ML24341A081 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Clinton ![]() |
Issue date: | 12/05/2024 |
From: | US Dept of Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service |
To: | Dehmer M Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
References | |
2024-0060766 | |
Download: ML24341A081 (1) | |
12/05/2024 14:14:26 UTC United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Illinois-Iowa Ecological Services Field Office Illinois & Iowa Ecological Services Field Office 1511 47th Ave Moline, IL 61265-7022 Phone: (309) 757-5800 Fax: (309) 757-5807 In Reply Refer To:
Project code: 2024-0060766 Project Name: Clinton License Renewal Federal Nexus: yes Federal Action Agency (if applicable): Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Federal agency coordination under the Endangered Species Act, Section 7 for
'Clinton License Renewal'
Dear Mitchell Dehmer:
This letter records your determination using the Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC) system provided to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) on December 05, 2024, for 'Clinton License Renewal' (here forward, Project). This project has been assigned Project Code 2024-0060766 and all future correspondence should clearly reference this number. Please carefully review this letter. Your Endangered Species Act (Act) requirements may not be complete.
Ensuring Accurate Determinations When Using IPaC The Service developed the IPaC system and associated species determination keys in accordance with the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA; 87 Stat. 884, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) and based on a standing analysis. All information submitted by the Project proponent into IPaC must accurately represent the full scope and details of the Project.
Failure to accurately represent or implement the Project as detailed in IPaC or the Northern Long-eared Bat and Tricolored Bat Range-wide Determination Key (DKey), invalidates this letter. Answers to certain questions in the DKey commit the project proponent to implementation of conservation measures that must be followed for the ESA determination to remain valid. Note that conservation measures for northern long-eared bat and tricolored bat may differ. If both bat species are present in the action area and the key suggests more conservative measures for one of the species for your Project, the Project may need to apply the most conservative measures in order to avoid adverse effects. If unsure which conservation measures should be applied, please contact the appropriate Ecological Services Field Office.
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Determination for the Northern Long-Eared Bat and Tricolored Bat Based on your IPaC submission and a standing analysis completed by the Service, you determined the proposed Project will have the following effect determinations:
Species Listing Status Determination Northern Long-eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis)
Endangered NLAA Unless the Service advises you within 15 days of the date of this letter that your IPaC-assisted determination was incorrect, this letter verifies that consultation on the Action is complete for northern long-eared bat and/or tricolored bat and no further action is necessary unless either of the following occurs:
new information reveals effects of the action that may affect the northern long-eared bat or tricolored bat in a manner or to an extent not previously considered; or, the identified action is subsequently modified in a manner that causes an effect to the northern long-eared bat or tricolored bat that was not considered when completing the determination key.
15-Day Review Period As indicated above, the Service will notify you within 15 calendar days if we determine that this proposed Action does not meet the criteria for a may affect, not likely to adversely affect (NLAA) determination for the northern long-eared bat and/or tricolored bat. If we do not notify you within that timeframe, you may proceed with the Action under the terms of the NLAA concurrence provided here. This verification period allows the identified Ecological Services Field Office to apply local knowledge to evaluation of the Action, as we may identify a small subset of actions having impacts that we did not anticipate when developing the key. In such cases, the identified Ecological Services Field Office may request additional information to verify the effects determination reached through the Northern Long-eared Bat and Tricolored Bat DKey.
Other Species and Critical Habitat that May be Present in the Action Area The IPaC-assisted determination key for the northern long-eared bat and tricolored bat does not apply to the following ESA-protected species and/or critical habitat that also may occur in your Action area:
Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid Platanthera leucophaea Threatened Indiana Bat Myotis sodalis Endangered Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus Candidate Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Bombus affinis Endangered Salamander Mussel Simpsonaias ambigua Proposed Endangered Western Regal Fritillary Argynnis idalia occidentalis Proposed Threatened Whooping Crane Grus americana Experimental Population, Non-Essential
Project code: 2024-0060766 12/05/2024 14:14:26 UTC DKey Version Publish Date: 11/07/2024 3 of 12 You may coordinate with our Office to determine whether the Action may affect the species and/
or critical habitat listed above. Note that reinitiation of consultation would be necessary if a new species is listed or critical habitat designated that may be affected by the identified action before it is complete.
If you have any questions regarding this letter or need further assistance, please contact the Illinois-Iowa Ecological Services Field Office and reference Project Code 2024-0060766 associated with this Project.
Project code: 2024-0060766 12/05/2024 14:14:26 UTC DKey Version Publish Date: 11/07/2024 4 of 12 Action Description You provided to IPaC the following name and description for the subject Action.
- 1. Name Clinton License Renewal
- 2. Description The following description was provided for the project 'Clinton License Renewal':
In February 2024, Constellation Energy Generation, LLC submitted an application to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requesting the NRC's renewal of the operating license no. NPF-62 for Clinton Power Station, Unit 1. This nuclear power plant is situated on a peninsula of Clinton Lake between the Salt Creek North Form arm and Salt Cree arm in DeWitt County, Illinois. If approved, the renewed license would authorize Constellation to continue operating the plant for an additional 20 years through April 17, 2047.
Operating conditions would not change under license renewal, and Constellation proposes no new construction, tree removal, or ground-disturbing activities as part of the license renewal.
The approximate location of the project can be viewed in Google Maps: https://,-88.83892575095146,14z
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DETERMINATION KEY RESULT Based on the answers provided, the proposed Action is consistent with a determination of may affect, but not likely to adversely affect for a least one species covered by this determination key.
QUALIFICATION INTERVIEW Does the proposed project include, or is it reasonably certain to cause, intentional take of listed bats or any other listed species?
Note: Intentional take is defined as take that is the intended result of a project. Intentional take could refer to research, direct species management, surveys, and/or studies that include intentional handling/encountering, harassment, collection, or capturing of any individual of a federally listed threatened, endangered or proposed species?
No Is the action area wholly within Zone 2 of the year-round active area for northern long-eared bat and/or tricolored bat?
Automatically answered No Does the action area intersect Zone 1 of the year-round active area for northern long-eared bat and/or tricolored bat?
Automatically answered No Does any component of the action involve leasing, construction or operation of wind turbines? Answer 'yes' if the activities considered are conducted with the intention of gathering survey information to inform the leasing, construction, or operation of wind turbines.
Note: For federal actions, answer yes if the construction or operation of wind power facilities is either (1) part of the federal action or (2) would not occur but for a federal agency action (federal permit, funding, etc.).
No Is the proposed action authorized, permitted, licensed, funded, or being carried out by a Federal agency in whole or in part?
Yes Is the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Railroad Administration (FRA),
or Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding or authorizing the proposed action, in whole or in part?
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Are you an employee of the federal action agency or have you been officially designated in writing by the agency as its designated non-federal representative for the purposes of Endangered Species Act Section 7 informal consultation per 50 CFR § 402.08?
Note: This key may be used for federal actions and for non-federal actions to facilitate section 7 consultation and to help determine whether an incidental take permit may be needed, respectively. This question is for information purposes only.
Yes Is the lead federal action agency the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or Federal Communications Commission (FCC)? Is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or Federal Communications Commission (FCC) funding or authorizing the proposed action, in whole or in part?
No Is the lead federal action agency the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)?
[Semantic] Is the action area located within 0.5 miles of a known bat hibernaculum?
Note: The map queried for this question contains proprietary information and cannot be displayed. If you need additional information, please contact your State wildlife agency.
Automatically answered No Does the action area contain any winter roosts or caves (or associated sinkholes, fissures, or other karst features), mines, rocky outcroppings, or tunnels that could provide habitat for hibernating bats?
No Does the action area contain (1) talus or (2) anthropogenic or naturally formed rock shelters or crevices in rocky outcrops, rock faces or cliffs?
No Will the action cause effects to a bridge?
Note: Covered bridges should be considered as bridges in this question.
No Will the action result in effects to a culvert or tunnel at any time of year?
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Are trees present within 1000 feet of the action area?
Note: If there are trees within the action area that are of a sufficient size to be potential roosts for bats answer "Yes". If unsure, additional information defining suitable summer habitat for the northern long-eared bat and tricolored bat can be found in Appendix A of the USFWS Range-wide Indiana Bat and Northern long-eared bat Survey Guidelines at:
Yes Does the action include the intentional exclusion of bats from a building or structure?
Note: Exclusion is conducted to deny bats entry or reentry into a building. To be effective and to avoid harming bats, it should be done according to established standards. If your action includes bat exclusion and you are unsure whether northern long-eared bats or tricolored bats are present, answer Yes. Answer No if there are no signs of bat use in the building/structure. If unsure, contact your local Ecological Services Field Office to help assess whether northern long-eared bats or tricolored bats may be present. Contact a Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator (NWCO) for help in how to exclude bats from a structure safely without causing harm to the bats (to find a NWCO certified in bat standards, search the Internet using the search term National Wildlife Control Operators Association bats). Also see the White-Nose Syndrome Response Team's guide for bat control in structures.
No Does the action involve removal, modification, or maintenance of a human-made structure (barn, house, or other building) known or suspected to contain roosting bats?
No Will the action cause construction of one or more new roads open to the public?
For federal actions, answer yes when the construction or operation of these facilities is either (1) part of the federal action or (2) would not occur but for an action taken by a federal agency (federal permit, funding, etc.).
No Will the action include or cause any construction or other activity that is reasonably certain to increase average daily traffic permanently or temporarily on one or more existing roads?
Note: For federal actions, answer yes when the construction or operation of these facilities is either (1) part of the federal action or (2) would not occur but for an action taken by a federal agency (federal permit, funding, etc.)..
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Will the action include or cause any construction or other activity that is reasonably certain to increase the number of travel lanes on an existing thoroughfare?
For federal actions, answer yes when the construction or operation of these facilities is either (1) part of the federal action or (2) would not occur but for an action taken by a federal agency (federal permit, funding, etc.).
No Will the proposed Action involve the creation of a new water-borne contaminant source (e.g., leachate pond, pits containing chemicals that are not NSF/ANSI 60 compliant)?
Note: For information regarding NSF/ANSI 60 please visit No Will the proposed action involve the creation of a new point source discharge from a facility other than a water treatment plant or storm water system?
No Will the action include drilling or blasting?
No Will the action involve military training (e.g., smoke operations, obscurant operations, exploding munitions, artillery fire, range use, helicopter or fixed wing aircraft use)?
No Will the proposed action involve the use of herbicides or other pesticides other than herbicides (e.g., fungicides, insecticides, or rodenticides)?
Yes Will the action include or result in herbicide use that may affect suitable summer habitat for the northern long-eared bat or tricolored bat?
Note: Additional information defining suitable summer habitat for the northern long-eared bat and tricolored bat can be found in Appendix A of the USFWS Range-wide Indiana Bat and Northern long-eared bat Survey Guidelines at:
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Will the action include or cause the application or drift of pesticides (e.g., fungicides, insecticides, or rodenticides) into forested areas that are suitable summer habitat for the northern long-eared bat or tricolored bat?
Answer "Yes" if the application may result in transport (e.g., in water) or aerial drift of the pesticide into forested areas that are suitable summer habitat for the northern long-eared bat or tricolored bat.
Note: Additional information defining suitable summer habitat for the northern long-eared bat and tricolored bat can be found in Appendix A of the USFWS Range-wide Indiana Bat and Northern long-eared bat Survey Guidelines at:
No Will the action include or cause activities that are reasonably certain to cause chronic or intense nighttime noise (above current levels of ambient noise in the area) in suitable summer habitat for the northern long-eared bat or tricolored bat during the active season?
Chronic noise is noise that is continuous or occurs repeatedly again and again for a long time. Sources of chronic or intense noise that could cause adverse effects to bats may include, but are not limited to: road traffic; trains; aircraft; industrial activities; gas compressor stations; loud music; crowds; oil and gas extraction; construction; and mining.
Note: Additional information defining suitable summer habitat for the northern long-eared bat and tricolored bat can be found in Appendix A of the USFWS Range-wide Indiana Bat and Northern long-eared bat Survey Guidelines at:
No Does the action include, or is it reasonably certain to cause, the use of permanent or temporary artificial lighting within 1000 feet of suitable northern long-eared bat or tricolored bat roosting habitat?
Note: Additional information defining suitable summer habitat for the northern long-eared bat and tricolored bat can be found in Appendix A of the USFWS Range-wide Indiana Bat and Northern long-eared bat Survey Guidelines at:
Yes Will the action cause an increase in the extent of suitable forested habitat exposed to artificial lighting?
No Will the action include tree cutting or other means of knocking down or bringing down trees, tree topping, or tree trimming?
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Will the proposed action result in the use of prescribed fire?
Note: If the prescribed fire action includes other activities than application of fire (e.g., tree cutting, fire line preparation) please consider impacts from those activities within the previous representative questions in the key.
This set of questions only considers impacts from flame and smoke.
No Does the action area intersect the northern long-eared bat species list area?
Automatically answered Yes
[Semantic] Is the action area located within 0.25 miles of a culvert that is known to be occupied by northern long-eared or tricolored bats?
Automatically answered No
[Semantic] Is the action area located within 150 feet of a documented northern long-eared bat roost site?
Note: The map queried for this question contains proprietary information and cannot be displayed. If you need additional information, please contact your State wildlife agency.
Automatically answered No Is suitable summer habitat for the northern long-eared bat present within 1000 feet of project activities?
If unsure, answer "Yes."
Note: Additional information defining suitable summer habitat for the northern long-eared bat and tricolored bat can be found in Appendix A of the USFWS Range-wide Indiana Bat and Northern long-eared bat Survey Guidelines at:
Yes Has a presence/probable absence summer bat survey targeting the northern long-eared bat following the Services Range-wide Indiana Bat and Northern Long-Eared Bat Survey Guidelines been conducted within the project area?
No Do you have any documents that you want to include with this submission?
Project code: 2024-0060766 12/05/2024 14:14:26 UTC DKey Version Publish Date: 11/07/2024 11 of 12 PROJECT QUESTIONNAIRE
Project code: 2024-0060766 12/05/2024 14:14:26 UTC DKey Version Publish Date: 11/07/2024 12 of 12 IPAC USER CONTACT INFORMATION Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Name:
Mitchell Dehmer Address: 11555 Rockville Pike City:
Rockville State:
MD Zip:
20852 Email Phone: