SECY-22-0025, Enclosure 12 - Comment Summary Report

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SECY-22-0025: Enclosure 12 - Comment Summary Report
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Issue date: 03/29/2022
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Comment Summary Report Systematic Review of How the Agencys Programs, Policies, and Activities Address Environmental Justice March 2022 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, Maryland Enclosure 12

Introduction On April 23, 2021, in a Staff Requirements Memorandum (Agency Document and Management Systems [ADAMS] Accession No. ML211130A07), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) directed the staff to systematically review how the agencys programs, polices, and activities address environmental justice. As part of this review, the Commission directed the staff to evaluate recent Executive Orders and assess whether environmental justice (EJ) is appropriately considered and addressed in the agencys programs, policies, and activities, given the agencys mission. As directed, the staff considered the practices of other Federal, State, and Tribal agencies and evaluated whether the NRC should incorporate EJ beyond implementation through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The staff also reviewed the adequacy of the 2004 EJ Policy Statement and considered whether establishing formal mechanisms to gather external stakeholder input would benefit any future EJ efforts.

Additionally, to carry out the Commissions direction, the staff engaged stakeholders and interested persons representing a broad range of perspectives, including community-based organizations, national environmental and nuclear safety nongovernmental organizations, labor unions, licensees, state and local governments, and Tribal nations in order to solicit their views.

The staff requested comment regarding the NRCs current EJ practices and ways to potentially enhance EJ in the NRCs programs, policies, and activities in a Federal Register notice published on July 9, 2021 (86 Fed. Reg. 36,307). Although the original comment period was scheduled to end on August 23, 2021, based upon requests, the comment period was extended twice, with the comment period ultimately ending on October 29, 2021. (See 86 Fed. Reg.

43,696, August 10, 2021, extending the comment period to September 22, 2021; and 86 Fed.

Reg. 50,745, September 9, 2021, extending the comment period to October 29, 2021.)

Comments received in response to this request for comments, as well as other important documents regarding this effort, are available in ADAMS and at the Federal rulemaking website at, under Docket ID NRC-2021-0137.

The staff also held virtual public meetings on July 15, 2021 (afternoon and evening sessions),

September 27, 2021 (afternoon session), and October 21, 2021 (afternoon session) to gather comments from the public and listen to concerns as part of the NRCs outreach effort.

Transcripts for the meetings can be found at ML21200A183, ML21200A189, ML21280A350, and ML21300A208. The ADAMS Public Electronic Reading Room can be accessed at For help with ADAMS, contact the NRC's Public Document Room reference staff by telephone at 1-800-397-4209 or 301-415-4737 or by e-mail at

Additionally, the staff created a special webpage at to keep external stakeholders informed about this effort. The webpage contained questions for the public, instructions for submitting comments, and internet links to audio versions and transcripts of the public meetings, along with meeting summaries and a podcast. In addition, important documents, including public comments, are also available at the Federal rulemaking website at,

under Docket ID NRC-2021-0137.

The purpose of this report is to summarize the comments received about the agencys programs, policies, and activities addressing EJ. While the staff is not providing specific responses to the comments received, the comments were considered in the staffs systematic review and the formulation of its recommendations and commitments. This report is structured in three sections:


A. The Systematic Review of How the Agencys Programs, Policies, and Activities Address Environmental Justice B. Comment Summaries C. List of Commenters.

A. The Systematic Review of How the Agencys Programs, Policies, and Activities Address Environmental Justice Review Process and Objectives As stated previously, on April 23, 2021, in a Staff Requirements Memorandum (ML211130A07),

the Commission directed the staff to systematically review how the agencys programs, polices, and activities address environmental justice. This report documents comments provided during public meetings and written comments received from the public and other interested persons in response to the staffs request for input on the agencys programs, policies, and activities in regard to EJ. The staff received and reviewed approximately 2,470 written comment submissions, of which 693 were unique individual comments.

The staff binned comments received in the following subject areas:

  • The Meaning of EJ (Section B.1)
  • Proposed Changes that Would Benefit EJ Communities and Tribal nations in EJ-related Engagement Activities (Section B.2)
  • Other Proposed Changes to the NRCs EJ Policy and Regulations (Section B.3)
  • Proposed Ways to Identify EJ Communities (Section B.4)
  • Other EJ Programs for the NRC's Consideration (Section B.5)
  • Federal, State, or Tribal Programs for the NRC's Consideration (Section B.6)
  • Effective Current Policy (Section B.7)
  • General Support for Doing this Review (Section B.8)
  • General Support for Changing How the NRC Considers EJ (Section B.9)
  • Other Concerns Not Directly Related to how the Agency Addresses EJ (Section B.10)

Review and Consideration of Comments The comments provided during the comment period identified many important issues that the staff have considered in developing its paper for the Commission. Many comments were direct replies to the questions proposed by the staff in the Federal Register notice published on July 9, 2021 (86 Fed. Reg. 36,307). More detailed information regarding the comments on these subjects and others is provided below.

B. Comment Summaries This section of the report summarizes the comments received and groups them by subject matter. Each summary includes a listing of comments that were considered to be relevant to the specific subject area based upon the staffs review of the comments. Each comment submittal was assigned a unique commenter identification number. When a comment submittal addressed multiple issues, the submittal was further divided into separate comments with tracking identifiers. Section C of this report contains a table that identifies the commenters, their affiliation if provided, and the ADAMS Accession Numbers for the comment submittals.


B.1 The Meaning of EJ Comment Summary: Several commenters expressed concern that the NRC does not adequately define EJ in its policies and that there is a need to expand the definition of EJ beyond looking at adverse and disproportionate impacts on minority and low-income populations. Commenters suggested that the NRC review and follow the 17 Principles of Environmental Justice put forth at the National People of Color Environmental Justice Leadership Summit in 1991 as well as the Jemez Principles documented on December 6-8, 1996, by the Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice. Commenters clarified that adoption of these principles would help the NRC further define what EJ means to the agency and its mission. One commenter suggested that the NRC become familiar with social science concepts of justice, such as distributive, procedural, and restorative justice, and apply these principles to its practices. Another commenter proposed that the agency redefine the term adequate protection to mean nondiscriminatory protection and that the NRCs mission should not lead to disproportionate risk to EJ communities. Several commenters also suggested that the NRC follow new EJ-related Executive Orders to expand how the NRC incorporates EJ into its mission or adopt the defined terms in the May 2021 White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council Environmental Justice Interim Report. Other commenters suggested that the NRC improve its implementation of the 2004 Policy Statement on EJ and regulatory guidance given the NRCs authority under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954.

Commenters questioned the NRC's role as an independent agency, whether the NRC should even be considering EJ at all, and the cost to taxpayers of this EJ review. Others, to the contrary, said the NRC was overly narrow in its interpretation of legal authority regarding EJ issues and public health and safety, and suggested that NRC was just giving lip-service to EJ principles.

Comments: (1-8-1) (1-11-1) (1-12-1) (5-7) (9-2) (10-1) (10-3) (10-4) (10-5) (10-6) (10-7) (10-8)

(18-1) (22-1) (22-2) (23-2) (26-6-2) (26-7-2) (26-24-3) (26-25-6) (26-29-1) (35-1) (35-21) (39 2) (42-3) (45-1) (46-4-6) (46-6-5) (46-6-14) (47-5) (48-3) (50-2) (51-5) (51-6) (52-6) (55-7) (67-1)

(71-2) (73-2) (101-1)

B.2 Proposed Changes that Would Benefit EJ Communities and Tribal Nations in EJ-Related Engagement Efforts B.2.1 Broadband Comment Summary: Many commenters stated that EJ communities do not often have broadband, making it difficult to interact with the NRC, find out information regarding public meetings, participate in virtual public meetings or view slides presented during virtual meetings.

Other commenters expressed concern about not being able to participate in meetings scheduled during the pandemic, during the workday, or because they live in areas distant from cities or do not have good access to e-mail. Commenters also requested that the NRC be sensitive to language barriers. The commenters also questioned how the NRC would effectively engage with EJ communities when the EJ community did not have internet access.

Comments: (1-2-2) (1-2-3) (1-4-1) (1-8-3) (1-9-4) (2-2-2) (2-2-3) (2-8-2) (3-3) (14-4) (26-5-6)

(26-19-6) (26-39-1) (59-9) (95-1) 4

B.2.2 Comment Period Length Not Adequate or about Enough Topics Comment Summary: Many commenters requested that the comment period for public input to the NRC's EJ programs and activities be extended, and many requested a 4-month extension.

Other commenters focused on the timing provided for public comments on NRC actions. One commenter suggested that there be more advanced notice in announcing scoping meetings and that those meetings should occur on multiple days, both during morning and evening hours.

Several commenters stated that the public comment period for reviewing NRC licensing actions is not long enough and that there needs to be multiple opportunities for communities to provide comments. Commenters stated that stakeholders require adequate time to interact with the people of the community and collect their input, especially for technically complicated issues.

Several commenters stated that safety and security plans for projects should be made publicly available and there should be comment periods on those as well. Some commenters also suggested that the NRC engage with EJ communities at the beginning of the licensing process instead of after the process and focus on developing policies that mitigate or avoid disproportionate impacts on EJ communities.

Comments: (1-9-3) (5-3) (5-12) (6-1) (6-3) (6-4) (6-5) (6-8) (15-1) (16-1) (16-2) (17-1) (19-6)

(20-1) (20-4) (20-5) (26-14-3) (26-34-1) (27-11) (37-9) (45-2) (46-6-4) (93-1)

B.2.3 Communicating in Plain Language or a Language Other Than English Comment Summary: Some commenters expressed concerns with the use of technical jargon and language in public meetings and the need to avoid technical language and present for the lay person, for example, including infographics and public health indicators that the general public can understand. This applies to the content of proposals, applications, rulemakings, amendments, and other proceedings. Commenters suggested plain language summaries be made available to assist in the understanding of relevant documents. They suggested that these include fact-based statements and information concerning the precise location, other facilities in the region, nearby sensitive populations (schools, assisted living, churches, daycare facilities, etc.), environmentally sensitive locations affected, and human health effects. Several commenters noted that meaningful access for individuals who have limited English proficiency should include language assistance through oral and written language services that result in effective communication and should be made available at no cost, address engagement barriers, and include standardized interpretation and translation. Commenters also suggested that vital documents be translated. Commenters suggested that several alternative language options should be incorporated into the public involvement process, while also being cognizant of not making individuals with limited English proficiency feel like they are treated differently.

These options include language assistance for public service and radio announcements. In addition, alternative language options should be provided at public meetings by utilizing licensed interpretation and translation services that have experience in translating technical, scientific, and environmental concepts. Attendees requiring interpretation services should be provided with radios and small earpieces or headset receivers, and interpreters should be aware of language justice principles. One commenter suggested Zoom Video Communications with its language interpretation feature or RingCentral, a platform that allows attendees to call a separate line for interpretation services.

Comments: (1-6-1) (2-2-1) (2-6-1) (6-7) (26-31-1) (26-43-1) (27-10) (35-3) (35-4) (35-5) (35-6)

(35-7) (35-8) (35-9) (35-10) (35-12) (39-22-2) (40-1) (49-3) (52-2) (52-3) (55-4) (107-4) 5

B.2.4 Communities and Tribes as Equal Partners Comment Summary: Several commenters expressed concern that the NRC did not see EJ communities or Tribal nations as "equal partners." Many commenters expressed frustration with "not having a seat at the table" or with not being provided an opportunity or a way to provide meaningful input or participate in the NRC's decisions and affect regulatory outcomes.

Commenters suggested that the NRC develop guidelines for public participation such that they are tailored to the type of regulatory action being contemplated. Commenters suggested that the NRC develop specific public engagement plans that include a commitment to engage early and that these plans be made available to the public. Commenters requested that the NRC acknowledge its trust responsibility to Native nations and respect the sovereign status of these nations, and the need to consult with Tribal nations on a government-to-government level as well as on a community level. Commenters also stated that the NRC should focus on "hard-to-reach" communities and that EJ communities and Tribal nations are searching for meaningful engagement with a partnership approach. Some commenters expressed frustration about not being listened to and believe the NRC does not want or value their input. Several commenters felt that the NRC goes through the engagement process taking a "check the box" approach.

Some noted that there are distinctions between EJ communities, Tribal nations that are not federally recognized, and those that are federally recognized. Some commenters and Tribal nations thought that the NRC did not do a good job of recognizing those distinctions.

Commenters noted that the EJ Policy cannot focus solely on existing Native nation reservations or federally recognized Tribal nations, because there are a diversity of Tribal governments and only a portion of them are federally recognized. Commenters requested that there be communication at all levels of the nuclear plant life cycle, including the risks and cumulative impacts involved. Commenters requested that the NRC provide resources and expand mechanisms for communities to participate in a more equitable manner and not have the burden placed on communities. Commenters also suggested that the NRC update its EJ policy statement.

Comments: (1-1-1) (1-3-4) (1-8-2) (8-1) (9-5) (19-13) (23-3) (26-2-2) (26-3-2) (26-5-5) (26-5-7)

(26-5-10) (26-5-13) (26-6-1) (26-6-3) (26-6-6) (26-7-3) (26-9-2) (26-11-1) (26-11-3) (26-14-2)

(26-16-2) (26-16-3) (26-16-4) (26-18-1) (26-18-2) (26-18-6) (26-18-7) (26-19-1) (26-19-2) (26-21-2) (26-23-5) (26-23-6) (26-24-1) (26-24-2) (26-25-7) (26-38-1) (26-40-1) (27-7) (31-3) (37-8)

(39-24-2) (39-24-3) (39-24-4) (44-2) (44-4) (44-6) (44-8) (45-4) (45-5) (46-2-2) (46-3-1) (46-3-2)

(46-3-3) (46-3-4) (47-6) (47-8) (49-4) (54-12) (63-2) (75-4) (75-6)

B.2.5 Financial, Adjudicatory Support, and Consideration of Restitution Comment Summary: Several commenters expressed concern that Tribal nations and EJ communities do not have the staff or resources to participate in the adjudicatory process or public meetings, and that NRC procedures suppressed public participation by making the adjudicatory process difficult. Many commenters recommended that the hearing process be revised to make it more friendly to the general public or that an office be created to help intervenors with the hearing process. Commenters noted barriers to participation that could be overcome with monetary stipends or compensation. These barriers included the lack of senior and childcare, work schedules, lack of transportation, and the expense of participating in the adjudicatory process. One commenter suggested the NRC provide money to fund citizen or interest group participation for both licensing and rulemaking proceedings. Commenters also requested compensation or restitution for previous environmental injustices and human rights violations, as well as the cleanup of toxic sites. Several commenters suggested that the NRC should be required to fund expert consultation in matters concerning radiation risks that could 6

lead to negative economic effects on the community, including funding for the independent review of policies, rules, regulations, changes, and technical and legal support for EJ communities and Tribal nations.

Comments: (3-4) (19-11) (25-2) (26-5-11) (26-5-12) (26-21-1) (26-28-2) (27-6) (27-18) (34-2)

(37-6) (39-7-6) (42-7) (42-9) (45-6) (46-4-1) (46-4-2) (46-4-3) (46-5-5) (46-6-9) (51-11)

B.2.6 Tools for or Ways to Achieve Better Communication Comment Summary: Commenters stated that they were dissatisfied with the NRC's current communication practices and questioned if the NRC had a way to tailor outreach processes, such as venues and formats, to individual communities, grassroot organizations, governments, elected officials, or other stakeholders. One commenter pointed out the shortfall of the NRC's approach during this EJ review in addressing procedural justice: For example, having two public meetings on the same day, offering no opportunity for people on the West Coast to participate in an evening meeting, publishing the meeting information in the Federal Register too close to the meeting date so would-be participants do not have adequate time to prepare, and premature closure of the public comment period. One commenter suggested attendees be allowed to "donate their time" to members that might provide a better representation of their views. One commenter noted that it can be challenging for people to navigate NRC announcements, websites, and links and that the NRC should make it easier for the public to find out about meetings and activities. Another commenter requested that the NRC website have a way for the public to request public meetings. Many commenters suggested providing paper copies such as pamphlets, fliers, and postcards of key documents in appropriate locations, such as at community churches and on billboards. Commenters also stated that the documents should contain easy-to-understand language and infographics. Many commenters provided suggestions for improving communication and outreach with EJ communities and Tribal nations. These include reaching out to each community to establish what communication methods would work for them and the suggestion that the NRC provide more educational content as part of its communications, including the publication of radiation release data from nuclear activities and working with community scientists and educators to help educate communities about nuclear power and safety. One commenter suggested that the NRC hold more listening sessions. Another commenter suggested that NRC staff have cultural sensitivity and awareness training in preparation for consulting and engaging with Tribal nations and consider incorporating traditional ecological knowledge and addressing cultural practices in decision-making. One commenter suggested the establishment of nuclear visitor centers where facts and related context could be made available to the public. Another commenter suggested the NRC provide up-to-date expert-driven information about nuclear energy on the NRC website for public access. Commenters suggested that the NRC establish a public liaison to meet quarterly with the public to advise on EJ issues, providing the public with updates and information about public participation and public participation rights. Another commenter suggested that the hearing process be delayed until NRC staff has reviewed and issued its safety evaluation and environmental impact statement (EIS) or environmental assessment (EA).

Commenters encouraged the NRC to hold meetings at places and times that are more convenient for EJ communities, such as evenings and weekends. Another commenter suggested that the NRC provide a representative at community engagement meetings and that meetings be held early in the pre-application process, or upon the request of the community or developer, in order to aid in the efficient use of adjudicatory resources and inclusion of diverse viewpoints in Commission decision-making. Another commenter suggested that community advisory boards be established. Commenters also suggested that a code of conduct be 7

developed for public meetings to facilitate fair, equal, and respectful engagement. Commenters suggested ways the NRC could improve its internal programs, including increasing the staffing capacity at the NRC Office of Small Business and Civil Rights to improve outreach efforts, and making diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility a goal within the agency to improve NRC staff awareness of ways to conduct outreach with EJ communities. One commenter pointed to the NRC's current efforts to conduct outreach with communities regarding the Church Rock project as an example of how the NRC is applying best practices and the NRC should consider continuing to implement these for other sites, but other commenters stated that the Church Rock outreach was inadequate and translations from English to Diné (the Navajo language) was of poor quality. One commenter suggested that the NRC provide technical assistance to communities to enhance the ability of communities to engage and provide input on the NRCs activities. Another commenter stated that the NRCs decisions can be improved by gathering meaningful input from EJ and frontline communities that have unique knowledge and insight.

Comments: (1-2-1) (1-7-1) (1-8-4) (1-9-2) (1-11-2) (2-2-4) (2-4-1) (2-7-1) (2-8-1) (5-5) (5-9) (5-

11) (5-16) (6-6) (9-4) (9-6) (14-5) (14-6) (24-1) (26-2-3) (26-11-2) (26-15-1) (26-18-8) (26-19-5)

(26-19-7) (27-2) (27-3) (27-8) (29-1) (35-11) (35-19) (35-20) (37-5) (37-7) (37-10) (39-6-3) (39-8-2) (39-10-1) (39-12-2) (45-3) (46-6-7) (46-6-8) (49-1) (50-1) (51-8) (52-4) (54-13) (54-14) (55-

5) (56-3) (59-10) (60-1) (75-5) (75-7) (75-8) (80-3)

B.3 Other Proposed Changes to the NRCs EJ Policy and Regulations B.3.1 Ability to Enforce and Litigate the NRC EJ Policy Comment Summary: Several commenters expressed concern that NRC EJ policies be more robust, enforceable, and provide for increased opportunities to litigate EJ concerns and issues.

One commenter suggested that EJ should be enforceable through the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. Another described the 2004 Policy Statement and the fact that it does not create rights or requirements and should be clarified.

Comments: (10-2) (26-40-2) (36-2) (36-5) (36-7) (39-16-2) (39-16-5)

B.3.2 Creation of an Advisory Panel Comment Summary: Many commenters recommend that the NRC identify and convene a group of stakeholder and EJ community advisors that includes EJ experts and leaders and that the NRC's EJ Policy be updated to include the establishment of this advisory board.

Commenters suggested that a group of advisors develop recommendations to inform the staff's own recommendations to the Commission and suggested that the advisory group develop a list of key questions for which the group would submit recommendations for EJ concerns and engagement. Commenters suggested that the advisory group also develop the "rules of engagement," which determine meeting time tables. One commenter argued that an advisory panel should have legal authority to rule on NRC licensing decisions, similar to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board. Some commenters recommended that the advisory board members should be paid and consist of geographically and racially diverse members. Some commenters also recommended that members of the community advisory board live within a 10-mile radius of the ongoing or upcoming NRC action, or demonstrate experience in researching, planning, and or implementing procedural justice principles. Other commenters suggested that the NRC have an EJ advisor/advocate position within the agency that would interact with community advisory boards and provide technical assistance and research EJ issues and EJ community needs.


Comments: (5-4) (5-6) (5-13) (5-14) (20-2) (22-3) (26-6-5) (26-7-1) (26-8-1) (26-9-1) (26-19-8)

(26-19-9) (26-21-5) (26-22-2) (26-24-7) (26-30-5) (26-36-1) (26-36-3) (27-17) (27-19) (39-4-1)

(39-6-1) (39-6-4) (39-7-7) (39-10-4) (39-13-2) (39-15-1) (39-16-6) (39-17-3) (39-22-3) (40-2)

(42-10) (46-1-2) (46-4-7) (46-5-2) (46-5-3) (46-5-4) (46-6-3) (51-2) (77-1) (81-1) (107-3)

B.3.3 The National Environmental Policy Act Comment Summary: Some commenters stated that the NRC's EJ Policy is too narrow and proposed multiple ways for the NRC to improve its EJ analysis within the NEPA context. They proposed that the NRC base its EJ Policy on the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, rather than, or in addition to, NEPA. Some commenters suggested that the NRC incorporate key concepts identified in recent EJ-related Executive Orders such as expanding ways for EJ communities to participate in the NEPA process and analyzing community social and economic benefits, such as power supply, local employment, local tax revenue, reduced pollution, improved transportation infrastructure, and electricity rates. Commenters stated that the NRC should be required to conduct a complete evaluation of a project's effects and not be allowed to break a larger project into smaller components to reduce the impacts. Some commenters simply stated that EAs, generic EISs (GEISs), and programmatic EISs should include an EJ analysis. Several commenters recommended that the NRC should incorporate EJ beyond NEPA requirements, and that a more substantive analysis of impacts on EJ communities could be applied. Some commenters questioned how the EJ analysis should factor into the Commission's decision and were upset that discrimination could be overlooked during the site selection process conducted as part of a licensing application. Another commenter expressed concern that an EJ analysis in an EIS did not look at transportation routes through EJ communities. Another commenter stated that the NRC has the responsibility to advance "procedural justice" and "distributive justice" to improve the ability of marginalized EJ communities to share project benefits, including the creation of high-paying long-term jobs, reduction of greenhouse gases and regulatory roadblocks that slow new projects. One commenter suggested as an example that NRC should consider impacts on Tribal nations ancestral homelands as part of its EJ analysis. They disagreed that "fairness and equity" are "contrary to NEPA" and disagree with the NRC's position that the new EJ-related EOs create no new regulatory requirements. While many commenters supported using NEPA as a process for its EJ analysis, one commenter suggested that the judicial system struggled with NEPA and that NEPA had been weakened, so the NRC should not continue to use NEPA as its sole guide in protecting people and the environment.

Comments: (26-21-4) (26-24-4) (26-26-2) (35-2) (35-13) (35-14) (35-16) (35-17) (35-18) (36-6)

(37-1) (37-2) (37-3) (39-7-4) (39-16-3) (39-16-8) (42-5) (42-13) (44-1) (44-7) (45-9) (45-10) (45-

11) (45-12) (46-4-4) (46-4-8) (46-5-6) (46-6-1) (46-6-6) (46-6-12) (47-7) (49-5) (50-4) (51-7) (54-
3) (54-10) (54-17) (55-2) (62-2) (65-1) (71-1) (75-9) (75-13) (75-14) (75-16)

B.3.4 National Environmental Policy Act - Categorical Exclusions Comment Summary: Commenters expressed concern that categorical exclusions were being used to exclude environmental issues that could affect the health and safety of EJ communities.

Comments: (19-7) (39-18-2)

B.3.5 National Environmental Policy Act - Cumulative Impacts Analysis Comment Summary: Many commenters requested that the NRC expand their evaluations to include both the direct and indirect cumulative impacts of the full nuclear life cycle from 9

extraction/mining to storage, as well as impacts from radiation, pollutants, and other environmental and psychological stressors. Several commenters expressed a desire to see the NRC assess impacts that include actions taken by other agencies and institutions (such as cumulative air quality impacts in a region) as part of the cumulative impacts analysis.

Comments: (2-5-1) (26-5-2) (39-7-3) (47-2) (47-3) (49-7) (52-5) (55-3) (75-11) (75-15)

B.3.6 Change in Agency Mindset or Top-Down Thinking Comment Summary: Many commenters stated EJ needed to be a mindset or a philosophy, instead of just a tool. Some commenters proposed a holistic, 360-degree view of nuclear energy, in which EJ principles would be incorporated into every aspect of the NRC, not just licensing actions or NEPA reviews. Other commenters emphasized that other agencies and departments with joint responsibility need to be part of the development of holistic strategies and strategic plans that focus on strengthening mechanisms for interagency cooperation to help the Federal government address its EJ obligations. Other commenters suggested that the NRC devote resources toward internal changes within the agency, including providing diversity, equity, and inclusion training, to change NRC-wide staff mindsets about EJ and engaging with EJ communities. Commenters recommended that the NRC drop linear no-threshold and as-low-as-reasonably achievable from their guidance on radiation protection processes and that the NRC adopt a more evidence-based model for assessing radiation risk. One commenter stated that the methods and assumptions the NRC used for assessing the consequences of radiological releases were inherently discriminatory. Another commenter stated that NRC promoted discriminatory outcomes for estimating the economic consequences of nuclear accidents based on high-income people and property values. Many commenters suggested that NRC re-evaluate the level of detail and variables included in human health and risk analysis.

Comments: (3-1) (26-2-1) (26-5-8) (26-5-9) (26-9-4) (26-16-1) (26-19-3) (26-23-1) (26-23-3)

(26-26-1) (26-26-3) (26-34-3) (26-37-2) (26-40-3) (26-41-2) (32-1) (37-11) (37-12) (37-14) (37-

15) (39-1-2) (39-9-4) (39-16-1) (39-16-7) (39-17-1) (40-3) (40-7) (46-5-1) (47-9) (49-6) (49-8)

(55-6) (73-4)

B.3.7 Free, Prior, and Informed Consent Comment Summary: Many commenters discussed the need for free, prior, and informed consent in siting considerations, project activities, and decommissioning. Another commenter stated that a Tribal government should be given the right to veto any and all proposals within the bounds of their traditional Tribal homeland.

Comments: (19-8) (26-13-1) (26-18-3) (26-18-4) (26-20-1) (26-20-2) (26-27-2) (26-27-3) (26-27-4) (26-30-2) (27-20) (36-4)

B.4 Proposed Ways to Identify EJ Communities Comment Summary: A few commenters noted outdated thinking about the identification of EJ communities and that the use of census data does not necessarily show the true social, economic, or racial makeup of communities. One commenter directed the staffs attention to the White House Environmental Justice Committee and its report on Justice 40 regarding recommendations for defining disadvantaged communities, while another stated that it was critical to ensure the most appropriate data were used to avoid overlooking communities. Many 10

commenters pointed to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys (EPA) EJSCREEN as an effective tool. One commenter recommended creating community advisory boards, while another recommended working with state agencies to accomplish the collection of demographic data. Commenters noted that impacts on geographical areas do not necessarily stop at state or county lines, and identification of EJ communities could be supplemented by spatially granular data, public outreach, and field investigation methods. One commenter proposed that the NRC disaggregate an action's effects, such as cost, benefits, or risks, by subpopulation to highlight the burden that an EJ community would be expected to bear.

Comments: (1-5-1) (5-2) (9-7) (26-25-8) (27-14) (37-4) (45-7) (46-6-10) (54-9) (54-11) (75-10)

(75-12) (78-3)

B.5 Other EJ Programs for the NRC's Consideration Comment Summary: A few commenters directed the staff to other EJ programs and policies (those outside of Federal, State or Tribal purview) that the NRC could consider as it evaluates its own EJ policies and procedures during its review. The programs include those that have identified devoted staff, actively conduct outreach with stakeholders, create jobs, provide educational opportunities, create community-based agencies/organizations, provide grants, provide science, technology, engineering, and mathematics funding, and the Nuclear Energy Institute's Environmental Justice Principles put forth by the nuclear industry. Commenters noted communication and outreach methods used by Xcel Energy to engage with the Prairie Island Indian Community. Some commenters pointed to other EJ-related efforts and programs undertaken by various entities such as the Climate Justice Alliance, the Climate Reality Project, the New England Environmental Justice Research Network, Beyond Nuclear, Nuclear Information and Resource Services, Fairewinds, and the Citizen Awareness Network. Commenters also recommended that the NRC consider a metrics-based approach for measuring the success of its participation programs as suggested by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and work with university programs that focus on environmental law, such as the Vermont Law School, as well as consider providing resources for communities to participate, similar to the Canadian Participant Funding Program established by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.

Comments: (1-3-2) (1-3-5) (20-3) (26-25-3) (26-25-5) (26-28-3) (26-31-2) (27-12) (27-16) (28-1)

(51-10) (54-4) (54-6)

B.6 Federal, State, or Tribal Programs for the NRC's Consideration Comment Summary: Several commenters noted the need for staff to talk with other Federal, State, or Tribal government staff and pointed to EJ programs or policies that the NRC could consider as it evaluates its policies and procedures during its review. Many commenters mentioned EPA's tools and programs, including EJSCREEN, the Regional Tribal Operations Committee, and other outreach and engagement methods. Commenters also mentioned the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council; the Justice 40 Initiative from Executive Order 14008; Executive Orders 13985, 13990, 14030, 14035; the Environmental Justice for All Act; the Environmental Justice Interagency Council; and the Interagency Working Group for Environmental Justice. Commenters also mentioned the Department of Justice's Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, the U.S. Department of Energy's Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future regarding intraregional and intergenerational equity, and the Obama Administration's Clean Power Plan. Commenters directed the staffs attention to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Senior Counsel for EJ and Equity, its Proceedings on 11

its Office of Public Participation and Natural Gas Infrastructure Certification Policy Statement for guidance on facilitating meaningful participation with EJ communities. The States of Massachusetts, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina were mentioned as having EJ programs and EJ geographic information system tools, along with mention of the New York State Energy Research and Development Agency and the New York Climate Act, and how the NRC may find the definition of disadvantaged communities used in the Act useful in expanding how the NRC identifies and defines EJ communities.

Comments: (9-3) (9-9) (21-1) (26-9-3) (26-18-5) (26-19-10) (26-21-6) (26-23-2) (26-23-4) (26-28-1) (26-28-4) (26-32-1) (27-9) (35-15) (37-13) (39-21-1) (44-5) (44-10) (44-11) (46-6-13) (51-

3) (51-4) (51-9) (54-16) (75-1) (75-2) (75-3) (93-2)

B.7 Effective Current Policy Comment Summary: Some commenters stated that they thought that the NRCs overall EJ framework was sound. Some commenters noted that the NRC staff, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board judges, and Commissioners did a good job of conducting meaningful inquiries to be protective of public health. Some commenters noted that the NRC has a detailed framework in place for identifying, evaluating, and addressing EJ issues and that EJ impacts are being addressed in generic environmental impact statements, such as NUREG-1910. However, commenters did generally acknowledge that there was room for enhancements in the current approach for identifying EJ communities and engaging with EJ communities as well enhancements in the current EJ Policy. One suggestion included clarifying the relationship between the NRC's EJ Policy, Tribal Policy, and the Tribal Protocol Manual.

Comments: (46-6-11) (54-2) (54-5) (54-7) (54-8) (74-1) (78-1) (78-2) (78-4)

B.8 General Support for Doing This Review Comment Summary: Commenters expressed general support of and appreciation for the NRCs current effort to review its EJ practices. Some commenters expressed appreciation for being able to participate and applauded the NRC's effort to do outreach and include EJ more fully in its policies. Some of the reasons cited for support also included the value and importance of EJ, and the current administration's EJ-related objectives.

Comments: (1-3-1) (1-3-3) (1-3-6) (5-1) (5-15) (6-2) (14-1) (26-3-1) (26-5-14) (26-25-2) (27-21)

(31-1) (36-1) (37-16) (39-3-1) (39-3-4) (39-9-1) (39-9-2) (39-17-4) (39-20-1) (40-6) (42-1) (42-2)

(45-13) (46-1-1) (46-4-5) (49-9) (51-1) (51-12) (54-1) (56-1) (58-1) (62-1) (63-1) (64-1) (72-1)


B.9 General Support for Changing How the NRC Considers EJ Comment Summary: Several commenters expressed generic support for changing, improving, or expanding the way the NRC implements its EJ activities due to the historical exposure to pollution, toxins, and radioactivity and disproportionate impacts on Tribal nations and EJ communities, and proposed the NRC acknowledge its past violations of EJ. Some commenters stated that EJ policies should be reviewed on a regular basis using the best scientific data and a comprehensive understanding of effects, and that procedural and substantive protections should be put into place.


Comments: (5-8) (5-10) (5-17) (7-1) (19-1) (19-5) (23-1) (25-3) (26-1-1) (26-1-2) (26-5-1) (26 4) (26-19-12) (26-22-1) (26-25-1) (26-38-3) (27-15) (32-2) (33-1) (34-1) (36-3) (38-1) (39-7-1)

(39-8-1) (39-10-2) (39-11-1) (39-16-4) (39-21-3) (39-22-1) (39-23-1) (42-11) (45-8) (46-6-2) (50-

5) (64-2) (68-1) (72-2) (72-4)

B.10 Other Concerns Not Directly Related to EJ Comment Summary: Several commenters noted NRC regulations and policies that are outside the confines of the staffs review of how the agency addresses EJ. Some commenters expressed dissatisfaction with Class C Waste being called low-level waste and worried that the waste would end up in an unregulated landfill. Some commenters proposed that the NRC, instead of industry, should be responsible for conducting materials testing and structural evaluations. One commenter recommended the NRC require emergency response plans for all facilities with no allowances for exemptions. Some commenters proposed that the safety review process be available to the public. One commenter suggested that the NRC provide briefings to communities where reactors are being proposed that include details about job creation and economic development. In addition to that request, several commenters requested increased funding and staffing for the FOIA Office and the Office of Small Business and Civil Rights within the NRC to help with public information requests. Commenters stated that responses to FOIA requests were an important tool, but requests took too long. Commenters also requested that the NRC correct misinformation expressed by members of the public in public meetings. In addition, commenters expressed frustration with the accessibility of the NRC's ADAMS tool.

They stated that they did not understand how titles and information were entered into the system and it was difficult to look up documents and access information, making it an impediment to EJ communities and Tribal nations wishing to participate.

Comments: (1-9-1) (1-10-1) (12-1) (26-19-11) (26-21-3) (26-24-5) (26-24-6) (26-26-3) (26-26-4)

(26-26-5) (26-30-1) (26-30-3) (26-30-4) (26-30-6) (26-33-1) (26-33-2) (26-36-2) (26-38-5) (26-38-7) (27-13) (39-7-5) (39-7-8) (39-10-3) (39-13-1) (40-4) (40-5) (42-4) (42-6) (42-8) (42-12)

(49-2) (50-3) (54-15) (55-1) (58-4) (62-3) (62-4) (74-3) (76-1)

Comment Summary: Many commenters presented questions or concerns that are not related to this specific review of how the agency addresses EJ. Commenters expressed concerns about school curriculum, school funding, and voter registration. Commenters expressed general concerns about decommissioning regulations and uranium mining, nuclear fuel fabrication facilities, nuclear power plants, or nuclear waste disposal facilities. Commenters also raised concerns about issues related to the general support of or opposition to nuclear power, climate change, renewable energy sources, fossil fuels, nuclear weapons, nuclear waste transportation, and Agreement State, Department of Energy, or Pentagon policy not related to EJ practices presented for the NRC's consideration. Commenters also expressed concerns about the import or export of nuclear waste or materials, security, and terrorism. Some commenters noted general safety and environmental concerns at various facilities, such as the White Mesa Mill, the Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility, the Consolidated Interim Storage sites, Private Fuel Storage, the Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems Carbon Free Power Project, the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, the Savannah River Site, the Zion Nuclear Generating Station, and the Indian Point Energy Center. Commenters also stated concerns with Congressional requirements or the appropriation of funds by Congress.

Comments: (3-2) (4-1) (9-1) (9-8) (11-1) (13-1) (14-2) (14-3) (19-2) (19-3) (19-4) (19-9) (19-10)

(19-12) (21-2) (25-1) (25-4) (26-4-1) (26-4-2) (26-5-3) (26-5-4) (26-5-15) (26-10-1) (26-10-2)

(26-12-1) (26-14-1) (26-15-2) (26-17-1) (26-19-4) (26-25-4) (26-27-1) (26-34-2) (26-35-1) (26-13

37-1) (26-38-2) (26-38-4) (26-38-6) (26-41-1) (26-42-1) (27-1) (27-4) (27-5) (29-2) (29-3) (30-1)

(31-2) (39-1-1) (39-2-1) (39-2-2) (39-3-2) (39-3-3) (39-5-1) (39-5-2) (39-6-2) (39-7-2) (39-9-3)

(39-9-5) (39-11-2) (39-12-1) (39-12-3) (39-14-1) (39-17-2) (39-18-1) (39-19-1) (39-20-2) (39 4) (39-23-2) (39-24-1) (39-25-1) (41-1) (43-1) (43-2) (43-3) (43-4) (43-5) (43-6) (43-7) (43-8)

(43-9) (43-10) (44-3) (44-9) (46-2-1) (46-2-3) (46-2-4) (47-1) (47-4) (48-1) (48-2) (52-1) (53-1)

(56-2) (57-1) (58-2) (58-3) (59-1) (59-2) (59-3) (59-4) (59-5) (59-6) (59-7) (59-8) (59-11) (59-12)

(61-1) (61-2) (61-3) (66-1) (69-1) (70-1) (72-3) (72-5) (73-1) (73-3) (74-2) (78-5) (79-1) (80-2)

(80-4) (100-1) (102-1) (104-1) (107-1) (107-2) (107-5)

C. List of Commenters The following tables present the comments received by the staff and identify the commenters.

Table C-1 provides a list of commenters who provided unique comment submissions (i.e., non-form letter submissions) identified by name, affiliation (if stated), the correspondence identification (ID) number, the comment source, and the ADAMS Accession Number. Table C-2 lists the commenters who submitted all or part of the form content generated by the Miami Waterkeeper organization (ML21277A033). Table C-3 lists the commenters who submitted the form content similar to Accession No. ML21302A180. Commenters who submitted both unique and form content are listed in more than one table.

Table C-1. Individuals Providing Comments during the Public Comment Period Comment Source and Correspondence Commenter Affiliation (if stated) Document ID ID Ahn, Alan Third Way Email (ML21305B815) 49 Anonymous, Meeting Transcript 2-3 Anonymous (ML21200A189)

Anonymous, Meeting Transcript 2-5 Anonymous (ML21200A189)

Anonymous, Citizens Resistance at Fermi Two 77 Anonymous (ML21328A114)

Babbitt, Susan 67 (ML21328A065)

Bergan, 80 Christopher (ML21328A126)

Bonine, Karen Email (ML21305B810) 52 Boseman, The Imani Group, Inc. Meeting Transcript 26-36 Reverend (ML21280A350)

Brendolyn Boseman, The Imani Group, Inc. Meeting Transcript 26-6 Reverend (ML21280A350)

Brendolyn Boyer, Devon Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Email (ML21305B845) 44 Brand, Jackson 66 (ML21314A440)

Brawley, Wendy Email (ML21221A164) 16 Brown, Erniko NAACP Meeting Transcript 39-24 (ML21300A208) 14

Comment Source and Correspondence Commenter Affiliation (if stated) Document ID ID Burns, Stephen Third Way Email (ML21305B815) 49 Cameron, Chip Leadership Strategies Meeting Transcript 1-5 (ML21200A183)

Campbell, Brian Email (ML21297A004) 28 Campbell, Brian Meeting Transcript 39-25 (ML21300A208)

Campbell, Brian 74 (ML21328A094)

Campbell, Bruce 102 (ML21328A113)

Carter-King, Gillette, Wyoming Email (ML21305B823) 53 Louise Clements, Tom Savannah River Site Watch Email (ML21221A170) 17 Clow, Scott Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Email (ML21239A011) 9 Collins, Fred Northern Chumash Tribal Council Meeting Transcript 1-1 (ML21200A183)

Cooper, Elaine South Carolina Sierra Club Meeting Transcript 1-4 (ML21200A183)

Cooper, Elaine South Carolina Sierra Club Meeting Transcript 2-8 (ML21200A189)

Cooper, Elaine South Carolina Sierra Club Meeting Transcript 26-15 (ML21280A350)

Cooper, Elaine South Carolina Sierra Club Meeting Transcript 39-2 (ML21300A208)

Crow, Caroline Lone Star Legal Aid Email (ML21300A050 35 and ML21302A179)

Curran, Diane Harmon, Curran, Spielberg & Email (ML21305B819) 42 Eisenberg, LLP Curran, Diane Harmon, Curran, Spielberg & Meeting Transcript 26-24 Eisenberg, LLP (ML21280A350)

Curran, Diane Harmon, Curran, Spielberg & Meeting Transcript 26-30 Eisenberg, LLP (ML21280A350)

D'Arrigo, Diane Nuclear Information and Resource Email (ML21225A092) 6 Service D'Arrigo, Diane Nuclear Information and Resource Email (ML21231A172) 6 Service D'Arrigo, Diane Nuclear Information and Resource Meeting Transcript 26-33 Service (ML21280A350)

D'Arrigo, Diane Nuclear Information and Resource Meeting Transcript 39-23 Service (ML21300A208)

D'Arrigo, Diane Nuclear Information and Resource Meeting Transcript 39-7 Service (ML21300A208)

Deer in Water, Meeting Transcript 26-40 Jesse (ML21280A350)

Deer in Water, Meeting Transcript 39-16 Jesse (ML21300A208) 15

Comment Source and Correspondence Commenter Affiliation (if stated) Document ID ID Deer in Water, 101 Jesse (ML21328A112)

Detering, Dietmar Nuclear New York Meeting Transcript 26-37 (ML21280A350)

Detering, Dietmar Nuclear New York 76 (ML21328A108)

Deti, Travis Wyoming Mining Association 78 (ML21328A119)

Dinn, Amy Lone Star Legal Aid Email (ML21300A050) 35 Doenmez, Sarah C-10 Email (ML21295A210) 27 Dotterer, Carol Email (ML21217A172) 13 Edgar, Michelle Email (ML21221A164) 16 Feldman, Tracy Email (ML21300A026) 32 Fettus, Geoff Natural Resources Defense Email (ML21221A170) 17 Council (NRDC)

Fettus, Geoff Natural Resources Defense Email (ML21305B843) 46 Council (NRDC)

Figueroa, Laura Institute for Policy Integrity 75 (ML21328A104 and ML21335A001)

Ford, Leigh Snake River Alliance Email (ML21305B828) 55 Frick, Elaine Email (ML21221A162) 14 Gifford, Grace Horry Environmental Action Team Email (ML21214A129) 3 Ginsberg, Ellen C. Nuclear Energy Institute Meeting Transcript 1-3 (ML21200A183)

Ginsberg, Ellen C. Nuclear Energy Institute Meeting Transcript 26-25 (ML21280A350)

Ginsberg, Ellen C. Nuclear Energy Institute Meeting Transcript 26-31 (ML21280A350)

Goeppele, TerraPower Email (ML21308A528) 65 Craighton Goldstein, Mindy Turner Environmental Law Clinic Email (ML21305B843) 46 Gordon, Susan 93 (ML21328A088)

Gordon, Susan Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Email (ML21305B844) 45 Environment Granlund, Fred 82 (ML21328A067)

Greene, Manna Jo Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Meeting Transcript 26-7 Inc. (ML21280A350)

Greene, Manna Jo Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Meeting Transcript 39-3 Inc. (ML21300A208)

Greenlaw, Pamela Email (ML21274A075) 24 Greenlaw, Pamela Email (ML21305B812) 50 Greenlaw, Pamela Meeting Transcript 1-10 (ML21200A183) 16

Comment Source and Correspondence Commenter Affiliation (if stated) Document ID ID Greenlaw, Pamela Meeting Transcript 1-2 (ML21200A183)

Greenlaw, Pamela Meeting Transcript 26-34 (ML21280A350)

Greenlaw, Pamela Meeting Transcript 39-21 (ML21300A208)

Greenlaw, Pamela Meeting Transcript 39-6 (ML21300A208)

Greenwald, Judi Nuclear Innovation Alliance Email (ML21267A492) 20 Haggerty, Lily 104 (ML21328A117)

Hammarstrom, Email (ML21300A028) 33 Bryn Harden, Karen Meeting Transcript 26-38 (ML21280A350)

Hayes, Alyssa Email (ML21297A006 29 and ML21328A095)

Hayes, Alyssa Meeting Transcript 39-20 (ML21300A208)

Hayes, Alyssa Generation Atomic Email (ML21305B805) 40 Hollis, Adrienne Hollis Environmental Consulting Meeting Transcript 26-2 (ML21280A350)

Hollis, Adrienne Hollis Environmental Consulting Meeting Transcript 26-9 (ML21280A350)

Hopf, James 73 (ML21328A089)

Hult, Philip Atomic Generation Email (ML21305B805) 40 Hume, Suzanne CleanEarth4Kids 81 (ML21328A127)

Ignetti, Gabriel Email (ML21298A256) 30 Jacobs, Tangee Email (ML21217A170) 12 Jacobs, Tangee Meeting Transcript 1-6 (ML21200A183)

Jacobs, Tangee Meeting Transcript 2-2 (ML21200A189)

Jacobs, Tangee Meeting Transcript 2-7 (ML21200A189)

Jennings, 18 Jonathan (ML21208A430)

Johnson, Email (ML21221A163) 15 Jermaine Judson, Tim Citizens Awareness Network Email (ML21221A170) 17 Judson, Tim Nuclear Information and Resource Email (ML21305B843) 46 Service Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML21221A170) 17 Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Email (ML21305B835) 59 17

Comment Source and Correspondence Commenter Affiliation (if stated) Document ID ID Kamps, Kevin Beyond Nuclear Meeting Transcript 26-17 (ML21280A350)

Kaumo, Timothy Rock Springs, Wyoming Email (ML21305B808) 41 Kenney, Sara Religious Society of Friends Email (ML21224A061) 4 (Quaker)

Kidwell, Chadron Religious Society of Friends Email (ML21224A061) 4 (Quaker)

Kossack, Susie 69 (ML21328A067)

Kraft, David Nuclear Energy Information Service Email (ML21272A239) 22 Kraft, David Nuclear Energy Information Service Meeting Transcript 26-16 (ML21280A350)

Ladin, Sarah Institute for Policy Integrity 75 (ML21328A104)

Lane, Lillie Navajo Nation Meeting Transcript 1-8 (ML21200A183)

Lee, Michel Council on Intelligent Energy & Email (ML21305B832) 58 Conservation Policy and Promoting Health and Sustainable Energy Lee, Michelle Meeting Transcript 26-43 (ML21280A350)

Lee, Michelle Meeting Transcript 39-10 (ML21300A208)

Leichtling, Don 100 (ML21328A111)

Lorenzo, June Multicultural Alliance for Safe Meeting Transcript 26-20 Environment (ML21280A350)

Lorenzo, June Multicultural Alliance for Safe Meeting Transcript 26-27 Environment (ML21280A350)

Lucas, Bron Email (ML21305B831) 57 Lyman, Edwin Union of Concerned Scientists Email (ML21305B849 62 and ML21328A124)

Lyman, Edwin Union of Concerned Scientists Meeting Transcript 26-26 (ML21280A350)

Lyman, Edwin Union of Concerned Scientists Meeting Transcript 26-29 (ML21280A350)

Lyman, Edwin Union of Concerned Scientists Meeting Transcript 39-11 (ML21300A208)

Marida, Patricia 95 (ML21328A092)

McAdams, Allison Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Email (ML21307A114) 63 Indians McCann, Ellen 68 (ML21328A066)

Merm, Keith Meeting Transcript 26-42 (ML21280A350)

Mermelstein, Keith Email (ML21305B847) 43 18

Comment Source and Correspondence Commenter Affiliation (if stated) Document ID ID Meyer, Eric Generation Atomic Email (ML21305B805) 40 Meyer, Eric Generation Atomic Meeting Transcript 26-41 (ML21280A350)

Meyer, Eric Generation Atomic Meeting Transcript 39-1 (ML21300A208)

Miranda, Samuel Email (ML21217A168) 10 Miranda, Samuel Meeting Transcript 1-12 (ML21200A183)

Mitchum, Chief Pine Hill Indian Tribe Meeting Transcript 26-14 Michelle (ML21280A350)

Mitchum, Chief Pine Hill Indian Tribe Meeting Transcript 39-13 Michelle (ML21300A208)

Morgan, Leona Diné No Nukes Meeting Transcript 26-12 (ML21280A350)

Morgan, Leona Diné No Nukes Meeting Transcript 26-18 (ML21280A350)

Morgan, Leona Diné No Nukes Meeting Transcript 26-5 (ML21280A350)

Morgan, Leona Nuclear Issues Study Group Email (ML21305B836) 60 Munkhtuya, Kelly Meeting Transcript 39-19 (ML21300A208)

Munkhtuya, Kelly Meeting Transcript 39-5 (ML21300A208)

Murphy, Travis 36 (ML21286A768)

O'Neill, Marty NEI Email (ML21300A050) 54 Olson, Mary Email (ML21305B837) 61 Pardilla, Jerry United Southern and Eastern Meeting Transcript 26-11 Tribes (ML21280A350)

Pardilla, Jerry United Southern and Eastern Meeting Transcript 26-3 Tribes (ML21280A350)

Parras, Juan Texas Environmental Justice Meeting Transcript 26-10 Advocacy Center (ML21280A350)

Parras, Juan Texas Environmental Justice Meeting Transcript 26-4 Advocacy Center (ML21280A350)

Paul, Iliana Institute for Policy Integrity 75 (ML21328A104)

Pax, Lynn Email (ML21301A056) 38 Pearl, Brenda 79 (ML21328A123)

Peterson, Alyse New York State Energy Research Email (ML21305B811 51 and Development Authority and ML21328A098)

Piernavieja, Anna Email (ML21277A033) 23 Preston, Priscilla Email (ML21305B830) 56 Preston, Priscilla Meeting Transcript 1-13 (ML21200A183) 19

Comment Source and Correspondence Commenter Affiliation (if stated) Document ID ID Preston, Priscilla Meeting Transcript 1-7 (ML21200A183)

Preston, Priscilla Meeting Transcript 2-1 (ML21200A189)

Preston, Priscilla Meeting Transcript 2-6 (ML21200A189)

Preston, Priscilla Meeting Transcript 2-9 (ML21200A189)

Preston, Priscilla Meeting Transcript 39-22 (ML21300A208)

Puglisi, Linda Town of Cortlandt, New York Email (ML21239A009) 8 Randall, Kay 70 (ML21328A069)

Reiser, Caroline Natural Resource Defense Council Email (ML21221A170) 17 Reiser, Caroline Natural Resource Defense Council Email (ML21305B843) 46 Richards, Linda Email (ML21305B818) 47 Rodriquez, Shirley Meeting Transcript 26-35 (ML21280A350)

Rosen, David Meeting Transcript 26-13 (ML21280A350)

Rosenkranz, Ann 71 (ML21328A071)

Sanders, Virginia Meeting Transcript 1-9 (ML21200A183)

Santiago Ali, National Wildlife Federation Meeting Transcript 26-19 Mustafa (ML21280A350)

Schroder, Madison Meeting Transcript 39-8 (ML21300A208)

Schroder, Madison Generation Atomic Email (ML21305B805) 40 Semancik, Jeff Meeting Transcript 1-11 (ML21200A183)

Shama, Pat Email (ML21217A169) 11 Silberg, Jay Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman Email (ML21307A450) 64 Skopic, Catherine Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition Meeting Transcript 39-12 (ML21300A208)

Smay, Hannah 107 (ML21302A180)

Solitz, Dan Email (ML21272A237) 21 Stein, Adam Breakthrough Institute 37 (ML21293A098)

Stovic, Catherine Email (ML21279A356) 25 Tejada, Matthew EPA Meeting Transcript 26-23 (ML21280A350)

Thek, Bill City of Kemmerer Email (ML21300A024) 31 Toth, Jacqueline Good Energy Collective Email (ML21224A065) 5 20

Comment Source and Correspondence Commenter Affiliation (if stated) Document ID ID Toth, Jacqueline Good Energy Collective Meeting Transcript 39-17 (ML21300A208)

Treat, Natalie C-10 Email (ML21295A210) 27 Walker, Kalene Meeting Transcript 39-18 (ML21300A208)

Wang, Seaver Breakthrough Institute Meeting Transcript 39-9 (ML21300A208)

Wang, Seaver Breakthrough Institute 37 (ML21293A098)

Warren, Barbara Citizens' Environmental Coalition Email (ML21305B817 48 and ML21328A109)

Warren, Barbara Citizens' Environmental Coalition Meeting Transcript 39-14 (ML21300A208)

Watchempino, Email (ML21267A279) 19 Laura Weisberg, Joel 72 (ML21328A073)

Westra, Heather Prairie Island Indian Community Meeting Transcript 26-21 (ML21280A350)

Westra, Heather Prairie Island Indian Community Meeting Transcript 26-28 (ML21280A350)

White, Patrick Meeting Transcript 2-4 (ML21200A189)

Williams, Angela Email (ML21231A173) 7 Woodberry, New Alpha Community Meeting Transcript 26-1 Reverend Leo Development Center (ML21280A350)

Woodberry, New Alpha Community Meeting Transcript 26-22 Reverend Leo Development Center (ML21280A350)

Woodberry, New Alpha Community Meeting Transcript 26-32 Reverend Leo Development Center (ML21280A350)

Woodberry, New Alpha Community Meeting Transcript 26-8 Reverend Leo Development Center (ML21280A350)

Woodberry, New Alpha Community Meeting Transcript 39-15 Reverend Leo Development Center (ML21300A208)

Woodberry, New Alpha Community Meeting Transcript 39-4 Reverend Leo Development Center (ML21300A208)

Yost, Wendy Email (ML21300A031) 34 Zeller, Louis A. Blue Ridge Environmental Defense Meeting Transcript 26-39 League (ML21280A350)

Table C-2. Individuals Submitting the Form Content From Miami Waterkeeper with Correspondence ID 23 and ADAMS Accession No. ML21277A033 ADAMS Accession Name No.

Ana Piernavieja ML21277A033 21

ADAMS Accession Name No.

James Teas ML21277A032 John Carlson ML21277A034 Michelle Butler ML21277A035 Michelle Butler ML21277A037 James Mulcare ML21277A038 Jerald Burns ML21277A039 Loren Wieland ML21277A042 Sam Ka ML21277A043 Audrey Siu ML21277A047 Anne Haywood ML21277A048 Jill Reiter ML21277A049 Bert Delgado ML21277A050 Nancy Harrington ML21277A053 Leonardo Castells ML21277A054 Marya Meyer ML21277A056 David Collins ML21277A057 Kassandra Toimil ML21277A059 Martha Singleton ML21277A060 Adam Steckley ML21277A061 Sara Lindabury ML21277A062 Tamara Hendershot ML21277A063 Samantha Morejon ML21277A355 Jacqueline Roth ML21277A356 Julia Poliadis ML21278A478 Collin Schladweiler ML21281A205 Jody Dehart ML21285A040 Jacqueline Halpern ML21285A324 Lizbeth Farias ML21285A325 Nathalie Sosa ML21287A001 Esther Garvett ML21297A001 Catherine Puma ML21297A002 Sandra Beltran ML21297A003 Brooke Gaebe ML21297A005 Maria Prorok ML21298A070 Kay Jacobson ML21298A251 Jose Arana ML21298A253 Jaimee Spector ML21298A255 Alyssa Castro ML21300A030 Eric Barquin ML21305B806 Nina Lindsay ML21305B839 22

Table C-3. Individuals Submitting the Form Content From ADAMS Accession No. ML21302A180 with Correspondence ID 107 Fran Merker Jesse Williams Virginia Jastromb Patricia Townsend Deirdre Downey Rev Glen Thamert Miriam Baum Jeff Kiralis Rich Panter Maria Asteinza Nancy Woolley Juan Gallardo Michael Lahey Dolores Arndt Mitch Stargrove Mark Bartleman Allison Kiser Anthony Albert Cheryl Eames Linda Tabb Sarah Apfel Michele Leschi Glory Arroyos A Kasbarian David Nichols Karen Babin Sholey Argani Barbara Scavezze Al Cohen James Klein Robert Liedike Joshua Angelus David Mazariegos Laura Sholtz Jerry Kessinger Marcia Hoodwin Russ Ziegler Esther Prexl Alvaro Garza Gregory Penchoen Nathan Vogel Sharon Rich Dolores Pino Jeffrey Thiemann Laura Chinofsky Mark Reback Laurel Facey Elizabeth MacKelvie Margaret DeMott Katherine Blevins Rosemary Ward Arthur Schurr Deborah Reade El Pe Elizabeth Patten Jeanne Fobes Amy Harlib Victoria Copley Les Roberts Janna Piper Debbie Nelson Mark Grotze Chanda Farley Constance Buck Peter Curia Michelle Schumacher Linda McVarish Lezlie Ringland Brigitte Tawa Karen Milstein Martin Schnur Matt Brzezinski Karen Stickney Lucia You Linda Murphy Marvin Guymon Randy Harrison Dawn Albanese Dawn Kosec Brenda Gamache Andrew Rowlas TL Beverly Janowitz-Price Edna Mullen John Paladin Jane Nachazel-Ruck Jeffrey McCollim Lenore Reeves Cathy Barton Sharon Fetter Michael Carter Dan Hubbard Shirley Davis Casee Maxfield Jason Crawford Andrew Kurzweil Andreas Ohland Craig Clark Joy Om Michael Eisenberg D. Rowe Jason Bowman Christine Lytle Carol McGrath J Diamond Sarah Stewart Karen Donaldson Bill Butler Ricki Newman Hugh Harwell Timothy Mullen Nancy Earle Moraima Suarez Richard Coveny Eve Shapiro Barry Zuckerman Thomas Brenner Joanne Hesselink Gary Gilardi Ada Southerland Randy Murbach Nancy Hartman Alena Jorgensen 23

Peter Ajemian Mark Gillono Arshad Ameen Steve Troyanovich Henry Berkowitz Christopher Dunham Nancy O Lee Margulies Daniel Bayley Mike LeHew Kate Skolnick Mark Smith Flo Kelly Sharon Gillespie William Welkowitz Ruth Steger Stephan Donovan Joan Parks Steven Andrychowski Lois White William Scharf Liz Field Rhonda Bradley Sandra Sobanski Rolf Friis April Fennell Deborah Lacowitz Elaine Benjamin Dacia Murphy Thom Lufkin Tony Segura Randy Lopez Barbara Hauck Susan Lindell Katherine Hutchins Jeremy Spencer Alyce Fritch Joseph Gulas TF Deborah Voves Mary Walls Carl Meyer Sean Hagstrom Chris Dacus Carmen Ramirez Tim Linerud Yefim Maizel Landon Young Nancy King Alan Wojtalik Carol Moss Timothy Duda Mariano Svidler Miguel Ramos Jeff Harvey Ray Staar Seth Mirsky Larry Gioannini Rik Masterson John Feeney Adrian Bergeron John Gomolka Christine Popowski Daniela Cristan Karen Berger Mrs Brickman Eric Morris Hannah Walters Joan Sitnick Mark Koritz Lori Stefano John Templeton Sr Roseanne Pacheco Roger Lippman Donald Harland Ken Freedman Ruben Tamamian Dona LaSchiava Luan Le Bonnie Helmer Andy Lynn K Hafer Melissa Marote Nancy Lyles Norman Emmons John Dervin Bianca Molgora Ricardo Bartelme Gail Fleischaker Bob Lichtenbert E P Sternberg Becca Gardner John de Forest Steve Bloom Norman Baker Andrea Lieberman Michele Johnson James Strick Lynn Costa Lyle Funderburk Katrina and William Dresbach Rich Goldberg David Klass Charles Miller Kenneth Walters Carolyn Moore Pamela Davidson D Sizemore Eugene Gorrin Jarrett Cloud Sharon Bunch Diane Rencher James Hamilton Patricia McDonald Trina Aurin Julie Slater-Giglioli Patricia Fleetwood Carolyn Croom T Bell Sherie Stark Jann Brooks Kitty Savage Ellen Homsey Patricia Mckelvie Cynthia Liss Barbara Brown Steve Mcarthur Sandra Stock Wendy Fast 24

Ms Lilith Pam Evans Marnelle Curtis Barbara Bradshaw Rev Max Burg Marc Anderson Leslie Kreisman Greg Rosas Carlos Echevarria Carolyn Engel Jessica Cresseveur Janine Moore James Nowack Dennis Hester Kurt Miron Clifford Provost Annie Dwight James Jachimiak Pablo Bobe Lillian Nordin Andre Meaux Natalie Van Leekwijck Glenn Hufnagel Edward Hanson Sharon Hafner Francisco Velez Lisa Prescott Steven Nasta Ruth Miller Jimmie Lunsford Stephen Brittle Marilyn Shepherd Marie Spike Maryellen Redish Ian Shelley Theodore C Snyder Nalei Kahakalau Ellen McCann Samuel Berg Sandra Folzer Mary Hanson Amy Henry James Dixon Laurie Gates Timothy Shaw Chris Daum Michael Collier Susan Mills Daren Black Lama Lane Burwell Ware Nick Macdonald Janice Brown Phyllis Park Martin Horwitz Carol Fletcher Judith Ackerman Lisa Mazzola Sarah Hamilton Ailsa Hermann-Wu Marc Lionetti Dario Morell Robert Burk Ainsley Dewitt Aixa Fielder Dominique Edmondson Rebecca Swanson June Caminiti LJ Okadlek Dana Bordegaray Hillary Colby Laurie Hope Nick Bartol Susan McRae Elizabeth O'Nan Deborah Thelen Al Krause Beth Jane Freeman Steven Clawges Linda Musmeci Kimball Janet Maker Bennie Woodard Sigmund Finman Anna Gibson Anne Pavlic John Lamb Vicky Viray Miriam Kurland Nancy Rose Esther Garvett Lynette Bech Robert Brosius Dr A Gardner Henry Mobley Rita Collins M Port Torunn Sivesind Marilyn Carlisle Kate Kenner Lynda Pauling Donald J Shaw Bill Macartney Michael and Barbara Hill Diana Bohn Tyler Otto Linda Carroll Richard Payne Colleen Lobel Theresa Titone Richard Waldo Scott Messick Fran Aguirre Denise Snyder Donna Selquist Glen Popple Jodi Rodar Heather Finch Lily Lau-Enright Susan De Vos Sue Wilkin John Golding Lawrence Crowley Jeff Toste Christine Doyka Johanna Cummings Lois Jordan Susan Linden Elaine Larson Johnny Hall 25

Randall Webb Alan Stein JoAnn Pedersen Bernardo Alayza Mujica Abigail Gindele Keith D'Alessandro Delores Stachura Jonathan Memmert Debra Nix Judy Moran Chris Kermiet Kevin Moore Lanie Cox S Nam Lyn Z Page Bill O'Brien Joan Andersson Fjaere Nilssen-Mooney Jan Modjeski Caryn Graves J Beverly Douglas Wingeier Carol Curtis Georgia Sizemore Juli Shields Diana Heymann BG Alan Lawrence Seemin Qayum Barbara Poland Eileen Bill Carol Carpenter Liz Erpelding-Garratt Javier Rivera-Diaz Philip Dennany Raymond Nuesch Stephanie Huntington Jacoba Dolloff Dan and Ann Green Alvera Pritchard Mary Scott DK Bolen Marvin J Ward Denise Edwards Tina Horowitz Marcella Hammond Charlene Lauzon Jennifer Rials Jeannie Pollak Richard Jackson Kathy Dowds Janet Neihart Martha Martin Chas Griffin Genie Silver Lynn C Lang Kathy Kelly Joseph Werzinski Gilles Marin Gail Linnerson Beth Goode Wojciech Rowinski Derek Benedict Judith Cohen John Naylor Roberta Marine Don Ghidoni Carol Devoss E Wright Kevin McKelvie Pamela La Rue Cynthia Marrs Tracey Bonner Eric Wessman Keith Tse Kevin Schader Robert Gibb William Cline Thomas Phillips Matthew Schaut Timothy Root Michael Worsham Jeffrey White Richard Sparkes Ronald Gulla Gavin Dillard Barbara Giorgio Rita Glasscock Bernardo Alayza Mujica Rick Hartley Robert Davenport Saab Lofton Pamela Kjono Laura Vera Ryan Bradley Joy Zadaca Roberta Sebastian Caroline B Miller John Christopher Victoria Behar Mary Rojeski Noah Haydon Stephen Mudrick Toby Ann Reese Carla Hess Lorraine Johnson Valerie Weiss Mary Wellington Rod Zwirner Patty Navarrete Susan Tucker Joseph Wigon Jared Cornelia Tracey Katsouros Patricia Sheely Marguerite Toll Earl Frounfelter Gary Brooker Allen Salyer Francisco J Salazar JL Angell David Hand Susan Ring James Moran Adina Parsley Nancy Boyce Joann Ramos Debbie Sequichie-Kerchee Barbara Meislin 26

Marc Laverdire I Engle Julie Berberi Jonathan Hancock Theresa Owens Birgit Hermann Sally Jacques Helen Stuehler Mitchell Maricque Greg Brown Kristin Huntoon Michael Mannion Vicki Ferguson Steven Goldman Gloria Morrison Sara Avery Mary Ann Viveros Rashid Patch Edythe Cox Marilyn Rose Jennifer Kopczynski David Hermanns Jayne Hamilton Kent Johnstone Gilda Fusilier Julie Skelton Nancy Gutierrez Ming Ong David Gallagher Mary L De Luca MD Jeffrey Bains Mina Blyly-Strauss Aleks Kosowicz Ellen Gutfleisch Elmo Dunn Gary Schmoock Justin Makaruse Alice Shields JoAnn V Bethel Kent John Clark Anne Henry Karen and Jeff Hay Daniel Gan Joy Smiley Robert Nobrega Nina Tatlock Carol Taggart Michelle Gale Yves Decargouet Ruth Clifford Nancy Schulman Mark Swanson Barbara Swyden Joy Martin William Fisk Steve Shapiro Jim Haley Julie Smith Nancy Barcellona Jacalyn Dinhofer Querido Galdo Donald Walsh Alex Zukas Alina Rossano Joanne Britton Mitzi Deitch Mary Ann Baier Cornelia Teed Jackie Stolfi Kathleen McLane Ben Goodin Richard Cusumano Kermit Cuff Melissa Kallick Steven Vogel Charles Langford Virginia Harris Michael Lombardi Rita Mullis Kathy Bradley Joan Smith Theresa Yandell Sandra Geist Nezka Pfeifer Richard McLane Carol Grimm Myra Dewhurst Boris Dirnbach Leslie Klein Tammy Bullock John Jumonville N J Bast Richard Stern Elizabeth Adan Mari Mennel-Bell Martha Goldin Sheryl Williams Nancy Chismar L Bagley James Dawson Gloria Picchetti Rosemarie Pace Midge O'Brien Patrick Donaldson Mary Daub Marie D'Anna Patricia Barile Mary Gamson Mark Houdashelt William Grosh Peter Reimer Brian Schwartz Eileen Mitro Jim Yarbrough Tanis Fletcher Christine Schmitthenner Mary Lebert Nancy Currah Nancy Riggleman Sandra Marr David Ruffner Chris Worcester Nicole Uhing Seth Snapp Jim & Ellenj Smith Sherry Marsh Erin Yarrobino Jorge De Cecco Gail Roberts 27

Thomas Nelson Gary Mazzotti D R Spencer Glen Benjamin Robert Lombardi Elizabeth Burr Dianora Niccolini Lisa Vandermay Daniela Rossi William Harrell Tony Tsang Lynn Cardiff Stephen Nichols Louise E Reardon Victor Nepomnyashchy Wesley Banks Timothy Mullen Rick Staggenborg MD Deidre Gotjen Robert Fischoff Barbara and Jim Dale Leuise Crumble Hashi Hanta Chris Monroe Alexandra Napoleon Carlos Nunez John Tovar Christopher Michaels Erline Towner Keith Johnson Susan Silberberg Sheila Siegel John Meade Susan Preston David Cotner Henry Schwartzman Nicholas Prychodko Stephen Bailey Joe Smith Wendy Davis Beth Huizenga Urmila Padmanabhan Lynne Glaeske Maurine Canarsky A Rossner Mark Giese Nora Roman Larry Weingart Laura Sheinkopf Saran K Daniel L Harris Paula Shafransky Nancy Scheck Carol Book Mark Lundholm Karen Anderson Marina Lee Cherie Haymes Lynn Shoemaker Laura Dickey Keith Johnson Edward Butler Kimberly Allen Madeline Helbraun Don Jones Barbara Ray Joseph Shulman David Butler Tracey Ahring Doris Applebaum Carol Van Strum Jesse Gore Lana Henson Melba Dlugonski Caitilin Kane Ann Peters Irene Gnemi Sara Hayes Carolyn Massey Molly Swabb Pablo Voitzuk Nannette Taylor Merna Baker Blagg Julie Svendsen Barbara Porter Margaret Loomis Connie Lindgren Jo Ann McGeevy DJ Fura Kevin Vaught E S Schloss Molly Huddleston Ernest Pacheco Angela Bellacosa Judy Kushner Edward Ciaccio Harriet McCleary Laura Colston Patti Packer Naomi Zuckerman Robert Cherwink Forest Shomer Ruth Bodeman Scott Chapman Sylvia Lambert Kevin Woodworth Deanna Homer Colleen K Charles Arnold V Evan Edwin Aiken Janet Tice Joseph Naidnur Joyce Dixon Fred Karlson Gerald Dooley William Christwitz Jason Husby Virgene Link-New Linda Fast Peter Butt Jeannie Finlay-Kochanowski Derek Gendvil Barb D Jessea Greenman Janice Wilfing Laurence Skirvin John Cronin Susan Kuehn 28

Philip Shook Edward Mitchell Ben Rall Jusef White Pamela Speagle Bill Lankford Barbara McClain Jeanine Weber Ellin Stiteler Richard Mammel Sharon Tee Caryn Cowin Justin Grover Yazmin Gonzalez Betty Brooks Trish McPeak-LaRocca Dana Petre-Miller Jaszmene Smith Fay Bracken Mary Anne Perrone Carol Nugent Betsy Windisch Marc Silverman JoLynn Jarboe Gary Gover Evan Craig Barbara Methvin Jelica Roland Rita Meuer Karen Barton Patty McGrath David Guleke Thomas Nieland Anita Kreager Robert Fingerman RoxAnne Reineke John Wilks, III Richard Hendricks Nelson S H Richard Leuchtag Carolyn Latierra E Neal Karen McCaw Richard Patenaude Claudia Leff Nina Kornstein Julie McCarthy Elizabeth Darovic Erin Garcia Frank Demme Patsy Shafchuk Cathy Wootan Nicholas Feda Stewart Rego Joshua Seff Ric Bernat William Klock Margaret Goodale Jim Clapp Greg Sells Elizabeth Enright Matthew Tarpley Ray Hardin Paul Densmore Martha Desrosiers Jeffrey Findeis Joseph Buhowsky Roberta Weissglass Harrison P Bertram Cynthia McNamara Charles Wittman Nick Downey Julie May Peter Broderson Susan Heath David Bly Suzanne Kirby James Herther Leonard Neering Tika Bordelon Karen Kirschling Hollis Higgins Marion Lakatos Jay Blackman Timothy Lippert Miles Varner Roth Woods Nancy Hiestand Michael Miller Jr Loraine Lewis John Doucette Susan Friedwald Tina Ann L Fielder Liz Murphy Bernard Cullen Ingeborg Glier Sandra Lane Annie McCombs Randy Gerlach Robin Cook Arthur Kennedy Francesca Bolognini Timothea Papas Teresa Hartley Monique Edwards Brian Waak Kevin ORourke Ryan Baka Richard Ellison Bobbie Flowers Elaine Livesey-Fassel Kathleen Bovello Fred Lavy Geri Collecchia David Adams Randall Wayne Wayne Mortimer Joel Libman Wilbur Ince Nan Wollman Dolores Fifer Shemayim Elohim Richard Leslie Sandra Joos Wayne Steffes Lois A Lommel Lacey Hicks Suzanne Nevins 29

AL Steiner KR Dr Mha Atma S Khalsa Joel Porter Kathleen Margulis Jason Steadmon D Rincon Lucymarie Ruth Sue Nuccio Mary Stanistreet Dorothy Miller Jane Yater Gerry Milliken Sandra Smith Melvin Sheets Susaan Aram Sondra Boes Lori Siegel Kathy Grieves Carole McAuliffe Timothy Judson Camille Gilbert Dennis Schaef Sherita Wilson Gay Chung Lorrie Oshatz Michael Olcsvary Judith Maron-Friend Neal Madnick Melvin Armolt Kristin Vogel Joseph Dangelo James Roberts Julie Kramer Nora Anderson Probyn Gregory Don Pew Stacy Cornelius Kathy Bungarz Myron Meisel Dennis Kreiner Matthew Lipschik John A Beavers Bret Polish Susan Delles F Carlene Reuscher Sharon Nolting Kimberly Medeiros Susan Porter Peter Kahigian Joseph Ponisciak Jewell Batway Blaise Brockman Luis Vega Shoshana Serxner-Merchant Enid Cardinal Gloria Kegeles Judy Ann Alberti Margaret Walden Danielle Montague-Judd Charles Tribbey Norm Conrad James Parker Eileen Metzger John Papandrea Bonnie Burke Gloria Diggle Robin Patten Joseph Lawson Charles Warner Mary Davis Lori Erbs Susan Balaban Bernie Cremin Mike Shores Nell Ubbelohde Marshall Sorkin Karma Lekshe Tsomo Virginia Davis John Viacrucis Mikal Baker Kathryn Tribbey Matthew Sheinin Joseph Dadgari Eric Lambart J Allen Feryok Joan Lobell Gavin Bornholtz Robin Blier Rusty Nelson Thomas Rottmayer Doug Bender Lani H Ramona Harragin Basey Klopp Eric West Terrance Hutchinson Pamela VourosCallahan Dianne Douglas Nancy Ellingham David Wiley Twyla Meyer Paula Grande Steve Wise Martin Marcus Cindy Koch Karen Nell Capadona Vickey Baker David Yao Karen Litfin Zack Frank Diana Saxon Margaret Goodman Ken Sanford Marilyn Waltasti Don Young Matt Cornell David Burtis Jane Smith Susan Mulcahy Barbara Harper Beth Braun Dallas Windham Mary True Terry Tedesco Mike Conlan Carolyn Young Steven Belfield Jennifer Cunningham 30

Elyette Weinstein Kurt Cruger Kristine Andarmani Franco De Nicola Mark Feldman Doris Wilson Linette Schreiber Mary McGaughey Colonel Meyer Tami Linder Susan Cox Clifford Robinson Ann Malyon Candy Bowman Peter Urquhart David Barnett Kim Dunbar James Nordlund Theodore Voth M Lehman Donna Shroyer Steve Sef Joanna Behrens Charles Davis Andrea Yarger Mitchell Diamond Rosemary Seifert-Graf Beverly Ann Conroy Deanna Knickerbocker Rama K Paruchuri Charles Brexel Sr AL Hern Wolfgang Loera Laura M Ohanian Steven Kranowski Rob Jursa Ked Garden Phyllis Schmidt Elizabeth Aaronsohn Michele Nihipali Ira Gerard Michael Duffey Suzanne M Forest Frasieur Robyn Dibble Grant Fujii David Mitchell Susan Lefler Richard McNutt Carmen Nichols Jean Bails Thomas Charles Matthew Boguske John Steponaitis Don McClure Jr Steven Sondheim B Soltis Elaine Livingston Donna Bubb Christopher Lee Lanelle Lovelace Carl Wassilie Sara Paoluzzi Nora Coyle Eric Robinson Deanne O'Donnell Barbara Broz Patrice Wallace Elizabeth Shepherd Gregory Freeman Paul Daly Ken Kipen Kathy OBrien Christine Hoex Todd Snyder Melissa Mazias Jen Eiffert Lorenzo Ramero Stephanie Trasoff Jim Capizzo Ken Canty Suzanne Chaffee Larry Morningstar Brenda James Larry Karns Betty Winholtz Thomas Giblin Michele Flom Sue Halligan Bobbi Lempert David Stetler Andi Weiss Bartczak Christina Williams Bradley Gibson Janet Bartos Jean Farris Ellen Atkinson Timothy Starbright Frances Harriman Satya Vayu Tom Csuhta Michael Pryor Harold Watson Debra Moore Jody Gibson Jeffrey Valentine Holger Mathews Coleen Gowans David Sweet Bart Ryan Mary ODonnell Michele Temple Mercedes Dzindzeleta Lynne Firestone Sasha Jackson Patrick Maloney Dave Kauble Lynn Sableman Leslie Lomas Anahata Iradah John Rokas Suzanne Kruger Howard Blaz Grant Shafer Nicholas Lenchner Pela Tomasello Sandra Russell Doug Wagoner Dane Bowen 31

Linda Worsley Karen Spradlin John Catherine Eric Zanner Andrew Anderson Heidi Holloran Todd Clark Holly Huntley Stephen Gliva Rob Seltzer Mary Ann Holtz Susan Strasser Craig Brown Ken(neth) Bossong Rachael Pappano Louise Devery Robert Kaiser Tanja Rieger Michael Daniels Christine Roane Natalie Eline Sheila Ward Marian Ronan William McGoldrick Christine Hicks A Diamond Tim Glover Jeremy Rossman Darrell Schmidt Chas Martin Deirdre Morris Robin Martin Mari Mcshane Pam Wallace Peggy Fugate Lisa Bettendorf Paul McCue Nancy Stamm Valerie Carlton Jason Lawson-St.Hill Susan Detato Sandra Rando Robert Hasselbrink Dennis Ledden Laurie LaGoe Aileen McEvoy Lawrence Montford George Schneider Andres Heljula Vikram Sikand John Kirchner Richard Blain Karen Holden Meg Berlin Meryl Pinque Richard Creswell Anthony Szilagye Jim Dailey Michele Roberts Rachael Lantrip Nancy Bellers Rita Racioppo Joan Rubin Louisa Beckett Kenneth Ruby Nancy Farrell Diane Clark Barbara Snell Bob Hagele Mary Schmidt Alfred Mancini Lisabette Brinkman Sherrill Futrell Mark Cosgriff Tracy Foster Rina Malerman Eric Parker Davin Peterson Andy Lupenko Kelly Garbato Nancy Gates Michael W Evans Brad Miller Betty Walters Melissa Bird Deborah Allison Kathryn Christian George Tamargo Thomas Lux Stephen Dutschke Robin Pinsof Sharon Greenrod Laura Silverman Denise Lytle Art Shervs Shelby Norris Marty Fox Edward Cutler Joanna Cohen Marya Zanders David Mazurek Robert Handelsman Sheila Kelley MS Michael Reshetnik Christopher Kustra Dorothea Paiva Robert Kolkebeck Rose Jenkins Sean Vennett Bobby Vaughn Libby Sosa Tom Harris Kirk Ramble Allen Hengst Duane Johnson Ashley Dickinson Carolyn Summers Audrey Higbee Elizabeth Martinez Louise Simone Betty Hallett Kelly Riley Daniel Slade Martha Ellison G Burton Dawn Matta Katharine Tussing Kat Russell 32

Dianne PunKay John Moon Clara Guerrero Kathleen Bentley Aloysius Wald Dave Foerster Al Ferrucci Michael Letendre Ermanno de Gregorio Janet Aisawa William Elwood Hunter Wallof Kevin Walker Laura Saunders Gary Hull Daviann McClurg Josh Keyes Marie Weis Joan Agro Ken Lauter Juanita Hull Susan Siens Debra Harris Doug Landau John Thayer Craig Cook Jim Vogas Sharon Balzano Craig Warren Tom Hougham Bruce Cratty April Parkins Howard K Beale, Jr Kim Nero Bob Ramlow Ingrid Rochester Jan Salas Lucy Duff Axel Vogt Jane Butler David Farwell Janie Lucas Peter M Burkard Mal Gaff Kevin Branstetter Elizabeth Veillette Deirdre Cole Lynn Sokei Nancy Cowger CK Z Mr Jim and Mrs Leslee Hal Pillinger B Chan McPherson Matthew Reid Bonnie Howard Therese Ryan Stephen Courim Ryan Acebo Vic Bostock Tamara Matz Ann Hinshaw Cheryl Carnahan Martha Vinick Toni Russell Alan Friedman Elizabeth Seltzer Nathan Harrington Jon Bazinet John Prybylski Jim Lieberman Cheryl Carnahan Tawnya Laveta Carolyn Haupt Richard Fairfield Patricia Dion Robert Parker Donald Cook Joan Balfour Susan Kutz Katherine Whitson Renee Burgan Kieren Ladner Lisa Foley Julia Di Stefano Denys Cope Jennifer Powers Allan Turner Mary Lester Edward Mrkvicka Steven and Susan Mayes Lonna Richmond Elizabeth Romero Gregory Pais David LaVerne James Eichman Chuck Broscious Roger Santerre Ann Betz Regina Logtue Meredith West William Justis Jennifer Hussain Laraine Lewis Anaundda Elijah Beth Kaplan Judith Anderson Denise Brennan Amy Hutto Rachel Wolf Olivia D'Andrea Willie Hunter Lucie Mayer Marian Carter Patricia Michaels Paul Turner Ronlyn Schwartz Marcia Halligan Kathleen Lassiter Joan Kempffer Joanne Groshardt Amanda Lasorsa June Meek Asano Fertig Janet Sutton Vicki Hughes Marsha Jarvis Martha Burton Bob Schildgen 33

Jeanine Mindrum Matthew Franck Maryann Jones Paul Singdahlsen Kay Brainerd Theodora Boura Abe Levy Gregg Eisman Laura Taylor Andrew Sledd Ed Fiedler Linda Freeman Callie Riley Paul Palla Kathy Abby Dana May William Saenz Judy Treichel Dominick Falzone DH Carla Davis JS Karen Ahn Glen Williams Susan Thompson Douglas Stark Sharon Paltin Sandy Rasich Emma Goode-DeBlanc Mary Hicklin Sharon Logan Carroll Arkema Judy Landress Linda Beach Sammy Low Valerie Lovejoy Susan Weber Elle Cook Barbara Vaile Gerritt and Elizabeth Baker- Lydia Barberina A Brennan Smith Lyn Capurro Barbara Marino Todd Snyder Billie Dugansky Kristyn MacPhail Pamylle Greinke Stevie Sugarman Carlos Arnold Alexander Fierro-Clarke Pat Growe Ann Mallow Carl Freeman Susan Enzinna Kent Minault David Coleman Lee Fremault Nicola Giorgio Bob Chirpin William G Gonzalez Carol Wiley Don Dicken Elizabeth Kelly Dale Hillard Richard Longley Linda Taylor Sally Mavroides Tedd Ward Jr John Burke Michael Tamarack Hendrica Regez Josephine Niemann Jessica Palenchar Lee Bible Joyce Wisdom Ann Bein Don Hawkins Chris Ferrio Bonita Shea RN Yvette Tapp David Broadwater Hillary Maurer Adam Casey Richard Poirier Phyllis Chavez Brian Baltin Victoria Miller Jennifer Valentine Eliot Tigerlily Diane Kent Connie Hammond Eileen Chieco Mary S Reed John Culloty Tami Palacky Beverly Williamson-Pecori Kevin Brown Gregory Panzica Nan Weilage John Richkus Charleen Strelke Diane Turco Stephanie McFadden Kathy Wooten Cheryl Fergeson Win Southworth Raso Hultgren Jeane Harrison Cecile Adams James Mulcare Brian Mitchell Gloria Dralla Teresa Gingras John Costello Nancy Tate Bruce Ross Peter Ayres Denise J Robert Clark Heather Pens Susan Gill Benjamin Rodriguez Laurel Husk Pat Bulla Silvana Borrelli Jules Moritz Deborah Tardy 34

Barbara Antonoplos Gary Sachs Cara Artman Marlene Tendler Rima Rosenthal Tina Brenza Brenda Haddock Mary Boone Ran Zirasri America Mark Boone Carolyn Treadway Jeff Thayer Virginia Mendez Myra Toth Stephen and Robin Newberg Ellen E Barfield Amy Valens Edward Jasiewicz Norma Odell Vivian Korneliussen Russell Novkov Oleh Sydor Robert Blaedel Elaine Dickinson Bonnie McGill Madelaine Georgette Pat Magrath Jenna Carodiskey-Wiebe Bonita Staas Debra Higbee-Sudyka David Gassman Kirk Bails Eric Britton Karen Boehler Steven Uyenishi Michael Rotcher Lorraine Villegas Joanne M James Mary K Orrange Carol Boschert Eric Bayon Joy Baker Patricia Purcell Kathleen Eaton Dita -kali? Patricia Duncan Benjamin Kendall Robert Glover Deborah Wolf Nancy McRae Dana Weintraub Charlene Rush Jessie Collins Carolyn Poinelli Linda S David Christman Donald Taylor George Riggs Deb Katz Carol Gordon Victoria Swanson Lewis Cuthbert Fran Sherry Malcolm Simpson Jeff Stack Gracie Partida Jena Hallmark Andrea Zinn Katrina Robinson Lauren Linda Linda Seeley Sandra Kurtz MIchelle Darbro Stephanie Bilenko Marty Brown Darynne Jessler Manna Jo Greene Helen Greer Gilda Levinson Linda Gertig John Alder Alex Stavis Kathleen View Darcy Skarada Patricia Poggi Susan Pennington Debra Rehn Dr Ronald E Dick Robert Mick Steve Bear Kathryn Melton David Grant Paul Haggard Judith Brey Mike Carberry Elisse De Sio Pat Pollard Leslie Gold Croitiene GanMoryn Sharon Frank Peter Clark Kenneth Gibson Nancy LaPorta Theresa Moriarty McPhail Lynda Leibowitz Rev. Elizabeth Zenker Erin Foley-Collins Lucia Durand Carl Seitz Mark Stansbery Adrienne Fong Latresha Jackson Johanna Moran Mark Farris Lauren Fenenbock Margaret Survance Julie Adelson Micaela Pronio Pattie Meade Kacy Suther Shelley Strohm Richard Peterson J Kronick Barbara Consbruck Jean Merrigan Kathy McCabe A. Obermeier Sandra Breakfield 35

Teresa Montoya Samuel Durkin Susan P Walp Patricia Harlow Burton Steck Nancy Henderson John Cielukowski Rhonda Green Kevin Rolfes Nancy Vann Charles Dineen Roger Schmidt Josh Konheim Heffron Jennifer Karches Christopher Lish Robert Richard Joe Meyer J Dana Forbes Patrice Palmer Nancy Boyce Judith E Klein Margaret Leasure James M Deshotels Kristina Fisher Mary Smith Charlotte Pirch Stacie Charlebois Frances Goff Armando A Garcia Joanne McGrath Jennifer Scott Susan LaMothe Beki Halpin Paige Knight Steven Miller Katherin Balles Susan Gardner Nancy Kingston Rik Myers Nancy Roberts-Moneir Deborah Cate Scott Crockett Hugh Gurney MaryAnne Glazar Barbara Carr Hayden Kaden Carol Jagiello Anthony Castillo Sue and John Morris O Lewis Helene Rosen Carol Scher Thomas Cox Casey Lyons Ordell Vee MaryAnna Foskett Joan Yater Robert Aronson Susan Entin Courtney Williams Melissa Fleming Suzanne Valencia Karen Kravcov Malcolm Denise Kastner Samuel Morningstar Jack Kanack Mindy Maxwell Rick St John Jeremy Baptist Elizabeth Butler Julian Yerena Jr Elena Rumiantseva Maryland Swensen Patricia Archuleta Cynthia Molinero Ken Fogel David Goldberg Lisa Gee Hillary Ostrow Janeth and Gary Mallory Scott Nelson Joan Makurat Dr F Taylor Peter Lee Carol Collins Gary Thaler Dennis Trembly Paul Luehrmann Jerry Rivers Philip Simon Roberta Stern Ann Wales Amy Gustin Joan Rieck Carole H Janis Todd Ashley Giada Brant Kotch Ellen Thomas Retta Barkley Robert Dornfeld Nancy Neumann Joyce Frohn Fiona Priskich John R Thomas Linda Greene Steve Ongerth Pamela Hughes Sally Woolley Patrick Bosold Gary Tonkin Richard Tregidgo Linda Bell Steve Schueth Glen Anderson Denise Fry Larry Lambeth Michael Bondoc S E Williams Corey E Olsen Rosemary Tann Kathryn Sonenshine Jackie Demarais Elizabeth Bell Lauren Murdock Katherine Nelson Robert Janusko William Collins William Snavely 36

Riley Canada II Angela Hibbard A Aguilar Sheryl Iversen L Panter Ellen Kovac Holly Adams Shawn Hall Erik Schnabel Lobi RedHawk James Kerr Sharon Richey John Sullivan Amanda Santmyer John Barkhausen Lee Greenawalt Richard Han Maurice Rehm Carla Marshall Dixie van der Kamp JK Sally Jane Gellert Paula Stevens Benjamin Axt Sally Jane Gellert Susan Mirsky Abbe Sudvarg Andrea Fountain Carol Jurczewski Shirley Myers June Levier Jamie Shields Rebecca Wiese Sandra Couch Jesse Van Gerven Steven Lowenthal George Weissmann Richard Ochs Amy Sophia Marashinsky Gwen DuBois SW Victoria Urias Ann Knott Paulette Bernard Janet H Sophia Zisis Anne Dugaw Marcy Gordon Marge Ferrance Janet Handford Den Mark Wichar Harry Sherzer Donald Di Russo Anna Hennelly Herb Sayas Tia Triplett David Osterhoudt Jeffrey Cohen James Freeberg Jan Frieswijk Harry Kershner Bruce Shay Sandi Enfield Frank Lampe Michael Essex Donna Bonetti Lorenz Steininger William Ferry Christina Morrison Grant Wiedemer Joanne Tenney Pauline Wagner Sarah Harvey Jay Hormel Carol Panfilio Xakan Kukulcan Brent Rocks Deborah Falcone Drew Martin Hollis Zelinsky Mark Hirschfield Bruce Gagnon Janice Bailey Christopher Glass Paula Heady Eileen Prefontaine Michael Odell Jennifer Calvert Sarah Cooke Dennis Specht Laurel Davis Delano Martha Booz Keith Allison Adam Schneider Marvin Rowe Carol Cannon David Carter Linda Bodian David Fallow Christen King Anna Louise Fontaine Linda Gillaspy Dar Bertsch Kathryn Lilley Margaia Forcier-Call Thomas Matsuda Cheri Vasek Jean Phillips-Calapai Leona Klerer Roger Batchelder Steven Markgraf Annie McMahon Carolyn Ryan Bill Boteler Pamela Kane Miles Babcock Randy Morrow Gregory Rosasco Donna Olsen Arlene Lundquest Gene Kostruba Lynn Costa P J McDaniel C J McCarthy Kathy Guest Peggy S Collins Elizabeth Champagne Terry Friedman Susan Virnig 37

Wendy Kaysing Frederic Lassiter Jr Thomas Hernandez Laura Ray Pat Marino Rosemarie Morris Joyce Barringer Pat Berger Ginnie Preuss Bruce Cox Michael Hogan Dagmar Fabian Jo Ann Kiva Bradley Buchanan Claire Watson Peter Carr Richard Zimmerman Joan Quinn Michael Parsons Donald B Fanning Millie Magner Ellen Domke Joe Vissichelli Ashley Yonker JoAnn Keenan Ann Rogers Elizabeth Guimarin William Stern Georgia Braithwaite A Pabi Lore Weber Sherry Pollock Margaret Scripp Marita Mayer Karin Davies Anita Scheunemann Laura Lake Bonnie Salatti Lois Kain Sue Christiansen Erik Hvoslef Richard Beaulieu Kathy Ging Dorthee Carole O'Connell Roger Podewell Amit Shoham Kenneth Miller Zara Zsido Jesse Caldron Maureen ONeal Dario Morell Patricia Savage Cathy McNulty Eileen Dailey Mary White Susan Singh Rosalyn Cherry Carol Margason Terry Flowers Cindy Borske Stephen Gilbert Hal Pillinger Lorraine Hartmann Kurt Schwarz Peggy Powell William Palmisano Susan Michetti Joe Walicki Yvonne Miles Mary Ann Maikish Maria Royce Norma J F Harrison Mary Pendergast Herbert Mintz II Gail Mershon Jill McManus Stephen Sachs Marisa Besteiro Pamela Unger Wayne Gibb Kenneth Koenigshofer Patricia Chelmecki Tony Greiner Sandra Morey Kris Phelps Reto Pieth Carolyn Bartholomew Gene Majewski Adele Josepho Jo Roehrig Sheila Smith Philip A Tymon Linda Groetzinger Joseph Hess Sheila Dempsey Daniel Wilkinson David Mccoy Michael Sherber Linda Hardy Philip W Klein Merrily Davies Marlene Miller Karen Peterson Thomas Delegal Jenny Heinz Reguel Steinbock Lucy Nichols Jill Davine Diane Fitzgerald James Adams Maggie Gundersen Christine Kornet Louise Perini Douglas Sedon Mary McMahon Joy Kidwell Susan Porter Joanna Katz Kevin Kamps Eli Hegeman Joseph Berziga Robert Raven Tara Mae Linda Myers Janice Dlugosz Lawrence Garwin Carolyn Martin Amy Rosmarin 38

Eric Reid Jamet Greenwald George Buehler Tom Earnist Jan Hillegas Anne Martinez Victoria Fuller Samuel Sautaux Joseph Magid Mark Avellan Iris Edinger Diana Horowitz Linda Ng LJ Lanfranchi Vicki Johnson Jennifer Schusterman Brenda Loew Hans Meyer Virginia Jones Joyce Shiffrin Ann Coz Barbara Barry Rachael Denny Bob Fischella David Hostetter Claire Perricelli David Lauder Rev Laurie Cline Andra Heide Ronald Forthofer Pamela Gibberman Susan Johnston Margaret Wallar Sheila Rekdal Kathleen Mireault David Olson John Keiser Linda Massey Kim Krupnick Katherine Dander Rosalie Murray Joel Leitner David Wasserman Martin Bloom Colette Taglieri Tammy King Annamaria Laverty Stephen Boletchek Taylor Brown Jennifer Stewart Bruce Hlodnicki Valentina Livingston Joan Abruzzo Robert Meyer Mary Peterson Laura Simpson Greg Perkins Terry Burns Joy Reese Helga Moor Fran Hoef-Bouchard Laura Dumais Janet McCalister Patricia Beach William Hassig Donna Smith Patricia Nadreau Stephany Strahle James Mulder Claudia Richner John Anderson Chris Paterson Donna Dufresne Glenn and Sandra Griffin Leah Sanchez Ellen Weininger Elizabeth West Emily, MD Greenspan Marco Pardi C Day David Greene Frances Hatfield Lisa Keim Robert DiGiovanni Jr Manuel Bermudez Terrie Williams Louella Green Nicolas Davies Eric Robson Elizabeth Watts John Flater Jackson Brand Tim Speece Stephen Smith Gary Jones Shakayla Thomas Marion Pack Belle Sprague Linda Sullivan Jordan McCarthy Patricia Borchmann Denise Halbe Jeanne Held-Warmkessel Thomas Canning Carol Hinkelman Dolores O'Dowd Martha Brown B Barbara Parliman Darlene St. Martin Lorie Cartwright Mary Shaughessy Leah Emerson Shelley Mann-Lev Elizabeth Elkins Sarah Jaeschke Maryann Roby Temma Fishman D. Wonda Johnson Jill Herbers Michael Kast Randi Saslow Pat Vescio Terry Vollmer Rosalie Nava Fran Malsheimer Barbara Smith Robert Stine Marilyn Hill Carol Joan Patterson 39

Anne Peniazek Christine Powell Candace Stolley Edward Thornton Karla Devine Pati Tomsits Eugene Rosolie Kathy Labriola Daryl Gale Barbara Vanhorn Bonnie Gorman RN Gerald Dooley George Milkowski Susan Harnisch Michael Terry Bruce Burns Joann Koch John Wood Liz Ibarra Cindy Beckley Robert Reed M Leszczynski Linda Spanski Barbara Harris Barbara Buck Heidi Shuler Nick Berezansky Leigh Hill Bob Segal Ed Atkins Tom Koors Shelley Frazier Michael Morgan Ray Hearne Debra Poscharscky Richard Bartkowicz Phyllis Chavez Rainbow Di Benedetto Taffy Williams Marguerite Sgrillo James Monroe Patricia Law Joanne Sweeney Ali Bailey Florence Arnold Nhung Nguyen William 'Skip' Dykoski Ehren Nogueira Karen Starr Richard Lamb Marilyn Ledoux Lee Witkowski Catherine Loudis Juliann Pinto Thomas Bennett Jayme Yancy Colleen Shetland Marie Wakefield Bridget Koch-Timothy Eunice Hafemeister Kaganga John Stephanie C Fox Mark Glasser Nelleke Bruyn Dorothy Calvani Mary Schor Margaret Murray Janys Kuznier Cletus Stein Elaine Holder Beltha Mboh Patricia Borri Joseph Hayes Laura Dufel Darrell Rolstone Cherlyn Leach-Valades Linda McKillip Jill Paulus Wade Johnson Michelle Freedman Jerry Wheeler John Miller Kathleen Mezoff Marie Garescher Michael Salzmann Bud Johnston Nancy Enkiri Sarah Demb Geraldine May Brenda Lee Mark Scibilia-Carver Anita Brandariz Molly Hauck KM Jim Haley Marilyn Gockowski Charlene Donovan R Austin Veena Singwi Josan Feathers Jennifer Smith Matthew Nossal Betty McElhill Anne Jackson Joyce Grajczyk Diane Pontius Sofia Wolman Gloria McClintock Teresa Meehan Christopher Berg Evelyn Lazalde Hannah Obrey Monique Grajeda Sonia Vázquez Holly Mata Linda Hanratty Julie Ford Mary Keithler Christine King Robert Wisniewski Florence Harty Patricia Reynolds Curtis Eckstein Marilyn Chilcote Gaia Mika Russell Weisz Maggie Panter Rebecca Ramsay Art Hanson 40

Sharon Nicodemus Sue Biederman Dee Halzack Barrie Stebbings Steve Sears Johanna Kovitz Walllace Elton Karen Jacques Gayle Janzen Laurence Kirby Kathleen Drury Patricia Constantino Grey Lee Anonymous Philip Lefcourt Carol Sills Maura Stephens Don Leichtling Bruce Campbell Joshua Gordon Lily Haggerty Bonnie McNairn Paul Roden Susan Gordon Patricia Marida Jesse Deer in Water 41