ML23075A350 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Prairie Island |
Issue date: | 12/31/2022 |
From: | Benson R, Long M Northern States Power Company, Minnesota, Westinghouse, Xcel Energy |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
Shared Package | |
ML23075A344 | List: |
References | |
L-PI-23-002 WCAP-18795-NP, Rev 0 | |
Download: ML23075A350 (37) | |
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-75 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: Axial Temperature (0 F) 100 120 140 155 165 170 175 200 225 275 300 325 CVGraph 6.02 Material: SA508CL3 Capsule: N Capsule N Lower Shell Forging D (Axial)
Charpy V-N otch Data Input %Shear Computed %Shear 5.0 2.3 10.0 4.5 10.0 8.7 15.0 13.9 20.0 18.7 20.0 21.5 30.0 24.6 35.0 44.0 65.0 65.4 100.0 91.6 100.0 96.3 100.0 98.4 09/27/2022 Heat: 22642 Fluence: 8.41E+019 n/cm2 Differential 2.72 5.49 1.30 110 1.34
-1.47 5.42
-0.36 8.38 3.66 1.56 Page 2!2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-76 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 U nirradiated Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 5/24/2022 4:40 PM A= 52.75 B = 50.55 C = 78.93 TO= -37.84 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.966 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-T0)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf Energy = 103.30 (Fixed)
Lower Shelf Energy = 2.20 (Fixed)
Temp@30 ft-lbs=-76. 10° F Temp@35 ft-lbs=-66.70° F Temp@50 ft-lbs=-42. 10° F Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA 120 r;,:i 80
~ -
- 01) 60 i..
~ =
z >
40 u
Material: Weld Capsule: Unirrad Heat: 2721 Fluence: O.OOE+OOO n/cm2 0....____.._.....__.....__....____._.....__.....__....____. __...... _....__...... _..._...... _....... _...... _....____.
-100 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 Temperature{° F)
CV Graph 6.02 05/24/2022 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-77 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature {° F)
-40 0
0 0
25 25 25 75 75 75 140 140 140 210 210 210 CVGraph 6.02 lvlaterial: Weld Capsule: Unirrad U nirradiated Weld Metal Charpy V-Notch Data Input CVN Computed CVN 16.5 19.5 21.5 19.5 10.0 19.5 46.0 33.2 33.0 33.2 20.0 33.2 640 514 470 514 66.0 514 78.0 75.3 66.0 75.3 59.0 75.3 86.5 86.2 94.0 86.2 74.0 86.2 110.0 97.8 101.0 97.8 103.0 97.8 106.0 102.2 98.0 102.2 106.0 102.2 106.0 103. 1 103.0 103.1 970 103.1 05/24/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: O.OOE+OOO n/cm 2 Differential
-3.04 1.96
-9.54 12.78
-13.22 12.63
-4.37 14.63 2.72
-1 6.28 0.29 7.79
-1 2.21 12.18
- 3. 18 5.18 3.80
-4.20 3.80 2.89
-6. 11 Page 2/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-78 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Capsule V Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Cmvc Printed on 5/25/2022 8:03 AM A= 49.70 B = 47.50 C = 54.17 TO= 17.04 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.993 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-T0)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf Energy = 97.20 (Fixed)
Lower Shelf Energy = 2.20 (Fixed)
Temp@30 ft-lbs= -6.80° F Temp@35 ft-lbs= -0.20° F Temp@50 ft-lbs= 17.40° F Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA r;,:i
~ -
- 01) i..
~ =
z >
u 110 100 90 80 --
70 60 so 40 30 20 10 0
-300 CV Graph 6.02
-200 Material: Weld Capsule: V I ro I
~ I I p
n n
-100 0
100 200 300 Temperature{° F) 05/25/2022 Heal: 2721 Fluence: 5.98E+018 n/cm2 400 500 600 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-79 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature (0 F)
-50 0
25 40 70 140 210 210 CVGraph 6.02 Material: Weld Capsule: V Capsule V Weld Metal Charpy V-N otch Data lnputCVN Computed CVN 8.0 9.6 32.5 35.2 640 56.6 64.5 68.7 84.0 854 92.5 96.2 101.0 97.1 98.0
- 97. 1 05/25/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 5.98E+018 n/cm2 Differential
-2.73 7.37
-1 4 2
-3.70 3.88 0.88 Page 2!2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-80 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Capsule T Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 5/25/2022 10:07 AM A= 48.50 B = 46.30 C = 76.92 TO= 14.13 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.979 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-T0)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf Energy = 94.80 (Fixed)
Lower Shelf Energy = 2.20 (Fixed)
Temp@30 ft-lbs=-18.40° F Temp@35 ft-lbs= -8.90° F Temp@50 ft-lbs= 16.70° F Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA 120 r;,:i 80
~ -
- 01) 60 i..
~ =
z >
40 u
Material: Weld Capsule: T Heat: 2721 Fluence: 1.10E+019 n/cm2 0....____.._.....__.....__....____._.....__.....__....____. __...... _....__...... _..._...... _....... _...... _....____.
-100 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 Temperature{° F)
CV Graph 6.02 05/25/2022 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-81 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature (0 F)
-1 0 0
25 75 150 250 300 CVGraph 6.02 Material: Weld Capsule: T Capsule T Weld Metal Charpy V-N otch Data lnputCVN Computed CVN 14.0 16.9 42.5 34.4 35.0 40.1 53.0 55.0 82.0 79.0 86.5 92.2 103.0 94.6 86.5 94.7 05/25/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 1.10E+019 n/cm2 Differential
-2.90 8.07
-2.00 2.98
-5.67 8.40
-8.25 Page 2!2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-82 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Capsule R Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Cmvc Printed on 5/31/2022 6:23 AM A= 46.60 B = 44.40 C = 109.23 TO= 67.08 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.991 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-T0)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf Energy = 91.00 (Fixed)
Lower Shelf Energy = 2.20 (Fixed)
Temp@30 ft-lbs= 24.20° F Temp@35 ft-lbs= 37.90° F Temp@50 ft-lbs= 75.50° F Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Material: Weld Capsule: R Heal: 2721 Fluence: 4.11E+019 n/cm2 0....____.._.....__.....__....____._.....__.....__....____. __...... _....__...... _..._...... _....... _...... _....____.
-100 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 Temperature{° F)
CV Graph 6.02 05/31/2022 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-83 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature (0 F)
-10 25 25 75 150 200 250 350 CVGraph 6.02 Material: Weld Capsule: R Capsule R Weld Metal Charpy V-N otch Data lnputCVN Computed CVN 21.0 19.6 33.0 30.3 29.0 30.3 48.0 49.8 710 75.0 87.0 83.8 970 88.0 89.0 90.5 05/31/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 4.11E+019 n/cm2 Differential 1.39 2.71
-1 81
-4.04 3.16 9.01
-150 Page 2/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-84 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Capsule P Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 5/31/2022 10:20 AM A= 50.35 B = 48.15 C = 105.14 TO= 67.46 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.996 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-TO)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf Energy = 98.50 (Fixed)
Lower Shelf Energy = 2.20 (Fixed)
Temp@30 ft-lbs= 20. l0° F Temp@35 ft-lbs= 32.80° F Temp@50 ft-lbs= 66.70° F Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA r;,:i
~ -
- 01) i..
~ =
z >
u 110 100 90 80 --
70 60 so 40 30 20 10 0
-300 CV Graph 6.02
-200 Material: Weld Capsule: P n
.. I I
0 I
<y J
i-c 4
-100 0
100 200 300 Temperature{° F) 05/3 1/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 4.27E+019 n/cm2 400 500 600 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-85 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature (0 F)
-25 0
100 175 225 275 CVGraph 6.02 Material: Weld Capsule: P Capsule P Weld Metal Charpy V-N otch Data lnputCVN Computed CVN 3.0 6.0 7.0 8.2 15.0 16.4 28.0 23.l 62.0 64.8 86.0 87.5 101.0 93.9 96.0 96.7 05/31/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 4.27E+019 n/cm2 Differential
-135 4.90
-2. 80
-1.48 7.08
-0.68 Page 2/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-86 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Capsule N Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Cmvc Printed on 7/12/2022 7:02 AM A= 48.60 B = 46.40 C = 115.42 TO = 108.51 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.950 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-T0)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf Energy = 95.00 (Fixed)
Lower Shelf Energy = 2.20 (Fixed)
Temp@30 ft-lbs= 59.50° F Temp@35 ft-lbs= 73.70° F Temp@50 ft-lbs=! 12.00° F Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA eJJ i..
QJ =
z >
u 100 Material: Weld Capsule: N Heal: 2721 Fluence: 8.41E+019 n/cm2 0....____.._....__.....__....____._.....__....__....____. __...... _....__.....__..._.....,_....__.....__....____.
-100 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 Temperature{° F)
CV Graph 6.02 07/12/2022 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-87 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature (0 F) 30 50 73 100 175 225 275 300 CVGraph 6.02 Material: Weld Capsule: N Capsule N Weld Metal Charpy V-N otch Data lnputCVN Computed CVN 22.0 21.l 29.0 26.9 51.0 34.8 26.0 45.2 69.0 72.7 91.0 84.1 95.0
- 90. 1 99.0 91.8 07/12/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 8.41E+019 n/cm2 Differential 0.85 2.09 16.24
-1 9. 19
-3.72 6.88 4.91 7.24 Page 2/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-88 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA U nirradiated Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 5/24/2022 4:42 PM A= 41.12 B = 40.12 C = 75.85 TO= -35.95 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.970 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-TO)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf L.E. = 81.24 Lower Shelf L.E. = 1.00 (Fixed)
Temp@35 mils=-47.60° F Material: Weld Capsule: Unirrad Heat: 2721 Fluence: O.OOE+OOO n/cm2 0 l:=::c::::C.----1.._JL__j_...L....i...---1_.1....-.L....i...---1__jL_.L__j_.....L----1._J
-100 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 Temperature (° F)
CV Graph 6.02 05/24/2022 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-89 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature {° F)
-40 0
0 0
25 25 25 75 75 75 140 140 140 210 210 210 CVGraph 6.02 lvlaterial: Weld Capsule: Unirrad U nirradiated Weld Metal Charpy V-Notch Data Input L. E.
Computed L. E.
10.5 13.5 15.5 135 60 135 35.5 24.2 24.0 24.2 14.0 24.2 49.5 39.0 33.0 39.0 48.0 39.0 640 58.8 51.0 58.8 49.5 58.8 670 67.8 710 67.8 60.0 67.8 78.0 77.2 86.0 77.2 84.0 77.2 81.0 80.5 75.0 80.5 82.0 80.5 82.0 81.1 81.0 81.1 76.0 81.1 05/24/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: O.OOE+OOO n/cm 2 Differential
-3.01 1.99
-7.51 11.27
-1 0.23 10.52
-5.98 902 5 17
- 3. 16
-7.84 0.84 8.84 6.84 0.52
-5.48 1.52 0.88
-5.12 Page 2/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-90 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Capsule V Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Cmvc Printed on 5/25/2022 8:05 AM A= 40.17 B = 39.17 C = 64.96 TO= 11.51 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.986 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-T0)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf L.E. = 79.34 Lower Shelf L.E. = 1.00 (Fixed)
Temp@35 mils= 2.90° F Material: Weld Capsule: V Heal: 2721 Fluence: 5.98E+018 n/cm2 0 l:::::::::::i::::=+/-:=::i=-.l..,_....1...-1_.i,_...L---1.._JL_..i..,_...L____i_L_...i,___l,,_L........J
-100 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 Temperature (° F)
CV Graph 6.02 05/25/2022 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-91 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature (0 F)
-50 0
25 40 70 140 210 210 CVGraph 6.02 Material: Weld Capsule: V Capsule V Weld Metal Charpy V-N otch Data Input L. E.
Computed L. E.
7 0 112 33.0 33.3 55.0 48.2 54.0 56.3 640 68.2 73.0 77.9 82.0 79.2 83.0 79.2 05/25/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 5.98E+018 n/cm2 Differential
-0.30 6.81
-4.87 2.83 3.83 Page 2!2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-92 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Capsule T Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 5/25/2022 10:11 AM A= 40.35 B = 39.35 C = 86.16 TO= 13.83 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.987 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-TO)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf L.E. = 79.70 Lower Shelf L.E. = 1.00 (Fixed)
Temp@35 mils= 2. 10° F Material: Weld Capsule: T Heat: 2721 Fluence: 1.10E+019 n/cm2 0 l:::::::::=::::t::~_JL__j_...L....i...---1_.1....-.L....i...---1__jL_.L__j_.....L----1._J
-100 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 Temperature (° F)
CV Graph 6.02 05/25/2022 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-93 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature (0 F)
-1 0 0
25 75 150 250 300 CVGraph 6.02 Material: Weld Capsule: T Capsule T Weld Metal Charpy V-N otch Data Input L. E.
Computed L. E.
130 15.6 35.0 29.7 31.0
- 34. 1 45.0 45.4 65.0 64.4 75.0 76.5 74.0 79.4 86.0 79.6 05/25/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 1.10E+019 n/cm2 Differential
-2.57 5.26
-0.42 0.62
-5.38 6.40 Page 2!2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-94 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Capsule R Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Cmvc Printed on 5/31/2022 6:30 AM A= 40.66 B = 39.66 C = 136.38 TO= 72.46 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.992 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-T0)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf L.E. = 80.33 Lower Shelf L.E. = 1.00 (Fixed)
Temp@35 mils= 52.90° F Material: Weld Capsule: R Heal: 2721 Fluence: 4.11E+019 n/cm2 0....____._.....__....__.....__...____._....__...__..._ ____.....,_.....__.....__....____._...... _...._____.
-100 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 Temperature (° F)
CV Graph 6.02 05/3 1/2022 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-95 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature (0 F)
-10 25 25 75 150 200 250 350 CVGraph 6.02 Material: Weld Capsule: R Capsule R Weld Metal Charpy V-N otch Data Input L. E.
Computed L. E.
20.5 19.2 29.0 27.4 29.0 27.4 360 41.4 60.5 61.1 73.5 69.7 n o 74.9 75.5 79.0 05/31/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 4.11E+019 n/cm2 Differential 1.27 1.61 1.61
-0.56 3.76 2.14
-3.50 Page 2/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-96 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA 60
~ -*-8
._, 50
0 *-
~ =
Q. 40
~ -
30 aJ..
~ 20 Capsule P Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 5/3 1/2022 11 :05 AM A = 39.21 B = 38.21 C = 104.57 TO = 64.28 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.995 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-TO)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf L.E. = 77.42 Lower Shelf L.E. = 1.00 (Fixed)
Temp@35 mils= 52.80° F Material: Weld Capsule: P Heat: 2721 Fluence: 4.27E+019 n/cm2 o l:::::::::i:::=:::t::~....a>.----1._L..i_...L_j_---1.____i_L_..i.._..L....i...---1.----L._J
-100 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 Temperature (° F)
CV Graph 6.02 05/31/2022 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-97 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature (0 F)
-25 0
100 175 225 275 CVGraph 6.02 Material: Weld Capsule: P Capsule P Weld Metal Charpy V-N otch Data Input L. E.
Computed L. E.
1.0 4.2 4.0 6.0 110 12.7 23.0 18.3 50.0 51.8 68.0 69.2 79.0 74.0 730
- 76. 1 05/31/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 4.27E+019 n/cm2 Differential
-1.73 4.71
-1.21 4.96
-3.08 Page 2/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-98 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA
~ 50
0 40
~ =
~ 30
~ 20
Capsule N Heat Affected Zone CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Cmvc Printed on 11/8/2022 9:21 AM A = 27. 73 B = 26. 73 C = 69.44 TO = 39.29 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.930 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-TO)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf L.E. = 54.47 Lower Shelf L.E. = 1.00 (Fixed)
Temp@35 mils= 58.70° F Material: SA508CL3 Capsule: N Heat: 22642 Fluence: 8.41E+019 n/cm2 0 t:::::::::i:::::::+/-:::::::C:::::JL_..1....-...L....i...---1_.1....-.L....i...---1__jL_.L__j_.....L----1._J
-100 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 Temperature (° F)
CV Graph 6.02 11/08/2022 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-99 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature (0 F)
-25 25 30 60 90 120 175 275 CVGraph 6.02 Material: SA508CL3 Capsule: N Capsule N Heat Affected Zone Charpy V-N otch Data Input L. E.
Computed L. E.
15.0 8.3 19.0 22.3 19.0 24.2 40.0 35.5 49.0 44.4 42.0 49.7 62.0 53.4 49.0 54.4 11/08/2022 Heat: 22642 Fluence: 8.41E+019 n/cm2 Differential 6.75
-5.18 4.52 4.61
-7.70 8.58
-5.41 Page 2/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-100 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 U nirradiated Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 5/24/2022 4:41 PM A= 50.00 B = 50.00 C = 81.83 TO= -51.16 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.977 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-T0)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf%Shear = 100.00 (Fixed)
Lower Shelf %Shear= 0.00 (Fixed)
Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA 100 90
80 70
60 QJ
- 00.
40 QJ
30 Temperature at 50% Shear= -51.10 Material: Weld Capsule: Unirrad
' o/_
20 10
-300 CV Graph 6.02
-100 0
100 200 300 Temperature{° F) 05/24/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: O.OOE+OOO n/cm2 400 500 600 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-101 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature {° F)
-40 0
0 0
25 25 25 75 75 75 140 140 140 210 210 210 CVGraph 6.02 lvlaterial: Weld Capsule: Unirrad U nirradiated Weld Metal Charpy V-Notch Data Input %Shear Computed %Shear 20.0 23.3 20.0 23.3 15.0 23.3 50.0 38.7 40.0 38.7 30.0 38.7 60.0 56.8 60.0 56.8 70.0 56.8 85.0 77.7 65.0 77.7 70.0 77.7 80.0 86.5 90.0 86.5 80.0 86.5 100.0 95.6 95.0 95.6 98.0 95.6 1000 99.1 100.0 99.1 100.0 99.1 100.0 99.8 100.0 99.8 100.0 99.8 05/24/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: O.OOE+OOO n/cm 2 Differential
-8.26 11.31 1.31
-8.69 3.22 3.22 13.22 7.26
-1 2.74
-6.55 3.45
-6.55 4.38
-0.62 2.38 0.93 0.93 0.93
- 0. 17 0.17 0.17 Page 2/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-102 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Capsule V Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Cmvc Printed on 5/25/2022 8:04 AM A= 50.00 B = 50.00 C = 74.42 TO= 43.88 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.986 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-T0)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf%Shear = 100.00 (Fixed)
Lower Shelf %Shear = 0.00 (Fixed)
Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA
- 00.
100 90
80 70
60 50 40 30 20
10 0
-300 CV Graph 6.02
-200 Temperature at 50% Shear= 43.90 j
Material: Weld Capsule: V
l I J
lo 7
-100 0
100 200 300 Temperature{° F) 05/25/2022 Heal: 2721 Fluence: 5.98E+018 n/cm2 400 500 600 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-103 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature (0 F)
-50 0
25 40 70 140 210 210 CVGraph 6.02 Material: Weld Capsule: V Capsule V Weld Metal Charpy V-N otch Data Input %Shear Computed %Shear 10.0 7.4 30.0 23.5 40.0 37.6 35.0 47.4 70.0 66.9 100.0 93.0 1000 98.9 100 0 98.9 05/25/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 5.98E+018 n/cm2 Differential 2.57 6.48 2.42
-1 2.39 3.14 7.02 1.14 1.14 Page 2!2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-104 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Capsule T Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 5/25/2022 10:08 AM A = 50.00 B = 50.00 C = 70.40 TO = 23.50 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.991 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-T0)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf%Shear = 100.00 (Fixed)
Lower Shelf %Shear= 0.00 (Fixed)
Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA
- 00.
100 90
80 70
60 50 40 30 20
10 0
-300 CV Graph 6.02
-200 Temperature at 50% Shear= 23.60 C
Material: Weld Capsule: T
/n I r I
'1 I
. f)
__, /'°
-100 0
100 200 300 Temperature{° F) 05/25/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 1.10E+019 n/cm2 400 500 600 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-105 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature (0 F)
-1 0 0
25 75 150 250 300 CVGraph 6.02 Material: Weld Capsule: T Capsule T Weld Metal Charpy V-N otch Data Input %Shear Computed %Shear 8.0 11 0 32.0 27.9 26.0 33.9 58.0 51.1 79.0 81.2 91.0 97.3 1000 99.8 1000 100.0 05/25/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 1.10E+019 n/cm2 Differential
-3.02 4.15
-7.90 6.94
-6.32 0.16 0.04 Page 2!2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-106 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Capsule R Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Cmvc Printed on 5/31/2022 6:28 AM A = 50.00 B = 50.00 C = 85.02 TO = 62.59 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.985 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-T0)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf%Shear = 100.00 (Fixed)
Lower Shelf %Shear = 0.00 (Fixed)
Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA
- 00.
100 90
80 70
60 50 40 30 20
10 0
-300 CV Graph 6.02
-200 Temperature at 50% Shear= 62.60 Material: Weld Capsule: R
I l o/
/4 v
-100 0
100 200 300 Temperature{° F) 05/3 1/2022 Heal: 2721 Fluence: 4.11E+019 n/cm2 400 500 600 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-107 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature (0 F)
-10 25 25 75 150 200 250 350 CVGraph 6.02 Material: Weld Capsule: R Capsule R Weld Metal Charpy V-N otch Data Input %Shear Computed %Shear n o 15.3 43.0 29.2 23.0 29.2 52.0 57.2 90.0 88.7 100.0 96.2 1000 98.8 1000 99.9 05/31/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 4.11E+019 n/cm2 Differential
-4.35 13.77
-5.25 1.34 3.80 1.20 0.12 Page 2/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-108 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Capsule P Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Curve Printed on 5/3 1/2022 11 :05 AM A = 50.00 B = 50.00 C = 98.05 TO = 86.82 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.996 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-T0)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf%Shear = 100.00 (Fixed)
Lower Shelf %Shear= 0.00 (Fixed)
Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA
- 00.
100 90
80 70
60 50 40 30 20
10 0
-300 CV Graph 6.02
-200 Temperature at 50% Shear= 86.90 Material: Weld Capsule: P
..... 1 I
i I I I
__. ~
-100 0
100 200 300 Temperature{° F) 05/31/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 4.27E+019 n/cm2 400 500 600 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-109 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature (0 F)
-25 0
100 175 225 275 CVGraph 6.02 Material: Weld Capsule: P Capsule P Weld Metal Charpy V-N otch Data Input %Shear Computed %Shear 2.0 2.2 5.0 3.6 10.0 9.3 20.0 14.5 50.0 56.7 90.0 85.8 1000 94.4 1000 97.9 05/31/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 4.27E+019 n/cm2 Differential
-0. 17 1.45 0.73 5.46
-6.68 4.20 5.63
- 2. 11 Page 2/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-110 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Capsule N Weld Metal CVGraph 6.02: Hyperbolic Tangent Cmvc Printed on 7/12/2022 7:03 AM A= 50.00 B = 50.00 C = 104.35 TO = 137.94 D = 0.00 Correlation Coefficient = 0.978 Equation is A + B * [Tanh((T-T0)/(C+D1))]
Upper Shelf%Shear = 100.00 (Fixed)
Lower Shelf %Shear = 0.00 (Fixed)
Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA
- 00.
100 90
80 70
60 50 40 30 20
10 0
-300 CV Graph 6.02
-200 Temperature at 50% Shear= 138.00 Material: Weld Capsule: N I
/o I
-_70 oJ
0 I
-~ v--
-100 0
100 200 300 Temperature{° F) 07/12/2022 Heal: 2721 Fluence: 8.41E+019 n/cm2 400 500 600 Page 1/2
- This record was final approved on 12/14/2022, 8:08:16 AM. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 C-111 WCAP-18795-NP December 2022 Revision 0 Plant: Prairie Island 2 Orientation: NA Temperature (0 F) 30 50 73 100 175 225 275 300 CVGraph 6.02 Material: Weld Capsule: N Capsule N Weld Metal Charpy V-N otch Data Input %Shear Computed %Shear 15.0 112 20.0 15.6 30.0 22.4 25.0 32.6 55.0 67.0 95.0 84.1 1000 93.3 1000 95.7 07/12/2022 Heat: 2721 Fluence: 8.41E+019 n/cm2 Differential 3.78 4.36 7.64
-12.05 10.86 6.74 4.29 Page 2/2