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Oregon State University Triga Reactor (Ostr), Docket No. 50-243, License No. R-106
Person / Time
Site: Oregon State University
Issue date: 10/22/2021
From: Reese S
Oregon State University
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML21299A250 (80)


  • Or~go~State Radiation Center Oregon State University Uruvers1ty 100 Radiation Center Corvallis, Oregon 97331 P 541-737-2341 F 541-737-0480 October 22, 2021 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555


Oregon State University TRIGA Reactor (OSTR)

Docket No. 50-243, License No. R-106 In accordance with section 6.7.1 of the OSTRTechnical Specifications, we are hereby submitting the Oregon State University Radiation Center and OSTR Annual Report for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

The Annual Report continues the pattern established over many years by including information about the entire Radiation Center rather than concentrating primarily on the reactor. Because this report addresses a number of different interests, it is rather lengthy, but we have incorporated a short executive summary which highlights the Center's activities and accomplishments over the past year.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on: ro /-i /4 (

2 Sincerely, Director Cc: Michael Balazik, USNRC Dr. lrem Turner, OSU Kevin Roche, USNRC Dan Harlan, OSU Maxwell Woods, ODOE L__

    • Submitted by:

Steve R. Reese, Director

    • Radiation Center

_,* Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 -5903

    • Telephone: (541) 737-2341 Fax: (541) 737-0480
  • ,.* To satisy the requirements of:

A. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, License No. R-106 (Docket No. 50-243), Technical Specification 6.7(e).

    • B. Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC; Subcontract Award No. 00074510 .

C. Oregon Department of Energy, OOE Rule No. 345-030-010.


.** )


  • Part I-Overview Executive Summary .....................................................................................................................................4 lntroduction ....................................................................................................................................................4 Overview of the Radiation Center .......................................................................................................... 5 **

Part II-People Radiation Center Staff ................................................................................................................................. 6 **

Reactor Operations Committee .............................................................................................................. 6 Professional & Research Faculty .............................................................................................................. 7 **

Part Ill-Facilities Research Reactor ..........................................................................................................................................8 **

Analytical Equipment .................................................................................................................................. 9 Radioisotope Irradiation Sources ............................................................................................................ 9 Laboratories & Classrooms ......................................................................................................................1O Instrument Repair & Calibration ............................................................................................................10 Part IV-Reactor Operating Statistics ....................................................................................................................................12 Experiments Performed ...........................................................................................................................12 Unplanned Shutdowns .............................................................................................................................13 Changes Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59 ......................................................................................................13 Surveillance & Maintenance ...................................................................................................................13 Part V-Radiation Protection Introd uction ..................................................................................................................................................26 **

Environmental Releases ...........................................................................................................................26 Personnel Doses ..........................................................................................................................................27 Facility Survey Data ....................................................................................................................................27 Environmental Survey Data ....................................................................................................................28 Radioactive Material Shipments ...........................................................................................................29 References .....................................................................................................................................................29 Part VI-Work Summary .......................................................................................................................................................46 Teaching .........................................................................................................................................................46 Research & Service .....................................................................................................................................46 Part VII-Words Documents Published or Accepted .....................................................................................................68 Presentations ................................................................................................................................................75 Students ......................................................*...................................................................................................76


Tables Table Title Page 111.1 Gammacell 220 6°Co lrradiator Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .... .. 11 IV.1 Present OSTR Operating Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 IV.2 OSTR Use Time in Terms of Specific Use Categories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 IV.3 OSTR Multiple Use Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 IV.4 Use of OSTR Reactor Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 IV.5 Unplanned Reactor Shutdowns and Scrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 V.1 Radiation Protection Program Requirements and Frequencies ... .. ... ... . .... .. .. .. .... 30 V.2 Monthly Summary of Liquid Effluent Releases to the Sanitary Sewer . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 V.3 Annual Summary of Liquid Waste Generated and Transferred . . . . ... ... .. . . .. .. . . . . . . ... 32 V.4 Monthly Summary of Gaseous Effluent Releases . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 V.5 Annual Summary of Solid Waste Generated and Transferred . . . . . .. .. . . ... .. .. . . ...... .. 33 V.6 Annual Summary of Personnel Radiation Doses Received .. ... .. .. . . .. .. . ..... . . .... .. 34 V.7 Total Dose Equivalent Recorded Within the TRIGA Reactor Facility .. ... .... .. .... . .... .. . 35 V.8 Total Dose Equivalent Recorded on Area Within the Radiation Center . . . .. .... . . . . . . ... ... . 36 V.9 Annual Summary of Radiation and Contamination Levels Within the Reactor . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . 38 V.10 Total Dose Equivalent at the TRIGA Reactor Facility Fence . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . ... . . .. .. 39 V.11 Total Dose Equivalent at the Off-Site Gamma Radiation Monitoring Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 V.12 Annual Average Concentration of the Total Net Beta Radioactivity . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... 41 V.13 Radioactive Material Shipments under NRC General License R-106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 V.14 Radioactive Material Shipments under Oregon License ORE 90005 .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 43 V.15 Radioactive Material Shipments Under NRC General License 10 CFR 110.23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Vl.1 Institutions and Agencies Which Utilized the Radiation Center . .... . ..... . . . . . . . .. ..... . 48 Vl.2 Listing of Major Research & Service Projects Performed and Their Funding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Vl.3 Summary of Radiological Instrumentation Calibrated to Support OSU Departments .. . ... .... .. 67 Vl.4 Summary of Radiological Instrumentation Calibrated to Support Other Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Figures Table Title Page IV.1 Monthly Surveillance and Maintenance (Sample Form) ................................................................................................. 18 IV.2 Quarterly Surveillance and Maintenance (Sample Form) ...............................................................................................19 IV.3 Semi-Annual Surveillance and Maintenance (Sample Form) ........................................................................................ 21 IV.4 Annual Surveillance and Maintenance (Sample Form) ................................................................................................... 23 V.1 Monitoring Stations for the OSU TRIGA Reactor .............................................................................................................45 Vl.1 Summary of the Types of Radiological Instrumentation Calibrated ..........................................................................67

Overview Executive Summary Introduction The data fro m this reporting year shows that the use of the The current annual report of the Oregon State Uni versity Radiation Center and the Oregon State TRJGA reactor Radiati on Center and TRJGA Reactor fo llows the usual for-(OSTR) was dramatically affected by th e COVID-19 pan- mat by including infornrntion relating to the entire Radiation demic. Not only were just about every metric accross the board Center rather than just the reactor. However, the info nnation lower this year, all academ ic courses were virtural and did not is still presented in such a manner that data on the reactor may involve the use of Radiation Center facil ities, even laboratory be examined separate ly, if desired. It should be noted that all classes. annual data given in this report covers the period fro m July I, 2020 through June 30, 202 1. Cumulative reactor operating data Of the work performed, eighty-fo ur percent (84%) of the in this report relates on ly to the LEU fu eled core. This covers OSTR research hours were in support of off-campus research the period begi1rning July 1, 2008 to the present date. For a proj ects, reflecting the use of the OSTR nationally and inter-summary of data on the reactor's two other cores, the reader is nationally. Radiation Center users published or submitted I 07 referred to previous annual reports.

articles thi s year, and made 15 presentations on work that in-volved the OSTR or Radiation Center. The number of samples In addition to providing general infonnati on about the activ i-irradiated in the reactor during this reporting period was 876. ti es of the Radiation Center, this report is designed to meet the Funded OSTR use hours comprised 85% of the research use. reporting requirements of the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission, and the Oregon Department of Energy. Because of Personnel at the Radiation Center conducted 17 tours of the this, the report is divided into severa l di stinct parts so that the facility, accommodating 45 v isitors, down considerably due reader may easily find the secti ons of interest.

to university restrictions on visitors. The visitors included elementary, middle school, high school , and co ll ege students; relatives and friends; facu lty; current and prospective clients; nati onal laboratory and industrial sc ienti sts and engineers; and state, fede ral and international offici als . The Radiation Center is a significant positive attraction on campus because visitors leave with a good impression of the fac ility and of Oregon State University.

The Radiation Center projects database continues to provide a useful way of tracking the many different aspects of work at the faci lity. The number of projects supported thi s year was 116. Reactor related projects compri sed 77% of all proj ects.

The total research dollars in some way supported by the Radia-tion Center, as reported by our researchers, was $ 16.3 million.

The actua l total is likely hi gher. This year the Radi ation Center provided service to 73 different organi zati ons/in stituti ons, 4 I%

of whi ch were from other states and 41 % of which were from outside the U. S. and Canada. So, whil e the Center's primary mission is loca l, it is also a fac ility with a nati onal and interna-tional cli entele.

The Radiation Center web site provides an easy way for po-tenti al users to eva luate the Center's fac iliti es and capabilities as we ll as to app ly for a project and check use charges. The address is: http://radiationcenter.oregonstate .edu .


OVERVIEW Overview of the Radiation Center transfer perfo miance, and a wide range of design bas is, and beyond design basis, accident conditions.

The Radiati on Center is a unique facili ty which serves th e entire OSU campus, all other institutions within the Oregon The Advanced N uclear Systems Engineering Laboratory University System, and many other univers ities and orga- (ANSEL) is the home to two major thennal-hydraulic test nizations throughout the nation and the world . The Center fac ilities- the Hi gh Temperature Test Facility (HTTF) and also regularly provides spec ial services to state and federal the Hydro-m echani ca l Fuel Test Faci lity (HMFTF). The agencies, parti cul arly agencies dealing with law enfo rce- HTTF is a 1/4 scale model of the Modular High Temperature ment, energy, health, and environmental quality, and renders Gas Reactor. The vesse l has a ceramic lined upper head and assistance to Oregon industry. In additi on, the Radiation shroud capabl e of operation at 850°C (well mixed helium).

Center provides permanent offi ce and laboratory space fo r The design will allow for a max imum operating pressure of the OSU School of Nuclear Science and Engineering, the l. 0MPa and a maximum core cerami c temperature of 1600°C.

OSU Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering, and fo r The nominal working fluid will be helium with a core power the OSU nuclear chemi stry, radiation chemi stry, geochemi s- of approximately 600 kW (note that electrical heaters are used try and radiochemistry programs. There is no other university to simulate the core power). The test facility also includes a fac ili ty with the combined capabilities of the OSU Radi ati on scaled reactor cavity cool ing system, a circulator and a heat Center in the western half of the United States. sink in order to compl ete the cycle. The HTTF can be used to simulate a wide range of accident scenarios in gas reac-Located in the Radiation Center are many items of special-tors to include the depressuri zed conducti on coo ldown and ized equipment and unique teaching and research facilities.

pressuri zed conducti on cooldown events. The HMFTF is a They include a TRI GAMark II research nuclear reactor; testing fac ility which will be used to produce a database of a 6°Co gamma irradi ator; a large number of state-of-the art hydro-mechanical info m1ation to supplement the qualifica-computer-based gamma radiation spectrometers and as- tion of the prototypi c ultrahigh density U-Mo Low Enriched soc iated high purity gern1 anium detectors; and a variety of Uranium fuel which will be implemented into the U.S. High instrum ents for radi ation measurements and monitoring. Performance Research Reactors upon their conversion to low Spec ialized facilities for radi ation work include teaching and enriched fuel. Thi s data in turn will be used to veri fy current research laboratories with instrumentation and related equip- theoretical hydro- and thermo-mechanical codes being used ment for performing neutron activation analysis and radi o- during safety analyses. The maxi mwn operational pressure of tracer studies; laboratories fo r plant experiments invo lving the HMFTF is 600 psig with a maximum operati onal tem-radi oactivity; a fac ility fo r repair and ca librati on of radiati on perature of 450°F.

protection instrw11entation; and faci lities fo r packaging ra-The Radiati on Center staff regularly provides direct sup-di oacti ve materials fo r shipm ent to national and internati onal port and assistance to OSU teaching and research programs.


Areas of experti se commonly involved in such efforts incl ude Also housed in the Radi ation Center is the Advanced Ther- nuclear engineering, nuclear and radiation chemi stry, neutron mal Hydraul ics Research Laboratory (ATHRL), whi ch is activation analys is, radiati on effects on biological systems, ra-used for state-of-the-art two- phase flow experiments. Within diation dosimetry, environmental radioactivity, production of ATHRL is located the NuScale Integral Systems Test-2 short- lived radioisotopes, radiation shielding, nuclear instru-(NIST-2) fac il ity is a nuclear power plant test facility that is mentation, emergency response, transportation ofradioactive instrum ental in the design certification of the N uScale small materials, instrwn ent calibration, radiation health physics, modul ar reactor. The NIST-2 fac ili ty is constructed of all radioactive waste di sposal, and other related areas.

stainless-stee l components and is capabl e of operation at full In additi on to fo rnial academi c and research support, the system pressure (1500 psia), and fu ll system temperature Center's staff prov ides a wide variety of other services includ-(600°F).

ing public tours and instructiona l program s, and professional All components are 1/3 sca le height and 1/254.7 vo lum e consultation associated with the feas ibili ty, design, safety, sca le. The current testing program is examining methods and executi on of experim ents using radiati on and radi oactive fo r natural circulati on sta1tup, heli ca l steam generator heat materials.

2020-2021 5

People Thi s section contains a li sting of all peopl e who were residents of the Radi ati on Center or who worked a significant amount of time at the Center during this reporting period.

It should be noted that not all of the faculty and students who used the Radiation Center fo r their teaching and research are li sted.

Sw11m ary info rmation on the number of peopl e involved is given in Tab le VI.I , while individual names and proj ects are listed in TableYI.2.

Radiation Center Staff Reactor Operations Committee Steve Reese, Director Dan Harlan, Chair OSU Radiati on Safety Dina Pope, Office Manager Matthew Berry, Business Manager Leo Bobek UMass Lowell Erica Emerson, Receptionist Samuel Briggs S. Todd Keller, Reactor Engineer, Seni or Reactor Operator OSU School of Nuclear Sc ience and Engineering Celia Oney, Reactor Supervisor, Seni or Reactor Operator Abi Tavakoli Farsoni Robert Schickler, Reactor Administrator/Assistant Direc- OSU Schoo l of Nuclear Science and Engineering tor, Senior Reactor Operator Scott Menn Scott Menn, Senior Hea lth Phys icist OSU Radiati on Center Taighlor Story, Health Physicist Celia Oney (not voting)

OSU Radiation Center Leah Mine, Neutron Activation Analysis Manager Steve Reese (not voting)

Steve Smith, Developm ent Engineer, Senior Reactor Operator OSU Radiati on Center Chris Kulah , Seni or Reactor Operator Robert Schickler OSU Rad iati on Center Dan Sturdevant, Custodian Julie Tucker Emory Colvin , Reactor Operator (S tudent) OSU Mechanical, Industri al and Manufacturing Engineering Maggie Goodwin, Senior Reactor Operator (Student) Haori Yang Angelo Camargo , Reactor Operator (S tudent) OSU School ofNuclear Science and Engineering Lucia Gomez Hurtado , Reactor Operator (Student)

Griffen Latimer, Reactor Operator (Student)

Tracey Spoerer, Reactor Operator (Student)

Scott Veldman , Reactor Operator (S tudent)

Nathan Wiltbank, Reactor Operator (S tudent)

Gordon Kitchener, Reactor Operator (S tudent)

Lucien Litteral, Reactor Operator (S tudent)

Logan Schoening, Reactor Operator (S tudent)

Stephanie Juarez, Hea lth Phys ics Monitor (Student)

Brandon Farjardo , Hea lth Phys ics Monitor (Stud ent)

Taighlor Story, Hea lth Physics Monitor (S tudent)

Nicolaas VanDerZwan , Health Physics Monitor (Student) 6 ANNUAL REPORT

PEOPLE Professional and Research Faculty Tony Alberti Dina Pope Postdoctoral Schol ar, Nuclear Science and Engineering Office Manager, Radi ation Center Samuel Briggs Leila Ranjbar Assitant Professor, Nuclear Science and Engineering Instructor, Nuclear Science and Engineering Tianyi Chen Steven Reese Director, Radi ation Center Assistant Professor, Nuclear Science and Engineering Abi Farsoni Robert Schickler Reactor Admini strator/ Ass istant Director, Radiation Center Associate Professor, Nucl ear Sci ence and Engineering Jzabela Gutowska Aaron Weiss Sr. Faculty Research Assistant, Nuclear Science and Assistant Professor, Senior Research, Nuclear Science and Engineering Engineering David Hamby Brian Woods Professor, Nuclear Science and Engineering Professor Emeritus, Nuclear Science and Engineering Kathryn Higley Qiao Wu Professor, Nuclear Science and Engineering School Head, Professo r, Nuclear Sci ence and Engineering Todd S. Keller Haori Yang Assistant Professo r, Nuclear Science and Engineering Reactor Engineer, Radi ation Center Walter Loveland Professo r, Chemi stry Wade Marcum Associate Professor , Nucl ear Sci ence and Engineering Mitch Meyer Professor of Practi ce, Nuclear Science and Engineering Scott Menn Senior Health Physicist, Radiati on Center LeahMinc Associate Professor, Anthropology Guillaume Mignot Assistant Professor, Seni or Research, Nucl ear Science and Engineering Celia Oney Reactor Supervisor, Radi ati on Center Camille Palmer Research Faculty and Instructor, Nuclear Science and Engineering Todd Palmer Professor, Nuclear Science and Engineering Alena Paulenova Associate Professor, Nuclear Science and Engineering 2020-2021 7

Facilities Research Reactor The Oregon State University TRJGA Reactor(OSTR) is a The reactor's thermal column consists of a large stack of water-cooled, swi mming pool type research reactor whi ch uses graphite blocks whi ch slows down neutrons from the reactor uranium/zirconium hydride fue l elements in a circular grid core in order to increase thermal neutron activation of samples.

array. The reactor core is surrounded by a ring of graphite Over 99% of the neutrons in the them1al column are thenn al which serves to reflect neutrons back into the core. The core neutrons. Graphite blocks are removed from the themia l col-is situated near the bottom of a 22-foot deep water-fi lled tank, umn to enable samples to be positi oned inside for irradiati on.

and the tank is surrounded by a concrete bioshi eld which acts as a radi ation shi eld and structural support. The reactor is li - The beam ports are tubular penetrations in the reactor 's main censed by the U.S . Nuclear Regul atory Commi ssion to operate concrete shield which enable neutron and gamm a radiation at a maximum steady state power of 1.1 MW and can also be to stream from the core when a beam port 's shield plugs are pulsed up to a peak power of about 2500 MW. removed. The neutron radiography fac ility utili zed the tangen-tial beam port (beam port #3 ) to produce ASTM E545 category The OSTR has a number of different irradi ation fac iliti es I radi ography capability. The other beam ports are ava il abl e for including a pneumatic transfer tube, a rotating rack, a them1 al a variety of experiments.

co lumn, fo ur beam ports, five sample holding (dummy) fuel elements for special in-core irradi ations, an in-core irradi ati on If sampl es irradiated req uire a large neutron fluence, especially tube, and a cadmium-lined in-core irradiation tube for experi- fro m higher energy neutrons, they may be placed in the in-ments requiring a high energy neutron flux. core irradiation tube (ICIT), located in one of several in-core lattice positions.

The pneumatic transfer facility (called a Rabbit) enables samples to be inserted and removed from the core in fou r to The cadmium-lined in-core irradiation tube (CLICIT) five seconds. Consequently, this faci lity is normally used for enabl es samples to be irradiated in a hi gh flux region near the neutron activation analysis involv ing sh01t- lived radi onu- center of the core. The cadmium lining in the faci li ty elimi-clides. On the other hand, the rotating rack is used for much nates themia l neutrons and thus permits sample exposure to longer irradiation of samples (e.g., hours). The rack consists higher energy neutrons only. The cadmium-lined end of this of a circular array of 40 tubul ar positions, each of which can air-fi ll ed al uminum irradiation tube is inserted into an inner hold two sampl e tubes. Rotation of the rack ensures that each sample will receive an identi ca l irradiation.


FACILITIES grid position of the reactor core which would nom1ally be oc- Analytical Equipment cupi ed by a fuel element. It is the same as the ICIT except fo r The Radiation Center has a large vari ety of radiation detec-the presence of the cadmium lining. ti on instrumentation . Thi s equi pment is upgraded as neces-sary, especially the gamm a ray spectrometers with their Instructional Uses of the OSTR associated computers and gennanium detectors. Additi onal Instructional use of the reactor is twofold. First, it is hi storical-equipment fo r classroom use and an extensive inventory of ly used for classes in Nuclear Engineering, Radi ati on Health portable radi ation detection instrumentation are also avail-Phys ics, and Chemistry at both the graduate and undergradu-ate levels to demonstrate numerous principles which have abl e.

been presented in the classroom. Bas ic neutron behavior is Radiation Center nuclear instrumentation receives intensive the same in small reactors as it is in large power reactors, and e in both teaching and research applications. In addition, many demonstrations and instructional experiments can be service proj ects also use these systems and the combined use perfo nned using the OSTR whi ch cannot be carried out with a often results in 24-hour per day schedules for many of the commercial power reactor. Shorter-tenn demonstration experi- analytical instrum ents. Use of Radi ation Center equipm ent ments are also perfo nned fo r many undergraduate students in extends beyond that located at the Center and instrum entation Physics, Chemi stry, and Biology cl asses, as well as fo r visitors may be made available on a loan basis to OS U researchers in from other universities and co ll eges, fro m high schools, and other departments.

from publi c groups.

The second instructional applicati on of the OSTR involves educating reactor operators, operati ons managers, and health Radioisotope Irradiation Sources physicists. The OSTR is in a unique position to provide such The Radiati on Center is equipped with a Gammacell 22 0 education since curricu la must include hands-on experi ence at 6°Co irradiator wh ich is capable of delivering high doses of an operating reactor and in associated laboratories. The many gamm a radiation over a range of dose rates to a variety of types of educational programs that the Radi ation Center pro-materi als.

vides are more full y described in Part VI of thi s report.

Typica lly, the irradiator is used by researchers wishing to During this reporting peri od the OSTR accommodated a perform mutation and other biological effects studies; studi es number of diffe rent OSU academi c cl asses and other academic in the area of radiati on chemi stry; dosimeter testing; steril-program s. In additi on, porti ons of classes from other Oregon ization of foo d materi als, so ils, sediments, biological speci-uni versities were also supp01ted by the OSTR.

men, and other medi a; gamma radi ati on damage studi es; and Research Uses of the OSTR other such applications. In addition to the 6°Co irradi ator, the The OSTR is a unique and valuable too l for a wide variety Center is also equipped with a variety of small er 6°Co, 137 Cs, 226Ra, plutonium-beryllium , and other isotopic sealed sources ofresearch applicati ons and serves as an excellent source of neutrons and/or gamma radiation. The most commonly used of vari ous radi oactivity leve ls which are available for use as experim ental teclmique requiring reactor use is instrw11ental irradiati on sources.

neutron activation analysis (INAA). This is a particularly During thi s reporting period there was a diverse group of sensitive method of elemental analysis whi ch is described in projects using the 6°Co irradi ator. These proj ects included the more detail in Part VI.

irradi ati on of a variety of biological materials includ ing dif-The OSTR's irradiation fac iliti es prov ide a wide range of fe rent types of seeds.

neutron flux leve ls and neutron flux qualities which are suf-fic ient to meet the needs of most researchers. Thi s is true not In additi on, the irradi ator was used fo r sterilizati on of several only for INAA, but also fo r other experi mental purposes such media and the evaluati on of the radiation effects on different as the 39 Ar/4 0Ar ratio and fiss ion track methods of age dating materials. Table III . I provides use data fo r the Gamm ace ll samples. 220 irradi ator.

2020-2021 g

FACILITIES Laboratories and Classrooms All of the laboratories and classrooms are used extensive ly during the academic year. A li sting of courses accomm odated The Radi ation Center is equipped with a number of different at the Radiation Center during thi s reporting period along with radi oactive materi al laboratori es designed to accommodate their enro llm ents is given in Tabl e lII. 2.

research projects and classes offered by vari ous OSU aca-demic departments or off-campus groups. Instrument Repair & Calibration Instructional faci lities available at the Center include a labo-Facility ratory especially equipped fo r teaching radiochemi stry and The Radiation Center has a fac ili ty for the repair and ca li bra-a nuclear instrumentation teaching laboratory equipped with tion of essentially all types of radiati on monitoring instru-modular sets of counti ng eq uipment whi ch can be configured mentation. This includes in struments for the detection and to accomm odate a variety of experiments invol ving the mea- measurement of alpha, beta, gamma, and neutron radi ation.

surement of many types ofradi ati on. The Center also has two ft encompasses both high range in struments fo r measuring student computer rooms. intense radiation fie lds and low range instrum ents used to measure environmental levels of radioactivity.

In addition to these dedicated in structional faciliti es, many other research laboratories and pieces of specialized equip- The Center's instrument repair and calibration fac ility is used ment are regu larly used for teaching. In parti cular, cl asses regul arly thro ughout the year and is abso lutely essential to the are routinely given access to gamma spectro metry equipment contin ued operation of the many di ffe rent programs carried located in Center laboratories. A number of classes also regu- out at the Center. In addition, the absence of any comparable larly use the OSTR and the Reactor Bay as an integral part of fac ility in the state has led to a greatly expanded instrum ent their in structiona l coursework. ca libration program for the Center, including calibrati on of es-senti ally all radiation detection instrum ents used by state and There are two classrooms in the Radi ation Center whi ch are federal agencies in the state of Oregon. This includes instru-capabl e of holding about 35 and 18 students. In additi on, ments used on the OSU campus and all other instituti ons in the there are two small er confere nce roo ms and a library suitable Oregon Univers ity System, plus instruments from the Oregon fo r graduate classes and thesis examinati ons. As a service to Health Division 's Radiati on Protection Services, the Oregon the student body, the Radiation Center also provides an office Department of Energy, the Oregon Public Utiliti es Commis-area for the student chapters of the Ameri can N uclear Society sion, the Oregon Health and Sciences University, the Anny and the Hea lth Physics Society. Corps of Engineers, and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.


FACILITIES Table 111.1 Gammacell 220 6 °Co lrradiator Use Dose Range Number of Use Time Purpose of Irradiation Samples (rads) Irradiations (hours) wood, soil, mouse diet, Sterilization l.5xl0 6 to 5.0x10 6 19 145.94 chitosan, biochar silcon sensor, polymers, Material Evaluation l.0xl0 4 to 2.2xl0 8 12 1,221.40 medical devices, crystals Botanical Studies wheat seeds, seeds l .5x l0 4 to 5.0x 104 7 .55 Totals 38 1367.89 2020-2021 11

Reactor **

Operating Statistics B-1 Activation Analysis of Stone Meteorites, Other Mete-orites, and Terrestrial Rocks.

During the operating period between July I, 2020 and June 30, 2021 , the reactor produced I, 193 MWH of thermal power B-2 Measurements of Cd Ratios of Mn, In, and Au in during its 1,258 critical hours. Thermal Column.

B-4 Flux Mapping.

8-5 In-core Irradiation of Foils for Neutron Spectral Mea-Experiments Performed surements.

During the current reporting period there were 5 approved B-6 Measurements of Neutron Spectra in External Irradia-reactor experiments available for use in reactor-related pro- tion Facilities.

grams. They are: B-7 Measurements of Gamma Doses in External Irradia-A-1 Normal TRI GA Operation (No Sample Irradiation). tion Facilities.

B-8 Isotope Production.

B-3 Irradiation of Materials in the Standard OSTR Ir-radiation Facilities. B-9 Neutron Radiography.

B-10 Neutron Diffraction.

B-29 Reactivity Worth of Fuel.

B-11 Irradiation of Materials Involving Specific Quantities B-31 TRI GA Flux Mapping of Uranium and Thorium in Standard OSTR Irradia-tion Facilities. (Discontinued Feb. 28th, 2018)

B-36 Irradiation of fissionable materials in the OSTR.

B-12 Exploratory Experiments. (Discontinued Feb. 28th, Of these available experiments, four were used during the 2018) reporting period Table IV.4 provides information related to the B-13 This experiment number was changed to A-7.

frequency of use and the general purpose of their use.

B-14 Detection of Chem ically Bound Neutrons.

Inactive Experiments B-1 5 This experiment number was changed to C-1.

Presently 39 experiments are in the inactive file. This con- B-16 Production and Preparation of 18F.

sists of experiments which have been performed in the past B-17 Fission Fragment Gamma Ray Angular Correlations.

and may be reactivated. Many of these experiments are now performed under the more general experiments listed in the B-18 A Study of Delayed Status (n, y) Produced Nuclei.

previous section. The following li st identifies these inactive B-19 Instrument Timing via Light Triggering.


B-20 Sinusoidal Pile Oscillator.

A-2 Measurement of Reactor Power Level via Mn Activa- B-21 Beam Port #3 Neutron Radiography Facility.


B-22 Water Flow Measurements Through TRIGA Core.

A-3 Measurement of Cd Ratios for Mn, In, and Au in B-23 Studies Using TRIGA Them1al Col umn . (Discontin-Rotating Rack.

ued Feb. 28th, 20 18)

A-4 Neutron Flux Measurements in TRIGA.

B-24 General Neutron Radiography.

A-5 Copper Wire Irradiation.

8-25 Neutron Flux Monitors.

A-6 In-core Irradiation of LiF Crysta ls.

B-26 Fast Neutron Spectrum Generator.

A-7 Investigation ofTRlGA's Reactor Bath Water Tem-8-27 Neutron Flux Detennination Adjacent to the OSTR perature Coefficient and High Power Level Power Core.



REACTOR B-28 Gamma Scan ofSodiwn (TED) Capsule. 20-09 Changes to OSTROPs 1 and 7 Minor updates and revi sions to procedures for annunciator response and B-30 NAA of Jet, Diesel, and Furnace Fuels. reactor water systems.

B-32 Argon Production Facility. 21-01 Revisions to OSTROPs 13, 26, and 31 B-33 Irradiation of Combustible Liquids in LS. (Discon- Minor updates and revisions to procedures for monthly surveillance, tinued Feb. 28th, 2018). background investi gation, and archival storage of documents.

B-34 Irradiation of Enriched Uranium in the Neutron Ra- 21-02 Bulk Shield Tank Cleanup Skid Upgrades and OS-diography Faci lity. (Discontinued Feb. 28th, 2018). TROP 7 Revisions B-35 Irradiation of Fissile Materials in the Prompt Added a UV saniti ze r to the bulk shield tank cleanup system to prevent Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) biolog ical growth, removed unnecessary valves, replaced other valves Facility. (Discontinued Feb. 28th, 2018). with stainless steel ball va lves, and made related OSTROP revisions.

C-1 PuO 2 Transient Experiment. 21-03 Changes to OSTROP 8: Reactor Power Calibration Procedures Minor updates and revisions to the procedure for reactor power calibra-Unplanned Shutdowns tion.

There were 9 unplanned reactor shutdowns during the current 21-04 Beam Port #4 Leak Repair and Modification reporting period. Table IV.5 details these events.

Install a sealed a luminum can in Beam Port #4 and inject epoxy around it in order to stop the water leak from that beam po11 wh ile maintaining its usefulness for experimental facilities.

Activities Pursuant to 10 CFR 50-59 21-05 Changes to OSTROP 5: Procedure for Maintaining There was one safety evaluation perfom1ed in support of the Reactor Operation Records reactor this year. It was: Minor updates and revis ions to the procedure for operating records.

21-01 RCHPP-39 Neutron Generator Created a new Radiation Center Health Physics Procedure with instructions for using the neutron generator that is now how housed Surveillance and Maintenance in the radiation center.

Non-Routine Maintenance There were 9 new screens performed in support of the reactor July 2020 this year. They were:

Cleaned Bulk Shield Tank water with temporary filtration 20-06 Changes to Radiation Center HVAC and Relevant system.

OSTROP Revisions August 2020 Replaced all pneumatic components in the ventilation system with Replaced the ion exchange resin in the Bulk Shield Tank electrical ly operated components and made related updates to OS-demineralizer tank.

TROPs I, 2, and 17 ..

September 2020 20-06 Addendum: OSTROPs 16 and 17 Revision Installed new electronic controllers for the ventilation sys-Additional updates following the ventilation upgrades from Screen tem dampers.


Emptied, cleaned, and refilled the cooling tower and second-20-07 number not used ary pump diffuser.

20-08 Upgrade to Reactor Bay Supply Fan Filtration Installed a second set of air filters downstreeam of the first set on October 2020 the ventilation supply fan to further reduce pa11iculates going into installed a darkroom in the reactor bay for use by Neutron the reactor bay.

Radiography Faci lity experimenters.

2020-2021 13

REACTOR Replaced relief valve on Neutron Radiography Faci li ty April 2021 shutter. Cleaned shim rod electromagnet and ann ature.

November 2020 Installed grounding wire on the fission chamber to reduce Install ed a second set of air filters on the ventil ation sup- electrical noise.

ply fan.

Cleaned the water level detector on the cooling tower. May 2021 Repaired the preamplifier for the primary water activity Re-soldered the resistor for the safety rod "DOWN" li ght.


Replaced fan belts on severa l fans in the venti lation room.

December 2020 June 2021 Replaced the batteries in the inverter.

Disassembled the PGNAA fac ility in preparation for March 2021 Beam Port 4 repairs.

Replaced the underwater lights in the tank with LEDs. Temporarily moved 43 fuel elements to the in-tank storage Installed a UV sanitizer in th e bulk shi eld tank cl eanup racks in preparation for Beam Port 4 repairs.

system. Replaced the magnet in the shim rod drive .

Replaced bearings on the ventil ati on exhaust fan .


REACTOR Table IV.1 Present OSTR Operating Statistics Annual Values Operational Data For LEU Core Cumulative Values (2020/2021)

MWH of energy produced 1,193 16,642 MWD of energy produced 49.7 693.4 Grams 235 U used 69 952 Number of fuel elements added to(+) or removed(-) from 0 91 the core Number of pulses 0 325 Hours reactor critical 1,258 17,807 Hours at full power ( 1 MW) 1,190 16,530 Number of startup and shutdown checks 23 1 2,881 Number of irradiation requests processed 207 3,140 Number of samples irradiated 879 25,758 2020-2021 15

REACTOR Table IV.2 OSTR Use Time in Terms of Specific Use Categories Annual Values Cumulative Values OSTR Use Category (hours) (hours)

Teaching (departmental and others) 23 13 ,781 OSU research 702 24,981 Off campus research 2,798 60,352 Facility time 170 7,918 Total Reactor Use Time 3,693 107,032 Table IV.3 OSTR Multiple Use Time Cumulative Values Number of Users Annual Values (hours)


Two 315 11,764 Three 325 6,680 Four 269 3,729 Five 129 1,604 Six 29 540 Seven 2 176 Eight or more 0 29 Total Multiple Use Time 1,069 24,522 16 ANNUAL REPORT

REACTOR Table IV.4 Use of OSTR Reactor Experiments Experiment Research Teaching Facility Use Total Number A-1 I 1 _) 5 B-3 186 3 10 199 B-31 0 0 I 1 B-36 2 0 0 2 Total 189 4 14 207 Table IV.S Unplanned Reactor Shutdowns and Scrams Number of Type of Event Cause of Event Occurrences Manual SCRAM 3 Response to Stack/CAM alarm .

Low secondary water flow due to low water level in Manual Shut down 1 cooling tower.

Limit switch slow to engage when closing NRF door External SCRAM 2 and opening Beam Port 4 shutter.

Manual SCRAM 1 Operator response to period alarm.

Safety Channel SCRAM I Small spike in power at full power.

Safety and High Voltage SCRAM I Exceeded power during reactor startup .

(simultaneous) 2020-2021 17

Figure IV.1 Monthl Surveillance and Maintenance {Sample Form)

OSTROP 13, Rev. LEU-9 Surveillance & Maintenance for the Month of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the year of 20_ _





CHECK 8.5x l0'+/-



8500 cpm Ann.? _cpm Ann.


8500 cpm Ann.? _cpm Ann.




  • Date not to be exceeded is only applicable to shaded items. It is equa l to the time completed last month plus six weeks.

Figure IV.2 Quarterly Surveillance and Maintenance (Sample Form)

OSTROP 14, Rev. LEU-6 Surveillance & Maintenance for the 1st / 2 nd / 3rd / 4 th Quarter of 20_ _




  • Date not to be exceeded is on ly applicable to shaded items . It is equal to the time completed last quarter plus four months.

Figure IV.2 (continued)

Quarterly Surveillance and Maintenance (Sample Form)

OSTROP 14, Rev. LEU-6 Surveillance & Maintenance for the 1st / 2 nd / 3 rd / 4 th Quarter of 20_ __



[SHADE INDICATES LICENSE REQUIREMENT] COMPLETED INITIALS OPERATOR NAME a) TOTAL OPERATION TIME b) DATE OF OPERATING EXERCISE REMARKS & INITIALS 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a)  :::4 hours: at console (RO), at console or as Rx.

t-----------------------1 Sup. (SRO) t----------t--------------------1 II 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l b) Date Completed Operating 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l Exercise

Figure IV.3 Semi-Annual Surveillance and Maintenance (Sample Form)

OSTROP 15, Rev. LEU-8 Surveillance & Maintenance for the 1st / 2nd Half of 20 DATE NOT REMARKS SURVEILLANCE & MAINTENANCE TARGET DATE LIMITS AS FOUND TOBE &



PULSE # - - - -

_ _ _ _ MW 2 TEST PULSE** _ _ _ _ _ MW CHANGE ____oc


  • Date not to be exceeded is only appl icable to shaded items. It is equal to the date last time plus 7 1/2 months .

Figure IV.3 (continued)

Semi-Annual Surveillance and Maintenance (Sample Form)

OSTROP 15, Rev. LEU-8 Surveillance & Maintenance for the 1st / 2nd Half of 20 SURVEILLANCE & MAINTENANCE TARGET DATE NOT DATE REMARKS &





  • Date not to be exceeded is only applicable to shaded items. It is equa l to the date last time plus 7 1/2 months.
    • These tests may be postponed while pulsing is precluded. If it has been more than 7.5 months since the previous test, the test shall be performed before resuming pulsing.

Figure IV.4 Annual Surveillance and Maintenance (Sample Form)




<5 0 sec SCRAM TIMES INSERT  ::;50 sec 2: :LU% tb s mspectect.


  • Date not be exceeded is only app licable to shaded items. It is equal to the date completed last year plus 15 months.

For biennial license requirements it is equal to the date completed last time plus 2 1/2 years.

Figure IV.4 (continued)

Annual Surveillance and Maintenance (Sample Form)



CORE EXCESS  :::;$7.55 $







  • Date not be exceeded is only appli cable to shaded items. It is equal to the date comp leted last year plus 15 months.

For bienni al license requirements, it is e ual to the date com leted last time plus 2 112 years.

Figure IV.4 (continued)

Annual Surveillance and Maintenance (Sample Form)

OSTROP 16, Rev. LEU-8 Annual Surveillance and Maintenance for 20- - -



  • Date not be exceeded is only applicable to shaded items. It is equa l to the date comp leted last year plus 15 months.

For biennial li cense requirements, it is equal to the date completed last time plus 2 1/2 years.

Radiation Protection Introduction Environmental Releases The purpose of the radiation protection program is to ensure The annual reporting requirements in the OSTR Technica l the safe use of radiation and radioactive materi al in the Cen- Specifications state that the licensee (OSU) shall include "a ter's teaching, research, and serv ice activities, and in a simil ar summ ary of the nature and amount of radioactive effluents manner to the fulfillment of all regul atory requirements of the released or discharged to the environs beyond the effective State of Oregon, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm ission, control of the licensee, as measured at, or prior to, the point of and other regulatory agencies. The comprehensive nature of such release or discharge." The liquid and gaseous effluents the program is shown in Table Y.1 , which li sts the program's released, and the sol id waste generated and transferred are major radiation protection requ irements and the perfonnance discussed briefly below. Data regarding these effluents are also frequency fo r each item. summ arized in detail in the des ignated tables.

The radiation protection program is impl emented by a staff consisting of a Senior Health Physici st, a Health Physicist, and severa l part-time Health Physics Monitors (see Part II). Liquid Effluents Released Assistance is also provided by the reactor operations group, Liquid Ejjf.uents the neutron activation analysis group, the Scientific Instrument Oregon State University has impl emented a policy to reduce Technici an, and the Radiation Center Director. the vol ume of radioactive liquid effluents to an abso lute mi ni-mum . For example, water used during the ion exchanger resin The data contained in the following sections hav nb je been change is now recycled as reactor makeup water. Waste water prepared to comply with the current requirements of Nuclear fro m Rad iation Center laboratori es and the OSTR is coll ected Regul atory Commi ssion (NRC) Faci lity License No. R-106 at a holdup tank prior to release to the sanitary sewer. Liquid (Docket No. 50-243) and the Teclmi ca l Specifications con- effluent are analyzed fo r radioactivity content at the time it tained in that license. The material has also been prepared is released to the coll ection poi nt. For this reporting period, in compliance with Oregon Departm ent of Energy Rule No. the Radiation Center and reactor made seven liquid effluent 345-30-0 I 0, which requires an annua l report of environmental releases to the sanitary sewer. All Radi ation Center and reactor effects due to research reactor operations. fac ili ty liquid effluent data pertaining to this release are con-Within the scope of Oregon State University 's radiation pro- tained in Table Y.2 .

tecti on program, it is standard operating policy to maintain all Liquid Waste Generated and Transferred releases of radioactivity to the unrestricted enviromnent and Liqu id waste generated fro m glassware and laboratory experi -

all exposures to radiation and radi oactive materials at levels ments is transferred by the campus Radiation Safety Office to which are consistently "as low as reasonably achievable" its waste processing facility. The annual summary of liquid (ALARA). waste generated and tra nsferred is contained in Table Y.3.

Airborne Effluents Released Airborne effluents are di scussed in term s of the gaseous com-ponent and the particulate component.

Gaseous Ejjf.uents Gaseous effluents fro m the reactor faci li ty are monitored by the reactor stack effluent mon itor. Monitoring is continuous, i.e. , prior to, during, and after reactor operations. It is nonnal fo r the reactor fac ili ty stack efflu ent monitor to begin opera-tion as one of the first systems in the morning and to cease operation as one of the last systems at the end of the day. All 26 ANNUAL REPORT

  • gaseous effluent data for this reporting period are summarized albedo neutron dosimeters, monthly TLD (finger) extremity in TableV.4. dosimeters, pocket ion chambers, electronic dosimetry.

Particulate effluents from the reactor facility are also moni- Key facility research personnel consist of Radiation Center

    • tored by the reactor facility stack effluent monitor.

Particulate Ejjiuents staff, faculty, and graduate students who perform research using the reactor, reactor-activated materials, or using other research facilities present at the Center. The individual dosim-

    • Evaluation of the detectable particulate radioactivity in the stack effluent confirmed its origin as naturally-occurring radon daughter products, within a range of approximately 3xl 0- 11 etry requirements for these personnel will vary with the type of research being conducted, but will generally include a quar-terly TLD film badge and TLD (finger) extremity dosimeters.
    • µCi/ml to 1 x 10-9 µCi/ml. This particulate radioactivity is predominantly 214Pb and 214Bi, which is not associated with reactor operations.

If the possibility of neutron exposure exists, researchers are also monitored with a track-etch/ albedo neutron dosimeter.

    • There was no release of particulate effluents with a half life greater than eight days and therefore the reporting of the aver-Facilities Services maintenance personnel are normally issued a gamma sensitive electronic dosimeter as their basic monitor-ing device.

age concentration of radioactive particulates with half lives greater than eight days is not applicable. Students attending laboratory classes ru;e issued quarterly XB(y) TLD badges, TLD (finger) extremity dosimeters, and Solid Waste Released track-etch/albedo or other neutron dosimeters, as appropriate .

Data for the radioactive material in the solid waste generated Students or small groups of students who attend a one-time

    • and transferred during this reporting period are summarized in Table V.5 for both the reactor facility and the Radiation Center.

Solid radioactive waste is routinely transferred to OSU Radia-lab demonstration and do not handle radioactive materials are usually issued a gamma sensitive electronic dosimeter. These results are not included with the laboratory class students.

tion Safety. Until this waste is disposed ofby the Radiation Safety Office, it is held along with other campus radioactive OSU police and security personnel are issued a quarterly waste on the University's State of Oregon radioactive materi-XB(y) TLD badge to be used during their patrols of the Radia-als license. tion Center and reactor facility.

Solid radioactive waste is disposed ofby OSU Radiation Visitors, depending on the locations visited, may be issued Safety by transfer to the University's radioactive waste dis- gamma sensitive electronic dosimeters. OSU Radiation Center posal vendor. policy does not normally allow people in the visitor category

    • Personnel Dose to become actively involved in the use or handling of radioac-tive materials .
    • The OSTR annual reporting requirements specify that the licensee shall present a summary of the radiation exposure An annual summary of the radiation doses received by each of the above six groups is shown in Table V.6. There were no personnel radiation exposures in excess of the limits in 10
    • received by facility personnel and visitors. The summary in-cludes all Radiation Center personnel who may have received exposure to radiation. These personnel have been categorized CFR 20 or State of Oregon regulations during the reporting period.
    • into six groups: facility operating personnel, key facility research personnel, facilities services maintenance personnel, Facility Survey Data students in laboratory classes, police and security personnel,
  • and visitors. The OSTR Technical Specifications require an annual sum-mary of the radiation levels and levels of contamination Facility operating personnel include the reactor operations and observed during routine surveys performed at the facility. The health physics staff. The dosimeters used to monitor these in- Center's comprehensive area radiation monitoring program dividuals include quarterly TLD badges, quarterly track-etch/
  • /



2020-2021 27

RADIATION PROTECTION encompasses the Radiation Center as well as the OSTR, and Environmental Survey Data therefore monitoring results for both facilities are reported. The annual reporting requirements of the OSTR Technical Area Radiation Dosimeters Specifications include "an annual summary of environmental Area monitoring dosimeters capable of integrating the radia- surveys performed outside the facility."

tion dose are located at strategic positions throughout the reactor facility and Radiation Center. All of these dosimeters contain at least a standard personnel-type beta-gamma film or Gamma Radiation Monitoring TLD pack. In addition, for key locations in the reactor facility On-site Monitoring and for certain Radiation Center laboratories a CR-39 plas-Monitors used in the on-site gamma environmental radiation tic track-etch neutron detector has also been included in the monitoring program at the Radiation Center consist of the re-monitoring package.

actor facility stack effluent monitor described in Section V and The total dose equivalent recorded on the various reactor facil- nine environmental monitoring stations.

ity dosimeters is listed in Table V. 7 and the total dose equiva-During this reporting period, each fence environmental station lent recorded on the Radiation Center area dosimeters is listed utilized an LiF TLD monitoring packet supplied and processed in Table V.8. Generally, the characters following the Monitor by Mirion Technologies, Inc., Irvine, California. Each packet Radiation Center (MRC) designator show the room number or contained three LiF TLDs and was exchanged quarterly for location.

a total of 108 samples during the reporting period (9 stations Routine Radiation and Contamination Surveys x 3 TLDs per station x 4 quarters). The total number ofTLD The Center's program for routine radiation and contamination samples for the reporting period was 108. A summary of the surveys consists of daily, weekly, and monthly measurements TLD data is also shown in Table V.10.

throughout the TRIGA reactor facility and Radiation Center.

From Table V.10 it is concluded that the doses recorded by the The frequency of these surveys is based on the nature of the dosimeters on the TRIGA facility fence can be attributed to radiation work being carried out at a particular location or on natural back-ground radiation, which is about 110 mrem per other factors which indicate that surveillance over a specific year for Oregon (Refs. 1, 2).

area at a defined frequency is desirable.

Off-site Monitoring The primary purpose of the routine radiation and contamina-The off-site gamma environmental radiation monitoring tion survey program is to assure regularly scheduled surveil-program consists of twenty monitoring stations surrounding lance over selected work areas in the reactor facility and in the the Radiation Center (see Figure V.1) and six stations located Radiation Center, in order to provide current and characteristic within a 5 mile radius of the Radiation Center.

data on the status of radiological conditions. A second objec-tive of the program is to assure frequent on-the-spot personal Each monitoring station is located about four feet above the observations (along with recorded data), which will provide ground (MRCTE 21 and MRCTE 22 are mounted on the roof advance warning of needed corrections and thereby help to of the EPA Laboratory and National Forage Seed Laboratory, ensure the safe use and handling of radiation sources and respectively). These monitors are exchanged and processed radioactive materials. A third objective, which is really derived quarterly, and the total number ofTLD samples during the cur-from successful execution of the first two objectives, is to rent one-year reporting period was 240 (20 stations x 3 chips gather and document information which will help to ensure per station per quarter x 4 quarters per year). The total number that all phases of the operational and radiation protection ofTLD samples for the reporting period was 240. A summary programs are meeting the goal of keeping radiation doses to ofTLD data for the off-site monitoring stations is given in personnel and releases of radioactivity to the environment "as Table V.11.

low as reasonably achievable" (ALARA).

After a review of the data in Table V.11, it is concluded that, The annual summary of radiation and contamination levels like the dosimeters on the TRIGA facility fence, all of the measured during routine facility surveys for the applicable doses recorded by the off-site dosimeters can be attributed to reporting period is given in Table V.9. natural background radiation, which is about 110 mrem per year for Oregon (Refs. 1, 2).

~I )


RADIATION PROTECTION Soil, Water, and Vegetation Surveys As used in this report, the LLD has been defined as the The soi l, water, and vegetation monitoring program consists amount or concentration ofradioactive materia l (in terms of of the collection and analysis of a limited number of samples µCi per unit volume or unit mass) in a representative sample, in each category on a annual basis. The program monitors which has a 95% probability of being detected.

highly unlikely radioactive material releases from either Identification of specific radionuclides is not routinely carried the TRIGA reactor faci lity or the OSU Radiation Center, out as part of this monitoring program, but would be conduct-and also helps indicate the general trend of the radioactivity ed if unusual radioactivity levels above natural background concentration in each of the various substances sampled. See were detected. However, from Table V.12 it can be seen Figure V. 1 for the locations of the sampling stations for grass that the levels of radioactivity detected were consistent with (G), soil (S), water (W) and rainwater (RW) samples. Most naturally occurring radioactivity and comparab le to va lues locations are within a 1000 foot radius of the reactor facility reported in previous years.

and the Radiation Center. In general, samples are collected over a local area having a radius of about ten feet at the posi-tions indicated in Figure V. l. Radioactive Materials Shipments There are a total of22 sampling locations: four soil loca- A summary of the radioactive material shipments originating tions, four water locations (when water is available), and from the TRIGA reactor facility, NRC license R-106, is shown fourteen vegetation locations. in Table V.14. A simi lar summary for shipments originating from the Radiation Center's State of Oregon rad ioactive ma-The annual concentration of total net beta radioactivity (m i- terials license ORE 90005 is shown in Table V.15. A summary nus tritium) for samples collected at each environmental so il , of radioactive material shipments exported under Nuc lear water, and vegetation samp ling location (sampling station) is Regulatory Commission general license 10 CFR 110.23 is li sted in Table V.12. Calcul ation of the total net beta disinte- shown in Table V.16 .

gration rate incorporates subtraction of only the counting sys-tem back-ground from the gross beta counting rate, fo ll owed by application of an appropriate counting system efficiency.

References The a1rnual concentrations were calculated using sample 1. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Estimates results which exceeded the lower lim it of detection (LLD), ofionizing Radiation Doses in the United States, except that sample results which were less than or equal to 1960-2000," ORP/CSD 72-1, Office of Radiation the LLD were averaged in at the corresponding LLD con- Programs, Rockville, Maryland (1972).

centration. Table V.13 gives the concentration and the range of values for each samp le category for the current reporting 2. U. S. Enviro nmental Protection Agency, "Radiologi-period. cal Quality of the Environment in the United States, 1977," EPA 520/ 1-77-009, Office ofRadiation Pro-grams; Washington, D.C. 20460 (1977).

2020-2021 29

RADIATION PROTECTION Table V.1 Radiation Protection Program Requirements and Frequencies Frequency Radiation Protection Requirement Daily /Weekly /Monthly Perforn1 Routing area radiation/contamination monjtoring Collect and analyze TRIGA primary, secondary, and make-up water.

Exchange personnel dosimeters, and review exposure reports.

Monthly Inspect laboratories.

Calculate previous month's gaseous effluent discharge.

Process and record solid waste and liquid effluent discharges.

Prepare and record radioactive material shjpments.

Survey and record incoming radioactive materials receipts.

Perform and record special radiation surveys.

As Required Perfonn thyroid and urinalysis bioassays.

Conduct orientations and training.

Issue radiation work permits and provide health physics coverage for maintenance operations.

Prepare, exchange and process environmental TLD packs.

Conduct orientations for classes using radioactive materials.

Quarterly Coll ect and analyze samples from reactor stack effluent line.

Exchange personnel dosimeters and inside area monitoring dosimeters, and review exposure reports.

Leak test and inventory sealed sources.

Semi-Annual Conduct floor survey of corridors and reactor bay.

Calibrate portable radiation monitoring instruments and personnel pocket ion chambers.

Calibrate reactor stack effluent monitor, continuous air monitors, remote area radiation monitors, and air samplers.

Measure face air velocity in laboratory hoods and exchange dust-stop filters and HEPA fi lters as necessary.

Annual Inventory and inspect Radiation Center emergency equipment.

Conduct facility radiation survey of the 6°Co irradiators.

Conduct personnel dosimeter training.

Update decommissioning logbook.

Collect and process environmental soi l, water, and vegetation samp les.






Table V.2 0 z

Monthly Summary of Liquid Effluent Release to the Sanitary Sewer' 1 i "'C

c Total Specific Activity for Each Detectable Radio-Total Quantity of Average Percent of Applicable Total Volume ~

m Date of Each Detectable Concentration Monthly Average Quantity of Detectable nuclide in of Liquid Effluent C')

Discharge Radionuclide Of Released Concentration for (Month and Radioactivity Released adionuclide i the Waste, Where the the Waste Release Concentration Released in the Radioactive Material Released Radioactive Released Including Diluent


--i Year)

(Curies) Was> l x 10-7 Waste at the Point of Release Material (gal) z (Curies) ( µCi ml- 1) (%)<2)

( µCi mJ* 1)

August 2020 5.98x10*5 H-3 H-3, 1.05xJ0*7 H-3 , 5.98xl0*5 H-3, 1.05xl0*7 H-3, 0.0011 151 ,096 Annual Total for Radiation 5.98xl 0*5 H-3 H-3 , 1.05xJ0*7 H-3, 5.98xl0* 5 H-3, 1.05xl0*7 H-3, 0.0011 151,096 Center The OSU operational policy is to subtract only detector background from the water analysis data and not background radioactivity in the Corvallis city water.

Based on values listed in IO CFR 20, Appendix B to 20.100 I - I0.2401 , Table 3, which are applicable to sewer disposal.

RADIATION PROTECTION Table V.3 Annual Summary of Liquid Waste Generated and Transferred Dates of Waste Pickup Volume of Liquid Detectable Total Quantity of Origin of Liquid for Transfer to the Waste Packaged< 1> Radionucl ides Radioactivity in the Waste Waste Processing (gallons) in the Waste Waste (Curies)

Facility Mn-54, Mn-56, Co-58, 9/23 /2020 TRIGA 77.5 6.76x10-4 Co-60, Zn-65 2/25/2021 Radiation Center 9/23/2020 3.25 Cf-249, Cf-252, Bk-249 3.43xl 0-4 Laboratories 1/ 15/2021 TOTAL 80.75 See above 1.02xl0-3 (l) OSTR and Radiat ion Center liquid waste is picked up by the Radiation Safety Office for transfer to its waste processing faci li ty for fin al packaging.


RADIATION PROTECTION Table V.4 Monthly TRIGA Reactor Gaseous Waste Discharges and Analysis Estimated Fraction of the Technical Total Total Atmospheric Diluted Specification Estimated Estimated Quantity of Concentration of Month Annual Average Activity Argon-41 Argon-41 at Point of Argon-41 Released (Curies) Released<') (Curies) Release Concentration Limit(%)


July 1.33 1.33 1.06x10-I 2.65 August 1.76 1.76 1.41x10-7 3.51 September 1.01 1.01 8.34x10-~ 2.09 October 1.96 1.96 1.57x10-1 3.93 November 1.80 1.80 1.49x10-7 3_71 December 1.84 1.84 1.47x10-7 3.68 January 2.84 2.84 2.27x10- 1 5.68 February 2.85 2.85 2.52x10- 1 6.30 March 2.76 2.76 2.2ox10-1 5.51 April 3.25 3.25 2.69xl0-1 6.71 May 1.97 1.97 1.57x10-' 3.93 June 1.65 1.65 1.32x10-7 3.29 TOTAL

('20-'21) 25.02 25.02 1.70x10-1<2l 4.25 (1) Routine gam ma spectroscopy analys is of the gaseous radioactivity in the OSTR stack discharge indicated the only detectable radionucl ide was argon-41.

(2) Annual Average.

Table V.5 Annual Summary of Solid Waste Generated and Transferred Volume of Total Quantity Dates of Waste Pickup Detectable Origin of Solid Waste of Radioactivity for Transfer to the OSU Radionuclides Solid Waste PackagedCl l in Solid Waste Waste Processing in the Waste (Cubic Feet) (Curies) Facility TRIGA 9/23/2020 C-14, Co-58, Co-60, Sc-46, Cr-51 ,

Reactor 26 5.99x10-4 1/15/2021 Mn-54, Se-75 , Sb-124, Fe-59, Zn-65 Facility 2/25/2021 Radiation Fe-55, Cd-109, Eu-152, Cf-248, Cf-249, 1/15/2021 Center 20 Cf-252, U-238, Pu-240, Pu-242, Np-237, 5.0lxl0- 5 Laboratories Pu-239, Am-24 1, Th-232 2/25/2021 TOTAL 46 See Above 6.49x10-4 (I) OSTR and Radiation Center lab waste is picked up by OSU Radi at ion Safety for transfer to its waste process ing faci lity for fina l packaging.

  • 2020-2021 33

RADIATION PROTECTION Table V.6 Annual Summary of Personnel Radiation Doses Received Average Annual Greatest Individual Total Person-mrem Dose(IJ Dose<1J for the Group<1J Whole Body Extremities Whole Body Extremities Whole Body Extremities Personnel Group (mrem) (mrem) (mrem) (mrem) (mrem) (mrem)

Facility Operating 114 234 265 1,132 914 1,872 Personnel Key Facility Research 1 2 15 21 26 21 Personnel Facilities Services Maintenance 0 NIA 0 NIA 0 NIA Personnel Laboratory Class 8 37 174 899 564 1,199 and Students Campus Police and

<l NIA 16 NIA 16 NIA Security Personnel Visitors <I NIA 4.7 NIA 62 NIA Onsite-Contractors 64 187 64 187 64 187

( 1) "N/ A" indicates that there was no extremity monitoring conducted or requ ired fo r the group.


RADIATION PROTECTION Table V.7 Total Dose Equivalent Recorded on Area Dosimeters Located Within the TRIGA Reactor Facility Total TRI GA Reactor Dose Equivalent(lx 2l Monitor Recorded Facility Location I.D. XJ3(y) Neutron (See Figure V. l)

(mrem) (mrem)

MRCTNE Dl04: North Badge East Wall 167 ND MRCTSE D104: South Badge East Wall 140 ND MRCTSW D104: South Badge West Wall 363 ND MRCTNW Dl04: North Badge West Wall 143 ND MRCTWN Dl04: West Badge North Wall 399 ND MRCTEN Dl04: East Badge North Wall 272 ND MRCTES D104: East Badge South Wall 1,084 ND MRCTWS Dl04: West Badge South Wall 522 ND MRCTTOP D104: Reactor Top Badge 949 ND MRCTHXS Dl04A: South Badge HX Room 577 ND MRCTHXW Dl04A: West Badge HX Room 296 ND MRCD-302 D302: Reactor Control Room 407 ND MRCD-302A D302A: Reactor Supervisor's Office 96 ND MRCBPl Dl04: Beam Port Number 1 366 ND MRCBP2 D104: Beam Port Number 2 165 ND MRCBP3 D104: Beam Port Number 3 763 ND MRCBP4 Dl04: Beam Port Number 4 1,192 ND (I) The total recorded dose equivalent values do not include natural background contribution and reflect the summation of the results of four quarterly beta-gamma dosimeters or four quarterly fast neutron dosimeters for each location. A total dose equivalent of "N D" in-dicates that each of the dosimeters during the reporting period was less than the vendor's gam ma dose reporting threshold of 10 mrem or that each of the fast neutron dosimeters was less than the vendor 's threshold of 10 mrem . "NIA" indicates th at there was no neutron monitor at that location.

(2 ) These dose equivalent values do not represent radiation exposure through an exterior wall directly into an unrestricted area.

2020-2021 35

RADIATION PROTECTION Table V.8 Total Dose Equivalent Recorded on Area Dosimeters Located Within the Radiation Center Total Recorded Radiation Center Monitor Dose Equivalent<1l Facility Location I.D. Xl3(y) Neutron (See Figure V. l)

(mrem) (mrem)

MRCAl00 AlO0: Receptionist's Office 0 ND MRCBRF A 102H: Front Personnel Dosimetry Storage Rack 0 ND MRCA120 Al20: Stock Room 30 ND MRCA120A Al20A: NAA Temporary Storage 119 ND MRCA126 Al 26: Radioisotope Research Laboratory 160 ND MRCCO-60 A128: 6°Co Irradiator Room 764 ND MRCA130 Al30: Shielded Exposure Room 0 ND MRCA132 A l32 : TLD Equipment Room 0 ND MRCA138 Al 38: Health Physics Laboratory 0 ND MRCBl00 Bl 00: Gamma Analyzer Room (Storage Cave) 167 ND MRCB114 Bl 14: Lab (2 26Ra Storage Facility) 24 ND MRCBl 19-1 Bl 19: Source Storage Room 15 ND MRCB119-2 BI 19: Source Storage Room 243 ND MRCBl19A Bl 19A: Sealed Source Storage Room 2, 149 22 MRCB120 B120: Instrument Calibration Facility 16 ND MRCB122-2 Bl 22: Radioisotope Hood 50 ND MRCB122-3 Bl 22: Radioisotope Research Laboratory 16 ND MRCB124-l Bl 24: Radioisotope Research Laboratory (Hood) 178 ND MRCB124-2 Bl24: Radioisotope Research Laboratory 0 ND MRCBI24-6 Bl24: Radioisotope Research Laboratory 14 ND MRCB128 Bl28: Instrument Repair Shop 0 ND MRCB136 Bl36 Gamma Analyzer Room 0 ND MRCCI00 Cl00: Radiation Center Director's Office 0 ND (I) The total recorded dose equivalent va lues do not include natural background contribution and, reflect the summation of the results of four quarterly beta-gamma dosimeters or four quarterly fast neutron dosimeters for each location. A total dose equiva-lent of"ND" indicates that each of the dosimeters during the reporting period was less than the vendor's gamma dose report-ing threshold of IO mrem or that each of the fast neutron dosimeters was less than the vendor 's threshold of IO mrem. "N/ A" indicates that there was no neutron monitor at that location.


RADIATION PROTECTION Table V.8 (continued)

Total Dose Equivalent Recorded on Area Dosimeters Located Within the Radiation Center Total Recorded Radiation Center Dose Equivalent(ll Monitor Facility Location I.D.

(See Figure V. l) X/3(y) Neutron (mrem) (mrem)

MRCC106A Cl06A: Office 0 ND MRCC106B Cl06B: Custodian Supply Storage 0 ND MRCC106-H C 106H: East Loading Dock 11 ND MRCC118 Cll8: Radiochemistry Laboratory 0 ND MRCC120 Cl20: Student Counting Laboratory 0 ND MRCFl00 Fl 00: APEX Facility 0 ND MRCF102 F l 02: APEX Control Room 0 ND MRCB125N B l 25: Gamma Analyzer Room (Storage Cave) 0 ND MRCN125S Bl 25 : Gamma Analyzer Room 0 ND MRCC124 Cl 24: Classroom 11 ND MRCC130 C l 30: Radioisotope Laboratory (Hood) 0 ND MRCDl00 Dl00: Reactor Support Laboratory 12 ND MRCD102 Dl02: Pneumatic Transfer Tenninal Laboratory 182 ND MRCD102-H D 102H: 1st Floor Corridor at D 102 49 ND MRCD106-H D 106H: 1st Floor Corridor at D 106 366 ND MRCD200 D200: Reactor Administrator's Office 136 ND MRCD202 D202: Senior Health Physicist's Office 232 ND MRCBRR D200H: Rear Personnel Dosimetry Storage Rack 12 ND MRCD204 D204 : Health Physicist Office 259 ND MRCATHRL Fl 04: ATHRL 0 ND MRCD300 D300: 3rd Floor Conference Room 138 ND MRCA144 Al44: Radioisotope Research Laboratory .).) ND (I) The total recorded dose equivalent values do not include natural background contribution and, reflect the summation of the results of four quarter ly beta-gamma dosimeters or four quarterly fast neutron dos imeters for each location. A total dose eq uiva-lent of"ND" indicates that each of the dosimeters during the reporting period was less than the vendor's gamma dose report-ing thresho ld of IO mrem or that each of the fast neutron dos imeters was less tha n the vendor's threshold of 10 mrem. "N/ A" indicates that there was no neutron monitor at that location.

2020-2021 37

RADIATION PROTECTION Table V.9 Annual Summary of Radiation and Contamination Levels Observed Within the Reactor Facility and Radiation Center During Routine Radiation Surveys Whole Body Contamination Radiation Levels Levels(ll Accessible Location (See Figure V. l) (mrem/hr) (dpm/cm 2)

Average I Maximum Average I Maximum TRlGA Reactor Facility:

Reactor Top (Dl04) 3.49 110 <500 1,667 Reactor 2nd Deck Area (D 104) 6.57 90 <500 <500 Reactor Bay SW (Dl04) <l 23 <500 <500 Reactor Bay NW (Dl04) <l 8 <500 10,625 Reactor Bay NE (Dl04) <l 40 <500 <500 Reactor Bay SE (Dl04) <l 30 <500 <500 Class Experiments (Dl04, D302) <l 2.7 <500 <500 Demineralizer Tank & Make Up Water System

<1 8 <500 <500 (D104A)

Particulate Filter--Outside Shielding (D 104A) <l 2 <500 <500 Radiation Center:

NAA Counting Rooms (A 146, B 100) <I 1.1 <500 <500 Health Physics Laboratory (A 138) <l <l <500 <500 6 °Co Irradiator Room and Calibration Rooms

<l 3.5 <500 <500 (Al28, Bl20, A130)

Radiation Research Labs (Al 26, Al36)

<l 2.8 <500 <500 (Bl 08, Bll4, Bl22, B124, Cl26, Cl 30, Al44)

Radioactive Source Storage (B 119, B 119 A,

<l 6 <500 <500 Al 20A, Al3 2A)

Student Chemistry Laboratory (Cl 18) <1 <l <500 <500 Student Counting Laboratory (Cl20) <l <l <500 <500 Operations Counting Room (Bl 36, Bl 25) <l <l <500 <500 Pneumatic Transfer Laboratory (D 102) <l <l <500 <500 RX support Room (D 100) <l <1 <500 <500

( I) <500 dpm/ 100 cm2 = Less than the lower limit of detecti on fo r the portable survey instrument used.


RADIATION PROTECTION Table V.10 Total Dose Equivalent at the TRIGA Reactor Facility Fence Total Recorded Dose Equivalent Fence (Including Background)

Environmental Monitoring Station Based on Mirion TLDs<1. 2J (See Figure V. l)


MRCFE-1 82 +/- 7 MRCFE-2 76 +/- 8 MRCFE-3 76 +/- 7 MRCFE-4 80 +/- 7 MRCFE-5 85 +/- 8 MRCFE-6 82 +/- 7 MRCFE-7 83 +/- 8 MRCFE-8 81 +/- 6 MRCFE-9 79 +/- 7

( I) Average Corval lis area natural background using Mirion TLDs totals 77 +/- 14 1mem for the same period.

(2) +/- values represent the standard deviation of the total value at the 95% confidence level.

2020-2021 39

RADIATION PROTECTION Table V.11 Total Dose Equivalent at the Off-Site Gamma Radiation Monitoring Stations Total Recorded Dose Equivalent Off-Site Radiation (Including Background)

Monitoring Station Based on Mirion TLDs<1.21 (See Figure V. l)


MRCTE-2 83 +/- 6 MRCTE-3 78 +/- 8 MRCTE-4 74 +/- 5 MRCTE-5 88 +/- 7 MRCTE-6 82 +/- 4 MRCTE-7 97 +/- 12 MRCTE-8 95 +/- 6 MRCTE-9 85 +/- 5 MRCTE-10 70 +/- 10 MRCTE-12 94 +/- 5 MRCTE-13 82 +/- 5 MRCTE-14 81 +/- 6 MRCTE-15 62 +/- 6 MRCTE-16 83 +/- 4 MRCTE-17 76 +/- 6 MRCTE-1 8 80 +/- 3 MRCTE-19 69 +/- 5 MRCTE-20 76 +/- 7 MRCTE-21 71 +/- 3 MRCTE-22 73 +/- 8

( I) Average Corvalli s area natural background usi ng Mirion TLDs totals 77 +/- 14 mrem for the same period .

(2) +/- values represent the standard deviation of the tota l value at the 95% confidence leve l.


RADIATION PROTECTION Table V.12 Annual Average Concentration of the Total Net Beta Radioactivity (minus 3 H) for Environmental Soil, Water, and Vegetation Samples Sample Annual Average Concentration Sample Location Of the Total Net Beta (Minus 3H) LLD Type Reporting (See Fig. V.l) Radioactivity<1l Units 1-W Water no sample no sample µCi mJ- 1 4-W Water no sample no sample µCi mi- 1 11-W Water 7.33x10- 8<2J 7.33xl0- 8 µCi mi- 1 19-RW Water no sample no sample µCimi- 1 3-S Soil 2.03x10-S<2J 2.03xl0-5 µCi g-1 of dry soil 5-S Soi l l .45x I o-S <2l l.45xl0-5 µCi g-1 of dry soil 20-S Soi l 2.08xl o- 5c2J 2.08xl0-5 µCi g-1 of dry soil 21 -S Soil l.36x10-s <2J l.36xl0-5 µCi g-1 of dry soil 2-G Grass l.73xl0- 4+/- 3.45xl0-5 6.84xl0-5 µCi g- 1 of dry ash 6-G Grass 2.08xl0- 4+/- 3.95xl0-5 6.84xI0- 5 µCi g- 1 of dry ash 7-G Grass 3.58x10-5(2l 3.58x10-5 µCi g-1 of dry ash 8-G Grass 2.4lxl0-4 +/- 2.16xl0-5 3.37xl0-5 µCi g- 1 of dry ash 9-G Grass 2.68x l0-4 +/- 3.59xl0- 5 6.46xlQ-5 µCi g- 1 of dry ash 10-G Grass 3.22x l0-4 +/- 2.76xl0-5 4.23x10-5 µCi g-1 of dry ash 12-G Grass 3.0lxl0-4 +/- 2.29xl0-5 3.32x10-5 µCi g-1 of dry ash 13-G Grass 2.93xl0-4 +/- 2.29xl0- 5 3.37x10-5 µCi g-1 of dry ash 14-G Grass l.57xl0-4 +/- l.62xl0-5 2.67x10-5 µCi g- 1 of dry ash 15-G Grass l.46xl0-4 +/- 2.6lxl0-5 5.05x10-5 µCi g-1 of dry ash 16-G Grass l.77x 10-4+/- 2.54x l 0-5 4.65x10- 5 µCi g- 1 of dry ash 17-G Grass l.73x 10-4+/- 2. 79x I 0-5 5.28xl0-5 µCi g- 1 of dry ash 18-G Grass l.55x l 0-4 +/- 2.55x 10-5 4.84x10-5 µCi g- 1 of dry ash 22-G Grass l.7lxl0-4 +/- 2.18x!0-5 3.87x 10-5 µCi g-1 of dry ash (1) +/- values represent the standard deviation of the value at the 95% confidence level.

(2) Less than lower limit of detection value shown.

2020-2021 41

RADIATION PROTECTION Table V.13 Annual Summary of Radioactive Material Shipments Originating From the TRIGA Reactor Facility's NRC License R-106 Number of Shipments Total Activity Limited Yellow Yellow Shipped To Exempt Total (TBq) Quantity II III Arizona State University l.07xl0*6 1 1 0 0 2 Tucson AZ USA Berkeley Geochronology Center 6.l8x 1Q*7 2 1 0 0 3 Berkelev. CA USA Columbia University l .68xl 0*6 5 2 0 0 7 Palisades. NY USA Lawrence Livermore National Lab 4.57xl0*8 1 I 0 0 2 Livermore CA USA Materion Corporation 3.85xl0*2 0 0 0 4 4 Elmore, OH USA Materion Natural Resources l.08xl0*1 0 0 0 21 21 Delta UT USA Montana State University 2.6lxl0*8 1 0 0 0 1 Bozeman MT USA New Mexico Geochronology Research Lab 6.07xl0*6 2 1 I 0 4 Socorro, NM USA Occidental College 9.25xJ0*9 I 0 0 0 I Los Angeles CA USA Oregon State Uruversity 4.52xl0*7 5 I 0 0 6 Corvallis. OR USA Rutgers 4.10xl0*6 1 0 1 0 2 Piscatawav. NJ USA University of Arizona l.77x l0*6 4 I 0 0 5 Tucson. AZ USA University of California at Santa Barbara 5.96x1Q*7 0 1 0 0 1 Santa Barbara CA USA University of Minnesota l .84x10*7 I 0 0 0 I Minneaoolis. MN USA University of Nevada, Las Vegas ,.,

4.15xl0*6 0 1 2 0 .)

Las Vegas. NV USA University of Vermont 3.82x 10-9 I 0 0 0 1 Burlington. VT USA University of Wisconsin-Madison ,.,

9.12x l0*6 I .) 1 0 5 Madison WI USA US Army 102CST l.30x J0-4 0 0 I 0 I Salem OR USA USGS CA 5.95x l0*8 I 0 0 0 1 Menlo Park. CA USA USGS CO l.97xI0*7 0 1 0 0 1 Denver CO USA Totals 1.46x J0* 1 27 14 6 25 72 42 ANNUAL REPORT .

RADIATION PROTECTION TableV.14 Annual Summary of Radioactive Material Shipment s Originating From the Radiation Center's State of Oregon License ORE 90005 Number of Shipments Total Activity Shipped To Limited (TBq) Exempt White I Yellow II Total Quantity Argonne National Lab 9.08xl0-9 1 0 0 0 1 Argonne, IL USA Lawrence Liveremore National Lab l.56x l0-8 5 0 0 0 5 Liveremore, CA USA Los Alamos National Lab l.43x l0-6 2 5 0 0 7 Los Alamos, NM USA Totals l.46x l0-6 8 5 0 0 13 Table V.15 Annual Summary of Radioactive Material Shipments Exported Under NRC General License 10 CFR 110.23 Number of Shipments Total Activity Limited Yellow Shipped To Exempt Total (TBq) Quantity II Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geo logy 1.2 Ix 10-1 0 I 0 I Beijing, CHlNA China Earthquake Administrati on 6.75x JO*' 2 0 0 2 Beijing, CHINA Curtin Uni versity of Technology 3.99x J0-6 0 0 I I Bently Western Australi a AUSTRALlA Dalhousie Uni versity I .42x Io-* I 0 0 I Halifax, Nova Scotia CANA DA Geo logical Survey of Japan 7.26x I0*' I 0 0 I lbaraki , JAPAN Glasgow Uni versity 4.72x l 0-9 I 0 0 I Glasgow, SCOTLAND Hewbrew Uni versity of Jerusalem 4.00x I0*9 I 0 0 I Jeru salem, ISRAEL Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research 6.48x IO*' I 0 0 I Beijing, CHINA I TO 1.28x l0-6 2 2 0 4 Orl eans, FRANCE Korean Baski c Science Institute 9.5 1x l0-' 5 0 0 5 Cheongj u-si, Chungcheongbuk-do KOREA Lanzhou Center of Oil and Gas Resources 3.76x J0*' I 0 0 I Lanzhou, CHINA 2020-2021 43

RADIATION PROTECTION Table V.15 (continued)

Annual Summary of Radioactive Material Shipments Exported Under NRC General License 10 CFR 110.23 Number of Shipments Total Activity Limited Yellow Shipped To Exempt Total (TBq) Quantity II Lanzhou University l .80x I0*' 4 0 0 4 Lanzhou, Gansu CHINA LSCE-CNRS

l. 80xIO*' 4 0 0 4 Gif-Sur-Yvette, FRANCE Northwest University 7.67x IO*' I 0 0 I XiAn, CHINA Pol ish Academy of Sciences l .28x I0*' 2 0 0 2 Krakow, POLAND QUAD-Lab, Natural Histoyr Museum of Denmark l .07x I0*' 2 0 0 2 Copenhagen, DEMARK Scottish Uni versities Research & Reactor Centre l.1 2x l0-" 4 I 0 5 East Kilbride, SCOTLAND Un iversidade de Sao Paulo 6.24x10-* I 0 0 I San Paulo, BRAZIL Un iveritat Potsdam 3.69x 10-* 2 0 0 2 Postdam, GERMANY University Grenoble Alps I. 78x 10-9 I 0 0 I Grenoble, FRANCE Uni versity of Geneva 4.64x l 0-" 2 3 0 5 Geneva, SWITZERLAND Uni versity of Lnnsbruck 3.50x J0*' 2 0 0 2 Innsbruck, AUSTRIA Uni versity of Manchester 5.20x l 0-" 0 2 0 2 Manchester, UK University of Manitoba 1.1 6xl o-s 0 4 0 4 Winnipeg, CANADA Un iversity of Me lbourne 3.9 lx I0-* I 2 I 4 Parkville, Victoria AUSTRALIA Uni versity of Padova 7.83x I0-9 2 0 0 2 Padova, ITALY University of Zurich 8.2 Ix I0-10 I 0 0 I Zurich, SWITZERLAND Victoria Un iversity of Wellington 3.06x I0** I 0 0 I Wellington, NEW ZEALAND Vrijc Un ivers iteit 2.88x Io** I 2 0 3 Amsterdan1, THE NETHERLANDS Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geo logy 1.24x Io-* I 0 0 I Dehradun, Uttarak.hand IND IA Zhej iang University 2.4 1x IO*' I 0 0 I Hangzhou, CHINA Totals 3.64x I0*' 48 17 2 67



RADIATION PROTECTION Figure V.1 Monitoring Stations for the OSU TRIGA Reactor tR£XD{


CAHPUS U11UT'I' IWD( 1"l .a:


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2020-2021 45

-W-ork Summary VI also highlights major Radiation Center capabi lities in research The Radiation Center offers a wide variety of resources for and service. These unique Center functions are described in the teaching, research, and service related to radiation and radioac- following text.

tive materials. Some of these are discussed in detail in other Neutron Activation Analysis parts of this report. The purpose of this section is to sum-marize the teaching, research, and service efforts carried out Neutron activation analysis (NAA) stands at the forefront of tech-during the current reporting period . niques for the quantitative multi-element analysis of major, minor, trace, and rare elements. The principle involved in NAA consists of first irradiating a sample with neutrons in a nuclear reactor such as the OSTR to produce specific radionuclides. After the irradiation, Teaching the characteristic gamma rays emitted by the decaying radionu-An important responsibility of the Radiation Center and the clides are quantitatively measured by suitab le semiconductor radia-reactor is to support OSU 's academic programs. Implementa- tion detectors, and the gamma rays detected at a particular energy tion of this support occurs through direct involvement of the are usually indicative of a specifi c radionuclide's presence. Com-Center's staff and facilities in the teaching programs of various puterized data reduction of the gamma ray spectra then yields the departments and through participation in University research concentrations of the various elements in samples being studied.

programs. Table III.2 plus the "Training and Instuction" sec- With sequential instrumental NAA it is possible to measure quanti-tion (see next page) provide detailed information on the use of tative ly about 35 elements in small samples (5 to 100 mg), and for the Radiation Center and reactor for instruction and training. activable elements the lower limit of detection is on the order of parts per million or parts per billion, depending on the element.

The Radiation Center's NAA laboratory has analyzed the major, Research and Service minor, and trace element content of tens of thousands of samples Almost all Radiation Center research and service work is covering essentially the complete spectrum of material types and tracked by means of a project database. When a request for involving virtually every scientific and technical field.

faci lity use is received, a project number is ass igned and the project is added to the database. The database includes such While some researchers perfom1 their own sample counting on information as the project number, data about the person and their own or on Radiation Center equipm ent, the Radiation Center institution requesting the work, infonnation about students in- provides a complete NAA service for researchers and others who volved, a description of the project, Radiation Center resources may require it. This includes sample preparation, sequential irra-needed, the Radiation Center project manager, status of indi- diation and counting, and data reduction and analysis.

vidual runs, billing information, and the funding source.

Irradiations Table VI. I provides a summary of institutions which used the As described throughout this report, a major capability of the Radiation Center during this reporting period. This table also Radiation Center involves the irradiation of a large variety of includes additional information about the number of academi c substances with gamma rays and neutrons. Detailed data on these personnel involved, the number of students invo lved, and the irradiations and their use are included in Part III as well as in the number of uses logged for each organization . "Research & Service" text of this section.

The major table in this section is Table VI.2. This table Radiological Emergency Response Services provides a listing of the research and service projects carried The Radiation Center has an emergency response team capable of out during this reporting period and lists infomrntion relating responding to all types of radiologica l accidents. Thi s team directly to the personnel and institution involved, the type of project, supports the City of Corva lli s and Benton County emergency re-and the funding agency. Projects which used the reactor are sponse organizations and medical faci liti es. The team can also pro-indicated by an asterisk. In addition to identifying specific vide assistance at the scene of any radio logical incident anywhere projects carried out during the current reporting period, Part 46 ANNUAL REPORT

WORK in the state of Oregon on behalf of the Oregon Radiation where. In the case of support provided to state agencies, this Protection Services and the Oregon Department of Energy. definitely helps to optimize the utilization of state resources.

The Radiation Center maintains dedicated stocks of radio- The Radiation Center is capable of providing health phys-logical emergency response equipment and instrumentation. ics services in any of the areas which are discussed in Part These items are located at the Radiation Center and at the V. These include personnel monitoring, radiation surveys, Good Samaritan Hospital in Corvallis. sealed source leak testing, packaging and shipment of radio-active materials, calibration and repair of radiation monitor-During the current reporting period, the Radiation Center ing instruments (discussed in detail in Part VI), radioactive emergency response team conducted several training ses- waste disposal, radioactive material hood flow surveys, and sions and exercises, but was not required to respond to any radiation safety analysis and audits.

actual incidents.

The Radiation Center also provides services and technical Training and Instruction support as a radiation laboratory to the State of Oregon Radi-In addition to the academic laboratory classes and courses ation Protection Services (RPS) in the event of a radiological discussed in Parts III and VI, and in addition to the routine emergency within the state of Oregon. In this ro le, the Radia-training needed to meet the requirements of the OSTR Emer- tion Center wi ll provide gamma ray spectrometric analysis of gency Response Plan, Physical Security Plan, and operator water, soil, milk, food products, vegetation, and air samples requalification program, the Radiation Center is also used for collected by RPS radiological response field teams. As part special training programs. Radiation Center staff are well ex- of the ongoing preparation for this emergency support, the perienced in conducting these special programs and regularly Radiation Center participates in inter-institution drills.

offer training in areas such as research reactor operations, research reactor management, research reactor radiation Radiological Instrument Repair and Calibration protection, radiological emergency response, reactor behav- While repair of nuclear instrwnentation is a practical neces-ior (for nuclear power plant operators), neutron activation sity, routine calibration of these instruments is a licensing analysis, nuclear chemistry, and nuclear safety analysis. and regulatory requirement which must be met. As a result, the Radiation Center operates a radiation instrument repair Special training programs generally fall into one of several and calibration faci lity which can accommodate a wide vari-categories: visiting facu lty and research scientists; Interna- ety of equipment.

tional Atomic Energy Agency fe llows; special short-tem1 courses; or individual reactor operator or health physics The Center's scientific instrument repair faci lity performs training programs. During this reporting period there were a maintenance and repair on all types of radiation detectors and large number of such people as shown in the People Section. other nuclear instrwnentation. Since the Radiation Center's own programs regularly utilize a wide range of nuclear in-As has been the practice since 1985, Radiation Center struments, components for most common repairs are often on personnel annually present a HAZMAT Response Team Ra- hand and repair time is therefore minimized.

diological Course. This year the course was held at Oregon State University. In addition to the instrument repair capability, the Radia-tion Center has a faci lity for calibrating essentially all types Radiation Protection Services of radiation monitoring instruments. This includes typical The primary purpose of the radiation protection program portable monitoring instrumentation for the detection and at the Radiation Center is to support the instruction and measurement of alpha, beta, gamma, and neutron radiation, research conducted at the Center. However, due to the high as well as instruments designed for low-level environmental quality of the program and the level of expertise and equip- monitoring. Higher range instruments for use in radiation ment available, the Radiation Center is also able to provide accident situations can also be calibrated in most cases.

health physics services in support of OSU Radiation Safety Instrument calibrati ons are perfom1ed using radiation sources and to assist other state and federal agencies. The Radiation certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technol-Center does not compete with private industry, but supplies ogy (NIST) or traceable to NIST.

health physics services which are not readily avai lable else-2020-2021 47

WORK Table VI.3 is a summary of the instruments which were analysis, radiation shielding, radiological emergency response, calibrated in support of the Radiation Center's instructional and radiotracer methods.

and research programs and the OSTR Emergency Plan, Records are not normally kept of such consultations, as they while Table VI.4 shows instruments calibrated for other OSU often take the fom1 of telephone conversations with research-departments and non-OSU agencies.

ers encountering problems or planning the design of experi-Consultation ments. Many faculty members housed in the Radiation Center have ongoing professional consulting functions with various Radiation Center staff are available to provide consulta- organizations, in addition to sitting on numerous committees in tion services in any of the areas discussed in this Annual advisory capacities.

Report, but in particular on the subjects of research reactor operations and use, radiation protection, neutron activation Table Vl .1 Institutions, Agencies and Groups Which Utilized the Radiation Center Number of Number of Number of Times of Intuitions, Agencies and Groups Uses of Center Projects Faculty Involvement F:ic.i litiP.~

Akhezion Biomedical 2 0 2 Hudson, NC USA

  • Arizona State Univeristy l 0 3 Tempe, AZ USA
  • Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology l 0 l Beijing CHINA
  • Berkeley Geochronology Center ,,

l 0 .)

Berkeley, CA USA Branch Engineering 1 0 1 Springfield, OR USA Colorado Gem and Mineral Company ,,

l 0 .)

Tempe, AZ USA

  • Columbia University 1 0 8 Palisades, NY USA
  • Dalhousie University l 2 l Halifax, Novia Scotia CANADA
  • Dept of Geological Sciences, University of Florida l 0 l Gainesville, FL USA
  • Department of Geosciences I 0 l Tucson, AZ USA Dept of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture I I 2 College Park, MD USA
  • Environmental and Molecular Toxicology I 4 I Corvallis, OR USA
  • ETH Zuirch I l l Zurich, SWITZERLAND
  • Fusion Energy Solutions I 0 3 Tempe, AZ USA 48 ANNUAL REPORT

WORK Table Vl.1 (continued)

Institutions, Agencies and Groups Which Utilized the Radiation Center Number of Number of Number of Times of Intuitions, Agencies and Groups Uses of Center Projects Faculty Involvement F""ilitiP<:

Genis, Inc.

1 0 2 Reykjavik, ICELAND

  • Geological Survey of Japan/ AIST 1 0 1 Tsukuba, Ibaraki, JAPAN
  • Hi-Tech Precious Metals Refinery I 0 2 Dallas, TX USA
  • Howe Industries 1 0 5 Scottsdale, AZ USA
  • Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration 1 0 2 Beijing, CHINA
  • Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Acad of Sci 1 0 1 Beijing, CHINA
  • INSU-CNRS - Universite d'Orleans ,.,.)

1 1 Orleans, FRANCE

  • Korea Basic Science Institute 1 1 4 Cheongwon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do SOUTH KOREA
  • Lanzhou Center of Oil and Gas Resources, CAS 1 1 3 Lanzhou, CHINA
  • Lanzhou University ,.,

2 0 .)

Lanzhou City, Gansu Province CHINA

  • Lanzhou University ,.,

2 0 .)

Lanzhou, CHINA

  • Lawrence Livennore National Laboratory 1 1 2 Livermore, CA USA
  • LSCE-CNRS 1 0 5 Gif-Sur-Yvette Cedex, FRANCE
  • Materion Brush, Inc.

1 0 5 Elmore, OH USA

  • Materion Natural Resources 1 0 14 Delta, UT USA
  • Montana State Univeresity 1 0 1 Bozeman, MT USA New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology 1 0 5 Socorro, NM USA
  • Northwest University I 0 1 Xi ' An, CHINA
  • Nray Services, Inc.

1 1 5 Dundas, Ontario CANADA

  • Occidental College 1 1 1 Los Angeles, CA USA
  • Oregon State University<1>

16 43 32<2)

Corvallis, OR USA 2020-2021 49

WOR K Table Vl.1 (continued)

Institutions, Agencies and Groups Which Utilized the Radiation Center Number ot Number of Number of Times of Intuitions, Agencies and Groups Uses of Center Projects Faculty Involvement Fllr.i litiP.,

  • Oregon State University - Educational Tours 1 0 4 Corvallis, OR USA
  • Oregon State University MIME ,.,

1 .) 1 Corvallis, OR USA

  • Oregon State University Radiation Center I 1 14 Corvallis, OR USA OSU CBEE 1 1 1 Corvallis, OR USA Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 1 0 I Richland, WA USA
  • Polish Academy of Sciences I 0 2 Krakow, POLAND
  • Quaternary Dating Laboratory 1 0 4 Roskilde, DENMARK Rutgers 1 0 2 Piscataway, NJ USA
  • School of Nuclear Science and Engineering 1 2 1 Corvallis, OR USA
  • Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre I 0 6 East Kilbride UK Si Icon Designs Inc.

I 0 6 Kirkland, WA USA

  • Solidia Technologies 1 2 I Piscatawsy, NJ USA Terra Nova Nurseries, Inc.

I 0 3 Camby, OR USa

  • U.S. Geological Survey ,.,

2 0 .)

Denver, CO USA

  • U.S. Geological Survey 2 0 3 Menlo Park, CA USA
  • Universita' Degli Studi di Padova 1 2 2 Padova ITALIA
  • U niversitat Potsdam I 0 1 Potsdam, GERMANY
  • Universite Grenob le Alpes 1 I 1 Grenoble, Isere FRANCE University of Alaska, Anchorage I I 11 Anchorage, AK USA
  • University of Arizona 2 3 4 Tucson, AZ USA University of California at Santa Barbara 1 1 I Santa Barbara, CA USA 50 ANNUAL REPORT

WOR K Table Vl.1 (continued)

Institutions, Agencies and Groups Which Utilized the Radiation Center Number ot Number of Number of Times of Intuitions, Agencies and Groups Uses of Center Projects Faculty Involvement Fa<'; J;t;P~

  • University of Geneva 1 1 6 Geneva SWITZERLAND
  • University of Innsbruck I I 2 Innsbruck, AUSTRIA
  • University of Manchester I 0 I Manchester, UK
  • University of Manitoba 1 1 6 Winnipeg, Manitoba CANADA
  • University of Melbourne I I 4 Melbourne, Victoria AUSTRALIA
  • University of Oregon I 0 6 Eugene, OR USA University of Potsdam I 0 I Potsdam, GERMANY
  • University of Sao Paulo I 0 I Sao Paulo BRAZIL
  • University of Wisconsin 1 1 5 Madison, WI USA US National Parks Service I 0 3 Crater Lake, OR USA
  • Victoria Univeristy of Well ington I 0 2 Wellington, NEW ZEALAND
  • Vrije Universiteit I 1 2 Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS
  • Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology 1 0 2 Dehradum, Uttarakhand INDIA
  • Western Australian Argon Isotope Facility 1 0 6 Perth, Western Australia AUSTRALIA
  • Zhejiang University I 0 I Hangzhou, CHINA Totals 95 82 258 2020-2021 51

Table Vl.2 Listing of Major Research and Service Projects Preformed or in Progress at the Radiation Center and Their Funding Agencies Project Users Organization Name Project Title Description Funding Production of Ar-39 from K-39 to measure Oregon State Ar-40/Ar-39 Dating of Oceanographic OS U Oceanography 444 Duncan radiometric ages on basaltic rocks from ocean University Samp les Department basins.

Oregon State Sterilization of wood samples to 2.5 Mrads in Co-815 Morrell Steri lization of Wood Samples OSU Forest Products University 60 irradiator for fungal evaluations.

Berkeley Berkeley Production of Ar-39 from K-39 to detem1ine ages 920 Becker Ar-39/Ar-40 Age Dating Geochronology Geochronology Center in various anthropologic and geologic materials.

Center Vrije Universiteit, 1074 Wijbrans Vrije Universiteit Ar/Ar Dating of Rocks and Minerals Ar/Ar dating ofrocks and minerals.

Amsterdam Earth Sciences, University of Production of Ar-39 from K-39 to detennine ages 1191 Vasconcelos Ar-39/Ar-40 Age Dating University of Queensland in various anthropologic and geologic materials.

Queensland University of Ar-40/Ar-39 Dating ofYow1g Geologic Irradiation of geological materials such as volcanic University of 1465 Singer Wisconsin Materials rocks from sea floor, etc. for Ar-40/Ar-39 datin_g. Wisconsin Oregon State Teaching and OSU Nuclear Engineering & Radiation 1504 University - OSTR tour and reactor lab. NA Tours Health Physics Department Educational Tours Age determination of apatites by fission track 1514 Sobel Universitat Potsdam Apatite Fission Track Analysis Universitat Potsdam analysis.

Universita' Degli Studi Fission track dating method on apatites by fission 1523 Zattin Fission track analysis of Apatites NA diPadova track analysis.

Irradiation to induce U-235 fission for fission track thennal history dating, especially for hydrocarbon 1555 Fitzgerald Syracuse University Fission track them10chronology exploration. The main thrust is towards tectonics, Syracuse University in particu lar the uplift and fonnation of mountain ranges.

Irradiation of rocks and minerals for Ar/Ar dating University of Nevada Univerity of Nevada 1568 Zanetti Ar/Ar dating of rocks and minerals to detennine eruption ages, emplacement histories, Las Vegas Las Vegas and provenances studies.

Ar-Ar geochronology and Fission Track 1617 Spikings University of Geneva Argon dating of Chilean granites. University of Geneva dating Fission track Thermochronology of geological 1623 Blythe Occidental College Fission Track Analysis Occidental College samples Reactor Oregon State Operations support of the reactor and Operations use of the reactor in support ofreactor 1660 NA Operations Staff University facilities testing and facilities testing.

US National Parks US National Parks 1745 Girdner C 14 Measurements LSC analysis of samples for C 14 measurements.

Service Service


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0 Table Vl.2 (continued) :E I


0 Listing of Major Research and Service Projects Preformed or in Progress 0 I\)

.....  :::0 at the Radiation Center and Their Funding Agencies  :,;:

Project Users Organization Name Project Title Description Funding Terra Nova Nurseries, Genera Modifications using gamma Use of gamma and fast neutron irradiations for Terra Nova Nurseries, 1767 Korlipara Inc. irradiation genetic studies in genera. Inc.

1768 Bringman Brush-Wellman Antimony Source Production Production ofSb-124 sources. Brush-Wellman Quaternary Dating Production of Ar-39 from K-39 to determine Quaternary Dating 1777 Storey Quaternary Dating Laboratory radiometric ages of geological materials. Laboratory This project subjects chitosan polymer in 40 and 70% DDA fonnulations to 9 and 18 Kgy, boundary 1778 Gislason Genis, Inc Gamma exposure of Chitosan polymer doses for commerical sterilization for the purpose Genis, Inc.

of detennine changes in the molecular weight and product formulation properites.

Trace-element analysis of ancient Maya ceramics 1785 Mine Oregon State Univesity INAA of Maya ceramics from Pultrouser Swamp, Belize.

1818 Sabey Brush Wellman Antimony source production (Utah) Brush-Wellman Fission track thermochronometry of the 1831 Thomson University of Arizona Fission Track Patagonian Andes and the Northern Apennines, Yale University Italy.

Polish Academy of Polish Academy of 1855 Anczkiewicz Fission Track Services Verification of AFT data for illite-mechte data.

Sciences Sciences Oregon State 1860 Mine INAA of Archaeological Ceramics Trace-element analysis of archaeological ceramics. NIA University University of University of Production of Ar-39 from K-40 to determine 1864 Gans California at Santa Ar-40/Ar-39 Sample Dating California at Santa radiometric ages of geologic samples.

Barbara Barbara Apatite fission track to reveal the exhumation University of history ofrocks from the ID-WY-UY postion University of 1865 Carrapa Fission Track Irradiations Wyoming of the Sevier fold and thrust belt, Nepal, and Wyoming Argentina.

Plattsburgh State Use of fission tracks to detrmine location of235U, Plattsburgh State 1878 Roden-Tice Fission-track research University 232Th in natural rocks and minerals. University INAA of Archaeological Ceramics from Trace-element analysis of Inca-period ceramics for Wayne State 1882 Bray Wayne State Univerity South America provenance determination. University The current project is designed to identify the LD50 rate of gamma irradiation so that large Oregon State 1884 Contreras Mutation breeding of woody plants seed lots may be irradiated in order to develop OSU Horticulture University novel phenotypes that exhibit reduced fertility or sterility.

1886 Coutand Dalhousie University Fission Track Irradiation Fission track irradiations of apatite samples. Dahousie University 0,

w Oregon State 1887 Farsoni Xenon Gas Production Production of xenon gas. OSUNERHP University

Table Vl.2 (continued)

Listing of Major Research and Service Projects Preformed or in Progress

0 at the Radiation Center and Their Funding Agencies  ::c A

Project Users Organization Name Project Title Description Funding The goal of this project is to determine the effects of hydrolysis and radiolysis on the extraction ability of a diamide and chlorinated cobalt Oregon State Hydrolysis and Radiolysis of synergistic dicarbollide (CCD). CCD and the di amide are Oregon State 1889 Paulenova University extractants synergistic extractants and will be together in Univeristy NSE solution for hydrolysis and radiolysis experiments.

Effects will be measured with IR spectroscopy and extraction distribution ratios.

University of Use of fission tracks to detem1ine location of 1898 Fayon Fission Track Services Minnesota 235U, 232Th in natural rocks and minerals.

Use of fission tracks to determine location of Geologisches Institut, 1905 Fellin ETH Zurich Fission Track Analysis 235U, 232Th in natural rocks and minerals. ETH Zurich Use of neutron activation to determine fission Oregon State Fission Yield Determination Using 1913 Reese yields for various fi ssile and fertile materials using NIA University Gamma Spectroscopy gamma spectroscopy.

Scottish Universities Scottish Universities 1914 Barfod Environmenta l Ar/ Ar Age Dating Ar/ Ar age dating. Research and Reactor Research Centre Centre Victoria University of Vitoria University of 1927 Seward Fission Track Dating F ission track dating of apatite samples.

Wellington Wellington 1939 Wang Lanzhou University Lanzhou University Fission Track Fission Track dating. Lanzhou University Oregon State 1955 Higley Uptake of redionuclides in plants Derermine concentration ratios in plants. OSU NERHP University University of Radiometric age dating of geo logic University of 1957 Phillips Ar/ Ar age dating.

Melbourne sampl es Melbourne Irradiation with fast neutrons to produce Ar-39 1965 Webb Univers ity ofVem1ont Ar/ Ar age dating University of Vermont fro m K-39 for Ar/Ar geochronology.

School of Use offissin tracks to determine last heating event 1975 McDonald University of Glasgow Samuel Jaanne Geographical and of apatites.

Earth Science Oregon State Multi-element, transition metal salt production for 1979 Paulenova Mixed Matrix Extraction Testing Un iversity mixed matrix extraction testing.

Radiation Protection 1980 Carpenter Sample counting Samp le counting. State of Oregon RPS Serv ices Production of Ar-39 from K-39 to detennine University of 1995 Camacho University of Manitoba Ar/ Ar dating radiometric ages of geological materials. Manitoba 2001 Derrick Branch Engi neering Densitometer Leak Test Wipe counts for leak test of densitometer sources. Branch Engineering Ar/Ar dating of natural rocks and minerals for 2004 Sudo Univers ity of Postdam Ar/Ar Geochrono logical Studies geological studies.

Arizona State Fast neutron irrad iation of mineral and rock Arizona State 2007 Wartho Argon-Argon Geochronology Un iversity samples for 40 Ar/39Ar dating purposes. University


Table Vl.2 (continued)

Listing of Major Research and Service Projects Preformed or in Progress ~

0 at the Radiation Center and Their Funding Agencies  ::::0

'.A Users Organization Name Project Title Description Funding University of Sao University of Sao Helena Hollanda Ari Ar Geological Dating Ari Ar geologic dating of materials.

Paulo Paulo Jourdan Age dating of geological material Ar/Af geochronology. Curtin University Lawrence Livem1ore Production of neutron induced 39Ar from 39K for Lawrence Livermore Cassata Ar/ Ar dating National Laborato Ar/ Ar datin . National Laborato Oregon State INAA of ceramics from the Ancient Provenance detennination of ceramics from the Mine OSU Anthropology Universi Near East Ancient Near East via trace-element anal sis.

Korea Basic Science Ar/ Ar analysis for age dating of geological Korea Basic Science Kim Ari Ar geochronology Institute sam les. Institute China University of China University of Chang Fission Track Fission track dating of rock samples.

Petrolewn - Beijin Petroleum - Bei jin Oregon State Sterilization of wood to 2.0 Mrad for fungal Morrell Sterilization of Wood Products OSU Forest Products Universi ex eriments.

Lanzhou Center of Oil Lanzhou Center Wang and Gas Resources, Fission Track Fission track dating of rock samples. of Oil and Gas CAS Resources, CAS Oregon State Measurement of fission product kinetic energy for Loveland Measurement of fission product TKE Universi various fissi le elements.

Prevention of Infections Associated with Combat-related Injuries by Local Sustained Co-Delivery of Vitamin D3 and Other Immune-Boosting Compounds Award Mechanism. We are Prevention of Infections Associated preparing nanofiber wound dressings that contain Oregon State Gombart with Combat-related Injuries by Local compounds that will be released over time to University Sustained Co-Delivery induce the immune response in wounds to help prevent infection and speed wound healing. The nanofibers must be irradiated so that they are sterile. These experiments will be performed in cell culture and in animal models.

Oregon State INAA to determine trace metals in TPN and OSU Co llege of Christensen INAA of IV Fluids Un iversi additives. Pharmac Ar/ Ar geochronology of volcanic and igneous Geologica l Survey of Geo logica l Survey of Ishizuka Ari Ar Geochronology rocks associated with subd uction initiation of Japan/AIST Japan oceanic island arc.

Investigation into the app licablity of neutron Oregon State Neutron Radiography Imaging of Weiss radiography for evaluating concrete curing University Concrete rocesses .

Use of PGNAA facility to perform temporal Oregon State Temporal Spectroscopy of Fissile OSU Radiation Reese spectroscopy for the purpose of determining fissile University Mateerials Center, DNDO Grant material content.

Table Vl.2 (continued)

Listing of Major Research and Service Projects Preformed or in Progress at the Radiation Center and Their Funding Agencies Project Users Organization Name Project Title Description Fw1ding We will be perfonning bench scale microcosm A biotic Dech lorination of chlorinated studies to measure the abiotic dechlorination in 2064 Schaefer COM Smith CDMSmith solvents in soil matrices. different soil matrices. Gamma irradiation will be used to sterilize the samples.

Use of neutron radiography and omography Oregon State Neutron Radiography of Long-Tenn Oregon State 2067 Reese imaging in long-tem1 studies of concrete curing University Concrete Curing University CCE used in civil construction.

INSU-CNRS- Ar/ Ar analysis for age dating of geologic samples INSU-CNRS-2069 Scaillet Ar/ Ar dating of geologic samples Universite d'Orleans (solid rock chips and minerals) Universite d'Orleans The purpose of this experiment is to detennine what color a nearly colorless Tourmal ine will turn with dosages of 5, 10 and 20 Mr of Gamma irradiation. Two Pakistan Beryl crystals are also part of this experiment to see the color change as well as 2 pieces of Four Peaks Amethyst that may have been faded by sunlight. For the Tounnaline, Gamma irradiation induced change of Colorado Gem and color possibilities are brown, yellow, and pink Colorado Gema and 2070 Lowell color in Tounnaline from a Pegmatite in Mineral Co. to red. The commercial value of colorless gem Mineral Co.

the Oban Massif, Nigeria Tounnaline is very low, but other colors of gem Tounnaline, especially pink and red results, would stimulate mining of this material in Nigeria. 20 Mr is usually a dosage that will saturate the visible color, and lower dosages may be preferable if the Gamma rays cause a new color other than pink or red which is the desirable result.

I NAA of archaeological ceramics from the Valley Oregon State Market Exchange in Ancient Oaxaca, 2074 Mine of Oaxaca, Mexico, to trace the origins of market NSF University Mexico exchange.

Charlotte Pipe and Testing for trace antimony in ABS via INAA Charlotte Pipe &

2083 Nadel ABS Antimony Testing Foundry Co. according to ASTM E3063. Foundry Co.

Charlotte Pipe and Testing for trace antimony in ABS via INAA Charlotte Pipe &

2084 Nadel ABS Antimony Testing Foundry Co. according to ASTM E3063. Fo undry Co.

Use of fission track analysis to determine Ucon-2085 He Lanzhou University Apatite Fission Track Lanzhou University tent in the sedimentation ofXining Basin.

Fission track dating of Qaidam Basin, China to 2092 Jianaiqng Northwest University Fission Track Dating ofQaidam Basin detennine its age.

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"'0 Table Vl.2 (continued)

"'0 I

Listing of Major Research and Service Projects Preformed or in Progress ~

0 0

"'..... at the Radiation Center and Their Funding Agencies  :::0 A

Project Users Organization Name Project Title Description Funding Project is designed to irradiate liquid donor bovine serum contained in vinyl bags to a minimum level 2097 Boyt Boyt Veterinary Lab Donor Bovine Serum Irradiation of 25 kGy to inactivate any adventitious agents Boyt Veterinary Lab that may be present in 0.2 um sterile filtered product.

Institute of Geology, Studying the thermal history of the northeast Tibet China Earthquake 2098 Pang China Earthquake Fission-Track dating Plateau by the fission-track dating method. Administration Administration Use of gamma spectroscopy to verify authentisity Gamma Spectroscopy of Hiroshima 2099 Wesel Nakhla Dog Meteroites of watch claimed to have been exposed to the Watch Hiroshima bombing.

This project is a collaboration with OSU Robotics.

We are investigating the perfomrnnce of PDMS School ofNuclear materials, which are used to fabricate soft robotics, Soft Robotic Applications for Nuclear Idaho National 2100 Palmer Science and following radiation exposure. We would like Safeguards Laboratory Engineering to characterize any changes in hardness, tensile strength, and recovery after exposure to high radiation environments.

Fission-track analysis for dating geo logical 2101 Yang Zhejiang University Fission-track thermochronometry Zhejiang University material.

Gut microbiota mediates the interplay To identify microbial taxa and their genes that College of Veterinary OSU Veterinary 2102 Shulzhenko between immunity and glucose affect glucose metabolism and immune response Medicine Medicine metabolism using mouse model of diet-induced diabetes.

The project is SERDP ER-2720, Key Fate and Transport Processes Impacting the Mass Discharge, Attenuation, and Treatment of Poly-and Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Comingled Chlorinated Solvents or Aromatic Hydrocarbons.

The overall goal of this research is to attain improved insight into the fundamenta l fate Colorado School of and transport processes that control per- and Colorado School of 2103 Hi ggins SERDP ER-2720 Mines polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) fate and Mines transport as well as comingled chlorinated solvents and/or fuel hydrocarbons in groundwater at aqueous film fom1ing foam (AFFF)-impacted sites. This research will particu larly focus on the release and transformation of polyfluorinated PFASs to the more problematic perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in source zones .



Table Vl.2 (continued)

Listing of Major Research and Service Projects Preformed or in Progress at the Radiation Center and Their Funding Agencies Project Users Organization Name Project Title Description Funding The goal of this project is to explore the use of shape-memory po lymer constructs to deliver and retain bioactive agents within complex bone fractures and defect sites. Bioabsorbable shape-Department of Shape-memory polymers for accelerated SUNY Upstate 2104 Oest memory po lymer constructs will be doped with Orthopedic Surgery repair of complex bone defects Medica l University antimicrobial and osteogenic agents, then triggered by a local temperature change to conform to the bone defect site, effectively containing the bioactive agents within the area to be repaired.

This project is a collaboration with OSU Robotics.

We are investigating the performance of PDMS School of Nuclear materials, which are used to fabricate soft robotics, Soft Robotic App lications ofr Nuclear Idaho National 2107 Pa lmer Science and following radiation exposure. We would like Safegaurds Laboratory Engineering to characterize any changes in hardness, tensile strength, and recovery after exposure to high radiation environments.

2111 Turrin Rutgers Ari Ar Geochronology Lunar/so lar system chronology. NASA INAA to determine provenance of pottery from the 2112 Carpenter University of Michigan INAA of Formative Zapotec Ceramics Valley of Oaxaca.

Ar/Ar analysis for age dating of Geologic 2115 Scao LSCE-CNRS Age dating of geologic materials LSCE-CNRS materials.

We wou ld like to detem1ine if the oligomerization of uranyl peroxide can be driven by radiation, in solution. We will prepare solutions of lithium Determine if the oligomerization of urany l triperoxide monomers and apply different Department of Department of 2116 Nyman uranyl peroxide can be driven by radiation doses (time of radiation) until change is Chemistry Chemistry radiation observed by visual inspection and spectroscopic characterization. We estimate 3 samples, irradiated for one day, and TBD for the other two samples.

Lrradiation of all will start simultaneously.

Oregon State Use of beam quality indicators to categorize the 2118 Reese NRF Beam Purity University NRF beam.

Table Vl .2 (continued)

Listing of Major Research and Service Projects Preformed or in Progress at the Radiation Center and Their Funding Agencies Project Users Organization Name Project Title Description Funding Using the in situ TEM ion irradiation faci lity at Argonne National Laboratory, we already observed He ions (sim ulating alpha-particles) induced annealing effects on 80 MeV ion tracks Institute of Tibetan (simulating fission tracks) in apatite. For the next Plateau Research, Alpha-particle induced annea ling effects Chinese Academy of 2120 Li step, we are planning to use chemical etching to Chinese Academy of of fission tracks in apatite Sciences further con:finn the alpha-annealing effects on Sciences real fission tracks. Neutron-induced fission tracks are essential to the etching experiments because neutron-induced fission tracks, have no themrnl history (or thermal annealing effects).

Beij ing Research Beijing Research Fission track analysis to detenn ine U 2121 Jia Institue of Uranium Fision track dating of areas of South China. Institue of Uranium content in South China Geology Geology Beijing Research Ar-Ar analysis for age dating of geologic Ar-Ar analysis for age dating of geologic materials 2122 Jia Institue of Uranium materials. (solid rock grains and minerals).

Geology This research will test the effect of three different soil textures and mineralogy on the bioavai labil ity of arninomethylphosphonic acid to soil microorganisms. Different concentrations Effect of soil type on bioavai labi lity of AMPA wi ll be applied to soil, and chemical Sch of Environ & Sch of Environ &

2123 Dick of aminomethylphosphonic acid to extractions and microbial properties will be Natural Res Natural Res microorganisms measured at different time intervals. Chemical extractions from steri lized and unsterilized soil samples wi ll be compared at each time interval to determine the chemical vs. biological degradation effects.

The main objective of the project is to induce random mutations in elite diploid cool season grass varieties. It is anticipated that some of these Cool Season Grasses Mutatuion 2126 Hunde Barenburg random mutations could have economic value Barenbrug USA Breeding Project and could be commercialized. The species used in the project will be Annual Ryegrass, Perennjal Ryegrass, Italian Ryegrass and Meadow Fescue.

lNAA to determine chemical composition of Univers ity at Albany, Geochemical analysis of clays and 2130 Perez Rodriguez natural clays and ceramics from the Mixteca Alta, SUNY ceramics from Oaxaca Oaxaca, Mexico.

Developing radiation hardened electronics integrated with inertial sensors (i .e. gyroscopes 2 132 Popp Inertial Wave Inc. Hardened Electronics Testing lnertialWave Inc.

and accelerometers) in support of NASA interplanetary space mi ss ions.

Table Vl.2 (continued)


Listing of Major Research and Service Projects Preformed or in Progress 0 at the Radiation Center and Their Funding Agencies  :,J A

Organization Name Project Title Description Funding We are studying the effects of northern climate on the attenuation time ofRotenone as well as University of Alaska, The Effects of Rotenone on Freshwater Briggs the effects Rotenone has on freshwater microbes. University of Alaska Anchorage Microbes Our project plans to determine if there is biotic de radation occurrin with Rotenone.

envirosure Solutions, Determine isotope and activity of materia ls from Twaddell Isotopic Determination of Material LLC received sam les.

University of University of Pomella Apatite Fission Track Apatite fission track, standards for zeta calibration.

Innsbruck Innsbruck Oregon State Soil analysis by INAA for Uranium/Thorium Higley INAA of Mining Site Soils Universi concentration assessment.

New Mexico Bureau Fission-track analysis of apatite from mountain Kelley Basin and Range NSF New Mexico Tech ofGeolo ran es in southwestern New Mexico .

This project will result in new geological age determinations by the 40Ar/39Ar method for potassium-bearing silicate minerals (including hornblende, muscovite, biotite and orthoclase),

40Ar/39Ar dating of mineral samples Hames Auburn University along with basalt whole rock samples, in Auburn University from orogenic belts and mineral deposits the Auburn Noble Isotope Mass Analysis Laboratory (ANIMAL). This project is for scientific investigation of Earth's history, and has a lications to minin industries.

Ar/Ar Thermochronology of Hawaiian lava Grove Stanford University Ar/ Ar Thermochronology (IRR I 6X) Stanford University sam !es.

Neutron radiography will be used to examine coupons of stainless steal alloys that have be Oregon State Us of neutron radiography to examine Weiss exposed to a hydrogen environment on one University hydrogen content in steal alloys surface. The content and depth profile of the h dro en will be detennined.

Oregon State Neutron radiography imaging ofNiCd battery to Akey NRF Imaging of Battery Universit obtain data on its construction.

Fast neutron irradiation of geological samples New Mexico to primarily transmute 39K to 39Ar for the Irradiation of san1ples for 40Ar/39Ar NM Bureau of Heizler Institue of Mining & purposes ofrock and mineral dating. Samples are geochronology for NM Tech Geology Technology for academic geological investigations requiring knowled e of a e and/or thermal histo Oregon State Elemental composition of ceramics from Rome OSU Crop and Soil 2143 Noller INAA of Roman Ceramics Universit vialNAA. Science

Table Vl.2 (continued) ~

Listing of Major Research and Service Projects Preformed or in Progress 0

0 at the Radiation Center and Their Funding Agencies A Organization Name Project Title Description Funding We analyze a variety of geological samples for Ar Geochronology for the Earth their 40Ar/39Ar ages, including samples for Hemming Columbia University Columbia Univeristy Sciences (AGES) external collaborators and for internal grant-SU orted research.

Neutron irradiation requested for 40Ar/39Ar U.S . Geological USGSArgon Morgan 40 Ar/39Ar Geochronology geochronology. Will use 39K (n,p) 39Ar reaction Survey Geochronology to determine a es on rocks and minerals.

Menlo Park Geochronology uses 40Ar/39Ar teclmiques to date material s for geologic hazards, U.S. Geological mapping, tectonic and mineral resource projects. Menlo Park Calvert 40 Ar/39Ar Geochronology Survey The method requires fast-neutron irradiation of Geochronology separates from volcanic, plutonic, sedimentary and metamo hie rocks to convert 39K to 39Ar.

The main aim of this project is the complex study of the Siberian Traps Large Igneous Province (LIP), the typical example ofLIPs. Investigation of such provinces is of both fundamental Shmidt Institute of scientific and applied importance, due to needs Shmidt Institute of Veselovskiy Thennal history of Siberian platform Physics of the Earth for understanding of reasons of the in trap late Physics of the Earth magmatic activity, revealing the possible influence of the intense volcanism to the biotic hazards, and exp lanation of the origin of the unique Pt-Cu-Ni de osits related to the Siberian Tra s.

Oregon State Using PGNAA to determine low Z elements found Reese PGNAA of Neonatal fluid Crystal Universi in C staline material from fi ltered neonatal fluid.

Examination of neutron activation in titanium Vanderstelt Nray Services, Inc. Titanium Trubine Blade Activation Nray Services, Inc.

turbine blades from neutron radio ra h .

Irradiation of potassium-bearing minerals that will U.S. Geologica l U.S. Geological Survey-Reston Ar/ Ar be dated by the Ar/Ar method at the USGS Reston U.S. Geological McAleer Survey Geochronology Laboratory Argon Geochronology Laboratory. The samples Society are from diverse localities and of diverse a e.

"Benzo[a]pyrene Toxicokinetics: Impact Oregon State To identify the role of dietary and microbrial- Oregon State Williams oflndoles from Diet or Microbial University derived indoles in mice. University EMT T to han Metabolism" Measurement of fission product yeild of fissile Lawrence Livermore Lawrence Livermore Burke Fission Product Yield Measurement and fertile materials through fission reactions with National Laboratory National Laboratory amma s ectrosco Neutron Radiography to Image Carbon Using neutron radiography to look at pressurized Quinn Solidia Technologies Solidia Technologies Dioxide in Concrete CO2 in concrete that is curin .

Insights into the Long-Tenn Mass Environmental and Sub-task: Assessing the biotransformation of per Oregon State Field Discharge & Transformation of AFFF in Molecular Toxicology and polyfluoroalkyl substances. University EMT the Unsaturated Zone

Table Vl.2 (continued)

Listing of Major Research and Service Projects Preformed or in Progress :E at the Radiation Center and Their Funding Agencies 0

0 Project Users Organization Name Project Title Description A

Funding Identification of any and/or quantification of any 2155 Turner Selmet, Inc. Sludge Radioisotope Identification Selmet, Inc.

radioisotopes in sludge material.

University of Neutron irradiation of geologic material for noble University of 2157 Fawcett MN2019a Manchester gas analysis and dating. Manchester Reconstruction of the cooling histories of the surface rocks that comprise the Balkanides Thermochronological reconstruction of mountains in Bulgaria by modeling the observed 2158 Balkanska Sofia University Sofia University the tectonic evolution of the Balkanides FT and other thermochronologic data. Placement constraints on mountain building and tectonic processes of the Balkanides region.

Department of University of Arizona 40Ar/39Ar Irradiation rock & mineral samples for 40Ar/39Ar 2160 Schaen University of Arizona Geosciences geochronology dating.

NAA of clays to detennine radioactivity level for future neutron radiography work. This will 2161 Turina Museo Egizio NAAofClays determine/estimate how long the samples will need to be held prior to free release.

Role ofmicrobiota in the effects of Oregon State To address the role of micro biota in fatty liver Oregon State 2162 Jump polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) on University disease and in beneficial effect of PUFA on liver. University liver The main idea is to introduce gamma rays to tissue cultures of 3 potato varieties in a bid to induce mutations to the plants. There are certain qualities

/ characteristics we hope will be mutated and so, upon inducement with gamma radiation, we will Oregon State evaluate the plants (if they survive the mutation) 2163 Sathuvalli Dept of Horticulture Gamma irradiation of potatoes University for those qualities. The first stage is to ascertain Horticulture the optimum radiation dosage for the 3 varieties under evaluation. A second stage will come up where the potatoes will be evaluated based on infonnation from the first i.e. the optimum radiation dosage.

Irradiation of apatite grains mounted in epoxy for 2164 Goddard Rowan University ATR Irradiation Rowan University fission track analysis at Rowan University.

A set of 5 polymers (EPDM, PTFE, PCTFE, PFA, PAI) used in common spaceflight applications are to be exposed to the mixed neutron/gamma field of NASA Marshall Space 2165 Caffrey Nuclear Propulsion Polymer Tests the OSTR in order to evaluate changes in material NASA Flight Center properties. The current test includes a total of 60 'microdogbone' ASTM D638 Type V tensile specimens.

2166 Kampfer Materion Corp. Trace-element analysis of Be powder. INAA to determine U content of Be powder. Materion Corp.

Table Vl.2 (continued)

Listing of Major Research and Service Projects Preformed or in Progress at the Radiation Center and Their Funding Agencies Project Users Organization Name Project Title Description Funding Oregon State Use of neutron radiography to examine 2167 Reese Neutron Radiography of Artifacts University archaeological artifacts.

We are trying to isolate the effects that biofilm growth and fouling has on sorption kinetics, breakthrough, and desorption in packed columns The Effects ofBiofi lms in elm testing of two different proprietary adsorbents. By looking Oregon State Oregon State 2168 Radniecki of sorbents for removal of Cu, Zn and at the data for triplicate columns with and without University CBEE University CBEE PFAS 's from Storwater biofilms enriched from the OGSIR facility in Avery park, we hope to isolate the effects that naturally occuring biofilms have on sorption removal of PFASs, zinc and copper in storm water.

Testing electrical conductivity changes of materials whi le monitoring temperatures of device Thermoelectric Cooler Conductivity 2170 Howe Howe Industries and ambient conditions. Power wi ll be stepped Howe Industries Experiment at various levels to detennine these parameter changes.

We would like to get these seeds irradiated for inducing gamma irradiation-induced chromosomal Department of Plant Gamma induced chromosomal breaks in breaks in CS and MOY-wheats.It will allow University of 2171 Tiwari Science and Landscape Mary land College CS and MOY wheats us to map targeted candidate genes in low Park Archi tecture recombination regions and will help in overall wheat improvement.

The project is looki11g at positive and negative consequences of using persistent herbicides for invasive species management at high latitudes.

The irradiated soils will be used to develop University of Alaska Control of invasive plants at high soil herbicide isotherms for aminopyralid and 2172 Graziano University of Alaska Anchorage latitudes with persistent herbicides clopyralid. The soils originate from two fie ld sites (Fairbanks and Palmer) where these herbicides were applied. We wi ll determine if the isotherms help predict the persistence of these herbicides at the field sites.

Trace-element analyses of Neolithic and Bronze 2173 Lee University of Oregon INAA of Ancient Korean Ceramics University of Oregon Age ceramics from Korea.

Table Vl.2 (continued)

Listing of Major Research and Service Projects Preformed or in Progress

E 0

at the Radiation Center and Their Funding Agencies  ::0 A

Project Users Organization Name Project Title Description Funding The scope of this project is to run tests and calibrate our fast neutron detector through the Fusion Energy Fusion Energy 2174 Horvath Fast neutron detection D(T,n)alpha reactions and calibration by F 18 Solutions Solutions, lnc.

decay from O 16+T reactions to be measured on an OSU HPGe detector.

Oregon State Use of neutron radiography to evaluate two phase 2175 Gess Neutron Radiography of two Phase Flow University MIME flow conditions during TREAT irradiations.

Adhezion Biomedical is interested in the effect of Gamma on various applicator parts and materials.

The purpose of this feasibility run is to provide ampoules from three different product lines to Various Ampoule Gamma-Feasibility understand the process and ensure your facility 2176 Phelps Adhezion Biomedical Adhezion Biomedical Run can stay within the range of 8-12 kGy. Once we get the samples returned, if all testing on our end result as expected, we will most likely send a second round of samples for further investigation of material compatibi lity with Gamma-irradiation.

Adhezion Biomedical is interested in the effect of Gamma on PVDF ampoules and the stability of the product post-irradiation. Analytical testing 2177 Phelps Adhezion Biomedical PVDF Ampoule Gamma-Feasibility Run shall fo ll ow on our end after Gamma-irradiation Adhezion Biomedical to detennine if this is a good sterilization method to move into a larger scale sterilization for our medical device product line.

Examination of a BASF addative to concrete Oregon State BASF Additive Concrete Curing 2178 Weiss mixutures and it's effect upon curing under University Investigation pressure.

Examination of a BASF addative to concrete Oregon State BASF Additive Concrete Curing 2179 Weiss mixutures and it's effect upon curing under University Investigation pressure.

Hi-Tech Precious INAA to detennine precious metal (gold and PGE) 2180 Meqbel INAA of Mine Tailings Metal Refinery content of mine tailings.

Geo-Thennochronological investigation To study the shallow crust exhumation history Wadia Institute of Wadia Institute of 2181 Singh of Lesser Himalayan Crystialline of of the lesser Himalayan crystalline and Meta-Himalayan Geology Himalayan Geology Garhwal region,NW-Himalaya sedimentary sequence of Garhwal region.

Table Vl.2 (continued)

Listing of Major Research and Service Projects Preformed or in Progress at the Radiation Center and Their Funding Agencies Project Users Organization Name Project Title Description Funding Examination of the improvement in contrast Oregon State Use of D2O as a contrast enhancement 2182 Reese gained by using D2O instead ofH2O in the University for neutron radiography analysis of concrete curing.

This project is for the irradiation of geological materials with a high flux of fast neutrons to Department of facilitate the 39K(n,p)39Ar reaction. Irradiated Department of 2183 Sprain Geological Sciences, Irradiation for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology Geological Sciences, University of Florida geological materials will subsequently be analyzed University of Florida for 40Ar/39Ar geochronological analysis to determine the age of the geological materials.

The apatite samples are for three different projects Univeresite Grenoble Universite Grenoble 2184 Bernet Apatite Fission Track irradiations for studying the exhumation of the Himalayas, Alpes Alpes Andes, and European Alps.

Univeresity of Suite of apatite crystals to be irradiated for fission University of 2185 Taylor Pioneer Mountains AFT Minnesota track dating. Minnesota Oregon State INAA to determine fluorine content in PFAS Department of 2 186 Cao Fluorine Content in PFAS standards University standards. Chemistry Irradiation of geologic materials (minerals apatite and zircon) for fission track analysis (age dating 2187 Stevens Goddard Indiana University Fission Track Analysis Indiana University of thermal events) using the external detector method.

Montana State Irradiation of apatite grains mounted in epoxy for Montana State 2188 Orme AFT Irradiation - MSU University fission track analysis at Montana State University. University This project will develop and build a custom Pacific Northwest UV probe and spectrophotometer to map the UV 2189 Kasparek Cerenkov In-Pool Noise Characterization National Laboratory spectrum in spent fuel ponds and identify and quantify light noise contributions within the pool.

Oregon State Seperation characterization of mid and Seperation characterization of mid and high Z 2190 Loveland University high Z elements. elements.


Table Vl.2 (continued) 0 Listing of Major Research and Service Projects Preformed or in Progress  :::0 A

at the Radiation Center and Their Funding Agencies Organization Name Project Title Description Funding The sensor is an industrial grade accelerometer which consists of a silicon sensor and ASIC hem1itically sealed in a 0.35" square ceramic package. This project will irradiate several groups Sensor Performance vs Total Ionizing Hulbert Silcon Designs Inc. of sensors over a range ofTID and Dose (TID) compare the before and after results of a variety of electrical and dynamic measurements to determine the effect(s) of the radiation.

INAA of archaeological and geological Trace-element ana lysis via INAA of fired clay, Frame Ya le University materials. brick, and stone.

Support the 69981 Program (Child Project XYZ-70039) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest Gruendell Lexan slides for fission track irradiation by providing the ability to perform fission track National Laboratory National Laboratory irradiation on Lexan slide targets in the thermal co lumn facility.

WORK Figure Vl.1 Summary of the Types of Radiological Instrumentation Calibrated to Support the OSU TRIGA Reactor and Radiation Center TableVl.4 Summary of Radiological Instrumentation

  • 45 40 35 41 Agency Ca l"b I ra t e d t 0 Suppor t 0th er A1gencIes Columbia Memorial Hospital Number of Calibrations 2

30 25 Columbia Steel Casting .)

25 19 20 Doug Evans, DVM 2 15 7 EPA I 10 3 2 5 Epic Imaging 2 0

Alpha GM ION Micro Personal Air Fire Marshall/Hazmat 39 Detectors Detectors Chambers Meters Dosimeters Samplers Grand Ronde Hospital 5 Health Division 121 Hillsboro Medical Center 6 Hollingsworth & Vose 1 Lake Health District 5 NETL, Albany 4 ODOT 5 Oregon Health and Sciences University 56 Table Vl.3 Oregon Lottery 1 Summary of Radiological Instrumentation PSU 14 Calibrated to Support OSU Departments OSUDepartment Number of Calibrations River Bend Sand & Gravel 2 Biochem/Biophysics 1 Salem Hospital 12 Microbioloby 1 Samaritan Health 40 Nutrition & Exercise Science 1 Total 321 Radiation Safety Office 28 --

Vet Med 2 Total 33 2020-2021 67

-W-ords Publications Aiello, G; Amato, V; Aucelli, P; Barra, D; Co1rado, G; Di Biasi, J. A. (2021). Paleomagnetism and Geochemistry of Leo, P; Lorenzo, H; Jicha, B; Pappone, G; Parisi, Basalts in the North American Cordillera, Davis R; Petrosino, P; Russo Ern1olli, E; Schiattarella, Strait, and Antarctica. PhD Thesis, California M. (2021 ). Multi proxy study of cores from Institute of Technology. doi :10.7907/HBS7-the Garigliano Plain: An insight into the Late AW47 Quaternary coastal evolution of Central-Southern Boncio, P; Auc iello, E; Amato, V; Aucelli, P; Petrosino, P; Italy. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Tangari, AC; Jicha, B. (2021). Late Quaternary Palaeoecology, 567, 110298. doi :10. 1016/j . faulti ng in southern Matese (central Italy):

palaeo.2021.110298 implications for earthquake potential in the Alden, J. R., & Mine, L. (invited chapter). Anshan Within the southern Apennines. doi : 10.5 194/se-202 1-73 Regional Economy: A Comparison of the Banesh Bossennec, C., Geraud, Y., Bocker, J. , Klug, B., Mattioni ,

and Kaftari Cities. In B. Mutin, & N. Eskandari L., & Sizun, J.-P. (2021 ). Evolution of diagenetic (Eds.), The Archaeology of the Southeastern Iranian conditions and burial history in Buntsandstein Plateau: A Festschrift in Honor ofC.C. Lamberg- Gp. fractured sandstones (Upper Rhine Graben)

Karlovsky. Belgium: Brepols Publishers. from in situ 8180 of quartz and 40Ar/39Ar Alden, J. R., & Mine, L. (submitted). Dalma Ceramics at geochronology of K feldspar overgrowths.

Surezha in the Erbil Plain: Stylistic, Compositional, International Journal of Earth Sciences, online.

and Petrographic Evidence for trans-Zagros doi: 10.1007 /s0053 l-02 J-02080-2 Interaction during the Terminal Ubaid/Late Bray, T. L., & Mine, L. (2020). Imperial Inca-style Chalcolithic 1. Journal of Archaeological Science: Pottery from Ecuador: Insi ghts into Provenance Reports. and Production using INAA and Ceramic Alfaro, A., Gaze!, E., White, W., Jicha, B., & Rasbury, Petrography. Journal of Archeological T. (2021 ). Unravelling the genesis of young Science Reports, 34A, 102628. doi:10 .1016/j .

continental-arc shoshonites in the Talamanca jasrep.2020.102628 Cordi llera, Costa Rica. Lithos, 386-387. 106017. Brown, L. L., Singer, B. S., & Barquero-Molina, M.

doi: 10.10 l 6/j.lithos.2021.106017 (2021 ). Paleomagnetism and 40Ar/39Ar Bai, T., Thurber, C., Lanza, F., Singer, B. S., Bennington, N., Chronology ofignimbrites and Lava Flows, Keranen, K., & Cardona, C. (2020). Teleseismic Central Volcanic Zone, Northern Chile. Journal of tomography of the Laguna de! Maule Volcanic Field South American Earth Sciences, 106, 103037.

in Chile. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Bruck, B. T., Singer, B. S., Schmitz, M. D., Carroll , A.

Earth, e2020JB019449. R., Meyers, S., & Walters, A. (under review).

Bailey, L. R., Schenker, F. L., Fellin, M. G., Cobianchi, M., Astronom ical and tectonic influences on clim ate Adatte, T., & Picotti, V. (2020). Birth and closure and deposition revea led by a Bayesian age-of the Kallipetra Basin: Late Cretaceous reworking depth model of the Early Eocene Green River of the Jurassic Pelagonian- Axios/Vardar contact Formati on, Wyoming. Geo logy.

(northern Greece). Solid Earth, 11(6), 2463-2485. Channell, J. T., Singer, B. S., & Jicha, B. R. (2020).

Bezard, Rachel; Joernle, Kaj; Pfander, Jorg; Jicha, Brian; Tim ing of geomagnetic reversals and excursions Werner, Reinhard; Hauff, Fo lkmar; Portnyagin, M; in volcanic and sedimentary archives.

Sperner, Bianka; Yogodzinski, Gene; Turner, Simon. Quaternary Science Reviews, 228. doi: I 0.1016/j .

(2021 ). 40Ar/39Ar ages and bulk-rock chemistry quascirev.2019.106114 of the lower submarine units of the central and western Aleutian Arc. Lithos, 392-393. 106147.

doi: 10.1 0l 6/j.lithos.2021.10614 7 68 ANNUAL REPORT

    • WORDS
    • Cherney, A., Pica, A., Yao, L., Loveland, W., Lee, H. Y., & Edwards, B. R., Russel, J. K., Jicha, B., Singer, B.,
    • Kuvin, S. A. (2020). Total kinetic energy and mass yields from the fast neutron-induced fission of 239Pu. European Physics Journal A, 56, 297.

Dunnington, G., & Jansen, R. (2020). A 3 m.y.

record of volcanism and glaciation in northern British Columbia. In R. B. Waitt, G.D. Thackray,

    • Clinkscales, C. A., Kapp, P., Thomson, S. N., Wang, H., Laskowski, A. K., & Pullen, A. (2021 ) .

& A. R. Gillespie (Eds.), Geological Society of America Special Paper, Untangling the

  • Regional Structural Geology and Exhumation Quaternary Period: A Legacy of Stephen C. Porter.

doi: 10 .113 0/2020 .2548(12)

History of the Shanxi Rift and Taihangshan, North China. Tectonics, 40, e2020TC006416. Ercolano, B., Corbella, H., Tiberi, P., Coronato, A., &

doi: 10.1029/2020TC006416 Marderwald, G. (2021). Piedmont Glaciations, Coello-Bravo, J. J., Marquez, A., Herrera, R., Huertas, M . Volcanism and Landscape Evolution in Southernmost

    • J., & Ancochea, E. (2020). Multiple related flank Patagonia, Argentina. In P. Bouza, J. Rabassa, &

collapses on volcanic oceanic islands: Evidence A. Bilmes (Eds.), Advances in Geomorphology from the debris avalanche deposits in the Orotava and Quaternary Studies in Argentina (pp. 354-382).

    • Valley water galleries (Tenerife, Canary Islands) . Springer International Publishing.

Journal ofVolcanology and Geothermal Research, Fellin, M G; San Jose, M; Faccenna, C; Willett, SD; 401, 106980. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.106980 Cosentino, D; Lanari, R; Gourbet, L; Maden, C .

    • Coombs, M., & Jicha, B. (2020). The eruptive history, magmatic evolution, and influence of glacial ice at (submitted, 2021). Transition from slab roll-back to slab break-off in the central Apennines: constraints
    • long-lived Akutan volcano, eastern Aleutian Islands from the stratigraphic and thermochronologic record.

' GSA Bulletin.

Alaska, USA. GSA Bulletin, 133. doi:10.1130/

B35667.l Florindo, F; Marra, F; Angelucci, D*, Biddittu I* Bruni L*

Desai, V V; Loveland, W; Yanez, R; Lane, G J; Zhu, S; Florindo, F; Gaeta, M; Guillou, H; Jicha, B; Macri, Ayangekaa, AD; Greene, J P; Kondev, F G; P; Morigi, C; Parenti, F; Pereira, A; Grimaldi, S.

    • Janssens, RV F; Copp, P. (2020). The 136Xe + (2021). Environmental evolution, faunal and human 198Pt reaction- A detailed re-examination. European occupation since 2 Ma in the Anagni basin, central Physics Journal A, 56, 150. Italy. Scientific Reports, 11. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-
    • Desai, V V; Pica, A; Loveland, W; Barrett, J S; Mccutchan, EA; Zhu, S; Ayangeakaa, AD; Carpenter, MP; 85446-5 Fox, J.M., McPhie, J., Carey, R. J., Jourdan, F., & Miggins, D. P. (2021). Construction ofan intraplate island Greene, JP; Lauritsen, T; Janssens, RV F; Amro, B M S; Walters, W B. (2020). Multi-nucleon transfer volcano: The volcanic history of Heard Island.

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    • with 208Pb. Physical Review C, 101, 034612 . s00445-021-01452-5 Di Giulio, A; Grigo, D; Zattin, M; Amadori, A; Consonni, Gale, S. J., Miggins, D. P., & Fepuleai, A. (2021). 40Ar/39Ar dating of Quaternary volcanic rocks in Samoa. New
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A; Nicola, C; Ortenzi, A; Scotti, P; Tamburelli, S.

(2021). Diagenetic history vs. thermal evolution Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1-8. doi of Paleozoic and Triassic reservoir rocks in the  : 10.1080/00288306.202 l .1929348 Ghadames-Illizi Basin (Algeria-Tunisia-Lybia). Gaietto, A; Georgieva, V; Garcia, V H; Zattin, M; Sobel, E Marine and Petroleum Geology, 127, 104979. R; Glodny, J; Bechis, F; Caselli, AT; Becchio, R.

D0ssing, A., Riishus, M. S., Mac Niocaill, C., Muxworthy, (2021 ). Cretaceous and Eocene rapid cooling phases A. R., & Maclennan, J. (2020). Late Miocene to in the Southern Andes (36°-37°S): insights from low-

    • late Pleistocene geomagnetic secular variation at high northern latitudes. Geophysical Journal International, 221(1),86-102. doi:10.1093/gji/

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ggaa148 1*-, 2020-2021 69

WORDS Gamier, B; Tikoff, B; Flores, O; Jicha, B; DeMets, C; Gosses, J., Carroll, A. R., Bruck, B. T., Singer, B. S., Jicha, B. **

Cosenza, B; Hernandez, D; Marroquin, G; Mixco, R., Aragon, E., & Wilf, P. (2021). Facies interpretation L; Hernandez, W. (2020). An integrated structural and geochronology of diverse Eocene floras and and GPS study of the Jalpatagua fault, southeastern faunas, northwest Chubut Province, Patagonia, Guatemala. Geosphere, 17. doi:10.1130/

GES02243.l Gamier, B; Tikoff, B; Flores, O; Jicha, B; Demets, C; Argentina. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 133, 740-752.

Gusmeo, T; Cavazza, W; Alania, V M; Enukidze, 0 V; Zattin, M; Corrado, S. (2021). Structural inversion ofback-Cosenza, B; Hernandez, W; Greene, D. (2021).

Deformation in western Guatemala associated with arc rift basins during continental collision - the the NAFCA (North America-Forearc-Caribbean) triple junction: Neotectonic strain localization Adjara-Trialeti fold-and-thrust belt (SW Georgia) as a result of the Arabia-Eurasia collision. Tectonophysics, 803, 228702. \.

into the Guatemala City graben. doi:10.1002/

essoar.10506010.1 He, J., Thomson, S. N., Reiners, P. W., Hemming, S. R., &

Genge, M C; Derycke, A; Gautheron, C; Zattin, M; Witt, C; Licht, K. J. (2021). Rapid erosion of the central Mazzoli, S; Quidelleur, X. (2021). Tectono-thermal history of the intraplate San Bernardo Fold and Thrust Belt in central Patagonia inferred by low-Transantarctic Mountains at the Eocene-Oligocene transition: Evidence from skewed (U-Th)/He age distributions near Beardmore Glacier. Earth and **

temperature thermochronology. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 109, 103333.

Planetary Science Letters, 567, 117009. doi:10.1016/j.

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Georgiev, S; Marchev, P; Jicha, B; Banushev, B; Raicheva, R; Peytcheva, I; von Quadt, A. (2021). 40Ar/39Ar He, PJ; Song, CH; Wang, YD; Wang, DC; Chen, LH; Meng, QQ; Fang, XM. (2021). Early Cenozoic activated **

age and petrology of magmatic rocks from East Balkan (Bulgaria) constrain the initiation ofregional deformation in the Qilian Shan, northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Insights from detrital apatite fission-track i**.

subduction in SE Europe. Lithos, 398-399. 106302. analysis. Basin Research, 33(3), 1731-1748.

doi: 10.1016/j .lithos.2021.1063 02 Hensle, D; Barker, J T; Barrett, JS; Bowden, NS; Brewster, Gevorgvan, H; Breitkreuz, C; Meliksetian, K; Israyelyan, A; K J; Bundgaard, J; Case, Z Q; Casperson, R J; Cebra, Ghukasyan, Y; Pfander, J A; Spemer, B; Miggins, D DA; Classen, T; Duke, D L; Fotiadis, N; Gearhart, J; Geppert-Kleinrath, V; Greife, U; Guardincerri, E; P; Koppers, A. (2020). Quaternary ring plain- and valley-confined pyroclastic deposits of Aragats Hagmann, C; Heffner, M; Hicks, C R; Higgins, D; stratovolcano (Lesser Caucasus): Lithofacies, Isenhower, L D; Kazkaz, K; Kemnitz, A; Keisling, geochronology and eruption history. Journal of K K; King, J; Klay, J L; Latta, J; Leal, E; Loveland, W; Lynch, M; Magee, J A; Manning, B; Mendenhall, Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 401, 106928. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.106928 MP; Monterial, M; Mosby, S; Oman, G; Prokop, C; Sangiorgio, S; Schmitt, KT; Seilhan, B; Snyder, Ghignone, S., Sudo, M., Balestro, G., Borghi, A., Gattiglio, L; Tovesson, F; Towell, CL; Towell, RS; Towell, M., Ferrero, S., & van Schijndel, V. (2021).

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Projection Chamber. Physical Review C, 102, 014605.

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,,,' \

    • WORDS
    • Holm, D., Medaris Jr, L. G., McDannell, K. T., Schneider, Landman, N; Kennedy, W; Grier, J; Larson, N; Grier, J; Linn,
    • D. A., Schulz, K., Singer, B. S., & Jicha, B. R.

(2020). Growth, overprinting, and stabilization of Proterozoic Provinces in the southern Lake Superior T; Tackett, L; Jicha, B. (2020). Large Scaphitid Ammonites (Hoploscaphites) from the Upper Cretaceous (Upper Campanian-Lower Maastrichtian)

    • region. Precambrian Research, 339, 105587.

Huston, R K; Christensen, J M; Mohamed, S M; Mine, L; of North America: Endless Variation on a Single Theme. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural

  • Sawyer, T; Stout, KN; Heisel, CF. (2021). High History, 441(1). doi:10.1206/0003-0090.441.l.l Particle Counts in Neonatal Parenteral Nutrition Li, J; Zhao, G; Johnston, ST; Dong, S; Zhang, Y; Liu, Q; Solutions with Added Cysteine: Relationship Wu, Y; Yang, H. (2020). Contributions of Triassic to Crystal Formation and Effect of Filtration on Tectonism to Build the Northern Tibetan Plateau:
    • Cysteine Content. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 1-9. doi:10.1002/jpen.2218 Jones, M. M., Sageman, B. B., Selby, D., Jicha, B. R., &

Insights From Tectonic Evolution of the Jinhongshan Range, Central Altyn Tagh Fault System. Tectonics, 39(12). doi: 10.1029/2020TC006438

    • Singer, B. S. (2020). Regional chronostratigraphic synthesis of the Cenomanian-Turonian OAE2 Li, S., Zhang, Y., Ji, J., & He, C. (2021). Orogen-parallel mid-lower crustal ductile flow during the late interval, Western Interior Basin (USA): New Re-Os Triassic Qinling orogeny: Structural geology and chemostratigraphy and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. geochronology. International Geology Review, 1-24.

Geological Society of America Bulletin. doi: 10.1080/00206814.2021.1949639

    • doi:10.1130/B35594.1 Klug, J. D., Ramirez, A., Singer, B. S., Jicha, B. R., Mixon, Li, X., Zattin, M., & Olivetti, V. (2020). Apatite fission-track signatures of the Ross Sea ice flows during the Last E., & Martinez, P. (to be submitted). Intercalibration Glacial Maximum. Geochemistry, Geophysics, of the Servicio Nacional de Geologia y Mineria Geosystems, 21, e2019GC008749.

(SERNAGEOMIN), Chile and WiscAr 40Ar/39Ar Lin, W., Bhattacharya, J.P., Jicha, B. R., Singer, B. S., &

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Klug, J. D., Singer, B. S., Kita, N. T., & Spicuzza, M. J.

Matthews, W. (2021). Has Earth ever been ice-free?

Implications for glacio-eustasy in the Cretaceous greenhouse age using high-resolution sequence (2020). Storage and evolution of Laguna del Maule stratigraphy. Geological Society of America Bulletin, rhyolites: insight from volatile and trace element 133, 243-252. doi:10.1130/B35582.l contents in melt inclusions. Journal of Geophysical Liu, J.-H., Chen, Y.-C., Li, Z. G., Zhang, Q., & Lan. (n.d.) .

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Krmicek, L., Romer, R. L., Timmerman, M. J., Ulrych, Chen, Y.-C., & Wu, C.-M. (2021). New 40Ar/39Ar J., Glodny, J., Pi'ichystal, A., & Sudo, M. (2020) .

geochronology data of the Fuping and Wutai Long-lasting (65 Ma) regionally contrasting late- to Complexes: Further constraints on the thermal post-orogenic Variscan mantle-derived potassic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen .

magmatism in the Bohemian Massif. Journal of Precambrian Research, 354, 106046. doi:10.1016/j.

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    • egaa072 Kynaston, D., Bhattacharya, J.P., Singer, B. S., & Jicha, B.

Liu, J.-H.; Chen, Y.-C.; Li, Z. M. G.; Zhang, Q. W. L.; Lan, T.-

G.; Zhang, Q.; Qu, C.-M .. (2021). Temperature and R. (2021). Facies architecture and time stratigraphic timing of ductile deformation of the Longquanguan relationships of a confined trunk-tributary valley fill shear zone, Trans-North China Orogen.

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        • the Turonian Ferron-Notom delta, Utah. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 91, 66-91. 9.


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/ 2020-2021 71

WORDS Lu, G., Fellin, M. G., Winkler, W., Rahn, M., Guillong, M., Medaris, LG; Singer, B S; Jicha, B R; Malone, D H; Schwartz, **

von Quadt, A., & Willett, S. D. (2020). Revealing exhumation of the central Alps during the Early Oligocene by detrital zircon U-Pb age and fission-J J; Stewart, EK; Van Lankvelt, A; Williams, M L; Reiners, PW. (2021). Early Mesoproterozoic evolution of midcontinental Laurentia: Defining the track double dating in the Taveyannaz Formation.

International Journal of Earth Sciences, 109(7),

geon 14 Baraboo orogeny. Geoscience Frontiers, 12.

doi:10.1016/j.gsf.2021.101174 **

2425-2446. Melsen, K., van de Wouw, M., & Contreras, R. N. (accepted, Malli, G L; DeLabio, G; Loveland, W; de Macedo, LG M; 2021 ). Mutation breeding in ornamentals.

Siegert, M. (submitted). Dramatic relativistic and HortScience.

magnetic Breit effects for the superheavy reaction Mine, L. (2020-2021). Reconstruction of Exchange Systems Og + 3Ts2 -> OgTs6: Prediction of atomization based on Trace Element Analysis of Oaxacan energy and the existence of the superheavy Ceramics. Final report to NSF for Award 1623758:

octahedral Oganesson hexatennesside OgTs6. The Role of Markets in the Development of Social Theoretical Chemistry Accounts.

Malli, G. L., Siegert, M., de Macedo, L. M., & Loveland, Complexity in the Valley of Oaxaca.

Mixon, E., Singer, B. S., Jicha, B. R., & Ramirez, A. **

W. (2021 ). Relativistic effects for the superheavy (2021 ). Calbuco, a monotonous andesitic high-reaction Og + 2Ts2 -> Og(Ts)4 (Td or D4h): flux volcano in the Southern Andes. Journal of Dramatic relativistic effects of atomization energy of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. doi:10.1016/j.

superheavy Oganesson tetratennesside Og(Ts )4 and prediction of the existence of tetrahedral Og(Ts)4.

Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 140, 75.

jvolgeores.2021.107279 Monterial, M; Schmitt, K H; Prokop, C; Leal-Cidoncha, **

Marra, F; Cardello, G; Gaeta, M; Jicha, B; Montone, P; Niespolo, E; Palladino, D; Pereira, A; Luca, G; E; Anastasiou, M; Bowden, NS; Bundgard, J; Casperson, R J; Cebra, DA; Classen, T; Dongwi, DH; Fotiades, N; Gearhart J; Geppert-Kleinrath, **

Fabio, F; Frepoli, A; Renne, P; Sottili, G. (2021). V; Greife, U; Hagmann, C; Heffner, M; Hensle, D; The Volsci Volcanic Field (central Italy): eruptive Higgins, D; Isenhower, L D; Kazkaz, K; Kemnitz, history, magma system and implications on A; King, J; Klay, J L; Loveland, W; Magee, J A; continental subduction processes. International Journal ofEarth Sciences, 110. doi:10.1007/s00531-021-01981-6 Manning, B; Mendenhall, MP; Mosby, S; Neudecker, D; Sangiorgio, S; Selhan, B; Snyder, L; Tovesson, F; ***

Towell, R; Walsh, N; Watson, TS; Yao, L; Younes, W.

Marra, F; Castellano, C; Cucci, L; Fabio, F; Gaeta, M; Jicha, (submitted). Measurement of material isotopics and B; Palladino, D; Sottili, G; Tertulliani, A; Tolomei, atom number ratio with a-particle spectroscopy for C. (2020). Monti Sabatini and Colli Albani: the dormant twin volcanoes at the gates of Rome.

Scientific Reports, 10. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-the Fission Time Projection Chamber actinide project.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods A.

Myshenkova, M. S., Zaitsev, V. A., Thomson, S. N., Latyshev, 65394-2 A. V., Zakharov, V. S., Bagdasaryan, T. E., &

Marra, F; Jicha, B; Palladino, D; Gaeta, M; Costantini, L; Veselovsky, R. V. (2020). Thermal history of the Guli Di Buduo, GM. (2020). 40Ar/39Ar single crystal dates from pyroclastic deposits provide a detailed record of the 590-240 ka eruptive period at the Pluton (north of the Siberian Platform) according to apatite fission-track dating and computer modeling.

Geodynamics & Tectonophysics, 11, 75-87. **

Vulsini Volcanic District (central Italy). Journal ofVolcanology and Geothermal Research, 398, 106904. doi: 10.1016/j.volgeores.2020.106904 doi: 10.5800/GT-2020-11-1-0464 72 ANNUAL REPORT

  • ~<
    • WORDS
    • Peng, H., Liu, X., Wang, J., & al. (2021). Spatial-temporal Rivera, T., White, C., Schmitz, M., & Jicha, B. (2020).
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I., Buchwaldt, R., & Mutterlose, J. (2020).

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America Bulletin. doi:10.1130-B35794.1 Snyder, L; Anastasiou, M; Bowden, NS; Bundgaard, J; Cryogenian arc-related Big Naryn Complex in the Eastern Djetim-Too Range, Middle Tianshan block, Kyrgyzstan. International Journal of Earth Sciences, Casperson, R J; Cebra, DA; Classen, T; Fotiades, N; Gearhart, J; Geppart-Kleinrath, V; Greife, U; 110, 353-375. doi:10.1007/s00531-020-01956-z Hagmann, C; Heffner, M; Hensle, D; Higgins, D; Trevino, S. F., Miller, C. A., Tikoff, B., Fournier, D., & Singer, Isenhower, L D; Kazkaz, K; Kemnitz, A; King, J; Klay, J L; Leal, E; Loveland, W; Magee, J A; Manning, B; Mendenhall, MP; Monterial, M; B. S. (2020). Multiple, coeval silicic magma storage domains beneath the Laguna Del Maule volcanic field inferred from gravity investigations. Journal of Mosby, S; Prokop, C; Sangiorgio, S; Schmitt, KT; Tovesson, F; Towell, RS; Walsh, N; Watson, TS; Geophysical Research, e2020JB020850.

Umhoefer, P. J., Thomson, S. N., Lefebvre, C., Cosca, M. -**

Yao, L; Younes, W. (submitted). Measurement of the A., Teyssier, C., & Whitney, D. L. (2020). Cenozoic 239Pu(n,f)/235U(n,f) Cross Section Ratio with the tectonic evolution of the Ecemi~ fault zone and NIFFTE fission TPC. Nuclear Data Sheets. adjacent basins, central Anatolia, Turkey, during the Sruoga, P; Gozalvez, M; Marquetti, C; Etcheverria, M P; Mescua, J F; Jara, A; Iannizzotto, N; Singer, BS; Jicha, BR. (2020). Early stages of the Miocene transition from Arabia-Eurasia collision to escape tectonics. Geosphere, 16, 1358-1384. doi:10.1130/

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Stalder, N., Frederic, H., Fellin, M. G., Coutand, I.,

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Aguilar, G., Reiners, P. W., & Fox, M. (2020). Zagorevski, A. (accepted, 2021). Conditions and The relationships between tectonics, climate and timing of metamorphism near the Baie Verte Line exhumation in the Central Andes (18-36°S): (Baie Verte Peninsula; NW Newfoundland, Canada),

Evidence from low-temperature thermochronology. multiple re-activation within a suture zone of an arc-Earth-Science Reviews, 210, 103276, 5. continent colli. GSA Books.

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Physical Review C.

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Wang, T., Yuan, C. & Thomson, S.N. (accepted, in revision, 2020). Contrasting styles ofperaluminous S-type and I-type granitic magmatism: Identification Zehetner, F., Gerzabek, M. H., Shellnutt, J. G., Ottner, F.,

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Colombia. Medellin, Colombia: XVIII Congreso Colombiano de Geologia.

Sai, S.-X., Matchan, E., Phillips, D., Kohn, B. P., Betka, P.M., Lang, K., Thomson, S.N., Sincavage, R.,

Miggins, D. P., Liu, Y., & Deng, J. (2020). Mesozoic Zoramthara, C., Lalremruatfela, C., Bezbaruah,

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Hemming, S.R., Watkins, C., Licht, K.J., Williams, T.,

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Geochronology evidence for the provenance of dropstones in the Scotia Sea. Geological Society of Presentations

    • America Abstracts with Programs .

Kodama, S., Cox, S. E., Hemming, S. R., Thomson, Armstrong, E. M., Ault, A. K., Bradbury, K. K., Savage, S. N., Reiners, P. W., & Williams, T. (2020).

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    • He and biomarker analyses to quantify co-seismic temperature rise along the Punchbowl Fault. Virtual:

Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) through multi-dating of dropstones. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs .

    • 2021 Annual Meeting .


'-- 2020-2021 75

WORDS Margirier, A., Reiners, P. W., Strecker, M., Thomson, S. N., Casado, I., & Alvarado, A. (2020). New thermochronological constraints on tectonics and Sincavage, R., Betka, P. M., Thomson, S. N., Zoramthara, C.,

Seeber, L., & Steckler, M. S. (2020). Feeding the Bengal Fan: The shallow marine to fluvial transition exhumation of the Western Ecuadorian Andes.

Lyon, France: 27e edition de la Reunion des of the prograding Neogene Brahmaputra delta.

Washington, D.C.: Chapman Conference on the **

Sciences de la Terre.

Margirier, A., Strecker, M., Reiners, P., Casado, I., Thomson, S. N., George, S., & Alvarado, A. (19-30 April Evolution of the Monsoon, Biosphere and Mountain Building in Cenozoic Asia.

2021). Onset of Carnegie Ridge subduction from low-temperature thermochronology. (pp. EGU2 l-Students **

6130). Online: EGU General Assembly 2021.

doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6130 Mine, L., Winter, M., & Cira Martinez-Lopez, C. (March Biasi, Joe. PhD, California Institute of Technology.

2021 ). Intra-valley Exchange before the Rise of Monte Alban - New Data from Trace-element "Paleomagnetism and Geochemistry of Basalts in the North American Cordillera, Davis Strait, and Antarctica."

Analyses of Rosario Phase Ceramics. Remote delivery: 86th Annual Meeting, Society for Bruck, Ben. PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison. (Advisor American Archaeology. Brad Singer).

Nordin, B., Cox, S. E., Hemming, S., Thomson, S. N.,

Reiners, P. W., & Licht, K. J. (2020). Applications Buehlman-Barbeau, Savanna. MA, Applied Anthropology, Oregon State University. (Advisor Leah Mine). **

oflow-temperature thermochronology to glacial Davidson, Peter. PhD, Oregon State University. "Timescales erosion and bedrock exhumation in the central and Tectonics of Oceanic Plateaus: Insights from Transantarctic Mountains. Geological Society of Ontong Java Nui and the Rio Grande Rise."

America Abstracts with Programs.

Genge, Marie Catherine. PhD, University of Padova.

Peng, H., Wang, J., Liu, C., & Zattin, M. (2021).

"Structural evolution of the Central Patagonia: a Thermochronology constraint on the Mesozoic-source-to-sink approach." (Advisor Massimiliano Cenozoic uplift in the southern margin of the Zattin).

Yinshan Orogenic Belt. Guiyang, China: The 7th Grund, Marc. PhD, Freie Universitat Berlin. "The Dinaric-Youth Geoscience Forum.

Hellenic junction marked by the Shkoder-Peja Siddoway, C. S., Thomson, S. N., Hemming, S. R., & Normal Fault in northern Albania and Kosovo."

Cox, S. E. (12-15 July 2021). West Antarctica (Supervisor Mark Handy).

Sources for IRD in Amundsen Sea IODP3 79 Cores Substantiated by Multi-dating ofDropstones. Klotz, Thomas. PhD, University oflnnsbruck.

"Thermotectonic evolution of the Dolomites Online (Zoom): US Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (US-SCAR). indenter." (Supervisor Hannah Pommella).

Siddoway, C., Thomson, S., Hemming, S., Buchband, H., Klug, Jake. PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison. (Advisor Quigley, C., Furlong, H., Hilderman, R., Robinson, D., Watkins, C., Cox, S., and Licht, K. and the Brad Singer).

Lemot, Francois. MS student, University Grenoble Alpes.

IODP Expedition 379 Scientists and Expedition "Origin and Dating of Karst deposits linked to the 382 Scientists. (19-30 April 2021). U-Pb zircon Neogene Evolution of Alpine Massifs." (Advisors geochronology of dropstones and IRD in the Pierre Valla and Peter Van Der Beek).

Amundsen Sea, applied to the question of bedrock Li, Youjuan. Post-Doc, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

provenance and Miocene-Pliocene ice sheet extent (Brad Singer).

in West Antarctica. Online: EGU General Assembly 2021. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9151 76 ANNUAL REPORT ,n

WORDS Middtun, Nikolas. Masters student, University of Michi gan; Swenton, Vanessa. PhD, Portland State University. "Filling visiting student to the University of Arizona Fission Critical Gaps in the Space-Time Record of High Track Laboratory. (Advisor Nathan Niemi). Lava Plains and co-Colum bia River Basalt Rhyo lite Moreno Yaeger, Pablo. PhD, University of Wisconsin- Volcanism."

Madison. (Advisor Brad Singer). Wall, Kellie. PhD, Oregon State University. "Evolution and MS student, ETH Zurich. "Provenance of the Habkern Petrogensis of the Pliocene to Pleistocene Goat Granite and of the Wi lfdflysch (central Switzerland) Rocks Volcanic Complex.

based on an integrated geo-thern1ochrono logic Wang, Yu. PhD, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan.

approach." (Advisors M.G. Fellin and V. Picotti). "Cenozoic uplift and exhumation of SW Fujian Ojo, Oyewande. Masters student, Oklahoma State Un iversity; linked to preservation of ore deposits, South China visiting student to the University of Arizona Fission Block: Implications from zircon and apatite fission-Track Laboratory. (Advisor Daniel Lao Davi la). track thennochronological record." (Co-advisor Massimi li ano Zattin).

Rodman, Kelly. MS, Oregon State University. "The Effects of Naturally Occurring Biofilms in Rapid Small Warby, Lester. PhD student, Oregon State Univers ity, Nuclear Scale Column Testing of Sorbents for the Removal Science and Engineering. "High Pressure Bubble of Copper, Zinc, Nutrients, and Dissolved Organic Visualizat ion using Neutronic PTV" (working title).

Carbon from Real Storn1water." Yang, Chaoqun. PhD, China University of Geosciences, Roger, Mario. PhD student, University Grenoble Alpes. Wuhan. "Provenances of Cenozoic sediments in the (Advisor Arj an de Leeuw). Jianghan Basin and implications for the forniat ion of the Three Gorges." (Co-advisor Massimiliano Sepp, Mike. PhD, Oregon State University. "What li es Zattin).

beneath? Geochemical and spectral footprints of quartz-alunite-hosted epithennal Au deposits:

Insights from Yerington, Nevada and Summitvill e, 2020-2021 77

Oregon State University Radiation Center, 100 Radiation Center, Corvallis, OR 96331 www. radiation center. oregon state. ed u