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SECY-78-505: August 15, 29978 Letter from Messrs. Nader, Pollock and Bancroft Concerning Shipments of High Enriched Uranium Through Chicagos Ohare Airport
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/18/1978
Download: ML23111A279 (83)



September 18, 1978 SECY-78-505


For: The Corrmissioners From: Clifford V. Smith, Jr_,._Di rector Office of Nuclear Material Safety and }

.,,, -Safeguards &v J ; 1;(}-kJ j

  • Thru: Jn Executive Director for Operations




To obtain Commission approval *Nader, Pollock and Bancroft. of proposed response to Messrs.

Discussion: Background On January 16, 1978, Ralph Nader, Richard Pollock and Michael Bancroft signed a joint letter to Chainnan Hendrie and Mayor of high enriched uranium shipments through Chicago's O'Hare Bilandic of Chicago expressing their views on a proposed study airport (Enclosure A).

On March 9, 1978, while the Commission was still deliberating on a response to the incoming letter, a copy of NUREG-0170, Final Environmental Statement on Transportation of Radioactive Materials by Air and Other Modes, was sent to Mr. Pollock, one of the respondents (Enclosure BJ.

On July 24, 1978, the Chairman wrote to Messrs. Nader, Pollock and Bancroft responding to their letter of January 16, 1978 (Enclosure C).

On August 15, 1978, Messrs. Nader, Pollock and Bancroft wrote to the Chainnan again, stating that they considered NRC's July 24, 1978 response to be inadequate and a misrepresentation of the facts. Their four-page letter contained numerous questions CONTACT: bert A. Erickson, SG/NMSS 427-4018


  • The C01T111issioners - 2 -

about NRC actions relative to shipments of high enriched uranium through O'Hare Airport. It c l osed with a reconmendation that NRC prepare a generic environmental impact statement and ban the shipment of hi gh enriched uranium from all civilian airports until the environmen tal stat em ent is complete (E nclosure D).

Proposed Response to Messrs. Nader, Pollock and Bancroft The incoming l etter of August 15, 1978 reflects lack of infor appropriate for the Conmission to lay these all out in a clear mation concerning facts and events. Accordingly, it seems documented response. Since misconceptions about th is matter may be fairly widespread, it mi ght be helpful to provide copies of the NRC response to other interested parties. Enclosure E is a draft response to Messrs. Nader, Pollock and Bancroft.

Enclosure Fis a draft letter t o transmit a copy of the response to Mayor Bilandic. NRC's Office of Congressional Affairs could provide copies of Enclosure F to the following interested members of Congress:

Senator John Glenn Senator Charles H. Percy Senator Adlai E. Stevenson, III Representative Abner J. Mikva Representative Dan Rostenkowski Reconmendation: Approval of draft letters (E nc losures E and F).

Coordination: The Offices of Standards Development, Congressional Affairs and Public Affairs concur in reconmendations of this paper. The Office of Inspection and Enforcement has reviewed the paper and has no objections. The Executive Legal Director has no legal objections.

Cli h, Jr., D o-----~ ~ r Offi Nuclear Materia ety an afeguards


Seep. 3 The Commissioner s


A.Letter to Chainnan Hendrie and Mayor Bilandi c from Messrs. Nader, Pollock and Bancrof t, dated January 16, 1978.

B.Note to Mr. Pollock dated March 9, 1978.

C.Letter to Messrs. Nader, Pollock and Bancroft from Chainnan Hendrie dated July 24, 1978.

D.Letter to Chainnan Hendrie from Messrs.

Nader, Pollock and Bancrof t dated August 15, 1978.

E.Proposed NRC response to August 15, 1978 incoming.

F.Proposed letter transmit ting copy of esponse leter to Mayor Bilandic.

ENCLOSURE A Ch~ir:::.:..:.1: Jo&eph Hcn.irie Ja.nuar:r US ?:-:..:clear Reg1.1ln.tory Co:~.r.:ission

'*Zi=u::?:in.:;tnn, D. t:.

l*!a,vor !!ich~el Bilandic City ot* Chicago i Chi caf':O, Illinois-60h02

near Mr. Mayor:

We are vriting to express our vievs on the* scope and subs~ance or the joint study. anno~ced on December 2, 1977, regarding t~e. shipment o~ highly-~nriched

".!rani~~ through Chicago'~ O'Hare International Ai:::-oort. We welcome this stud.,v, but urge ycu to assure that there is a systematic se~~ch for the best sclution to this transportation probla~ and that there is opportunity for presentation of public vievs on this important issue affect~ng all air travelers and residents or urban areas. It is our position that hishly-enriched uraniu.~ s~ould not be shipped through civil airports, but only via secure military air fields.

Chicatoans experienced a rude awa.w:eni:ig on Nove:nber 27, 1977.,. vhen they learne, through the news media that large quantities of highly-enriched ure.niu=. have LJeen routinely shipped through O'Hare for over tvo years. As you ar~ Jell a~are, this material is the main ingredient for nuclear weapon d~Yices. Techn~~al experts in the field of nuclear ams control agree that such weapons can be ~anu~actured

'\\dth the support of modest facilities, elementary technical skills ~d,...ith only a small traction of some of the shipments of radioactive material vhich have been sent *through Chicago. Chica~o inherited these ship:nents after Nev York City :pruden*

banned the tran~port of most radioactive material through its ~etropolltan nr ea two years ago. Althou~h the ?Iuclear Regulatory Cc1T!'Xlission D.l)provl!d the transfer or these shipments from Uev York to the nation's biggest airport in Chica.go, it is indeed shocking that neither the people of Chicagn nor city or state officials ver~ ever consulted.

The environmental and social consequences of urani um shi:i;:?:?ents are po tentially s~~rero..A!::scci:l.ted vith s1.,c!l s'hip!:lents ere tangible a.d~erse ef'!'e=ts* to the hU!!la.'1. environment. There is the iff'media:te danger of radio3.ctive co:itSliline.tion in the event of human error, meche.nical fail~re or sabota.~e. Fut the ~eater risks I a.ssocia-:ed with the shiJ'):::ent of highly-enriched u:-a."'l.i"..!I!l derive fro~ its vaJ.ue

a. s an ingredient for a nuclear veapon 9 vhich makes those s~i'P!:l~r.ts a t~~pting.ta~ge f'or theft*.

I !t has been eclmo-.,..ledged 'by b-:::t:i the :i".!clea.r Regu!.:i.tory c~:::..-::issio:1 a~e the US Depart~er.t of Transportation that tra:is~ortation is a ~eak liru: in the securitv syste~ th~t sareguards nuclear m1~crials. A hijack-theft effort could be atte;.~ted I at any point enroute to the eirp~i-t or a-: ~?:e stationa~.* car?,o 11c!din,; e.:-eas ~t

  • the air tennina.l. Since the tir.:ing o:' narti:-:.:1~~::- ship:nents is no~ p:.fol.:!cl:*t rclt=-:\\sei I and rout'?s are de!ib,e~:i'tely V!!:-ie -~; ':1!e co~e:-cia.l a.irp:,r; pro*.'"ides tl:e a:~t?-ac':ivn

t of' a known location. Nuclear theives co~~ cot!..~t on relatively ur:encu:::bered ac~ess

' to the _airport and the ca.c-~o area *,dthu:.t attre.:tin.; ur.Jue suspicion. '::1e large nu.T.bers of innocent travellers at the t-_irpc!"t could fn.~:i lit ate escape 9 er prcvide pcrpetrntors vi th the OOI>Ortuni t:,.- to ta~e :,.:~ta.:es if t!le !!.tte!:".pt.1as !'oilea.


... ~ '!'he tteft of hicL ~:-- ~enriched urn:i.iur.,. vould of c ourse have potentially di

~s.:tr-: *..:s c'.'!1S.:!q_ue:nces ~ ~-:- Chica.;i:oans and the ::1aticn as a vhole. A credible tr.reo.'-. to,::xplode the o.-:>'.rice in r. city "*o-:.u.d ag onizing choices for law e:1for,~e:::e:1t and politica.l deci~i~n-t:m.kers. It -w-ould throw the city into pa:1::.c o.:; well. City-wide s-w-eeps mii;ht. be inpler;.ented, mass ive pre-trial. detention o-r p'?tenti:::.1. suspects unlc"?""taken, and open-erated sea.!" c h and seizure measures ac!.c,pted.

Durinc the i:nnediate r..+'termath of a theft, the att e l!lpt to confine the me.terie.l

  • to Chic.:,-::~ e.:id recover it quickly would cor.ceivably involve severe deprivatioi:s or civil liberties. These real prospects naturally raise the public's apprehenzion about ilsing O'Hare and instill concern a.~cng those l i\\ring in the Chica.g~ area,

vhich could also neGatively depress prope1*ty values. The fears recently-aroi;sed by ne~-rs media disclosures of the shipments vere allayed six days l.ater only 1*hen a temporary suspension o-f the shipments from O'Hare pending your present stu(y was announced.

We therefore consider that the he~~"Y' risks as so ciated with these urani1r.

shipments and the required licensing actions by the NRC clearly constitutes~

"major federal action significantly affecting the quality of' the human environment. 11 National Environmental Policy Act (HEPA), 42 U.S.C. § 4332 (2) (c). The !ffiC licenses the export of *special nuclear material. 4~.u.s.c. § 2074, 2131, and Ex ecutive Order No. 11902, set out as a note to 42 U.S.C. ~ 5841. Commission reg ulations require notice a week in advance o-r the details of shipment o-r stra,~egic quantities of special nuclear material, 10 C.F.R. ~ 73-72, and otherwise req:iire secu~ity measures to be employed in transportation of specie.J.. nuclear material,

10 D.F.R. ~ 73.30. The NRC inspects the security arrangements for these e~)rt shipments.

?IEPA' s environmental concerns include hazards to the urba..~ health, safe~y and quality of lire. Hanly v. Mitchell ~ >160 F.2d 640, 647 (2d Cir. 1972); Ma:rvl":!.nd National Cn:oi.., Pa r k e: Planni n;~ Comm 1 n v. U.S. Postal Service, li87 F. 2d 10.~9, 1037-38 (D.C, Cir. 1 9T~ ) ; F i :ra t Nat i01w. l B:ink o f Chi co.g ov Ric h a r dso n, 484 F. 2 d 1369, 1177 - 78 (7th Cir. 1973 ). The hl\\rzards descr ib ec.. above--conta.mina.tion, theft i'or blaclcmi:dl, civil libertioo depriv~tions, and injury o:!' f:ictors to be considered in the shipment of highly-enriched uraniu."'ll f'r.-im civil. a.irports *

. These risks must be analyzed, mitigated, and balanced against the benefi ts obtained be~ore licensing them.

i-Iat..a-a.lly it vo.. :.1.: nut se.:::e tc do an en*:ir:.:noental ~ssessn:ent ro'!' each shipment, which vould be repetitious and dilatory. This is a situation where NEPA's requirement of' a comprehensive analysis of' the environmentai conse~uences of a proposal a."ld its alterr.atives can best be met by preparation of a generic e~viron mental i:r.ipact statement. But such a comprehensive underta.'lting can be. d.on.e i:i the context of the study already U."lderway by the NRC and the Illinois of"ficials. The main iss~es to be considered are the type 0f airport utilized, its respect to large population centers, a.r..d t!,e safeguarding arrar.genents ( incl.iding prevention of accident or the:rt and the plans for response to an e~ergency). The environ.~ental issues stould be addressed :for the generic issue of' air transport of' highl:r-enriched uranium. The focus would naturally-be on Chicago as a concrete instance '-"here shipmen-:s have bee~_-primarily conducted for the past two years.

The:>:"e is a preced-:'nt fo_r navin b: Chicago deternine the visdom of shipping veapcn::.-!:'.rade uro.niu.i-:i ~: hrough all ci vi! ai~*ports. At present. a generi~ env'iron mental irnpact and riak assessr::eut (:~* the t::.*anspor-::?.tion of ra(ioactive ~a.te!"ials thronch cities is being cc:1c.".lcted,.,~,..Jand.:.a :-,e.b~ra-:oi-ie~ f-:,r tt e :::.c. In t:i"":-: study

!:ew *i r-*~~: *.~:-:y is be inc u.~ed as a r.,odel dest;ii te the fact that i't is a E;enet'ic impact a~sc:ssnent. The -~un*ent ~and:in stucy does not specifically ad.clresn the i::-:p.. ~t ::,f tra."lsr,ort::.tio1r or ve::.:pons ura:.iur.l through commercial and ?:lil i tar:? airports.

It ~ould be a r,reat waste of time if your proposed study did not do justice t~ the issues raised in other ~irports throughout the country and did not satisfy the minimal obligations iriposed by N'E?A. What should be avoided is a study which merely describes the present security at O'Ha~e and some of the shortcominE;s of that system, rr.:comr.ends some beefing up o'f security, and offers assurances on the basis or expert testimony that all will be well.

First a nd foremost, there must be a comprehensive analysis of all the antic ipated environmental consequences of air transport from civil airports as co~pared the 3.vailable ~lternatives. s~ccndly, there should be public*hearings and corrment to assure the.t the significant issues are raised and that there is opportunity for the expression and consideration of a range or vievs.

We understand that the i 'nterim su~pension applies only to Chicago, and that rerouting of the shipments to other urban airports is therefore to be e:q,ected

{but not announced). We strongly urge you to prevent this. In addition to,riolating MEPA, it would benefit no one to transfer Chicago's unpleasant hazard onto still yet another unsuspecting city. Nuclear trbllsport::..tion should not be a runaway industry, but must stand and face the public. The transportation proble!!l. has long been festering, with slov and grudging improvements in safety and safeguards. A.~

the olQ or

  • new are eA-posed, is not the answer. NEPA and cor:::non sense dictate ad hoc approach of finding new outlets (with ad hoc security arrangements) when ever

comprehensive planning.

We are sending copies c-r thi~ letter to the other Illinois parties* invited by Mayor Bilandic to participate in the study and extend our request on the scope of th~ study to them.

an open and broad manner. We look forward to public participation in this effort if' it is conducted in



Ralph rlader

  • (?,c,1~;_.-;?~~7c,e Richard Pollock Critical Mass Energy Project i/',J. I () (;.-4,L__

itlu/}~ lxu~L-cc Cha:! !"r.lan Joseph Hendrie, r,acha.e1. :aancro:rt /

US Ifoclear Regule.tor-J Com.-:iission Public Ci tize!i Li tiga ~ic,:1 Group,


Mr. Ri ch ard Pollock Critical Mass 2000 P Street, N.W *

. Washington, D.C. 20036

Dear Di ck:

on Transportation of Radioactive Materi Enclosed is a copy of NUREG-0170, Final En vi ronmental Statement a1 s By Ai r and Other Modes, which I am providing to you at the req uest of Corrrnissionet Bradford.

Please note that the corrrnent deadline is March 15.


~ -

Thomas R. Combs



Mr. Ralph Nader Mr. Richard Pollack Mr. Michael Bancroft 2000 P Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C. 20036 Gentlemen :

Early in the year you wrote to Mayor Bilandic of Chicago and the Nucl ear Regulatory Corrmission expressing the view that a generic environmental impact statement should be prepared concer ning the air transportation of highly enriched uranium and that the public should be afforded an oppor tunity to participate in the process.

As a~ initial response, Mr. Pollack was provided a copy of the Corrmission1 s Fi nal Environmenta l State ment on Transportation of Radioactive Materials Bv Air and Other Modes ( NUREG - 0170 ) and invited to convnent on it.

uranium should not be shipped through civil airports, but only vi a In your letter, you also stated your position that highJy enriched airfields falls outside the Convnission1 s regulatory authority, we have secure military airfi e lds. Since a decision about the use of specifi c referred the question of military airfield use to the Executive Branch for consideration. A copy of my letter t o Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski i s enclosed.

  • The concerns expressed by the Mayor of Ch icago are expected to be presented by his representatives at the next meeting of the *Ad Hoc Task as the basis for a generic environmental impact statement on the transGroup selected by the NRC staff to perform an environmental assessment portation of radionuclides in urban env ir ons. That meeting was scheduled to be held in New York City on July 24-25, 1978.

planning to conduct an infonnal public wo rkshop entitled "The Urban In conjunction with 'the Aa Hoc Task Gro up meeting, the NRC staff is Notice of these public meet in gs was published in the Federal Register on Transportation *Study - - Looking Ahead; Status, Goals, and Approaches."

July 11, 1978 (43 FR 29864), a copy of which is enclosed. Also enclosed is a copy of the Sandia preliminary report, Transoort of Radionuclides in Urban Environs; Working Draft Assessment, which will be discussed at the meeting in New York.


.. r Mr. Ralph NMr. Richard Pollack ade r Mr. Michael Bancroft - 2 -

We are *a1so engaging in an educational program for effected state and,

local law enforcement agencies. State and local officials who have expressed an interest in HEU export/import shipments routed through airports within their jurisdictio,1 are now being briefed on NRC safe guards requirements. The staff will offer to brief officials in other jurisdictions where such shipments can be expected to occur.

The Corrmission appreciates your interest in these matters.

~w-=::uh M. Hendrie Chainnan


1. Ltr to Dr. Brzezinski
2. Federal Register Notice
3. S~ndia preliminary report


\\'l~S. l~JGTON, D. C. 20555 April 28, 197~

,:,;:~:=~ o:: iH!

C1-1.:.1 FIM;.N

The HonorabAssist~nt tQ the President for l e Zbigniew Brzezinski

The Hhite House Hational Security Affairs Hashington>>. D. C. 20500

Dear Dr. Brzezinski:

One of-the responsibilities of the Nuclear Regulatory Corm1ission (NRC) i.s to regulate the CCl'iT.lercial export and import of privately owned special nuclear materials such as high enriched uranium. During the past few years> O'Hare International Airport. Chicago> has served as the

~erial port for a number of international shipments of high enriched uranium. In the case of exports> protected shipments normally travel by flights for foreign destinations. road to the O'Hare Airport and leave by scheduled corr.mercial cargo The t!RC \\*1as satisfied with the security arrangements for air shiprner:ts t1hen i*:ayor Bilandic of Chicago expressed his concerns about them and asked

  • that shipment$ of high enriched uranium through Chicago's O'Hare Airport be stopped pending a revie\\*1 of safety and safeguards. The NRC tenporarily agreed to this request. In the meantime> Mayor Bilar.dic has stated that use of a military air base or the military. s ide of a civilian controlled airport (such as O'Hare) would go far to reassure the general public that every possible precaution is being taken relative to the transportation of these materials.

Aside from 'the concerns expressed by the Mayor of Chicago> there have a letter f ro m Ralph Nader about the continued use of coir.m2rcial facilities 1 s::> b~en several recent expressions of Congressiona 1 concern and a fer such shipments. Since.a decision about the use of specific airfields fa 11 s o purview of* NRC regu1 a.tory authority. we considered it ap;:, refer the question of mili'tary airfield use to the Ex!?cutive Ci--un=,1 for **c onsideration. He loo!: forward to \\*1orking with you in reaching cl reasonable *solution on this matter.


Honorable Zbigniew Brzezinski has expressed particular interest in explo rin g the use of military I am forwarding a copy of this letter to H3y or Bilandic of Chicago who airfields for high enriched uranium shipments.

~ -~inc.ere ly,

.*." \\L. _~\\..,;v..:,-....:..~ _ _,

. }.

Joseph M. Hendrie Chairman

cc: The Honorable Michael A. Bilandic Mayor of Chicago

  • .. *:.. ::*.:**.::*.-.:~*

The NR C has i:,revto\\:Sly amiounced............................

(4:: FR 1::71> lts intent to ;,re::, a......................... **********----*****--*.. **

. me:it on t!le t.-:.:s;,ortatio:a o! ~on-reneric enViron::ie:ital i::;,a.ct stat~ ** :... **********----****** :;.:;... :.. :::

uclides t?1 u:!:la:i env'.ror.s. This envt............................

roi::::netr:u:si:,ortation of radioae:ive material n :.a.l i::::>aet s::ite::1e:1~ on the

near. i:t. a:id t."l."'Ougb._ a. la.-;e cemely **.*,.,,.,.. ;':';'(::':':'; :*.:: *. '..

populated a:*ea. is be~ prepared 1ll.. *.=.~-=.~=.:. ~:.. =.=.=.=.=.~=.:'.:.:. =-=-~

coc:iec:ion -.;itb. a. of **--**-****""'******....................................... '.... -

,resent re~a.tiocs a.s*!.c.dica.ted 1!1 the.............................. u a.dva.nce notice of rulemak
inr proceed* *********.....................

mgs ;:, ub liskled June :. 1975 <40 PR ****(:*;*:***::*::;******:;

23768), anci J)urst:ant to the :Sa.tiocal. ****************--*.:....

EnvtronmentaJ. :?olic:J' Act o! 1969 <83.**. *.. **...... *******.--.:.

Stat. 852l. The ee:iertc envirolll::Wltal tm;,ac:t state=ent Till coo.sider such u:iique *******::**.- ***_.*****... :.. :

facets o! the ur:an settil:r as:. ****** :*:::-:(***.~--- *"*****

<:U lll ih ~pulatlou dem1:r. Ee&VT s,edes :,.. *.. *.***.**.*:.*.:;*.*.*.::.:**..

trt&n U'l,ffic; v:.n&:10:s In ~pwa,. -*********-***-**-*-**..................... ****** *-***...... *-***

itoc: a=d aor::.ontal,*er-..ic&l dlstrltiuttoD.. -**** ****-****--*-*-

c:> tl :uqu~ cnn.Qor-.a.:.i011 c"1rocDmt:

he&Y7 tn.Uic: m:a.:11 U3ers and holC:e:s of ~CcD~enc:e of ~r-.&::10:i ii.***.*****.************.

dioactive'.als; ~d ~ere:i, S&te rm,rcs enTU'Cnme:u. *****************..........

<3> S;:,ed.:1.1 e!.!ects: ~e-c:--' or lOCll md mJ --*-**---****

c:cmeteoroloa, and sh.leldl.::c eilect.S of --*********.. -****-

bail~ -****************************

-*-* *::::.=- -:.

cu bealth effects. but all envtr:,ncenI:::npha.sis will be J)la.eed on raciloloKi* ~ ~~ ~ _§ tal i::pa.c:ta. botll nd.ioloJic:al and ::i.on ****************** -*****

radiolo gi c:il. w-Jl be a.ssessed.. *----............... *- ---********

The N&C r..a.!! has selec"'..ed Suictla.... ***********--***-**- * A.ltluquerQue. N *.!.le."<-. to ~:.::::::::.: :: *.:*.*.. *.::::::

pe.~0:::1 an e::.n.-on:2enta.1 z.ssess:::ient. ~::: *******: *****_*_*::~

i:::xm whic!i t!le ienerie e:i-.1roc.:1ental

. 1%:l;) s:a.ument ~ be la....-gely based..

To hel;, 1: i:.S e:mrc:::u:ienta.l a::.a.ljSis.

Suidia. La.bor&tories na.s :creed an ad

  • hOC" task ~ou;, <.\\E!Ci> to p:ortde &

forw::i for t!le exc:bi.llZe of ideas and *****.**********************

tmor=ation between e:Qerts. The broadlr

  • based me.cber.shi;, of the _......... ******................... **--*----*--***

AE:TG includes ~*rsons a.ssoda.ted............. :.. :**********..

With 10ve::, <local. State, and -- *******************

Fed~""2.ll. i:ldu.s::-y. a= enn................ ************

ro::i::enu.I a.ctivist grcu~ M~til:p oI ******--**"............

the AJ:r."G are o-pe:i. to t..~e publlc. --************-***-*

Dates a.:id loc::wo::s of * ;,nvious..urTCi :::::::::::**_.:: *::.:::::::

=~ a.~ Se:::,t. :a. 19"16-New York.

N.T~ Nov. 16-11, 1978-ArlmnoD. Va.; Mu. ~.*.*.*.*.*.*.****.*.***.**.*.:***.:::*.*:

2!.-30. 19':7-klt:=or:. !lie.; &:id J&.117 lJ-14. F:.... **::.. *::::.. ::::::::

19'r.'-Bom-..c11. Ta. r,:::'.:.::'.'... '.:*****.... =:

Mi:lutes of tJ:ese c.eetmi:s are L:;'.;*:'::*:*:*,:*::::*:::::::'-::~

[7590-01] placed m the 't'~"aC.Pc'blic Doeu*

  • i; *.*... :.. ::... * ;:::,"'"*

ment P.oo=. 1717 li ~t NW..

nAHSPCITA.TlCN OF Jt.A.)10NUCJ:)ES IN Wul:i!:r.on.. D.C.. a.s they beecme UUAN ENVIRONS &~a.ale.....,

PvWic "'-tins Sa:1cila

  • Iiooratories ls :::ii.u::1..'11r a t :_<

fl!-..h anci !! ceet'.:i~ of :he AiiTG....

The Nuclear Rer..ila.tory Co~on !or July :?-t-:?5, 1973, bei"'.n:mr a., 9 t************ *... *..*..*...*.

~* :.. ::.::.. ::::::

<?-t'?.C> sta.!! Is ;,:a-- ' :ii a: i:l!or=a.l a.:::i.. 1:l tb.e r::.2.i!l eo:!ere:1c:e rooc of L;,;:,.. ** ::"*.*.*.*.*.*,-.*,-.*.. :

wo:-xs!loi:, on.tae t.-a:1S,)or: of :-a.cilonu t!le Pord ?ot:.::cation, 3:!!l East 43d t******** ~;::. ~~~;; ~.:~;** :~

clldes !n u:ba:i e::nroz:.s !or Jul:, ::s. s~~t. New Yer.le. N.Y. Tlle.>r~

l9"i8. ~ i:.!or:::al ~o:ss~c;:, s-..a...'"'t= ~u.-::,ose ot ttte !!t:!1 :z:::eei:::cs of Cle a.t :?:l0 ;,.::. Will be heici !:t ~e z::::a!n AETG 1s t o C! the ;,re t1 -;:,3,!"Y *--*--*--"'".. ***..............

con!e~::c:e rooo of ~e Fo:-d ?ou:lca re;:,ort. -r:-~ ~~ o! ?.a:.:c r. uc:!ie:s 1:l tio:i. 43d S:i-eet. :Sew YorE. tirba:::t :::::i~ro ns: Work!::.z Dra.!t As

-.;.Y. ':'he title o f :.':e -;:;-0:ks!:0;, !s "The sess::::e:t, " ii.-e:i :o h7.C cy!a.

Ur!:1:an ~or.atio~ Scucis-Loo~ La.::ion.:.ones la:.e i:1 !.ta:; l9ia. This proacbes.'*

  • Ahea.d: St;m:s. GOL.$. A;>-ses.scent ::e:t.c:;010.-.1 i.:ad ~resents ;,re~a:r r::::or: c.;sc-~es t!le as

F!CiUL lEGI.S':'!l, VOL. '3, H0. 1:3-TUES:IAT, JULY 11, 1'71

  • e':'>~~I.~ U£..:61T"6\\,,ll~l:'ii.,~ """l,I*'-_.... **

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c e ::1 :s. Al tho ug!:l it ls a pre l.U:l:li:a.r7 ciiscU3Sed at this infor=al workshop report copies of the repo~ are availa are:

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  • 1n kee;,I:Lg with the previous eftor..s................... *........... *--*

Copies of the wor'~ dn.!t ~ throui!lout this stuQ to obtain earl.Y **.**.. --.**.****:...... _............

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1. The N:tC Po.1bllc t>oc:u:nent Room. 1.1': i:,e~oz:s a...-e invited to a.ttend tl::e meet* * [::::::::::::;:;*::::.*.*.:::::::

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FiOEUL i!<ilS'iH. VOL 43. NO. ll:l-TI.:E~~Y,.;uLY t1, 1973 ENCLOSURE D August 15, 1978

Colffllissioner Joseph Hendrie,.Chairman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Corrmfssion Washington, D.C. 20555

~ar Chairman Hendrie:

Hi ghly Enriched Uranium (HEU) through Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. en January 16, 1978 we wrote to your office concerning the shipment of At the time of our letter, your office announced that HEU air shipments through we expressed the view then that a generic environmental impact statement should O'Hare would be suspended pending a complete review of the safety of such activity~

be prepared concerning all HEU air shipments and that the public should be af-forded an opportunity to participate in the process. It was also our position

~c rar.ercial airports but only via secure military air fields. that HEU, which is weapons-grade material, should not be shipped through

On July 24 we received your reply to these recommendations. We find the -

response to be inadequate and a misrepresentation of the facts. Neither the citi- ~

zens of Chicago, nor citizens who use corrmercial airports can derive much satisfac several new and disturbing questions ab~ut NRC's cormnitment to safeguard the lives tion or reassurance from your reply. Rather. the July 24 correspondence raises and property of air travellers and of those who reside near commercial a irports.

we observed that a GEIS could be drafted by the NRC/Illinois study group which First, on the subject of a generic environmental impact statement (GEIS),

~RC announced would be assembled in early December, 1977. The group w~s charged with the respons ib ility to investigate thP. shipment of HEU out of O' Hare. It was stated i n December that until the group released its findings a11 HE U sh i pments wouid be suspended. This group was supposed to be comprised of representatives from the Mayor of Chicago, the state Attorney General, Senator Adlai Stevenson, Senator Charle Percy, the state health service, Rep. Dan Rostenkowsk; and th e NRC.

r.eglected to mention that the Con1ilission quietly dissolved the NRC/Illinois study In your response to us, you rejected the need for a GEIS. But your letter also group earlier this year. According to all of the parties originally invited to participate tn the study group, not a single m:aeting was convened to examine the i mp~rtant safety issues raised by activit,y. The NRC has not assembled another group to investigate this area.

before the July 24-25 meeting of the Ad Hoc Task Force on the transportation of Second~ your letter asserted that the City of Chicago would be represented rad i oactive materials in cities~ which is a NRC/Sandia Laboratory joint venture. Thf Critical Mass Energy Project (CMEP) has a member s i tti,ng on _ that Ta~k Force who at tended the New York City meetin g. I n point of ~~ct, well before your 1etter was Si:'.nt on July 24. Mr. Arthur DuCharme. Sandia project director for the Task Force Task Farce's deliberations, participation by Chicago wou l d not be advis"ble.. In t old both i-layor Bilandic'5 office a.nd CHEP that gi ven the advanced c;tate of the

,~lidition, Mr. Nonnan Eisenberg,. an official from NRC ' s office of Standards Developme1



who sits on the Task Force, noted in the July 25 public session that the City of Chicdgo was discouraged from participating because the scope of review would be of very limited use for the O'Hare case. There was no Chic_ago representative at the public session who addressed the Task Force. The Ad Hoc Task Force was tenninated on July 25 when its ass _ignment was completed.

Finally, your office suggested that we review and comment on an already completed EIS on the transportation of radioactive materials, designated NUREG 0170.

This Statement devotes two pa~agraphs describing airport security regulations. It does not even come close to a comprehensive analysis of all the anticipated environ mental consequences of HEU air transport from civil airports.

ln fa.ct, NUREG 0170 erroneously states that "the only air shipments currently being made or projecte'1 through 1978 are imports and exports at O'Hare airport." It *;s ludicrous to consider that this outdated study is comparable to the thorough review of airport facilities that was promised in December.

not address the shipment of liEU from O'Hare or from any other civil airport. Furthennore, the infonnal NRC public workshop referred to in your letter did

to potential HEU shipper~ on May 19, 1978 which suggests that the ban on HEU shipYou!"' response also fails to mention or explain why NRC distributed a rrerno ments through O'Hare has been lifted. The notice, signed by NRC Divisi_on of Safe guards Director Robert F. Burnett, simply advised private HEU handlers that they "carefully coordinate any such shiprrients with the Chicago Department of Health.u Thers was no mention that a suspension was in force pending a study.

disquieting aspects of this issue are: Thus the July 24" response raises several disturbi _ng questions. Some of the

1). Why was the NRC/Illinois study group dissolved?

2). Why did NRC fail to publically announce the termination of the study group?

and benefits of HEU shipment through O'Hare. If not, is any sucil study planned 3. Has* NRC undertaken any effort to do a comprehensive review of the risks for the future?

compe11ing events or developments motivated NRC to send the May 19 memo to sh1ppers? 4). Is there a ban now in fore~ on HEU transportation through O'Hare? What

Task fcrce was advisable when NRC officials and Sandia Laborat0ry contract 5). Why did your office believe that Chicago *participation on the Ad Hoc employees indicated that it was not?

6). Why did NRC establish the NRC/I11inois task force if the issues were already - addressed in NUREG 0170 as is implied in yaur letter?

When and how are such changes to be made? 7). Does NRC plan to change any of the ccn~it icn s for HEU air shi pme nts?

/1.d Hoc Task Force no longer exists, how does the N8). Given the fact that NRC dissolved the NRC/!llin~C expect Chicagoans to 1~est ois task force and the assured th~t their concerns will be thoroughly studied and re$o:lved?


concerned citizens everywhere, and particularly in Chicago, who expect federal In our estimation, responses similar to the July 24 lettar are an affront to reguiatory agencies to act on their behalf and in their interests. Such responses impair your own credibility and the Cllllmission itself.

Ghen the profound risks associated with weapons-grade uranium shipments, the existing NRC lic~nsing role in this activity and the numerous concerns.cited by Mayor Bilandic, Illinois state officials and by our January 16 letter, we hereby resubmit our reconmendation that a generic environmental impact statement (GEIS) be undertaken in conformity with the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act.1 We further suggest that Chicago's O'Hare Airport be utilized as a case study for the GEIS.

We urge the Conmission to institute a ban on the sh1pment of High-Enriched Uranimi from all civilian airports until the GEIS is complete. You will note that Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski requesting --that future shipments travel only a copy of this correspondence is being forwarded to the President's National Statement. through military airfields pending completion of an Environmental Impact

NRC will plan to provide full public participation i n future NRC decisions on HEU Finally~ due to *the broad interest generated by this issue, we hope that the air sh ipments and to hold hearings in areas where future a1r shipments are cont emp lated.

for the o.c. Circuit has addressed what NEPA requires when an agency undertakes lSince we last wrote you on the need for a GEIS, the U.S. Court of Appeals a re-evaluation of an ongoing program. When the NRC, as here, decides to re~examine program for the years to come, NEPA requires a programnatic environmental analysis : the safeguards for air shipment of HEU, which will set the course of this export.

What we do hold fs that an EIS is required when such a new look is had.

A new look may ba generated periodicai1y and spontaneously as a matter of good management and revitalization of the bureaucracy. It may be a response to external stimulus, as when dramatically changed circumstances dry out for review, or perhaps to accol11'llodate existing programs to changes in the agency's statutory mandate. It is c lear that there is wide discretion in the agency to detennine when such review will be conducted. That 1s the essence of government and administration. It is impossibl e to have a "new look" at everything all the time. When there is such a new look the ensuing request for-appropriations is a "prop osal for legisl at~ on 11 under NEPA.

Sferra Club v. Andrus~ No. 75-1871 (D.C. Cir. May 15. 1978) slip op. at 18.



own right and as an instance of the NRC falling down in its obligation to serve the W~ are extremely concerned about the way this matter has been handled in its public interest fully and openly. We look forward to a su bstantive *reply. and expeditious

Sincerely, q~ r;,.J,,,

Ralph Nader


Ri chard Pollock Director, CMEP/'7

Michael Bancroft /~r,, ~ckt( ~?Ute#

Public Citizen Litigation Group cc: Mayor Michael Bflandic National Security Adviser Zb1gnie,,, Brzezinski Members of the Illinois st udy panel Arthur OuCharrre, Sandia Laboratori es Stuart Eisenstadt. White House Domestic Council Louis Benner, Nt'l Transp. Safety Board Dr. Leonard Solon, NRC Department of Health ENCLOSURE E Mr. Ralph Nader Mr. Ri chard Pollock Mr. Michael Bancroft Washington, D.C. 20036 2000 P Street, N.W.


Your l etter of August 15, 1978 posed a number of questions about events following Chicago Mayor Bilandic's December 1977 announcement of a joint study by his office and the NRC co ncerning high enriched uranium shipments throu gh O'Hare Airport.

In order to clear up apparent misconceptions, I believe it would be helpful for y ou to review the enclosed Status Report prepared by the NRC staff on this ma tter. In addition, let me offer the following observations.

On Feb ruary 23, 1978 Mayor Bilandic wrote to NRC's Director of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, no ting that an on-going assessment of the tran sportation of radionucli de s in urban environs might well address factors of co nc ern to Chicago authorities. In that letter the Mayor stated, "Thus, it woul d seem illogical to attempt to push through a short term (30-day study) wh ich would be unique to Chicago at a time when the major national urban environmental impact statement is already under active development by your Agency and the Federal Government acting in consort with state and local governments."

On fo ur separate occasions Chi cago representatives were invited to attend a meeting of the Ad Hoc Task Group formed by Sandia Laboratories to help

ENCLOSURE E Mr. Ralph Nader Mr. Richard Pollock Mr. Michael Bancroft - 2 -

assess for NRC the environmental impact of transporting radionuclides in urban environs. NRC's Director of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards first proposed the idea of Chicago participation in a letter to Mayor Bilandic on January 19, 1978. Arthur R. DuCharme, project coordinator for Sandia Laboratories formally invited Chicago participation in a letter to the Deputy Corrmissioner, Chicago Department of Health on March 22, 1978 and. repeated the invitation in another letter dated June 13, 1978. Finally, on July 17, 1978 NRC's Executive Director for Operations signed a letter inviting Mayor Bilandic's representatives to attend related meetings in New York on July 24-25, 1978.

Chicago was represented in the New York meetings by Mr. James A. Meany of the Chicago Department of Health.

With regard to your recommendation for a generic environmental impact statement, I can only restate that on June 2, 1975, the Commission first announced its intent to prepare a generic environmental impact statement to support its rule making proceeding concerning the air transportation of radioactive materials (40 FR 23768). That document was published in December 1977 as NUREG-0170, Final Environmental Statement on the Transportation of Radioactive Material by Air and Other Modes.

On March 3, 1977 the Commission also announced its intent to prepare a separate generic environmental impact statement on the transportation of radioactive material near, in, and through, a large densely populated Mr. Ralph Nader Mr. Richard Pollock Mr. Michael Bancroft - 3 -

area (42 FR 12271). This second generic environmental impact statement is currently being developed. The Ad Hoc Task Group (of which Mr. Pollock was a member) has helped Sandia develop an environmental assessment upon which NRC 1 s generic environmental impact statement will be based. Furthermore, there will be continued opportunity for public participation as work progresses on this environmental impact statement through the draft stage. Among other things, when the draft statement is available, the public will be notified through the Federal Register and invited to comment on it.

The Co1TV11ission is also conducting a rulemaking proceeding to upgrade physical protection requirements for significant quantities of strategic special nuclear materials in fixed sites and transportation. On July 5, 1977 the Commission published proposed rules for public comment (42 FR 34310). Extensive public conments were received and considered. As a result, on August 9, 1978 the Commission published revised proposed amendments for public comment (43 FR 35321).

A copy of that notice is enclosed.

~ should also point out that on February 9, 1976 the Commission announced its conclusion that the air transportation of special nuclear material under currently effective regulations need*. not, and should not, be suspended, or otherwise limited, while the review process noticed on June 2, 1975 is being conducted (41 FR 5627). Although we will continue to assist and cooperate in every way with the City of Chicago and other state and local governments, the Commission has not reached any new conclusion at this time.

Mr. - Ra l ph Nader Mr. Ric hard Pollo ck Mr. Michael Bancroft - 4 -

With regard to air shipment of high enriched uranium through Chicago's O'Hare Airport, there is no federal or local reg ulat ion prohibiting it and available infonnation has not shown that such activi ty, as currently regulated, is inimical to the conman d~f~nse an d security or constitutes an unreasonable r~sk t o public health and safety. However, as a result of Mayor Bilandic's announcement, there has been a de facto su spe nsion of such activity through O'Hare Airport since December 1977.

In closing, let me make the following conments in direct response to questions in your August 15 letter:

1. A joint NRC/Illinois study group never was fonnally "established" or

11 dissolved. 11 While the membership of such a group was discussed in

meetings between members of the NRC staff and City of Chicago officials, the scope of such a study became the pr incipal issue of concern. On February 23, 1978 Mayor Bilandic deci de d it would be "illogical" to do a short term study unique to Chicago since the generic urban study was already underway.

2. The only public announcement concerning this effort was made through the Office of the Major of the City of Chicago on December 2, 1977.

Since this wa s a Chicago initiative, it was considered appropriate Mr. Ralph Nader Mr. Richard Pollock Mr. Michael Bancroft - 5 -

for the City to continue to take the lead responsibility in regard to public announcements. However, NRC has responded fully to all requests for information.

3. The NRC staff has not undertaken -- nor does it plan to undertake a unique review of the risks and benefits of shipping high enriched uranium through O'Hare Airport.
4. There is no* official 11 ban 11 on high enriched uranium shipments through O'Hare Airport and available infonnation has not shown that such activity, as currently regulated, is inimical to the common defense and security, or constitutes an unreasonable risk to public health and safety. However, shippers were informed of concerns expressed by the City of Chicago and have stopped using O'Hare Airport.
5. Sandia Laboratories did not consider it feasible to fonnally expand
  • membership in its Ad Hoc Task Group for its final meeting in New York.

Instead, Sandia conducted that meeting as a public forum and specifically invited Chicago representatives to attend and participate. The City of Chicago sent a representative to the meeting.

6. Together with the urban study, NUREG-0170 should satisfactorily address environmental issues of concern to the City of Chicago. Continued public Mr. Ralph Nader Mr. Richard Pollock Mr. Michael Bancroft - 6 -

participation through the urban study dr afting stage should help assure this.

7. Any decision to change requirements gove rning the air shipment of high enriched uranium will depend upon the ou tcome of current reviews and rulemaking proceedings.
8. The Commission hopes that continued part icipation by Chicago authorities in its current reviews will assure that their concerns are satisfactorily resolved.

The Corrmission appreciates your interest in these matters and invites your continued participation in its current rev iews.


Joseph M. Hendrie Chainnan


1. Status Report w/attachments
2. 43 FR 35321



Mayor Bilandic Expresses Concern On December l, 1977, Mayor Bilandic of Chicago released a public statement of concern about transportation of highly enriched uranium through o*Hare Airport. On December 2, 1977, senior executives from the NRC staff met with Mayor Bilandic and agreed that no further shipments of highly enriched uranium would be made out of O'Hare Airport until the completion of a joint study by the Mayor's office and NRC (ref. attachment 1).

NRC Staff Group Formed On December 9, 1977, NRC formed an interoffice group of about twenty professional staff to participate in a short term review concentrating -~-

upon aspects of high enriched uranium transportation unique to the Chicago 1 area.

Meeting to Organize Joint Study Mr. Edward King; Deputy Conmissioner On December 15, 1977, members of the NRC staff met in Chicago with of Health to discuss the joint study (ref. attachment 2).

NRC Letter to Mayor Bilandic On January 19, 1978, Clifford V. Smith, Jr., Director, NMSsr, wrote a letter to Mayor Bilandic outlining a plan of action to resolve the Mayor*s concerns {ref. attachment 3). Dr. Smith proposed an approach which he personally discussed with the Mayor in a meeting on January 20, 1978. It consisted of the following:

0 A Short Term Study

The NRC staff would participate in a 30-day review concentrating upon particular aspects of highly enriched uranium transportation unique to the Chicago area.

0 Briefing on Final Environmental Statement

The NRC staff would brief Chicago officials on its Final Environmental Statement on the Trans ortation of Radio-That statement was released in December 1977, and covers active Mater1a y 1r an t er o es NURE -

  • air transportation of '-radioactive material including packaging and related ground transportation.
  • NRC Office of Nuclear Material Safety ENCLOSURE 1 and Safeguards

- 2 -

° Chicago Participation in Urban Study Sandia Labs is perfonning for NR C an environmental assessment of radionuclides in densely populated areas. of the environmental impacts that result from the transport

yi eld specific results; generic results applicable to any New York City data will be used for model development and urban area will be obtained by ma thematical analysis.

To assist in developing this assessment, Sandia Labs fanned an Ad Hoc Task Group including pFederal, State, and local government, academia, industry, ersons associated with and environmental activism. Chicago representatives would be invited to attend meetings of the Ad Hoc Task Group.

Congress Notified On January 24, 1978, NRC's Director of Congressional Affairs sent copies of Dr. Sm i th's January 19 letter to Mayor Bilandic to the following interested members of Congress:

Senator John Glenn Senator Charles H. Percy Senator Adlai E. Stevenson, II I Representative Abner J. Mikva Representative Dan Rostenkowski Briefing on NUREG-0170 On J anuary 30, 1978, representatives from the NRC staff and Sandia Labo ratories briefed senior Chicago officials on the NUREG~Ol70, final environmental statement on transportation of radioactive materials.

The Mayor's staff suggested that a similar briefing be given to Illinois State officials. Accordingly, on February 13, 1978, the Director, NMSS sent a copy of NUREG-0170 to Attorney General Scott and offered to arrange a briefing for him (ref. atta ch ment 4).

Mayor Bilandic's Letter to NRC On February 23, 1978, Mayor Bilandic wrote to the NRC Director of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (ref. attachment 5). Following are major points i n the Mayor's letter:

° Ch i cago Considers NUREG-0170 Inadequate environmental factors not specifically considered in In his letter, Mayor Bilandic referred to the urban NUR EG-0170 and those raised by his staff which "are known to stress large segments of populations residing in densely populated urban environs."

- 3 -

° Chicago Considers the Forthcoming Generic Statement on Urban Environs More Appropriate Tha n a Short Term Chicago*

unique Study For Resolving the Issues Mayor Bilandic concurred in NRC's prepresentatives be invited to att end meetings of the Ad roposal that Chicago Hoc Task Gro up formed by Sandia Lab oratories to help in environs. Mayor Bilandic suggested that a generic its environmental an alysis of tr ans portation in urban environs may wenvironmental statement on transportation in urban e ll address most, if not all, of the urban factors excluded from NUREG-O17 O including concerns raised by his staff. Consequently, he con siders it "illogical" Chicago at this time to attempt to push through a short term study unique to *.

0 Mayor Bilandic Recorrmends Use of Mi litary Air Bases

The Mayor endorses the idea of usin g military air bases or military sections of civil ia n-controlled joint use airports for the air shipment of hi gh enriched uranium.

Invitation to Meetings on U~ban Study On Ma rch 22, 1978, Arthur R. Ducharme of Sandia Laboratories sent a letter to Mr. Edward F. King, the Mayor's representative, providing background information on the urban study and extending an invitati on for Chicago representatives to attend the next Task Group meeting,

tentatively planned for late May in New York City (ref. attac hm ent 6).

NRC Letter to Mayor Bilandic On May 2, 1978, NRC's Director of Nu clear Material Safety and Safeguards, Dr. Clifford V. Smith, Jr., wrote to Mayor Bilandic responding to co11111ents and recomme ndati on s contained in the Mayor' s letter of February 23, 1978 (ref. attachment 7). Following are main po ints in Dr. Smith's letter:

0 Acknowledges Chicago Rejection of Short Tenn Study Unique to Chicago Dr. Smith acknowledged that Mayor Bilandic no longer considered it desirable to do a short term study of factors unique to Chicago and prefe rred instead to Sandia Laboratory Ad Hoc Task Gr oup assessing transhave Chicago representatives att end meetings of the portation of radionucl ides in urban environs, 0 Military Airfield Q ue stion Referred to Executive Branch military airfi eld use had been referred to the Executive Dr. Smith infonned Mayor Bilandic that the questions of Branch for consideration.

Sh ippers Notified As promised in its May 2, 1978 letter to Mayor Bilandic, NRC notified all po tential shippers of high enriched uranium on May 19, 1978, about the Mayor's concerns and requested that they carefully coordinate any *such shi pm ents with Chicago authorities (ref. attachment 8).

Note: Although there is no federal or local regulation prohibiting air shipment of hig h enriched uranium through Chicago's O'Hare airport, there ment of December 2, 1977. has been a de facto suspension of such activity since the Mayor's announce

Invitation to Meetings on Urban Study On June 13, 1978, A. R. DuChanne of Sandia Laboratories answered a letter from Minvitation to Chicago officials to attend and participate in the New York r. E. F. King, responding to his March 22, 1978 invitation. The me etings was reiterated (r ef. attachment 9).

Chicago Representatives Invited to Meeting in New York On July 17, 1978, NRC's Executive Director for Operations wrote to Mayor Bilandic inviting representatives to attend meetings in New York related to an environmental assessment on transport of radionuclides in urban environs (ref. attacl'lnent 10).

Meetings in New York City On July 24-25, 1978, Sandia Laboratories conducted, with public partici pa tion, a meeting of t he Ad Hoc Task Group advising on the development of Sandia's Envirorvnental Assessment on Transport of Radionuclides in Urban Environs. On the afternoon of July 25, 1978, the NRC staff conducted an informal workshop on the Sandia assessment and related regulatory issues.

sented the City of Chicago. Mr. Richard Pollock, Director, Critical Mass (M r. J. A. Meany, Chief Sanitation Officer, Department of Heal th, repre Energy Project (CMEP}, is a member of the Sandia Task Group and spoke at both meetings.)

Attachments: Seep. 5

- 5

Attachme nts to St atus Report

1. City of Chicago Public Announcement da ted December 2, 1977.
2. City of Chicago Meeting Agenda dated Dec ember 15, 1977.
3. Letter to Mayor Bilandic from Clifford V. Smith, Jr. dated January 19, 1978, with six enclosures.
4. Letter to Attorney General William J. Sc ott from Clifford V. Smith, Jr. dated February 13, 1978.

5 *. Letter to Cli f ford V. Smith Jr. from Mayo r Bilandic dated February 23, 1978.

6. Letter to Edward F. King from A. R. Ducharme dated March 22, 1978, without

.. enclosure *

7. Letter to Mayor Bilandic from Clifford V. Smith, Jr. dated May 2, 1978, with enclosure.
8. Letter to Licensees from Robert F. Bu rnet t dated May 19, 1978.
9. Letter to Edward F. Ki ng from A. R. Ducha rme dated June 13, 1978.
10. Letter to Mayor Bilandic from Lee V. Gossick dated July 17, 1978, with two enclosures.


December 2, 1977


Mayor Bil~ndic met today with senior members of the

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff.

The Mayor and the NRC representatives agreed that no

further shipments of high enriched uranium \\o.Ould be made out

of O'Hare Airport until the completion of a joint study by the

Mayor's Office and NRC. This study will be initiated promptly.

While NRC believes that these shipments are being made

safely, it has agreed with Mayor Bilandic t~ restudy the situation.

At the Mayor's suggestion, the NRC agreed to invite

Congressman Dan Rostenkowski, Senators *Adlai Stevenson and Charles

Percy and Illinois Attorney General William Scott, or their

representatives as well as an official of the Illinois Department

of Health to participate in the study *

. IJ # fl II If II # f I II II II II II

ATC H. 1 Murray C. 8ro 1.-m, Comm :i Richard J. Daley Center EdV':ard F. King

  • :.:.n~J:;... 3:'.ancic Cr.k~go, i llinois 60602 Deputy Comn.i!


The !allowing were present at a meeti~g on December 15, 1977

in ~n e Board Room of the Department of Health regarding Uranium:

Edward F: King,.Depiit1 Commissioner, Department of Health

Gayle F. Haglund, Special Counsel to Mayor Bilandic

Robert F. Burnett 1 Director, ~ Division of Safeg~ards, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

James F. Donahue, Chie!, Security & Investiga~ions

  • _ 1: Sec~ion, United States Nuclear Regulatory Co~~ i ssion,

Region I!I, Glen Ellyn, Illinois

Jack A. Hind, Chief, Safeguards Branch, Region III, Glen Ellyn, Illinois

Eob Eric ~ son, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, uivision cf Safeguards, (301) 427-4018 Dr, Ronald Foreman, Toxicolcgis~, Department of Health

December 15, 1977

ATCH-. 2 Ut.t-'At< I IVlt.1'4 I OF HEALTH Murray C. Brown, M.D. Commission*r Richard J. Daley Center

!I A. Bilandic Chicago, 1 llinois 60602 Edward F. King, R.S. Deputy Commissioner


First organizing meeting, Joint Study Group, Office of the

Mayor, and Nuclear Regulatory Commissi on, December 1s,*1977

I. Definition of materials as hazardo us or non-hazardous

A. "Intrinsically hazardous -- radiation hazard.

  • B. Extrinsic hazard - subject to security threat.
c. Examiniation of objective and scl:>jective impacts upon citizens in populous areas.
o. " Examiniation of options available to counteract intrinsic and extrinsic threats.

II. Security Safeguards

A. Over the road transporation.

B. Railroad

C. Airport

1) Pre-aircraft.loading
2) Aboard_aircraft

III. Options

To increase citizen safety and public health security.

IV. Definition of legal responsibility

A. Municipal government B. State government...

c. Federal government



V. Need fo:r regulations, loca1, state, federa1.

VI. Study conclusion.

December 15, 1977



JA~ 1 9 1978

The H*onorable Michael A. Bilandic Mayor of Chicago Chicago, Illinois 60602

Dear Mr. Mayor:

Du.that the U.S. Nuclear Reguiatory Commission {NRC) staff would review ring our discussions in Chicago on December 2, 1977, it was agreed transportation of high enriched uranium through the O'Hare Airport. the health, safety and Qther environmental impacts associated with

In a subsequent discussion with members of my staff, on December 15, 1977,.

expressed a desire. to review health, safety and safeguards implications Edward F. King, Deputy Commissioner, Chicago Department of Health, also arising from transportation of a much broader range of nuclear materials over a wider geographical area.

Accordingly, I propose the,*following as a means of resolving these matters:

Conduct Short Term Study According to the joint agreement which we reached on Decen:ber 2, 1977, the NRC staff wil 1 lead a review con centrating upon aspects of.high enriched uranium tran~

portat i on unique to the Ch i cago area. Th i s review should take about 30 days and will include an assessment of the capabilities of Chicago area auth orities to cope with incidents or accidents involving transportation of high enriched uranium. A list of stud y group participants is enclosed (enclosure 1) along with an outline scope of wo'Tk (enclosure 2) and action.plan (enclosure 3).

Briefing on Final Environmental Statement on December 15, 1977, I have aske d the NRC staff to prepare In response to the broader concerns expressed by Mr. King a briefing for Chicago officials on our Final Environmenta l Statement on the Transoortat i on of Rad i oac tive Material b Air and other r-:odes r*JUREG-017 0 J. I am releasi ng that study

  • - to the public as a final environmental statement covering air transportation of radioactive materia l s, includ i ng

, a Commission statement published in the Federal *Register packaging and related ground tran sp ortation. It reinforces



'* Th~ Honorable Michael A. Biland{c - 2 -

on February 9, 1976 (41 FR 5627), concluding that the air transportation of special nuclear material, other than

.. and should not, be suspended or othen*lise limited during plutonium, under currently effective regulations needs not, the Commission's continuing rulemaking proceedings. Further more, NUREG-OI70 *covers normal and accident transport risks for urban population zones. In fact, a population density of 15,444 persons per square *kilometer was used in NUREG-0170 to analysis. A copy of the public notice of availability is represent an extremely dense urban area for worst-case accident enclosed (enclosure 4) along with the announcement about the study published in the Federal Register on February 9, 1976 (enclosure 5). Copies of NUREG-0170 will be made available during the briefing for thicago officials.

Chicago Participation in Follow-on Environmental Assessment Except as noted above, NUREG-0170 does not specifically consider factors unique to the urban environment such as diurnal ~ariation in population, convergence of transportation routes, shielding effects of buildings, or the effect of local meteorology on accident consequences. A separate study specific to such considerations is being conducted and will result in a separate environmental statement specific to such an urban *.

envi ronrr.ent..

During their discussion on Dece~ber 15, 1977, members of your staff expressed a desire to become more knowledgeable and involved in nuclear matters, particularly as they rel-ate t-0 transportation of nuclear materials. Accordingly, I propose to have your representatives invited to join in meetings of an Ad Hoc Task Group which is currently assessing the environmental impact associated with transportatio~ of radionuclides in urban environs. The Ad Hoc Task Group was formed by Sandia Laboratories.

Sandia was selected by the NRC staff to perform an environmental impact statement on transportation of radionuclides in urban environs. The broadly based Ad Hoc Ta sk Group includes persons associated with government (local, state, and federal), industry, academia, and environmental activist groups.

Thus far, they have held meetings in New York City, Arlington, Virginia, and Baltimore, Maryland. I have asked that your office and your representatives be invited to attend. I have also be informed of the time and place of their Spring, 1978 meeting

-. enclosed a copy of our formal announcement about this study, published in the Fed~ral Register in *March, 1977 (enclosure 6).

  • Tt~ Honorable Michael A. Bilandic - 3 -

Report on Transportation of Radioactive Material in Illinois Currently, the State of Illinoi s is obtaining information on

--a continuing basis *about the transportation of radioactive The NRC has provided portable instrumentation te the*St~te materials in lll'inois through a joint Federal-State program.

for monitoring radioactive material being transported on the highways within the State.

a report on surveillance of radioactive materials in transport In June, 1975, the Illinois Department of Public Health issued NRC and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT}. The in Illinois. This surveillance program was performed for the purpose of the contract was to es tab 1 i sh a program between the State of Illinois, NRC and DOT to obtain information regard State of Illinois. Philip N. Brunner, Chief, Division of ing the transportation of radioactive materials within the Radiological Health, acted as the state supervisor of the program.

My s taff will provide your office with the 1975 report on that program, entitle*d Transportation of Radioactive Material in 111 i noi s.

The NRC staff is ready to start th*ese actions as soon as we receive your approval. I hope that these actions will resolve your concerns so that transportation of hfgh enriched uranium can resume through the O'Hare airport, under currently effective NRC and DOT regulations, as soon as we complete our shor't term study.

  • Si ncere ly,

Original Signed. bz

  • Clifford V. Smith, Jr., Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


As sta ted *



Director: Robert *-F. Burnett, NRC, Director, Division of Safeguards Chicaoo-area Advisor: Dr. Philip F. Gustafson, nire~tor - of Environmental Impact Studies, Argonne National Laboratory and Vice-C hainnan, Illinois Commission on Atomic Energy

NRC Washinqton Staff


Robert F. Barker, Chief, Transportation and Product Standards Branch

Frank Brittell, CDepartment _(Retired) on sultant, ColTlllander Los Angeles Police --

Jay B. Durst, Fi~ld Evaluation Section, Division of Safeguards.~

Robert A. Erickson, Chief, Test and Evaluation Branch, Division of Safeguards

Robert L. Fonner, Attorney, Office of the Executive Le~al Director

C. Vernon Hodge, Transportation Specialist, Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety

Donald J. Kasun, Senior Plant Protection Analyst, Physical

  • Security Licensing Rranch, Division of Safeguards

Charles E. MacDonald, Chief, Transportation Rranch, Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety

Richard G. McCorm i ck, Acting Assistant Director, Division of Safeguards Inspection -

Harry M. Mitchell, Senior Systems Analyst, Contingency Planning Branch, Division of Safeguards

William A. Nixon, Senior Chemical Engineer, Fuel Processing and Fabrication Branch

(ltr to Mayor Bilandic ENCLOSURE 1 1/19/78)

- 2

.... rrRC Washinaton Staff Particinants co nt inued:

Donald A. Nu s sbaumer, Assistant Director, Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety

Sheldon A. Schwartz, Assistant Director, OState-P):Ograms - - --ffice of

Eugene Sparks, Infonnation Systems Section, Division of Safeguards

~ordon N. Spies, Field Evaluation Section, Division of Safeguards

William J. Ward, Investigator, Division of SafeguardInspecti on _s

NRC Chicaao-area Particioants: (Office of Inspection and Enforcement, Region III, Glen Ellyn, Illinois)

John A. Hind, Chief, Safe9uards Branch.-

James F. Donahue, Chief, Security and Investigations Section

Other Particioants (As determined by !1ayor's office)

tl'!l.LU~UKI:". i:::



To review and report on public health, safety and safeguards aspects of NRC licensed high enriched uranium shipments through O'Hare.~irport

  • Scope:

Nuclear Material: Uranium metal or cogreater in the U-235 isotope. mpounds enriched to 20% or

Type of Transport

- Air

- Road

Geoqraphic Area

- O'Hare Airport

- Roads and highwa*ys in and out

Potential Hazards

- Chemical

- Radiol~gical

- Conventional explosives and wattempted theft or sabotage eapons associated with

Aqgravatinq Factors to be Considered

- Meteorology

- Diurnal effects.

- Traffic conditions*

Shipment duration

- Accidents (collision, fire, air crash)

- Attempted theft or sabotage

Mitiqating Factors to be Considered

- Federal regulations :

~ - Federal Inspection and Enforcement

~ Municipal, County, State and Federal awareness and capabilities for contingency and emer~ency operations. ENCLOSURE 2 (ltr to Mayor Bilandic 1/19/78) t:rH.,LU.:)UKC..J



-*..,- Es_timate~.Jime Action To Complete

Establish Task Force *- Action Completed

- Distribute background material to participants - Action Completed

- Establish NRC staff responsibilities for collection of data concerning - Action Completed public health and safety

- 1. NRC data

2. Chicago-unique data
a. Police and Fire Department awareness
b. Contingency plans
c. Maps, routes, shipping data, etc.

- Coordinate approach with Chicago officials - Action Pending

- Collect Chicago-unique data - One week

- Draft report - One week

- Coordinate draft within NRC and ~ayor's office - One week

- Coordinate draft with outside agencies - One week

- Prepare final report and arrange for joint - One week release by NRC and the Cit~*of Chicago

ENCLOSURE 3 (ltr to Mayor Bilandic 1/19/78)

..........,I 7590-01

NUCLEAR REGULATOf-: :' :,J:*1MISSION (10 CFR Parts 71 ~nd 73)



In its a dvance notice of rulemaki ng proceeding published in th e Federal Re;ister on June 2, 1975, (40FR23768), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission noted that a generi c environmental impact statement would be prepared on the air trans portation of radioactive materials, including packasing and re l ated ground transporta~ion. Although the statement was to be directed at air trans~ortation, other transportation mode s - land and wa ter --

were to be considered in light of the requ i rement of the National Environ~e r. tal Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA ) that the relative cost and bene fi t cf a lt~ ~~at iv es to certain *proposed federal actions be fully considered.

The state~ent wJs to be generi c in nature, assessing the impact from al l transportation. not just that as sociated with a particular rule change.

?urs~ant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and the Co;nmission1 s regulations in 10 CFR Part 51 "Licensing and Regulatory Pol i cy and Procedures for Environmental. Protection, 11 the Commission's Office of Standards. Development issued a draft environmental statement on transporta t ion in t*tJrch, 1976. After consideration. of the 28 letters of comment received, from the public ilnd from federal, state and local agencies, a '

Fi r. a l Env ircnm~ ntal Statement on the Transportation of Radioacti ve Mat e r i al by Ai r and Other ~odes, has been issued and designated NUREG-0170.

ENCLOSURE 4 (ltr to Mayor Bi land ic 1/19/78)

.. Views on this mattt'r. to:,:ether with For plutonium, other than In medical 41 FR 5627 the supportini: basi:I !'Ir ::-nr-h views, were devices, the material reir:t.rded as most Publish,ct 2/9n&, invited to be submitted to the Comml,* hD.z:udous by most of the eommenters, sion by July 2. 1975. the question of continued air shipment at After consideration o! the comments the present time ha.. been foreclosed by recei\\'ed a:1d other ln!ormntion :md me Pub. L. 94-79, enacted August 9, !975. It PART 71-PACKAGING OF RAOIOJ\\CTIVE tors dli;cus.,ed belo\\V, the Commission h:ts pro\\'ldes, among other thinis, that TRA;.*3PCRTATION OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL FOR TRANSPORT AND reaffirmed its tentative condtL~lon set '"The ~ucleu :a.erut&tory Commission sh&ll out in the notlce published itt the FE:J* 1~ot license a.n1 s!u;unenta by &1r transport of MATERIAL UNDER C ER TAIN CONDI* ERAL RECISIER Oil June :?. ins, with plutonium In any torm. whether exports. tm*

TIONS respect to special nuclear materl:\\ls po:-u or domestic shipment.,: Provided, /101D*

PART 73-PHYSIC AL PROTECTION <other than plutonium thnt is not con ttcr. Th&t &ny ;,:utonlum 1n any torm con*

talned In & medical device designed !or Ind!*

OF SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL tained in a mP.<licnl devke designed for \\'ldual humi,n a.p;illcatlon Is not *ubJect to Packaging and Transportation of Special indlvldu:tl human npplleation>. thl* restriction. This restriction shall be In Nuclear Material by Air: Continuation of Twenty-six comment.,; w~re recei\\'ed ston hu cert:!led to tho Jotnt ComnUtteo on force unt1l the Nuclear aeiruta.tory Commla*

Shipments During Pendency of Rule on the quc,;tlon or the Commis.~ion *s Atomtc Energy ot the Con;;res.s tha.t a. ate Making Proceeding interim evaluation set out in tile June 2 cont&tnor l.a.s been developel1 all(l teste11 On June :?. 1973. the Nuclenr Regulr

  • notice. ~last*t'9t111g ~utva!ent to the crMh and ex* which 1111U not r,.,:,turo under cruh and tory Commi.~:<ion published In the FED* - The comments recet,*ccl. v:hlch repre-sented a \\\\ide spectrum of views on the "),loelon oCa lilgh*tlytng"

ERAL P..EC:ISTER 140 FR ::!3768 1 a nouce subject nt issue, did not pres-:-nt :mr new Should such certiflcations be made In thnt it wns lnit!:itlng n rulemaking pro lnfonnat!on that would support the sus the future, they would of course dem CC\\.'Clin~ concern!ng the air transporta pension o! or 0U1er limitations on the ai: onstrate the absence o! any cause !or

- packaginir, ~'.'1th a view to the possible t!on o! radioactive materials. including trnnsportation o! special nucle:u* the health concerns put forward In the amendment or its regulations in 10 CFR material. New Yorlt atnda*;lts.

Pnrts 71 and '13, adopted pursuant t-0 The Attorney Gener.ii of the State or possiblllty of terrorist o.ctivit!es do apply New York's contentloru rerardin& the the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as Ne,v York submitted his,*:ew that air equ:illy to high enriched uranium :?35 and.

amended. Interested persons were Invited transportation of specinl nuclear mate to show tha.t aJr transportation and asplutonium. Howe\\'er, New York has !ailed to submit comment.. :md suggestions to rial shouht be su.spcndC'd p,~ndin!f.:***n soclated ground transport are lnr.erently tile Commission by August 1, 1975. pletion *or ~he rul~ makiw, procee*:a1'.l' more vulnerao!e to such activities ths.n In the same notice. the Commission and U1~ acr*ompanyimt t:1:vlronnl'~nt~,1 alternative modes of transportation that publl:<hed it.~ interim evaluation of the impact statement. The um;P.S for his view we:-e contained In :i.ffida,*!ts submitted in may be available. Indeed, air tr:ir.sporta question of,*:het!ler its current regula an action instituted b}* the State oC New tlon may ha\\*e signtr.cant ad\\*ane:iges nuclear materials ~hould remnin In tions allowing nir tr:msportatlon o! speYork a1,mins~ the Commis.~ion :iud ~e\\'cr:il O\\'er other modes o! tr:ir.spor:atton from effect dt:ring the rule mnking proceed other Federnl :u:cnef~q :n the Un!ted this stnndp0tnt. Bec:iuse transit time ts.

ing. The Commission tentath*ely conSt..,tes Di:otrtct Conl't fnr th'..' Soutil<*:-n minimized and the alr;,ort ot destination ch:ded that. in llght of pri:,*ent lt1fc>>"ma DL~trkt Cl! New Yor~:. s,.,:!<!n,r. :u:;,.. ~*i can be qU1ckly altered ll necessnry, op tion as :o the safety and security o! air other t!1l!1"~. an injunl"tion :t'.-tair~*t i.i* portunities !or theft or acts o! sabotasre are reduced. Once In t.'le air, spec!al nu

~hipme:n of radioncti,*e material, there suance or licenses perm!! li*1i: t::::i:1'.--;,.. :-t cle:u materials are sia-ntticantl; less,-ul-,

wa.,; no sound b:tsls for requiring the sus b~* :ur :md relnt<'d comw,*t:n~ tr:mspurt ne:able to h!Jacldng than :s the cl\\.3e !er pension or nir ~llipment.c; of specinl nu of plutonium and other ~!J('dal nucle:\\r surface modes of transport:itlon. These 1 c-lenr m.\\tt-rial. The Commis~!on*s tentative c\\*aluation took into account the m:itJ?r1a1s from. i.'l. :ind O\\'er the City and ad\\'anta~es are not demonstrably outweighed by the grenter mobility the suc following !nctors: S!..,!e of New Yor!c and the United States cuss!ul hijackers o! an air shipment anrt It.<: urritor!es T.1e amda\\'lts t\\led by the State o! New r:11&'ht enjoy: an alrpl:t.r:e Is, ll nnyth1n:r.

In more than 25 years ol shipping spe-Yr. -*, contended that :iir shl;,ment of easier to track and nnd than an ltlnera.*u cial nuclear mate:ial. including plutonium, in civilian aircraft. there have :.. -*~1.11 r.uc!;!a!' m;:.terials endangers the truck. n should be noted th:t.t t.'le United been no air acciden~ inYolving the ma hVo!:i ot ~cw York.::itizens 1. The possibility ot an aircraft accii.'l tV,.l ways: States District Court !or the Southern terial. dent resultl:i; in a release of special nu District o! New \\"ork has der,led the The experience in shipping thousands. clear mllterials or radiation from them; State of New York's request !or prel!.-ni of packages per year or nll forms o! a.nd nary 1nJunct1on In the action 1n ll"htch radioactive materials by all modes of :?. The possibility of terrorist activities the amda,1ts submitted as comments transport under existing NRC, DOT. and directed toward such materials 1n the were ftled.

FAA regulations has been,*ery favorable. cour.:;e of air tr11r~~port or related con Bued on tbe foregoing, Including the The reciuests !or suspension that had r.ectlng transport resulting in: consldera.tlons stated In the June 2 notice been received ns oI that date clld not set (gl Del!beru.te dispersal of radioactive described supra. the Commission hn.,

Iorth any si~niftcant new lnformntion materials;,b> Manufacture of nuclear weapons; specl:t.l nuclear m:t.terlnl, other thnn concluded that the air transportation ot which would indicate thnt present pack or plutonium, under currently et!ectlve reg age or security requirements are inade re> Accidenta.l release of :-adlo11cUve U1ations needs not, and should not. be quate. In view of the physical security mens ma:er1als.

  • suspended or otherv.*tse limited during New ~r!c's n!!:diwlt.,; regarding the the period that t.'le rule mnktn.r proceed ures now required by 10 CF'R Part 73, the protection provided aitainst ~c* health hazards of air shipment. like most conducted. ln&' noticed on June 2, 19'75, ls being accident., by the hlgh lnte~rity packa~i11g of the concerns that ha\\'e been expressed recently about nlr transportation of spe required by NRC. DOT, :md FAA regu cial nuclear material, relate to the pos lations, the consL,;teuC)' cf these rcciulre sible consequer:ces of 111raccldenta1 re*

mcnLc; wiLh intenmtlonnl standards. the le:ise of a signlftcant quo.ntlty of pluton low aecident probability, and the favor ium. It Is assumed that the reason that able cicperience to date. the i-lsk invoh*cd Plutonium Is discussed more thlln in the tra11sportation of rodloactive ma urnnlum ls that plutonlm po~es n much terial under currently etrective re1mlacreater radlologtco.l health hazard than t!Qns were bt>IJet*cd to be small. either low or high enriched uranium, due Not,;,:ithstandlng its tent.-i tive conclu to It.,; much areater r:idlonctlvlty per unit sions. m vie,v or the concerns exprc~~ell mass. It.~ raciloblologlcal characteris and the !act tl1nt reciuest:, hnd been re tics. Uranium :?33 exists only In small ENCLOSURE 5 ceived for the !'uspension oi air shipments ex~rlmental quantltle.s at this time and (1 tr to Mayor of plutonimn aml other ~pecial nuclear uranium, whether of low or hi;h enrich* ls rarely tnir.sported by air. Enriched material!!, cornments wc:-re !lflCCifically in ment, would not present n sl&nltlcant Bilandic 1/19/78)

\\'ited on the matter of whether suspen nl!lcant quantitr were to be released 1n rndlological health hazard even If a sl&*

sion or other llmit:ittons on tht' :ilr an aircraft accident. The low accident transportation of pl1.1toni1.un and 0U1er probablllty and the fnvorable experience special nuclear mntcrt.'lL-; :ire Justified to date with containers used to tnnspon during tht' period thnt the rule mnking urarJum 233 and uranium 235 demon*

proceeding i:I being condu.*t<'ll.. stro.te that the i:,,-obablllty of an aedden, roulUr.1 In slanlftcant dlsper~al ta a* tremely small.


.,RC staff h~ selected Sandia Laboru

~42 FR 12271 torlt!!, Albuquerque, New Me:-.:lco, to per Published 3/3n7 *rm an environmental assessment.

1mp:ict st.'lte:nent \\\\"ill be l:i.rgely based..;,on which th.e generic en\\*lronment.111 TRANSPORTATION QF RAOIONUCLIDES IN UR~A:~ ENVIRONS To help it.s e:wironmental analysis.

'".,n~ Laboratories has !orme<Min :\\d Intent To Prepare a Generic EIS nne T:1 5:. Group to provide 11 forum !or The Nuclear Rei:ulatoz; Commission the!:e of ideas and Jnformatio11 INRCl hu commenced pre;;.1r.1tion o! a *,*tween 1:xperts. The broadly based 1:e11eric em,1ronrnental impact statement,.* cm b~ r.;. 1111, or the AHTC Includes pcr en tlle transportation of radionuclides in llOn.~ :i.*.-;oci:itt?d.t:i.te :ind fcde1-:i.l*. lndust1-y. acnde:i1in. with go\\"~rnment clocal.

urban environs. This enviro:imental im..- d :ietivL,t eroup ~.

pact statement on the transportation of :\\ke ti n ~s ct the AHTG a1*e open to the radioactive material near. In. ar.d 1.*uLlir. The first meet.Ina wni; held i n th1*ough a lar;ie densely populated a:-ea

  • w York C,tr on September :?O. 1:>io; Is bein11 prepared in connection with a ~econd meetintt w.111 held in Arli n g re-evaluation ot present rei;ul11tions as ton. '\\i:i.. on r:o,*ember 1-:-17. 1976. As *a

!n.dica:ed In the advance notice of rule* making proceedlni;s pub:tshed June :?. rPSult of the AHTG meet:nn the pro i ett 1975 <40 FR 23768> and pursuant to the ***" pe ha.'1 been exp:m,~ed to treat socinl National En\\1ronmental Poliry Act of 1:npnct and quality usurancc practices 1969 183 S:at. 852>. 111 furt!1e:- depth. A third meetina is Pursuant to the stated Intention to re 1,:anned for :'>tarch :?9-3n. 19'17 in Bait!*

view those r~ulations in place when more. :Md. :.\\tinute.s of these meetings --

NRC was formed in January 19i5. the 1,1;i11 be placed in I.he USNRC Public rulemakini proceeding \\o"a., lniti&ted Document Room

  • 171'7 H Street. N.W.,

with a view to the possible amendment ****.. ;Jle. Interested per.lion., nre eneour:t.ll'ed \\Shln,rton. DC.> as they become av:til*

o! 1*e11ulations In 10 CFR Parts 71 and 73 to a:tend these pul:lllc meetings. Further regardll'l; transportation ot ra.;Uoactive inrormation about the Sandia Labol'a-material. Including p:,.ckagin1. The con.rles assessment, the AHTG, or !utla *e sideratio1ia publi5hed previously api,ly to this environmental impact statement: m.:-etings may be obt.*uned from A. R.

however. this statement will focus on !.he Ducharme. Division 5413, Sandia Lab*atorles..:\\lbuquerQue New Mexico ious transport modes will be gi\\*en features of urban areas. and var. U5, telephone 1505, 264-5571.

phasis In accord -;vlth their env1rcnAfter ti.e enviromnentnl impact mental slgnil'lcance in an urban setting. The generic environmenul impact :, -~essmen: ha., been rc\\*iewed by the,RC staff. :i. draft generic en\\*iron statement will con.sider such unique Impact statement \\\\"ill be pre

!acets o! the u1*b:m selling as: pnl'ed. Upon preparatlon of the dr:i!t 11> High population densities: t::wironment.:il statement. the NRC will.

12> Shieldinir effects of buildmrs nrnonir other thing.!!, c:iuse to be pub under normal and accident conditions; 13> The etrect of local meteorolon on lished in the FEDEftAt. RECtSTEII a i;um accident cou.*equences; 1 mnry notice o! availability of the draft,*nerlc cnvironment.:il impact st:ite routes In cities; and <*U The convei-gence of transportation ; interestrct 1-.*rsons on the draft st.'\\te.. eut. 11,th a request tor comments from 15> Diurnal variations In population. ment. Tt.e smnm:u-y notice will nlso lorical health elfect.s, but all environEmphuis wUl be placed on ra.dtocommenL~ r:n Federal aiiencles and State :,ntain a ~tatement to the elfect that mental impacts, both radloloalcal and and local 1,;ficinls will be *,1**:cn received. Upon consideration of made available nonradloloalcal, wW be a.saessed. The.. -.,mments i.ubmitt.ed reapect to the draft environ:nent.'ll.,t,,t,ment, the NRC ll~atf will prc;,are a fin;.! i,:enei*ic *.11*ntal impact :;tatement, the availablllenvil'on

  • .,. of v.hir'* will b~ publiilhed In the FtDftAt Rr.;t:.?£11.


.. Bilandic 1/19/78) (1 tr to Mayor

FEB 1 3 1978

... : :: *-:*, = * \\' ": : r: *. ; : * *: :'T. '",*,.

The Honorab le Hill iam J. Scott. ~--

Attqrney Genera i.':... ; :. '..

~;~~~ of Il l inois Chicago. Illinois 60601 Oear !-1r. Attorney Genera 1 :

On January 30, 1978, at the request of Mayor Bilar.dic. NRC representatives bri~fed Chicu90 City officials on an environ~ental statement concerning transportation of radioactive r:aterials.

Th~ City officials suggested that this same information t'le r,rovided to you and your staff. Accordingl y, I have enclosC!d a copy of NRC' s Fi~~, E~vironMental StJt~ ~en t on th e iran5n.ort at 1cn cf Radioactive Also er.clo sed is a copy of the notice of availability published in the Federal RP.q1ster on January 25, 1978. As stated in tt:at notice, persons with views on the content or conclusion cf f-!UREG-nt7o, wh1ch may be r1~ipful to March 15. 1978,1ith the rlRC. tha Corr::tission in its deliberations should file such cor.?ncnts by

staff are welcome to call t-~r. Robert F. Burnett at (301) 427-4033. If you desire any further information on this subject. you or your similar to that given to Mayor Bilandic 1 s staff on January 30. 1978. If you desire. we \\*JOuld be pleased to arrange a briefing for you


-t.,.1ua1..,:.**. -e c:1~... e~ ~-'!'

v.a..:> * *-\\": Jn*,:o"""'!:*n,, Slf,.:..:. *

  • C'!-1-".:~ *
  • Clifford V. Smith, Jr., Director Off fee? of rlucl ear ~!aterial Safety and Safegu.llrds
,s stated



. *r*.,

  • .,*. ~.i,)
        • I jJ ~ ~

~~ -..,.


01-"J,"l< ' J*: <>I*' 'I'll I*: ~I AYO!<



February 23, 1978

De ar Dr. Smith:

This is in reply to your letter of January 19, 1978 **

relative to the transportation of high enriched uranium through O'Hare Airport. You further point out in your letter that during our joint discussions in Chicago on December 2, 1977, it was agreed that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff would review the health, safety and other environ~ental impacts associated with transportation of HEU through O'Hare.

On DeceMber 15, 1977, members of my staff again met with URC sta f f for the purpose *of e~ploring a joint agenda for a study to determine the environmental impact of the transportation of HEU through densely populated urban environments such as the City of Chicago and its major airport. It is my understanding that the agenda for the proposed short term study proposed by the NRC did not address some significant environmental and health a~d safety factcrs, including those which are known to stress large segments of populations residing in densely populated urban environs. It is my further understanding that NRC representative~ :hen proposed a briefing on NUREG-0170, titled, "FINAL -~7 IRONMENTAL STATEMENT ON THE TRANSPORTATION OF RADIOACTIVE. !'iATERIAL BY AIR AND OTHER MODES, 11 which was intended to add~~ss many of the quest(ons raised at the Dece mb er 15, 1977 meeting here in Chicago.

ATCH. 5 Dr. Clifford V. Smith, Jr.

Page Two

On January JO, 1978, NRC staff provided a detailed briefing on the contents of NUREG-0170, Volumes land 2.

This briefing was attended by six cabinet-level members of my s~aff, including the President of the Chicago Board of Health, Commissioner of Health, the Superintendent of Police, Commissioner of Environmental Control, Deputy Commissioner of Fire and the Deputy Commissioner of Health of t he City of Chicago. During the briefing, NRC personnel admitted ~hat NUREG-0170, V~lumes land 2, are still classi fied as "staff documents" and will not be submitted to the full Nuclear Regulatory Commission until at least March 15, 1978, at which time the Commission will decide whether or not to accept this "Final Environmental Impact Statement."

Furthermore, as stated in paragraph two of your letter of January 19, 1978, relative to NUREG-0170, page two, paragraph two:

"Except as noted above, NUREG-0170 does not specifically consider factors unique to the urban environment such as diurnal variation

  • in popul ation, convergence of transportation routes, shielding effects of buildings, or the effect of local meteorology on a~cident consequences. A separate study specific to such considerations is being conducted and will\\rlt in a separate environmental statement specific to such an urban environ ment."

We have earlier expressed deep interest in this separate urban environ~e ~~al assessment which you point out is being carried out by ~n ad hoc task group formed by Sandia Labora tories, and suqyest that upon completion of an NRC-Saridia Laboratories ~~ ~~ ronmental Impact Statement on the transpor tation of radicr.~clides in urban environs, it may well address itself to most, if not all, of the urban factors, admittedly not covered in NUREG-0170 as well as tho se raised by my staff.

Dr. Clifford V. Smith, Jr.

Page Three

. Thus, ~t ~ould seem illogical to attempt to push through a short term (30-day study) which would be uniq~e to Chicago at a time when the major national urban environmental impact statement is already under active development by your Agency and* the Federal Government acting in consort with state and local ts.

We do, however, concur with your proposal that Chicago representatives be invited to attend the meet ings of the Ad Hoc Task Group and 'appreciate your sug gestions made in this regard.

Members of my staff have advised me that your Agency is currently exploring, with the Department of Defense, the feasibility of utilizing militari air bases or the military side of civilian controlled airports in an effort to provide a viable alternative to exclusive use of civil ian airports for the transportatio n of high enriched uranium. At the very least this would seem to be a highly commendable interim solution to our joint problem and would certainly go far to reassure the general public that ev~ry possible precaution is being taken relative to the transportation. of these materials and to the safeguarding of the public interest.



Dr. Clifford V. ~ ~ith, Jr.

Director Office of Nuclear ~aterial Safety and Safeguards United States Nuclear Regulatory Co~~ission Washington, o.c. 205S5 Sandia Laboratorie

Albuquerque, New Mexico 871 '

March 22, 1978

Mr. Edward F. King Chicago Department of Health Deputy Commissioner

  • Chicago, Illin~is 60602 Chicago Civic Center

Dear Mr. King:

I have been informed by members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff that the Mayor and other officials of the City of Chicago are interested in a study being

  • performed here at Sandia Laboratories on the transportation of radioactive materials in urban areas. You were mentioned as the appropriate contact on this matter.

The environmental assessment we are doing includes consideration of details of the urban environment such as high, varying population density, shielding of buildings, and local meteorology and how these factors affect exposure of people of the study include accident-free transport, human errors, to radiation and other environmental impacts. Key aspects materials in urban areas. The transport of all radioactive vehicular accidents, and the safeguarding of radioactive materials is being considered, except weapons shipments and shipments on military vehicles.

mendations of a 20-member task group since the beginning of Sandia Laboratories has been receiving the advice and recom this study. The task group is composed of individuals from industry, the public interest area, governmental organizations, and academia. This task group has assembled four times at public meetings so far in the investigation with one addit ion meeting tentatively scheduled in New York City during the latter part of May of this ye ar. That meeting will feature review of the Working Draft Env ironmental Impact Assessment currently being prepared.

officials in Chicago to attend this meeting. Discussions at I am pleased to invite you and any other interested public past meetings have primarily involved the task group, but the opportunity for inputs from interested attendees haa been specifically provided for and encouraged. These contributions have broadened the scope and imp(oved the accuracy of the investigation.

ATCH _ _,,_.

Edward *F. King March 22, 1978

of previous task group meetings. I will send you more details Enclosed is a copy of the interim report and available minutes of the next meeting in New York City when plans are finalized and a copy of the Working Draft Assessment when it becomes available. I will gladly supply any available additional information on the study.

Sincerely, a; R. O~Ck---~

  • A. R. DuCha<"me Fuel Cycle Risk Analysis Division 5413 DJM:5410:dm Enclosures Copy to: (without enclosures) Mayor Michael A. Bilandic Clifford V. Smith Robert B. Minogue NRC R. F. Barker NRC R. Bernero *. Burnett NRC R. F NRC N. A. Eisenberg NRC R. A. Erickson NRC v. Hodge NRC D. J. Kasun NRC c. E. MacDonald NRC D. A. Nussbaumer 5400 A. w. Snyder 5410 D. J. Mccloskey 5413 P. E. McGrath 5413 A. R. Ducharme

MAY 2 1978

  • - * *
  • i~ *.. 1 1 ". ' l " 13 * ;..111crau e ! i"l cn.1a "* 1 anu 1 1.. I ' c

. *~*Jrn* o f Chicaqtl

  • *1* *1,1
  • r111***--1*s
      • I,. * *.J t
  • Hv GDG02 LJea r f~yor !lilandi c :

Tuank.vou for your letter of February 23, 1978 concerning our joi n t i'CVi.;i-J of the transportati on of high enriched uranium tl1rou!1h O'Har~


\\s I from your letter, you do not nO\\t consider it desirable 1.0 do.
short term study of factors unique to Chicago and would prefer
  • i,1stead, to have Chicago representatives attend *r.1e~tin9s of Sandia Lt!bor1:ory 1 !. J\\d Hoc Task Group \\*1hich i s assessing trans;,ortation of ra<lio-nuclides in urban envi rons.

r Jm pl~ased that _you concur i PI our proposal to have Chicago rep re s~at.1tiv.'.?s at!2nd meC?tings of the Acl Hoc Tas k Group. ihe urban en'lir.. ms

-;~uJy should at.!dress a11 -factors of conc~rn, including those raised* b_y

.:,1 ou.r s taff which r.:i~ht stress large s er,ments of populations residir.~ in

,Jansely populated urlnn ~nvirons. !*Iith r~gard to Chicago involvement in

'~i1e urban stuJ.Y, I und~rst,::.nJ Sandia Laboratories has already contacted Ar. E<l~-n~rd F. '. ~inq, Deputy Com.1issioner, Chicago Dapartment of Health,

.1bout the next mc:?tfog of its Ad Hoc Task Group.

1 rn your letter, you s tated that use of m~es of civi 1 fan controlli!d a i r ports would bP. a highly cor.rnendable i l i tary air bases or the military incari 1.1 solution to O!lr joint proble~ and wou1d certainly go fa r to,... -
!assure t:1e g~neral public that ev~ry pos s ible precaution i s be ing t.1ken relative to t _he safeguarding of the public interest.

3incc a ucci!;ion t\\bout the use of specif ic airfielJs fall:; outsicle the :!RC re1ulatory authori t_y, i-,~ hilve referred the question of 1;1il i tary

.Jirfi~hl use to the :xecutive Branch for consideration. (Enclosed is a cnpy of :mc*s letter to the Assistant to the President for ;1ational

~ccurity Affairs).


~: foe.:! Dcc~::1b~1- :?, 1r,77 ~ ~-:*~ llave m~t tlitli ' you and exchz.ngeJ several l '.1 t:..: '$ 1b.out th~ sM,1::-~nt of hi~l1 cnric h~d urJniwi1 throuan O'Hare

  • 1 :*~"-*!*t. :-1,?!,:i:;crs of our respective sta ff s huve met sev,~ral tim::1s to

-:; i ; -:. ;: ; tll'is <;*J~ji:!Ct. *:-.:! l1.1 vc informed r.;cr:ibers of your staff about r(. il-r..,1t 01:g:.dnq studies and providl!d them r a ports of cor.1;,lcted \\*:ork

,. ~i-i.~ :t C:1 th::: !) :J:.,jG:ct of nuclear nat,~r=ial transportat i on. :*lost r:.?ccntly,

  • ~ :; yr:.u.1ctcd 111 your letter> :me staff rc*~rescntiltives nrovidcd Chicaqo
_f.-i;;ial s> i:1c*1uJinq six Cabin~t-level r::~i:ibers of your sta ff, a
  • detaiied

!...riefitlg on :-me* s Final Environmental Stater.ient on the Trans ortation of

~Jioactiv-e :1atoriai s ~ l\\i r and Other :-10Jcs71*ii1i'fffi:Of7a
  • As you know, ~!RC regulations do not specify airports which* use to trans pl.lrt hig:1 enriched urani~m. As stated above, the use of shippers r:1ust
cific airfields fa11s outsi<.12 the rmc regulator1 authority. Having refc:rr:?d the q uestion of mil itary airfield use t() the Executive CraHch for consideration, \\'JC:! ~lill kaep you infomed of further dcv~ lopments.

security arranger:1ents anJ requesting car~ful coordination with your i n ti1~ int2rir. 1, we are notifying all shippers of your concerns abo~t

.iu thori ti es.

In closing, I should like to emphasize our appr~ciation for the cooiJC~ration lh1: city has i1cen providing us in this ~.itter.


Original Sif!lte-d by Clifford V. Smith, Jr., Director Office of :luclear Material Safety and Sa f ~guards

..::,clo ~ure*:

L~r tc t'.1e /\\ssiztaot to t:1~ President for :!a tionu1 Security Affairs UNITED STAT ES.


Apl"il 28, 1970

Clf'."!C~ o~: TH~

... ~1 1/,I r.. *.::l.N

... :le Honorable Zbigniew Brzezinski

~ssist~nt tQ the President for r:ational Security Affairs The White House ~ashington, O. C. 20500

Dear Dr. Brzezinski:

~~e of the responsibilities of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is to-rcgul ate the corr.mercia l export and im po rt of privately owned special nuclear materials such as high enr ich ed uranium. During the iJaSt few years, O'Hare International Airpor t, Chicago, has served as the aerial port for a number of international shi pments of high enriched

~ranium. In the case of exports, protected shipments normally travel by road to the O'Hare Airport and leave by sc hed uled commercial cargo flights for foreign destinations.

The !:RC \\*1as satisfied with the security arrangements for air shipments ~hen ~ayor Bilandic of Chicago expressed his concerns about them and asked :hat shipments of high enriched urani u*'\\irport be stopped pending a

  • review of safety and safeguards. The NRC m through Chicago's O'Hare ter:iporari ly agreed to this request. In the meantime, Mayor Bil andi c has

~cated that use of a military air base or the military s ide of a civilian controlled airport (such as O'Hare) would go far to reassure the general

~Jblic that every possible precaution is being taken relative to the tra~sportation of these materials.

l1so b~en several recent expressions of Congressional concern and a Aside from the concerns expressed by the Mayor of Chicago, there h.ave 1cttcr from Ralph Nader about the continued use of commercial facilities tor such shi~cents. Since a decision abo ut the use of specifi~ airfields appropriate to refer the question of military airfield use to the Executive f u"fl~ outside the purvie\\*I of NRC regulato ry autho ri ty, we considered it

,-;r,1nch f or consideration. t*/e lool: forward to working with you in reaching

~ reasonabl e solution on this matter.

Honorable Zbigniew Brzezinski ram forwarding a copy of this letter to Mayor Bilandic of Chicago who ha s expressed particular interest in explorin g the use of military

~1,fields for high enriched uranium shipments.

  • ' Si n ce re 1 y,

.*..*,/'.J.. ),\\. J. t --..,b-~

Joseph M. Hendrie Chairman

~c: The Honorable Michael A. Bilandic Mayor of Chicago UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555

MAY 19 1978


Our records ind -(uranium enriched to 20 percent or more in the U-235 isotope). icate that you *possess hi gh -enriched uranium

We wish to advise you that the Mayor of Ch icago has expressed concern over arrangements for shipments of high-enriched uranium traversing O'Hare Internationa l Airport. We recommend, therefore, that you carefully coordinate any such sh ipments with the Chicago Department of Health.


-Div i sion of Safeguards Robert F. Burnett, Director Offic e of Nuclear Materhl ~afety and Safeguards

ATCH. 8 Sandia laboratori£?S

JunP-lJ~ 1978

~r-. ~d~-~~ F. Kin9 cr,tc*wo D,nparf"*Pn~ of R@*lt:11 ~puty Co*miwsloner *.

Chlcago C1vtc C~n~*r.

Ch~~*go. iL 50S02

Dear Kr.. 1tln9*

  • .I _.,... 9taa ~o f'ro* you r*cent.Jy ln r**~onflll-,o ~o "'Y J ~ ~t~~ or ft*reh 22~ 1978. lnTl~lng you *n~ ~ny o~h*r

~K oup ~@~~Jn9 on ~h@ ~r~n~po~~*tion or r~~Jo~c~I*~ in~*res~~d public or~tclal* In Chic*?O to ~~~ffnd * ~aR~

  • D t~rl*l* In urb~n *r***- =Thi* ~lr~h ftnd l**t 1n a R~rf**

0 £ *-*~lng* J* now *chwdul@d ror 3uJy 24-25~ 1979. *~ P-h*

Ford FounC,at.ion in "wv Yo-.-k Clt:y. Th* J1111**t.ln~ vJJl f'*11t.ur

~j *cu**ionw or ~h~ ffnc~ln~ D~*~~ A*****~*nt r~~~n~ly l**u*~ by Sandi* L*fmr*~oct*~- A eopy Gf thl* whJ~h *~~

aoc-uaPnt I* *nclo91Pd ~or your *l.nCo,cn,,.~lon. Th-. *nc-lo*-"

  • ~P-nd olwo *ho~* thft~ ~~~ NAC ~1ii hoIO
  • woc~*hov rJght
  • ~ ~er ~b* S*n01* ~e*tlng on ~h* 25th.

AJ.t:ltough t.h-, t:.w.. "~'.Y,...,.~r t:**ft ~.-oup e*nnol:. at:. Tf1f,. 1.,.1:..,

ua te b* ~~*-tbiy *~P~n~~~ to lnc1ud~ your oC~lcf~J - ~~~~r

  • h~p~ t;h*.tr* w3/4.1..1. b* *'"P1* ops,ortunil:y eor r*rtl<!:lp*t:..lon br you or your coJJ~"guw* ~n ~hi* July -~~~In~ ~hleh wtll b@ op~n ~o ~h* public. I *nrour*g@ yoa ~nd your coll**que

~o att@na *na ~o orr.~ *ny *uqg*~~ion* or ~~m~n~~ on our

  • tudy *nd ~h* prei**tnary r**ul~* we wliI diecu** R~ thl*


... -... Slnceir*Iy,

A-It. IJuCh.-r**

Fu*J Cycl~ Rift~ AnRlyPl*

DlYl*Jon 54.13


  • *ATCH. 9
  • I
    • , f*"' ST *. -*:-s

~"-'L Ll::AR ;~;:.-::*.*L-:..-L1 HY rc- * *~-::.,*-*N

Ju L 1 'l 1978

!~ayor of Chicago The Honorable Michael A. Bilandic Chicago, Illinois 60602

Dear Mayor Bilandic:

to -I wish to extend an invitation to representatives of the City of Chicago attend two meetings, about transport of radioactive ~aterials in cities, planned for the end of July. The NRC Staff is planning an 2:30 p.m. Sandia Laboratories will conduct a ~eeting, open to the public, informal workshop with public participation for July 25, starting at mental assessment on transport of radionuc l ides in urban environs, on of its Ad Hoc Task Group formed to assist Sandia in preparing an environ July 24-25, 1978, beginning at 9:00 a.m. each day. Both meeting s will be held in the ~ain conference room of the Ford Foundation, 320 East 43rd Street, New York, N. Y.

The Sandia meeting will primarily be devoted to discussion of technical aspects of their recently issued report ~Transport of Radionuclides in Urban Environs: Working Draft Assessr.ent," (Enclosure A). Chapter 6 of this report discusses "Sabotage, Security and Safeguards in Urban Transport."

The informal workshop conducted by the NRC Staff, entitled, "The Urban Transportation Study - Looking Jl.head; Status, Goals, and Approaches/' in part, is in recognition of the transition i n e~phasis from preparation of posa l of regulatory options by the NRC Staff. a technical assessment by Sandia Laborato ri es to the formulation and pro

Sandia Laboratories has been in contact with members of your staff about thei r Task Group meeting. Members of the NRC Staff have been in touch with meMbers of your staff to provide information and to invit e participa tion in both meetings *. Both meetings have been announced in the Federal Reoister (Enclo~ure B). By this letter, I wish to make special effort to bring these meetings to your attention and to encourage your participation, transportation safety. so tha t we have the benefit of your views on these important issues in


Lee V. Gossi ck Executive Director for Operations


A. Transport of Radi onucl ides in* Urban Environs: Working Draft Assessment B. 43 FR 29864


A. N 731710145 c:cassaon o. SAND77-19_2_7 __ _

ContractProgramorProiectTitle: Generic Environmental Assessment on Transportation of Radioactive Materials Near or Through a Large Densely Populated Area

Subject of this Docum ent: Transport ~f Radi onucl ides in Urban Environs:

A wo*rking Draft Assessment

Type of Document: Preliminary Report Draft Assessment

Author(s): A.R. OuCharne, Jr. (Project Coordinator); R.E. Akins; S.L. Daniel; D.M. Ericson, Jr.; B.H. Finley, N. N. Finle_y; P.C. Kaestn~r; D.D. Sheldon; J.M. Taylor; M.S. Tierney Date of Document:. May 1978

Responsible NRC Individual and NRC Office or Division : N. Eisen berg Transportation and Product Standards Branch Office of Standards Development

This document was prepared primarily for preliminary or internal use. It has not

. received full review and approval. Since there may be substantive changes. this document should not be considered final.

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185 Sandia Laboratories

. for the U.S. Department of Energy

Prepared for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, O.C. 20555 under DOE Contract AT{29-1)-789 NRC FIN No. A-1077-A INTERIM REPORT

Cover page of Encl. A, tl tr to May or Bilandic 7/17/78 (Rpt contains 718 pages r j

<42 FR 12211> its intent to prepare a The NRC has previously announced

. ment on the transportation of ra.cilongeneric environmental impact state-uclides in urban environs. This envi

$1 I

  • ronmental impact statement an the transportation of radioactive material near, in. and through a large densely populated area is befna prepared in connection with a reevaluation of present regulations as indicated in the advance notice of proceed ings published June 2. 1975 C40 PR 23768>, and pursuant to the National Envtronmental Policy Act of 1969* C83 Stat. 852>. The generic environmental impact statement "A'ill consider such unique facets of the urban setting as:

trian traffic: c:!Jumal vartatiom tn popula* <1> Blah population density: Hea.vy pedes tlon: and horizontal vertica.l c:!Jstrtbutlon.

Conver,ence of tn.nsi,ort&t1on routes: <2> t7nique tra.nsportatlon environment:

heavy many users and holders of ra*

clioactive ma.terials: and di!

,uards environment.

  • erometeoroloa, and shieldinr effecta of <3> Special e!!ect.s: Ef!ecta of loc:al and mi*

buildinp. -

Emphasis wm be placed on radioloei*

cal health effects. but all em-u-onmen tal impacts, both ra.dioloeicaJ. and non*

radiololrical. will be assessed. The NRC staff has selected Sandia Laboratories. Albuquerque. N *.Mex.. to perform an environmental assessment.

upon whicl;l the generic em*ironmental impact statement Will be largely based.

To help in its environmental analysis.

Sandia Laboratories ha.s formed an ad hoc-task group CAHTG > to proVide a forum :tor the exchange of ideas and information between experts. The broadly based membership of the ABTG includes persons a.ssocia.ted with 1overnment (local. State, a.nd Federal). Industry, academia., and envi ronmental actiVtst groups. Meetings of the AHTG are open to the public.

meetina are: Sept. 20, 1976-New York. Dates and locations of

  • prevtous AHTO N.Y.; Nov. 18-l'T. 1978-Arllna'tOn. Va.: Mar.

29-30, 19T'f-B&ltimore..Md.; and July 13-14.

1977-B:ousioa. Tex.

placed in the OSNRC Public DocuMinutes of *these meetings are (7590-01) ment Room. 1'117 H Street NW.*

TIAHSPORTATION OP R.ADIONUClJDES IN Washington, D.C.. as they become URIAN ENVIRONS available. *....

PultUcMNtin9 Sandia

  • Laboratories is planning a The Nuclear Re,ulatory Commission fifth and final meet~. of the AHTG

<NRC> staff is plannina an informal for July 24-25, 19'78, berinning at 9 a.m.. In the main conference roam of

  • workshop on the transport of radionuclldes in urban en\\"irons for July 25, Street. New York. N.Y. The prtma.ry the Ford Foundation. 320 East 43d 1978. This informal workshop sta.~ine purpo..~ of the !Uth meeting at the at 2:30 p.m. Will be held 1n the main ARTG Is to discuss the prellminL7 conference room of the Ford Founda report. "'Transport of Radionuclldes in tion. 320 East 43d Street. New York. Urba.n Environs: Working Dra.!t As N.Y. The title of the workshop ts "The sessment." given to NRC by Sandia Orban Transportation StudY-Lo oldng Laboratories late in May 1978. This Ahead: Status. Goals. and Ap-prellm!nary report discusses the as proaches."
  • sessment methodology and presents

FlDElAL REGISTER, VOL 43, NO~ 133-TUESl>AY, JULY 11, 1971

{ltr tp Mayor ENCLOSURE B Bilandic 7/17/78)

. estimates of envtronmental lmi:,acts NRC staff. A t ranscri pt of the pro

  • tor an urban area resulting from acci ceedings wUl be prep ared and made

.* dent-free transport. vehicular* accia\\"ailable in the NRC p ublic document dents. human error, and sabot:i.~e incl* room. Among the top ics that may be d~nts. Although it i.s a preliminary di.5cussed at this inio rmal are:

re:>ort copies of the repo~ are availa ble to members o! the public on reCl> CUrrent status: c~, NRC st3!f :,!ans for quest tram:

  • the draft envtronmen tal sta.teme~t: ac!e-
  • 1. C'.S. Nuclear Reirul:ltorr ** Cor:mission. quacy of the S.:ind!a Labor:itories 3.S!ess Office of Standards Develoi:rment. Tnns mec.t: <c:> current resuiauom: and <d> relat.

z;iortaf.ion and Product Stand:u-ds Br:inch, ed ev!nts and actMtles. <2> Ca> Sur gest ed :,ubUc: heslth and 5650 Nicholson Lane. Roc:it,"ille. Md. 20853. safety iioaLs: Cb> s u ggested regul:itory ac

. Attn.: Norm:i.n A. Eisenberz. teleptione 301-443-6910. tions; and <cJ suu est ed tmprovementa in

2. Santti& L:iboratories. Fuel C:;cle Risk the en\\1ronment:IJ. assessment. <3> Api:rroa.cnes: ca,"'ibtltion of retUla Analj,"Si3. DlvtsiOll 3413. Albuquerque. *N. tory res;,oa.s~bllitY amon g the rnr!ous Feder Mex. 87115. Attn.; Arthur R. OUCharme. tele:,hoae 505-26~571. al a.aencies <e.1.. :."RC. DOT. EPA>: di>
3. 'O.S. Em,irOnmental Proteetioa AreDC'7, tril:lution ot ~ ory responsibWtY an:ons Region II; Regional omce of Radiation Pro the vanous Fede:a.l. S ta te. and local 10vern

,nnu;. Attn.: P3.ul Giardina. Chief. Room ments: <c> potential le:n.;latlnt c:t-.aniies; and 907J'. 26 Federal Plaza. New Yorlc. N.Y. <d> the role of publi c mee ttnp.

l0OO'f. *. ln k eeping wit h the prevtous efforts Copies of the working draft assess t hrOUihoui this stud y to obtain early ment are also availacle for public in* public tn;::,ut. in teres ted persons are si:ection at: e nc ouraged to at tend both the ?."RC

1. The NRC Public Docui:nent Room. 1717 and Sandia publi c m~ tings. Interested B Street NW.* Waahi?liton. D.C. 20555. i:,erson.s are invtt ed t o attend the meet
?. The ?ll"RC'! five Retriorw O!!ices of In* ments and sugge stions ~a,;the regula~ to ask--ques tions qr ~e com

~tion and Enforcement: Reiion I: 531 tory activities ass ocia ted ";titb the envt*

P:irk Avenue. Kicz of Prussia. Ps. 19408: ronmental tcpact statement and the Rei'ion II; Sui~ 1217, 230 Pe~tree Street. P!"t1minary S~ dia report. Written Atlanta. Ga. 30303: Rer.on ~ 'i99 Roc!e* com?:1ents may be s ubmitted at the

\\'elt R:)ad, Glen EU:m. Ill. aot37: Region IV: meetillg or a.t :m y t ime to the Secre Swte 1000. 611 ~-an ?laza On*1e. Ar!inrton. tary of the Commission. U.S. Nuclear Tex. 7601:: :ind Reir:on V: Suite 2oz. 1999 North Ca.i!!omia Boulevard. Walnut Creek. Regulatory COlll!llission. Washington.

Cali!. 9-45ga.

  • D.C. 20555, Atte ntio n: Docketing and the.NE-W Ycrlt City Public Librar.,. 3. The four major r~erence collections of Service Sec+..icn. Furt her-in!orma.tion on these meetings. the worltin~ draft After cor.sicieration ot comments re a.sse..csment. or t he study in ~eneral cet,*ed at the !i!th AHTO meeting, may be-cilrected. as appropriate. to in*

Sandia. Laboratories v.ill prepare and di\\iduals at the m?C or Sancila Labo-. -

submit to :NR.C a. draft assessment in ra.tories as listed abo ve.

September 1978. The-NRC staff plans <S p.s.c. ~2<a>.>

  • to issue a dra.ft en~mnental stateDated at Roc kvill e. Md.. this 5th da.7 ment <DES> late in 1978 bued IargelJ'
  • o! July 1978..

sessment. u;:on the Sa.ndi:7. Laborataries dra.ft as For the Nucle ar Rezulatory Com~

Upon preparation of the DES. the mission. *

.NRC 'X1ll. among other thinis. cawe ROBDtT B. ~!mOGVE.

to t:e published in the F!:?>DAL R!:GU*, Director, 0/ftce of TC a swnmary notice of altaila.bility of St<.nda. rc!J Dtteloi,ment.

imgact statement. With a. request for the draft generic

  • environmental tFR Doc.78-189 88 Fil ed 7-10-78; 8:45 aml comz::.encs from interested persons on the draft statement. The sum.mar.,

notice Will also conta.b a statement to 111encies and Sta:e and lOC!ll officials the efiect that coma:ents on Federal will be made availaole when received.

Upon consideration of comments sub mit:ed v.*itll respect to the draft envt*

will ~repare a final ieneric mv1ron.: ronmental sta.teme:it. i:he NRC sta!f men:al impact statement. the availa.billt:; of which will be ~ubllshed In the FEDa.u. RF.GlSTZR. The !.'l.!ormal workshop conducted by the NP.C stat!. planned tor JUU' 25.

in Put. is in recomition of the tr.ms1*

technical assessment by Smdia. La.botion in emphasis from prei:,arat!on of a

?'3tcr:es to the formulation and pro posal of regulatory options by the

FIDEUI. REGlffll. VOL 43, NO. 133-TUESD,U', JUI.T 1', 1971

...* ' proposed rules

  • r--;i* secl'iofl of lt!a Jl!OJR.AL R!GISTR c:cntains,,oricn IQ rti. i,vbllc of !!le p,opoHCi ;sS11a11a of "'let GIid ~ona. T1te pu~ of '1'1ese notic:.s is l'O I p intet9sted ?ffSOIIS Qft appo,'Vffify IQ pcrric:pare in th* ruJ. moilift9 prior io th* aciopllcn of.+ie Rnci "'let.

[759<>-41] invited to submit written comments reCeet the ;)Ur;:ose o! *,ault3; cu, the NUCl.!.AR !l!GUUTO~Y and sunestiom In connection with the word immedla.tely h.u been deleted proposed amendments within 45 da.73 trom the re<:u!rement t.'ut a.r::ied re CCMMISSJON after publlca.tion !n the FE.:IDAI. personnel be im:nedlataly*

[10 CR Puts 70, 73} ts'l'D. The comment period ;;-as subse-able: c l~l aef!Ilitiom have been added

~ently extended thirt7 da..,""!. O'pon for d~ic. ste&lth. 3.D.d !orce and other PHYSICAL,-QT'!C:0N Oil ltt.ANTS..U.D coIUidenuon ot the comments rechanges in word.mi and lanauar- -:vere MAmtALS ceived on the proposed acendments tll..""O~out thtt :ule to cla.ri.fy

~poffti luiemalci"9 published on July S. 1977 and upon the intent ~d 'be me:~ s;:ecitic ln t.':.e comidera$n of other factors in*1olved mea.."linJ o! the requirements: Cl3) oc AGENCY: tr.S. Nuclear Re iUlatory the Nuclear Re,ulatory Com:n.Lsston solete sections to be deleted when the Commission. *.-has decided to publlsh nvi~d proef!ec"'..lve rule l.s pu'blished been

.-\\C'I'ION: Rev1sed proposed rule. posed amendments to obtain further noted: and < Hl plan:lins -:md !mple-public comment en the changes chat mentation times have been changed.

~Y: In J'uly 1917 t he Coe.mis* have been made tc the proposed Toe !ollowtng cisctlssion pertabs to sion published !or :publlc: COm?l:lent amendmenta. SillI]ificar11: cil.Uennces from the :,ro items (1) through <14> a!l'.lve. (1) Ccmmenters stated that Tithottt proposed amendments to Lb rei'Ula.posed amendments I)Ubl!.ihed tor com* soi:::ie limit i::o the number o! conspin.

tions !or sttenithened :,hy cial protec* ment on July 3, 1971 :1."e! Cl> T.::e cietl ::or:s it,;;oould ce iI:tpossible to de5ii?l a.

tion !or scn.testc ~ec!al nuclear rnate nition of the COQS1:irac7 t.h:eat has protection systam apimt an ri&l and for certain tu.el cycle !acilitles. been chanied to a. ccmpir.M:y ~etw~ ed nwr.ber ot employees. Com::ienters activities involvtq sijlill!ca.nt qua.nti* associated tra.r..s;,ort:atfon and other individuals in any ;,osition wh o ma:, also stated that soce credit should be ties ot st.,teiic spec!:il nuclear mater!* have access to and detailed ar.ow!ed;e given e!l.'1;,loyees.

al. Extensive cocment.s ;;ere recei*1ed ot the !a.cU!ties :u:.d a.ctivic!es sate~ !ccus should ~e on and cor.sidered. The Commission !.s to 11:l J 'T3.!?0<a.> or items t.b.a.t could fa. neut..--:u.tzici a.d..-ersa.."7!es. no; now publlshinc revt.sed pro~ed cilitata tlle!t of special nuclei: materi* on the number of A core amend:nent.s !or pubilc cem::ie.ct on &l or 'both: C!?) ex~ort/!mport requi.~!c: and e!!'eeti-.*e a~proacl:1 tc the those cha..."l~ that have been made. ments have been revised to refl:ct the internal threat is to apE:Jl:Y 3, syste.c::.s L"l particular the Commissi on re<:uesr.s. Jur..sdictione.l aspee1'.s of the reguta. ca;,a.billt:, oeasure. In t.~ reeard. the CQmment.s on the changes made. tion; C3) the ;, *

  • out: not ne1> amend.-nenca have ten revised t.'.I a.dd OAT""'.i:.S: Comme?:ts must be received e:ssartly limited to * * *** h3.S 'been d~ more to the re!eren~ systems in on or be!ore September 25. lS'i'3. leted !rom the ieneral ;ierformar.ce §§ 73.!?8 and 73.~8 to assist the licensee requirements and capability :-equire,. in bounding t!le tl:lre&t.

.IDDRESSES: Comments or SUSS\\'!Sment.,; C4) the ~ac~e search require.-Uthou~.h the Ccmc:ussion reca~*

t1ons for consideration In connection ments have been cha.nsed so that nizas that 1nd1Vidu.a.l material a.c-::es.s With the proposed amendments should packaps c3.r:'ied into a ;,rocected ::i.:ea. a.uthorizat!on would ;ive an added be sent ~ the Secretary of the Com* by per,ons having acxess aut! measure o! a.ssura.::ce ~t a. con

nission. U.S. !'fuel.ear ReiU}&tOZ7 :ieed onlj be searched at random r.,iracy, it ~lleves t."lat r,.vtng,.~olute Cammisaion. Wa.shmaton. D.C. 20SS5. -;vhen tl:a.t :::erson i3 searched. 'The ~t for s-.ich ac~ Ae+~ntion: Dociteti.--ig and Semce ::a.ckaie.. ea..-ch r!quirement wo !:J.a.s to defeat 3.Il 1n:e~ t!l:eai: to cUv-ert 3ranch. Copies of comments received been ch.anaed to reqwn onl,v r:utdom or steal st:"3.ter.c s;:eci31 :iuclear r::ate
ay Qe examu:ed at the Commissioa's ses.-ch of pack.aies delivered Into a. :" !.s Ulll!3.1ona.ble and ::i.ot suppor:ea.

Public Docunm:it Room at l 7l 7 R. :,rot-eeted :irea; <5) tl:le CQCt~ency 'oy histuric~ evtce.cce. Rather. 1~ ca.

Sceet NW.* Wasb.i:r.on. D.C. a.rid resi,on.H :::lan requireme!lt.11 for lJ;1 ae*:es that. In :Miditioa ro indindual FOR :'TJRTS:::P. rnFCP..M.-\\TION tnmit ;:rotecuon have been rer.sed to ::::iat.? a.uthor.zatioc.!. & :n...1-CONTACT: ments comistent With the fixed sita add more detailed r~ requirede:ct sa.tesu:i.ra 3Y3te::i. should include Mr. L. J. Evans. Jr.. Chief. Require requirements: C8l the requirement for other design~ to PMC!Ct cents.-\\.c~is Branch. Division of thr~ ar:ned esco~..s on ca.-io a.i..-c:a.ft qail:3t cc~-,,i~7. <2> !I:ter.1ati0nal Transport P:'::ltee*

. Sa.teguarcu. Office-of Nuclear Sa!ety acd Safeguards. u.s: NU* a..--id tor sea shi;iment.1 has beea tion.-Com::ie:icers stated thst ;,rctec*

clear Reg,i!atory Commissi on. wa.,1i. chanied to :wo, <'1> the, ~uirements tion of e:tport and !z::i;l()rt shipz::t.l!!lt.3

.tncton. D.C. 20555, 301-42 7-4043 or tor ?u and 0'-233 concai::ers resistant to small arms fire ha.s been deleted; outside. the United Scates shou.!.d be Mr. R.. J. Jones. Chief, Mat erial Pro ar.a.n1ed th.""Ougn intarnatior.3.l.i~

tection S~dards Br"..nch. O C!ee o! the e~rt/Lmpert secu.rtt7 p1an ape :ne:its rather t..'Un unila~ni re~*

Sta.ndards Develo£lCent. U.S. Nucle proval re<;Uiremmt ha.s l::een changed tions. Commenters ~uesctor.ed she :i.u ar Rel1,llator., Commiss ion.. W ash; to apply to &ll shipment.1 and has teen thorit7 ot the :-rac to regulate actirt*

~on. D.C. 20553. 30l-4 43-5907. cladiied as to t1:ninr. <9) the require :ies outside the tl'..S. acd the ability o!

ment !or ala.rm stations to !le consid* llce:sees or their trar.s;ort agen:s ta SUPP~ARY !NF OR.."w!ATION: ered "3.."ea.s has l::een changed: <lO> a.ssure complla.nce ~th such r~l\\ll:l.*

On July 3. 19'77, the Nuclear Rei'Ula. the 1;se of -;a.Ult :r.,e rooms for stora1e t!on.s.

tor., Com.mission,ubllshed :.n the ~ of strategic special nuclev ma,;erial d!* The,r.::::1.17 :s!'.le :i;:;:!a."'3 r.o ~e

!:2tAL REaun:a C-l2 :'R 34310> proposed rectly usable in a :iuclea.r er.,losive -:;ohet.her ~c can re<;uin armed

  • a.mendments to lO CPR Part 73 of its devic:1! !:las been ;>rol.libited :s.nd the i1.:ard.s to accompa:iy a."l i::::i~or.: shlp.

regulations. Interested persoI:.:5 were de!init!on o! vault :!lanied :o better* ment freo. ib foreir.i te~.

rn>EUL HGlffll. VOL 43. HO. l~WiDHIStl.\\ Y, ~UGUST 9, 1979


and a.ccoc;:iany and ex;,ort shllJment ment.s require.:,acka.aes ea.'Tied mto a. approved prtor to the seve:1 day shi;,-. **

to It.a first foreian termin&l. Under the

  • pro~ al"H by :penom havtns P~ notice. Des>endine on the details.

Atomic Enerzy Act o! 1954. u a.::iend-access a11:th0r!z:at!O?::S to be :searched lt mu take lonaer seven days to ed. NRC ha.s responstl)Uity for tmar-on!T when tha.t person is *selected for appzo,e.. shipment wa:tt.Y,;.)tan. The ins the Aferua.rdlng of specw nucle&r random.sean:h. rule.bas beec c:baneed :o apply to

  • materia.l. The acts of.L:nportation or <~> St&!! noted that the respoose re--er.>Orta,tion or end. respec-qutremema tor 1n :z-&n.liit p~on both domeslic and to export/import tively, within the reornpnical limit& were not consistent With those tor srupmem.s and to dartfy the rela;ion o! the tJ'nitec!. States and Phnical pro-fixed sites because the details o! IU,al"d ship o! the approval to the seven day tection ~cent&. !ncludinir a.mied and arced r!S; :,ersom:el renotice.

r.ia.rda. mar clearly be mandated a: * ~ wu not -stated. T?le rule ha for the sec:ondvy alarm ~ to be <9> eomments questioned the neec those 1'0ints. In addition. if it Is res-cee:i revised to.add sach det&lled re !:i the proc.ected &."ea and for the son&bly ~o protect the mate-QUirements consistent wtth those !or &la.r:n sta.ciom ~ be vttal areas thus rial while!nr any pa.rt of the fixed ~tes.

  • requirlnc Ulem to be in a protected tJ'nited States. a.pproi,r.ate conditions cs, Aircralt and Se-a Shii,ment &re&.

may be -p!aeed u;,on :!:e-shi;)ment. In A.-.-:ned Escoru.-Co:unenters ldentJ The iment ot the requi:'eme:c.t is to pn.c:ice, 1! this ~Ui."'eS armed.uucs fied Rftn.l potential problem, with have the &larm. stations to be har to eeme aboard the s!:!~ or a.irc:'aft at armed escort& on ~t: dened. access c:mtralled areas. The ex;,ort shipment to a forei&n ;,ort, it 1s pilot or alrHne: a foretcn po rt. or to aceompa.ny &?l &. May not be permitted by air.:raft secondary sta.tion does not have-to be reasom.ble to require them aa & eondi-b. May not be e!lotJsb ~tins capac. within the Protected a.res out s.'lould tion of ex;,or:!nir or importin;- formula itr on a.rgo plan so e;cort eould ~t

  • be "on-site," Le..,;nthin me eonfines quantities. "'bamped*; o! the owner--c,ntrolled lll'e&. The r..ue Incen:a.tior.zl ar.eei~ts concermni c. Could ;>roble?J:!.S by ~ has bttn c!::..a.npd acco~.

the protecti o n of tntenu.tion&l shi;,- armed eac:on.s i.t rorei111 al.rpor+.a. UO> Sta.:: comments alld ~m men~ is an um wllich the ~"RC su;,- These ~s have been disCU-,Hd

  • en.lm.tron. ex;,erti?n~ 1:33 s!l~ tha.:

ports. Eoweve-r. until such a~ent with se'\\'eral air1Jnes end With State sto1'3ie 1:1,-..ult type JP~ of strate is ?Hehed. the ?.~C ha.s little choice Oe::a,rtment pe:-sonnel. The solution ilc s;,eci&l nucl.e&r matenz.l that is di but to continue its :,resent poliey -of to the problems ts ad-ranee pl&mling. rectly cseable tn a. nueleai' explosive usu.."'in~ the protection or export and Airlines have stated that iiVe:%1 ad* cievtce may r.ot provide a.::cepta.ble t::i::-ort shi;nnent3 ~h reqaire- \\-a:1ce nod.~ U?d usura.nce o! ~ed penet.---a.tion resi.stanee or del&s' time in ments l.:nposed u;,on U.S. !!ce?JSees. ;,ersannel they ~ no :irobl~ Prior tne con~ of tll.e stated tt.re3.t. The The er,:,ort and im::,ort !!eem'.:11' ;,roe-ar.angemeats with the aircra!t pilot revued JLmendmenta been

~ Involves not only the ll~ and ~ am ascertain net."ler his ;,ermis ehanrecl to require the ston1,re o! such NRC. bt:t also the e.~~.ltive branch sion will be ;r.uit~ Ex.>ort/1.mport mate.-W v.aulu. The de!"mition o! n.ul!.1 ;2resent17 :n § 13.:cru also has and various fMeiz:l m.tions a:ld for* shipping arnaigementa also shocld de been ~ed to bet:er ~ the pur eig:i agencies. !?or each shipment. de,. ~ the ~mena that should pose a!..-a.ults.

tails of prouction are consider-ed ~ made &!1d notUleatio:cs !or armed Cll) Gwi.rd.L azi.d Armed;>ome ctmi.~ t!le licensing process. includiJ:ll' escon.s

  • to accompany shipments. _Per:iomiel Other Duties and !I::u:ledi quiremetts wru be carried oat. M&t-three escorts could be accommodated the uet~
  • of bow t~ proteeti:,n re. Cbecb with airlines showed thu ate R.espome.-C~ters ques ters which. Involve the coo~rstlon of on their c:ar:o pla.ies. Nc,te, however, tioned whether pards md ar:Md N foreiin 1T&tior.s a..--e car-.!ully ~ked that the rule has been cha!lred to re s;,onse persoa.nel eoald have other out in ach-ance so a.s to assure that the- ~ulre only two escQr-"..s 'because It 2.1r dtr.ies or if they ha.i to be cie<ilca.ted to

~ments ul:imately i:npased tt;X>n pean; t!J&t th.?ff armed escorts on response.- The question ;as :'3.iRd as a U.S. Uceestt can credibly be euio atrc'sft are not ~ded. This to That,ru mea:t by "immed!&:ely oat by him. Th~ l'Ule has been re'\\1sed chance al,o has been for sea ava.ilable."

to reflect the Ju.-:sdictional aspect of shipments. *

  • nel can have Othe?' dl.!tie:s so lo~ as Guards and ar.:::ied res;,ome r;>e."'SO:l*

the rel'Ula,tioc. <1> -Co?mnems mdlca.ted that tt was SD.Cb dtrties do :iot _inte:'!en With their ell Commenters noted that t:ie lmppn,priate to 5PffltY container :res;,ome to a sa.teiua.rcs eonti.n~ncy.

ph.,se "* *

  • l:>Ut not neeessa."'ily llizl. cha..-a.cte?istics In this rule. The ?i'"RC Normally h l:s expected that the re.

1ted to * * * ** in the i~neral Pff{orm* specifies comatner approved criteri& in spon:se

  • force would be :::iace up of a:2Ce ~encs and the pa.rt Tl.. The
  • rule haa been chanted to require:nents co~ld lead to unlimited delete the requirement.a !or contain~ t..'lan, other members of the l'\\1&lds wl:lo routine duties o::..'ler ratehet'.ns Without benefit ot r.llem&k* r-esist&nt to small arms tire. Any re llcemee's o:-p.nizatiOll who are qua.ll m1.. quirements !or Pu and U-233 contain-fled trained l:1 a=oraa.nce ;;mi The capability and pertonm.nce re-ers will be1ncluded 1n pa.rt 71. ap;,endls B. a.nd iua,r:!s from the ll*

qutrements are broadly stated to <-8> COm:nents questioned the n~ ce?::See's O?'P,n.lzat!on

  • who ??13.r be lo s:;ernut nex.oilltY i!l t!le desta:n oC U-tor a;,proval of s;,ec'.fic aport/lmPo~ cated &t a !adlltr tb.a.t is ad;~ent to eemee sYStems. They a.-e so plax:s If an oversll plan h3.d bee:i ap. the protected a.-ea. Guards tr.3..'lning as to -encom:,ass all that ts needed In a. pro9ed. Comments also questioned sa!esuards security,ystem so that whether the seven d&y notice period of the alarm station.s cave eontinui.~g du.ties in o! an and a:e 1:ot.

such an ope::ended phrase ia not §':'3.72 wu sufficient !or the specmc needed. T?le re'riSed amendments ?lave shipme:it ~ty av.rn>nl. comid..-r-ed to be ;:,art o! the ~o:ise bee: ~ed to delete the phrue Each shipment Has same m:iique rorce. The determma:.!on ot '"t?::u:iedl wn~ it appeared 1n the perform-d::a:racteriStics that canr.ot atel:, 2.n.ila.!:,le** W1ll de:,end on how anc:e and capability requirement.,. be COV'e!'ed m a seneral ~ plan. the llcensee res;x>.ise ~lan t.s sn-uc C*U Com:nente?'S noted that it did not This-calls for approvals !or each ship. tured and the duties :uid r~nsibil seem appropriate to sea.-ch persons ment or detailed security plans that ices of the r,es;, ;:>ersol:!lel. The havtns ace~ authorizations on a. cover such clla:racterist!cs !or routine word tmmedi&telY has bee%l deleted as random basis but to searc:1 any ;>&ck* saipmenta. This ls true for both doaces the,- zr..ight be earn'ir.l' on & l 00 mestic and er.,ort/lmpon shipments. wm~y. n:n Quest1or.s were r:iised a.boat the percent basis. Toe revised &.e:letid-The tor any snipment must ~ meanina of a number of ter::s !.l:l t!le

!IE)flAI. lt!GISTH. '70L. 43, NO. 15,,L-wt~AY, AUGUST f, l771

  • prop l'.ised rule. Response to these questions i.s made 1n seve ral way s: that with.out ce:slin IUidance documents ar.d the bounds the threat could n ot be µsed evalu ation crite.91a do cu::nehts. En stealth a.I.d force:
  • a. Cefinitiona are added !or ""!!eceit. e!!ectively as a. rreneral.;,ertor:::iance forcement of the rer.J.lation ':V'1ll be requirement: since licensees ~euld not based on the speci!!c ap;:,ro\\"ed licei::.see
b. Changes 1n WOrdinl and lansua,p mow the boun ds to ;:lace on their ;:Ian.

are made to make the :neanin8 clear ptiysic:u protection systems. Cot!l.* <c> Commenters stated that the without special de!initioa: <in pa..-:'tic-.1-menters na.ted that ~ licensee could threat or iene!"3l ~erfor::,.a.nce require la.r extemive chan1es were made co not :mow whether his ;,llysical protaement should 'oe a.pplled !n re!at!on to

§ 73.25 to more clearly def!ne t:e retion syStem met the requirement.s be. the.-coa.sequences of a su~-ful ad*

quired transportation protection capa c:i.use no-bounds were itven !or the versan action u well a., i:1 relat!on to bili~>: threat and reneral perlormance rethe!ulr!ess o! the cater'-3.l !or oa te:rm is provided by means o! a. rer.lla-c. Guidance a.s to the lnte:it ot a

  • quirements. The _;,urpose of the threat de!ined !n levolezu uses. Oue to the disaste:rous consequences tory IUide or Nti'REO document. e~... the p.-oi:,osed amendmencs 13 to de!Ine of the 3UC:Cesatul. detonation o! a c!a:l duress alarms are the sul:l.!ect oL a
  • the 1eneral chara.cter o! the domestic destine weapon eome.-ra.ti-;e policy

!orthco~ ~a report: or sateiruarda ehailea1e.. It is intended to dictates the need to co4l,Sider 3a!e

d. No chanae is made because the provtde a desiin ~ tor pm-stc:JJ. ;,ro ~ds s,stems,;e of other ccn wordinS appeared to!!~entl.Y eectioa s-~tem.,: thue!on, adciltional sider:1.tiom such as the !orm of ~he clear. adversazy a.ttribu~s are not aecesaey strat~ s;,edal a.nd

<13> Then W:IS considerable contuto serve this pur;iose. Physical protec the probability of an aa,-ersa.7 ccn sion with rep.rd to the pre3ent sec* tions 1n part '73 and what would level specUfed tn the reneral perlormtion sntams. when desianed

  • to the struetmr 3, nuclear f!sslon devtc~. Never:heles.s 1n one in.stance the rule has happen to them. The statement o! ancfl sect:ions of the rule and in accord-. teen strengthened oy requir'~ mate

-c:omidentions !or t!le proposed rule ance with the reference system speet. rial direct!,' use3.ble in a. nuclear fis.

indlcated that thel' would be deleted !!ed in the rule and other destr.i auid sion devtce to be stored only in a. vault.

but the amendments them.selves did ances to 0e ~rortded. alons wtth the < 2> U$* o/ cucd.Z11 /are& Coc:nents not. The revised amecdments have final rule. w1ll b4t ~rwve to a 1en indic:s.tec!. that requlrtag- ::,r:fnte i'.lUCS been c~ed to state which sectton.s eral range of threats c~ by to !nterpoae themselves and to use would be deleted snd when. !t is noted that stated in the regulations. de:Mily !orce could be-in conflict.nth that f '73.SO Ls not ~ deleted at this

  • With re,pect to specific numbers at Stat* ~d local la.on :md V."'3.S :eyond time but beins revised to apply o~ ca adversaries. the numbers are not a.s That should be er.iec--..ed o! ;rivate ln*

spent fuel sto~e other than at a sign.Weant a.s the ca.pabillties a."?d d~. It was suizested ~t 1~a- '

power reactor. resources of the adve?U1"7. ?or e:tam* tlon be cota!ned to per.nit :;,rote~..ion Cl4) Comments stated that there was ple. the threat !rom a. c! stn.tegic special n~!ear ey insufficient t!me to proper~ plan a re mob o! so or so people is much di.!!er; use of deadly force and that seiz'..i:e or vised.securtt:7,rog:ram and to lmple eat trom that of only a. few well orga.. diversion of stra.tegic special ::iucleu ment it. The Cocmission a.srees that n12:ed. ;.-ell tr:JJ.ned people. mate?ial be ::iade a Federal of!ense adequate time must be allowed for Given that the de:sc:ribed threat !s a. wit!l severe criminal pe.nal:ies i.e.*

proper pl~I' and implementation desil?l 'c3.!i3 !or a. ib.3'SiC:U :,rotect!on ;osed.

to as.,u.-..e e!!ective ;prognms. The r-..:le system, additional cesi~ ~terla 'I'he Commission hu carefully con

ias ~ ch3n1ed to a.llow more time 11*;en Ill the form of required SyStem sidered the '.!:le o! deaclly !orc:e !n the

!or both plamunc and im~~menta.* capabilities. These capabilities are fur overall sys-tee of ::,rotec:tion ot !or:::i.u-t!on. Allowance h2.s been to~ ther supp<jrted by the suc.systemS and 1& qu:u:tit1~ of ;tntegic special nucl~

installation and construction that eomponent.s of the reference systems ar :na.cerial. A prel!:nin3.r,- obserra.t!oo require lo~er than the spedfied times in the resul a.tiom c!es!ined to meet is that umed private !Jldustr:3.l 6'.la.rc.s ln specUic (:3.Ses. the reneral ;eriorn:.ance requirements a..""e, in face. common;:lace. T!.e7 are In addition to th~ comments that re and required ca:,abilities..Additional !ound in a.l.rporta. ba.ak:i. Wit!l :m:1ored sulted 1n chanaes In the ~roposed iUidac.c:e to a.ssist the licensee in the trucks tram;:o~ c-..:.r:-eney. in t!:.e a number o! other mues design of bis sa!eguard.s sys:em. ls in employ of rail!'oacs, !:equently in were r&i.sed wh!c:!l resulted in no preparation and Will be proml!lpted !arge.shos:Pms centers. Thcs. the ~

ehanses to the :;,roPQSed amendments 1n regttla.corr iuides and NUREG re qu.trement !or armed i''..JJ to ;rotec:

cut which w:i.r.,,nt cl.!.sc-"..ssion and ex ports. Th!s tr.,e ot ru,ida.nce Will pro propert7 Ls no~ a de;i:sr.ure !:om an plmation. vide the lolic to relate the subsrstems accepted indust:""~ ;,raa:!.:e.

Cll E=ternal tJ&rmt a.nd genercl ;er,. and components of ;,h7Sic:al :m1cection Section 73.~S<bJ< *U of the ;:-o;:osad

/ormance ~q,.ri1'ffflfflU. Comm.en~ ~em.s :o the required ca;:a2:lilities amendments state.s certa.1:1 c:l.!1c r...les we.~ di.--ec+..ed at seve.."'al a.s;,eet& ol the and the 1enenJ :;:er!on::ance reqtl!n on how a.rnied i'J,Ud.s are :o.t\\i:ction.

thre:1t and its a.ppllc:at!on a.s a reneral ments. loiic -:.ill provide desiiJl The r-.ile as stated in 2 73.~<h.l 1s noc performance requ!r-..ment. The eomcr.ter.a that ~ be. used by the llnew, it mereI.y repea.t.s vet'l:a:ic ;res ments can be c:a~rized 1ene."alb' as c:e:see and show how the ienel'31 per* ct!y e!tecti\\"e 10 CFR 73.5u<z:<2J. A

!ollon: <ciJ Level ot ~t; dei!ni !ormanc:e rec;uireme:its and Si'Ste!:l ca recent amendment to th.!.3 ~c:i.r-a;,h tiou of t.'lreat; cc> appll~tion o! iener* :.>&billt!es o:a1 be used in the des!an o! fur.her c!:l..*ified er,.,<<ted i"..13:d re.

al perlorman~ re<;Uirement. a. specific physieal pr.,t:ection system. ~oc.:.e. !54'8 ~2 ::i"R 64103.l

<a> Comments wen that the Cr.ut copies o! this idea.nee -:vill ce In view, however. o! :he com:::.e:lts threat was not su;2;:or.ed by evtdence; ctrculated for comment. Further. lireceived. some c:oc.siderations =~7 be Some commenter.s !elt uie t!l..""eat -:vas censees will obtain r.lidanc-e thro~h the l.s.manc:e cf llceme revtew enter.a re::,eated ac.d res~ted for clari!icatto::.


  • coD5e."Vative enou~ while others !or use in physical protection system ?!:st: An author.zed ~cf. a.l a. ;:erson

!elt it wa.s overcomerra.ti7e. de!iOl and In the-license review ;,re.:. tuw111nc a leplly recogni:ed z-ole in The Commiss1on directed that a. re ;:roteeto~ ;;,ropeny, :.s ~ene~7 ~der evaluation of the t..~t st-..idies be ess.. Appropriate ~!erences to ap;:llc:ano due:; to retreat from 3 ~1:lreat :a his

- conducted by the stat!. The r~ults of ble resuiatorr guides. NUREO dOCU* lile in ~he ::,e?'!or:nan~ of l".is Job. I.'l this reevalua.Qon do not impact the mena and other :::ubllcatioc.s respon* oa.ny States Chere i3 simply ::io ducy :o level ot threat to be considered in safe sive to speeit!.ed. resula<<iry ~uir~ ret:-~3.t < e.~ ** Peo-;,le v. EJtrc.d.a. 2!.l ?.

guards system desii!L mencs w1ll be provided in bocb. the 57 <C~. 1923); Pe. e_ v. Stcu, 300 P.

nDD.AJ. l!Glffll. 'IOL "3, MO. T! 'HIDNI.Si:>AY, AUGlJST 9, 1971 35324 PROPOSED RUL!S


,enon n~ cot retrett in bis place o! the IUa.rd response rule to be de=cn* <l25 <Okla. 1931)). !n other St&tes a Lie~ who believe any part of -equally effective. In addition. the Se-'*

bu.sinas <e.s.. Stc.u \\", Fl!ltotic. 110 ~-rably illepl under the law of their cu.'itY Apncy study (S.'\\.S) tt\\i~--ed ~

Conr.. 303, Hi.4.. 801 (19!9)). It is slso respeetive j:lmdietiQm may- -always re numb"er of other issues applicable to accepted common la.w tha.t a person quest an exemption. Rowe\\"et', iT,1&rd or pm-ate r.ia.rds should be responsithe question -of whether Government la.wtully L"'!:lz ~ :.ot retret.t in

  • res;:onse is Viewed as an t:n::>ortant ele ble !or nuclesr secu.~ty and concluded *

!ac:e cf res:sa::::e <see e.._ P-.:n!~n '.: r:ie:it o! the phrsic:al protection t.~at the?"! was no ?"e3.SOa this responsi hr.1t:"V!t1c:ni:: Stc.!uta..~Qt&ted. system a.nd any rela.xa:ion of the rule bility mould not continue to rest with section l8-505(b><::l(i!>(Bl). A r.ia.."'Cfs in this ?ei:3.rd would require a CO!:l the private sector. Since rule does siom or una.u.nor.zed en~ to protac".- system components. job includes the tnvestip.tion of l!:tru-r:::enst:..,ce stte-nrthenins of oth,er not !nc:reue sa.feiruard,.3 ~--eme:i.t.s ed areaa. I! ci.."'Cumstances warn:t. The Commisatoa does not telleve beyond those coD.5idered by the SAS.

  • ~ the i'Uarci m&3' u:-est. for an ler.slation ts required in the :n&:ter o! it$ conclusions rer::ain n.lid.

of!eme c:aci=itted m ;:reRnce the use of deadly force nor is l~lilla* N!ffrtheless. Oovemme:it hu a re Csueh of?emes ?:13.3' rar..r- !:.-om tres-tion required to impose ;>e!!A!ties !or spomi!:lllltr to' llce::sees in the loea.l law to a felony under theft or dive:"Sion of stratelic ~ pratectton of their !adltties arain.s:

Federal law. an &;te:,.;it to steal or n=ear material.. The Atomic :£:cern theft o! stra:e~ ~nucles: :n.a.te*

divert special nuci~ ma.ter'.a.l: s...oe sec* k:t ol 1954 a.s amended. already pro r-.&l l)&rt!:.:.lady in the f:,.ce of. deterio*

tion n2 of the *.i\\.toc:iic E:ler:y L.'"t of vic!es severe ~naJ:ties !or tile e.+vil order. This !act is recor

!95'- as amended. ~2 U.S.C. :r.2>. thorized possession. or &ttem:,t to r..m nized ln both the proposed upiirade Another a.s:,eet of the response re-possession. of speci&l nuclear material. rule and the recently published eon czwrement also tt'lui:es cla.....fica-;ion. Section 57a. of toe act <-U U.S.C. 20TI'> ~ency p~ rule (43 :FR 1l!?IJ'2>.

The requirement as now written. cakes it unlawful for* &DY person to corwters recommended O<>ve.."tl* ~ the.s;,ec!.!ic re:uo~ whl" adopted nrl:>&tim from 10 C!l'R acqcire or passesa nuclear m** ment JWLZ"ds. the !'.m, that the private 73.50<~><2>. places a duty on liee::lSeeS wtt!lout a specific or reneral ll* sector cannot sa.t:.sty the :n.mporta

!m~e acts of radiol~cal 53.bOt&ie to i.mmlc:t their s:-.:a.--ds ~ prevent or eense mued by NRC. Sec:it>n :22 (42. or U.S.C. 22'1"2> makes it a felony to Wil** Ucm requJremenu v.ith commercially thdt of strateric special nuelea: mate-fully violate. a.ttempt to viol&te, or a.vailable equipment. i.s oot valid. The.

rial a.nd that they m2.l" :ise. force as COllSPire to violate sec:tioa 57. The pen sta.U has ma.c!e-numerous ch~es :o necesan-to cctmter f~ direeted &t a.lty cay be a fine up to Sl0,000, im* the propoaed rule whic.l:l a.r-e res;:ion thei.n. !ncludini the use cf deadly ;maonment for up to 10 ~us. or both. sive to pu.blic commenu &lld as modi*

!or::e when t.'1e iuard ~lieves it N:a; I! the offense ts committed with an fied. the t.n.DQortuiou r~u.trement.s scmabl:r :Oeeess&."'Y tn sel!-<!e!ense or intent to 1nJUre the Uni~ Stat-es or of the rule can be satisfied vrtt!l com defense o! others. Note thst the re-to,ecure a.n advanta,&e to any !oreicn mercially &vaila.bie equ.ipl.nel:lt. Re cr.u..-ement Is to iI:str.1.ct i'U&.""'C.S to p~ nation. the pams~nt may be tm Pl'dinc the secooc reason c:ted.* the

\\"ent or impede at theft, not p~nment for ll!e. or any t~ of :,roposect threat le\\*d Is r*flectiff of a.

to require ruarcs to use force without

  • years. or ll fine up to S20.000, or both. number ot studies which w~e ~nr.1-disc:retion. T!te llce?".see is also to tell <3> U8<< of ~t gard&." Com* polated from evideoce.. com hia au&rds that they may use force. menters stated that the level of force m11n ica-t!oos WiUI. va.ri~ la.wen.for~

but only the amou.'lt of !orce commen* required b:, the rule is beyonct that meet apncies, review o.f. actual or surate wt:h force directed at them-which should be expected of prtva.;e threatened violence ln Ule the iuards. Thus. if an !.ntruder uses !ndustr7. One eoaunmur recommend nuclear. indu.str.r. an~ pr.ident judg no force. the iUL"d Ls not called u;,on ed that NRC restud7 the use of public ment by NRC st.a!! based an cor::rside!"*

to use force. ~ac!ly fOt"Ce ls referred

  • sector ~m:iel to iU8,rd licemed at.ion of all o! this Lc!ormation. The

.to only in. the context of se!!-de!ense stratqic special nuclear material. Spe results of these studies re!lected in and defense of others. It ls ext:)eeted. dfic:aily, commenters p~ se9era1 rea the Joint ERDA/~'RC Tau F-oree aa a m.lnimum, that the e?:lployer of sons for these comments. lnclud1ni: re;,oi-t <?t-mu:G 0095 >. and the

&.""med ina,rds "°'Jl allow a iUL-d to use (1) Tbat the private sect.or eamiot.S&t GESMO sa!~ s:.ud,r (NUP..EG w~;,ons whf:?l the ru&rd h3.s a re&* J.s:fy the propased transportation re-, Ml-U. which recommended protection sona"ble belief it is necessary to pre-quiremft\\ta wttn an.ila a&"&inst es.,er*'aJJy ~e same threat vent death or irieviom bodily m:u...,-. ble equipment; <%> th~ Is no evidence level as th.a.t est&blished i:l the :ule.

Indeed. in view of the - reference to support the design threa.t level Both of these report$ reflected srstem. requir~ment he investi* stated 1n the rale. and.!ore. if threat in!or:natton a.\\"ailable to their cue intrUSions or unauthorized en-the Governmfflt est&bllshes a. need to p~ at t!:m: time. In a.dd.ition.

tries and trY, to :oresa.ll theft. dlver-p~ &pins: such a threat, tbe Gov the :resul..s Qf.. C'U?Tent thorousn sioc. or it is see:l as essential emment mould do lt: ell the rulf/ is so rer.ew o! all t!l.rea.t i,motma.r.ion

for the protection of the rua.rd to ~ only Federal forces could ble to the Commission at thi3 time allaw hmi to use his weapo~ under satisfy 1t; and <4> private YSWAT does not provide a.:y oasis f~ Chan&*

such dreumstances. teams'" should not be c:-eated to wp.. It is ic.portant also to point out that press crime. u:c the~ tllrea.t. R~ the t."1.1.rd rez.soo. tha.t the the decision to use force, tncludine The Seeurity A.6,ettt:1 stud:,. done 1n ?'Cle. 1a too open endec!. the deadly force, is llJ tbe IUa.rd. nos compliance with the ~ Reorpm wr.ich camed :he 1T'eatest cor.ceni &bout Qjs Cl.e.. * *

  • but not :iecessar by his saper\\13or or his ecployer. In a. zation Act of 19'14. ecnclu~ t1lat 11*

drtlian context. the just!!fcation !or eensee ruards. properly tnin~ &nd because the capabilltes and per-toe:,.. lly liznited to * * *> has bee:i d~

the -me of force must rest ui>on the equipped, could be u effective as Ped reascnal:lle belie! of the person usinC era.1 forces. I:n tact. the Federal Gov a.nee requ.inmenta =mprehensive it. The allowan~ of the use of dea.cb' emnent empl01"1 :i;:,rin.te,uards to enoulh to cover all A!esuards contm*

force ta self-defense or de!e=se ot protect federally owned strateaic spepnc:ies. In a.ddit:loa. a section has been others. Le.. when t."lere is a rea.sorni.ble da.l nuclearmaterlal. DOE. which uses &dded to the statement o! caosider*

belief lt 1s neeessa.n-to prevent death both public and priT&te sector iWL?'ds. a.tiom which st.a.tes wna.t iUica.nce wW.

or snmous bodily injury, ~ clesr1.y has stated in eoncresuon&l testimony be used by ~c and issued to licens within the ::aainstream ot.American * < CcH:nm.ittee on G<,V"\\.f!airs. ees to a.srure that the de\\"elopment. ll*

law. March 23, 1978) tl::at these iUL-CS ce~ Z"e\\iew, and i=:s;,ection ot seai-mUAl UGmil. VOL 43. HO. 15-4-WE>N!SDAY, AUGUST 9,,m

  • ritY ~J,am and tacfilties* are not.:,pen dictions. This ~ould lncncata tha.t it !s In~ to ;,er:mit exem:,t10Jl8 !or s;;~.:flc
  • ended.. not an imoluble ?roole:.:.., concitions or deletion of ~ui:re:nen:s F'ttlaily, tt*Js rcle does not requi.~ 11-l'\\ i.S not Intended that :he :;ll'oposed tha.t would ::oi be a.;,pro~r.ate !or cer*

censees to use '1)rtvate SWAT** ameocime:::i.ts.rould ove?"!"ide State and eondit:an.s.


  • to suppress in ieneral. !lce::.sees local laws. !t i.s the oelie! o! ch~ Com* The objeeti"le of the ;:,er4..or.::ia.nce o

~ not ex;iected t.l a.ssume non:a.l re t.ll.a.t a.d~te f!exitllity in ;l?'* p:J.billty :eq:.:.iremenu is :o provide sponsibilities o! Gove?":l.t!lellt de.tense mace.nt. wi'th res;ieet to St.1.te and flexioilit7 :o the lie~ in ces:g:::.+/-ng or law enforce:::i.ent agencies. ~t..', Fedenl. !a.n. already exis".s 2.Ild tl:-..s.t his ::,stem to provicie ~ desi~ted licensees are r~uired. In acecrd.ance no turt~er legislation is necessary a.t c~a.oi1i~ies.. The capabilities ~

With NRC re~ocs a.nd ::.lleir llcer.s-- thu ~ absent a. cocclusi-:e desiin i(:a.!.s !or tha lice?ISee to fit ;;o iila agreement. on!y t.J ;i~veo.t the th.a.t au.:oma.ti::: :vea;;o.cs are.!..-;sentia.l r..i.3 illdi-.idU3.l ~ta or~ conc:i thelt of st.ra.tegic s;iecial m~ in the total ;ih;;stcal protection tior.s. The cs;nl:lilities a.-e ;;he st2.::ed.

riaJ. a..c.d protect a.~t the r:Ldiclo~ system. Whe:,~ a. lk:eosee can show gca.l.3* or ~encs. a.

cal sabo~e of a. llce!lSed f.:1.cility. c~nclusive!y t.h:it then !s coc.illcc With ;it;'en system a.ctuaJJ.y attam:s l. s;:edi!e There ~ no ~C requirement.s relat* - W"e$ would be considered.

  • State and local la.-:i;s alte?' :?:93-conditions pe~ :it ~al in praet!ce will depend 011 r:!le i:!le -t:!me. ':"..:e ins to: < 1) Protection ~t o?'tiinar7 (5) Camm.en.!.1 tnd.!cct.ed con, systa?:1 should ::e"le:t.':.eles:I be c:~

theft o! n01'..?11.!ciear !?1! or ocher ngc:u ing t.114 st<l.:u..t of.~ea.rch ~a.csir.:ed to a.c-...un tl:::e s.:,ec:t<~ gea!.s or arrest of crimina.13; or <3l de!eatins an cr.minal acts; <2> apprehension and tor., under t.'1.e ;:r,:,-;,osed nue. under t!le conditi.:>:::s adversary force. menters iene.""3J.l,y felt that research ex.ilt a.t a. given s.ite or a gi"i'en

<4) C01V1ict ?Dit,'t Stat~ a:-:zd loc:rl gu,i reactors should :iot be required to tn.."1.:.-.,ort situation.. Gllic! in the Cc:ws amt use of ai:toma:tic uita1,)0'n,S. meet the r..r.ngent requ.trements of design of saieg-.iards 5)--ste:ns is being Comments raised -.he q.uest!on of the tlle proposed rule. Ccmoent.s ind.!O!.t* ;,re;, mci -:rnll be 1:rovtded to tl:::.e li*

reg-..lla.Qon req~ a.rmament :or ed ~ thoae or.:a:uzatiom ope:-:uini cer:..sees. ~ iU,idance lde."lti.fies var gua.-da and :r-...ns;:ort escorts In Viol.a,, research reactGrs. such as universities. ious subsystems :md e01::rl)onen.ts ';ha~

tioo of State and. local laws. In pa."'ti.c could not a.t!ord t!le a.deed cos:.;; of :he c:i.n be *J.!ed to st" the s;,ec:fied ca ula.r the cic.est!on was rai.sed at t.."'3Jl.5-u;icra,ded protec:.ian. It was also noted pabilities. The llcer...see mus: sei~ :!le port ~ ~~i weapons in d.1!tha.t imposition of r.hese requi.reme..'lts a;:ipro~ri:i.:e combinations far his termr. Jcri.sdic:io.cs...Als8 ~e specific on research reactors would oe in viola. need.s *. The f!rn ~hs of. :he question of iwtoc:.a.tic weapom waa tion o! the Atomic Eneru Act o! 1954. S7Stet::1 s;:eci!1C3tion n '?3.:5 and '?3.46

?'aised. should.. * *

  • impose only J-;J.Ch J:llini. a.s amended wherein t.he Com::n.i.ss1on s-..ates that t..'le C::nmni.sston may an It is true that ~th Federal and thor.ze other ?ne3.SU.--es it in i:S ~inicm g..,a.te law llave 1!,;,tt".::g effects en the mum ainount o! regula.t.!on * *
  • and the overa.U level of ;:erfor:naz:ce :eets posseMion a.nd use cf !!rearma 'oy Pl'i will ~ermit the cor.duct o!..tdes;:r~d the general :,er.!or?:lal:~ reGuirements vate guards. !n the ?:" t.1lese laws a.n.d diverse rese!!.rC.h and de~lop. ar.d the per.!orman.ce cai)a.bllit7 re "mac.~ guns" unai.-ailable <a. men~~
  • quirements.

""!Jl3Chi:1e g>..l:l" i.s any,,;-ea;,on that posed regulation was :o include only The intent and context of the proqu.:rements and general ;>erlormance It Ls the intent of these opgbility re si."'lCie iunctton cf the tr'ioer>. !Ires more t.~a.n one b\\.*l!et with & prethose resea..--ch re~.Jn ha.7i..'li ::iore re<r..tire:::ents to allmv ::::iar.z:m.::i fle:d.

cl.udil::s the use oi automatic weapons tl:.a.n

  • formula. quantities of strategic bi?lt7 to the llcero.see in d~..g:w::.g his by ::,rtvate-:>ersons. s;;.ecial nuclear ma.~!'ial ~ ~ not !ystem.. No exemptions to the speemc Department of Enern-couriers and sell pro~ by beinz ir:'adiated J.t requirements ot § 73.!?8 or § 73.45 guards c!ormerly.-U:C or Z.~DA. conrt the level specified. In J 73.6(Q). i.e.. 100 t:eeded so l~ as the di!!e::-e::.ces are ers :met guards) :ire authorized oy Fed* rem& ;,er hour a.t 3 !eet..-\\ major ;iar: sb:own to meet tile rene:-::iJ. ~r!on::>:

en.l law to c:irry fire::u-?:IS <section oi. the confusion. ~;,arentl.y res-..i.lted ance and ca.pacilit7 !'eQuirements.

. 6 lk. of the A:omic En.em-Act of from"St.a.:t~ a.s r.o the ~c<7> Co.ft.s. Co.mme:ters stated t!:st 1954. 3.S a:nencieci). The,- may m~t. ot the present sections in ;iar: tl::te costs given !n the ~..a.t.?mimt ot r.ave a..utocatic we.a,;)ocs (42 U.S.C. 73.. These se<:tions would ce :-emoved C'Onsideratiom were too low but ;::-o 925<&,J(l)). DOE ma7 WO extend this wb.e:i the new se:~ns 'oec:une e!!ee ~ded no suc,portit::-g data for hi~er a.uU10rity e:> empto,~s of its contrac* tive.;. Coverage !or ~ch react0rs COst.:J. ne CO?!U:le!lt also -;;'a.3
ors in the protec"".Jon of ;,rop,, less than the !:lrmul:.l. ~uantit7 that some of the rec;ux:eme:ic.s could eny owced or the C:titeci States a::td of sr.ra.tegic special :u.:.cleu not be im;,leme=.tad a.t a.:ay C'OS1: but cc located at !acilities owned tiy or con would eo.nt.inue to be cove~d ur.der detail.1 ~e:-e given.

§ ~3.40. Toe Comm.i.s.sioc. is consic:er..::1; The !la.s stuced t.!le

~~ to t!le United SUJ.:es Cwrt.!l!:1 a. sepa.nte ~cuo:i in pa.rt 7l to cover eost.s o! !he ;,ro~O&ed acendme?l:a ru:,.

the ccmtex:t of actMties author.zed' ?l:; ~ ~.or,ro~cion just as ther and has h.:Mi a. ~ue /tm::,ac:; a.tUI the.\\tOl!l!C Ene?T.T -~l-The Comm!ssion. however. ~eves there is a separ.ita section. § 73.55, to :,sis ;,repved on the bs.$is o! the reier that the in firepower 3.dd..-ct. cover the-protection al ; reacton. ence s,stem !n the ~-la.Jou..,\\ cop:,

tiatil such a..n amendment ia :r-..sde. re o! this analysis h3.S bee.a ;,laced in U:le oy autoa:a.t!e wea.pot"'.s would not oe sea.-ch. r~..oa ha\\1DI? ~ore than for Col:l?n!ssion*s P'.!blic Doeumem R-Oo:r.

su!fic!ently signiticant t?l' tlle ove:-a.ll mula quant:!ties would be covered by 3.t 1717 H Street NW.. Wa.shic.ton.

physical ;,roteetion s;stem to warnnt the prope!ed ?'el'Ulat!on when it 13 D.C.

the UR of such weapcns by privue ! e!!ecttn. If the Commissicn adopts t.'i.e i)l"O r.iards.. The Commission ~gr,Jzes ;hat ear-. me:,,t.r CS) Pertorma.m:e-ari.e:::utl requ:n~,1. Commenters suggest;:osed amet:c:ments to 10 C...'='R ?'.In 73.

ed that !lu.i~ty be allowed in the each. utected lice~ TOuld ':le s+/-ven 2 riers would n~,;;c ecnsider the var rea,.llatiou co va...-, the oum! at es:,eriod of 1:0 d.ayS !ollow".::i' the e!!ec ious !oc:al a.rid State run Ian !or the ttve date of th~ a:nendments to submit jU:risdicttons through whic!:1 they coi-..3 or escort vehicles. to use an una.r a. ~Vised !t~ed site sa.feru:a.rc,! ;,hysica;i

-:vould be tra.ns;,orti:!a strate-r.c special mo~ vehic.le-Ul.3.~ wtluld be less ct1n protection :;,La.:i and. if :ippropri:.te. a nuclear m.aternu. This i.s not a. new sit,Sl:licuoll3. to ~rmlt cba.ngt!$ o! routing reVi.sed sa.:eguard., ::r-:tilS""..,or...a.ti on ::ro uation. There mars etim;iames en route. and to wpt reqo.irements t o tection ;:)lan descri!:ling how..he licens tl'3%lSl'orong 'l:!.lua.c~e shipments 'Wit!l site ~ic, conditions. Other sug:es ee 7l'1ll. com.:,l:, With t!le requ.L.~men~

ar:ned :!lrough 7artous !t:ris-tim:ls we~ tor enanges !n word-of } 73.:o C:i..)Cl) and C3.J<2l. -~ Ucens~

RDUAl. l!GfSTU,. VO\\. 43. HO. ls-4-'NEN!SDA Y, AUGUST 9, 1971 35326.PROPOSED RUL!!S -

would be liven up to 300 days &!ter § TU PurpoH and scope. tra.tlon appropriate to the res;:,ocse the eUective date of the amendments <a.> PuTIIOU. This pa.rt prescribes re time. o! the local l&'.I" enforcement a.u or 90 days after the submitted ;,La.n iS quirements !or the esta.bllsbment and thonty that would rffpond :o a sa.te approved. whichever Is later. to Imple maintenance of a physical protection ru&rds contin1ency at the site.

ment the approved plan except !er mum wblch will eapabWties !or * * *..

  • activtties ill\\"Ol\\1nr new c:on the ;,rot~..ion of 5;)ecia1 nuclear mate <;i> "Rad.iololiea.l S&botap,. ::near.J struc:tion. sicniflc:a.nt ;,hrstcal c:.odi!I* rial at fi.."Ced sites *and in transit and of ca.t!~ of emt'.ni str-.1etures. or major Plants in which special nuclear ma.ten* L'lY delibera.te a.ct dir~ed a.

eqwpment !mta.lla.tion !or which 540 al ls used, to ;>l'Oteet 3.13,imt acts o! ra. plant or trans-port in which an actMtY da;,s or 180 dass after the plan i.s ap. diololical sabot~e a.nd ;,revention of licensed pursuant to the rer..!la.tiom In proved would be allowed. theft of speeial nuclear-material. this chapter Is conducted. or a.

I:1 addi tio n. a llce::.see would be component o! such a plant or trans liven up to 210 days after the effective * * * *

  • port which could directly or !ndirectlv date o! these amendments to submit a 2: Sections 73.2<c>, en. Ch>, Ck>, <n>. endanger t.~e public health and sa.!ety reV'.sed fixed site safer.ia.rds physical ana c-:,1 o! 10 CFR PL""t 73 rensed by ex;,OS'.ire to radiation.

pro_tect1on plan and. i! appro;,ri3.te, :i. to ~ad u !ollows:

  • 3. Section,3.2 o! l0 *CFR Pa.-t 73 a revised safec-.!UCS ~ona.tion ::,ro ~;~nded to add i,an~.::.s l~) thru tec:ion plan descrlbinl bcw the licens § ':'3.% Definition.,.

ee ~"ill comply With the requirements.-u used in this ;,a.."t:

of'§ 73.20<a.JC3J. 11U DefinitionL days after the et!eet1're date of t.~ese A licensee would be given up to 390 * * *..

  • Aa used In this ;:iart:

amendments or 90 days after t.hi.s * * <c> "Guard" means a uniformed indi* * * * *

  • latter plan i.s a.ppro-red. whichever is Vidual armed with a !trea.rm whose pri <x> "Strategic special nuclear materi*

later, to !.l::1plement the approved plan mary duty is the protection of special al" means uranium-235 <contained in except !or activities speci!ically identi nuclear material theft. the u.-a.niu.m enriched to 20 percent or fied by the licensee which !nvolve new protection of a J)lant ap.inst rad:iolo,t more !n the U-235 isotope>. uranium-cocstrUC"..ion, siani!leant modi!leatlon cal sa.0ota1e. or bor.ll. 233, or plutonium.

ment imitallation !or which 540 days of em.inf structures or major eqUip. <1> MFcrmul& quantity" means stra.*

after the e!!ective date of these * * *..

  • combtna.ticn in a quantity of 5.000 tertc spec!al nuclear matenal ill any amendments or 180 dafs after the en "Physical Barrier" meaa.s i?" or more computed by the for plan(s> is approved. whichever ts later, Amencan wire ta1e. or heavier wire <1> _hnces constructed of No. ll mula. gT&mS * <,rams.contained ti-235 would be allowed. The amendments would become ef !abrtc. u1pped bf thrtt strands or
  • iI"&tllS plutoni*

fective 30 days after publication in the :nore o! barbed Wire or similar ma.terl* um.). -

F!:la.u. REGtsn2. al on brackets angled outward between or all' conveyance or modules fer these CZ~ "Transport" mesn.s a.ny!, sea.

The s,stem spedfica.tions included 30* amd 45* from the vertical, With an con~ya.nces such a.s rail cars or s-..a.n ln § 73.26 for tr:u:b-porution physical overall beis.ltt of not 1~ than s !eet. dardlzed eario containe:s.


  • protection s;stems ue l:ased on com l.:leludinri the barbed topplnr, <2> Buildinr walls. ceilinp and floors <a.a> "Incendiary device.. mea.-:.s a.ny ments received on the tra.ns;,orta.tion constructed of stone, brick. cinder self-contained *de\\ice intended to protection requirements proposed for comment on November 13, 1974 <39 block. concrete, steel or eom;S'a.rable create an intense fire th.a.t can d&z:age
FP. 40036> and subsequent consider* mate?'i&LI <openf:lls In which are se normall, ! ~tant or reta.r~t ations... cured by sr&tes. doors, or covers of materia.l.s..

The co:::mission has deter::uned C?nstruction and !astemnr _ ot sufi!.* <bb> "Controlled access area" means

~~der ~ouncil of Envt:oamenw Qual c1enL strenlth such the illtes:rtty 3:CY tem;:,or:uily or permanently estab ity ruideltnes and the criteria. in 10 of ~e wall fa not: lessened by a.ny lished clearly dema.rc:i.ted area.. access CFR Part 51 that a.n enVironmental operuna), or W'3.l!s of construc to wh!ch is controlled and whie.:i at*

impact.sta.tecent !or the ;::rc;::osed tion, not part of a. buildulr. provided fords isola.tion of the material. equip.

amendments ro 10 era Put 73 is not wtth a ba:bed toppinr described ill ment or ;iersons within <c:> MMovement control center" it. *

~uired. ConC'.m-entl)' with publie&* <f><l> of this section of a :nea.cs a.n opera.tiom center wt:.ictl is tion of :he not!ce of proposed rule height of not less than S feet; or remote !rem transport actMty and

naldne of July 5, 19:i7 <<i: FR 34310> constructed in a manner and of mauC3) An7 other physical obs:ruction which _mamtaim periodic position in*

the Commiss io n mace avai!a.ble in lt.s suitable *tor the purpose for torma.uo_n on the movemen~ o:..stra:e

?ubllc Documents Room at l'Tl'l' S: which the obstruction 1s intended. lic s;,ect3l nucleu, recei.-es Street NW.. D.C. an "En* reports ':)t a.ttemp~ a.ttacks or t."le!ts,

\\ironmental Impact Appraisal of * * * *

  • prortdes a. mesns !or rei:,ortinr th.ese Amendments To 10 CFR Part 'i3.'" to Ch> "Vital area.** means a.ny area and* C?ther problems to a;,pro;,riate s.::i:>;,ort a NeptiYe Declaration. This which contains Vital equipmen~ &ienoes and can requb"t and coordi docucent is appropriate for the re nate a.pproprl.ate aid.

\\ised propcsed amendments u we~

of 1954. u amended. the Enerl7 Pursuant to the Atomic Energy -~ Reor* * * *

  • l~~d~~;;~r:*~z:~~ ~~';i'fJ::

ra,niz&tion Act of l9'f4. u &mended. clear oC all objects which could eon-. :mthor-.zed materials into or ?'emo\\'e <t> "Isolation zone" means any area, unauthonzed a.cces., or introduce un

  • and section 353 of title 5 of the United States Code, notice is hereby a:tven ce&J or shield an individual, adjacent straretic special nuclear ma.te?'ial !roe that adoption o! tlle followins a.mend* to a. physical protected areas. vttal material access a..-eas, controlled a.ccess areas.

meDts to T!tle 10, Cllapter L Code of * * * *

  • or transports.

Federal Resulations. Pa..'"t 73 is eon- <n> "Vt.wt* mea:15 a. wtndowlesa en <ee> "Stealth" mear.s co\\'er: :netb.ods

. templated. closure constructed With wa.lls, floor, used to a.~e:n;it to i3,1n una.utl:lo~.zed

l. Section T3.1Cal of 10 era Pa.."t T3 rooC and door that ~ill delay pene- ~ess or introduce or ?'emo\\'e \\lll&U*

is reVised to read a.s follows: tllonzed materials where tlle !a.ct of

FmEUL R.!GIST!l. VOL '3. N0. t54-WE>N!Sl>AY, AUGUST 9, 197S such attempt !.s concealed. or an at9. Pal'qr.iph 'i3.-t0(~ !.s revised to re maintain.. or arranie !or; a pb.ysical protection sya tec :b.a.t:

tempt tis made to conceal it. cm "Deceit" m ea.lS methods used to place references to U 'T3.~ and 'i3.50 with refare~ to U ":3.20:.73...2.S; 73..ZS: <1> Provtdes the perfor=ance opa*

~err.;,t to pin una.othortzed a.ccess or mtroduce or remove unaut!lor-..zed ::i.a,. 13.45; acd 'i3.46. bWties descrfbed :n § 73.:, for !n*tra.n*

10. New U 73.20, 73~ 73.26. 73.2'1', sit ;,roteetion or 1n J 'i3A5 !or !lled mlc:ition !o pre:se?J.t the a;:pe:i..-a:ce o! teriw where the a:tamllt involves :aJ.. 73.43, a.nd 73 *..S 3.1"e added to res.d as site ;n-otection 1.mless ot!ler. v tse au a.u:horlzed a.cceM. follows: thorized oY the Commission:

,~ General pertoimance cta:ic7 and diversttr to a.s:sure :::ainte<2> ts de.staned with su!!!ctent red:m of J t. T!le undesialUted first ~Ph 73.a is revbed to read 3.S follows: mems. nance of th& Qgal::illtiei de~ in-

(a.) Iu ac'11tion '° any other require. 1 'i3.:?5 or } ':"3..45; Uld I -::.a Enmption.t ot ~...rt.1.iA '1'1-~ mem.s Qf this ~ ll~naee ~no C3) Includes a. test~ a.nd ma.!:lta and kinda of speci:LI n uclear r:aaiar..a.L ls ~ to opera.t.e a. fuel ~ :can..--e ;:iroa:r.;.m to J.SSU.~ coDaOl o'1er A Ucecsee is e."~ !:'om t!le ~ cesam~ plane ~t to pvt ao ot all ~vttie.s c.erlC8S 3.!!ec:t.1::.a t.he qmrements of U i3.:o. 7:US. n.28. this caapeer; pcss~es or !ol'?:lula. e!!ecti,~ reilaJlillt; *.:id ~il

'?3.2'?, '?3.43. 73.~8. T3.':0~ az1d 7:L'l2 qaantir;if's of~ s;:ec!3J. nucle:ir ity 01 the paysical vrotec:ion s~si;em.

with res::ect to t!le follow::::te ~ ~rl:iJ. ~m, site or eonr;t:r.1otm sites lm:!udi:lg-a. demons:ra:k>n th~ any nuclear m.s.terial: mbj~ to control ey che U=emce: is defects of such. actiVitl~ and cie*rices authorized to tl"!>on or d~Uve: to & w-.Jl be prompuy d~d a.mi correct*.

  • .. * *
  • camer for trscsponation :,u.--s.:umt to ed !or :he tow ;,er.od of time :.hey are
5. Section 'i3.S Ls ame=.ded to add 1J&l't*'70 of this chapter for:::zala quantlrequired as a. ;,a..-t ot the ;,hys!cal p~

~ o1 ~ special nuclear :nate:1-tec:ton sy:item.

,ar:t.ra;ih <d> to re3.d '1i follows: at tua deliver7 of formwa quantities <c> Eac.."l Uceme sullJect to t:!:e re

§ i3.6 Exemptions o( c:er!:lin qu311tffiee of str:ategjic s;,ed:ll nuc:tear qmrement.s of p~!:l.s Ca.> and <a>

and !dnds of specim nuclev material. tree, on ooard <!.o.b.) t.'le ~mt 3.t ot this section shall:

waich it ls delivered to a. carrier !or (1) l.:O :a?S after the e!!~*

  • * * *
  • t:'an.QOrtation: or-imc::ons or e.~r...s tive da:e o! ~'tese ~encmer:.~ su:m:tit

<d> S~ecit\\l nuclear :!l:it is formula quantities of stntegi c special a !"ffi.sed f!:ed !it9 3aier.::s...'"CS ~cal b~ tr:msported by the Ulli::ed mu:lesr material shall esta.blis.'l and prou:ction ;:lzu :md. l! a;roro~riate. a Sta.tes Oe~artment of ~etc, tra.m-mauitain or mue a:rnngeme:its tor a. n,,.ued sa!esu,arc!3 ~~..ati.on ;:,ro--

  • ?On sysUm. phT,rical procec:don whidl ~.Jl..ection ;,.Ian desc:-'.J::Ir::r how the l!oms preven, Tith b.iih il.S&uraoce theft of ee will C"'...m:;ly ;;ith ~ ~..i:re:::ents H T3.:0 \\hrourh."3.36 and il.:lO CDeJ.-.ed-J proieci. against ra.diolcg+/-cal saootaee stnter.c s;,ecial naelesr materta.1 and of.:;an.g:-a.;lhs ca.:i<l> and Ca.)(2) ot this
a. &!c:iom 73.30 :hrou&h 'i3.33. a::d by the loilowtna: uc:tan; a.:id (2) Within 300 days after t!le e!!ee T3.60 ~ deleted. (1) A detennined viol~ men:al aa-7. The undestsnated first pa.rag:-aph. at... aclt by steslth. or dece:>t!V., days a..~ the plan suomit:ed ~w:su* ti*~ date at chese amend!nent.. or SO of } 'i3.~0. is reVi.sed to read u follows: l::17 a. small gn,up With the !ol ant to ~ (c><U of this section

§ 1:.50 Reqainmema tor ph79ic31 pro:ec lOW'lnS attrnrutes..assistance and Ls 3;,i,roved. ;!:ichev~r is ~. tm:::,le tioa of Ucem~ acti'P'ities. ~pmenc m <!ncludins mem t~ g.pproved ;,tan~~ :or ac miliwY tr.uninS a.--id skills) and deci tMties specUIC3ily identified. bJ the ll Each llce?J.See who Is sut!lor=ed to cated individuals. <fD imid~ a.sststance ~ whic:i inwlve new eomtruc oossess. use, or for:nula. c;canci which m:iy ll!elude a ~owl~ole tion. sig:illlcant.>hssica.l modi!!cation

ies of stntegic si,ec'.al nuc!eu materi* tndh'ic!'t::tl who :ittemi,ts to pamci:,ate of ex-.J.ting ~tntct"'..ins or maJor ~WP al,:v!:lic!l ls not resdil.Y separable !rom in ?x,th a ~e role (e.r.. i:t cen; in:millat:on for wt"jo 340 day8 other radioactive matfflal and wt.i.ieh formatian> and an ad~ role ( e.,r_ fa L"t.,r the e!!ectlve date o! tnese has a total external radiactoa dose ciltate-entrance and e:tit. disable at::iend.ments or 130 days s!:er' the rate tl excess of 100 :-e?:lS ;er hour :1, a.!arm.s cd =mounicattcm. pr.Jci. i)~(.sl ls a;,;>?'(Wed. ;..l:li.:!lenr ls later, a distance of 3 !eet trom any accesst?:le :n-:e !.:! vtolent &ttack>, <!il> su.itaole Will be ~owed.

sur.ace wtelout inte1"'fenin~ shiel~ weapons. c:,,;o 1:d ! hal:d<3> Wltrun 11.0 dars a.!':er toe ef!ec*

other t!la.n at 3, nuclear resct0r facility !:.eld automatic we:ipon.s. equ:tpped ttve date of the.,e 31:e??dm'!cts submit licensed ;mrsuant to ;,art 50 ot th.i.3 wtth.Sllencer3 and u.1n~ et!eem-"' a re'1sed !b:ed si~ !a!~~J.ards ph;rsica.l e~r shall comply wtth tM !oilow* l o~ n.nze ~. (!;} bndcarrted ;:-roc.ectioa.:>,c snd. if a.;,proprtate. &

Ing: equipmen t. tncluci!nS !nca~adta.tinc ~V'_,ed ~el".lards ~portat1oa i;,r:>

apnts and er.,105ives !or use a.s tools teetion plan descri~s !::ow the llee?JS

  • * * *
  • of mUT or ~es:zor.::z the ee Will COCll)~ With tha reqtlire?nl!??t3
a. Section t3.-iOC:i.> 1.s :-evtsed to :ead plant or tram;,ort ince~ty. and c-:> of i;,a..-:tcnph u,)<3> of :l::!.i3 cu Within 390 d2ys after ~t.e e!!ec. section: :ind
is !~ws: the abilit7 to oper..te u t-;;o or more teams.
  • ttve ate of these a.c:ecd:::ents or 00 f T3.IO Ph13ical :,rote-cdon: G~nmu no C2> An fndivfdual. lnclu~ 3.11 ~d:iys after th~ plan(s).!Ubmitted Pl:?'*

quiremeaca u fl:r~ sites.,-lane <!n an:, position>. a.nd m A coc.,ptraq between Ind1vidua.!s Stlallt tiou is a;:;r.-oved. Which.av~ is later CO :,ar:11?'3P!1 (C)(3) :,f t!:is S~* *.

cal prot.!C::ion (a> Each licensee shall pr,:,vtcie physii.ldustr.&1/4 ~ 1n ~ ~tton who may ?uve: C1) tmplement the ap~roved ;;lan eu~;,t tace and ap.!:mc :he!t o! r,:ecial nucle ~ to a::d detailed kn owledse of !or :M:t!Vit!es spec:I!~c:!.lly ich!nti!!ed o:;

ar at t.1'1.e !Il:ed sites where 11* the facilities 3%!.d ac:t1vities refe."'nd to the Ileen.see wt.!el:1 11:volve new CQn*

censed ~..ivities are conducted.. P?:tysi 1n § 73.:0<a>. or CU> item.s. that :ould f3.. sr.ruct!on. signj.C.!.cs.nt modific::i.e!cn of C:ll secm-:ty systems shall be estabdllta.te theft o! s;)eC!.al nuclear mater!* ex!.:.-t'.cz str-.lct-...res or ~ajor equip.

lished and ::::i.a.inta.ined by t!le !icecsee al <e.~ miall tools. sut.stimte ma.~ me:, lz:s<' !or wmeh 340 tn accor~e wt!h lecurit7 pl&ns ai> al. !'llse docl::le::.t.s. etcJ. or ':::ot!l. after :he e!!ec:i,e da.;e of thase

,roved by the Nuclear ~~ C.b> To meet tl"..e ieneral,P.erlorm.a.nce
imen.dmect..i or 130 dsys at~er :he Commission. ~ ol ~il ca> ol this ~13:Csl is a.;,i:rcved. -.vl:tiche,er is later, Cl>> C..\\mendedl secnon a licensee shall e:stal)llsh a.::d 7'tll :e allowed.

35328 Pl0PCSID RULES i f'T3.25 Performanea c:aplbillU. for phyno controlled access &rHS Cor such &tauthorized removal ot strateaie s;,eetal eal procecdoa ot stra&elie special na,. temt1ts> so th&t the response c::ui gre nuclear material wb.ic:ll JPecifY the c:Jear ma&arial ln tnmit. vent the theft of strateaic s;, nu* ceive the material. the author.zed. person., author.zed to :-emove :md ~

reqwrement of ~ 13.20 an !n-t1'3.mtt < Ca> To meet the teneral gerlorma.nce clear

  • 4> Detect attemi,t.s to unau.times tor such removal and receipt t'111Ys1c&l t'll'Oteetion s1Stem shall In* thorized a.ccesa or Introduce 1mauthor* :md author'.zed pl.aces tor sucb. ren:ov elude the pertormance c:ap&billties de-ized materials Into the vieinit:, of al and receipt.

scribed In p~b.s Cb) throuah Cd) b:, deceit u.ruis the follow* Removal coatrola and* proeedur!S of th1.1 section imless &U* Ins subsystems and subtunc:tiom: to establish removal procedures tor thomed b,- the Commission. m... !ccesr authorization coatrals and tramtemna cario in eme~enc7 s1eua Cb> Resmct a.ccesa to and. activity m procedures to ;,rovtde ~nt authon* t1ons: and Clll> Removal controLs and ;,roca the vicmit:, of tr.u:!.1l)or..s stntelic zation schedules and a.ccteSS c:riteria tor dures to :-emoval of strateiie si,edal nuclear material. To acl:lieve ~ materials and vehicles; and this ca'Pal:JWt7 the physie&t procl!Cti0:a CU> Access controls procedures si,edal nuclear ::acerial onl3' alter ver*

sntem shall: to ~ the Identity of :,ersom..cate-1!1cat1011 of the indmtit:, of ;ie?'!oa.s re

< 1> Mlrimi'"* the vulneral:illb' of t!1e. r.als and vehicles and a.ssaa such idm* mov+.ll&' or receivmi the si:ratelic si,e suatelic si,ecia.l nuclear ::n.itert:u b,- tity a,aimc. current authorization dal nuclear :naterial. and the identity u.sins the tollo9'ina su'b!unctions and senedules and acces.J cnter..a. before and !ntei?'ity of t."le itratecic s;,ecial procedures: s:ermittme IICC9$1 and to Lntitiate re-nuclear material.l:>etns removed !roci m Prei,lar.nllls itineraries for the spome measures to deny unauthorized <cl Preftnt or. dela.y unauthorized movement of stntesic speetal nuclear

  • entries. -~c si,eetal nuclesr mater13.l trom <~> :ceteet: attem;:ts to remov-e strate

<ll> ~rtocilcally u;,datins Jmowledze mt:? or lntrodUctton of unauthori::ed transports by stealth or force ustns of route conditions tor the movement materials Into, and unauthomed re the !0Uowf.c1 subsystems and.sub.C-..u:.c*

of stn.testc si,ecial :iuclear material: moval ot strateliC spectaJ. tions:

statua and position of the sttatesic capability the-physical r;,rcteetion <lll> !4alntainins lmowledl* of the terial trom trim.,ports. To acl:lieve tha thortzed stratesic nucle:u-ma. m Transport festuns to de!a.y w::au*

special nuclear material en route: and mtem shall: - tenal removal attempt.a su!Ccent to

<iv> Oetermininl and communiC3.tu:S < l> Detect a.ttempts to pm unau* asaist detection and ;,ermit a response

.altemat.'ve tttnera.."'ies en :oute a.a con-thor'.zed entrY or Introduce unauthor to prevent the theft of stratelic SJ;e ditions warrant. !zed ma.tert&ls Into by da.l nuclear material: and

<:> Oetec: and dela.7 3.IlY unauthor-deceit usinZ tl1e tollowins subsystems duns to detect. a.sses-3 and comcw::tl* Cil) Detection sut:systems ar!d -:,roe~

!zed attempt t.o pm or intro-and subfuncttons: _ cau any atte:.:,ts at um.uthortzed re

.stealth or !c:ce Into the 7lcinity of procedu;es to provide current authori* duce unauthorized by <1>.-\\ccesa authOrization controls and moval of stratestc special aucle::i.r ma trans;iort.s ~ all stops usms the !ol- ::ation schedules and entr:, crt~r-..a fol' ter'..&! so that to the artempt lowins s.r.d subtun.ct1om: a.c:::ess Into tr:ln.s;,Crt.s for both persons can be sue.!:1 as to prevent the remov:u m Controll!!d access a.re3.S to ~ol.a.te and caterb!.s: and theft of scn.telie specia.l :iuclear i::ute str:1tQic Slledal nuclear mater'.al or <11> Entr7 ecmtrols and ~ures to rial.

tramport.s at all.stoi:s to assure that. vm!7 the identity ot persons and ma iencies and emergencies t~ <d> Resi:ond to satelU&l':!s contin* tbt unauthor.zed p~rsons or m3ter.als terials and to permit tnn,port ent?? t!le two cagaoWties ;i&r"&Cn-Phs

shall not. have direct ace~ to the onl3' to those ;,erscns and matertals and Cc> of this section are 3.Chi.eved:.

~rt.a or stratqic special nuclear s;,eci!!ed by t?le curr-.nt authorization and to e?i~e &.-id 1.mpece ad*,ersar.,

material: sc!::edules and el1tr3' c:riter'.a. forces until local law enforcement

,roceduns to detect. asses., and com* t!lorlzed entrY or introduce !llla.ut!lor*,ill
.\\ccesa detection :sucsystecs and <Z> Detect attem;,t.s to pin unau-!orces arrive. To achieve t.'tis e&E:3.llill*

munic:ace :s.ny unauthor.zed pe::.etra.- !zed ? into tn.:isporta by ty, the pb.ysical protection system tiOn <or such attecpu> of a controlled ste&!th or force usi:l;- the -followiile $hall:

acce.u area 07 i:ersons. vehicles or ~ subs~ and subtunction.s: to satesuard,s conwi1e::c1es and ecerCl) Respond rapidly and ef!ecc.veu teri.als at the time of the pei:ecntion m Transport teamres to dela$ iiencte:s ~ the tollo~ sumntem.s

<or: anempt> so the response ca.n access to stratqic si,ecial nucle:u-c.a and sui:ltur.cdons:

,revent the penetrstioa < or atum;,t> teria.l suL~ent to -per
:lit the detec* <1> A secl.!l"it7 orT,IJliZ:ition coc;,osed

!rom result!nc in th* theft of stratestc tion and response 1:vstem.s to !uz:c:tica of trai:!ed ~ualilled ;,enoD!lel. i:1*

JPecial nuclear m&eer'.:LI. or radiololical so as to prevent the theft cl str:1tqic c:!udlnS :umed ~r-.a. one of -:irbom !.3

$1.botalre. spedal nuclear ::saterial: desii::ated as escort commaccier. -:nth lzed at~mpt to pJ.n a.ceea l>J' <3> :Cetect and delay :my umathor* <W Impectton &ad detection!l tems a.nd proeedures to cietect w:au. ;:r~~ !or com.cand 3Jld !:0C.t?'01.

or toree !nto the vtc!n1t7 0f st?3.teli¢ thorized tampertns With tram;,or..s to e:,:ec-.ite responae !w:c-J.oc.s.

si,ec!.a! nuclear on board and c:uio contabers: and the catu.~ and ext:ent of sec-.:..-tt; Cll> Assessment prceedu.~ to ;..'"!esa re-movtns :r.msport-..s u.sm1 the :ouowinc <llt> SUrleill:mce subs~ems a:id 12.ted lnddenb.

subsystems and subtunct!om: prccedU.res to detect. assess and com* m Concrolled a.ccesa areu to assure

  • municate &nJ' unauthom:ed ;,r!senc1t * <ill> A ;s:iredeter.:tlned :,Ian to re unauthomed persons sha.1l' cot have of persons or i:natenala :md any una.u* si,ond to sa.tesua,rds con~ene7 direct access to the stracqic s;ecial thori%ed attem;)C to ;:enetrate the. <iv> Equi;:!:lent and ;,rociduns to event&

nu.clear; transport so that < il> Secured car-so compartmmr.'s: vent the theft ot strateliC s;iec<.a.l nu-the resi,ome ca:i ;,re-enable res;o::ses :o secunt:, related tn*

and clear :naiertal. el.dents su!!!c1ent17 r"3.Pid and ef!~..!*:e

<W> :i.romtorms and sur.eillance sub-, <3> ~vent um.uthorized removal of to acl:lieve t!le ::,redeter:nined objective

~ and procedmes to detect. stratelie special nuclear material !?'om ot eactl ac:ion.

assess and ccmcunica.te any unau-tran.Sl!Ol"'.S 1:ly deceit~ the follow <v> ~Uipment...-ehicle design :~a.

thonzed ~~ !nto the Vicmitr ot Inc subsystei:c.s and mc!unc~ons: tures. and,~uns to !lrotec,; seeu stntesic Slledal nuclear i::ucertal or.m Authortzat!oa control.sand ;,roce rity 0173.r.ization ;::erson:1e!.. inc!'.ld!ns penecration ot cvio compartments or dures to provide current schedules !or those a, t!le m::iveme!lt control cen:er.

PGRAi. IIGIST!JI. VCL 43. HO. l~WTI)HISD.A't', AUGUST 9, 1978 ll1 tnea penor:r..ance ot ~enc-C3l r*or a.n1 sertes o! shipments ot in~ ar::ned ~orts. armed res;iocse per

. and response related !unctions. strategic s;,ecial nuclear ma.tertal *by a son!let. e!n;:,loyees o! the licensee or

  • <2> ~T:aa.smit detection. asses:ro1ent licensee to the same consignee in his agent who the ship and other response related lnforma which individual shipments are la, ment. and the oi:ierators in the r:io.*e

..tion ~ the !ollowtng subsystems than the ciuantiti~ requiring phys ical ment cont:-ol center shall have a.n

  • and sub!unetioos:
  • protection In transit 10 ~ NRC or DOE mate!'".al access aut~ori*

m Communicatiom equipment and 73.lCbl<Z>. but the total quantity !or. zat ion. 1

  • procedures to rapidly and accurately. the series e:tceeds the !orm'ul.a ciuwtt the security orsa.+/-2.cion ?,!:'lo :ia.s the ( 2) At least one !ull tune ::ne!!ll::er ol transmit security lnformation among ty o! strateiic special nuclear material authori t y to dire<:t r.he ph:nica.l pro arn:i.ed escoru. the licensee shall con!1.rm and l or the tection a.ctivi ti es ol t ~e security orga cm Equipmenc and
  • procedures !or arrt..-al a.t the final destinat ion ot each aizatioo shall be on duty at t he ::nove two-way communicat!ons between t!le sb.iQcen~ in the series before ment control ce!lter duri:Ig t he course escor,; commander and the movement the subsequent shipment. o! any shipment..

control" center to.-apidly and accunte-. shipment shall be approved by the Nu* C 4> Sec-..irity a.r?"&ngements !or ea.cb. <3> Toe licensee or his agent shall~

ly transmit. a.ssessment information clear Regulacoey Commission prior to tablisn. maincai!l. a.-id follow a 02.:t*

1nd requests !or a.ssistanre 'by local.the :ime !or the seven da7 no,:~ re-c agt!!ment system to ;:rovide !or t he de la.w en!oreement forces. and co coordi quired l)y § 73. 72. Iclorniation to be velopment. re\\*isio.n. iz:l;,leeen:a.:ion.

nate such asst.stance.. supplied to t.he Cum.mission in acid.I* and eruo~??:ent.Jf i:r:ui.s;:iorratii:m Ctii) Communi~tions equipment and tion to the general security ;ila.n i:l!or pa7sical ;,rcte!:t ion procedures. The procedures !or the armed escorts and mation ls a., follows: system shall include:

the movement contrcl center person Shipper, cor.stgnee, carriers, m Written security pro~dures nel to notify loeal law enforcement tran.s!er pain~ m~ o! shipment; which document the structure of the forc~s of the need for asst.stance. Cil) Point where !$COl'tS will relintnc.spor t:u;on security oriamzat;oc.

<3> liaisons with local law quish res;>onsibillty or wl.!l accep~ re. a.nd wb.!ch detail the du!ies of drivers enforcement authorities to arra.nie !or sponsibillty for the shipment; ai::d e5eor-..s l.Ild other re a.ssistance enroute. (ill} Arrangements made !or t..-:ins.fer sponsible for sec1.L.'1t:;. CU> P::oYision for written a;ip:-tw:l! o! md Col> A.ssllre tha.t a single advers3.r7.of shipment security; and such procedures lf.nd any re\\isiocs action cannot destroy the capability or <iv) Seeurity a.naagement.s at :,oint t!:ereto by the ~<il'."idual ~th o*,erail armed escorts to aoci!y the local law where esco?'"'..s accept respcnsiblllty !er re-pons!billty :cir tlle security func:!on.

sistan~. en!orei!ment forces o! the aeed !or a,s.. M lm;:orrsilipcent. Ci) Neither the li censee or h.i3 ~enc completed at origin a.nd destlr.a:ion Hand-to-hand rece!;:,ts shall 'be shall per.rut a.n indhidual t o :i.ct 3.S a.::i

§ 73.:s Transportation phy5ical protfftion escort or other securit7 organization

~r,tems. subsr,tems. elements l:'Dmpt,and at a.ll points en.route wt.ere there oe!Ilbe!" unless such i:ldivtdual ha.s nents. and. pro<<duru. is a :::-an.ster o! C'..l.Stody. l:ee:i trained. ~ui;:;ied. and quaillied C:i)."\\ t~orta.tion ;,hysiC3.l ;:,rot~ <c> E:c;>ort/import shl~ment.s. to ~e:-!orm each assigned se.c:.irity job tion system estaoUshed pursuant to Cl> A licensee who im:,orts duty in accordance ;n:h :i:ppencl."'t B.

the general performance r~uinment.1 quantities ot sn-:i.tegic spedal nuc:lear of this pa.rt., "C-ene:.-al C:-ic~rta. !or Se o{ ~ 73.20 :i.nd performance cai,abilit7 material shall m:ike arranget:1ents to curity ?e!"Sonner* co be ;,ubU.shed soon requirements of § 73.15 shall include. assure tha:. such material will 'oe ~ro 3.S :in effective rule. 'Ci;,on r;he request but not necessarll7 llmited to, the tected !.n tra.nsit as follows: of :m author.zed :-epresencati~ *e of the measures speci!led !n pa.ragnph!s <~> An incividu:il dest5r0ated by the C~mmi.:.,ion the licer.see or h!s a.~en~

through Cl> ot this section. The Com licensee or agent. or as spec!!!ed by s~:ill dea:onstr:i.ce the :u>ilit7 o! c.ce

r.ission ma:1 require. depcmdmg on t.he a. cont.-act o! ca.rr:age. s~all cor.flrm phys i cal sec-..lrit:; perso.c...--iel co c:in-y indiViduaJ transportation conditiccs or the container count e:umtne leeks out ~heir assigned du t :eS acd ~-;:onsi circumstances. alternate or additional a.c.d/o!" seals !or evidence of tam::e!" billttes. A.--med -?SC0?"'-3 shall :-equ.ili!y mea.suns deemed to meet ~. at the first ;ilace ih the Coi:ed.!.:l acc~~ce e:ntt. A~;ier.di:i: B of fai.s Sta.:es at whicll the shipment is dapart at le2.St eve:,- 12 re*

<:he reneral pedorma.nce requirements cha..-ged !or the a.'Ti*~ earner. quaJ.i!lcac tcn shall ~ dc-c-..!lllencec..

o! } Ta.20. The Commission may <ID Toe shipment shall be protec t ed and proced:.:r~. ( e> Cont'.nge::c7 and :e.s;:onse ;,la!:3 au~hotize protection measures other at a.i.l tunes Within the ieoanphicaJ.

than those require-i by tl:tis section i1 of ~he tioited States as prov'lded ( l l ~e !ice.rus~ or h ~ :=;~e!!t.;b..1..J es in its opinion the *Jverall level *o! per* in th.Ls sect'.on and H 73.25 a.nd 73.21. ta!:~.b.. main 2.e d !cllow a. 3a! e for.nance m~~ the ie!ler:il ;,erform* C:?> A licensee -:vco e~::or..3 tormula ruar:::s contin~ency ;>lac. for d~

a.nee ~uire:nenr.s of § 73.20 and the quantiti~ of strategic speei3.l nucleY sabotage related ta stn.tagic.;;:~ :al Tith threats. thetts, and r-ac.iclc\\t'.cal

,ertormance ca.paoilit1 requirements shall con
i;>ly With :he renucleu m~tertal.!.:l transit 3Ubj ect i: o of I 73.25. Cb) a.nd scheduling. qwrements o! tl:is sec~icn and j§ 73.25 ttle ~roV1.Sior.3 ot this *section..Sue!:

< U Shipments shall 'be scheduled to md 73.27. :i.s applicable. up co the sa.teguard.s ~nt!nie::cy ;,u.n snail te avoid !'eguiar ;,atterns a:id pn!;,la:med point whe:e :he shipment i., ~en c!! ill accord.a!lce With the cr.te!"'.a !.:l :ip*

to a.void area.s cf natural disaster or* the tr.µ:s~ort outside the United ~entii,c C ~o t:us pa.-t. '"Llce:isee 5.1..:e civil dlsorder.s, such 2.S strikes or rlots. States. g,.iards Cont! Plan" ( -.3 FE (d) Security organization.. llS62>.

Such sl:upments sha.ll be planned in < l> The licensee or his agent shall ~ ( 2> O';:on detection o! :!.bno.?:1al,~

order to avoid storage times in excess ta~l.ish a tra.os;iortatton Stt'.irity O?T-1* e:nce or activit7 o! ~rsom or *te!':. t::!es of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> and to ~ tha~ deliv niz:ltion...

  • includin~ armed escorts..utemi;,ting to ;:e.c.ecrate a. O.O\\~g eries occur at a time when the ~iver a?med response persoll!lel or !Uards.

at the ~ delivery ~oizlt is present to and. a movement control center accept the shipment..

  • manned and equipped to monitor and :::atertal. a.uthcnzatlon ;:,ror.:u::,. for '..:cer-.see 'P:-Q9QSed a:er.cil:I:ents requir'~ ~c

<2> ~ements shall be made with cont..'"Ol s.b.ipments. to commumcate law en!o~ment authorities along the with local law en!orcement authori~ ~o or ::ontTol over. ;:ect3.l :::t!.!cieu =:a,.

route of shipments for their res;x;ase ties, and to respond to sa!egua:-d.s con-tU'i~ <SEC"l-iS-.308> we~ ;::ut:Usi: e-::i '.!3 3.

to an emergency or a call !or 3.$, timr~cies. All individuals enga,r-d in ;:,reposed rule on ~ch 17. 1977 <-U FR Haso,.u:d were dl..c=ed i."l 3, ;:iu b U c: !':.e:u a.nce. the protection. ot a shipment, incll:d- !:i oa July ~o. Il *.nd l :?. lS'i3.

35330 l'tOPOSII> RUW.,_

convo:, or persons anem:itms to pin law emorcement ~enetes and ':rith meat used pursuant to this section accesa to a. parked vehicle or the shipment

  • moveme11t contr0l wl:lil:11 shall !nclude the !ollowtns:

ui,on evidence or indication of i;,ene-cen!l!r. ne commander sh&ll c=i.ll ~e <l> Test.I and inspec:t1on.s shall be trat!on of tlle car,ro vellicle Clle armed remote location at eve.7 3Q min* conduc:uid durinl the installation. and escorts or other armed response Pff* utes to report th& swu.s ot the ship. comtruct1on of.:,b)°3ical protection re sounel sha.11: mmt. U th& caJl.s are not receive<i lated suosynema and compcnect:s to (1) Determine wbether or not a. wit.ll!n the prescribed tim~ tlle person* asmre that the:, comply with their N-

  • thre:u: emu: nel La. Clle remote-location sha.11 re-spective-d~ criteria. and _ier!orm*

Clll.uaess the extent o! the threst. quest a.ssista.nce !ram the law enforce-a.ace s;,ecificaticm.s.

if anr. mem authorities. notifT the sh!;,meat <2> Preoperai;ional t~..s and lmilec:* <111> Take immedia.Ce concur.~t movement control center and initiate t1cms shall be ccnducUd !or ph.,sical me~-ures to neutr:Ll.iZe <c> ~Ir the neces.sarJ' tactical Ar:ned !SCOrta or other aimed person-components to demomusce the:r et-. the. threat br. the appro;, coueicsencY' pla.m. ~tection related suoa:,scema acd diolollic:al sa.boca1e or the!t of mate-ca,rzo compartment of the tDc:omiDS

  • Tith resp~ to their res;,ective design moves to preveat or !mpede acts of :-s-nei shall obserre the open!ns of the Ceem-enesa. a.vailaaWt7. and reli:lk:Wty lie special :uclear m.:Lta.rtal. Info~ loeal la.w e.c!orcement men, Is complete by ch~ locks Cions..* and cr.msport and !mure that Che ship-criteria a.::.d ~orma.cce apeci!lc:a-a,e_nctes ol Clle threat and r~uawi.c acd sea!s. A shipment lo~ onto or C3> Open.clonal ta" and lm&:eetioc.s a&SLStance.
  • transferred to another tra.-ispor: s.'all shall <3> The licensee or his 3-ent s~alI ln* ' be checked to assure compl.?te !oacilns tton r-..l&ted subsystezi:s and cor:ipcbe condtw..ed tor ph)"3ical grotec-struct every armed escort. a.:id all or trans:er. ContJr.uous visual sur7eil* cents to assure their msinten:uice tn ~ed r~ome s:ersonnel to :,:event lance of Che eario compartment sha.U an oi:e~le and ef!ectin condition.

or ~i:~e or. tmut ot m-a.telic spec-~ mater'.a.l. transport departs !:om the terminal. irams shall :i.ccs of racliolort~ :Sabotaie be maintained up to the tu:e the <4> Prr.entive maintena.::ce pn> be eswllshed !or ph.,--sical i,y i;smc suUlden: t~rce to counur The escort.s shall otlserff ~ ~ ;in,teetlon re~ted

  • subsynecs and the.orce di.'"eeted a.. him includin1-th e pon unt11* lt baa departed and shall cmn:,onects to a.ssure theU' continued

~ of deadl7 !oree when 3.l'Dled es-not1!7 the 11cemff or Ci.I a,-ent ot t!le maintenance In an operaole-a.:id e!!ec*

con.s Ot" a.-:ned res;iome

  • penotmel *
  • have a reasonable beUef that.i, Is i:ec- !ates: statUS immedfatel7 condition.

essU7 In 1elf-defense or !n the de!~ <cl Access control subsystems and <5) All pbnieal protection rel~ted ot ocbers. procedures. m~ems :md compone:its sha.11 be <!> Tramter and storar-o! stn.tesfc Stra.Ulic special-:iuc.'ear mate:1al custody ol a sh!;:ment. ne lde:itific:3,- 3.Cd employed to assure that the l!f!~

ihall be placed ln a prot.ected are& at tion. ;irccedure sllall require that t::e tiveness of t."le ::n,-siw ;uoteetioc transte:- pof::u If t?""...csfer Is not i.mme-mdindual who ha.s ~en_ ot :h.! system is not redl.!ced =~ any sinde diate !rom onet tr:i::s;;art io mother. stnLteiie ~ecial nuclesr SM~ !3ilure or other contiaie:ic!~ at!ect,,,

Where a protected ~ 15-not anwr.* have. La. advance. 1denti.ft~tlo:i ;,tct'.ire ln( tbe opoerat!on of tl:e i;,h13ic&l :,ro ble a. controlled aceesa :u!!2. s."1all 'be es- ~ o! _all !ndr:fduals -:vho to t<<tion related equipmez. or suuc*

,,- serve as a. c:cntrolled 3.CCesS shipment shall tacl!.lhed !or the shipment. The tnm- ~e ctiatod:, !or the shipmen~~ tures. 'be releuecl onl7 when ce> The tr:u:sportation sec:u.."ity pro ar.-s. - the Individual who ~ poaalfoa of mm shall !:le revie'lred at lea.n every b:, ac nine armed esccrts or other aa.sund poaWve 1cientWca.tfon ot all o! ever Is ~a~r. by i.ndi-:iduals !nae<"2> All tram!ers shall ~ i;,roU!Cted stratectc si,ec1&1 nuclear C'la.ter'.al ~ 12 moct!:s or ;:r101' to each whic!l a.rmed personnel-one of whom shall the persons a.ssum!n~ custody !or the pendent o! both security ~e! ser\\"e :,,,s conu::ander. At ~even ot shi:,ment, by compa.rtn1 the copies ot and sec:i..rtty sw.,e~n. Such a the armed personnel clnclcd1nc tl:!e the ldent!fication bqes_ tha.t he~ review s.aa.!l !nclude a. revte-:. and audit COmm3.Dder> 3."lall ~ ~nllable to pro,,. receiftd La. acnnce to !den~t.on al secu."'ltY ;)MCeciures and ;3n.c:tices.

tee: tl:le s111;,menc md at less: three ot badse:t that thtt lndivtd~ who will e-nl.l:.M.ion cf :he-e!fec:t!ve:ies.1 ot tile the seve:i shall k!ep t..'le stratecic:.spe-asaume custody of the shipment carry. ph:;si.::ll ;:iroteet!on s:5tem. an &udit of cia.l :iuc:!ear m.ater'.a.l under continuous C:!).Access to proucted 3.?'!!3.S. con* the ;ihJlical ;,rote<:tian u-stem testi.'"l.i sur-:eilla:tce whil~ :t !s &C :he tnmter trolled access a..rea.s. ~r"~ !SCOrt and !lllWlt~-iacc. :,rcinm,. a.n point.. The t..o recai::inir armed per* vehicles. airc:nut. rail ~ and con-audit ot c:un::ut::ent.t e:staoi!she-j tor scnnel shall we up pcsittom at a tainers where ~c remote mcnitor.ns ~ocation. Tha material !a coetai:led.$h:P.ll be limited thorittes. r.:i.e resul~ oi the Mvtew s;:<<w nuc!e:i.r resgo!I.Sc! b1.ccal law en!orcemenr. au remote ?oc:it!on. may be a. ndio-to ll1divtduala autherized access :.> a.nd :wd;t alone ~th :ecomm~nca

~t!!pped vehicle or a 1:!.~J pla.ce. these area.a. attu uar ~ve 1:leen prop,, tion.s !or icprove:ent.1 !::all "be doc-.1-

ii:art !rem th~ 31:1.i~ent :JnS. so that erl7 !dectif!ed. men?.ed. re-;orted to the res;;:o!l.S!ble a smile 3.Ct cannot ~move me* <3l Stntes1C :;pedal 11acle:1: ~te1'1al orz,,cization;eme:ic. a.:id ~e;n it-:, ot the pe:-socnel protectine the shall be sh!:ped 1n conta.mers that ate av:.llable for lJt.spection !or a ;:ertoci of shipmen, tor calllnr* !or uaista.nce. protected bJ ta::::J,per*illdicatinir seal3. f!ve re:u-:s.

Eac!1 of the nine armed escor"..s or T?\\e conta.lne.."S also shall be locked I! m Shipment by road.

other armed penonnel shall "be e:L;>.. the, are not iD mother loc?ked coll* <1> A detailed route pian sh.all :e

~le of -a.inta.intn1 commwllcat1ou tamer or ~art. The outermOG prepa,red Ttlicb. maws :he routes ~ b<!

with each other. The com:n:i.nder sbJl couta1nff or u-am;:ort also shall be tuen. the re!ueiln~ and rest stops. nave the capability to commimic:ite proceeted. by tamper-indica.tms se&Ls. and the call*in times co the move:?:er.t wttll tll* personnel &C the remote loca-Ch> Tm and ?namtenaace !:'lrocrams. control cen:er. All 3tliJ>ment.s sha.!l oe t!On 71th toc:u t&.r en!oree:nmt The Ucemee or his a.amt estao-made i,r >>r1ma.l7 ::Uill,w:1.1s with ::.l..'li-acencies for e=ier,r!?lCl' a.1S'.Jtance. !!l lmb. maintain and !ollow a r.est and mum *.2e,:,l !eco~"7 rcacs. All.;ti p..

adciit1011 the armed escor.:s,enonnel ma.intei:anee ~ !oc-communic:3,- m.encs shall be !l:l:ll:ie.ntbout !nterm.e u the remote location sh.all have the

  • t!om equipmeni;. and other Phnlcal dla.te stops.except for ~!uei.i:lr. rest vr ca;:aoWt:, to communicate witb. t.t:e :,roteetion rewed devtca and e<iuiP-eceriency sto-ps.

IIIDRAL UGU'r'd. VCL 43. NC. l.!4-WICHE.5:>Al', AUGUST 9, 1971 truclcs or trailers.shall ce locked az::d curies, whiche*1e.r-c2, ~ compartments of the at?'Cl"!.!t ln exc~ of m 20 iT'3,mS or zo 13 less. o! i:: lutoni um to aMUre that. no unauthorized -per* <2> ~ sha.U oe established

protected 01 tam~er-indlcatinl seals. or unmum-233, or CU> 3~0 ot. <3> 1'he shi~ment shall be protected u..-a:uu.m-235 (contained in uranium sons or materials on :he sl"Jpn: eae

.* by one of the tollo~.ns methods: enrtehed to 20 perc~ut or more in the or :!SCOrt car be!ore s.:ntei".c si:,eci&.I m A.specially des~ed ~o vehicle U-233 isocope>. nuclear ~ loaded on 1;:Joard. <3> Only containers weial".ing 5,000 truck or trailer that reduces the vul- <2>.-ui shipments on commerct.a.J. tbs or more shall ~ si::lip~ed on open nen.bWty to the!t. Oesi111 features of ~o aire?':J.!t shall !:le accompanied by rail ca.~

the truck or trailer shall germit immo-two ar:c:ed escor+.$ who lhall be a.ale to <4> *-~ vol.ce cocouni~tion C3.pabllit7 bWzation of the truc!t or ot the ~o-converse in a common ! With betw~n the esco~... and the c.ove car?'Yin8 ;iortion ol the vehicle and the capta!n o! tt.e at.~. ment control center l:>e shall ::,rovtde a deterrent to physical <3> Tnmters ol these.shi;:menta tained.., redunda:t mea=s of continu

~enetn.tion of the car-so compart-shall be rntnlrniz""1 and shall be conous CCmmuniC3.t!On al.:so shall be &Vail*

ment. Two sepa.r:ite escort vehicles ducted l:1 accords.nee With pan.cni:,h able.. Ca.ll.J to the movement cont..wol shall accomi:,a.ny the CU%O ve.cucie. * <n of section. Such shipments cen:er shall be made ai:

  • eve:y There shall be a. total of nine arced sl:lall be scheduled 30 that the strate half hour to con\\'ey :he ~t~ a::d po-escorts with at least two in the carso ~c sPec:ial nuclear material i3 loaded sit!on ot the 3tlipme:ct. In che e,*ent no carro and escort vehicles. Cf) At scheduled rte~. at least nine vehic!e. E:icorts may operate the l&si: and unloaded tine. C3.ll ts received in 3.CCorda.nce with cm An armored car cargo vehicle. armed escort.a or other a.-med "erson these ~1.!.iremene& the Heer.see or his Three.separate escort vehicles shall nel shall be-available to ?rotect the a.e!!t 3hall immedlai:ely notify the law ac:compa.ny such a cargo vehic!e. shipment and at three a.rmed esenforcement authorities and the sp, There shall be a. t()tal of nine armed com or other armed _personnel.shall ::,ropti&te N'uc!ear Reculatory-Com

~ton Rt'i'ionsi Of!lce li.sted in ap

~r..s. with at least ~o In the carzo maintain conttnuou.s rtsual SU..'P'\\"eil* ;;er.cilX A of this ;>art ~d their carso and escort *:ehlcles. * <5> Export shipments shall be 3C* vehicle. EKoru may also o~r3.ta !.he la.."'lce of the cario compartment. con.c-.n~nc,-;,lan. C5> Tr-3.."JSte:.- to and from other.

(4) All ~ort vehicles.shall 1:Je bullet-companied by two-armed escor.s from ::iodes of t..--ans;,o~..a.tion shall lle in a.c reststini.. the terminal !n the* United Stat~ cor::w:ce wt:!l ~~;,h <!) of (5> ~ures shall be estalllli!hed cncU the shii,ment l.s unloaded at a section.

to a.55U.."e that no unauthorl%ed per-. !oreil?l terminal and prime ?ff;IODsi* m Shlpme1:1t 01 Sea sor.s or mater.als on the ~ ve-bWtr !or poysic:3.l ;:,rot-eetion !:I!cle be!ol'9 st.-ateitc s;,ecilLl nuc!etr suced by a,ents of U1e consi~ee. Cl> Shi;,ments shall be made ociy on contai."1e?'-1ru;:,s. ~e.stratez-ie speeia.1 material Ls loaded. or on the escort ve-Wl".ile on foreign soiL the ~corts ms7 nuclear contalner(s) shall ~

hicles. immediately be!ore the tri.> sur.ender their weapor.s to legally loaded Into e!tclu.sive use ~ con bqim.

  • coi::.nttuted local authorities..-Uter taine!'3 conform.ins to A.-:erctan ~a

<6> C~o and escort vehicles.shall !eavtng the last t~l In the United tiona.l Standa.:*ds Institute <ANS!)

nainta.ln continuous intr.leonvo1 two-States the shi;>menc shall be sc~ed ~S.1 or Intemattorw Stardands Or*

way communication. In acditton at uled With no intermediate stops. i3-"lization <ISOl 1496. I..ocics :i..-:d seals least twa of the *;ehicles shall l:e <6> ~ort shipments sn3ll be scshaa oe tl:sl:,ected er the escor+-3 when equii:,ped..-!th r:idio tt'lephones l:avtns co1:1par.ied 01 two armed escol"'.s at all the ca.;,acilit7 of mth times -:.-tthin the ie~phics.l Um.its ~t ever accus !.s ;:o~ible. c :Z>.-ui shipments shall be accom;,~

the movement control center..1/4. :edun-the United States. These esco~-3 shall n.ied 01 two a.reed escorts ~.-b.o shall dant meaz:s ')f eommunica::!on shall ;;:ovtde phySlcal protection for the be c1ble co com*erse in a. com.'?lon ~an also be a~ble. Calls to the mo~ shi::,ment until relieved by ver.!!ed T.Iaie '#1th the captain ot :Ile ship.

ment control center 3ha!l be ~de :it a~ent3 of the. U.S. COn.sii?lte. C3> domestic ;::or-..s of C3.ll

east every blf hour to con,;-ey t..~ (il P?ocedures shall be estacllihed shall 1:Je sc::eduled and there shall be status and ::,osition of the shipment. to assure that no *unauthorized ~r t:o scheduled tr:UlS!er to other v~l.3 L'l the ever:.t no call ts ~eived in t\\C* soe& or are on the :i.ire:'a!t after Ule shi'P?llent,eaves the s:or:

cordance 1:V'ith th~e ?'equirement.s. the 'be!ore :rtr:iterte special nuclear c.ateri !.:1 the Ucited St;ues. Trar.ster to llce?l.Sff or his arent shall 1mmediate!1' al is :oaded on 'board. !~m other codes of tra..,sportat~on notify the law en!oreement authorit!es !8) -~r~ment.s shall be ::iade at sr.ail l::e i.:l 3.CCo?'dlUlce With ;;ar.llil'3.~h and the a;propr.a.te ~uc!ea: Reeu!,a-all do:es:ic UQorts to 3.SSu.--e ~h3.t :he m ot this section..

or., Cocmi.ssion Inspection :ir.d Zn-rune r-ec;ui..-ad ar:ced escort..s or ot!:er (4lAt all ;;o~..s ol call t!':e ~,CCOrt3 forceme::it OU!ce Usted in a;:- a..-:::.ed ;:e.rsancel are available 'UJ.d. shall izu,.:re :lU, the sl"J;;nn~nc is :ice

,endlx A of this par. a.-id i.?litiate the tha, ~e required security measures rem.av~ At le:1.St two UI:ll!d ~sccrts or appropriate eontina'ency pla.n. will 'oe taken upon l&nd.lnl'. oc.~er umed ;;ersonnel shall.:aintai.:l

<T> At relueling. rut. or eoe:venq '9>.:\\rranlementa shall 'be made at conttnous *,uual sur-,"eiilance of ~he stos:s ai: nine arm~ escort3 or the tor-.1111 a.t which the ca..'"iO ~ea 'li'here :toe contaL."'ler i3 other a.r:ned ;,e."SOnr.el s.h3.ll be anila-.shi;:ment is to be unloaded ~o assure r..o:ed a? to the ti:ce the sru;> de;,a..-..1.

'ble to protect the shipment and at that securit1 cieasures will ce tuen <5> E:tpor"t 5hi~ment shall be :ieco:n three ar:ned esc:or"ts or other on l..~val. pa.nied ~1' ~o arn:ed !sco~..s !-:-om the

ir:ned personnel sh3.ll maintain. con-Go Shipment o:, Rail. last 00r"t In the Ur-..i:ed Sta.tes :.mtil ~!le cano compartment.. tinuous visu3.l surreillallce of the cf.>.1/4. shi~ment by rail shall be es-. CO?'"'~ 01 nine.armed escorts ln the shipment !s un!oaded at 3. !orei_~ ~~?'*
nina1 3nd ;,r:me r-es~mibillt7 !or modes of transportatlon shall be in a.c-the ~;:,ment car of th* <8> Tramte?'3 to and from other shipment ca: or an escort car ne:tt co ~ *At lea..t ph13ical prot~tion i3 assumed by a~ents of :te While on !or*

cordance 71th ;:arairaph c.t> ol this three esc:rirr.s shall kee:, the shipme!?t eir.i soil. the escor.s oa7 section. car under continuous vt.sual s~eil* their -:;-eapons to le~ cons:ituted

< <J> Shipment by Air. lance. Escorts shall at sto~s 1> Except a.s.speci!!cally approved when ;:ract1cable and time ~er=its to local authorities. { 5> I::is:o~ s.h!p~en~ shall te '3.C*

by the Nuclear Regi.tlatory Comm.!.s- ?Uailltain ':he s.b.ii,ment cars under con com::,a.r.ied by t-;vo :irmed escort.s ::i.t loll

.non. no shipment o! s;,ecial nuclear tinuous vL-ual sur.-eWance and to times wtthin the ~iT'SPhica.i !lr.:tits of material mall be made In Pa.53etiaer check car or container locks and seals. the United St:ites. These escor..s sh.all

Ft!)O>J. UGlr.!I.. VQL 4 NO. !$4-~HISDA'f. AUGUST 9, 197!


DrOYide PhJsical. im,tec:don far the putment of Enerv U~:zampt area mt?? control points and to deb,:.

shipment w:idl relleftd by verified

  • contractor !s the com1oee. the, Ucem. &n7 w:wuhor.zed penecn.t1011 at acmta of the U.S. comtsnee.
  • ee who la the comtccot sh:IJl 00t1!7 by tempts by penom or mate.rtals su!!l*

shall <Tl Ship.too.hon c:ommanicatiom telepbone and telesrapb. ar telet?Pe,. dent to assist i,. availatlte, and & sllip-to-ahatt the Otreetor ot the ac,prcpnate Nude-response that wtll prevent the-J)enedeiecttcm and ;:,ermit a contact sl:1all be made ever,- 8 llour.s to ar Re1U1ator7 Commission I.l:l.s;lection tr:u1on: and n1&1 poaition ln!ormatilm. and th* and Eniorcement OU1ce <ll> Access detection subsystems and status of the shipment. Ustltd In ac,pe1\\d1% A of the amT&l of procedures to deteet. UMsa and com*

<8> Azn.z11ementa shall i,. made a.t tl:1e shipmen& ar. its destmation Imme- *,._.... --~

the foret,n ter:nillals at ':.cich the dia.tely upon beina ::10d!led of th* re- :::=;: :3' =--~ ~to:

shipment Is to be unloaded to a.saure cetpt o! the shipment by the Ucense-the time of the attempt so that a. r.

that security mea.mres Will be t&km uemp~ cantrac:or u ananaed punu-SP.Om** caa prennc the lm&Uthori:zed Ul'OZ1 a.rrival. ant to C&)(3) of Chia seedoa... accaa or pmetr&tioa..

f '3-'"2'. Nodftcadoa l'lqllinmata. a.rriH ult.-- destmadoa u the~ <*> ~etect cttemots to pm unau-In the ffC~ such & shipment !ails to " ~

nula qu.:uititia ol sin~ special UU* sh!;,mea~ - the Ucemee who uPOrceci areu or Tttal C&> (1) A Ucemee vho delivers faz. ed ~ or ID. the cue ot an export ~~~ 0 ~~~a.u=anu by deceit,...,_ the-i:!ear :nate1ial to & carrier tor tram-- the m!l:mmt. sb&ll immedl&te!T 1 11...,.._.

Port ah&ll lmmedi.stel7 nocUy- :he con* nottty by talepl:ioue and telesn,;,h or tfo~wtns subal"Stems and $ubiunc-siinee by telephon~ tel~b. or tele-teletTI,e. the Director of the ac,prcprt- <l> Acceu author.zat!on cont?'ols and tn,e, of tha ttme of departure of the ate Nuclear Reswatol')' Commiulon procedures to provtde current authort shipment. and shall notitJ' or confirm ?Dspection and En!oreement With the ccmsisnee the met!lod of Offlce listed ID. appendl.z A of this zation schedules and eatr,- ~ria !or tram;>ortadon, lncludlns the names '>f Part. :md the Ucemee or other penoa 00th persons and macertaJ.,; and camen. and the esttmatad time of ar-who delivered the to a curter <ill Entr7 ecncroLs and Procedures to rin.l of the shipment a~ ita destim.- for ~- The llcen.see who made Vfti!J' the !dent1t,- of persons and ma.tion. <%> In the c:1.Se of a shipmem the P1Us1cal protection &rnZ1&ement.11 and auesa SUCh Identity a.pJmt

<.t.o.b.> the point wbere lt ls delivered shall al.lo immediately nod!7 b7 '4!le-. current authortuttoa schedules and to a earner !or tramPGtt. a llcemee phcmAt and telecrapb. or teletJ'l)e. the mtry c:rtter'.a l)efore- :>ermittin8 mtr7 shall. l)e!ore the sbipment la delivered Oinctor o! the ac,proprtate.Nuclear and to initiate l'eS'POCH meuures to to the carrier. obtain wrttten.certWca-Resulato?7 Cnmrninian l:lapectlou ~ unauthorized mtr1es.

dallver7 ot the sbipment ar. the !.o.b. Usced In appmdix A ol the action and condltions Within protected area.s. tion from the Uc:emee who l.s to take m4 En!on:mient ~oa&l Ott:ce <e> Permit oul7 autholized actinties point that the physic:al ;,rcteetlon &r* l)elne tum to trace the shipme:it. materi&l access anu. and vttal ueu.

ranae=ents required 'b7 §§,3.25 and <c> Each licensee who makes. ar-To achieve t?i.1.1 ea;iabWtT the ptl.ysic:u 73.25 tor llcens<<t shipments llave been rmsementa !or Ph.Ysical protection of protection ~m Jhail:

made. When~ ccntractor exempt !l'om a. shipmet of !or:nui. quazi.Uties of Detect unauthortzed acttvlt1es or the requiremmta !or a Commi111on 11-atn.telie special nucleu material u conditions wtthm ;,rotecU<l areas. :n3.*

ceme la the ccns1c=ee of :a. shipmenc.. required b7 ff 73..:S md 73.:s shall Im-ter1&1 access ues.s and vltal areu the Ucemee.shall. be.fore the shil)mmt medi&tel)- conduct :a..t:-ace 1.Dvescip.- ~ the !ollowlnc subantei:m md is delivered :o the carr'.er, obta.!n writ-t!on of &n7 shipment tha.: Ls lest or w:i-sutmmctton.s:

who 1.s to take deliver? of the sh!;>- r1T&1* ten cert1f!..-atioa !rom the cantractor accounced !or the estim.ated ar-m Controls and procedu.~ that estime and me.a. repor,: 'lfith the tabltsh scti.edules of author*

0 the p~ Coinrnialou as speeifled. In §':3.71. U !zed acti\\itles and concUtions ln de-menc at the !.oJ,. gol.nt that cal proteetion ~emmts requlnd-the Ueemee who c:andue:3 the tr.lee In* !1%:ed area.a:.

by the O'niced Swas Dei,artmmt or ftStintion Is not the eocsicnee. he <ll> Bounda.rtes to de!!ne ~

Enera ~ual Chapters ZtOl or 2405.. shall lmmedlatel7 rei;,ort the ~ W1tl:li11 which the author.zed act!vities aa appropr.ate. llave ?:een made. <3> A sulta of his lnvestipt!on b1 telephone and eond!Uons are penzutted; and Ucemee who delivers t1es of strate;ie special 11ucl~ m.atui-s!i::lee. mtem.a and ;,roc:edures to formula. quact1-and tel~ or ~type :o t.lle eon- <!ll> Oeteetton and JW'\\"ellw:lce 3Ub-such apee!al nucleu material f.o.b. at *-~ Perfonaaace c:s1'Uilltles rar 1bN conditions and communi<::lte them 10 al to a e&.l'?ier tor :n.z::sport or,.. and a.sse:a un:wthor'~ed activit.iu ~d the Point where it 1s deilvend to a cat*

  • site ph71iai protftdon *11 wm.1. that respell.le can be such a.a ~o itoP rter tor tr:I.ZlaPOrt shall al.1o &r* C&> To meet the senenl ;,~cr.:i:wice the sctMt7 or correct the conditions ranpments 'lfith the eoa.silttee to l)e requirements of i ~'O a !1.ud site be!ore str:Ltectc special nuclear t:..Uri*

aoWied immedia:ell' bJ telephone a..nd ph1Sic:al protection system shall m-al Is uolen or rldlololi=l sabot.lie telqr:!.pb. ~!et7Pe, or cable. o! the ar-elude the per!oniwice ca;,aoil1'1es de-commitUd.

rtv:u of the shipment ac it.I des&lnadou ICZ'ibed 1D ;,ancrapba tb> t!:rou&tl td> l'~t onl7 author.zed ;,laca or of &n7 sue shi;,ment thar. 1a lost

  • or of this section unlesa &U* mm, and movemenr; o! st.-atelie spe,,

una.ccounted :or a.fter the est1m&Wd thor!zed =,- the Commtmon. aw:lUr mate1ial Within time oC a.mnl at its destinAt!on. * 3:acl1 Ucemee who receives ~ persons and £P&tmaJs into :nater1al the p?l,sical proceetton sntem sb:lll: P:evenc unauthorized a.ccess of access-areu. To 3Chieve th.ii apabi!iey shi;,menc o! !or.:ul& qU&l1tities o! acces, areas and vital uea.s. To Cl> Detect. unauutomed s,w:-..ment str:1te1ie special nucear achieTe this c:a;:&bWt,- the phy'sica,l and :nave:::ient ot ltn.Ultc spec:al nu*

!mme<U&UlJ' cot!fJ' by telephone m4 protection S1'SUm shall: c:1ar ma;e1ial wtthm the material telecr'3,Pb or telecype. the pe:,on -.ho <1> Oe~ attempta to pJ:a. umu-access Me&~ ue tollowuis subsn dellvered th1t material to a. ca.mer !or thoriSed a,cces., or int?Odw:e w:iauthor-tems and sul:lfW:M:Uo~

tn.m;iOrt and the Director of the ap. !zed material aaosa :n&ter1&1 access or <1> Cont:'Ols a.nd :;,rccedures to cell:1.

prcprtate ~uc!ev ResuLatoZT Ccm-vital U""S boundaries ?27 stealth or eate authorized c,lacement a:id control misaicn Inspection and. Ec!orcemenc !orce ua1nc the !ollowtns;em.s !or stn:er.c special :iue!ear material: OltlH listed in a;:pendi1 A and subfunctiom: <ll> Conr.rol.s and ;,rocedures to es of the amv&l of at lt.s m Barriers to channel ;:,encna and ~11.ih currecr: authorized Clla.cement clasun.atton.. When :l "Cnited. 0.- mau."'i&l to a.ccesa and ntal and :novemenr: oL all SU'aUlic special PIDILU UGlSTU. VOL 4 NO. 1~WIDNISDAY', AUGUS? 9, 1971 nuclear within material tee:ed ares. t.o prevent' th'eft ilf -stra..:e-C3) ?:"ovide equipment for the 3eeurf* -

- a.ceea a..--es.s: gic special nuclear material a.,d to ;,ro-C lli) Controls and ;,rocedures to_ tee: apiilst raclloloiical sabotage. To. tu.res to: t; or;r!!.niz.a.tion ar:.d facility design fea*

,, maintain !mow!~~ of the identity,!eve mts capacility the.Phl-T.Cal quantity, placement, a.nd movement of protection s-;r.em sh.all: sa!egua.-,:u contin~encies: m P:-ov!de !or rapid assessment of ail strategic s;:ec:al nuclear :nate!"ial c ll Cecect a.c.:empts to i'3,ln una.u* <ill ?!'ovtda !or by assigned Within material. access areas: and

  • th.or.zed access or ::icroduce !l.::l..Uthor-s~u..-:t.7 or~"'Z'izatioo pen:oc-..r.el which Civ) Deteeticn and monito~ sub- !zed persons. vehicles. or ma.te!"4.als - to J.C:-.ievi? u:e :,rrede~e~e<.i object....,*~ is mf!cte:it17 ::iptd and ei:!ee:ive.;o 2S syster:u and i:ir,,eecures to dilcovet" into t:.e ::,rotected oy steilth or o! '.he and
ind 3.SSess u:ia.uthor'.zed placen:ent !o.rce ~ ::!la !ollov.~ sucsy;;;te:::lS c ill> P:-ovide protection for -:!le a..s and movement of sr.rateaie special :1u-and sull!u:.ct!.ocs: ses:sment ar:d res; ;:e:::;or..nel so ciea.r :naterial a.."'!.d coc:nWiicate t!:le:i (i) :aarr:er-5 ca :~el persons.. vei:li t!:at they-,:an completa ~ed so t~ c:m be such as ::o cles. a.:id ~! t0 ;,rot<?Cted area dut!es.

?"!'tllffi the stn.~c si,ec:aJ. nuclear entry co.acrol ;xu.oci; and to.:!clay a.ny C4> ?!-o\\1de commu.nicatioc.s net*

material to authorized ;:,la.cement or u:iauthorlzed ;:enetration a.ttem;;c.s or ;;-or:a to:

contra 1. th.~ introduction ot unauthorized vehl-C el ~rmit re?:IonJ. of only author* cles or cacffl4ls su!..~cie?lt to assist :iem ~vtda rapid ar.d acc-.irate ~~

!zed and CQnf!rmed !orm.s a.,d a::nounts cection and asses.mienc a.nd ~e:mi.t a :cission Cf jacu..-tt:, i::.!~nr.ation;

of straugic special nuclear rnaterfal that Will prevent the pene,msi:e fo:-ces for routine security c~er*

ftom access u-es.s. To achleve tra.tion or prevent such penetration ation. a.sse::.sment of a., this capability the physic3.l ;,roteetton from resultml' !n theft of stntegic a.nd response to a con:tagenc-r. ar.d cm ?!'ortde rapid a.nd accurate trans system shall: s;,ec:ial cuclea.r material or r.:1.d.iloi!cal <11 Detect attempts at U."'lauthoriud saoota~: and mission of detection and a.ssessc~nt_

-e:noval of strateg-?C special nucle:ir ell>.~ccess detection subs:r.ite!!"..s a.."ld in!onna.tion to ot!site a.sal.scance C%3.'tertal !ram lll!l.!U:a.l :?.Ce~~ by p~tlre$ to detect. assess 3.l!d CO!!l* forces.

ste!..lth or !oree usL~ the following munlca~ an,- unanthor:zed :,.~ss or ac:ion car.r.ot desr:.roy ~.he capability of <5> Assure that 9. s.t.,gie adversary subs~e?m a.nd..ubfunctions: m Barriers to channel persons :ind ;;,enetrations or mch attempts !ly pe!"-c.he security o:-ga.mza:;ion :o notify the matertals exitin~ a ! access son.s. V1!hicles. or at the ~!r.:e ot:.:site assi.sta.nce !o~ o! t..11e n~

a.rea ea exit control Points 3.Ild to delay of the act or the atte."?:pt so t~at :r.e tor

any Ul!author.zed.scrategic special nu-response ca.n be suc!l :is to *t h.or.z~ access OI" :,ei::.etra!.i.on, or pre,;ent the j 73.~ii F!.xed !ite phr-siw prot.ecti-,11 Jys cteu material removal attempts su!!!- Ull3.u dent to assist dete-:tion ~"ld ass~- pre'lent sucb. ~netra.tion 1'ro:n :-esul:temL iUOSy~. -?lenients..:orapo-ment and a r~ponse tha.t will ini' in the!t o!. st:ategic special o.uc!e::i..r n1?ntil. and proeeduzes.

pr'!vent the remo.,a.J.; and material or ndiolog:ical sa=:ot:i.g:e. Ca.l A phySical protec-:ion (11) Detection.iUbs"/'Stems ~d :.,-roce-C2l Detect at'..e.c:.::ir.s to iab ~a.u-.;yscec est:i.oli.shed ;:ursua.--:.t tu t!le dures r.o detect. asseS3 and commur..i-thor.zed a.cces.s or introduce u::au;;hor seneral ;:er!ornia.cce requi!'eoent:s of ote 3.tlY a~ecpcs at unauthor.zed re-tzed ~e."SOn.s. *:erucles. or c.a.ter:.als §73.20<a.Hl) and Ca.X:?> a.c.d ~he ;:er moval of strategic spectzl nuclear ?n2.- into the :,roteeted are2. oy deceit using forma.nce re-Qui.ece!l.t:. o!

terta.l so tha.t :-esponse to the 3.ttempt th e following and su.b!u.:ic: J ;3.,5 snail include, 'but :u-e not r.eces can be such a.s !o -;:irevent the removal. tioos; (2l Con:::l.n:l tr.e icientit:; *a.!::.d c;uanti-ti> *.\\ccess authorization controls and s:ml:, l.lm.ited to. the measures s;::iect*

ty o! stra.tegic speeW nucleu :::i.a:erial procedures to provide cu..-rent a.uc~ori fiej in pangra;:,hs { b) throui!l Ch) of pre.sented for removal !ro::i a. za.tiou sch~ules and ent.."'Y crlt.cria. !or chis ~tion. The Commission ::nay !'e*

access ares detect at;;e.mptS at un- ~rsons. vehicles. and ma~r!als; and quire, uepe!'lding on ;.ndh1cua.l fa.cillt7 author.zed :e::ionl o! strategic s~ <ii> Entry controls and procedures to site conditions. alter....:i.te or nuc!ear mate:fal !rom material 2 ~ ver.!:, the identity oi. persons. macert* tionat :neasu.--es dee~~ ::ecessar.r ~o a..-eas or deceit using the !ollowfD$ &ls :J..'ld vehicles and assess s-.icb. ic~cti* meet the 1ener-l. ;,ertor:nance :ec;uire a.nd sub!uncticn.s: ty ~t; current a.ut.llori.zation meor.; of ~ 73.:?0. r.,e Commission mo_

<1> controls a::d -;:iroce-scl:edules before ~:-::ut:ing entry and m.a7 authorize ;:rotection.::c.e:!.S"..:...~

du..-es to provide cur:-!?lt schedules for ~ initiate :espocsa m~u.---es to deD.7 Other than ~hose :-equind o:; t!".i.s sec tion i!. in iu cpi.niorr. th~ oven.l.l level authorized re?::nova.l o! sc:-a:eg+/-c ~ecial u:a.uthorized access. of ;:erfor=.a.n~ meets ~he ~e-~e!"':11 ;,er nuclear -;vl:lic..~ s;:,ec:!y the 3U* <&) Res-ponse. Ea.c!l ;,hnica! ;:rotee* !or-ia.nce require~enc.;; of ~ ":3.~ a.."ld thor.zed properties and quant!ties o! !ion :irogra.m sh.all ;>rovide a..:-espoz:sa tne ;:e!'ior::.:ia.nce ca.~abilit~ !'~uire material to oe removed. the ;:,erson.s o.pal:illity to 3.l!SU.-e that ~e five capa ments o! ~ i3.45.

authorlzed to remove :!:le, billt1es d.escrioed in ;:a.ra.gra.;:ih.s <~> Cb).Security Oi-ra,nizat!oc..

and the author.zed cime schedule: th.-ouih <!> o! this section Cii> Removal controls a.nd ;l.~~ aeh.le\\*~ and the a.d\\*enary !orces i:.tll Cl> The Ucensee shall estJ.~lish a se i:-JI'it::, o~tion !.nclucfu:g s'-13.rd.'s:

to identi.!y and con!!r.!l t.he p~erties be ennged and impe-ied until of!'site * (2> The licensee ha.*.-~ onsi:e ~=

and quantities o! :n3.te!'ial be!..-:1g re,. ~is~a."1~ forces arrive. To achieve all :i.t!le at le3.St one fl.:.l! :ime

  • moved and ver.!1 the Identity -of the
  • th!3 capacility a Ileen.see sh.all; persons maldng the removal and time <l) :E.or.a~Ush a securit7 orp.::ization of the secur.~::, OrT3-t'.iza.~ion,:th a..:.*

thori:Y to direc: the ;:h:;-sic::iJ ;,rotec of removal a.nd 2.S3ess these aga.mst to: tion activities of the se<:Urit7 or;:::uuza..

the C"~nt authcrize-i removal sched-Cl) Provtc!e tnined quail!ied per-tion.

ule !le!ore!g removal: and son.nel to carry out assigned duties and_ Clli> Communic:mons sul::.systecs respoc.s:.bilitie.s: (3) The ll~?"..see shall have a :na.n and procedures to provide !or-ncmfica-CU) Provtde !or routine security op~rag-ement sYSte::i to pro*l'ide !or ::.he ~~

tion ot an attem;:ted unauthorized or atioru and ;,la.nned 3nd predetermmed ve!cpment. revision. i.:::t::;lemeata.tion, tmconiirmed r-e?::.:1.oval so that !'esponse res; to eme~enc!es and S2.!ea.nd er.Jorcement ol sac-..uit:, ;:r--,.,ce-du.~. T;ie syste?n sbill ~cl<.:de:

C3.:l be :snc:h as ~o pre'le?:t ~e re.i::::.oval. ~.:arcs ~nt!nge:icies. Ci) Wr!:ten securit7 Pl"CCedW:!S en P:-ovide !or 3.uthonzed access a.r.d C2l E.sublish a. pred.ete:mi.ned ;ila.:1 which dcca!:lent :b.e st.:-'.!cture oi i:he 3.SSU.-e detee:!on of md ~~onse :o un* to respond

  • to c:onc!.::.gency secur::y.:>r-Ja.ni2ation a~::1 ';\\'hlc:i :eta.ti autJlor+/-zed pe~e:n.tions ol the pro-e-,enc.;. the duties of i'.!a.rds, watch..-ne.:i a.::d

fEI)EU.L HGISTII, VOL ¢ _NO. 1"4-W!!)N£!t!AY, >.U-CUS1' 9, 1971 3:5334 4 PKOP0SID IUW other Individuals resoc,mible !er HCU* be provided with mumin&tion suffl. !zed access to the materia.l and equip ritT,aad dent for the moDitoru:s and obser,a. ment In such areas. and who require

<11> Provtsion !or Written approval of t1on requirements o! parqra:,bs such access to pertorm their dut!es.

SUC!1 procedures and my revtsiom <c><3>. <e>. <h><4> and <h><5> of this Authorization for such 1.ndiViduals thereto by the Individual with overall semon. but not less than 0.2 !ootcu1-shall be Indicated. by t!le Lssua.nce of resgomibilitY !er the HCUrtty tune* dle meuuttd at a:round level. spec1&1ly coded num..bend o~es lndi* <5> Stratelie ~ecial nuclear ma.ten-ca.tin~ vttal areu.

  • mater1a1 access tion. <4> The UC1!mee sh&ll not permit m al. other than alloya. tuel elements or areas. and controUed access a..--eu to lndivtdual to a,ci; u a. iiuard. wa~ll* tuel assemblies..shall: which ~ la authori%ed. No ac:M*

man. armed resc,oCH person. or other dersotnc proces.s1nJ (1) Be stot'ed In a n.ult whe!l not an-ties other than thOH wb.ich reqwr~ !! the can access to --te-'-- __._, c:l member of the security orp.n!zation unless such Individual. ha.a been be uaed direet17 in the!a.crure ot s-.. *- ~....._ nu ear ma.

trained. equipped. and quall!!ed to a nUc:lesr ni,loaive devt~ cer1a1 or equipment used In the ;,ro-<11> Be stored In penetratioa-resis- ~--uae or ston1e ot stratelie ~

perform tsCh a.ssi8:led secur.ty Job 1::1.Dt. tamper-tndlcutns coata.!nen: cial nuclear aw:en.aJ. shall. oe ;ier.ait*

dUt? in accordance ;Tith Append!X B <lli> :s. processed onLy 111 tad within a macerial access are&.

ot thia Part uoener:LJ. Critert& !or Se accea uess coc.str-.JCU<l with barriers <3> The llc-..nsM shall and curtty ~r.soanel.. to be pu.allshed.iooa that proVide sl111tnc,at dela7 to pene-access control --anel those veh.cles follow procedures thU W1ll identib' to u an *l!~.ive n:le. Upo11 c.he reques, traticm: and., __

of m authomed respresent&Uve of* UY> Be kept m locked com::,artmenu that are authorized and those a:ateri*

the Commission the llcmsH sb&l1 or locked. p~ eqwpment wbJle Im* a1s that are not authorized entry to

  • demomcrate the at:Wt:r of the ph:ysi* dersolna proc~ except when per-protected. mt.ten:il ~ and vital.

cal securit? personnel to cam out sonail7 attended. ~ The !icensee shi.11 control an their,.ed duties and re5'1Qmihil <8) Enriched unmum sc,:ap In th it "aints ot "ersoanel and vehi'"'* ~--

ities. Ea.cb. itW'd. watcb.:naD. armed form ot small pfeces. cuttinp,. chipa. "',,,..... --

response person. and ocner member of soludom or in other forms which Into a proteeted area. Identification the secunt1 orp.nmuon shall ffifu& result from r. mmufactunns prcaas_ and search ot all lndlvtduals !or !Ir~

llfy in a.ccordance with.Appendix a ot co11ta.ined.ln 30 P1lon or tarrer con* arms. ex.,loatves. and !?:cendia:? de this pan at least eftr7 12 months.. ta.iners with a contem: ot Tien, sha.ll' be made and author~tion Such reqnallficaUQU sh&1l be doc:a 1... than 0.25 ~ per Uter, ma.,- be shall be checked at such petnr.s. 'C'.S.

mented. <5) Wlthm any 1tvm.ieriocl of time. atorect Within.* a. locked and separately Dei,artment ot i:Dera courle.~ en a me=ber of the security orpmzaUon area:' Providccf. That the stora1e a.rea cleaz i::s.aterial need DOt be searcted. Cenced area. ;Vithin & Iarser protected ~ In the tramPGrt o! si:ecw. nu

nay not be a.:ssicned to. or have cl1net !ence la ::io closer than ~ reet to the Licel!lff employees an YRC or operauonal control O\\"ff. more than perimeter of the proteeted area. The 'C'.S. Department o! Enera maurtal oce of the redundanr. clemenQ of a noraae area. when mall ?:e a.ceess aut.t:.or'.z:i.tion shall be sea..-c!led pll~ protection.subsystem 1! such protected by a IU&rd or wat.:hmen at least on a. random b&si.s. The ind!*

the lou ol effectiveness o! :he subsysa&s11t1m-.nt or control cou.1/41 result in wllo sball patrol at Intervals not ex* Vidlal ~pocsible !or the lut a.=esa tem. ceed1ns al houn. or by lntrmion conr;rol !unc'tion <eontro~ admJ.1. a1arma.... sion to the protected areal shall lle !.o-vttal lC) P?usical barrier SUbsiSte?:l.S. (1) equipment silall. 'be located onl7 < d>.Accesa control subaystems and lated. within ~ structure, with. bullet*

Within a vttal are&' and st:ateli~ ~* Pracaclu."'es.. <1> A numbem pictun/ re&Sttna Talls. doors, ceillcs. floor.

ba,dae idmtific:ation subs~tem shall and Windows.

dal nuclear material shall be stored or be used for all individuals wb.o are au- <5> At the ~olnc: ot personnel a.c.d.e processed onlY In a ca.terial aceas thonzed access to protected a.reu hicle *a.c:cess Into a protected area. all

- area. Both Vit&l ar-eu and material Without escon:. An individual not em* ha.nd-'.:&rried ;:acuges shall be access areas shall ?le tocated Within* a ployed by the Uc:emee 'but who re-searched for !!rearms. er.,loaives. and proteeted area so t!lat a.ccesa to vital quJres frequent utended a.ccesa ::o tnce:id1ary de*lica except; t!lcse '2ac!c*

equipment a.::d to st.-:a.te~c Sl) au prctected. matertaJ. access. and Vital ares carried by i:;ersor..s hai'inc an c:lnr :natertal requires areu may be au,horlzed acee,a to such NP.C or noz material accesa authort*

throush a., ~e33t two pi173ic:3l barrters. areu 'lrttl::.out esc:crt: Pro11iltttL That zation 'lrhic!:l s.t:tall be.sea.ret:ed on a

~d:ore than one vttal :l.l'H. or tnaterill.1 11e receives a. pic:'.in 'bac1s upoa en* random ba.sis wtien the ;:erson can-:r*

access are:1 :::ia.1 l:e located within a trance tntc the protected area which Ins ~hem.i;s selected :or sesrch.

male protected area.

  • must be rec:umed u:,on exit !l'OlD the < 6l All ;iaclca1es mater..a.l !or de

<2> The.:1113ieal bamers ~ :he pe ;irotected area and wllic!1 indicates m livery into the.:roceeted a.rn ce rimeter o! the :,rocected area. shall be nonemploree-ao escort requind: <ID checked !or pro~r identi!!c:at!on md se~ from an, QV?'ier ~ are:u to which access ia author.zed authorlz:i.tion and se3ld:ed on a.

iinated aa a ;:nysical !or a. Vital and (W> c.he period !or which access random ta.sis :or fi:ea::m.. e~;

area or macert&l ~ 3.rea. wtt.h.1:1 the ha.I cem auwnzed. Badia s.t:.all oe and ~dia.r,' devices ;incr to admit*

protected area. disi,la,ed tir all tndlV1dual.a while tance into the ;irocec:C4d a.-ea. exc~t taiaed in outd~ areu adJacent to <3> Isolai;!cn zoneS s.tull lJe ma.1::l* ~e the ~roteccecl areu.. those CQmmis.110:i a":;,rc'°ed c!l!ll'iery tr.e,~ barrier at. the ~rtmeter terial access arearat:d contolled a.ccess dm1111t.!d by t!le llc:eNff to te caz. Unescorted a.ccesa to rttal sttU. ma-

  • and illspection spec:.t!c:ill1 o! the protected area and shall l:e &1"eaS shall be llmited to 1.nd1Viduals r.ect ou, 'lrtthi.n mate.rta.1 ::.cces3, *.--i~

lam mo~h :o ;,erm!t.,bservation of who have an ?t-ac or DOE mater-.3.l or protected areu !or rl!3.5cm ot t!le ac:t1T!t!es at the SMO£ile on etther access authonzattou.z wbo an author* met?, secur'it7 or operational ::ecesst*

side of tt:a; !.n ~e even, of !t.1 t7. <'Tl."11 vehicles. excei,t O'.S. Cepar:.

provided !or em;:lo1ees or visito~ *~ ~tion. If ~ar~ !acllit1es are a.mffldmenw. reQw:=te m ~c me:it of ~er'ff en~ed in they shall be located ouuide tile !sola-murtal wu:or!z::&t!on :irocra.m for :!Cfl!3ff ~nine spedal ::iu:lear :..ter.aJ.

t1on ;one and exterior to :he protect te:1&l ed 2ft'tSI ta or eona"Ol OYer spec:a1 mze!ev ca,. <SECY-1 woa> ~ere ;n.ltlillhed a.s ~ and emer;~nc,- \\"eb.ieles UZ1der emer area. :n,,ooaed rule an 3'arcb 1 'T. 19":'T <4% FR ifflCY concimocs. shall =* sea.rc.b.ed !or

<4> liclation zones md. all e%te?ior

  • uaao> md wen dllcuaed !D a. ;iubUc !ln3rms. e.x;,lcaives. and i:lcendiar.,

areas 7ithin the protected area shall ~ OA.iul7 lO. 11. 1:. 1918..:evic:es ;iricr to ent?7 into :he ::,ro~t-


  • ed areL Vehicle areas te> be *sea?Ched <13) Individuals not pe r.nitted b y the ststmce ar resp o ndin c to an alum.

-shall 1nc lude the ea.b, enrine com.:art ll<:~ to enter ;:irotect ed 3:reas '1!7ithThe alar::i st..tions shall be controll ed m~ nt, unclercarrta1e. and cario ares. ou; escort sba.Il be escor:ed by a. access areu md their wa ils. doo rs.

.... (8) All vehicles, except dni~ated li watchman. or other lndJvidual desi~ ceiliDs. noor, and wtnco~ shall be censee Mhicles. re<it:i.."'il:i enm Into nated b1 th.I! ll~ee. while in a. protected area and shall be badr-cl to mbtlllet-resisttna. The central alarm sta Che protected area shall be escorted !)3' dicate that an escort i.s required. to ad tion sh~ be located With!n a 1:ui1d!nc' a member ot the sec-..lrlty orpniza.;!011 dlttcn. the tndtvic!ual shall 'be required so that the interior of the centnl while within the protected ares. a.-:d to ~r his name, date, ttme. ~ur alum!oa is not,i.!iole !rom the to the extent practicable sh.all be c!! pose of visit and el:lployment. a.mll~!"..meter of the ;,rotected s.r~ This lO&ded In an area. i.s not adjac~ a.tion. citlzembl~. anct-name of the !%1,. station ir.ay not contain any o-pe:-*

to a 7'ital area. Oesi1t:ated llcemee ve to be v'..sited. * :iconal activitie:s tha.c would lnterfett hi cles mall be limited in t~!r to. <l4> All keys. locu, cambinatiom with the e:t~tion o! r.he aLa.r:::t :e onsite plant !unct!ocs and sllsll and ~lated equ+/-pment used to control tu::c:iO!l.

remain In the prot~..ed area exce:>t .\\11 3.lam:s required ~ th!s see for operatioaal. caJ.ntena."lce. securtb' Tttal. ~ to ;,rotected. m&t.!rlal access. and cont:'olled J.Cce;a :1r!U shall tia..'l shall rema+/-::t ope~ble t:cm inde*

. and eme~ney ;,11..~oses. The licensee be ~ntrolled e;i red1Jce the prooability pe?:dent powe:-- so,..1-~es in the eve::i: ot sllall exercise posi:i*,e eoncrol o\\*er 3.ll of comproa:ise. Wher.ever there is evi t!'l.e loss ot non:ial power. Switchover such desi.nated,ehicles to assure r.h&t dence that a keJ'. lock. combination. or to standby pov;er mall ce au!Omatic they are used o:uy by author.zed,er related equipment may have been and shall not ca.use !a.lse alu::::.s on :m son.s and !or authoriZed pu,r.)ases. compromised it shall be changed. Iluncia.tor modules..

<9> T!1e licensee i,hall coi:r.rol all Ui:x,n termtna.tion of em:,!oyn:ent of {7) All ala.r:n devices.lncludma- ~

points o! ;:ier:sonnel and vehicle a.ccea any emplc,yee. k~ locks. combinac.ission llJ:es to a.nnunda.tors sb.a.ll ce to material aeces., areu. vtw areas t!ocs. and :-euted equ1:,ment to which. ta.mger !:l~~i ~d sel!-che~

and controlled access areas. Identfflc:a,. that employee had ac::cess. shall ~ e.~ an automa.cic l::d!cation is pro tion of ~rsonnel and!es shall 1:>e ch~ vided when,. failure of the a.arm made aut.~or.::ad.o.O: check~ u Ce> Ofteettoa. rurveillmce and alarm sYsta.m. or :i component occur... when sucil ;,oints. P.r.*~r to e:it.-y in'° & ma sucs,stecs anci procedures. <l> The li th.ere i.s an attempt to comproatise the terial access ~3.. ;:aduaes. mall 'oe censee shall provtde an* or wae."1 ~e sys:.em is on searr:!led for f!r~-=-s. er,,losives, ILDd alarm subsy3te?:i With a ca:,~cil ! ty to stanc~1 power. The az-.nunc:at!on of incendiarY ce*,ices..lll!e:s. ma.te deteet penetration through the !sol.a,. an a.lar:n 3.t the a1.arni sta~om shall ria!s md Pacitaies. inc!udin1 en.ah. t!on Z0GI! and ~o ;iennit respoase incileace the type of alarm ce.._. i:ltr.i, tocls and a<.uipme!lt exiti?:z ac:ion. sio:1 a.l3.r:D. exit ala...-m. etc.)

from a a.c:::ess are3. sha!l be C2> All emergency exits in pro and location. Toe ~..atus ol all a.J.a..--ma searc:ed for conce:iled st.~c s;:e tected. material~. and vtUJJ ares and al.arm zones shall be indlated ill ci~ :uclear ma;;er.3.l by-a. tea:n of a.t sball be locked to prevent e:icn- !rom the alarm s::aticna. two inciiv1dua.!3 who are not a.u the outside a.nd to provide <8> All exterior areas Within the pro thcr.:ed ~ to t!la.c ~ lccal visible and a.uciible :l.lar:n annun tee"'..ed a..-e.a shall be monitored or pcn area. Eac.!l !ndJviciUa.i ~:tittng a materi cta:fcn. adicaily c."'lecked so dei:ect the :>?'e, al access area shall underzo a.t least. <3).-ui unoccupied vital ams and ence of unau.thor!Ud persons.,;ehicles.

  • e; sea..-ches !or co~ed material access areas shall be !ocked material.i. er act:!Vities. <!>> ~et.hoes to observe individuals s:nter.c s;,ecial nuclear ::ater.a.l. Por and protected by u intrusion 1lar:n within material :.i.ccess areas to a.ssure indiliciuals ex!ti::1 a..'l are& that consubsystem wl:Uell. will a.larn1 u;:oa the tains onl; alloyed-or encapsulated entr1 ot a person, into the that strat~c si::ec!.aJ nuclear material stta.te,iic s;:iecial ni.;clear oater.a.I. the ar-..a. uwn e:cit f:om the a.rea. !lnd !s not coved to -.:nauthor.zed loca:iom second seuch may ~e conducted 1n a upc:i moveme:it cf an !:ldmdual or in 3.0 unautb.or:z:~ n:unner shall te random manner. the &l"!&. e:tce;,t that !or proc pro-.tded and used on a

<lO) 3efo~ exit~ from a. m.a.ter'.al ess material ~ are3.S i:,nly the ~~ tas"..s.

aceess area. containers of contall'.ina.t. tion of the strateiic s;,ec!al nuclear Ea.c~ J"..a.rd. Wll.r_c":-ao or a...-:::...~ :-e(!) Co::i.=unicat!on subsnte:::3. c ll

.tamper sealed l:y at two lndivtded wastes shall ~" d..,::n sc:u:.ned a.nd material wtt..'lin Che a.-es. is :equir~ to Sl:> ::ldhidual on du.t7 sllall ::e ca UL3. ~orkinc a::d :-ecor:Unr a.s a. team. be so alar:ned. Va.ult& 3.r.d process ;>~le ot :iaimai.aioc CO!l~ous ccm who do not hs.v! access :o materiat areas ccntain st.-a~c ~!al ::i.u municat!on With an :ticil\\idual !.:1 e3.Ch

~~inf and sto~e ~ clea..: macerlal tha.t ha& not ~en al~ntinuo'131Y :na.a.ced al3.r:1 s::i:!on re,

< 11 > Strate~c s~ecial nuclesr c::ste. loyed or enca~ted shall 3Jso be cruire-d l:,y ~pl:l ( e!<5> ol til.i.s s<<*

3.l bei::i' ; !'Jr shtp:ie.c.t otf.stte. under the surveillaD.ce of closed cir:uit ::on. who shall be capable c.f ~ produce. sa.m;,les and scra;,, teler.sion chat !s monitored. in 'both !er aas::r..:in~ !:"OQ other r"ilL-.1s.

sh:i.ll be packed and ;llaced Ln ~ed ala.rm.r..atiom and a.t one other 'W3.te! and a.r:ned re3;,~~e ;:er conwne:s 1n :he ;:iresence o! at coceinousl1 :::anned omite loc:ition < 4>.All c::z.:::ied ~53 ccnt:ol poin~ ~r.nel and !roe !a-:: en!or:e.:i:ent au t;o !ndlvt.:iuw,;.-or~ 3.S a te:mi w!:o In the ;,rotec-ted a..~ barrier, all secu thorities.

shall each shipping container th."'!lu.,t1 the verify ILDd cert1!y :he eoncmt of ri~ pa.r.rol.s a.'ld g-.J.a.ri! statior.s Wit? :,an.gra.;,a <eX5> of (2) Each alar:n sta:ioc :-equir~d by ~tion shall the ;,ro~ area. and both 3.larm have 'cotb. con,enctonal U!lephone witnc!S3inl ot iTOSS we~ht mev.irestat!ocs shall be ;>rovtded With d~ service and r:id!o or microwave tnns menr. and nondestructtve assa.y. a.nd throuah the iDSpeccioa. of taml:)er seal ala.r:t:3. <5> All a.1arms requir!d ;iu.~ant to mitted two-way,olce

intesritY and assoda.ted seal ~rds. thi:s sect!oir shall im.9:unciace ill a con e!ther d!rec-.Jy or throo~h 3Jl u:ter:::1e

< 12> AreU used for ;ireparmg strate tinuously ??:anned. ~tr.\\l ?.!arm stadtary, !ar the capability of cocmt:n1-lic s.,ecial nuclear i:n.aterial !or ship,, tion located Within ~he ;:ro tect ed ares. cat1on wtth the law !n!orcemen, authorities.

ment and areas ~ !or ;iac!a.l+/-nc u:d m. at. least one other inder;,ende?1t ( 3) Nonpor"'..aole com:iu..'licaticrns and sere~ a.nd ~:i.-..:es shall contmuousl7 ca.m:ed omite station be controlled ~ a..-eas and shall ?::e not necessar+Jj' -:r..C:in the :,rot<<~ed equi~c:en~ controlled by the Uc:er..see se~ara.ted !rem processing and staraa-e area. so t.'lat a. stn.rle :ict cannot 3..'ld req*.l!red by this section shall are3.S.. remove the capa0llit7 of c~ !or 3S-r~ca.i.."1 operable from tnde~ndent

r:i:tUL lt!Gt~ V~L 43, HO. l!4-W!!lHISDAY, AUGUST 9, T9n 35336 PIQPCSID IWW power sources In the event af the 1oa d1viduals !nc!ependent of both 3eeurl.ty (111) Take Immediate COUC-J.rrent of,ower. mana.cemen, and security sui,ervmoa. Tfat and maincenance prosni,ms. The nmew shall l.nelude a. review and measures to neutrallze the threat l>r. <A> :Requtrms resi,ondina au,ards or The Ucemee shall ~v* & ta:.. and audit at sec:w'it7 procedures and pra.c other armed response personnel to in*

maintem.nce procn,m for l.ntru.sion tic:es. naluai:iou of the effectiveness of teQOSe themselves bet"Jree.a vital a.reu.

alarms. emerieney ezit &1a:ms. com* the PhYsical protection systam. an and ::naterial a.ccess a.res.s and ~ ad*

tn1Jn1cati0m eqUipment. physical bu* &ud1t of the.PQ1Sical protecti011 vers&r7 a.ttemptmr ent:7 for i;iur,oaes nen. md other physical,rotection re-sncem testms and mamterw:u:e pro stntQic s-peeial nuc!ea.r material and of or the!t ot lated devices and equipmem: wed pur-cram. and. an audit of commitm.enta es sumt to this section tba.i. sl:1all provide taalished !or respome bT local law en to intercept &DY per.son mt1n1 With for the !ollowinl: farcemen~ authonties. The results of sgecial aucleu m:stertal. and

<l> Testa and impec:tiom durtns the the review, audit. and evaluation aloas <B) Informins local law woreement installation and comtrw:tion o! * ~- wtth recommend&tiom. eorrectiom a.pncies of the threat and requesmis cal pro'8dou re!&ted ~ and and !or lmpravementa, il an.,, shall t:e auista.nce.

component.$ to

  • assure that they doc* umcted. reported to tu licem <~> The llc:emee shall !nst?Uc:t enr.,

com-pl.1 With their res-pective desicn ee's plant mam,ement, mci to cor;io ltlard or other arced res; person*

crtterla and ;,er!ormance s-peci!fc:l* rate macacemec, at least one left! nel to r;,revenc or impede act.s of :-a.die t10m. hiiiier than that havin. responsibility Io~. sa.boc.<< or tho!!t ot m-atelic-.

(2) P:'eoperaticmal* tests and 1:spec-for t.'le d&7 to day pl&D.t operations. s;,ectal nuclear material by us~ !orot ttoas of phntcal protection related The reparta shall be kept &n.Uable at suf!lcient co counter the force directed subsrstems and component& to demon* the pwit for lmpectlon !or & period of at him. !ncludinr the UH of deadly strate their etfeetivenesa and ava11&h11* 5 7e&l'9.. force wb.en the ruard.l or other ar::ied

!Cy with res;:ect to their respectift Ch> Continlency and resi,ome plam respame- :;:iersonnel & desicn criteria and* performance spect. and procedures. belle! that it Ls necesu.ry In-sel!-de ficat1om.. * * <ll The licensee shall haft & sate-fense or In the defense ot othen.

of p}U's1cal protectioa rela.ted. subsya. With threata. thefts. and rad1ololical C3> Ope."'&tional tests and lD,s-pectiom ru,arda contu:iseney plan tor dea.lina detect!tlu of,enetrat1on of the pro<Sl To fa.etlltate Initial res;,onse tG tau and eamponen:.s to a.aure their sa.botace related. to the s-pec<.:u nuclear teeted area &nd asHSaJ:Z:.ent of the exis mainteD&Dee In an operable and.tfec-material and :i:iclesr subject. tence of a threat. a. ca.;,abWty of ob t1ve condition. izlcludlns: to the provfskms of thia section. Sate~ the 1$0la.tion zones and t?le

. m Tesdnc ot each lntrustcm ala.rm iUards cont1name7 p1am shall l:le In physical bar:'ier at the pert.meter of a.t tb.e betmninr and end of my period accoraazu:e wtth the Criteria. in appm. the ;:irott!Cted ~ shall !le :,rcviced.

that lt la used.Uthe :,mod ot contm* dbt C *to tb1s -pan:. ":.lcemee Sa.!e ::,referabl7 ?>y :::iesn.s 01 closed cfrcuit ou.s use Is lcnrer than T da.~ the In* ru.ards Continceney P' C-i3 :FR televmon or 'by other suitable means trmton &1anD shall also be tested at 119e2l.. Contmpncy plans shall In* which llmi~ exposure of ?eSi)OUd~

leas, once even-T days. elude.. but not I:* !Jmited to, the re-personnel to possible a.ttac!r.

<ll> Testinc of communicatloas SPoDa requirements In paracraphs. pied vaults and unoccu;,ied in&tenal <'f> Alar=.s occur..n; within unoc:ctJ*

equfpmenc requtrM for-communi~ Chl<2> throuah Chl<5> of th1I section.

tiam omtte, includir.r duress alarms. <2> The licul.!ee shall establish and access ana.s ecntainin~ unalloyed or for,erforman~ not less trequently doc:umm~ reS"POn.M arranimenta that Wl~ed stn.telie speda.l llUcle- -

than once at the bqimlins ot each se-- *. 'been made with local law m* ar mater1a.1 shall be by at.

eurtty personnel woa shi:t. CommWli* !orcement authorities.

  • 1east two ~ty personnel u.smr

~ocs equipment required for-com* <3'> A minimum of five <5> rw,.rds cloMd circ:uit televtsion < CCT7l or ot!s1te shall be tesud !or shall b& &nilable &t. the !acilltJ" to tul* other remote means.

iot < *I> P?'ffentive maillte:ia:ce pro-
  • menta. In add1t!on a. !orce ot iu.ards or less than once a d&T. !Ill aasesm:e:ic and res;>ocse require-pled material access areu that contain (8) Alarms OCC'UrrinC wtthln unoc:eu

ir:u:cs shall l::e established !or Pb.7sical armed response persomiel also shall ce only alloyed or enc:1pau.ia:ed..stnter.c pro~ related subsrstems and av&il&ble to provide aatsc.ance aa nee si:ecial nuclear :natenal shall be u com~nenu to a.saure their ecntinued essar,'. The size availabWt:r of the sesaed as ill Pancr&Ph m a.cove or ?>r maintenance in an operable and e!!ec-additional force shall be deter:nined at least t'TO Security pe_.pSQz:uiel who Uve conciltion. cm the bu1a of site-s"41Cif!c ccn.slder-shall unde~o a. s~h. oetcre e:ut!nc

<5> All pbystcal ;,rotect10n related-atim:.s thai could affect the ability of the aJAtertal a.ccea lreS..

subaj"Stems and comi,onenr.a s!lall be the total omite ~me !oree to c~e the tan:i "=ciustrtal 11. Section 73..;5 !.s smended to s&bo~e**

?n&1:lu.ined In ope.."'ll.ble condition. The ~e and lm;:ede the adversary licensee sh&ll develop and employ eor-force until oUsite a.uir.aziee arrives. to ndioloe!Cll" wlarever it ree:r,e action procec:ures acd eompea-ne reuon !or de~ the total a.ppeus. U. Sedan ~3<1:t> i.1 r'!'rised to read sato17 meuures to aaure that the el* number and a.nil&billty of u !ollo-:va:

fectt-;-eness of the physical im,tectlon armed :espome pencmnel 3hall be in synem :s not reduced by ta.ilun or eluded in the ~brsi=l protection plans f ~~ Requinmenc. tor physic:al pro,_

other coctin.enct~ a.! the oper* submitted to the CommJsaicn !or ap.. doa ol llceftffd xumtes in nucl-auon ct the security related equip. proftl.. power reactors &pins& r:ldio~

mmt or structures. Repair.I and ?Dain- <*U Upan detecti011 of abncrmal pr-.,abocap.

tenacce aaall 'oe pe?'!ormed b7 a; !east ence or acttvtty of ~as or ?ehicles two lnd1vtduals workine u & tam wao within an isolation %0De. a,rocecucl have been trained in the operation &res. & material access area. or & Vital * * * *

  • and pmormance of th~ equtpmem. a.rn.:- or u-oon endence or 1nd1cat!ott of i'?Ustcal - MCU:ity orp.nization.

T!le security o?'IIUliZ&t1oa shall 'be ao- !nU'Ulion l:ito a. protected ans. a. c,,a.. Cl> The llce!laee sbaJl establ.Lsh a.secu ti!led before and a.tter service Is per-terial aa:esa area. or a. vital area. the rity orpni:aeiOO. l.nC!'lldi.D.C iUUds, to formed and.1hall conduct ;,ertormmce Ucemee security orpmzacton shall: protect hi1 tacWty 3.13,imt radiololical veri!ication tests a.:ter the servte. hu (1) Dete."'mille whether or not a. ~o~e.

beea camcileted. thrnt '6l The securttJ ;:irorr:im shall be re-- <W Assess the extent of the threst. aist.1.

  • the security olT<l,.D,ization-<2> At one !ull-t!me member of who has the

viewed at leas, even-12 ::nontm by In* Lt ~. autllortt7 to direct the physical ;,ro-

PIDKA&. lllGISTD. VOL 43. NO. l~W11)NISDAY, AUGUST 9, 1971

_tectlon...sctivities of t."le seeurit7 Of'T3.* J ~:-Sa Requinfflents ror ph7 3lc::i1 :x,,tee* a..'"t.1 of theft or in d ustri al sabotase 07

  • nizatton. shall be o~ite a.t all r:'.mes. tio11 ol licensed ktivities in nucl~ar us~ !orce sut..aicienr: co counter the

, <3> 1:'he Ucensee !hall have :1 :nan* po*et' rnctors apinat radloio,Jio1 force ~ed a.c him :..' dea.dly agement JYStem to ;,rovtde tor the de sabocap. force when the r.a:r:i nas a rea.sonal:lle telopmenc. revt.ston. tmpltmentation. belle! it Is necessary i:1 se L!-de! OL" and enforcement of securit7 :;,roee * * * *

  • in the defense o! others.

duns. The systam m3.ll Include: c 11 Testinl' and ~!a.lntenance. * * * * * * *

  • m Written security procedur5 Viewed a: every 12 :nonc.l::.s C4> The security proar.,.m.;hall~~ by in*

which document the st:ruc:t".u-e of :he independent of 'both Sec".U:tY and J 73.iO (Cl md l i) i:s :'e\\-ueci to 15. The prebtory lanil,lage o! } 73. 'T~

seeurtty orp,niza.t!oa and wt-..ich de~ management and.sec-J.rity superv1sioa. read a. follows:

and duties of i1,Lat"'...s. ;;-a.teh::ien a.ncl The reView shall include a :evtew &nd other lndiv1dual.s respoc.sibl! for.secu* audit of security procedures and Pr.M:* f':'3.,IJ ~

rity; and. t!ces. evaluauon of the eUec:ivenes.1 ot Ea.en Ucemee subiect-i:o the :,rcn*

Provf.lion !or written approval of the pnysical :,rotec:tion system. aa sioa.s of H i3.2tl. 73.25. 73.28. 13.27.

such procedures and an:, revt.sion.s audit of the Ph7!ical ;iroteetion andior 'i3.,5, 73A6. f 73.SS thereto oy the lndiVidual. overall system testinr and maint.enance s::roshall ~eep t~e tollowtn~ :-tter'...s:

respomibilltY for the sec-.u::y !unc* i:-am a::d ~ audlt o! commit?:ienr.. !S tions. foreement authorities. The results o! tabli3hed !or response by local !aw en* * * *

< 4> The licensee shall not pen:!.it an the. revtew audit *3.lld evaluation alone <c> A rer.ster ot 'lisitors. vendors.

individual to a.ct a.s a,uard. watchman With recommendat!ons for eol'T'eccior-..s and other indiviciuw not employed by or armed _response :,erson. or other and improvement.,, 1t any, shall ?>e do

  • tb.e licensee pursun.n~ co H 73.46< d><lO >

member of the security orr,m!zat!on cumented.. reported co the licensee's and 73.55<dXd>.

unless suc:h indivtdu3l has ~n plan, manaament, and to cori:;orate trained. equipped. c;uallfied to mana.ement at one level

  • hiiher * * * *
  • perform each a..si1t1ed securit7 joo t!laa. thac havtr.c responsil:IWt:, !or the Cg) 52'..i;:meab ot 3"ecial aucl~ar ma-duty in accordance With ap~endix B. da.7 to da.y plant open.C!on. The re renal.subject to the requirernenr.i o!

ot this part *~neral Criter'..a. tor Se ports shall be kept available at the i;::ar!. !nciuam~ na.m~ of c:i.mers.

curity Personnel'" to be pullU.,hed 300n ;>la.-:t !or inspection !or a period ol ~ major ro&e.s to t:e i.ued. fil;iht nu:::l:lers a., an e!!ecttve rule. Upon the l"!ql.!'5',.~. in the case of air !Shipments. ca;~ and of 10 authorlud representa.t!ve of t..'le H;,ected tunes of dl?:>arture a:id arriv*

Commission the Ucensee s!:all demon* * * * *

  • al. oi ltJ;,mencs.,erific::i.:~on of com stnte the a.llillt:; of the ;,hysical secu* U. Section 73.55<h> ls amend~ !o munication '!qui-;,ment on toa.rd the rity persoanel to car.-r out their a.srenumber ~graph (h)(5) a.s (hl(~) tra..""IS!er vehicle, names of mdi.,idua..l.i signed duties and.res;,oasibWties. and rerua ;,ar:ig:ra;,a b.<4> a.s pa..-at~rt vehicle, container s~ ce-who are to comml.l.nic:ate Wi.t.h tile Each 1uard. watchman. armed re,raphs Ch> (4) and C5} a., !allows: sc:-ipeicns and identif!cation. and a."t)*

s;,onse :,erson. a."ld other me:1:er of § "l'3.55 Requirements tor ph1'!kal prtKee* other i.c.!or::ati.Jn to con!lrm che the security orpa!z:ation shall r~ua ttoll of UCfflled s.ctinties in nuc!fV :near..s utillzed co com~J.y with §§ i3.25, ll!y in accordance with appendl:t B of poll'ff reactors spins& radiolopcal 73.:?6 a.."?d i3.!?T. Such iniormation this part at leut every 12 months. saoocqe. shall be ::-ecorded prior u, sh.ipr:ent.

Such requall!lcaeion shall be docu* In!or::1ation obtained durtr:.&' tne

ienud. By C3OO cl.ayS &!ter th$ rule * * * *
  • course of tt:e sr..i:,cieoc such 3..3 regorr..l b~cme:s e!!ective> licensee shall <h> ~uirement: * *
  • ot sll eommt:.?'.ications, ch3.ntie of shiP submit a. t~ and qua.lillcatioa.s <4> trpon de,tecttoa of acnorma.L ;)res pq ;,l.a.n inclu~ ::::ionitcr cha.n6~
,la.n outll.nin&' the ;iroces.,es by,;vh.ich ence or activity of persons or *1ehicle.s t:-...ce tn.*esc:f3.t!o~ and other jhail

,uards. watchmen. ar.ned ~ome within an f.solacton zone. a p1'1)tected also be reco::-ded.

,erson.s. and other memllers of the se area. a 3.Cces.s area. or a *rttal * * * *
  • curity O?'iu.nizatioc. \\1ill be selected. z.rea; or u;,O11 e7idence or Indication oi tra.ined. equipped. tested. and quali lnausion into & ;,re~ area.. ::lAta f :'3.:'t (.-\\mend.a]

fied to assure these individuals meet rial ac:ceM area. or Vital area. the U* 16. Section 73.'il(a} is 1-mended to the requittments o! ~ ~h. cecsee secur1ty o~aniza.Uoa shall: m Detarmine w!:ether or not a. change ~he r~fe~ to J 73.30<!) :o The tn.1nina and quall!lcaticms plan threat re!erence J 73:Z'l'( ~>.

shall lncluce a schedule to show how <11> As.less the extent of the threat.

all security persoru:el Will be qualified !! any. § ':'O~ (Amended]

b1 (;ntmn 2 1ea.."'S a..'ter the rule be <111> Tak& im=edi&te concurrent t7. Section 'l'o.::cir> is ac:ienaed ~o :-e*

comes '!!!ecti\\"'e) or Within 2 1e:us tneasur~ to neatra.Uze the threat or. :,lace re!e~nce *** *

  • j§ i3.J0 throusn a!ter the..submitted ;,Ian Is approved. C.%.l Re<iuirtna res;,onsinl iUUd.s to 73.36 * *... With re!erence to ;,a..r: 73.

whicht-.,.er Ls later. The trainlni' a.nd qualltlcation.t ;>1&!1 shall be !allowed. interp(IR themselves tet"":Veen § i0.J% [Amended J access areas and Vital area.s and a:27 lS. Section 7O.32CdJ !.s amended co r-e by the llcemee a.fter < 500 d.ar3 a!ter a.dvenary attemptmc entry !or the place Che reference to f 73.~O<.e> with the rule becomes e!!ecti~> or ;,ur;,oae of theft o! SQecial o. uc:le&r ::::.aurial or saoocap and to i:l* re!e~ce to i'art 'i3.

after the submitted s::la.n Is a.ppro*ed tercept any person e:titinl wi th special 19. ~tion iO.32Ce> is amended :ore by the Z..'"RC. whichever ls later. nuclear materia.l. aod. place the re!e:-ence to ;,ar~n C!l

  • * * * * ' taformmc !oc:il law en!orcement with :o. Section 70.32W i.s del e ted. reference co pa.rt 73.
13. Section 73.5~< ~> Is. amended to. agencies-of the threat and requestin~

add a. new subparaera;:,h C4} to read as assi:stacce. CS) The licensee shall in5tr.ict ev~ry <s<<. lSU. P'.1b. t..33-703. da Stu. 94a: ~

cnard. to prevent or imEJede ~..empted ZOl. :?O<ltb><ll. ?\\!::i. t- ~3-433. 38 St:i.t. l:?-l3.

follows: 1245 CU !J.S.C. :?:01. 5o-ll. sa..-.1.,

FIDO.Al llGISTU.. VOL~ NO. 154-WHl~AY, M:GUST 9, 1971

  • 35338 j

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  • I Dated at Wa.ahinatcm. C.C. t.h1s 1st I day of~ 19'78. I mJ.saioa. Pol' the ::fuclear Reswator-7 Com*

8<<:nttrr'I * &xrJZtJ.cmiz. o/ tJu CommittimL,

CPR Ooc. '11-U'i,1 P!Ied 5-3-78: 8:46 aml ENCLOSURE F The Honorable Michael A. Bilandic Mayor of Chicago Chicago, IL 60602

Dear Mr. Mayor:

On August 15, 1978, I received a letter from Messrs. Nader, Pollock and Bancroft about shipment of high enriched uranium through O'Hare airport.

Their letter reflected some apparent misconceptions concerning this matter.

In response, therefore, I provided them a documented staff -summary of facts and events following the December 2, 1977 announcement issued by the City of Chicago on this subject. I am enclosing a copy of that response which may also be useful to members of your staff and other interested parties.

The possible use of military airports for exports and imports of high enriched uranium is still being considered by the Executive Branch. The NRC staff will keep your office infonned of any new developments in that regard and maintain close coordination with Chicago officials until this matter is finally resolved.


Joseph M. Hendrie Chainnan


Letter to Messrs. Nader, Pollock and Bancroft from Chairman Hendrie dated -----

cc: The Honorable Zbigniew Brzesinski Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs