ML20210B690 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 11/18/1964 |
From: | Kouts H Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
Shared Package | |
ML20210B278 | List: |
References | |
FOIA-86-346 ACRS-GENERAL, NUDOCS 8609180145 | |
Download: ML20210B690 (3) | |
nkmsabe.r 1E,199>
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lu.onc.a G'.f.rer. '.'. Sc: mort, d w 2 r.
l U. L. f Lric Ds:st? Or"4esion l
Wt.c*.i c., L. C.
Mec ;.. 1C70;'r c!: WD.IfJ NU4.h! - 1W.' IM.D CTJiU;IA
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- c. Au rirtj r.inth arcW;, on &mu:ix.r 12-14, 1 6, the Advisr/
I Go 1.w,:.v ora ammat..e Sciends acei.u reviwod the ste.tus of the it;
- n. li-ica tor, pc.ri.ic'.dariy with regel to the "Ac1(tr abs.rcty l
Celwein rr D.mi".t 'At:.:. IaA.
A heici prv.a mtation on thic f
ci,s.e. va: us.1:. Ly re;ttux:ntativ 3 of the onrr rul Electric Ccs:pa.rr/
j n tM ritt./.ci$:th ux Liig. A sheittcc met with Ocacral I. loc.
u ic Ccyc.V nc; a on Lincdx.r 6,1%. ht. Caa::ittoc l
ira t:c Lescit of discacsiec vii.h thcoc scpeceout.ctivco and thoec l
.4' t s. /J L Uttfi at nu thrco skA titcc, ani of the &xnascots rcter-f 4 res d b '. w.
In: ita 11.t tc2 of Cetha IL,1% revievize full pcmcr
. p.e.: i.:. c. tw 1, ;c.c.;we, tt. Ocurittec propxacd an cr:1y addi.
t1::c.2. sv<is.: c. tag. p :s.2 rn.w 'ct.r satttj crit 4.ric fur test loals.
/Jt'.e c. c!nri p-rivi of up rati.:L t.t TJ,; powcr, the Nicactor was sb t, de rt rur car-rc ::cin'ctv oc an! inspection. Operatiers hirvc LA.w ru; a.i, a;isi t2.c reanov in frescatly rcparted tc 14. at 64 of psu.
Jgration et rull go u 1:.; c4x.ctc4 t:, bc achit.9(al in Du.
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CC)./. I',
?.;' criwrir. pen:o:4 cm. for tk pup >ce or ar.n11 i
c:a'.c. ter,. on txv t.F.2 cl.UZ:1.1,.3.
D. O.ICr!' I'dA.Ctric C(X.Qars' f
criu.*ic. for tcu' loMs conce un fola, tile gr.ud aspecto:
i 1.
Ost.? IWwu Contr.C l
D,u.d.of-lu,ciccr Contav!
i 3 it,er). ice CLASSITICATION CANCrna:D 4.
Co:Cira 42n t G A citANGED 70 d4' cd24,/i II.t-IcwL.r Critictlit7 bY AUri!0RIT'Y OF./_2f./J.::,,Gp[
tY..$2!.... DATE $:dG-fs' ;!
060910014D 060?10 i
PDR FOIA TAYLCPUS.a4A PDH Fo t A - 9 4./lo B
74 0
Honorshle menn T. Seaborc
-G-Epvember 28,1964 i
Beveral thertmi-hydruulic and yttysics epocifianths are also entlined.#
1he Ctsnaittec enn=4 dam theoc ariteria to be moed, het ausgeste that additionni specificatioco be incialed as follows:
3b met paettive reactivity effect demild be erested hr the los,of coolant fru.1 a $ cat Iced; reactivity effects due to W a.
ocemrinc in tbc test tnada durinG an sooident abould not sneeed t shutdaun margin of the control rod systen.
Test loeds shouhi mot trente smoessive flux or tagerature b.
conditiono in any adjaocnt fuci solumns.
he test load should be so des 16aed mal, when unosenery, gee-l tected, that rc11atility equivnicut to ht of the standard fuel element c.
l Test load design and operation abould act be s a h would be expected.
that hich-tacperaturc @via=1 or physical effects present a any type of hamru.
bc Gencrtti Electric Company has proppood that test 1==di ws of up to t
5 fuel coltzm which moet the criteria vill be subject only to interuni Test fuel laadings acuprising up to JO solumns revice an1 appmval.
lesen which sect t14 critcria vill be submitted to the AEC for appfoval, criteric are not met, additioen1 review by the hogulatory Staff is used-l
l At tbc fifty-ninth sectinC, the reproscatatives of tbc General Elmetric C(gxur/ prescated an ennlysis of the effect on resetor behavior of a this tect loadinc of tg colume, of 1.W9 enricbod co-producer fuel, inadin did not satisfy all the proposed eriterin, since some salting
- However, pimec in lese than 300 secomis.
on loc: of coolant could tals:
the Octurul Electric Cca: para has presented evideme that the portuinted acitaxn o:' tbc test load would not arcate an unneceptahic offsite Wirty-eicht rather than 49 colutma arc y.weicd fcr the first barnrd.
tcot load.
1$, 1964 1stter that We Acro reiteraten the statawmt in its October the operaticn of the N 1kactor shcr.114 be carried out at full power be-fore any test in=Absu arc inste11sv1 h ACIC belicyco that the proposed test load criteria are neoeptahic and can be for usc with the additionni specifications defined k Acic also bellen s that the test in-Aind of MP to 49 aboyc.
- - ~ - _.. - -, -.
I Eanorahlm Glenn T. Seaborg
.F Nunster38, $
oolmse of 1.2% enriched co-produoer fuel een be carried out with reasonable assurance that this operation vill apt s16mitienntly ta>
arease tbc existirlC hasanl to the health and amfet/ of %be public.
W yours, l cigned by IIertcrt i:aats Barbert Ecuta O mirman
i I
acterezco - ntnrerd 5-Henetor
3l.7;/P20, "Pe1~r Safety Criteria for Special SmH, Imeds -
N *nctcr", datal October 14,1963(C/RDJ.
i l
151 POW ikiv., "Ma:;ards Itryiev - E-Heactor 1.2% Co-Producer Fuel Ele:.x:nt 'hst", dated July 27,19G (G/ilD).
l i
IN-U.1'A, ")Co-Pnxiuct Operation of 5-Honctor", dated Septem 3
l'M. (S/10.
l I