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LLC, Response to Sdaa Audit Question Number A-3.3-1
Person / Time
Site: 05200050
Issue date: 08/02/2024
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML24215A000 List: ... further results
Download: ML24215A002 (1)


Response to SDAA Audit Question Question Number: A-3.3-1 Receipt Date: 06/19/2023 Question:

Section 3.3 states that the Seismic Category I portions of the Reactor Building (RXB) and Control Building (CRB), as well as the RW-IIa portion of the Radioactive Waste Building (RWB), are evaluated for wind, tornado, and hurricane loads. The staff noted that this design approach for severe and extreme wind loads on these structures is different from the one used in the NuScale DC. It is not clear to the staff which portion of the building is Seismic Category I or what the boundary line is between the RW-IIa and Category III of the RWB. a. Clarify which portions of the structures are Seismic Category I or II for the RXB and CRB using drawings; b. Clarify the boundary line between the RW-IIa and Category III of the RWB; c. Clarify whether the RXB, CRB and RWB shall be evaluated for wind, tornado, and hurricane loads instead.


A. Control Building SPD Concrete and Live Load Drawings and Notes (ED-128533) clarifies what portions of the Control Building (CRB) are Seismic Category (SC) I and II.

Concrete Drawings for the Reactor Building (ED-122956 R0) provides the same information for the Reactor Building (RXB). Both documents are provided in the eRR.

B. The response to Audit Question A-12-1 provides clarification on boundaries between RW-IIa and Category III portions of the Radioactive Waste Building (RWB).

C. The RXB, CRB and RWB are evaluated for wind, tornado and hurricane loads. Both pressure drop and missile impact are combined with wind effects as described in SDAA Section

No changes to the SDAA are necessary.

NuScale Nonproprietary NuScale Nonproprietary