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LLC, Response to Sdaa Audit Question Number A-3.6.1-2
Person / Time
Site: 05200050
Issue date: 08/02/2024
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML24215A000 List: ... further results
Download: ML24215A023 (1)


Response to SDAA Audit Question Question Number: A-3.6.1-2 Receipt Date: 07/03/2023 Question:

Identify whether the increased parameters (pressure, temperature, and flow) affect High Energy and moderate energy classification of the piping systems (such as Main steam, Feedwater, and any other systems) and the resulting impact (break locations, jet impingement, pipe whip, equipment qualification) on components.


TR-121507, is the pipe rupture hazards analysis (PRHA) report supporting the Standard Design Approval Application (SDAA). This report describes the methodology applicable to the assessment of the effects of pipe rupture hazards on the ability to achieve safe shutdown and cool down and considers the increased parameters (pressure, temperature, and flow) as applicable to the effects being evaluated.

High and Moderate energy line classification is shown in SDAA Table 3.6-1: High-and Moderate-Energy Lines in the Containment Vessel and NuScale Power Module Bay for the SDAA and in Table 3.6-1: High-and Moderate-Energy Fluid System Piping for the Design Certification Application (DCA) design. A comparison of the two tables will show that for piping inside the NPM bays (including inside containment), system classification (high-versus moderate-energy) generally did not change between the two designs. The difference between the two tables in these areas is that for the DCA design, both the containment system (CNTS) containment flooding and drain (CFDS) line inside the CNV and the containment evacuation (CES) line outside the CNV and inside the NPM bay were identified as moderate energy, while in the SDAA design they are identified as N/A, because ((2(a),(c) NuScale Nonproprietary NuScale Nonproprietary

High-and moderate-energy line classification in the remainder of the plant was included in SDAA Table 3.6-1 for the DCA design, but was not for the SDAA design, as bounding evaluations of dynamic external effects are performed to ensure an adequate design for areas outside the NPM bay. TR-121507 ((


The DCA ((

}}2(a),(c) documented in TR-0818-61384 was determined to be applicable for the SDAA design, which is discussed in TR-121507 (( 

The evaluations of moderate-energy line ruptures and high-energy line leakage cracks have been similarly updated and documented in SDAA Section 3.4 for flooding and Section 3.11 for other environmental effects. No changes to the SDAA are necessary. NuScale Nonproprietary NuScale Nonproprietary}}