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SECY-78-505A: August 15 Letter from Nader, Pollock and Bancroft Concerning Shipment of HEU Through Chicago'S O'Hare Airport
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/16/1978
Download: ML23172A258 (48)


November 16 , 1978 SECY-78-SOSA FOR:


.THRU: Lee V. Gossick, Executive Director 4-.. for Opera ti ans FROM: Clifford V. Smith, Jr., Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


SECY 78-505. AUGUST 15 LITTER FROM NADER, POLLOCK AND BANCROFT CONCERNING SHIPMENTS OF HEU THROUGH CHICAG0 1 S 0 1 HARE AIRPORT Enclosed is a proposed response to Nader, et al, revised according to instructions in SECY memorandum of November 1, 1978.

The SECY memorandum also contained~ separate inquiry from Commissioner Bradford concerning issues to be addressed in NRC's generic Environmental Impact Statement on the transportation of radioactive materials in urban areas. The staff response to Commissioner Bradford is being forwarded separately.

/VA v/a.,,~ ~

,/// / ~p,.L-Clif r; ** V. Smith, ~r., Direct /2 -

Off, of Nuclear Materia1 Safety a d Safeguards Enclosure As stated

UNITE:J ST ATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMM ISSION WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN Mr. Ralph Nader Mr. Richard Pollock Mr. Michael Bancroft 2000 P Street, N.W.

Washington, DC 20036 Gentlemen:

Your letter of August 15, 1978.posed a* number of questions about events following Chicago Mayor Bilandi c 1 s December 1977 announcement of a joint study by his office and the NRC concerning highly enriched uranium (HEU) sh~~~ents through O'Hare Airport.

  • To help clarify these matters, I have enc losed two reports prepared by the NRC staff. One of these hi ghlights events since the Mayor's December 1977 announcement and the other discusses safety and safeguards of HEU shipments through O'Hare Airport. In addition, let me offer the following observations.

The NRC staff assembled a study team whic h was ready to start fieldwork in Chicago in December 1977. However, work could not commence until the City of Chicago approved the scope and pl an of action for the study. These were formally proposed to the Mayor in a letter dated January 19, 1978, from NRC's Director of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards.

The joint short-term study was never cond ucted because Mayor Bilandic decided against . proceeding with it. The Mayor believed NRC's ongoing urban transportation study could satisfactorily address the sociological factors which were of primary concern to Chi cago officials. In a letter dated February 23, 1978, replying to NRC' s January 19 proposa 1, the :1ayor stated, " ***** it wo4.ld seem illogical to at tempt to push through a short term {30-day study} which would be unique to Chicago at a time when the major nationa l urban environmental impact statement is already under active

~evelopment by your Agency and the Federal Government acting in consort with state and local governments."

Mayor Bilandic's representatives were invited to attend related meetings of the Ad Hoc Task Group formed by Sandia La bo ratories to discuss the working draft assessment of the environment~l impac t cif transporting radio nuclides in urban environs and an NRC workshop dea li ng with the transport of radio-active materials in cities. The meetings 1<1ere held in i'lew York City on July 24 and 25. Mr. James A. Meany of the Chicago Department of Health attended the meeting of the Ad Hoc Task Gro up.

Mr. Ralph Nader Mr. Richard Pollock Mr. Michael Bancroft With regard to your recommendation for a generic environmental impact statement on air shipments,

  • I can only restate that on June 2, 1975. the Commission first announced its intent to prepare a generic environmental impact statement to support its rule-making proceeding concerning the air transportation of .radioactjve materials incl uding HEU (40 FR 23768). That document was published in December 1977 as HUREG-0170, Fi na l Environmental Statement on the Transportation of Rad i oactive Material by Air and Other Modes.
  • On March 3, 1977, the Commission also announced its intent to prepare a separate generic environmental impact statement on the transportation of radioactive material near, in, and through, a large densely populated area (42 FR 12271). This second generic environmental impact statement is currently being developed. The Ad Hoc Task Group (of which Mr. Pollock was a member) has helped Sandia develop an environmental assessment .upon which NRC's generic environmental impact statement will be based. Further-more, there will be cdntinued opportunity for public participation as work progresses on this environmental impact statement through the draft stage.

Among other things, when the draft statement is available, the public wil l be notified through the Federal Register and invited to comment on it.

The Commission is also conducting a rule-making proceeding to upgrade physical protection requirements for significant quantities of strategic special nuclear materials in fixed sites and transportation. On July 5, 1977, the Commission published proposed rules for public comment (42 FR 34310).

Extensive public comments were received and considered. As a result, on August 9, 1978 the Commission published revised proposed amendments for public comment (43 FR 35321).

I should also point out that on February 9, 1976 the Commission announced its conclusion that the air transportation of special nuclear material under currently effective regulations need not, and should not, be suspended, or otherwise limited, while the review process noticed on June 2, 1975 is being conducted {41 FR 5627). Although we will continue to assist and cooperate in every way wi th the City of Chicago and other State and local governments, the Commission has not reached any new conclusion at this time.

With regard to air sh ipment of HEU. through Chicago's O'Hare Airport, there is no Federal or local regulation prohibiting it and available informati on has not shown that such activity, as currently regulated, is inimical to the common defense and security or constitutes an unreasonable risk to public health and safety. However, as a result of Mayor Bilandic's announce-ment, there has been a de facto suspension of such activity through O'Hare Airport since December 1977.

Mr. Ralph Nader Mr. Richard Pollock Mr. Mi chae 1 Bancroft* .

In closing, let me make the following comments in direct response to questions in your August 15 letter:

1. Members of the NRC *staff worked with Chicago officials to develop the schedule and scope of work for a short-term study as reflected in NRC's January 19 letter to t he Mayor. The proposed action plan called for coordination wi th the Illinois Congressional delegation and State officials in the fourth week , after members of the NRC an~ Mayor's office staffs had comp leted data collection and drafted a-prelimi nary report.

Actual work on the joint short-term study could not commence without the Mayor's approval. On February 23, 1977, the Mayor decided against proceeding with the short-term study, *

2. Since this entire matter was a Chicago initiative from the outset, it was considered appropriate for the City to continue to take the lead responsibility for all public announcements. However, NRC has responded fully to all requests for *information.
3. Section 201 (b }(2} of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 requires the NRC staff to review the safety and safeguards of all facilities and materials licensed under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, associated with the processing, transport and handling of nuclear materials. Recent staff reviews covering shipment of HEU are discussed in an enclosed staff report.
4. There is no official 11 ban 11 on HEU shipments through O'Hare Airport and available information has not shown that such activity, as currently regulated, is inimical to the common defense and security, or constitutes an unreasonabl e risk to public health and safety.

However, shippers have not used O'Hare Airport for HEU since December 1977 in deference to the Mayor's desires. NRC's memorandum of May 19, 1978, reminded all potenti al shippers of HEU about the Mayor's concerns, as promised in a l etter from NRC to Mayor Bilandic, dated May 2, 1978.

5. The NRC and Sandia Laboratories were in complete agreement concerning Chicago representation at the New York meeting of *sandia 1 s Ad Hoc Task Group. Sandia Laboratories did not consider it necessary to formally expand membership in its Ad Hoc Task Group for its final meeting in New York. Instead, Sandia conducted that meeting as a public forum and specifically invited Chicago representatives to attend and participate. The City of Chicago sent a representative to ~he meeting.
  • Mr. Ralph .Nader Mr. Richard Pollock Mr. Michael Bancroft . .- - 4
6. In December 1977, at the request of Mayor Bilandic, NRC agreed to participate with the City of Chicago in a joint short-term study.

But Chicago officials were not able to identify specific issues of concern at that time. As noted in NRC's letter to Mayor Bilandic, dated January 19, 1978, NUREG-0170 appeared to address broad general concerns expressed by the Mayor's staff in a meeting with NRC staff members on December 15, 1977.

7. Any decision to change requirements governing the air shipment of HEU will depend upon the outcome of current NRC reviews and rule-making proceedings.
8. The Commission hopes that continued participation by Chicago authorities in its current reviews will assure that their concerns are satisfactorily resolved. In particular,' there will be continued opportunity for public participation as work proceeds on NRC's generic environmental impact study on transportation of radioactive materials in urban environs.

The Commission appreciates your interest in these matters and invites your continued parti~ipation in its current reviews.

Sincerely, Joseph M. Hendrie Chairman


1. NRC Staff Report on Chicago Events w/attachments
2. NRC Staff Report on Safety and Safeguards of HEU Shipments


STATUS REPORT CHRONOLOGY AND STATUS OF JOINT CHICAGO-NRC REVIEW CONCERNING HIGH ENRICHED URANIUM SHIPMENTS THROUGH CHICAGO tS O'HARE AIRPORT AS OF AUGUST 25, 1978 Mayor Bilandic Expresses Concern On December 1, 1977, Mayor Bilandic of Chicago released a public statement of concern about transportation of highly enriched-uranium through QtHare Airport. On December 2, 1977, senior executi ves from the NRC staff met with Mayor Bilandic and agreed that no further shipments of highly enriched. uranium would be made out of O'Hare Airport until the completion of a joint study by the Mayor's office and NRC (ref. attachment 1).

NRC Staff Grou*p Fanned On December 9, 1977, NRC fanned an interoffice group of about twenty professional staff to participate in a short tenn review concentrating upon aspects of high enriched uranium transportation unique to the Chicago area .

Meeting to Organize Joint Study On December 15, 1977, members of the NRC staff met in Chicago with Mr . Edward King; Deputy Corrmissioner of Health to discuss the joint study (ref. attachment 2).

NRC letter to Mayor Bilandic On January 19, 1978, Clifford V. Smith, Jr., Director, NMSS", wrote a letter to Mayor Bilandic outlining a plan of action to resolve the Mayorts concerns (ref. attachment 3) . Or. Smith pro posed an approach which he personal ly discussed with the Mayor in a meeting on January 20, 1978. It consisted of the following:

0 A Short Tenn Study The NRC staff would participate i n a 30-day review concentrating upon particular aspects of highly enriched uranium transportation unique to the Chicago area.

0 Briefing on Final Environmental Sta tement The NRC staff would brief Chicago officials on its Final Environmental Statement on the Trans ortation of Radio-active Materia y

  • ir and ther Moaes NUR -
  • That stat ement was released in December 1977, and covers

~ir transportati on of radi oactive material including packaging and related ground tran spo rtation.

  • NRC Office of Nuclear Material Safety ENCLOSURE 1

._ 2 -

° Chicago Participation in Urban* Study*

  • Sandia Labs is perfonning for NRC an environmental assessment of the environmental impacts that result from the transport of radionuclides in densely populated areas.

New York City data. wil l be used for model devel opment and yield specific results; generic results applicable to any urban area will*be obtained by mathematical analysis.

To assist in developing this assessment, Sandia Labs fanned an Ad Hoc Task Group including persons associated with Federal, State, and local government, academia, industry, and environmental activi sm. Chicago representatives would be invited to attend meetings of the Ad Hoc Task Group.

Congress Notified On January 24, 1978, NRC's Director of Congressional Affairs sent copies of Or. Smith's January 19 letter to Mayor Bilandic to the following interested members of Congress:

Senator John Glenn

  • Senator Charles H. Percy Senator Adlai E. Stevenson, III Representative Abner J. Mi kva Representative Dan R~stenkowski Briefing on NUREG-0170 On January 30, 1978, representatives from the NRC staff and Sandia Laboratories briefed senior Chicago officials on the NUREG-0170, final environmental statement on transportation of radioactive materials.

The Mayor's staff suggested that a similar briefing be given to Illinois State officials. Accordingly, on February 13, 1978, the Director, NMSS sent a copy of NUREG-0170 to Attorney General Scott and offered to arrange a bri efing for him (ref. attachment 4).

Mayor Bilandi c 1 s Letter to NRC On February 23, 1978, Mayor Bilandic wrote to the NRC Director of Nuclear -

Material Safety and Safeguards (ref . attachment 5). Following are maJor points in the Mayor's letter:

° Chicago Considers NUREG-0170 Inadequate In his letter, Mayor Bi landi c referred to the urban environmental factors not specifically considered in NUREG-0170 and those raised by his staff which "are known to stress large segments of populations residing in densely populated urban envi rons."

° Chi caoo Considers th*e

  • Forthco'mi ng Generic Statenieiit on Urban Environs More Approoriate *1han a Short Term Chicago unique Study For Resolving the Issues Mayor Bilandic concurred in NRC's proposal that Chicago representatives be invited to attend meetings of the Ad Hoc Task Group formed by Sandia Laboratories to help in its environmental analysis of transportation in urban environs. Mayor Bilandic suggested that a generic environmental statement on transportation in urban environs may well address most, if not all, of the urban factors excluded from NUREG-0170 including concerns raised by his staff. Consequently, he considers it "illogical"

.to attempt to push through a short term study unique to Chicago at this time * .

0 Mayor Bilandic Recorranends Use of Military Air Bases The Mayor endorses the idea of using military air bases or military sections of civilian-controlled joint use airports for the air shipm~nt of high enriched uranium.

Invitation to Meetinos on Urban Study On March 22, 1978, Arthur R. Ducharme of Sandia Laboratories sent a letter to Mr. Edward F. King, the Mayor's representative, providing background information on the urban study and extending an invitation for Chicago representatives to attend the next Task Group meeting, tentatively planned for late May in New York City (ref. attachment 6).

NRC Letter to Mayor Bilandic On May 2, 1978, NRC's Director of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Dr. Clifford V. Smith, Jr., wrote to Mayor Bilandic responding to corranents and recorranendations contained in the Mayor's letter of February 23, 1978 (ref. attachment 7). Following are main points in Dr. Smith's letter:

0 Acknowledges Chicaqo Rejection of Short Term Study Unique to Chicago Dr. Smith acknowledged that Mayor Bilandic no longer considered it desirable to do a short term study of factors unique to Chicago and preferred instead to have Chicago representatives attend meetings of the Sandia Laboratory Ad Hoc Task Group assessing trans-portation of radionucl i des 1n urban environs,

.. 4 -

0 Military Airfield Quest-ion

  • Referred to Executive .. Branch Dr. Smith infonned Mayor Bi l and ic that the quest ions of military airfield use had been referred to the Executive Branch for consideration.

Shippers Notified As promised in its May 2, 1978 lette~ to Mayor Bilandic, NRC notified all potential shippers of high enriched uranium on May 19, 1978, about the Mayor 's concerns and requested that they carefully coordinate any *such shi pments. with Chicago authorities (ref. attachment 8):

Note: ATthough there is no federal or local regulation prohibiting air shipment of high enriched uranium through Chicago's O'Hare airport, there has been a de facto suspension of such activity since the Mayor's announce-ment dr~ecember 2, 1977.

Invitation to Meetings on Urban Study On June 13, 1978, A. R. OuChanne of Sandia Laboratories answered a letter from Mr. E. F. King, responding to his March 22, 1978 invitation. The invitation to Chicago officials to attend and participate in the New York meetings was reiterated (ref. attachment 9). ~

Chicago Representatives Invited to Meeting in New York On July 17, 1978, NRC's Executive Director for Operations wrote to Mayor Bilandic inviting representatives to attend meetings in New York related to an environmental assessment on transport of radionuclides in urban environs (ref. attachment 10).

Meetings in New York City On July 24-25, 1978, Sandia Laboratories conducted, with public partici-pation, a meeting of the Ad Hoc Tas k Group advising on the development of Sandia's Environmental Assessment on Transport o.f Radionuclides in Urban Environs. On the afternoon of July 25, 1978, the NRC staff conducted an informal workshop on the Sandia assessment and related regulatory issues.

(Mr. J. A. Meany, Chief Sanitation Officer, Department of Health, repre-sented the City of Chicago. Mr. Richard Pollock, Director, Critical Mass Energy Project {CMEP), is a member* of the Sandia Task Group and spoke* at both meetings.)

Attachments: Seep. 5


  • Attachments to Status Report *
1. City of Chicago Public Announcement dated December 2, 1977.
2. City of Chicago Meeting Agenda dated December 15, 1977.
3. Letter to Mayor Bilandic from Clifford V. Smith, Jr. dated January 19, 1978, with six enclosures.
4. Letter to Attorney General Wil liam J. Scott from Clifford V. Smith, Jr.

dated February 13, 1978.

5. - Letter to Clifford V. Smith Jr. from Mayor Bilandic dated Februar.y 23, 1978.
6. Letter to Edward F. King from A. R. DuCharme dated March 22, 1978, without

.* enclosure.

7. Letter to Mayor Bilandic from Clifford V. Smith, Jr. dated May 2, 1978, with enclosure.
8. Letter to Licensees from Robert F. Burnett dated May 19, 1978.
9. Letter to Edward F. King ftom A. R. Ducharme dated June 13, 1978.
10. Letter to Mayor Bilandic from Lee V. Gossick dated July 17, 1978, with two enclosures.



- -- -- - *-- ..:-'i OFFICE OF THE IvIAYOR December 2, 1977 FOP. IMMEDIATE RELEASE Mayor Bil~ndic met today with senior members of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) sta!f.

The Mayor and the NRC representatives agreed that no further shipments of high enriched uranium ~.ould be made cut of O'Hare Airport until the completion of a joint study by the Mayor's Office and NRC * . Th is study will be initiated promptly.

While NRC believes that these shipments are being made safely, it has agreed with Mayo r Bilandic to_ restudy the situation.

At the Mayor's suggestion, the NRC agreed io invite Congressman Dan Rostenkowski, Senators *Adlai Stevenson and Charles Percy and Illinois Attorney General William Scott, or their representatives as well as an official of the Illinois Department of Health to participate in th e study *


I lI !v.:.irr;iy C. Sro-.*:n C:;mm, Richard J. Daley

! Ed-.*.*a:""c F. Kin;

  • 1 C~.Ic~go, dfinois 50602 Ot:,:Jut";' Comr. ..

ic:r I


'l' *~e -=

-0~, l cw~ng. .

were present at a meeti~g on Oecem b er l 5 , 1977 in ~~e Bear! Room o: ~he Departme~t of Health regarding Urani~==

Edwarc! E': King, .Deputy Com:iissioner, Oepartaent of aealth Gayle~- eaglund, Special Counsel to Mayor Bila~dic aobert F. 3urnett 1 Oirec~or, - Division of Safac;~ards,

~nited States Nuclear Regulatory Cow~ission James:. Donahue, Chie!, Securi~y & !nvestiga~ions Sec~ion, Onitee Sta~es Nuclear Regulatory Co~~~ssio~,

Region I~I, ' Glen ~llyn, Illinois Jack A. ~ind, Chief, Safeguards Branch, Region !II, Glen Ellyn, Illino~~

Eob Eric~ son, Nuclear Regulatory =ommission, Division cf Safeguards, {301) 427-40la or~ Ronald Foreman, ~oxicolcc; i s~, Department of l!ealth December 15, 1977 ATClf. 2

Ut:.1-'AK I IVlt.l'i I OF HEALTH Murray C. Brown, M.D.

Commi$$ioner Richard J. Daley Center Edward F. King, R.S.

~ Bilandic Chicago, Ulinois 606_02 Deputy Commissioner Ponrrs FOR D!SCUSSION F!rst org~ting meeting, Joint Study Group, Office of the Mayor, and Nuclear Regulatc?ry Conmission , December 1S, *1977 I. Definition of materials as hazardous or non-hazardous A. ~trinsically hazardous - radiation hazard.

  • B. Extrinsic hazard - subject to security threat.
c. Examiniation of objective a.~e sl:bjective impacts upon citizens in populous areas.

D. "Exami.niation i,f options to counteract intrinsic and extrinsic threats.

II. Security Safeguards A. over the road transporation.

B. Railroad c * . Airport

1) Pre-aircraft.loading

_ 2) Aboard_ aircraft III. Options To increase citizen safety and public health security.

rl. Definition of legal responsibility A~ Municipal government B. State governcent C. Federal government



V. Need for regulations, local, state, f ederal.

VI. Study conclusion.

December 15, 1977


NUCLEAR REGU LATORY COl\1MISSION WASHINGTON. D. C. :ZOSSS JA~ 19 1978 The Honorable Michael A. Bilandic Mayor of Chicago Chicago, Illinois 60602

Dear Mr. Mayor:

Ou.ring our discussions in Chicago on Oecerr.ber 2, 1977, it was agreed that the U.S. Nuclear Reguiatory Commission (NRC) staff would review the health, safety and Qther environmental impacts associated with transportation of high enriched uranium through the 0 1 Hare Airport.

In a subsequent discussion with members of my staff, on December 15, 1977,

  • Edward F. King, Dep*uty Commissioner, Chicago Department of Health, also expressed a desire . to review health, safety and safeguards impiications arising from transportation of a much broader range of nuclear materials over a wider geographical area.

Accordingly, I propose the~following as a means of resolving these matters:

Conduct Short Term Study According to the joint agr.eemen.t \*1h ich we reached on Oecen~er 2, 1977, the MRC staff wil l lead a review con-centra ting upon aspects of_high enriched uranium tran~ -

portation unique to the Chicago are a. This review should

  • take about 30 days and will include an assessment of the ca pabilities of Chicago area authorities to cope with incidents or accidents involving transportation of high enriched uranium. A list of study group participants is enclosed (enclosure 1) along with an outline scope of woTk (enclosure 2) and action.plan (enclosure 3}.

Briefina on Final Environmental Statement In response to the broader concerns expressed by Mr. King on December 15, 1977, I have as ked the NRC staff to prepare a briefing for Chicago officials on our Final Environmenta l Statement on the Transnortat ion of Radioactive ~aterial bv Air and .other i-:oces (:lU~EG- 017,:*J. I am releasing that study

.- to the public as a final environ~ental statement covering air transportation of radioactive materials, including packaging and related ground trans portation . It reinforces

~a Commission statement published in the Fed~ral Reaister ATCH. 3

'* Th~ Honorable Michael A. Biland{c . .,.

on February 9, 1976 (41 FR 5627), concluding 'that the air transportation of special nuclear material, other than plutonium, under currently effective regulations needs not,

.. and should not, be suspended or otherwise limited during the Co~.mission 1 s continuing rulemaking proceedings. Further-

.. more, r:UREG-0!70 *covers normal and accident transport risks for urban population zones. In fact, a population density of 15,444 persons per square kilometer was used in ~UREG-0170 to represent an extremely dense urban area for \*1orst-case accident analysis. A copy of the public notice of availability is enclosed {enclosure 4) along with the announcement about the study published in the Federal Recister on February 9, 197~

(enclosure 5). Copies of ~UREG-0170 will be made available during the briefing for *Chi cago of fi cials.

Chicaoo Particioation in Follow-on Environmental Except as noted above, NUREG-0170 does not specifically consider fac~ors unique to the urban environ~ent such as diurnal variation in population, convergence of transportation routes, shielding effects of buildings, or the effect of local meteorology on accicent conseq~ences. A separate study specific to such considerations is being conducted and will result in a separate environmenta1 statement specific to such an urban * .

envi ronrr.ent.

During their discussion on Deceriber 15, 1977, members of your staff expressed a desire to become more knowledgeable and involved in nuclear ~~tters, particularly as they rel-ate t-o transportation of nuclear materials. Accordingly, I propose to have your representatives invited to join in meetings of an Ad Hoc Task Group which is currently assessing the environmental impact associated \*1ith transportation of rad i cnucl i des in urban environs. The Ad Hoc Task Group was formed by Sandia Laboratories.

Sandia was selected by the NRC staff to perform an environmental impact statement on transportation of radionuclides-in urban environs. The broadly based Ad Hoc Task Group includes persons associated with government (local, state, and federal), industry, academia, and environmental activist groups.

  • Thus far, they have held meetings in New York City, Arlington, Virginia, and Baltimore, Maryland. I have asked that your office be informed of the time and place of their Spring, 1978 meet i ng and your representatives be invited to attend. I have also

-- enclosed a copy of our formal announcement about this stucy, published in the Fed~ral Register in *March, 1977 (enclosure 6) .

Tk~ Honorable Michael A. Bi 1andi c 3 -

Report on Transoortation of Radioactive Material in Illinois Currently, the State of Illinois is obtaining information on

--a continuing basis *abot.t the trans po rtation of radioactive materials in llli.nois through a jo in t Federal-State program.

The NRC has provided portable ins1.rumentatian t~ the*SUte for monitoring radioactive materi a1 being transported on

  • the hi gh\*1ays within the State.

In June, 1975, the Illfnois Department of Public Health issued a report on surveillance of radioactive u.aterials in transport in Illinois. This surveillance prog ram was performed for* the NRC and the U.S. Department of Trans portation (DOT). The purpose of the contract was to establish a program between the State of Il 1inois, NRC and DOT to obtain inforrr.ation regard-ing the transportation of radioactive materials within the State of Illinois. Philip N. Brunn er, Chief, Division of Radiological Health, acted as the state supervisor of the program.

My staff will provide your office with the 1975 report on that program, entitled Transcortaticn of Radioactive Material in 111 inoi s.

The NRC staff is ready to start th*ese acti ans as soon as we receive your approval. I hope that these act io ns ~-Jii1 reso1ve your concerns so that transportation of high enriched uranium can resu~e through the O'Hare airport, under c:.:rrent1y effective NRC and DOT regulations, as soon as we comp 1ete our short term study.-

Sincere ly, Original Signed bX

  • Clifford V. Smith, Jr., Director Office of i*i uclear Material Safety and Safeguards


As stated



- Parti ci oants Director: Rob ert F. Burnett, NRC, Director, D_ivi sion of Safeguards ChicaQo-~rea Advisor: Dr. Philip F. Gustafson, nire-;tor-5f Environrnental Impact Studies, Argonne National Laboratory and Vice-Chairman, Illinois Commission on Atomic Energy NRC Wash inoton Staff Particioants:

Robert F. Barker, Chief, Transportation and Produ~t~

Standards Branch ""'

Frank Brittell, Consultant, Corrmander Los Angeles Police Department (Retired) .

Jay B. Durst, Field Evaluation Section, Division of Safeguards .-_

Robert A. Erickson, Chief, Test and Evaluation Branch, Division of Safeguards Robert L. Fon ner, Attorney, Office of the Executive Le9a l Director C. Vernon Hodge, Transportation Specialist, Division of Fuel Cycle and Ma te}'.'ia 1 Safety Donald J. Kasun, Senior Plant Protection Analyst, Physical Security Licensing Branch, Division of Safeguards Charles E. MacDonala, Chief, Transportation Rranch, Division

.. of Fuel Cycle and Materia 1 Safety Richard G. McCormick, Acting Assistant Director, Division of Safeguards Inspection -

Harry M. Mitchell, Senior Systems Analyst, Contingency Planning Branch, Division of Safeguards William A. Nixon, Senior Chemical Engineer, Fuel Processing and Fabrication Bfanch

... ENCLOSURE l (ltr to Mayor Biland ic 1/19/78)

... rH~C Washinaton Staff Partfci.nants continued: ** -*

Donald A. Nussbaumer, Assistant Director, Division of Fuel .Cycle and Material Safety Sheldon A. Schwartz, Assistant Director, Office of State- P,=ograms _-_ _:- ...-

Eugene Sparks, Information Systems Section, Division of Safeguards

~ordon N. Spies, Field Evaluation Section, Division of Safeguards

  • William J. Ward, Investigator, Division of Safe9uard_s Inspection HRC Chicaao-atea Particioants: (Office of Insoection and Enforcement, Region III, Glen Ellyn, Illinois)

John A. Hind, Chief, Safeguards Branch James F. Donahue, Chi~f, Security and Investigations Section Other Particioants (As detennined by !*Tayor's office)


To review and report on public health, safety and safeguards aspects of NRC licensed high enriched uranium shi pments through O'Hare Airport.


Nuclear r1aterial: Uranium metal or compounds enriched to 20~ or greater in the U-235 isotooe.

Type of Transoort

- Air

- Road Geooraohic Area

- O'Hare Airport

- Roads and highways in and out Potential µ.azards

- Chemica 1

- Radiologica 1

- Conventiona 1 explosives and v,eapons associated with attempted theft or sabotage

.. AaQravatinq Factors to be Considered

- Meteorology

- Diurnal effects

-. Traffic conditions*

Shipment duration

- Accidents (collision, fire, air crash)

- Attempted theft or sabotage MitiQatino Factors to be Considered

- Federal regulations .*

- Federal Inspect i on and Enforc ement

Municipal, Count~, State and Federal awareness and ca pa bi liti es for conti ngency and emer~ency opera ti ons.


/1tr tn M~vnr Bil and i c

--*~v .. v-- **- -




-- .- Es_timate.9 Jime --

Action To Comolete

- Establish Task Force *- Action Completed

- Distribute background material to - Action Completed participants

- Establish NRC staff responsibilities - Action Completed for collection of data concerning public health and *s afety

- 1. NRC data

2. Chicago-unique data
  • a. Police and Fire Department awareness
b. Contingency plans
c. Maps, routes, shipping data, etc.

- Coordinate approach with Chicago officials - Action Pending

- Collect Chicago-unique data - One week

- Draft report - One week

- Coordinate draft within NRC and ~ayor's office - One week

- Coordinate draft with outside agencies - One week

- Prepare final report and arrange for joint - One week release br NRC afld the *cit~*of Chicago ENCLOSURE 3 (ltr to Mayor Bilandic 1/19/78)

NUCLEAR REGUL-'i70~ :* * ,::iM ISSIOi4 (10 CFR Parts 7i ~r.d 73)

FI~t:..L E::'l:Ka:;:.:;::tT.;L sr,;rE:1ENT at; TRAr:S?0R7AT!0~: OF ~-;~10.;cT! '.' ~

t~ATE:RIAL SY AIR .;::a OTHS~ MO:::s


- NOTICE -- --

In its ad'lar.ce notice of r*ulemaking proceejing published in the Fede:--a1

?-e;-i ster en June 2, 1975. (40FR23768). the Nuclear Regulatory Co:..':lission

~Ot!d t~at a generic environcental impact statement would be prepared on the air trans~~rtation of radfoactive mater ials, including packa;ing and related ground transp?rta~ion. Although the state~ent .was to be directed at air tra~s~ortation, other transportati~n mo~es - land and water were to be considered in li;ht of the reGu i re~ent of the National

~n1iron:s~~a1 Policy Act of 1959 (N~?A) that the relative cost an~ benefit cf a1t.c::-nat1*1es to certain *proposed federal actions be fully consi.:::erec:.

Th~ state:::ent ~-:~s to be generic in nature, assessing the impact fro.:-: ali transport~tion, not just that associated with a particular rule chlnge.

?urs~ant to the National Environ~ental Policy Act of 1969 and the Co~.mission 1 s regulations in 10 CFR Part 51 "Licensing and Regulatory ?o1icy anc Proced:.ires for Envi ronrr.enta l. Protec t i on, 11 the Cammi ss ion's Office of Sta.ndards. Development issued a draft environmental statement on transportJ-tion in M:irch, 19i6. After consideration. of the 28 letters of cor.-1.~ent recaived, from the public and from federal, state and local agencies, a rcr.:::~nta 1 Statement on the Transportation of Radioacti ve ~*la te!"i ~ 1 by Air and Other ~odes, has been issued and designated NUREG-0170.

ENCLOSURE 4 (ltr to Mayor Bilandic 1/19/78)

. . v1c,*:-s on 1..;,1~ n t;.i.;.u; ... -.u:,"'u.u........ ..

the ~ur,r,ortin;: l> {,; r ~1:"11 views. we:-c

& gr p1uwnu.uu. uwu:* ~ * .,,.u *** 'hT;'\,e11.., ..u.

devices. the m:i.:ert:i.l rc;;,.rc!ed 1s me.;:

~.ii FR '.p27 hl\'itecl to be subin:.tccl to tilt: Comm:.~- hnz.*udous b:, rr.ost o! the co~::ie:ner,.

  • Pubh1hed 2/9n~ sion bv July 2. l!li5. the q1;est!o::i ot continued sh1;:;me::t at After ccr:sidcr:'\tion o! t!:c commc:-:ts the present h:w :ieen !orcc!:::!ed b-;r recci,*ed a::d o:hcr in!ol'ln:1.c:on :-.nd fac- Pub. L. 9...,.j!), c~:i.ctcd .-\UIJUSt 9 , ::Ji3. It PART 71-PACl<ACING OF RADIOACTIVE tors dlc;c1ts:;ed belO\'!, the Co:nrr.1:ision !::ts i,roi*~c!es. a:r.oni. otiler t.'l~s. :..'1.o.t MATERIAL FOR TRANS?CRT ANO rc:irnr.ncd !ts. tcn::i.t:ve Cl)ndm;ion ~ct .. ' '7h* ~ucl*u ;t~iUla.tory C.:m:n:!!ton s!:.A!l TRA.*~PCRTATICN OF RAOIOACTl':E oui in -t!ic 1,i1t!ce fmbl:shcd . t:1 the Fc:::- t!C"; a.~:- !.11;men:s ~Y -::::.::s;)c rt \l!

MATERIAL UNDER CERTAIN CONDI* EiUt. Rc:ctsrtR Oil J:mc ::. l'.li5 , ,**irh plu~ontum In any Corm *._.. ::,_ether *x-;:,cru. t::i*

TIOt~S po:-..s or dorr.est:c ,!1lpm~nt., : ;>so c*::,:! , It ::.:*

respect to :-;:cci:il nuclc:1r !!.; n:cr. 'n\at &:-. ; ;> : u::>jlU:n in &r:. :: :.J::-:-:. : *:l!'\*

PArtT 73-?HYSlCAL ?F.OTECTION  ! ot!1er th:m pluto:iium th:it is not co::- :a.lned In* :r,e!Uca.l de,:::c des:~ned ~or 1nd!*

OF S?~Cl,\L. NUCLEAR MATERIAL tained :n a ml!dic::.l devire t!esii.1:cd ;*,:,r '1ctu&1 hum&n *;,;,:ica.t1on 13 ::.ot .<u:> Jec: ~o indl\'idtml !mm:.i.n :1;,plic:t,:0?1>. t!l1s restr.cuoa. T !'l 1~ rest:1:-::on !!\alt ~* 1:1 Packaging and Tr.2nsportation of Special Twenw-six comment.,; w,:-re recci\'ed force u:it:I :he Nuc!*ar ?.c;:u!a.:or;* C.J:r-=:!3*

Nuclear ~laterial b:, Air: Contincat1on of on the quc,.t!on oC thr? Cummis.-;ion *s .ston h.a.s ctr!!::ed tO t!'le .:01nt C:l.r:i :'!!! :.:ee on Shipments During Pendency of Rule At.>mlc: .::eri;y o, :?:\e c.:m.::e!.S :::.::.: :,, u~e Making Proce!!ding interim cvaiu:ition set out in tlle Ju::e 2 cont~lner l:Ai b~en de ~clo;,ed :i:<1 :es:ect

.- notice.

  • wntch will i:ot rc:;,ture ur.ce: c::,,sJ:i and O:i June :?. l9i5. the Ni.:clc:tr Rei:ul:r- The cominc~t..s received. 1:hich repre* l:lla.sC*tcsttn; .,~-.,:va,en: t~ the c::uh a.:d ex*
  • tor:, Co:nmts!'iC!l pui>lishetl in the Fto* 1'1oslOll Of* !l11;!1*rtr1::.; &lrc:att."

~ented a \\1de spectrum o! *:!cws on t~e ER,\L P.rc:?STElt 1-10 rn ~3i6S I :,. notice Should such ce:-:!r.c:i.t!or.s !:;e ::::ic!e !n sub;ect :1t wue, c!id :1ot r,rt>scnt anr 1:cw th:tt i, was imt!::i.cin~ :i. ru!em:tkin; p:-o* in!O:'Tn:ttir.n th:it 'l\*ould support the sus- the !uture, they would o! cou::-3e ce~-

cC\.'tli:!~ concem:ng tlte air t:-:i.nsport~* pension o! or other li::iitatior:s on the :i~ onstr.i:.e the absence o! an:, :~r t!on o! radic:~cti\'e material-;. including the health concerr.s put :on*ard :.. t..':.e

- pack:i.~:n~. *.nt!l :i. *,iC\\" to tlle PO.!Sible tr:tnsporta.t:on or ~pc?c1:il nuc!ea:- N.:w Ygrit aec!!1:.-:cs.

  • nrr.e~dment *ct i~s rcgul:ttions in 10 CFR m:i teri:tl. New Yor!i:'s ccn~nt!or.s regarc!!nJ the P:uts 71 and ';3, adopted purst::tnt to 'I11c Attorn,:y Cener:tl o! the St:i.!c c( possibility o! ter.-or.s: ::i.c:t*:it!e~ co :i.;:;;~*

the Atomic Ener:rr Act o! 195-l. :is New Yor~: sub*m ittcd his v:e\': that :i.;r equ:illy t.o h!sth er:.r!ched u::m:\!..":l. ::J3 a:::!

e.n.cnc!cc!. I:1ti::-cscc\.l perscns were invited trnnsport.-i:lon oi speci:i.l nuc lea r plt;ton!u:n. Ho;,:ever, ~ew Yo:-k n:u :.1~:=d to submit conu:~ent~ :md :;uz:;est!ons to ri:i.l shoulo.1 be SllSPC:!llC'~i P*~::c!in~ .:* *~i- to show c:.:.t a.Jr t:-:i.ns;>o:-t.1.:!on a:::! :l.S

  • U1e C:>::1mi:;si1.1u by AU!;USt 1. 1ns. pletion
  • ot th~ ru!t! :n:tki:1:: ?rocc~* :,,:'.r scc!:i.ted i;:our.d trans;>o,t are :...~::er~r:.t.!Y and t.llt'! acr*.>nwanru:~ c::vironm*m,:!l I:\O~!e to St;eh. o.::Uv!~:!S :...'u:l In the !:\me notice. ~e Cornm!ssion publi~ilcc! 1t,; i1:teri."!\ ev1iiu:ttion o! the i."?lp:tct statement. Toe o:-*.,;~s for h:s *:iew &lter.:ative :::oc!e5 o! t:::i::is-;,o:-::i.::o:: that question of ,*;!1ct!1er i~ C'!lrrent re:,.:.l:t* we:-e contamr.t! in :i.!nd:i. ,*:ts sub::iitttd ill may be a.vauabie. I::::eec!, a!: ::::.:-.s::,c>:-t:i-lions a!!ow1:1g tr:rnsportnt!on oC spe*  :,.11 :i.ct:on instituted br ~he S~:ttc oC ::cw Uon ma7 ::1i*e s!g::i:.=c:i.::t :ic\*:in~;es York :i.i;:a:ns:. chc Commb*ion :, ml sevcrnl o\*er otter r::oc!es o! :::-::ir..s;:0:-:1::on t::-o:::

ci:11 nucle:ir materi:i.l!i ~l1ould !n this stnndpo:.nt. :Sec::.1,;se t:::ir:.s:: : i:r.e !s effect dt:ri::!! tile rule m:ti<ing proceed* 0U1rr :'edcral a~cnc-!e< !:t U1c U~i!ed St::*tes Oi!<tr:ct Court fn:- th~ Sour :**~:*n m!:11.~tzed a:i:1 ::le l.i~orw o! C!s~::3:;on lug. '111e Co::1:niss1on tcn~:i:i\*el}* con* can be QUickly nlte:-ed !! :-:.ecess:i.::,*. c;:,-

cl~:ded t!l:it. m light o! i:m:.:e11~ l:1:~,rm:i.- Di.<trkt or =-:,*':\'" Yor}:. ~ .. ~!<:11:z. a:: :,.-::*:

other t!1i:1"<;. an injttnl*!10,1 :.1.'.{::ir.'t ; ,. portur.iues !o:- t.':.e!: or :i.c:.s o: s:.':lct:ige t!on :is ~o the safety and secu:-i~~* of are reduced. O::ce l::i :..':.e :ii:-, s;:ec::il :-:.:.:-

1thi;imc:1: o! r:idio:-.cti*:c !"!l:ttcri:il. there su~ncf.? oi !teens~ r>t.'r:r.:! 1.1 .-!!;' t:-:t:~v .,~*t cle:ir are s:;:-::fc:i.::1:1:.* !~ss vu!- .

-w:1:; no ~om:d b.~sis !or r~uirin~ the scs- b~* ;ur :ir:tl rc!at<'ct conn,*.-::n~ tr.-,n~::vrt ne:-able to hljac.,1:::; c;ian !s :!:~ c1.3e :c::-

pcr.s!on o! n.l:-;:;:1:cnt., u! speci:tl nu* o! r,lutonium a.r.d other ~::l't:i:i.l nurlc:-.r sur!:i.ce r.iodcs or t:aru;,or:..-:.:::in. T::ese f'!e:-.r m.\tcr!:tl. The Comn:i~5!on*s tcnt:t* m:i tJ?r.11.!s !rom. L'1. :ind o*:er the C!ty :1.nc1 ,.. advan:.:u:es are ::iot c!emc::st::-:i.o!*.- o:.::-

ti\'e e,*alu:ilion too:t into :.ccount the S t:,:!! oc :-Sew \"or!< anc1 the Cn1t~d St:i.tes we!i'hed by t!'le ~e:it.!r ~ob!! itr :f~ suc-

!ul!owing fac:ors: anrt it.,; C\!SS!ul h!J:i.cke::.s o! an sh:;:;-:ie:-:.t T!1e :i.n!ci:i.vit.. rtl~d \>~* the Stnte of ~e\v r.1~:it en.Jar: an air,,!:i.:-:.e !.s. !! :in;-:!::::;.

In more th:!.n :!5 o! si1l;,ping spe. esui:?r to trac!i: and :.::.a t.'la.:i a::. : t!.."'.-e:;ir.:.

y, :*, co::te::~ej t.'lat :itr sill;:n-:enc o! truck.

ci:u nuc!c:ir matc:-i:i.l. inc!udin:: pluta. ~ ***.::..11 r.i:::!t:i:- m:!tcrials enct:i::;;e:-s tr.e ntum. in civili:tn :tircr:.'.ft. ~here ha,*e 11\'l!S ot ~.a\\' Y.:.r:, .:iuzens in to;.*,> wa}*s:

n should be noted :ho.~ t.'-:.e t*::!:.-?d been no air accidents im*olvin;; the :n:i.- 1. The pos~1b;llty ot :i.n airers!: acc!- States D!str1ct Co;::: !or :.he Svu;.'le:-::

terio.l. dcnt result!::; ta a release o! s-;,ecl:i.l nu - Dlstr'.ct o! :-Sew York h::, c!e:-.!i!d :::.e The experler.ce in shir,ping thousands .

  • clear m:i.terlais or r:idla.tlon !rom them; Sta~ o! New Yor:-*s request :or ;::-~!:..--:::-

ol packages per year or nil forms o! a.nd nary inJt:nct!on !:1 tt*.e :i.c::on :r. ':\'!:::::i radioactive materials by :ill rr.odcs of  ::. The possibility oC terrortst :1ct1vit!es the ai':i.:::i.\1t.l st:!lm!t~ a.s co=:.::ien:.s transport under existini:: NRC. DOT. and directed to~*:i.rj such m:i.~rl:i!.s In the were filed.

cour.;e of 11lr trar.5port or related con- Based on tile !ore,;01:1::-. tnc!;::!!:-: 6 t.'-:.a FAA rc~l:i.tions has been \'Cry farnrablc. cor.s:jer:i.:!or.s stated In fae .;;::-.e 2 :.o,:,e The requests for susne:1slon th:i.t had  ::ect:ng t:-:i.n~;,ort result!::; In:

1 a I Deliberate dispersal o! :-aci!o:i.ctive desc:-ibed sup:-:1. the Co~::--.;s.;:o:: ::.2.s been rece1vc?<l :1.s o! tl:at c!.uc clid 110: 5ct concluded t!'la.t the a.I:- tr::ins;:,o:*,;l~:on ot forth :,.ny si!;nificant new info1*m:-.tlon m:1.teri:ils:

which would indic:i.te that present r,ac!t-

,b, Manufacture o! nuclear weapons; spec!:i.l nuc!e~r r:1:i.te:ia.l. o:her ::..':.:::1 or i:,lutonium, under cu:-rently e:!ec,l\*e re;-

ige or scc11r1tr requirements arc inadc* ic> *.t,ccidenbt ot :-.;.dlo::ictive ulattons needs not, and s.hoU!d no:.. ;ia qu:i.t.e. ma~ert:ils.
  • suspended or lL-nltcd c!t:::-!~~

In view of tl:e phrsical secm-ity me:ts* New ~r!c's n~d:i,*Jt.,; rcg:i.rdlng the i the per!od t!' t.'le ru!e ::,a.::.1:'I;. pr;:;c:!:=d*

ures now requ ired by 10 crn P:t::t i3, hca!t.'t h:i:::i.rds of :itr shlp,-:1cnt. like most tnir not!ced on June :. lali3, ls ce!n; .

the protection provic.lcct :tt?:tillst ~c*:rre of the concc:-ns !h:it have been cxprl'ssed conducted.

accident., by t!lP. hl::h ir.te;ntr p:,.cka;::ui:: recent!:,* about 111r tr:msportnt!on ot SP<?*

rC".'luircd by :-;nc. DOT, :1:1ct F:\A rc::u- ci:il nucle:lr :n:itertal. relate to tr.e pos-lntlons. the cons1stc1:c~* c! t! rcqui:-e- sible conseQue::ccs or 11rr-accJde:tt.."1l re-mcnts wi ~h tnct:rnatlon:tl st:tmlanl.,;, the lc:ir. e ot 11 s1i;ntflc:int qu:i.nt!tr oC pluton-low :iccidl'nt 11roh:t1J1!it*,*. :i.nd the !:wor- ium. It ls 11.Uumcd th:J.t the re:ison th:i.t nble c:q,eric-nc:! to cfate. the :*:sk i:wolvcd plutonium ts ducus:cd more than in :he tr::1:1sport:).tio11 o( r:idinac!ivc- !'lli* ur:in lum 13 th11t plutontm po:;es :i. much tertal umle1* curre?Hly l'lfec:ivc r,:-,:iul:t- i:re:i.ter ract!o!c r.1cal health h:i::.:ird than tinns *::ere b,:-lie,*cct to be- s m:til. either low or hi:;::, enriched ur:ir:tum, Not':':iths:,rnc!i:1;.: 1:s tt*:1t., tive C<'nclu- to !t.,; much ;;renter ndloncti\'lty ;)er cmt mass. :i.nc1 tc.~ r:icitob1oloi;:tc:il ch:iracte;ts-sions. :n view of the co1:rr.n:,; CXPl'l' *~cd

md the fact th:it reQue~t.: !1:td tJ~c-:1 rc-tics. t;r11nlu~1 ::JJ ex!sts o::ly 1n small ENCLOSURE 5 expe~1ment:1l QU:intit:es at this tirr.e 11r.d (1 tr to Mayor eeh*cd !vr lhe !'U.<IJ('ll:ilOn Oi :iii* ~lltPffil'lll.i l:i ra:ely by air. Enr.ched o! plutoruum :ind other ~pcc1:1I m11.:!i'..1r urar,lum. whether or low or h:.;h ennch- Bi land i c 1 / 1 9/ 78)
  • mnteri.\ls. corn men ts "**re ~prc1:ic:tlir m- rr.cnt. would not present a. s1,;nulc::i.n t

\'itetl on the matter o( whether suspc:1- rnd:ologlc:i.l health haz:i.rd even 1! a slg-1 slon or ocher lim1t:1lin11s on t!:c :11r n i!lc:int qu:intlt:; were to be rc!c:i.sed m tr:msport:t t ion o! plut on:, un anct *>til er an :i!:cr:i!t :icc1clcnt. The low acc!dent i1pcclal nnele:ir m:ttcn.11., are jusuf:ed prob:i.btlltY :ind t.'le ra.vor:ible experlencs durins; the period t!1:1.t tht' ru le makmi; to d:i~ with cont:.tncr, used to tr:m.spon prott'Cdin; i;; bdn~ eomiwtc-d. Ur.\:-Jwn :?JJ ar.d uranium ~JS c!ernon*

st rat.! th:i.t l.he .-.-ob11blUtY oC an BoCC:Xlc-n,

... . .. 1 1"-, tn clantt,,-.,nt ctls~~:"l :ll b CX*

. :Re s~:i.l? h:i.s selected Sandl:i Lllbor.i*

~42 FR 12271 t,,r!~. /.lbuq.erqi:e, New Me:cico. :o per-Publishad 313f77 *rnt n:1 en,*1roruner.t:l

.,:on ~*hid1 the generlc envt:onmen~l 1mp:i.ct st."lte:nent ,;i,*111 be l:i.r,ely 'o:ued.

TRANSX>RTATI0N OF R~I0NUCLl0ES IN UR:?A:*ENVIRONS ":"ll r.elp its e:wlron::u:r:Ul

".in~ L:!.bor:itories h:is !orn,eF-n :\d Intent To Prepare a Generic EIS dnc T:i.;:. Croup to pronde :i. forur:i !01*

Th.t Nuclear Re1:uJ:itor7 Comnuss:on rt*,e e:orrh,1n~e oC ideas :ind in!or:nauon tNRCl h3.& com:r.enced pre:;mt!on of a * ,*twe!n t-*:perc... The bro:i.cily b::.:d

eneric en,-ironn
ental i:n;::ict st:i.:ement , .* c::n!:.:r:,h11, o! the AHTC incl~ces ::er*

c:n t.'le t:-ar-.sp0r::it1on of rac::on::dides in 5011.~ :i.i~1ri:\t,:d with go\'en:inent, , local.

urban ffl\'trons. T!lis env::c::men:.1.1 !:n- -t:\te :ind !ctier:il* . lnd~:i-y. ac:ic!e:m:\.

pact statemeni: on the tr:1r.sµort:1t1on of . ~d ennronment."ll :i.ctr.i.n gro:.1;,.*.

rac!io:i.cti\*e m:1.teriat ne:ir. in. ar.d ~-keti1!;5 Cl the :\HTG :ii-e open tQ t.he Chro-.:rh :i l:ir;e aemely populated a:e:i 1.-ui..lil*. Ti~t: nrs~ mc,~u:::; w:,s he!ct in

  • ts beini in conr.ect;,;,n with a * *.,. \"o:-k C1tr on S':!:,tembcr ::o. lJ':'o:

re-evalwit1O11 cf preser., rei;ul.it1ons :i.s .* ~ecor:d m~tinrr w;111 held in Al'*

indic:.:ed !n t!:e ad\*:i.nce i:otice of .rultt* um. \'.1. on r:o,*ember t-:-17. l~':'6. As a makmr p:oceedtn;s :,uo:i~hed June :?. '""!!Ult o! the AHTO meet::~l!S the pro;e<:t 1975 1to Fat :3-;-531 .ind pt::sua.n, to the ***npe h.u l:een exp:in,:cd to t:e:n soc::.,!

Na.tiotul En\*iror.menta.l Policy Act of 1:11p:ict :ind qu:ility :i.ssur:ir.ce pr:tcttces 1969 183 85.?> . 1n further ciept.'l. A third mee::::ii !S Purs~t to the stated ln~ntion to re-  :-::inned for =-tarcn :?9-3n. 1377 ln S.1!ti-view those re.;ulations !r: place when n:nl't'. itd. ltinutei. of :hese me!tir.:;s NRC 11."U !ormed ln Januar;- l9i5. t!le will he Pill.Ced in t.he US:'-t"RC Puol:c rulemaktnr proceedini *,_:u imt1:.:ed Docmr.en: Ream 11717 H Street. ~.w..

with a view to t!:e :,osa~:ile :i::~encirr.!nt * ** LShim;t.'.>n. DC.> :is t.he:v become a,*:ij-o! reaul.1:1.ins ;n 10 CFR P:irt.S 71 :m.:J 73 _:,le. Interested person.~ are encour~i::ed rea:u*d!r.:{ t::i:~µorta.t:on ot ra~oact;ve tn :i.:tend the~e public meet!nlfS. Fu~!':er materi:i.1. lr.ciuc!!r.; i;,:ickastm;. The con- inCor.n:i.Ucn :tbout the Sand~ I.allor:i-sic!erat:otu puc!:shed prenously aµ:;.h* to *~ie:; :i..s.,essment. the AHTG. or !..tia*e Chis enviror.mental :mp:.cL statement: m.:etin~s m:w be obt:\:nl!d !rom A.. R.

however. thiS st:rnm~ent \\,ll Co.:us on t.~e DuCh:irme. Di..,ision ;;413. S:indt:1. t..,b-specl:11 !e:itures ot urb:in a:e:is. ar:d va.r- . :t:.orie,. .-\lbuqueri;ue New lleirico lO\:S tro.n.spon modes wul l:e cn*en em- ... *is. telephone , 505 * .!G-l-5571.

J)ha&ls in :i.ccord -xtth their env1rcn- ....fter t:.i;,: em*ironrnent:tl impact:.

mental in an ur::in sett!.ni;.  :- -~es.smen; h:i.., been rc,*iewed l:r tl1e The generic env:ronmenwl impact - RC .n:il?. :i dr:ilt gener:c en,*ircn-statement will cons:c:er sui:h unique , ilT:pact st:iteme:-:t \\"111 be r,re*

!acet.s o! the u1*1J:i.n setti:11; as: P1u*ed. t:;:on p1*epar;..t:on o! the dr.1.!t 11> Htgh po;:ul:i.t10n d,ms1ties: 1:-:wironment:il st:i.:emc?nt. t!le :-."Re wilt.

12> e.lfect.S ol buildmas :tmons; other thir.;s. c:iuse to be pub-under nor::,al and :iccic:ent cor:di:lor-.s; 11.~hed in the F!:DUAr, RECtST!:l! a ~um-

13) The el'ttct of local meteorolos;y on mnry no:1c.e of :i.vnilnbihty of t.~e draft acctc!ent co11.*eq1..ences : 1°-neric em*ironr:1ent:il un:,:i.ct sbte-

<*U The convei-ier.ce ol t::iruportat1on  ;.. ent. 1, ;tt :-. request !or comments from

.. routes in CiL!es : and 15> Diurnal \":lriatioru in popul:i.t!on.

interestrd ,,.*rsons .in the dni!t st,ite-mem. T.t~ :.i:mm:u-y notice \\"lll :iJ.~o Emph:1.51.s 111.*UI be plACed on r:ldlo-  : -nbin' :\ 5t.:i.tement to the etfect th:i.t 1O11c:i.1 health ~ffect.S, but all envtron- comn1ent.,; ,,n Fedel'al agencte~ :ind State ment:il lmPII.Cts, bot.'l radlolocic:il and :ind local 1,,;fici:ils 'l\"111 be *mnde :i.v:i.1:;1ble nonr:i.dlolortcal, will be LS3H.sed.


- -'*':en received. Upon cons1der:n1on of

.,mntent.s i.uomitted respect to the draft en\"iron:nent.,1 .-t:,t,ment. the NRC

~,:itr will prc:;l:tre :i tln-1 i:eneric envu*:,n.

  • .:**nt:i.l 1m1>J.c~ r.t:itement. the :l\'a1l:1bill-
  • .> of 9,hlr'* will bt: 1>1.tbli.~lted in the FtatltAL

ENCLOSURE 6 (ltr to Mayor

.. Bilandic 1/1 9/78)

FEB 1 3 1978

.. .::i;*'~** =-~* **~ :r': ~

..***-* *:. .*~ ., ...-.*

The t!onorab1e 1-lil 1 i am J. Scott" ~ ..

AttQrney General.': . .*... '

$~~~~ of _Illinois Ch1cago, Illinois 60601 Oear ?*'.r. Attorney Genera 1 :

On January 30, 1973, at the r~quest of ~~yor Bilandic, NRC representatives bri~fed Chica90 City officials on an environ7ienta1 statement concerning transportation of radioactive ~~te~ials.

The City officials suggested that this same information ~e ~rovided to you and your staff. Accordingly, r have P.r:closr:d a co py of NRC's F1~31 Er,,,irn'n?"!er.tal Stc1ti::.:?ent on th':! ir:tn~r,ort.aticn cf ~adioactive

!" *a i=al 1-.,, L~ *,.. ~-r.rl (1~~~  :'~ :::l .. *:i'.r,i:r-_:;1* i,

  • fo.1so er.close-:i is a.

cop:, of the r.otice of availability oubiishea in the Ft?d~ral ?.1"1'!15t~r on J~nuury 25, 1978. As stated in tht!t notice, oersons "'i th vi eHs on the content or conclusion cf r-:upr;;-rnzo, which may be r:ii:ipful to tha Coz:::iission in its deliberations si1cu1ci file such cc~.c:its by March 15, 1978 \-11th the rJRC.

If you desire any further information on this subject, you or ynur staff are ttel come to czi 11 r-:r. ~obert F. Burnett at (301) 427-4033.

If you desire. ,1e \*JOuld be pleased to arrange a briefing for you similar to that given to i*ayor Bilar.dic's staff on January 30. 1978.


,>rlsinal l!i~~e:~~-~ -

. ...... ~f"I ~* c;y,.:.~~ * ..i:\*

CL1.: .: ~1-1 * * ..

Clifford V. Smith, Jr., Director Offic~ of rlucl ear ~!aterial Safety and Safeguilrds


'\s stated ATCH. 4

MICll,\£1. A. DIU:.'DIC

......,0 ..

February 23, 1978

Dear Dr. Smith:

This is in reply to your letter of January 19, 1978 relative to the transportation of high enriched uranium througn O'Hare ,Airport. You further point out in your letter that during our joint discussions in Chicago on December 2, 1977, it was agreed that the u~s. Nuclear Regulatory Com~ission staff would r eview the health, safety and other environ~ental impacts associated with transportation of HEU through O'Hare.

On Decenber 15, 1977, members of my staff again met with URC staff for the purpose *of exploring a joint agenda for a study to determine the environmental impact of the transportation of HEU throuqh densely populated urban environments such as the City of Chicago and its major airport. It is my understanding that the agenda for the proposed short term study proposed by the NRC did not address some significant environmental and health and safety factors, including those which are known to stress large segments of populations residing in densely populated urban environs. It is my further understanding that NRC representative3 :~en proposed a briefing on NUREG-0170, titled, "FI~AL .. :; */tRO~fMEHTAL STATEMENT ON THE TRANSPORTATION OF RADIOACTIVE: ~iATERIAL BY AIR AN D OTHER MOOE:S," which was intended to ac ~ ~~ss many of the queseions raised at the December 15, 1~77 meeting here in Chicago.


Dr. Clifford V. Smith, Jr.

Page _ Two On January_ 30, 1978, NRC staff provided a detailed briefing on the contents of NUREG-0170, Volumes land 2.

This briefing was attended by six cabinet-level members of my staff, including the President of the Chicago Board of Health, Commissioner of He<<lth, the Superintendent of Police, Commissioner of Environ~ental Control, Deputy Commissioner of Fire and the Deputy Commissioner of Health of the* City of Chicago. During the briefing, Nat personnel admitted =hat NUREG-0170, Volumes land 2, are still classi-fied as "staff documents" and will not be submitted to the full Uuclear Regulatory Commission until at least March 15, 1978, at which time the Commission will decide whether or n~t to accept this "Final Environmental Impact Statement."

Further~ore, as stated in paragraph two of your letter of January 19, 1978, relative to NUREG-0170, page two, paragraph two:

  • Exce pt as noted above, NUREG-0170 does not specifically consider factors unique to the urban environment such as diurnal variation
  • in population~ convergence of transportation routes, shielding effects of buildings, or the effect of local meteorology on a~cident consequences. A $eparate study s~ecific to such considerati~ns is being conducted and will r~s~lt in a separate environmental statement specific to such an urban environ-ment.*

We have earlier expressed dee p interest in this separate urban environ~e~~al assessment which you point out is being carried out *by~~ ad hoc task group formed by Sandia Labora-tories, and suq~est that upon comp l etion of an NRC-Saridia Laboratories =~ ~~ ronmental Impact Statement on the tr~nspor-tation of radic~~clides in urban environs, it may well address itself to most, if not all, of the urban factors, admittedly not covered in NUREG-0170 as well as those raised by my staff.

Dr. Cliffor d V. Smith, Jr.

Page Three

. Thus, ~t would seem illogical to attempt to push

  • through a short term (30-day study) which would be uniq~e to Chicago at a time when the major national urban environmental impact statement is already under a ctive development by your Agency and* the Federal Government acting in consort with state and local gover-n.ments.

Wed~, however, concur with your proposal that Chicago representatives be invited to attend the meet-ings of the Ad Hoc Task Group and *appreciate your sug-gestions made in this regard.

Members of my staff have advised me that your Agency is currently exploring, with the Department of Defense, the feasib i lity of utilizing _militari air bases or the

~ilitary side of civilian controlled airports in an effort to provide a viable alternative to exclusive use of civil-ian airports for the transportation of high enriched uranium. At the very least this would seem to be a highly commendable interim solution to our joint problem and would certa in l y go far to reassure the general public that e v~ry possible precaution is being taken relative to the transportation .. of these materials and to the safeguarding of the public interest.

Sincerely, Mayor

  • Dr. Clifford V . .:~i th, Jr . .

Director Office of Nuclear ~aterial Safety and Safeguards United States Nuclear Regulatory Co~~ission Washingto n , o.c. 20555.

.. Sandia Laboratori1 AlbUQuerQue. New Mexico 871 March 22, 1978 Mr. Edward F. King Deputy Commissioner Chicago Department of Health Chicago Civic Center Chicago, Illinois 60602

Dear Mr. King:

I have been informed by members of the Nuclear Regulatory Com::ission (NRC) staff that the Mayor and other officials of the City of Chicago are interested in a study being performed here at Sandia Laboratories on the transportation of radioactive materials in urban areas. You were mentioned as the appropriate contact on this matter.

The environmental assessme nt we are doing includes consider-ation of details of the urban environment such as high, varying population density, shielding of buildings, and local meteoro logy and how these factors affect exposure of people to radiation and other environmenta l impacts. Key aspects of the study include accident-free transport, human errors, vehicular accidents, and the safeguarding of radioactive materia ls in urban areas. The transport of all rad-ioacti*1e materials is being considered, except weapons shipments and shipments on military vehicles.

Sandia Laboratories has been receiving the advice and recom-mendations of a 20-member task group since the beginning of this study. The task group is composed of individuals from industry, the public interest area, governmental organizations

.and academia. This task group has assembled four times at public meetings so far in the investigation with one additiona meeting tentatively scheduled in New York City during the latter part of May of this ye ar . That meeting will feature review of the Working Draft Env ironmental Impact Assessment currently being prepared.

I am pleased to invite you and any other interested public officials in Chicago to attend this meeting. Discussions at past meetings have primarily i nvolved the task group, but the opportunity for inputs from interested attendees has been specifically provided for and encouraged * . These contr ibu t i ons have broadened the scope and i mptoved the accuracy of the investigation.


  • F. King . March 22, 1978 Enclosed is a copy of the interim report and available minutes of previous task group meetings. I will send you more details of . the next meeting in New York City when plans are finalized and a copy of the Working Draft Assessment when it becomes available. I will gladly supply any available additional information o~ the study.
  • Sincerely.,

a, A. Ou.Ck~~

  • A. R. DuCha~me Fuel Cycle Risk Analysis*

Division 5413 DJM:5410:dm Enclosures Copy to: (without enclosures)

Mayor Michael A. Bilandic

. Clifford V. Smith Robert B. Minogue NRC R. F. Barker NRC R. Bernero NRC R. F *. Burnett NRC N. A. Eisenberg NRC R. A. Erickson NRC v. Hodge

?~RC D. J. Kasun NRC c. E. MacDonald

  • NRC D. A. Nussbaumer 5400 A. w. Snyder 5410 D. J~ Mccloskey 5413 P. E *. McGrath .

5413 A. R. Ducharme

MAY . 2 1978 3ilanuic 60G02 LJea r !Jy.~r 811 andi c:

in:rnk :1ou *for your letter of February 23 7 1973 concerning our joint revi~i-J of thi? transportltion of high enriched uranium tl1rou~h O'Har~


,\s I un~farstand fror.: your letter, you do not nmt consider it desirable r.o do .:: short ~~r::, study of factors unique to Chfcaoo and would prefer

-; i,stead, to ha' e c:1icago representatives attend ~eC!tings of Sandia.

Li?.bor'.:. :or-1 1 ~ J'.d Hoc Tilsk Group \*shich is assessing trans;,ortation of ra<lio-nuclides in urban environs .

r .1m pleased that you concur in our proi,osal to have Chicago rer,re-s~:,tativ~s at!:;?nd ~!et?tings of the !lac Task GroL:i). The t:r::an en*1irJns

ihould ac.!dross a1i fu.ctors of conc~rn, fncludinJ those r:liscu* b.Y

.:, ou.r s taff ~ -1ilic!1 r.:i:1ht stress large sc~ments of populations residir.a in 1

'1ansely populat~d url>::rn '2nvirons. !*!i th r~gard to Chic?go involvemen t. in

~i1e urban stu.:!.Y 1 I und~rst.:mJ Sandia Laboratories has alread_:/ c:intactcd

-tr. fai~-,~rd F. '.~i niJ, Der,uty Com;iis
;ioner, Chicago Uapartr.1ent of l-: ealth ,

.1bout the next I:ie~t~ng of its Ac.l Hoc Tasl: Group.

Tn your letter, you stated that use of r.ti1itary air bases or the military

~i~es of civili~rn control1~d airports v:ould bP. a highl y ccmendable interi:J solu-:ian to O!Jr joint probla;-:1 and wou1d certuinly go far to

'"~assure ti1e !1':neral public that every possible -pracaution is being t.1l~cn r,1lative to f::hu safeguarding of the public interest.

3ince a dcci5ion '1.bout the use of !:Pf:?Cific airfie1Js fall~ outside t!:e

!RC ra*Julatcry aut!zori t.v~ 1-,~ have raferr~d t:1e question of r;iiiitar.v Jirfi~hl use to the :x~cutive Branch for con~ideration. { Enclosed is a C!>py of ;!RC' s letter to the Assistant to the President for :1ational *

~ccurity Affairs).


A. Gi 1a:1Ji c .

=;: 111\;~ ~}~c;.:::1b*:n- :!, 1977 ~ ~-:a hJve itnt \'rit!i vou and axchinge.J several 1*:!.:..: -:. ~bout t.ile s!li ;:i,::~n t of hiq :1 emric!:~d urJni :!:;, throu~n O'Mare

  • 11-; *:*i:.. :-1:?!.:i:;~"'!rs of cur rcs;,activc staffs hilve me~ se't'.!ral tim~s to st

. ; : ; .:. .:.:; tlri s ~*Jt,J.!ct. *:~ 1,.:vc infm,n:!iJ :~:cr:m2rs of vour s tc!iff ubout

,-~. ivt:.i,t 01:~ :.d n9 ;;tudies anJ :,rovidl!d t~er:1 rc:.-:orts of COi.!;:llcteu wor!:

  • .;~;-fr.:, C:t th.: s'..1:.,j~ct of ntJcler,r r.1at,Jr1al t;..~:1sr-ortuti 1:m. :tost r2cc:itly,
  • , :; }'C*U .1ctcd in your 1::tter, :me staff r;~*:1r2scnt~tives nro*1idcd Chic£1cro
  • . f ;i;:1a1s, iach1Jin~ ~i;~ C:ibinat-ievel r.~i.?i:1bers of your staff, a det!iied

!..ric-fin*q on :-mc*s Final environmental s*~i\ten~nt on the Trans:,ortation of

_:~Jioactiv.e ~1a~oriai s b_1- .:\i r and Other , loJasi:;ur.E:i-017;)

  • 1 1As you kn ow, :me re~ulations do nat specify airports which* shippers ,:::.:st t1 use t, transpvrt nin:1 enri chc:d ur:ini~":1. As stated above, the use? of

\ ! :;H:cific airfielJs f;111s outsitl~ 'the ~:nc regulator-/ aut~ority. Havi!'f~

\ 1 rafe:rr:?d t:ie :tuestion of militarj airfi~ld use to the Ex~cutivc Craiich i: for cons i deration, we~ ~,ill kaep you infor:,ed of further i.!cvclo!)ments.

'* _i n t;t,.? in~rir.:, i-,e are noti(ying all shi:,pers of your concerns abo~t

}security arr~nger.ii?nts an..1 requesting c-1r:?fu1 coordination with your

'~j ..!Uthorities . '

In closi,,g, I should like to er.t!)has1ze our app~ciation for the coo~Ja1*ation lh\': city has i1~en providing us in this r.:atter.

Si ncerely, Original Si,:med by Clifford V. S::.i tit, Jr. , Di ractcr Office of :!uclear Material Safet_y and Sa f ~gua rcJs


U.r tc t'.1e Assista.1: to t!'ic Presi dent for :lationill Security Affai rs

1'.:UI.-LCAH H t:l...l ULA I Uri T 1.J u, -1011ww1\J*v WASHINGTON, o. c. 20s::is April 2S, 1?.70 oi::-*c~ *J:: TU!:

,~, ,1~1 f .~.:Al'J

-:ic: HonQrabl e Zbi gni e*.-, Brzezinski

~ssist~nt tQ the President for r;3 tional Sec:.iri ty Affairs The White House

-.ashington, D. C. 20500

Dear Or. *srzezinski:

~~2 of the responsibilities of the Nuclear Regulatory Cornraission (NRC) is

  • to. regulate the corrmer-cia 1 export and import of privately owned

$p2cial nuclear materials such as high enriched uranium. During the fiaSt fe\*t years, 0' Hare International Airport, Chicago, has served as the aerial port for a number of international shipmehts of hlgh enriched i.:rani"um. In the case of exports, protected sh ip~ents normally travel by road to the O'Hare Airport and leave by scheduled comnercial cargo flights for foreign destinations.

The tlRC was satisfied with the security arrangements for air shipments

~hen ~ayor Silandic of Chicago expr~ssed his concerns about them and asked :hat shipment5 of high enriched uranium through Chicago' s O'Hare l\irport be stopped pending a* revie\'I of safety and safeguards. The M~C teqiot*arily agreed to this request. In the meantime, Mayor Bilandic has icated that use of a military air base or the military side of a civilian contra 11 ed airport (such as O'Hare) would go far to reassure the general

~Jblic that every possible precaution is being taken relative to the tra~sportation of these materials.

Asic!C? from the concerns expressed by the Mayor of Chicago, there have t1so b~en several recent expressions of Congressional concern and a 1cttcr from P.a 1ph Nader about the continued use of ccnii.Ierci al facilities

-fo, st:ch ship:i:ents. Since a decision about the use of specific airfields 4

fan~ outside the purvie;-1 of r-mc regulatory authority, we considered it approrriate tc, refer the question of military airfield use to the Executive

~r~nch for ccusidcration. ~-:e loci: fon*,ard to working with you in reaching i reasonable solution on this matter.

Hcmurabl e Zbi3nie\*1 Brzezinski r a::1 forwa rding a copy of this letter to Mayor Bil andi c- of Chicago \*1ho ha s c:>:pressed ;,arti cul~r interest in exploring the use of military

~~rfields for high enriched uranium shipments.

  • ... Sinc~rely ,

_,..,,.,'..;"'I,;,- ~""' r .

-\~ ~...c--~

... * \ \ -

Joseph M. Hendrie Chairman *

~c: The Honorable Michael A. Bilandic Mayor of Chicago


  • 19 1978 TO NRC AND AGREEMENT STATE LICENSEES POSSESSING 1 GRAM OR MORE URANIUM-235 CONTAINED IN HIGH-ENRIC. HED URANIUM Our records f nd.f cate that you possess high-enriched uranium (uran1u~ enriched to 20 percent or more in the U-235 isotope).

We wish to advise you that the Mayor of Chicago has expressed concern over arrangements for shipments of high-enriched uranium traversing O'Hare International Ai rpo rt. We recommend, therefore, that you careful ly coordinate any suc h sh.ipments with the Chicago Department of Health. *

  • Sincerely, Robert F. Burnett, Director
  • Di vision of Safeguards Office of Nuclear Material ~afety and Safeguards ATCH. 8
,a1iU1a Lnuor.noncs
  • ..-., .....
  • f

~ - ~ . "'- ~***rt7 fl:'ff!t

.;r~~~ 13~ 1978

~r * . V.d~*c~ F. King

~puty Com!'Di"e .l oner Chtca~o O.:,part*Pn~ of R@*lth * ..

ChJcago Civic C~n~*r Ch~~*go~ XL 50602

Dear Kr. ll:


~ *n~ qtAn ~n lw!-ar ~ro* you r~cen~Jy In r**~on~~ to ~y l~~t~~ or ~~reb 22~ 1978. lnTltin9 you Rnd *ny o~hPr int*r@8t~d publle or~tcl~l* fn Chic*~o to ft~~nnd * ~aRk

~~oup ~~~tfn~ Q " ~h@ ~r~n~port*~fon ~r r~~Jo~ctl*~

mntftrial* ~n UTbftn *~--a. : Thl~ ~l~~h ~nd l *

  • t in a "-~f*1 0£ -~~~ing* J* now ~chwdul~d roe 3uly 24-2Sr 1~78~ *~ P-h*

Fo~d Foundation in N~v ro~k CltT* The ~-*~lno vlll r*ntu1 vi*cu*~1onft o~ ~h~ Wnc~in~ o~"~~ A*****~*nt wht~h ~~~

ra,e..,n~ly J**u*C., by Sandi* L*hor*toct.-,-. .A eop_y of th.l*

aoc:um~nt: ::lw .-nclo~rd ~or your *:lnf'ocm,atlon. Th-. *nc-Jo*tH,

  • ~~nd* also *how* thft~ ~h~ NRC wtii ho10
  • wor~*hov r!gh~
  • ~ter ~h* S*n~ia *e~t1ng o~ ~h* 25th. *

.r.J. t:ftougft t.h-. ~w.-nt!y ,...,.b41tr t:**Jlr ~w-oup e*nno~ at:. ~,, f " 1 ~ ~~

uat~ b~ ~~*~lb3y P~P"nd~~ to ln~1ud~ your ocrtcf~l - ~~~~r*

  •, t;h .....r* vf..1.1 btl!' afflt;,l* opportunity ear r*rt:.lctr;,,.~.Son b:,- y-ou or your coll~"gue11 in t:hit1 July "'~~~in~ '6h.lch v1 .1 1

~ op@n ~o ~h~ publ le- I enco11ra.q~ you ~nc'I your coll*.aqu,

~o *~t@nd *nd too~~~~ any *uq~*~tion* or co~m~n~* on our

  • tua_y *nd th* pre2.l*inary rtt*ult:* we wi.I.I .di.t.9co1u1 awt this 1aea~.in9.


0.-9....C . ~ ~

A- ft. OuCh,-r,-~

F~*J Cycl~ RIR~ AnRly~1*

DIYl*lon 54.13 ILRD:s,,pp enclosure*


  • ATCH. 9 ..
    • r ,"'t;'" *..*
      * s

~ :I :l, L~.~;; ;f ~,:: . I{.;*. ,. L ; h 't' \(. . . I ":!" I -=*~

Vi;.*.. ~t 4 **: :aTC!'!. 0.C.'1 : ;"*i5 The Honorable Michael A. Bilandic Mayor of Chicago Chicago, Illinois 60602

Dear Mayor Bila ndic:

I wish to extend an invitation to representatives of the City of Chicago to *attend two meetings, about transport of radioactive r.:ateri a,1 s.. in cit ies, planned for the end of July. The NRC Staff is planning an infonna-1 \'IOrkshop with public participation for July 25, starting at 2:30 p.m *. Sandia Laboratories will conduct a r.ieeting, open to the public, of its Ad Hoc Task Group formed to assist Sandia in preparing an environ-mental assessment4 g/1 transport *of radionucl i des in urban environs, on July 24-25, 1978, B'eginning at 9:00 a.m. each day. Both rr.eetings will .be held in the ~ain conference room of the Ford Foundation, 320 East 43rd Street, New York , N. Y. *

  • The Sandia meeting will primarily be devoted to discussion of technical aspects of their recently issued report 11 Transport of Rad i onuclides in Urban Environs: Working Draft Assess~ent,~ (Enclosure A). Cha~ter 6 of this report discusses "Sabotage, Security and Safe;uards i"Urban Transport."

The informal workshop conducted by the i-.RC Staff, entitled, "The Urban Transportation Study - Looking Ahead; Status, Goals, and Approaches," in part, is in recognition of the transition in e~phasis from preparation of a technical assessment by Sandia Laboratories to the formulation and ~ro-posal of regulatory options by the r~~C Staff.

Sandia Laboratories has been in contact with members of your staff about their Task Group meeting. Members of the NRC Staff have been in touch with mer.bers of your staff to provide information and to invite participa-tion in both meetings * . Both meetings have been announced in the Federal Reaister (Enclo~ure B). By this letter, I wish to make special effort to bring these meetings to your attention and to encourage your participation, so that we have the benefit of your views on these impo~tant issues in transportation safety.

Sincerely, lee V. Gossi ck Executive Director for Operations


A. Transport of Radi onucl ides in* Urban Envi_rons: Work i ng Draft Assessment B. 43 FR 29864 ATCH. 10

INTERIM REPORT Accession No. 731710145 SAND77-1927 Contract Program or Project


Generic ronmenta 1 Assessment on Transportation.

of Radioactive Materials Near or Through a Large Densely Populated Area Subjectof th isOocument: Transport 'lf Radionuclides in Urban Environs:

A wo*rking Llraft Assessment Type of Document: Preliminary Report Draft Assessment Author(s): A.R. OuChanre, Jr. (Project Coordinator); R.E. Akins; S.L. Daniel; D.M. Ericson, Jr.; B.H. Fin l ey, N. N. Finley; P.C. Kaestn~r; 0.0. Sheldon; J.M. Taylor; M.S. Tierney Date of Document: . May

  • 1978 Responsible NRC Individual and NRC Office or Division : N. Eisenberg Transportation and Product Standards Branch Office of Standards Development This document was prepared primarily for preliminary or internal use. It has not

. received fuil review and approval. Since there may be substantive changes, this document should not be considered final.

. for the U.S. Department of Enerqy Prepared for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, O.C. 20555 under DOE Contract AT(29-l)-789 NRC FIN No. A- 1077-A INTERIM RE PO RT Cover page of Enc l . A,t, tr to Mayor Bil and ic 7/17/7S *(Rpt conta i ns 718 pages )"_

. ment on the tram-porta.tion o! r:i.:!ion-uclldes in urban envtrons. Thi:s envi*

rocmental u:::,act statement on the transportation of radioactive near, in. and th.."'Ough_ a. dense!y po;,ula.ted area is beilli pre;:,ared in connection with a. ree~*a.lua.tion of present reiuia.tions a.s indicated in the

&d\-ance notice of rulema.iti:lg ::,roceed-lnp published June :_ l9'i5 C40 FR 23768>, and p~ant to the Na.tior.a.l Environmental Policy Act of 1969* <83 Sta.t. 852>.

The ~neric environmental l.m::,act statement ~.-111 coo.sider such. unique facets of the u:-ban se:tini as:

<1> Blrh popul:itlon demttr. S:es.\-y i::eces-trlan traffic: diumal var..ations ID popu.La*

tlon: and horizontal vertical d.istrtl:lution.

<2> U:uque tran.spor"..atlcm e?l\'1:onment:

Ccmversence of transl)or".a;1on routes:

be&Y7 t.n!!lc: many users and holders ot ra*

dioactive maun:us; and cU!!e:-e:it we-

,uards environment.

<3> s ~ e!!eets: E!!ecu of local and mi*

crometearolon, ~d shieldicr e!fects of builc:linp. - *.

Emphasis will be pla.ced on radiologi-cal health e!!ects. bur. ail emiror.cen-ta.l impacts. both radiological and .c.on-radiologicaJ.. ~.ll be assessed.

The NRC sta!! has sel~ted Saodi:J.

Laboratories* .Albuquerque, N. ~lex** to perform an emironmenul :..s.sessment, upon which t."le gener:c en\'ircn.:::ienUl lmpz.ct statement wm be la.~el7 :Ja.sed.

To help In its enl'ironmenta.l ana.lYsiS.

Sandia Laboratories ha.s to.::ed a.n a.d hoer task ~ou;> <.AaTG > to ;,:-o.,ide a.

forum for the exchange o! ide:JS and information between er,ler:s. Tl1.e broadly based me.cbershi;> o! t."le

.AHTG includes persons a.ssoci2.ted .

With governmen: <local. State, a.nd Federal). Industry, envi-ronc:enta.l acti'lrist ~u;,s. !.teecings o!

the AHTG are open to the public.

Da.tes and locations of * ;:,r!\1ous AH'!'O meettocs are: Se:,:. :o. 1976-New Yc:-ic.

N.Y.; Nov. 16-l~. 1975-Arllnltoc. V~ M.r*

. 29-30, 19T'T-B&ltunore. Mc.; ~d Jwy 13-14.

19'1'1-Houstoa. Tex.

Minutes of these meetings are placed in the US...'fRC Public D0C'.l*

[7590-01] ment Room. 1717 H Street l't--W.,

TZAHSPORTATION Of R.AOIONUCUt)ES IN Wa.shinr.on. D.C., a.s they become UUAN ENVllONS available.

Pultllc MNtui, Sandia* is ::,*Ianning a fifth and final meet~. of :he AETG The Nuclear Regulatory Commission for July 24-:5, 1918, beg'.ni:ling at 9

<NRC> staff is ; , l ~ a.o informal L'll.. In :he main conference room o! on the o! radionu- the Ford Foundation. 3~0 East 43d clldes in urban environs for July :5, Street. New York. N.Y. The 1978. This informal workShop starting p~ose of the tifth meeting oC the at 2:30 p.m. will be held In the AETG ls to discuss the Pl"t!"'Y conference room o! the Ford Founda- re::,ort. *'Tra:lsPOrt of P.wonuclldes in tion. 320 East 43d Street. New Yort. Urba.n Enrtrons: Working Dr:i.!t A.s-N.Y. The title of t.'l.e ls "The s-essment," given to ~"'RC by Saccia.

'Orban Transportation Study-Looking La.0ora.t0ries late in May 1973. This Ahead: Status. and AP- rreli.cmary l"t!::,ort discusses the :l.S*


  • ses.sme.nt c.ethodolo.y a.nd presents FmElAL lEGISTR, VOL 43, NO. 133-TUESI>AY, JULY 11, 1911 ENCLOSURE B

{ltr to Mayor Biland ic 7/1 7/78)

es.:un:ues of envtronment:u im;i:ica rntc; surr. A tr:msc:i;,c of tne pro-tor M urban ~ea r'!sult~:t from acci- ~inst:i \\11l be ore:,:i:-ed and made dent-f~e tnns;:ort. vetucula.r* acci- a-.* ln t he NRC public document dents. hUI:1:ui e?TOr. and sabo~e incl* room. Among the toptc:s th:it ::ia.y !:le dimes. Although lt is a preliI::lil:3ry discussed at this ~onnal ~orl(shop re;lort cos:,ies of the re~ort :ire availa.* are:

ble to members ot tb.e ~ublic on re- * <U ~ t status:<~> NRC st~! ;,!am*tor. _.

quest from: the dra!t staCll!::e:c: <b, SCd--

  • L 'C".S. ?iuelear Rerul:i.tor7 .. Cor:::i:ssicn. qu:M:y oc ~he S.uid!3. I..t:ol"3.tcr:es as..e.s.s,.

Ot!ice of Scancarc13 De*1eio0me::i:. ~ c:ie:::t: <c:1 re~~om: a:id <d> relar.-

1)01"'.3.tlOn :ind ?:"Odt:Ct St:Ln~..S Br:i.."1c!l. ed o!V~!lt3 a.r.d a::~-.,t1es.

5650 !iicllols4ln Lu:e. Roc~\ill~. !ttd. :0353. <:?> Goals: ia, Surzesced :iu~Ue he3.lth and At:n.: :iorm:ui A. :E:isenbers. teJ.eptlor;e l0l- mety iOa.l.s; (bl suci:ested ~~tOr7 :M>

  • H3-o9l0. tion.s; &lld <e> su~i.ested i.::1;iro*1ecenta in
2. San~& t.:iooratones. F'..iel C7c!e R!:ik the en\1:Qn:ne!:l.Ul a.sses.::e:::t.

Ana.1:;s1.3. OIV'.3ion 3413. Albuc;uer-:'.le. *N. <3> .~:, ca, Dt.St:'!batioa of ~

.tex. 8'itl:S* .Attn.: .A.~'lu: R. OUCh!!.c:1t. tor., res;::om:cwtY a::car:1t t!:I! nr.ou.s ?~er-tele:,hone 505-264-3571. al ~enc:tes <*-~ }.~C. t:OT. w'.-\J: u:u dbo
3. tJ'.S. E:n\"U'Ct'.ment3J ?roteetioa AienC?. trt'=ution o! ~~cory :-es;:oes1!:1tllt7 a::coz:s Region II; Regional O!!!ce at ~i3.tion Pro- the *1anous Fe~e::IJ. S~te, and lcc:s.l 10vem*

,r:uru;. .~ttn.: P1ul Giarciln. Crue!. Rooo cents: !el ;,otentl:rJ le\il,Sl~t:'\"e c!".a.n;es; and 90i.f. ::s i'ece:al Pt:1.Z:1. New Yon. N.Y. <d> the roie of public meeting.


  • In k~inr with the previous efforts C~pies of the wor'.dl:g draft assess- throu;hout tb.:.s study to obtain ear!y cent are also a.,~le for public i:1* pul:llic u:;:ut. interested persons are speetion at:
  • encouragea to attend both the :-.""RC and Sandia public meetings. ~care.sted
1. The ~C PUblle Oo~ent Room. l'n.1 persor.s re inVited to a.t:ar.d the meet*
a Street mv ~ Washi:r.oa. o.c. :o~;5. ir.g to'question.s er ri::ake com-
. '!'?le NRC'.s !ive Rimo?U.l omces of I:* ce::ts and su;;esc:or..s on the regw3..

si:,~tion and E:uoreeme!:l.t: Re~on. I: s:11 ton- activities associa:ed 7.ith the env1*

P-...:it .A'\"enue. Kl::i ot ?ru:lsia. ?.\.. 19406: roc..-:iental i::l;=act sta.te~ec.t and the Rei'ion II; SU!t~ 1::. T. 2:0 ?~'le!:.t.~e .St~~t.

.-\t!a.nta. Qa. 30303: :te~an ~ i19 ~e* P~;;-;1"':l:-Y S~dia. re::ort. Written velt R:ia.d. G!ec Ellyn. Ill. 1!0137: ::ter:cn. I\": coI::..-=.e::ts may be su:::nitted at the Suite 1000. lill ~"'JJl P!a=:i !)n?~. Ar!ir.r.on.  ::eeti:lt or a.t in:, ti:e to t.':e Sec:-e.

Tex. 'i60l:: 3.nd R<!!l:OD. V: Suite 2oz. lS99 U..""Y of t!le Co-::::::;sston. U.S. ~uc!ear North C&i!!ornia S.Juictvard. WaJ.:ar. Crees. Reg-J.latory C.;ir.:::...,;SS!On. Wa.shu::g:cn.

<:ali!. 9i5!1tt.

  • D.C. 20555, Atte::cioo: Dockc:tir.g and
3. The !our :na;cr :-~ierecce coll~u.m o! Se?'"-'ice Stc--..icn. F'Jrther !.n!or:c.3:!on the Nf-w Ycrlt Ci.tJ' .?ublle ~rar.,. on these- meeti::iS. tb.e <;;"Orkme; dra!t After cor.stceratlon o! cot::!!lents re- asse~s:ent. or the st1.:c!y in iener3l ce1'*ed a.t the !i!l:.!l *.i.El'G ceeti::i'. ~Y te- a!:eeted. as appropriate. to in*

Sandia Laboratories v.ill ~re;:a.--e a:id d!\"' at t=e !-i"EC or ~a.I:c!a Labo-

  • submit to NRC a. cin.!t a.ssess=.e::t ill ratcries a.s listed above.

Se;>tember 1978. The- ~C 5U!! :,ta.I:.3 .>

to i!sue a dr:ltt C\".M:.::e::tal s.ate-

e~t <DES} late i:i 1978 based la:;;el7
  • c! JuJ.y l9'ia. Dated at Rockville. Md.. this 5th da,3 u;on the San~ La.!:ora.tories cr:ut a,s.

sessmen:. For the Nuclear Regu1ator7 Com~

Upon ;,re~a:-:ition of the DES. the  ?:l.i.ssion. * **

NRC ':\ill. among ot!:er trjngs. cawe ROBEXT 3. !.!I:'focn.

to te puol!.shed in the ~c:.uL ?.zcts* , Director, Office of TO a su..":l!Il3r.r ::otic:e of :i~.-ailability of s:.::ic!.art!.$ D~eloi,ment.

t!:e cir:1!: gen.enc

  • e?lvi.-on::iental a'R :Coe. Ta-lS98S F'Jed T-l~i8: 8:~ aml impact statement. With a. request for co~entS !:O?:l interested persons on the drait sta.teoent. The Stll:lm3J'7 notice Will also c:ontai:l a statement to the ef:feet that comc:ents on Federal

~,encies and Sca:e a::d loc:il ot!ici:ils will be ma.ce avllil.acle ~hen recei..-ed.

'O'r;,on coostderaticn oi cocments sut,.

mit:ed ~*1:!l ~si:ect co :he d.r:ut envt*

ronmental sta.te:ne::t. ~he NRC Will a l!neric '!nvi.~:i.;

men~ L:npact s:ace::ent. ~e a.vail*

abtlltY' ot Wh!Ch -.ill t:e ;:ucllshed In the F't:DERAI. REGISTn.

The i:l.!ormal ':\"0rlcShop conducted by the ~ c st:u!. pl:ir.ned tor Jul.7 25.

in ;::an. is in recor..!t~on of the tr:ms1*

t10n in emph:i.sis :::-om ;::re:::ar:it!on ot a.

technical assessment oy S:!.r.d.ia. to tne !or.:::uution and pro-posal of re~a.tory options by the m,uL ll£GIST?i, VOL 43, NO. l~TIJES.>AY, JULY n. 1911



Page 1* INTRODUCTION * ********************************************************** 1 Overview of Regulatory Requirements ****************.**.**************** 1 Scope o~ Review - Highly Enriched Uranium through O'Hare Airport ******* 2



AND CONCLUSION .****************************** . ................ . 2

3. POTENTIJ\L MISUSE OF HIGHLY ENRICHED URANI UM . *.******** ................ . 3 Theft . ........................... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 3 Sabotage **********************************.**************************** 3
4. PHYSICAL PROTECTION OF HIGHLY ENRICHED URANIUM IN TRANSIT ************.* 3 Road Sh i pments **....*.**..*..*..***..*****.*.**. .* ...**.*.***.*****.**.. 3 Contingency Planning **********.**************.*********** ** ************ 4 Air *Shipmen ts ......................................................... . 4 NRC Inspection ****************************.**.*********************.*** 5
5. HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS *************************. . . . .

Radiolo*g ;cal Risk ........................................ . . .........

5 5

Conclusion .*** ~ **************************.********.******* .. . . . . . ... ... 6

6. DATA CONCERNING HIGHLY ENRICHED URANIUM SHIPMENTS THROUGH O'HARE AIRPORT .**.** ~ .*** : *********.***. ..................... 6
  • INTRODUCTION The Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 requires the NRC staff to review the safety and safeguards of all facilities and materials licensed under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as amended, associated with the processing, transport and handling of nuclear materials. Based on a review of trans-portation safeguards for formula quantities of strategic special nuclear materials (SSNM) ]/, the NRC issued license conditions in May, 1976 and February, 1977 augmenting safeguards requi rements of 10 CFR Part 73. In the reviews leading to those license condi tions specific attention was paid to import and export shipments using Chi cago's O'Hare Airport.

On December 2, 1977, in response to express i ons of public concern about shipments of highly enriched uranium (HEU) t hrough O'Hare Airport, Mayor Bilandic requested* that NRC participate wi th the City of Chicago in a short-term study of that activity. The study was to be a joint undertak-ing of the City of Chicago and NRC focusin g upon aspects of HEU transpor-tation unique to the Chicago area. Althoug h the NRC staff believed HEU shipments were being made safely, it agreed to cooperate with the City of Chicago in restudying the matter.

On February 23, 1978, Mayor Bilandic wrote to NRC indicating that he no longer considered it necessary or desirable to conduct a short-term study unique to Chicago. He expressed the belief that urban factors of concern to Chicago could be covered in a generic environmental impact statement on transportation of radioactive materials through urban areas. Accordingly, the joint NRC-Chicago short-term study efforts were terminated.

Since then, independent of the Ci.t y of Chi cago, the NRC staff has completed a special regulatory review of the safety and safeguards associated with shipments of HEU through the O'Hare Airport. This most recent NRC review covered the period since issuance of license conditions in February 1977.

This report presents the results of NRC's latest staff review covering shipments of highly enriched uranium through the O'Hare Airport since February 1977 * .

Overview of Regulatory Requirements The possibili~ies of illegal acts and the nature and extent of potential threats of theft or sabotage involving lic ensed nuclear materials and facilities are continually reviewed by the NRC as part of its overall safeguards program. Regulatory requiremen ts have been established to Ji Strategic special nuclear material (SSNM) is uranium-235 (contained in highly enriched uranium, i.e., enriched to 20 percent or more in the

A formula quantity is judged to be substantially less than that required for the illicit manufacture of nuclear explosives.

protect both fixed sites and nuclear material in transit. These regulatory requirements are subject to continual review by the NRC. Licensee compli-ance with NRC requirement~ js _s~~ject to continuing inspection and enforce-ment by the NRC. * . .. -*

In March of 1974, specific requirements in 10 CFR Part 73 for the protec-tion of significant quantities of SSNM in transit became effective. In early 1976, NRC conducted* a special review of the manner in which these regulations were implemented by licensees. This led to issuance of a requirement in May of 1976, that licensees provide additional P:otection for each road shipment through the use of a separate escort vehicle and improved communications.

In Feliruary of 1977, NRC conducted a second review of licensee transporta-tion seeurity performance with specific attention to import and expo:t shipments through Chicago's O'Hare Airport. As a result of that r 7view, the security measures then being employed by licensees were formalized through the issuance of license conditions requiring the use of an armored transporter plus an escort vehicle and a minimum of five armed guards for the protection of road shipments.

The safeguards contingency planning rule, which became effective in June 1978, requires licensees to preplan routes, schedules, and communications with 1oca 1 1aw~enforcement agend es in order to be ab 1e t2 ,more effectively respond to a safeguards contingency if one should arise. !:J I

Scope of Review - Highly Enriched Uranium through O'Hare Airport

  • The NRC staff reviewed regulatory requirements and licensee performance associated with the safeguarding of sign i ficant quantities of highly enriched uranium shipped through Chicago's O'Hare Airport. From a safe-guards regu latory viewpoint, significant quantities of highly enriched uranium consist of five or more kilograms of the isotope uranium-235 *



Since February 1977, five shipments containing significant quantities of highly enriched urani~~ have gone through Chicago's O'Hare A-irport, none after October 1977 _f. All of these shipments were regulated by 2/ See amendments to NRC regulations publ ished in the Federal Register on March 23, 1978 (43 FR 11962), requiring licensees to develop and imple-ment safeguards contingency plans.

3/ The last HEU shipment went through O'Hare Airport in October 1977. On December 2, 1977 the Mayor of Chicago asked that no further shipments of HEU be made from O'Hare Airport until completion of a joint study by the Mayor's* office and NRC. As of October 1978, NRC is not aware of any shippers' plans to resume use of O'Hare Airport for this purpose.

the NRC. NRC inspectors i{I -the -field examined every a:*s pect of these shipping activities while they were being conducted. The NRC inspectors found that all shipments were made in compliance with NRC requirements and all shipments were conducted without incident.

Considering the protection inherent in NRC's regulatory requirements and the confirmed compliance with those requirements by NRC .licensees and their transportation agents, the NRC staff believes that regulated trans-portation of highly enriched uranium through Chicago's O'Hare Airport does not con~titute an unreasonable risk to the public health and safety and is not inimical to the common defense and security.

POTENTIAL MISUSE OF HIGHLY ENRICHED URANIUM Theft Highly enriched uranium could be used to fabricate a nuclear explosive device and, therefore, has significant potential for misuse. In metallic form, highly enriched uranium could be used directly for such purposes; however, when combined in a chemical compound such as uranium hexafluoride

-- the form in which it is usually shipped--the material would have to be further processed chemically before it could be used in a nuclear explosive device. Construction of a crude nuclear explosive device would require more than 5 kilograms of HEU. It would require persons capable of search-ing and understanding the technical literature in several fields, capable of independently arriving at correct technical judgment and capable of accomplishing the required fabrication operations Y. Nevertheless, NRC safeguards programs are premised upon the conservative assumption that theft of a significant quantity of strategic special nuclear material could result in fabrication of a clandestine fission explosive device .

.Sabotage Because of its low radioactivity, sabotage of highly enriched uranium would not, in general, constitute a radiological health and safety threat to the general public. Conceivably, it might be possible to bring about a criticality incident by actions involving both removal of neutron absorbers .and rearrangement of the uranium materials to bring them closer together. However, if successful, the resulting radiation hazard, although dangerous, would be restricted to the vicinity of the nuclear materials.

PHYSICAL PROTECTION OF HIGHLY ENRICHED URANI UM IN TRANSIT Road Shipments During that porti on of the trip in wh i ch a *_ HEU shi pment is enro ute to or from O Hare by truck, NRC req ui rements for road shi pments are applicable. Shi pments are required t o .be made in a vehicle .

4/ For a discuss ion of t hi s subject see Nuclear Pro lifera tio n and Saf eoua rds ,

a report to t he Congress of the United States by the Offi ce of Tech nology Assessment (1977).

  • that has an armored cab with a cr~w of at least two armed guards and a cargo compartment that is *constructeci to resist penetration and delay entry. At least one separate vehicle and a total of.five armed guards must accompany the shipment. The escort vehi cle is required to position itself so that a single act cannot disable both the cargo and escort vehicle.

Communication requirements include radiotel ephones in vehicles for communi-cation to the licensee, his agent, or the police, radios for intervehicle communication, and citizen band radios in vehicles for use in emergencies.

Shipments are required to be made on primary roads (the interstate high-way system in the Chicago area) during daylight hours, if possible. (If a trip is scheduled to extend into the ni gh t, a second escort vehicle with two additional guards is required.) Transfers of highly enriched uranium from vehicle to storage, from one vehicle to another, or from storage to

  • vehicle, as well as storage of HEU, must be protected by at least four guards . Th~ guards are equipped with corm,unications to local police and at least three of them must keep the shipment under continuous surveillance.

The practice at O'Hare Airport has been to use a radio link between the security force and the Chicago Metropolitan Police at the Airport.

Many other specific requirements, such as requirements for vehicle mark-ings, scheduled check* calls which report shipment status, 49 hours5.671296e-4 days <br />0.0136 hours <br />8.101852e-5 weeks <br />1.86445e-5 months <br /> of specialized security training with annual requalification for guards, and advance notification of shipments are contained in NRC regul ations and license conditions.

Contingency Planning NRC 's contingency planning rule which became effective in June 1978, requires that any licensee transporting hi ghly enriched uranium develoo a.n_d_ submit to NRC a ~ont1rygency Pl. an f~r . responding to threats or atte~pted theft or sabotage which might occur wh1le the shipment is in transit or at transfer points.

  • Air Shipments NRC requirements and approved licensee plans for air shipments govern the handling of HEU at O'Hare Airport. All HEU shipments of more than 350 grams must be made in aircraft dedicated to cargo. Significant quanti -

ties of highly enriched uranium being transferred to or from such aircraft

  • (including periods while in storage) must be protected by at least four
  • guards equipped with a capability for radio communications to either a local law enforcement agency or an air terminal guard force.

At O'Hare Airport, the guards maintain radio ccmmunication with the Chic*ago O'Hare Police Precinct. The police precinct headquarters is in the air cargo terminal at O'Hare Airport and is only several hundred yards from

where t he aircraft loading and unloading operations take place. In-transit storage of the- highly enri.ched uraniµm must be preplanned_to avoid storage*

times exceeding 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. At *1east three guards* are required to maintain surveillance of an aircraft containing the hi ghly enriched uranium. Guards are also required to keep the aircraft containing HEU under observation until either the HEU is unloaded (for incoming shipments) or the aircraft departs.

NRC Inspection Since May 1977, all HEU shipment operations at O'Hare Airport have been conducted under the continual scrutiny of NRC inspectors who verify that proper communication is maintained with the Chicago O'Hare Police Precinct.

They ensure that the licensee conducts all portions of the shipment in compliance with NRC safeguards regulatory requirements. The inspectors also ~ake radiation measurements to ensure that the shipment meets health and safety regulatory requir~ments.

NRC procedures have always called for reg ul atory compliance inspection of all shipments involving HEU subject to NRC safeguards regulations in 10 CFR Part 73. Until May 1977, the in-transit portions of these shipments were spot~checked by NRC inspectors. However, since May 1977 the entire in-transit portions of such commercial l icensed HEU shipments in the United States have been conducted under the continual scrutiny of NRC inspectors.

The inspectors also check such records as necessary to ensure that the highly enriched uranium is properly accou nted for and is being shipped in accordance with a valid license. They examine qualification records of security personnel accompanying the shipment to ensure that they meet NRC mandated qualifications.

HEALTH AND.SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS In this section of the review, risks to public health and safety result-fog from the transport of highly enriched uranium through Chicago's O'Hare Airport are discussed in terms of the risk model developed for NRC's Final

  • Environmental Statement on the Transporta tion of Radioactive Material By Air and Other Modes (NUREG-0170).

Radiolog ical Risk The reader must refer to NUREG-0170 in order to follow the technical dis-cussion in this section.

NUREG-0170 includes shipments of enriched uranium in its discussions of export and import shipments for the USA on pp. 4-34 to 4-36 (normal ship-ments),pp.5-49 to 5-50 (accidents), and pp A-23 to A-25 (shipments model).

Table 4-14 (p. 4-36) indicates the .population doses from shipments of enriched uranium for UF 6 and U02 combined are 42.6 man-rem; using a risk factor

. . .. of 1.21 x 10-4 laten~ canc~r** f1'-t~_lities per person-rem- (Table 3-8, p. 3-14),

the expected health effects are 5.2 x 10-3 latent cancer* fatalities f or all enriched uranium exports. Information from Table 5-15 indicates that 1.08 x l0- 5 latent cancer fatalities are expected from accidents involving enriched uranium shipments.

For both normal transport and accidents, impacts from imports are very small compared to exports. The fractional (-10-2) latent cancer fatalities from export shipments of enriched uranium are negligible as are the health and safety impacts from all import and export shipments (p.v, item 3.c.).

Conclusion From a radiological health and safety standpoint, the individuals most at risk *are the crew of the cargo aircraft or truck transporting HEU, rather than people of the City of Chicago, Nevertheless, risk calc ula tions indicate that transport of HEU could continue, as it did during the period under review, for thousands of years before we would expect a single early fatality due to the associated radiological hazard. Based upon these results, the NRC staff concludes that regulated shipment of highly enriched uranium through Chicago's O'Hare Airport does not pose an undue risk to public health and safety.


t Since March of 1977, five shipments contain ing significant quantiti es of HEU went through Chicago's O'Hare Airport. There was one shipment i n March, one in April, two in June and one in October 1977. Four of these shi pments contained uranium hexafluoride totaling 51.571 Kilograms of hi gh ly enriched uranium. The remaining sh ipment contained uranium metal and uranium _dioxide tota_ling 106.829 Kil _ograms of HEU.

The storage and transfer portions of all of these shipments were inspected by NRC. In addition, the three most recent shipments (all ex~orts) ~ere cond ucted under surveillance by NRC inspectors during the entire period of time they were in-transit on the ground in the U.S.

During this entire period, all commerc~al lic~nsed HEU shipm~nts through O'Hare Airport were conducted in compl1~nce w1t~ NRC regu7a~1ons. The~e were no incidents adversely affecting either shipment security or public

  • health and safety.