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Partially Withheld Rept on ACRS 641007-10 Review of Full Power Operation of Hanford Reactor.Recommends Operation of Reactor at Full Power Before Test Loadings Installed & Const of Phase II power-production Facility
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/15/1964
From: Kouts H
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
To: Seaborg G
Shared Package
ML20210B278 List:
FOIA-86-346 ACRS-GENERAL, NUDOCS 8609180130
Download: ML20210B643 (3)


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I October 15, ayo.-

t i

Bonorable Glenn T. Seaborg blT \ RUE. i Lt. 5. Atomic Energy Cossaission ka&nington, D. C.

OR g f Sub,)ect: REPORT ON ENFORD B-RIACTOR - i IJ CIDATE d < d .9h&7g 1 r M M' Dehr Dr. Seaborg: ~ 5---

7-10,1964, time Advisory At its fifty-eighth setting, en October ,

Comt!: tee on Besctor fategwrds again revi. eve 1 tJoe approach to A Schecesittee

  • full per opemtion of the Emnfoni N-Desetor. >

ec; Th ting v'*e held on September 2k,19A to ecesider t  ;

r of the Geners 1 Elect ric Comphay and the MC Staff, ami of the doeurnts referenced below.Cood ttee reported on %of low powr operation -

(' so3 Asprevements to be considered dring operation up to 75 full pwer.

l In this eview, the Co'etittee ma requested to enetsider operstice of the N-hetor at full power asxt also constrraetio l

exycr6 of stens to the mentby to-hine plant). Lil

( the General unctric Cogeny also presented laf anation en en for me-pre 4ect f t.est loadinca using 12 and 1.9~4. enriched fuel , , op r.ation tc produ e tritius asd plut:atue nietitaneously. h Coenittee receiw d e t an e=.rlier dea e, as referenced belo.r, t e ' i informtion com eraing proposed genermi suclear safety ariter.ia The Cose:ittee p3 Arm s411tioms.1 review of this l for test icmds. 1hformation, tev; ether with that to the test 2mals proyoaed l'or l the N-Reactor. i l 0}ention of the N Roactor at invels up to '70% Physics power has not im > emud our unususi probless with safety is;Iteattor.s.  ; messunrwents have toen atmpleted .14 viewat of the 70% the fuel power Imvel amangeonst and ama extra elated to values at full preer. asssctor start.vp yrredures that are proposed, tle Genersi Mettric Cosommy believen that the horisontal rods will have es ability to g 91g

                                                                                                     & A $ "Er         g,/*{3 4 i

rAvtnoo3-343 pgg

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3 October 15.19% ) Eamorsbh Glenn T. amarg s I

!                                                                                                              l Margiaa with e eingle sinek tod see trateest                     i sseet shutdown margler.

u be borderline , but effbetive bestup shutec=a la avs13ahle 14 he I hll 3s System whiah has been tested passeasfally sewm1 tiens. l e h Semetsi Kiectric Compaay has gewrided aecling ergenye for %e , filter mai sharcoal adseeber in the ematmtion syntes, to ressowr  ; deny her.+. from flesion povowte selle ted La te unlilmly eventBest eyees of s6 fission product release to the confimensat. these sprays has shawa amtisfactory perferies6mes. Previous auteentic eut off of the fog spray system i has ser been ahe to elesurt to assual operstion, with the additiemal feature has pr orthe vaan of willallbethe steam ventsNae shanges are to yewwst h denlopment of wa. opeona. desirshle teuildirg pressurso and to permit improwd eseditions la th unlikely event thst sa accident eesvrs. l annectac effluents to be pumped to taste Aleposal tha111ttee an, a so on satami statrol. The Semusi Electric Ceepany has mise evaluate te. < 4 These anklysesThe implied that temperatums %1th w ques:b tests free high Asel temperatures coul*,. arr. be achiewd. ( havw increased the expectaticea that elad integrity would 14 seriowa senser.uswes of the dusep tramstemt be esmis Because af the poss11:ac 1carit without water injection. attention ab vo'af., to t: sis problem. N Consiittee , ! Tield seasstyvot.$on for Phase II everstion is la progress. deditissal i expeet s to tvview propwei operettee la the near fuWre. Ph"** II ( ee:oerisry system eurae tant sapecity win be Addittees1 prweided d

                    *;st ra t tarts .
                    'he installet as well as a stath primary system ecolast leep.                             1
' bu1111ag vents any be necesser/ ter the von la dich the loop ja to i FurWr ersamination is necessary of %e effect of stadi' ele tratalled. the peesouns 6weloped in We motified bu11Alag e6a well I ylpe rupttere er
as We ashility to rve%1 the twilting prior to fWl uselting. i l
                     % 4*sessi Riectrie Company has also gtwa oes.siderettes to thet eee maa electriaal system intersctices between the steam plant med %s res h Cunesittee bellens ths.t thr resoter ebauld be me speisted that tsoma

' aten's amfety. in the essoa sad electrical systess will act inf1 will be so. 1 h 1

( Nonoe.s1. 1,s. e. .enwory 3 oct*r 15,186 b eaartmenest system souPoenata have been teeted, hat a swetime l wating hs.t. act yet been estahlieked. She Crassittee be. j 11 eves this shou 1A k same bot w thhae 11 speration. k Camat*.t4. believes that tbo operaties of t,he 5.Jhemoter at full i po er obs.Jo M carried out before may test lanalings are tanta11md. i It is the Committee's opinion that full yewer operstion of the b A: tor esa be accessplistead without s16aificantly ismari,asisg the l ewrs11 barardo or huront egemsimas. k Costittee 61ae bellowes that the b3eactor Phase 11 power-protectico fteility enn be sea. s ru:ted witb runoonkle asAssa.:e that it saa be eyerated vithect tr. creasing the existih6 hathra to the health and enrety of the public. 81acetuly yours, Or'ginn cWei DT- f '

                                                            .                     .G r' t it I At3                                    ,

Berbert Eeute hai1eam i (  !!c re:vrue s: 1 51.Tf40. Euaseiry napw 34es.ctor Pbene t, Antaa IT Operstion,(Prw11minkry Jamssry 15,19A C/RD). haards

2. N.-02tol, spike trirtehment Place,est in s nenetor, dated ,

Joe 22,19% (C/RD). 3 N '-E371, N-pesetor Status Iteyort 306 Pcwor, dated ' I Aest 11,19% (C/PD).

h. Es t.19L9 Physics Prwoestaties to ACR3 sidttm . April 90, I 19%, anted April 24,1%4 (C/RD).  :

5 RJ.ty15, A Conrariaon er sunrtup nesults samt Fredictissa for k for the bhactor I,attice, dated June F5,1966 (C/RD). -

2. NW79225, helear krety Criteria t'or specisi fest heads . > 1
                                    "    Remetor, eated 14,1%3 (C/E).                                                         '

7 N..S2162 RTY., h aattis Asviev . 5.Reactar 1.2 % b Prodmoor Fuel Eleenem feat, dated July FT,19W (5/AD). [ l l 6. E-.%154, co-Product operstina of N4eneter, dat64 Seytomer 21, ' 19% (E/E). l 6 i l l l mar l

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