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RFI Email - Cyber PI&R Inspection (ANO)
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/23/2021
NRC Region 4
Download: ML21238A374 (2)


1 Graves, Sam


FW: RE: RE: RE: Cyber security PI&R follow-up 8/23/2021 Here is the brief request. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Similar to the last exercise, this will be an in-office review of ANOs corrective actions for the cyber security inspection. I will use one of the resident inspectors baseline annual samples so it will be a feeder to the quarterly report. No need for formal Entrance/Exit meetings, but I am of course available to discuss/answer any questions ANO may have.

I presume you will use IMS/CERTREC -


Cyber Security Follow-up Document Request


Corrective action documents for both the NRC and Licensee-identified performance deficiencies described in the Full Implementation Inspection Report. Please provide the plant documents that corrected the deficiencies (e.g., revised procedures, work orders, modification packages, new equipment, et cetera).


Current Cyber Security Plan and any plan changes (typically a 50.54(p)) since the Inspection


Cyber Security program procedures


List of contacts with contact information


Cyber group organization chart 6

Diagram of defensive network(s)


Thanks very much!

Sam This message is intended for the exclusive use of the intended addressee. If you have received this message in error or are not the intended addressee or his or her authorized agent, please notify me immediately by e-mail, discard any paper copies and delete all electronic files of this message.

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