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SECY-88-344: Enclosure 2 - Pnc Letter of Intent Dated 11/30/88
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Issue date: 11/30/1988
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..... , OFFICE Power FIHctor and M.tclNt Fu.I!oprnant ~tlor, 11-1-219 XovemJ::,er 30, 1111 xr. Victcr Stello;~~.

beoutive Director for Operationa United**

,Jfuclaar -..platory Coniaeion Washington, D.C. ~0555 u.s.A, Dear Kr. st*11oa Th* PMC and the USNRC hav* neqotiated a dra:t agreem nt_

dated November 1988, *ntitled "Agreeinant betw**n the unit-4 States Nucl*ar Mgulatory C01Ur&i1aion and the Power Ruotor and N\l01**r l'\iel ~*v*lopment Corporation on the Teatin; and Administrative Program for certifying Plutoni\ml Air Tran*port container*" - heraatter th*. draft agreement *

':he PNC repreenta that it i* mc t desirous or acgel*~at1ng UIHJ\C'* work under th* draft aqranent beoau* tha PNC n*~da the maximU'ftl possi~le amcunt ot inton~tion on thi* program that th*

UINRC can develop on or !afore July 1s, 1189 and tb*t, theretore, any work th* OSNRC pertorm* in th!a interim period will b*n*fit th* PNC. . - . .

Th* PNC r*p~***nt* that dUG to the tim* required lo~

internal review ~nd approval ot th* draft *~**m*nt, Governmental olearancea, and -th* administrative proceesinq ot tund*, tha JNC cannot provida initial tunding to auppol"t. th* USNllC'* work on tbi* pr09rn prier ~o Ceceuer 20, 1981, _

Th* PNC repre*ant1 that it *1* eutho-r11ad to. couit tunda*

tor interim work on thi* p~ogram in the amount ~d under th~

t*rrui ot thi* l*tter of intent.

to be oontinu.4 ***

  • o 1 *
  • , ... , * - - I ........... ' , ......... . , . _ . _ , , ....... , .

Enclosure o,lf , ... . , . ,....... .,,

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' . ., CfTICE P.3 r.


'l'ha PNC theretore, by thia letter of intent, irrevocably commit* the *WA ot* .,,0,000 to th* UINRC tor interim work on the pro;ram while th* draft agreement i* bein9 reviewed* and processed. ot this *u~, no 110r* than $9O0,OOO hall be spent tor

. int*riID vork on th* program, and no mer* than t2!So,O0O mat~*

pent on the co t ot teniin&ting the 'interim wcrk, hould the PNC and th* USNRO fail to *9ree on thft term of* p~oir&~ for the Pha** One work, The PNC aqreeG that th*** int*rim 001ta include

  • both US.m<<:'a co*t* and*0ontract0r'* coa~, ** defined in*the d~att agreement. This *wn hall 'be paid to the usnc no latar than O.c81nl:l*r 20, 1988, in the *v~nt that t~* parti** tail to i;n the draft a9reemet by that date, *

'rhe PNC understands that U8MJ'(C, ~*lyi9'on th***

  • repruentations and acknowl1dgementa and the PiitC'* irrevocable q011\JQitJl*nt of tunde, w_ill. ~ar~_t.ortL _ini.ti*t* work on thi* pr09x-am*

on an interim basis while PNC reviaws l.lld- c~t*in* necessary approval* tor the 4raft *v~*ement I.

.£ ,Z1c,Aa.d~.



ror Power Reactor and Nuclear J'Ual oevalopment corpc%'ation

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