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Forwards 640323 News Clips from San Francisco Chronicle & San Francisco Examiner W/Supportive Views on Plant Site Selection
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 03/23/1964
From: Southwick R
To: Fouchard J, Lowenstein R, Price H
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709230189
Download: ML20235A033 (3)




f i ' 5******"*a- Fw cacuda -e. Fw setion.


rorm A <n2,. w., is iun Note and e. turn. For ligastura. E For leformxp[f "j TO (Name and unit) INTULS KEMAKK5 CV Joe Feuchard, News Service Br. Here Bodega Clips:

DFI, 30 1. 8.F. Chronicle 3723764 ~

oar: 2. s.F. Raaminer 3/23/64 () ' [g (

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TO (Name and unit ~, puTI A4.$ AEM KS }

Robert Lowenstein f - / 3 o,1, f

' ' .k;Ik F. K. Fittman, ( J 4 r-  ;



TO (Nam. and unit) INiinALS J. D. Lyman R,/

Dtl, RQ s ,


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R. W. Smith  :- ,, si  ;

Camp 1. V., SAN i3

> Z/ l FROM (Name and unit) RE M AAKS j, *k /'


Rodney L. Southwick 'M .r s . ,/

Assistant to the Manager 0/jj','1 4


for Public Informati;r.


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SAFLTY I Another geologist. Dr. Wd-liam Qualde, of the National

' . They concluded that the Aeronautics and Space Ad-Two more geolog.ists have question of safety "need not joined in the controversy concern itself with disputes ministrabon at Moffett' Field.i over the safety of Pacific agree the geologic objectionsi among geologists as to the to the plant were slim, butl Gas & Electric Co.'s pro, nature of movement along ..

posed atomic power plant the San Andreas Fault, but -

t Bod B only with the likelihood of da oral quest!

They c ive e I an "unsol- the site itself being dis- hefai Iciled" report to PG&E that chance of danger," he asked, said "we see rio reasonable turbed. "should we go ah e a d and objection to the site." There has never been any I The two are Drs. Garniss earth displacement of conse- - l build the plant?"hvo government ;eo1o II. Curtiss and Jack F. Ev. quence at the site, declared ernden of the geology and Curtiss and Evernden, and ly warned no minor displacements for -W

cophysics department of the That the plant would be "vul-University of California at at least 40,000 years. nerable" to earthquakes, and Ecrkeley. It seems unlikely. they :Dr. Joel lied;peth, director Curtiss and Evernden con- added. than any will occur of the Pacific Marine Station ceded they were recommend. riuring the "00 year hfe of of the University of the Pa-ing PG&E take a " calculated the power plant but' they risk" and build' the plant, "nould not dangerously af-

but the risk seems so small feet the reactor if they did cific, urged the plant be de-as to be insignificant " cecur." !ayed liending further geolo-

.They said they inspected The two geologists nid UC MudC8-the site and reviewed ,all the their assessment of ths @ 'ns g,eological testimo-reports of other geologists be- rituation was influenced by ny is cpeckd to be reviewed fore offermg their opinion, by. the Atolaic Energy Com-the proposed design of the Both said they were "emo. I power plant. The plant's tionally biased,' against the i reactor ves:el would be free-proposed plant before their mission later this year before  ;

standing within the structure t grants final approval to investigation but "we can no longer maintain an attitude M"Clf- 'the plant.

The site could undergo The latest opinions-lhose of antagonism toward use of the alte by PG&E." two to four inches of shear of Curtiss and Etcrnden -

Th eir investigation, they displacement without damage were contained in a letter a said, was aimed st determin, to the reactor vessel," their report said. i ing whether or not the nu. The views of Curt,iss and month ago to TGE: chle' 9

clear plant tvould pose a e o m m u n i t y hazard by its Evernden are similar to engineer F. F. Mautz. who a those of their colleague, Dr. made it public yesterday.

proximity to the San Andreas Don Tocher, the UC scis- _

Earthquake Fault.,

mologist, and of Sacramento geologist Elmer C. Marliave, and Dr. Ilugo Benioff, pro-fessor of scismology at Cali-fornia Institute of Technology.

GEOLOGY All agreed th ere la no sound geological basis for re-garding the proposed power plant as a menace.

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. . . . _ - - 1-Two Xew ' unsolicited' .

i Views on Bodesra Wead

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l Two geologists who didn't physics. They'said they had old. The rocks ~ been like the idea of an atomic been " emotionally biased" given major jolls, they said. ~

power plant on Bodega !!ead against the PG&E project be. ..only a few times within the ]

decided tolook for themselves fore they saw for themselves.

past f,0 m.!! ion years... .;

-and changed their minds. The $G1 million project on They continued, "'ih,; evid, Their observations w e r e the scenic Sonoma County volunteered to the Pacific headland is oppot d vi;;ornus, dence in tbc f:cid makes A l c! car to us that no majorf G af. & Electric Co.. which ly by conservation groups v.ho displacement has ever taken!'

promptly decided to reprint contend, among other things. '

the letter in the forthcoming and none is to be expected inthat the reactor won't be f.afe j issue of a monthly publication in earthquakes alem'4 the near.

place within the site arcs!  ;

sent to all customers of the by San Andreas Fault Line. the near future." j-  !

big utility company. A crack in the granito rock The two ' geologists hava' "We can see no reasonable under the site has bene re- made exter.sive studies of objection to the site." said Dr. graded as a 'pombic carth- carth movement along the i Garniss II. Curtiss and Dr. quake fault by some geolo San Andreas Fault. They are Jack F. Evernden, gists-hut not by Curtiss and noted for developing a potas.

Both are' members of the Evernden. sium argon process for meas-University of California De- In any case. thev said the I urement of ' rock age, the Ipartment of Geology and Geo crack is at least lo,tm 3 cars PG&l' said.  !

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