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LLC, Response to Sdaa Audit Question Number A-3.7.2-27
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Site: 05200050
Issue date: 08/02/2024
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML24215A000 List: ... further results
Download: ML24215A034 (1)


Response to SDAA Audit Question Question Number: A-3.7.2-27 Receipt Date: 10/02/2023 Question:

(Follow-on from A-3.7.2-21) Based on review of the applicant's response to A-3.7.2-21, the staff requests the following:

a. Augment Document EC-149897 to include the following information: (This information should also be included in the audit response and docketed.)

(i) Tables of modal analysis results from the RXB and CRB models, comparable to DCA Tables 3.7.2-14 to 3.7.2-17.

(ii) Figures of selected major mode shapes, comparable to DCA Figures 3.7.2-77 to 3.7.2-88.

b. Update FSAR Tables 3.7.2-1 to 3.7.2-3 and Figures 3.7.2-17 and 3.7.2-18 using the applicable information from augmented EC-149897 for the RXB model and update other affected parts of the FSAR.
c. Section 4.2 of EC-149897, states that "model results labeled as SDAA in Figure 4-8 are from Reference 1.4.3" and Reference 1.4.3 in the quoted statement refers to Reactor Building ANSYS Model, EC-100735, Rev. 2. The staff notes that Figure 4.8 of EC-149897 indicates noticeable differences between the "SDAA" and the remaining three cases included in the figure.

(i) Explain the differences among the results presented in Figure 4.8 of EC-149897 for the four cases considered.

(ii) Clarify whether the three cases represented by solid lines in Figure 4.8 are not from the "SDAA" RXB model.

(iii) Explain the difference between the RXB model extracted from the double building model of EC-103862 and the RXB model of EC-100735.

NuScale Nonproprietary NuScale Nonproprietary

d. Provide the masses of the basemat of the RXB and CRB, and augment document EC-149897 to include the masses of the basemat and total masses of the RXB and CRB considered in the analyses.
e. Provide the maximum deflections of the first mode of the RXB and CRB, and indicate their locations in the figures mentioned in item a(ii) above.


Item a(i)

NuScale revises EC-149897, Revision 1, RXB and CRB Modal Analysis, to include tables of modal analysis results from the Reactor Building (RXB) and the Control Building (CRB) models.

The RXB modal tables are included in the US460 Standard Design Approval Application (SDAA) as Tables 3.7.2-1 to 3.7.2-3. The CRB modal tables are included in the US460 SDAA as Tables 3.7.2-4 to 3.7.2-6.

Item a(ii)

NuScale revises EC-149897, Revision 1, to include figures of selected major modal shapes.

The RXB modal figures are included in the US460 SDAA as Figures 3.7.2-18a to 3.7.2-18c. The CRB modal figures are included in US460 SDAA as Figures 3.7.2-107 to 3.7.2-109.

Item b NuScale revises the US460 SDAA Tables 3.7.2-1 through 3.7.2-3, and Figures 3.7.2-17 and 3.7.2-18 to reflect changes to EC-149897, Revision 1.

Item c(i)

EC-149897, Revision 1, Figure 4-11 (Revision 0, Figure 4-8), represents the RXB modal mass participation ratios in each direction, directly comparing the three cases and the results from EC-100735. The differences in the results presented in Figure 4-11, are related to the contributions of the pool, the NuScale power module (NPM), the crane, and the basemat, as explained below:


US460 SDAA design: RXB model without the pool, NPM, and crane.

Basemat self-weight and superimposed loads are included in the effective mass ratio calculation 2.

With Basemat: RXB model with the pool, NPM and crane.

NuScale Nonproprietary NuScale Nonproprietary

Basemat self-weight and superimposed loads are included in the effective mass ratio calculation 3.

No Basemat: RXB model with the pool, NPM and crane.

Does not consider the basemat self-weight in the effective mass ratio calculation 4.

No Basemat or Any Associated Mass: RXB model with the pool, NPM and crane.

Does not consider the basemat self-weight, or the basemat superimposed load, in the effective mass ratio calculation Item c(ii)

EC-149897, Revision 1, Figure 4-11 (Revision 0, Figure 4-8), represents the RXB modal mass.

As described in item c(i) above, the solid lines in the figures are related to the exclusion or inclusion of different components such as basemat, pool, NPM, and crane in the modal analysis.

Item c(iii)

The RXB model of EC-100735 does not include the ultimate heat sink (pool), the NPM, and the crane. These components are introduced in the RXB after building the Double-Building (DB) model. Thus, the RXB model extracted from the DB model includes all the above-mentioned components.

Item d EC-149897, Revision 1, Table 4-9 provides the masses of the basemat of the RXB ((2(a),(c) and the basemat of the CRB ((


Item e The updated figures in EC-149897, Revision 1, (i.e., Figure 4-5, Figure 4-6, Figure 4-7, Figure 4-12, Figure 4-13, and Figure 4-14) provide the maximum deflections of the first modes of the RXB and CRB, in each direction. The maximum location is annotated with an MX in the figure and the numeric maximum deflection is provided in the legend as SMX. These figures are also provided in the US460 SDAA, (i.e.,Figures 3.7.2-107 to 3.7.2-109, and Figures 3.7.2-18a to 3.7.2-18c). Markups of the affected changes, as described in the response, are provided below: NuScale Nonproprietary NuScale Nonproprietary

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design NuScale US460 SDAA 3.7-104 Draft Revision 2 Natural Frequencies and Responses Audit Question A-3.7.2-27 Modal analysis is performed to a stand-alone RXB model extracted fromby calculating the first 1957 modes of the DB model with uncracked concrete properties. This model includes all six NPMs, RBC and UHS pool, but no backfill. Fixed-base modal analysis is performed for 3452 modes covering a frequency range from 1 to 100 Hz. Consistent with a fixed-base condition, modal mass participation ratios do not include the restrained masses (i.e., basemat self-weight and superimposed load on the basemat). Table 3.7.2-1 through Table 3.7.2-3 list the first five modes with the highest mass participation ratios in X, Y, and Z directions. Figure 3.7.2-17 shows the RXB modal mass participation ratios. Figure 3.7.2-18a through Figure 3.7.2-18c show the major RXB modes in the X, Y, and Z directions. These modes are from a modal analysis of the uncracked RXB model with a fixed base and without the crane, NPMs, pool water, and backfill. These figures provide the maximum deflections of the first mode in each direction. The maximum location is annotated with and MX in the figure and the numeric maximum deflection is provided in the legend as SMX.Nodal displacement contour plots are provided for each mode shape. For clarity, only RXB structural elements (SOLSH190 and SHELL181) are shown. Audit Question A-3.7.2-27 For the SC-I CRB, modal analyses are performed by calculating the first 1000 modes covering a frequency range from 5 to 253 Hz. Similar to RXB, modal mass participation ratios do not include the basemat mass and restrained masses on the basemat.350 modes. Table 3.7.2-4 through Table 3.7.2-6 list the first five modes with the highest mass participation ratios in X, Y, and Z directions. Figure 3.7.2-107 through Figure 3.7.2-109 show the CRB major modes in X, Y, and Z directions. Figure 3.7.2-19 shows the CRB modal mass participation ratios. The major frequencies in X and Y directions are 16.17 Hz and 11.34 Hz, respectively. The cumulative mass participation does not exceed 65 percent for any X, Y, or Z direction because fixed boundary conditions are applied to the basemat with its large amount of mass. Procedures Used for Analysis Modeling The general approach for the structural analysis is:

1) Create building models for the double-building and Control Building with major equipment in ANSYS.

a) Develop the NPM model for the RXB. b) Develop the Reactor Building crane model for the RXB. c) Incorporate the NPMs and Reactor Building crane into the RXB and combine with the Radioactive Waste Building to form the double-building.

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design NuScale US460 SDAA 3.7-119 Draft Revision 2 Audit Question A-3.7.2-27 Table 3.7.2-1: Double Building Model Mass Participation Factors in X Direction for Five Major ModesReactor Building Model Mass Participation Factors in X Direction for Five Major Modes Mode Number Frequency (Hz) X Eff. Mass / Total Mass (%) 41 6.447.2 47.80%13.40 4539 6.986.77 8.41%5.52 9449 9.267.56 3.09%1.63 4096 6.179.26 2.46%1.39 13898 12.319.29 2.04%1.33

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design NuScale US460 SDAA 3.7-120 Draft Revision 2 Audit Question A-3.7.2-27 Table 3.7.2-2: Double Building Model Mass Participation Factors in Y Direction for Five Major ModesReactor Building Model Mass Participation Factors in Y Direction for Five Major Modes Mode Number Frequency (Hz) Y Eff. Mass / Total Mass (%) 3530 4.505.14 54.45%10.9 12075 10.738.75 4.51%4.87 123117 11.029.75 4.38%2.22 4477 6.738.8 3.90%2.04 60152 7.6911.61 1.48%1.58

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design NuScale US460 SDAA 3.7-121 Draft Revision 2 Audit Question A-3.7.2-27 Table 3.7.2-3: Double Building Model Mass Participation Factors in Z Direction for Five Major ModesReactor Building Model Mass Participation Factors in Z Direction for Five Major Modes Mode Number Frequency (Hz) Z Eff. Mass / Total Mass (%) 192300 14.9614.9 4.45%1.5 173301 14.3714.92 4.44%1.17 274351 18.0115.7 3.41%1.04 236278 15.9814.67 3.41%0.86 21628 15.654.29 2.90%0.73

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design NuScale US460 SDAA 3.7-122 Draft Revision 2 Audit Question A-3.7.2-27 Table 3.7.2-4: Control Building Model Mass Participation Factors in X Direction for Five Major Modes Mode Number Frequency (Hz) Eff. Mass / Total Mass (%) 13 16.17 3955.88% 16 18.10 1014.59% 48 33.17 1.92% 46 32.43 1.37% 38 28.38 1.11%

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design NuScale US460 SDAA 3.7-123 Draft Revision 2 Audit Question A-3.7.2-27 Table 3.7.2-5: Control Building Model Mass Participation Factors in Y Direction for Five Major Modes Mode Number Frequency (Hz) Eff. Mass / Total Mass (%) 7 11.34313 4259.17% 8 12.1996612.20 1115.36% 24 22.8610322.86 3.63% 25 23.8642323.86 23.07% 37 27.73076 1.13%

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design NuScale US460 SDAA 3.7-124 Draft Revision 2 Audit Question A-3.7.2-27 Table 3.7.2-6: Control Building Model Mass Participation Factors in Z Direction for Five Major Modes Mode Number Frequency (Hz) Eff. Mass / Total Mass (%) 86 44.96395 810.70% 89 46.4169946.42 6.404% 4 8.529878.53 45.91% 1 5.226615.23 5.524% 2 7.31213 34.86%

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design NuScale US460 SDAA 3.7-158 Draft Revision 2 Audit Question A-3.7.2-27 Figure 3.7.2-17: Double BuildingReactor Building Model Modal Analysis Mass Participation Ratios in X, Y, and Z Directions

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design NuScale US460 SDAA 3.7-159 Draft Revision 2 Audit Question A-3.7.2-27 Figure 3.7.2-18a: Reactor Building ANSYS Model (X Direction, Mode 4136 - Frequency: 6.446.51 Hz)

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design NuScale US460 SDAA 3.7-160 Draft Revision 2 Audit Question A-3.7.2-27 Figure 3.7.2-18b: Reactor Building ANSYS Model (Y-Direction, Mode 3532, Frequency: 4.504.51 Hz)

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design NuScale US460 SDAA 3.7-161 Draft Revision 2 Audit Question A-3.7.2-27 Figure 3.7.2-18c: Reactor Building ANSYS Model (Z Direction, Mode 19294 - Frequency: 14.9614.95 Hz)

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design NuScale US460 SDAA 3.7-162 Draft Revision 2 Audit Question A-3.7.2-27 Figure 3.7.2-19: Control Building Modal Mass Participation Ratios in X, Y, and Z Directions

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design NuScale US460 SDAA 3.7-250 Draft Revision 2 Audit Question A-3.7.2-27 Figure 3.7.2-107: Control Building ANSYS Model (Major Mode in X-Direction, Mode 13 - Frequency: 16.17 Hz)

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design NuScale US460 SDAA 3.7-251 Draft Revision 2 Audit Question A-3.7.2-27 Figure 3.7.2-108: Control Building ANSYS Model (Major Mode in Y-Direction, Mode 7 - Frequency: 11.34 Hz)

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design NuScale US460 SDAA 3.7-252 Draft Revision 2 Audit Question A-3.7.2-27 Figure 3.7.2-109: Control Building ANSYS Model (Major Mode in Z-Direction, Mode 86 - Frequency: 44.96 Hz)}}