Replaced pump seal with a design Pump for higher temperatures 19-05-03 2 lP21IB Core Spray MWO 1130269 Replaced pump seal in order to add Pump a spacer 19-05-04 2 1P229A Residual Heat PWO 1127332 Replaced snubber DA-53 with Removal Pump Torus snubber DA-250 Suction Line Snubber

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21,2003 through May 3,2005 Part F, page 2 of 3 I) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Ilumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant: Duane Arnold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02/10175
6) National Board Number of Unit: N/A Gross Generxing Capacity: 614 MVE ABSTRACT OF ASME SECTION XI REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS (cont.)

The repairs and replacements addressed in this report were performed in accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Xl, 1992 with the 1992 Addenda (Ref. Relief Request NDE-R015 Rev. l).

NIS-2 NO. CLASS COMPONENT WORK DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION 19-05-09 1 Core Spray Dissimilar PWO 1129011 & Ground the crowns from welds Metal Pipe Welds CWO A67445 CSA-F002 and CSA-F004 19-05-10 1 Reactor Water CWO A66243 & Ground the crown from weld CUB-Cleanup Dissimilar PWO 1129234 F004 Metal Pipe Weld 19-05-11 1 DLA-6-H-8 and DLA- MWO 1129050 Replaced bolt, nut, and added the 6-SS-13 Residual Heat clamp support bars on clamp hanger Removal Piping 19-05-12 1 Control Rod Drives PWOs 1129089- Replaced bolting and control rod 1129095 & CWO drives at 06-23, 10-11, 10-23, 14-A067500 07, 14-11, 14-23, 18-31 locations 19-05-13 2 M02112 'A' Core MWO A63071 Replaced valve disc Spray Test Bypass 19-05-15 2 XS2618B Standby PWO 1128161 Replaced explosive valve Liquid Control SQUIB 19-05-16 1 Control Rod Drives PWOs 1129096- Replaced bolting and control rod 1129102 & CWO drives at 22-03, 22-07, 22-11, 22-A067500 31, 26-11, 26-31, 30-15 locations 19-05-17 1 Control Rod Drives PWOs 1129104, Replaced bolting and control rod 1129105, 129107, drives at 30-39, 34-07,34-39, 34-1129114,1132803 11, 30-31 locations

& CWO A067500 19-05-18 2 HCU Accumulators PWOs 1132908, Replaced HCU Accumulators at 02-1129109, 129108, 19, 34-23, 10-23, 10-15, 30-39, 14-1132909, 129110, 27, 42-23 locations 1129113 & CWO A65092 19-05-19 2 CVI 064 Main Steam CWO A54646 Replaced CV1064 with a valve that Drain Isolation has a heavier operator, and installed new supports 19-05-20 1 Reactor Recirculation CWO A64843 Removed weld crown on RRF-F002 Riser Dissimilar Metal weld by Machining Weld 19-05-21 1 Reactor Recirculation CWO A64844 Removed weld crown on RRG-Riser Dissimilar Metal F002 weld by machining.


THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21,2003 through May 3, 2005 Part F, page 3 of 3 I) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Hlumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant Du3neAmoldEnergyCenter,Palo,IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #l
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02on15
6) NationalBoardNumberofUnit: N/A Gross Generating Capacity- 614MWE ABSTRACT OF ASMIE SECTION XI REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS (cont.)

The repairs and replacements addressed in this report were performed in accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Xl, 1992 with the 1992 Addenda (Ref. Relief Request NDE-RO1 5 Rev. 1).*

NIS-2 NO. CLASS COMPONENT WORK DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION 19-05-22 1 Reactor Recirculation CWO A66133 Blended arc strike on weld RRD-Riser Weld J005 19-05-23 1 CRD Return PWO 1129048 Ground down weld crown on weld Dissimilar metal Weld CRA-J032 19-05-25 1 PSV4400 Main Steam PWO 1128060 Pilot Valve S/N 207 was rotated in Relief Valve place of SIN 218 19-05-26 1 PSV4402 Main Steam PWO 1128063 Pilot Valve SIN 200 was rotated in Relief Valve place of S/N 189 19-05-27 1 PSV4405 Main Steam PWO 1128066 Pilot Valve SIN 176 was rotated in Relief Valve place of SIN 141 19-05-28 1 PSV4406 Main Steam PWO 1128067 Pilot Valve S/N 227 was rotated in Relief Valve place of S/N 203 19-05-29 1 PSV4407 Main Steam PWO 1128068 Pilot Valve S/N 199 was rotated in Relief Valve place of S/N 202 19-05-30 1 PSV4401 Main Steam PWO 1128062 Main Valve Body S/N 201 was Relief Valve rotated in place of S/N 141 19-05-31 1 PSV4407 Main Steam PWO 1128069 Main Valve Body S/N 218 was Relief Valve rotated in place of SIN 202 19-05-32 2 12" HLE014 RHR CWO A71357 Replace 18" length section of 12" Test Line diameter HLE014 19-05-33 2 18" HLE023 MWO 1132980 Repaired containment vent piping Containment Vent to allow for containment thermal growth 19-05-34 2 HLE0335 Drywell MWO 1133017 Removed Hanger HLE-35-SR-79 Cooling Well Water from HLE035 to allow for containment thermal growth

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005 Part G, page I of 75 I) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, C entral Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Hlumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, LA. 52406

2) Plant: Duane Amold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #I
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (ifrequired): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02/0 1175
6) National Board Number of Unit: N/A Gross Generating Capacity: 614 MWE Form NIS-2's

FORM NIS-2 19-03-01 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owners Alliant Energy (Interstate P & L Date 04108/04 Name P. O. Box 35 1. Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet 1 -Of 2 Address 1-
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 CWO A62771 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Nuclear Management Co. LLC Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Containment Atmosphere Dilution, Class 11
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 19 71 Edition S72 Addenda Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92 r

6. Identification of Compone ts Repaired or Re laced and Re lacement Components I Repaired, ASME Code Name of Name or Manufacturer Year Built Component Manuracturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced,or Stamped (fanger No.) Board No. Replacement (YES or Main DisTargeRoc SIN22- Work OrderS4 I Rt NO)

Mtain Disc Assy Target Rock S/N 22 N/A SV4334B 1987 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Replaced Main Disc Assy, P/N 200442-1 in SV4334B on CWO A62771
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic [i Pneumatic [] Nominal Operating Pressure Other = Pressure N/A psi Test Temp N/A - F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) Trhis lForm (E00030) maybe obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., NewYork, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-03-01 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Valve disassembled due to LLRT failure. Main Disc Assy. P/N 200442-1 replaced and valve reassembled. No pressure test reqir*4per ASME Repair Repacement Administrative Document Section 5.1.1 3d.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorizati n No. None Expiration Date NIA Signed (Fz:A 6'., TL Equipment

= Reliability Date 991// 2004 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by IISB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period -_______- ___3 _ -_-_to C/- (-/

4 ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Ownier's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shiall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

I c s n Conunissions Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, anti Endorsements Date C/-e , 2004 Date 200

FORM NIS-2 19-03-02 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi

1. Owners Alliant Energy (Interstate P & L Co.) Date 07/14/03 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit I Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 PO 19829 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Nuclear Maiianement Co. LLC Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 523224 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Spare Main Steam Safety Relief Valve Pilots (Class 1)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME,Section III 19 68 Edition W68 Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identuicauon o mlomponenis Repaired or Relaced and K placement Components ASME Name of Name or Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or NO)

.PilotDisc Target Rock SIN 358 -NA sparc Pilot (SIN 176) Unknown Repair No

'stage Disc Target Rock S/N 15 N/A Spare Pilot (S/N 176) Unknown Repair No jPreload Spacer Target Rock S/N 8 N/A Spare Pilot (S/N 176) Unknown Repair No Pilot Disc Target Rock S/N 615 NIA Spare Pilot (SIN 199) Unknown Repair No 2"d Stage Disc Target Rock S/N 50 N/A Spare Pilot (SIN 199) Unknown Repair No Preload Spacer Target Rock SIN 575 N/A Spare Pilot (SIN 199) Unknown Repair No Pilot Disc Target Rock SIN 390 N/A Sparm Pilot (S/N 227) Unknown Repair No 2-' Stage Disc Target Rock S/N 16 NIA Spare Pilot (S/N 227) Unknown Repair No Preload Spacer Target Rock S/N 574 N/A Spare Pilot (S/N 227) Unknown Repair No Pilot Disc Target Rock S/N 619 N/A Spare Pilot (SIN 207) Unknown Repair No 2" Stage Disc Target Rock S/N 73 N/A Spare Pilot (S/N 207) Unknown Repair No Preload Spacer Target Rock S/N 1037 N/A Spare Pilot (S/N 201) 1999 Replace No Pilot Disc Target Rock S/N 625 N/A Spare Pilot (S/N 201) 1993 Replace No 2- Stage Disc Target Rock - SIN 536 N/A Spare Pilot (S/N 201) 1993 Repair No

7. Description of Work: Spare Main Steam Safety/Relief Valves were repaired and tested at NWS facilities
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic [. Pneumatic [j, Nominal Operating Pressure Other [ Pressure
  • psi Test Temp
  • F
  • These are spare pilot valves.

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-03-02 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Pilot Valves (S/N's 176. 199. 201, 207. 227) were removed during RFOI7 and sent to NWS Tech. for testing And refurbishment. During the refurbishment it was necessary to machine the pilot discs.

2'd stane discs and preload spacers for S/N's 176. 199. and 227. The pilot disc and 2tnd stage disc were machined on S/N 207.

PT exams were successfully performed on the machined surfaces for the above discs and spacers. The pilot disc and preload spacer were replaced on S/N 201. and preservice VT-3s were performed on the parts prior to shipping the items to NWS. The new 2n staye disc for S/N 201 was machined, and successful PT was performed on the machined surface. The preload spacer and the pilot stem were drilled and pinned together for SIN 201. After the above mentioned repairs, all five valve pilots were tested and found to have three successive tests that were acceptable.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Repair/Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorization No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed a Sup. Equipment Reliability Date & e'u /3 2003 Owner f Owner's Designee, Title 200 I

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period y-/o-c,3 - to _ -

_3 _ _ _on ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code;Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

__ Commissions /VP, J;?-),1 a4, /y A, .r,--

Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date R -1 ,,22003

FORM NIS-2 19-03-05 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owners Alliant Energy (Interstate P & L) Date 04/08/04 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet 1 Of 2 Address
2. Plant -Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit 1 Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 CWO A62941 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Nuclear Mat iageement Co. LLC Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 5232 A4 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Containment Atmosphere Dilution, Class II
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 19 71 Edition S72 Addenda Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identificati on of Components Repaired or Re laced and Re placement Components ASME Name of Name of Manufacturer YearBuilt Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped (1(anger No.) Board No. Replacement (YES or

_workOrder/SUS l NO)

Main Disc Assy Target Rock SIN 14 N/A SV4333A 1999 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Replaced Main Disc Assy, P/N 200442-1 in SV4333A on CWO A62941
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic [ Pneumatic [I] Nominal Operating Pressure Other E Pressure N/A psi Test Temp N/A °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (l) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-03-05 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Valve disassembled due lo LLRT failure. Main Disc Assy. P/N 200442-1 replaced and valve reassembled. No prlessure test required per ASME Repair Repacement Administrative Document Section 5.1.1 3d.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorizatioy No. None Expii -ation Date N/A Signed 60 9 TL Equipment Reliability Owner or Owner's Designee, Title Date Il,/ /u 2004 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by IiSB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period z-- )j -_6 3 to (4- q- 0 i , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions AVA r'i% X F.. / i9 -i Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date A- I , 2004

FORM NIS-2 19-03-06 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owners Alliant Energy (Interstate P & L Co.) Date 10/22/03 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit 1 Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 PO 19829 Address Repair Organization to P. O. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Nuclear Mai ,iapement Co. LLC Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 523224 -_______

Expiration Date None

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME,Section III 19 68 Edition W68 Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92 ot Components Repaired or Relaced and Keplacement Components r

6. Identilicatlon

. ASME Name of Name of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component M1anuracturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or NO)

Pilot Disc Target Rock SIN 269 N/A Spare Pilot (S/N 200) Unknown Repair No 2 Stage Disc Target Rock S/N 85 N/A Spare Pilot (SIN 200) Unknown Repair No Pilot Base Target Rock N/A Spare Pilot (SIN 200) Unknown Repair No SR a

7. Description of Work: Spare Main Steamn Safety/Relief Valve 'wasrepaired and tested at NWS facilities
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic [j] Pneumatic [I] Nominal Operating Pressure EZn Other. Pressure
  • psi Test Temp
  • F
  • This is spare pilot valve.

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) maybe obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-03-06 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Pilot Valve (S/N 200) was removed duriniz RFO18 and sent to NWS Tech. for testineg And refiurbhhment liirine the refiirhishment it was n ecTrv tn maihine the plilnt disc 2"d stane disc and weld a new seat into the base of the pilot. PT exams were successfully performed on the machined and welded surfaces.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLM We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorization No. None Expi ration Date N/A Signed Sup. Equipment Reliability Date DCf e 2003 Ownl~r or Owner's Designee, Title I

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Corn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period C- /q-M63 to AD -)Vy o3: , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

______ _ Commissions V I)3)A.i. I./q(, -PX Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 1d- q.-/ ,2003

FORM NIS-2 19-03-09 Rev. I FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi I. Owners Alliant Energv (Interstate P & L Co.) 'Date 7/2 1105 I Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address

2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 CWO A64131 and CWO A68176 .1 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Nuclear Marinaement Co. LLC Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 5232 _4 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Main Steam Line Second Stage Reheat
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.1 19 67 Edition N/A Addenda NIA Code Case: I (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92
6. Identification 0fComponents Repaired or Ke paced and Re lacement Components ASMiE Nameof Name of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or N101055 Flowservc Corp. X00256888 N/A NMSR IE8A 2< Stage Rchcat 2001 Repaired No Stm Supply
7. Description of Work: Welded guide slots to improve alignment. Machined bore to clean up scratches from stem. .1
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic z Pneumatic 0 Nominal Operating Pressure I4%ZV-Other El Pressure 968 Psi Test Temp 552 °F I NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

L-LUL FORNI NIS-2 19-03-09 Rev. I FORM NIS-2 (Black)

9. Remarks: Welded disc guide slots to obtain the proper clearance P'erformed visuatexaii under work orderA64 13 1.

Successful surface exam was perfonned on the welded areas of the disc Guide slots under work order A68 176.

Machined bonnet bore to remove rough surfaces caused by stem calling. Machined area of bonnet bore was not accessible for a surface exam. VT-2 of the valve was successfullv pe{formoed durino plant startup(C94O Oob).

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Repair (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of, tho jon No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed < Sup. Equipment Reliability Date 7C' ZZ 2005 rOwne(Sr Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period .) a - To 7- ,2?-Oh , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthennore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions JJ 0 via ( /44(A Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date ) 09

, 2005 I

FORM NIS-2 19-03-10 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owners Alliant Energy (Interstate P & L Co.) . Date 1/10105 Name P.O. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit 1 Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 PWO A63477 and A63478 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Nuclear Mar ianement Co. LLC Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name 'Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 5232 24 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: High Pressure Coolant Injection'
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Draft P & V 19 68 Edition N/A Addenda N/A Code Case:

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Re laced and Re placement Components ASME Name of Name of Mbanuracturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or 1P216 Byron Jackson 691S1050 N/A ttPCI Main Pump 1970 Rcpaired No IP216A Byron Jackson 691S 1051 NIA HPCI Booster Pump 1970 Repaired No

___ __t__

7. Description of Work: Installed piping supports for seal water piping on main and booster pump flanges.

S. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic C Pneumatic' [] Nominal Operating Pressure EZ Other = Pressure NA* Psi Test Temp NA* OF

  • Pressure testing not required by IWA4710 since welds did not penetrate through the pressure boundary.

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 12 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-03-10 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Seal lines to I P216, HPCI main pump and I P21 6A. lPCI booster pump were rerouted for easier maintenan, This required two existing cyclone separator supports on I P216 to be ground off of the pump flange. and two larger supports were welded back onto the pump flange. The welds successfully passed surface exams. Also, welded two supports for cyclone separators on IP216A pump flange. Those welds successfully passed surface exams. Machined area of pump flange to permit threading of a larger seal flush line fitting into the seal flange, This area was accessible for a surface exam. A PT exam was performed with no indications. Pressure testing was not required since the welding the supports onto the components did not penetrate through the pressure boundary of the components. as described in IWA4710.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Repair (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorizan o. None Expiration Date N/A Signed Sup. Equipment Reliabilit Date j41Cv'"t &D4 2005 wner o0 wner's Designee, Title Ii CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period - _-9

- - 0(/ To 3 -?i- 5 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shalt be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

________________ Commissions A ) 1 4 A' i , /'N, Z9 Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 3 -,20 , 2005

FORM NIS-2 19-03-1_i1 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owners Alliant Energy (Interstate P & L Co.) Date 419/04 Name P. O. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 MWO 1126361 Address Repair Organization to P. O. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Nuclear Manaeement Co. LLC Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: C'ore Spray
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Draft P& V 19 68 Edition N/A Addenda N/A Code Case:

N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identilication of Components Repaired or Kelaced and Re lacement Components ASME Name of Name Of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code (Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YVES or

.rcal Gland FlowScrve R1SA04765 N/A 11'21 1B Core Spray Pump 2003 Replacement No Seat Gland Cap Texas Bolt IIT# 90940 N/A I1P2`1IB Core Spray Pump 1995 Replacement No Screw s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7. I)escription of Work: Replaced pump seal with a design for higher temperatures X. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic j Pneumatic [] Nominal Operating Pressure X-T Other EII Pressure 295 I'si Test Temp 76.9 0 F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings maybe used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top olfthis form.

(I2;'S2) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept.. ASNI., 345 E. 471h St.. New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-03-1 1 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: R _plc Ipumn seat with larger seal designed for higher temperatt re application. Replaced cap screws since new seal is larger. and therefore requires longer cap screws Successfull performed VT-2 exam after installation.

CERTIFICATE OF COB4PLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the nrles of the ASME Code, Section Xi.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authoratio- No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed ,LLze>e4=t e _& Sup. Equipment Reliability

'Otner or6%wvner's Designee, Title Date .62L1,i I/



2004 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by HSB CT of Ilartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 3 - /--Oct To t-4/4 *e , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions AM) )XV?9/1-v -r-.

Inspector's Sigllnature National Board, State, Province, antd Endorsements Date Lj-l c , 2004 200

FORM NIS-2 19-03-13 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi

1. Owners Alliant EnerEgy (Interstate P & L Co.) Date 4/13/04 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 SI eet I of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit 1 Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 CWO A51965 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Nuclear Maiiagement Co. LLC Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 523224 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Containment Atmosphere Dilution _ _ _
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 19 71 Edition NIA Addenda NIA Code Case:

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

0. Identilication of Cornponents Repaired or Re laced and K lacement Components ASME Name of Name of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YFS or 1104323ARockwell KA034 NA A CAD SUPI'LY PCV INLET Unknown Repaired No Edwards
7. Description of Work: Seal welded bonnet to body and bonnet to motor flange.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic I Pneumatic E Nominal Operating Pressure Other = Pressure Psi Test Temp NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(I 2/Z2) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASNE, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-03-13 FORIMI NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Disassembled valve bonnet. During re-assembly seal welded bonnet to bod1and bonnet to the motor flange.

Successful surface exams were performned on both welds.

CERTIFICATE OF COMIPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Repair (repair or replacement) conforms to the riles of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of AuthorizatimnNl. None Expii iation Date N/A

..' 1 7.

Signed i 6L4.-- ./c- Sup. Equipment Reliability Date A,~~p13.

is 2004

\ %Wiiror Q'(ner's Designee, Title I CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by IISB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period it - ? y. o03 To L(- My. ot/ , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions YA Q1341. t VCq , 2/'

Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and ]Endorsements Date -/ 4 -0 Li , 20041 20

FORM NIS-2 19-03-14 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME. Code Section XI I. Owners Alliant Eneryv (IES Utilities) Date 03/31/05 Name P'. 0. Box 351. Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I Of 2 Address

2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 PWO 1128061 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No.. Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Nuclear Mat iagement Co I.LLC Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 523224 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Main Steam Safety Relief Valve (Class I)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME III 19 68 Edition W68 Addenda NIA Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components AS, ,

Name of Name of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Componient Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identificalion Replaced. or Slamped (langer No.) Board No. Replacement (YFS or Work Order/ SUS NO)

Pluto Valc Tarect Rock S/N 201 N/A PW0 1129061 /83.04 1976 Replacement Yes I~~~ I.-II 4- * .t + + 4- 4-4- 4 4 4 + 4 +

4- 4 4 4 4 4 4-4- 4 4 4 4- 4 4-

7. Description of Work: The Pilot Valve was repaired and documented on NIS-2 (19-03-02). This Pilot Valve was rotated in place of S/N 226.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic E Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure EJ1 Other ] Pressure 955 psi Test Temp 514 0 F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-03-1.t FORM NIS-2 (Black)

9. Remarks: Pilot Valve S/N 226 was removed and pilot valve S/N 201 was installed. Prior to installation SiN 201 was repc and documented on NIS-2 (19-03-02). A VT-2 (1 03064) was completed on the mechanical connection and found acceptaible.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the nmles of the ASME Code, Section Xi.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorization No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed 'r cc, Tl Equipment Reliability Date 7;T4Ly /G& 2005 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by IISB3 CT of I lartford, Conmi. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period cl- O- 03 xf to 7_ - o and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASlME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warrant), expressed or implied, concening the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions Iv3 O 5 Aqlv& /q 1e 1

Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date ,2005 Date 200

FORM NIS-2 19-05-01 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owners Alliant Energy (GES Utilities) Date January 10, 2005 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I_ _ of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 A67068 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Nuclear Management Co. LLC. Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Main Steam
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B3 1.1 19 67 Edition NA Addenda NA Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-92A

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Nameao Name of Manufacturer Year Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Board Other Identification Built Replaced, or Stamped No. Replacement (YES or

.______ E4 NA NA__9_8 NO CV 1064 Anchor Darling EA748-l NA NA 1988 ReardNo

7. Description of Work: Removed and replaced seal weld on bonnet for valve disassembly
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic M Pneumatic [a Nominal Operating Pressure Li1 Other M Pressure NA* psi Test Temp NA* 0 F
  • Pressure testing seal welds not required in accordance with IWA-4710.

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-05-01 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Valve was disassembled an internal components were replaced. No pressure boundary components were replaced. Valve bonnet requires a seal weld to be removed and installed after disassembly and reassembly.

Surface exam was successfully completed on the body to bonnet seal weld. Pressure test was not necessary since IWA47 10 does not require pressure testine seal welds.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Repair (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate ofAuthoriz on No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed %ll,'.,,t&N GLEquipmentMonitoring Date I U Q.o 2005

( vwer or O)wner's Dleisynee- 1itle 13 1

- - "-- - I -, "-. - - - --,-

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Cona. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report duringtheperiod V 7/ -04 to /A/2 -cs" , andstatethattothebest of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 2005

FORM NIS-2 19-05-02 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owners Alliant Energy (Interstate P &: 1, Co.) Date 1/10/05 Name P. O. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 MWO 1126360 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Nuclear Management Co. LLC Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Core Spray
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Draft P & V 19 68 Edition N/A Addenda N/A Code Case:

(b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Re laced and Replacement Components ASMIE Nameof NameoF Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or Seal Gland FlowServe RLSAO4764 N/A IP21 IA Core Spray Pump 2003 Replacement No Seal Gland Cap Texas Bolt HT # 90940 N/A I P21 IA Core Spray Pump 1995 Replacement No Screws .
7. Description of Work: Replaced pump seal with a design for higher temperatures
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Cl Pneumatic E Nominal Operating Pressure Other [ Pressure 302 Psi Test Temp 96.2 aF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-05-02 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Replaced pump seal with larger seal desiened for higher temperature application. Replaced cap screws since new seal is larer, and therefore requires loneer can screws Successfuliv performed VT-2 exam after installation.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement)

Il conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Autho' tion No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed Sup. Equipment Reliability Date /0, 2005 Owner[6r Owner's Designee, Title I Q,

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period - /J - 0 Li To / - I/A - V , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions Nati n l State, i/P q (, E d env Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 1- / , 2005 20

FORIM NIS-2 19-05-03 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi

1. Owners Alliant Energy (Interstate P & L Co.) Date 1/10/05 Name P. O. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I_ _ of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, 1A 52324 MWO 1130269 Address Repair Organization to P. O. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Nuclear Management Co. LLC Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Core Spray
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Draft P & V 19 68 Edition N/A Addenda N/A Code Case:

(b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92 r

6. Identification 0! Components Repaired or Rel Iaced and Re lacement Components ASAIE Name of Name of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replaement (YES or NO)

Seal Gland FlowServe RLSA04763 N/A I P21 I B Core Spray Pump 2003 Replacenent No

7. Description of Work: Replaced pump seal in order to add a spacer
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic a Pneumatic E Nominal Operating Pressure Other [jj Pressure 293 Psi Test Temp N/A °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 471h St., New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-05-03 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Replaced pump seal after addine a spacer. Spacer was requiredpae to asrqod obtain rood fiti for o seal. Old seal sa.Od elws was removed

=eoe because the set screw was jammed, and seal could not be removed without damaoing the seal. Successfully

= _

performed VT-2 exam after installation of new seal.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in tile report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authoriz I No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed 06X Sup. Equipment Reliability Date 1 (0, 2005 xOvner ouIwncr's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and II the State or Province of Iowa and employed by IISB CT of Hartford, Conti. have inspeefoA the components described in this Owner's Report during the period //- /7 - oY To - / 0*-5O v ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions AJ5 I2302z41V -Z.

Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date /- d v ,2005

FORM NIS-2 19-05-04 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owners Alliant Energy (Interstate P & L Co.) Date 3/12/05 Name P. O. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit I Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 PWO 1127332 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Nuclear Management Co. LLC Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Residual Ifeat Removal _


(a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.7 19 69 Edition 71 Addenda N/A Code Case:

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components I AS'ME Name of Name of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Mlanufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or NO)

I P-229A Torus Bergen- DA-250 N/A IIBB-024-SS-222 N/A Replacemnent No Suction ine Patterson Snubber

_ _ _ _ I .I__ _ _ I _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ I __ I _

7. Description of Vork: Replaced snubber DA-53 with snubber DA-250 due to end of seal life.

S. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic j Pneumatic E Nominal Operating Pressure w_7_

Other Pressure N/A Psi Test Temp N/A OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

. 11.

FORM NIS-2 19-05-04 FORMI NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Snubber DA-53. located at 1IBB-024-SS-2221had reached the end of seal life and was replaced with DA-250.

This snubber (DA-53) passed the visual and functional tests. The snubber (DA 250) was rebuilt under PWO 1124686. No load bearing parts were repaired or replaced during rebuild. Successfully performed VT-3 exam (Rpt # P05032) after installation of replacement snubber.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorization No. None Expiration Date NIA Signed 10 V Sup. Equipment Reliability Date V//WO S 2005 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title II CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 1L -1/ -6o To 3- /6- O5 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions atio /o3;, S4te Po, adEnre Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 3>l , 2005 2005

FORM NIS-2 19-05-09 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owners Alliant Energv (JES Utilities) Date 4/16/2005 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 PWO 1129011 and CWO A67445 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Energv (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Core Spray Piping
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.7 Class 1 19 69 Edition 70 Addenda NIA Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identification o Components Repaired or Re laced and Ke lacement Components ASME Name of Name of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped l Board No. Replacement (YES or l__NO)

DCA-008 Bechtel Corp.. NA N/A Core Spray Dissimilar Metal 1974 Repair No Pipe Welds

7. Description of Work: Ground the crowns from welds CSA-F002 and CSA-F004 to improve UT examination of weld.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Z Pneumatic i] Nominal Operating Pressure E[=

Other [ Pressure N/A psi Test Temp N/A NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12182) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-05-09 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Ground the crowns from welds CSA-F002 and CSA-F004 to improve UT examination of weld.

Successful surface exam was performed on CSA-F002 (P05055) and on CSA-F004 (P05048) after weld crowi.

was removed by grinding.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Repair (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Autho 'tion No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed v ,- .- c' Supervisor, Materials/lnspection Date ,k / IC, 2005

' Owier or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 3- a - % to /- if', -0o", , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions /V/:; ,.)--x, 944,v-z /q I?L6Z 27iV Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date Dt - , 2005 2005

FORM NIS-2 19-05-10 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owners Alliant Encrgy (TES Utilities) Date 5/4/2005 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit I Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 CWO A66243 and PWO 1129234 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Enerfry (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 5232 4 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Reactor Water Cleanup Piping
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B331.7 Class 1 19 69 Edition 70 Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identitication o! Uomponcnts Repaired or Replaced and Kelacement Uomponents ASINE Nameor Name of Oanufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or DCA.014 B lchtcl Corp.. NA N/A Reactor Water Cleanup 1974 Repair No Dissirnilar Metal Pipe Weld
7. Description of Work :: Ground the crown from weld CUB-F004 to improve UT examination of weld.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Cl Pneumatic [] Nominal Operating Pressure LIo Other F Pressure N/A psi Test Ten ip N/A N F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-05-1 0 FORAI NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Ground the crown from weld CUB-F004 to improve UT examination of weld. Uncovered porosity under the Crown. Ground out the porosity and verified weld was above minimum wall by using UT. Successful surface exam was performed on CUB-F004 (P05050) after the porosity was removed and after the UT verifyine adequate wall thickness was performed.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Repair (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Auth ition No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed It _A Supervisor, Materials/Inspection Date mlc ' 2005 Ow r or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by lISB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period e go ' to S- - C s, , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

)Y3 _-- Commissions /13 3  ; I' r1 Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date , 2005 005

FORM NIS-2 19 11 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owners Alliant Energy (IES Utilities) Date 4/21/2005 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet 1I of 2 Address

2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 MWO 1129050 Address Repair Organization to P. O. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Energy (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Residual Heat Removal
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B331.7 Class 1 19 69 Edition 71 Addenda NIA Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92 r w s .- _ .. r A . . s l s s . .

6. Identilicatton o0 Components Repaired or Replaced and Re lacement Components ASME Name of Name of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or NO)

DLA-641-8 and Nova NA N/A Dolt H# 8898297 2005 Replacement No

.A-6-SS-13 .

-A-641-8 and Nova NA N/A Nut Lot #50041551 2005 Replacement No DLA-6-SS-13 DLA-6-H-8 and Tuscaloosa Steel NA N/A t it # A7X3024 1998 Repair No DLA-6-SS-13

7. Description of Work: Replaced one bolt, one nut, and added the clamp support bars on clamp hanger that was reinstalled for supports DLA-6-H-8 and DLA-6-SS-13. Clamp was removed to perform ISI exams on welds.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic m Pneumatic EF Nominal Operating Pressure mi Other = Pressure N/A psi Test Temp N/A 0F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-05-1 1 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Replaced one bolt and nut that were cut to remove the pipe clamp for supports DLA-6-H-8 and DLA-6-SS-l3 Pipe clamp was removed to facilitate examining welds next to the clamp. Welded support bars onto the pipe clamp as depicted on the clamp drawing.

Successful mreservice VT-3 exam was performed on the sunnorts (P05004 and PGoS6V CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Repair/Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section X[.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorization No. None Expii iation Date N/A Signed Supervisor, Materials/Inspection Date A;y~ 2 a/,. 2005 Ow~ner or Owner's Designee, Title II CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 5 -C ( to j - )* - -c' ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

) Commissions /V/ iAqVr E /Y 27 Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date Date ~ , 2005 2 0

IFORM NIS-2 19-05-12 IFORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR RIEPLACEMFENTS As Required by the Provisions of tile ASME Code Section XI I. Owvners Alliant amnerv (FS Utilities) I)ate 4/30!2005 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I_ _ of 2 Address

2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name PWO 1129089, 1129090, 1129091, 1129092 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 1129093, 1129094, 1129095 and CWVO A067500 Address Repair Organization to P.0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Energv (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: CControl Rod Drive
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sect. III 19 68 Edition W68 Addenda N/A Code Case.

Class I (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92 I

0. Identimicaton ot tomnponents tepaired or ep laced and Ke lacement Components ASMI E Name or Name of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired. Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced. or Stamped Board No. Replacement (VES or


IR215(06-23) GE S/N 4501 1972 Replacement Yes I R215(06-23) Nova N/A N/A 8 [Bolts I I0 8960755 2004 Replacement No I R2t15(l 0- II) GE S/N 2519 1972 Replacement Yes I R215(l 0-t t) Nova N/A N/A 8 Bolts 11W8960755 2004 Replacement No I R215(t0-23) GE S/N 4494 1972 Replacement Yes IR215(10-23) Nova N/A N/A 8 Bolts llt# 8960755 2004 Replacement No IR215(14-07) GE S/N A4286 1990 Replacement Yes IR215(14-07) Nova N/A N/A 8 [lolts llt# 8960755 2004 Replacement No I R215(14-1 1) GE S/N 3522 1972 Replacement Yes I R215(14-1 l) Noa N/A N/A 8 Bolts It# 8960755 2004 Replacement No IR2t5(14-23) GE S/N 4467 1973 Replacement Yes IR215(14-23) Nova N/A N/A 8 Bolts Ift# 8960755 2004 Replacement No IR215(18-31) GE S/N 4333 _____________t 1972 Replacement Yes IR215(18-31) Nova N/A N/A 8 Bolts IM 8960755 2004 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Replaced bolting and control rod drives at 06-23, 10-11, 10-23, 14-07, 14-1 1, 14-23, 18-31 loc.
8. Tests Conducted: Ihydrostatic I Pneumatic OI Nominal Operating Pressure EFI1 Other [ Pressure 1025 psi Test Temp 240.6 °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept.. ASME, 345 E. 47th St.. New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 I9-05-12 FORMtl NIS-2 (Back)

'). Remarks: Replaced bolting and control rod drives at 06-23. 10-11. 10-23. 14-07. IJ-Il. 141-23. IX-'I locations.

Successfully performed VT'-2 of replaced drives (105001). A V 1-I was successfuilly completed on all remoed bolting. See the individual work orders lbr each VT-I. A VT-I was successfiluly completed for all installed bolting at receivin; inspection.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements mantde in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Autihorization No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed & Y -t Supervist)r,Materials/lnspectioni Date aLyr 2005 Owner or Owner's D)esihnee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid cominission issued by the National Board of l3oilerand Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of lowva and employed by I ISB CT of I lartford, Conii. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 9q l b . to -7 - , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perfonned examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASMIE Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

___ Commissions 1v5 l3' )94y- /,'4 m Inspector's Signattire National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 7 - // , 2005

FORM NIS-2 19-05-13 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owners Alliant Energy (JES Utilities) Date 4/30/2005 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane AI2Iold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 MWO A63071 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Eneray (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Core Spray
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code P&V Draft Class 2 19 68 Edition Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identitication ot Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components I ASME Name of Name of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component .Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or M02112 Flowserve 23520-1 N/A Valve Disc 2005 Replacement No
7. Description of Work: Replaced valve disc due to poor connection between valve stem and disc on replaced components.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic f Pneumatic [ Nominal Operating Pressure Other = Pressure N/A psi Test Temp N/A OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12182) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-05-13 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Replaced valve disc.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorization No. None Expir ation Date N/A Signed iiI4  ?'li-i  ; Supervisor, MateriaMnspection Date 8 iS- '3 2005 Qpener or Owner's Designee, Title

.1 the State or Province of CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and Iowa and employed by HSB CT I

of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period - of to S- 5Of ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

9 Commissions /V-/;) 3?94X l / / b- -Z Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Pro ince, and Endorsements Date ' - 200

, 2005

FORM NIS-2 19-05-15 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owners Alliant Energy (IES Utilities) Date 4/30,2005 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit 1 Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 PWO 1128161 Address Repair Organization to P. O. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Energy (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Standby Liquid Control
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code P&V Draft Class 2 19 68 Edition Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identification ofComponents Repaired or Replaced and R lacement Components ASAIE Name of Name of Manufracturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Mianufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or NO)

XS2618B IST Conax 608 N/A Valve 2004 Replacement No Nuclear

7. Description of Work: Replaced explosive valve on frequency required by IST Prograrm.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic [ Pneumatic [I Nominal Operating Pressure EI1 Other = Pressure 1245 psi Test Temp N/A °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-05-ls FOR;IM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Replaced valve.Valve is threaded into place. Successfully performed VT-2 of the valve after installation (P05024).

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorization No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed i I-4 Supervisor,Materials/Inspection Owfieror0%vner'sDesigneeTitle Date G o Q

(41 I

, 2005 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION l 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by IISB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period //- i& - ocl to _ _ _ - 6 _' _C_

_ , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions -V5 j ) / ,

Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date ) 6 - So ,2005

FORM NIS-2 19-05-16 FORM NIS-2 OWNIERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASMI-E Code Section Xi I. Owners Alliant Energy (IES Utilities) Date 5/2/2005 Name P. O. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address

2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name PWO 1129096, 1129097, 1129098, 1129099 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 1129100, 1129101, 1129102 and CWO A067500 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Energey (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Ccontrol Rod Drive S. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sect. III 19 68 Edition U'68 Addenda NIA Code Case.

Class I (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xi Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92 Io. Identimication o0LomponenIs Kepaired or Ke laced and Ke lacement Components AS,%l:

Name or Name of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired. Code Component NManuracturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced. or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or

._ . . NO)

IR215(22-03) GE S/N4407 1972 Replacement Yes I R2l5(22-03) Nova N/A NMA 8 Bolts lth# 8960755 2004 Replacement No 1R215(22-07) GE S/N 4388 1972 Replacement Yes IR215(22-07) Nova N/A N/A 8 Bolts Ith# 8960755 2004 Replacement No I R215(22-1 1) GE S/N 4017 1972 Replacement Yes IR215(22-1 t) Nova N/A N/A 8 Bolts llt# 8960755 2004 Rcplaccmcnt No I R215(22-31) GE S/N 3965 1972 Replacement Yes I R2 15(22-31) Nova N/A N/A 8 Bolts I It# 8960755 2004 Replacement No 1R2 15(26-l t) GE S/N 3956 1972 Replacement Yes IR215(26-1l) Nova N/A N/A 8 BoLS lutH8960755 2004 Replacement No IR215(26-31) GE S/N 4789 1973 Replacement Yes IR215(26-31) Nova N/A N/A 8 Bolts 1llt 8960755 = 2004 Replacement No I R215(30-15) GE S/N 4350 1972 Replacement Yes IR215(30-15) Nova N/A N/A 8 Bolts llt# 8960755 2004 ecplacemcnt No

7. Description of Work: Replaced bolting and control rod drives at 22-03, 22-07, 22-11, 22-31. 26-1 1, 26-31, 30-15 loc.
8. Tests Conducted: Hlydrostatic z Pneumatic z Nominal Operating Pressure Exl1 Other L Pressure 1025 psi Test Temp 240.6 0 F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists. sketches. or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x I I in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St.. New York, NY 10017.

F()RM NIS-2 '19-05-16, FORM NIS-2 (Back)

'). IReniarks: Replaced bolting and control rod (Irives at 22-03. 2?-07. 22-1 1, 22-31, 26-1 1. 26-31. 30-1 5 locations.

Successfiully performedw v-2 of replaced drives (105001 ). A VT-I was successfully completed at receiving inspection for replacement bolting. An Inservice bolting, vr-I inspection was complete(d on all removed boltin, and lound satisfactory. See the individual work order lor each VT-I.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) confonns to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xi.

Type Code Symbol Stamirp None Certificate of Authorization No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed  % (0Ot Supervisor, Materials/Inspection I)ate 0 t L d/1 2005 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the Nalional Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by HSIS CT of llartford, Conn. have inspected the components described inthis Owner's Report during the period C? - /6- - o0 to o

- f// -c , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief: the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions Ae)

Inspector's Sinature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date , 2005

[)ate 2005

FORM NIS-2 19-05-17 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions ofthe ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owners Alliant l-neriw (II'S Utilities) Date 512/2005 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name PWO 1129104, 1129105, 1129107, 1129114, 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 1132803 and CWO A067500 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Energv (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: C'ontrol Rod Drive
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sect. III 19 68 Edition W68 Addenda N/A Code Case.

Class I (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identitication of Components Repaired or Re laced and Replacement Components AS E Name of Name or 'lanturacttirer Year Buill Repaired. Code Component Mianufacturer Serial No. National Other ldenlification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YUS or

._ NO)

IR215(30-39) GE SIN 4X75 1973 Replacement Yes IR215(30-39) Nova NIA N/A 8 Bolts llt 8960755 200I4 Replacement No IR215(34 -07) GE SIN A8883 1990 Replacement Yes IR215(34-07) Noia N/A N/A 8 Bolts Ilt# 8960755 2004 Replacement No IR215(34-39) (E S/N 3979 1972 Replacement Yes I R215(34-39) Nova N/A N/A 8 Bolts I It# 8960755 2004 Replacement No IR215(34-1t1) GE SIN 4355 1 1 1972 Replacement Yes IR215(34-1 1) Nova N/A N/A 8 Bolts I1tW 8960755 2004 Replacement No IR215(30-31) GE SIN 3964 1 1972 Replacement Yes IR215(30-31) Nova NIA N/A 8 Bolts IIt0 8960755 2004 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Replaced bolting and control rod drives at 30-39, 34-07, 34-39, 34-11, 30-31 loc.
8. Tests Conducted: yldrostatic z Pneumatic FI1 Nominal Operating Pressure Other EI] Pressure 1025 psi Test Temp 240.6 °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x I I in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Forn (1.00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME. 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

I ORN NIS-2 19-(5-17 FOIRM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Replaced boiling and control rod drives at 30-39, 34-07. 34-39, 34-i 1. 30-3 I locations. SuccesslIlIly performed VT-2 of replaced drives (105001). A V 1-I was successfuilly completed at receivin, inspection for all replacement bolting. An Inservice bolting V-l'-l was completed on all removed bolting an found satisfactory with one exception. 105141 on PWo 11)29105 found one bolt with damage to two threads from handling damnae.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorization No. None [Expiration Date N/A Signed , > AeX,P Ccr Supervisor. Materials/Inspectiom Date ,'*L .. 2005 Owner or Owner's Designee, TIitle CERTIFICATE. OF INSERVICE INSPECTlION 1,the undersigned. holding, a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by IISB cr of IlartFord, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report dluring the period q *3 -oq to 7 a0 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perforned examin-ations and taken corrective measures described in this 0Owner's Report in accordance wvith the requirements of the ASMIE Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, conceming the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

__________________ Commissions ,VB ) 4.2 , /'

Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsementts I)ate / 270

, 20(05

FORM NIS-2 19-05-18 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Onwners Alliant Energy (IES Utilities) Date 512/2005 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit 1 Name PWOs 1132908, 1129109, 1129108, 1132909, 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 1129110, 1129113 and CWO A067500, A65092 Address Repair Organization to P. O. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Energy (ES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Control Rod Drive
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Sect. VIII 19 68 Edition Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Re laced and R lacement Components ASME Name of Name of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or

_ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N O) 1S220 (02-19) GE SIN C0101 IiCU Accumulator 1978 Replacement Yes IS220 (34-23) GE S/N C0079 }iCU Accumulator 1978 Replacement Yes IS220 (10-23) GE S/N A2573 IICU Accumulator 1978 Replacement Yes IS220 (10-15) GE S/N A2547 I1CU Accumulator 1978 Replacemcnt Yes IS220 (30-39) GE S/N C0089 llCU Accumulator 1978 Replacement Ycs IS220 (14-27) GE SIN C0078 _1CU Accumulator 1978 Replacement Yes IS220 (42-23) GE S/N CO 100 MCU Accumulator 1978 Replacement Yes

7. Description of Work: Replaced HCU Accumulators at 02-19, 34-23, 10-23, 10-15, 30-39, 14-27, 42-23 locations
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic [ Pneumatic [] Nominal Operating Pressure Other [ Pressure 1025 psi Test Temp 240.6 0 F

- NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

I-IORtMI NIS-2 19-05-IS FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Replaced IICU Accumulators at 02-19, 34-23, 10-23, 10-15, 30-39, 14-27, 42-23 locations. Successfully performed VT-2 of replaced IICU accumulators (105001).

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorization No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed Supervisor, Materials/Inspection Date /Y?ae.1 (9 , 2005 Owtler or O'vner's Designee, Title \J CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by IISB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period  !- 6 -O-/ to A-/f-c, , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions AtI, 1,3-3)i 4,v'J.

Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date - 20q

, 2005

FORM NIS-2 19-05-19 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owners Alliant Energy (IES Utilities) Date 5125/2005 Name P. O. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 CWO A54646 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Energv (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Main Steam Line Drain
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ANSIB31.1 19 67 Edition N/A Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92 ID. I - .. ot omponenis IIdentlicaton .- - . . - . . - I Repaired or .Kq aced and Ke lacement Cornponents ASME Name of Name of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (Y'ES or NO)

CV1064 Flowserve SIN 29AXD N/A Main Steam Drain to 2004 Replacement No Condenser Isolation Valve EBDO02 Vision Metals I IT# 151234 N/A Piping to CVI 064 1999 Replacement No EBDO02 Gulf States Stecl [IT# 7462666 N/A 1/4 " Plate Steel for CV1064 1998 Replacement No Support EBDO02 Lukens Steel HT# R2958 N/A Sf8" Plate Steel for CV1064 1991 Replacement No Support EBD002 Independence iIT# D42964 N/A Tube Steel for CV 1064 2002 Replacement No Tube Corp Support EBDO02 Bergen-Power 283 N/A U-Bolts 2004 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Replaced CV1064 with a valve that has a heavier operator, and installed new supports for the operator.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic L Pneumatic [I] Nominal Operating Pressure Other j Pressure 968* psi Test Temp 552* 0 F
  • Performed in-accordance with Code Case N416-1 NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E.47th St., New York, NY 10017.

______ LL-FORM NIS-2 19-05-19 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Replaced CV1064. Welded in Valve and a pipe pup piece to fit valve into systeII. Successfully surface examined piping welds. Built additional supports from the flat plate and u-bolts to support the heavier valve and operator. Successfully performed VT-2 of piping welds and of the replaced valve (Report P05025 performed on Report 105102).

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Atth tion 3 o. None Expiration Date N/A Signe 4

- Supervisor, Materials/inspection Date /IY 1 cf Z I1 2005 Ovtner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period /I I-o q to S - J 2R-. ¶i; , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commnissions .AlV-g i.94 4,.-v / L/ 9 t..

Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 2.0-0

, 2005

FORM NIS-2 19-05-20

  • FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl
1. Oweners Alliant Energy (IES Utilities) Date 5/26/2005 Name P. O. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address I
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, LA 52324 CWO A64843 Address Repair Organization to P. O. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Energy (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road. Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Reactor Recirculation
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B3 1.1 19 67 Edition N/A Addenda NIA Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

0. Identificaton of Componens Repaired or Ke laced and Ke lacement Components ASME Name of Name of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or I_ NO)

Recirculation GE NIA NA Reactor Recirculation Riser Unknown Repaired No Piping Dissimilar Metal Weld

7. Description of Work: Removed weld crown on RRF-F002 weld by Machining.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Z Pneumatic [II Nominal Operating Pressure LII Pressure N/A psi Test Temp N/A 0 F Other =

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I .LA FORM NIS-2 19-05-20 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Removed weld crown from Recirculation Riser safe-end dissimilar metal weld RRF-F002 by machining. Weld crown was removed to improve the ultrasonic examination of the weld. Successful surface exam was completed on weld (P05019) after machining was completed.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Repair (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of AutE tion No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed X2 Supervisor, Materials/Inspection Date 2005 l-E- OPner or Owner's Designee, Title '-4 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by IISB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period ii- 6 -A.'q to - A6- C)v , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions Comiss /o3ns //99 7- J/_/ -Tm)(

7 Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date Date,200 , 2005

FORM NIS-2 19-05-21 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owners Alliant Energy (IFS Utilities) Date 5/26/2005 Name P. O. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 CWO A64844 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Energy (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name, Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: PReactor Recirculation
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.1 19 67 Edition N/A Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92 r , . .. _ .- , . . . . . . . . _

6. Identificat ion of Components Repaired or Re laced and Retlacement Components ASINE Name of Nameof lManufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or Recirculation GE N/A N/A Reactor Recirculation Riser Unknown Repaired No Piping Dissimilar Metal Weld
7. Description of Work: Removed weld crown on RRG-F002 weld by machining.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic [I] Pneumatic _II Nominal Operating Pressure Other 11 Pressure N/A psi Test Temp N/A 0 F

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 8 12 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) maybe obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E.47th St., New York, NY 10017.

-I J L FORM NIS-2 19-05-21 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Removed weld crown from Recirculation Riser safe-end dissimilar metal weld RRG-F002 by machining. Weld crown was removed to improve the ultrasonic examination of the weld. Successful surface exam wvas completed on weld (1'05020) after machining was completed.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Repair (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Autho ionNo. None Expii ration Date N/A Signed Supervisor, Materials/Inspection Date mCa Zi I 2005 wn or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by IISB CT .

of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period /_ - _ _ 4--_

_ to ' - - a, , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

J3 U -Co mi si n Commissions /V 39!~ vn Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date Date , 2005

FORM NIS-2 19-05-22 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi

1. Owners Alliant Energy (OES Utilities) Date 5/26n2005 Name P. O. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I1_ of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit I Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 CWO A66133 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant EneMy (GESUtilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Reactor Recirculation
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B3 1.1 19 67 Edition N/A Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section Xi Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

- w s .-- .- r . s s s s s s . _ .

6. Identification Components Repatred or Re laced and Re placement Components ASME Name of Name of Manufacturer YearBuilt Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or NO)

Recirculation GE N/A NIA Reactor Recirculation Riser Unknown Repaired No Piping Weld

. E .

7. Description of Work Blended arc strike on weld RRD-J005.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic [ Pneumatic FI] Nominal Operating Pressure LZ Other [ Pressure N/A psi Test Temp N/A OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

FORM NIS-2 19-05-22 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Blended arc strike on Recirculation Riser weld RRD-J005. Successful surface exam was completed on wveld (P05054) after grinding wvas completed.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Repair (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificatef Authori n No. None Expiration Date N/A Signe supevisor, Materials/Inspection 11@e Date , C!t 2 ), - 2005 wner 6r Owner's Designee, Title (J CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by [ISB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period Y-i/ of to U ) G -e f

- , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

wc)S U- Commissions /V'5 J? 3/'4ar '/Yt6 .9 Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date , 2005 2005


FORM NIS-2 19-05-23 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owners Alliant Energy (IES Utilities) Date 5/26/2005 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet _I of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit I Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 PWO 1129048 Address Repair Organization to P. O. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Enemy (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Control Rod Drive
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.7 19 69 Edition 70 Addenda NIA Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identification ofComponents Repaired or Re laced and Re lacement Components ASMIE Name of Name or Manufacturer Yar Built Repaired, Code Component Manuracturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced,or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or Control Rod Drive Bechtel N/A N/A CRD Return Dissimilar metal 1974 Repaired No Return Weld
7. Description of Work: Ground down weld crown on weld CRA-J032.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic [ Pneumatic [-I Nominal Operating Pressure Other [I] Pressure N/A psi Test Temp N/A oF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

l 1- L FORM NIS-2 19-05-23 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Ground down weld crown on CRD Return weld CRA-4032. Successful surface exam was completed on weld after grinding was completed.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Repair (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xi.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorization No. None Expiration Date NIA Signed r ,A f Supervisor, MateriaLsllnspection Owner r Owner's Designee, Title Date 1 (2ti 2005 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report duringtheperiod ,- 3/ -o'f to So--- d OS ,andstatethattothebestof my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations'and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

23 -- Commissions ij413 I,?3ŽrA'-, / 9(6 Ad Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 5-0&, , 2005

FORM NIS-2 19-05-25

-FORM NIS-2 OWVNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owners Alliant Energy (IES Utilities) Date 05/27/05 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit I.

Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 PWO 1128060 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.

3. Work Performed by Alliant Enen gv (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 5232A4 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Main Steam Safety Relief Valve (Class I) _


(a) Applicable Construction Code ASME III 19 68 Edition W68 Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASNIE Name of Name of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped (Ilanger No.) Board No. -Replacement (YES or -

Order/SUS .Work NO)

Pilot Valve Target Rock S/N 207 N/A PWO 1128060 / 83.04 1976 Replacement Yes

7. Description of Work: The Pilot Valve was repaired and documented on NIS-2 (19-03-02). This Pilot Valve was rotated in place of S/N 218.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic L Pneumatic E Nominal Operating Pressure Other L Pressure 1020 psi Test Temp 240 °F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 8 1/2 in. x 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

LL FORM NIS-2 19-05-25 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Pilot Valve S/N 218 was removed and pilot valve S/N 207 was installed. Prior to installation S/N 207 was repaired and documented on NIS-2 (19-03-02). A VT-2 (105001) was completed on the mechanical connection and found acceptable.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorization No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed 6d I/]9-A2 , Go(d GL Equipment Monitoring Date Ji4d/er 7? 2005 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by HSB CT.

of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 9 -/ to ,-/IV -0o , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions IV-;a iD3aqAvz-


Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date , 2005 Date 2005

FORM NIS-2 19-05-26 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi

1. Owners Alliant Energy (IES Utilities) Date 05/27/05 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 PWO 1128063 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Enern wv (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 5232 4 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Main Steam Safety Relief Valve (Class I)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME III 19 68 Edition W68 Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Re laced and Re placement Components CASIDE Nameor Name of Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped (I[anger No.) Board No. Replacement (YFS or l Work Order / SUS NO)

Pilot Valve Target Rock SIN 200 N/A PWO 1128063 /83.04 1976 Replaccment Ycs

7. Description of Work: The Pilot Valve was repaired and documented on NIS-2 (19-03-06). This Pilot Valve was rotated in place of S/N 189.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 2 Pneumatic [ Nominal Operating Pressure Other a Pressure 1020 psi Test Temp 240 OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x I I in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

ILL-FORM NIS-2 19-05-26 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Pilot Valve S/N 189 was removed and pilot valve S/N 200 was installed. Prior to installation S/N 200 was repaired and documented on NIS-2 (19-03-06). A VT-2 (105001) vas completed on the mechanical connection and found acceptable.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorization No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed QX _ GL Equipment Monitoring Date -i i4: 2 2005 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by I ISB CT.

of I artford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period ' ci 4'/- to  ; c- . -,- , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

'4-43 ~--- Commissions A3 i,) 4v 2 V3. / Z>,

Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date (--/, , 2005

FORM NIS-2 19-05-27 F'ORM NIS-2 OWk'NE'R'S RlEPlORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions ofthe ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owners Alliant EnergA(IES Utilities) Date 06/7/05 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 [IWO 1128066 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Ener cv (iES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 523224 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of Svstem: Main Steam Safety Relief Valve (Class I)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME III 19 68 Edition W68 Addenda NIA Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section Xi Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92 r

6. Identiticati on or Components Kepaired or Replaced and Re placement Components ASISE Name of Name of Mlanufacturer Vear Built Repaired. Code lomponent Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced. or Stamped (Ilanger No.) Board No. Replacement VF( or Work Order / St IS NO)

Pilot Valve Target Relk S/N 176 N/A PWO 1128066 I83.04 1976 Replacement Yes rody to Pilot Bolt Nova Machinc Item # 107 N/A 'W(O I 128066 / 83.04 1996 Rcplacement No

. _It 1 66923 Bodv to Pilot Nut Target Rock Item H 150 N/A PWO I 128066/83.04 1991 Replacement No lIIt l # IN 85326

7. Description of Work: The Pilot Valve was repaired and documented on NIS-2 (19-03-02). This Pilot Valve was rotated in place of S/N 141. During removal of SIN 14 1, two bolts / one nut required replacement.
8. Tests Conducted: I lvdrostatic L Pneumatic C Nominal Operating l'ressure Eif Other E Pressure 1020 psi Test Temp 240 oF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x I I in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

IORM NIS-2 19-0S-27 FORMNI NIS-2 (13ack)

9. Remnar ks: Pilot Vale S/N 141 %%as removed and pilot valve SiN 176 %%as installed. Prior to installaion. S,.N 176 was repaired and docuimented on NIS-2 (19-03-02). I)Dring removal ol'S.N 14 1, two bolts . one nut as galled and required replacemenit. A Vl-l was Cperformed as part or the receipt inspections. A V U-2 (10(3:01) was completed on the mechanical connection and LundL acceptable.

CERTIFICATE OF COI1'LIANCE We certify that the statemeents made inthe report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) confonns to the riles oflthe ASME Code. Section Xl.

Type Code Symbol Stamp Nonc Certificate of Authorization No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed a -' GI Eiquipment Monitoring, Date Jcz4'L- ZO-, 2005 Owner or Otner's D)esinee. Title CuRTiFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holdin, a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by I S13 C1.

of lartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period g - to - and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal njinjry or property dainage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.


.-. Comnm issions /V3 O.", -f Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Da;ll ,2005t 1)at 200

FORM NIS-2 19-05-28 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owners Alliant Eneray (IES Utilities) Date 06/7/05 Name P. 0. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 PWO 1128067 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Ener rv (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 523224 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Main Steam Safety Relief Valve (Class 1)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME III 19 68 Edition W68 Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92 ID. . J_.-_

-. -ro . __ rw__ __ rs_____ a_____

Identlicatron ot Componenrs Repaired or Re laced and Ke lacement Components ASMIE Name or Name o Manufacturer Year Built Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped (I Ianger No.) Board No. Replacement (YES or Work Order / SIS NO)

Pilot Valve Target Rock SIN 227 NIA PWO 11280671 83.04 1976 Replacement Yes

7. Description of Work: The Pilot Valve was repaired and documented on NIS-2 (19-03-02). This Pilot Valve was rotated in place of S/N 203.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 2 Pneumatic LI Nominal Operating Pressure Other = Pressure 1020 psi Test Temp 240 0 F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 8 12 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

- ~ l l FORMI NIS-2 19-05-28 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Pilot Valve SIN 203 was removed and pilot valve SIN 227 was installed. Prior to installation, S/N 227 was repaired and documented on NIS-2 (19-03-02). A VT-2 (105001) was completed on the mechanical connection and found acceptable.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to the rules of the ASNIE Code, Section Xi.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorization No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed C) ?A />, , GL Equipment Monitoring Date __i_ e 7 2005 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed by IISB CT.

of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 9 / -6o'. to -

-6 Iv -': , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

__ _ _ _ Commissions AA3, 1)3?9A4,' ftfq( X<

Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date (,-/U2 , 2005

FORM NIS-2 19-05-29 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REP[.ACEM.ENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASM1' Code Section Xl I. Owners Alliant Energg (EES Utilities) Date 06.')31)05 Name P. O. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address 1_

2. Plant I)uane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo. IA 52324 [IWO 1128068 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Energv (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Main Steam Safety Relief Valve (Class I)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME III 19 68 Edition W68 Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Re laced and Re lacement Components ASNIE Name or Name or anufacturer ear Built Repaired. Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced. or Stamped (langer No.) Board No. Replacement (UES or

_Work Order / SUS NO)

Pilot Valve Targct Rock SIN 199 NIA PWO 1 28008 / 83.04 1976 Replacement Yes

7. Description of Work: The Pilot Valve was repaired and documented on NIS-2 (19-03-02). This Pilot Valve was rotated in place of SIN 202.
8. Tests Conducted: lydrostatic L Pneumatic FII Nominal Operating Pressure IE i Other Cl Pressure 1020 psi Test Temip 240 F NOTE': Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME. 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

JH()[NI NIS-2 I14-05-2')

FORIK NIS-2 (Back)

Ren' 1kalk: ilot VAh e S.N 202 %%asremtxed and pi lot %IAe S N I99 \as  % inltal lel. I1i itr to installatioll. S-N I99')\;i>

re. mred antd documient ed l N IS- (I ')-_', -01). A V I'-2'(0 I ) Azs jomtnpleted tot the inec han icacl connectit nio aindi mloudacceptable.

CE.RTIFICAT'E OF COMIPLIANCE We certilv that the statements made in the report are correct an(I this Replacement (repair or replacement) con forms to the rules ofthe ASME1 Code, Section Xl.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Autihorizatioxi No. None B1piration Date N/A Signed f Sg t 1" 4-Dr GI. lEquipmient Monitoring l)ate 2005 Owner or Owner's l)esinee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the utidersigned, holdin-, a valid commission issued liv the National Board of Boiler andal Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of' Iowa and employed by I IS3 (Tr.

of I1artford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Omner's Report during the period 9 - /-C to - -0 -o , and state that to the best of my knoxsledg1e and belief, the Owner has performicd examinations an(d taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report il accordance wvilt the requirements of the ASMEI Code, Section Xl.

Bly signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer mankes any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning, the examllinationis and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. lurthermore. neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property datiage or a loss ofany kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

J( tCommissions A4V ) ,14-v2r 9 / 9 m Inspector's Signature National Board. State, Province, and I-ndorsements

, 2005

FORM NIS-' 19-(5i-30 FORM N1S-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR RIEPL.ACEM ENTS As Required bly the Proviiions of the ASME Code Section Xl I. Owners Alliant EnercES Ulitities) Date 06!23/05 Name P. O. Box 351, Cedar Rapids. IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address Plant DDuane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 PWO 1128062 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.

3. Work Performed by Alliant Ener v (IEOS Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 523224 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Main Steam Safety Relief Valve (Class 1)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASMi III 19 68 Edition W68 Addenda NIA Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identificati on of Compone ts Repaired or Re laced and Re lacement Components ASNIE Name of Name or IN1anufactirer Year Ituill Repaired. Code Component Maniufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced. or Stamped (Ianger No.) . oard No. Replacement (YES or IWork Order/SIUS NO)

Main Valve Body Tarect Rocl S/N 201 N/A PSV 4401 1976 Replacemcent Ycs

7. Description of Work: Main Valve Body S/N 201 dwas repaired and documented on NIS-2 (17-00-01). This Main Valve Body was rotated in place of SIN 141.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic f Pneumatic F Nominal Operating Pressure [Ei-Other I Pressure 955 psi Test Temp 514 0F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 8 1/2 in. x I I in.. (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) tnay be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

AL FO RN1 N IS-.! I9'-0i- ;o FORMl NIS-2 (Black)

9. Reiarks MIaiii Va.lve Bockv S:N I II %%a rienmed and Mlain V~alve Bod% S-N 2011 %%,ini'.alled. Priior hi in)z~illlatioii. S.N 2101 arpardaddciL!e(iN1- I70()I.A - P3b acupeeontenehnil oid COnl icIJI onall~~ fo CCCIat pibsI.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCF We certify that the statements Imade in tIhe report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforms to tile rules of tile ASMINi Code, Scction Xi.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate ofAtithorization No. None Expiration Date NIA Si-ncd feQ @ o (;1. Equlipiment Monitoring l)ate Vc 23 2005 Owner or Owner's Designee.rit ie ICrTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Iowa and employed hy 11;13 C'l'.

of lartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period b to 6 - -)q- o ,' and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perlormed examinations and takeit corrective measures (lescribed inthis Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xi.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warrantv, expressed or implied, colicening the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthennore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising firon or connected with this inspection.

  • \ Commissions V / 9 <j-7AN.,I 'i ,

tzs Inspector's Signature National Board. State. Province, anLI Endorsements Date Li.9L . 2005

FORM NIS-2 19)-05-31I FORM NIS-2 OWNIR'RS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEM ENTS As Reqiuired lv the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi I. Owners Alliant e [)ate 06?23!05 Name P.O. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I of 2 Address

2. Plant [)uane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 PWO 1128069 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Enen cy (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 5232 4 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Main Steam Safety Relief Valve (Class I)

(a) Applicable Construction Code ASME III 19 68 Edition W68 Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identilication of Components Repaired or Re laced and Re lacement Components AS'%I E l Nameor Name Of NManuifacturer Ytar Buill Repaired. Code Component Manufracturer Serial No. National Other ldentification Replaced, or Slaniped (Ianger No.) Board No. Replacenlent (YES or Work OrderIStlS NO)

Main Valve Body Tar-el Rock S/N 218 N/A P'SV 4407 1974 Replacemient Yes

7. Description of Work: Main Valve Body S/N 218 was repaired and documented on NIS-2 (15-97-12). This Main Valve Body was rotated in place of S/N 202.
8. Tests Conducted: hydrostatic i Pneumatic j- Nominal Operating Pressure rV_I Other EZ Pressure 1020 psi Test Temp 240.6 0 F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x I I in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is inclided on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12182) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 1E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

I OR\I NI-I9-05-3 1 FORM^^ NIS-2 (I:ack)

'. Renutiks: NlainVal!*e I!odv S N 4)' !;as rginov!;1ll\;tb!l m auiVkeBd cd Si 2lS'a n!s911!taled 1u uor to instllatio.S N KN

. ~..s riz.ired. - .a-nd d uiiet-If!!c. NIS-2 (I 5-97-i 2). A\V.. .I-05)) I) ; s cmpeted .the on n !!hai.

CoillneCtion and found acceptable.

CEIRTIFICATE OF COMP'LIANCE IWe certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacemient) conformis to the rules ol the ASNIIE Code.Section XI.

Typc Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Authorizat ion No. None 1 xpiration Date N/A Signcd ci Cor (;I. Equipment Mloniitoring Date l Z- 9, 2005 Owner or Owner's Oesignee. ritle

(:ClF:IFlCA Or

()1- INSEIIVICE INSP'ECTION 1.the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler aun(d Pressiure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of lowa and employed by I ISB C l .

of I lartford. Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period j i- - ;o - 9 LI c, ' and state that to the best of my knowledge and helief, the Owner has perforined examinations anti taken corrective measures described in this Oner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASNIE Code, Section Xl.

By' signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owvner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his emiplover shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or properly damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

_____________ Commissions i3 ,.):3 N4'AZ, i q-i &

Inspector's Signature National Board. State, Province, and [Endorsements Date . 005 I~t 2 0

FORM NIS-2 19-05-32 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions ofthe ASMF Code Section XI

1. Owners Alliant Energy (lIES Utilities) Date 06/24/05 Name P. O. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I_ _ of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 CWO A71357 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Enernv (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Residual Heat Removal (Class 2)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.7 19 69 Edition N/A Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92 I6. muentinicaton o0ComponenIs Kepaired or Ke laced anu Ke lacement components ASINIE Name or Name or NManuracturer Year Built Repaired. Code Component Mlanuracturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped (Ianger No.) Board No. Replacement (YES or W_ork Order / sis NO)

Residual Heat Dubose National IIT # 24353 N/A 12" IILE.014 dowvnstrcam or 2005 Replacement No Removal Piping Energy N102007

7. Description of Work: Replace 18" length section of 12" diameter HLE-014 downstream of M02007. Applied Code Case N416-1.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 2 Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure [EI-0 Other L Pressure 177 psi Test Temp 78 F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I) size is 81/2 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

l:'ORNI NIS-2 19- -3 FORM NIS-2 (Ilack)

9. Remarks: A I ' Iont section of I2' diameter I IL-() 14 was replaced on CW(O A71357 due to localized thinninlfbrom cavitation erosion. Ilanear IILIE-014-0111 was renmovdc and reinstalle(I due to interference. A VTi-3 exam was successfililv performed to document proper installation. The welds were radiographed and accepted after one repair. A baseline u rexam was successfully compieted on EC05072. A VT-2 exam (1'05049) was completed on the mechanical connection and found acceptable.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Replacement (repair or replacement) conforns to the rules of the ASNIE. Code, Section Xl.

Type Code Symbol Staimp None Certificate of Authorization No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed N H e GL Equipment Monitoring Date U (4,wt: 2005 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Sowa and employed by IISB CT.

of Hartford. Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period /-,- 5 to 60 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements oftlie ASNIE Code, Section Xi.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions IIA5 It? 3-c9q,-1-1V _41 /,/ 96 -Z7.

Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date , 2005 200

FORM NIS-2 19-05-33 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi

1. Owners Alliant Energy (IES Utilities) Date 7/21/2005 Name P. 0. Box 351. Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet I__ of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 MWO 1132980 Address Repair Organization to P. 0. No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Alliant Ener av (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 5232.4 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Containment Atmosphere Control
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.7 19 69 Edition 71 Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92 I

6. Identilication ot Componenrs Repaired or Keplaced and Ke lacement Components AS.MIE Name of Name of Manufacturer Y'ear Built Repaired, Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or NO) 2:- Bypass piping Bechtel N/A N/A Removed and rerouted 2:" tlnkown Repaired No on HILE-23 Bypass piping on I ILE-23 2:" Bypass piping Ladish lit # YU(32K N/A 2" tee installed as part of the 1973 Replaced No on HLE-23 rerouting.

IILE-23-SS47 Bergen Pooner 251 IISSAN3K N/A Piston Rod Connector 1992 Replacement No 1ILE-23-SS17 Bergen Po%%er DA.064 N/A Snubber Unknotsn Replacement No IILE-23-SS-47 Bergen Power 2510 N/A End Cap Assembly 2005 Replacement No 2:" Bypass piping ALRO Steel I It# D22 186 N/A U-Bolt from rod stock 1999 Replacement No on IILE-23 2:" Bypass piping Dubose NES lt# 2Z151 N/A Nuts for attaching U bolt 2003 Replacement No on HLE-23

7. Description of Work: Removed part of 2" bypass, and modified supports on Drywell purge piping to allow thermal growth of the containment.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Z Pneumatic EX1 Nominal Operating Pressure LIZ Other L Pressure 68.5 psi Test Temp N/A 0 F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Fonn (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E.47th St., New York, NY 10017.


IORM NIS-2 19-05-33 FORM N IS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: This work order reconligured the b pass line around the Drvwell purge I ne including a support change and changed a support on the Drvwell purge line. The current support design did not account for containment thermal growth. The bypass line run was cut out and welded, with one elbowv added. Surface exams were successfully performed on the welds. A support on the 2" bypass line was modified, a new u-bolt was installed that allowed for thermal movement. The new welds and fitting were pneumatically pressure tested successfully (P05053) A snubber (previously installed under PWOI 131078) was installed on the Drvwell pursue line.

Successful VT-3 was nerforined (P05052) afler the newv supports were installed.

CERTIFICATE OF COMP11 LIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Repair/Replaceiment (repair or replacement) confonrs to the rules of the ASMI Code, Section Xl.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate oftAuthorji, iUnNo. None Expiration Date N/A Signed Supervisor, Materials/Inspection Date 4L g 2/1 li 2005 I Owne(or Owner's Designee, Title /I-- 7 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSIPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of lowa and employed by I ISB CT of Hartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period o to toi,- 7- 9 -c so , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perfonned examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xi.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owvner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising fromt or connected with this inspection.

_3 @( Commissions /VJ /93dS-v9 /qfG .,2 Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 7 -da , 2005 3

FORNI NIS-2 19-05-34 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi

1. Owners Alliant Enerpv (IES Utilities) Date 7/25/2005 Name P. O. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Sheet _ I of 2 Address
2. Plant Duane Arnold Energy Center Unit Name 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 MWO 1133017 Address Repair Organization to P.0.No., Job No., etc.
3. Work Pcrfonmed by Alliant Enerzv (IES Utilities) Type Code Symbol Stamp None Name Authorization No. None 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 Expiration Date None
4. Identification of System: Primary Containment
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ANSI B31.7 19 69 Edition N/A Addenda N/A Code Case.

(b) Applicable Edition of Section Xi Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1992-A92

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASINIE Namc of Name or Mlanuracturer Year Built Repaired. Code Component Manufacturer Serial No. National Other Identification Replaced, or Stamped Board No. Replacement (YES or

_ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N O)

IILE-035 Bechtel N/A N/A Piping outside X-24B Unknown Repaired No penctration I 1. I I I 1. 4

7. Description of Work: Removed Hanger HLE-35-SR-79 from line HLE-035 to allow for drywell thermal growth.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic L Pneumatic Cl1 Nominal Operating Pressure LIZ Other Ci- Pressure N/A psi Test Temp NIA 0 F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. x II in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top ofthis form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., Newv York, NY 10017.


IO(RNIl NIS-2 19-05-3-1 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: I[his work order rcIop9 hjanher I IL..-35-SR-79 firomithe IILE 35 line near penetratliont -L4 13 TIhe hngter \as removed to allow thermgal or i_1of the do el l pr ElI17 IS.

CERTIFICATE OF COdIMPLIANCE WVe certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Repair (repair or replacement) confonns to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp None Certificate of Autl i tion No. None Expiration Date N/A Signed L Supervisor. NIaterials/Inspection [)ate _ _ _ _ 2005 Owd/er or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSIPECTION 1 the undersigned, holding a valid commission issuedl by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of lowa and employed by I ISB CT of Ilartford, Conn. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period - to ?7 D- of , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthennore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

x U.- Commissions /V<% I?3493q,4,-\ A. /9 94, *~o Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date , 2005 3

. I ..

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21,2003 through May 3, 2005 Part H, page I of I I) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Ilumbolt, [A.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant: Duanc Amold Energy Ccnter, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) Owners Certificate ofAuthorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02A)1f75
6) National Board Number of Unit N/A Gross Generating Capacity. 614 MVE ABSTRACT OF CONDITIONS NOTED AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES TAKEN:

The corrective measures are addressed in this report and were performed in accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Xl, 1992 with the 1992 Addenda (Ref. Relief Request NDE-R015 Rev. 1), and the Duane Arnold Energy Center Updated Final Safety Analysis Report. The corrective measures performed as Repairs or Replacements are listed in Part F of this report and are documented, using Form NIS-2, in accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI, 1992, 1992 Addenda. Specific details and associated records of additional corrective measures are on file at Duane Arnold Energy Center. The corrective measures addressed were performed during the period of April 21,2003 through May 3, 2005.

TIHRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005 Part I, page I of 41 I) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, Ce ntral Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt PowcrCooperative an Alliant Company M. irion, IA. Humbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant Duane Amold Encrgy Centcr, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02/0lins
6) National Board Number of Unit: N/A Gross Generating Capacity- 614 MWE ISI FIGURES AND ISOMETRICS PLEASE NOTE: ISI Figures and Isometrics are listed in Part B and Part D of this report

1 1/16 Dip.


BECH-BI 1-012


Cs U

co C

0 I-3 0 N I I In U)- L) - U t-J CA iLn cnU, I?

-J C-) -T -J- U)

_j L) ujW w F- U, Cl) I',I' W Jw w SEE VS-01-39C M Y U) LO UI )

C 0 0 Cn C, 0 8 (1 z


Cn E



w I-- 'U PLt 4'U z Cr N SS BUILD-UP PER o- N WPS-103-3F5 or 0

0 C-z SECTION A-A WPS-143-4F5F7 x

'U 41 'U r- 'U .0 C 0 z

'U C C, I n 0,

N r-.


Inservice Inspection Program Reactor Pressure Vessel Sketch

IL Cs w SEE VS-01-39<1>

SE :E VS-01-39<1> DETAIL 4 2 DETAIL 2 (TYP( T 0

Cq Ir rr I

O'"TO J./Thi0'DI)

L .. f(L/ A-O'VCB-BI




-J I

O (A


-i -j- LA10U)

U IiULii Cn i W U) 0 (ICSKIRWELD) w W WI ~5'is"-- -- -

__W (1)

M Cq (nU)U In C


. . I ._ . .

_ _ _ _ v II d t: Wcn 9

I.- 'I C2 I--

3 e.

w I.-


-I CL w -I0j 0

..Ir ol


I l (H10 -2)

(HMA-B6DD (H12-12)


%8 PVIW a 0j U)


a (HICA,_

0 12-) (HMA-BD) ((HI1t02 cc~


- /36'/_,_,

CC I-n SEEVS-01-39<1>

U1 Li- n l - (HCA-BI 0 C Ct (IC 0 x z<;,'t\__t-\

II (H10-3)t (H 7 )kiL2W- (H11-3)

(H12-1) DTI 30 _ 154 1 /(H0-4) 1 -/h / / 18- (11-4)1 SEE VS-01-39<2>c

- -214) zC A l _6

_<\ > si~'EE VS-01-39<1>

IL La.

CHH1-7 Cr 324 _CE~pp=a

,o1 144-\ (H11-5) V2 W50-1 X Hl2-0~

REFERENCE DRAWING: (HMA-B4) 192 w 5 (10-6) V-0-08<1>


V1(H1-7)) (H11-6) tE-01-08<2>

w (S-02-10( PLAN X H12-6) - ETAIL 6

'-s_,__,- (CA-H2) i~_ JIES: BOTTOM HEAD E0 co -i

, Nc Inservice Inspection Program ASSEMBLY 7_ c Reactor Pressure Vessel Sketch DWG.NO. REV.

M VS-01-07 1 K





(WELD PER WPS-323-2F4F6 or APED-B11-2655-127 - WPS-343-lF4F6 I_t_U_ IES: SKIRT KNUCKLE &

t C Inservice Inspection Program SKIRT EXTENSION 7U C- Reactor Pressure Vessel Sketch DwG NO. VS0108 > REV.

dLL 01

-I I-.

N tn


-J to

-J Co ea (3, LO2 z0 4t E-cc







APED-BIl-2655-195 oEIES:HP SEAL LEAK DETECTOR C9 cl Inservice Inspection Program NOZZLE MK N13 77 L Reactor Pressure Vessel Sketch DWG.NO. REV.

d w

A -o~


-J U}


-J to CD co a, to C,


P-cc U, PLAN VIEW 0 z0 2

-j Q)


H1 tn a-(Li 0



__ ii Inservice Inspection Program NOZZLE MK N14 717I7 Reactor Pressure Vessel Sketch DWO.NO. REV.

\0\ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _i

180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 340 320 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 170150130110 i 90 70 503l0 10J5

-r --r r-r 310 i2 ,270250T 23 mF ZI a T210TT907

- A-GH 6763I2 (VCB-C5)

N3B N3A N30 N3C (MSB-DI) IMSA-DO) (MSD-DI) (MSC-DI) 09 N12A 0Q N128 (VIC-DI) 2 (VID-D1)



( CSA-DI) N4A (CSB-DI) \ NC N9 ( i I (FWA-DI) ( X IFWC-DI)

lCRA-DI) 0 J =

U EF tL u

3843/4 (VCB-83)  : SHELL NO.3 NI6A N16B U) (VIE-DI) (VIF-DI) 0 0



(Q) (g) (Q)_ (B) NIA (g) ( ( )

c (RCA-DI) a 0 C 0

NBN8A i ~ -~ N8B -j (RCB-DI) (JPA-Dt) - BO (JPB-DI) >N F4 Li wY OUTSIDE BD SE N OUTSIDE VIEW TL IJ IES: VESSEL SHELL RING Nc Inservice Inspection Program LAYOUT eactor Pressure Vessel Sketch OWG.NO.


d F.


- - -ELEV. 195.94 2 N IF N U,

6 En ti d wULw w wL w In U, In-Ii IL 8

w w0 Ca n IZ I.-

(n= 0(11 I.4 27

\ --- ELEV. 35.63


0- TYP.

(nn9 TYP. ELE

--.s 2





__= Inservice Inspection Program ASSEMBLY 77 A Reactor Pressure Vessel Sketch DWG.NO. REV.

-LJ I-U, B-J

-J U

-J CD tc)





_ _3

nin 0

P LL (-

a-J z0 I-WPS 309-2F43 0t w

0 z

(Li 0

w I.-



cm IES CRD STUB TUBE cm Inservice Inspection Program 77 cReactor Pressure Vessel Sketch DWG.NO. REV.


-Jtb -


r LI ,

P ow ZZw

- Nn -rjw f L0 0.

IL z

C LI-.


APED-B11-042<01>, APED-B11-042<02>.

APED-B11-042<08>% APED-B11-042<09>



, =Inservice Inspection Program____________________

7CD Reactor Pressure Vessel Sketch DWG. NO. V-30 REV.

\ Vm3.2.

w M

l C4



-j t-Cl)

Cl I-Po Ld 0

z 0

w -J 0 U- I, 0

(-A z





, = Inservice Inspection Program

_r Reactor Pressure Vessel Sketch DWG.NO.wREv.

VSW-180 l 1LADER VESSEL STRBILIZER F ; qvr-* No . 1 . 1- I 0 P ROUND


.5t8^t~~~~~ -t0 E*m7rl^9'h4Mb$mumUW~sRt HI 2 DA CELETED OVG PER DURF-0013 TAH _______ RE-ISSUED PER DURF-U0027 I i . ._ .. ___



MAIN STEAM "D" rSDo-CS, 20", 6" ISO. NO. 1.2-04 P&10 lSl-nI14 APED-621 .7 20 0W220 DW220 (STEAMRM13l TUNNEL)

EL. 763'

2. 2-Z6

_ 3-7-86 L RCM ISO'S FOR 2nd 10 YEAR PLAN 2 9--m-50. _ %tp 1S5' 5 TD CR0 FORMRT MS PER NG-89-e75'I yFED 9 3 DA 6GP REVISE0 PER ISI INSPECTION WALKDOWN 4 j1-8-9C36 TAKI GP O REV. PER DL-RF-0818 5 3-21-96 JAH DA GP REV.PER DURF-U0027

- __I- -_


NLfFB 0QW530 J16 /afi-R 0LW430 W330~FW-H- F B-BPBP6401

____w_4_4__ _________EDE E RERORD D W RRELE R 4 722-4 D J FE OP REISEDPE 15 NSPCTO 1.2KD05

\\H_____-- 26 K1____-

EL. 811' )

J2 1 a J1J6 DW5l0 K! I J OW410 J5\ / 8 DW310i J5J i + l \ ~BP-409 1 J J6 DW520 BP1 \H-6 isBP-410ii--- ----------

BP-416 J7 DW420 i _ - J8 ~DW320 \\-0 FEEDWATER "C"'&#"D" J9 DW'._

FWC-, FWD- BP415 i CS.a10 ",1G6 i J10\

ISO. NO. 1.2-06 H-15 iJ15 '/ L -2 K13 PLID ISI-lilIN 1 i BECH DWG# DLR-2-4Y-H 8 J1 \

.BP-6009 J NE3 K1M J13 7a i 1 L \ 18 r !On1 J17 B RE-VISE P i J25 J2TAK R J 9 /  !

DW32020 4 6l - DE 3BP-414 F PER1DUBP411 11 BP-600 J7 P412 BP-411 i i ,AQ~~~29 P40/\\ /



! 5 13/26/981 DA TAK GP REVISED PER DURF-U0046i 6 16/4/99 1 OA I GP I FED IREVISED PER DURF-U0111i

_L_._ ._. _. _._ ._. ._. _.* ._ ._. _.--- J----_R-- -zPlN WgH ] rtdF~~r _._


z 0

'-4  %'-1 Jl J2 HIGH PRESSURE COOLRNT l"-DCA-1 t C,


PSR-CS, 10" ISO. NO, 1.2-09 PBEC ISI-M122 BECH DUG# DLRI 1-H A*

i1 J20 V J21 CONT'D ON ISO. NO.

3/4" DLA-3

3/4t-DBA-6S BP6028 K20 BP6029 DW330 CONTROL ROD DRIVE RETURN BP4411 CRR-SS, CS, 2 1/2"3" BP4410 ISO. NO. 1.2-12R



3/9- CAPPED COHN. X-36 7

Ja Ja? V-17-52 Jas


-I I +__ - L..


ISO 1.2-21 RCB JI4 CONT'D ON ,612l Dov ~Jl

'I ISO. NO. K' 2.2-40 0

LA z

'1 c


-u an m


-4 z J23



A m

n RHD -

-4 0

x PUI BECH-M1I19 SS, CS, 20" BGCH DUWG OLA-6-1 -H ISO. NO. 1 . 2 - I 6 0

-4 n)

I . . . . I . .


I-IIn I 4 I,


0) 0ImI ,/ \ J41-LS .

.a J5A I Pe \J4 l IJ RCA-, RBR- J41-LS2 C iJ5 - ~LS 5 8311-3099-4 ( d6 K 2m

'i" P-c2 2 SHOCK NS ;Ali-SC428)

-1 o SS, 22",f 1" LUGS \SSR-74a28 )


-S D dJ6 SHOCK J38 x J6-LS % S31-v'O43W N r-b LUCS I SD. NO. 1.2-19A -LS DW2 fls )

XB31-3099-45 (OY AZMKJ r I" FLOW ELE tMENT LINES J38 SS7 B 31-3099-48 SSR8 ( //---\ 'DJ37 KSI DW2 f- It. - %_ , _ \ JGS X 270 AZM) m 013 -LbST LUGS 31-3 -28I SHOC B313 r K35

/ LUG JI >o (aDAwM I RJR-J12 I.1270'

~wl OI AZMW z

C., 512 D12. 2 DW12e 4r v;2 J34 J12 iZ21n . 4"P8 I, J10 --

m r- Jlt 20wI2P m DJf20 30M m

U' m

0 ;v 0 rn


- OFR- 1 J32-LS 0 o

'13 (i39JJ15-LS o oV

'1 129

/=_\ J19 z J2 JR I -ORA P17 V16-30 J I-

_ti in

-g I SHOCK LUG 2--OCR-19 3 tla B31-3099-31 w ;u vis-as K 'J8 \ J32-O 0

  • , 41,--] I.J8 J30-on Ill 11- 831-3e"-53 PLI0 BECH-I1I16 831-3S99-17 CFIT B-G-2 Sfl TEM 27.50 t - NOR INTEGRRL 93L-3099- " (VT-I STUDS, NUTS)

.ini - In in in i .l m



LII tD c 1


1fl 0f)


(0 0-Hf o4 , I I,3 ZS 0*

Cc Cw G

- U CD 0*l LI- 0*




5) Uf CDl 0 1

-7J ,-I s LuJ n/

toz G:1 CDI (-D Z ly-0* al: CJ CD UL cD U) 5* (f -ff DRRWING RELEARSE RECORD REV DRIE PREPRRELO REYVEWED AHPPROVED PURPOSE 1 aZ066 L Rcn ]SOS FOR 2nod 10 YE.R PLN 2 9i-Vt -"to ____WY_________ ISO'$5 TO CAD FORMAT H5 PER G-a9-e0754 3 7-22-94 -IA JAH / BJB GP REVISEO PER IS1 IDPECTION WALKDO" 4 1-18-96 TAK JW . REV. PER OURF-0018 I I I _

-ee ,.,.- o Wtrt e oe v .- n.. 0e-c . .- ... I-, . VIT


P&ID BECH-1I16 1.2-21B FSK-04169



('Ul ni N, r'j Ai U, .fl ra, "I m Nt 0)



r Ic-


E D N wo L- 0 co r-1 C)CI) C
n (n VI 21
0 m I1 0" I
  • - - m -n C,

21 ~0 P1 C-

' n C cn 2u CD o, 21 CD

,rn-I 1w Ix U,

,in I  :! n.2 r, RMD-J12 R18-J 1 0

m X EA)




PLID BECH-M116 SS, 1 6", 10" RPED 0331-9 I

I- ISO. N O. 1 e22

N8B D01 JET PUMP INSTRUMENTATITON " B" JPB-ssS T" ISO. NO. 1. 2-26 P&ID BECH-M115 RPED-B 1I-2653- 105-4


1 lzq 7-22-94 DA JAH / FED


K2A FSK-037348

  • DOW210 P&ID ]SI tl12G FSK-03734 a. 03992
  • - NON INTEGRAL 122 STANDBY LIQUID CON TROL LCA-SS, 1 1/2", 2", 4" ISO. NO. 1.2-27

2 1/2" 2 ", 1 1/'"


3 72 -94_A W




_**__ 1/18/96 TAK JW GP REV. PER DUHF-01FB

__ -_I m -


I Is I


-BP .



I 1.5 0 0

0 I1I I I1 I ELEV. 461' iOVERLAY WELD PER WPS-103-1F5 WPS-305-lF5 I C) -ONE LAYER OVERLAY E- I Li LU x a- Wx6 0

PLAN . _



APED-B11-001<4>. APED-B11-2655-169 a:


, ~a Inservice Inspection Program BRACKET 7z Reactor Pressure Vessel Sketch DWG. NO. VS-01-27 jREV.




-J N

-J (n5

-J C.)

1I-a; 180-0 PLAN VIEW 9 WELD PER -


- 16 SS OVERLAY s0 z0)


APED-BI1-001<4% APED-BII-2655-171

_ cm CD S:

eInservice Inspection Program j GUIDE ROD BRACKET

/ Reactor Pressure Vessel Sketch NO.


d1 I-I


-j I.-

L w

IE 0




APED-BII-001<4>, APED-B11-2655-170 ELEVATION IES: STEAM DRYER Inservice Inspection Program I SUPPORT BRACKET Reactor Pressure Vessel Sketch VS-01-29

es CL j

I 0


-J mj z

0 P-c-

4!v 0


w U

0 0.

-I I'.

0 N

-I U,

-J Cl) 108' C-G Ri U

w 0


APED-B11-0014>. APED-B11-059, ELEVAT I ON APED-B1I-067. APED-BII-2655-198

_ __S IES: SURVEILLANCE Inservice Inspection Program SPECIMEN BRACKET 7t _z Reactor Pressure Vessel Sketch OWG.NO. REv.

L Cs w

U 0


I I.-

E -j IL 0

-J L 0

0r 0

a; (AnI 0 r 0.


Cn PLAN VIEW cn Ca-0 LiL BUILD-UP PER 0 WPS-103-1F5 or 11 WPS-143-1F5F7 co I1< 6' SECTION B-B C


APED-B11-001<4> APED-B11-2655-167

-II C" IES:E JET PUMP RISER I%= Inservice Inspection Program SUPPORT PAD (kV11 R7eactor Pressure Vessel Sketch DWG NO. REV.




-3 I- DRILL & TAP %-13 LK 2BxA DEEP co (a IL co It to to A

0 ao Ch

-j (A U) U)

-j F 018 Cu bU- MANHOLE PLUG

-_ J

.a a a-z ww U- or w c0 :3



0-w0 U)

-i a0 0 X:-

U) z

-. c<


(n C,.)

0 2

C Cr-LL Lii 0

Lii Ci) REFERENCE DRAWINGS: 1808 ul APED-B11-2655-2n3. APED-B11-2655-205, APED-B1I-2655-265 1 111 IEQ: _ LEDGE SEGMENT 1,- Inservice Inspection Program PLATES N

-E Reactor Pressure Vessel Sketch DWG.NO. REV.


d w

L) 0 EL IU-0

-z co

-J z0 a-C-

Lii 0

.500 D0I z



=Inservice tc, Inspection Program 77L E oReactor Pressure Vessel Sketch DWG. NO. VS-03-09 REV.

_ ~~I F





DU 4 CROSS BEAMS (SEE VS-04-04) r'1 mm 17 5 SUPPORT PLATES (SEE VS-04-05) 0 0 m 6 LATCH (SEE VS-04-06) 0 . C-)

ww 7 EYEBOLT (SEE VS-04-07)


(0 -bl .9h

&.t&m~ ii 10 PIN (0.875" DIA.) 304 A276 t,, C)-

I CD M0 c)

M0 m U) m 0

z CO C) II c01. c:-I 1-Cq 0tj U, D,

I I U,)

m C) m --i m r' 03

--I I I z

0 II z C')

C) w tI w

,. :1 rm

'1M rr




,_I -.

O.° zr-)

0 IN IC Cb C, U,)

16.S4 uo 0 U) I-CI m


-1 CC n r) l ~1.25 IP5 SCH. 40 PIPE -

C m

63.50I 115.37 SPRING RELAXED

- i - I 71 K-

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21,2003 through May 3, 2005 Part J, page I of 5 I) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Humbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant Duane Amold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #l
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02/01f75
6) National Board Number of Unit N/A Gross Generaing Capacity: 614 MWE STATUS OF WORK FOR THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL (Those percentages shown are actual, where the percentages exceed the allowable only the maximum (50% for period one and at least 16% for period two) will be taken credit for).

CLASS I ITEM NO. TOTAL X PERIOD 1 PERIOD 2 PERIOD 3 REMARKS BI.11 4 0% 0% 0% See Note 12 B1.12 8 0% 0% 75% See Note 13 B1.21 2 25% 50% 100%

B1.22 15 0% 0% 100%

B1.30 1 50% 50% 100% See Note 7 B1.40 I 33% 67% 100% See Note 14 B3.90 33 48% 73% 100% See Note 1,8 B3.100 33 48% 73% 100% See Note 1,8 B4.11 2 0% 0% 100% See Note 2 B4.12 89 0% 0% 100% See Note 2 B4.13 30 0% 0% 100% See Note 2 B5.10 14 50% 71% 71% See Note 8 and 1I B5.20 8 38% 63% 63% See Note 11 B5.130 8 38% 63% 63% See Note 11 B5.140 2 0% 50% 50% See Note 11 B6.10 60 33% 67% 100%

B6.20 56 29% 64% 100%

B6.30 4 100% 100% 100%

B6.40 60 33% 67% 100%

B6.50 60 33% 67% 100%

B6.180 2 0% 0% 0% See Note 3 B6.190 2 0% 0% 0% See Note 3 B6.200 2 0% 0% 0% See Note 3 B7.10 3 33% 67% 100%

B7.50 5 20% 20% 20% See Note 3 B7.60 2 0% 0% 0% See Note 3 B7.70 47 4% 6% 9% See Note 3 B7.80 89 15% 15% 34% See Note 3 B9.11 94 22% 33% 33% See Note 11 B9.12 0 0% 0% 0% See Note 6 and 11 B9.21 9 22% 22% 22% See Note 11 B9.31 6 17% 33% 33% See Note 11 B9.32 l 0% 0% 0% See Note 11 B9.40 23 22% 40% 40% See Note 11 B10.10 5 0% 0% 100% See Note 4 B10.20 3 33% 67% 100% See Note 4

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21,2003 through May 3, 2005 Part J, page 2 of 5

1) Owners: Interstate Power and light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Ilumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant Duane Amold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (ifrequired): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 0201/n5
6) National Board Number of Unit N/A Gross Generating Capacity: 614 MWE STATUS OF WORK FOR THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL CLASS I ITEM NO. TOTAL PERIOD 1 PERIOD 2 PERIOD 3 REMARKS B10.30 1 0% 0% 100% See Note 4 B12.20 2 0% 0% 0%

B12.50 45 6% 9% 11% SeeNote3 B13.10 35 37% 63% 100% SeeNote 15 B13.20 I1 36% 36% 100%

B13.30 27 4% 9% 100% See Note 16 B13A0 5 20% 20% 100%

B14.10 3 0% 0% 100%

B315.10 I N/A N/A N/A Once per refueling outage B15.11 I N/A N/A N/A Once per interval CLASS I AND CLASS 2 Risk Informed ITENM NO. TOTAL # PERIOD I PERIOD 2 PERIOD 3 REMARKS R-1 70 0% 33% 61% See Note 11 CLASS 2 ITEM NO. TOTAL # PERIOD I PERIOD 2 PERIOD 3 REMARKS CI.10 2 50% 50% 100%

Cl.20 1 0% 100% 100%

C2.21 2 0% 50% 100%

C2.22 2 0% 50% 100%

C3.10 0% 0% 100% See Note 4 C3.20 7 29% 57% 100% See Note 4 C5.S1 69 17% 36% 36% See Note 11 C5.81 5 100% 100% 100% See Note II C7.10 5s N/A N/A N/A Once per period C7.20 5 N/A N/A N/A Once per interval

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21,2003 through May 3, 2005 Part J, page 3 of 5 I) Owners: Interstate Power and light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Ilumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant Duane Amold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 020I/75
6) National Board Number of Unit: N/A Gross Generating Capacity 614 MWE STATUS OF WORK FOR THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL CLASS I AND 2 SUPPORTS ITEMI NO. TOTAL # PERIOD 1 PERIOD 2 PERIOD 3 REMARKS FI.10 42 33% 64% 100% SeeNote5 F1.20 52 27% 58% 100% See Note 5 Fl.40 20 40% 65% 100% See Note 5 STATUS OF WORK FOR (IWE) FIRST TEN YEAR INTERVAL I CLASSMIC ITEM NO. TOTAL# PERIOD 1 PERIOD 2 PERIOD 3 REMARKS El.11 3 33% 67% 100%

El.12 31 19% 67% 87%

El.20 8 38% 75% 100%

E4.11 2 0% 40% 100% See Note 9 E5.30 4 25% 75% 100%

E8.10 14 29% 71% 78%

E9.20 N/A N/A N/A See Note 10

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005 Part J, page 4 of 5 I) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. flumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant: DuaneAmoldEnergyCenterPalo,IA.52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) OwnersCertificateofAuthorization(ifrequired): N/A 5) CommercialServiceDate: 02017n5
6) National Board Number of Unit: N/A Gross Generating Capacity. 614MWE STATUS OF WORK FOR THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL NOTE I - Item Numbers B3.90, B3.100 There are a total of 34 nozzles, however I of the nozzles is exempt by IWB-1220(c) and not included in the percentages.

NOTE 2 - Item Numbers B4.1 1, B4.12, B4.13 These items are required to be examined during conduct of the system hydrostatic test, IES Utilities has implemented Code Case N-498-1 (TAP-POIO)

NOTE 3 - Item Numbers B6.180, B6.190, B6.200, B7.50, B7.60,B7.70, B7.80, B12.50 These examinations are performed when the component is disassembled for other reasons. Therefore IWVX-2412-1 does not apply.

NOTE 4 - Item Numbers BI0.I0, B10.20, B10.30, C3.10, C3.20 These item numbers are from Code Case N509 (TAP-1004)

NOTE 5 - Item Number Fl.10, Fl.20, Fl.40 These item numbers are from Code Case N491 -I (TAP-1005)

NOTE 6 - Item Number B9.12 There are no welds counted for this item number because of the use of Code Case N-524 (NDE-R009)

NOTE 7 - Item Number B 1.30 50% of the shell-to-flange weld may be performed during the first and third inspection periods as allowed by Note 4 of Table IWB-2500-1.

NOTE 8 - Item Numbers B3.90, B3.100, B5.10 Relief Request NDE-R024 allows alternative percentages (ref. Code Case N-598). 2 of the Nozzle-to-safe-end welds (RRB-F002 and RRD-F002) have been repaired by applying a weld overlay.

These two welds are now covered by the requirements of BWRVIP-75.

NOTE 9 - Item Number E4.11 The DAEC has evaluated the need for augmented examination per this item number and has determined that the Torus should be examined twice per interval. Details are specified in Technical Approach and Position TAP-E002.

NOTE 10- Item Number E9.20 There are no components identified under this item number because the DAEC has been approved to use Option B of Appendix J. The "Performance Based Containment Testing Program" contains the requirements.

NOTE II - Item Numbers B5.XX, B9.XX, C5.XX, and R-I Risk-Informed methods are utilized as described in EPRI TR-I 12657B-A to determine scope of inspections for examination categories B-F, B-J, and C-F-2. The Risk-Informed scope has been combined into a new item number R-I for implementation in the second and third periods of the third interval.

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21,2003 through May 3, 2005 Part J, page 5 of 5 I) Owners: Interstate Power and light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Ilumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant: DuaneAmoldEnergyCenterPalo,IA.52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): N/A 5) CommercialServiceDate: 020I75
6) NationalBoardNumberofUnit: N/A Gross Generating Capacity: 614MWE NOTE 12 - Item Number Bl .1l There are no welds counted for this item number because of the use of Relief Request NDE-R33 NOTE 13 - Item Number Bl .12 Relief Request submitted July 14, 2005 requested deferral of examination of two welds.

NOTE 14 - Item Number B 1.40 This weld was examined in "thirds". To obtain increased coverage, the "third" that was examined in period I was reexamined in period 3.

NOTE 15 -Item Number B13.10 Areas to be examined shall include the spaces above and below the reactor ore that are made accessible for examination by removal of components during normal refueling outages.

NOTE 16 - Item Number B 13.30 The RFO 17 Summary Report included Shroud Ledge/Vessel Weld (Summary No. 175000) as a B-N-i, B 13.10 examination, however it did not report the B-N-2, B 13.30 VT-3 performed (Summary No. 174700).

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21,2003 through May 3, 2005 Part K, page I of 2 I) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. lumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant: Duane Amold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) Owners Certificate ofAuthorization (ifrequired): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: OnIlfn5
6) National Board Number of Unit N/A Gross Generating Capacity: 614 MWE RELIEF REQUESTS / CODE CASES The following are the relief requests and code cases that were used during the period of this Summary Report.

RELIEF REQUESTS DESCRIPTION NDE-ROOI Reactor Vessel weld limitations NDE-R008 Use of existing calibration blocks NDE-ROI I Exemption from Appendix III calibration block notch dimensions NDE-RO12 Use of the 1992 Addenda of ASME Section XI to govern repairs/replacements NDE-R013 Examination of reactor vessel closure head nuts NDE-RO18 Limited examinations of Nozzle to Vessel welds NDE-R025 Alternative requirements to Appendix VIll Supplement 4, length sizing acceptance criteria NDE-R026 Alternative Requirements to VII-4240 "Annual Training" NDE-R027 Use of the 1992 Edition of ASME Section XI for "Additional Examinations" NDE-R030 Use of PDI for dissimilar metal welds in lieu of Supplement 10 to Appendix VIII NDE-R031 Use of Examination Volume as defined by N-613-1 NDE-R032 Use of PDI for Overlays in lieu of Supplement II to Appendix VIII NDE-R033 Reactor Pressure Vessel Circumferential Shell Welds PR-002 Alternative Testing for Class 2 Pressure Retaining Containment Penetrations connected to non-safety related piping systems MC-R001 Qualification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel MC-R002 Alternative to VT-3 for Seals and Gaskets MC-R003 Alternative to Torque Test of Bolting MC-R004 Preservice Examination of Reapplied Paint or Coatings MC-R005 Visual Examination of Painted or Coated Containment Components Prior to Removal of Paint of Coatings MC-R006 Successive examinations of Repaired Areas MC-R007 Use of Code Case N-601 CODE CASE # DESCRIPTION N-198-1 Exemption From Examination for ASME Class 1 and 2 Piping Located at Containment Penetrations.

N-307-1 Revised Ultrasonic Examination Volume for Class I Bolting, Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-G-1, When Examinations Are Conducted From the Center Drilled Hole.

NA416-1 Alternative Pressure Test Requirement for Welded Repairs, Fabrication Welds for Replacement Parts and Piping Subassemblies, or Installation of Replacement Items by Welding, Class 1, 2 and 3.

N416-2 Alternative Pressure Test Requirement for Welded Repairs, Fabrication Welds for Replacement Parts and Piping. Includes limitation from Regulatory Guide 1.147 Revision 13, required using hold times from Section XI 1989 Edition.

N457 Qualification Specification Notch Location for Ultrasonic Examination of Bolts and Studs.

N-460 Alternative Examination Coverage for Class I and 2 Welds.

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT April 21, 2003 through May 3, 2005 Part K, page 2 of 2 I) Owners: Interstate Power and Ught Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Ilumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant Duane Amold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02/017n5
6) NationalBoardNumberofUnit N/A Gross Generating Capacity 614 MWE CODE CASE # DESCRIPTION N-461-1 Alternative Rules for Piping Calibration Block Thickness.

N-491-1 Alternative Rules for the Examination of Class 1,2, 3 and MC Components Supports of Light Water Cooled Power Plants.

N-498-1 Alternative Rules for 10 Year Hydrostatic Pressure Testing for Class 1, 2 and Class 3 Systems.

N-503 Limited Certification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel Section XI, Division 1.

N-508-1 Rotation of Serviced Snubbers and Pressure Relief Valves for the Purpose of Testing Section XI, Division 1.

N-509 Alternative Rules for the Selection and Examinations of Class 1, 2, and 3 Integrally Welded Attachments,Section XI, Division 1.

N-522 Pressure Testing of Containment Piping,Section XI, Division I N-524 Alternative Examination Requirements for Longitudinal Welds in Class 1 and 2 Piping,Section XI, Division 1.

N-535 Alternative Requirements for Inservice Inspection Intervals,Section XI, Division 1.

N-546 Alternative Requirements for Qualification of VT-2 Examination Personnel,Section XI, Division 1. Limitation requires initial and every 3 year written testing of examiners on Section XI knowledge, and only applies to performance of examinations.

N-552 Alternative Methods - Qualification for Nozzle Inside Radius Section from the Outside Surface,Section XI, Division 1. This Case is referenced in Final Rule dated 9/22/99, I0CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(J).

N-573 Transfer of Procedure Qualification Records Between Owners.

N-583 Annual Training Alternative.

N-598 Alternative Requirements to Required Percentages of Examination.


Augmented Inspection Results RFO 19 Page 1 of2 System Weld or Component Report Inspection ISI Acc Exam Description Description Number Requirement Iso/Fig Number Feedwvater FWA-Bore (Zone 3) 105009 C 1.2-05 Y UT FWA-Nozzle (Zones I & 2) 105009 C 1.2-05 Y UT FWA-Thermal Sleeve I05010 C 1.2-05 Y UT FWB-Bore (Zone 3) 105011 C 1.2-05 Y UT FWB-Nozzle (Zones 1 & 2) I05011 C 1.2-05 Y UT FWB-Thermal Sleeve 105012 C 1.2-05 Y UT FWC-Bore (Zone 3) 105017 C 1.2-06 Y UT FWC-Nozzle (Zones 1 & 2) I05017 C 1.2-06 Y UT FWC-Thermal Sleeve 105018 C 1.2-06 Y UT FWD-Bore (Zone 3) 105019 C 1.2-06 Y UT FWD-Nozzle (Zones I & 2) 105019 C 1.2-06 Y UT FWVD-Thernal Sleeve 105020 C 1.2-06 Y UT Core Spray CSA-F002 105029 A 1.2-07 Y UT CSA-FO02A I05030 A 1.2-07 Y UT CSA-F004 I05031 A 1.2-07 Y UT RWCU CUB-F004 105036 A 1.2-1 IB Y UT CUB-J019 105037 A 1.2-1 B Y UT CUB-J022 105038 A 1.2-1 lB Y UT CUB-J025 105039 A 1.2-1 lB Y UT RHR RHB-J002 105041 A 1.2-14 Y UT Recirculation RRF-F002 105047 A 1.2-20 Y UT RRG-F002 I05048 A 1.2-20 Y UT RCB-F002 I05051 A 1.2-21A Y UT RCB-J044 105052 A 1.2-21A Y UT RRB-F002-OVL 105055 A 1.2-22 Y UT RRD-F002-OVL 105057 A 1.2-22 Y UT RRD-JO05 105058 A 1.2-22 Y UT Jet Pump Inst JPA-F002 105059 A 1.2-25 Y UT JPA-J003 105060 A 1.2-25 Y UT JPB-F002 105062 A 1.2-26 Y UT JPB-J003 105063 A 1.2-26 Y UT RxVessel CRDRLNozzle 105149 C VS-01-41 Y EVT-I Top Guide Latch 1360 105149 D VS-04-06 Y VT-I Top Guide Latch 3160 105149 D VS-04-06 Y VT-I Top Guide 460 I05149 D VS-04-10 Y VT-1 Top Guide 1360 I05149 D VS-04-10 Y VT-I Top Guide 2260 105149 D VS-04-10 Y VT-1 Top Guide 316 0 105149 D VS-04-10 Y VT-1 Core Spray 105149 F VS-05-01 Y EVT-1 Core Spray Sparger 105149 F VS-05-02 Y EVT-I Moist Sep Shrd Head 105149 B VS-06-02 Y VT-I Moisture Separator 105149 B VS-06-03 Y VT-3 Feedwater Spargers I05149 C VS-09-01 Y VT-I CRD Guide Tube I05149 D VS-12-04 Y VT-3 /


Augmented Inspection Results RFO 19 Page 2 of 2 System Weld or Component Report Inspection ISI Acc Exam Description Description Number Requirement Iso/Fig Number Torus Torus Support #5 105117 H N/A Y VT-3 Torus Support #6 105118 H N/A Y VT-3 Earth Quake Tie #2 105119 H N/A Y VT-3 Torus Support #7 105120 H N/A Y VT-3 Torus Support#8 105121 H N/A Y VT-3 Instrument lT-429 105126 H M144-071 Y VT-3 Air Accumulator Fuel Oil Day IT-037B 105127 H M15-56 Y VT-3 Tank ACC- ACCEPTED, Y INDICATING ACCEPTED, N INDICATING REJECTED.

A- BWRVIP-75 E - BWRVIP-76 (GL 94-03)






1. Owner: IES Utilities Inc., an Alliant company. P. O. Box 351, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 (Note 2)

(Name and address of Owncr)

2. Plant: Duane Arnold Energy Center. 3277 DAEC Road, Palo, IA 52324 (Name and Address of Plant)
3. Plant Unit 1 4. Owvner Certificate of Authorization (if required) N/A
5. Commercial Service Date 02/01/75 6. National Board Number of Unit N/A
7. Components Inspected Corrected Pages (Part D, Pages 1 and 2) are attached.

Component or Manufacturer Manufacturer State or National Appurtenance or Installer or Installer Province No. Board No.

__ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _S erial N o._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Reactor Chicago Bridge 3-4833 N/A 3663 Pressure & Iron Vessel (RPV) . .

I I-

+ 4 4- +

+ I 4- 4.

4 4 4- +

4. t 4- 4-i i i.

Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8.5 X II inches. (2) information in items I through 6 on this data report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top ofthis form.

(12/82) This form (E00029) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y 10010

FORM NIS-1 (back)

8. Examination Dates 12/01/99 to 05/27/01 9. Inspection Interval from 11/01/96 to 11/01/05
10. Abstract of Examinations. Include a list of examinations and a statement concerning status of work required for current interval.

Corrected Pages (Part D, Pages 1 and 2) are attached.

I 1. Abstract of Conditions Noted N/A

12. Abstract of Corrective Measures Recommended and Taken N/A We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and the examinations and corrective measures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Date ' /Z 7 2005 Signed By A\Jc; \

Certificate of Authorization No. (if applicable) A/I Expiration Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of Iowa and employed by Hartford Boiler Co. of Hartford CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Data Report during the period 12/01/99 to 05/27/01 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Data Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector, nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Date 7 ;2005 Commissions6 /d31994, /yQ9 Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province and No.

Note 1: As per letter NG-89-3390, the ASME Section Xl "Vessels' RIIR Ileat Exchangers IE-201A and IE-201B and the Reactor Vessel are excluded from the Summary Report to the State.

Note 2: Other owners are Central Iowa Power Cooperative and Corn Belt Power Cooperative.

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT December 01, 1999 through May 27,2001 Part D, page I of 5 I) Owners: IES Utilities Inc., an Alliant company Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative P.O. Box 351 Marion, IA. Ilumbolt, IA.

Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant: Duane Amold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #l
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02/01/75
6) National Board Number of Unit: N/A Gross Generating Capacity 565 MWE COMPONENT AND WELD EXAMINATION IDENTIFICATION RECORDS CLASS 1 ISI ASME XI Component Description Report Examination ISI Iso Category Results RPV Head HCC-13002 (Stud 20 101093 UT VS-01-06 B-A Accepted by

-40) evaluation (AR 25397)

HCC-COOI (Stud 20 101094 UT, MT VS-01-06 B-A Accepted

- 40)

Main Steam MSC-KOIIA 101010 VT-3 1.2-03 F-A Accepted Main Steam PSV-4405 VALVE 101208 VT-3 1.2-03 B-M-2 Accepted BODY PSV-4405 BOLTING 101207 VT-I 1.2-03 B-G-2 Accepted MSD-K034 101015 VT-3 1.2-04 F-A Accepted Feedwater FWB-K036 101021 VT-3 1.2-05 F-A Accepted FWC-K020 101026 VT-3 1.2-06 F-A Accepted FWD-K014 101027 VT-3 1.2-06 F-A Accepted Core Spray CSB-F002 101028 PT, UT 1.2-08 B-F Accepted CSB-F004 101030 PT, UT 1.2-08 B-F Accepted High Pressure PSA-K015 101032 VT-3 1.2-09 F-A Accepted Coolant Injection Control Rod Drive CRA-KO17AA 101051 VT-3 1.2-12A F-A Accepted by repair Return (AR 25237)

Residual Heat RHB-F003 101055 PT, UT 1.2-14 B-F Accepted Removal RHB-K009 101057 VT-3 1.2-14 F-A Accepted RHC-K016 101058 VT-3 1.2-15 F-A Accepted RHD-K005 101059 VT-3 1.2-16 F-A Accepted Reactor Core RSA-KO24AA 101061 VT-3 1.2-17 F-A Accepted Isolation Cooling Recirculation RCA-KO17 101063 VT-3 1.2-19A F-A Accepted Pump 'A' Suction Recirculation RMA-J002 101065 PT, UT 1.2-20 B-J Accepted Manifold 'A' and Risers E,FG,H RMA-J008 101066 PT, UT 1.2-20 B-J Accepted RRF-D001 101067 UT 1.2-20 B-D Accepted RRF-DOOI Inner Rad 101067 UT 1.2-20 B-D Accepted RRH-J005 101069 PT, UT 1.2-20 B-J Accepted Recirculation RBB-JOOI 101070 PT, UT 1.2-21A B-J Accepted System 'B' Suction RBB-KO05A 101071 VT-3 1.2-21A F-A Accepted and Bypass RCB-J030 101203 PT, UT 1.2-21A B-J Accepted RCB-K029 101072 VT-3, PT 1.2-21A F-A/B-K Accepted

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT December 01, 1999 through May 27,2001 Part D Page 2 of 5 I) Owners: IES Utilities Inc., an Alliant company Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative P.O. Box 351 Marion. IA. Ilumbolt, IA.

Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant: Duanc Amold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #1
4) OwnersCertiricateofAuthorization(ifrequired): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02/0/n5
6) National Board NumberofUnit: N/A Gross Generating Capacity: 565 MWE COM PONENT AND W'ELD EXAM INATION IDENTIFICATION RECORDS CLASS I con't ISI ASME Xi Component Description Report Examination ISI Iso Category Results Recirculation RRA-1005 101076 PT, UT 1.2-22 B-J Accepted Manifold 'B' and Risers A,B,C,D RRB-J007 101078 PT, UT 1.2-22 B-J Accepted Reactor Head HSB-D001 101080 UT 1.2-23 B-D Accepted Spare HSB-D001 Inner Rad 101080 UT 1.2-23 B-D Accepted HSB-FLG-BOLTING 101081 VT-I 1.2-23 B-G-2 Accepted Reactor Head Vent HVA-FLG- 101116 VT-I 1.2-24 B-G-2 Accepted BOLTING Standby Liquid LCA-F002 101082 PT 1.2-27 B-F Accepted Control LCA-J025 101083 PT 1.2-27 B-i Accepted LCA-J026 101084 PT 1.2-27 B-i Accepted LCA-J026A 101085 PT 1.2-27 B-J Accepted LCA-J027 101086 PT 1.2-27 B-J Accepted LCA-KO03A 101087 VT-3 1.2-27 F-A Accepted Reactor Vessel VIA-D001 101088 UT 1.2-28 B-D Accepted Instrument. N-I IA VIA-DOOI Inner Rad. 101088 UT 1.2-28 B-D Accepted Reactor Vessel VIC-DOOI 101089 UT 1.2-30 B-D Accepted Instrument. N-12A VIC-DOOI Inner Rad. 101089 UT 1.2-30 B-D Accepted Reactor Vessel VIF-D00I 101090 UT 1.2-34 B-D Accepted Instrument. N-16B VIF-D00I Inner Rad. 101090 UT 1.2-34 B-D Accepted VIF-F002 101091 PT 1.2-34 B-F Accepted Reactor Pressure GUIDE ROD BRT(0) 101095 VT-3 VS-01-28 B-N-I Accepted Vessel Internals SHROUD LEDGE 0- 101095 VT-3 VS-02-11 B-N-I Accepted 180 SHROUD LEDGE 0- 101095 VT-3 VS-02-11 B-N-2 Accepted 180 CORE PLATE 101095 VT-3 VS B-N-I Accepted 02<1>

TOP GUIDE 101095 VT-3 VS-04-01 B-N-I Accepted SAMPLE HOLDER- 101095 VT-3 VS-01-31 B-N-I Accepted 108 DEG CLASS I PRESSURE TESTS Class I System STP 3.10.1-01 101092 VT-2 ISONO-P B-P Accepted Leakage Test



REPORT SUBMITTAL I.Owner: Interstate Power and Light Company, an Alliant Co.. P.O. Box 351.Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 * .

(Name and address of Owner)

2. Plant: Duane Arnold Energy Center. 3277 DAEC Road. Palo, IA 52324 (Name and Address of Plant)
3. Plant Unit 1 4. Owner Certificate of Authorization (if required) N/A
5. Commercial Service Date 02/01/75 6. National Board Number of Unit N/A
7. Components Inspected Corrected Page (Part D, Page 3) is attached.

Component or Manufacturer Manufacturer State or National Appurtenance Apputennceor or Installer IstalerSerial or Installer No. Province No. Board No.

Reactor Chicago Bridge 3-4833 N/A 3663 Pressure & Iron Vessel (RPV)

Note: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8.5 X 11 inches, (2) information in items I through 6 on this data report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This form (E00029) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASNIE, 345 E. 47th St., Newv York, N.Y 10010

FORM NIS-1 (back)

8. Examination Dates 3/31/03 to 4/20/03 9. Inspection Interval from 11/01/96 to 11/01/05
10. Abstract of Examinations. Include a list of examinations and a statement concerning status of work required for current interval.

Corrected Page (Part D, Page 3) is attached.

11. Abstract of Conditions Noted N/A
12. Abstract of Corrective Measures Recommended and Taken N/A We certify that the statements made in this report arc correct and the examinations and corrective measures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xi.

Date 7ZL 7 2005 I

Signed -/ - I By \Jnl A dk-Certificate of Authorization No. (if applicable) f/14 Expiration Date_

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of Iova and employed by HSB CT of Hartford CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Data Report during the period 3/31/03 to 04/20/03, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Data Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector, nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Date 21S 2005

___Commissions fi2 1>234, /LL/GZ Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province and No.

  • Note - Other owners are Central Iowa Power Cooperative and Corn Belt Power Cooperative.

THIRD TEN YEAR INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT March 31, 2003 through April 20, 2003 Part D Page 3 of 4

1) Owners: Interstate Power and Light Company, Central Iowa Power Cooperative Corn Belt Power Cooperative an Alliant Company Marion, IA. Hlumbolt, IA.

P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406

2) Plant: Duane Arnold Energy Center, Palo, IA. 52324 3) Plant Unit: #l
4) Owners Certificate of Authorization (if required): N/A 5) Commercial Service Date: 02/01/7
6) National Board Number of Unit: N/A Gross Generating Capacity: 614 MWE COMPONENT AND WELD EXAMINATION IDENTIFICATION RECORDS CLASS 2 ISI ASME XI Component Description Report Examination IS Iso Category Results Residual Heat HEA-CA-I 103065 UT 2.1-01 C-A Accepted Removal Heat Exchanger HEA-CB-2 103066 MT 2.1-01 C-B Accepted UT Accepted HEA-CB-2 (Inner Rad) 103066 UT 2.1-01 C-B Accepted HEA-CC-7 103067 MT 2.1-01 C-C Accepted VT-3 2.1-01 F-A Accepted HEA-CC-8 (04) 103068 VT-3 2.1-01 F-A Accepted Residual Heat RHA-CE009 103069 MT 2.2-32 C-C Accepted Removal VT-3 F-A Accepted RHA-CE027 103070 VT-3 2.2-32 F-A Accepted RHB-CE050 103071 VT-3 2.2-33 F-A Accepted, but replaced due to planned PWO RHE-CE036 103072 VT-3 2.2-36 F-A Accepted RHF-CE078 103073 VT-3 2.2-37A F-A Accepted RHI-CE052 103074 VT-3 2.2-39 F-A Accepted RHK-CE008A 103075 VT-3 2.2-41 F-A Accepted RHM-CE005 103076 VT-3 2.2-43 F-A Accepted High Pressure HPA-CE016 103077 VT-3 2.2-44 F-A Accepted Coolant Injection HPB-CE013 103079 VT-3 2.2-45 F-A Accepted HPB-CE072 103080 VT-3 2.2-45 F-A Accepted HPC-CE059 103081 VT-3 2.2-46 F-A Accepted